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1. What do you think is more important for a company’s success:

the product or marketing and advertising? Why? Do you know anн

2. Look at the logo. Do you know what company it is? Have you
ever bought any products of that company?
3. What do you know about that company’s history? (where was it
founded, when, do you remember any marketing details associated
with it, e.g. famous slogans, most popular campaigns and
Task2 :
Answer the questions

1. I think all this is important for the success of the company.

because the company must be strong on all sides.
With advertising and marketing companies can attract as many
as possible, increase sales, interest investors.

2.I had sportswear when i was at school.

American multinational company that produces sportswear, shoes and
accessories, develops applications for mobile devices, and also
organizes training in major cities around the world.

3.The history of a successful company began in 1964. Then a simple

student, Being passionate about sports, he perfectly understood that
high-quality sneakers are quite expensive and athletes simply can not
afford to buy them. And cheap models of local production were of the
lowest quality.
He decided to organize the supply of sports shoes from Asian
countries, where production required less cash investment, in
Knight's idea was supported by his coach, Bill Bowerman. Having
invested $ 500 in business, the partners bought 300 pairs of sneakers
from the Japanese company .
Knight began selling shoes from his van, driving around the city
streets. The business began to grow at an incredible rate, and soon
the company opened its own production of sports shoes.
.... advertising this campaign, the famous Nike slogan - Just Do It,
which appeared 20 years ago, in 1988, is replaced by the slogan Here
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1.In our country we pronounce naik.

2 .Nike is an American shoe brand. In Russia they say “Naik”, and in
America, strangely enough, “Naiki”.
3.The name comes from the name of the Greek goddess of victory,
Therefore, the correct pronunciation will be “naiki”, not “naik”,
which is firmly entrenched in the heads of Russian-speaking fans of
the company
Were you guesses right? How do people in the US pronounce the
name of the brand? How do people in Europe pronounce it? What
is the origin of the name? How is the name of the brand supposed
to be pronounced according to the origin? Why?

1.Yes, everything was correct, but only the original pronunciation was
not correct, it should be nikei and not naiki
3. people in Us pronounce naiki.
2.people in Europe pronounce naik.
3 .it supposed to be pronounced nikei. Because is .The name comes
the name of the Greek goddess of victory, Niki.
1.      When and where was the company founded?
2.       What was its first name?
3.       Whom was it founded by?
4.       What was the idea behind the logo?
5.       How is the logo called?
6.       How much did the logo design cost?
1.2.3.The name the company was founded in 1964 as Blue Ribbon
by University of Oregon track athlete Phil Knight and his coach Bill
Bowerman .
4.Greek goddess of victory this was symbolic for the shoe lines maiòn
purpose to bring the athlete to victory
5.logo is called nikei. was paid only $35 for the now-infamous logo.
a)      Look at different Nike slogans. Which ones do you like and
Explain what you
think they mean and why you like/dislike them.
b)Did your opinion about the Nike company change? What do you
had more influence
on their success, their product or marketing? Do you think 8they are
really trying to change
the world for the better with their campaigns and slogans or it’s only
to increase the sales?
1.I liked every slogans
all this motivates us and attracting us to buy their brands. opinion has not changed but I get a lot of information
I think both affect success. because is influenced by product quality
,cheap prices and slogans.
3.they probably only do for their own business to promote their
firing squad-
a group of soldiers detailed to shoot a condemned person.

important, serious, or significant

a tough elastic polymeric substance made from the latex of a tropical
plant or synthetically.

a formal lunch, or a formal word for lunch.
the capital raised by a company or corporation through the issue and
subscription of shares.

being one only; single

soften the effect of an impact on

the action of endorsing someone or something.

very great in amount, scale, or intensity

exceed; be greater than

the ability to be maintained at a certain rate or level.

a person who engages in a pursuit, especially a sport, on an unpaid
rather than a professional basis.

the best or most important thing owned or produced by a particular


take (the work or an idea of someone else) and pass it off as one's

declare the punishment decided for (an offender).

the action or process of accusing someone.
giving rise or likely to give rise to controversy or public disagreement.
"years of wrangling over a controversial
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