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The Five Periods of YOGA The Vedas An ancient and earliest known recording of yogic O1 5 and is the arigin Yoga. Bone eeeeee Pre Classical O 2 Bhagavad written and contains references ti oe a Classical 9S stirasby O03 Patanjell were the first systematic recording of yoga = as a practice SEEDPEER Eee, PosiClassical O4 During this time, teaching yoga evolved from oral tradition to more standardized teachings. dern BEEBE ERB eee Hello Western World! Yoga becomes gradually and increasingly po| and spreads to West BEBE RRBEBee History of Yoga Yoga appears in ancient Indian texts, including the Upanishads and Bhagavad Gita. Hatha Yoga originates during Medieval Times. India is colonized by the Br and the practice of yoga ts banned in its country of origin. an explosion of includin, dance and mover: Modern asana practice is 2 amalgamation of all these TODAY diverse influences —— Sn YOGA POSES ela Rpm an “To at + A THE EIGHT LIMBS OF YOGA o.,,. ==... in which you and the universe are ore, A state af meditation (ial A PRATYAHARA ¥> Sy Whew ot eserses ween PRANAYAMA Extension af cath and its coma @ YAMAS NIYAMAS @ Seksegieing baboon Peete Ahimsa - Nonviolence; non-harming other living beings Santosha ~ Contentment ‘Satya - Honesty, non-falsehood Tapas -Porsistence, perseverance Asteya- Non-stealing Svodhyays - Selt-eflection ‘Apatigraha ~ Non-airarice, Non-possessivencss shvara Pranidhana ~ Surrender Brahmacharya —Chastity

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