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Project Proposal

Over the course of this year I have studied these practitioners:

Practitioner Skills / Techniques Gained or


Alfred Hitchcock Framing and focus for camera

Rudolf Laban 8 Efforts

Lee Strasberg Emotional memory and substitution

DV8 Fluid and connected movement

Frantic Assembly Exaggerating chorus movement

Stanislavski Naturalism, given circumstances, circles

of attention, emotional memory

Francois Delsarte 9 laws of motion

Henrik Ibsen Realism and conflicts in character


Bertolt Brecht Fourth wall and how to break it

Jacques Lecoq Tension control within the body

Gabriel Beristain Lighting control and cinematography

However, I have benefited most from Lecoq, Stanislavski and Laban. Specifically learning
about Laban’s eight efforts, which have helped me to improve my quality of movement
and fluidity, Lecoq’s seven levels of tension, which helped me in practice by focusing the
tension in my body language. Finally, many of Stanislavski’s techniques benefitted me
because I didn’t know them before, they’ve allowed me to focus and improve on skills
that I didn’t think about before.

After careful consideration, I've chosen to focus on Stanislavski. Stanislavski’s

techniques form the base of naturalistic acting. Using the given circumstances,
emotional memory and circles of attention have all helped me to research and get into
character. As an actor, Stanislavski’s tools have helped me the most with building
character and my aim is to deepen my characterisation to make my acting more
believable by furthering my research into Stanislavski’s techniques, which he has
influenced and who influenced him.

How I’m achieving my aim

Pre-Production Production Post-Production

Previous SWOT Experimentation Self-Assessment

Calendar Exploration Evaluation
Inquiry Taking Risks Reflection
Research Personal Practice Time Updated SWOT
Investigation Observation

What functions I need the elements to perform to achieve my aim

Element Function

Previous SWOT Focus on a specific skill to improve or


Calendar Plan and organise tasks to specific times.

Inquiry Form a starting point for research.

Research Find answers to questions that stem from

the inquiry.

Investigation Gather information for specific details or

sections within research.

Experimentation & Exploration Test techniques found in research

alongside what I’ve previously learned.

Taking Risks Widen the variety of techniques and skills I

use in my work.

Personal Practice Time Refine and use little details within my


Observation Provide ideas on how I can use different

techniques I’ve learned.

Peer-Assessment Take ideas and feedback to improve my


Self-Assessment Refer back to my previous SWOTs and

assess my progress.

Evaluation Evaluate my progress and work across the


Reflection Reflect on my strengths and weaknesses

across the unit.

Updated SWOT Use the results from self-assessment,

evaluation and reflection to form updated
SWOT targets.

Determining the success of my project

I will determine the success of my project by evaluating and interpreting the evidence,
(data), I have produced against the stated aims and objectives as set out in this project
proposal. I will do this by using SWOT targets, analysis, evaluation and reflection. I'll use
SWOT targets to develop and improve certain skills throughout my exploration and
experimentation. I took my SWOT into consideration when choosing my aim.
The analysis will be used to dig deeper into techniques and relevant pieces of information
found in my research that I can put into practice to develop my skills to a higher level. I will
use evaluation to focus on my progress and work development, reflecting back on my
SWOT targets to determine to what extent I achieved my aim. I will use reflection to
determine how I could’ve fully achieved my aim, and how I can use what I’ve learned
moving forward. I will use what I’ve found in my reflection to inform my next set of SWOT

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