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Alamat Jalan Raya Pati – Kudus Km. 4 Telp. 085225292678 Kode Pos. 59163

Petunjuk Umum:
1. Tulislah nama dan nomormu di sebelah kanan atas di lembar jawab yang tersedia.
2. Bacalah soal dengan sebaik-baiknya.
3. Kerjakan dahulu soal yang kamu anggap mudah.
4. Tanyalah kepada pengawas bila ada yang kurang jelas.
5. Periksalah soal dan lembar jawabmu sebelum kamu serahkan kepada Pengawas.

I. Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c, or d

Reading passage for number 1 -5
Look, this is Mr. Arman’s family. Mr. Arman is a teacher. He works in SD
Ungaran 01. He goes to school by motorcycle every day.
His wife is Mrs.Ana. She works in the Elizabeth hospital. She goes there by
bus. Mr. Arman and Mrs. Ana have two children. They are Irwan and Wati. Irwan is a
student of Islamic Junior High School. Wati is a student of Elementary School

1. What is Mr. Arman ? He is a …

a. Mechanic
b. Bricklayer
c. Teacher
d. Carpenter
2. Budi : How does Mr. Arman go to school?
Anton : He goes to school by ….
a. Car
b. Bus
c. Motorcycle
d. Taxi
3. A : Where does Mrs. Ana works?
B : She works in the…
a. Hospital
b. Market
c. Book store
d. Supermarket
4. A : Does Wati a student of Elementary School?
B :…
a. Yes, He does
b. No, He does not
c. Yes, She does
d. No, She does not

Reading passage for number 5 – 8

One day, there was a beautiful girl. Her name was Roro Jonggrang. Her beauty was famous
around the country. Every man wanted to marry her. One of them was Bandung Bondowoso. He
was a young man with supra natural power. Roro Jonggrang agreed to marry with him with one
condition. He had to build one thousand temples during one night.

5. Ita : Where does the story take a place?

Izza : It is…
a. Central Java
b. East Java
c. West Java
d. East Sumatra

6. Bandung Bondowoso had a….power

a. Great
b. Amazing
c. Extra
d. Supranatural
7. Who is the beautiful girl according to the text? She is …
a. Roro Jonggrang
b. Bandung Bondowoso
c. Sangkuriang
d. Dayang Sumbi
8. Bandung Bondowoso had to build temples during…night
a. One
b. Two
c. Three
d. Four

Map for number 9 – 12.

(Peta untuk nomor 9 – 12)
Bank Shop School

Jl. Mawar

9. Sukma: … is the School?

Slamet: it is on Mawar Street.
a. Where
b. What
c. Who
d. When
10. Anggita : Where is the Shop?
Laras : It is … the Bank and the School.
a. Between
b. Beside
c. Behind
d. In front of
11. The west – the bank – the shop – is – of
The correct arrangement is ….
a. The shop is of the west bank
b. The bank is the west of the shop
c. The shop is the west of the bank
d. The bank of the west is the shop
12. Is the school in the east of the Shop?
a. No, it is not
b. No, is it not
c. Yes, it is
d. Yes, is it

13. I wear it before I wear shoes. What is it?

a. Belt
b. Shoes
c. Tie
d. Shocks
14. Today the weather is very cool. So I always wear it to make my body be warm. I always worn
by many people when they ride motorcycle. What am I?
a. Pyjamas
b. Jacket
c. Trousers
d. Uniform

15. My uncle name is Mr.Bejo. His profession is making table and chair. He is a …
a. Gardener
b. Farmer
c. Bricklayer
d. Carpenter
16. This is Mr. Dimas. He plans paddy in the rice field. He is a …
a. Gardener
b. Farmer
c. Bricklayer
d. Carpenter

17. It is land transportation.

It stops in the railway station.
It is a ….
a. Car
b. Bus
c. Ship
d. Train
18. Mr. Hartono is pilot. He flies a ….
a. Cart
b. Plane
c. Train
d. Bus
19. What is that? That is a …
a. Marbles
b. Masks
c. Dolls
d. Toy gun

20. Japan is an empire. A/an…leads Japan.

a. Minister
b. Ambassador
c. Emperor
d. President

Reading passage for number 21 – 23

Mother : Would you sweep the floor, Yoyok?
Yoyok : Certainly, Mom
Mother : Thank you dear.
Yoyok : It’s pleasure to help you, Mom
21. X : How Many people the dialogue above?
Y : There are …people
a. One
b. Two
c. Three
d. Four
22. Mother :“Would you sweep the floor, Yoyok?” What does it means?
a. Yoyok asks his mother to sweep the floor
b. Mother asks Yoyok to sweep the floor
c. Mother and Yoyok sweep the floor together
d. Yoyok and Mother sweep the floor together
23. A : Does Yoyok want to help his mother?
B :…
a. No, he does not
b. No, he does
c. Yes, he does not
d. Yes, he does
24. Teacher : Good morning students?
Students : Good morning, Sir
Teacher : How are you today?
Students :…
a. Good morning
b. Nice to meet you
c. I am fine
d. Thank you
25. Betty : Where have you been Fanny?
Fanny : Library, why?
Betty : Just want to know. See you tomorrow
Fanny :…
a. See you
b. See you tomorrow
c. Good bye
d. Nice to meet you
26. Arrange these words into a good sentence!
Red – my – white – the – uniform - color – of – is
a. My the uniform color is red and white
b. The uniform of my color is red and white
c. The color of my red and white is uniform
d. The color of my uniform is red and white
27. “I like yellow banana”. What is the meaning of that sentence?
a. Saya suka kuning pisang
b. Saya kuning pisang suka
c. Kuning pisang suka saya
d. Saya suka pisang kuning
28. A : …is the number after twenty eight?
B : It is twenty nine.
a. What
b. Where
c. When
d. Why
29. Indonesia dipimpin oleh seorang presiden. Translate into English!
a. Indonesia leads president
b. Indonesia is led by a president
c. Presiden Indonesia leads
d. Lead president Indonesia
30. We can touch with our ….
a. Head
b. Hand
c. Eye
d. Nose
31. The missing number is ….
a. Eight
b. Nine
c. Ten
d. Eleven
32. The correct sentence according to the calendar is ….
a. The fifteen March, two thousand and eleven MARET
b. The fifteen March, and two thousand eleven 15
c. March the fifteen, and two thousand eleven
d. March the fifteen, two thousand and eleven
33. My aunt’s hobby is ….
a. Painting
b. Singing
c. Dancing
d. Reading
34. The right sentence according to the clock is ….
a. Is it ahalf past six
b. Is it pasta half six 06:30 AM
c. It is past ahalf six
d. It is ahalf past six
35. Likes – very much – Hema – fried chicken
The right sentence is ….
a. Hema likes fried chicken very much
b. Hema very much likes fried chicken
c. Fried chicken likes Hema very much
d. Fried chicken very much likes Hema
36. Is – milk – Nelly – drinking
The correct arrangement is ….
a. Nelly drinking milk is
b. Nelly drinking is milk
c. Nelly is drinking milk
d. Nelly milk is drinking
37. A : What is it?
B : It is a ….
a. Triangle
b. Square
c. Circle
d. Round
38. If we get a toothache, we go to the …
a. Dentist
b. Oculist
c. Farmer
d. Teacher
39. She has a book. It is … book.
a. my
b. his
c. her
d. their
40. The correct sentence according to the number is ….
a. Eight divided by nine is seventy two
b. Eight minus nine is seventy two
c. Eight plus by nine is seventy two 8 X 9 = 72
d. Eight times nine is seventy two
41. Bandung is the west of Java.
The opposite of the underline word is the ….
a. North
b. East
c. South
d. West
42. Wears – Afid – if – he – school – goes – to – uniform
The correct sentence is ….
a. Afid goes to school uniform if he wears
b. Afid if wears he uniform goes to school
c. Afid goes to school uniform if he wears
d. Afid wears uniform if he goes to school
43. Rudy plays football wearing T – shirt and ….
a. Shoes c. Shirt
b. Skirt d. Short
44. My brother goes to the office wears ….
a. Hat
b. Belt
c. Towel
d. Tie
45. 1. I always wear my complete uniform to follow it.
2. My name is Fitria.
3. After that I have some lessons in class.
4. I usually follow flag ceremony on Monday.
The correct arrangement is ….
a. 2 – 1 – 3 – 4
b. 2 – 4 – 1 – 3
c. 2 – 4 – 3 – 1
d. 2 – 3 – 1 – 4

Passage for number 46 – 50.

(Bagan untuk nomor 46 – 50)
Mr. Budi Mrs. Wati

Mrs. Intan Mr. Deva Mrs. Tesa Mr. Imron

Diki Dika Alvin Riska

46. Mrs. Wati is Mr.Budi’s ….

a. Niece
b. Grandmother
c. Husaband
d. Wife
47. … is Dika’s grandfather.
a. Mr. Budi
b. Mr. Imron
c. Mr. Deva
d. Mr. Ridlo
48. The correct sentence according to the passage is ….
a. Mrs. Wati is Mr. Imron,s wife
b. Mr. Deva is Mrs. Tesa’s husband
c. Mrs. Intan is Alvin’s mother
d. Mr. Imron is Riska’s father
49. Is – Riska – sister – Alvin’s
The right sentence is ….
a. Alvin’s is sister Riska
b. Alvin’s is Riska sister
c. Riska is Alvin’s sister
d. Riska Alvin’s sister is
50. Mrs. Tesa is Mr. Imron… husband.
a. His
b. Yours
c. Is
d. ‘s


1. C 11. B 21. B 31. D 41. B

2. C 12. C 22. B 32. A 42. D
3. A 13. D 23. D 33. A 43. D
4. C 14. B 24. C 34. D 44. D
5. A 15. D 25. B 35. A 45. B
6. D 16. B 26. D 36. C 46. D
7. A 17. D 27. D 37. C 47. A
8. A 18. B 28. A 38. A 48. D
9. A 19. A 29. B 39. C 49. C
10. A 20. C 30. B 40. D 50. D


Betul x 2 = 100

50 x 2 = 100

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