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UWP Lesson Plan Template

Teacher Name: Anna Novak Grade Level: 4th

Target Content/Lesson Topic: Reading Nonfiction Text on Dinosaurs: Strategy 9.2 Reading with a sense of “wow”
Date: 4/27/22

This lesson is for a(n) ___X__ whole class _____ small group _____ individual

Essential Question How do we show an understanding of key ideas and details in nonfiction texts?
- What is the essential question that
this lesson addresses?
- What is the core purpose of the
lesson that includes the strategies
and skills necessary to accomplish
the deeper learning in the standard?
Sequencing Students are reading a nonfiction book that has a set purpose connecting to a strategy and then applying new
- How does this lesson fit into the information to reach comprehension.
larger unit of study?
- Focus on a logical/hierarchical
sequencing of skills (e.g., main ideas
before details, similarities before
State Learning Standards R.4.1 Locate and refer to relevant details and evidence when explaining what a text says explicitly/implicitly and
List the complete, relevant grade- make logical inferences. (RI&RL)
level standard(s).
Learning Target(s) and Learning I can explain what a nonfiction text says by using details and examples from the text.
Objective(s) I can summarize nonfiction texts and write down facts.
- Choose your learning target(s) and I can ask questions about important details in a text.
objective(s) based on the relevant
state learning standard(s). Students can think critically about the facts given.
Students can use a strategy and apply it to their comprehension of the text.
September 2021
- Write focused targets and
objectives that describe the specific
learning outcome (what students
should be able to do as a result of
the lesson).
- Be sure they are stated in
observable and measurable terms
(e.g., ABCD+T).
Grouping Students will be grouped by the person sitting next to them. This is a disruptive group and will need the
Describe how and why students are structure of who they will work with for the lesson to go smoothly. Their behavior works best when they have
grouped based on new faces to work with every time.
- homogeneous, heterogeneous,
- ability, interest, IEP goals, social or
social-emotional, behavioral,
language acquisition
Co-Teaching Strategy One teaches, one assists.
Does this lesson involve co- My mentor teacher and I work together to make the lesson work. I will mostly be teaching, and she will assist
teaching? If not, state N/A. If yes, any students who may need extra help or help with behavioral issues.
identify the co-teaching model and
what role each teacher will play.
-One Teach, One Observe; One
Teach, One Assist; Station Teaching;
Parallel Teaching; Supplemental;
Alternative; Team Teaching

September 2021
Differentiation Content
Describe how you will meet The lower students may need to have more of a structured lesson and one-on-one time with me as they are
individual students’ needs by reviewing what they read.
adjusting the content, process, The higher students might need an extra chapter or a fact that goes with the book.
product, and environment based on Process
their readiness, interests, and learning Group students with mixed abilities or filter in one group with the same ability and see what they come up
preferences. with.
Make the strategy use “wow I never knew” AND “Wow I knew...” which gives students more background
knowledge and comprehension.
Students then grasp the concept of using the strategy for comprehension of the new facts.
Students then use the graphic organizer for comprehension to have a purpose for using the strategy.

IEP Goals Relevant to Lesson (Add rows as necessary.)

Student IEP Goal


Accommodations and/or Modifications Required for Students in Special Education (Add rows as necessary.)

Student(s) Required Accommodation/Modification


Supports for English Language Learners (Add rows as necessary.)

Student Necessary Supports (e.g., Sheltered English strategies, grouping strategies)

Dominic Is off task a lot. May need to have a lot of one-on-one time with the graphic organizer and to read slowly. The
nonfiction book will spark his interest and by doing the worksheet he may find new things that he didn’t know.

September 2021
Alex Sometimes he is off task but will do his work. I want to focus on circling back around to him and ask him to guide
questions as to what he found new, and he knew before reading.

Formative Assessment The graphic organize will be the formative assessment.
- How will you monitor student Students will write down 5 facts and answer them with “Wow I never knew...”
learning throughout the lesson? By writing the information from the text down, they are going back and rereading what they just learned and
- Be specific about how your practice then connecting how they can use this strategy to comprehend the text.
assessments connect directly with the The information they write down from the text must also be something that they haven't learned before.
lesson objective.
Formative Evaluation Criteria Observation notes.
- What material(s) will you use to A rubric wasn’t my first choice of evaluation criteria. I wanted the notes to directly see how students are
evaluate learning? grasping the strategy to comprehend the text.
- Attach a copy of your checklist, Writing down specific phrases and words they use to connect it back to discussion at the end.
rubric, observation criteria, or other
Summative Assessment The writing assignment at the end of the lesson.
How will students demonstrate I didn’t see a need for a test since there is a lot of information in the chapter and not everyone would have read
mastery of the standard? some facts.
Note: This assessment does not have The writing assignment is for me to see their comprehension. This is the “test” that will see how they write
to occur during/after this lesson but facts into their own words and see what they “never knew.” Also letting the information from the text sink in a
in upcoming lessons. little bit more before the end of the lesson and think back to what they have learned step by step throughout
the lesson.
Summative Evaluation Criteria Rubric.
- What material(s) will you use to I will use the rubric to make connections between the lesson as a whole and then mainly use it for the writing
evaluate learning? assignment.
- Attach a copy of your checklist,
rubric, observation criteria, or other

September 2021
Opening: Introduction and Hook: “When you read something new and interesting, you’re more likely to learn and remember what you read nonfiction.
Connection to Previous Learning Nonfiction is different than fiction by reading to understand facts about a certain topic. As you read the book today, try to let the
● Anticipatory Activity (Hook) information you read “sink in” and think about how it creates something you never knew. You may even have a reaction like,
● Activate prior knowledge. “wow” as you find interesting facts about our nonfiction read.”
● Be sure students understand This is where I will introduce the book on dinosaurs. Guiding them to keep thinking, “Wow I never knew...”
procedures and instructions for “As you read, you might have questions, here are some guiding questions to think about when reading:
the lesson. What did you learn that’s new to you?
● Establish clear expectations. Think back to what you learned, “Wow I never knew...”
● Model concept. What is “sinking in?”
The groupings/instruction/lesson If you can’t think of anything new, go back and reread.”
progression may look different in different
parts of the lesson!
During: Lesson Progression After I introduce the nonfiction text to the students, I will go over the graphic organizer.
In this portion of the lesson, you will “As you read, you will be using a graphic organizer. This is a tool for you to organize your thoughts and reactions while reading.
be letting go and letting students For the story we are about to read, there are a lot of facts and visuals for you to keep thinking “Wow I never knew...” pause and
engage in productive struggle; let the information sink in and then write it down on the graphic organizer. This is what good readers do.”
engaging in gradual release (“I do, we This will guide the students to think for themselves and interact with the nonfiction text as well as the reading
do, you do”), inquiry, guided or strategy.
independent practice, or other Independent Work
learning methods. Please write what Each student will get their own copy of the chapter we will be reading in the nonfiction book. During this time
you are looking for in terms of: students are thinking of new ways to find new information and write down new facts. This is to explicitly teach
● Students’ thinking and how the strategy while making sure students know what is expected from them.
they will start the lesson. The purpose for comprehension will be an in class writing assignment. Since the students are working on
● Provide appropriate support writing paragraphs, this will be a way to tie in if they comprehend the strategy and find meaning in writing.
(not explaining how to do it). Students are using their “conversation voice” while reading and really thinking about how the new information
● Provide worthwhile “wowed” them. For the deration of reading and writing on the graphic organizer students should be constantly
extensions. writing to get their thinking going. They also should keep rereading if they can’t think of anything new. It is a
● Provide opportunities for huge chapter and there is always something new to learn about dinosaurs.
students to engage in using
academic language. Group work
This is where you will be suggesting This is where students will share their ideas with one other peer and compare what their wow factor was.
or modeling specific strategies Students will refer to their graphic organizer and keep repeating, “Wow I never knew...” this will help them see
and helping students choose which that during reading they are connecting the strategy to what they are reading. They are constantly using this
strategy makes sense to them. phrase to think about why they are learning new information and how they can apply it to the information

September 2021
However, you must make sure ideas already learned. (Redirect students to use “Wow I never knew...” if they get off track or need help to review
come from students. their answer)
Everyone knows about dinosaurs, but what else can they pull from the chapter provided and learn something
new and exciting.
Closing: Wrap-Up and Extension The purpose for comprehension will be an in class writing assignment. Since the students are working on
End the lesson with a final review of writing paragraphs, this will be a way to tie in if they comprehend the strategy and find meaning in writing.
key ideas and knowledge. This is Students are allowed to use their graphic organizer to help them write. They need to write a paragraph on what
where you have students talk about they found new, and some may want to share out something they already knew (but they must share something
their thinking and share strategies new first).
with the whole class. It’s important This is a way for students to think about the way reading new information sparked their interest. Students are
to name strategies and use academic constantly using “Wow I never knew...” This is to let the new information sink in and think critically how they
vocabulary here, extending the lesson used the graphic organizer (strategy) as their guiding point to comprehension.
to broader ideas.
● Promote a community of
● Listen actively and probe
thinking without evaluating
or telling them how you
would do it.
Summarize main ideas and identify
future problems that they would be
able to solve using the thinking you
have discussed. Provide a brief
preview of what the next lesson will

September 2021
Curricular and Instructional Pencil
Resources or Materials Nonfiction Dino chapter Handout
- List and provide a brief rationale Graphic organizer “Wow I never knew...”
for all necessary lesson resources and Paper for writing assignment
materials. If not original, cite the
- Attach/link a copy of all materials
the teacher and students will use
during the lesson, e.g., handouts,
questions to answer, slides,
worksheets, and so on.
Supplies, Equipment and Smartboard
- List all other supplies that need to
be available.

September 2021
Teaching this strategy in the field was something I wanted to do since the show case. I was at a loss for

what to do when choosing a text and strategy. I really like the idea of strategy 9.2 of “Wow I never

knew...” since it provides the thought of not really knowing a topic or facts about something. I chose to

do the same book from the show case, but a different chapter than what we did in class. My students

are very curious and always want to learn something new like science. During their science unit they

were learning about the different kinds of fossils, and I wanted to do this strategy specifically for that.

And since they are still learning how to write paragraphs, I wanted to incorporate a purpose for

comprehension is writing about the new information they learned. During the lesson, students were

fascinated by the information given to them in the chapter. Most of them were engaged by talking to

their friends even though I had to redirect them to independent read and then we will do group work.

Some students as I was walking around were pointing out new things they learned like, “Sauropods

(lizard footed) could travel many miles a day on their huge legs. Their fossil footprints can still be seen

today.” The student didn’t know that and was surprised to find out it has feet like lizards and then I

would guide them to write them down on their paper to share later. I was also asking questions as to

why they chose the information to put on their graphic organizer like, “Where else have you learned

this.” or “Why do you think this happened.” I used these guiding questions for students to have

something to reflect on other than the organizers. Some students read a little bit of the book and then

didn’t do the graphic organizer. My mentor teacher was helpful in redirecting the students to follow

directions. Overall, the students seemed to be engaged and their comprehension on the topic was

better than expected since this is a lower group of students.

Incorporating my students' discourse with the lesson was easier than I thought. It was a subject on

dinosaurs and being in this age range it was easier for them to talk about a topic they knew. It wasn’t so

easy for them to talk about the graphic organizer. I had to constantly keep pulling them to use what they

wrote down instead of something they knew already. The good thing is that they kept using, “Wow I
never knew...” when they shared out to the class and with their groups. I noticed a lot of engagement

when talking about what they learned. It was very insightful to see them using the strategy, but also

connecting the graphic organizer to the text. They saw it as an opportunity to talk about the whole

chapter and what they found interesting and new. One thing to improve my student's discourse would

be more chapters of the book. With one chapter, everyone read the same thing, but I would like to

expand to two, to try and get a lot more information out of them. This will open up to many kinds of

facts and how they want to talk about it or connect it to their background knowledge. They like to talk a

lot as it is, but I want them to use more academic language with this topic since it is heavy on new

information. Since they are lower and most of them come from the inner city, they don’t really get to

use a lot of that academic language and tend to lose vocabulary words right away when they learn it.

I would improve the lesson by having more discussions. Everyone knows about dinosaurs, but I want to

teach a unit on the different chapters and then try to tie in social studies since this is heavy in geography

on where fossils are placed and where dinosaurs lived. I think making these changes would benefit the

use of the strategy and students' comprehension would benefit from the constant reteaching of going

back and learning new information each time the text is opened. This lesson was successful in a way of

student's comprehension. They were for the most part engaged and wanting to tell their group what

they learned and why it’s important. The writing assignment also reflected their purpose for

comprehension since they put their thoughts into words and kept telling themselves, “Wow I never

knew...” and expand more on the who, what, when, where, why, and how. This allowed most of them to

write a paragraph and share out what they wrote. Sharing out was setting them up for comprehension.

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