Leodigario "Ka Leody" de Guzman: Partido Lakas NG Masa

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Leodigario “Ka Leody" de Guzman

An ordinary person with extraordinary ambitions—that’s how we can describe Ka Leody.

A worker-activist for almost 4 decades now, Ka Leody de Guzman advocates for labor rights
full-time, even if this way of life offers no monetary rewards. Ever idealistic, he dreams not of a
regime change, but of a system change. Growing up in a humble family of farmers, he had spent
more than three decades immersed in the life of an ordinary worker; hence being one with the
laborers himself and knowing the root of all labor and economic problems.
As what Ka Leody said, what the Philippines need is “a new face, even if it is not fair and
smooth.” As long as that face brings and incorporates virtues in a genuine platform, not money
or false promises.
The voice of the mass is what matters most in elections, and now, the working class of this
country finally has a representative that will make their calls for reform heard. Alas, we have a
candidate that can possibly untether us from the grip of neoliberalism. But the question remains,
will Ka Leody amplify the voice of the people, or will he be muted by the reputation and fame of
other known presidentiables?

Leodigario “Ka Leody” de Guzman

Partido Lakas ng Masa

Stance on Key Issues

Labor Rights- affirmative. Ka Leody is running on a platform of systemic change including

labor issues such as raising minimum wage and abolishing contractualization

COVID-19 Pandemic- called on foreign governments to ensure universal access to safe

vaccines, especially for smaller economies like the Philippines.

Contractualization- negative. He plans to change the laws and policies that legalize making the
few richer and ordinary citizens poorer.

Reinstatement of Death Penalty- negative. He opposed the death penalty, saying it’s not a
deterrent to crime. He was also against Duterte’s way of addressing the drug problem through
Red-tagging- negative

Renewable Energy- affirmative. The labor center which he leads as national chairperson, the
Bukluran ng Manggagawang Pilipino (BMP) joined environmentalist groups in calling for
drastic commitments from industrialized countries in the reduction of their greenhouse gas

Divorce- affirmative. He supported the legalization of divorce.

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