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The [Sn5]2± Cluster Compound [K-(2,2,2-crypt)]2Sn5 ± Synthesis, Crystal

Structure, Raman Spectrum, and Hierarchical Relationship to CaIn2

Mehmet Somer
Istanbul/Turkey, KocË University, Chemistry Department

Wilder Carrillo-Cabrera, Eva-Maria Peters, Karl Peters, Martin Kaupp and Hans Georg von Schnering*
Stuttgart, Max-Planck-Institut fuÈr FestkoÈrperforschung

Received August 19th, 1998.

Professor Klaus-JuÈrgen Range zum 60. Geburtstag gewidmet

Abstract. Dark red crystals of [K-(2,2,2)-crypt)]2Sn5 precipi- reducible to a helical rigid-body motion around and along
tate after the reaction of (2,2,2)-crypt with a solution of Ê ). The structure
[001] (libration: ± 9.5°; translation ± 0.29 A
K1.33Sn in liquid ammonia at room temperature. The com- can be described as a hierarchical derivative of the initiator
pound is sensitive to oxidation and hydrolysis. The sequence CaIn2 (P63/mmc, hP6), generated by an atom-to-aggregate
of Raman bands (104, 120, 133 and 180 cm±1) is characteris- replacement: [Ca][In]2 = [Sn5][K @ C36H72N4O12]2. Thus, the
tic for the trigonal bipyramidal closo-[Sn5]2± cluster anion. distribution of the [Sn5]2± Zintl anions is hexagonal primi-
The wave numbers correspond with the data from Hartree- tive, and the cation complexes are located close to the cen-
Fock calculations (114, 128, 142 and 187 cm±1). The com- ters of trigonal superprisms formed by Sn5 clusters.
pound crystallizes trigonally (a = 11.736 A Ê , c = 22.117 A
Z = 2, space group P3c1 (No. 165); Pearson code hP262), iso- Keywords: Clusters; Tin; [K-(2,2,2-crypt)]2Sn5; Zintl phases;
typic with [Na-(2,2,2)-crypt)]2Pb5. The atoms of the cluster [Sn5]2± cluster anion; vibrational spectra; rigid-body motion;
show strange anisotropic displacements, which are perfectly hierarchical structure

Die [Sn5]2±-Clusterverbindung [K-(2,2,2-crypt)]2Sn5 ± Synthese, Kristallstruktur,

Ramanspektrum und hierarchische Relationen zu CaIn2
InhaltsuÈbersicht. Dunkelrote Kristalle von [K-(2,2,2)- des Clusters zeigen seltsame anisotrope Auslenkungen,
crypt)]2Sn5 bilden sich bei 20 °C nach Umsetzung einer LoÈ- welche sich aber vollstaÈndig auf eine helicale Bewegung
sung von K1.33Sn in fluÈssigem Ammoniak mit (2,2,2)-crypt. eines starren KoÈrpers um und entlang [001] zuruÈckfuÈhren
Die Verbindung ist empfindlich gegen Oxidation und Hydro- Ê ). Die Struktur
lassen (Libration: ± 9.5°; Translation ± 0.29 A
lyse. Das Ramanspektrum zeigt ein Bandenmuster (104, 120, laÈût sich als eine hierarchische Variante des Basistyps CaIn2
133 und 180 cm±1), welches fuÈr das trigonal-bipyramidale (P63/mmc, hP6) beschreiben, erzeugt durch die Substitu-
Clusteranion closo-[Sn5]2± charakteristisch ist. Die Wellen- tion einzelner Atome durch Aggregate: [Ca][In]2 =
zahlen stimmen mit den Daten aus Hartree-Fock-Rechnun- [Sn5][K @ C36H72N4O12]2. Das Verteilungsmuster der Zintl-
gen uÈberein (114, 128, 142 und 187 cm±1). [K-(2,2,2)- Anionen [Sn5]2± entspricht dem einer hexagonal primitiven
crypt)]2Sn5 kristallisiert trigonal (a = 11.736(1) A Ê, c= Zelle mit den KomplexmolekuÈlen K @ C36H72N4O12 nahe
22.117(3) A, Z = 2, Raumgruppe P3c1 (Nr. 165); Pearson den Zentren von trigonalen Superprismen, die durch Sn5-
code hP262), isotyp mit [Na-(2,2,2)-crypt)]2Pb5. Die Atome Cluster gebildet werden.

1 Introduction
In 1977, Edwards and Corbett [1] characterized the
* Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. H. G. von Schnering first compounds [Na-(2,2,2)-crypt)]2Sn5 and [Na-
Max-Planck-Institut fuÈr FestkoÈrperforschung (2,2,2)-crypt)]2Pb5 with the trigonal bipyramidal closo-
Heisenbergstraûe 1
D-70569 Stuttgart
[E5]2 cluster anions (E = Sn, Pb). They obtained these
compounds from solutions of the corresponding NaEx
* Prof. Dr. M. Somer precursors in en in the presence of crypt. The Zintl
KocË University, Chemistry Department
Cayir Cad. 5 phase derivative [K-(2,2,2)-crypt)]2Pb5 was prepared
TR-80860 Istinye-Istanbul/Turkey in a similar way, but it was not structurally character-

Z. anorg. allg. Chem. 1999, 625, 37±42  WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH, D-69451 Weinheim, 1999 0044±2313/99/62537±42 $ 17.50+.50/0 37
M. Somer et al.

ized. In the course of our studies of binary alkali me- 4 Structure Determination
tal compounds containing the cluster anions [E4]4±
and [E9]4± with E = Si, Ge, Sn, Pb [2, 3] we tried again The X-ray diffraction data of a single crystal of [K-
to prepare crystalline solvates of those compounds, (2,2,2-crypt)]2Sn5 mounted in a capillary were recorded
and we found by the way [K-(2,2,2)-crypt)]2Sn5. The using a Siemens P4 four-circle diffractometer. The unit
results of the X-ray single crystal structure analysis, cell dimensions were determined from the least-
the Raman spectra of the potassium and sodium com- square refinement of the 2h values of 29 reflections
pounds, and the ab initio calculations of the [Sn5]2± (15.5° ≤ 2h ≤ 24.8°). The Laue symmetry, the systema-
Raman spectrum are presented here. tic reflection absences and the |E| distribution lead to
the trigonal space group P3c1 (No. 165). These data
indicated that the compound is isotypic with [Na-
2 Synthesis
(2,2,2-crypt)]2Pb5 [1]. The positional parameters of
Crystals of [K-(2,2,2-crypt)]2Sn5 were obtained as a [Na-(2,2,2-crypt)]2Pb5 were used as starting set for the
precipitation byproduct after the reaction of 2,2,2- structure refinement. The refinement on the whole F2
crypt with a solution of K1.33Sn in liquid ammonia, data converged rapidly (Table 1). The refined posi-
which was carried out to prepare [Sn4]4± containing tions were then rotated by 60° around the c-axis in or-
solutions for Raman spectra measurements. The ex- der to have a direct comparison with the structure of
cess of potassium is necessary in order to reduce the the hierarchical initiator CaIn2. The idealized posi-
formation of the competitive [Sn9]4± anions. After two tions of all hydrogen atoms were calculated, and in
weeks at room temperature, a very small quantity of the final refinement their positions `ride' on those of
long dark red trigonal crystals of [K-crypt]2Sn5 were the atoms to which they are attached. The displace-
formed on the glass wall close to the glass/liquid/gas ment parameter of all H atoms was refined as a
phase boundary together with some shiny black pris- common overall parameter. The results are given in
matic `crystals'. The powder of the black product Table 2 and 3.
turned out to be amorphous to X-rays, but the Raman
spectrum was surprisingly identical with that of deri-
vatives with [Sn4]4± tetrahedranide anions. After the Table 1 Crystallographic data for [K-(2,2,2)-crypt)]2Sn5a)
soxhlet extraction in the absence of 2,2,2-crypt, the
tetrahedranide derivative was the only precipitation Crystal dark red trigonal prism
(0.25 × 0.25 × 0.14 mm)
product. This indicates that the formation of at least Space group; formula units P3c1 (No. 165); Z = 2
this cluster compound is not affected by the cryptand, Structure type; Pearson code [Na-(2,2,2)-crypt)]2Pb5, hP262
Unit cell (297 K) a = 11.736(1) A Ê , c = 22.117(3) AÊ
which is in good agreement with the results reported Ê3
V = 2638.1(5) A
for NaSn in liquid ammonia [4]. dcalc 1.793 g ´ cm±3
The synthesis of [Na-(2,2,2-crypt)]2Sn5 was carried Measurement, refinement Siemens-Nicolet four-circle diffractometer,
Mo-Kα (k = 0.71073 A Ê ); x-scan mode;
out by using the route described by Edwards and Cor- 2h ≤ 55°. Empirical absorption correction
bett [1]. (w-scan method), l = 25.5 cm±1, min.
and max. transmission: 0.46, 0.59.
SHELXTL [5] (91 variable parameters)
3 Properties N(hkl) measured/unique 4710/2035
N'(hkl) with I > 2 ´ r(I) 904
Crystalline [K-(2,2,2-crypt)]2Sn5 is transparent dark RN'(F); Rw(F2) 0.070; 0.138 (all data)
red. The compound is sensitive to oxidation and hy- a)
Further details of the crystal structure determination can be ordered
drolysis and has to be handled under inert conditions from Fachinformationszentrum Karlsruhe, D-76344 Eggenstein-Leopolds-
(i. e. glove box; Ar, O2, and H2O ≤ 1 ppm). hafen under the depository number CSD-410240.

Table 2 Positional and displacement parameters (in pm2) for [K-(2,2,2)-crypt)]2Sn5. Displacement factor:
exp[±2p2(U11h2a*2 + . . . + 2 U23klb*c*)]. Standard deviations are given in parentheses

Atom Site x y z U11 U22 U33 U12 U13 U23

Sn1 6f 0.15112(8) 0 1/4 699(5) 1342(11) 1108(9) 671(6) 213(4) 426(8)

Sn2 4c 0 0 0.14823(6) 912(6) U11 790(8) 456(3) 0 0
K 4d 1/3 2/3 0.4533(1) 424(9) U11 363(13) 212(4) 0 0
N1 4d 1/3 2/3 0.3204(5) 565(43) U11 367(54) 283(22) 0 0
C2 12 g 0.3232(11) 0.5425(9) 0.2980(3) 1179(86) 948(76) 400(43) 659(70) ±30(52) ±48(49)
C3 12 g 0.3988(12) 0.4968(10) 0.3307(3) 1276(90) 947(76) 402(52) 694(72) ±24(56) ±166(49)
O4 12 g 0.3744(6) 0.4786(5) 0.3944(2) 746(42) 555(36) 438(31) 333(39) ±76(29) ±95(28)
C5 12 g 0.2633(9) 0.3640(10) 0.4113(4) 705(65) 850(69) 635(59) 473(60) ±144(50) ±313(53)
C6 12 g 0.2671(9) 0.3397(8) 0.4773(4) 706(59) 470(48) 825(65) 361(45) 128(54) 59(48)
O7 12 g 0.2573(5) 0.4369(5) 0.5108(2) 574(31) 423(28) 464(30) 317(25) 52(26) 26(25)
C8 12 g 0.2870(8) 0.4356(8) 0.5729(3) 564(53) 489(47) 524(49) 257(43) ±30(42) 28(39)
C9 12 g 0.2579(8) 0.5303(7) 0.6065(3) 601(51) 613(53) 387(38) 281(46) 32(41) 37(38)
N10 4d 1/3 2/3 0.5862(4) 453(39) U11 482(67) 226(20) 0 0

38 Z. anorg. allg. Chem. 1999, 625, 37±42

The [Sn5]2± Cluster Compound [K-(2,2,2-crypt)]2Sn5

Ê ). Standard de-
Table 3 Selected interatomic distances (in A 5.2 Quantum Chemical Calculations
viations are given in parentheses.
The structure of the bare Sn52± anion has been opti-
Sn1±Sn2 2.866(1) N1±C2 1.486(9) mized at the Hartree-Fock level, using a DZVP all-elec-
(2.901)* C2±C3 1.440(12)
±Sn1 3.072(2) (2 × ) O4±C5 1.377(10)
tron basis set [6] for tin. Harmonic vibrational frequen-
(3.128)* C5±C6 1.494(11) cies and Raman intensities have been calculated from
Sn2±Sn1 2.866(1) (3 × ) C6±O7 1.413(8) analytical second derivatives. All calculations have
(2.901)* O7±C8 1.419(8)
K±O7 2.698(5) (3 × ) C8±C9 1.511(10) been carried out with the Gaussian94 program [7].
±O4 2.805(5) (3 × ) C9±N10 1.459(8)
±N1 2.939(11)
±N10 2.940(10) 6 Results and Discussion
* Distance corrected for libration 6.1 Crystal Structure
(K-(2,2,2-crypt)]2Sn5 is isostructural with [Na-(2,2,2-
5 Raman Spectrum crypt)]2Pb5 and [Na-(2,2,2-crypt)]2Sn5 (hP282), the lat-
ter structure, however, was described in the non-cen-
5.1 Measurement tric space group P3c1 (No. 158) [1]. The structure is
characterized by isolated [Sn5]2± Zintl anions, which
The room temperature Raman spectrum was recorded are well separated from each other by the [K+-(2,2,2-
from single crystals (sealed in silica tubes) with a crypt)] inclusion complexes. Fig. 1 shows the perfect
module FRA 106 (Nd: YAG-Laser, 1.064 nm, 200 mW) self-accommodation of the K+-(2,2,2-crypt) inclusion
attached to a Bruker IFS 66v spectrometer. The re- complexes (3-C3 symmetry) to form puckered hexago-
sults are illustrated in Fig. 4 and are discussed in sec-
tion 6.3.

Fig. 1 Section of the [K-(2,2,2-crypt)]2Sn5 structure pro-

jected along the c-axis, showing the distribution of [Sn5]2±
and [K+-(2,2,2-crypt)] units. Notice the perfect accommoda- Fig. 2 The structures of (a) CaIn2 and (b) [K-(2,2,2-
tion of the [K+-(2,2,2-crypt)] inclusion complexes in the hex- crypt)]2Sn5 demonstrate the hierarchical relationship be-
agonal primitive Sn5 cluster pattern to form puckered tween the initiator (a) and its derivative by atom-to aggre-
hexagonal nets. gate replacement: CaIn2 = [Sn5] [K @ crypt]2.

Z. anorg. allg. Chem. 1999, 625, 37±42 39

M. Somer et al.

placement ellipsoids definitively result from a com-

bined LST motion of a rigid [Sn5]2± anion with full
6m2-D3h symmetry. A libration of ± 9.5° around the
c-axis combined with a translation of ± 0.29 A Ê along
the c-axis leads to a helical up and down motion. This
feature is correlated to the somewhat larger displace-
ment parameters of the upper part of the cation com-
plexes (i. e. nearest neighbors to Sn5, namely N1, C2,
C3 and O4; Table 2). The parameters for libration,
screwing and translation were determined from the
orthogonalized Uij using the least-squares refinement
program of Schomaker and Trueblood [8] included
in the program package SHELXTL-plus [5]. The
value Rg = 0.013 obtained represents a perfect agree-
Fig. 3 Configuration of the [Sn5]2± cluster anion with dis- ment. The bond lengths corrected for the libration
placement ellipsoids (50% probability) and bond lengths are d1 = d(Sn1±Sn2) = 2.901 A Ê and d2 = d(Sn1±Sn1) =
corrected for the librational motion (Table 3). 3.128 AÊ (Fig. 3). They are somewhat shorter than the
calculated ones by quantum chemical methods:
3.202 AÊ and 2.913 A Ê [9]; and 3.229 AÊ and 2.941 A Ê [this
nal layers. The topological analysis of the structure
shows that [K-(2,2,2-crypt)]2Sn5 forms a hierarchical
We have then analyzed the data of Edwards and
structure generated from the initiator CaIn2 (P63/
Corbett [1] as well. The result is also an excellent
mmc, hP6) by an atom-to-aggregate replacement
agreement of observed Uij and calculated ones: Pb
(Fig. 2): [Ca][In]2 = [Sn5][K @ C36H72N4O12]2. Thus, Ê ); Sn
(Rg = 0.011; libration ± 10.1°; translation ± 0.32 A
the distribution of the [Sn5]2± Zintl anions is hexago- Ê
(Rg = 0.088; libration ± 9.3°; translation ± 0.31 A). The
nal primitive, and each [K+ @ C36H72N4O12] inclusion Ê
bond lengths corrected for the libration are d1 = 3.041 A
complex is close to the center of a trigonal superprism Ê
Ê along and d2 = 3.301 A for [Na-(2,2,2-crypt)]2Pb5, and d1 =
formed by six Sn5 clusters, being shifted 1 A Ê and d2 = 3.153 A Ê for [Na-(2,2,2-crypt)]2Sn5. In
2.906 A
[001] to the position (1/3, 2/3, 0.453).
the latter compound, in order to match the published
The [Sn5]2± clusters are centered at a crystallo-
bond lengths and ellipsoid orientation for Sn1, we had
graphic position with 32-D3 symmetry but they have
to used the Sn1 position (0.151, ±0.0054, 0.3155)
the higher internal symmetry 6m2-D3h (trigonal bipy-
Ê instead of the published position (±0.0054, 0.151,
ramidal). The bond lengths are d(Sn1±Sn2) = 2.866 A
Ê 0.3145).
and d(Sn2±Sn2) = 3.072 A (Table 3; Fig. 3) almost
identical to those in [Na-(2,2,2-crypt)]2Sn5 [3] (2.865
(average) and 3.10 A Ê , respectively). The structure of
the sodium compound was described by Edwards and 6.3 Vibrational Spectrum
Corbett [1] in the non-centric space group P3c1 The spectroscopical relevant unit is the discrete
mainly because of the presence of a rotational disor- [Sn5]2± anion with 6m2-D3h symmetry, for which
der (14%) in the Sn5 clusters, which obviously results 9 fundamentals are expected:
in a non-centric Na+ position in the 2,2,2-crypt ligand
cavity (but not in the Na/Pb compound). Cvib(D3h) = 2 A'1(R) + A@2(IR) + 2 E'(R, IR) + E@(R).

The modes A'1 (m1, m2) and E@ (m6) are only Raman ac-
6.2 Rigid-body motion of the Sn5 cluster
tive, A@2 (m3) is only IR active. E' (m4, m5) is both Ra-
The Sn atoms of the potassium compound exhibit man and IR active. In the crystal, the [Sn5]2± anion
large displacement ellipsoids (Fig. 3; Table 2), which centers positions with 32-D3 symmetry. The selection
are very similar to those in the cluster anions of [Na- rules for A'1, A@2 and E' in 6m2-D3h are the same as
(2,2,2-crypt)]2Pb5 and [Na-(2,2,2-crypt)]2Sn5 [1]. The for the 32-D3 symmetry, except for E@ which becomes
apical atoms have almost spherical shape, but the also active in the infrared with the lower symmetry.
equatorial atoms exhibit strange displacements ellip- Four of the predicted five fundamentals are ob-
soids both in size and orientation. In order to explain served in the Raman spectra of [K-(2,2,2-crypt)]2Sn5
this peculiar feature, a disorder model was postulated and [Na-(2,2,2-crypt)]2Sn5 at: 180, 133, 120, 104 cm±1
by Edwards and Corbett [1], involving `up' and `down' and 181, 131, 121 102 cm±1, respectively. The band at
oriented distorted cluster anions with the lower 3m- 85 cm±1, observed only in the spectrum of [Na-(2,2,2-
C3v symmetry. crypt)]2Sn5, is probably an external mode, or is due to
However, a rigid-body motion analysis of the Uij of an impurity (but not due to symmetry reduction). The
[K-(2,2,2-crypt)]2Sn5 (Table 2) now shows that the dis- assignment of the fundamental vibrations is based on

40 Z. anorg. allg. Chem. 1999, 625, 37±42

The [Sn5]2± Cluster Compound [K-(2,2,2-crypt)]2Sn5

quantum chemical calculations of the Raman frequen- with the predictions for the crystallographic site-group
cies and intensities of the [Sn5]2± cluster anion with symmetry 32-D3, the doubly degenerate E' and E@
the 6m2-D3h symmetry. Calculated and measured fre- modes are not split. The absence of the Raman active
quencies (Fig. 4) agree within 12 cm±1 and may even mode mª5 (E') in the measured spectrum (mªcalc. ≈
be improved to less than 3 cm±1 by applying an overall 70 cm±1) is attributed to the low intensity.
scaling factor of 0.96. The agreement between the cal- The exclusively IR active mª3 (A@2) mode is expected to
culated and measured intensities is also quite satisfac- be at 185 cm±1 and should give rise to the most intensive
tory, except for the pairs mª4 (E') and mª2 (A'1), exhibit- absorption in the infrared spectrum. However, in the
ing intensities which are in reverse order to the FIR spectra of [K-(2,2,2-crypt)]2Sn5 and [Na-(2,2,2-
measured ones. The calculated frequencies correspond crypt)]2Sn5 no absorption is observed in this region
also with those recently reported [9]. (185 ± 20 cm±1) indicating that the infrared activity of
The combination of experimental and calculated the skeleton modes for [Sn5]2± in general must be
Raman data has recently been demonstrated to be a quite low. Otherwise, the FIR spectra show in the re-
very powerful method for understanding the spectra gion of the internal modes four bands with varying
of the [E9]4± cluster anions with E = Si, Ge, Sn [2, 3]. intensities at 224, 149, 127, 75 cm±1 (K) and 213, 154,
Again, the characteristic breathing mode mª1 (A'1) has 131, 80 cm±1 (Na), arising predominantly from the
the largest intensity and the wave numbers 180 cm±1 vibrations of the cation complexes [M+-(2,2,2-crypt)].
(K) and 181 cm±1 (Na), respectively. The calculated These findings agree well with the results of spec-
wave number for the bare [Sn5]2± cluster anion is troscopical investigations on the Wade clusters [Si9]4±,
187 cm±1. In order of their intensities follow the [Ge9]4± and [Sn9]4± in binary compounds and cryptates
modes mª2 (A'1), mª4 (E') and mª6 (E@) with 120, 133, and [2, 3, 10, 11]. As for [Sn5]2±, the [E9]4± Raman spectra
104 cm±1 for the potassium compound and 122, 131, are very characteristic, and consequently well suitable
and 102 cm±1 for the sodium compound. According for diagnostic purposes. On the other hand, no speci-
fic absorption bands are observed in the IR spectra of
the respective compounds. The lack of the infrared ac-
tivity of [Sn5]2± and the [E9]4± cluster ions may be cor-
related to a more homogenous charge distribution in
these Wade clusters.
Note that the assigned sequence of the wave num-
bers for [Sn5]2± derived from the quantum chemical
calculations in this work is consistent with the theore-
tical assignment of Ulvenlund et al. [9], but quite dif-
ferent from that reported for the isoelectronic clusters
[Ge5]2± [12] and [Bi5]3+ [13], namely: mª1 (A'1) > mª2 ´
(A'1) > mª6 (E') > mª4 (E@).

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42 Z. anorg. allg. Chem. 1999, 625, 37±42

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