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Running head: Unit 5 Written Assignment

University of the People

Unit 5 Written Assignment

BUS 5113 Organizational Theory and Behavior

Term 2 2021

Dr. Nuru-Deen Mohammed

Running head: Unit 5 Written Assignment 2


This case study is on the event database system called Vigilance that was being produced

by to subgroups. Due to a lack good upper management, interpersonal conflicts, role conflict,

and inter-group conflict to name a few, the Vigilance project was delayed. The two subgroups

were also bothered with a lack of communication from colleagues, micromanaging, a lack of

trust and respect. The Vigilance project, headed by PharMed International, needed to have

intervention by executive leadership in order to try and get the Vigilance project back on track.

Why this case is about team conflict

This case is about team conflict because it expressed what can happen when co-workers

that belong to the same organization let disagreement impact their work. There was what seemed

like a continuous lack of trust and respect from the France based team towards the U.S. team

members. However, after reading the complete case study, we know that management was the

cause of some of the conflicts between the two subgroups. “It’s not that our colleagues in France

wanted poor communication,” Mike Powell added. ““But they were committed to dealing with

this challenge through the chain of command”” (Dominick, 2008)

Conflicts being developed

There are a few conflicts that are developing and without proper intervention, could

escalate or continue to delay the Vigilance project. For example, the project manager, Didier

Amrani appeared to be micromanaging the both subgroups. “Didier strongly controlled the way

meetings were run by restricting the kinds of information that was exchanged and the ways in

which it was exchanged.” (Dominick, 2008) There was the potential of functional conflict when

the team members went along with Didier’s micromanagement. There was some role conflict
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between Didier and the team members that did not want to go along with his micromanaging or

disagreed with his tactics. There seemed to be inter-group conflict among the U.S. and France

subgroups (the main reason that the project was delayed). “Similar to role conflict, inter-group

conflict usually occurs because of the roles and functions of teams and departments. Both are just

trying to do their jobs but somehow run up against each other.” (Feigenbaum, 2021)

Distance affecting the dynamics and performance

The two subgroups are not able to meet face to face to communicate efficiently. There is

more than likely a language and culture barrier that combined with the distance; this had a direct

impact on the team’s dynamics and performance. Another issue that wasn’t exactly even

brought up within the case study is the difference in time zones. The subgroups are in two

different times and operating at two different times. Among the other problems that the

subgroups are facing, a lack of sleep or not being able to talk at certain times can really have an

impact on dynamics and performance, these are yet more reasons why the Vigilante project was

not complete on time.

Sub-team sponsors as mediators

I personally think that the decision to appoint sub-team sponsors was a step in the right

direction in order to get the project back on track. I think that the lack of trust and respect will

stop due to the fact that there is now someone there watching over Didier, who up until now was

unchecked and one of the main problem. The use of sub-team sponsor as mediators will solve the

problem that the U.S. team had with their thoughts, strategies and ideas being heard. However,

the use of sub-team sponsors as ultimate decision makers will not solve the problem of poor
Running head: Unit 5 Written Assignment 4

leadership. I believe that PharMed International is in need of a change of the culture within the

organization its self.

Skills that must be considered

This case proves that the right training is needed in order to complete a project. Decision

makers need to have good leadership skills. A good leader knows that they can never do

everything alone and should avoid micromanaging whenever possible. At the same time there is

always the need for conflict negotiation skills within an organization; these skills will always

save time and money. When staffing important projects, it is important to make sure that people

with one-sided minds are not dominate in the decision making process, there also needs to be

staff that is open to new ideas, in order to stay relevant (not being disrupted by new innovations

and technologies) and competitive.

Conflict negotiation skills for this case

I would say that active listening is most needed for this case. “The key to any successful

conflict resolution is the ability to listen.” (Campbell, 2016) For without active listening there

can be no understanding. There also needs to be the ability to practice emotional control. There

are a few times that I believe Didier crossed a line that could have led to all out war between the

two subgroups. “We must learn to remain calm and use the least amount of words to get our

point across” (Campbell, 2016)


The Vigilance case study is a good example of how not to handle conflict within the

workplace. If a conflict arises it is best to nip it in the bud right away so that it does not escalate
Running head: Unit 5 Written Assignment 5

or cause delay in projects. Distance can have affect on team dynamics and performance.

Sometimes there is a need for management to pull rank and make an executive decision. Conflict

negotiation skills are needed to resolve the issues presented in this case.


Campbell, Sherrie (2016) The 10 Benefits of Conflict. “Entrepreneur” Retrieved from

Dominick. P. G. (n.d.). The vigilance project – case overview. “Society for Human Resource

Management. Retrived from


Feigenbaum, Eric (2021). Organizational Conflict Theory “Chron”

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