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Performance Task No.

#3 Quarter: ____2_____

Name: ___________________________________________________________________
Grade & Section: ______________________________


SCIENCE Science: form discussion groups to tackle issues

involving protection and conservation of
ecosystems that serve as nurseries, breeding
places, and habitats for economically important
plants and animals.

English: Compare and contrast content of

materials viewed to other sources of information
(print, online and broadcast)

FOR ODL and MDL: Reaction Paper
Guide Questions:
What are Electronic Waste Materials?
Why is it important to recycle Electronic Waste materials?
Is it illegal to throw away electronics?
Using the guide questions, create a 2 – paragraph reaction paper
about Electrical wastes materials in the Philippines and its impact on
global warming.
Write your reaction paper in a clean paper.

Pass your reaction paper to your teacher.

NOTE: Be guided with the rubrics in doing the task.

ODL / MDL - Reaction Paper


CRITERIA 5 pts. 3 pts. 1 pt. POINTS

1. Accuracy Reaction Reaction Reaction

paper paper paper
represents the represents the misrepresents
ideas, ideas, the ideas,
evidence, or evidence or evidence and
conclusions conclusions conclusions.
accurately. accurately Major
Shows a firm but not inaccuracies
understanding sufficiently and with less
of the topic. clear and relevant
with minor points about
inaccuracies the topic.
about the
2. Clarity The learner The learner The learner
wrote definite wrote wrote
and clear imprecise, not consistently
wording definite and imprecise,
about the unclear and
topic. wording confusing
about the sentence.
topic. unclear
about the

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