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Faculty of Education

Primary Education


Homework 1

Dr. Ceyda Şensin

Emine Oflaz

Social Sciences Diciplimes

Social sciences are multifaceted and contain different disciplines. Within the scope of
this course, primary school students are taught about sub-disciplines such as economics,
history, anthropology, philosophy, and sociology. Sometimes, some disciplines are
emphasized more, while others are superficial. The disciplines that I consider important in
social studies and that I would like to focus on the most are History, economics and

History is an important discipline in the social sciences. In addition, it is an important

discipline that students should learn, or rather the society should learn. History generally deals
with the events in the life of society from ancient times to the present. He also bases these
events on documents. Thanks to history, people and societies learn about their past, the events
in their past, and the causes and consequences of these events. Since the events in history
have passed, experiments and observations cannot be made, but it is easy to explain because
the evidence and documents of the events have survived to the present day.When we look at
all these aspects, the fact that history takes place in social sciences is too important to count.
First of all, we have the opportunity to learn about our past and learn from our past, and
maybe we will not repeat the same mistakes by directing our future accordingly. In addition,
knowing the events in the past expands the cultural horizon of the society and gives a
perspective and foresight on national and universal issues. Although we are in the modern
age, the past concerns the present and the future. There are situations where we have to look
at history to understand the present and learn from history in order to predict the future.
Therefore, history teaching is necessary.

Philosophy, which is another type of discipline, is an important discipline of separate

social sciences. Philosophy means thinking systematically. One of the most important features
that will carry a society forward is to be able to think systematically. Therefore, philosophy
education contributes to the development of society and develops their criticism and thinking
skills, because philosophy begins by questioning itself first. Philosophy contains curiosity in
itself. In this way, the individual discovers himself and nature. It helps to think for oneself and
decide freely. It solves the problems of harmony between the individual and the society. It
creates awareness of using experiences for the good of all. By minimizing selfishness, it adds
the awareness of helping the world and society around us. It develops sensitivity in social,
environmental and ecological issues and creates internal triggers in individuals to create
solutions. It helps to understand values such as tolerance, love, understanding and respect by
putting the idea of integration against distinctions. It provides a holistic approach to the
situations encountered without prejudice. It enables individuals to consciously plan the future
by recognizing the past and knowing the present. Therefore, we should give an important
place to philosophy in the social studies lesson and convey it according to primary school

Another discipline is sociology, which is an indispensable part of social sciences.

Sociology focuses on the relationship between society and people. In fact, it is the basis of the
Social Studies course in general. Sociology shows us how societies have developed us in the
historical process. Sociology helps us to better understand the people around us, and in this
way, to better understand our society. In sociology, it is extremely important to understand,
comprehend and identify society. Sociology is extremely necessary in order to manage a
society, adapt to it and increase the quality of life individually in social life. Because
sociology deals with thinking, critical approach and questioning just like philosophy.
Sociology is important for children to be able to understand the society they live in and for
them to be useful individuals for the society in the future.

To sum up, history, philosophy and sociology are important disciplines of social
sciences just like other disciplines. The fact that these three disciplines are related together is
one of the reasons why I consider these three together. Transferring these three disciplines,
which form the basis of social studies, to students improves both their education and their
perspectives on life. Society consists of individuals, on the other hand, individuals should also
be aware of the society they live in, understand and realize the needs, experiences and
characteristics of the society from past to present. I think that an education that will make
students question the society and its past contributes not only to their education life but also to
their lifelong lives.

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