Factory Report 2

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To remain competitive in today's 'rapid change' fashion

environment, it is essential for garment manufacturers to achieve

effective production planning
More styles, smaller orders, increased product complexity and much shorter
lead times are just some of the issues faced by today's fashion manufacturers
as they strive to 'keep up and stay ahead of the competition'.
Business Benefits:
Improved use of available capacity
Improved 'on time' materials availability
Fewer production stoppages and lower excess costs due to 'waiting time'
Improved control of 'Work In Progress', hence reduced use of overtime to solve
Improved 'on time' delivery performance
Lower air freight and late delivery penalties
Ability to respond quickly when requirements change
Rapid ‘What if’ planning to look at alternative solutions
Ability to reduce lead times through improved control.
Benefits For Users:
All information in a single place to allow improved decision making (critical path
and materials linked to the plan... see the immediate effect of a change in one
area on all other areas)
Ability to respond quickly when requirements change
Rapid 'What if' planning to look at alternative solutions
More time spent actually addressing planning issues, not just 'working the
Advanced capabilities for vertical planning, machine planning and
It provides a single point of reference to view all the information needed to
make effective planning decisions (product details, order details, free capacity,
material requirements and availability, critical path progress (sample approvals
etc) on one easy to use and understand planning screen. With manual systems,
it is impossible to bring all this information together into a single coordinated
Planning Boards. At the heart of the FastReact solution are easy-to-read
planning boards. These planning boards enable merchandisers and planners to
do their job quickly and accurately whilst keeping them in control. In addition,
the planning boards provide customer facing staff and management with a
wealth of up to date information.
The high level planning board provides a Company level, 'Control Tower' view. This is particularly useful in
businesses with multiple manufacturing sites. It provides visibility of all orders and their status and provides the
planner with a mechanism that can be used to effectively manage free capacity and the allocation of orders at the
most appropriate factory/supplier.

Detailed (Low Level) Planning Board(s)

The low level planning board enables the planner to perform detailed planning at
production line or machine level. Orders are sequenced through the key resource (finitely
The garment production processing steps and techniques involved in
the manufacturing garments for the large scale of production in industrial
basis for business purposes is called garments manufacturing technology.
Garments factories are classified according to their product types are as
follows: Garments Factory—-1. Woven Garment Factory.2. Knit Garments
factory3. sweater Garments Factory
Garments Manufacturing Process: Stepwise garments manufacturing
sequence on industrial basis is given below:
Design / Sketch
Pattern Design
Sample Making
Production Pattern
Marker Making
There is a process or sequence which is strictly followed in the cutting
section of a garment manufacturing industry.
Sequence in Cutting Room:Marker Making->Fabric Spreading->Placing
Marker Paper on to the Lay->Fabric Cutting->Numbering->100% checking
& Parts Replacing if needed.->Shorting & Bundling->Input to Sewing Room.

Only Expert Cutting Masters are allowed in Cutting Section of Garment to

operate the whole cutting process of Garment Cloth. If any faults happens
during cutting; the rest of the Garment manufacturing process would be
badly hampered.


There are a list of sewing machines
1. Lock Stitch Machine/ Plain/ Regular Sewing Machine

2. Two Needle Lock Stitch Machine

3. Chain Stitch Machine

4. Double Chain Stitch Machine

5. Overlock Machine

6. 6. Safety Stitch Over Lock Machine

7. 7. Flat Lock MachineSewing Machines

8. Flat seamer with the Cylinder Bed.

9. Buttonhole Machine

10. Button Sewing Machine

11. Bar Tack Machine

12. Blind Stitch Machine

13. Kansai Special Machine

14. Pocket Sewer M/

Pressing/ Finishing
Final Inspection

Garment / Apparel Patterns Instruction:

Following instruction must be marked on apparel pattern, to enable the
garment to be made up correctly: -1. Style Number.2. Name of the part3.
Size ( it will show you how to find your size on a pattern finished garment
measurements)4. Grain Line: All patterns must have grain lines. It
indicates the length direction of fabrics, i.e. during marker making all
patterns must be placed to the length direction.5. Balance Mark: Used to
ensure patterns are sewn together at the correct points.6. Construction
Lines: These include buttonholes, pocket placing etc.

Garment Patterns Construction:

1. Manual Method.2. By Computer (CAD).

Principles of Pattern Making:

A garment sewing pattterns or garment fabric & patterns draft is developed
by calculating, taking account of the following measurements: -1. Direct
Sample.2. Specification Sheet/ Measurement Chart.3. Actual body size
measurements.4. Easy Allowances.5. Sewing Allowance.

Pattern Draft:
A pattern draft is a diagrammatic representation of the way a garment is
constructed. The objective of pattern draft is to develop a sample garment.

Pattern Sets:
Different sizes of pattern for a particular style are called pattern sets, e.g.

Production Pattern:
The pattern se which are used for huge production is called production

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