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February 17, 2022 genetic diseases; for pregnancy, this is

needed thrice in amount. Normally, 0.4 mg

NCM 116 – Metabolism
• B12- Cyanocobalamin – RBC production;
amino acid synthesis
• Vitamin C- Ascorbic Acid – combat
Difference Between Vitamins and Minerals infections and microorganisms

• Both are substances often times called Fat-soluble Vitamins

micronutrients since the body needs them in
A- Retinol – maintenance of eye function; avoid
tiny amounts.
night blindness
• Vitamins are organic (from plants) and can be
broken down by heat, air or acid. While D- Calciferol – bone strength; helps deposit calcium
minerals are inorganic (from water and soil) from diet into the bones
and eaten by animals.
E- Tocopherol - antioxidant
Water-soluble “B” Vitamins – can be absorbed by
K- Napthoquinones – blood clotting mechanism
villis of intestine
• B1- Thiamin – carb and amino acid
metabolism; growth and development; nerve Vitamins and Minerals Interaction
regeneration (important in peripheral
• Vitamin D magnetizes Calcium from food in
neuropathies in diabetic persons) – along
digestive tract
with B6 and B12 (Neurobion medication)
• Vitamin C helps absorb Iron
• B2- Riboflavin – citric acid cycle; blood
produces energy coming from ATP, we need • Vitamin C blocks body’s ability to assimilate
Copper (Low Vit C, High Cu, vice versa)
• Overload of Manganese can lead to Iron
• B3- Niacin – comes from fish liver oil, red
meat, nuts; a component of Nicotinamide
Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD) involved in Function of Water-soluble vitamins
glycolysis and carb metabolism; also in citric
acid cycle 1. Release energy
• B5- Panthothenic Acid – constituent of - Several B vitamins are coenzymes that
coenzyme glucose production from lipids; help release energy from food
Example, with gluconeogenesis, blood sugar 2. Produce energy
drops and you need glucose. B5 transforms - Thiamin, Riboflavin, niacin,
the proteins in body into glucose. panthothenic acid, and biotin engage in
energy production
• B6- Pyridoxine – amino acid metabolism;
- Any lack of any from these vitamins lead
produces essential and nonessential amino
to weakness
3. Build proteins and cells
• B7- Biotin – fatty acid and nucleic acid
- B6, B12, and Folic acid metabolize
synthesis. Fatty acid comes from lipids (fats).
amino acid and helps cells multiply
Nucleic acid is involved in the movements of
4. Make Collagen
Pyruvic acid and into the citric acid cycle so
- The protein part of the bone that makes
that ATP can be utilized into energy.
skin resistant to infection; for strong
• B9- Folic Acid – nucleic acid synthesis and
bones, blood vessels, and teeth
making blood cells (hematopoiesis); combats
- Vitamin C makes Collagen, knits wound 10. Chromium – associated with the enzyme in
together, support blood vessel walls, form glucose metabolism
a base for teeth and bones 11. Fluoride - teeth
12. Manganese – absorption of food materials
Functions of Fat-soluble Vitamins
13. Copper – blood cell health
1. Builds bones 14. Iodine – thyroid function
- Bone formation is impossible without A, 15. Zinc - antioxidant
D, and K 16. Selenium – component to many enzymes; a
2. Protect vision coenzyme (helps others)
- Retinol keeps eye cells stay healthy
Functions of Minerals
3. Interact favorably
- Without Vitamin E, body will have • Maintain proper water balance
difficulty absorbing and storing Vitamin - A Sodium, Chloride, and Potassium role
A - Extracellular, Intra, and Intercellular
4. Protect the body fluid
- Vitamin E acts as an antioxidant • Healthy bones
- A function of Calcium, Phosphorus, and
Note: since these fat-soluble vitamins are
stored in the body for long periods, toxic
levels can build up. • Stabilize protein structures
- Sulfur helps stabilize protein such as
those found in hair, skin, and nails
Minerals • Transport of Oxygen
- Function of Iron
Major Minerals • Strengthen teeth
- Function of Fluoride
1. Calcium – for bone and teeth strength; blood
clotting mechanism; muscle activity; nerve • Helps blood clot and bolster immune system
function - Function of Zinc
2. Chloride – blood acid bone balance; • Hemoglobin production
Hydrochloric acid production, which helps in - Copper
protein absorption in body Notes:
3. Magnesium – blood formation; hemoglobin
synthesis; activation of enzymes o Salt overload. Calcium binds with
4. Phosphorus – bone and teeth formation; excess Sodium in the body and
energy transfer of ATP excreted when body senses that
5. Potassium – like the Calcium, for muscle sodium levels must be lowered
and bone function o Phosphorus can hamper body’s
6. Sodium – osmotic pressure regulation and ability to absorb Magnesium
nerve muscle function o Minor overload of Manganese can
7. Sulfur – components of hormones and exacerbate iron deficiency
several vitamins and proteins o Too little Iodine slows thyroid
8. Iron – important in hemoglobin hormone production- Goiter;
Seaweeds are rich in Iodine
Minor Minerals
9. Molybdenum – an enzyme component; with
minor symptoms during deficiency

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