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Future Proud Michigan Educator | 3.

5 Assignment: Reflection - Professional Ethics

Throughout this lesson, you’ve taken time to recognize the ethical expectations for teachers in Michigan. For
this assignment, you will write your reflection on ethics by reviewing the lesson and considering ethics and
1. Although it might be hard, I want you to TRY to relate to Mr. Patin’s position and how the district
handles discipline. No one is perfect. No system is perfect as we’ve talked about, but I truly believe that
our district tries to do it’s best when it comes to discipline and the discipline “rubric”. Answer the
following questions, and try to be unbiased:
○ How does your school handle discipline? Who handles the discipline? Who runs ISS?
Answer: Kelloggsville has a kind of unfair set up with discipline in my opinion. They
either handle the discipline or they don’t from what I see. Mr. Patin handles a majority
of the discipline. Mr Alston is too busy. Sometimes Officer Anna does too depending on
how serve the situation is. Mr Gooch runs the ISS room. I think he does a pretty good job
at managing the kids from what I've seen .
What actions or behaviors would result in consequences that keep students out of class,
like detention, ISS, or OSS?
Answer: Honestly you could do anything at kelloggsville and end up with ISS…. It's sad
to say, but for example my freshman year I got ISS for having my coat on the back of my
chair. I feel like that was an unnecessary thing to have me out of that class for that day.
Does the school offer alternatives to punishment? Like a chance to amend an action,
restore a relationship, or prevent further disciplinary issues. For example, KMS does
something called restorative justice. Another example would be what teachers do
individually to restore a relationship like that time I made a contract between Duwayne
and me.
Answer: Yes, the example that you said we have restorative justice. I feel like SRR could
be one, but that takes place in the ISS, and you are still out of class. I know of a lot of
teachers who also just have private conversations with their students, which does tend
to help.
○ Write a paragraph for this topic (4-5 sentences). Include examples (good and bad) you
have observed from your personal experiences as much as possible.
○ What ethics in education means to you
Answer: Well like I said for one of the questions, I got ISS for having my coat on the
back of my chair. I think that it was a very unnecessary punishment. I could've just
talked about it, instead of missing class. There have also been many little things that

@2021 Michigan Virtual

Last Updated 2/18/2021

people have gotten in trouble for that I feel didn't need to get taken to that extent.
For one more example, My friend Amari got ISS for at least two days. I think for the
whole day because he said that the lunch food was nasty.


Criteria Excellent Acceptable Needs Incomplete


Addressing Prompts Student addresses Student addresses Student addresses Student addresses
ALL components of MOST of the SOME of the FEW of the
the prompt on the components of the components of the components of the
graded assignment. prompt on the prompt on the prompt on the
graded graded assignment. graded assignment.

Development and Student provides Student provides Student provides Student provides
Examples for several relevant relevant examples SOME examples or NO examples or
Prompt examples or or developed ideas SOMEWHAT INCOMPLETE ideas
developed ideas to MOST of the TIME. developed ideas to to show their
demonstrate their show their understanding.
understanding understanding.
throughout the

Expression in Student submission Student submission Student submission Student’s

Responses to is CLEAR, PRECISE, is CLEAR and lacks precision, so it submission was too
Prompt and EXPRESSIVE. PRECISE. More is somewhat short to evaluate
voice or details unclear. for expression.
would make it more More clear, precise,
EXPRESSIVE. and expressive
language is

@2021 Michigan Virtual

Last Updated 2/18/2021

@2021 Michigan Virtual
Last Updated 2/18/2021

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