Speaking Beginner - Meeting With New People

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Beginner English
Unit 2 - Meeting New People
Assalammualaikum. Welcome to
Le Dico de Poche, Dear Student!
MARGARET: Mr. Wilson, I’d like you to meet Dr. Edward Smith.
MR. WILSON: It’s nice to meet you, Dr. Smith.
DR. SMITH: Pleasure to meet you, too.

Formal MARGARET: Dr. Smith is an economist. He just finished writing a

book on international trade.

Introductions MR. WILSON: Oh? That’s my field, too. I work for the United
DR. SMITH: In the Development Program, by any chance?
MR. WILSON: Yes. How did you guess?
DR. SMITH: I’ve read your articles on technical assistance.
They’re excellent.
Mr. Wilson, I’d like you ... I’d like means I would like, which is very different
from I like. (“I’d like” means the same as “I would like” or “I want.”)
Dr. Smith is an economist. There are four syllables in “economist,” with the
stress on the second syllable (e-CON-o-mist).
He just finished writing ... “just” means the very recent past. “Just” is usually
used with a simple past verb because the action is complete. However, it
can also be used with the present perfect (He’s just finished writing ...).
By any chance? Means the same as “possibly.” It is used in yes/no
questions to confirm that something is true.

JIM: Who’s the tall woman next to Barbara?
CHARLES: That’s her friend Mary. Didn’t you meet her at
Steve’s party?
JIM: No, I wasn’t at Steve’s party.
CHARLES: Oh! Then let me introduce you to her now. Mary, this
is my friend Jim.
MARY: Hi, Jim. Nice to meet you.
JIM: You, too. Would you like a drink?
MARY: Sure, let’s go get one.

“Who’s” is the contracted form of who is. It is pronounced the same way as “whose” (/ • huwz/), but
the meaning is different.
Didn’t you meet her ...? Notice that this is a negative question. Charles thought that Jim had met
Mary before. He is now surprised that Jim does not know Mary, and so he uses a negative question to
show his surprise.
I wasn’t at Steve’s party. Notice that the emphasis here is on “at” although prepositions normally
have weak stress. In this case, “at” means “there” (I wasn’t there).
Mary, this is my friend Jim. This is a friendly way to introduce two people. It’s common to follow this
with “Jim, this is Mary.” In this case, Mary says “Hi, Jim” first.
Nice to meet you. This is a typical response after you’ve been introduced to someone. •
“Sure” is often used in informal conversation to mean “yes.”
Watch This

Resource: British Council | Learn English

Vanya: Hi.
Emir: Hello.
Vanya: Are you Paul?
Emir: No, I’m not. But he asked me to meet you. I’m Emir. You must be Vanya.
Vanya: Yes, I am. Nice to meet you.
Emir: You too. Can I show you the office?
Vanya: Perfect. Thanks.
Emir: So how was your journey?
Vanya: It was fine and it’s great to be here!
Emir: Well, it’s great to have you here. Can I get you a coffee?
Vanya: Oh, yes, please.
Emir: Ah, Yuna, this is Vanya.
Yuna: Oh, hi, I’m Yuna. Nice to meet you. Welcome to the team!
Are the sentences true or false?

1. Paul meets Vanya when she arrives. True False
2. Emir offers to show Vanya the office. True False
3. Vanya had a bad journey. True False
4. Vanya is happy to be at the office. True False
5. Emir offers Vanya a glass of water. True False
6. Emir introduces Vanya to Yuna. True False

__________________It was fine and it’s great to be here!

__________________Are you Paul?
__________________No, I’m not. I’m Emir. You must be Vanya.
__________________Ah, Yuna, this is Vanya.
__________________Yes, I am! Nice to meet you.
__________________Perfect. Thanks.
__________________Hi, I’m Yuna. Nice to meet you – welcome to the team!
__________________So how was your journey?
__________________You too. Can I show you the office?
TASK 3 Complete the

Omar: Hi. (1).................................... you Gabriella?

Anna: No, (2).................................... not. But she asked me to meet you. I’m Anna. You (3).................................... be Omar.
Omar: Yes, I am! Nice to (4).................................... you.
Anna: You (5).................................... . Can I show you the school?
Omar: Perfect. (6).................................... .
Anna: So (7).................................... was your journey?
Omar: It (8).................................... OK, thanks.
Anna: Ah, Matt, (9).................................... is Omar.
Matt: Hi, I’m Matt. Nice to meet you, Omar. (10).................................... to the class!

Do you like meeting new people?

Thank you and


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