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Charles Babbage 1837-Analytical Engine, Difference engine

Assembler converts assembly language(Mnemonic) to machine language

Compiler converts assembly language program to object program/ higher language to machine code
Lexical- SyntaxCode
Interpreter converts line by line
Semiconductor memory The fastest type of memory
Prom Memory written only once
Rom Memory programmed at the time it is manufactured
Volatile Ram
Non-Volatile Magnetic tapes and disks, Magnetic bubbles, ROM, secondary, Optical, floppy
Half-Duplex Communication circuits that transmit data in both directions but not at the same time
AND + NOT gates To implement all functions of the basic logic functions, it needs
NOR gate A gate in which all inputs must be low to get a high output is called
Bus A collection of wires that connects several device
Primary Memory internal memory, semiconductor memories 
RAM -- Static  Flip Flop  store single binary bit
Dynamic  Capacitor  must be refreshed several times
Register Set of flip flops integrated together
Shift Register Allow to Move left or right operation
Cluster Group of magnetic tapes or terminal under control of one master
DDL Database Schema
DML Manipulation and Processing of database
Foreign Key Relationship between tables
Serializable default level of consistency in SQL
Direct best file organization when data is frequently added or deleted from a file
BCNF Dependency preservation is not guaranteed
Multi-valued dependency Two independent one-to-many relationships are mixed in the same relation
Logical, physical, view data models defined by ANSI/SPARC architecture
Deadlock Detection Wait-for graph is used
Aggregation Relationships among relationships in an-E-R model
Idempotent For correct behaviour during recovery, undo and redo operation must be
Indexed Addressing permits relocation without any change in the code
Data dictionary and transaction log files are used during operation of the DBMS
Bandwidth Transmission capacity of a communication channels
Network Layer (3) Router operates in layer of OSI Model
Data Link Layer Bridge operates in layer of OSI Model/MAC Address
Physical Layer Repeater operates in layer of OSI Model
Multiport Bridge Layer-2 Switch
OSI host-to-host layers Transport, Session, Presentation, Application
CLASS A 7 24
CLASS B 14 16
RAID 1 data is mirrored between two disks
Topology Physical or logical arrangement of network
Nibble Group of 4 bits

Tracks Number of concentric circles on a diskette

Cylinder A single track location on all the platters making up a hard disk
Sector A sector is a subdivision of a track on a magnetic disk or optical disc
Cluster A cluster is a bunch of sectors treated as the smallest unit of storage in a file system
Block an arbitrary sized data chunk, the actual minimum amount of data that can be written on a disk

Phishing Unknown person sends mail in a trustworthy way asking sensitive information
Trojan Horse A malicious computer program which pretends to be a useful application
Eavesdropping Capturing small packets transmitted and reading the data content
Macro Virus infects a software program and series of actions begin automatically when program opened
Worms malware computer program that replicates itself in order to spread to other computers
Logic Bomb a malicious program that is appended to an application and is triggered by a specific event
Drive By Attack hackers look for insecure websites and plant a malicious script into the source code
Spyware malicious programs collect information about users and sends the data to a remote user
Birthday Attack attack against hash algorithms used to verify integrity of a message, software or digital signature
Metamorphic viruses that rewrite themselves completely each time they are to infect new executables
Rollback undoing of partly completed database changes
Commit final step when it has determined that a transaction has been completed successfully
ACID Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability
SubSchema name given to the view of database that appears to an application program
Trigger special type of stored procedure that automatically executes when an event occurs
Data Mining term used to describe the process of forecasting in data
BLOB Binary Long Object
Brownfield terms used for a software that is built from an existing program
SCCM System Center Configuration Manager
Agile the way in which multiple teams of developers collaborate on a software project
Applet program capable of running on any computer regardless of the operating system
Code Rot Software Decay, Bit Rot, Software Erosion

h = O(log n) average case time complexity for finding the height of the binary tree

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