"PUBLIC NOTICE" Fee Schedule & Remedy Default-Notice

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Affidavit for Fact

Notice for Default Judgment

Exhibit - J

May 11, 2022

Marion County Superior Court 10 (Juvenile Division)

Clerks Office
Attn: Regina Tidwell, Maria Tolva Mack
2451 North Keystone Avenue
Indianapolis IN, 46218

Re: Case# 49D10-2110-JC-008784, 49D10-2110-JC-008785

RE: Notice for Liability Regarding Trespass, Fee Schedule and Remedy

Marion County Superior Court and relevant Foreign Agents to this case only were advised
as per, “Notice for Liability Regarding Trespass, Fee Schedule and Remedy” furnished via
email to DCS Attorney Maria Tolva Mack on 05/08/2022 as follows:

“This fee schedule is effective from the date of being placed onto the Public
Record and will initiate upon any failure to comply with any and all
directives given to the Respondents by the Sovereign Beneficiary or by the
receipt of any further unsolicited letters or communications including
emails, calls, etc. from Respondents / agents / third parties, or in the
event of any unlawful assault, death, killing, trespass, damages, perjury,
libel, injury, loss or harm, or any other unlawful activities. In the case of
your failure to pay within 30 (thirty days) of presentment of a true bill or
Electronic Bill Presentment (EBPP), you agree that a right of lien exists
against you subject to a levy of real property, distraint, distress,
certificate of exigency, impound, execution and all other lawful and
commercial and administrative remedies.”
Res Judicata
Hagans v Lavine 415 U.S. 533., There is no discretion to ignore lack of jurisdiction. Joyce v U.S. 474 2d 215; The law
provides that once State and Federal jurisdiction have been challenged, it must be proven. Main v Thiboutot 100. S. Ct 2501
(1980); " Jurisdiction can be challenged at any time " and "jurisdiction, once challenged, cannot be assumed and must be
decided". Basso v Utah Power and Light Co. 495 F.2d 906,910.

This was a Lawful Commercial Lien and Notice. It was further provided that upon failure of ANY and ALL non-
compliance or further unlawful activities that the “Notice for Liability Regarding Trespass, Fee Schedule and
Remedy” will initiate, as relevant.

Whereas, these request, directives or demands have not been Honored – this notice of default
judgment is being introduced and I demand all claims, charges, petitions, suits, fillings, actions
and with any third party foreign corporations, agencies Et Al. regarding case # 49D10-2110-JC-
008784, 49D10-2110-JC-008785 CEASE and DESIST, be dismissed and expunged immediately
upon receipt of this notice, ab initio. ANY LIENS FORTHWITH MUST BE HONORED

I Affiant nor offspring, are NOT a number or any Nom De Guerre.

I Affiant offspring are being held under Seizure via Threat Duress or Coercion and via the Indiana
Department of Children Services, Child Protective Services, Marion Superior Court 10 (Juvenile
Division) Etc. perpetrating and impersonating as officers of a court, agents for the agency,
administrators for the administration Etc, perpetuating child trafficking and kidnapping of I Affiant
offspring In full life as a Natural Flesh and Blood People against I Affiant and their own free will
and consent via a “non-existent” contract and “breach of contract” as surety for an Unauthorized,
Non-Jurisdictional, foreign De Facto agency, and by Foreign Agents of Marion Superior Court 10
Intentionally, knowingly and willingly, “QUO WARRANTO”.

I, In Full Life, will accept any oaths of office taken via all relevant Foreign Agents of Marion
County Superior Court per this case only. I do/will NOT argue nor accept or plea to any
unverified, un-sanctioned, un-substantiated claims or declarations absent “Delegation of
Authority” and “Corpus Delecti”. Any act(s) of this court verbally or of writ, etcetera, beyond
any Notice of Default Judgement, touched, filed and on record by any Foreign Agents of Marion
County Superior Court are NULL and VOID, and are subject to personal liability, penalties of
perjury, liens, etcetera.
All Foreign Agents of the Court are required to take an oath of office to uphold the
Constitution of the United States.

“The Constitution for the United States of America binds all judicial officers at Article 6, wherein
it does say, “This Constitution and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance
thereof, and all Treaties made, or which shall be made under the authority of the United States,
shall be the Supreme Law of the Land, and the Judges of every State shall be bound thereby,
anything in the Constitution or laws of any state to the Contrary, not withstanding,” see Clause

Marion County Superior Court 10 is not an Article III court; and has no delegated jurisdiction /
authority under the Supreme Law of the Land, and unconfirmed by the Congress of the United
States and is in direct violation of my Constitutionally Secured Rights to “Due Process of Law”
which is a direct violation of your oath of office.

The 5 Amendments require that all persons within the United States must be given due process of

the law and equal protection of the law.

“Due process of law implies the right of the person affected thereby to be present before the
tribunal which pronounces judgment upon the question of life liberty, or property, in its most
comprehensive sense; to be heard, by testimony or otherwise, and to have the right of
controverting, by proof, every material fact which bears on the question of right in the matter

“If any question of fact or liability be conclusively presumed against him, this is not due process
of law, Zeigler v. Railroad Co., 58 Ala. 599.”

“In Interest of M.V., 288 Ill.App.3d 300, 681 N.E.2d 532 (1st Dist. 1997). Without subject-matter
jurisdiction, all of the orders and judgments issued by a judge are void under law, and are of no
legal force or effect. In Interest of M.V., 288 Ill.App.3d 300, 681 N.E.2d 532 (1st Dist. 1997)
("Every act of the court beyond that power is void")

“The parties to the Compact of the United States Constitution further agreed that the
enumeration in the Constitution of certain Rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage
others retained by the People (Article 9 of the Bill of Rights to the Constitution for the United
“When acting to enforce a statute and its subsequent amendments to the present date, the judge of
the municipal court is acting as an administrative officer and not in a judicial capacity; courts in
administering or enforcing statutes do not act judicially, but merely ministerially. Thompson v.
Smith, 154 SE 583.”

“. . . Courts in administrative issues are prohibited from even listening to or hearing arguments,
presentations, or rational. ASIS v. US, 568 F2d 284.”

“Ministerial officers are incompetent to receive grants of judicial power from the legislature,
their acts in attempting to exercise such powers are necessarily nullities. Burns v. Sup., Ct., SF,
140 Cal. 1.”

I Affiant, In Propria Persona, Sui Heredes, Sui Juris, In Full Life, do not, under any condition or
circumstance, by threat, duress, or coercion, waive any rights Unalienable or Secured by the
Constitution or Treaty, and, hereby requests this Court fulfill their obligation to preserve the rights
of, I Affiant, a (Muur / Moor National Natural American) and carry out their Judicial Duty in
‘Good Faith’.

All UNCONSTITUTIONAL Citations – Summons / Ticket – Suit / (misrepresented) Bill of

Exchange: Docket #49D10-2110-JC-008784, 49D10-2110-JC-008785 and any other 'Order,'
'Charges' or 'Action' associated with any case numbers herein, to be dismissed and expunged for
the record on its face and merits.


I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of this Affidavit for Fact - Notice for Default
Judgement. The foregoing has been furnished via US Mail, Email, Electronic or Walk-In:
Marion Superior Court 10 (Juvenile Division), 2451 Keystone Avenue Indianapolis IN, 46218
Mack, Regina Tidwell on this 11th day of May 2022. (This is an Affidavit for Fact, and Notice
means "Information; Knowledge of existence of a fact or state of affairs'' according to the
Black’s Law Dictionary 4th Edition. If there is no response to it, it is as good as gold because
silence means “tacit acquiescence”).
I Am, Cheyou El, Sui Juris, Sui Heredes, In Solo Propria


Appellation Cheyou El
All Rights Reserved
"Without Recourse"

U.C.C. 1-207/ 1-308; U.C.C. 1-103.6

Domicile: 301 North Shortridge Road
Indianapolis IN, [46219]
Non-Domestic: Non-Asumptsit

Secretary of State: Holli Sullivan
Attorney General: Todd Rokita
Prosecutor: Ryan Wilson Mears
Marion Superior Court Magistrate: Regina Tidwell

DCS Attorney: Maria Tolva Mack

CPS Caseworker: Eric Mcdonald

IN PROPRIA PERSONA, I hereunto set my hand and seal on this 11th day of May, 2022 and hereby certify
witness that all the statements made above are true, correct and complete.

Date: 05 / 11 / 2022 I am, __________________________________

A Free and Sovereign Muur / Moor American National, In Propria Persona,

Sui Juris, Sui Haredes, In Solo Propria

Northwest Amexem / Northwest Africa / North America

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