HUM1 PT (Fire Prevention)

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A Comprehensive Plan on Fire Prevention
Fire is an element that has been helpful and became a
massive part of our everyday lives, may it be towards being
the source of light or being the source of heat. But despite
its usefulness, it also has its danger. Fires affect thousands
of companies each year resulting in injury, lost customer
trust and building damage. Many cases of houses getting
burnt or incidents relating to fire have been recorded for
the last ten years.
It has become alarming and was considered a huge issue
not only in the Philippines but also in the entire world;
California wildfires, Australia bush fire incident, and so
many more. One needs to know how to respond whenever
this type of disasters occurs and should be able to
understand how to protect themselves from the risk it
By virtue of the Fire Prevention Month, this project will
focus on preventing and suppressing all kinds of destructive
fires. It also helps in bringing
awareness towards practicing fire safety
that should be in everyone’s concern.
With the help of ICT, this project
will be introducing a product with
the use of modern technology
that'll help assess a fire safety
plan that wil reassure people
whenever these incidents happen
at their own pace for them to be
able to handle situations like this.
The main goal of this plan is to give information
on how ICT is a potent tool in the implementation of
prevention, protection and safety in times of fire
hazards. Additionally, it aims to provide solutions and
alternatives that will reduce the possibility of danger
and completely fire-proof the homes of many.

This intends to specifically answer the following

1. How do we handle fire emergencies?
2. How is ICT an essential factor in raising fire
awareness and prevention?
3. What technologically-advanced product, device
or service can be utilized to minimize the harm
and damages caused by fire?
Fuego Bulbs is a technological breakthrough made
possible with the advancement of ICT. Fire prevention is
one of the most aged problem of humanity; despite our
best efforts, fire breakouts in different places are still
inevitable. From 2013 to 2017, the BFP recorded a total
of 77, 724 fire incidents. As of today, that number is still
continuously rising. Fire is an important resource to
humans, but it is also deadly.
Fuego Bulbs makes use of fire sensors and the
chemicals found in fire extinguishers to detect the early
onset of fire and immediately put it out. What makes it
more innovative, however, is that it is also a source of
light. To do this, light bulbs will be covered with a circular
invention which is connected to an external source rich in
chemicals that can put out fire; needless to say, they also
come equipped with fire detectors to trigger at the
slightest hints of a fire breaking out and causing
unwanted accidents.
This is a genius way of preventing fires as light bulbs
are an indispensable resource in any living environment
and cover most of the area of a house. With
Fuego Bulbs, accidents caused by fire will
be lessened greatly and lives of many people
can be made safer and better.
Fire incidents have been rampant in the past
couple of years, destroying infrastructures and
perishing lives. Carelessness is the greatest reason
for flame and the best way to prevent it is to be more
responsible and mindful of our actions. Never leave
any electronic equipment on plug for a long time for
that is one of the leading causes of fire. However, no
matter how much we try to be careful and
preventive, there are just times when fire
emergencies are inevitable. Good thing ICT exists to
make the odds align.
In conclusion, ICT has certainly helped and
developed today's risk preparedness. Fuego Bulbs, a
commodity of modernization, is a prominent product
that showcase how to handle fire situations. With the
help of advanced technology, this product will be the
fastest, most efficient way to respond to disasters
relating to fire happening in today's world. Not only
does this make people feel safer, but this will also
teach them the importance of preparing for disasters
ahead to minimize the harm and damages it can cause
to everyone.
We shouldn't let our dreams go up in smoke.
Let us practice fire safety at all times.
Aureo, Reina
Gonzales, Kenneth King
Tan, Aaron Jon
12 HUMSS 1A Providence

Ms. Genena Austre
Humanities 1 Teacher

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