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MOC General Specifications - November 1998

Table of Contents


6.08.1 DESCRIPTION. This work shall consist of furnishing and installing circular pipe
culverts and elliptical pipe arch culverts. All units shall conform to the dimensions,
fabrications, material, and strength requirements for the type, class, size, and shape in
accordance with the plans and these specifications. Units shall be bedded and
backfilled in accordance with applicable provisions included herein and shall be
constructed to the lines and grades shown or established. When specified, concrete
headwalls or anchors of the class concrete and dimensions shown shall be constructed
on pipe culverts.

Where alternate types of pipe are shown in the contract, any of the alternates may
be furnished provided that each continuous line of pipe is constructed of the same
throughout. At locations where no alternates are shown, the specified type shall be


Reinforced Concrete Pipe Culvert (Precast)
Reinforced Concrete Pipe Culvert (Cast-in-Place)
Reinforced Concrete Arch Culvert (Precast)
Reinforced Concrete Arch Culvert (Cast-in-Place)

6.08.2 MATERIALS. Reinforced Concrete Pipe Culvert (Precast). Description. This specification covers reinforced concrete round

pipe to be used for culvert construction. Requirements. Reinforced concrete round pipe shall meet all

applicable requirements of the "Standard Specification for Reinforced Concrete Culvert,
Storm Drain and Sewer Pipe," AASHTO M 170. Unless otherwise shown on the plans
or in the Special Specifications, Class V pipe shall be furnished. Basis of Acceptance. Acceptability of pipe in sizes less than one

and eighty-three thousandths (1.083) meters in diameter shall be based on one (1) or
more of the following items as may be deemed necessary by the Engineer.

1. The results of three-edge-bearing tests for the load to produce a twenty-five

hundredths (0.25) millimeter crack and the ultimate load performed on not less than
three percent (3%) of all pipes furnished (AASHO T33).

2. The loading to destruction of selected pieces of pipe to determine ultimate

strength, area and placement of steel and absorption characteristics of the concrete
(AASHO T33).

MOC General Specifications - November 1998
Table of Contents

3. Absorption tests on selected samples from the wall of the pipe (AASHO T33).

4. By inspection of the finished pipe to determine its conformance with the

design prescribed in this specification and its freedom from defects.

5. Crushing tests on concrete cores drilled from the wall of the pipe (AASHO T

6. Absorption tests on concrete cores drilled from the walls of selected pipe
(AASHO T 33).

7. By inspection of the finished pipe, including the amount and placement of

reinforcement, to determine its conformance with the design prescribed in these
specifications and its freedom from defects.

By mutual agreement between the producer and the Engineer, pipe one and
eighty-three thousandths (1.083) meters in diameter and larger may be tested by three-
edge-bearing to complete destruction to determine area and placement of steel. Testing of Precast Reinforced Concrete Pipe. If the Contractor

elects to purchase reinforced concrete culvert pipe from a source off the project, all
provisions of the specification shall apply. Pipe not available for testing and inspection
during manufacture will be tested on the job site in accordance with the specifications.

For test purposes, the Contractor shall at his expense, when directed by the
Engineer, provide three (3) edge bearing test equipment (CT 230) or CT 230M). The
test equipment shall remain on-site until such time as the Engineer releases it. The
Contractor shall assist the Engineer in conducting the three-edge-bearing tests as
directed by the Engineer. End Sections. Concrete for precast concrete end sections shall
conform to the requirements of Class K in Paragraph "Portland Cement
Concrete" in these General Specifications. Reinforcing steel shall conform to the
requirements of Section 5.02, "Reinforcing Steel" in these General Specifications.
Materials for other end sections shall conform to the requirements shown on the plans
in these General Specifications and in the Special Specifications. On-Site Fabrication. If the precast pipe is not supplied by an

approved manufacturer of reinforced concrete pipe and the Contractor elects to precast
such pipe on site, the Contractor shall, in addition to the requirements specified herein,
comply with all of the requirements of Sections 5.01 "Portland Cement Concrete," 5.03
"Concrete Structures" and 5.02 "Reinforcing Steel" in these General Specifications as
deemed applicable by the Engineer. Pipe cast on the site shall be as detailed on the

The curing methods for on-site precast reinforced concrete pipe shall conform to
the requirements of Paragraph "Curing and Protection" in these General


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