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Table of Contents
History of Company:...................................................................................................................................3
Where it is founded:....................................................................................................................................3
Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives:.......................................................................................................3
1. Evaluating whether the firm has a competitive advantage, competitive parity, or competitive
Pestle Analysis:........................................................................................................................................4
2. Comparing the firm with its nearest competitor and measuring those factors against industry
averages nationally or internationally:........................................................................................................6
Farms, Dina:.............................................................................................................................................6
Faragalla Food Industry:..........................................................................................................................6
Collecting Milk:........................................................................................................................................6
Milk Processing and Packing:...................................................................................................................6
Quality Assurance:...................................................................................................................................7
3. Providing strategic alternatives to the focal firm to gain or sustain competitive advantage:..............7
Porter’s Five Forces Analysis:..................................................................................................................7
Al Rawabi Dairy Company

History of Company:
Al Rawabi Dairy Company is a main diary and juice association in the UAE, offering an assorted
scope of items including milk, yogurt, juices, and other valuable things. The association started
its excursion in 1989 on the residence in the core of Dubai's desert in Al Khawaneej, as a feature
of the UAE's inheritance and one of the country's driving Dairy and Juice associations. The
organization started as a dairy farm with 600 imported cows and an objective of turning into a
market chief in new dairy and juice items. An honor winning UAE-based association, the
organization serves more than 1.5 million clients consistently, and the association will commend
its 30th commemoration in 2021 (Terenzi, 2014). As a significant dairy maker in the UAE, the
organization rushed to acquaint valuable dairy items with the market. It additionally means to
send off an innocuous to the environment biogas plant not long from now. Since the wellbeing of
the country is extremely critical to organization, it guarantees that the items are generally new
and loaded with health advantages.

Where it is founded:
Al Rawabi’s new items can be found in over 13,500 stores across the UAE, while its long-life
items are consistently transported further abroad to nations such as Iraq and Nigeria, with plans
in the works to acquire them to customers in other countries. More recently, the organisation has
become particularly well-known for its creation of various useful, health-related items, and Al
Rawabi remains the only player in the field to create such a wide range of these items. Al
Rawabi's commitment to development extends far beyond the items it manufactures, exemplified
by its use of innovation and robotization in the way it monitors the health of its cows and
operates its offices (Budiraharjo, 2021). Al Rawabi has seen genuinely predictable examples of
development in the most recent quite a while, and this has continued into the first half year of
2020, with deals up by around 20%.

Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives:

Al Rawabi aspires to be an elite dairy manufacturer in the UAE, developing new dairy products
and juices to improve the well-being of their partners and participating in various missions to
advance CSR values. Breaking down their main goal, it states that they need to cultivate best
quality dairy and juice items, enabling a better and more appealing way of life for their important

1. Evaluating whether the firm has a competitive advantage,

competitive parity, or competitive disadvantage:
The first is contest with firms that are presently settled and driving the singular nation's market.
These associations may likewise be getting government help to assist them with contending
better with outside associations. Al Rawabi Dairy has been endeavoring to overpower the Qatar
markets, however the contenders there are very impressive, and Al Rawabi Dairy can make a
minor presence. One more significant litmus test is the overall arrangement of regulations and
accounting rules (Malik, 2017). Every nation's regulation and bookkeeping rules vary from each
other. Al Rawabi has been available in the UAE market since its beginning. Going worldwide for
them involves exploring various structures, which might be very extreme for specific
associations to conform to. Moreover, these nations' state-run organizations might import
weighty duty rates. Al Rawabi Dairy is an organization that can't work globally without a farm
and an administration premise in the country in which it works. This turns out to be as yet one
more test since developing these assets takes a lot of arranging.

Pestle Analysis:
Political factors:

The dairy industry is under pressure from the government to reduce the expenses associated with
cow homesteading, and one potential solution is to increase the number of camel ranches. The
problem is that what is happening has a negative influence on the surrounding environment and
producing neighboring cows can help to solve this problem. Regardless, the neighboring
government and banks are being called on to assist locally claimed groups.

Financial Factors:

The UAE is a country with strong monetary development, with a per capita wage of $34,000 and
a total GDP of $159 billion. Oil is the primary foundation of the economy, accounting for over
75 percent of total GDP. Farming commitments, including dairy products, account for only 3%
to 4% of absolute GDP. Climate and other regular variables make it difficult for the dairy
industry in the nation to develop (Ghosh, 2017). Running a dairy business in the UAE requires a
significant investment due to the extreme heat and scarcity of water.

Social Factors:

The Arab community strives to maintain its own customs, culture, and values in all aspects of its
presence, which has a significant influence on Al Rawabi. The following opinions have a
negative impact on the organisation:

 Over 96 percent of people in the UAE are Muslims.

 Dairy products are popular among both children and adults.
 Al Rawabi has a large number of loyal customers.
 This client base includes people from many socioeconomic and religious groups.

Mechanical Factors:

Innovation has a significant role in the evolution of the cutting-edge UAE. Each of the country's
emirates, notably Dubai, has made considerable technological improvements. In the dairy
business, innovation is critical because it enables dairy producers to significantly increase
production limits without seriously compromising product quality. The employment of
crossbreeding innovation, advanced ways of milk obtaining, and refreshing inoculation tactics
has increased the usefulness of cows enormously.

Legal Factors:

The UAE's legal framework is very strong; it might be claimed that strong disciplines prevent
any legislation from being violated. To deal with the rise in the country's exchange and venture
rates, the government designated the UAE as a streamlined commerce zone with a high level of
security in place to prevent illegal competition among dairy sector operators (Steeneveld, 2014).
To protect local groups, the government also monitors the exchange and economic activities of
foreign financial donors.

Climate Variables:

The dairy industry, as a subset of farming, is projected to be a climate-friendly sector of the

UAE's public economy. As a result, experts believe that Al Rawabi's broad trendsetting
innovation will not harm the environment. However, this risk is greater in the dairy food
handling business, which employs a variety of hazardous and environmentally damaging
synthetic compounds. Earthy folks are now opposed to the use of plastic holders in food
packaging since the latter alternative is not transitory with the soil.

2. Comparing the firm with its nearest competitor and measuring

those factors against industry averages nationally or
Farms, Dina:
Dina Farms takes pride in providing dairy products and harvests to Egyptian customers. They
manufacture new high-quality dairy products and are more concerned with the well-being,
security, and nourishment of their customers. Items are given with conventional fixes rather than
additions and synthetics.

Faragalla Food Industry:

Faragalla Groups is a conglomerate that manufactures things such as processed meat, organic
product juices, and dairy items. This Egyptian firm has 31 factories in Egypt alone and a global
presence through trading their products in 129 countries.

Collecting Milk:
The collecting of milk from ranches is the very first stage of the value chain. This also
necessitates such supporting exercises as preparing the animals for the system, gathering a
diverse range of animals from providers, providing appropriate food to the animals,
administering the expected treatment and antibody, washing the animals, and maintaining the
ideal level of cleanliness in the ranch region. The proper consideration for every one of the
documented components, as well as the inventive gear in the residences, enable Al Rawabi to
perform drain assortment legitimately.

Milk Processing and Packing:

When milk enters the handling production factory, it is dispatched for further processing. At this
point, the milk has been filtered, which allows it to be protected from many hazards. The milk is
then supplemented with nutrients and minerals to improve its quality. Al Rawabi's products are
carefully packed in hermetically sealed plastic compartments to ensure that their quality remains
in recoverable condition (Altwaijri, 2017). Al Rawabi's creation cycle is designed to increase the
value of the organization's items in any way possible.

Quality Assurance:
The item's nature is Al Rawabi's primary competitive advantage in the market. This improved
quality assists the company in establishing and maintaining its position as a market leader in the
dairy industry. Al Rawabi maintains a high level of value at each stage of the creation

3. Providing strategic alternatives to the focal firm to gain or sustain

competitive advantage:
The organization's flaw is the extravagant cost of things, which has a negative impact on
transaction volumes. Under the present circumstances, Al Rawabi fails to foster successfully on a
global scale; this can be concluded from the organization's absence in the majority of the Bay
Area nations, as well as a few other countries throughout the world (Beletsiotis, 2011). The dairy
industry, like other industries, is influenced by the outside environment in both good and bad
ways. Al Rawabi should collaborate with the government to commercialize the goods in
unknown economic areas. The company should use new innovation to ensure that the assets are
protected for a longer period of time.

Porter’s Five Forces Analysis:

Supplier Bartering Power:

Organizations in the dairy business rely heavily on suppliers of high-quality cows, steers food,
vaccines and prescriptions for steers, various farm gear, and bundling materials. In this business,
the supplier power is comparable to the maker power. It makes sense given that the bulk of UAE
organizations’ providers are global corporations (MC, 2017).

Buyer's Bargaining Power:

Numerous local and foreign companies compete in the market to provide high-quality dairy
products to customers and meet the high demand for them in the UAE. The dairy producers have
both corporate and individual customers, although retail organizations are the primary outlets for
their products. There are approximately 50,000 dairy merchants in the UAE's seven emirates, and
these retailers have strong bargaining power over the manufacturers and suppliers.

New Entrants are at Risk:

The raw components are imported from outside, therefore establishing another dairy factory
incurs enormous costs. Aside from the start-up expenses, there were a few other factors that
made this market difficult for new entrants. Client loyalty to a single business is particularly
strong, since clients would rather not jeopardize hygiene. Another obstacle to new entrants is the
intense competition among existing enterprises, which creates perilous conditions for new
organizations to enter the dairy industry.

Substitute Risks:

There are no real dairy alternatives since animal protein is exceptional and difficult to replicate.
While sodas and espressos may be substituted by organic food beverages, milk, Laban,
yoghurt, and spread have no replacements, making the dairy business unique among remaining
UAE companies in this regard (Zavorokhina, 2021). Dairy things are appealing all around the
world since they provide natural protein and other nutrients that no other item can easily replace.

Al-Worth Rawabi's Chain:

In the Al-worth Rawabi's chain, there is a company that makes milk and other milk products
such as Laban and yoghurt. The group now has over 6,000 cows in its pastures. As a result, Al-
worth Rawabi's chain is divided into three distinct locations. Each area has a variety of exercises,
all of which are aimed at adding business value to the organization's creativity engagement.

Following are the recommendations:

 Al Rawabi should lower the item cost by implementing a clever strategy for ongoing and
appropriating portions.
 Because dairy products are beneficial to children, it should support IMC's aim to educate
people on food respect in relation to its products.
 It should encourage a group to prepare dairy ranchers and other representatives in the
area of extraordinarily beneficial kinds and animal care.
 The organisation should implement high reproduction technology in the ranch to increase
creation cost viability.

Al Rawabi Diaries was discovered to be one of the leading dairy businesses in the United Arab
Emirates for this circumstance analysis. This study has identified Al Rawabi Company's
significant challenges. These include the principles that combat additional speculation,
extravagant item costs, ecological limitations, a lack of preparation for dairy ranchers, the
possibility of animal illnesses, expensive working expenditures, a decrease in market
competition, and so on. Simultaneously, this research has provided particular suggestions to Al
Rawabi Company in order for it to go to appropriate lengths and overcome the important
challenges it confronts on the lookout (Grandinetti, 2015). This study has also highlighted the
organization's essential attributes, which include its assets, pressing, notoriety, market expansion,
administration, experience, and loyal clients. Al Rawabi's approaches are all centered on client
direction in order to achieve client dependability via high quality. As a result, in order to gain
more advantage from online transactions, Al Rawabi should encourage a wide range of full
lobbies for private companies.
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