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Modern India Notes:Prelim copy

1. Timeline
1498 — Vasco The Game came to Indian coast at Calicut
1600 — British East Indian established
1667 — French came to India
1717 — Farukh Siyyar’s farman to British East Indian Company
1757 — Battle of Plassy
1760 — Battle of Wandiwash
1761 — 3rd battle of Panipat
1764 — Battle of Buxar
1798-99 — 4th Anglo-Mysore war , Tipu sultan killed
1802 — Female foeticide illegal
1802 — Peshwa accepted subsidiary alliance
1803-04 — 2nd Anglo-Maratha War
1817-18 — 3rd Anglo-Maratha War
1817— Paika revolution in Orissa
1818 — Maratha Peshwa dissolved
1829 — Sati abolished
1856 — Widow remarriage Act
1857 — Sepoy Mutiny
1858 — British crown took over India
1877 — Vernacular press act
1882 — Vernacular press act repealed
1885 — Indian National Congress established
1891— Indian council act 1891
1903-05 — Moderate led anti-Bengal partition campaign
July 1905 — Bengal partition announced
October 1905 — Bengal partition came into being
1905- 08 — Extremist led Swadeshi and Boycott movement
1907 — Surat session of congress , Surat Split between Modrate and
1909— Morley-Minto reforms , separate electorate for muslims
1911 — Bengal partition annulled
1911 — Capital moved to Delhi
1915 — Gandhiji returned to India
1917 — Champaran satyagraha
1918 — Kheda Satyagraha and Ahmedabad Mill strike
1916-18 — Home rule movement by Tilak and Annie Besent
1916 — Congress- League pact/Lucknow Pact
1916 — Lucknow session, Extremist readmitted
1918 — Rowlett Act passed
1918 — Rowlett Satyagraha
1919— Govt of India act 1919/Montfort reforms
1919 — Jalianwala Bach massacre
1919 — Congress session , Swarajya as goal
1920-22 — Non-cooperation and Khilaphat Movement
Feb,1922 — Chauri-chaura incidence, Movement withdrawn
1928 — Simon Commission appointed
1929 — Lahore Session , Poorna Swarrjya resolution passed
26th Jan, 1930 — Poorna Swarajya Divas
1930–31 — Civil Disobedience Movement
1931— Delhi Pact between Gandhi and Irwin
Dec’1931 — Second Round table failed
1932— Communal award declared /Poona pact
Dec’1931–34 — Second phase of civil disobedience movement
1935— Govt of India act 1935
1936— Council entry by congressman
1939 — WW II started , Congress ministries resigned
Aug,1940 — August offer by Lord Linlithgow
1940 — Pakistan Resolution
1941— Individual Satyagraha launched
March , 1942— Japan reached to Rangoon after covering whole South
-east Asia
March, 1942— Cripps Mission
Aug,1942— August Revolution /Quit India Movement
1945— Lord Wavell offer/Shimla conference
1945— C. Rajgopalchari formula
1945— Desai-Liaqut pact
1945— Election to central and provincial assembly declared
1946 — Constituent assembly constituted
June, 1946 — Cabinet mission accepted by both
Feb, 1947 — Clamant Attlee statement
June , 1947 — Mountbatten Plan
July , 1947 — Independence of India Act passed
Aug’1947 — Indian became independent

2. Advent of Europeans
Imp persons
Vasco Da Gama
Francisco De Almeida
Nino Da Cunha
Imp facts
Vaso Da Game reached Indian coast at Calicut in 1498 ,
welcomed by Zamorin King
Portuguese followed policy to control Indian ocean —‘ Blue
Water Policy’
Brought new crops like Potato , Chilli, Tobacco and
Set up base at Goa, Diu and Daman and trading post at
Mangalore, Cannanore, Cochin and Calicut (West coast)
and San Thome near Chennai , Nagapatam , AP on east
They were first to come (1498) band last to leave (1961)
They had great naval power with ships carrying canons
Military innovation like body armour , matchlock men , gun
landed from ship, system of drilling group of infantry
Founded first factory in 1605 at Masulipattanam
Principle factories at Surat , Bimlipattam , Karikal, Chinsura,
baranagar, kasimbazar, Balsore, Nagapattam, Cochin
In 1667 compromise between Dutch and Britain so that British
withdrew from Indonesia nd Dutch retired from India to
concentrate on Indonesia and Malay Archipelago
English defeated Dutch in Battle of Hooghly 1759
The English
In 1600 East India company was established
In 1608 William Hawkings arrived at Jahangir’s court
First factory was established in Surat in 1613
In 1616 Company established first factory in south at
Company got ‘ Golden Farman ‘ from Sultan of Golkonda for
In 1662 — City of Bombay was received as Dowry from
1667 -Aurangazeb issues Farman fro trade in Bengal
Farrukhsiyar issued farman in 1717 known as ‘Magna Carta ‘
having many trade concessions
The French
Were last European to come to India in 1667
Set up factory at Surat and Masulipatam
Also established factories at Mahe, Karikal , Balasore , Qasim
bazar and settlement at Pondicherry
French India was backed by French possession of Reunion and
Mauritius Islands
Three Anglo-french Carnatic wars
1st War 1740-48 — ended with treat of Aix-la Chapelle
2nd war 1749 -54
3rd war 1758-63 (7 year war)
Battle of Wandiwash 1760 French were routed by
English — turning point in history , English eliminate
all European powers in India to became major player
Treaty of Peace at Paris ended the ‘ 7 year war’
French Gov gen Lord Dupleix was originator of practice of
‘Subsidiary Alliance’
The Danes
1620 - first factory at Tranqueber near Tanjore
Principle settlement at Serampore near Kolkata
Danes known for their Missionary activities than commerce
3. British expansion and consolidation
Mysore state
Haider Ali introduced the mughal administrative and revenue
introduction of new calender ,new system of coinage & new
scales of weight & measures are brought by Tipu Sultan.
Haider Ali established a modern arsenel in Dindigal with help of
french experts to prepare his army in modern way.
He tried to develop army of European manner. The infantry in
army was armed with muskets and bayonets in the European
Tipu was member of French Jacobian club
Policy of expansion
Subordinate isolation Policy
Surrender full external sovereignty to British and rest lies
with princes
Policy of subordinate union
To punish or depose but not annex
Imp wars and treaties signed
Anglo-Maratha wars
Treaty of Purandar, Sailbai , Bassein
Anglo- Mysore war
Anglo- French War
Anglo- Dutch war
Anglo- Af war
Treaty of Amritsar
Anglo- Burma
Treaty if
Treaty of Sagauli

4. 1857 Revolt
Imp facts
Sir Sayyad Ahmed khan was first Indian to write about 1857


5. Social and religious Reform Movements
Imp organisation and work
Tattvabodhini Sabha
Debendranth tagore, father of Rabindranth tagore
revitalised the Brahmo Samaj. He founded the Tatvabodhini
Sabha to propogate Rajarammohun Roys ideas
It also helped to spread rational outlook among the
Its organ Tatvabodhini Patrika promoted a systematic study
of India's past in the Bengali language.
Organisation and their founders
Newspaper and their founder
Refer GS score day 77
1st daily — Bengal gazette
1st Indian language daily— Samachar darpan
1st press established by Portuguese

6. Uprising /Revolts during raj

Tribal Uprisings
The tribal revolts were often led by religious and charismatic
leaders promising divine intervention
They often used violence and armed resistance as method of
Tribals didn’t attack all outsiders but only explicators , they didnt
attack non-tribal poor who worked in tribal villages in supportive
economic roles, or who had social relations with the tribals such
as telis, gwalas, lohars, carpenters, potters
The term Dikus was used for the outsider by the tribals in Santhal
areas, which included the moneylenders, British officials and
other non- tribals.
Paika rebellian 1817
Considered by Orissa historian as first war of independence
main cause of the revolution was the takeover of the rent-free
land that had been given to the Paiks for their military service to
the Kingdom of Khurda.
The revolution was in response to the tinkering of the revenue
system by the British in 1803
In response, the farming community of Odisha rose in rebellion
7. Administration under British Rule
Land revenue system
Zamindari System(North n east India)
Zamindari System was introduced by Cornwallis in 1793
through Permanent Settlement Act.
The zamindars and revenue collectors were converted into
landlords. They were not only only to act as agnts of the
govenment in collecting land revenue from ryot but also
became the owners of entire lands in their zamindaris
Their right of ownership was made herediatry and
It was introduced in provinces of Bengal, Bihar, Orissa and
Also known as Permanent Settlement System.
Zamindars were recognized as owner of the
lands. Zamindars were given the rights to collect the rent
from the peasants.
The realized amount would be divided into 11 parts. 1/11 of
the share belongs to Zamindars and 10/11 of the share
belongs to East India Company.
Ryotwari System (mainly in South India)
Ryotwari System was introduced by Thomas Munro in
Major areas of introduction include Madras, Bombay, parts
of Assam and Coorgh provinces of British India as there
wasn’t traditional zamindari system
In Ryotwari System the ownership rights were handed over
to the peasants. British Government collected taxes
directly from the peasants.
The revenue rates of Ryotwari System were 50% where the
lands were dry and 60% in irrigated land
Revenue rate periodically revised
Mahalwari System (North West and central India)
Mahalwari system was introduced in 1833 during the
period of William Bentick.
It was introduced in Central Province, North-West Frontier,
Agra, Punjab, Gangetic Valley, etc of British India.
The Mahalwari system had many provisions of both the
Zamindari System and Ryotwari System.
In this system, the land was divided into Mahals. Each
Mahal comprises one or more villages.
Ownership rights were vested with the peasants.
The villages committee was held responsible for collection
of the taxes.
Revenue rate periodically revised
Trade and investment
'Imperial Preferences— Special tariff protection provided to
British imports in India
Private contractors who built the railways were offered
guaranteed return of 5 per cent.
Built mainly by private British capital
All Gov and Viceroy
Imp laws
Lex Loci Act 1850
The Lex Loci act was proposed in 1845 and passed in
It provided right to inherit ancestral property to Hindu
converts to Christianity.
The conversion issue was becoming important for
Christian Missionaries as loss of inheritance rights was
impeding the success of conversion
Illbert Law
Public Safety bill
the Government proposed to acquire the power to deport
'undesirable' and ‘subversive' foreigners
Trade Dispute act 1929
It made compulsory, the appointment of courts of Inquiry
and Consultation Boards for settling industrial disputes
It forbade trade union activity of coercive or purely political
nature and even sympathetic strikes.
It made illegal the strikes in public utility services unless
preceded by an advance notice of one month to the
Other facts
were landed military magnates in South India.
They were territorial administrative and military governors
appointed by the Nayaka rulers of South India (notably
Vijayanagar Empire, Madurai Nayakas and the Kakatiya
dynasty) during 16th 18th centuries.
Law for missionaries
The charter act of 1813 made provisions to grant
permission to the persons who wished to go to India for
promoting moral and religious improvements. (Christian
White man’s Burden
Sachidanand Sinha called British Colonialism as White
man's Burden in newspaper Indian People in 1903.
According to him Government of India was always carried
on with the assent & dictate of the Chamber of Commerce
& this he called as White man burden.
1773: Supreme court set up in Calcutta
1853: Railway from Bombay to Thane
1907: Establishment of Tata Iron and Steel Company at
Abdullah Khan and Husain Ali who were popularly known as
Saiyid brothers were called King Makers in Medieval India.
was a per capita yearly tax historically levied by Mughal
rulars on non-Muslim subjects residing in their empire
8. National Freedom Movement
Imp pact/Proposals
Surat Split
Morley -Minto reforms 1909
Lucknow Pact
GoI Act 1919/Montford reforms
Nehru Report 1928
confined itself to British India and not princely states
Delhi Agreement
Simon Commission
Round Table conference
Communal award 1932
Separate electorate
1909 — for Muslims
1919- for Sikh and Christians
1932 — for Depressed classes as well , but later
removed after Poona pact
Though Congress opposed communal award , it was
not in favour of changing it without consent of
minorities thus it neither accepted nor rejected the
Poona pact
Separate electorate abandoned and reserved electorate
the seats reserved for the depressed classes were
increased in both legislature
The pact also said that in every province, the SCs and STs
should be provided with sufficient educational facilities
GoI Act 1935
All India federation could not come up
Princes were reluctant to join as it did not resolve the
issue of pararmountcy
Muslim league opposed the scheme as it wanted
decentralisation with a weak central government
congress didn't like 1/3 rd seat filled by princes through
Wavell Plan
Breakdown plan of Wavell
phased , safe withdrwal of British from India starting from
hindu majority southern states
avoid partition of India by attempting to maintain
geographic entity
partition of bengal and Punjab

Bombay Plan 1944

The Bombay Plan is the name commonly given to a World
War II era set of proposals the development of the Post-
Independence economy of India
the signatories of the Plan were Jehangir Ratanji Dadabhoy
Tata, Ghanshyam Das Birla, Ardeshir Dalal, Sri Ram,
Kasturbhai Lalbhai, Ardeshir Darabshaw Shroff, Sir
Purshottamdas Thakurdas and John Mathai.
key principle of the Bombay Plan was that the economy
could not grow without government intervention and
Plan proposed that the future government protect
indigenous industries against foreign competition in local
It argued for comprehensive land reforms
Cripps Mission
The British government recognized the “Right of Dominion
Under the Cripps Mission, Indians were given full liberty to
frame a constitution for themselves after fulfilling certain
British obligations.
How is it different
Concrete plan for constituent assembly provided
Constituent assembly only of Indians

Cabinet Mission
Mountbatton Plan
Dickey bird plan
Brainchild of Mountbatton
balkanize India into small parts to suit British imperialist
MacDonnel committee
set up by Lord Curzon to suggest measures for improving
condition of famine
Wardha Scheme of Education
Congress developed national scheme of education called
wardha scheme
no english education
focus on education in mother tongue
centred around manula productive labour
Karnataka method
Third phase of Quit India movement
involved Terrorist acyivties for sabotaging war efforts of
Britain by disrupting communication lines
secret radios
Swadeshi/BoycottMovement (1905-08)
Imp facts
Moderates were against expanding movement
beyond Bengal
the great emphasis given to self-reliance or
'Atmasakti' as a necessary part of the struggle
against the government. Self reliance in various fields
meant the re-asserting of national dignity, honor and
The Swadesh Bandhab Samiti set up by Ashwini
Kumar Dutt,
Homerule Movement
Rowlett Satyagraha (1919)
Gandhi called for a nationwide protest in February 1919.
Gandhi organised a Satyagraha Sabha to lauch a
Revolutionary activities(refer to GS score day 79)
Activity and persons
Chitthgaon raid — Surya Sen
Kakory Robbery — Ramprasad Bismil
Meerut Conspiracy — S.A Dange
Kanpur Conspiracy — M.N Roy
against the newbie communists which were
abhorred by the British Government. Some
newly turned communists named M N Roy,
Muzaffar Ahamed, S A Dange etc
brought the communists in the lime light.
So, this case was responsible for introduction
of Communism to the Indian Public
Khilaphat /Non-cooperation
Civil Disobedience Movement(1930-34)
Dharsana Satyagraha
Dharasana Satyagraha was a protest against the
British salt tax in colonial India in May, 1930.
Sarojini Naidu, Imam Saheb, Gandhiji's comrade of
the South African struggle, and Gandhiji's son
Manilaal participated in Dharasana salt Satyagraha.
Salt Satyagraha
Dandi march — Gandhiji
Trichinopoly to Vedaranniyam on the Tanjore coast.
— C. Rajagopalachari
Calicut to Payannur (Kerala) — K. Kelappan
Area wise movements
Anti-Chaukidara campaign — Bengal and Bihar
Defiance of forest laws — Maharashtra, Karnataka
and the Central Provinces, especially in areas with
large tribal populations
No revenue no tax campaign — UP (meaning
zamindar should not play revenue to Govt and
peasant should not pay tax to Zamindar)
During the Individual Satyagraha, the Satyagrahi
would give a speech at a place and move to another
place while trekking towards Delhi. Thus this
movement toward the capital was populalry called
'Delhi Chalo'.
Quit India Movement
Other imp Movements
Ahmedabad Mill workers
Imp organisation and Parties
Indian National Congress
Goal of congress
1906 — Swaraj through constitutional means like Uk
and its colonies
1919 — Swaraj through peaceful and non-
constitutional means
1929 — Poorna swaraj /complete independence
All India States' people's conference
founded in 1927
aimed to coordinate political activties in different princely
also raise demand for democratic rights and constitutional
prominent activists Balwantrai Mehta, Manikial Kothari
and G.R. Abhayankar
Praja mandals
was nationalist people's organisations in the Indian Princely
It was organized in Mysore, Hyderabad, Baroda,
the Kathiawad States, the Deccan States, Jamnagar, Indore,
and Nawanagar, Jaipur, Kashmir, Rajkot, Patiala
Swarajya party
Motilala Neharu
Swatantra Party
Workers and peasant’s party /Labour swaraj party
Worked inside INC during 1925-29
Became imp front org fro CPI
founding leaders of the party were Kazi Nazrul
Islam, Hemanta Kumar Sarkar, Qutubuddin Ahmad and
Shamsuddin Hussain.
All Indian Scheduled caste federation
B.R. Ambedkar
Independent Labour Party
Communist Party of India
M.N. Roy
Forward block
1939 by Subhas Bose
Socialist org
Hindu Mahasabha
Established in 1915
By Madan Mohan Malaviya , and others
To protect Hindu interest after separate electorate to
Bharat Stree Mahamanda
l was the first all-women's organisation in India founded by
Sarala Devi Chaudhurani in Allahabad in 1910
primary goals of the organisation was to promote female
Sarala devi organised 'all india revolutionary party' and
secretly helped revolutionaries
National Social conference
was founded by M. G. Ranade and Raghunath Rao. It
focused attention on the social issues of importance.
It was virtually the social reform cell of the Indian National
The Conference advocated intercaste marriages and
opposed kulinism and polygamy. It launched the famous
"Pledge Movement" to inspire people to take an oath to
prohibit child marriage
Congress sessions
Faizpur session 1936
Resolution to draw All India Agrarian programme passed
As an interim measure a 13 point programs was passed
which suggested recognition of peasant unions.
Calcutta Session 1906
Under Dadabhai Naoroji
passed four resolutions - Swaraj , Swadeshi , Boycott and
National Education
Other developments
Gandhi philosophy
Gandhi ji was not opposed to modern large scale industry
so long as it augmented, and lightened the burden of
human labour and not displaces it. He also wanted large
scale industry to be owned and controlled by the state and
not by private capitalists
The impact of the Left on the national movement
reflected in the resolution on Fundamental Rights and
Economic Policy passed by the Karachi session
the resolutions on economic policy passed at the Faizpur
session in 1936
the setting up of a National Planning Committee in 1938
'Cunningham circular
The Cunningham circular of the Assam Government in
1930 prohibited the students from participating in political
activities associated with the freedom movement.
The students and their guardians were to furnish
assurances of good behaviour.
Komagata maru incidence
Resentment of Native American labourers against Indian
labourers who offered competition, agitated against every
of Indians
Secretary of State for India believed that the terms of close
familiarity of Indians with Whites which would inevitably
take place in America was not good for British prestige; it
was by prestige alone that India was held and not by force
British were apprehensive that Indians would come under
influence of socialist ideas.
National Economic program and Fundamental rights
Released in 1931 Karachi Session under president Vallabh
Basic civil rights of freedom of speech, Freedom of Press,
Freedom of assembly, Freedom of association,
Equality before law
Elections on the basis of Universal Adult Franchise
Substantial reduction in rent and taxes
Better conditions for workers including a living wage,
limited hours of work.
Protection of women and peasants and minorities
The Congress Socialist Party (CSP)
was formed at Bombay in October 1934 under the
leadership of Jayaprakash Narayan, Acharya Narendra Dev
and Minoo Masani
Nehru never become part of it formally
it agreed that primary struggle in India is freedome , and
nationalism was necessary fro socialism
to work by remaining under congress
aim to organise workers , farmers in their class organisation
and make them social base for freedom struggl
Indian Indepence act 1947
Lord Mountbatten decided 15th Aug as independence date
as on this day in WWII Japan surrendered to Allies

9. People and contribution

William Jones
William Jones was the founder of Asiatic Society of Bengal
and started a journal Asiatik Researchers
Set up to encourage Oriental studies
Henry Colebrooks
was associated with Royal Asiatic Society and Royal
Astronomical Society
Known as "the first great Sanskrit scholar in Europe”
Translated Hindu law codes and unfinished work of Willian
Imp persoanlities
Bhagat Singh
Bhagat Singh revered Lajpat Rai as a leader. But he would
not spare even Lajpat Rai, when, during the last years of
his life, Lajpat Rai turned to communal politics. He then
launched a political-ideological campaign against him.
Because Lajpat Rai was a respected leader, he would not
publicly use harsh words of criticism against him.
Bhagat Singh helped establish the Punjab Naujawan
Bharat Sabha in 1926 (becoming its founding Secretary), as
the open wing of the revolutionaries.
Subhas Bose
In May, 1939, Subhash Bose and his followers formed the
Forward Bloc as a new party within the Congress
'Chalo Delhi' slogan was given by Subhash Bose in 1944
during INA's march towards India
Gandhi vs Tagore on Education
Gandhiji was highly critical of Western civilisation, whereas
Tagore wanted to borrow the good elements of Western
Tagore emphasised the need to teach science and
technology at Santiniketan, along with art, music and
Lala Lajpatrai
active member of Arya Samaj
Deported to USA , founded there Indian League of America
Established 'Servant of People Society ' in Lahore in 1921
Patti Sriramalu
devout follower of Mahatma Gandhi, he worked for much
of his life for humanitarian causes
Participated in 1930 Salt Satyagraha and Quit India
undertook a fast unto death over the demand for a
separate Andhra and expired after fifty-eight days. In 1952
Maulana Azad
Active in revolutionary activities initially
Started weekly Urdu ‘Al-Hilal’ and ‘Al-Balagh' for
publishing about revolutionary activities
Staunch opponent of partition
he along with ALi brothers founded All India Khilaphat
presided over Congress special session in 1923 , became
youngest President
negotiated with British Cabinet mission in 1946
member of constituent assembly and Education Minister in
intrim govt
First education minister
B R Ambedkar
Launched papers ‘Mukanayaka’ and ‘Brahishkrit Bharat’
Founded Independent Labour Party later renamed All India
Scheduled caste Federation
Chairman of Drafting committee and Minister of Law in first
Published Book — ‘Buddha and His Dhamma'
he was not opposed to partition , rather considered
peaceful transfer of population to Pakistan is desirable for
strong India
N M Joshi
founded Social Service league
Founded All India trade Union congress in 1920 , split in
1931 , Joshi founded AITUF
C R das
Known as ‘Desh bandhu’
Founded Swarajya party in 1922
Mohammad Ali Jinnah
never presided over Congress
not founding member of Muslim League

Dadabhai Naoroji
Parsi intellect
3 time Congress President
MP in England , House of commons
Economic Critique of British rule , calculated National
Income for first time
Book — ‘ Poverty and Unbritish rule of India’
R C Dutta book —‘ Economic History of India ‘

Sarojini Naidu
Known as ’Nightingale of India ‘
Took up cause of Champraranya indigo farmers
First Indian woman president of Congress
First woman gov of UP

Vallabh Patel
Participated in movements
Kheda Satyagraha
Bardoli Satyagraha
Nagpur flag Satyagraha
Borset punitive tax Styagraha
Bharat Ratna awardees

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