Weather Elements Effects of Weather: Adelaide Tayag Grade 7 - Maasahan

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Adelaide Tayag Grade 7 -Maasahan

Temperature When the temperature of place
increases the air gets heated expands
and rises. This leads to a decrease in air
pressure in the area. when the
temperature falls the air gets cold
contracts and contracts and descends
downwards. This leads to an increase in
air pressure.
Clouds Clouds can act like a blanket, trapping
heat on Earth by absorbing the heat
released by the surface of the planet.
They radiate this heat back toward
Earth, warming the lower regions of the
atmosphere. Whether clouds heat or
cool the surface of Earth depends on the
height and type of cloud present in the
Wind Wind carries moisture into an
atmosphere, as well as hot or cold air
into a climate which affects weather
patterns. Therefore, a change in wind
results in a change of weather. A major
factor that determines wind direction is
air pressure.
Air pressure Atmospheric pressure is an indicator of
weather. When a low-pressure system
moves into an area, it usually leads to
cloudiness, wind, and precipitation.
High-pressure systems usually lead to
fair, calm weather.
Humidity Humidity can impact the formation of
storms. Warm air can hold a large
amount of moisture, and both the air
and moisture rise quickly. In the upper
atmosphere, the moisture cools rapidly,
forming large clouds that spread out in
Adelaide Tayag Grade 7 -Maasahan

the reduced pressure conditions

Precipitation Precipitation can remove or dissolve
particles in the atmosphere. The amount
of water run-off and erosion of
sediments from land into the ocean,
rivers, and lakes. The frequency and
size of fires. Regions that experience
dry seasons are often susceptible to

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