Persepolis: The Story of A Childhood and The Story of A Return

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The Story of a Childhood

and The Story of a Return
The Bicycle and Themes
This chapter opens with Marjane confessing
that her faith “was not unshakable.”

Marjane's newfound interest in dialectic


Religion- Lack of trust in God

Patriotism- Ready to fight for her nation
Children/Growing Up- She matures and
loses the innocence of a child
Setting and character development

Setting Character Development

Marji is an exceptionally curious child and
During the first volume of Persepolis, we see Marjane
she's not someone to conform to the
in Tehran and her experiences there. During the
demands of society. She becomes
1980s when this book is set, Iran was having the
acquainted with the political vernacular
largest revolution in the country's history. Up until
since her parents and family are political
1978, Iran had been run by a Shah, and they had been
activists. Marji also challenges the dress
involved in political dealings with other countries. code restrictions placed on women,
However, in the 1970s, the Shah, Mohammed wearing jeans, tennis shoes, and jewelry as
Pahlavi, in was unsuccessful in his diplomacy and a sign of protest. Marji is strong-willed and
had lost his followers. Marjane's parents had been very well educated. Both of these
protesting his rule and following a radical movement attributes will serve her well at the end of
to try and get him out of power. the novel.
2 events of historical

2500 years of tyranny and

Arab invasions from west
Mongolian Invasion east
Modern Imperialism
What did u find What was politically
interesting? incorrect
How would Marji's life without war?

Marjane would not have to go through such a hars

Persepolis is derived from Greek meaning the Persian City. The main
plot this chapter explores the theme of toxic nationalism. Even
though there are two separate events going on in the chapter toxic
nationalism is what is centered in the chapter.

Title And Her Grandmother comes to visit. She tells Marjane that when her
husband was arrested, they lost all their wealth. She still took every

effort to make sure her family looked nice despite being in poverty.

That night, the family waits a long time for Marjane's father to come
home from a protest. Marjane fears he is dead.
He makes it home alive and uninjured. He tells the story of what
happened at the demonstration, but Marjane is too young to

She decides to educate herself to better understand, and she starts

reading lots of books.
Main events of personal

01 02
Her grandmother’s story made Secondly she did not
her realise her family’s understand why her parents
condition because of the Shah. laughed at the fact of the old
The things her mother had to woman joining the protestors.
go through while growing up or She felt that she needed to
how they spent life in poverty, have more information of the
because all this got her revolution and philosophy of
thinking of the Shah’s rule and her culture.
how it affected her mother’s
Politically Incorrect
When her grandmother was telling her the When her father was clicking pictures he saw a group of
story of the Shah’s rule she learned how revolutionists carrying out a young boy’s corpse who had
Shah had no knowledge of managing the been killed by the army. They were shouting slogans and
state or have any idea on how to run a calling him a martyr. At the same time an old man was
nation, the only thing he knew was how to being taken away on a stretcher and the revolutionists
manipulate the public in the name of carried him too and even after finding out that he died of
cancer they called him a martyr just to support the
religion, he visited the grave of Cyrus the
revolution which I though was incorrect in the political
great who ruled the ancient world just to
sense to use any casualty as a weapon of the revolution,
show he had knowledge about their ancestry and more so that the widow that told them about his
and was doing it for religion. death also supported this.

How would Marjane's Life be
without certain events

Without her finding out about her Grandfather being a prince and
him being over thrown she would not have had a clear political
opinion at all. Without her father telling her the story of the
revolutionists using every casualty as a weapon she wouldn't be
motivated to read more books and take an active interest in the

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