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Group # 2

Comparative Analysis on different approaches

Approaches Description Personalities/ Pioneers

Anchored on the behaviourist principles,

behavioral approach to curriculum is
usually based on a blueprint. In the
blueprint, goals and objectives are
specified. Contents and activities are also
arranged to match with the learning
objectives. The learning outcomes are Frederick Taylor
Behavioral Approach evaluated in terms of goals and objectives B.F Skinner
set at the beginning. Behavioral approach Popham and Baker
which was started with the idea of Gagne
Frederick Taylor is aimed to achieved
efficiency. It begins with behavioral
plans that start with the setting of goals
and objectives. These are considered as
important ingredients in curriculum
implementation as evaluating the learning
outcomes as a change of behavior. The
change of the behavior indicates the
measure of efficiency.

The managerial approach became a

dominant curriculum approach in the
1950’s and 1960’s. The principal is the
curriculum leader and at the same time
instructional leader who is supposed to be Roger Kaufman
Managerial Approach the general manager. The general Robert Anderson
manager sets the policies and priorities, Leslee Bishop
establish the directions of change and Gerald Firth
innovation, planning and organizing Arthur Lewis
curriculum and instruction. School Johm McNeil
administrators are less concerned about
subject matter, methods and materials
than improving curriculum. Curriculum
manager look at curriculum changes and
innovations as they administer the
resources and restructure the schools.
The system approach to curriculum was
influenced by system theory. In the
systems approach to curriculum, the parts
of the total school district or school are
examined in terms of how they relate to
each other. The organizational chart of
Systems Approach George Beauchamp
the school represents a system approach.
It shows the line- staff relationships of
personnel and how decisions are made.
To George Beauchamp, the system
theory of education see the following to
be of equal importance are
administrations, counselling, curriculum,
instruction and evaluation.

Academic approach is sometimes referred

to as the traditional, encyclopedic,
synoptic, intellectual, or knowledge
oriented approach, the academic
Academic Approach approach attempts to analyse and John Dewey
synthesize major positions, trends and Henry Morrison
concepts of curriculum. The approach Boyd Bode
tends to be historical or philosophical and William Pinar
to a lesser extent, social in nature. The
major interest in curriculum centered
around the structure of disciplines and
qualitative methods.

Francis Parker
Charles Judd
This approach is rooted in the progressive John Dewey
philosophy and child- centered Frederick Bosner
movement. The humanistic approach Hollis Caswell L.
considers the formal of planned Thomas Hopkins
curriculum and informal or hidden William Kilpatrick
Humanistic Approach curriculum. It considers the whole child Harold Rugg
and believes that in curriculum the total Erickson
development of the individual is the Havighurts
prime consideration. The learner is the Maslow
center of the curriculum. Frobel
Elliot Eisner
The reconceptualist represent an
approach to curriculum that is in large
part an extension of the humanistic
orientation. The concerns and questions Wiliam Pinar
asked by advocates of the above Counts
Reconceptualist approaches to the formation of objectives Rugg
are not considered by the reconceptualist Benjamin
to be important. Reconceptualists think Henry Giroux
that curricularists are preoccupied with David Purpel
the practical and technical modes of
understanding and action in a sense
reconceptualists are like humanist;
however, reconceptualists are much more
critical of education and view the
educational arena from an existential,
aesthetic, and spiritual framework.

Comparative Analysis:

According to Ornstein and Hunkins, there are six main curriculum approaches that are
valued with great importance in the teaching of curriculum development. Moreover, many
curriculum practitioners and implementers use these approaches in planning, implementing and
evaluating the curriculum, the same fact goes to textbook writers or instructional material
Approaches present different features in curriculum that may help curriculum practitioners
and implementers illustrate the point.
The characteristics of the behavioral approach are evident in the framework and syllabi
philosophy of the new curriculum of basic education. It still more preferred approach by many
educators because it defines the why (objectives), what (content), how (method), when
(sequence), and how much (scope). The defining features of the managerial approach is the
success of curriculum change linked to appropriate use of implementation strategies that depend
on school support for effective curriculum change. The systems approach is reflected in the
policy dialogue and consensus building that characterized the process of creating the new
curriculum. The academic approach adopted in creating the new curriculum consisted in three
main objectives, the basic literacy and numeracy, the basic technological skills in the domain of
practical activities and arts, and the patriotic education expressed in the three comprehensive
curricular areas such as communication skills and social sciences, mathematics and natural
sciences, and the practical and technological arts. The humanistic approach compose of the
new curriculum the evident to endeavor the challenge of ensuring the relevance of the curriculum
to learners themselves.

Curriculum approaches namely Behavioral, Managerial, Systems, Academic, Humanistic
and Reconceptualist are relevant in creating a successful curriculum. Each of the approaches is
like parts of a bicycle, without one of its parts a bicycle cannot be called a bicycle. Like in a
curriculum, each of these approaches contributes its own work for it to be a success and for it to
continue its success. A good educational outcome comes from or relies on a good curriculum. If
a curriculum can be said as a success, then a good educational outcome will proceed which will
be a foundation to build a progressive nation.

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