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Volume 22, Number 3, March 2008

© Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
DOI: 10.1089/end.2007.0295

Pyrolidium Dithiocarbamate Prevents Shockwave

Lithotripsy-Induced Renal Injury Through Inhibition of Nuclear
Factor-Kappa B and Inducible Nitric Oxide
Synthase Activity in Rats



Purpose: Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy (SWL) is commonly used for treatment of renal stones. Free
oxygen radicals are involved in the pathophysiology of renal injury due to SWL. We investigated the protec-
tive effect of pyrolidium dithiocarbamate (PDTC), an antioxidant and nuclear factor -B (NF-B) inhibitor,
against renal injury.
Materials and Methods: Forty-eight rats were divided into three groups: group 1, controls; group 2, SWL
(15 kW, 1500 pulses); and group 3, SWL  pyrolidium dithiocarbamate (PDTC) (100 mg/kg/day given in-
traperitoneally 1 day before and 5 days after SWL). The rats were sacrificed and their kidneys were removed
on days 7 and 35 after SWL. Samples were fixed in formaldehyde solution, and renal tissues were examined
for proximal tubular injury under light microscopy. iNOS activity and active subunit of NF-B, p65, were
evaluated immunohistochemically using rat monoclonal antibodies interpreting results semiquantitatively.
Results: There were significant differences between SWL and control groups on days 7 and 35, consider-
ing histological changes under light microscope (p  0.02). There was significant decrease in necrosis and fi-
brosis in PDTC group compared to SWL group. Expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and p65
on days 7 and 35 were at basal levels as seen with immunohistochemical staining. There were high concen-
trations of iNOS and p65 in the SWL group (P  0.02). No significant difference in concentrations was seen
between the control and the PDTC groups (P  0.02).
Conclusion: We found that curcumin decreased the expression of iNOS, p65, and serum nitric oxide levels,
and helped prevent interstitial, glomerular, tubular epithelial, and endothelial cellular injury. We believe that
PDTC could be used, particularly in high-risk patients, as a protective agent against renal injury due to SWL.

INTRODUCTION Morgan and associates5 adapted the Fricke ferrous sulfate ra-
diation dosimeter to examine the chemical effects of high-en-
ergy shockwaves, and significant free radical production was
(SWL) is currently the first-line treatment for upper uri-
nary tract calculi. This treatment is not without side effects, and
Serel and colleagues9 presented intracellular and extracellu-
kidney damage during SWL is a clinically significant problem.1 lar in vitro measurements of free radicals and investigated cell
The mechanisms underlying shockwave-induced renal tubular viability after shockwave treatment. They demonstrated an el-
injury are not completely understood, though shear forces, ther- evated concentration of intracellular free radicals during such
mal and cavitation effects, and free radical formation have been treatment in suspended cells in vitro.
postulated.2–6 Nuclear factor kappa-B (NF-B) regulates host inflamma-

1Department of Urology, Bakirkoy Research and Training Hospital, 2Department of Urology, Vakyf Gureba Research and Training Hospital,
3Departmentof Chemical Engineering, Istanbul Technical University, 4Department of Pathology, Bakirkoy Research and Training Hospital, and
5Animal Research Laboratory, Istanbul University, Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty, Istanbul, Turkey.


tory and immune responses10,11 and cellular growth properties12 the experimental period, all groups had free access to regular
by increasing the expression of specific cellular genes. These rat chow. PDTC was given starting 1 day before and continu-
include genes encoding at least 27 different cytokines and ing for 5 days after SWL (for a total of 6 days).
chemokines, receptors involved in antigen presentation, and re- The rats were anesthetized (intraperitoneal sodium pento-
ceptors required for neutrophil adhesion and migration.13 Cy- barbital, 50 mg/kg body weight), they were fixed in a supine
tokines that are stimulated by NF-B such as interleukin-1 position on the platform of the lithotriptor, and fixed at the tho-
and tumor necrosis factor-, can also directly activate the NF- rax and hip to allow direct entry of the shockwaves through the
B pathway, thus establishing a positive autoregulatory loop abdominal wall into the left kidney. All the rats were injected
that can amplify the inflammatory response and increase the intravenously with 0.7 mL of nonionic contrast medium (io-
duration of chronic inflammation. promide; Ultravist® Injection 370 mg/50 mL; Bayer Health
It has been suggested that reactive oxygen species such as Care Pharmaceuticals Inc., Wayne, Germany) and the left kid-
hydroxyl radicals and superoxide anions act as mediators of ney was treated after it was located using fluoroscopy.
NF-B activation by F-B degration.14,15 At the end of the experimental period (days 7 and 35) the
Excessive nitric oxide (NO) production due to elevated ex- rats were killed via intraperitoneal injection with sodium pen-
pression of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) may cause tobarbital, 50 mg/kg body weight. The kidneys were quickly
cytotoxic effects on various organs, including the kidney.16,17 removed and decapsulated, the renal cortex was carefully
At high concentrations the nitric oxide can rapidly react with separated from the medulla, and then was homogenized as de-
superoxide anion to yield a potent oxidant, peroxynitrite, that scribed previously.20 Small samples were fixed in formalde-
in turn causes extensive protein tyrosine nitration.18 The ex- hyde for histopathologic and immunohistochemical examina-
pression of iNOS is primarily controlled by the activation of its tion.
transcriptional factors, including NF-B.18
Antioxidants are well known to enhance the biological ac-
Histopathalogic examination
tions of NO against oxidative destruction by reactive oxygen
species.19 We used superoxide dismutase, malondialdehyde The tissues were prepared for histopathologic examination
(MDA), and reduced gluthatione (GSH) as markers of lipid per- by light microscopy (Nikon, Tokyo, Japan). The kidney sec-
oxidation. tions were analyzed semi-quantitatively by a pathologist who
Free radical formation seems to play an important role in the was blinded to the group being examined, using the technique
pathogenesis of shockwave-induced renal tubular injury; there- of Houghton and associates.21
fore, our aim was to investigate the potential protective effect
of pyrolidium dithiocarbamate (PDTC) on shockwave-induced
oxidative stress in rat kidney.
Immunohistochemical evaluation
For immunohistochemical evaluation, the specimens were
processed as for light microscopy and sections were incubated
MATERIALS AND METHODS at 60°C overnight and then dewaxed in xylene for 30 minutes.
After soaking in decreasing concentrations of ethanol, the
Animals sections were washed with distilled water and phosphate-
buffered saline for 10 minutes. The sections were treated with
Forty-eight adult male Sprague-Dawley rats (weight 2% trypsin in 50 mM Tris buffer (pH 7.5) at 37°C for 15 min-
250–300 g) were acquired from the Experimental Animal Lab- utes, and then washed with phosphate-buffered saline. The
oratory of Istanbul University, Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty vi- sections were marked with a Dako pen (Dako, Glostrup, Den-
varium, and maintained in a 14-hour light/10-hour dark cycle mark) and incubated in a solution of 3% hydrogen peroxide
with free access to food and water. for 15 minutes to inhibit endogenous peroxidase activity. Then
the sections were incubated with NF-B/p65 (Rel A) Ab-1
(Neomarkers R-B-1638-R7), and iNOS Ab-1 (Neomarkers
Experimental conditions
R-B-1605-R7) antibodies. They were then stained using the
Rats were first divided into three equal groups. Rats in the Ultravision HRP-AEC staining protocol (Lab Vision, Fre-
SWL  PDTC group were injected with PDTC (Sigma-Aldrich mont, CA).
Chemical Corp., St. Louis, MO) (100 mg/kg/day given in- Prepared sections from each group were examined by light
traperitoneally) and were exposed to 1500 shock waves at 15 microscopy. Sections of rat lung were used as controls for im-
kV in a lithotriptor (Stonelith-V5 lithotriptor; PCK, Ankara, munohistochemical staining specificity according to data pro-
Turkey). In the SWL group, rats were exposed to 1500 shock- vided by the company that produced the antibodies.
waves at 15 kV. In the control group, the rats received anes- The cases were evaluated for diffuseness and staining. With
thesia and contrast medium, but were not exposed to SWL. regard to the diffuseness of staining, the sections were graded
Each of the three groups were subdivided into two equal groups as follows: 0  no staining; 1  staining 25%; 2  staining
according to the experimental sampling period: 7 and 35 days af- of 25% to 50%; 3  staining of 50% to 75%; and 4  staining
ter SWL. Finally, we named the groups: group 1: SWL  PDTC 75%. With regard to staining intensity, the sections were
7; group 2: SWL 7; group 3: control 7; group 4: SWL  PDTC graded as follows: 0  no staining; 1  weak but detectable
35; group 5: SWL 35; and group 6: control 35. staining above the control level; 2  distinct staining; and 3 
The animals were placed in cages 7 days before beginning intense staining. Immunohistochemical values were obtained by
the experiment to acclimate them to their surroundings. During adding diffuseness and staining intensity scores.


Day 7 Day 35

Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6

SWL  PDTC 7 SWL 7 Control 7 SWL  PDTC 35 SWL 35 Control 35

MDA 59.2  9.6a,c 133.4  12.4b,c,d 48.6  8.6 53.1  8.7 90.5  16.3b,c,d,e 51.1  9.4
(nmol/g wet tissue)
NOx(NO2NO3) 58.2  9.3a,c 95.6  12.4b,c,d 47.3  9.1 52.3  8.1 82.8  6.5b,c,d,e 49.4  7.5
(nmol/g wet tissue)
GSH 1.3  0.2a,c 0.9  0.3a,e,d 1.7  0.2 1.5  0.3 1.1  0.2a,c,d 1.6  0.2
(nmol/g wet tissue)
aP  0.05.
bP  0.01.
cSignificant compared to control group.
dSignificant compared to SWL  PDTC group.
eSignificant compared to day 7.

Biochemical determinations the Mann-Whitney U test. Probability values 0.05 were con-
All tissues were washed twice with cold saline solution and sidered significant.
immediately stored at –80°C for the measurement of MDA,
GSH, and NO concentrations. The tissues were homogenized
in four volumes of ice-cold buffer containing 20 mM Tris and RESULTS
10 mM EDTA (pH 7.4).
Total nitrite was quantified by the Griess reaction after in- Biochemical variables in urine, serum, and tissue
cubation of the supernatant with E. coli nitrate reductase to con-
There were significantly lower MDA and NO levels (P 
vert NO3 to NO2.
0.01) and higher GSH concentrations (P  0.05) in kidney cor-
Thiobarbituric acid reacts with lipoperoxidation aldehydes
tices in the SWL  PDTC group compared with the other
such as MDA, and this is the most common method used
groups (SWL day 7 and SWL day 35) (Table 1). There was a
to assess lipid peroxidation in biological samples. The proce-
significant difference in MDA and NO concentrations of the
dure was modified from the one described by Buege and
SWL groups (P  0.01). The mean tissue MDA level on day
7 was 133.4  12.4 nmol/g wet tissue. On day 35, it was de-
GSH concentration was determined using the spectropho-
creased to 90.5  16.3 nmol/g wet tissue. The mean tissue
tometric method of Ellman, which is based on the develop-
NO concentration on day 7 was 95.6  12.4 nmol/g wet tissue.
ment of a yellow color when DTNB (5,5dithiobis-2-ni-
On day 35, it had decreased to 82.8  6.5 nmol/g wet tissue.
trobenzoic acid) is added to compounds containing sulfhydryl
(Table 1).
There was significant difference between controls and the
SWL  PDTC groups in concentrations of MDA, NO, and
Statistical analysis
GSH for day 7. MDA and NO concentrations were higher and
Statistical analyses of histopathologic and immunohisto- GSH concentrations were lower (P  0.05) in kidney cortices
chemical evaluation of the groups were carried out with chi- in control group compared with the SWL  PDTC group for
square testing, and biochemical values were compared using day 7 (Table 1). There was no significant difference between


Day 7 Day 35

Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6

SWL  PDTC 7 SWL 7 Control 7 SWL  PDTC 35 SWL 35 Control 35

Glomerular bleeding   – –  –
Tubular dilatation   – –  –
Tubular atrophy   – –  –
Tubular red blood cells   – –  –
Interstitial necrosis   –   –
Interstitial fibrosis –  – –  –
Venous dilatation   – –  –
Neutrophilic infiltration   – –  –

Histopathologic findings: – none,  isolated,  frequent,  highly frequent.


controls and the SWL  PDTC group for MDA, NO, and GSH in the tubule lumen, swollen tubules, and mononuclear inflam-
concentrations for day 35 (P  0.05) (Table 1). matory cells infiltrating into the interstitium were observed in
the SWL group, but only rarely in the SWL  PDTC group,
Histologic examination for day 7. There were also dilated tubules and ruptured arter-
ies and veins in SWL day 7 group.
The microscopic examination revealed a similar pattern of
Some of these pathologic findings seemed to be recovered
histologic damage in the SWL groups and the SWL  PDTC
by day 35, but glomerular, tubular, and interstitial necrosis,
groups. Histologic damage was more apparent in day 7 groups
tubular atrophy, and hydropic degeneration were more appar-
compared with day 35 groups (SWL 7 and SWL  PDTC
ent in the SWL day 35 group than the SWL day 7 and SWL 
7 compared to SWL  PDTC 35 and SWL  PDTC 35)
PDTC groups (days 7 and 35) (Table 2) (Fig. 1a, b, and c).
(Table 2).
Subcapsular and intraparenchymal hemorrhages were more
Immunohistochemical studies
severe at the corticomedullary borders and perivascular areas
in the SWL group compared to the SWL  PDTC group on In the immunohistochemical evaluation, there was more in-
day 7. Also, changes in the tubules including blood and protein tensely positive iNOS and p65 staining in the renal cortex and


FIG. 1. (A) As shown here, there was no hydropic degener-

ation or fibrosis in the SWL  PDTC 35 group (hematoxylin
and eosin 400). (B) As shown here, there was mild hydropic
degeneration and limited fibrosis in the SWL 7 group (hema-
toxylin and eosin 400). (C) As shown here, interstitial ne-
crosis, hydropic degeneration, and fibrosis were more apparent
in the SWL 35 group (hematoxylin and eosin 400).

within the proximal tubules in the SWL groups (SWL 7 and PDTC attenuated SWL-induced MDCK cellular injury by in-
SWL 35) compared with the other groups. It appeared that SWL hibiting NF-B activation.1
causes more damage to the tubules than other structures (Table Similar to the findings of Li’s group, our results demonstrate
3 and Fig. 2a, b, and c). that PDTC significantly reduces shockwave- induced renal im-
Immunohistochemical scores of group SWL 7 were higher pairment resulting in increased MDA and NO levels in renal
than those of group SWL 35, but there was no significant dif- tissue when compared with controls. The SWL  PDTC groups
ference between these two groups. had significantly higher GSH concentrations in kidney cortical
There was poorly or mildly positive staining of iNOS and p65 tissue than the groups given SWL only.
in the SWL  PDTC groups (days 7 and 35) and control groups Reactive oxygen intermediates (ROI) have been shown to be
compared with the SWL groups at all time intervals (Table 3). involved in NF-B activation in many studies.14,29 Animal stud-
iNOS and p65 expression in group SWL  PDTC 35 was more ies have demonstrated that endotoxemia,30 blood loss,31,32 and
weakly positive than in group SWL  PDTC 7. Recovery to- hyperoxia,33,34 all result in increased NF-B activation.
ward the end of the experimental period was apparent. NO plays an important role in a variety of physiologic and
pathophysiologic processes in the kidney.34,35 NO can interact
with reactive oxygen species to form peroxynitrite, which in-
duces protein damage by formation of nitrotyrosine.
DISCUSSION The contribution of NO to tissue injury can be due to a di-
rect effect mediated by the nitric oxide molecule itself, 36 or
The mechanisms behind SWL-induced renal damage have an indirect effect mediated by reactive nitrogen species pro-
not been elucidated in detail. Significant free radical produc- duced by the interaction of NO with superoxide anions or
tion after SWL has been documented in early investigations.6,23 oxygen.36,37 For example, iNOS-mediated NO production
PDTC is known to be a free radical scavenger, and free rad- was significantly elevated during renal ischemia/reperfusion
ical formation is thought to be an important mechanism in injury.34,35,38,39
shockwave-induced renal injury.4–6 Reactive oxygen species The expression of iNOS is mainly controlled by activation
are also important in other types of renal injury (e.g., post-isch- of its transcriptional factors, including NF-B. Zhang and as-
emic and toxic acute renal failure).24 sociates observed that at pathophysiologic concentrations, ho-
By using fluorescent dyes, the generation of free radicals by mocysteine was able to activate NF-B, causing enhanced
shockwave-induced cavitations has been demonstrated in sus- iNOS expression in macrophages.40
pended cells.6 In our study, we showed immunohistochemically that iNOS
Ozgüner and associates25 found that the novel free radical and p65 expression were significantly reduced in rats given
scavenger caffeic acid phenethyl ester (CAPE) provided sig- SWL plus an NF-B inhibitor (PDTC), compared with SWL
nificant protection against SWL-induced free radical damage. only.
Following shockwave exposure there was a significant rise in On light microscopy, acute morphologic changes such as
MDA, N-acetyl-beta-glucosaminidase (NAG), and uric acid glomerular bleeding, tubular dilatation, atrophy, and partial ne-
and white cell counts. They found that CAPE reduced the rise crosis occurred immediately after SWL throughout the kidney.
in MDA, NAG, uric acid, and white cell counts. In the long-term groups, the hematomas progressed to intersti-
Serel and colleagues9 demonstrated that melatonin signifi- tial fibrosis with segmental retraction of the renal cortices.
cantly reduced shockwave-induced renal impairment resulting There was no fibrosis seen in the SWL  PDTC groups for day
in increased MDA levels and urine NAG activity. 7 and day 35.
In in vitro experiments, Strohmaier and co-workers26 used RT-PCR and Western blotting analyses are functional as-
cultivated Madin-Darby Canine Kidney (MDCK) cells to dem- says used to measure the actual activity of iNOS. Western
onstrate that the nephroprotective antibiotic fosfomycin and the blotting provides more accurate measurements of iNOS and
calcium channel blocker verapamil could limit shockwave-in- p65 activity. Thus, one limitation of this study is that we did
duced cell damage.27,28 Li and associates demonstrated that not use Western blotting analyses. However, there are a num-


Total Day 7 Day 35

staining score Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6
iNOS/p65 SWL  PDTC 7 SWL 7 Control 7 SWL  PDTC 35 SWL 35 Control 35

0 — — 6/6 — — 6/5
1 — — 6/4 4/4 — 5/7
2 5/4 — 4/6 10/8 — 5/4
3 6/6 — — 2/4 — —
4 5/6 — — — 3/4 —
5 — 5/4 — — 5/3 —
6 — 6/7 — — 8/9 —
7 — 5/5 — — — —


FIG. 2. (A) As shown here, there was intense p65 staining in

the SWL 35 group (immunohistochemical staining 400). (B)
As shown here, there is poor p65 staining in the SWL  PDTC
35 group (immunohistochemical staining 400). (C) As shown
here, the p65 staining is quite poor in the control 35 group (im-
munohistochemical staining 400).

ber of studies in the literature in which the authors made use CONCLUSIONS
of immunohistochemical grading of iNOS to evaluate NO ac-
tivity.29 This method was also used in another recent study.25 We propose that the NF-B inhibitor PDTC acts in the kid-
Monitoring urinary excretion of enzymes, particularly NAG, ney as a potent scavenger of free radicals, and prevents some
is considered a relatively simple, cheap, fast, and noninvasive of the side effects of SWL. These results also reinforce the sig-
method to detect and follow-up renal tubular function under nificant role of free radicals in the pathogenesis of nephropa-
various conditions. The determination of urinary NAG con- thy induced by SWL. In particular, NF-B inhibitors such as
centrations provides a sensitive and reliable indicator of renal PDTC are among the most potent and specific antioxidants for
damage, such as that occurring through injury or dysfunction. hydroxyl radicals.
In this study we examined the kidneys to measure kidney dam- Inhibiting the NF-B pathway by using PDTC could decrease
age directly, and thus we did not need to measure urinary NAG iNOS expression and thus reduce cellular damage. More study
excretion. But urinary NAG excretion can be used to assess kid- is required to clarify the precise mechanisms of its action, and to
ney damage, especially in human models.41 ascertain whether it could be used to treat human nephropathy.

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Address reprint requests to: ABBREVIATIONS USED

Vulcan Tugcu, M.D.
Department of Urology CAPE  caffeic acid phenethyl ester; GSH  reduced
Bakirkoy Research and Training Hospital gluthatione; iNOS  inducible nitric oxide synthase; MDA 
Tevfik Sağlam Cad. No. 11 malondialdehyde; MDCK  Madin-Darby Canine Kidney
Zuhuratababa (cell); NF-B  nuclear factor kappa-B; NAG  N-acetyl-
34740 Istanbul, Turkey beta-glucosaminidase; NO  nitric oxide; PDTC  pyrolidium
dithiocarbamate; ROI  reactive oxygen intermediates;
E-mail: SWL  extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy.
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