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In the subject of

B2B Marketing

-: Submitted By:-
Group No- 6

Enrolment No. Name

207500592008 Pratik Chaudhari
207500592012 Jigneshkumar Patil
207500592017 Suraj Patil
207500592064 Darshansinh Gohil
207500592084 Nandish Dodia

-: Submitted to:-
Dr. Ravi Vaidya

S. R. Luthra Institute of Management, Surat

Introduction of the Company.....................................................................................................3

The B2B Buying Pocess.............................................................................................................4

The influence of Culture and Sub-culture in B2B.....................................................................5

Socially and ethically responsibility..........................................................................................8

What is ethical design?...............................................................................................................9

Integrated marketing communications plan for B2B...............................................................14


Introduction of the Company


Brand Name DHANRAJ HE-MAN is applied by Dhanraj Bottling.

Addres: plot no 9, opp city Ind B.R.C Maher. opp Marathi school, Ram Nagar, Harinagar-2,
Vijay Nagar, Udhna, Surat, Gujarat 394220.

Figure 1: HE-MAN Bottles

Table 1: About Company


Goods and Service All Kinds of Soft Drinks

Business Name Dhanraj Bottling

Business Type Proprietor

Business Sector Manufacturing

Figure 2: B2B Markets

The main aspects in buying Behaviour are kept is of PRICE and QUALITY. The optimum of
both the criteria is kept in mind while engaging in purchasing process.

There are SOPs (Standard Operating Procedure) for all kinds of tasks in the company which
to be followed also including buying of raw material like carbonated water, sugar, and

The company manufactures soft drinks, so it needs many kinds of raw materials like
carbonated water, sugar, and flavourings many others which are all needed in bulk quantities.
So, the company needs to undertake buying process for all of these materials.

The B2B Buying Pocess

Figure 3: B2B Buying Process

How do they identify need?

The need is identified at the basic level. As per planning and schedules received for a month,
on the basis his judgement and redecided recipe, raise a reacquisition for the materials that
will needed in manufacturing a particular lot of blocks. As this organization is small scale all
these procedures are done manually and by owner itself.

How do they search for the supplier?

The company has carefully scouted for the suppliers over the years and have now 5 to 8
suppliers for different kind of product. The company sends requisition to all suppliers and
from 2 or 3 are selected. It is generally done in this way Talking personally on a call or
through message. Generally, when major product is involved is when personally suppliers are

How do they evaluate and select supplier?

As there are predefined procedures and as it is production company samples of products are
asked from suppliers. At last if criteria are met, the final approval is given and specifications
are developed regarding the particular product and a benchmark is set. If the sample passes
the quality check then the supplier is contacted for negotiation and if the sample fails the test
other suppler is contacted.

How do they perform order routing task?

As bulk products are involved and their importance in the manufacturing process is high,
monthly schedules are prepared and the same are communicated to suppliers. Also, daily
requirements on the basis of monthly schedule are also included and communicated to

The influence of Culture and Sub-culture in B2B

Negotiation often have different attitudes, goals, and practices according to cultural

Culture Influences Negotiations

Different people negotiate different ways. Culture influences how individuals negotiate and
how they view and interpret the negotiation process.

If we understand that negotiations are conversations aimed at reaching an agreement, and if

we can also understand that different cultures reach agreements in different ways, then we
have the basis of negotiations, that is to say how one culture may look at the negotiation
process totally different than another. These differences can create conflict in the process.

Cultural Differences

There are several main areas where cultural differences impact negotiating. The following are
all differences that may arise during the negotiation process due to cultural differences:

Figure 4: Cultural Impact

 Desire for a long-term relationship or just a one-time deal

 Preference to win negotiating or preference for a win-win negotiation
 Informal or formal attitude
 Direct or indirect communication style
 Show emotion or hide emotions
 Decisions made by the group or by the leader

A subculture is a segment of a larger culture that has distinct values and cultural norms.
Subcultures, like cultures, are not fixed. They change over time, although change may
happen gradually. As a businessperson, you are inevitably part of more than one subculture.
A strong understanding of all the subcultures you belong to will greatly benefit your career
and company.

Negotiation Strategy 1:- Don’t forget to do your homework about your supplier’s

Through reading and conversations with those who know the country concerned, you can
certainly learn a lot. Don’t overlook your suppliers as sources of information about their
culture. They will usually welcome your interest, and help the research process.

Negotiation Strategy 2:- Show respect for cultural differences.

Inexperienced negotiators tend to belittle unfamiliar cultural practices. It is far better to seek
to understand the value system at work and to construct a problem-solving conversation
about any difficulties that unfamiliar customs pose. Respect for cultural differences will get
you a lot farther than ignorance, so it’s important to do your research when entering into
negotiations with unfamiliar counterparts.

Negotiation Strategy 3:- Be aware of how others may perceive your culture.

You are as influenced by your culture as your counterpart is by his. Try to see how your
behavior, attitudes, norms, and values appear to your foreign supplier. When you enter into
negotiations, it helps knowing how they see you from a cultural standpoint. You can adjust
your approach during negotiations to get a better outcome if any of these perspectives are

Negotiation Strategy 4:- Find ways to bridge the culture gap.

It is possible that cultural differences can create a divide between you and your suppliers.
Constantly search for ways to bridge that culture gap. The first step in bridge building
requires you and your suppliers to find something in common, such as a shared experience,
interest, or goal.

Socially and ethically responsibility

Social responsibility, two
simple words filled with
infinite complexity.
Social responsibility is no
different from other
human concepts like love
and shareholder value.
Despite the fuzziness,
social responsibility is all
about designing products
in such a way that they
minimize the negative
impacts while
maximizing the positive impact in regards to: Figure 5: Social Responsibility

 People: Employees, families, customers, suppliers, communities, and any other person

impacted by the product/organization. The goal is to improve as many lives as possible while
minimizing impacts to those who can least afford the downsides.
 Planet: Air, earth, water, and all the ecosystems and species being impacted. Ideally, a
product should improve the environment, but at minimum designed in such a way to reduce
the impact on the environment, e.g. regenerate, reduce, reuse and recycle.
 Prosperity: Employment, wages, generating innovation, paying taxes, wealth creation, etc.,
so rather than just maximizing corporate profits, maximizing community prosperity.

To sum up, social responsibility requires focusing not just on short-term corporate profits and
our immediate customers, but on our long-term sustainability and impact on the broader

And like love, there’s the utopian/ideal version of a socially responsible product. Then there’s
the messy reality that most of us live in, filled with trade-offs and compromises, as we work
to achieve better, and vacillate between whether the glass is completely empty, half empty,
half full or overflowing with promise.

What is ethical design?

Ethical design is designing great products alongside your morals and beliefs and the
principles of your business. What you create, whether a website, a marketing campaign or a
product, has an effect on real people and those effects can create ripples.

you would want to take responsibility for your ethical efforts, but that responsibility often
gets passed off to others. Culture, society and politics are shifting the status quo of what is
“ethical” and what has become normalized. As the status quo shifts in an ever-changing
world, how can designers keep ethical designs in mind? 

Safety and Standards in the Product Development Process

 Screening product designs

 Product development and evaluation 
 Marketing strategy
 Test marketing
 Product launch
 Product decline 

The application of different ethical approaches in product development organizations is likely

to influence the effectiveness and efficiency of product development. This is based on the
assumption that actions performed by individuals involved in product development depend
on the moral values that generally govern all areas of life. Ethical considerations can be
investigated from different viewpoints; organizational, management, group and individual.
The analysis here is concentrated on the choices made by the individual developer.

Developing a useful new product is one of the toughest undertakings you can begin. Along
the way you’re going to run into naysayers and different problems that pop up out of
nowhere. But perseverance usually pays off, and if you keep working you may find that

you’ve come through the process with a product that is ready to manufacture. But you may
also find that the problems along the way involve legal issues that you wish you had
considered. There’s nothing worse than developing a great new idea, and then spending time
and money in a legal battle before you can do anything with it. Although we’re not lawyers
and can’t give legal advice (for that, be sure to consult an attorney), here are a few legal
issues to consider during product development

Licensing your product basically gives someone else the right to produce and sell your
product for a given period of time. So when you’re developing your product, you should
already be thinking about whether or not you want to license it. The positive is that the
business generally takes on the risk associated with producing your product, and they also
usually know what they’re doing and can achieve results. The downside is that you’re ceding
control of your product to another entity, and you’re losing control over your intellectual

By now you’ve surely heard of at least a couple of auto manufacturers recalling certain
makes and models due to defects. There are manufacturing defects, which you aren’t in
control of, and design defects, which you most definitely are. You absolutely don’t want to
end up with a product that has a dangerous design defect that may not initially be recognized.
That’s why it can be so beneficial to sit down with experts and find out if there are any design
flaws or defects in your product, before you attempt to manufacture.

Patents are the best way to ensure that your invention is legally protected, should someone try
to copy your idea or challenge your ownership of it, but they aren’t always worth it.
However, you can file a patent for your product yourself, but it’s a risky proposition if you
don’t have any experience doing it. Consider filing for a provisional application. A
provisional application protects your invention for up to 12 months while you finish working
on it, and it’s easier for a non-professional to file. That should give you time to decide if you
really need a patent for your invention or not.

Importance of Ethical Business Decisions

Companies and businesspeople who wish to thrive long-term must adopt sound ethical
decision-making practices. Companies and people who behave in a socially responsible
manner are much more likely to enjoy ultimate success than those whose actions are
motivated solely by profits. Knowing the difference between right and wrong and choosing
what is right is the foundation for ethical decision making. In many cases, doing the right
thing often leads to the greatest financial, social, and personal rewards in the long run.

Many factors impact ethical decisions employees and managers make on a daily basis,

o Corporate culture
o Existence and application of a written code of ethics
o Formal and informal policies and rules
o Norms for acceptable behavior
o Financial reward system
o System for recognizing accomplishment
o Company attitude toward employees
o How employees are selected for promotions
o Hiring practices
o Applications of legal behavior
o Degree to which professionalism is emphasized
o The company's decision-making processes
o Behaviors and attitudes of the organization's leaders

Resources used by beverage industry:

 The important resource used by a beverage industry is water. For example, to obtain 1
litter of cola drink it uses 9 litters of pure water. Its main resource is ground water.
 For cleaning and bottling also they use water which is the main source for drinking.
 The other resource is land where the factory is setup and it pollutes the surroundings
where harmful chemicals are released and mixed up with the soil.
 This also pollutes the water resources in the surrounding areas of the factories.

 All these can be overcome only if companies take effective steps to reduce the
damage towards the environment.
 Take necessary steps to reduce the effect of the pollution and work effectively.

Advantages of CSR

 A good company reputation makes it easier to recruit employees.

 Employees may stay longer, reducing the costs and disruption of recruitment and
retraining. Employees are better motivated are better motivated and more prolific.
 CSR assists in ensuring that you comply with regulatory requirements.
 Activities such as involvement with the local community are ideal opportunities to
generate positive press coverage
 A good relationship with local authorities helps business grow better.
 Understanding the wider impact of business can help the company develop new
products and services.
 CSR can make the company more competitive and lessens the risk of sudden damage
to your reputation. Investors may take notice of this and would be more willing to
finance the company.



Social Issues

For the soft drinks industry, the social concerns are numerous, ranging from associated
disease as well as health and safety impacts Soft drink companies are advised to anticipate
government regulations, particularly in relation to their marketing approaches to children.
Companies need to be innovative in creating healthier soft drink products as in the case of
PepsiCo and Coca Cola focusing on a low sugar, natural sweetener for their products and
India and Chinese brands tapping into the demand for alternatives to carbonated soft drinks.

Companies should assess their supply chain risks and put in place codes of conduct,
monitoring and capacity building initiatives to prevent these. As consumers become more
aware of supply chain issues, good supply chain management can create a competitive

Companies that rely on agricultural supply chains, particularly large numbers of small
holding farmers, should look to developing partnerships with government, local NGOs and
international agencies to better manage social risks.

Governance Issues
A typical challenge in the Indian beverage sector‟s fight against corruption is the complex
interrelationship between politics and the private sector. Strong governance is clearly vital for
companies to ensure the integrity of their organizations, relationships with consumers and
government authorities to avoid corrupt business practices.
Companies should look to providing more transparency and accountability in terms of the
selection of board members, remuneration, links between remuneration and performance,
diversity of the board and decision-making processes. Soft drinks companies should ensure a
high level of transparency in terms of the financial support provided for industry groups that
in turn lobby national governments for changes in soft drinks policies.

Companies should put in place initiatives and get involved in collective action to raise
corporate integrity, especially in relation to corruption and bribery.

Environmental Issues
Companies need to first assess to what extent they and their suppliers depend on water and
the associated risks. This should be done in consultation with key stakeholders. Companies
should measure their water footprint and look to how they can best manage water resources
through enhanced processes and infrastructure. Companies should implement rigorous water
testing and monitoring systems and install treating equipment. Water pollution and treatment
is already a focus of Asian listed companies and with the growing emphasis on regulation and
enforcement this looks set to increase.

Companies need to realize that global commitments to improve water efficiency can only be
implemented locally, requiring versatility and local management support. Companies should
disclose water performance and the initiatives that they are putting in place. Companies need
to assess their contribution to climate change, put in place measures to reduce emissions and
waste and report on progress.

The relationship between the shareholders and employees, suppliers should not be a principle
agent relationship. There should be a understanding between them. The ultimate aim of
shareholders and top management is to attain profits, and the ultimate aim of employees,
suppliers is to be recognized for their work. So we would see the best example of the coca

cola value chain process which is creating a good corporate governance between top
management, shareholders, employees and suppliers.

Value chain analysis:

A value chain is a model used to disaggregate a firm into its strategically relevant value
generating activities, in order to evaluate each activity's contribution to the firm's
performance. Through the analysis of this model we can gain insight as to how a firm creates
their competitive advantage and shareholder value. The value chain of the non-alcoholic
beverage industry contains five main activities. These include inbound logistics (suppliers),
operations, outbound logistics (buyers/ customers), marketing and sales, and service.

Integrated marketing communications plan for B2B

The Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) process occurs when different elements in
marketing communication –public relations, social media, audience analytics, business
development principles, and advertising — are merged into a universal brand identity.

 Determine the identities of your customers by using behavioural data.

 Your customers’ and prospects’ value must be determined.
 Incentive messages and messages that motivate recipients need to be created and
 A return on customer investment (ROCI) can be seen by estimating its yield.
 Budgeting, allocating, evaluating, and recycling are all crucial aspects of any good

The four C’s, communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity make up the
majority. All four skills have essential applications for today’s business environment.

A company’s 4Ps of products, pricing, locations, and promotions lay out the steps it takes to
ensure their customers have access to them. Stakeholders, costs, communication, and
distribution channels make up the 4Cs, and they all represent various functions in your

Content, commerce, community, context, customization, and conversation are his six Cs.

What Are Types of Imc?

 Advertising.

 Personal selling.
 Direct Marketing.
 Mobile Marketing.
 Social Media Marketing.
 Public Relations.
 Sales Promotion.
 Sponsorships.

Example: - Coca-Cola Integrated Marketing Communication.

With the advent of the era of digital, Integrated marketing communications (IMC) has
become more and more important for organization. It exists in a variety of forms: normal
advertising, sales promotion, direct response and public relations. In order to achieve the
organization’s plans and goals, it should use the different media to achieve and identify the
effectiveness of the promotional mix.

The Coca-Cola Company is a worth learning model on applying IMC strategy. It is mainly
the use of the mass media methods: print advertising, banner ads and TV advertising.
Advertising is one of the most direct ways of marketing. The Coca-Cola Company use a
marketing mix of advertising strategy to promote products, moreover, it based on the social
media and Web interactive for sales promotion and marketing.

The Coca Cola Company

advertising is very iconic. In
history of the Coca Cola
company, it has created various
advertising that has a
significant impact on the
society and culture. The
packaging design of the
product has become the
indispensable brand and image.

Coca-Cola has repeatedly been

ranked No.1 in soft drink all
over the world. It’s the result of

their aggressive advertising. What’s important, Coca-Cola is the first soft drink
brand to appear in the space (Hartlaub, 2015).

For marketing of direct, the Coca Cola Company uses strategy of the exclusive, for example,
it makes some restaurants and cinemas to only sell their products, eliminate direct
competition. Furthermore, mobile marketing is one of the ways; the Coca-Cola Company
publicity personalized promotional activities by send out text message and rely on word-of-
mouth communication from customers (Wilkin, 2009). Due to the rapid development and
popularization of science and technology, Web and social media marketing channel has
constituted the industry standard. Social media channels have helped the brand to accumulate
over 86 million loyal consumers, it has a different strategy that provide individual social
networking sites. But their purpose and message are to maintain consistent.

Web based interactive marketing is paid attention to functionality and design, and then, it
relies on video, banners and public relations. Online games, the Coca-Cola Company Website
content paid attention on the new products, cultural, social, sporting events and charity
(Darakeva, 2013). Nowadays, the Coca-Cola Company outstanding achievement is well

The Coca-Cola Company sales promotion is aimed at 2 categories of products: food service
and retail.

Food service focuses on Coke with food pairing, to optimize the role of the menu and the
characteristics of specialty beverages. For example, McDonald’s every meal should match
Coca-Cola soft drink.  Retail is to get the cooperation between the companies, it includes
point-of-sale (POS) techniques and direct store delivery. For POS, we’re the most common
form is a cooler with brand logo for in-store sales and ubiquitous vending machines with
typical brand logo and theme. On the other hand, direct store delivery is an important link in
the value chain system. This approach provides mobile advertising opportunities, the
company printed brand logo in the bright red delivery trucks. The resultant international
presence of Coca-Cola is a direct outgrowth of the advertising marriage, direct marketing,
Web based interactive & social media marketing and sales promotion efforts. These included
in their IMC efforts in past years.

IMC Planning for HE-MAN Soft drinks

Table 2: Key facts of HE-MAN Soft drinks



Industries served Beverage

Geographic areas served Surat

Main office Udhna

Owner name Mr. Ishwarbhai Pakhale

Employees 15

Competitor Sosyo, 7-star beverages, prince, Pepsi, Coco

cola etc…

Mission: - We are committed to
introducing new test and different
variety in Soft Drinks.

Tag line: - “Sip of Good Time”

 Personal selling: - Nearest Retail

shops, Restaurant, Street food, Petrol pump.
 Direct Marketing: - Websites, catalog distribution.
 Social Media Marketing: - Facebook, LinkedIn.
 Sponsorships: - During Ganpati festival, Gokul astami they sponsorship to some of their
area groups.





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