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Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez

Instituto Ciudad Universitaria

“Actividad C1. Conceptual mind map”


Principles of operations management

Maldonado Miranda Miguel Angel

Unidad 2

Actividad B4

Fecha: 12 de Octubre del 2021

Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua

Actividad C1. Conceptual mind map
Explanation about the conceptual mind map:

To make my mind map concept I found the most important concepts of the eight-
chapter. The purpose of a conceptual mind map, it’s to find most relevant concepts
and explain them with pictures.

I choose sixteen concepts from the chapter, and I selected and image that describe
them better. The first concept was strategy and I put a picture of how a strategy
helps to find the best location. Decision is a word important in the chapter, because
basically you need to decide the best location for your company.

Then we have cost and place, also important to choose the best location. Some
other concepts I put in my conceptual mind was globalization, labor productivity,
industry, and country, all these words are factor that are important to find the best
location. The pictures I choose for them were one that represents them better.

The other words were customers, land, construction, political and culture, who are
also facts just like suppliers and competitors. We need to have them in mind when
we are going to take a decision. All the pictures I choose to make my mind map,
were related to the word and I use some lines to make the connection between the
image and the concept.


Location decision, 2021. Link:


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