Qn. No. Part A 1. Cos:1 K: 2 or 2. Cos:1 K: 3 3. Cos:2 K: 3

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Course Name Ground Water & Hydraulics 17CV742

Branch &
CV and 7th Semester Date 06/11/2020
Name of the
Course 30
Coordinator (s)

Note: Answer THREE full questions from Part A and Part B questions are compulsory.
Qn. PART A Marks CO
1. a) Differentiate between hydraulic conductivity and permeability. 6M
Also determine the expression for permeability by constant head COs:1
permeameter with a neat diagram. Mention the advantages. K: 2

2. a) Apply basics of fluid mechanics and derive an expression for one 6 M
dimensional steady flow in homogeneous unconfined aquifer, COs:1
with assumptions. K: 3

3. a) A 30 cm well penetrates 49.99 m below the static water table.

After a long period of pumping at a rate of 1799 lpm, the COs:2
drawdown in the wells at 15 and 44.99 m from the pumped well 6M K: 3
were 1.69 and 0.79 m respectively. Determine the transmissivity
of the aquifer. What is the drawdown in the pumped well?
4. a) A 0.2m diameter well penetrating a confined aquifer is pumped at COs: 2
a uniform rate of 30liters/s and the draw down measured in the K: 3
observation well 60m away are given below. Determine the 6M
aquifer parameters ‘T’ and ‘S’ using Cooper Jacob method

Time ‘t’ in 0.016 0.033 0.06 0.13 0.5 1 2 3 4

hrs 7 3 66 33
Drawdown’ 0.2 0.3 0.41 0.53 0.76 0.9 1 1.07 1.12
s’ m

5. a) Derive an equation for discharge for the case of steady radial flow 6 M COs:1
into an unconfined aquifer using Dupuit’s theory K: 2
6. a) Solve Theis method in determining aquifer constants S and T for 6 M COs:1
unsteady radial flow towards well K: 2

7. Innovative question COs:3
a) If you were to identify a suitable location for infiltration pond for K: 4
ground water recharge in BMSITM campus,
 list in sequence the data requirements, instruments needed and 6M
surveys to be carried out
 process of identification of location for infiltration pond
 construction of infiltration pond for ground water recharge
Write the flow charts or diagrams wherever required.
(Hint- Infiltration pond is a pond were maximum surface runoff from
rainwater is collected and allowed to recharge ground through quick
8. Case Study Question COs:4
In the case study titled “Interference and inefficiency of water wells: a K:4
constraint of water conservation in Bangladesh”, authored by Golam
Shabbir Sattar, et al., comprehend the following
a) describe the study area 2M
b) datasets, methodology and determination of well interference and well 2M
efficiency 2M
c) Conclude on the results obtained.

Course Outcomes (COs)

Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating

(K1) (K2) (K3) (K4) (K5) (K6)
Bloom’s Category

Signatures of the Question Paper Scrutiny Committee

Course Coordinator(s) Module Program Coordinator Head of the

Coordinator(s) Department

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