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NIM : 1PA21029B

1. You doesn’t look ……. What brings you here?

A. angry
B. pale
C. hungry
D. happy

2. Patient : I need a medical check up, can you help me?

Nurse : “Yes, of course. ……………?”
Patient : “Yes, you may. My name is Dikha Kangenband.”

What do you think the nurse may ask?

A. May I know your name?
B. May you know my name?
C. They may know my name.
D. He may not know his name.

3. Nurse : I am a nurse. What brings you to the hospital?

Patient : ……

How should Patient reply?

A. I am not a patient.
B. You are a patient.
C. I am not breathing well.
D. You are not breathing well.

4. You look …… with your neck.

A. Painful
B. Rigid
C. tense
D. swollen

5. Among all the options below, what is included as patient’s condition?

A. Pale
B. Bruise
C. Naughty
D. Rigid
6. Among all the options below, what is NOT included as patient’s condition?
A. Torn
B. beauty
C. sleepy
D. suffocate

7. The laboratory is…. The nurse ward. You can go… the stairs.
A. Close, down
B. Above, up
C. Around, walk
D. Inside, run

8. you seem to have problem with your…… . You look bent.

A. finger
B. head
C. back
D. muscle

9. You seem ….. with your body.

A. happy
B. uncomfortable
C. sad
D. lively

10. what is the symptom of diabetes?

A. Often feel dizzy
B. Often feel happy
C. Often feel hungry
D. Reduced muscle mass

11. To get from here to surgery, you ……. to wheel the trolley …… three wards.
A. Have, through
B. Go, around
C. Carry, past
D. Go, on

12. What is the right question for this answer of this direction. “it is on the left side of pharmacy”?
A. Where is the pharmacy room?
B. What is the nurse ward?
C. Excuse me sir. I am looking for the reception.
D. Is it mental hospital?

13. Sometimes it is difficult to prepare …….

A. Treatment
B. Assessment
C. Prescriptions
D. Diary

14. Where is the nurse ward?

A. It is inside the building
B. Go straight the third room from here, the nurse ward is on the left
C. It is on board
D. Walk from here to there

15. A snake bite can be….

A. Sick
B. Silly
C. Life-threatening
D. Angry

16. Receptionists make …… for patients.

A. Prescriptions
B. Beds
C. Notebooks
D. Wards

17. Go into the …… to get undressed.

A. Room
B. Pharmacy unit
C. Cubicle
D. Reception

18. Arms and legs are called ………

A. Legs
B. Arms
C. Limbs
D. Hands

19. The doctor decides on the correct …..

A. Assessment
B. Life
C. Treatment
D. Operation
20. A triage nurse makes an initial …..
A. Appointment
B. Assessment
C. Treatment
D. Entertainment

21. Is your ……. feel uncomfortable? You look limp.

A. Leg
B. Finger
C. Mouth
D. Stomach

22. The patient is …. to certain antibiotics.

A. Addicted
B. Allergic
C. Afraid
D. Scared

23. The surgery room is …… the pharmacy room

A. Inside
B. Outside
C. Next to
D. On

24. How to collect past illness data?

A. By judging the patient
B. By asking their phone number
C. By asking the kind of disease they have ever had.
D. By calling the patient

25. The maternity unit is….. the reception.

A. Above
B. Around
C. Down
D. Outside

26. I would like to ……….

A. Train you
B. Ask your mobile phone
C. Collect your identity
D. Ask your demographic data If you don’t mind, please?
27. What does nurse usually ask to collect demographic data?
A. Name
B. Facebook ID
C. Name of parents
D. Size of dress

28. “I was about 8 years old”

A. How old are you now?
B. How old is this house?
C. How was your day?
D. How old were you when you got it?

29. “The coronary unit is under this department, you can…. From here and go down the first stairs,
the labour ward will be… the toilet.”
A. Turn left, above
B. Turn left, inside
C. Turn right, next to
D. Turn right, outside

30. What is the wrong way to ask patient’s occupation below?

A. What is your occupation?
B. Do you have any academic title?
C. What is your title?
D. Are you married?

Essay :

1. – On set : Specify when discomfort occurs that the patient begins to seek help
- Provocation : Ask what aggravates the pain or discomfort. What is the position? Does it
deteriorate with a deep breath or a break in the chest? Does pain settle
- Quality : Ask what kind of pain. Allow the patient to explain in his own language.
- Radiation : Does pain go to other parts of the body? Where? Where?
- Severity : Use greater pain assessment (appropriate for patients) for a consistent severity
of the pain. Use the same scale of pain to reassess the severity of the pain and whether it
lessens or worsens
- Time : How long the pain lasts, and whether it dissipates or persists.
2. Asking patients about the scale of pain, causes pain, and intensity of pain, after which gives
the position semi fowler and gives oxygen according to instructions and
ekg(elektrokardiografi) examinations to evaluate a patient's chest pain.

3. Demographic data collection was a very important bottom deep Determining nursing care,
That's right for the client. Data collection and review It has to be done right,the client gets an
orphanage,nursing agrees with his complaint, so it can be elevating the client's degree of
4. Creating nursing care, teaching deep breath exercises, observing the patients' vital signs,
feeding them, helping of their daily activities Patient.

5. 3 sentences using preposition of place and movement :

1. Go straight, the pharmacy unit is next to the surgery room.

2. Go straight, then Turn left, the nurse ward is on the left of pharmacy unit.
3. Go straight, and then Turn right, the maternity unit is next to the toilet.

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