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Danielson Stronge McREL Marzano PPST

1. Planning and Instructional Planning Teachers facilitate Planning and Preparing Curriculum and planning
Preparation learning for their (Domain 4)
Assessment of/for
students Assessment and reporting
Teachers know the (domain 5)
content they teach

2. Instruction Professional Teachers know the Classroom strategies and Content knowledge and
Knowledge content they teach behaviors pedagogy ( Domain 1)

Instructional Delivery Learning environment

Communication Teachers facilitate (Domain 2)

learning for their

3. The The Learning Teachers establish a Teachers facilitate Learning Environment

Classroom Environment respectful environment learning for their students (Domain 2)
Environment for a diverse population Diversity of Learners
Student Progress
of students (Domain 3)

4. Professional Professionalism Teachers demonstrate Collegiality and Personal growth and

Responsibilities leadership Professionalism Development ( Domain 7)

Teachers reflect on their Curriculum and planning

(Domain 4)

In the Comparison of the 4 models on Teacher Effectiveness . Review the 7 Domains of the PPST and
place each domain in the appropriate boxes. Feel free to extend the Table if you feel the need to do so.
This output must be in PPT presentation. Save this file with this format ( LT5_Family Name,Given Name) in
your own respective folder.(AVP/Reflection Folder)

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