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HUAWEI NetEngine80E/40E Router


Configuration Guide - System


Issue 03
Date 2012-06-08


Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2012. All rights reserved.
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consent of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

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The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made in the
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Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
HUAWEI NetEngine80E/40E Router
Configuration Guide - System Management About This Document

About This Document

This part describes the organization of this document, product version, intended audience,
conventions, and update history. This document covers the system management protocols and
configurations supported by the NE80E/40E. It describes the basic concepts of system
management, multiple system management protocols, and several configuration examples. In
the later part, this document provides also the glossary and acronyms and abbreviations. Reading
this document helps you to understand the system management protocols and configuration


l This document takes interface numbers and link types of the NE40E-X8 as an example. In working
situations, the actual interface numbers and link types may be different from those used in this
l On NE80E/40E series excluding NE80E/40E-X1 and NE80E/40E-X2, line processing boards are
called Line Processing Units (LPUs) and switching fabric boards are called Switching Fabric Units
(SFUs). On the NE80E/40E-X1 and NE80E/40E-X2, there are no LPUs and SFUs, and NPUs
implement the same functions of LPUs and SFUs to exchange and forward packets.

Related Versions
The following table lists the product versions related to this document.

Product Name Version

HUAWEI NetEngine80E/40E V600R003C00


Intended Audience
This document is intended for:
l Data configuration engineers
l Commissioning engineers
l Network monitoring engineers
l System maintenance engineers

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HUAWEI NetEngine80E/40E Router
Configuration Guide - System Management About This Document

Symbol Conventions
The symbols that may be found in this document are defined as follows.

Symbol Description

Alerts you to a high risk hazard that could, if not avoided,

result in serious injury or death.

Alerts you to a medium or low risk hazard that could, if

not avoided, result in moderate or minor injury.

Alerts you to a potentially hazardous situation that could,

if not avoided, result in equipment damage, data loss,
performance deterioration, or unanticipated results.
TIP Provides a tip that may help you solve a problem or save

NOTE Provides additional information to emphasize or

supplement important points in the main text.

Command Conventions
The command conventions that may be found in this document are defined as follows.

Convention Description

Boldface The keywords of a command line are in boldface.

Italic Command arguments are in italics.

[] Items (keywords or arguments) in brackets [ ] are optional.

{ x | y | ... } Optional items are grouped in braces and separated by

vertical bars. One item is selected.

[ x | y | ... ] Optional items are grouped in brackets and separated by

vertical bars. One item is selected or no item is selected.

{ x | y | ... }* Optional items are grouped in braces and separated by

vertical bars. A minimum of one item or a maximum of all
items can be selected.

[ x | y | ... ]* Optional items are grouped in brackets and separated by

vertical bars. Several items or no item can be selected.

&<1-n> The parameter before the & sign can be repeated 1 to n times.

# A line starting with the # sign is comments.

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HUAWEI NetEngine80E/40E Router
Configuration Guide - System Management About This Document

Change History
Changes between document issues are cumulative. The latest document issue contains all the
changes made in earlier issues.

Changes in Issue 03 (2012-06-08)

Third commercial release.

Changes in Issue 02 (2011-09-10)

Second commercial release.

Changes in Issue 01 (2011-05-30)

Initial commercial release.

Issue 03 (2012-06-08) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential iv

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
HUAWEI NetEngine80E/40E Router
Configuration Guide - System Management Contents


About This Document.....................................................................................................................ii

1 Information Center Configuration.............................................................................................1
1.1 Information Center Overview.............................................................................................................................2
1.1.1 Introduction to the Information Center......................................................................................................2
1.1.2 Information Center Supported by the NE80E/40E....................................................................................2
1.2 Enabling Log Output..........................................................................................................................................8
1.2.1 Establishing the Configuration Task.........................................................................................................8
1.2.2 Enabling the Information Center...............................................................................................................8
1.2.3 (Optional) Naming an Information Channel.............................................................................................9
1.2.4 (Optional) Configuring the Function of Filtering Logs by IDs.................................................................9
1.2.5 (Optional) Configuring the Suppression of the Log Processing Rate.....................................................10
1.2.6 (Optional) Enabling the Output of the Statistics About Repeatedly Generated Logs.............................11
1.2.7 Outputting Logs to the Log Buffer..........................................................................................................12
1.2.8 Outputting Logs to a Log File.................................................................................................................12
1.2.9 Outputting Logs to the Console...............................................................................................................13
1.2.10 Outputting Logs to the Terminal...........................................................................................................14
1.2.11 Outputting Logs to the Log Host...........................................................................................................15
1.2.12 Outputting Logs to the CF card.............................................................................................................16
1.2.13 Checking the Configuration...................................................................................................................16
1.3 Enabling Alarm Output....................................................................................................................................19
1.3.1 Establishing the Configuration Task.......................................................................................................19
1.3.2 Enabling the Information Center.............................................................................................................20
1.3.3 (Optional) Naming an Information Channel...........................................................................................20
1.3.4 Outputting Alarms to the Alarm Buffer..................................................................................................20
1.3.5 Outputting Alarms to the Log File..........................................................................................................21
1.3.6 Outputting Alarms to the Console...........................................................................................................22
1.3.7 Outputting Alarms to the Terminal.........................................................................................................23
1.3.8 Outputting Alarms to the SNMP Agent..................................................................................................24
1.3.9 Checking the Configuration.....................................................................................................................25
1.4 Enabling the Output of Debugging Information...............................................................................................27
1.4.1 Establishing the Configuration Task.......................................................................................................27
1.4.2 Enabling the Information Center.............................................................................................................28
1.4.3 (Optional) Naming an Information Channel...........................................................................................28

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Configuration Guide - System Management Contents

1.4.4 (Optional) Configuring a debugging to Be Automatically Disabled After a Specific Period.................29

1.4.5 Outputting Debugging Information to the Log File................................................................................29
1.4.6 Outputting Debugging Information to the Console.................................................................................30
1.4.7 Outputting Debugging Information to the Terminal...............................................................................31
1.4.8 Outputting Debugging Information to the Log Host...............................................................................32
1.4.9 Checking the Configuration.....................................................................................................................33
1.5 Maintaining Information Center.......................................................................................................................34
1.6 Information Center Configuration Examples...................................................................................................34
1.6.1 Example for Outputting Logs to the Log File.........................................................................................35
1.6.2 Example for Outputting Logs to Log Hosts............................................................................................37
1.6.3 Example for Configuring Log Messages to be Output to the Log Host on the Public Network when the
Management VPN Instance Is used..................................................................................................................40
1.6.4 Example for Configuring Binary Logs to be Sent to the Log Host.........................................................44
1.6.5 Example for Outputting Alarms to the SNMP Agent..............................................................................46
1.6.6 Example for Outputting the Debugging Information to the Console......................................................48

2 SNMP Configuration..................................................................................................................50
2.1 Introduction to SNMP......................................................................................................................................51
2.1.1 SNMP Overview......................................................................................................................................51
2.1.2 SNMP Features Supported by the NE80E/40E.......................................................................................53
2.2 Configuring a Device to Communicate with an NM Station by Running SNMPv1........................................56
2.2.1 Establishing the Configuration Task.......................................................................................................57
2.2.2 Configuring Basic SNMPv1 Functions...................................................................................................57
2.2.3 (Optional) Controlling the NM Station's Access to the Device...............................................................60
2.2.4 (Optional) Enabling the SNMP Extended Error Code Function.............................................................61
2.2.5 (Optional) Configuring the Trap Function..............................................................................................62
2.2.6 Checking the Configuration.....................................................................................................................63
2.3 Configuring a Device to Communicate with an NM Station by Running SNMPv2c......................................65
2.3.1 Establishing the Configuration Task.......................................................................................................65
2.3.2 Configuring Basic SNMPv2c Functions.................................................................................................66
2.3.3 (Optional) Controlling the NM Station's Access to the Device...............................................................69
2.3.4 (Optional) Enabling the SNMP Extended Error Code Function.............................................................71
2.3.5 (Optional) Configuring the Trap Function..............................................................................................71
2.3.6 Checking the Configuration.....................................................................................................................74
2.4 Configuring a Device to Communicate with an NM Station by Running SNMPv3........................................76
2.4.1 Establishing the Configuration Task.......................................................................................................77
2.4.2 Configuring Basic SNMPv3 Functions...................................................................................................78
2.4.3 (Optional) Controlling the NM Station's Access to the Device...............................................................80
2.4.4 (Optional) Enabling the SNMP Extended Error Code Function.............................................................82
2.4.5 (Optional) Configuring the Trap Function..............................................................................................82
2.4.6 Checking the Configuration.....................................................................................................................84
2.5 SNMP Configuration Examples.......................................................................................................................85
2.5.1 Example for Configuring a Device to Communicate with an NM Station by Using SNMPv1..............86

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Configuration Guide - System Management Contents

2.5.2 Example for Configuring a Device to Communicate with an NM Station by Using SNMPv2c............89
2.5.3 Example for Configuring a Device to Communicate with an NM Station by Using SNMPv3..............93

3 RMON and RMON2 Configuration........................................................................................98

3.1 Overview of RMON and RMON2...................................................................................................................99
3.1.1 Introduction to RMON and RMON2.......................................................................................................99
3.1.2 RMON and RMON2 Suported by the NE80E/40E...............................................................................100
3.2 Configuring RMON........................................................................................................................................102
3.2.1 Establishing the Configuration Task.....................................................................................................102
3.2.2 Enabling the RMON Statistics Function on the Interface.....................................................................103
3.2.3 Configuring the ethernetStatsTable.......................................................................................................103
3.2.4 Configuring the HistoryControlTable...................................................................................................104
3.2.5 Configuring the EventTable..................................................................................................................105
3.2.6 Configuring the AlarmTable.................................................................................................................105
3.2.7 Configuring the PrialarmTable..............................................................................................................106
3.2.8 Checking the Configuration...................................................................................................................107
3.3 Configuring RMON2......................................................................................................................................108
3.3.1 Establishing the Configuration Task.....................................................................................................108
3.3.2 Configuring the hlHostControlTable.....................................................................................................109
3.3.3 Configuring the ProtocolDirTable.........................................................................................................110
3.3.4 Checking the Configuration...................................................................................................................111
3.4 RMON And RMON2 Configuration Examples.............................................................................................112
3.4.1 Example for Configuring RMON..........................................................................................................112
3.4.2 Example for Configuring RMON2........................................................................................................116

4 HGMP Configuration...............................................................................................................119
4.1 Overview........................................................................................................................................................120
4.1.1 Introduction to HGMP...........................................................................................................................120
4.1.2 HGMP Features Supported by the NE80E/40E....................................................................................122
4.2 Configuring Basic HGMP Functions.............................................................................................................126
4.2.1 Establishing the Configuration Task.....................................................................................................126
4.2.2 Configuring NDP...................................................................................................................................126
4.2.3 Configuring NTDP................................................................................................................................128
4.2.4 Creating a Cluster..................................................................................................................................129
4.2.5 Adding a Member Switch......................................................................................................................132
4.2.6 (Optional) Deleting or Quitting a Cluster..............................................................................................133
4.2.7 (Optional) Deleting a Member Switch..................................................................................................134
4.2.8 Checking the Configuration...................................................................................................................135
4.3 Configuring Advanced HGMP Functions......................................................................................................137
4.3.1 Establishing the Configuration Task.....................................................................................................137
4.3.2 Adjusting Parameters of the Cluster......................................................................................................138
4.3.3 Managing Switches in a Cluster Through HGMP.................................................................................141
4.3.4 Checking the Configuration...................................................................................................................145
4.4 Maintaining HGMP........................................................................................................................................148

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Configuration Guide - System Management Contents

4.4.1 Clearing the NDP Statistics...................................................................................................................148

4.4.2 Monitoring the Operation Status of the HGMP Cluster........................................................................148
4.5 HGMP Configuration Examples....................................................................................................................149
4.5.1 Example for Configuring Basic HGMP Functions for a Cluster...........................................................149
4.5.2 Example for Configuring the Interconnection of FTP Servers and Devices in and out of the HGMP Cluster
(in NAT Mode)...............................................................................................................................................159
4.5.3 Example for Configuring the Interconnection of FTP Servers and Devices in and out of the HGMP Cluster
(in Non-NAT Mode).......................................................................................................................................170
4.5.4 Example for Configuring Devices in the HGMP Cluster to Access the Outside SNMP Host (in NAT
4.5.5 Example for Configuring Devices in the HGMP Cluster to Access the Outside SNMP Host (in non-NAT
4.5.6 Example for Configuring the Batch Distribution Function for an HGMP Cluster...............................201
4.5.7 Example for Configuring the Batch Restart Function for an HGMP Cluster.......................................212
4.5.8 Example for Configuring the Incremental Configuration Function for an HGMP Cluster...................222
4.5.9 Example for Configuring the Configuration Synchronization Function for an HGMP Cluster............232
4.5.10 Example for Configuring Security Features for an HGMP Cluster....................................................243

5 NTP Configuration....................................................................................................................254
5.1 Overview of NTP............................................................................................................................................255
5.1.1 Introduction to NTP...............................................................................................................................255
5.1.2 NTP Supported by the NE80E/40E.......................................................................................................257
5.2 Configuring Basic NTP Functions.................................................................................................................259
5.2.1 Establishing the Configuration Task.....................................................................................................259
5.2.2 Configuring the NTP Primary Clock.....................................................................................................260
5.2.3 Configuring the Time Interval to Update Client Clock.........................................................................260
5.2.4 Configuring the Unicast Client/Server Mode........................................................................................261
5.2.5 Configuring the Peer Mode...................................................................................................................262
5.2.6 Configuring the Broadcast Mode..........................................................................................................263
5.2.7 Configuring the Multicast Mode...........................................................................................................264
5.2.8 (Optional)Disabling the Interface from Receiving NTP Packets..........................................................265
5.2.9 Disabling NTP Service..........................................................................................................................266
5.2.10 Checking the Configuration.................................................................................................................267
5.3 Configuring NTP Security Mechanisms.........................................................................................................267
5.3.1 Establishing the Configuration Task.....................................................................................................268
5.3.2 Setting NTP Access Authorities............................................................................................................269
5.3.3 Enabling NTP Authentication...............................................................................................................270
5.3.4 Configuring NTP Authentication in Unicast Client/Server Mode........................................................271
5.3.5 Configuring NTP Authentication in Peer Mode....................................................................................272
5.3.6 Configuring NTP Authentication in Broadcast Mode...........................................................................272
5.3.7 Configuring NTP Authentication in Multicast Mode............................................................................273
5.3.8 Configuring NTP Authentication in Manycast Mode...........................................................................274
5.3.9 Checking the Configuration...................................................................................................................274
5.4 Configuring KOD...........................................................................................................................................275

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Configuration Guide - System Management Contents

5.4.1 Configuring KOD at Server...................................................................................................................275

5.4.2 Configuring KOD at Client in Client-Server Mode..............................................................................276
5.4.3 Configuring KOD at Client in Manycast Mode....................................................................................276
5.4.4 Configuring KOD at Active Peer in Peer Mode....................................................................................277
5.4.5 Checking the Configuration...................................................................................................................277
5.5 NTP Configuration Examples........................................................................................................................277
5.5.1 Example for Configuring NTP Authentication in Unicast Server and Client Mode.............................278
5.5.2 Example for Configuring NTP Peer Mode............................................................................................282
5.5.3 Example for Configuring NTP Authentication in Broadcast Mode......................................................284
5.5.4 Example for Configuring Multicast Mode............................................................................................287
5.5.5 Example for Configuring Manycast Mode............................................................................................290
5.5.6 Example for Configuring NTP Autokey with Private Scheme in Client/Server Mode.........................292
5.5.7 Example for Configuring NTP Autokey with Trusted Scheme in Peer Mode......................................296
5.5.8 Example for Configuring NTP Autokey with IFF Scheme in Broadcast Mode...................................299
5.5.9 Example for Configuring Autokey with GQ Scheme in Multicast Mode.............................................303
5.5.10 Example for Configuring NTP Autokey with MV Scheme in Manycast Mode.................................306
5.5.11 Example for Configuring KOD in Unicast Client-Server Mode.........................................................309
5.5.12 Example for Configuring KOD in NTP Peer Mode............................................................................313
5.5.13 Example for Configuring KOD in NTP Manycast Mode....................................................................316

6 1588v2 Configuration................................................................................................................320
6.1 Overview of 1588v2.......................................................................................................................................322
6.1.1 Introduction to 1588v2..........................................................................................................................322
6.1.2 1588v2 Features Supported by the NE80E/40E....................................................................................327
6.2 Configuring 1588v2 on OC............................................................................................................................329
6.2.1 Establishing the Configuration Task.....................................................................................................329
6.2.2 Configuring 1588v2 Globally................................................................................................................330
6.2.3 Configuring 1588v2 on an Interface......................................................................................................331
6.2.4 Configuring Time Attributes for 1588v2 Packets.................................................................................332
6.2.5 Configuring Encapsulation Modes for 1588v2 Packets........................................................................334
6.2.6 Checking the Configuration...................................................................................................................336
6.3 Configuring 1588v2 on BC............................................................................................................................337
6.3.1 Establishing the Configuration Task.....................................................................................................337
6.3.2 Configuring 1588v2 Globally................................................................................................................339
6.3.3 Configuring 1588v2 on an Interface......................................................................................................339
6.3.4 Configuring Time Attributes for 1588v2 Packets.................................................................................341
6.3.5 Configuring Encapsulation Modes for 1588v2 Packets........................................................................342
6.3.6 Checking the Configuration...................................................................................................................344
6.4 Configuring 1588v2 on TC.............................................................................................................................347
6.4.1 Establishing the Configuration Task.....................................................................................................348
6.4.2 Configuring 1588v2 Globally................................................................................................................349
6.4.3 Configuring 1588v2 on an Interface......................................................................................................350
6.4.4 Configuring Time Attributes for 1588v2 Packets.................................................................................351

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Configuration Guide - System Management Contents

6.4.5 Configuring Encapsulation Modes for 1588v2 Packets........................................................................352

6.4.6 Checking the Configuration...................................................................................................................354
6.5 Configuring 1588v2 on TCandBC.................................................................................................................355
6.5.1 Establishing the Configuration Task.....................................................................................................355
6.5.2 Configuring 1588v2 Globally................................................................................................................357
6.5.3 Configuring 1588v2 on an Interface......................................................................................................358
6.5.4 Configuring Time Attributes for 1588v2 Packets.................................................................................360
6.5.5 Configuring Encapsulation Modes for 1588v2 Packets........................................................................361
6.5.6 Checking the Configuration...................................................................................................................363
6.6 Configuring the 1588v2 Time Source............................................................................................................365
6.6.1 Establishing the Configuration Task.....................................................................................................365
6.6.2 Configuring BITS Signals to Participate in the BMC Calculation........................................................365
6.6.3 Configuring Attributes for the 1588v2 Time Source.............................................................................368
6.6.4 Checking the Configuration...................................................................................................................369
6.7 Configuring 1588 ACR..................................................................................................................................370
6.7.1 Establishing the Configuration Task.....................................................................................................370
6.7.2 Configuring the Unicast Negotiation Function for a Client..................................................................371
6.7.3 Configuring the Unicast Negotiation Function for a Server..................................................................373
6.7.4 (Optional) Adjusting Parameters for Establishing a Unicast Negotiation Connection.........................374
6.7.5 Checking the Configuration...................................................................................................................375
6.8 Maintaining 1588v2........................................................................................................................................376
6.8.1 Clearing 1588v2 Statistics.....................................................................................................................376
6.8.2 Monitoring 1588v2................................................................................................................................377
6.9 Configuration Examples.................................................................................................................................380
6.9.1 Example for Configuring the BITS as the 1588v2 Clock Source.........................................................380
6.9.2 Example for Restoring Frequency Synchronization Between an IP Clock Server and NodeBs Through
1588v2 Packets...............................................................................................................................................385
6.9.3 Example for Synchronizing Frequencies Through the Integration of the 1588v2 Clock, Synchronous
Ethernet Clock, and WAN Clock...................................................................................................................386
6.9.4 Example for Synchronizing All Clocks of an Entire Network Through Unicast UDP-Encapsulated 1588v2
6.9.5 Example for Configuring Clock Synchronization of an Entire Network Through Multicast MAC-
Encapsulated 1588v2 Packets.........................................................................................................................397
6.9.6 Example for Configuring 1588 ACR Clock Synchronization in a Single-Server Scenario..................401
6.9.7 Example for Configuring 1588 ACR Clock Synchronization in a Dual-Server Scenario....................403

7 NQA Configuration..................................................................................................................407
7.1 Overview of NQA..........................................................................................................................................411
7.1.1 Introduction to NQA..............................................................................................................................411
7.1.2 Comparisons Between NQA and Ping..................................................................................................411
7.1.3 NQA Server and NQA Clients..............................................................................................................412
7.1.4 NQA Supported by the NE80E/40E......................................................................................................413
7.2 Configuring the ICMP Test............................................................................................................................414
7.2.1 Establishing the Configuration Task.....................................................................................................415

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Configuration Guide - System Management Contents

7.2.2 Configuring ICMP Test Parameters......................................................................................................415

7.2.3 Checking the Configuration...................................................................................................................417
7.3 Configuring the DHCP Test...........................................................................................................................418
7.3.1 Establishing the Configuration Task.....................................................................................................418
7.3.2 Configuring DHCP Test Parameters.....................................................................................................418
7.3.3 Checking the Configuration...................................................................................................................420
7.4 Configuring the FTP Download Test.............................................................................................................421
7.4.1 Establishing the Configuration Task.....................................................................................................421
7.4.2 Configuring the FTP Download Test Parameters..................................................................................421
7.4.3 Checking the Configuration...................................................................................................................423
7.5 Configuring the FTP Upload Test..................................................................................................................424
7.5.1 Establishing the Configuration Task.....................................................................................................424
7.5.2 Configuring the FTP Upload Test Parameters......................................................................................425
7.5.3 Checking the Configuration...................................................................................................................427
7.6 Configuring the HTTP Test............................................................................................................................427
7.6.1 Establishing the Configuration Task.....................................................................................................427
7.6.2 Configuring HTTP Test Parameters......................................................................................................428
7.6.3 Checking the Configuration...................................................................................................................430
7.7 Configuring the DNS Test..............................................................................................................................431
7.7.1 Establishing the Configuration Task.....................................................................................................431
7.7.2 Configuring the DNS Test Parameters..................................................................................................431
7.7.3 Checking the Configuration...................................................................................................................432
7.8 Configuring the Traceroute Test.....................................................................................................................433
7.8.1 Establishing the Configuration Task.....................................................................................................433
7.8.2 Configuring Parameters for a Traceroute Test......................................................................................434
7.8.3 Checking the Configuration...................................................................................................................435
7.9 Configuring the SNMP Query Test................................................................................................................436
7.9.1 Establishing the Configuration Task.....................................................................................................436
7.9.2 Configuring the SNMP Query Test Parameters....................................................................................437
7.9.3 Checking the Configuration...................................................................................................................438
7.10 Configuring the TCP Test.............................................................................................................................439
7.10.1 Establishing the Configuration Task...................................................................................................439
7.10.2 Configuring the TCP Server................................................................................................................439
7.10.3 Configuring the TCP Client.................................................................................................................440
7.10.4 Checking the Configuration.................................................................................................................441
7.11 Configuring the UDP Test............................................................................................................................442
7.11.1 Establishing the Configuration Task...................................................................................................442
7.11.2 Configuring the UDP Server...............................................................................................................443
7.11.3 Configuring the UDP Client................................................................................................................443
7.11.4 Checking the Configuration.................................................................................................................445
7.12 Configuring the Jitter Test............................................................................................................................445
7.12.1 Establishing the Configuration Task...................................................................................................446

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Configuration Guide - System Management Contents

7.12.2 Configuring the Jitter Server...............................................................................................................447

7.12.3 Configuring the Jitter Client................................................................................................................447
7.12.4 Checking the Configuration.................................................................................................................449
7.13 Configuring a Jitter Test Based on the Mechanism That the LPU Sends Packets.......................................450
7.13.1 Establishing the Configuration Task...................................................................................................451
7.13.2 Configuring a Server for the Jitter Test...............................................................................................451
7.13.3 Configuring a Client for the Jitter Test................................................................................................452
7.13.4 Checking the Configuration.................................................................................................................454
7.14 Configuring the LSP Ping Test.....................................................................................................................455
7.14.1 Establishing the Configuration Task...................................................................................................455
7.14.2 Configuring the LSP Ping Test Parameters for the LDP Tunnel........................................................456
7.14.3 Configuring the LSP Ping Test Parameters for the MPLS TE Tunnel................................................458
7.14.4 Configuring the LSP Ping Test Parameters for the CR-LSP Hotstandby Tunnel...............................459
7.14.5 Checking the Configuration.................................................................................................................461
7.15 Configuring the LSP Jitter Test....................................................................................................................462
7.15.1 Establishing the Configuration Task...................................................................................................462
7.15.2 Configuring the LSP Jitter Test Parameters for the LDP Tunnel........................................................463
7.15.3 Configuring the LSP Jitter Test Parameters for the MPLS TE Tunnel...............................................464
7.15.4 Checking the Configuration.................................................................................................................466
7.16 Configuring the LSP Trace Test...................................................................................................................467
7.16.1 Establishing the Configuration Task...................................................................................................467
7.16.2 Configuring the LSP Trace Parameters for the LDP Tunnel...............................................................468
7.16.3 Configuring LSP Trace Test Parameters for the MPLS TE Tunnel....................................................470
7.16.4 Configuring the LSP Trace Test Parameters for the CR-LSP Hotstandby Tunnel.............................471
7.16.5 Checking the Configuration.................................................................................................................473
7.17 Configuring an ICMP Jitter Test..................................................................................................................474
7.17.1 Establishing the Configuration Task...................................................................................................474
7.17.2 Configuring Parameters for the ICMP Jitter Test................................................................................475
7.17.3 Checking the Configuration.................................................................................................................476
7.18 Configuring an ICMP Jitter Test Based on the Mechanism that the LPU Sends Packets............................477
7.18.1 Establishing the Configuration Task...................................................................................................478
7.18.2 Configuring a Server for the ICMP Jitter Test....................................................................................479
7.18.3 Configuring a Client for the ICMP Jitter Test.....................................................................................479
7.18.4 Checking the Configuration.................................................................................................................481
7.19 Configuring a Path Jitter Test.......................................................................................................................482
7.19.1 Establishing the Configuration Task...................................................................................................482
7.19.2 Configuring Parameters for the Path Jitter Test..................................................................................482
7.19.3 Checking the Configuration.................................................................................................................484
7.20 Configuring a Path MTU Test......................................................................................................................485
7.20.1 Establishing the Configuration Task...................................................................................................485
7.20.2 Configuring Parameters for the Path MTU Test.................................................................................486
7.20.3 Checking the Configuration.................................................................................................................487

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Configuration Guide - System Management Contents

7.21 Configuring the NQA reserved group MPing Test......................................................................................488

7.21.1 Establishing the Configuration Task...................................................................................................488
7.21.2 Creating an NQA MPing Test.............................................................................................................489
7.21.3 Configuring the NQA MPing Test......................................................................................................490
7.21.4 (Optional) Adjusting the Performance of the NQA MPing Test.........................................................490
7.21.5 Starting the NQA MPing Test.............................................................................................................491
7.21.6 Checking the Configuration.................................................................................................................492
7.22 Configuring the NQA common group MPing Test......................................................................................493
7.22.1 Establishing the Configuration Task...................................................................................................493
7.22.2 Creating an NQA MPing Test.............................................................................................................494
7.22.3 Configuring the NQA MPing Test......................................................................................................494
7.22.4 (Optional) Adjusting the Performance of the NQA MPing Test.........................................................495
7.22.5 Starting the NQA MPing Test.............................................................................................................496
7.22.6 Checking the Configuration.................................................................................................................497
7.23 Configuring the NQA MTrace Test to Check the RPF Path from the Multicast Source to the Querier
7.23.1 Establishing the Configuration Task...................................................................................................498
7.23.2 Creating an NQA MTrace Test...........................................................................................................499
7.23.3 Configuring the NQA MTrace Test.....................................................................................................499
7.23.4 (Optional) Adjusting the Performance of the NQA MTrace Test.......................................................500
7.23.5 Starting the NQA MTrace Test...........................................................................................................501
7.23.6 Checking the Configuration.................................................................................................................501
7.24 Configuring the NQA MTrace Test to Check the Multicast Path from the Multicast Source to the Querier
7.24.1 Establishing the Configuration Task...................................................................................................502
7.24.2 Creating an NQA MTrace Test...........................................................................................................503
7.24.3 Configuring the NQA MTrace Test.....................................................................................................504
7.24.4 (Optional) Adjusting the Performance of the NQA MTrace Test.......................................................504
7.24.5 Starting the NQA MTrace Test...........................................................................................................505
7.24.6 Checking the Configuration.................................................................................................................506
7.25 Configuring the NQA MTrace Test to Check the RPF Path from the Multicast Source to the Destination Host
7.25.1 Establishing the Configuration Task...................................................................................................507
7.25.2 Creating an NQA MTrace Test...........................................................................................................507
7.25.3 Configuring the NQA MTrace Test.....................................................................................................508
7.25.4 (Optional) Adjusting the Performance of the NQA MTrace Test.......................................................509
7.25.5 Starting the NQA MTrace Test...........................................................................................................510
7.25.6 Setting Policies for Filtering Queriers.................................................................................................511
7.25.7 Checking the Configuration.................................................................................................................512
7.26 Configuring the NQA MTrace Test to Check the Multicast Path from the Multicast Source to the Destination
7.26.1 Establishing the Configuration Task...................................................................................................512
7.26.2 Creating an NQA MTrace Test...........................................................................................................513

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7.26.3 Configuring Parameters for the NQA MTrace Test............................................................................514

7.26.4 (Optional) Adjusting the Performance of the NQA MTrace Test.......................................................515
7.26.5 Starting the NQA MTrace Test...........................................................................................................517
7.26.6 Setting Policies for Filtering Queriers.................................................................................................517
7.26.7 Checking the Configuration.................................................................................................................518
7.27 Configuring the PWE3 Ping Test to Check the One-Hop PW.....................................................................519
7.27.1 Establishing the Configuration Task...................................................................................................519
7.27.2 Configuring Parameters for the PWE3 Ping Test on a One-Hop PW.................................................519
7.27.3 Checking the Configuration.................................................................................................................521
7.28 Configuring the PWE3 Ping Test to Check the Multi-Hop PW...................................................................522
7.28.1 Establishing the Configuration Task...................................................................................................522
7.28.2 Configuring Parameters for the PWE3 Ping Test on a Multi-Hop PW...............................................523
7.28.3 Checking the Configuration.................................................................................................................525
7.29 Configuring the PWE3 Trace Test to Check the One-Hop PW...................................................................526
7.29.1 Establishing the Configuration Task...................................................................................................526
7.29.2 Configuring Parameters for the PWE3 Trace Test on a One-Hop PW...............................................526
7.29.3 Checking the Configuration.................................................................................................................528
7.30 Configuring the PWE3 Trace Test to Check the Multi-Hop PW.................................................................529
7.30.1 Establishing the Configuration Task...................................................................................................529
7.30.2 Configuring Parameters for the PWE3 Trace Test on a Multi-Hop PW.............................................530
7.30.3 Checking the Configuration.................................................................................................................531
7.31 Configuring the VC Trace Test to Check the Inter-AS Multi-Hop Kompella VLL....................................533
7.31.1 Establishing the Configuration Task...................................................................................................533
7.31.2 Configuring the VC Trace Test on an Inter-AS Multi-Hop Kompella VLL.......................................534
7.31.3 Checking the Configuration.................................................................................................................535
7.32 Configuring Universal NQA Test Parameters..............................................................................................536
7.32.1 Establishing the Configuration Task...................................................................................................537
7.32.2 Configuring Universal Parameters for the NQA Test Instance...........................................................537
7.32.3 Checking the Configuration.................................................................................................................543
7.33 Configuring Round-Trip Delay Thresholds.................................................................................................544
7.33.1 Establishing the Configuration Task...................................................................................................544
7.33.2 Configuring Round-Trip Delay Thresholds........................................................................................545
7.33.3 Checking the Configuration.................................................................................................................545
7.34 Configuring Uni-directional Transmission Delay Thresholds.....................................................................546
7.34.1 Establishing the Configuration Task...................................................................................................546
7.34.2 Configuring Uni-directional Transmission Delay Thresholds............................................................547
7.34.3 Checking the Configuration.................................................................................................................548
7.35 Configuring the Trap Function.....................................................................................................................548
7.35.1 Establishing the Configuration Task...................................................................................................548
7.35.2 Sending Trap Messages When Test Failed..........................................................................................550
7.35.3 Sending Trap Messages When Probes Failed......................................................................................550
7.35.4 Sending Trap Messages When Probes Are Complete Successfully....................................................551

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7.35.5 Sending Trap Messages When the Transmission Delay Exceeds Thresholds....................................552
7.35.6 Checking the Configuration.................................................................................................................553
7.36 Configuring Test Results to Be Sent to the FTP Server...............................................................................553
7.36.1 Establishing the Configuration Task...................................................................................................554
7.36.2 Configuring Parameters for Connecting the FTP Server.....................................................................554
7.36.3 Enabling the Function of Saving NQA Test Results Through FTP....................................................555
7.36.4 (Optional) Configuring the Number of Test Results Saved Through FTP..........................................555
7.36.5 (Optional) Configuring the Duration of Saving Test Results Through FTP.......................................556
7.36.6 (Optional) Enabling Alarms to Be Sent to the NM Station After the FTP Transmission Succeeds
7.36.7 Starting the Test Instance....................................................................................................................557
7.36.8 Checking the Configuration.................................................................................................................558
7.37 Configuring a Threshold for the NQA Alarm..............................................................................................558
7.37.1 Establishing the Configuration Task...................................................................................................559
7.37.2 Configuring the Event Corresponding to the Alarm Threshold..........................................................559
7.37.3 Configuring the Alarm Threshold.......................................................................................................560
7.37.4 Starting the Test Instance....................................................................................................................560
7.37.5 Checking the Configuration.................................................................................................................561
7.38 Configuring a VPLS MFIB Ping to Check the VPLS Network...................................................................562
7.38.1 Establishing the Configuration Task...................................................................................................562
7.38.2 Configuring a VPLS MFIB Ping to Check the Multicast Forwarding................................................563
7.38.3 Checking the Configuration.................................................................................................................564
7.39 Configuring a MAC Ping and Trace Test.....................................................................................................565
7.39.1 Establishing the Configuration Task...................................................................................................565
7.39.2 Configuring Parameters for a MAC Trace Test..................................................................................566
7.39.3 Checking the Configuration.................................................................................................................568
7.40 Configuring GMAC Ping and GMAC Trace to Detect the Connectivity of a VLAN Network..................569
7.40.1 Establishing the Configuration Task...................................................................................................569
7.40.2 Configuring Parameters for a GMAC Ping Test.................................................................................570
7.40.3 Configuring Parameters for a GMAC Trace Test................................................................................571
7.40.4 Checking the Configuration.................................................................................................................572
7.41 Configuring GMAC Ping and GMAC Trace to Detect the Connectivity of a VPLS Network....................574
7.41.1 Establishing the Configuration Task...................................................................................................574
7.41.2 Configuring Parameters for a GMAC Ping Test.................................................................................574
7.41.3 Configuring Parameters for a GMAC Trace Test................................................................................575
7.41.4 Checking the Configuration.................................................................................................................576
7.42 Configuring VPLS PW Ping and VPLS PW Trace Test Instances..............................................................578
7.42.1 Establishing the Configuration Task...................................................................................................578
7.42.2 Configuring Parameters for the VPLS PW Ping Test Instance...........................................................578
7.42.3 Configuring Parameters for the VPLS PW Trace Test Instance.........................................................581
7.42.4 Checking the Configuration.................................................................................................................583
7.43 Configuring a VPLS MFIB Trace to Check the VPLS Network.................................................................584
7.43.1 Establishing the Configuration Task...................................................................................................584

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7.43.2 Configuring a VPLS MFIB Trace to Check the Multicast Forwarding..............................................585

7.43.3 Checking the Configuration.................................................................................................................587
7.44 Configuring a VPLS MAC Ping Test...........................................................................................................587
7.44.1 Establishing the Configuration Task...................................................................................................587
7.44.2 Configuring Parameters for the VPLS MAC Ping Test......................................................................588
7.44.3 Checking the Configuration.................................................................................................................589
7.45 Configuring a VPLS MAC Trace Test.........................................................................................................590
7.45.1 Establishing the Configuration Task...................................................................................................590
7.45.2 Configuring Parameters for the VPLS MAC Trace Test....................................................................591
7.45.3 Checking the Configuration.................................................................................................................592
7.46 Maintaining NQA.........................................................................................................................................593
7.46.1 Restarting NQA Test Instances...........................................................................................................593
7.46.2 Clearing NQA Statistics......................................................................................................................593
7.47 NQA Configuration Examples.....................................................................................................................594
7.47.1 Example for Configuring the ICMP Test............................................................................................594
7.47.2 Example for Configuring the DHCP Test...........................................................................................596
7.47.3 Example for Configuring the FTP Download Test.............................................................................597
7.47.4 Example for Configuring the FTP Upload Test..................................................................................599
7.47.5 Example for Configuring the HTTP Test............................................................................................602
7.47.6 Example for Configuring the DNS Test..............................................................................................603
7.47.7 Example for Configuring the Traceroute Test.....................................................................................605
7.47.8 Example for Configuring the SNMP Query Test................................................................................607
7.47.9 Example for Configuring the TCP Test...............................................................................................609
7.47.10 Example for Configuring the UDP Test............................................................................................611
7.47.11 Example for Configuring the Jitter Test............................................................................................613
7.47.12 Example for Configuring a Jitter Test Based on the Mechanism that the LPU Sends Packets.........616
7.47.13 Example for Configuring the LSP Ping Test for the LDP Tunnel....................................................618
7.47.14 Example for Configuring the LSP Jitter Test for the LDP Tunnel....................................................621
7.47.15 Example for Configuring the LSP Jitter Test for the MPLS TE Tunnel...........................................624
7.47.16 Example for Configuring an ICMP Jitter Test..................................................................................627
7.47.17 Example for Configuring an ICMP Jitter Test Based on the Mechanism in Which the LPU Sends Packets
7.47.18 Example for Configuring a Path Jitter Test.......................................................................................631
7.47.19 Example for Configuring a Path MTU Test......................................................................................633
7.47.20 Example for Configuring the LSP Trace Test for the MPLS TE Tunnel..........................................635
7.47.21 Example for Checking the Members of the Reserved Multicast Group on a Network Segment Through
the MPing Test................................................................................................................................................639
7.47.22 Example for Checking the Multicast Service Through the MPing Test............................................641
7.47.23 Example for Checking the RPF Path from the Multicast Source to the Current router Through the
MTrace Test....................................................................................................................................................647
7.47.24 Example for Checking the Multicast Path from the Multicast Source to the Current router Through the
MTrace Test....................................................................................................................................................651
7.47.25 Example for Checking the RPF Path from the Multicast Source to the Destination Host Through the
MTrace Test....................................................................................................................................................656

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7.47.26 Example for Checking the Multicast Path from the Multicast Source to the Destination Host Through
the MTrace Test..............................................................................................................................................661
7.47.27 Example for Configuring the PWE3 Ping Test on a One-Hop PW...................................................665
7.47.28 Example for Configuring the PWE3 Ping Test on a Multi-Hop PW................................................669
7.47.29 Example for Configuring the PWE3 Trace Test on a One-Hop PW.................................................674
7.47.30 Example for Configuring the PWE3 Trace Test on a Multi-Hop PW...............................................678
7.47.31 Configuring the VC Trace Test on an Inter-AS Multi-Hop Kompella L2VPN................................684
7.47.32 Example for Sending Trap Message When Transmission Delay Exceeds Thresholds.....................690
7.47.33 Example for Configuring Test Results to Be Sent to the FTP Server...............................................694
7.47.34 Example for Configuring a Threshold for the NQA Alarm..............................................................697
7.47.35 Example for Configuring a VPLS MFIB Ping to Check the VPLS Network...................................699
7.47.36 Example for Configuring a VPLS MFIB Ping to Check the Kompella VPLS Network..................703
7.47.37 Example for Configuring a VPLS MFIB Trace to Check the VPLS Network.................................707
7.47.38 Example for Configuring a VPLS MAC Ping Test...........................................................................711
7.47.39 Example for Configuring a VPLS MAC Trace Test.........................................................................715
7.47.40 Example for Configuring VPLS PW Ping and VPLS PW Trace Test Instances..............................719
7.47.41 Example for Configuring MAC Ping and MAC Trace to Detect the Connectivity of a VLAN network
7.47.42 Example for Configuring a MAC Ping and MAC Trace Test Instance to Detect the Connectivity of a
VPLS Network...............................................................................................................................................728
7.47.43 Example for Configuring GMAC Ping and GMAC Trace to Detect the Connectivity of a VLAN
7.47.44 Example for Configuring GMAC Ping and GMAC Trace to Detect the Connectivity of a VPLS Network
7.47.45 Example for Checking an RPF Path from the Multicast Source to the Destination Host of a Specified
Multicast VPN Network.................................................................................................................................742
7.47.46 Example for Configuring NQA Upper/Lower Alarm Threshold and Test Instance Linkage...........750
7.47.47 Example for Configuring the LSP Trace Test for Checking the CR-LSP Hotstandby Tunnel.........753

8 NetStream Configuration.........................................................................................................758
8.1 Introduction to NetStream..............................................................................................................................760
8.1.1 Overview of NetStream.........................................................................................................................760
8.1.2 NetStream Features Supported by the NE80E/40E...............................................................................761
8.2 Configuring Traffic Statistics on an IPv4 Network........................................................................................764
8.2.1 Establishing the Configuration Task.....................................................................................................764
8.2.2 (Optional)Adjust AS domain mode and interface index value for NetStream Device..........................765
8.2.3 Configuring Processing Mode for NetStream Services.........................................................................766
8.2.4 Enabling NetStream on an Interface......................................................................................................767
8.2.5 (Optional) Configuring TCP-flag Statistics of the Original Traffic......................................................768
8.2.6 (Optional) Configuring Refreshment Parameters of the Template........................................................769
8.2.7 Configuring the Export of NetStream Packets......................................................................................770
8.2.8 Configuring NetStream Sampling.........................................................................................................770
8.2.9 Checking the Configuration...................................................................................................................772
8.3 Collecting the Statistics of IPv6 Unicast Traffic............................................................................................774
8.3.1 Establishing the Configuration Task.....................................................................................................774

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8.3.2 Enabling NetStream on an Interface......................................................................................................775

8.3.3 Configuring the Format of the Output Statistics...................................................................................775
8.3.4 Outputting the Statistics.........................................................................................................................776
8.3.5 Checking the Configuration...................................................................................................................776
8.4 Enabling NetStream on a VPN Network........................................................................................................777
8.4.1 Establishing a Configuration Task........................................................................................................778
8.4.2 (Optional)Adjust AS domain mode and interface index value for NetStream Device..........................780
8.4.3 Configuring Processing Mode for NetStream Services.........................................................................781
8.4.4 Configuring the Export of Statistics......................................................................................................782
8.4.5 Enabling NetStream to Collect the Statistics About MPLS TAL Information.....................................783
8.4.6 Configuring the Version of the Export Format of NetStream Packets..................................................783
8.4.7 Enabling NetStream on an Interface......................................................................................................784
8.4.8 Checking the Configuration...................................................................................................................784
8.5 Configuring Traffic Statistics on an MPLS Network.....................................................................................786
8.5.1 Establishing the Configuration Task.....................................................................................................786
8.5.2 (Optional)Adjust AS domain mode and interface index value for NetStream Device..........................787
8.5.3 Configuring Processing Mode for NetStream Sampling.......................................................................788
8.5.4 Enable NetStream on an Interface.........................................................................................................789
8.5.5 Configuring Statistics of MPLS Packets...............................................................................................789
8.5.6 (Optional) Configuring Refreshment Parameters of the Template........................................................789
8.5.7 Configuring the Export of NetStream Packets......................................................................................790
8.5.8 Configuring NetStream Sampling.........................................................................................................790
8.5.9 Checking the Configuration...................................................................................................................790
8.6 Configuring Aggregation Traffic Statistics....................................................................................................792
8.6.1 Establishing the Configuration Task.....................................................................................................792
8.6.2 Configuring Aggregation Function.......................................................................................................793
8.6.3 (Optional) Configuring the Format of Export NetStream Packets........................................................794
8.6.4 (Optional) Configuring Refreshment Parameters of the Aggregation Traffic Template......................794
8.6.5 (Optional) Configuring Aging Time......................................................................................................795
8.6.6 Configuring the Export of NetStream Packets......................................................................................796
8.6.7 Checking the Configuration...................................................................................................................796
8.7 Configuring NetStream Multi-Address Output..............................................................................................797
8.7.1 Establishing the Configuration Task.....................................................................................................798
8.7.2 Enabling NetStream on an Interface......................................................................................................798
8.7.3 Setting the NetStream Sampling Ratio..................................................................................................799
8.7.4 Configuring the NetStream Sampling Mode.........................................................................................799
8.7.5 Configuring the Version in Which NetStream Statistics Are Output....................................................800
8.7.6 Configuring NetStream Multi-Address Output.....................................................................................800
8.7.7 Checking the Configuration...................................................................................................................801
8.8 Maintaining NetStream...................................................................................................................................802
8.8.1 Aging Original Traffic Forcibly............................................................................................................802
8.9 Configuration Examples.................................................................................................................................803

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8.9.1 Example for Configuring the Statistics of Abnormal Traffic at the User Side on an IPv4 Network
8.9.2 Example for Configuring the Statistics of VLANIF Traffic on an IPv4 Network................................806
8.9.3 Example for Configuring the Statistics of GRE Traffic on an IPv4 Network.......................................809
8.9.4 Example for Configuring Traffic Statistics on an MPLS Network.......................................................812
8.9.5 Example for Configuring Aggregation Traffic Statistics......................................................................816
8.9.6 Example for Configuring Backup of Statistics Export..........................................................................820
8.9.7 Example for Configuring Statistics on the NetStream Traffic Aggregated Based on VLAN...............822
8.9.8 Example for Configuring an Interface Index Mapped in NetStream....................................................826
8.9.9 Configuring NetStream Multi-address Output......................................................................................828
8.9.10 Example for Configuring NetStream on a BGP/MPLS IP VPN.........................................................832
8.9.11 Example for Configuring NetStream on an MVPN............................................................................837
8.9.12 Example for Configuring NetStream on a VLL..................................................................................850
8.9.13 Example for Enabling NetStream on a Dynamic Single-Hop PWE3 Network...................................855
8.9.14 Example for Enabling NetStream on a Martini VPLS Network.........................................................860
8.9.15 Example for Enabling NetStream on a Kompella VPLS Network......................................................865

9 Ping and Tracert.........................................................................................................................871

9.1 Ping and Tracert Overview.............................................................................................................................873
9.1.1 Introduction to Ping and Tracert............................................................................................................873
9.2 Configuring Ping and Tracert.........................................................................................................................873
9.2.1 Establishing the Configuration Task.....................................................................................................873
9.2.2 Applying Ping to Test the Network Connection...................................................................................874
9.2.3 Applying Tracert to Locate Faults in the Network................................................................................875
9.3 Detecting the LDP LSP Through the Ping or Tracert Operation....................................................................875
9.3.1 Establishing the Configuration Task.....................................................................................................876
9.3.2 Checking Connectivity of the LDP LSP Through the Ping Operation..................................................876
9.3.3 Checking Connectivity of the LDP LSP Through the Tracert Operation.............................................877
9.4 Detecting the TE Tunnel Through the Ping or Tracert Operation..................................................................878
9.4.1 Establishing the Configuration Task.....................................................................................................878
9.4.2 Checking Connectivity of the TE Tunnel Through the Ping Operation................................................878
9.4.3 Checking Connectivity of the TE Tunnel Through the Tracert Operation............................................879
9.5 Detecting the VLL Network Through the Ping or Tracert Operation............................................................880
9.5.1 Establishing the Configuration Task.....................................................................................................880
9.5.2 Checking Connectivity of the VLL Network Through the Ping Operation..........................................881
9.5.3 Checking Connectivity of the VLL Network Through the Tracert Operation......................................882
9.6 Detecting the PWE3 Network Through the Ping or Tracert Operation..........................................................883
9.6.1 Establishing the Configuration Task.....................................................................................................883
9.6.2 Checking Connectivity of the PWE3 Network Through the Ping Operation........................................884
9.6.3 Checking Connectivity of the VLL Network Through the Tracert Operation......................................885
9.7 Detecting the VPLS Network Through the Ping or Tracert Operation..........................................................886
9.7.1 Establishing the Configuration Task.....................................................................................................886
9.7.2 Checking Connectivity of the VPLS Network Through the Ping Operation........................................887

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9.7.3 Checking Connectivity of the VPLS Network Through the Tracert Operation....................................888
9.8 Detecting the BGP or MPLS IP VPN Through the Ping or Tracert Operation..............................................888
9.8.1 Establishing the Configuration Task.....................................................................................................889
9.8.2 Checking Connectivity of the BGP or MPLS IP VPN Through the Ping Operation............................889
9.9 Checking the VPLS Network Through VPLS MAC Ping and VPLS MAC Trace.......................................890
9.9.1 Establishing the Configuration Task.....................................................................................................890
9.9.2 Checking the Connectivity of the VPLS Network Through MAC Ping...............................................891
9.9.3 Checking the Connectivity of the VPLS Network Through MAC Trace.............................................892
9.10 Detecting an MPLS Network Through a Ping Operation.............................................................................893
9.10.1 Establishing the Configuration Task...................................................................................................893
9.10.2 Checking Whether IP Forwarding on an MPLS Network Is Normal Through a Ping Operation.......893
9.11 Detecting Trunk Member Links Through a Ping Operation........................................................................894
9.11.1 Establishing the Configuration Task...................................................................................................894
9.11.2 Detecting the Connectivity of Layer 3 Trunk Member Interfaces Through a Ping Operation............895
9.12 Detecting an MH-PW Through the Ping and Tracert Operations................................................................896
9.12.1 Establishing the Configuration Task...................................................................................................896
9.12.2 Detecting the MH-PW Connectivity Through a Ping Operation........................................................900
9.12.3 Detecting the MH-PW Connectivity Through a Tracert Operation....................................................901
9.13 Detecting the PWE3 Network Through a Service Ping Operation...............................................................902
9.13.1 Establishing the Configuration Task...................................................................................................902
9.13.2 Detecting the PWE3 Network Through a Service Ping Operation......................................................903
9.14 Detecting the VLL Accessing the VPLS Network Through a Service Ping Operation...............................904
9.14.1 Establishing the Configuration Task...................................................................................................904
9.14.2 Detecting the VLL Accessing the VPLS Network Through a Service Ping Operation......................905
9.15 Configuring Smart Ping................................................................................................................................906
9.15.1 Establishing the Configuration Task...................................................................................................907
9.15.2 Configuring Smart Ping to Check the Network Connectivity.............................................................907

10 LLDP Configuration...............................................................................................................910
10.1 Introduction..................................................................................................................................................911
10.1.1 Overview of LLDP..............................................................................................................................911
10.1.2 LLDP Features Supported by the NE80E/40E....................................................................................911
10.2 Configuring LLDP........................................................................................................................................913
10.2.1 Establishing the Configuration Task...................................................................................................913
10.2.2 (Optional) Enabling the LLDP Alarm Function..................................................................................915
10.2.3 Enabling LLDP Globally.....................................................................................................................915
10.2.4 (Optional) Disabling LLDP on an Interface........................................................................................916
10.2.5 (Optional) Configuring the Management Address of LLDP...............................................................916
10.2.6 (Optional) Configuring LLDP Attributes............................................................................................917
10.2.7 Checking the Configuration.................................................................................................................919
10.3 Maintaining LLDP........................................................................................................................................920
10.3.1 Clearing the Statistics of LLDP...........................................................................................................921
10.3.2 Monitoring the Running Status of LLDP............................................................................................921

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10.4 Configuration Examples...............................................................................................................................921

10.4.1 Example for Configuring LLDP..........................................................................................................921
10.4.2 Example for Configuring LLDP on the Network with Eth-Trunk......................................................925
10.4.3 Example for Configuring LLDP on the Network Where an Interface Has Multiple Neighbors.........928

11 Fault Management...................................................................................................................932
11.1 Introduction to Fault Management...............................................................................................................933
11.1.1 Introduction to Fault Management......................................................................................................933
11.2 Configuring Alarm Management..................................................................................................................933
11.2.1 Establishing the Configuration Task...................................................................................................933
11.2.2 Setting the Alarm Severity Level........................................................................................................934
11.2.3 Configuring Delaying Alarm Reporting..............................................................................................934
11.2.4 Configuring Correlated Alarm Suppression........................................................................................935
11.2.5 Checking the Configuration.................................................................................................................936
11.3 Configuring Event Management..................................................................................................................937
11.3.1 Establishing the Configuration Task...................................................................................................937
11.3.2 Configuring Delayed Event Reporting................................................................................................938
11.3.3 Checking the Configuration.................................................................................................................938
11.4 Configuring Fault Isolation for an Entity.....................................................................................................939
11.5 Maintenance..................................................................................................................................................940
11.5.1 Clearing Alarm Messages....................................................................................................................940
11.5.2 Clearing Event Messages.....................................................................................................................941
11.5.3 Maintaining Probe Diagnose...............................................................................................................941
11.6 Configuration Examples...............................................................................................................................942
11.6.1 Example for Configuring Alarm Management....................................................................................942

A Glossary......................................................................................................................................945
B Acronyms and Abbreviations.................................................................................................947

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HUAWEI NetEngine80E/40E Router
Configuration Guide - System Management 1 Information Center Configuration

1 Information Center Configuration

About This Chapter

This chapter describes how to configure the information center to control the output of logs,
alarms, and debugging messages.

1.1 Information Center Overview

The information center controls the output of logs, alarms, and debugging messages.
1.2 Enabling Log Output
This section describes how to output logs of a specific module to a log file, console, terminal,
or log host.
1.3 Enabling Alarm Output
This section describes how to configure a specific module to output alarm information to log
files, consoles, terminals, or SNMP agents.
1.4 Enabling the Output of Debugging Information
This section describes how to configure a specific module to output debugging information to
log files, consoles, terminals, or SNMP agents.
1.5 Maintaining Information Center
This section describes how to run the following commands to delete messages in the buffer of
the information center. Note that deleted messages cannot be restored.
1.6 Information Center Configuration Examples
This section provides information center configuration examples.

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Configuration Guide - System Management 1 Information Center Configuration

1.1 Information Center Overview

The information center controls the output of logs, alarms, and debugging messages.

1.1.1 Introduction to the Information Center

The information center works as the information hub of a router. It classifies and filters the output
of a system. The information center uses a debugging program to help network administrator
and developers monitor network operation and analyze network faults.

1.1.2 Information Center Supported by the NE80E/40E

The information center outputs logs, alarms, and debugging messages at eight severity levels
through 10 information channels.

Information Classification
The information center receives and processes information of the following types:
l Logs
l Debugging information
l Alarms

Severity Levels of Information

Information has eight severity levels as shown in Table 1-1. The lower the severity level, the
more severe the information.

Table 1-1 Description of the severity levels of information

Threshold Severity Level Description

0 Emergencies A fatal fault, such as a program exception or incorrect

memory usage, occurs on the device. The system must

1 Alert An important fault, such as the device memory

reaching the highest limit, occurs on the device. The
fault needs to be fixed immediately.

2 Critical A crucial fault, such as the memory or temperature

reaching the lowest limit, or the BFD device being
unreachable, occurs on the device. An internal fault
can also be generated by the device itself. The fault
needs to be analyzed and fixed.

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Configuration Guide - System Management 1 Information Center Configuration

Threshold Severity Level Description

3 Error A fault, such as a user running incorrect commands,

entering a wrong password, or receiving wrong
protocol packets from other devices, occurs on the
device. These faults can be caused by improper
operation or a wrong process.
They do not affect services but should be given

4 Warning An abnormal situation, such as the user disabling the

routing process, the BFD detecting packet loss, or the
wrong protocol packet being received occurs on the
The fault may affect services and should be given

5 Notification Indicates the key operations used to ensure that the

device runs normally, such as the execution of the
shutdown command, the performance of neighbor
discovery, or the status change of the state machine.

6 Informational Indicates the common operations used to ensure that

the device runs normally, such as the execution of the
display command.

7 Debugging Indicates that the common device information does

not require attention.

When information filtering based on severity levels is enabled, only the information whose
severity level threshold is less than or equal to the configured value is output.

For example, if the severity level value is configured to 6, only information with a severity level
ranging from 0 to 6 is output.

Working Process of the Information Center

The working process of the information center is as follows:

l The information center receives logs, alarms, and debugging information from all modules.
l The information center outputs information with different severity levels to different
information channels according to the configuration.
l Information is transmitted in different directions based on the relationship between the
information channel and the output direction.

Generally, the information center distributes three types of information classified into eight
levels to 10 information channels. Information is then output to different directions.

As shown in Figure 1-1, logs, alarms, and debugging information have default output channels.
They can be customized to be output from other channels. For example, logs can be configured
to be output to the log cache through Channel 6 rather than the default Channel 4.

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Configuration Guide - System Management 1 Information Center Configuration

Figure 1-1 Functions of the information channel

Information Output
channel direction
Console Console
Logs Monitor Remote terminal

Loghost Loghost
Traps 2
Trapbuffer Trap buffer
Logbuffer Log buffer
5 SNMP agent SNMP agent

6 channel6

Direction of logs 7 channel7

Direction of alarms
Direction of debugging 8 channel8
channel9 Logfile

Information Channels and Output Directions

The system supports 10 channels. The first six channels (Channel 0 to Channel 5) have default
channel names and are associated with six default output directions. For devices equipped a CF
card, log information is output to log files through Channel 9 by default. That is, seven total
default output directions are supported.

For details of the association relationship between default channels and output directions, see
Table 1-2.

Table 1-2 Association relationship between default channels and output directions

Channel Default Output Description

Number Channel Name Direction

0 Console Console Outputs logs, alarms, and debugging

information to the local console.

1 Monitor Monitor Outputs logs, alarms, and debugging

information to the VTY terminals for
remote maintenance.

2 Loghost Log host Outputs logs, alarms, and debugging

information to the log host. Information is
saved to the log host in the file format for
easy reference.

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Configuration Guide - System Management 1 Information Center Configuration

Channel Default Output Description

Number Channel Name Direction

3 Trapbuffer Trap buffer Outputs alarms to the alarm buffer. The

router assigns a specific area to be the alarm
buffer for recording alarms.

4 Logbuffer Log buffer Outputs logs to the log buffer. The router
assigns a specified area to be the log buffer
for recording logs.

5 Snmpagent SNMP agent Outputs alarms to the SNMP agent.

6 Unspecified Unspecified Reserved, this channel can be configured to

output to different directions.

7 Unspecified Unspecified Reserved, this channel can be configured to

output to different directions.

8 Unspecified Unspecified Reserved, this channel can be configured to

output to different directions.

9 Channel9 Log file Outputs logs, alarms and debugging

information to the log file on the CF card

In the case of multiple log hosts, logs can be output through one channel or several channels.
For example, some logs can be output to a log host through Channel 2 (loghost) and some logs
can be output to another log host through Channel 6. For easy management, the name of Channel
6 can be changed.

Format of Logs
Syslog is a sub-function of the information center. It outputs information to a log host through
port 514.
Figure 1-2 shows the format of logs.

Figure 1-2 Format of the output logs


Table 1-3 describes each field in a log message.

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Configuration Guide - System Management 1 Information Center Configuration

Table 1-3 Description of each field in a log message

Field Indication Description

<Int_16> Leading character Leading characters are added before logs are
output to log hosts.
Logs saved in the local device do not contain
leading characters.

TIMESTAMP Time to send out the Available formats for the timestamp are as follows:
information l boot: The timestamp in this format indicates a
relative time.
l date: The timestamp in this format indicates the
system time. Timestamps in logs, alarms and
debugging information are in this format by
l short-date: Unlike the date format, timestamps
in the short-date format do not indicate the year.
l format-date: The timestamp in this format is
another format of the system time.
l none: indicates that the information does not
contain any timestamp.
There is a space between the timestamp and the
host name.

HOSTNAME Host name By default, the name is HUAWEI.

%% Huawei logo Indicates that log information is output by a

Huawei device.

dd Version number Identifies the version of the log format.

AAA Module name Indicates the name of the module that outputs
information to the information center.

B Log level Indicates the severity level of a log.

CCC Brief description Describes the information type.

(t) Information type Indicates the user log identifier.

[e] Information counter Indicates the log sequence number.

slot=XXX Location information Indicates the number of the slot that sends the
location information.

YYYY Descriptor Indicates detailed information output from each

module to the information center.
Before outputting logs, each module fills in this
field to describe log content.

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Configuration Guide - System Management 1 Information Center Configuration

Format of Alarms
Figure 1-3 shows the format of the output alarms.

Figure 1-3 Format of the output alarms

TimeStamp HostName ModuleName/Severity/Brief:Description

Table 1-4 describes each field in an alarm message.

Table 1-4 Description of each field of in an alarm message

Field Indication Description

TimeStamp Time to send out the Available formats for the timestamp are as follows:
information l boot: The timestamp in this format indicates a
relative time.
l date: The timestamp in this format indicates the
system time. Timestamps in logs, alarms and
debugging information are in this format by
l short-date: Unlike the date format, timestamps
in the short-date format do not indicate the year.
l format-date: The timestamp in this format is
another format of the system time.
l none: indicates that the information does not
contain a timestamp.
There is a space between the timestamp and the
host name.

HostName Host name By default, the name is HUAWEI.There is a space

between the sysname and module name.

ModuleName Module name Indicates the name of the module that generates an

Severity Severity level Severity levels available for an alarm message are
as follows:
l Critical
l Major
l Minor
l Warning
l Indeterminate
l Cleared

Brief Brief information Provides brief information of the alarms.

Description Description Provides detailed description of the alarms.

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Configuration Guide - System Management 1 Information Center Configuration

1.2 Enabling Log Output

This section describes how to output logs of a specific module to a log file, console, terminal,
or log host.

1.2.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

Before configuring the log output, familiarize yourself with the applicable environment,
complete the pre-configuration tasks, and obtain the required data. This can help you complete
the configuration task quickly and accurately.

Applicable Environment
The system logs the operation information about devices in real time. It then outputs logs to the
log buffer, log file, console, terminal, and log host for storage and future reference. In this
manner, when faults occur on devices, users can locate the faults based on the logs.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring the log output, complete the following tasks:

l Connecting the router to the PC properly

l Ensuring that the route between the router and the log host is reachable
l Configuring an VPN instance

Data Preparation
To configure the log output, you need the following data.

No. Data

1 l Channel number
l Channel name

2 Module name

3 Address of the log host

4 Severity level of the log

5 (Optional) Size of the log buffer

6 (Optional) VPN instance name

1.2.2 Enabling the Information Center

If the information center function is disabled, you can enable it. By default, this function is

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Configuration Guide - System Management 1 Information Center Configuration

The information center classifies and outputs information. When it is heavily loaded with
information processing, system performance degrades.

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
info-center enable

The information center is enabled.

By default, the information center is enabled.


1.2.3 (Optional) Naming an Information Channel

Naming an information channel helps clarify what is output by each channel.

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
info-center channel channel-number name channel-name

A channel is named.


1.2.4 (Optional) Configuring the Function of Filtering Logs by IDs

The binary log function can filter specific logs.

Binary logs provide the function of filtering specified logs by their IDs. To filter certain logs,
the user can obtain IDs of these logs through log resolution tools and add these IDs to the log
filtering list.

After that, the information center does not send these logs in each output direction.

Step 1 Run:

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Configuration Guide - System Management 1 Information Center Configuration

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
info-center filter-id { id } * &<1-50>

One or more IDs are added and a space is used to separate these IDs.

Currently, only 50 IDs can be shielded. The aggregation of these shielded IDs is called a log ID filtering
list. The log ID filtering list is arranged by ID values.


1.2.5 (Optional) Configuring the Suppression of the Log Processing

You can set thresholds for all logs.

During the running of a device, if too many logs with the same log ID are generated, the
information center is too busy processing these logs to process logs with other log IDs, which
may even affect the running service. The information center monitors the traffic of logs with
different log IDs. When the traffic of logs with a specific log ID repeatedly exceeds the threshold
during the monitoring period, the information center suppresses the processing rate of these
specified logs by processing only the conforming traffic and discarding the non-conforming
traffic; when the traffic of logs with the specific log ID falls below the threshold and remains
below the threshold for five monitoring periods, the suppression is removed.

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
info-center rate-limit threshold value [ byinfoID infoID | bymodule-alias modname
alias ]

The maximum number of logs with the same log ID that the information center can process
every second is set.

By default, the information center processes a maximum of 50 logs with the same log ID in
every second. In certain application scenarios, the information center is required to defaultly
process a maximum of more than 30 logs with the same log ID in every second. You can set
thresholds for logs with different log IDs.

l If the threshold is too low, some logs may be discarded.

l If the threshold is too high, the information center cannot identify the log ID under which too many
logs are generated.

Step 3 Run:
info-center rate-limit global-threshold

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Configuration Guide - System Management 1 Information Center Configuration

The total number of logs that the information center can process each second is set.

Step 4 Run:
info-center rate-limit monitor-period

The period for the information center to limit the log processing rate is set.

Step 5 Run:
info-center rate-limit except

(Optional) Cancel the log processing rate limit for logs with the specified ID or module name.

If logs with the specified ID or module name will never be generated in a huge number, you can
run this command to cancel the log processing rate limit for the logs. After this command is run,
the configured log processing rate limit will not be effective for logs with the specified ID or
module name.


1.2.6 (Optional) Enabling the Output of the Statistics About

Repeatedly Generated Logs
Outputting the statistics can protect the information center against the impact of repeatedly
generated logs, ensuring the normal service operation.

On the HUAWEI NetEngine80E/40E, service modules generate logs and control the volume of
generated logs. The information center processes the received logs.

In some scenarios, service modules, such as ARP and VRRP, generate a large number of repeated
logs within a short period. In this situation, you can enable the output of the statistics about
repeatedly generated logs to protect the information center against the impact of the large log
Logs that are generated consecutively and with identical log IDs and parameters can be regarded as
repeatedly generated logs.

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
info-center statistic-suppress enable

The output of the statistics about repeatedly generated logs is enabled.


By default, the output of the statistics about repeatedly generated logs is enabled.


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Configuration Guide - System Management 1 Information Center Configuration

1.2.7 Outputting Logs to the Log Buffer

The log buffer stores the latest logs generated by the system. You can set the log buffer size or
channels in this task.

l Configure the channel through which logs are output.
1. Run the following command on the router enabled with the information center:

The system view is displayed.

2. Run:
info-center source { module-name | default } channel { channel-number |
channel-name } [ log { state { off | on } | level severity } * ]

Logs are sent to the information channel.

Logs can be output only after the information center is enabled.
l Configure the channel through which logs are output.
1. Run the following command on the router enabled with the information center:

The system view is displayed.

2. Run:
info-center logbuffer [ channel { channel-number | channel-name } ]

The channel through which logs are output to the log buffer is configured.
3. (Optional) Run:
info-center logbuffer [ channel { channel-number | channel-name } | size
buffersize ] *

The size of the log buffer is configured.

After the information center is enabled, logs are output to the log buffer through
Channel 4 by default and the log buffer can cache a maximum of 512 logs.

1.2.8 Outputting Logs to a Log File

When a fault occurs on the device, you locate the fault based on information saved in the log

Step 1 Send logs to a channel.
1. Run:

The system view is displayed.

2. Run:
info-center source { module-name | default }channel { channel-number | channel-
name } [ log { state { off | on } | level severity } * ]

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Configuration Guide - System Management 1 Information Center Configuration

Logs are sent the information channel.

Logs can be output only after the information center is enabled.
Step 2 Configure the channel through which logs are output to the log file.
1. Run:
info-center logfile channel { channel-number | channel-name }

The channel through which logs are output to the log file is configured.
Step 3 (Optional) Configure the size of the log file output by the information center.
1. Run:
info-center logfile size size

The size of the configuration file is set.

By default, the size of log files is 8 MB.
Step 4 (Optional) Configure the maximum number of compressed log files to be stored.
1. Run:
info-center max-logfile-number filenumbers

The maximum number of compressed log files to be stored is set.

By default, a maximum number of 200 compressed log files can be stored. If the configured
maximum number is reached, the system will delete earlier compressed log files.
Step 5 (Optional) Save the configurations to a log file.
1. Run:
save logfile

The configurations are saved to a log file.


1.2.9 Outputting Logs to the Console

By outputting logs to the console, you can view the operating status of the device on the console.

Step 1 Configure the logs to be output through the channel.
1. Do as follows on the router configured with the information center, run:

The system view is displayed.

2. Run:
info-center source { module-name | default } channel { channel-number |
channel-name } [ log { state { off | on } | level severity } * ]

Logs are added to the information channel.

Logs can be output only after the information center is enabled.
Step 2 Configure the channel through which logs are output to the console.
1. Run:
info-center console channel { channel-number | channel-name }

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Configuration Guide - System Management 1 Information Center Configuration

The channel through which logs are output to the Console is configured.
2. Run:

Return to the user view.

Step 3 Enable terminal display.
1. Do as follows on the router configured with the information center, run:
terminal monitor

Terminal display is enabled.

2. Run:
terminal logging

Displaying logs on the terminal is enabled.


1.2.10 Outputting Logs to the Terminal

By outputting logs to the terminal, you can view the operating status of the device on the terminal.

Step 1 Configure the logs to be output through the channel.
1. Run:

The system view is displayed.

2. Run:
info-center source { module-name | default } channel { channel-number | channel-
name } [ log { state { off | on } | level severity } * ]

Logs are added to the information channel.

Logs can be output only after the information center is enabled.
Step 2 Configure the information channel through which logs are output to the terminal.
1. Run:
info-center monitor channel { channel-number | channel-name }

The information channel through which logs are output to the terminal is configured.
2. Run:

Return to the user view.

Step 3 Enable terminal display.
1. Run:

The system view is displayed.

terminal monitor

Terminal display is enabled.

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Configuration Guide - System Management 1 Information Center Configuration

2. Run:
terminal logging

The log display is enabled on the terminal.


1.2.11 Outputting Logs to the Log Host

By outputting logs to the log host, you can view the operating status of the device on the log

Step 1 Configure the logs to be output through the channel.
1. Do as follows on the router configured with the information center, run:

The system view is displayed.

2. Run:
info-center source { module-name | default } channel { channel-number |
channel-name } [ log { state { off | on } | level severity } * ]

Logs are added to the information channel.

Step 2 Configure the channel through which logs are output to the log host.
l (On an IPv4 network) Run:
info-center loghost ip-address [ channel { channel-number | channel-name } |
facility local-number |
{ language language-name | binary [ port ] } | { vpn-instance vpn-instance-name
| public-net } ] *

The channel through which logs are output to the log host is configured.
By default, logs are not output to the log host after the information center is enabled.
The system supports the configuration of a maximum of eight log hosts to realize backup
among log hosts.
l (On an IPv6 network) Run:
info-center loghost ipv6 ipv6-address [ channel { channel-number | channel-
name } | facility local-number | { language language-name | binary [ port ] } ]

The channel through which logs are output to the log host is configured.
By default, logs are not output to the log host.
The system supports the configuration of a maximum of eight log hosts to implement backup
among log hosts.

Step 3 Run:
info-center loghost source interface-type interface-number

A source interface is configured. This interface is recognized by the log host as the log sending

Each device has multiple interfaces that can send logs. All of these interfaces are configured to
report the source interface's address, if configured, when they send logs. This helps the log host
quickly determine the source device from which the logs were sent.

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By default, this interface is not configured, so that the log host will be aware of all actual log
sending interfaces on a device.


1.2.12 Outputting Logs to the CF card

Log files can be sent to the CF card for storage.

Do as follows on the router configured with the information center:

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
set logfile-path slot slot-id { cfcard | cfcard2 }

Logs are configured to be output to the CF card.

If there are two CF card on the device, the log file will be saved in cfcard2:/log/ by default; if
there is only one CF card, the log file will be saved in cfcard:/log/.


1.2.13 Checking the Configuration

Checking the Configuration of Information Center

The configurations of the information center function are complete.

l Run the display channel [ channel-number | channel-name ] command to check the
configuration of a channel.
l Run the display info-center [ statistics ] command to check the information recorded by
an information center.
l Run the display logbuffer command to view the information recorded by a log buffer.
l Run the display info-center filter-id { id } command to check whether the ID of a single
log is added into the filtering list.
l Run the display info-center filter-id command to check whether IDs of all logs are added
into the filtering list.
l Run the display info-center rate-limit threshold command to view the threshold of the
log processing rate.
l Run the display info-center rate-limit record command to view the rate at which logs are
suppressed in the information center.

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Run the display channel [ channel-number | channel-name ] command to check the contents of
information channels.
<HUAWEI> display channel
channel number:0, channel name:console
ffff0000 default Y warning Y debugging Y debugging

channel number:1, channel name:monitor

ffff0000 default Y warning Y debugging Y debugging
416c0000 BFD Y debugging Y debugging Y debugging

channel number:2, channel name:loghost

ffff0000 default Y informational Y debugging N debugging

channel number:3, channel name:trapbuffer

ffff0000 default N informational Y warning N debugging

channel number:4, channel name:logbuffer

ffff0000 default Y warning N debugging N debugging

channel number:5, channel name:snmpagent

ffff0000 default N debugging Y warning N debugging

channel number:6, channel name:channel6

ffff0000 default Y debugging Y debugging N debugging

channel number:7, channel name:channel7

ffff0000 default Y debugging Y debugging N debugging

channel number:8, channel name:channel8

ffff0000 default Y debugging Y debugging N debugging

channel number:9, channel name:channel9

ffff0000 default Y debugging Y debugging N debugging

Run the display info-center command to check the contents of information center.
<HUAWEI> display info-center
Information Center:enabled
Log host:
channel number : 0, channel name : console
channel number : 1, channel name : monitor
SNMP Agent:
channel number : 5, channel name : snmpagent
Log buffer:
enabled,max buffer size 1024, current buffer size 512,
current messages 512, channel number : 4, channel name : logbuffer
dropped messages 0, overwritten messages 91
Trap buffer:
enabled,max buffer size 1024, current buffer size 256,
current messages 142, channel number:3, channel name:trapbuffer
dropped messages 0, overwritten messages 0
channel number : 9, channel name : channel9, language : English
Information timestamp setting:

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Configuration Guide - System Management 1 Information Center Configuration

log - date, trap - date, debug - date

Sent messages = 3843, Received messages = 7791

IO Reg messages = 42 IO Sent messages = 3948

Run the display logbuffer command to view the logs in the log buffer.
<HUAWEI> display logbuffer
Logging buffer configuration and contents : enabled
Allowed max buffer size : 1024
Actual buffer size : 512
Channel number : 4 , Channel name : logbuffer
Dropped messages : 0
Overwritten messages : 0
Current messages : 1

Feb 13 2007 20:05:46.523.1 HUAWEI %%01SHELL/4/CMDRECORD(l):task:vt0 ip:

user:** command:info-center timestamp log date precision-time millisecond

Run the display info-center filter-id [ id ] command to check whether the log with the ID being
1098649600 is added into the filtering list.
<HUAWEI> display info-center filter-id 1098649600
ID : 1098649600
Module : TE_TUNNEL
Content : LSPM return error to TE when processing tunnel commit event!
(TunnelName=[STRING], ErrorCode=[ULONG])
Filtered Number : 0

Run the display info-center filter-id command to check whether IDs of all logs are added into
the filtering list.
<HUAWEI> display info-center filter-id
ID : 1077481488
Module : SHELL
Filtered Number : 0

ID : 1079676930
Module : VTY
Content : Refresh route to slot [ULONG].
Filtered Number : 0

Run the display info-center rate-limit threshold command to view the threshold of the log
processing rate.
<HUAWEI> display info-center rate-limit threshold
Rate limit threshold(per second):
Module Alias Default Config
default 50 50
SHELL CMDRECORD 4294967295 4294967295
SHELL DISPLAY_CMDRECORD 4294967295 4294967295
SHELL HIDECMD 4294967295 4294967295
SHELL DISPLAY_HIDECMD 4294967295 4294967295

Run the display info-center rate-limit record command to view the rate at which logs are
suppressed in the information center.
<HUAWEI> display info-center rate-limit record
Record No.1
InfoID : 1098731520
Module : 6OVER4
Rate limit threshold : 50
Total receive number : 1872
Total drop number : 922
Total send number : 950

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Configuration Guide - System Management 1 Information Center Configuration

Begin timestamp : 2009-12-21 11:41:28

Record No.2
InfoID : 1098731521
Module : 6OVER4
Rate limit threshold : 50
Total receive number : 1872
Total drop number : 922
Total send number : 950
Begin timestamp : 2009-12-21 11:41:28

1.3 Enabling Alarm Output

This section describes how to configure a specific module to output alarm information to log
files, consoles, terminals, or SNMP agents.

1.3.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

Before configuring the alarm output, familiarize yourself with the applicable environment,
complete the pre-configuration tasks, and obtain the required data. This can help you complete
the configuration task quickly and accurately.

Applicable Environment
The device can generate alarms in specific situations to draw attention of the administrators.
Alarms can be output to the alarm buffer, log file, Console, terminal, and Network Management
System (NMS), through which the administrator can easily locate and rectify the fault.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before enabling alarm output, complete the following tasks:

l Connecting the router and the NM station correctly

l Configuring routes between the router and the NM station

Data Preparation
To configure alarm output, you need the following data.

No. Data

1 l Channel number
l Channel name

2 Module name

3 Severity level of alarms

4 (Optional) Size of an alarm buffer

5 IP address of Network Management System

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Configuration Guide - System Management 1 Information Center Configuration

1.3.2 Enabling the Information Center

If the information center function is disabled, you can enable it. By default, this function is

Classifying and outputting a large amount of information degrades system performance.

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
info-center enable

The information center is enabled.

By default, the information center is enabled.


1.3.3 (Optional) Naming an Information Channel

Naming information channels helps clarify what is output by each channel.

Do as follows on the router configured with the information center.

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
info-center channel channel-number name channel-name

The information channel specified by the channel-number is named as channel-name.


1.3.4 Outputting Alarms to the Alarm Buffer

By default, alarms are output to the alarm buffer through a default channel. You can configure
alarms to be output through a specific channel.

Do as follows on the router configured with the information center:

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Configuration Guide - System Management 1 Information Center Configuration

Step 1 Configure the alarms to be output through the channel.
1. Run:

The system view is displayed.

2. Run:
info-center source { module-name | default } channel { channel-number | channel-
name } [ trap { state { off | on } | level severity } * ]

Alarms are added to the information channel.

For the specific modules, the default configurations are as follows:
For the log information, the state is on and the allowed information level is warning.
For the alarm information, the state is on and the allowed information level is
For the debugging information, the state is off.
Step 2 Configure the channel through which alarms are output to the alarm buffer.
1. Run:
info-center trapbuffer [ channel { channel-number | channel-name } ]

The alarm buffer is set to receive information.

2. Run:
(optional)info-center trapbuffer [ channel { channel-number | channel-name }
| size buffersize ] *

The channel through which alarms are output to the alarm buffer is configured.
After the information center is enabled, alarms default to be output through Channel 3 to
the alarm buffer and the alarm buffer can contain 256 pieces of information.


1.3.5 Outputting Alarms to the Log File

When a fault occurs on the device, you can analyze the output alarms to provide references for
fault location.

Do as follows on the router configured with the information center:

Step 1 Send logs to the channel.
1. Run:

The system view is displayed.

2. Run:
info-center source { module-name | default } channel { channel-number | channel-
name } [ trap { state { off | on } | level severity } * ]

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Alarms are added to the information channel.

For the specific modules, the default configurations are as follows:

For the log information, the state is on and the allowed information level is warning.

For the alarm information, the state is on and the allowed information level is

For the debugging information, the state is off.

Step 2 Configure the channel through which alarms are output to the log file.
1. Run:
info-center logfile channel { channel-number | channel-name }

The channel through which alarms are output to the log file is configured.

By default, alarms are output through Channel 9 to the log file after the information center
is enabled.

Step 3 (Optional) Configure the size of the log file output by the information center.
1. Run:
info-center logfile size size

The size of the log buffer is set.

By default, the size of log files is 8 MB.

Step 4 (Optional) Configure the maximum number of compressed log files to be stored.
1. Run:
info-center max-logfile-number filenumbers

The maximum number of compressed log files to be stored is set.

By default, a maximum number of 200 compressed log files can be stored. If the configured
maximum number is reached, the system will delete earlier compressed log files.

Step 5 (Optional) Save the configurations to a log file.

1. Run:
save logfile

The configurations are saved to a log file.


1.3.6 Outputting Alarms to the Console

By outputting alarms to the console, you can view the operating status of the device on the

Do as follows on the router configured with the information center:

Step 1 Configure the alarms to be output through the channel.

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1. Run:

The system view is displayed.

2. Run:
info-center source { module-name | default } channel { channel-number | channel-
name } [ trap { state { off | on } | level severity } * ]

Alarms are added to the information channel.

For the specific modules, the default configurations are as follows:
For the log information, the state is on and the allowed information level is warning.
For the alarm information, the state is on and the allowed information level is
For the debugging information, the state is off.
Step 2 Configure the channel through which alarms are output to the console.
1. Run:
info-center console channel { channel-number | channel-name }

The channel through which alarms are output to the Console is configured.
By default, alarms are output to the Console through Channel 0.
2. Run:

Return to the user view.

Step 3 Enable terminal display.
1. Run the following command on the router configured with the information center:
terminal monitor

Terminal display is enabled.

2. Run:
terminal trapping

Displaying alarms on the terminal is enabled.


1.3.7 Outputting Alarms to the Terminal

By outputting alarms to the terminal, you can view the operating status of the device on the

Do as follows on the router configured with the information center:

Step 1 Configure the alarms to be output through the channel.
1. Run:

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The system view is displayed.

2. Run:
info-center source { module-name | default } channel { channel-number | channel-
name } [ trap { state { off | on } | level severity } * ]

Alarms are added to the information channel.

For the specific modules, the default configurations are as follows:
For the log information, the state is on and the allowed information level is warning.
For the alarm information, the state is on and the allowed information level is
For the debugging information, the state is off.
Step 2 Configure the channel through which alarms are output to the VTY terminal.
1. Run:
info-center monitor channel { channel-number | channel-name }

The channel through which alarms are output to the VTY terminal is configured.
By default, alarms are output to the VTY terminal through Channel 1.
2. Run:

Return to the user view.

Step 3 Enable terminal display.
1. Run:
terminal monitor

Terminal display is enabled.

2. Run:
terminal trapping

Displaying alarms on the terminal is enabled.


1.3.8 Outputting Alarms to the SNMP Agent

By outputting alarms to the SNMP agent, you can view the operating status of the device on the

Do as follows on the router configured with the information center:

Step 1 Configure the alarms to be output through the channel.
1. Run:

The system view is displayed.

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2. Run:
info-center source { module-name | default } channel { channel-number | channel-
name } [ trap { state { off | on } | level severity } * ]

Alarms are added to the information channel.

For the specific modules, the default configurations are as follows:
For the log information, the state is on and the allowed information level is warning.
For the alarm information, the state is on and the allowed information level is
For the debugging information, the state is off.
Step 2 Configure the channel through which alarms are output to the SNMP agent.
1. Run:
info-center snmp channel { channel-number | channel-name }

The channel through which alarms are output to the SNMP agent is configured.
By default, alarms are output to the SNMP agent through Channel 5.
2. Run:

SNMP agent is enabled.


1.3.9 Checking the Configuration

After configuring the alarm output, you can use related commands to confirm the configuration.

The configurations of the alarm output function are complete.

l Run the display channel [ channel-number | channel-name ] command to check the
configuration of a channel.
l Run the display info-center [ statistics ] command to check the information recorded by
the information center.
l Run the display trapbuffer [ size value ] command to check the information recorded by
the alarm buffer.

Run the display channel command to show channels.
<HUAWEI> display channel
channel number:0, channel name:console
ffff0000 default Y warning Y debugging Y debugging

channel number:1, channel name:monitor


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ffff0000 default Y warning Y debugging Y debugging

416c0000 BFD Y debugging Y debugging Y debugging

channel number:2, channel name:loghost

ffff0000 default Y informational Y debugging N debugging

channel number:3, channel name:trapbuffer

ffff0000 default N informational Y warning N debugging

channel number:4, channel name:logbuffer

ffff0000 default Y warning N debugging N debugging

channel number:5, channel name:snmpagent

ffff0000 default N debugging Y warning N debugging

channel number:6, channel name:channel6

ffff0000 default Y debugging Y debugging N debugging

channel number:7, channel name:channel7

ffff0000 default Y debugging Y debugging N debugging

channel number:8, channel name:channel8

ffff0000 default Y debugging Y debugging N debugging

channel number:9, channel name:channel9

ffff0000 default Y debugging Y debugging N debugging

Run the display info-center command to show the data recorded by info-center.
<HUAWEI> display info-center
Information Center:enabled
Log host:
channel number : 0, channel name : console
channel number : 1, channel name : monitor
SNMP Agent:
channel number : 5, channel name : snmpagent
Log buffer:
enabled,max buffer size 1024, current buffer size 512,
current messages 92, channel number : 4, channel name : logbuffer
dropped messages 0, overwritten messages 0
Trap buffer:
enabled,max buffer size 1024, current buffer size 256,
current messages 30, channel number:3, channel name:trapbuffer
dropped messages 0, overwritten messages 0
channel number : 9, channel name : channel9, language : english
Information timestamp setting:
log - date, trap - date, debug - boot

Sent messages = 425, Received messages = 634

IO Reg messages = 160 IO Sent messages = 210

Run the display trapbuffer command. If alarms in the alarm buffer are displayed, it means that
the configuration is successful.
<HUAWEI> display trapbuffer
Trapping Buffer Configuration and contents:enabled
allowed max buffer size : 1024

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Configuration Guide - System Management 1 Information Center Configuration

actual buffer size : 256

channel number : 3 , channel name : trapbuffer
dropped messages : 0
overwritten messages : 0
current messages : 250
#May 12 2009 22:43:10 HUAWEI IFNET/4/IF_PVCUP:OID Interface
201326849 turned into UP state.

1.4 Enabling the Output of Debugging Information

This section describes how to configure a specific module to output debugging information to
log files, consoles, terminals, or SNMP agents.


Debugging degrades system performance. Therefore, after debugging, run the undo debugging
all command to disable debugging immediately. When the CPU usage is close to 100%,
debugging ARP may cause boards to reset. So, confirm the action before you use the command.

1.4.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

Before configuring the debugging message output, familiarize yourself with the applicable
environment, complete the pre-configuration tasks, and obtain the required data. This can help
you complete the configuration task quickly and accurately.

Applicable Environment
When faults occur on a device, you can enable the information center to output debugging
information for easy faults location and analysis.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before enabling the output of debugging information, complete the following tasks:
l Connecting the router and the PC correctly
l Configuring routes between the router and the log host

Data Preparation
To enable the output of debugging information, you need the following data.

No. Data

1 l Channel number
l Channel name

2 Module name

3 Severity level of debugging information

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Configuration Guide - System Management 1 Information Center Configuration

No. Data

4 IP address of a log host

1.4.2 Enabling the Information Center

If the information center function is disabled, you can enable it. By default, this function is

Classifying and outputting a large amount of information degrades system performance.

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
info-center enable

The information center is enabled.

By default, the information center is enabled.


1.4.3 (Optional) Naming an Information Channel

Naming information channels helps clarify what is output by each channel.

Do as follows on the router configured with the information center.

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
info-center channel channel-number name channel-name

The name of the specified channel is set.


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1.4.4 (Optional) Configuring a debugging to Be Automatically

Disabled After a Specific Period
You can set a specific period after which the system disables a debugging automatically.

After being enabled, a debugging will consume system resources. If the debugging keeps being
enabled, performance of the system will be affected. Therefore, after a debugging is enabled,
set a period after which the debugging will be disabled.

Step 1 Run: debugging timeout timeout The period after which a debugging is automatically disabled
is set.

To immediately disable a debugging, press the Ctrl+O hotkeys or run the undo debugging all command.


1.4.5 Outputting Debugging Information to the Log File

When a fault occurs on the device, you can analyze the output debugging messages to provide
references for fault location.

Do as follows on the router configured with the information center:

Step 1 Configure debugging information to be output through the channel.
1. Run:

The system view is displayed.

2. Run:
info-center source { module-name | default } channel { channel-number | channel-
name } [ debug { state { off | on } | level severity } * ]

Debugging information is added to the information channel.

For the specific modules, the default configurations are as follows:
For the log information, the state is on and the allowed information level is warning.
For the alarm information, the state is on and the allowed information level is
For the debugging information, the state is off.
Step 2 Configure the channel through which debugging information is output to the log file.
1. Run:
info-center logfile channel { channel-number | channel-name }

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The channel through which debugging information is output to the log file is configured.

Step 3 (Optional) Configure the size of the log file output by the information center.
1. Run:
info-center logfile size size

By default, the debugging information is not saved in the log file. If you want the debugging
information to be saved in the log file, run the info-center source default channel 9
debug state on level severity command to add records to the information channel.

Step 4 (Optional) Configure the maximum number of compressed log files to be stored.
1. Run:
info-center max-logfile-number filenumbers

The maximum number of compressed log files to be stored is set.

By default, a maximum number of 200 compressed log files can be stored. If the configured
maximum number is reached, the system will delete earlier compressed log files.

Step 5 (Optional) Save the configurations to a log file.

1. Run:
save logfile

The configurations are saved to a log file.


1.4.6 Outputting Debugging Information to the Console

When logging in to the device through a console, output debugging messages to the console for
a query in real time.

Do as follows on the router configured with the information center:

Step 1 Configure debugging information to be output through the channel.
1. Run:

The system view is displayed.

2. Run:
info-center source { module-name | default } channel { channel-number | channel-
name } [ debug { state { off | on } | level severity } * ]

Debugging information is added to the information channel.

For the specific modules, the default configurations are as follows:

For the log information, the state is on and the allowed information level is warning.

For the alarm information, the state is on and the allowed information level is

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Configuration Guide - System Management 1 Information Center Configuration

For the debugging information, the state is off.

Step 2 Configure the channel through which debugging information is output to the console.
1. Run:
info-center console channel { channel-number | channel-name }

The channel through which debugging information is output to the console is configured.
2. Run:

Return to the user view.

Step 3 Enable terminal display.
1. Run:
terminal monitor

Terminal display is enabled.

2. Run:
terminal debugging

Displaying debugging information on the terminal is enabled.


1.4.7 Outputting Debugging Information to the Terminal

When logging in to the device through a terminal, output debugging messages to the terminal
for query in real time.

Do as follows on the router configured with the information center:

Step 1 Configure debugging information to be output through the channel.
1. Run:

The system view is displayed.

2. Run:
info-center source { module-name | default } channel { channel-number | channel-
name } [ debug { state { off | on } | level severity } * ]

Debugging information is added to the information channel.

For the specific modules, the default configurations are as follows:
For the log information, the state is on and the allowed information level is warning.
For the alarm information, the state is on and the allowed information level is
For the debugging information, the state is off.
Step 2 Configure the channel through which debugging information is output to the terminal.

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1. Run:
info-center monitor channel { channel-number | channel-name }

The channel through which debugging information is output to the terminal is configured.
2. Run:

Return to the user view.

Step 3 Enable terminal display.
1. Run:
terminal monitor

Terminal display is enabled.

2. Run:
terminal debugging

Displaying debugging information on the terminal is enabled.


1.4.8 Outputting Debugging Information to the Log Host

By outputting debugging messages to the log host, you can view debugging messages more

Step 1 Configure debugging information to be output through the channel.
1. Run:

The system view is displayed.

2. Run:
info-center source { module-name | default } channel { channel-number | channel-
name } [ debug { state { off | on } | level severity } * ]

Debugging information is added to the information channel.

Step 2 Configure the channel through which debugging information is output to the log host.
l (On an IPv4 network) Run:
info-center loghost ip-address [ channel { channel-number | channel-name } |
facility local-number |
{ language language-name | binary [ port ] } | { vpn-instance vpn-instance-
name| public-net } ] *

The channel through which debugging information is output to the log host is configured.
By default, debugging information is not output to the log host after the information center
is enabled.
The system supports the configuration of a maximum of eight log hosts to realize backup
among log hosts.
l (On an IPv6 network) Run:
info-center loghost ipv6 ipv6-address [ channel { channel-number | channel-
name } | facility local-number | { language language-name | binary [ port ] } ]

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The channel through which debugging information is output to the log host is configured.
By default, debugging information is not output to the log host after the information center
is enabled.
The system supports the configuration of a maximum of eight log hosts to realize backup
among log hosts.
Step 3 Run:
info-center loghost source interface-type interface-number

A source interface is configured. This interface is recognized by the log host as the log sending
Each device has multiple interfaces that can send logs. All of these interfaces are configured to
report the source interface's address, if configured, when they send logs. This helps the log host
quickly determine the source device from which the logs were sent.
By default, this interface is not configured, so that the log host will be aware of all actual log
sending interfaces on a device.


1.4.9 Checking the Configuration

After configuring the debugging message output, you can view the configuration of the
information center.

The configurations of the debugging information function are complete.

l Run the display channel [ channel-number | channel-name ] command to check the
configuration of a channel.
l Run the display info-center [ statistics ] command to check the information recorded by
an information center.

Run the display channel command. For example:
<HUAWEI> display channel 0
channel number:0, channel name:console
ffff0000 default Y warning Y debugging Y debugging
416e0000 ARP Y warning Y debugging Y debugging

Run the display info-center command. For example:

<HUAWEI> display info-center
Information Center:enabled
Log host:
channel number : 0, channel name : console
channel number : 1, channel name : monitor
SNMP Agent:

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channel number : 5, channel name : snmpagent

Log buffer:
enabled,max buffer size 1024, current buffer size 512,
current messages 512, channel number : 4, channel name : logbuffer
dropped messages 0, overwritten messages 411
Trap buffer:
enabled,max buffer size 1024, current buffer size 256,
current messages 256, channel number:3, channel name:trapbuffer
dropped messages 0, overwritten messages 12
channel number : 9, channel name : channel9, language : English
Information timestamp setting:
log - date, trap - date, debug - boot

Sent messages = 7922, Received messages = 22927

IO Reg messages = 92 IO Sent messages = 15006

1.5 Maintaining Information Center

This section describes how to run the following commands to delete messages in the buffer of
the information center. Note that deleted messages cannot be restored.


Statistics about the information center cannot be restored after being cleared. So, confirm the
action before you use the command.

l To clear statistics about the information center, run the reset info-center statistics
command in the user view.
l To clear statistics about the log buffer, run the reset logbuffer command in the user view.
l To clear statistics about the alarm buffer, run the reset trapbuffer command in the user


1.6 Information Center Configuration Examples

This section provides information center configuration examples.


This document takes interface numbers and link types of the NE40E-X8 as an example. In working
situations, the actual interface numbers and link types may be different from those used in this document.

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1.6.1 Example for Outputting Logs to the Log File

This section describes how to output logs of a specific module or specific severity level to the
log file. This enables maintenance engineers to monitor the operating status of the device and
locate a fault by checking the output logs.

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 1-4, Router A is required to transport logs to a File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
server. Maintenance engineers can easily obtain the operating status of Router A and locate any
faults occurring on it.

Figure 1-4 Networking diagram of log output to the log file
GE1/0/0 IP network

RouterA FTP Server

Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:

1. Enable the information center.

2. Configure the contents of the logs to be output.
3. Configure the channel through which logs are output.
4. Configure logs to be output to the FTP server.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:

l IP address of each interface

l Information channel number
l Module enabled to output logs
l Severity levels of logs
l Language in which logs are output
l IP address of the FTP server
l User name and password of the FTP server

Step 1 Configure the routing protocol to make the router and the FTP server reachable. (The detailed
procedure is not mentioned here.)

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Step 2 Configure the user name and password that are used on the FTP server. (The configuration details
are not provided here.)

Step 3 Enable the information center:

<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] sysname RouterA
[RouterA] info-center enable

Step 4 Configure the logs to be output through the channel.

# Configure the module enabled to output the logs and the severity levels of the logs that are
allowed to be output.
[RouterA] info-center source ip channel channel9 log level warnings

Step 5 Configure the channel through which logs are output.

# Configure the channel through which logs are output to the log file.
[RouterA] info-center logfile channel channel9
[RouterA] quit

Step 6 Configure logs to be output to the FTP server.

# Log in to the FTP server.

<RouterA> ftp

# Configure logs to be output to the FTP server.

[RouterA-ftp] put log.log
[RouterA-ftp] quit

Step 7 Verify the configuration.

# View the logs that are output through the channel.

<RouterA> display info-center
Information Center:enabled
channel number : 9, channel name : channel9, language : english
Information timestamp setting:
log - date, trap - date, debug - boot
Sent messages = 5753, Received messages = 5866
IO Reg messages = 124 IO Sent messages = 114

# View the received logs on the FTP server. (The display is omitted here.)


Configuration Files
sysname RouterA
info-center source IP channel 9 log level warning
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
ip route-static

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Configuration Guide - System Management 1 Information Center Configuration

1.6.2 Example for Outputting Logs to Log Hosts

This section describes how to output logs of different modules or severity levels to different log
hosts, and how to configure backup log hosts.

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 1-5, logs of multiple types and severity levels must be output to different
log hosts through information channels.

Router sends the logs (with a severity level as notification) generated on the Forwarding
Information Base (FIB) module and the IP module to the log host Server 1. Server 3 functions
as a backup router of Server 1.

Router sends the logs (with a severity level as warning) generated on the Point-to-Point Protocol
(PPP) module and the AAA module to the log host Server 1. Server 4 functions as a backup
router of Server 2.

Both the Router s and the log hosts need to be configured.

Figure 1-5 Networking diagram of outputting logs to the log host
Server 3 Server1


Server 4 Server 2

Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:

1. Enable the information center.

2. Name the tunnel.
3. Specify the module enabled to output logs.
4. Configure the channel for outputting logs.
5. Configure the source interface that sends logs.
6. Configure the log host.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:

l IP address of the log host

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Configuration Guide - System Management 1 Information Center Configuration

l Information channel number

l Name of the channel through which logs are output
l Module enabled to output logs
l Information severity level
l Language in which the log is output

Step 1 Configure routing protocols to make the router and log server routable. (The detailed procedure
is not mentioned here.)
Step 2 Configure the channel for outputting logs.
# Enable the information center.
<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] info-center enable

Step 3 Name the channel.

# Name the channel through which logs are output.
[HUAWEI] info-center channel 6 name loghost1

Step 4 Configure the channel through which logs are output.

# Configure the module enabled to output logs and the severity levels of logs allowed to be
[HUAWEI] info-center source fib channel loghost log level notification
[HUAWEI] info-center source ip channel loghost log level notification
[HUAWEI] info-center source ppp channel loghost1 log level warning
[HUAWEI] info-center source aaa channel loghost1 log level warning

Step 5 Configure the source interface that sends logs.

# Configure the source interface that sends logs.
[HUAWEI] info-center loghost source pos1/0/0

Step 6 Configure the logs to be output to a specified log host.

# Specify Server 1 as the log server and Server 3 as the backup log server to receive the logs
from the FIB module and the IP module. The logs are output in English, by Local2.
[HUAWEI] info-center loghost channel loghost facility local2 language
[HUAWEI] info-center loghost channel loghost facility local2 language

# Specify Server 2 as the log server and Server 4 as the backup log server to receive the logs
from the PPP module and the AAA module. The logs are output by Local4.
[HUAWEI] info-center loghost channel loghost1 facility local4 language
[HUAWEI] info-center loghost channel loghost1 facility local4 language

Step 7 Configure the log server.

A log server is used to collect logs of the device when the storage memory of the router is not
large enough to record them.
Log servers can be installed with a Unix or Linux operating system or with the log software of
a third party.

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Configuration Guide - System Management 1 Information Center Configuration

If installed with a Unix or Linux operating system, logs enabled with Syslog can be collected
by the host.

If the host has a Linux operating system, choose from the following options:

l To create log files:

Run the touch command in the directory /var/log to create a file
to record logs of the router.
l To edit configuration files:
Edit etc/syslog.conf to /var/log/router.log, which specifies the log host name.
The logs with the severity level listed are then output to /var/log/loghost.log.
l To configure the file etc/sysconfig/syslog:
Modify syslogd_options="-m o" to syslogd_option="-1 -m o", enabling the system to record
the logs of remote devices.
l To enable Syslog:
Run the service syslog restart command.

If the host has a third party's log software installed, this software can be configured to implement
host's log collection function. For example, the HUAWEI iManager 2000 supports various log
management settings and can therefore receive, filter, save, and forward the Syslog messages
sent by the device.

For the procedure for configuring log services on the HUAWEI iManager N200, refer to the
HUAWEI iManager N2000 DM - Compound Package User Manual Volume I.

Step 8 Verify the configuration.

# Display the configuration of the log host.

<HUAWEI> display info-center

Information Center:enabled
Log host:
the interface name of the source address:pos1/0/0, channel number 2, channel name loghost,
language english , host facility local2, channel number 2, channel name loghost,
language english , host facility local2, channel number 6, channel name loghost1
language english , host facility local4, channel number 6, channel name loghost1
language english , host facility local4
channel number : 0, channel name : console
channel number : 1, channel name : monitor
SNMP Agent:
channel number : 5, channel name : snmpagent
Log buffer:
enabled,max buffer size 1024, current buffer size 512,
current messages 50, channel number : 4, channel name : logbuffer
dropped messages 13, overwritten messages 3
Trap buffer:
enabled,max buffer size 1024, current buffer size 256,
current messages 2, channel number:3, channel name:trapbuffer
dropped messages 0, overwritten messages 0
Information timestamp setting:
log - date, trap - date, debug - boot

Sent messages = 683, Received messages = 682

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Configuration Guide - System Management 1 Information Center Configuration

IO Reg messages = 0 IO Sent messages = 0


Configuration Files
info-center channel 6 name loghost1
info-center source FIB channel loghost channel 2 log level notification
info-center source IP channel 2 log level notification
info-center source PPP channel 6 log level warning
info-center source AAA channel 6 log level warning
info-center loghost source Pos1/0/0
info-center loghost facility local2
info-center loghost facility local2
info-center loghost channel 6 facility local4
info-center loghost channel 6 facility local4
#interface Pos1/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address
ip route-static
ip route-static

1.6.3 Example for Configuring Log Messages to be Output to the

Log Host on the Public Network when the Management VPN
Instance Is used
This section describes how to output logs of multiple types and severity levels to different log
hosts through information channels.

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 1-6, logs of multiple types and severity levels must be output different log
hosts through information channels.
Router sends the logs (with a severity level as notification) generated on the Forwarding
Information Base (FIB) module and the IP module to the log host Server 1. Server 3 functions
as a backup router of Server 1.
Router sends the logs (with a severity level as warning) generated on the Point-to-Point Protocol
(PPP) module and the AAA module to the log host Server 1. Server 4 functions as a backup
router of Server 2.
Both the routers and the log hosts require to be configured.
A management VPN instance is configured on the router.

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Configuration Guide - System Management 1 Information Center Configuration

Figure 1-6 Networking diagram of configuring log messages to be output to the log host on the
public network when the management VPN instance is used
Server 3 Server1


Server 4 Server 2

Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:

1. Enable the information center.

2. Name the tunnel.
3. Specify the module enabled to output logs.
4. Configure the channel for outputting logs.
5. Configure the source interface that sends logs.
6. Configure the log host.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:

l IP address of the log host

l Information channel number
l Name of the channel through which logs are output
l Module enabled to output logs
l Information severity level
l Language in which the log is output

Step 1 Configure routing protocols to make the router and log server routable. (The detailed procedure
is not mentioned here.)

Step 2 Configure the channel for outputting logs.

# Enable the information center.

<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] info-center enable

Step 3 Name the channel.

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Configuration Guide - System Management 1 Information Center Configuration

# Name the channel through which logs are output.

[HUAWEI] info-center channel 6 name loghost1

Step 4 Configure the channel through which logs are output.

# Configure the module enabled to output logs and the severity levels of logs allowed to be
[HUAWEI] info-center source fib channel loghost log level notification
[HUAWEI] info-center source ip channel loghost log level notification
[HUAWEI] info-center source ppp channel loghost1 log level warning
[HUAWEI] info-center source aaa channel loghost1 log level warning

Step 5 Configure the source interface that sends logs.

# Configure the source interface that sends logs.
[HUAWEI] info-center loghost source pos1/0/0

Step 6 Configure the logs to be output to a specified log host.

# Specify Server 1 as the log server and Server 3 as the backup log server to receive the logs
from the FIB and the IP modules. The logs are output by Local2.
[HUAWEI] info-center loghost public-net facility local2 language english
[HUAWEI] info-center loghost public-net facility local2 language english

# Specify Server 2 as the log server and Server 4 as the backup log server to receive the logs
from the PPP and the AAA modules. The logs are output by Local4.
[HUAWEI] info-center loghost public-net channel loghost1 facility local4
language english
[HUAWEI] info-center loghost public-net channel loghost1 facility local4
language english

Step 7 Configure the log server.

A log server is used to collect logs of the device when the storage memory of the router is not
large enough to record them.
Log servers can be installed with a Unix or Linux operating system or with the log software of
a third party.
If installed with a Unix or Linux operating system, logs enabled with Syslog can be collected
by the host.
If the host has a Linux operating system, choose from the following options:
l To create log files:
Run the touch command in the directory /var/log to create a file
to record logs of the router.
l To edit configuration files:
Edit etc/syslog.conf to /var/log/router.log, which specifies the log host name.
The logs with the severity level listed are then output to /var/log/loghost.log.
l To configure the file etc/sysconfig/syslog:
Modify syslogd_options="-m o" to syslogd_option="-1 -m o", enabling the system to record
the logs of remote devices.
l To enable Syslog:
Run the service syslog restart command.
If the host has a third party's log software installed, this software can be configured to implement
the host's log collection settings. For example, the HUAWEI iManager 2000 supports various

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Configuration Guide - System Management 1 Information Center Configuration

log management settings and can be therefore receive, filter, save, and forward the Syslog
messages sent by the device.
For the procedure for configuring log services on the HUAWEI iManager N200, refer to the
HUAWEI iManager N2000 DM - Compound Package User Manual Volume I.
Step 8 Verify the configuration.
# Display the configuration of the log host.
<HUAWEI> display info-center
Information Center:enabled
Log host:
the interface name of the source address:pos1/0/0, channel number 2, channel name loghost,
language english , host facility
local2, channel number 2, channel name loghost,
language english , host facility
local2, channel number 6, channel name loghost1
language english , host facility
local4, channel number 6, channel name loghost1
language english , host facility
channel number : 0, channel name : console
channel number : 1, channel name : monitor
SNMP Agent:
channel number : 5, channel name : snmpagent
Log buffer:
enabled,max buffer size 1024, current buffer size 512,
current messages 50, channel number : 4, channel name : logbuffer
dropped messages 13, overwritten messages 3
Trap buffer:
enabled,max buffer size 1024, current buffer size 256,
current messages 2, channel number:3, channel name:trapbuffer
dropped messages 0, overwritten messages 0
Information timestamp setting:
log - date, trap - date, debug - boot

Sent messages = 683, Received messages = 682

IO Reg messages = 0 IO Sent messages = 0


Configuration Files
info-center channel 6 name loghost1
info-center source FIB channel loghost channel 2 log level notification
info-center source IP channel 2 log level notification
info-center source PPP channel 6 log level warning
info-center source AAA channel 6 log level warning
info-center loghost source Pos1/0/0
info-center loghost public-net facility local2
info-center loghost public-net facility local2
info-center loghost public-net channel 6 facility local4
info-center loghost public-net channel 6 facility local4
#interface Pos1/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address
ip route-static

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ip route-static


1.6.4 Example for Configuring Binary Logs to be Sent to the Log

This section describes how to output logs to the log host in binary mode. Outputting logs in
binary mode can effectively lighten the network load.

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 1-7, binary logs generated on Router A are sent to the log host in real time.
Users or maintenance personnel can analyze the log through log analysis tools and locate the

Figure 1-7 Example for Configuring Binary Logs to be sent to the Log Host

RouterA Loghost

Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:
1. Enable the information center on the router.
2. Add the ID of the log to be filtered.
3. Configure binary logs to be sent to the log host.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need to perform the following data:
l ID of the log to be filtered
l IP address of the FTP server
l User name and password used for logging into the FTP server
l IP address of the log host

Step 1 Configure IP addresses and routes between Router A and Loghost. (The detailed procedure is
not mentioned here.)
Step 2 Enable the information center.
# Enable the information center.
<HUAWEI> system-view

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[HUAWEI] info-center enable

Step 3 Add the ID of a log to be filtered.

# Configure the module and channel used to output alarm messages.

[HUAWEI] info-center filter-id 1077514264

Step 4 Configure binary logs to be sent to the log host.

[HUAWEI] info-center loghost binary

Step 5 Verify the configuration.

# Check the added ID of the log to be filtered.

[HUAWEI] display info-center filter-id 1077514264
ID: 1077514264
Content: task: [string] ip: [string] user: [string] command: [string]
Filtered Number: 3

# Check the channel used by the SNMP agent to output alarms.

[HUAWEI] display info-center
[HUAWEI] display info-center
Information Center:enabled
Log host:, channel number 2, channel name loghost,
language english , host facility local7, binary loghost
channel number : 0, channel name : console
channel number : 1, channel name : monitor
SNMP Agent:
channel number : 5, channel name : snmpagent
Log buffer:
enabled,max buffer size 1024, current buffer size 512,
current messages 512, channel number : 4, channel name : logbuffer
dropped messages 0, overwritten messages 14
Trap buffer:
enabled,max buffer size 1024, current buffer size 256,
current messages 256, channel number:3, channel name:trapbuffer
dropped messages 0, overwritten messages 238
channel number : 9, channel name : channel9, language : english
Information timestamp setting:
log - formate-date millisecond, trap - date, debug - date

Sent messages = 49890, Received messages = 50171

IO Reg messages = 123 IO Sent messages = 282


Configuration Files
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
info-center filter-id 1077514264
info-center loghost binary

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Configuration Guide - System Management 1 Information Center Configuration

1.6.5 Example for Outputting Alarms to the SNMP Agent

After alarms are output to the SNMP agent, the NM Station can receive the alarms sent from
the device.

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 1-8, alarms are required to be output first to the SNMP agent and then be
transmitted to the NM Station through SNMP Agent.

Figure 1-8 Networking diagram of outputting alarms to the SNMP Agent


NM Station Agent

Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:
1. Enable the information center on the router.
2. Specify the module enabled to output logs and configure the channel through which the
alarm is output.
3. Enable outputting alarm to the SNMP agent.
4. Enable transmitting alarms to the NM Station through SNMP.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:
l Information channel number
l Module enabled to output alarms
l Severity levels of alarms

Step 1 Enable the information center.
<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] info-center enable

Step 2 Specify the module enabled to output alarms and configure the channel used to output alarms.
# Specify the module enabled to output alarms and configure the channel used to output alarms.
[HUAWEI] info-center source ip channel channel7 trap level informational state on


By default, alarms are output through the SNMP agent and information about all modules is displayed.

Step 3 Enable outputting alarms to the SNMP agent.

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Configuration Guide - System Management 1 Information Center Configuration

# Enable outputting alarms to the SNMP agent.

[HUAWEI] info-center snmp channel channel7

Step 4 Enable transmitting alarms to the NM Station through SNMP agent.

# Start the SNMP agent and set the SNMP version to SNMPv2c.
[HUAWEI] snmp-agent sys-info version v2c

# Configure the alarm function.

[HUAWEI] snmp-agent trap enable
[HUAWEI] snmp-agent target-host trap address udp-domain params
securityname public

Step 5 Verify the configuration.

# View the channel used to output alarms to the SNMP agent.

[HUAWEI] display info-center
Information Center:enabled
SNMP Agent:
channel number : 7, channel name : channel7

# View the alarms output through the channel selected by SNMP agent.
[HUAWEI] display channel 7
channel number:7, channel name:channel7
ffff0000 default Y debugging Y debugging N debugging
416a0000 IP Y debugging Y informational N debugging

# View the alarms output to the NM Station through SNMP agent.

[HUAWEI] display snmp-agent target-host
Target-host NO. 1
IP-address :
VPN instance : -
Security name : public
Port : 3000
Type : trap
Version : v1
Level : No authentication and privacy
NMS type : NMS


Configuration Files
info-center source IP channel 7 trap level informational
info-center snmp channel 7
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
snmp-agent local-engineid 000007DB7F00000100003598
snmp-agent community write write
snmp-agent community read public
snmp-agent community write private
snmp-agent sys-info version v2c v3
snmp-agent target-host trap address udp-domain params securityname public
snmp-agent trap enable

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1.6.6 Example for Outputting the Debugging Information to the

After debugging messages are configured to be output to the console, log in to the device through
the console. When a fault occurs, run the debugging command to view debugging messages.

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 1-9, it is required to output the debugging information of the Address
Resolution Protocol (ARP) module to the console.

Figure 1-9 Networking diagram of outputting information to the console


Router PC

Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:
1. Enable the information center.
2. Set the logs to be output to the console and the information module.
3. Configure the channel through which the debugging information is output.
4. Enable the terminal monitor function and display the debugging information.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:
l Information channel number
l Module enabled to output the logs
l Information severity level

Step 1 Enable the information center.
<HUAWEI> system-view
Info: Current terminal monitor is on.
[HUAWEI] info-center enable
Info: Current terminal debugging is on.

Step 2 Allow the debugging on the ARP module to be output to the Console with the severity level of
the information as debugging.
[HUAWEI] info-center source arp channel console debug level debugging
[HUAWEI] info-center console channel console
[HUAWEI] quit

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Step 3 Enable the terminal monitor function to display the debugging information.
<HUAWEI> terminal monitor
<HUAWEI> terminal debugging

Step 4 Enable ARP module debugging.

<HUAWEI> debugging arp packet

Step 5 Verify the configuration.

# View the configuration of the channel.
<HUAWEI> display channel 0
channel number:0, channel name:console
ffff0000 default Y warning Y debugging Y debugging
416e0000 ARP Y warning Y debugging Y debugging


Configuration Files
info-center source ARP channel 0

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HUAWEI NetEngine80E/40E Router
Configuration Guide - System Management 2 SNMP Configuration

2 SNMP Configuration

About This Chapter

The Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is a standard network management protocol
widely used on TCP/IP networks. It uses a central computer (a network management station)
that runs network management software to manage network elements. There are three SNMP
versions, SNMPv1, SNMPv2c, and SNMPv3. You can configure one or more versions, if

2.1 Introduction to SNMP

SNMP provides a set of standard protocols for the communication between the network
management station (NM station) and devices, allowing the NM station to normally manage
devices and receive alarms reported by the devices.
2.2 Configuring a Device to Communicate with an NM Station by Running SNMPv1
After SNMPv1 is configured, a managed device and an NM station can run SNMPv1 to
communicate with each other. To ensure normal communication, you need to configure both
sides. This section describes only the configurations on a managed device (the agent side). For
details about configurations on an NM station, see the pertaining NM station operation guide.
2.3 Configuring a Device to Communicate with an NM Station by Running SNMPv2c
After SNMPv2c is configured, a managed device and an NM station can run SNMPv2c to
communicate with each other. To ensure normal communication, you need to configure both
sides. This section describes only the configurations on a managed device (the agent side). For
details about configurations on an NM station, see the pertaining NM station operation guide.
2.4 Configuring a Device to Communicate with an NM Station by Running SNMPv3
After SNMPv3 is configured, a managed device and an NM station can run SNMPv3 to
communicate with each other. To ensure normal communication, you need to configure both
sides. This section describes only the configurations on a managed device (the agent side). For
details about configurations on an NM station, see the pertaining NM station operation guide.
2.5 SNMP Configuration Examples
This section provides several configuration examples of SNMP. The configuration roadmap in
the examples will help you understand the configuration procedures. Each configuration
example provides information about the networking requirements, configuration notes, and
configuration roadmap.

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Configuration Guide - System Management 2 SNMP Configuration

2.1 Introduction to SNMP

SNMP provides a set of standard protocols for the communication between the network
management station (NM station) and devices, allowing the NM station to normally manage
devices and receive alarms reported by the devices.

2.1.1 SNMP Overview

Get and Set operations can be performed on a managed device that runs the SNMP agent to
manage device objects by NM stations These objects are uniquely identified in the Management
Information Base (MIB).

As network services develop, more devices are deployed on existing networks. The devices are
not close to the central equipment room where a network administrator works. When faults occur
on the remote devices, the network administrator cannot detect, locate or rectify faults
immediately because the devices do not report the faults. This affects maintenance efficiency
and greatly increases maintenance workload.

To solve this problem, equipment vendors have provided network management functions in
some products. These functions allow the NM station to query the status of remote devices, and
devices can send alarms to the NM station in the case of particular events.

SNMP operates at the application layer of the IP suite and defines how to transmit management
information between the NM station and devices. SNMP defines several device management
operations that the NM station can perform and allows devices to send alarms to notify the NM
station of device faults.

An SNMP-managed network consists of three components: NM station, agent, and managed

device. The NM station uses the MIB to identify and manage device objects. The operations
used for device management include GetRequest, GetNextRequest, GetResponse, GetBulk,
SetRequest, and notification from the agent to the NM station. The following sections give details
on the components, MIB, and operations.

SNMP Components
SNMP device management uses the following three components:
l NM station: sends various query packets to query managed devices and receives alarms
from these devices.
l Agent: is a network-management process on a managed device. An agent has the following
– Receives and parses query packets sent from the NM station.
– Reads or writes management variables based on the query type, and generates and sends
response packets to the NM station.
– Sends an alarm to the NM station when triggering conditions defined on each protocol
module corresponding to the alarm are met. For example, the system view is displayed
or closed, or the device is restarted.
l Managed device: is managed by an NM station and generates and reports alarms to the NM

Figure 2-1 shows the relationship between the NM station and agent.

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Configuration Guide - System Management 2 SNMP Configuration

Figure 2-1 SNMP structure

UDP Port161

NM Station Agent
UDP Port162

NM Station Agent

SNMP uses a hierarchical naming convention to identify managed objects and to distinguish
between managed objects. This hierarchical structure is similar to a tree with the nodes
representing managed objects, Figure 2-2 shows a managed object that can be identified by the
path from the root to the node representing it.

Figure 2-2 Structure of a MIB tree

1 2
1 2
1 B 2
5 6

As shown in Figure 2-2, object B is uniquely identified by a string of numbers, {}. Such
a number string is called an Object Identifier (OID). A MIB tree is used to describe the hierarchy
of data in a MIB that collects the definitions of variables on the managed devices.

A user can use a standard MIB or define a MIB based on certain standards. Using a standard
MIB can reduce the costs on proxy deployment and therefore reduce the costs on the entire
network management system.

SNMP Operations
SNMP uses Get and Set operations to replace a complex command set. The operations described
in Figure 2-3 can implement all functions.

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Figure 2-3 Schematic diagram of SNMP operations

NM Station
       set-request Agent
UDP Port162 get-response UDP Port161

Table 2-1 gives details on the SNMP operations.

Table 2-1 SNMP operations

Operation Function

GetRequest Retrieves the value of a variable. The NM station sends the

request to a managed device to obtain the value of an object
on the device.

GetNextRequest Retrieves the value of the next variable. The NM station

sends the request to a managed device to obtain the status
of the next object on the device.

GetResponse Responds to GetRequest, GetNextRequest, and

SetRequest operations. It is sent from the managed device
to the NM station.

GetBulk Request from the NMS-to-agent, equaling continuous

GetNextRequest operations.

SetRequest Sets the value of a variable. The NM station sends the

request to a managed device to adjust the status of an object
on the device.

Trap Reports an event to the NM station.


The NM station uses SNMP to monitor and manage network devices. It cannot be used to monitor and
manage the operation of the entire network. To monitor and manage the operation of an entire network,
for example, to learn network performance or collect network statistics, see the Configuration Guide -
System Management for details about the configurations of RMON and RMON2, NetStream, and fault and
performance management.

2.1.2 SNMP Features Supported by the NE80E/40E

This section compares SNMP versions in terms of their support for features and usage scenarios.
Use it as a reference when you select the SNMP version during network deployment.

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The NE80E/40E supports SNMPv1, SNMPv2c, and SNMPv3. Table 2-2 lists the features
supported by SNMP, and Table 2-3 shows the support of different SNMP versions for the
features. Table 2-4 describes the usage scenarios of SNMP versions, which will help you choose
a proper version for the communication between an NM station and managed devices based on
the network operation conditions.


When multiple NM stations using different SNMP versions manage the same device in a network,
SNMPv1, SNMPv2c, and SNMPv3 can all be configured on the device for its communication with all the
NM stations.

Table 2-2 Description of features supported by SNMP

Feature Description

Access control Restricts a user's device administration rights.

It gives specific users the rights to manage
specified objects on devices and therefore
provides fine management.

Authentication and encryption Authenticates and encrypts the packets

transmitted between the NM station and
managed devices. This prevents data packets
from being intercepted or modified,
improving data sending security.

Error code Identifies particular faults. An administrator

uses error codes to quickly locate and rectify
faults. The more error codes received, the
more they help an administrator in device

Trap Sent from managed devices to the NM

station. These traps allow an administrator to
discover device faults immediately.
After sending traps, the managed devices do
not require the acknowledgement from the
NM station.

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Configuration Guide - System Management 2 SNMP Configuration

Feature Description

Inform Sent from managed devices to the NM

The managed devices require the
acknowledgement from the NM station after
sending informs. If a managed device does
not receive an acknowledgement after
sending an inform, it will resend the inform
to the NM station and generate alarm logs.
Even if the NM station restarts, it can still
synchronize the informs sent during the
restart process.
If the managed device does not receive an
acknowledgement from the NM station after
sending an inform, it will store the inform in
its memory. In this regard, using informs may
consume lots of system resources.

GetBulk Allows an administrator to perform GetNext

operation in batches. In a large-scale network,
GetBulk reduces the administrator's
workload and improves management

Table 2-3 Different SNMP versions' support for the features

Feature SNMPv1 SNMPv2c SNMPv3

Access control Community-name- Community-name- User or user-group-

based access control based access control based access control
supported supported supported

Authentication and Not supported Not supported Supported, and the

encryption supported
authentication and
encryption modes are
as follows:
l MD5
Encryption mode:

Error code 6 error codes 16 error codes 16 error codes

supported supported supported

Trap Supported Supported Supported

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Configuration Guide - System Management 2 SNMP Configuration

Feature SNMPv1 SNMPv2c SNMPv3

Inform Not supported Supported Not supported

GetBulk Not supported Supported Supported

Table 2-4 Usage scenarios of different SNMP versions

Version Usage Scenario

SNMPv1 Applies to small-scale networks whose

networking is simple and security
requirements are low or whose security and
stability are good, such as campus networks
and small enterprise networks.

SNMPv2c Applies to medium and large-scale networks

whose security requirements are not strict or
whose security is good (for example, VPNs)
but whose services are so busy that traffic
congestion may occur.
Using informs can ensure that the messages
sent from managed devices are received by
the NM station.

SNMPv3 This version is applicable to networks of

various scales, especially the networks that
have strict requirements on security and can
be managed only by authorized
administrators, such as the scenario where
data between the NM station and managed
devices needs to be transmitted over a public

If you plan to build a new network, choose an SNMP version based on your usage scenario. If
you plan to expand or upgrade an existing network, choose an SNMP version to match the SNMP
version running on the NM station to ensure the normal communication between managed
devices and the NM station.

2.2 Configuring a Device to Communicate with an NM

Station by Running SNMPv1
After SNMPv1 is configured, a managed device and an NM station can run SNMPv1 to
communicate with each other. To ensure normal communication, you need to configure both
sides. This section describes only the configurations on a managed device (the agent side). For
details about configurations on an NM station, see the pertaining NM station operation guide.

The NM station manages a device in the following manners:

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l Sends requests to the managed device to perform the GetRequest, GetNextRequest,

GetResponse, GetBulk, or SetRequest operation, obtaining data and setting values.
l Receives alarms from the managed device and locates and rectify device faults based on
the alarm information.
In the following configuration, after basic SNMP functions are configured, the NM station can
manage the device in these manners. For details on how to configure finer management such as
accurate access control or alarm module specification, see the following configuration

2.2.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

Before configuring a device to communicate with an NM station by running SNMPv1,
familiarize yourself with the applicable environment, complete the pre-configuration tasks, and
obtain the data required for the configuration. This will help you complete the configuration task
quickly and accurately.

Applicable Environment
SNMP needs to be deployed in a network to allow the NM station to manage network devices.
If the network has a few devices and its security is good, such as a campus network or a small
enterprise network, SNMPv1 can be deployed to ensure the normal communication between the
NM station and managed devices.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring a device to communicate with an NM station by running SNMPv1, complete
the following task:
l Configuring a routing protocol to ensure that the router and NM station are routable

Data Preparation
Before configuring a device to communicate with an NM station by running SNMPv1, you need
the following data.

No. Data

1 SNMP version, SNMP community name, destination address of alarm messages,

administrator's contact information and location, and the maximum SNMP packet

2 (Optional) ACL number, IP address of the NM station, and MIB object

3 (Optional) Name of the alarm-sending module, source address of trap messages,

queue length for trap messages, and lifetime of trap messages

2.2.2 Configuring Basic SNMPv1 Functions

After basic SNMP functions are configured, an NM station can perform basic operations such
as Get and Set operations on a managed device, and the managed device can send alarms to the
NM station.

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Steps 3, 4, and 5 are mandatory for the configuration of basic SNMP functions. After the
configurations are complete, basic SNMP communication can be conducted between the NM
station and managed device.

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 (Optional) Run:

The SNMP agent function is enabled.

By default, the SNMP agent function is disabled. Running any command with the parameter
snmp-agent can enable the SNMP agent function, so this step is optional.
Step 3 Run:
snmp-agent sys-info version v1

The SNMP version is set.

By default, SNMPv3 is enabled.
After SNMPv1 is enabled on the managed device, the device supports both SNMPv1 and
SNMPv3. This means that the device can be monitored and managed by NM stations running
SNMPv1 or SNMPv3.
Step 4 Run:
snmp-agent community { read | write } community-name

The community name is set.

l read must be configured in the command if the NM station administrator requires the read
permission in a specified view in some cases. For example, a low-level administrator must
read certain data.
l write must be configured in the command if the NM station administrator requires the read
and write permissions in a specified view in some cases. For example, a high-level
administrator must read and write certain data.
After the community name is set, if no MIB view is configured, the NM station that uses the
community name has rights to access objects in the Viewdefault view.
Step 5 Choose either of the following commands as needed to configure a destination IP address for
the alarms and error codes sent from the device.
l To configure a destination IPv4 address for the alarms and error codes sent from the device,
snmp-agent target-host trap address udp-domain ip-address params securityname
security-string [ v1 ]

l To configure a destination IPv6 address for the alarms and error codes sent from the device,
snmp-agent target-host trap ipv6 address udp-domain ip-address [ udp-port port-
number ] params securityname security-string [ v1 ] [private-netmanager ]

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The descriptions of the command parameters are as follows:

l The default destination UDP port number is 162. In some special cases (for example, port
mirroring is configured to prevent a well-known port from being attacked), the parameter
udp-port can be used to specify a non-well-known UDP port number. This ensures normal
communication between the NM station and managed device.
l If the alarms sent from the managed device to the NM station need to be transmitted over a
public network, the parameter public-net needs to be configured. If the alarms sent from the
managed device to the NM station need to be transmitted over a private network, the
parameter vpn-instance vpn-instance-name needs to be used to specify a VPN that will take
over the sending task.
l The parameter securityname identifies the alarm sender, which will help you learn the alarm
l If the NM station and managed device are both Huawei products, the parameter private-
netmanager can be configured to add more information to alarms, such as the alarm type,
alarm sequence number, and alarm sending time. The information will help you locate and
rectify faults more quickly.

Step 6 (Optional) Run:

snmp-agent sys-info { contact contact | location location }

The equipment administrator's contact information or location is configured.

This step is required when the NM station administrator must know equipment administrators'
contact information and locations when the NM station manages many devices. This allows the
NM station administrator to contact the equipment administrators quickly for fault location and

To configure both the equipment administrator's contact information and location, you must run
the command twice to configure them separately.

Step 7 (Optional) Run:

snmp-agent packet max-size byte-count

The maximum size of an SNMP packet that the device can receive or send is set.

By default, the maximum size of an SNMP packet that the device can receive or send is 12000

After the maximum size is set, the device will discard any SNMP packet that is larger than the
set size. The allowable maximum size of an SNMP packet for a device depends on the size of a
packet that the NM station can process; otherwise, the NM station cannot process the SNMP
packets sent from the device.


Follow-up Procedure
After the configurations are complete, basic communication can be conducted between the NM
station and managed device.
l Access control allows any NM station that uses the community name to monitor and manage
all the objects on the managed device.
l The managed device sends alarms generated by the modules that are enabled by default to
the NM station. The modules include FM, NQA, DATASYNC, PM, SINDEX, L2IF

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(hwMacUsageRaisingThreshold and hwMacUsageFallingThreshold), HGMP, RRPP, FR,

HDLC, RMON, MP, VRRP, FIB, SNMP (coldStart and warmStart), and DHCPSNP.

If finer device management is required, follow directions below to configure a managed device:
l To allow a specified NM station that uses the community name to manage specified objects
on the device, follow the procedure described in Controlling the NM Station's Access to
the Device.
l To allow a specified module on the managed device to report alarms to the NM station,
follow the procedure described in Configuring the Trap Function.
l If the NM station and managed device are both Huawei products, follow the procedure
described in Enabling the SNMP Extended Error Code Function to allow the device to
send more types of error codes. This allows more specific error identification and facilitates
your fault location and rectification.

2.2.3 (Optional) Controlling the NM Station's Access to the Device

This section describes how to specify an NM station and manageable MIB objects for SNMP-
based communication between the NM station and managed device to improve communication

If a device is managed by multiple NM stations that use the same community name, note the
following points:
l If all the NM stations that use the community name need to have rights to access the objects
in the Viewdefault view (, skip the following steps.
l If some of the NM stations that use the community name need to have rights to access the
objects in the Viewdefault view (, skip Step5.
l If all the NM stations need to manage specified objects on the device, skip Step2, Step3,
and Step4.
l If some of the NM stations that use the community name need to manage specified objects
on the device, perform all the following steps.

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
acl acl-number

A basic ACL is created to filter the NM station users that can manage the device.

Step 3 Run:
rule [ rule-id ] { deny | permit } source { source-ip-address source-wildcard |
any }

A rule is added to the ACL.

Step 4 Run:

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Return to the system view.

Step 5 Run:
snmp-agent mib-view { excluded | included } view-name oid-tree

A MIB view is created, and manageable MIB objects are specified.

By default, an NM station has rights to access the objects in the Viewdefault view (

l If a few MIB objects on a device or some objects in the current MIB view do not or no longer
need to be managed by the NM station, excluded needs to be specified in the related command
to exclude these MIB objects.
l If a few MIB objects on the device or some objects in the current MIB view need to be
managed by the NM station, included needs to be specified in the related command to include
these MIB objects.

Step 6 Run:
snmp-agent community { read | write } { community-name | cipher community-name } [
mib-view view-name | acl acl-number ]*

The NM station's access rights are specified.

l read needs to be configured in the command if the NM station administrator needs the read
permission in the specified view in some cases. For example, a low-level administrator needs
to read certain data. write needs to be configured in the command if the NM station
administrator needs the read and write permissions in the specified view in some cases. For
example, a high-level administrator needs to read and write certain data.
l cipher is used to display the community name in cipher text. It can be configured in the
command to improve security. If the parameter is configured, the administrator needs to
remember the community name. If the community name is forgotten, it cannot be obtained
by querying the device.
l If some of the NM stations that use the community name need to have rights to access the
objects in the Viewdefault view (, mib-view view-name does not need to be
configured in the command.
l If all the NM stations that use the community name need to manage specified objects on the
device, acl acl-number does not need to be configured in the command.
l If some of the NM stations that use the community name need to manage specified objects
on the device, both mib-view and acl need to be configured in the command.


Follow-up Procedure
After the access rights are configured, especially after the IP address of the NM station is
specified, if the IP address changes (for example, the NM station changes its location, or IP
addresses are reallocated due to network adjustment), you need to change the IP address of the
NM station in the ACL. Otherwise, the NM station cannot access the device.

2.2.4 (Optional) Enabling the SNMP Extended Error Code Function

This section describes how to enable the extended SNMP error code function when both the NM
station and managed device are Huawei products. After this function is enabled, more types of
error codes are provided to help you locate and rectify faults more quickly and accurately.

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Configuration Guide - System Management 2 SNMP Configuration

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
snmp-agent extend error-code enable

The SNMP extended error code function is enabled.

By default, SNMP standard error codes are used. After the extended error code function is
enabled, extended error codes can be sent to the NM station.


2.2.5 (Optional) Configuring the Trap Function

This section describes how to specify the alarms to be sent to the NM station, which will help
you to locate important problems. After relevant parameters are set, the security of alarm sending
can be improved.

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
snmp-agent trap enable

Alarm sending is enabled.


If the snmp-agent trap enable command is run to enable the trap functions of all modules, note the
following points:
l To disable the trap functions of all modules, you need to run the snmp-agent trap disable command.
l To restore the trap functions of all modules to the default status, you need to run the undo snmp-agent
trap enable or undo snmp-agent trap disable command.
l To disable one trap function of a module, you need to run the undo snmp-agent trap enable feature-
name command.

Step 3 Run:
snmp-agent trap enable feature-name feature-name trap-name trap-name

A trap function of a feature module is enabled. This means that an alarm of a specified feature
can be sent to the NM station.

The undo snmp-agent trap enable feature-name command can be used to disable a trap
function of a module.

Step 4 Run:
snmp-agent notify-filter-profile { excluded | included } profile-name oid-tree

Trap messages allowed to be sent to the NM station are specified or updated.

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Configuration Guide - System Management 2 SNMP Configuration

At present, the snmp-agent notify-filter-profile command supports either the variable OID of
a character string or an object name. If the entered parameter is a character string, the asterisk
(*) can be used as the mask. The asterisk (*) can be placed only in the middle, not at the beginning
or end of the string.
Step 5 Run:
snmp-agent trap source interface-type interface-number

The source interface for trap messages is specified.

After the source interface is specified, its IP address becomes the source IP address of trap
messages. Configuring the IP address of the local loopback interface as the source interface is
recommended, which can ensure device security.
The source interface specified on the router for trap messages must be consistent with that
specified on the NM station; otherwise, the NM station will not accept the trap messages sent
from the router.
Step 6 Run:
snmp-agent trap queue-size size

The length of the queue storing trap messages to be sent to the destination host is set.
The queue length depends on the number of generated trap messages. If the router frequently
generates trap messages, a longer queue length can be set to prevent trap messages from being
Step 7 Run:
snmp-agent trap life seconds

The lifetime of every trap message is set.

The lifetime of every trap message depends on the number of generated trap messages. If the
router frequently generates trap messages, a longer lifetime can be set for every trap message to
prevent trap messages from being lost.


2.2.6 Checking the Configuration

After SNMPv1 functions are configured, you can view the SNMPv1 configurations.

The configurations of basic SNMPv1 functions are complete.

l Run the display snmp-agent community command to check the configured community
l Run the display snmp-agent sys-info version command to check the enabled SNMP
l Run the display acl acl-number command to check the rules in the specified ACL.
l Run the display snmp-agent mib-view command to check the MIB view.
l Run the display snmp-agent sys-info contact command to check the equipment
administrator's contact information.

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Configuration Guide - System Management 2 SNMP Configuration

l Run the display snmp-agent sys-info location command to check the location of the
l Run the display current-configuration | include max-size command to check the
allowable maximum size of an SNMP packet.
l Run the display current-configuration | include trap command to check trap
l Run the display snmp-agent extend error-code status command to check whether the
SNMP extended error code feature is enabled.


When the configuration is complete, run the display snmp-agent community command. You
can view the configured community name.
<HUAWEI> display snmp-agent community
Community name:%$%$"b>4*x#Vg&|Sr"PmUryU,A8/%$%$
Group name:%$%$"b>4*x#Vg&|Sr"PmUryU,A8/%$%$
Storage-type: nonVolatile
Community name:%$%$(;FP5lytUA3nc-QSq111,ri`%$%$
Group name:%$%$(;FP5lytUA3nc-QSq111,ri`%$%$
Storage-type: nonVolatile

Run the display snmp-agent sys-info version command. You can view the SNMP version
running on the agent.
<HUAWEI> display snmp-agent sys-info version
SNMP version running in the system:

Run the display acl acl-number command. You can view the rules in the specified ACL.
<HUAWEI> display acl 2000
Basic ACL 2000, 1 rule
Acl's step is 5
rule 5 permit source 0 (0 times matched)

Run the display snmp-agent mib-view command. You can view the MIB view.
<HUAWEI> display snmp-agent mib-view
View name:ViewDefault
MIB Subtree:internet
Subtree mask:
Storage-type: nonVolatile
View Type:included
View status:active
View name:ViewDefault
MIB Subtree:snmpUsmMIB
Subtree mask:
Storage-type: nonVolatile
View Type:excluded
View status:active
View name:ViewDefault
MIB Subtree:snmpVacmMIB
Subtree mask:
Storage-type: nonVolatile
View Type:excluded
View status:active
View name:ViewDefault
MIB Subtree:snmpModules.18
Subtree mask:
Storage-type: nonVolatile
View Type:excluded
View status:active

Total number is 1

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Run the display snmp-agent sys-info contact command. You can view the equipment
administrator's contact information.
<HUAWEI> display snmp-agent sys-info contact
The contact person for this managed node:
R&D Beijing, Huawei Technologies co.,Ltd.

Run the display snmp-agent sys-info location command. You can view the location of the
<HUAWEI> display snmp-agent sys-info location
The physical location of this node:
Beijing China

Run the display current-configuration | include max-size command. You can view the
allowable maximum size of an SNMP packet.
<HUAWEI> display current-configuration | include max-size
snmp-agent packet max-size 1800

Run the display current-configuration | include trap command. You can view trap
<HUAWEI> display current-configuration | include trap
snmp-agent trap enable standard

Run the display snmp-agent extend error-code status command. You can view whether the
SNMP extended error code feature is enabled.
<HUAWEI> display snmp-agent extend error-code status
Extend error-code status:enabled

2.3 Configuring a Device to Communicate with an NM

Station by Running SNMPv2c
After SNMPv2c is configured, a managed device and an NM station can run SNMPv2c to
communicate with each other. To ensure normal communication, you need to configure both
sides. This section describes only the configurations on a managed device (the agent side). For
details about configurations on an NM station, see the pertaining NM station operation guide.

The NM station manages a device in the following manners:

l Sends requests to the managed device to perform the GetRequest, GetNextRequest,
GetResponse, GetBulk, or SetRequest operation, obtaining data and setting values.
l Receives alarms from the managed device and locates and rectify device faults based on
the alarm information.

In the following configuration, after basic SNMP functions are configured, the NM station can
manage the device in these manners. For details on how to configure finer management such as
accurate access control or alarm module specification, see the following configuration

2.3.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

Before configuring a device to communicate with an NM station by running SNMPv2c,
familiarize yourself with the applicable environment, complete the pre-configuration tasks, and
obtain the data required for the configuration. This will help you complete the configuration task
quickly and accurately.

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Configuration Guide - System Management 2 SNMP Configuration

Applicable Environment
SNMP needs to be deployed in a network to allow the NM station to manage network devices.

If your network is a large scale with many devices and its security requirements are not strict or
its security is good (for example, a VPN network) but services on the network are so busy that
traffic congestion may occur, SNMPv2c can be deployed to ensure communication between the
NM station and managed devices.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring a device to communicate with an NM station by running SNMPv2c, complete
the following task:

l Configuring a routing protocol to ensure that the router and NM station are routable

Data Preparation
Before configuring a device to communicate with an NM station by running SNMPv2c, you
need the following data.

No. Data

1 SNMP version, SNMP community name, address of the alarm destination host,
administrator's contact information and location, and the maximum SNMP packet

2 (Optional) ACL number, IP address of the NM station, MIB object

3 (Optional) Name of the alarm-sending module, source address of trap messages,

queue length for trap messages, lifetime of trap messages, expiry time of informs,
allowable number of inform retransmissions, allowable maximum number of informs
to be acknowledged, aging time of log messages, and allowable maximum number
of log messages about the trap and inform events in the log buffer

2.3.2 Configuring Basic SNMPv2c Functions

After basic SNMP functions are configured, an NM station can perform basic operations such
as Get and Set operations on a managed device, and the managed device can send alarms to the
NM station.

Steps 3, 4, and 5 are mandatory for the configuration of basic SNMP functions. After the
configurations, basic SNMP communication can be conducted between the NM station and
managed device.

Step 1 Run:

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The system view is displayed.

Step 2 (Optional) Run:


The SNMP agent function is enabled.

By default, the SNMP agent function is disabled. Running any command with the parameter
snmp-agent can enable the SNMP agent function, so this step is optional.

Step 3 Run:
snmp-agent sys-info version v2c

The SNMP version is set.

By default, SNMPv3 is enabled.

After SNMPv2c is enabled on the managed device, the device supports both SNMPv2c and
SNMPv3. This means that the device can be monitored and managed by NM stations running
SNMPv2c and SNMPv3.

Step 4 Run:
snmp-agent community { read | write } community-name

The community name is set.

l read must be configured in the command if the NM station administrator requires the read
permission in a specified view in some cases. For example, a low-level administrator must
read certain data.
l write must be configured in the command if the NM station administrator requires the read
and write permissions in a specified view in some cases. For example, a high-level
administrator must read and write certain data.

After the community name is set, if no MIB view is configured, the NM station that uses the
community name has rights to access objects in the Viewdefault view.

Step 5 Choose one of the following commands as needed to configure the destination IP address for
the alarms and error codes sent from the device.
l If the network is an IPv4 network, configure the device to send either traps or informs to the
NM station.

The differences between traps and informs are as follows:

l The traps sent by the managed device do not need to be acknowledged by the NM station.
l The informs sent by the managed device need to be acknowledged by the NM station. If no
acknowledgement message from the NM station is received within a specified time period, the
managed device will resend the inform until the number of retransmissions reaches the maximum.
When the managed device sends an inform, it records the inform in the log. If the NM station and
link between the NM station and managed device recovers from a fault, the NM station can still
learn the inform sent during the fault occurrence and rectification.
In this regard, informs are more reliable than traps, but the device may need to buffer a lot of informs
because of the inform retransmission mechanism and this may consume many memory resources.
If the network is stable, using traps is recommended. If the network is unstable and the device's memory
capacity is sufficient, using informs is recommended.
– To configure a destination IP address for the traps and error codes sent from the device,

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snmp-agent target-host trap address udp-domain ip-address params

securityname security-string [ v2c ]

– To configure a destination IP address for the informs and error codes sent from the device,
snmp-agent target-host inform address udp-domain ip-address params
securityname security-string v2c

l To configure a destination IPv6 address for the alarms and error codes sent from the device,
snmp-agent target-host trap ipv6 address udp-domain ip-address [ udp-port port-
number ] params securityname security-string [ v2c ] [private-netmanager ]

The descriptions of the command parameters are as follows:

l The default destination UDP port number is 162. In some special cases (for example, port
mirroring is configured to prevent a well-known port from being attacked), the parameter
udp-port can be used to specify a non-well-known UDP port number. This ensures normal
communication between the NM station and managed device.
l If the alarms sent from the managed device to the NM station need to be transmitted over a
public network, the parameter public-net needs to be configured. If the alarms sent from the
managed device to the NM station need to be transmitted over a private network, the
parameter vpn-instance vpn-instance-name needs to be used to specify a VPN that will take
over the sending task.
l The parameter securityname identifies the alarm sender, which will help you learn the alarm
l If the NM station and managed device are both Huawei products, the parameter private-
netmanager can be configured to add more information to alarms, such as the alarm type,
alarm sequence number, and alarm sending time. The information will help you locate and
rectify faults more quickly.


An IPv6 network supports only traps, not informs.

Step 6 (Optional) Run:

snmp-agent sys-info { contact contact | location location }

The equipment administrator's contact information or location is configured.

This step is required when the NM station administrator must know equipment administrators'
contact information and locations when the NM station manages many devices. This allows the
NM station administrator to contact the equipment administrators quickly for fault location and

To configure both the equipment administrator's contact information and location, you must run
the command twice to configure them separately.

Step 7 (Optional) Run:

snmp-agent packet max-size byte-count

The maximum size of an SNMP packet that the device can receive or send is set.

By default, the maximum size of an SNMP packet that the device can receive or send is 12000

After the maximum size is set, the device will discard any SNMP packet that is larger than the
set size. The allowable maximum size of an SNMP packet for a device depends on the size of a

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packet that the NM station can process; otherwise, the NM station cannot process the SNMP
packets sent from the device.


Follow-up Procedure
After the configurations are complete, basic communication can be conducted between the NM
station and managed device.
l Access control allows any NM station that uses the community name to monitor and manage
all the objects on the managed device.
l The managed device sends alarms generated by the modules that are open by default to the
NM station. The modules include FM, NQA, DATASYNC, PM, SINDEX, L2IF
(hwMacUsageRaisingThreshold and hwMacUsageFallingThreshold), HGMP, RRPP, FR,
HDLC, RMON, MP, VRRP, FIB, SNMP (coldStart and warmStart), and DHCPSNP.
If finer device management is required, follow directions below to configure the managed
l To allow a specified NM station that uses the community name to manage specified objects
of the device, follow the procedure described in Controlling the NM Station's Access to
the Device.
l To allow a specified module on the managed device to report alarms to the NM station,
follow the procedure described in Configuring the Trap Function.
l If the NM station and managed device are both Huawei products, follow the procedure
described in Enabling the SNMP Extended Error Code Function to allow the device to
send more types of error codes. This allows more specific error identification and facilitates
your fault location and rectification.

2.3.3 (Optional) Controlling the NM Station's Access to the Device

This section describes how to specify an NM station and manageable MIB objects for SNMP-
based communication between the NM station and managed device to improve communication

If a device is managed by multiple NM stations that use the same community name, note the
following points:
l If all the NM stations that use the community name need to have rights to access the objects
in the Viewdefault view (, skip the following steps.
l If some of the NM stations that use the community name need to have rights to access the
objects in the Viewdefault view (, skip Step5.
l If all the NM stations need to manage specified objects on the device, skip Step2, Step3,
and Step4.
l If some of the NM stations that use the community name need to manage specified objects
on the device, perform all the following steps.

Step 1 Run:

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The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
acl acl-number

A basic ACL is created to filter the NM station users that can manage the device.

Step 3 Run:
rule [ rule-id ] { deny | permit } source { source-ip-address source-wildcard |
any }

A rule is added to the ACL.

Step 4 Run:

Return to the system view.

Step 5 Run:
snmp-agent mib-view { excluded | included } view-name oid-tree

A MIB view is created, and manageable MIB objects are specified.

By default, an NM station has rights to access the objects in the Viewdefault view (

l If a few MIB objects on a device or some objects in the current MIB view do not or no longer
need to be managed by the NM station, excluded needs to be specified in the related command
to exclude these MIB objects.
l If a few MIB objects on the device or some objects in the current MIB view need to be
managed by the NM station, included needs to be specified in the related command to include
these MIB objects.

Step 6 Run:
snmp-agent community { read | write } { community-name | cipher community-name } [
mib-view view-name | acl acl-number ]*

The NM station's access rights are specified.

l read needs to be configured in the command if the NM station administrator needs the read
permission in the specified view in some cases. For example, a low-level administrator needs
to read certain data. write needs to be configured in the command if the NM station
administrator needs the read and write permissions in the specified view in some cases. For
example, a high-level administrator needs to read and write certain data.
l cipher is used to display the community name in cipher text. It can be configured in the
command to improve security. If the parameter is configured, the administrator needs to
remember the community name. If the community name is forgotten, it cannot be obtained
by querying the device.
l If some of the NM stations that use the community name need to have rights to access the
objects in the Viewdefault view (, mib-view view-name does not need to be
configured in the command.
l If all the NM stations that use the community name need to manage specified objects on the
device, acl acl-number does not need to be configured in the command.
l If some of the NM stations that use the community name need to manage specified objects
on the device, both mib-view and acl need to be configured in the command.


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Follow-up Procedure
After the access rights are configured, especially after the IP address of the NM station is
specified, if the IP address changes (for example, the NM station changes its location, or IP
addresses are reallocated due to network adjustment), you need to change the IP address of the
NM station in the ACL. Otherwise, the NM station cannot access the device.

2.3.4 (Optional) Enabling the SNMP Extended Error Code Function

This section describes how to enable the extended SNMP error code function when both the NM
station and managed device are Huawei products. After this function is enabled, more types of
error codes are provided to help you locate and rectify faults more quickly and accurately.

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
snmp-agent extend error-code enable

The SNMP extended error code function is enabled.

By default, SNMP standard error codes are used. After the extended error code function is
enabled, extended error codes can be sent to the NM station.


2.3.5 (Optional) Configuring the Trap Function

This section describes how to specify the alarms to be sent to the NM station, which will help
you to locate important problems. After relevant parameters are set, the security of alarm sending
can be improved.

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
snmp-agent trap enable

Alarm sending is enabled.

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If the snmp-agent trap enable command is run to enable the trap functions of all modules, note the
following points:
l To disable the trap functions of all modules, you need to run the snmp-agent trap disable command.
l To restore the trap functions of all modules to the default status, you need to run the undo snmp-agent
trap enable or undo snmp-agent trap disable command.
l To disable one trap function of a module, you need to run the undo snmp-agent trap enable feature-
name command.

Step 3 Run:
snmp-agent trap enable feature-name feature-name trap-name trap-name

A trap function of a feature module is enabled. This means that an alarm of a specified feature
can be sent to the NM station.
The undo snmp-agent trap enable feature-name feature-name trap-name trap-name
command can be used to disable a trap function of a module.
Step 4 Configure trap function parameters based on the trap usage or inform usage selected during the
configuration of basic SNMPv2c functions.
If traps are used, follow the procedure described in Configuring trap parameters; if informs
are used, follow the procedure described in Configuring inform parameters.
Configuring trap parameters:
1. Run:
snmp-agent notify-filter-profile { excluded | included } profile-name oid-tree

Trap messages allowed to be sent to the NM station are specified or updated.

At present, the snmp-agent notify-filter-profile command supports either the variable
OID of a character string or an object name. If the entered parameter is a character string,
the asterisk (*) can be used as the mask. The asterisk (*) can be placed only in the middle,
not at the beginning or end of the string.
2. Run:
snmp-agent trap source interface-type interface-number

The source interface for trap messages is specified.

After the source interface is specified, its IP address becomes the source IP address of trap
messages. Configuring the IP address of the local loopback interface as the source interface
is recommended, which can ensure device security.
The source interface specified on the router for trap messages must be consistent with that
specified on the NM station; otherwise, the NM station will not accept the trap messages
sent from the router.
3. Run:
snmp-agent trap queue-size size

The length of the queue storing trap messages to be sent to the destination host is set.
The queue length depends on the number of generated trap messages. If the router
frequently generates trap messages, a longer queue length can be set to prevent trap
messages from being lost.
4. Run:
snmp-agent trap life seconds

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The lifetime of every trap message is set.

The lifetime of every trap message depends on the number of generated trap messages. If
the router frequently generates trap messages, a longer lifetime can be set for every trap
message to prevent trap messages from being lost.
Configuring inform parameters:
1. Run:
snmp-agent inform { timeout seconds | resend-times times | pending number }*

The timeout period for waiting for Inform ACK messages, number of inform
retransmissions, and allowable maximum number of informs to be acknowledged are set.
If the network is unstable, you need to specify the number of inform retransmissions and
allowable maximum number of informs to be acknowledged when you set a timeout period
for waiting for Inform ACK messages. By default, the timeout period for waiting for Inform
ACK messages is 15 seconds; the number of inform retransmissions is 3; the allowable
maximum number of informs waiting to be acknowledged is 39.
Setting the number of inform retransmissions to a value smaller than or equal to 10 is
recommended. Otherwise, device performance will be affected.
2. Run:
snmp-agent inform { timeout seconds | resend-times times } *address udp-
domain ip-address[ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] params securityname

The timeout period for waiting for Inform ACK messages from a specified NM station and
the number of inform retransmissions are set.
If the network is unstable, you need to specify the number of inform retransmissions and
allowable maximum number of informs to be acknowledged when you set a timeout period
for waiting for Inform ACK messages. By default, the timeout period for waiting for Inform
ACK messages is 15 seconds, and the number of inform retransmissions is 3.
Setting the number of inform retransmissions to a value smaller than or equal to 10 is
recommended. Otherwise, device performance will be affected.
3. Run:
snmp-agent notification-log enable

The alarm logging function is enabled.

If the link between the managed device and the NM station fails, the managed device will
stop sending informs to the NM station because the NM station is unroutable but the
managed device will continue logging informs. If the link recovers, the NM station will
learn the informs logged by the managed device during the link failure.
After the alarm logging function is enabled, the system logs only informs, not traps.
By default, the alarm logging function is disabled.
4. Run:
snmp-agent notification-log { global-ageout ageout | global-limit limit }*

The aging time of alarm logs and maximum number of alarm logs allowed to be stored in
the log buffer are set.
By default, the aging time of alarm logs is 24 hours. If the aging time expires, alarms logs
will be automatically deleted.

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By default, the log buffer can store a maximum of 500 alarm logs. If the number of alarm
logs in the log buffer exceeds 500, the device will delete the alarm logs from the earliest


2.3.6 Checking the Configuration

After SNMPv2c functions are configured, you can view the SNMPv2c configurations.

The configurations of basic SNMPv2c functions are complete.

l Run the display snmp-agent community command to check the configured community
l Run the display snmp-agent sys-info version command to check the enabled SNMP
l Run the display acl acl-number command to check the rules in the specified ACL.
l Run the display snmp-agent mib-view command to check the MIB view.
l Run the display snmp-agent sys-info contact command to check the equipment
administrator's contact information.
l Run the display snmp-agent sys-info location command to check the location of the
l Run the display current-configuration | include max-size command to check the
allowable maximum size of an SNMP packet.
l Run the display current-configuration | include trap command to check trap
l Run the display snmp-agent target-host command to check information about the target
l Run the display snmp-agent inform [ address udp-domain ip-address [ vpn-instance
vpn-instance-name ] params securityname security-string ] command to check inform
parameters and device statistics with the NM station being specified or not.
l Run the display snmp-agent notification-log info command to check alarm logs stored
in the log buffer.
l Run the display snmp-agent extend error-code status command to check whether the
SNMP extended error code feature is enabled.

When the configuration is complete, run the display snmp-agent community command. You
can view the configured community name.
<HUAWEI> display snmp-agent community
Community name:%$%$"b>4*x#Vg&|Sr"PmUryU,A8/%$%$
Group name:%$%$"b>4*x#Vg&|Sr"PmUryU,A8/%$%$
Storage-type: nonVolatile
Community name:%$%$(;FP5lytUA3nc-QSq111,ri`%$%$
Group name:%$%$(;FP5lytUA3nc-QSq111,ri`%$%$

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Storage-type: nonVolatile

Run the display snmp-agent sys-info version command. You can view the SNMP version
running on the agent.
<HUAWEI> display snmp-agent sys-info version
SNMP version running in the system:

Run the display acl acl-number command. You can view the rules in the specified ACL.
<HUAWEI> display acl 2000
Basic ACL 2000, 1 rule
Acl's step is 5
rule 5 permit source 0 (0 times matched)

Run the display snmp-agent mib-view command. You can view the MIB view.
<HUAWEI> display snmp-agent mib-view
View name:ViewDefault
MIB Subtree:internet
Subtree mask:
Storage-type: nonVolatile
View Type:included
View status:active
View name:ViewDefault
MIB Subtree:snmpUsmMIB
Subtree mask:
Storage-type: nonVolatile
View Type:excluded
View status:active
View name:ViewDefault
MIB Subtree:snmpVacmMIB
Subtree mask:
Storage-type: nonVolatile
View Type:excluded
View status:active
View name:ViewDefault
MIB Subtree:snmpModules.18
Subtree mask:
Storage-type: nonVolatile
View Type:excluded
View status:active

Total number is 1

Run the display snmp-agent sys-info contact command. You can view the equipment
administrator's contact information.
<HUAWEI> display snmp-agent sys-info contact
The contact person for this managed node:
R&D Beijing, Huawei Technologies co.,Ltd.

Run the display snmp-agent sys-info location command. You can view the location of the
<HUAWEI> display snmp-agent sys-info location
The physical location of this node:
Beijing China

Run the display current-configuration | include max-size command. You can view the
allowable maximum size of an SNMP packet.
<HUAWEI> display current-configuration | include max-size
snmp-agent packet max-size 1800

Run the display current-configuration | include trap command. You can view trap
<HUAWEI> display current-configuration | include trap
snmp-agent trap enable standard

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Run the display snmp-agent extend error-code status command. You can view whether the
SNMP extended error code feature is enabled.
<HUAWEI> display snmp-agent extend error-code status
Extend error-code status:enabled
Run the display snmp-agent target-host command. You can view information about the target
<HUAWEI> display snmp-agent target-host
Target-host NO. 1
IP-address :
VPN instance : -
Security name : abc
Port : 23
Type : inform
Version : v2c
Level : No authentication and privacy
NMS type : NMS
With ext-vb: : Yes

Target-host NO. 2
IP-address :
VPN instance : -
Security name : aaa
Port : 22
Type : trap
Version : v2c
Level : No authentication and privacy
NMS type : HW NMS
With ext-vb: : No

Run the display snmp-agent inform command. You can view the configurations of inform
<HUAWEI> display snmp-agent inform
Global config: resend-times 3, timeout 15s, pending 39
Global status: current notification count 0
Target-host ID: VPN instance/IP-Address/Security name
Config: resend-times 3, timeout 15s
Status: retries 0, pending 0, sent 0, dropped 0, failed 0, confirmed 0

Run the display snmp-agent notification-log info command. You can view alarm logs stored
in the log buffer.
<HUAWEI> display snmp-agent notification-log info
Notification log information :
Notifications Admin Status: enable
GlobalNotificationsLogged: 0
GlobalNotificationsBumped: 0
GlobalNotificationsLimit: 500
GlobalNotificationsAgeout: 24
Total number of notification log: 0

2.4 Configuring a Device to Communicate with an NM

Station by Running SNMPv3
After SNMPv3 is configured, a managed device and an NM station can run SNMPv3 to
communicate with each other. To ensure normal communication, you need to configure both
sides. This section describes only the configurations on a managed device (the agent side). For
details about configurations on an NM station, see the pertaining NM station operation guide.

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The NM station manages a device in the following manners:

l Sends requests to the managed device to perform the GetRequest, GetNextRequest,
GetResponse, GetBulk, or SetRequest operation, obtaining data and setting values.
l Receives alarms from the managed device and locates and rectify device faults based on
the alarm information.

In the following configuration, after basic SNMP functions are configured, the NM station can
manage the device in these manners. For details on how to configure finer management such as
accurate access control or alarm module specification, see the following configuration

2.4.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

Before configuring a device to communicate with an NM station by running SNMPv3,
familiarize yourself with the applicable environment, complete the pre-configuration tasks, and
obtain the data required for the configuration. This will help you complete the configuration task
quickly and accurately.

Applicable Environment
SNMP needs to be deployed in a network to allow the NM station to manage network devices.

Assume your network has a strict requirement on security, only authorized administrators can
manage network devices, and the security and accuracy of transmitted network data need to be
ensured. For example, the data between the NM station and managed devices is transmitted over
a public network. In this case, SNMPv3 can be deployed. The authentication and encryption
functions provided by SNMPv3 ensure the security of data sending and normal communication
between the NM station and managed devices.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring a device to communicate with an NM station by running SNMPv3, complete
the following task:

l Configuring a routing protocol to ensure that the router and NM station are routable

Data Preparation
Before configuring a device to communicate with an NM station by running SNMPv3, you need
the following data.

No. Data

1 SNMP version, user name and user group name, address of the alarm destination host,
administrator's contact information and location, and maximum SNMP packet size

2 (Optional) ACL number, IP address of the NM station, and MIB object

3 (Optional) Name of the alarm-sending module, source address of trap messages,

queue length for trap messages, and lifetime of trap messages

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2.4.2 Configuring Basic SNMPv3 Functions

After basic SNMP functions are configured, an NM station can perform basic operations such
as Get and Set operations on a managed device, and the managed device can send alarms to the
NM station.

Steps 4, 5, and 6 are mandatory for the configuration of basic SNMP functions. After the
configurations, basic SNMP communication can be conducted between the NM station and
managed device.

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 (Optional) Run:


The SNMP agent function is enabled.

By default, the SNMP agent function is disabled. Running any command with the parameter
snmp-agent can enable the SNMP agent function, so this step is optional.

Step 3 (Optional) Run:

snmp-agent sys-info version v3

The SNMP version is set.

By default, SNMPv3 is enabled. So, this step is optional.

Step 4 Run:
snmp-agent group v3 group-name [ authentication | privacy ]

An SNMPv3 user group is configured.

If the network or network devices are in an environment lacking security (for example, the
network is vulnerable to attacks), authentication or privacy can be configured in the command
to enable data authentication or encryption.

The available authentication and encryption modes are as follows:

l No authentication and no encryption: authentication and privacy are not configured in the
command. This mode is applicable to secure networks managed by a specified administrator.
l Authentication without encryption: Only authentication is configured in the command. This
mode is applicable to secure networks managed by many administrators who may frequently
perform operations on the same device. In this mode, only the authenticated administrators
can access the managed device.
l Authentication and encryption: privacy is configured in the command. This mode is
applicable to insecure networks managed by many administrators who may frequently
perform operations on the same device. In this mode, only the authenticated administrators
can access the managed device, and transmitted data is encrypted to guard against
interception and data leaking.

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Step 5 Run:
snmp-agent usm-user v3 user-name group-name [ { authentication-mode { md5 | sha }
password } ] [ privacy-mode des56 password ] [ acl acl-number ]

A user is added to the SNMPv3 user group.

Step 6 Choose one of the following commands as needed to configure the destination IP address for
the alarms and error codes sent from the device.
l To configure a destination IPv4 address for the alarms and error codes sent from the device,
snmp-agent target-host trap address udp-domain ip-address params securityname
security-string [ v3 ]

l To configure a destination IPv6 address for the alarms and error codes sent from the device,
snmp-agent target-host trap ipv6 address udp-domain ip-address [ udp-port port-
number ] params securityname security-string [ v3 ] [ private-netmanager ]

The descriptions of the command parameters are as follows:

l The default destination UDP port number is 162. In some special cases (for example, port
mirroring is configured to prevent a well-known port from being attacked), the parameter
udp-port can be used to specify a non-well-known UDP port number. This ensures normal
communication between the NM station and managed device.
l If the alarms sent from the managed device to the NM station need to be transmitted over a
public network, the parameter public-net needs to be configured. If the alarms sent from the
managed device to the NM station need to be transmitted over a private network, the
parameter vpn-instance vpn-instance-name needs to be used to specify a VPN that will take
over the sending task.
l The parameter securityname identifies the alarm sender, which will help you learn the alarm
l If the NM station and managed device are both Huawei products, the parameter private-
netmanager can be configured to add more information to alarms, such as the alarm type,
alarm sequence number, and alarm sending time. The information will help you locate and
rectify faults more quickly.
l An excess of alarms generated on the device may make fault location difficult. In this case,
the notify-filter-profile parameter can be configured in the command to allow the device to
filter out unwanted alarms and send only the needed alarms to the NM station. To make the
filtering policy take effect, you also need to configure notify-view in the snmp-agent
group command when configuring the user group.
Step 7 (Optional) Run:
snmp-agent sys-info { contact contact | location location }

The equipment administrator's contact information or location is configured.

This step is required when the NM station administrator must know equipment administrators'
contact information and locations when the NM station manages many devices. This allows the
NM station administrator to contact the equipment administrators quickly for fault location and
To configure both the equipment administrator's contact information and location, you must run
the command twice to configure them separately.
Step 8 (Optional) Run:
snmp-agent packet max-size byte-count

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The maximum size of an SNMP packet that the device can receive or send is set.

By default, the maximum size of an SNMP packet that the device can receive or send is 12000

After the maximum size is set, the device will discard any SNMP packet that is larger than the
set size. The allowable maximum size of an SNMP packet for a device depends on the size of a
packet that the NM station can process; otherwise, the NM station cannot process the SNMP
packets sent from the device.


Follow-up Procedure
After the configurations are complete, basic communication can be conducted between the NM
station and managed device.
l Access control allows any NM station in the configured SNMPv3 user group to monitor
and manage all the objects on the managed device.
l The managed device sends alarms generated by the modules that are open by default to the
NM station. The modules include FM, NQA, DATASYNC, PM, SINDEX, L2IF
(hwMacUsageRaisingThreshold and hwMacUsageFallingThreshold), HGMP, RRPP, FR,
HDLC, RMON, MP, VRRP, FIB, SNMP (coldStart and warmStart), and DHCPSNP.

If finer device management is required, follow directions below to configure the managed
l To allow a specified NM station in an SNMPv3 user group to manage specified objects of
the device(such as NM station with the specified IP address), follow the procedure
described in Controlling the NM Station's Access to the Device.
l To allow a specified module on the managed device to report alarms to the NM station,
follow the procedure described in Configuring the Trap Function.
l If the NM station and managed device are both Huawei products, follow the procedure
described in Enabling the SNMP Extended Error Code Function to allow the device to
send more types of error codes. This allows more specific error identification and facilitates
your fault location and rectification.

2.4.3 (Optional) Controlling the NM Station's Access to the Device

This section describes how to specify an NM station and manageable MIB objects for SNMPv3-
based communication between the NM station and managed device to improve communication

If a device is managed by multiple NM stations that are in the same SNMPv3 user group, note
the following points:
l If all the NM stations need to have rights to access the objects in the Viewdefault view
(, skip the following steps.
l If some of the NM stations need to have rights to access the objects in the Viewdefault view
(, skip Step5.
l If all the NM stations need to manage specified objects on the device, skip Step2, Step3,
and Step4.

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Configuration Guide - System Management 2 SNMP Configuration

l If some of the NM stations need to manage specified objects on the device, perform all the
following steps.

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
acl acl-number

A basic ACL is created to filter the NM station users that can manage the device.

Step 3 Run:
rule [ rule-id ] { deny | permit } source { source-ip-address source-wildcard |
any }

A rule is added to the ACL.

Step 4 Run:

Return to the system view.

Step 5 Run:
snmp-agent mib-view { excluded | included } view-name oid-tree

A MIB view is created, and manageable MIB objects are specified.

By default, an NM station has rights to access the objects in the Viewdefault view (

l If a few MIB objects on the device or some objects in the current MIB view do not or no
longer need to be managed by the NM station, excluded needs to be specified in the command
to exclude these MIB objects.
l If a few MIB objects on the device or some objects in the current MIB view need to be
managed by the NM station, included needs to be specified in the command to include these
MIB objects.

Step 6 Run:
snmp-agent group v3 group-name [ authentication | privacy ] [ read-view read-view
| write-view write-view | notify-view notify-view ]* [ acl acl-number ]

The read and write permissions are configured for the user group.

l read-view needs to be configured in the command if the NM station administrator needs the
read permission in the specified view in some cases. For example, a low-level administrator
needs to read certain data. write-view needs to be configured in the command if the NM
station administrator needs the read and write permissions in the specified view in some
cases. For example, a high-level administrator needs to read and write certain data.
l notify-view needs to be configured in the command if you want to filter out irrelevant alarms
and configure the managed device to send only the alarms of specified MIB objects to the
NM station. If the parameter is configured, only the alarms of the MIB objects specified by
notify-view will be sent to the NM station. To make the filtering policy take effect, you also
need to configure notify-filter-profile in the snmp-agent target-host trap command when
configuring the NM station.

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Configuration Guide - System Management 2 SNMP Configuration

l authentication or privacy can be configured in the command to improve security. If

authentication is configured, only authentication is performed. If privacy is configured,
both authentication and encryption are performed. For details, see the authentication and
encryption selection guide.
l If some NM stations that are in the same SNMPv3 user group need to have rights to access
the objects in the Viewdefault view (, [ read-view read-view | write-view write-
view | notify-view notify-view ] does not need to be configured in the command.
l If all the NM stations that are in the same SNMPv3 user group need to manage specified
objects on the device, acl acl-number does not need to be configured in the command.
l If some of the NM stations that are in the same SNMPv3 user group need to manage specified
objects on the device, both the MIB view and ACL need to be configured in the command.


Follow-up Procedure
After the access rights are configured, especially after the IP address of the NM station is
specified, if the IP address changes (for example, the NM station changes its location, or IP
addresses are reallocated due to network adjustment), you need to change the IP address of the
NM station in the ACL. Otherwise, the NM station cannot access the device.

2.4.4 (Optional) Enabling the SNMP Extended Error Code Function

This section describes how to enable the extended SNMP error code function when both the NM
station and managed device are Huawei products. After this function is enabled, more types of
error codes are provided to help you locate and rectify faults more quickly and accurately.

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
snmp-agent extend error-code enable

The SNMP extended error code function is enabled.

By default, SNMP standard error codes are used. After the extended error code function is
enabled, extended error codes can be sent to the NM station.


2.4.5 (Optional) Configuring the Trap Function

This section describes how to specify the alarms to be sent to the NM station, which will help
you to locate important problems. After relevant parameters are set, the security of alarm sending
can be improved.

Step 1 Run:

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The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
snmp-agent trap enable

Alarm sending is enabled.


If the snmp-agent trap enable command is run to enable the trap functions of all modules, note the
following points:
l To disable the trap functions of all modules, you need to run the snmp-agent trap disable command.
l To restore the trap functions of all modules to the default status, you need to run the undo snmp-agent
trap enable or undo snmp-agent trap disable command.
l To disable one trap function of a module, you need to run the undo snmp-agent trap enable feature-
name command.

Step 3 Run:
snmp-agent trap enable feature-name feature-name trap-name trap-name

A trap function of a feature module is enabled. This means that an alarm of a specified feature
can be sent to the NM station.
The undo snmp-agent trap enable feature-name command can be used to disable a trap
function of a module.
Step 4 Run:
snmp-agent notify-filter-profile { excluded | included } profile-name oid-tree

Trap messages allowed to be sent to the NM station are specified or updated.

At present, the snmp-agent notify-filter-profile command supports either the variable OID of
a character string or an object name. If the entered parameter is a character string, the asterisk
(*) can be used as the mask. The asterisk (*) can be placed only in the middle, not at the beginning
or end of the string.
Step 5 Run:
snmp-agent trap source interface-type interface-number

The source interface for trap messages is specified.

After the source interface is specified, its IP address becomes the source IP address of trap
messages. Configuring the IP address of the local loopback interface as the source interface is
recommended, which can ensure device security.
The source interface specified on the router for trap messages must be consistent with that
specified on the NM station; otherwise, the NM station will not accept the trap messages sent
from the router.
Step 6 Run:
snmp-agent trap queue-size size

The length of the queue storing trap messages to be sent to the destination host is set.
The queue length depends on the number of generated trap messages. If the router frequently
generates trap messages, a longer queue length can be set to prevent trap messages from being
Step 7 Run:
snmp-agent trap life seconds

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Configuration Guide - System Management 2 SNMP Configuration

The lifetime of every trap message is set.

The lifetime of every trap message depends on the number of generated trap messages. If the
router frequently generates trap messages, a longer lifetime can be set for every trap message to
prevent trap messages from being lost.


2.4.6 Checking the Configuration

After SNMPv3 functions are configured, you can view the SNMPv3 configurations.

The configurations of basic SNMPv3 functions are complete.

l Run the display snmp-agent usm-user [ engineid engineid | group group-name |
username user-name ]* command to check user information.
l Run the display snmp-agent sys-info version command to check the enabled SNMP
l Run the display acl acl-number command to check the rules in the specified ACL.
l Run the display snmp-agent mib-view command to check the MIB view.
l Run the display snmp-agent sys-info contact command to check the equipment
administrator's contact information.
l Run the display snmp-agent sys-info location command to check the location of the
l Run the display current-configuration | include max-size command to check the
allowable maximum size of an SNMP packet.
l Run the display current-configuration | include trap command to check trap
l Run the display snmp-agent extend error-code status command to check whether the
SNMP extended error code feature is enabled.

Run the display snmp-agent usm-user command. You can view SNMP user information.
<HUAWEI> display snmp-agent usm-user
User name: u1
Engine ID: 000007DB7F00000100000772 active

Run the display snmp-agent sys-info version command. You can view the SNMP version
running on the agent.
<HUAWEI> display snmp-agent sys-info version
SNMP version running in the system:

Run the display acl acl-number command. You can view the rules in the specified ACL.
<HUAWEI> display acl 2000
Basic ACL 2000, 1 rule
Acl's step is 5
rule 5 permit source 0 (0 times matched)

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Configuration Guide - System Management 2 SNMP Configuration

Run the display snmp-agent mib-view command. You can view the MIB view.
<HUAWEI> display snmp-agent mib-view
View name:ViewDefault
MIB Subtree:internet
Subtree mask:
Storage-type: nonVolatile
View Type:included
View status:active
View name:ViewDefault
MIB Subtree:snmpUsmMIB
Subtree mask:
Storage-type: nonVolatile
View Type:excluded
View status:active
View name:ViewDefault
MIB Subtree:snmpVacmMIB
Subtree mask:
Storage-type: nonVolatile
View Type:excluded
View status:active
View name:ViewDefault
MIB Subtree:snmpModules.18
Subtree mask:
Storage-type: nonVolatile
View Type:excluded
View status:active

Total number is 1

Run the display snmp-agent sys-info contact command. You can view the equipment
administrator's contact information.
<HUAWEI> display snmp-agent sys-info contact
The contact person for this managed node:
R&D Beijing, Huawei Technologies co.,Ltd.

Run the display snmp-agent sys-info location command. You can view the location of the
<HUAWEI> display snmp-agent sys-info location
The physical location of this node:
Beijing China

Run the display current-configuration | include max-size command. You can view the
allowable maximum size of an SNMP packet.
<HUAWEI> display current-configuration | include max-size
snmp-agent packet max-size 1800

Run the display current-configuration | include trap command. You can view trap
<HUAWEI> display current-configuration | include trap
snmp-agent trap enable standard

Run the display snmp-agent extend error-code status command. You can view whether the
SNMP extended error code feature is enabled.
<HUAWEI> display snmp-agent extend error-code status
Extend error-code status:enabled

2.5 SNMP Configuration Examples

This section provides several configuration examples of SNMP. The configuration roadmap in
the examples will help you understand the configuration procedures. Each configuration
example provides information about the networking requirements, configuration notes, and
configuration roadmap.

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Configuration Guide - System Management 2 SNMP Configuration


In this section, the link interface numbers and link type of the NE40E-X8 are used, which may be different
from that in real-world situations.

2.5.1 Example for Configuring a Device to Communicate with an

NM Station by Using SNMPv1
This section provides an example to describe how to configure a device to communicate with
an NM station by using SNMPv1 and how to specify the MIB objects that can be managed by
the NM station.

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 2-4, two NM stations (NMS1 and NMS2) and the router are connected
across a public network. According to the network planning, NMS2 can manage every MIB
object except HGMP on the router, and NMS1 does not manage the router.
On the router, only the modules that are enabled by default are allowed to send alarms to NMS2.
This prevents an excess of unwanted alarms from being sent to NMS2. Excessive alarms can
make faults location difficult.
Equipment administrator's contact information needs to be configured on the router. This allows
the NMS administrator to contact the equipment administrator quickly if a fault occurs.

Figure 2-4 Networking diagram for configuring a device to communicate with an NM station
by using SNMPv1

NMS1 GE1/0/0
IP Network


Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:
1. Enable the SNMP agent.
2. Configure the router to run SNMPv1.
3. Configure an ACL to allow NMS2 to manage every MIB object except HGMP on the
4. Configure the trap function to allow the router to send alarms to NMS2.

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Configuration Guide - System Management 2 SNMP Configuration

5. Configure the equipment administrator's contact information on the router.

6. Configure NMS2.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:

l SNMP version
l Community name
l ACL number
l IP address of the NM station
l Equipment administrator's contact information

Step 1 Configure available routes between the router and the NM stations. Details for the configuration
procedure are not provided here.

Step 2 Enable the SNMP agent.

<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] snmp-agent

Step 3 Configure the router to run SNMPv1.

[HUAWEI] snmp-agent sys-info version v1

# Check the configured SNMP version.

[HUAWEI] display snmp-agent sys-info version
SNMP version running in the system:

Step 4 Configure the NM stations' access rights.

# Configure an ACL to allow NMS2 to manage and disallow NMS1 from managing the
[HUAWEI] acl 2001
[HUAWEI-acl-basic-2001] rule 5 permit source
[HUAWEI-acl-basic-2001] rule 6 deny source
[HUAWEI-acl-basic-2001] quit

# Configure a MIB view and allow NMS2 to manage every MIB object except HGMP on the
[HUAWEI] snmp-agent mib-view excluded allexthgmp

# Configure a community name to allow NMS2 to manage the objects in the MIB view.
[HUAWEI] snmp-agent community write adminnms2 mib-view allexthgmp acl 2001

Step 5 Configure the trap function.

[HUAWEI] snmp-agent target-host trap address udp-domain params securityname
[HUAWEI] snmp-agent trap source loopbak0
[HUAWEI] snmp-agent trap queue-size 200
[HUAWEI] snmp-agent trap life 60

Step 6 Configure the equipment administrator's contact information.

[HUAWEI] snmp-agent sys-info contact call Operator at 010-12345678

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Configuration Guide - System Management 2 SNMP Configuration

Step 7 Configure NMS2.

For details on how to configure NMS2, see the relevant NMS configuration guide.

Step 8 Verify the configuration.

After the configurations are complete, run the following commands to verify that the
configurations have taken effect.

# Check information about the SNMP community name.

<HUAWEI> display snmp-agent community
Community name:adminnms2
Group name:adminnms2
Storage-type: nonVolatile

# Check the configured ACL.

<HUAWEI> display acl 2001
Basic ACL 2001, 2 rules
Acl's step is 5
rule 5 permit source 0 (0 times matched)
rule 6 deny source 0 (0 times matched)

# Check the MIB view.

<HUAWEI> display snmp-agent mib-view viewname allexthgmp
View name:allexthgmp
MIB Subtree:hwCluster
Subtree mask:FF80(Hex)
Storage-type: nonVolatile
View Type:excluded
View status:active

# Check the target host.

<HUAWEI> display snmp-agent target-host
Target-host NO. 1
IP-address :
VPN instance : -
Security name :
Port : 162
Type : trap
Version : v1
Level : No authentication and privacy
NMS type : NMS

# When an alarm is generated, run the display trapbuffer command to view the details.
<HUAWEI> display trapbuffer
Trapping buffer configuration and contents : enabled
Allowed max buffer size : 1024
Actual buffer size : 256
Channel number : 3 , Channel name : trapbuffer
Dropped messages : 0
Overwritten messages : 0
Current messages : 98

#Oct 11 2010 18:57:59+00:00 HUAWEI DS/4/DATASYNC_CFGCHANGE:OID

. configurations have been changed. The current change number is 95,
the change loop count is 0, and the maximum number of records is 4095.

# Check the equipment administrator's contact information.

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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
HUAWEI NetEngine80E/40E Router
Configuration Guide - System Management 2 SNMP Configuration

<HUAWEI> display snmp-agent sys-info contact

The contact person for this managed node:
call Operator at 010-12345678


Configuration Files
Configuration file of the router
snmp-agent trap type base-trap
acl number 2001
rule 5 permit source 0
rule 6 deny source 0
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
interface loopback0
ip address
ospf 1
snmp-agent local-engineid 000007DB7FFFFFFF00001AA7
snmp-agent community write adminnms2 mib-view allexthgmp acl 2001
snmp-agent sys-info contact call Operator at 010-12345678
snmp-agent sys-info version v1 v3
snmp-agent target-host trap address udp-domain params securityname

snmp-agent mib-view excluded allexthgmp hwCluster

snmp-agent trap source loopback0
snmp-agent trap queue-size 200
snmp-agent trap life 60

2.5.2 Example for Configuring a Device to Communicate with an

NM Station by Using SNMPv2c
This section provides an example to describe how to configure a device to communicate with
an NM station by using SNMPv2c and how to specify the MIB objects that can be managed by
the NM station.

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 2-5, two NM stations (NMS1 and NMS2) and the router are connected
across a public network. According to the network planning, NMS2 can manage every MIB
object except HGMP on the router, and NMS1 does not manage the router.

On the router, only the modules that are enabled by default are allowed to send alarms to NMS2.
This prevents an excess of unwanted alarms from being sent to NMS2. Excessive alarms can
make faults location difficult. Informs need to be used to ensure that alarms are received by
NMS2 because alarms sent by the router have to travel across the public network to reach NMS2.

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HUAWEI NetEngine80E/40E Router
Configuration Guide - System Management 2 SNMP Configuration

Equipment administrator's contact information needs to be configured on the router. This allows
the NMS administrator to contact the equipment administrator quickly if a fault occurs.

Figure 2-5 Networking diagram for configuring a device to communicate with an NM station
by using SNMPv2c

NMS1 GE1/0/0
IP Network


Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:

1. Enable the SNMP agent.

2. Configure the router to run SNMPv2c.
3. Configure an ACL to allow NMS2 to manage every MIB object except HGMP on the
4. Configure the router to send informs to NMS2 to ensure alarm sending reliability.
5. Configure the equipment administrator's contact information on the router.
6. Configure NMS2.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:

l SNMP version
l Community name
l ACL number
l IP address of the NM station
l Equipment administrator's contact information

Step 1 Configure available routes between the router and the NM stations. Details for the configuration
procedure are not provided here.

Step 2 Enable the SNMP agent.

<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] snmp-agent

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Configuration Guide - System Management 2 SNMP Configuration

Step 3 Configure the router to run SNMPv2c.

[HUAWEI] snmp-agent sys-info version v2c

# Check the configured SNMP version.

[HUAWEI] display snmp-agent sys-info version
SNMP version running in the system:

Step 4 Configure the NM stations' access rights.

# Configure an ACL to allow NMS2 to manage and disallow NMS1 from managing the
[HUAWEI] acl 2001
[HUAWEI-acl-basic-2001] rule 5 permit source
[HUAWEI-acl-basic-2001] rule 6 deny source
[HUAWEI-acl-basic-2001] quit

# Configure a MIB view.

[HUAWEI] snmp-agent mib-view excluded allexthgmp

# Configure a community name to allow NMS2 to manage the objects in the MIB view.
[HUAWEI] snmp-agent community write adminnms2 mib-view allexthgmp acl 2001

Step 5 Configure the trap function.

[HUAWEI] snmp-agent target-host inform address udp-domain params
[HUAWEI] snmp-agent inform timeout 15 resend-times 3 pending 39
[HUAWEI] snmp-agent notification-log enable
[HUAWEI] snmp-agent notification-log global-ageout 8

Step 6 Configure the equipment administrator's contact information.

[HUAWEI] snmp-agent sys-info contact call Operator at 010-12345678

Step 7 Configure NMS2.

For details on how to configure NMS2, see the relevant NMS configuration guide.
Step 8 Verify the configuration.
After the configurations are complete, run the following commands to verify that the
configurations have taken effect.
# Check information about the SNMP community name.
<HUAWEI> display snmp-agent community
Community name:adminnms2
Group name:adminnms2
Storage-type: nonVolatile

# Check the configured ACL.

<HUAWEI> display acl 2001
Basic ACL 2001, 2 rules
Acl's step is 5
rule 5 permit source 0 (0 times matched)
rule 6 deny source 0 (0 times matched)

# Check the MIB view.

<HUAWEI> display snmp-agent mib-view viewname allexthgmp
View name:allexthgmp
MIB Subtree:hwCluster

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Configuration Guide - System Management 2 SNMP Configuration

Subtree mask:FF80(Hex)
Storage-type: nonVolatile
View Type:excluded
View status:active

# Check the target host.

<HUAWEI> display snmp-agent target-host
Target-host NO. 1
IP-address :
VPN instance : -
Security name :
Port : 162
Type : trap
Version : v1
Level : No authentication and privacy
NMS type : NMS
With ext-vb: : No

# When an alarm is generated, run the display trapbuffer command to view the details.
<HUAWEI> display trapbuffer
Trapping buffer configuration and contents : enabled
Allowed max buffer size : 1024
Actual buffer size : 256
Channel number : 3 , Channel name : trapbuffer
Dropped messages : 0
Overwritten messages : 0
Current messages : 98

#Oct 11 2010 18:57:59+00:00 HUAWEI DS/4/DATASYNC_CFGCHANGE:OID

. configurations have been changed. The current change number is 95,
the change loop count is 0, and the maximum number of records is 4095.

# Check the equipment administrator's contact information.

<HUAWEI> display snmp-agent sys-info contact
The contact person for this managed node:
call Operator at 010-12345678


Configuration Files
Configuration file of the router
snmp-agent trap type base-trap
acl number 2001
rule 5 permit source 0
rule 6 deny source 0
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
ospf 1
snmp-agent local-engineid 000007DB7FFFFFFF00001AA7
snmp-agent community write adminnms2 mib-view allexthgmp acl 2001
snmp-agent sys-info contact call Operator at 010-12345678
snmp-agent sys-info version v2c v3
snmp-agent target-host inform address udp-domain params securityname

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Configuration Guide - System Management 2 SNMP Configuration

snmp-agent mib-view excluded allexthgmp hwCluster

snmp-agent inform timeout 15 resend-times 3 pending 39
snmp-agent notification-log enable
snmp-agent notification-log global-ageout 8

2.5.3 Example for Configuring a Device to Communicate with an

NM Station by Using SNMPv3
This section provides an example to describe how to configure a device to communicate with
an NM station by using SNMPv3 and how to specify the MIB objects that can be managed by
the NM station.

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 2-6, two NM stations (NMS1 and NMS2) and the router are connected
across a public network. According to the network planning, NMS2 can manage every MIB
object except HGMP on the router, and NMS1 does not manage the router.

On the router, only the modules that are enabled by default are allowed to send alarms to NMS2.
This prevents an excess of unwanted alarms from being sent to NMS2. Excessive alarms can
make faults location difficult.

The data transmitted between NMS2 and the router needs to be encrypted and the NMS
administrator needs to be authenticated because the data has to travel across the public network.

Equipment administrator's contact information needs to be configured on the router. This allows
the NMS administrator to contact the equipment administrator quickly if a fault occurs.

Figure 2-6 Networking diagram for configuring a device to communicate with an NM station
by using SNMPv3

NMS1 GE1/0/0
IP Network


Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:

1. Enable the SNMP agent.

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Configuration Guide - System Management 2 SNMP Configuration

2. Configure the router to run SNMPv3.

3. Configure an ACL to allow NMS2 to manage every MIB object except HGMP on the
router and configure data encryption.
4. Configure the trap function to allow the router to send alarms to NMS2.
5. Configure the equipment administrator's contact information on the router.
6. Configure NMS2.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:
l SNMP version
l User group name
l User name and password
l Authentication and encryption algorithms
l ACL number
l IP address of the NM station
l Equipment administrator's contact information

Step 1 Configure available routes between the router and the NM stations. Details for the configuration
procedure are not provided here.
Step 2 Enable the SNMP agent.
<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] snmp-agent

Step 3 Configure the router to run SNMPv3.

[HUAWEI] snmp-agent sys-info version v3

# Check the configured SNMP version.

[HUAWEI] display snmp-agent sys-info version
SNMP version running in the system:

Step 4 Configure the NM stations' access rights.

# Configure an ACL to allow NMS2 to manage and disallow NMS1 from managing the
[HUAWEI] acl 2001
[HUAWEI-acl-basic-2001] rule 5 permit source
[HUAWEI-acl-basic-2001] rule 6 deny source
[HUAWEI-acl-basic-2001] quit

# Configure a MIB view.

[HUAWEI] snmp-agent mib-view included testview iso

# Configure an SNMPv3 user group and add a user to the group, and configure authentication
for the NMS administrator and encryption for the data transmitted between the router and NMS2.
[HUAWEI] snmp-agent usm-user v3 testuser testgroup authentication-mode md5 87654321
privacy-mode des56 87654321
[HUAWEI] snmp-agent group v3 testgroup privacy write-view testview notify-view

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Configuration Guide - System Management 2 SNMP Configuration

testview acl 2001snmp-agent group v3 testgroup privacy write-view dnsmib notify-

view dnsmib acl 2001

Step 5 Configure the trap function.

[HUAWEI] snmp-agent target-host trap address udp-domain params securityname
[HUAWEI] snmp-agent trap source loopback0
[HUAWEI] snmp-agent trap queue-size 200
[HUAWEI] snmp-agent trap life 60

Step 6 Configure the equipment administrator's contact information.

[HUAWEI] snmp-agent sys-info contact call Operator at 010-12345678

Step 7 Configure the NMS2.

For details on how to configure NMS2, see the relevant NMS configuration guide.
Step 8 Verify the configuration.
After the configurations are complete, run the following commands to verify that the
configurations have taken effect.
# Check information about the user group.
<HUAWEI> display snmp-agent group testgroup

Group name: testgroup

Security model: v3 noAuthnoPriv
Readview: ViewDefault
Writeview: testview
Notifyview: testview
Storage-type: nonVolatile

# Check information about the user.

<HUAWEI> display snmp-agent usm-user

User name: testuser

Engine ID: 000007DB7F00000100004C3F active
Group name:testgroup

# Check the configured ACL.

<HUAWEI> display acl 2001
Basic ACL 2001, 2 rules
Acl's step is 5
rule 5 permit source 0 (0 times matched)
rule 6 deny source 0 (0 times matched)

# Check the MIB view.

<HUAWEI> display snmp-agent mib-view viewname testview
View name:testview
MIB Subtree:iso
Subtree mask:
Storage-type: nonVolatile
View Type:included
View status:active

# Check the target host.

<HUAWEI> display snmp-agent target-host
Target-host NO. 1
IP-address :
Source interface : -

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Configuration Guide - System Management 2 SNMP Configuration

VPN instance : -
Security name : testuser
Port : 162
Type : trap
Version : v1
Level : No authentication and privacy
NMS type : NMS
With ext-vb: : No

# When an alarm is generated, run the display trapbuffer command to view the details.
<HUAWEI> display trapbuffer
Trapping buffer configuration and contents : enabled
Allowed max buffer size : 1024
Actual buffer size : 256
Channel number : 3 , Channel name : trapbuffer
Dropped messages : 0
Overwritten messages : 0
Current messages : 98

#Oct 11 2010 18:57:59+00:00 HUAWEI DS/4/DATASYNC_CFGCHANGE:OID

. configurations have been changed. The current change number is 95,
the change loop count is 0, and the maximum number of records is 4095.

# Check the equipment administrator's contact information.

<HUAWEI> display snmp-agent sys-info contact
The contact person for this managed node:
call Operator at 010-12345678


Configuration Files
Configuration file of the router
snmp-agent trap type base-trap
acl number 2001
rule 5 permit source 0
rule 6 deny source 0
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
interface loopback0
ip address
ospf 1
snmp-agent local-engineid 000007DB7FFFFFFF000004A7
snmp-agent sys-info contact call Operator at 010-12345678
snmp-agent sys-info version v3
snmp-agent group v3 testgroup write-view testview notify-view testview acl 2001
snmp-agent group v3 testgroup privacy
snmp-agent target-host trap address udp-domain params securityname
snmp-agent mib-view included testview iso
snmp-agent usm-user v3 testuser testgroup authentication-mode md5 `,+VK;'MYJF=,/
<97^aP^1!! privacy-mode des56 `,+VK;'MYJF=,/<97^aP^1!!
snmp-agent trap source loopback0
snmp-agent trap queue-size 200

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Configuration Guide - System Management 2 SNMP Configuration


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HUAWEI NetEngine80E/40E Router
Configuration Guide - System Management 3 RMON and RMON2 Configuration

3 RMON and RMON2 Configuration

About This Chapter

This chapter describes how to monitor the Ethernet interface through Remote Network
Monitoring (RMON) and Remote Network Monitoring Version 2 (RMON2).

3.1 Overview of RMON and RMON2

This section describes RMON and RMON2.
3.2 Configuring RMON
This section describes how to monitor the network status and traffic through RMON.
3.3 Configuring RMON2
This section describes how to configure RMON2 to monitor the traffic of a certain interface,
analyze the source and destination of data transmitted through the interface, and collect the
statistics on the data of each host that passes through the interface.
3.4 RMON And RMON2 Configuration Examples
This section provides examples for configuring RMON and RMON2, and illustrates the
networking requirements, configuration roadmap, and configuration notes. You can better
understand the configuration procedures with the help of the configuration flowchart.

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Configuration Guide - System Management 3 RMON and RMON2 Configuration

3.1 Overview of RMON and RMON2

This section describes RMON and RMON2.

3.1.1 Introduction to RMON and RMON2

This part describes working principles of and differences between RMON and RMON2.

RMON is implemented based on the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
architecture, and is compatible with the existing SNMP framework. There are two concepts
involved in RMON, namely, the Network Management Workstation (NM Station) and the agent.

A RMON agent collects statistics of various traffic in a network, including the number of packets
on a network segment within a period and the number of correct packets sent to a host.

Compared with SNMP, RMON monitors remote network devices more efficiently and actively.
It provides an efficient solution to monitor the running of sub-networks, which reduces the
communication traffic between the NM Station and the agent. Large-sized networks can thus be
managed in a simple and effective manner.

RMON allows multiple monitors. It collects data in the following ways:

l Use a dedicated RMON Probe.

The NM Station obtains management information directly from the RMON Probe and
controls network resources. This ensures that the NM Station can obtain overall information
on the RMON MIB.
l Embed a RMON agent into a network device (a router for example) to enable the device
to be of the RMON Probe capability.
The NM Station uses the basic SNMP commands for exchanging data with the RMON
agent and collecting the network management information. This process is restricted by
device resources and hence the NM Station collects only information on four groups (alarm,
event, history, and statistics) and not the complete information on the RMON MIB.

Currently, the NE80E/40E implements the monitoring and statistics collection function only on
the Ethernet interfaces of network devices.

RMON2 is one of the RMON MIB standards. It functions as a supplement to RMON and add
some new groups. RMON monitors the traffic only at the MAC layer whereas RMON2 can
monitor the traffic at the MAC layer and above it (here, the MAC layer refers to the Ethernet
layer). RMON and RMON2 are both used to monitor Ethernet links.

RMON2 can decode data packets of Layer 3 to Layer 7 in the OSI model.

A RMON2 agent provides the following functions:

l Monitors the traffic based on the network layer protocols and addresses, including the IP

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An agent can learn its connected external LAN network segments and monitor the traffic
entering the LAN through the router.
l Records the incoming and outgoing traffic to and from a specific application because it is
capable of decoding and monitoring the traffic of applications, such as email, FTP, and
As defined in RFC 2021, RMON2 contains the following MIB groups: protocolDir,
protocolDist, addressMap, nlHost, nlMatrix, alHost, alMatrix, usrHistory, ProbeConfig, and

3.1.2 RMON and RMON2 Suported by the NE80E/40E

This part describes the support for RMON and RMON2 on the NE80E/40E.

Features of RMON
The NE80E/40E implements RMON by embedding agent modules to network devices to form
a complete system with other modules. The RMON NM Station is completely compatible with
the SNMP NM Station; so, the administrator can handle it properly without additional training.
RMON in the NE80E/40E supports four groups, namely, statistics, history, alarm, and event, as
defined in RFC 2819, and a Performance-MIB defined by Huawei. The following describes each
l Statistic group
The statistics group collects the basic statistics of each monitored sub-network. The
statistics include date flows on a network segment, distribution of various packets, error
frames, and collisions.
The statistics group has one table: ethernetStatsTable.

The RMON statistics result is not consistent with the output of the display interface command.
Although data is collected from the bottom layer in both the cases, the RMON information is more
l History group
A history group periodically collects the network state statistics and stores them for future
reference. The history group has the following tables:
– historyControlTable: is used to set the control information, such as sampling intervals.
– etherHistoryTable: provides network administrators with other history statistics, such
as the traffic on a network segment, error packets, broadcast packets, utilization, and
Each entry in the historyControlTable corresponds to a maximum of 10 pieces of history
records in the etherHistoryTable. The previous pieces are overwritten in a circular
manner if the threshold of records in etherHistoryTable is crossed.
l Alarm group
An alarm group allows predefining a set of thresholds for alarm variables (any object in
the local MIB). A monitor records logs or sends trap messages to the NM Station when the
sampled data in a certain direction crosses a threshold.
As defined in RFC 2819, the alarm function has a hysteresis mechanism to limit the
generation of alarms. If this mechanism is adopted, an alarm event is generated when the
sampled data in a direction crosses the threshold. No more events will be generated until
the sampled data in the opposite direction crosses the threshold.

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The NE80E/40E does not apply this mechanism because it will not generate the alarms for
a long period. For the NE80E/40E, the alarms are re-generated if the smapling value turns
to the noraml threshold.
The alarm group contains one table: alarmTable.
l Event group
An event group stores all the events generated by the RMON agent in a table. It records
logs or sends trap messages to the NM Station when an event occurs.
The event group implements the output of three events: log, trap, and log-trap. Each event
entry corresponds to a maximum of 10 pieces of logs. The previous logs are overwritten in
a circular manner if the threshold of logs is crossed.
The event group has two tables: eventTable and logTable.
l Performance-MIB
The RMON prialarm group is an enhancement of alarmTable defined in RFC 2819.
Compared with the alarmTable, the RMON prialarm group supports the setting of alarm
objects and time spans of alarm entries through expressions.
The RMON Performance-MIB has one table: prialarmTable.
In the NE80E/40E, to save system resources, each entry is given a specific time span. The
time span indicates the period for an entry to keep the invalid state. The entry is deleted
when the time span goes down to 0.
Table 3-1 shows the capacity of various tables and the maximum time span of each table.

Table 3-1 Time span of each table

Table Entry Capacity (Byte) Maximum Time Span(s)

ethernetStatsTable 100 600

historyControlTable 100 600

alarmTable 60 6000

eventTable 60 600

logTable 600 -

prialarmTable 50 6000


logTable does not have a time span. Each log entry can have a maximum of 10 pieces of logs. The
excessive logs supersede the older ones in a circular manner.
When an interface board or an interface card is removed, the corresponding entries in the
ethernetStatsTable and historyControlTable become invalid. If the time spans of tables are
respectively set to 1200s, the entries in the tables are deleted when the time spans go down
to 0.
If an interface is added before its corresponding entries are deleted from the table, these
entries can take effect again.

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Configuration Guide - System Management 3 RMON and RMON2 Configuration

Features of RMON2
Currently, the NE80E/40E supports only two MIBs in RMON2: protocolDir and nlHost.

nlHost supports only the network layer host group but not the application layer host group. That
is, host control at the application layer and alHostTable are not implemented in the
hostControlTable. So, only IP can be set in the protocol directory group and other protocols are

3.2 Configuring RMON

This section describes how to monitor the network status and traffic through RMON.

3.2.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

Before configuring RMON, familiarize yourself with the applicable environment, complete the
pre-configuration tasks, and obtain the required data. This can help you complete the
configuration task quickly and accurately.

Applicable Environment
To monitor network status and collect traffic statistics on a network segment, you can configure

Enabling the RMON function does not need any special requirement. You can enable it in
advance, or configure it when you suspect that the traffic of the sub-network where interface
resides is abnormal. You can configure RMON depending on actual situations.

It is recommended to configure the statistics table in advance, configure two history control
policies on the interface where the traffic is abnormal, configure the alarm for one or more
suspicious entries, set the high and low thresholds, and view the alarm information.


RMON only stores traffic statistics and information or abnormalities but cannot avoid the generation of
these statistics or information. To clear abnormalities, you need to adopt the other management measures.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring RMON, complete the following tasks:

l Configuring parameters for Ethernet interfaces

l Configuring basic SNMP functions

Data Preparation
To configure RMON, you need the following data.

No. Data

1 Interface on which the statistics function is enabled

2 Statistics table to be used and related parameters

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Configuration Guide - System Management 3 RMON and RMON2 Configuration

No. Data

3 HistoryControl table to be used and related parameters

4 Event table to be used and related parameters

5 Alarm table to be used and related parameters

6 Prialarm table to be used and related parameters

3.2.2 Enabling the RMON Statistics Function on the Interface

You need to enable traffic statistics function on the interface where traffic statistics are collected.
If the traffic statistics function is not enabled on the interface, statistics values of in both
ethernetStatsTable and HistoryControlTable are 0.

Do as follows on the router on which traffic statistics should be collected:

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
interface { ethernet | gigabitethernet } interface-number

The interface view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
rmon-statistics enable

The RMON statistics function is enabled on the interface.

If the statistics function is not enabled on the interface, the statistics value in ethernetStatsTable
and historyControlTable of RMON is 0.


3.2.3 Configuring the ethernetStatsTable

EthernetStatsTable records traffic information that RMON collects on interfaces.

Do as follows on the router on which traffic statistics should be collected:

Step 1 Run:

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The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
interface { ethernet | gigabitethernet } interface-number

The interface view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
rmon statistics entry-number [ owner owner-name ]

The ethernetStatsTable is configured.

To monitor the statistics of an interface on a device, a network administrator needs to create a
table entry for this interface and specify the interface OID, entry index, and entry state. The
network administrator can then read the corresponding entry to obtain the latest statistics.


3.2.4 Configuring the HistoryControlTable

HistoryControlTable provides the historical data management function. With this function, you
can sample traffic of a certain interface, set the maximum number of items to be saved and the
sampling interval, collect traffic statistics on the specific interface periodically, and save the
statistics to etherHistoryTable for future use.

As recommended by the RMON specifications, each monitored interface should be configured
with more than two history control entries. One entry is sampled every 30 seconds while another
entry is sampled every 30 minutes.
The short sampling interval enables a monitor to probe the sudden changes of traffic modes, and
the long sampling interval is applicable if the interface status is relatively stable.
Currently, the NE80E/40E reserves up to 10 pieces of the latest records for each history control

To reduce the effect on the performance of the system, the sampling interval of the history table should be
longer than 10 seconds, and the same port should not be configured with too many history control entries
and alarm entries.

Do as follows on the router on which traffic statistics should be collected:

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
interface { ethernet | gigabitethernet } interface-number

The interface view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
rmon history entry-number buckets number interval sampling-interval [ owner owner-
name ]

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The historyControlTable is configured.


3.2.5 Configuring the EventTable

After EventTable is configured, when the number of events exceeds the alarm threshold, the
router generates logs, sends traps, or generates logs and sends traps.

Do as follows on the router that is monitored:
The RMON event management module is responsible for adding events to the corresponding
rows in the eventTable and defining the methods of processing events:
l log: sending only logs
l log-trap: sending both logs and trap messages to the NM Station
l none: marking that no event occurs
l trap: sending trap messages to the NM Station

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
rmon event entry-number [ description string ] { log | trap object | log-trap
object | none } [ owner owner-name ]

The eventTable is configured.


3.2.6 Configuring the AlarmTable

The RMON alarm management function monitors a specified trap variable identified by its OID
at a specified sampling interval. When the monitored variable exceeds the defined threshold, an
alarm is generated.

The RMON alarm management is responsible for monitoring a specified alarm variable
(identified by OID) at a specified sampling interval. An alarm event occurs when the monitored
variable exceeds the defined threshold. Generally, the event is recorded in the log table, or
RMON sends a trap message to the NM Station.
If the events that correspond to the alarm upper limit and lower limit (event-entry1, event-
entry2) are not configured in the eventTable, an alarm is not generated even if the alarm condition
is satisfied. At this time, the status of alarm recording is undercreation and not VALID.
If an event corresponding to either the alarm upper limit or the alarm lower limit is configured,
an alarm is triggered once the alarm condition is satisfied. (At this time, the status of alarm

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Configuration Guide - System Management 3 RMON and RMON2 Configuration

recording is VALID.) If an incorrect alarm variable is configured (for example, an inexistent

OID is specified), the status of alarm recording is undercreation and no alarm is generated.
Do as follows on the router that is monitored:

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
rmon alarm entry-number alarm-OID sampling-time { absolute | changeratio | delta }
rising-threshold threshold-value1 event-entry1 falling-threshold threshold-value2
event-entry2 [ owner owner-name ]

The alarmTable is configured.


3.2.7 Configuring the PrialarmTable

Compared with AlarmTable, PrialarmTable is enhanced with the function of setting the trap
object through an expression.

Based on the alarmTable in RFC 2819, the RMON prialarm management is enhanced with two
functions: setting the alarm object in the form of expressions and limiting the time to live (TTL)
value of a prialarm entry.
Compared with the alarmTable, the prialarmTable has several additional entries:
l Expression of alarm variables. It can be an arithmetic expression composed of the OIDs of
alarm variables(+, -, *, / or brackets).
l Description of the prialarm entry in a character string.
l Prialarm state period, in seconds. It must be larger than the sampling interval.
l Two prialarm state types: Forever or Cycle. If Cycle is set, an alarm does not occur and the
entry is deleted after the specified prialarm state period.
If the events that correspond to the alarm upper limit and lower limit (event-entry1, event-
entry2) are not configured in the eventTable, an alarm does not occur even if the alarm conditions
are satisfied. (The alarm record is in the undercreation state rather than in the VALID state.)
If either the alarm upper limit event or the alarm lower limit event is configured, the alarm is
triggered once the conditions for an alarm are satisfied. (The alarm record is in the VALID state.)
Do as follows on the router that is monitored.

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

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Configuration Guide - System Management 3 RMON and RMON2 Configuration

Step 2 Run:
rmon prialarm entry-number prialarm-formula description-string sampling-interval
{ absolute | changeratio | delta } rising-threshold threshold-value1 event-entry1
falling-threshold threshold-value2 event-entry2 entrytype { cycle entry-period |
forever } [ owner owner-name ]

The prialarmTable is configured.


3.2.8 Checking the Configuration

After configuring RMON, you can view the traffic statistics collected by RMON.

The configurations of the RMON are complete.

l Run the display rmon alarm [ entry-number ] command to view the RMON alarm
l Run the display rmon event [ entry-number ] command to view the RMON events.
l Run the display rmon eventlog [ entry-number ] command to view the RMON event logs.
l Run the display rmon history [ ethernet interface-number | gigabitethernet interface-
number ]command to view the RMON history information.
l Run the display rmon prialarm [ entry-number ] command to view the information of the
RMON prialarmTable.
l Run the display rmon statistics [ ethernet interface-number | gigabitethernet interface-
number ] command to view the RMON statistics.

Run the display rmon alarm command. If information about the alarm table is displayed, it
means that the configuration succeeds.
<HUAWEI> display rmon alarm 1
Alarm table 1 owned by Test300 is VALID.
Samples absolute value : <etherStatsBroadcastPkts.1>
Sampling interval : 30(sec)
Rising threshold : 500(linked with event 1)
Falling threshold : 100(linked with event 1)
When startup enables : risingOrFallingAlarm
Latest value : 1975

Run the display rmon event command. If information about the event table is displayed, it
means that the configuration succeeds.
<HUAWEI> display rmon event
Event table 1 owned by Test300 is VALID.
Description: null
Will cause log when triggered, last triggered at 0days 00h:24m:10s.34th.
Event table 2 owned by Test300 is VALID.
Description: forUseofPrialarm.
Will cause snmp-trap when triggered, last triggered at 0days 00h:26m:10s.73th.

Run the display rmon eventlog command. If information about the event logs is displayed, it
means that the configuration succeeds.

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HUAWEI NetEngine80E/40E Router
Configuration Guide - System Management 3 RMON and RMON2 Configuration

<HUAWEI> display rmon eventlog

Event table 1 owned by Test300 is VALID.
Generates eventLog 1.1 at 0days 00h:39m:30s.05th.
Description: The defined in alarm table 1,
less than or equal to 100 with alarm value 0. Alarm sample type is absolute.

Run the display rmon history command to display the RMON history.
<HUAWEI> display rmon history
History control entry 1 owned by Test300 is VALID,
Samples interface : GigabitEthernet3/0/0<ifEntry.402653698>
Sampling interval : 30(sec) with 10 buckets max
Last Sampling time : 0days 00h:09m:43s
Latest sampled values :
octets :645 , packets :7
broadcast packets :7 , multicast packets :0
undersize packets :6 , oversize packets :0
fragments packets :0 , jabbers packets :0
CRC alignment errors :0 , collisions :0
Dropped packet: :0 , utilization :0

Run the display rmon prialarm command. If information about the extended alarm table is
displayed, it means that the configuration succeeds.
<HUAWEI> display rmon prialarm 1
Prialarm table 1 owned by Test300 is VALID.
Samples delta value : .
Sampling interval : 30(sec)
Rising threshold : 1000(linked with event 2)
Falling threshold : 0(linked with event 2)
When startup enables : risingOrFallingAlarm
This entry will exist : forever
Latest value : 16

Run the display rmon statistics command to display the RMON statistics.
<HUAWEI> display rmon statistics
Statistics entry 1 owned by Test300 is VALID.
Interface : GigabitEthernet3/0/0<ifEntry.402653698>
Received :
octets :142915224 , packets :1749151
broadcast packets :11603 , multicast packets:756252
undersize packets :0 , oversize packets :0
fragments packets :0 , jabbers packets :0
CRC alignment errors:0 , collisions :0
Dropped packet (insufficient resources):1795
Packets received according to length (octets):
64 :150183 , 65-127 :150183 , 128-255 :1383
256-511:3698 , 512-1023:0 , 1024-1518:0

3.3 Configuring RMON2

This section describes how to configure RMON2 to monitor the traffic of a certain interface,
analyze the source and destination of data transmitted through the interface, and collect the
statistics on the data of each host that passes through the interface.

3.3.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

Before configuring RMON2, familiarize yourself with the applicable environment, complete
the pre-configuration tasks, and obtain the required data. This can help you complete the
configuration task quickly and accurately.

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Configuration Guide - System Management 3 RMON and RMON2 Configuration

Applicable Environment
By configuring RMON2, you can monitor the traffic on an Ethernet interface that connects to
the network, analyze the hosts the data on the interface comes from and goes to, and collect
statistics of the data passing through the interface from each host on the network.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring RMON2, configure parameters for Ethernet interface.
l Configuring parameters for Ethernet interfaces

Data Preparation
To configure RMON2, you need the following data.

No. Data

1 Values of the hlHostControlDataSource and hlHostControlStatus in the


2 Values of the protocolDirDescr and protocolDirHostConfig in the protocolDirTable

3.3.2 Configuring the hlHostControlTable

HlHostControlTable is used to monitor the traffic of a specific host.

Do as follows on the router that is monitored.

Step 1 Run:

Step 2 Run:
rmon2 hlhostcontroltable index ctrl-index [ datasource interface { interface-type
interface-number } ] [ maxentry maxentry-value ] [ owner owner-name ] [ status
{ active | inactive } ]

The hlHostControlTable is monitored.

To collect traffic statistics on an interface, create entries for the hlHostControlTable on the
The index is used to determine if there is a need to create an entry or to change the existing entry.
Configure the datasource interface(namely hlHostControlDataSource) parameter to create an
entry. Only a single entry can be created in the hlHostControlTable for each interface, and the
entry cannot be created repeatedly.
When the hlHostControlStatus value is set to inactive, all related entries in the host table are
deleted automatically.

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When the hlHostControlStatus value is set to active, you cannot change the
hlHostControlDataSource and hlHostControlNlMaxDesiredEntries values.

When the physical status of the interface that corresponds to the hlHostControlDataSource is
Down and the hlHostControlStatus value is active, the state is switched to notinservice
automatically. The status displayed in the command output is "plug-out" while on the NM
Station, the status displayed is "notinservice". In this case, users can delete the entry but they
cannot change it. When the interface status turns to Up, the status of the hlHostControlTable
becomes active again.

If an interface that corresponds to the hlHostControlDataSource in an entry is deleted, the entry

is deleted at the same time.


3.3.3 Configuring the ProtocolDirTable

RMON2 can collect only the IP packet statistics on Ethernet interfaces.

Do as follows on the router that is monitored.

Step 1 Run:

Step 2 Run:
rmon2 protocoldirtable protocoldirid protocol-id parameter parameter-value [ descr
description-string ] [ host { notsupported | supportedon | supportedoff } ]
[ owner owner-name ] [ status { active | inactive } ]

The protocolDirTable is configured.

The RMON2 supports the traffic statistics of IP packets only on Ethernet interfaces. Since a
single protocol corresponds to an entry, this table currently has only one entry.
l When an entry is created or the entry status (protocolDirStatus) is set to active, both
parameter (equivalent to protocolDirDescr) and host (equivalent to
protocolDirHostConfig) must be set at the same time.
l When the protocolDirStatus is set to active, the value in the protocolDirDescr cannot be
– If the protocolDirHostConfig value is notsupported, it cannot be changed into other
– If the value is not notsupported, it can be switched between supportedon and
– When the protocolDirHostConfig value changes from supportedon to supportedoff, the
corresponding entry in the hlHostControlTable is deleted.
l When the protocolDirStatus is set to inactive, the corresponding entry in the hlHostTable is


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3.3.4 Checking the Configuration

After configuring RMON2, you can view the traffic statistics collected by RMON2.

The configurations of the RMON2 are complete.

Step 1 Run the display rmon2 protocoldirtable command to view the information about the
Step 2 Run the display rmon2 hlhostcontroltable [ index ctrl-index ] command to view the
information about the hlHostControlTable.
Step 3 Run the display rmon2 nlhosttable [ hostcontrolindex ctrl-index ] [ timemark time-value ]
[ protocoldirlocalindex protocol-local-index ] [ hostaddress ip-address ] command to view
the information about the nlHostTable.


Run the display rmon2 protocoldirtable command. If information about the protocol directory
table is displayed, it means that the configuration succeeds.
<HUAWEI> display rmon2 protocoldirtable
Info: The protocol directory table changed at time : 3days 18h:59m:49s(32758966),
last time
protocolDirId :
protocolDirParameters : 2.0.0
protocolDirLocalIndex : 1
protocolDirDescr : aaa
protocolDirAddressMapConfig: notsupported
protocolDirHostConfig : supportedon
protocolDirMatrixConfig : notsupported
protocolDirOwner :
protocolDirStatus : active

Run the display rmon2 hlhostcontroltable command. If information about the host control
table is displayed, it means that the configuration succeeds.
<HUAWEI> display rmon2 hlhostcontroltable
index - hlhostcontrolindex
datasource - hlhostcontroldatasource
droppedfrm - hlhostcontrolnldroppedframes
inserts - hlhostcontrolnlinserts
Deletes - hlHostControlNlDeletes
maxentries - hlhostcontrolnlmaxdesiredentries
owner - hlhostcontrolowner
status - hlhostcontrolstatus
index datasource droppedfrm inserts Deletes maxentries owner status
123 GigabitEthernet2/2/0 0 19 0 100 China active

Run the display rmon2 nlhosttable command. If information about the host table is displayed,
it means that the configuration succeeds.
<HUAWEI> display rmon2 nlhosttable hostcontrolindex 123 timemark 1000 hostaddress
HIdx - hlHostControlIndex
PIdx - ProtocolDirLocalIndex
Addr - nlHostAddress

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InPkts - nlHostInPkts
OutPkts - nlHostOutPkts
InOctes - nlHostInOctets
OutOctes - nlHostOutOctets
OutMac - nlHostOutMacNonUnicastPkts
ChgTm - nlHostTimeMark
CrtTm - nlHostCreateTime
HIdx PIdx Addr InPkts OutPkts InOctes OutOctes OutMac ChgTm CrtTm
123 1 0 78 0 10046 78 81489 40859

3.4 RMON And RMON2 Configuration Examples

This section provides examples for configuring RMON and RMON2, and illustrates the
networking requirements, configuration roadmap, and configuration notes. You can better
understand the configuration procedures with the help of the configuration flowchart.


This document takes interface numbers and link types of the NE40E-X8 as an example. In working
situations, the actual interface numbers and link types may be different from those used in this document.

3.4.1 Example for Configuring RMON

This part provides examples for configuring RMON to collect the traffic statistics on an interface.
When the traffic exceeds the threshold, the router generates logs.

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 3-1, it is required to monitor a sub-network connected to GE3/0/0, involving:
l Collecting realtime statistics and history statistics about traffic and various packets.
l Enabling the alarm monitoring function for the traffic (in bytes) passing through the
interface and enabling the log function when the traffic sent in one minute exceeds the set
l Monitoring the broadcast and multicast packets on the sub-network and enabling the alarm
function for these packets. The system then automatically reports the alarm to the NM
Station when the broadcast and multicast streams on the sub-network exceed the set value.

Figure 3-1 Networking diagram of RMON configuration

GE1/0/0 GE3/0/0
IP Network LAN
NM Station Router

Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:

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1. Execute the SNMP configuration command in advance to enable sending Trap messages
and configure the community name.
2. Enable collecting statistics and configure the ethernetStatsTable.
3. Configure the History Control Table.
4. Configure the EventTable.
5. Configuring the AlarmTable.
6. Configure the PrialarmTable.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:
l Interval for sampling information
l Threshold for triggering alarm events

Step 1 Configure routes between the Example for Configuring RMON and the NM Station. The detailed
configuration procedure is not mentioned here.
Step 2 Enable sending Trap messages to the NM Station.
# Enable the Trap function.
<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] sysname Router
[Router] snmp-agent trap enable
[Router] snmp trap enable feature-name rmon non-excessive all

# Set Trap messages to be sent to the specified NM Station.

[Router] snmp-agent target-host trap address udp-domain params
securityname public

Step 3 Enable collecting statistics.

# Enable the statistics function on an RMON interface.
<Router> system-view
[Router] interface gigabitethernet 3/0/0
[Router-GigabitEthernet3/0/0] rmon-statistics enable

# Configure the ethernetStatsTable.

[Router-GigabitEthernet3/0/0] rmon statistics 1 owner Test300

Step 4 Configure the historyControlTable.

# Set RMON to sample the traffic every 30 seconds and save the latest 10 pieces of history
[Router-GigabitEthernet3/0/0] rmon history 1 buckets 10 interval 30 owner Test300

Step 5 Configure the eventTable.

# Set recording logs for RMON event 1, and set sending Trap messages to the NM Station for
event 2.
<Router> system-view
[Router] rmon event 1 log owner Test300

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[Router] rmon event 2 description forUseofPrialarm trap public owner Test300

Step 6 Configure the alarmTable.

# Set the sampling interval and set the threshold that triggers event 1.
[Router] rmon alarm 1 30 absolute rising-threshold 500 1
falling-threshold 100 1 owner Test300

Step 7 Configure the prialarmTable.

# Configure RMON to perform sampling every 30 seconds for the total number of broadcast
and multicast packets in the ethernetStatsTable. If the delta sampled value is larger than the
maximum threshold value 1000 or less than the minimum threshold value 0, event 2 is triggered,
and Trap messages are sent to the NM Station.
[Router] rmon prialarm 1 .
sumofbroadandmulti 30 delta rising-threshold 1000 2 falling-threshold 0 2 entrytype
forever owner Test300
[Router] quit

Step 8 Verify the configuration.

# Verify the configuration result. You can check the traffic information about the sub-network
at any time.
<Router> display rmon statistics gigabitethernet 3/0/0
Statistics entry 1 owned by Test300 is VALID.
Interface : GigabitEthernet3/0/0<ifEntry.402653698>
Received :
octets :142915224 , packets :1749151
broadcast packets :11603 , multicast packets:756252
undersize packets :0 , oversize packets :0
fragments packets :0 , jabbers packets :0
CRC alignment errors:0 , collisions :0
Dropped packet (insufficient resources):1795
Packets received according to length (octets):
64 :150183 , 65-127 :150183 , 128-255 :1383
256-511:3698 , 512-1023:0 , 1024-1518:0

# Verify the configuration. Only the last sampling record is displayed if you adopt the command
line method. To check all the history records, you need to use a specific NM Station software.
<Router> display rmon history gigabitethernet 3/0/0
History control entry 1 owned by Test300 is VALID
Samples interface : GigabitEthernet3/0/0<ifEntry.402653698>
Sampling interval : 30(sec) with 10 buckets max
Last Sampling time : 0days 00h:19m:43s
Latest sampled values :
octets :645 , packets :7
broadcast packets :7 , multicast packets :0
undersize packets :6 , oversize packets :0
fragments packets :0 , jabbers packets :0
CRC alignment errors :0 , collisions :0
Dropped packet: :0 , utilization :0
History record:
Record No.1 (Sample time: 0days 00h:02m:30s)
octets :0 , packets :0
broadcast packets :0 , multicast packets :0
undersize packets :0 , oversize packets :0
fragments packets :0 , jabbers packets :0
CRC alignment errors :0 , collisions :0
Dropped packet: :0 , utilization :0

# Verify the event.

<Router> display rmon event
Event table 1 owned by Test300 is VALID.

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Description: null.
Will cause log when triggered, last triggered at 0days 00h:24m:10s.
Event table 2 owned by Test300 is VALID.
Description: forUseofPrialarm
Will cause snmp-trap when triggered, last triggered at 0days 00h:26m:10s.

# View the alarms.

<Router> display rmon alarm 1
Alarm table 1 owned by Test300 is VALID.
Samples absolute value : <etherStatsBroadcastPkts.1>
Sampling interval : 30(sec)
Rising threshold : 500(linked with event 1)
Falling threshold : 100(linked with event 1)
When startup enables : risingOrFallingAlarm
Latest value : 1975

# View information about the prialarmTable.

<Router> display rmon prialarm 1
Prialarm table 1 owned by Test300 is VALID.
Samples delta value : .
Sampling interval : 30(sec)
Rising threshold : 1000(linked with event 2)
Falling threshold : 0(linked with event 2)
When startup enables : risingOrFallingAlarm
This entry will exist : forever
Latest value : 16

# Display the event logs.

<Router> display rmon eventlog
Event table 1 owned by Test300 is VALID.
Generates eventLog 1.1 at 0days 00h:39m:30s.
Description: The defined in alarm table 1,
less than or equal to 100 with alarm value 0. Alarm sample type is absolute.

The NM Station receives trap messages when the set prialarm variable exceeds the preset


Configuration File
sysname Router
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
interface GigabitEthernet3/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address 255.255.2555.0
rmon-statistics enable
rmon statistics 1 owner Test300
rmon history 1 buckets 10 interval 30 owner Test300
rmon event 1 description null log owner Test300
rmon event 2 description forUseofPrialarm trap public owner Test 300
rmon alarm 1 30 absolute rising-threshold 500 1 falling-
threshold 100 1 owner Test300
rmon prialarm 1 .
sumofbroadandmulti 30 delta rising-threshold 1000 2 falling-threshold 0 2 entrytype
forever owner Test300
ip route-static
snmp-agent local-engineid 000007DB7FFFFFFF0000017C

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snmp-agent sys-info version v3

snmp-agent target-host trap address udp-domain params securityname public
snmp-agent target-host trap address udp-domain params securityname public
snmp-agent trap enable feature-name RMON trap-name risingalarm
snmp-agent trap enable feature-name RMON trap-name fallingalarm
snmp-agent trap enable feature-name RMON trap-name rmon_pri_risingalarm
snmp-agent trap enable feature-name RMON trap-name rmon_pri_fallingalarm

3.4.2 Example for Configuring RMON2

This part provides examples for configuring RMON2 to collect the IP packet statistics on an

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 3-2, it is required to collect statistics of IP packets passing through
GE3/0/0 through RMON2.

RMON2 can monitor remote hosts through the SNMP NM Station, or through command lines.
This example describes only command-line-based monitoring method.

Figure 3-2 Networking diagram of RMON2 configuration

GE1/0/0 GE3/0/0
IP Network LAN
NM Station Router

Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:

1. Configure the host control list.

2. Configure the table content of protocols.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:

l Index of the hlHostControlTable and the maximum items in the hlHostControlTable

l Protocol ID

Step 1 Configure RMON2.

# Configure the hlHostControlTable. Set the index to 123, and the maximum number of entries
in the nlHostTable to 100.

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<HUAWEI> system-view
<HUAWEI> sysname Router
[Router] rmon2 hlhostcontroltable index 123 datasource interface gigabitethernet
3/0/0 maxentry 100 owner china status active

# Configure the protocolDirTable. The protocol ID currently supported is, and

the parameter currently supported is 2.0.0 only. Set the host value to suppurtedon (that is,
collecting traffic statistics for this protocol).
[Router] rmon2 protocoldirtable protocoldirid parameter 2.0.0
descr ip host supportedon owner china status active

Step 2 Verify the configuration.

# Display information about the nlHostTable.
<Router> display rmon2 nlhosttable hostcontrolindex 123
HIdx - hlHostControlIndex
PIdx - ProtocolDirLocalIndex
Addr - nlHostAddress
InPkts - nlHostInPkts
OutPkts - nlHostOutPkts
InOctes - nlHostInOctets
OutOctes - nlHostOutOctets
OutMac - nlHostOutMacNonUnicastPkts
ChgTm - nlHostTimeMark
CrtTm - nlHostCreateTime
HIdx PIdx Addr InPkts OutPkts InOctes OutOctes OutMac ChgTm CrtTm
123 1 0 78 0 10046 78 81489 40859
123 1 78 0 10046 0 0 81489 40859

# Display the traffic of a host with the specified IP address.

<Router> display rmon2 nlhosttable hostcontrolindex 123 hostaddress
HIdx - hlHostControlIndex
PIdx - ProtocolDirLocalIndex
Addr - nlHostAddress
InPkts - nlHostInPkts
OutPkts - nlHostOutPkts
InOctes - nlHostInOctets
OutOctes - nlHostOutOctets
OutMac - nlHostOutMacNonUnicastPkts
ChgTm - nlHostTimeMark
CrtTm - nlHostCreateTime
HIdx PIdx Addr InPkts OutPkts InOctes OutOctes OutMac ChgTm CrtTm
123 1 0 78 0 10046 78 81489 40859

# Set the value of the time filter to display the entries that meet the filtering condition.
<Router> display rmon2 nlhosttable hostcontrolindex 123 timemark 1000 hostaddress
HIdx - hlHostControlIndex
PIdx - ProtocolDirLocalIndex
Addr - nlHostAddress
InPkts - nlHostInPkts
OutPkts - nlHostOutPkts
InOctes - nlHostInOctets
OutOctes - nlHostOutOctets
OutMac - nlHostOutMacNonUnicastPkts
ChgTm - nlHostTimeMark
CrtTm - nlHostCreateTime
HIdx PIdx Addr InPkts OutPkts InOctes OutOctes OutMac ChgTm CrtTm
123 1 0 78 0 10046 78 81489 40859

# Display the hlHostControlTable. You can view the number of added or deleted host entries
on the interface and the maximum number of entries in the nlHostTable.

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<Router> display rmon2 hlhostcontroltable

index - hlhostcontrolindex
datasource - hlhostcontroldatasource
droppedfrm - hlhostcontrolnldroppedframes
inserts - hlhostcontrolnlinserts
Deletes - hlHostControlNlDeletes
maxentries - hlhostcontrolnlmaxdesiredentries
owner - hlhostcontrolowner
status - hlhostcontrolstatus
index datasource droppedfrm inserts eletes maxentries status
123 GigabitEthernet3/0/0 0 19 0 100 active


Configuration File
sysname Router
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
interface GigabitEthernet3/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
rmon2 protocoldirtable protocoldirid parameter 2.0.0 descr ip host
supportedon owner china status active
rmon2 hlhostcontroltable index 123 datasource interface GigabitEthernet3/0/0
maxentry 100 owner china status active

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Configuration Guide - System Management 4 HGMP Configuration

4 HGMP Configuration

About This Chapter

By running the Huawei Group Management Protocol (HGMP), you can appoint a switch as the
administrator switch to create a cluster and add a large number of Ethernet switches to the cluster.
The administrator is used to perform unified management and configuration over these switches,
which simplifies maintenance and engineering.

4.1 Overview
This section describes the basic principles and typical networking of HGMP, and HGMP features
supported by the NE80E/40E.
4.2 Configuring Basic HGMP Functions
This section describes how to configure basic HGMP functions to create or manage a cluster.
4.3 Configuring Advanced HGMP Functions
This section describes how to configure advanced HGMP functions to simplify the management
and maintenance of a basic cluster.
4.4 Maintaining HGMP
This section describes how to clear the statistics on NDP, and monitor the operation status of
the HGMP cluster.
4.5 HGMP Configuration Examples
This section exemplifies how to configure NTP and provides the networking requirements,
configuration roadmap, and configuration notes. You can better understand the configuration
procedures with the help of the configuration flowchart.

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4.1 Overview
This section describes the basic principles and typical networking of HGMP, and HGMP features
supported by the NE80E/40E.

4.1.1 Introduction to HGMP

This part describes the reason for introducing HGMP and the typical networking of HGMP.
Currently, the Ethernet technology is widely used on both metropolitan area networks (MANs)
and enterprise networks. With the expansion of networks, a large number of access devices are
deployed at the edge of the networks. In this situation, you have to maintain and manage a great
number of devices individually and assign IP addresses for them one by one. This leads to the
waste of IP addresses.
The Huawei Group Management Protocol (HGMP) is developed to manage a group of Ethernet
switches. By running HGMP, you can appoint a switch as the administrator in a cluster to perform
integrated management and configurations over other switches added to the cluster. This
simplifies maintenance and engineering. In addition, all the switches in a cluster share one public
IP address to communicate with outside devices, which saves IP addresses.
Figure 4-1, and Figure 4-2 show the networking diagram of a cluster.

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Figure 4-1 Networking diagram of a cluster (tree)

core I n te rnnet



Member1 Member2

Member3 Member4


Administrator: administrator switch Member: member switch

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Figure 4-2 Networking diagram of a cluster (RRPP)

core I n te rnnet



Member1 Member2

Member3 Member4


Administrator: administrator switch Member: member switch

4.1.2 HGMP Features Supported by the NE80E/40E

This part describes the HGMP features supported by the NE80E/40E.

Neighbor Discovery Protocol (NDP) is used to collect information about the directly connected
neighbors, including the device model, software version, hardware version, connection interface,
member number, private IP address used for communication within a cluster, and hardware


Any device that supports HGMP does not forward NDP packets.

An NDP table is created to store information about neighbors.

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After receiving an NDP packet from the neighbor, the device compares the contents of the packet
with those of a corresponding entry in the NDP table and updates the entry.

In HGMP, Network Topology Discovery Protocol (NTDP) is used to collect information about
topologies. According to the neighbor information in the NDP table, the device sends and
forwards requests for topology collection, and then collects entries in the NDP table of each
device in a certain network segment.

After receiving an NTDP topology request packet, the device sends an NTDP response packet
immediately. At the same time, the device forwards the received NTDP packet to other interfaces
according to NTDP forwarding rules.

Roles in a Cluster
HGMP defines four roles in a cluster: administrator switch, member switch, candidate switch,
and standby switch.


Currently, the NE80E/40E cannot function as a standby switch.

l An administrator switch is the management device in a cluster. To ensure the
communication between devices in and out of the cluster, you need to assign a public IP
address to the administrator switch.
l A member switches is the member device in a cluster. The member switch is managed by
the administrator switch that acts as an agent. Therefore, the public IP address is not required
for a member switch.
l A candidate switch is a device that has the cluster function but does not join any cluster.
l A standby switch is the backup administrator switch in a cluster. When the administrator
switch fails, the standby switch automatically serves as the administrator switch.

You can determine the role of a switch in a cluster. Each of the four roles, however, can be
changed according to certain rules.

Basic Cluster Management

The basic cluster management includes the following items:

l Establishment of a cluster management domain

l Addition and deletion of a member
l Status transition of a member
l Communication in the cluster
l Switchover between the administrator switch and the candidate switch
l Display of the topology
l Modification of the cluster management configuration
l Automatic configuration of SNMP

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In HGMP, member switches in a cluster can communicate with devices in the public network
through Network Address Transmission (NAT). Whether to use NAT for the communication
can be controlled through commands.
l The administrator switch is the management device in a cluster. To ensure the
communication between devices in and out of the cluster, you need to assign a public IP
address to the administrator switch.
l To ensure that devices in and out of the cluster can communicate through NAT, you need
to enable NAT of specified protocols on the administrator switch.
l NAT rules used by a cluster are automatically configured by the administrator switch. When
member switches access devices out of the cluster, they can automatically obtain the
interface mapped through NAT; when devices out of the cluster access member switches,
they need to calculate the number of the port of specified services on member switches.

Plug and Play

Before a device joins a cluster, you need to configure the device manually. When a great number
of devices need to be added to a cluster, you can use plug and play to simplify the process. You
can use the PAF to control the performance of basic configuration on devices. Then, connect
devices to the cluster devices physically. After that, the devices can be added to the cluster
l Plug and play uses the PAF to control the performance of basic configuration on devices.
l Plug and play needs to be enabled on the administrator switch.
l The interfaces connecting the administrator switch and the member switches need to be
added to a control VLAN in trunk mode.
l The interval for collecting NTDP packets needs to be set on the administrator switch.

Batch Distribution
HGMP can perform batch distribution over all the member switches under its management.
Objects to be distributed in batches include: the system software, configuration files, patch
files, PAF files, and license files.
l The batch distribution command can be performed only on the administrator switch.
l The administrator switch can be configured with the plug-and-play IP address, user name,
and password. If no IP address, user name, or password are specified in the command, the
plug-and-play IP address, user name, and password are adopted. If neither kinds of IP
address, user name, and password are specified or configured, the command cannot be
l Member switches download specified files from the FTP server and then set them as the
default files for the next startup.
l To avoid congestion, you can set the maximum number of member switches that
concurrently download files from the FTP server.

Batch Restart
HGMP can perform batch restart over a specified group of member switches.
l During the process of batch restart, member switches do not save the current configuration.

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l After receiving the batch restart command, member switches wait 1 second to guarantee
the pervasion of control packets throughout the cluster.

Incremental Configuration
In a cluster, some member switches may have the same configurations, such as creating a VLAN
and enabling a feature. The incremental configuration function is used to remotely control the
selected member switches in batches. With this mode, you only need to configure a control
command list on the administrator switch. Then, you can deliver the control command list to
member switches at a time and query the control command output on each member switch. The
member selection mode can be all, device type-based, member switch ID-based, or IP address-

l Incremental configuration can be performed only on the administrator switch.

l Incremental configuration is applied to the scenario of configuring member switches in
batches and is performed once on selected switches.
l After incremental configuration is performed, a result list is returned to report the command
output on each member switch. If an error occurs during the command execution, the faulty
command can be located according to the sequence number.
l Latter execution results of the incremental configuration overwrite previous ones and only
the last result is saved.
l You can edit a configuration command list in the incremental configuration view. The
command execution is closely related to specific views and its sequence is the same as that
on a device.

Configuration Synchronization
After a cluster is created and configured with basic functions, you can save the configuration
files of the cluster members to a specified FTP server through the configuration synchronization

l To perform configuration synchronization, you need to specify an FTP server in advance.

Security Features
After a cluster is created and configured with basic functions, you can close the network edge
of the cluster as required and then the topology of the cluster becomes stable. When plug and
play is enabled and the Product Adaptive File (PAF) is used to control devices configured with
HGMP functions to automatically enable NDP and NTDP on Layer 2 interfaces, a great number
of Layer 2 interfaces are automatically enabled with NDP and NTDP on member switches. NDP
and NTDP, however, are not required on interfaces unrelated to the cluster. Therefore, you need
to disable NDP or NTDP on unrelated interfaces. As a result, less packets are transmitted and
the topology of the cluster is stable.

l On the administrator switch, disable NDP or NDTP on unrelated interfaces in the cluster.
l After you disable NDP on unrelated interfaces in the cluster, NDP packets of the interfaces
are not sent to the administrator switch.
l After you disable NTDP on unrelated interfaces in the cluster, NTDP packets of the
interfaces are not sent to the administrator switch.
l When the topology of the cluster becomes stable, the unrelated interfaces in the cluster are
defined as interfaces that have not NDP neighbors.

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4.2 Configuring Basic HGMP Functions

This section describes how to configure basic HGMP functions to create or manage a cluster.

4.2.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

Before configuring basic HGMP functions, familiarize yourself with the applicable
environment, complete the pre-configuration tasks, and obtain the required data. This can help
you complete the configuration task quickly and accurately.

Applicable Environment
When you need to create or manage a cluster, you can configure the cluster with basic HGMP

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring basic HGMP functions, complete the following tasks:

l Ensuring that the device is correctly powered on and operates normally

l Configuring basic attributes of interfaces on the device

Data Preparation
To configure basic HGMP functions, you need the following data.

No. Data

1 Range of private IP addresses used in the cluster

2 Cluster name

3 Medium access control (MAC) address of the member switch

4 (Optional) Aging time of NDP packets and interval for sending NDP packets

5 (Optional) Range of topology collection, hop delay and interface delay in forwarding
NTDP topology request packets, interval for topology collection

6 (Optional) ID of the management VLAN, aging time of NDP packets, interval for
sending handshake packets, address of the SNMP host, and IP addresses of the FTP
server and the SFTP server

4.2.2 Configuring NDP

This part describes how to configure the Neighbor Discovery Protocol (NDP) to collect
information about directly connected neighbors.

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l Enabling NDP in the system view

Do as follows on the administrator switch and member switches:

1. Run:

The system view is displayed.

2. Run:
ndp enable

By default, NDP is not enabled in the system view.

l Enabling NDP on an interface

Do as follows on the administrator switch and member switches:

1. Run:

The system view is displayed.

2. Run the following command as required:
– Run:
ndp enable interface { interface-type interface-number [ to interface-
type interface-number ] }&<1-10>

NDP on an interface is enabled in the system view.

– Run:
interface interface-type interface-number

The interface view is displayed.

ndp enable

NDP is enabled on the interface.

l (Optional) Setting the aging time of NDP packets

Do as follows on the administrator switch and member switches:

1. Run:

The system view is displayed.

2. Run:
ndp timer aging aging-time

The aging time of NDP packets is set.

By default, the aging time of NDP packets is set to 180 seconds. The aging time of
NDP packets must be longer than the interval for sending NDP packets.
l (Optional) Setting the interval for sending NDP packets

Do as follows on the administrator switch and member switches:

1. Run:

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The system view is displayed.

2. Run:
ndp timer hello interval

The interval for sending NDP packets is set.

By default, the interval for sending NDP packets is set to 60 seconds. The interval for
sending NDP packets must be shorter than the aging time of NDP packets.

4.2.3 Configuring NTDP

This section describes how to configure the Network Topology Discovery Protocol (NTDP) to
collect information about network topologies.

l Enabling NTDP in the system view
1. Run:

The system view is displayed.

2. Run:
ntdp enable

NTDP is enabled in the system view.

By default, NTDP is not enabled in the system view.
l Enabling NTDP on an interface
1. Run:

The system view is displayed.

2. Run:
interface interface-type interface-number

The interface view is displayed.

3. Run:
ntdp enable

NTDP is enabled on the interface.

l (Optional) Configuring the range of topology collection
1. Run:

The system view is displayed.

2. Run:
ntdp hop max-hop-value

The range of topology collection is configured.

By default, the value is 3 hops. The greater the value is, the more memory is occupied.
l (Optional) Setting the delay in forwarding NTDP packets

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1. Run:

The system view is displayed.

2. Run:
ntdp timer hop-delay hop-delay-time

The hop delay in forwarding NTDP packets is set.

3. Run:
ntdp timer port-delay port-delay-time

The interface delay in forwarding NTDP packets is set.

By default, the hop delay is 200 ms and the interface delay is 20 ms.
l (Optional) Setting the interval for collecting topology information
1. Run:

The system view is displayed.

2. Run:
ntdp timer interval

The interval for collecting topology information is set.

By default, the interval for collecting topology information is set to 0 minutes, that is,
topology information is not collected regularly.
l (Optional) Enabling topology collection
1. Run the following command in the user view:
ntdp explore

Topology collection is enabled.

You can run this command to collect topology information at any time.


4.2.4 Creating a Cluster

To perform unified management over switches, you must first create a cluster and add switches
to be managed to the cluster.

l Configuring a management VLAN

Do as follows on the administrator switch and member switches:

1. Run:

The system view is displayed.

2. Run:
vlan vlan-id

A VLAN is created and the VLAN view is displayed.

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By default, the ID of the management VLAN on the device is 1, which should be

created manually.
– If you do not need to change the default ID of the management VLAN, you can
skip Step 6 and Step 7. The VLAN ID in Step 2 is 1.
– If you need to change the ID of the management VLAN, VLAN IDs in Step 2,
Step 4, and Step 7 must be the same.
3. Run:

The VLAN view is quit.

4. Run:
interface vlanif vlan-id

A VLANIF interface is created and the VLANIF interface view is displayed.

5. Run:

The VLANIF interface view is quit.

6. Run:

The cluster view is displayed.

7. Run:
mngvlanid vlan-id

A management VLAN is configured.

If you change the ID of the management VLAN or delete the management VLAN and
its corresponding VLANIF interface on the administrator switch, the cluster is
automatically deleted.
If you change the ID of the management VLAN or delete the management VLAN and
its corresponding VLANIF interface on a member switch, the member switch
automatically quits the cluster.
l Enabling the cluster function
Do as follows on the administrator switch and member switches:
1. Run:

The system view is displayed.

2. Run:
cluster enable

The cluster function is enabled.

By default, the HGMP cluster function is disabled.
l Creating a cluster
A cluster can be created manually or automatically on the NE80E/40E.

If the administrator switch is rebooted after the HGMP cluster is created, member switches need to
be re-added into the cluster. In such a situation, numbering of these member switches may be changed.

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Creating a cluster manually

These steps need to be configured only on the administrator switch or on the switch which
will be the administrator in a created HGMP cluster.
In this mode, you need to manually add member switches to the cluster.
1. Run:

The system view is displayed.

2. Run:

The cluster view is displayed.

3. Run:
version { v2 | v2c | v3 }

A cluster version for a device is configured.


If the cluster version is changed or deleted on an administrator switch, the cluster is

automatically deleted.
If the cluster version is changed or deleted on a member switch, the member switch
automatically quits the cluster.
4. Run:
ip-pool administrator-ip-address { mask-length | mask }

The range of private IP addresses used in a cluster is set.

This command can be run only before the cluster is set up. If the cluster is set up, you
are not allowed to change the range of private IP addresses used in the cluster.
5. Run:
build cluster-name

Names of the administrator switch and the cluster are configured and the cluster is
This command can only be run on the administrator switch and the switch that does
not join any cluster.
Creating a cluster automatically
These steps need to be configured only on the administrator switch or on the switch which
will be the administrator in a created HGMP cluster.
In this mode, the administrator switch prompts you whether to add all the existing candidate
switches to the cluster.
1. Run:

The system view is displayed.

2. Run:

The cluster view is displayed.

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3. Run:
version { v2 | v2c | v3 }

A cluster version for a device is configured.


If the cluster version is changed or deleted on an administrator switch, the cluster is

automatically deleted.
If the cluster version is changed or deleted on a member switch, the member switch
automatically quits the cluster.
4. Run:
ip-pool administrator-ip-address { mask-length | mask }

The range of private IP addresses used in a cluster is set.

This command can be run only before the cluster is set up. If the cluster is set up, you
are not allowed to change the range of private IP addresses used in the cluster.
5. Run:
auto-build [ recover ]

A cluster is created automatically.

The auto-build command can also be used to add member switches automatically.
For configuration details, see Adding a Member Switch.


4.2.5 Adding a Member Switch

To perform unified management over a switch that is not a member of a cluster, you must first
add the switch to the cluster.

After a cluster is set up, you can add a member switch to the cluster either manually or

l Adding a member switch manually

In this mode, you must manually specify the MAC address of the member switch.

Do as follows only on the administrator switch:

1. Run:

The system view is displayed.

2. Run:

The cluster view is displayed.

3. Run:
add-member [ member-number ] mac-address mac-address [ password password]

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A member switch is added.

l Adding a member switch automatically
In this mode, the administrator switch prompts you whether to add all the existing candidate
switches to the cluster.
Do as follows only on the administrator switch:
1. Run:

The system view is displayed.

2. Run:

The cluster view is displayed.

3. Run:
auto-build [ recover ]

A member switch is added automatically.

The auto-build command can also be used to create a cluster automatically. For
configuration details, see Creating a Cluster.
recover indicates that all member switches, including the member switches missing
on the administrator switch should re-join the HGMP cluster.


If the administrator switch of HGMP cluster A considers that switch N does not belong to
cluster A but switch N considers that it belongs to cluster A, switch N is called the missing
member switch on the administrator switch.


4.2.6 (Optional) Deleting or Quitting a Cluster

If you do not need to use a cluster to manage a switch, you can delete the cluster , disable the
cluster, or quit the cluster.

l Deleting a cluster
Do as follows on the administrator switch:
1. Run:

The system view is displayed.

2. Run

The cluster view is displayed.

3. Run:
undo build

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A cluster is deleted.

– After the command is run on an administrator switch, except the mngvlanid and
ip-pool commands, configurations of the administrator switch in the HGMP
cluster view are deleted; all member switches automatically quit the cluster.
l Disabling a cluster

Do as follows on the administrator switch or a member switch:

1. Run:

The system view is displayed.

2. Run:
undo cluster enable

The administrator switch or member switch disable the cluster function.

– After the command is run on an administrator switch, except the mngvlanid

command, configurations of the HGMP cluster in the HGMP cluster view are
deleted; all member switches automatically quit the cluster.
– After the command is run on a member switch, the member switch automatically
quits the cluster, without affecting the administrator switch and other member
l Quitting a cluster

Do as follows on a member switch:

1. Run:

The system view is displayed.

2. Run

The cluster view is displayed.

3. Run:
undo administrator-address

The member switch quits a specified cluster.


When you run the undo administrator-address command on member switches, the member
switch temporarily exits from the cluster, whereas the administrator switch does not delete the
member switch. To delete a member switch from the HGMP cluster, run the delete-member


4.2.7 (Optional) Deleting a Member Switch

If you do not need to use a cluster to manage a switch in a management domain, you can delete
the switch from the cluster.

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If you do not need a cluster to manage a switch, you can delete the member switch from the

Do as follows only on the administrator switch:

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:

The cluster view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
delete-member member-number

A member switch is deleted from the cluster.


4.2.8 Checking the Configuration

After configuring basic HGMP functions, you can view the configuration.

The configurations of the Basic HGMP are complete.

l Run the display ndp to check the NDP configuration in the system view.
l Run the display ndp interface { interface-type interface-number [ to interface-type
interface-number ] }&<1-10> to check the neighbor information detected through NDP on
a specified interface.
l Run the display ntdp to check the global NTDP settings.
l Run the display ntdp device-list [ verbose ] to check the device information collected
through NTDP.
l Run the display cluster to check the status and statistics of cluster.
l Run the display cluster candidates [ mac-address mac-address | verbose ] to check
information about candidate switches.
l Run the display cluster members [ member-number | verbose ] to check information about
member switches.


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If the NDP neighbor can be normally established, you can run the display ndp command to
check information about the MAC addresses of all the neighboring stations and the number of
the interface on the neighboring station that is connected to the local interface.
<HUAWEI> display ndp
Neighbor discovery protocol is enabled.
Neighbor Discovery Protocol Ver: 1, Hello Timer: 60(s), Aging Timer: 180(s)
Interface: GigabitEthernet1/0/1
Status: Disabled, Packets Sent: 0, Packets Received: 0, Packets Error: 0
Interface: GigabitEthernet1/0/2
Status: Enabled, Packets Sent: 114, Packets Received: 108, Packets Error: 0

Neighbor 1: Aging Time: 174(s)

MAC Address : 0018-8203-39d8
Port Name : GigabitEthernet1/0/1
Software Version: Version
Device Name : NE40E
Port Duplex : FULL
Product Ver : NE40E V100R006C00

If the NDP neighbor is normally established, you can run the display ndp interface command
to check information about the MAC address of the neighboring station and the number of the
interface on the neighboring station that is connected to the local interface.
<HUAWEI> display ndp interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
Interface: GigabitEthernet1/0/1
Status: Enabled, Packets Sent: 116, Packets Received: 110, Packets Error: 0
Neighbor 1: Aging Time: 174(s)
MAC Address : 0018-8203-39d8
Port Name : GigabitEthernet1/0/1
Software Version: Version
Device Name : NE40E
Port Duplex : FULL
Product Ver : NE40E V100R006C00

If the NTDP neighbor is normally established, you can run the display ntdp command to check
the NTDP settings.
<HUAWEI> display ntdp
Network topology discovery protocol is enabled
Hops : 3
Timer : 10 min
Hop Delay : 200 ms
Port Delay: 20 ms
Total time for last collection: 462ms

If device information is successfully collected through NTDP, you can run the display ntdp
device-list [ verbose ] command to view information lists of all the devices.
<HUAWEI> display ntdp device-list
The device-list of NTDP:

0004-0004-0004 2 NE40E
0003-0003-0003 1 NE40E
0002-0002-0002 1 NE40E
0001-0001-0001 0 NE40E

If the cluster is established successfully, you can run the display cluster command to view
information about the HGMP cluster to which the device belongs, such as the cluster name and
ID of the management VLAN.
<HUAWEI_0.HUAWEI> display cluster

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Cluster name:"HUAWEI"
Role:Administrator switch

Management vlan id : 10
Cluster multicast MAC address : 0180-c200-000a(default)
Cluster auto-join : disabled

Handshake timer:10 sec

Handshake hold-time:60 sec
IP pool:
No logging host configured
No SNMP host configured
No FTP server configured
No SFTP server configured
cluster-member ftp-timeout: 300 sec(default)
Cluster SNMP NAT capability : enabled
Cluster FTP NAT capability : disabled
There are 2 member(s) in the cluster, and 0 of them are down.

If the cluster is established successfully, you can run the display cluster candidates command
to view information about candidate switches, such as the MAC address and device type.
<HUAWEI_0.HUAWEI> display cluster candidates
0004-0004-0004 2 NE40E
0003-0003-0003 1 NE40E
0002-0002-0002 1 NE40E

If the cluster is established successfully, you can run the display cluster members command
to view information about member switches, such as the MAC address and device type. Member
switches are in the Up state.
<HUAWEI_0.HUAWEI> display cluster members
The list of cluster member:
SN Device Type MAC Address Status Device Name
0 NE40E 00e0-fcb8-d6b6 Admin HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1
1 NE40E 0018-8267-7f7d Up HUAWEI_1.Member-1
2 NE40E 00e0-0003-0003 Up HUAWEI_2.Member-2

4.3 Configuring Advanced HGMP Functions

This section describes how to configure advanced HGMP functions to simplify the management
and maintenance of a basic cluster.

4.3.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

Before configuring advanced HGMP functions, familiarize yourself with the applicable
environment, complete the pre-configuration tasks, and obtain the required data. This can help
you complete the configuration task quickly and accurately.

Applicable Environment
To optimize the performance parameters of the established cluster, you can configure advanced
HGMP functions to facilitate the management and maintenance of the HGMP cluster and better
manage member switches in the cluster.

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Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring advanced HGMP functions, complete the following tasks:
l Ensuring that the device is correctly powered on and operates normally
l Configuring basic attributes of interfaces on the device
l Configuring Basic HGMP Functions

Data Preparation
To configure advanced HGMP functions, you need the following data.

No. Data

1 Interval for sending handshake packets

2 Aging time of the device status

3 Aging time of member switches

4 Multicast MAC address of the cluster

5 IP addresses of the public FTP server, SFTP server, log host, SNMP host used in the

6 Default information about the FTP server that is configured for the cluster, including
the IP address, user name, and password

4.3.2 Adjusting Parameters of the Cluster

To better manage switches in a cluster, you can adjust HGMP parameters as required. Adjustable
parameters include the interval for sending Handshake packets, holdtime of the configuration,
whether to enable candidate switches to automatically join a cluster, aging time of member
switches, multicast address of the cluster, mode of adding management interfaces of the cluster
to a VLAN, and public server and host of the cluster.

l Configure the interval for sending handshake packets.
Do as follows on the administrator switch:
1. Run:

The system view is displayed.

2. Run:

The cluster view is displayed.

3. Run:
timer interval

The interval for sending handshake packets is set.

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By default, the interval for sending handshake packets is 10 seconds. This interval
must be equal to or less than one third of the holdtime of the device status.
l Configure the holdtime of the status for the member switch.
Do as follows on the administrator switch:
1. Run:

The system view is displayed.

2. Run:

The cluster view is displayed.

3. Run:
holdtime hold-time

The holdtime of the status of the member switch is set.

By default, the holdtime is 60 seconds. The holdtime must be at least three times the
interval for sending handshake packets.
l Enable candidate switches to automatically join a cluster.
Do as follows on the administrator switch:
1. Run:

The system view is displayed.

2. Run:

The cluster view is displayed.

3. Run:

Candidate switches are enabled to automatically join the cluster.

l Set the aging time of the Disconnecting state for member switches.
Do as follows on the administrator switch:
1. Run:

The system view is displayed.

2. Run:

The cluster view is displayed.

3. Run:
cluster-discagingtime disconnect-aging-time

The aging time of member switches is set.

By default, no aging time is set. It indicates that the Disconnecting state of member
switches is not aged.

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l Configure a multicast MAC address for the cluster.

Do as follows on the administrator switch:

1. Run:

The system view is displayed.

2. Run:

The cluster view is displayed.

3. Run:
cluster-multimac mac-address

A multicast MAC address is configured for the cluster.

By default, the multicast MAC address of the cluster is 01-80-C2-00-00-0A. For

details of the range of the multicast MAC addresses, refer to the Command

Before setting up a cluster, you need to assign a multicast MAC address to the cluster
or use the default multicast MAC address. To enhance the network security or if the
default multicast MAC address is already used by other services on the network, you
can reassign a multicast MAC address to the cluster within the permitted range. Once
the cluster is set up, you cannot change the multicast MAC address of the cluster. In
addition, you need to assign the same multicast MAC address to all the devices in the
l Configure the mode for interfaces in the cluster to join a VLAN.

Do as follows on the administrator switch:

1. Run:

The system view is displayed.

2. Run:

The cluster view is displayed.

3. Run:
port-tagged vlan

Communication interfaces in the cluster are added to the management VLAN in trunk
l Configure public servers and hosts.

Do as follows on the administrator switch:

1. Run:

The system view is displayed.

2. Run:

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The cluster view is displayed.

3. Run:
ftp-server ip-address

A public FTP server is configured for the cluster.


The member switches in a cluster can communicate with the FTP server in either of the
following modes:
l Non-NAT: There must be reachable routes between member switches and FTP server.
l NAT: The cluster-ftp-nat enable command must be run in the cluster view to enable the
FTP NAT function on the administrator switch. The NAT rules are automatically generated
on the administrator switch, and the member switches obtain the NAT mapped ports.
The FTP NAT function on the administrator switch is disabled by default. That is, the member
switches communicate with the FTP server in non-NAT mode.
After the FTP server for the cluster is configured successfully, you can run the cluster-ftp
command so that the member switches can access the FTP server.
4. Run:
sftp-server ip-address

A public SFTP server is configured for the cluster.

5. Run:
snmp-host ip-address

A public SNMP host is configured for the cluster.


The member switches in a cluster can communicate with the SNMP server in either of the
following modes:
l Non-NAT: There must be reachable routes between member switches and SNMP server.
l NAT: The cluster-snmp-nat enable command must be run in the cluster view to enable
the SNMP NAT function on the administrator switch. The NAT rules are automatically
generated on the administrator switch, and the member switches obtain the NAT mapped
The SNMP NAT function on the administrator switch is enabled by default. That is, the member
switches communicate with the SNMP server in NAT mode.
6. Run:
logging-host ip-address

A public log host is configured for the cluster.

Member switches can access the servers and hosts that are configured through Steps
3 to 6 by accessing the administrator switch.
Steps 3 to 6 are optional and are not listed in sequence.
By default, no public server and host is configured for a cluster.

4.3.3 Managing Switches in a Cluster Through HGMP

You can use commands to configure the following features for member switches of an HGMP
cluster in batches: batch distribution, batch restart, plug-and-play, communication between
Huawei devices and Non-Huawei devices, incremental configuration, configuration files
synchronization, and security features.

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l Configuring the batch distribution function
Do as follows on the administrator switch:
1. Run:

The system view is displayed.

2. Run:

The cluster view is displayed.

3. (Optional) Run:
cluster-plug-play ip ftp-ip-address username user-name password password
[ path-separator pathseparator ]

The default information for logging in to the FTP server is configured.

After the configuration, the configured information is used by default during the
process of batch distribution.
4. (Optional) Run:
cluster-member ftp-timeout time

The timeout period for member switches to download the configuration file, the
version file or the patch files through FTP is configured.
5. Run:
cluster-member [ group-by { device-type device-type | ip {ip-address [ to
ip-address ] } &<1-10> | member-number { member-number [ to member-
number ] } &<1-10> } ] get { configuration-file | system-software | patch
| paf | license } file-name [ ip ftp-ip-address user-name user-name
password password ] [ path-separator pathseparator ]

The batch distribution function is performed.

– During the process of batch distribution, the group-by command can be used to
specify member switch groups according to different selection modes.
– If Step 3 is not performed, you must enter the IP address, user name, and password
when using this command.
– If Step 3 is performed, the IP address, user name, and password configured in Step
3 are used by default.
– IP addresses used in batch distribution are private IP addresses used in the cluster.
l Configuring the batch restart function
Do as follows on the administrator switch:
1. Run:

The system view is displayed.

2. Run:

The cluster view is displayed.

3. (Optional) Run:

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cluster-member reboot-timeout time

The timeout period for member switches to reboot is configured.

4. Run:
cluster-member reboot [ group-by { device-type device-type | ip {ip-
address [ to ip-address ] } &<1-10> | member-number { member-number [ to
member-number ] } &<1-10> } ]

The batch restart function is performed.

The current configuration of the device is not saved during the process of batch restart.
l Configuring the plug-and-play function
Do as follows on the administrator switch:
1. Run:

The system view is displayed.

2. Run:

The cluster view is displayed.

3. (Optional) Run:
cluster-plug-play ip ftp-ip-address username user-name password password
[ path-separator pathseparator ]

The default information for logging in to the FTP server is configured.

4. Run:
cluster-plug-play enable

The plug-and-play function is enabled.

– To configure the management VLAN for the interface of the administrator switch,
you should run the port trunk allow-pass vlan command rather than the port
default vlan command if the cluster-plug-play enable command needs to be used.
This interface is directly connected to the candidate switch.
– Step 3 is used in the scenario of replacing devices. The new device automatically
downloads the configuration files of the old device. Prerequisites for the operation
is that configuration files of the old device exist on the FTP server and the physical
topologies and types of the new device and old device are the same.
l Configuring Communication Between Huawei Devices and Non-Huawei Devices
Do as follows on the administrator switch:
1. Run:

The system view is displayed.

2. Run:

The cluster view is displayed.

3. Run:
cluster-packet-extend enable

Communication Between Huawei Devices and Non-Huawei Devices is enabled.

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– To configure the management VLAN for the interface of the administrator switch,
you should run the port trunk allow-pass vlan command rather than the port
default vlan command if the cluster-packet-extend enable command needs to
be used. This interface is directly connected to the candidate switch.
l Configuring the incremental configuration function

Do as follows on the administrator switch:

1. Run:

The system view is displayed.

2. Run:

The cluster view is displayed.

3. Run:

The incremental configuration view is displayed.

4. Run:
increment-command [ command-number command-number ] command-text command-

The command list is edited.

5. Run:
increment-run [ group-by { device-type device-type | ip { ip-address [ to
ip-address ] } &<1-10> | member-number { member-number [ to member-
number ] } &<1-10> } ]

The result whether commands in the command list are sent to the specified member
switch is displayed.

– Only the last execution result of the incremental configuration is saved.

– The member selection mode can be device type-based, member switch ID-based,
IP address-based, or all.
– If you use the ID of an existing command during the process of editing the
command list, the command will be overwritten.
– To delete the existed incremental configuration command, run the undo
increment-command { command-number command-number | all } command.
– To check the list of incremental configuration commands that is currently edited,
run the display increment-command command.
l Synchronizing configuration files

Do as follows on the administrator switch:

1. Run:

The system view is displayed.

2. Run:

The cluster view is displayed.

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3. Run:
increment-config synchronization [ group-by { device-type device-type |
ip {ip-address [ to ip-address ] } &<1-10> | member-number { member-
number [ to member-number ] } &<1-10> } ]

The result whether configuration files of the specified member switch are
synchronized to the FTP server is displayed.

– The member selection mode can be device type-based, member switch ID-based,
IP address-based, or all.
– This command is valid only after the cluster is enabled.
l Configuring security features

Do as follows on the administrator switch:

1. Run:

The system view is displayed.

2. Run:

The cluster view is displayed.

3. Run:
cluster-member unrelated-port [ group-by { device-type device-type | ip
{ip-address [ to ip-address ] } &<1-10> | member-number { member-number
[ to member-number ] } &<1-10> } ] { ndp | ntdp }

NDP or NTDP is disabled on unrelated interfaces.

– Only the last command execution result is saved.

– The member selection mode can be device type-based, member switch ID-based,
IP address-based, or all.
– This command can be performed only after the cluster is enabled.


4.3.4 Checking the Configuration

After configuring advanced HGMP functions, you can view the configuration.

The configurations of the Advanced HGMP are complete.

l Run the display cluster-increment-result to check the delivery of incremental
l Run the display cluster-license to check the cluster license.
l Run the display cluster-topology-info to check the cluster topology.
l Run the display increment-command to check the incremental configuration command.
l Run the display increment-synchronization-result to check whether configuration files
of member switches are synchronized to the FTP server.

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l Run the display member-getfile-state to check whether member switches successfully

obtain configuration files, version files, or patch files.
l Run the display member-interface-state { ndp | ntdp } to check the status of NDP or
NTDP on unrelated interfaces of member switches.
l Run the display member-reboot-state to check whether member switches are restarted
l Run the display member-save-state to check whether member switches successfully save
the current configurations to the FTP server
l Run the display synchronization-result to check whether member switches successfully
synchronize configuration files to the FTP server.

If the incremental configuration command is successfully delivered to member switches, run the
display cluster-increment-result command, and you can view that success is displayed.
<HUAWEI_0.HUAWEI> display cluster-increment-result
The result of member switches executing increment commands:
SN Device MacAddress IpAddress Result CommandId
2 NE40E 0003-0003-0003 success -
3 NE40E 0004-0004-0004 success -

Run the display cluster-license command, and you can check the contents of the cluster license,
including the number of member switches that can be managed by the administrator switch and
maximum layers that member switches can concatenate.
<HUAWEI_0.HUAWEI> display cluster-license
The max numbers and hops of manage member switch:
Max numbers of manage member switch: 255
Max hops of manage member switch : 16

Run the display cluster-topology-info command, and you can view the cluster topology,
including the topology of normal links, candidate links, and faulty links.
<HUAWEI> display cluster-topology-info
The topology information about the cluster:
<-->:normal device <++>:candidate device <??>:lost device
Total topology node number is 5.
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator: Root-00e0-ad14-c600]
|-(GigabitEthernet1/0/2)<-->(GigabitEthernet1/0/1)[HUAWEI_3.Member-3: 00e0-
| |-(GigabitEthernet1/0/3)<-->(GigabitEthernet1/0/1)[HUAWEI_2.Member-2:
| | |-(GigabitEthernet1/0/0)<-->(GigabitEthernet1/0/0)[HUAWEI_1.Member-1:

Run the display increment-command command, and you can check the incremental
configuration of the cluster, including the number and contents of the incremental configuration.
<HUAWEI> display increment-command
The content of increment commands:
SN Content

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10 vlan batch 10 to 20
20 ip route-static 8

If the configuration files of member switches are successfully synchronized with the FTP server,
run the display increment-synchronization-result command, and you can view that success
is displayed.
<HUAWEI> display increment-synchronization-result
The result of member switches' synchronization:
SN Device MacAddress IpAddress result
1 NE40E 0002-0002-0002 success
2 NE40E 0003-0003-0003 success
3 NE40E 0004-0004-0004 success

If member switches successfully obtain configuration files, PAF files, or patch files, run the
display member-getfile-state command, and you can view that success is displayed.
<HUAWEI> display member-getfile-state
The status of member switches getting file:
SN Device MacAddress IPAddress Result
2 NE40E 0002-0002-0002 success
3 NE40E 0003-0003-0003 success

Interfaces running NDP and NTDP are not required on member switches. If NDP and NTDP
are disabled successfully, run the display member-interface-state command, and you can view
that success is displayed.
<HUAWEI_0.HUAWEI> display member-interface-state ndp
The result of member switches executed disable member interface command:
SN Device MacAddress IpAddress result
3 NE40E 0004-0004-0004 success
2 NE40E 0003-0003-0003 success
1 NE40E 0002-0002-0002 success
[HUAWEI_0.HUAWEI-cluster] display member-interface-state ntdp
The result of member switches executed disable member interface command:
SN Device MacAddress IpAddress result
3 NE40E 0004-0004-0004 success
2 NE40E 0003-0003-0003 success
1 NE40E 0002-0002-0002 success

If member switches are successfully restarted, run the display member-reboot-state command,
and you can view that success is displayed.
<HUAWEI> display member-reboot-state
The result of member switches rebooting:
SN Device MacAddress IPAddress Result
1 NE40E 0002-0002-0002 success
2 NE40E 0003-0003-0003 success

If the current configurations are successfully saved on member switches, run the display
member-save-state command, and you can view that success is displayed.
<HUAWEI> display member-save-state
The result of member switches saving:
SN Device MacAddress IPAddress Result

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1 NE40E 0002-0002-0002 success

2 NE40E 0003-0003-0003 success

If member switches successfully synchronize configuration files to the FTP server, run the
display synchronization-result command, and you can view that success is displayed.
<HUAWEI> display synchronization-result
The result of member switches' synchronization:
SN Device MacAddress IpAddress result
1 NE40E 0002-0002-0002 success
2 NE40E 0003-0003-0003 success
3 NE40E 0004-0004-0004 success

4.4 Maintaining HGMP

This section describes how to clear the statistics on NDP, and monitor the operation status of
the HGMP cluster.

4.4.1 Clearing the NDP Statistics

This part describes how to use the reset ndp statistics command to clear the statistics on NDP.


Once statistics are cleared, they cannot be restored. Confirm the action before you use the

Step 1 Run the reset ndp statistics [ interface { interface-type interface-number [ to interface-type
interface-number ] } &<1-10> ] command in the user view to clear the NDP statistics.


4.4.2 Monitoring the Operation Status of the HGMP Cluster

This part describes how to use the display commands to monitor the operating status of the
HGMP cluster.

In routine maintenance, you can run the following commands in any view to display the operation
stauts of HGMP.

l Run the display ndp to check the NDP configuration in the system view.

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l Run the display ntdp to check the global NTDP configuration.

l Run the display cluster to check information about the HGMP cluster to which the device
l Run the display ntdp device-list [ verbose ] to check information about the HGMP cluster
to which the device belongs.
l Run the display cluster-topology-info to check the cluster topology information.
l Run the display cluster candidates [ mac-address mac-address | verbose ] to check
information about candidate switches.

4.5 HGMP Configuration Examples

This section exemplifies how to configure NTP and provides the networking requirements,
configuration roadmap, and configuration notes. You can better understand the configuration
procedures with the help of the configuration flowchart.


This document takes interface numbers and link types of the NE40E-X8 as an example. In working
situations, the actual interface numbers and link types may be different from those used in this document.
NAT feature cannot be configured on the X1 and X2 models of the NE80E/40E.

4.5.1 Example for Configuring Basic HGMP Functions for a Cluster

To effectively manage devices on a Layer 2 network, you can create a cluster for devices on the
Layer 2 network and manage the cluster through HGMP.

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 4-3, a carrier sets up a Layer 2 network through Layer 2 devices. Too many
Layer 2 devices are hard to be maintained and managed on the site. In addition, to save public
IP addresses, you cannot assign a public IP address to each device.
To effectively manage the Layer 2 network, you can create a cluster for the Layer 2 network
and manage the cluster through HGMP.
In this example, Administrator-1 is nearest to the network administrator and is therefore
appointed as the administrator switch.


For convenience, only four devices in the Layer 2 network are described.

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Figure 4-3 Networking diagram of configuring basic HGMP functions for a cluster

FTP Server NM station

SFTP Server
GE1/0/1 Log station

GE1/0/1 GE1/0/2

GE1/0/1 GE1/0/1

Member-1 ......

GE1/0/2 Member-2


Device MAC address Device MAC address

Administrator-1 0001-0001-0001 Member-1 0002-0002-0002

Member-2 0003-0003-0003 Member-3 0004-0004-0004

Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:

1. Create a management VLAN on all devices. Enable NDP and NTDP to ensure that each
device can detect the topology structure of the network through NTDP.
2. Choose the administrator switch, and then create a cluster named HUAWEI on the
administrator switch.
3. Add all the devices that support HGMP in the Layer 2 network to the cluster.
4. Assign an IP address to VLANIF 10 to facilitate the communication between member
switches in the cluster and devices out of the cluster.
5. Configure public servers and hosts for the cluster.

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Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:
l Management VLAN ID of the cluster, that is 10
l IP address of VLANIF 10, that is
l Address pool of the cluster, that is
l IP address of the administrator in the cluster, that is
l MAC addresses of devices, as shown in Figure 4-3
l IP addresses of servers and hosts, as shown in Figure 4-3

Step 1 Configure a management VLAN.
# Create VLAN 10 on the device and add interfaces of the administrator switch and member
switches to VLAN 10.
# Configure the administrator switch.
<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] sysname Administrator-1
[Administrator-1] vlan 10
[Administrator-1-vlan10] quit
[Administrator-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] undo shutdown
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] portswitch
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] port default vlan 10
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit
[Administrator-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/2
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] undo shutdown
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] portswitch
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] port default vlan 10
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] quit
[Administrator-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/3
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/3] undo shutdown
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/3] portswitch
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/3] port default vlan 10
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/3] quit
[Administrator-1] interface vlanif 10
[Administrator-1-Vlanif10] quit

# Configure member switch 1.

<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] sysname Member-1
[Member-1] vlan 10
[Member-1-vlan10] quit
[Member-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] undo shutdown
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] portswitch
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] port default vlan 10
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit
[Member-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/2
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] undo shutdown
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] portswitch
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] port default vlan 10
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] quit
[Member-1] interface vlanif 10
[Member-1-Vlanif10] quit

# Configure member switch 2.

<HUAWEI> system-view

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[HUAWEI] sysname Member-2

[Member-2] vlan 10
[Member-2-vlan10] quit
[Member-2] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Member-2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] undo shutdown
[Member-2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] portswitch
[Member-2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] port default vlan 10
[Member-2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit
[Member-2] interface vlanif 10
[Member-2-Vlanif10] quit

# Configure member switch 3.

<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] sysname Member-3
[Member-3] vlan 10
[Member-3-vlan10] quit
[Member-3] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Member-3-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] undo shutdown
[Member-3-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] portswitch
[Member-3-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] port default vlan 10
[Member-3-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit
[Member-3] interface vlanif 10
[Member-3-Vlanif10] quit

Step 2 Configure NDP.

# On switches, enable NDP in the system view and on an interface.
# Configure the administrator switch.
[Administrator-1] ndp enable
[Administrator-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ndp enable
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit
[Administrator-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/2
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] ndp enable
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] quit

# Configure member switch 1.

[Member-1] ndp enable
[Member-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ndp enable
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit
[Member-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/2
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] ndp enable
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] quit

# Configure member switch 2.

[Member-2] ndp enable
[Member-2] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Member-2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ndp enable
[Member-2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit

# Configure member switch 3.

[Member-3] ndp enable
[Member-3] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Member-3-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ndp enable
[Member-3-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit

After the previous configuration, you can find that NDP on the administrator is in the Enable
state, the host name of the neighboring node is Device Name, and the name of the interface
connecting the neighboring node and the local interface is Port Name.
[Administrator-1] display ndp interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1 gigabitethernet 1/0/2
Interface: GigabitEthernet1/0/1

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Status: Enabled, Packets Sent: 0, Packets Received: 11, Packets Error: 0

Neighbor 1: Aging Time: 2(s)
MAC Address : 0002-0002-0002
Port Name : GigabitEthernet1/0/1
Software Version: NE40E Version V600R003C00
Device Name : Member-1
Port Duplex : FULL
Product Ver : NE40E
Interface: GigabitEthernet1/0/2
Status: Enabled, Packets Sent: 6, Packets Received: 16, Packets Error: 0
Neighbor 1: Aging Time: 5(s)
MAC Address : 0003-0003-0003
Port Name : GigabitEthernet1/0/1
Software Version: NE40E Version V600R003C00
Device Name : Member-2
Port Duplex : FULL
Product Ver : NE40E

Step 3 Configure NTDP.

# On devices, enable NTDP in the system view and on the interface and configure the interval
and range for NTDP to collect topologies to 10 minutes and 3 hops respectively.


The range of the topologies collected by NTDP is determined by PAF files.

# Configure the administrator switch.

[Administrator-1] ntdp enable
[Administrator-1] ntdp timer 10
[Administrator-1] ntdp hop 3
[Administrator-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ntdp enable
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit
[Administrator-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/2
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] ntdp enable
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] quit

# Configure member switch 1.

[Member-1] ntdp enable
[Member-1] ntdp timer 10
[Member-1] ntdp hop 3
[Member-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ntdp enable
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit
[Member-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/2
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] ntdp enable
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] quit

# Configure member switch 2.

[Member-2] ntdp enable
[Member-2] ntdp timer 10
[Member-2] ntdp hop 3
[Member-2] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Member-2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ntdp enable
[Member-2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit

# Configure member switch 3.

[Member-3] ntdp enable
[Member-3] ntdp timer 10
[Member-3] ntdp hop 3
[Member-3] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Member-3-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ntdp enable
[Member-3-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit

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After the previous configuration, globally check the NTDP configuration on the administrator
switch. You can find that the interval and range for NTDP to collect topologies is 10 minutes
and 3 hops respectively.
[Administrator-1] display ntdp
Network topology discovery protocol is enabled
Hops : 3
Timer : 10 min
Hop Delay : 200 ms
Port Delay: 20 ms
Total time for last collection:0ms

Step 4 Enable the cluster function and set the management VLAN.
# Configure the administrator switch.
[Administrator-1] cluster enable
[Administrator-1] cluster
[Administrator-1-cluster] mngvlanid 10
[Administrator-1-cluster] quit

# Configure member switch 1.

[Member-1] cluster enable
[Member-1] cluster
[Member-1-cluster] mngvlanid 10
[Member-1-cluster] quit

# Configure member switch 2.

[Member-2] cluster enable
[Member-2] cluster
[Member-2-cluster] mngvlanid 10
[Member-2-cluster] quit

# Configure member switch 3.

[Member-3] cluster enable
[Member-3] cluster
[Member-3-cluster] mngvlanid 10
[Member-3-cluster] quit

After the topology collection function is enabled manually on the administrator switch, check
the device information collected through NTDP and you can find the MAC address and types
of related devices.
<Administrator-1> ntdp explore
<Administrator-1> display ntdp device-list
The device-list of NTDP:

0004-0004-0004 2 NE40E
0003-0003-0003 1 NE40E
0002-0002-0002 1 NE40E
0001-0001-0001 0 NE40E

Step 5 Create a cluster.


Following steps can be performed only on the administrator switch.

# On the administrator switch, set the range of IP addresses that can be assigned to the cluster
to, in which the IP address assigned to the administrator switch is
[Administrator-1] cluster
[Administrator-1-cluster] ip-pool 8

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# Create a cluster named HUAWEI on the administrator switch.

[Administrator-1-cluster] build HUAWEI

After the previous configuration, check information about the cluster to which the device
belongs. You can find that the device name is changed, the cluster name is HUAWEI, and the
management VLAN ID is 10.
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] display cluster
Cluster name:"HUAWEI"
Role:Administrator switch

management vlan id : 10
Cluster multicast MAC address : 0180-c200-000a(default)
Cluster auto-join : disabled

Handshake timer:10 sec

Handshake hold-time:60 sec
IP pool:
No logging host configured
No SNMP host configured
No FTP server configured
No SFTP server configured
cluster-member ftp-timeout: 300 sec(default)
Cluster SNMP NAT capability : enabled
Cluster FTP NAT capability : disabled
There are 1 member(s) in the cluster, and 0 of them are down.

On the administrator switch, check information about candidate switches, you can find all the
candidate switches and their types.
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] display cluster candidates
0004-0004-0004 2 NE40E
0003-0003-0003 1 NE40E
0002-0002-0002 1 NE40E

Step 6 Add member switches.


l Following steps can be performed only on the administrator switch.

l Take the mode of automatically adding member switches as an example. To add member switches
manually, see Adding a Member Switch.

# Add all candidate switches to the cluster.

[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] auto-build
Collecting candidate list, please wait...
Candidate list:
Name Hops MAC Address DeviceType
Member-1 1 0002-0002-0002 NE40E
Member-2 1 0003-0003-0003 NE40E
Member-3 2 0004-0004-0004 NE40E
Add all to cluster?(Y/N) y
Info: Cluster auto-build Finish!
3 member(s) added successfully.

After the previous configuration, check information about the administrator switch and member
switches in the cluster on the administrator switch. You can find that all the member switches
are added to the cluster and in the Up state.
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] display cluster members
The list of cluster member:
SN Device Type MAC Address Status Device Name

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0 NE40E 0001-0001-0001 Admin HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1
1 NE40E 0002-0002-0002 Up HUAWEI_1.Member-1
2 NE40E 0003-0003-0003 Up HUAWEI_2.Member-2
3 NE40E 0004-0004-0004 Up HUAWEI_3.Member-3

Step 7 Assign an IP address to VLANIF 10.

# To ensure the normal communication between member switches in the cluster and devices out
of the cluster, assign an IP address to VLANIF 10 on the administrator switch.

# Assign an IP address to VLANIF 10.

[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1] interface vlanif 10
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-Vlanif10] ip address 8
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-Vlanif10] quit

After the previous configuration, you can find that the interface on the administrator switch is
in the Up state.
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1] display interface Vlanif 10
Vlanif10 current state : UP
Line protocol current state : UP
Last line protocol up time : 2010-06-28 21:25:52
Description:HUAWEI, HUAWEI Series, Vlanif10 Interface
Route Port,The Maximum Transmit Unit is 1500
Internet Address is
Internet Address is ClusterIP Sending Frames' Format is PKTFMT_ETHNT_
2, Hardware address is 0001-0001-0001
Physical is VLANIF
Current system time: 2010-07-01 14:37:11-08:00
Last 300 seconds input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
Last 300 seconds output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
Last 0 seconds input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
Last 0 seconds output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
Input: 0 packets,0 bytes,
0 unicast,0 broadcast,0 multicasts
Output:0 packets,0 bytes,
0 unicast,0 broadcast,0 multicasts.

Step 8 Configure a static route on the administrator switch.

# This operation is to ensure that a reachable route exists between switches in the cluster and
servers or hosts, you can also use dynamic route.
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1] ip route-static 0

Step 9 Configure public servers and hosts of the cluster.

# Configure an FTP server.

[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1] cluster
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] cluster-ftp-nat enable
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] ftp-server

# Configure a SFTP server.

[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] sftp-server

# Configure a Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) host.

[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] snmp-host

# Configure a log host.

[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] logging-host

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After the previous configuration, check information about the cluster to which the administrator
switch belongs. You can find that the public log host, SNMP host, FTP server, and SFTP server
are configured successfully.
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] display cluster
Cluster name:"HUAWEI"
Role:Administrator switch

management vlan id : 10
Cluster multicast MAC address : 0180-c200-000a(default)
Cluster auto-join : disabled

Handshake timer:10 sec

Handshake hold-time:60 sec
IP pool:
Logging host:
SNMP host:
FTP server:
SFTP server:
cluster-member ftp-timeout: 300 sec(default)
Cluster SNMP NAT capability : enabled
Cluster FTP NAT capability : disabled
There are 4 member(s) in the cluster, and 0 of them are down.


Configuration Files
l Configuration file of Administrator-1.
sysname Administrator-1
vlan batch 10
cluster enable
ntdp enable
ntdp hop 3
ntdp timer 10
ndp enable
interface Vlanif10
ip address
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1
undo shutdown
port default vlan 10
ntdp enable
ndp enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/2
undo shutdown
port default vlan 10
ntdp enable
ndp enable
mngvlanid 10
build HUAWEI
cluster-ftp-nat enable

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ip route-static

l Configuration file of Member-1.
sysname Member-1
vlan batch 10
cluster enable
ntdp enable
ntdp hop 3
ntdp timer 10
ndp enable
interface Vlanif10
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1
undo shutdown
port default vlan 10
ntdp enable
ndp enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/2
undo shutdown
port default vlan 10
ntdp enable
ndp enable
mngvlanid 10
administrator-address 0001-0001-0001 name HUAWEI
l Configuration file of Member-2.
sysname Member-2
vlan batch 10
cluster enable
ntdp enable
ntdp hop 3
ntdp timer 10
ndp enable
interface Vlanif10
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1
undo shutdown
port default vlan 10
ntdp enable
ndp enable
mngvlanid 10
administrator-address 0001-0001-0001 name HUAWEI
l Configuration file of Member-3.
sysname Member-3
vlan batch 10

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cluster enable
ntdp enable
ntdp hop 3
ntdp timer 10
ndp enable
interface Vlanif10
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/2
undo shutdown
port default vlan 10
ntdp enable
ndp enable
mngvlanid 10
administrator-address 0001-0001-0001 name HUAWEI

4.5.2 Example for Configuring the Interconnection of FTP Servers

and Devices in and out of the HGMP Cluster (in NAT Mode)
Devices outside the cluster and member switches in the cluster can set up FTP connections in
Network Address Translation (NAT) mode.

Networking Requirements

NAT feature cannot be configured on the X1 and X2 models of the NE80E/40E.

As shown in Figure 4-4, all the Layer 2 switches belong to the same cluster. Administrator-1 is
the administrator switch of the cluster and other switches are member switches. The member ID
of Member-1 is 1, the member ID of Member-2 is 2 and the member ID of Member-3 is 3.
To upload files to Member-1, Member-2, and Member-3 or download files from them, you can
set up an FTP connection between the devices out of the cluster and member switches in NAT
or non-NAT mode.


In this configuration example where the NAT mode is adopted, Member-3 accesses the FTP server
( out of the cluster and devices out of the cluster access the FTP server (Member-2) in the cluster.

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Figure 4-4 Networking diagram of configuring the interconnection of FTP servers and devices
in and out of the HGMP cluster (in NAT Mode)

FTP Server NM station

SFTP Server
GE1/0/1 Log station

GE1/0/1 GE1/0/2

GE1/0/1 GE1/0/1

Member-1 ......

GE1/0/2 Member-2


Device MAC Address Device MAC Address

Administrator-1 0001-0001-0001 Member-1 0002-0002-0002

Member-2 0003-0003-0003 Member-3 0004-0004-0004

Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:

1. Create a cluster and configure basic HGMP functions for the cluster according to the steps
described in the section "Example for Configuring Basic HGMP Functions for a
2. For the situation that Member-3 accesses the FTP server ( out of the cluster:
l Run the cluster-ftp command on the member switch to set up a connection with the
public FTP server of the cluster.
3. For the situation that a device out of the cluster accesses the FTP server (Member-2):
l Calculate the port number reserved on the administrator switch for the FTP protocol of
a certain member switch in the cluster.

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l Run the FTP client program on the PC and create an FTP connection with the member

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:
l Management VLAN ID of the cluster, that is 10
l IP address of VLANIF 10 that is and a reachable route between VLANIF 10 and
the FTP server
l Address pool of the cluster, that is
l IP address of the administrator switch used in the cluster, that is
l Member-2 serving as the FTP server in the cluster with the member ID being 2

Step 1 Configure a management VLAN.
# Create VLAN 10 on the device and add interfaces of the administrator switch and member
switches to VLAN 10.
# Configure the administrator switch.
<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] sysname Administrator-1
[Administrator-1] vlan 10
[Administrator-1-vlan10] quit
[Administrator-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] undo shutdown
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] portswitch
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] port default vlan 10
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit
[Administrator-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/2
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] undo shutdown
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] portswitch
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] port default vlan 10
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] quit
[Administrator-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/3
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/3] undo shutdown
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/3] portswitch
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/3] port default vlan 10
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/3] quit
[Administrator-1] interface vlanif 10
[Administrator-1-Vlanif10] quit

# Configure member switch 1.

<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] sysname Member-1
[Member-1] vlan 10
[Member-1-vlan10] quit
[Member-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] undo shutdown
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] portswitch
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] port default vlan 10
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit
[Member-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/2
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] undo shutdown
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] portswitch
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] port default vlan 10
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] quit
[Member-1] interface vlanif 10
[Member-1-Vlanif10] quit

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# Configure member switch 2.

<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] sysname Member-2
[Member-2] vlan 10
[Member-2-vlan10] quit
[Member-2] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Member-2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] undo shutdown
[Member-2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] portswitch
[Member-2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] port default vlan 10
[Member-2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit
[Member-2] interface vlanif 10
[Member-2-Vlanif10] quit

# Configure member switch 3.

<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] sysname Member-3
[Member-3] vlan 10
[Member-3-vlan10] quit
[Member-3] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Member-3-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] undo shutdown
[Member-3-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] portswitch
[Member-3-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] port default vlan 10
[Member-3-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit
[Member-3] interface vlanif 10
[Member-3-Vlanif10] quit

Step 2 Configure NDP.

# On switches, enable NDP in the system view and on an interface.
# Configure the administrator switch.
[Administrator-1] ndp enable
[Administrator-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ndp enable
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit
[Administrator-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/2
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] ndp enable
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] quit

# Configure member switch 1.

[Member-1] ndp enable
[Member-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ndp enable
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit
[Member-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/2
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] ndp enable
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] quit

# Configure member switch 2.

[Member-2] ndp enable
[Member-2] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Member-2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ndp enable
[Member-2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit

# Configure member switch 3.

[Member-3] ndp enable
[Member-3] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Member-3-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ndp enable
[Member-3-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit

After the previous configuration, you can find that NDP on the administrator is in the Enable
state, the host name of the neighboring node is Device Name, and the name of the interface
connecting the neighboring node and the local interface is Port Name.

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[Administrator-1] display ndp interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1 gigabitethernet 1/0/2

Interface: GigabitEthernet1/0/1
Status: Enabled, Packets Sent: 0, Packets Received: 11, Packets Error: 0
Neighbor 1: Aging Time: 2(s)
MAC Address : 0002-0002-0002
Port Name : GigabitEthernet1/0/1
Software Version: NE40E Version V600R003C00
Device Name : Member-1
Port Duplex : FULL
Product Ver : NE40E
Interface: GigabitEthernet1/0/2
Status: Enabled, Packets Sent: 6, Packets Received: 16, Packets Error: 0
Neighbor 1: Aging Time: 5(s)
MAC Address : 0003-0003-0003
Port Name : GigabitEthernet1/0/1
Software Version: NE40E Version V600R003C00
Device Name : Member-2
Port Duplex : FULL
Product Ver : NE40E

Step 3 Configure NTDP.

# On devices, enable NTDP in the system view and on the interface and configure the interval
and range for NTDP to collect topologies to 10 minutes and 3 hops respectively.

The range of the topologies collected by NTDP is determined by PAF files.

# Configure the administrator switch.

[Administrator-1] ntdp enable
[Administrator-1] ntdp timer 10
[Administrator-1] ntdp hop 3
[Administrator-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ntdp enable
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit
[Administrator-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/2
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] ntdp enable
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] quit

# Configure member switch 1.

[Member-1] ntdp enable
[Member-1] ntdp timer 10
[Member-1] ntdp hop 3
[Member-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ntdp enable
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit
[Member-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/2
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] ntdp enable
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] quit

# Configure member switch 2.

[Member-2] ntdp enable
[Member-2] ntdp timer 10
[Member-2] ntdp hop 3
[Member-2] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Member-2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ntdp enable
[Member-2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit

# Configure member switch 3.

[Member-3] ntdp enable
[Member-3] ntdp timer 10
[Member-3] ntdp hop 3
[Member-3] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Member-3-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ntdp enable
[Member-3-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit

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After the previous configuration, globally check the NTDP configuration on the administrator
switch. You can find that the interval and range for NTDP to collect topologies is 10 minutes
and 3 hops respectively.
[Administrator-1] display ntdp
Network topology discovery protocol is enabled
Hops : 3
Timer : 10 min
Hop Delay : 200 ms
Port Delay: 20 ms
Total time for last collection:0ms

Step 4 Enable the cluster function and set the management VLAN.
# Configure the administrator switch.
[Administrator-1] cluster enable
[Administrator-1] cluster
[Administrator-1-cluster] mngvlanid 10
[Administrator-1-cluster] quit

# Configure member switch 1.

[Member-1] cluster enable
[Member-1] cluster
[Member-1-cluster] mngvlanid 10
[Member-1-cluster] quit

# Configure member switch 2.

[Member-2] cluster enable
[Member-2] cluster
[Member-2-cluster] mngvlanid 10
[Member-2-cluster] quit

# Configure member switch 3.

[Member-3] cluster enable
[Member-3] cluster
[Member-3-cluster] mngvlanid 10
[Member-3-cluster] quit

After the topology collection function is enabled manually on the administrator switch, check
the device information collected through NTDP and you can find the MAC address and types
of related devices.
<Administrator-1> ntdp explore
<Administrator-1> display ntdp device-list
The device-list of NTDP:

0004-0004-0004 2 NE40E
0003-0003-0003 1 NE40E
0002-0002-0002 1 NE40E
0001-0001-0001 0 NE40E

Step 5 Create a cluster.


Following steps can be performed only on the administrator switch.

# On the administrator switch, set the range of IP addresses that can be assigned to the cluster
to, in which the IP address assigned to the administrator switch is
[Administrator-1] cluster
[Administrator-1-cluster] ip-pool 8

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# Create a cluster named HUAWEI on the administrator switch.

[Administrator-1-cluster] build HUAWEI

After the previous configuration, check information about the cluster to which the device
belongs. You can find that the device name is changed, the cluster name is HUAWEI, and the
management VLAN ID is 10.
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] display cluster
Cluster name:"HUAWEI"
Role:Administrator switch

management vlan id : 10
Cluster multicast MAC address : 0180-c200-000a(default)
Cluster auto-join : disabled

Handshake timer:10 sec

Handshake hold-time:60 sec
IP pool:
No logging host configured
No SNMP host configured
No FTP server configured
No SFTP server configured
cluster-member ftp-timeout: 300 sec(default)
Cluster SNMP NAT capability : enabled
Cluster FTP NAT capability : disabled
There are 1 member(s) in the cluster, and 0 of them are down.

On the administrator switch, check information about candidate switches, you can find all the
candidate switches and their types.
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] display cluster candidates
0004-0004-0004 2 NE40E
0003-0003-0003 1 NE40E
0002-0002-0002 1 NE40E

Step 6 Add member switches.


l Following steps can be performed only on the administrator switch.

l Take the mode of automatically adding member switches as an example. To add member switches
manually, see Adding a Member Switch.

# Add all candidate switches to the cluster.

[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] auto-build
Collecting candidate list, please wait...
Candidate list:
Name Hops MAC Address DeviceType
Member-1 1 0002-0002-0002 NE40E
Member-2 1 0003-0003-0003 NE40E
Member-3 2 0004-0004-0004 NE40E
Add all to cluster?(Y/N) y
Info: Cluster auto-build Finish!
3 member(s) added successfully.

After the previous configuration, check information about the administrator switch and member
switches in the cluster on the administrator switch. You can find that all the member switches
are added to the cluster and in the Up state.
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] display cluster members
The list of cluster member:
SN Device Type MAC Address Status Device Name

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0 NE40E 0001-0001-0001 Admin HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1
1 NE40E 0002-0002-0002 Up HUAWEI_1.Member-1
2 NE40E 0003-0003-0003 Up HUAWEI_2.Member-2
3 NE40E 0004-0004-0004 Up HUAWEI_3.Member-3

Step 7 Assign an IP address to VLANIF 10.

# To ensure the normal communication between member switches in the cluster and devices out
of the cluster, assign an IP address to VLANIF 10 on the administrator switch.

# Assign an IP address to VLANIF 10.

[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1] interface vlanif 10
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-Vlanif10] ip address 8
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-Vlanif10] quit

After the previous configuration, you can find that the interface on the administrator switch is
in the Up state.
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1] display interface Vlanif 10
Vlanif10 current state : UP
Line protocol current state : UP
Last line protocol up time : 2010-06-28 21:25:52
Description:HUAWEI, HUAWEI Series, Vlanif10 Interface
Route Port,The Maximum Transmit Unit is 1500
Internet Address is
Internet Address is ClusterIP Sending Frames' Format is PKTFMT_ETHNT_
2, Hardware address is 0001-0001-0001
Physical is VLANIF
Current system time: 2010-07-01 14:37:11-08:00
Last 300 seconds input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
Last 300 seconds output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
Last 0 seconds input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
Last 0 seconds output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
Input: 0 packets,0 bytes,
0 unicast,0 broadcast,0 multicasts
Output:0 packets,0 bytes,
0 unicast,0 broadcast,0 multicasts.

Step 8 Configure a static route on the administrator switch.

# This operation is to ensure that a reachable route exists between switches in the cluster and
servers or hosts, you can also use dynamic route.
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1] ip route-static 0

Step 9 Configure public servers and hosts of the cluster.

# Configure an FTP server.

[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1] cluster
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] cluster-ftp-nat enable
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] ftp-server

# Configure a SFTP server.

[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] sftp-server

# Configure a Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) host.

[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] snmp-host

# Configure a log host.

[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] logging-host

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After the previous configuration, check information about the cluster to which the administrator
switch belongs. You can find that the public log host, SNMP host, FTP server, and SFTP server
are configured successfully.
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] display cluster
Cluster name:"HUAWEI"
Role:Administrator switch

management vlan id : 10
Cluster multicast MAC address : 0180-c200-000a(default)
Cluster auto-join : disabled

Handshake timer:10 sec

Handshake hold-time:60 sec
IP pool:
Logging host:
SNMP host:
FTP server:
SFTP server:
cluster-member ftp-timeout: 300 sec(default)
Cluster SNMP NAT capability : enabled
Cluster FTP NAT capability : disabled
There are 4 member(s) in the cluster, and 0 of them are down.

Step 10 Verify the configuration.

l Member switches access the FTP server in NAT mode.
<HUAWEI_3.Member-3> cluster-ftp
Trying ...
Press CTRL+K to abort
Connected to
220 FTP service ready.
331 Password required for hgmp.
Enter password:
230 User logged in.

l A device out of the cluster accesses the FTP server in the cluster in NAT mode.
# Configure an FTP server on Member-2. The configuration details see Configuration Files,
and are not mentioned here.
# Calculate the port number reserved for the FTP protocol of a member switch in the cluster.
The member ID of Member-2 is 2. Using the formula for computing port numbers reserved
for a cluster ( Interface number reserved for a cluster = Base interface number + Member
number*2) , you can obtain that the reserved port number, which is used by Member-2 to
enable the FTP server, is 53248 + 2*2 = 53252.
# Run the FTP client program on the PC and set up an FTP connection with Member-2 in
NAT mode.

A device out of the cluster accesses the FTP server in the cluster in NAT mode. IP address of the FTP
server is that of the management VLANIF interface on the administrator switch. The FTP server uses
a port number reserved in the cluster instead of the commonly-used 21.
ftp> open 53252
Connected to
220 FTP service ready.
User ( hgmp
331 Password required for hgmp.
230 User logged in.


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Configuration Files
l Configuration file of Administrator-1.
sysname Administrator-1
vlan batch 10
cluster enable
ntdp enable
ntdp hop 5
ntdp timer 10
ndp enable
interface Vlanif10
ip address
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1
undo shutdown
port default vlan 10
ntdp enable
ndp enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/2
undo shutdown
port default vlan 10
ntdp enable
ndp enable
mngvlanid 10
build HUAWEI
cluster-ftp-nat enable
ip route-static

l Configuration file of Member-1.

sysname Member-1
vlan batch 10
cluster enable
ntdp enable
ntdp hop 5
ntdp timer 10
ndp enable
interface Vlanif10
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1
undo shutdown
port default vlan 10
ntdp enable
ndp enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/2
undo shutdown

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port default vlan 10

ntdp enable
ndp enable
mngvlanid 10
administrator-address 0001-0001-0001 name HUAWEI

l Configuration file of Member-2.

sysname Member-2
FTP server enable
vlan batch 10
cluster enable
ntdp enable
ntdp hop 5
ntdp timer 10
ndp enable
interface Vlanif10
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1
undo shutdown
port default vlan 10
ntdp enable
ndp enable
mngvlanid 10
administrator-address 0001-0001-0001 name HUAWEI

l Configuration file of Member-3.

sysname Member-3
vlan batch 10
cluster enable
ntdp enable
ntdp hop 5
ntdp timer 10
ndp enable
interface Vlanif10
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/2
undo shutdown
port default vlan 10
ntdp enable
ndp enable
mngvlanid 10
administrator-address 0001-0001-0001 name HUAWEI

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HUAWEI NetEngine80E/40E Router
Configuration Guide - System Management 4 HGMP Configuration

4.5.3 Example for Configuring the Interconnection of FTP Servers

and Devices in and out of the HGMP Cluster (in Non-NAT Mode)
Devices outside the cluster and member switches in the cluster can set up FTP connections in
non-NAT mode.

Networking Requirements

NAT feature cannot be configured on the X1 and X2 models of the NE80E/40E.

As shown in Figure 4-5, all the Layer 2 switches belong to the same cluster. Administrator-1 is
the administrator switch of the cluster and other switches are member switches. The member ID
of Member-2 is 2 and the member ID of Member-3 is 3.
To upload files to Member-1, Member-2, and Member-3 or download files from them, you can
set up an FTP connection between devices out of the cluster and member switches in NAT or
non-NAT mode.


In this configuration example where the Non-NAT mode is adopted, Member-3 accesses the FTP server
( out of the cluster and devices out of the cluster access the FTP server (Member-2) in the cluster.

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Configuration Guide - System Management 4 HGMP Configuration

Figure 4-5 Networking diagram of configuring the interconnection of FTP servers and devices
in and out of the HGMP cluster (in non-NAT mode)

FTP Server NM station

SFTP Server
GE1/0/1 Log station

GE1/0/1 GE1/0/2

GE1/0/1 GE1/0/1

Member-1 ......

GE1/0/2 Member-2


Device MAC Address Device MAC Address

Administrator-1 0001-0001-0001 Member-1 0002-0002-0002

Member-2 0003-0003-0003 Member-3 0004-0004-0004

Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:

1. Create a cluster and configure basic HGMP functions for the cluster according to the steps
described in the section Example for Configuring Basic HGMP Functions for a
2. Disable FTP NAT on the administrator switch (The function is disabled by default.)

Related configurations of cluster NAT must be performed on the administrator switch.

3. Configure routes on the administrator switch and member switches to ensure that reachable
routes exist between the FTP server and member switches.
4. For the situation that Member-3 accesses the FTP server ( out of the cluster:

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Configuration Guide - System Management 4 HGMP Configuration

l Run the ftp command on the member switch to set up a connection with the public FTP
server of the cluster.
5. For the situation that the device out of the cluster accesses the FTP server (Member-2):
l Run the FTP client program on the PC and create an FTP connection with the member

To complete the configuration, you need the following data:
l Management VLAN ID of the cluster, that is 10
l IP address of VLANIF 10 that is and a reachable route between VLANIF 10 and
the FTP server
l Address pool of the cluster, that is
l IP address of the administrator switch used in the cluster, that is
l Member ID serving as the FTP server in the cluster with the member ID being 2

Step 1 Configure a management VLAN.
# Create VLAN 10 on the device and add interfaces of the administrator switch and member
switches to VLAN 10.
# Configure the administrator switch.
<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] sysname Administrator-1
[Administrator-1] vlan 10
[Administrator-1-vlan10] quit
[Administrator-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] undo shutdown
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] portswitch
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] port default vlan 10
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit
[Administrator-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/2
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] undo shutdown
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] portswitch
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] port default vlan 10
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] quit
[Administrator-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/3
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/3] undo shutdown
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/3] portswitch
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/3] port default vlan 10
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/3] quit
[Administrator-1] interface vlanif 10
[Administrator-1-Vlanif10] quit

# Configure member switch 1.

<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] sysname Member-1
[Member-1] vlan 10
[Member-1-vlan10] quit
[Member-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] undo shutdown
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] portswitch
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] port default vlan 10
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit
[Member-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/2
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] undo shutdown

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[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] portswitch
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] port default vlan 10
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] quit
[Member-1] interface vlanif 10
[Member-1-Vlanif10] quit

# Configure member switch 2.

<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] sysname Member-2
[Member-2] vlan 10
[Member-2-vlan10] quit
[Member-2] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Member-2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] undo shutdown
[Member-2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] portswitch
[Member-2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] port default vlan 10
[Member-2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit
[Member-2] interface vlanif 10
[Member-2-Vlanif10] quit

# Configure member switch 3.

<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] sysname Member-3
[Member-3] vlan 10
[Member-3-vlan10] quit
[Member-3] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Member-3-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] undo shutdown
[Member-3-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] portswitch
[Member-3-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] port default vlan 10
[Member-3-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit
[Member-3] interface vlanif 10
[Member-3-Vlanif10] quit

Step 2 Configure NDP.

# On switches, enable NDP in the system view and on an interface.
# Configure the administrator switch.
[Administrator-1] ndp enable
[Administrator-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ndp enable
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit
[Administrator-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/2
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] ndp enable
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] quit

# Configure member switch 1.

[Member-1] ndp enable
[Member-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ndp enable
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit
[Member-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/2
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] ndp enable
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] quit

# Configure member switch 2.

[Member-2] ndp enable
[Member-2] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Member-2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ndp enable
[Member-2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit

# Configure member switch 3.

[Member-3] ndp enable
[Member-3] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Member-3-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ndp enable

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[Member-3-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit

After the previous configuration, you can find that NDP on the administrator is in the Enable
state, the host name of the neighboring node is Device Name, and the name of the interface
connecting the neighboring node and the local interface is Port Name.
[Administrator-1] display ndp interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1 gigabitethernet 1/0/2
Interface: GigabitEthernet1/0/1
Status: Enabled, Packets Sent: 0, Packets Received: 11, Packets Error: 0
Neighbor 1: Aging Time: 2(s)
MAC Address : 0002-0002-0002
Port Name : GigabitEthernet1/0/1
Software Version: NE40E Version V600R003C00
Device Name : Member-1
Port Duplex : FULL
Product Ver : NE40E
Interface: GigabitEthernet1/0/2
Status: Enabled, Packets Sent: 6, Packets Received: 16, Packets Error: 0
Neighbor 1: Aging Time: 5(s)
MAC Address : 0003-0003-0003
Port Name : GigabitEthernet1/0/1
Software Version: NE40E Version V600R003C00
Device Name : Member-2
Port Duplex : FULL
Product Ver : NE40E

Step 3 Configure NTDP.

# On devices, enable NTDP in the system view and on the interface and configure the interval
and range for NTDP to collect topologies to 10 minutes and 3 hops respectively.


The range of the topologies collected by NTDP is determined by PAF files.

# Configure the administrator switch.

[Administrator-1] ntdp enable
[Administrator-1] ntdp timer 10
[Administrator-1] ntdp hop 3
[Administrator-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ntdp enable
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit
[Administrator-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/2
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] ntdp enable
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] quit

# Configure member switch 1.

[Member-1] ntdp enable
[Member-1] ntdp timer 10
[Member-1] ntdp hop 3
[Member-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ntdp enable
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit
[Member-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/2
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] ntdp enable
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] quit

# Configure member switch 2.

[Member-2] ntdp enable
[Member-2] ntdp timer 10
[Member-2] ntdp hop 3
[Member-2] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Member-2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ntdp enable
[Member-2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit

# Configure member switch 3.

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[Member-3] ntdp enable

[Member-3] ntdp timer 10
[Member-3] ntdp hop 3
[Member-3] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Member-3-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ntdp enable
[Member-3-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit

After the previous configuration, globally check the NTDP configuration on the administrator
switch. You can find that the interval and range for NTDP to collect topologies is 10 minutes
and 3 hops respectively.
[Administrator-1] display ntdp
Network topology discovery protocol is enabled
Hops : 3
Timer : 10 min
Hop Delay : 200 ms
Port Delay: 20 ms
Total time for last collection:0ms

Step 4 Enable the cluster function and set the management VLAN.
# Configure the administrator switch.
[Administrator-1] cluster enable
[Administrator-1] cluster
[Administrator-1-cluster] mngvlanid 10
[Administrator-1-cluster] quit

# Configure member switch 1.

[Member-1] cluster enable
[Member-1] cluster
[Member-1-cluster] mngvlanid 10
[Member-1-cluster] quit

# Configure member switch 2.

[Member-2] cluster enable
[Member-2] cluster
[Member-2-cluster] mngvlanid 10
[Member-2-cluster] quit

# Configure member switch 3.

[Member-3] cluster enable
[Member-3] cluster
[Member-3-cluster] mngvlanid 10
[Member-3-cluster] quit

After the topology collection function is enabled manually on the administrator switch, check
the device information collected through NTDP and you can find the MAC address and types
of related devices.
<Administrator-1> ntdp explore
<Administrator-1> display ntdp device-list
The device-list of NTDP:

0004-0004-0004 2 NE40E
0003-0003-0003 1 NE40E
0002-0002-0002 1 NE40E
0001-0001-0001 0 NE40E

Step 5 Create a cluster.


Following steps can be performed only on the administrator switch.

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# On the administrator switch, set the range of IP addresses that can be assigned to the cluster
to, in which the IP address assigned to the administrator switch is
[Administrator-1] cluster
[Administrator-1-cluster] ip-pool 8

# Create a cluster named HUAWEI on the administrator switch.

[Administrator-1-cluster] build HUAWEI

After the previous configuration, check information about the cluster to which the device
belongs. You can find that the device name is changed, the cluster name is HUAWEI, and the
management VLAN ID is 10.
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] display cluster
Cluster name:"HUAWEI"
Role:Administrator switch

management vlan id : 10
Cluster multicast MAC address : 0180-c200-000a(default)
Cluster auto-join : disabled

Handshake timer:10 sec

Handshake hold-time:60 sec
IP pool:
No logging host configured
No SNMP host configured
No FTP server configured
No SFTP server configured
cluster-member ftp-timeout: 300 sec(default)
Cluster SNMP NAT capability : enabled
Cluster FTP NAT capability : disabled
There are 1 member(s) in the cluster, and 0 of them are down.

On the administrator switch, check information about candidate switches, you can find all the
candidate switches and their types.
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] display cluster candidates
0004-0004-0004 2 NE40E
0003-0003-0003 1 NE40E
0002-0002-0002 1 NE40E

Step 6 Add member switches.


l Following steps can be performed only on the administrator switch.

l Take the mode of automatically adding member switches as an example. To add member switches
manually, see Adding a Member Switch.

# Add all candidate switches to the cluster.

[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] auto-build
Collecting candidate list, please wait...
Candidate list:
Name Hops MAC Address DeviceType
Member-1 1 0002-0002-0002 NE40E
Member-2 1 0003-0003-0003 NE40E
Member-3 2 0004-0004-0004 NE40E
Add all to cluster?(Y/N) y
Info: Cluster auto-build Finish!
3 member(s) added successfully.

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After the previous configuration, check information about the administrator switch and member
switches in the cluster on the administrator switch. You can find that all the member switches
are added to the cluster and in the Up state.
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] display cluster members
The list of cluster member:
SN Device Type MAC Address Status Device Name
0 NE40E 0001-0001-0001 Admin HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1
1 NE40E 0002-0002-0002 Up HUAWEI_1.Member-1
2 NE40E 0003-0003-0003 Up HUAWEI_2.Member-2
3 NE40E 0004-0004-0004 Up HUAWEI_3.Member-3

Step 7 Assign an IP address to VLANIF 10.

# To ensure the normal communication between member switches in the cluster and devices out
of the cluster, assign an IP address to VLANIF 10 on the administrator switch.
# Assign an IP address to VLANIF 10.
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1] interface vlanif 10
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-Vlanif10] ip address 8
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-Vlanif10] quit

After the previous configuration, you can find that the interface on the administrator switch is
in the Up state.
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1] display interface Vlanif 10
Vlanif10 current state : UP
Line protocol current state : UP
Last line protocol up time : 2010-06-28 21:25:52
Description:HUAWEI, HUAWEI Series, Vlanif10 Interface
Route Port,The Maximum Transmit Unit is 1500
Internet Address is
Internet Address is ClusterIP Sending Frames' Format is PKTFMT_ETHNT_
2, Hardware address is 0001-0001-0001
Physical is VLANIF
Current system time: 2010-07-01 14:37:11-08:00
Last 300 seconds input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
Last 300 seconds output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
Last 0 seconds input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
Last 0 seconds output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
Input: 0 packets,0 bytes,
0 unicast,0 broadcast,0 multicasts
Output:0 packets,0 bytes,
0 unicast,0 broadcast,0 multicasts.

Step 8 Configure a static route on the administrator switch.

# This operation is to ensure that a reachable route exists between switches in the cluster and
servers or hosts, you can also use dynamic route.
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1] ip route-static 0

Step 9 Configure routes for the member switches and ensure that reachable routes exist between
member switches and the FTP server.
# Configure member switch 1.
[HUAWEI_1.Member-1] ip route-static 8

# Configure member switch 2.

[HUAWEI_2.Member-2] ip route-static 8

# Configure member switch 3.

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[HUAWEI_3.Member-3] ip route-static 8


Multiple member switches can be configured simultaneously through incremental configuration. For
configuration details, see Example for Configuring the Incremental Configuration Function for an
HGMP Cluster.

Step 10 Verify the configuration.

l Member switches access the FTP server in non-NAT mode.
< HUAWEI_3.Member-3> ftp
Trying ...
Press CTRL+K to abort
Connected to
220 FTP service ready.
331 Password required for hgmp.
Enter password:
230 User logged in.

l Devices out of the cluster access the FTP server in the cluster in non-NAT mode.
# Configure an FTP server on the corresponding member switch (Member-2). The
configuration details see Configuration Files, and are not mentioned here.
# Run the FTP client program on the PC and set up an FTP connection with Member-2 in
non-NAT mode.

Devices out of the cluster access the FTP server in the cluster in non-NAT mode. The IP address of
the FTP server is that of the management VLANIF interface on the member switch. The FTP server
uses a port number reserved in the cluster instead of the commonly-used 21.
ftp> open
Connected to
220 FTP service ready.
User ( hgmp
331 Password required for hgmp.
230 User logged in.


Configuration Files
l Configuration file of Administrator-1.
sysname Administrator-1
vlan batch 10
cluster enable
ntdp enable
ntdp hop 5
ntdp timer 10
ndp enable
interface Vlanif10
ip address
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1
undo shutdown
port default vlan 10
ntdp enable

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ndp enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/2
undo shutdown
port default vlan 10
ntdp enable
ndp enable
mngvlanid 10
build HUAWEI
ip route-static
l Configuration file of Member-1.
sysname Member-1
vlan batch 10
cluster enable
ntdp enable
ntdp hop 5
ntdp timer 10
ndp enable
interface Vlanif10
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1
undo shutdown
port default vlan 10
ntdp enable
ndp enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/2
undo shutdown
port default vlan 10
ntdp enable
ndp enable
mngvlanid 10
administrator-address 0001-0001-0001 name HUAWEI
ip route-static
l Configuration file of Member-2.
sysname Member-2
FTP server enable
vlan batch 10
cluster enable
ntdp enable
ntdp hop 5
ntdp timer 10
ndp enable

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local-user hgmp password simple hgmp
local-user hgmp service-type ftp
local-user hgmp ftp-directory cfcard:
interface Vlanif10
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1
undo shutdown
port default vlan 10
ntdp enable
ndp enable
administrator-address 0001-0001-0001 name HUAWEI
mngvlanid 10
ip route-static

l Configuration file of Member-3.

sysname Member-3
vlan batch 10
cluster enable
ntdp enable
ntdp hop 5
ntdp timer 10
ndp enable
interface Vlanif10
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/2
undo shutdown
port default vlan 10
ntdp enable
ndp enable
administrator-address 0001-0001-0001 name HUAWEI
mngvlanid 10
ip route-static

4.5.4 Example for Configuring Devices in the HGMP Cluster to

Access the Outside SNMP Host (in NAT Mode)
SNMP hosts outside the cluster and member switches in the cluster can set up FTP connections
in NAT mode.

Networking Requirements

NAT feature cannot be configured on the X1 and X2 models of the NE80E/40E.

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As shown in Figure 4-6, all the Layer 2 switches belong to the same cluster. Administrator-1 is
the administrator switch of the cluster and other switches are member switches. The member ID
of Member-2 is 2 and the member ID of Member-3 is 3.
When Member-1, Member-2, and Member-3 are required to send packets to the SNMP host, a
connection can be set up between the SNMP host out of the cluster and member switches in
NAT or non-NAT mode.


In this configuration example where the NAT mode is adopted, Member-3 accesses the outside SNMP host

Figure 4-6 Networking diagram of configuring devices in the HGMP cluster to access the
outside SNMP host (in NAT mode)

FTP Server NM station

SFTP Server
GE1/0/1 Log station

GE1/0/1 GE1/0/2

GE1/0/1 GE1/0/1

Member-1 ......

GE1/0/2 Member-2


Device MAC Address Device MAC Address

Administrator-1 0001-0001-0001 Member-1 0002-0002-0002

Member-2 0003-0003-0003 Member-3 0004-0004-0004

Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:

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1. Create a cluster and configure basic HGMP functions for the cluster according to the steps
described in Example for Configuring Basic HGMP Functions for a Cluster.
2. Enable SNMP NAT on the administrator switch (The function is enabled by default.)

Related configurations of cluster NAT must be performed on the administrator switch.

3. Assign an IP address to the SNMP host.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:
l Management VLAN ID of the cluster, that is 10
l IP address of the SNMP host, that is
l IP address of VLANIF 10 that is and a reachable route between VLANIF 10 and
the SNMP host
l Address pool of the cluster, that is
l IP address of the administrator switch used in the cluster, that is

Step 1 Configure a management VLAN.
# Create VLAN 10 on the device and add interfaces of the administrator switch and member
switches to VLAN 10.
# Configure the administrator switch.
<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] sysname Administrator-1
[Administrator-1] vlan 10
[Administrator-1-vlan10] quit
[Administrator-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] undo shutdown
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] portswitch
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] port default vlan 10
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit
[Administrator-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/2
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] undo shutdown
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] portswitch
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] port default vlan 10
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] quit
[Administrator-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/3
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/3] undo shutdown
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/3] portswitch
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/3] port default vlan 10
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/3] quit
[Administrator-1] interface vlanif 10
[Administrator-1-Vlanif10] quit

# Configure member switch 1.

<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] sysname Member-1
[Member-1] vlan 10
[Member-1-vlan10] quit
[Member-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] undo shutdown
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] portswitch
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] port default vlan 10
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit

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[Member-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/2

[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] undo shutdown
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] portswitch
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] port default vlan 10
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] quit
[Member-1] interface vlanif 10
[Member-1-Vlanif10] quit

# Configure member switch 2.

<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] sysname Member-2
[Member-2] vlan 10
[Member-2-vlan10] quit
[Member-2] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Member-2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] undo shutdown
[Member-2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] portswitch
[Member-2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] port default vlan 10
[Member-2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit
[Member-2] interface vlanif 10
[Member-2-Vlanif10] quit

# Configure member switch 3.

<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] sysname Member-3
[Member-3] vlan 10
[Member-3-vlan10] quit
[Member-3] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Member-3-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] undo shutdown
[Member-3-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] portswitch
[Member-3-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] port default vlan 10
[Member-3-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit
[Member-3] interface vlanif 10
[Member-3-Vlanif10] quit

Step 2 Configure NDP.

# On switches, enable NDP in the system view and on an interface.
# Configure the administrator switch.
[Administrator-1] ndp enable
[Administrator-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ndp enable
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit
[Administrator-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/2
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] ndp enable
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] quit

# Configure member switch 1.

[Member-1] ndp enable
[Member-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ndp enable
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit
[Member-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/2
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] ndp enable
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] quit

# Configure member switch 2.

[Member-2] ndp enable
[Member-2] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Member-2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ndp enable
[Member-2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit

# Configure member switch 3.

[Member-3] ndp enable

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[Member-3] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1

[Member-3-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ndp enable
[Member-3-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit

After the previous configuration, you can find that NDP on the administrator is in the Enable
state, the host name of the neighboring node is Device Name, and the name of the interface
connecting the neighboring node and the local interface is Port Name.
[Administrator-1] display ndp interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1 gigabitethernet 1/0/2
Interface: GigabitEthernet1/0/1
Status: Enabled, Packets Sent: 0, Packets Received: 11, Packets Error: 0
Neighbor 1: Aging Time: 2(s)
MAC Address : 0002-0002-0002
Port Name : GigabitEthernet1/0/1
Software Version: NE40E Version V600R003C00
Device Name : Member-1
Port Duplex : FULL
Product Ver : NE40E
Interface: GigabitEthernet1/0/2
Status: Enabled, Packets Sent: 6, Packets Received: 16, Packets Error: 0
Neighbor 1: Aging Time: 5(s)
MAC Address : 0003-0003-0003
Port Name : GigabitEthernet1/0/1
Software Version: NE40E Version V600R003C00
Device Name : Member-2
Port Duplex : FULL
Product Ver : NE40E

Step 3 Configure NTDP.

# On devices, enable NTDP in the system view and on the interface and configure the interval
and range for NTDP to collect topologies to 10 minutes and 3 hops respectively.


The range of the topologies collected by NTDP is determined by PAF files.

# Configure the administrator switch.

[Administrator-1] ntdp enable
[Administrator-1] ntdp timer 10
[Administrator-1] ntdp hop 3
[Administrator-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ntdp enable
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit
[Administrator-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/2
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] ntdp enable
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] quit

# Configure member switch 1.

[Member-1] ntdp enable
[Member-1] ntdp timer 10
[Member-1] ntdp hop 3
[Member-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ntdp enable
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit
[Member-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/2
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] ntdp enable
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] quit

# Configure member switch 2.

[Member-2] ntdp enable
[Member-2] ntdp timer 10
[Member-2] ntdp hop 3
[Member-2] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Member-2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ntdp enable
[Member-2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit

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# Configure member switch 3.

[Member-3] ntdp enable
[Member-3] ntdp timer 10
[Member-3] ntdp hop 3
[Member-3] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Member-3-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ntdp enable
[Member-3-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit

After the previous configuration, globally check the NTDP configuration on the administrator
switch. You can find that the interval and range for NTDP to collect topologies is 10 minutes
and 3 hops respectively.
[Administrator-1] display ntdp
Network topology discovery protocol is enabled
Hops : 3
Timer : 10 min
Hop Delay : 200 ms
Port Delay: 20 ms
Total time for last collection:0ms

Step 4 Enable the cluster function and set the management VLAN.
# Configure the administrator switch.
[Administrator-1] cluster enable
[Administrator-1] cluster
[Administrator-1-cluster] mngvlanid 10
[Administrator-1-cluster] quit

# Configure member switch 1.

[Member-1] cluster enable
[Member-1] cluster
[Member-1-cluster] mngvlanid 10
[Member-1-cluster] quit

# Configure member switch 2.

[Member-2] cluster enable
[Member-2] cluster
[Member-2-cluster] mngvlanid 10
[Member-2-cluster] quit

# Configure member switch 3.

[Member-3] cluster enable
[Member-3] cluster
[Member-3-cluster] mngvlanid 10
[Member-3-cluster] quit

After the topology collection function is enabled manually on the administrator switch, check
the device information collected through NTDP and you can find the MAC address and types
of related devices.
<Administrator-1> ntdp explore
<Administrator-1> display ntdp device-list
The device-list of NTDP:

0004-0004-0004 2 NE40E
0003-0003-0003 1 NE40E
0002-0002-0002 1 NE40E
0001-0001-0001 0 NE40E

Step 5 Create a cluster.

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Following steps can be performed only on the administrator switch.

# On the administrator switch, set the range of IP addresses that can be assigned to the cluster
to, in which the IP address assigned to the administrator switch is
[Administrator-1] cluster
[Administrator-1-cluster] ip-pool 8

# Create a cluster named HUAWEI on the administrator switch.

[Administrator-1-cluster] build HUAWEI

After the previous configuration, check information about the cluster to which the device
belongs. You can find that the device name is changed, the cluster name is HUAWEI, and the
management VLAN ID is 10.
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] display cluster
Cluster name:"HUAWEI"
Role:Administrator switch

management vlan id : 10
Cluster multicast MAC address : 0180-c200-000a(default)
Cluster auto-join : disabled

Handshake timer:10 sec

Handshake hold-time:60 sec
IP pool:
No logging host configured
No SNMP host configured
No FTP server configured
No SFTP server configured
cluster-member ftp-timeout: 300 sec(default)
Cluster SNMP NAT capability : enabled
Cluster FTP NAT capability : disabled
There are 1 member(s) in the cluster, and 0 of them are down.

On the administrator switch, check information about candidate switches, you can find all the
candidate switches and their types.
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] display cluster candidates
0004-0004-0004 2 NE40E
0003-0003-0003 1 NE40E
0002-0002-0002 1 NE40E

Step 6 Add member switches.


l Following steps can be performed only on the administrator switch.

l Take the mode of automatically adding member switches as an example. To add member switches
manually, see Adding a Member Switch.

# Add all candidate switches to the cluster.

[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] auto-build
Collecting candidate list, please wait...
Candidate list:
Name Hops MAC Address DeviceType
Member-1 1 0002-0002-0002 NE40E
Member-2 1 0003-0003-0003 NE40E
Member-3 2 0004-0004-0004 NE40E
Add all to cluster?(Y/N) y
Info: Cluster auto-build Finish!

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3 member(s) added successfully.

After the previous configuration, check information about the administrator switch and member
switches in the cluster on the administrator switch. You can find that all the member switches
are added to the cluster and in the Up state.
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] display cluster members
The list of cluster member:
SN Device Type MAC Address Status Device Name
0 NE40E 0001-0001-0001 Admin HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1
1 NE40E 0002-0002-0002 Up HUAWEI_1.Member-1
2 NE40E 0003-0003-0003 Up HUAWEI_2.Member-2
3 NE40E 0004-0004-0004 Up HUAWEI_3.Member-3

Step 7 Assign an IP address to VLANIF 10.

# To ensure the normal communication between member switches in the cluster and devices out
of the cluster, assign an IP address to VLANIF 10 on the administrator switch.
# Assign an IP address to VLANIF 10.
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1] interface vlanif 10
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-Vlanif10] ip address 8
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-Vlanif10] quit

After the previous configuration, you can find that the interface on the administrator switch is
in the Up state.
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1] display interface Vlanif 10
Vlanif10 current state : UP
Line protocol current state : UP
Last line protocol up time : 2010-06-28 21:25:52
Description:HUAWEI, HUAWEI Series, Vlanif10 Interface
Route Port,The Maximum Transmit Unit is 1500
Internet Address is
Internet Address is ClusterIP Sending Frames' Format is PKTFMT_ETHNT_
2, Hardware address is 0001-0001-0001
Physical is VLANIF
Current system time: 2010-07-01 14:37:11-08:00
Last 300 seconds input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
Last 300 seconds output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
Last 0 seconds input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
Last 0 seconds output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
Input: 0 packets,0 bytes,
0 unicast,0 broadcast,0 multicasts
Output:0 packets,0 bytes,
0 unicast,0 broadcast,0 multicasts.

Step 8 Configure a static route on the administrator switch.

# This operation is to ensure that a reachable route exists between switches in the cluster and
servers or hosts, you can also use dynamic route.
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1] ip route-static 0

Step 9 Configure public servers and hosts of the cluster.

# Configure an FTP server.
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1] cluster
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] cluster-ftp-nat enable
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] ftp-server

# Configure a SFTP server.

[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] sftp-server

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# Configure a Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) host.

[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] snmp-host

# Configure a log host.

[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] logging-host

After the previous configuration, check information about the cluster to which the administrator
switch belongs. You can find that the public log host, SNMP host, FTP server, and SFTP server
are configured successfully.
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] display cluster
Cluster name:"HUAWEI"
Role:Administrator switch

management vlan id : 10
Cluster multicast MAC address : 0180-c200-000a(default)
Cluster auto-join : disabled

Handshake timer:10 sec

Handshake hold-time:60 sec
IP pool:
Logging host:
SNMP host:
FTP server:
SFTP server:
cluster-member ftp-timeout: 300 sec(default)
Cluster SNMP NAT capability : enabled
Cluster FTP NAT capability : disabled
There are 4 member(s) in the cluster, and 0 of them are down.

Step 10 Verify the configuration.

l After the previous configuration, run the display current-configuration filter snmp
command, you can view that the SNMP agent is enabled, the UDP domain of the
administrator switch is, the address of the SNMP host, and the UDP domain of
member switches is, the address of the administrator switch. Take the displayed
information about the administrator switch and Member-3 as examples.
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1] display current-configuration filter snmp
snmp-agent target-host trap address udp-domain params securityname clus
[HUAWEI_3.Member-3] display current-configuration filter snmp
snmp-agent target-host trap address udp-domain params securityname clu


Configuration Files
l Configuration file of Administrator-1.
sysname Administrator-1
vlan batch 10
cluster enable
ntdp enable
ntdp hop 5
ntdp timer 10
ndp enable
interface Vlanif10
ip address
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1

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undo shutdown
port default vlan 10
ntdp enable
ndp enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/2
undo shutdown
port default vlan 10
ntdp enable
ndp enable
mngvlanid 10
build HUAWEI
cluster-ftp-nat enable
ip route-static
l Configuration file of Member-1.
sysname Member-1
vlan batch 10
cluster enable
ntdp enable
ntdp hop 5
ntdp timer 10
ndp enable
interface Vlanif10
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1
undo shutdown
port default vlan 10
ntdp enable
ndp enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/2
undo shutdown
port default vlan 10
ntdp enable
ndp enable
mngvlanid 10
administrator-address 0001-0001-0001 name HUAWEI
l Configuration file of Member-2.
sysname Member-2
FTP server enable
vlan batch 10
cluster enable

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ntdp enable
ntdp hop 5
ntdp timer 10
ndp enable
local-user hgmp password simple hgmp
local-user hgmp service-type ftp
local-user hgmp ftp-directory cfcard:
interface Vlanif10
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1
undo shutdown
port default vlan 10
ntdp enable
ndp enable
mngvlanid 10
administrator-address 0001-0001-0001 name HUAWEI

l Configuration file of Member-3.

sysname Member-3
vlan batch 10
cluster enable
ntdp enable
ntdp hop 5
ntdp timer 10
ndp enable
interface Vlanif10
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/2
undo shutdown
port default vlan 10
ntdp enable
ndp enable
mngvlanid 10
administrator-address 0001-0001-0001 name HUAWEI

4.5.5 Example for Configuring Devices in the HGMP Cluster to

Access the Outside SNMP Host (in non-NAT Mode)
SNMP hosts outside the cluster and member switches in the cluster can set up FTP connections
in non-NAT mode.

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 4-7, all the Layer 2 switches belong to the same cluster. Administrator-1 is
the administrator switch of the cluster and other switches are member switches. The member ID
of Member-2 is 2 and the member ID of Member-3 is 3.

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When Member-1, Member-2, and Member-3 are required to send packets to the SNMP host out
of the cluster, a connection can be set up between the SNMP host and member switches in NAT
or non-NAT mode.


In this configuration example where the non-NAT mode is adopted, Member-3 accesses the SNMP host

Figure 4-7 Networking diagram of configuring devices in the HGMP cluster to access the
outside SNMP host (in non-NAT mode)

FTP Server NM station

SFTP Server
GE1/0/1 Log station

GE1/0/1 GE1/0/2

GE1/0/1 GE1/0/1

Member-1 ......

GE1/0/2 Member-2


Device MAC Address Device MAC Address

Administrator-1 0001-0001-0001 Member-1 0002-0002-0002

Member-2 0003-0003-0003 Member-3 0004-0004-0004

Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:

1. Create a cluster and configure basic HGMP functions for the cluster according to the steps
described in Example for Configuring Basic HGMP Functions for a Cluster.

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2. Disable SNMP NAT on the administrator switch (The function is enabled by default.)

Related configurations of cluster NAT must be performed on the administrator switch.

3. Configure routes on the administrator switch and member switches respectively to ensure
that reachable routes exist between SNMP host and member switches.
4. Assign an IP address to the SNMP host.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:
l Management VLAN ID of the cluster, that is 10
l IP address of the SNMP host, that is
l IP address of VLANIF 10 that is and a reachable route between VLANIF 10 and
the SNMP host
l Address pool of the cluster, that is
l IP address of the administrator switch used in the cluster, that is

Step 1 Configure a management VLAN.
# Create VLAN 10 on the device and add interfaces of the administrator switch and member
switches to VLAN 10.
# Configure the administrator switch.
<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] sysname Administrator-1
[Administrator-1] vlan 10
[Administrator-1-vlan10] quit
[Administrator-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] undo shutdown
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] portswitch
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] port default vlan 10
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit
[Administrator-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/2
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] undo shutdown
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] portswitch
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] port default vlan 10
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] quit
[Administrator-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/3
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/3] undo shutdown
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/3] portswitch
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/3] port default vlan 10
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/3] quit
[Administrator-1] interface vlanif 10
[Administrator-1-Vlanif10] quit

# Configure member switch 1.

<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] sysname Member-1
[Member-1] vlan 10
[Member-1-vlan10] quit
[Member-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] undo shutdown
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] portswitch
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] port default vlan 10
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit

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[Member-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/2

[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] undo shutdown
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] portswitch
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] port default vlan 10
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] quit
[Member-1] interface vlanif 10
[Member-1-Vlanif10] quit

# Configure member switch 2.

<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] sysname Member-2
[Member-2] vlan 10
[Member-2-vlan10] quit
[Member-2] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Member-2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] undo shutdown
[Member-2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] portswitch
[Member-2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] port default vlan 10
[Member-2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit
[Member-2] interface vlanif 10
[Member-2-Vlanif10] quit

# Configure member switch 3.

<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] sysname Member-3
[Member-3] vlan 10
[Member-3-vlan10] quit
[Member-3] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Member-3-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] undo shutdown
[Member-3-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] portswitch
[Member-3-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] port default vlan 10
[Member-3-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit
[Member-3] interface vlanif 10
[Member-3-Vlanif10] quit

Step 2 Configure NDP.

# On switches, enable NDP in the system view and on an interface.
# Configure the administrator switch.
[Administrator-1] ndp enable
[Administrator-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ndp enable
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit
[Administrator-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/2
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] ndp enable
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] quit

# Configure member switch 1.

[Member-1] ndp enable
[Member-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ndp enable
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit
[Member-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/2
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] ndp enable
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] quit

# Configure member switch 2.

[Member-2] ndp enable
[Member-2] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Member-2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ndp enable
[Member-2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit

# Configure member switch 3.

[Member-3] ndp enable

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[Member-3] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1

[Member-3-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ndp enable
[Member-3-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit

After the previous configuration, you can find that NDP on the administrator is in the Enable
state, the host name of the neighboring node is Device Name, and the name of the interface
connecting the neighboring node and the local interface is Port Name.
[Administrator-1] display ndp interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1 gigabitethernet 1/0/2
Interface: GigabitEthernet1/0/1
Status: Enabled, Packets Sent: 0, Packets Received: 11, Packets Error: 0
Neighbor 1: Aging Time: 2(s)
MAC Address : 0002-0002-0002
Port Name : GigabitEthernet1/0/1
Software Version: NE40E Version V600R003C00
Device Name : Member-1
Port Duplex : FULL
Product Ver : NE40E
Interface: GigabitEthernet1/0/2
Status: Enabled, Packets Sent: 6, Packets Received: 16, Packets Error: 0
Neighbor 1: Aging Time: 5(s)
MAC Address : 0003-0003-0003
Port Name : GigabitEthernet1/0/1
Software Version: NE40E Version V600R003C00
Device Name : Member-2
Port Duplex : FULL
Product Ver : NE40E

Step 3 Configure NTDP.

# On devices, enable NTDP in the system view and on the interface and configure the interval
and range for NTDP to collect topologies to 10 minutes and 3 hops respectively.


The range of the topologies collected by NTDP is determined by PAF files.

# Configure the administrator switch.

[Administrator-1] ntdp enable
[Administrator-1] ntdp timer 10
[Administrator-1] ntdp hop 3
[Administrator-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ntdp enable
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit
[Administrator-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/2
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] ntdp enable
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] quit

# Configure member switch 1.

[Member-1] ntdp enable
[Member-1] ntdp timer 10
[Member-1] ntdp hop 3
[Member-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ntdp enable
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit
[Member-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/2
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] ntdp enable
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] quit

# Configure member switch 2.

[Member-2] ntdp enable
[Member-2] ntdp timer 10
[Member-2] ntdp hop 3
[Member-2] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Member-2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ntdp enable
[Member-2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit

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# Configure member switch 3.

[Member-3] ntdp enable
[Member-3] ntdp timer 10
[Member-3] ntdp hop 3
[Member-3] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Member-3-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ntdp enable
[Member-3-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit

After the previous configuration, globally check the NTDP configuration on the administrator
switch. You can find that the interval and range for NTDP to collect topologies is 10 minutes
and 3 hops respectively.
[Administrator-1] display ntdp
Network topology discovery protocol is enabled
Hops : 3
Timer : 10 min
Hop Delay : 200 ms
Port Delay: 20 ms
Total time for last collection:0ms

Step 4 Enable the cluster function and set the management VLAN.
# Configure the administrator switch.
[Administrator-1] cluster enable
[Administrator-1] cluster
[Administrator-1-cluster] mngvlanid 10
[Administrator-1-cluster] quit

# Configure member switch 1.

[Member-1] cluster enable
[Member-1] cluster
[Member-1-cluster] mngvlanid 10
[Member-1-cluster] quit

# Configure member switch 2.

[Member-2] cluster enable
[Member-2] cluster
[Member-2-cluster] mngvlanid 10
[Member-2-cluster] quit

# Configure member switch 3.

[Member-3] cluster enable
[Member-3] cluster
[Member-3-cluster] mngvlanid 10
[Member-3-cluster] quit

After the topology collection function is enabled manually on the administrator switch, check
the device information collected through NTDP and you can find the MAC address and types
of related devices.
<Administrator-1> ntdp explore
<Administrator-1> display ntdp device-list
The device-list of NTDP:

0004-0004-0004 2 NE40E
0003-0003-0003 1 NE40E
0002-0002-0002 1 NE40E
0001-0001-0001 0 NE40E

Step 5 Create a cluster.

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Following steps can be performed only on the administrator switch.

# On the administrator switch, set the range of IP addresses that can be assigned to the cluster
to, in which the IP address assigned to the administrator switch is
[Administrator-1] cluster
[Administrator-1-cluster] ip-pool 8

# Create a cluster named HUAWEI on the administrator switch.

[Administrator-1-cluster] build HUAWEI

After the previous configuration, check information about the cluster to which the device
belongs. You can find that the device name is changed, the cluster name is HUAWEI, and the
management VLAN ID is 10.
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] display cluster
Cluster name:"HUAWEI"
Role:Administrator switch

management vlan id : 10
Cluster multicast MAC address : 0180-c200-000a(default)
Cluster auto-join : disabled

Handshake timer:10 sec

Handshake hold-time:60 sec
IP pool:
No logging host configured
No SNMP host configured
No FTP server configured
No SFTP server configured
cluster-member ftp-timeout: 300 sec(default)
Cluster SNMP NAT capability : enabled
Cluster FTP NAT capability : disabled
There are 1 member(s) in the cluster, and 0 of them are down.

On the administrator switch, check information about candidate switches, you can find all the
candidate switches and their types.
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] display cluster candidates
0004-0004-0004 2 NE40E
0003-0003-0003 1 NE40E
0002-0002-0002 1 NE40E

Step 6 Add member switches.


l Following steps can be performed only on the administrator switch.

l Take the mode of automatically adding member switches as an example. To add member switches
manually, see Adding a Member Switch.

# Add all candidate switches to the cluster.

[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] auto-build
Collecting candidate list, please wait...
Candidate list:
Name Hops MAC Address DeviceType
Member-1 1 0002-0002-0002 NE40E
Member-2 1 0003-0003-0003 NE40E
Member-3 2 0004-0004-0004 NE40E
Add all to cluster?(Y/N) y
Info: Cluster auto-build Finish!

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3 member(s) added successfully.

After the previous configuration, check information about the administrator switch and member
switches in the cluster on the administrator switch. You can find that all the member switches
are added to the cluster and in the Up state.
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] display cluster members
The list of cluster member:
SN Device Type MAC Address Status Device Name
0 NE40E 0001-0001-0001 Admin HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1
1 NE40E 0002-0002-0002 Up HUAWEI_1.Member-1
2 NE40E 0003-0003-0003 Up HUAWEI_2.Member-2
3 NE40E 0004-0004-0004 Up HUAWEI_3.Member-3

Step 7 Assign an IP address to VLANIF 10.

# To ensure the normal communication between member switches in the cluster and devices out
of the cluster, assign an IP address to VLANIF 10 on the administrator switch.
# Assign an IP address to VLANIF 10.
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1] interface vlanif 10
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-Vlanif10] ip address 8
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-Vlanif10] quit

After the previous configuration, you can find that the interface on the administrator switch is
in the Up state.
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1] display interface Vlanif 10
Vlanif10 current state : UP
Line protocol current state : UP
Last line protocol up time : 2010-06-28 21:25:52
Description:HUAWEI, HUAWEI Series, Vlanif10 Interface
Route Port,The Maximum Transmit Unit is 1500
Internet Address is
Internet Address is ClusterIP Sending Frames' Format is PKTFMT_ETHNT_
2, Hardware address is 0001-0001-0001
Physical is VLANIF
Current system time: 2010-07-01 14:37:11-08:00
Last 300 seconds input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
Last 300 seconds output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
Last 0 seconds input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
Last 0 seconds output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
Input: 0 packets,0 bytes,
0 unicast,0 broadcast,0 multicasts
Output:0 packets,0 bytes,
0 unicast,0 broadcast,0 multicasts.

Step 8 Configure a static route on the administrator switch.

# This operation is to ensure that a reachable route exists between switches in the cluster and
servers or hosts, you can also use dynamic route.
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1] ip route-static 0

Step 9 Configure public servers and hosts of the cluster.

# Configure an FTP server.
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1] cluster
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] cluster-ftp-nat enable
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] ftp-server

# Configure a SFTP server.

[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] sftp-server

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# Configure a Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) host.

[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] snmp-host

# Configure a log host.

[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] logging-host

After the previous configuration, check information about the cluster to which the administrator
switch belongs. You can find that the public log host, SNMP host, FTP server, and SFTP server
are configured successfully.
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] display cluster
Cluster name:"HUAWEI"
Role:Administrator switch

management vlan id : 10
Cluster multicast MAC address : 0180-c200-000a(default)
Cluster auto-join : disabled

Handshake timer:10 sec

Handshake hold-time:60 sec
IP pool:
Logging host:
SNMP host:
FTP server:
SFTP server:
cluster-member ftp-timeout: 300 sec(default)
Cluster SNMP NAT capability : enabled
Cluster FTP NAT capability : disabled
There are 4 member(s) in the cluster, and 0 of them are down.

Step 10 Disable SNMP NAT on the administrator switch.

[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1] cluster
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] undo cluster-snmp-nat enable

Step 11 Configure the routes of member switches to ensure that reachable routes exist between member
switches and the SNMP host.
# Configure member switch 1.
[HUAWEI_1.Member-1] ip route-static 8

# Configure member switch 2.

[HUAWEI_2.Member-2] ip route-static 8

# Configure member switch 3.

[HUAWEI_3.Member-3] ip route-static 8


Multiple member switches can be configured simultaneously through incremental configuration. For
configuration details, see Example for Configuring the Incremental Configuration Function for an
HGMP Cluster.

Step 12 Configure the SNMP agent function on member switches.

# Configure member switch 1.
[HUAWEI_1.Member-1] snmp-agent target-host trap address udp-domain params
securityname cluster

# Configure member switch 2.

[HUAWEI_2.Member-2] snmp-agent target-host trap address udp-domain params
securityname cluster

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# Configure member switch 3.

[HUAWEI_3.Member-3] snmp-agent target-host trap address udp-domain params
securityname cluster


Multiple member switches can be configured simultaneously through incremental configuration. For
configuration details, see Example for Configuring the Incremental Configuration Function for an
HGMP Cluster.

Step 13 Verify the configuration.

After the previous configuration, run the display current-configuration filter snmp command,
you can find that the SNMP agent is enabled and the UDP domain of the administrator switch
is, the address of the SNMP host. Take the displayed information about the administrator
switch and Member-3 as examples.
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1] display current-configuration filter snmp
snmp-agent target-host trap address udp-domain params securityname cluster
[HUAWEI_3.Member-3] display current-configuration filter snmp
snmp-agent target-host trap address udp-domain params securityname cluster


Configuration Files
l Configuration file of Administrator-1.
sysname Administrator-1
vlan batch 10
cluster enable
ntdp enable
ntdp hop 5
ntdp timer 10
ndp enable
interface Vlanif10
ip address
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1
undo shutdown
port default vlan 10
ntdp enable
ndp enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/2
undo shutdown
port default vlan 10
ntdp enable
ndp enable
mngvlanid 10
build HUAWEI
undo cluster-snmp-nat enable
ip route-static

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l Configuration file of Member-1.
sysname Member-1
vlan batch 10
cluster enable
ntdp enable
ntdp hop 5
ntdp timer 10
ndp enable
interface Vlanif10
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1
undo shutdown
port default vlan 10
ntdp enable
ndp enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/2
undo shutdown
port default vlan 10
ntdp enable
ndp enable
mngvlanid 10
administrator-address 0001-0001-0001 name HUAWEI
ip route-static
snmp-agent target-host trap address udp-domain params securityname
l Configuration file of Member-2.
sysname Member-2
FTP server enable
vlan batch 10
cluster enable
ntdp enable
ntdp hop 5
ntdp timer 10
ndp enable
local-user hgmp password simple hgmp
local-user hgmp service-type ftp
local-user hgmp ftp-directory cfcard:
interface Vlanif10
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1
undo shutdown
port default vlan 10
ntdp enable
ndp enable

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mngvlanid 10
administrator-address 0001-0001-0001 name HUAWEI
ip route-static
snmp-agent target-host trap address udp-domain params securityname

l Configuration file of Member-3.

sysname Member-3
vlan batch 10
cluster enable
ntdp enable
ntdp hop 5
ntdp timer 10
ndp enable
interface Vlanif10
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/2
undo shutdown
port default vlan 10
ntdp enable
ndp enable
mngvlanid 10
administrator-address 0001-0001-0001 name HUAWEI
ip route-static
snmp-agent target-host trap address udp-domain params securityname

4.5.6 Example for Configuring the Batch Distribution Function for

an HGMP Cluster
This part describes how to control member switches to download configuration files in batches
from the FTP server.

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 4-8, all the Layer 2 switches belong to the same cluster. Administrator-1 is
the administrator switch of the cluster and other switches are member switches. The member ID
of Member-2 is 2 and the member ID of Member-3 is 3.
Member-2 and Member-3 are required to download configuration files in batches from the FTP

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Figure 4-8 Networking diagram of configuring the batch distribution function for an HGMP

FTP Server NM station

SFTP Server
GE1/0/1 Log station

GE1/0/1 GE1/0/2

GE1/0/1 GE1/0/1

Member-1 ......

GE1/0/2 Member-2


Device MAC Address Device MAC Address

Administrator-1 0001-0001-0001 Member-1 0002-0002-0002

Member-2 0003-0003-0003 Member-3 0004-0004-0004

Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:
1. Create a cluster according to the steps described in 4.5.1 Example for Configuring Basic
HGMP Functions for a Cluster.
2. 4.5.1 Example for Configuring Basic HGMP Functions for a Cluster

l Configure the interconnection of FTP servers and devices in and out of the HGMP cluster in
NAT or non-NAT mode. The following takes the configuration in NAT mode as an example.
l If the system software, patch files, PAF files, license files, or configuration files, batch
distribution can be distributed in batches without accessing the FTP server out of the cluster, you
can skip this step.
3. Configure batch distribution on the administrator switch.

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Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:
l Management VLAN ID of the cluster, that is 10
l IP address of VLANIF 10 that is and a reachable route between VLANIF 10 and
the FTP server
l Address pool of the cluster, that is
l IP address of the administrator switch used in the cluster, that is
l Member ID of Member-2 being 2 and member ID of Member-3 being 3

Step 1 Configure a management VLAN.
# Create VLAN 10 on the device and add interfaces of the administrator switch and member
switches to VLAN 10.
# Configure the administrator switch.
<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] sysname Administrator-1
[Administrator-1] vlan 10
[Administrator-1-vlan10] quit
[Administrator-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] undo shutdown
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] portswitch
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] port default vlan 10
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit
[Administrator-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/2
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] undo shutdown
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] portswitch
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] port default vlan 10
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] quit
[Administrator-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/3
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/3] undo shutdown
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/3] portswitch
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/3] port default vlan 10
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/3] quit
[Administrator-1] interface vlanif 10
[Administrator-1-Vlanif10] quit

# Configure member switch 1.

<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] sysname Member-1
[Member-1] vlan 10
[Member-1-vlan10] quit
[Member-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] undo shutdown
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] portswitch
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] port default vlan 10
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit
[Member-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/2
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] undo shutdown
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] portswitch
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] port default vlan 10
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] quit
[Member-1] interface vlanif 10
[Member-1-Vlanif10] quit

# Configure member switch 2.

<HUAWEI> system-view

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[HUAWEI] sysname Member-2

[Member-2] vlan 10
[Member-2-vlan10] quit
[Member-2] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Member-2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] undo shutdown
[Member-2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] portswitch
[Member-2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] port default vlan 10
[Member-2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit
[Member-2] interface vlanif 10
[Member-2-Vlanif10] quit

# Configure member switch 3.

<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] sysname Member-3
[Member-3] vlan 10
[Member-3-vlan10] quit
[Member-3] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Member-3-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] undo shutdown
[Member-3-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] portswitch
[Member-3-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] port default vlan 10
[Member-3-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit
[Member-3] interface vlanif 10
[Member-3-Vlanif10] quit

Step 2 Configure NDP.

# On switches, enable NDP in the system view and on an interface.
# Configure the administrator switch.
[Administrator-1] ndp enable
[Administrator-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ndp enable
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit
[Administrator-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/2
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] ndp enable
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] quit

# Configure member switch 1.

[Member-1] ndp enable
[Member-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ndp enable
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit
[Member-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/2
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] ndp enable
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] quit

# Configure member switch 2.

[Member-2] ndp enable
[Member-2] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Member-2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ndp enable
[Member-2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit

# Configure member switch 3.

[Member-3] ndp enable
[Member-3] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Member-3-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ndp enable
[Member-3-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit

After the previous configuration, you can find that NDP on the administrator is in the Enable
state, the host name of the neighboring node is Device Name, and the name of the interface
connecting the neighboring node and the local interface is Port Name.
[Administrator-1] display ndp interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1 gigabitethernet 1/0/2
Interface: GigabitEthernet1/0/1

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Status: Enabled, Packets Sent: 0, Packets Received: 11, Packets Error: 0

Neighbor 1: Aging Time: 2(s)
MAC Address : 0002-0002-0002
Port Name : GigabitEthernet1/0/1
Software Version: NE40E Version V600R003C00
Device Name : Member-1
Port Duplex : FULL
Product Ver : NE40E
Interface: GigabitEthernet1/0/2
Status: Enabled, Packets Sent: 6, Packets Received: 16, Packets Error: 0
Neighbor 1: Aging Time: 5(s)
MAC Address : 0003-0003-0003
Port Name : GigabitEthernet1/0/1
Software Version: NE40E Version V600R003C00
Device Name : Member-2
Port Duplex : FULL
Product Ver : NE40E

Step 3 Configure NTDP.

# On devices, enable NTDP in the system view and on the interface and configure the interval
and range for NTDP to collect topologies to 10 minutes and 3 hops respectively.


The range of the topologies collected by NTDP is determined by PAF files.

# Configure the administrator switch.

[Administrator-1] ntdp enable
[Administrator-1] ntdp timer 10
[Administrator-1] ntdp hop 3
[Administrator-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ntdp enable
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit
[Administrator-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/2
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] ntdp enable
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] quit

# Configure member switch 1.

[Member-1] ntdp enable
[Member-1] ntdp timer 10
[Member-1] ntdp hop 3
[Member-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ntdp enable
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit
[Member-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/2
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] ntdp enable
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] quit

# Configure member switch 2.

[Member-2] ntdp enable
[Member-2] ntdp timer 10
[Member-2] ntdp hop 3
[Member-2] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Member-2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ntdp enable
[Member-2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit

# Configure member switch 3.

[Member-3] ntdp enable
[Member-3] ntdp timer 10
[Member-3] ntdp hop 3
[Member-3] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Member-3-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ntdp enable
[Member-3-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit

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After the previous configuration, globally check the NTDP configuration on the administrator
switch. You can find that the interval and range for NTDP to collect topologies is 10 minutes
and 3 hops respectively.
[Administrator-1] display ntdp
Network topology discovery protocol is enabled
Hops : 3
Timer : 10 min
Hop Delay : 200 ms
Port Delay: 20 ms
Total time for last collection:0ms

Step 4 Enable the cluster function and set the management VLAN.
# Configure the administrator switch.
[Administrator-1] cluster enable
[Administrator-1] cluster
[Administrator-1-cluster] mngvlanid 10
[Administrator-1-cluster] quit

# Configure member switch 1.

[Member-1] cluster enable
[Member-1] cluster
[Member-1-cluster] mngvlanid 10
[Member-1-cluster] quit

# Configure member switch 2.

[Member-2] cluster enable
[Member-2] cluster
[Member-2-cluster] mngvlanid 10
[Member-2-cluster] quit

# Configure member switch 3.

[Member-3] cluster enable
[Member-3] cluster
[Member-3-cluster] mngvlanid 10
[Member-3-cluster] quit

After the topology collection function is enabled manually on the administrator switch, check
the device information collected through NTDP and you can find the MAC address and types
of related devices.
<Administrator-1> ntdp explore
<Administrator-1> display ntdp device-list
The device-list of NTDP:

0004-0004-0004 2 NE40E
0003-0003-0003 1 NE40E
0002-0002-0002 1 NE40E
0001-0001-0001 0 NE40E

Step 5 Create a cluster.


Following steps can be performed only on the administrator switch.

# On the administrator switch, set the range of IP addresses that can be assigned to the cluster
to, in which the IP address assigned to the administrator switch is
[Administrator-1] cluster
[Administrator-1-cluster] ip-pool 8

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# Create a cluster named HUAWEI on the administrator switch.

[Administrator-1-cluster] build HUAWEI

After the previous configuration, check information about the cluster to which the device
belongs. You can find that the device name is changed, the cluster name is HUAWEI, and the
management VLAN ID is 10.
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] display cluster
Cluster name:"HUAWEI"
Role:Administrator switch

management vlan id : 10
Cluster multicast MAC address : 0180-c200-000a(default)
Cluster auto-join : disabled

Handshake timer:10 sec

Handshake hold-time:60 sec
IP pool:
No logging host configured
No SNMP host configured
No FTP server configured
No SFTP server configured
cluster-member ftp-timeout: 300 sec(default)
Cluster SNMP NAT capability : enabled
Cluster FTP NAT capability : disabled
There are 1 member(s) in the cluster, and 0 of them are down.

On the administrator switch, check information about candidate switches, you can find all the
candidate switches and their types.
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] display cluster candidates
0004-0004-0004 2 NE40E
0003-0003-0003 1 NE40E
0002-0002-0002 1 NE40E

Step 6 Add member switches.


l Following steps can be performed only on the administrator switch.

l Take the mode of automatically adding member switches as an example. To add member switches
manually, see Adding a Member Switch.

# Add all candidate switches to the cluster.

[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] auto-build
Collecting candidate list, please wait...
Candidate list:
Name Hops MAC Address DeviceType
Member-1 1 0002-0002-0002 NE40E
Member-2 1 0003-0003-0003 NE40E
Member-3 2 0004-0004-0004 NE40E
Add all to cluster?(Y/N) y
Info: Cluster auto-build Finish!
3 member(s) added successfully.

After the previous configuration, check information about the administrator switch and member
switches in the cluster on the administrator switch. You can find that all the member switches
are added to the cluster and in the Up state.
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] display cluster members
The list of cluster member:
SN Device Type MAC Address Status Device Name

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0 NE40E 0001-0001-0001 Admin HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1
1 NE40E 0002-0002-0002 Up HUAWEI_1.Member-1
2 NE40E 0003-0003-0003 Up HUAWEI_2.Member-2
3 NE40E 0004-0004-0004 Up HUAWEI_3.Member-3

Step 7 Assign an IP address to VLANIF 10.

# To ensure the normal communication between member switches in the cluster and devices out
of the cluster, assign an IP address to VLANIF 10 on the administrator switch.

# Assign an IP address to VLANIF 10.

[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1] interface vlanif 10
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-Vlanif10] ip address 8
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-Vlanif10] quit

After the previous configuration, you can find that the interface on the administrator switch is
in the Up state.
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1] display interface Vlanif 10
Vlanif10 current state : UP
Line protocol current state : UP
Last line protocol up time : 2010-06-28 21:25:52
Description:HUAWEI, HUAWEI Series, Vlanif10 Interface
Route Port,The Maximum Transmit Unit is 1500
Internet Address is
Internet Address is ClusterIP Sending Frames' Format is PKTFMT_ETHNT_
2, Hardware address is 0001-0001-0001
Physical is VLANIF
Current system time: 2010-07-01 14:37:11-08:00
Last 300 seconds input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
Last 300 seconds output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
Last 0 seconds input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
Last 0 seconds output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
Input: 0 packets,0 bytes,
0 unicast,0 broadcast,0 multicasts
Output:0 packets,0 bytes,
0 unicast,0 broadcast,0 multicasts.

Step 8 Configure a static route on the administrator switch.

# This operation is to ensure that a reachable route exists between switches in the cluster and
servers or hosts, you can also use dynamic route.
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1] ip route-static 0

Step 9 Configure public servers and hosts of the cluster.

# Configure an FTP server.

[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1] cluster
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] cluster-ftp-nat enable
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] ftp-server

# Configure a SFTP server.

[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] sftp-server

# Configure a Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) host.

[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] snmp-host

# Configure a log host.

[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] logging-host

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After the previous configuration, check information about the cluster to which the administrator
switch belongs. You can find that the public log host, SNMP host, FTP server, and SFTP server
are configured successfully.
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] display cluster
Cluster name:"HUAWEI"
Role:Administrator switch

management vlan id : 10
Cluster multicast MAC address : 0180-c200-000a(default)
Cluster auto-join : disabled

Handshake timer:10 sec

Handshake hold-time:60 sec
IP pool:
Logging host:
SNMP host:
FTP server:
SFTP server:
cluster-member ftp-timeout: 300 sec(default)
Cluster SNMP NAT capability : enabled
Cluster FTP NAT capability : disabled
There are 4 member(s) in the cluster, and 0 of them are down.

Step 10 Enable the FTP NAT function on the administrator switch.

[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1] cluster
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] cluster-ftp-nat enable

Step 11 Distribute configuration files in batches.

# Run the batch distribution command on the administrator switch. Member switches download
configuration files from the FTP server ( in NAT mode and automatically set them as
the default configuration files for the next startup.
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1] cluster
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] cluster-plug-play ip username user1
password 123
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] cluster-member group-by member-number 2 to 3
get configuration-file

Step 12 Verify the configuration.

# Run the display member-getfile-state command on the administrator switch to check whether
member switches successfully obtain the configuration files, system software, and patch files,
and you can view that succeed is displayed.
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1] display member-getfile-state
The status of member switchs getting file:
SN Device MacAddress IPAddress Result
2 NE40E 0003-0003-0003 Succeed
3 NE40E 0004-0004-0004 Succeed

# Run the dir command on member switches and you can find that member switches successfully
download the specified configuration files. Take Member-2 as an example.
<HUAWEi_2.Member-2> dir *.zip
Directory of cfcard:/
Idx Attr Size(Byte) Date Time FileName
0 -rw- 1,491 Sep 03 2008 17:43:52
1 -rw- 752 Aug 05 2008 15:04:36
506,880 KB total (35,920 KB free)
<HUAWEi_2.Member-2> cd slave#cfcard:
<HUAWEi_2.Member-2> dir *.zip
Directory of slave#cfcard:/

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Idx Attr Size(Byte) Date Time FileName

0 -rw- 1,491 Sep 03 2008 17:43:54
1 -rw- 752 Aug 05 2008 15:07:50
503,544 KB total (34,776 KB free)

# Run the display startup command on member switches and you can find that names of the
configuration files for the next startup of the member switch is changed. Take Member-2 as an
<HUAWEi_2.Member-2> display startup
Configured startup system software: cfcard:/
Startup system software: cfcard:/
Next startup system software: cfcard:/
Startup saved-configuration file: cfcard:/
Next startup saved-configuration file: cfcard:/
Startup paf file: cfcard:/paf.txt
Next startup paf file: cfcard:/paf.txt
Startup license file: cfcard:/license.txt
Next startup license file: cfcard:/license.txt
Startup patch package: NULL
Next startup patch package: NULL
Configured startup system software: cfcard:/
Startup system software: cfcard:/
Next startup system software: cfcard:/
Startup saved-configuration file: cfcard:/
Next startup saved-configuration file: cfcard:/
Startup paf file: cfcard:/paf.txt
Next startup paf file: cfcard:/paf.txt
Startup license file: cfcard:/license.txt
Next startup license file: cfcard:/license.txt
Startup patch package: NULL
Next startup patch package: NULL


Configuration Files
l Configuration file of Administrator-1.
sysname Administrator-1
vlan batch 10
cluster enable
ntdp enable
ntdp hop 5
ntdp timer 10
ndp enable
interface Vlanif10
ip address
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1
undo shutdown
port default vlan 10
ntdp enable
ndp enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/2
undo shutdown
port default vlan 10
ntdp enable
ndp enable

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mngvlanid 10
build HUAWEI
cluster-ftp-nat enable
ip route-static
l Configuration file of Member-1.
sysname Member-1
vlan batch 10
cluster enable
ntdp enable
ntdp hop 5
ntdp timer 10
ndp enable
interface Vlanif10
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1
undo shutdown
port default vlan 10
ntdp enable
ndp enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/2
undo shutdown
port default vlan 10
ntdp enable
ndp enable
mngvlanid 10
administrator-address 0001-0001-0001 name HUAWEI
l Configuration file of Member-2.
sysname Member-2
FTP server enable
vlan batch 10
cluster enable
ntdp enable
ntdp hop 5
ntdp timer 10
ndp enable
interface Vlanif10
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1
undo shutdown
port default vlan 10
ntdp enable
ndp enable

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mngvlanid 10
administrator-address 0001-0001-0001 name HUAWEI

l Configuration file of Member-3.

sysname Member-3
vlan batch 10
cluster enable
ntdp enable
ntdp hop 5
ntdp timer 10
ndp enable
interface Vlanif10
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/2
undo shutdown
port default vlan 10
ntdp enable
ndp enable
mngvlanid 10
administrator-address 0001-0001-0001 name HUAWEI

4.5.7 Example for Configuring the Batch Restart Function for an

HGMP Cluster
This part describes how to restart member switches in batches.

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 4-9, all the Layer 2 switches belong to the same cluster. Administrator-1 is
the administrator switch of the cluster and other switches are member switches. The member ID
of Member-2 is 2 and the member ID of Member-3 is 3.
Member switches Member-2 and Member-3 are required to be restarted.

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Figure 4-9 Networking diagram of configuring the batch restart function for an HGMP cluster

FTP Server NM station

SFTP Server
GE1/0/1 Log station

GE1/0/1 GE1/0/2

GE1/0/1 GE1/0/1

Member-1 ......

GE1/0/2 Member-2


Device MAC Address Device MAC Address

Administrator-1 0001-0001-0001 Member-1 0002-0002-0002

Member-2 0003-0003-0003 Member-3 0004-0004-0004

Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:

1. Create a cluster according to the steps described in 4.5.1 Example for Configuring Basic
HGMP Functions for a Cluster.
2. Configure batch restart on the administrator switch.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:

l Management VLAN ID of the cluster, that is 10

l IP address of VLANIF 10, that is
l Address pool of the cluster, that is

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l IP address of the administrator switch used in the cluster, that is

l Member ID of Member-2 being 2 and the member ID of Member-3 being 3

Step 1 Configure a management VLAN.
# Create VLAN 10 on the device and add interfaces of the administrator switch and member
switches to VLAN 10.
# Configure the administrator switch.
<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] sysname Administrator-1
[Administrator-1] vlan 10
[Administrator-1-vlan10] quit
[Administrator-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] undo shutdown
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] portswitch
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] port default vlan 10
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit
[Administrator-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/2
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] undo shutdown
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] portswitch
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] port default vlan 10
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] quit
[Administrator-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/3
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/3] undo shutdown
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/3] portswitch
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/3] port default vlan 10
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/3] quit
[Administrator-1] interface vlanif 10
[Administrator-1-Vlanif10] quit

# Configure member switch 1.

<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] sysname Member-1
[Member-1] vlan 10
[Member-1-vlan10] quit
[Member-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] undo shutdown
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] portswitch
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] port default vlan 10
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit
[Member-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/2
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] undo shutdown
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] portswitch
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] port default vlan 10
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] quit
[Member-1] interface vlanif 10
[Member-1-Vlanif10] quit

# Configure member switch 2.

<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] sysname Member-2
[Member-2] vlan 10
[Member-2-vlan10] quit
[Member-2] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Member-2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] undo shutdown
[Member-2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] portswitch
[Member-2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] port default vlan 10
[Member-2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit
[Member-2] interface vlanif 10
[Member-2-Vlanif10] quit

# Configure member switch 3.

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<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] sysname Member-3
[Member-3] vlan 10
[Member-3-vlan10] quit
[Member-3] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Member-3-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] undo shutdown
[Member-3-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] portswitch
[Member-3-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] port default vlan 10
[Member-3-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit
[Member-3] interface vlanif 10
[Member-3-Vlanif10] quit

Step 2 Configure NDP.

# On switches, enable NDP in the system view and on an interface.
# Configure the administrator switch.
[Administrator-1] ndp enable
[Administrator-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ndp enable
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit
[Administrator-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/2
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] ndp enable
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] quit

# Configure member switch 1.

[Member-1] ndp enable
[Member-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ndp enable
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit
[Member-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/2
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] ndp enable
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] quit

# Configure member switch 2.

[Member-2] ndp enable
[Member-2] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Member-2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ndp enable
[Member-2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit

# Configure member switch 3.

[Member-3] ndp enable
[Member-3] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Member-3-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ndp enable
[Member-3-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit

After the previous configuration, you can find that NDP on the administrator is in the Enable
state, the host name of the neighboring node is Device Name, and the name of the interface
connecting the neighboring node and the local interface is Port Name.
[Administrator-1] display ndp interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1 gigabitethernet 1/0/2
Interface: GigabitEthernet1/0/1
Status: Enabled, Packets Sent: 0, Packets Received: 11, Packets Error: 0
Neighbor 1: Aging Time: 2(s)
MAC Address : 0002-0002-0002
Port Name : GigabitEthernet1/0/1
Software Version: NE40E Version V600R003C00
Device Name : Member-1
Port Duplex : FULL
Product Ver : NE40E
Interface: GigabitEthernet1/0/2
Status: Enabled, Packets Sent: 6, Packets Received: 16, Packets Error: 0
Neighbor 1: Aging Time: 5(s)
MAC Address : 0003-0003-0003
Port Name : GigabitEthernet1/0/1

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Software Version: NE40E Version V600R003C00

Device Name : Member-2
Port Duplex : FULL
Product Ver : NE40E

Step 3 Configure NTDP.

# On devices, enable NTDP in the system view and on the interface and configure the interval
and range for NTDP to collect topologies to 10 minutes and 3 hops respectively.


The range of the topologies collected by NTDP is determined by PAF files.

# Configure the administrator switch.

[Administrator-1] ntdp enable
[Administrator-1] ntdp timer 10
[Administrator-1] ntdp hop 3
[Administrator-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ntdp enable
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit
[Administrator-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/2
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] ntdp enable
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] quit

# Configure member switch 1.

[Member-1] ntdp enable
[Member-1] ntdp timer 10
[Member-1] ntdp hop 3
[Member-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ntdp enable
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit
[Member-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/2
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] ntdp enable
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] quit

# Configure member switch 2.

[Member-2] ntdp enable
[Member-2] ntdp timer 10
[Member-2] ntdp hop 3
[Member-2] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Member-2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ntdp enable
[Member-2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit

# Configure member switch 3.

[Member-3] ntdp enable
[Member-3] ntdp timer 10
[Member-3] ntdp hop 3
[Member-3] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Member-3-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ntdp enable
[Member-3-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit

After the previous configuration, globally check the NTDP configuration on the administrator
switch. You can find that the interval and range for NTDP to collect topologies is 10 minutes
and 3 hops respectively.
[Administrator-1] display ntdp
Network topology discovery protocol is enabled
Hops : 3
Timer : 10 min
Hop Delay : 200 ms
Port Delay: 20 ms
Total time for last collection:0ms

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Step 4 Enable the cluster function and set the management VLAN.
# Configure the administrator switch.
[Administrator-1] cluster enable
[Administrator-1] cluster
[Administrator-1-cluster] mngvlanid 10
[Administrator-1-cluster] quit

# Configure member switch 1.

[Member-1] cluster enable
[Member-1] cluster
[Member-1-cluster] mngvlanid 10
[Member-1-cluster] quit

# Configure member switch 2.

[Member-2] cluster enable
[Member-2] cluster
[Member-2-cluster] mngvlanid 10
[Member-2-cluster] quit

# Configure member switch 3.

[Member-3] cluster enable
[Member-3] cluster
[Member-3-cluster] mngvlanid 10
[Member-3-cluster] quit

After the topology collection function is enabled manually on the administrator switch, check
the device information collected through NTDP and you can find the MAC address and types
of related devices.
<Administrator-1> ntdp explore
<Administrator-1> display ntdp device-list
The device-list of NTDP:

0004-0004-0004 2 NE40E
0003-0003-0003 1 NE40E
0002-0002-0002 1 NE40E
0001-0001-0001 0 NE40E

Step 5 Create a cluster.


Following steps can be performed only on the administrator switch.

# On the administrator switch, set the range of IP addresses that can be assigned to the cluster
to, in which the IP address assigned to the administrator switch is
[Administrator-1] cluster
[Administrator-1-cluster] ip-pool 8

# Create a cluster named HUAWEI on the administrator switch.

[Administrator-1-cluster] build HUAWEI

After the previous configuration, check information about the cluster to which the device
belongs. You can find that the device name is changed, the cluster name is HUAWEI, and the
management VLAN ID is 10.
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] display cluster

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Cluster name:"HUAWEI"
Role:Administrator switch

management vlan id : 10
Cluster multicast MAC address : 0180-c200-000a(default)
Cluster auto-join : disabled

Handshake timer:10 sec

Handshake hold-time:60 sec
IP pool:
No logging host configured
No SNMP host configured
No FTP server configured
No SFTP server configured
cluster-member ftp-timeout: 300 sec(default)
Cluster SNMP NAT capability : enabled
Cluster FTP NAT capability : disabled
There are 1 member(s) in the cluster, and 0 of them are down.

On the administrator switch, check information about candidate switches, you can find all the
candidate switches and their types.
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] display cluster candidates
0004-0004-0004 2 NE40E
0003-0003-0003 1 NE40E
0002-0002-0002 1 NE40E

Step 6 Add member switches.


l Following steps can be performed only on the administrator switch.

l Take the mode of automatically adding member switches as an example. To add member switches
manually, see Adding a Member Switch.

# Add all candidate switches to the cluster.

[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] auto-build
Collecting candidate list, please wait...
Candidate list:
Name Hops MAC Address DeviceType
Member-1 1 0002-0002-0002 NE40E
Member-2 1 0003-0003-0003 NE40E
Member-3 2 0004-0004-0004 NE40E
Add all to cluster?(Y/N) y
Info: Cluster auto-build Finish!
3 member(s) added successfully.

After the previous configuration, check information about the administrator switch and member
switches in the cluster on the administrator switch. You can find that all the member switches
are added to the cluster and in the Up state.
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] display cluster members
The list of cluster member:
SN Device Type MAC Address Status Device Name
0 NE40E 0001-0001-0001 Admin HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1
1 NE40E 0002-0002-0002 Up HUAWEI_1.Member-1
2 NE40E 0003-0003-0003 Up HUAWEI_2.Member-2
3 NE40E 0004-0004-0004 Up HUAWEI_3.Member-3

Step 7 Assign an IP address to VLANIF 10.

# To ensure the normal communication between member switches in the cluster and devices out
of the cluster, assign an IP address to VLANIF 10 on the administrator switch.

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# Assign an IP address to VLANIF 10.

[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1] interface vlanif 10
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-Vlanif10] ip address 8
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-Vlanif10] quit

After the previous configuration, you can find that the interface on the administrator switch is
in the Up state.
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1] display interface Vlanif 10
Vlanif10 current state : UP
Line protocol current state : UP
Last line protocol up time : 2010-06-28 21:25:52
Description:HUAWEI, HUAWEI Series, Vlanif10 Interface
Route Port,The Maximum Transmit Unit is 1500
Internet Address is
Internet Address is ClusterIP Sending Frames' Format is PKTFMT_ETHNT_
2, Hardware address is 0001-0001-0001
Physical is VLANIF
Current system time: 2010-07-01 14:37:11-08:00
Last 300 seconds input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
Last 300 seconds output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
Last 0 seconds input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
Last 0 seconds output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
Input: 0 packets,0 bytes,
0 unicast,0 broadcast,0 multicasts
Output:0 packets,0 bytes,
0 unicast,0 broadcast,0 multicasts.

Step 8 Configure a static route on the administrator switch.

# This operation is to ensure that a reachable route exists between switches in the cluster and
servers or hosts, you can also use dynamic route.
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1] ip route-static 0

Step 9 Configure public servers and hosts of the cluster.

# Configure an FTP server.
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1] cluster
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] cluster-ftp-nat enable
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] ftp-server

# Configure a SFTP server.

[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] sftp-server

# Configure a Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) host.

[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] snmp-host

# Configure a log host.

[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] logging-host

After the previous configuration, check information about the cluster to which the administrator
switch belongs. You can find that the public log host, SNMP host, FTP server, and SFTP server
are configured successfully.
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] display cluster
Cluster name:"HUAWEI"
Role:Administrator switch

management vlan id : 10
Cluster multicast MAC address : 0180-c200-000a(default)
Cluster auto-join : disabled

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Handshake timer:10 sec

Handshake hold-time:60 sec
IP pool:
Logging host:
SNMP host:
FTP server:
SFTP server:
cluster-member ftp-timeout: 300 sec(default)
Cluster SNMP NAT capability : enabled
Cluster FTP NAT capability : disabled
There are 4 member(s) in the cluster, and 0 of them are down.

Step 10 Restart member switches in batches.

# Run the cluster-member reboot group-by member-number 2 to 3 command on the
administrator switch to restart Member-2 and Member-3.
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1] cluster
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] cluster-member reboot group-by member-number 2
to 3
Info: This command will take members reboot.
Are you sure?[Y/N]y

Step 11 Verify the configuration.

After a period of time, run the display member-reboot-state command on the administrator
switch and view the restart status of the member switches. You can view that succeed is
displayed, which indicates that the specified member switches have been restarted successfully.
[HUAWEi_0.Administrator-1] display member-reboot-state
The result of member switchs rebooting:
SN Device MacAddress IPAddress Result
1 NE40E 0003-0003-0003 Succeed
2 NE40E 0004-0004-0004 Succeed


Configuration Files
l Configuration file of Administrator-1.
sysname Administrator-1
vlan batch 10
cluster enable
ntdp enable
ntdp hop 3
ntdp timer 10
ndp enable
interface Vlanif10
ip address
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1
undo shutdown
port default vlan 10
ntdp enable
ndp enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/2
undo shutdown

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port default vlan 10

ntdp enable
ndp enable
mngvlanid 10
build HUAWEI
cluster-ftp-nat enable
ip route-static
l Configuration file of Member-1.
sysname Member-1
vlan batch 10
cluster enable
ntdp enable
ntdp hop 3
ntdp timer 10
ndp enable
interface Vlanif10
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1
undo shutdown
port default vlan 10
ntdp enable
ndp enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/2
undo shutdown
port default vlan 10
ntdp enable
ndp enable
mngvlanid 10
administrator-address 0001-0001-0001 name HUAWEI
l Configuration file of Member-2.
sysname Member-2
vlan batch 10
cluster enable
ntdp enable
ntdp hop 3
ntdp timer 10
ndp enable
interface Vlanif10
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1
undo shutdown
port default vlan 10

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ntdp enable
ndp enable
mngvlanid 10
administrator-address 0001-0001-0001 name HUAWEI

l Configuration file of Member-3.

sysname Member-3
vlan batch 10
cluster enable
ntdp enable
ntdp hop 3
ntdp timer 10
ndp enable
interface Vlanif10
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/2
undo shutdown
port default vlan 10
ntdp enable
ndp enable
mngvlanid 10
administrator-address 0001-0001-0001 name HUAWEI

4.5.8 Example for Configuring the Incremental Configuration

Function for an HGMP Cluster
This part describes how to configure the incremental configuration function of the HGMP cluster
(adding configurations to member switches) to create a VLAN on each member switch and
configure a state route with the next hop being the administrator.

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 4-10, all the Layer 2 switches belong to the same cluster. Administrator-1
is the administrator switch of the cluster and other switches are member switches. The member
ID of Member-2 is 2 and the member ID of Member-3 is 3.
To configure VLAN 100 to VLAN 200 on Member-2 and Member-3 and a static route with its
next hop address being the administrator switch, you can use the incremental configuration
function of the HGMP cluster.

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Figure 4-10 Networking diagram of configuring the incremental configuration function for an
HGMP cluster

FTP Server NM station

SFTP Server
GE1/0/1 Log station

GE1/0/1 GE1/0/2

GE1/0/1 GE1/0/1

Member-1 ......

GE1/0/2 Member-2


Device MAC Address Device MAC Address

Administrator-1 0001-0001-0001 Member-1 0002-0002-0002

Member-2 0003-0003-0003 Member-3 0004-0004-0004

Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:

1. Create a cluster according to the steps described in 4.5.1 Example for Configuring Basic
HGMP Functions for a Cluster.
2. Edit the list of incremental configurations command on the administrator switch.
3. Deliver the list of incremental configuration commands to the specified member switch.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:

l Management VLAN ID of the cluster, that is 10

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l IP address of VLANIF 10, that is

l Address pool of the cluster, that is
l IP address of the administrator switch used in the cluster, that is
l Member ID of Member-2 being 2 and the member ID of Member-3 being 3

Step 1 Configure a management VLAN.
# Create VLAN 10 on the device and add interfaces of the administrator switch and member
switches to VLAN 10.
# Configure the administrator switch.
<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] sysname Administrator-1
[Administrator-1] vlan 10
[Administrator-1-vlan10] quit
[Administrator-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] undo shutdown
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] portswitch
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] port default vlan 10
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit
[Administrator-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/2
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] undo shutdown
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] portswitch
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] port default vlan 10
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] quit
[Administrator-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/3
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/3] undo shutdown
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/3] portswitch
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/3] port default vlan 10
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/3] quit
[Administrator-1] interface vlanif 10
[Administrator-1-Vlanif10] quit

# Configure member switch 1.

<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] sysname Member-1
[Member-1] vlan 10
[Member-1-vlan10] quit
[Member-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] undo shutdown
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] portswitch
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] port default vlan 10
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit
[Member-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/2
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] undo shutdown
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] portswitch
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] port default vlan 10
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] quit
[Member-1] interface vlanif 10
[Member-1-Vlanif10] quit

# Configure member switch 2.

<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] sysname Member-2
[Member-2] vlan 10
[Member-2-vlan10] quit
[Member-2] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Member-2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] undo shutdown
[Member-2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] portswitch
[Member-2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] port default vlan 10
[Member-2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit

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[Member-2] interface vlanif 10

[Member-2-Vlanif10] quit

# Configure member switch 3.

<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] sysname Member-3
[Member-3] vlan 10
[Member-3-vlan10] quit
[Member-3] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Member-3-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] undo shutdown
[Member-3-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] portswitch
[Member-3-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] port default vlan 10
[Member-3-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit
[Member-3] interface vlanif 10
[Member-3-Vlanif10] quit

Step 2 Configure NDP.

# On switches, enable NDP in the system view and on an interface.
# Configure the administrator switch.
[Administrator-1] ndp enable
[Administrator-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ndp enable
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit
[Administrator-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/2
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] ndp enable
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] quit

# Configure member switch 1.

[Member-1] ndp enable
[Member-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ndp enable
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit
[Member-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/2
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] ndp enable
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] quit

# Configure member switch 2.

[Member-2] ndp enable
[Member-2] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Member-2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ndp enable
[Member-2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit

# Configure member switch 3.

[Member-3] ndp enable
[Member-3] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Member-3-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ndp enable
[Member-3-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit

After the previous configuration, you can find that NDP on the administrator is in the Enable
state, the host name of the neighboring node is Device Name, and the name of the interface
connecting the neighboring node and the local interface is Port Name.
[Administrator-1] display ndp interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1 gigabitethernet 1/0/2
Interface: GigabitEthernet1/0/1
Status: Enabled, Packets Sent: 0, Packets Received: 11, Packets Error: 0
Neighbor 1: Aging Time: 2(s)
MAC Address : 0002-0002-0002
Port Name : GigabitEthernet1/0/1
Software Version: NE40E Version V600R003C00
Device Name : Member-1
Port Duplex : FULL
Product Ver : NE40E

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Interface: GigabitEthernet1/0/2
Status: Enabled, Packets Sent: 6, Packets Received: 16, Packets Error: 0
Neighbor 1: Aging Time: 5(s)
MAC Address : 0003-0003-0003
Port Name : GigabitEthernet1/0/1
Software Version: NE40E Version V600R003C00
Device Name : Member-2
Port Duplex : FULL
Product Ver : NE40E

Step 3 Configure NTDP.

# On devices, enable NTDP in the system view and on the interface and configure the interval
and range for NTDP to collect topologies to 10 minutes and 3 hops respectively.


The range of the topologies collected by NTDP is determined by PAF files.

# Configure the administrator switch.

[Administrator-1] ntdp enable
[Administrator-1] ntdp timer 10
[Administrator-1] ntdp hop 3
[Administrator-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ntdp enable
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit
[Administrator-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/2
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] ntdp enable
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] quit

# Configure member switch 1.

[Member-1] ntdp enable
[Member-1] ntdp timer 10
[Member-1] ntdp hop 3
[Member-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ntdp enable
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit
[Member-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/2
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] ntdp enable
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] quit

# Configure member switch 2.

[Member-2] ntdp enable
[Member-2] ntdp timer 10
[Member-2] ntdp hop 3
[Member-2] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Member-2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ntdp enable
[Member-2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit

# Configure member switch 3.

[Member-3] ntdp enable
[Member-3] ntdp timer 10
[Member-3] ntdp hop 3
[Member-3] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Member-3-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ntdp enable
[Member-3-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit

After the previous configuration, globally check the NTDP configuration on the administrator
switch. You can find that the interval and range for NTDP to collect topologies is 10 minutes
and 3 hops respectively.
[Administrator-1] display ntdp
Network topology discovery protocol is enabled
Hops : 3
Timer : 10 min

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Hop Delay : 200 ms

Port Delay: 20 ms
Total time for last collection:0ms

Step 4 Enable the cluster function and set the management VLAN.

# Configure the administrator switch.

[Administrator-1] cluster enable
[Administrator-1] cluster
[Administrator-1-cluster] mngvlanid 10
[Administrator-1-cluster] quit

# Configure member switch 1.

[Member-1] cluster enable
[Member-1] cluster
[Member-1-cluster] mngvlanid 10
[Member-1-cluster] quit

# Configure member switch 2.

[Member-2] cluster enable
[Member-2] cluster
[Member-2-cluster] mngvlanid 10
[Member-2-cluster] quit

# Configure member switch 3.

[Member-3] cluster enable
[Member-3] cluster
[Member-3-cluster] mngvlanid 10
[Member-3-cluster] quit

After the topology collection function is enabled manually on the administrator switch, check
the device information collected through NTDP and you can find the MAC address and types
of related devices.
<Administrator-1> ntdp explore
<Administrator-1> display ntdp device-list
The device-list of NTDP:

0004-0004-0004 2 NE40E
0003-0003-0003 1 NE40E
0002-0002-0002 1 NE40E
0001-0001-0001 0 NE40E

Step 5 Create a cluster.


Following steps can be performed only on the administrator switch.

# On the administrator switch, set the range of IP addresses that can be assigned to the cluster
to, in which the IP address assigned to the administrator switch is
[Administrator-1] cluster
[Administrator-1-cluster] ip-pool 8

# Create a cluster named HUAWEI on the administrator switch.

[Administrator-1-cluster] build HUAWEI

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After the previous configuration, check information about the cluster to which the device
belongs. You can find that the device name is changed, the cluster name is HUAWEI, and the
management VLAN ID is 10.
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] display cluster
Cluster name:"HUAWEI"
Role:Administrator switch

management vlan id : 10
Cluster multicast MAC address : 0180-c200-000a(default)
Cluster auto-join : disabled

Handshake timer:10 sec

Handshake hold-time:60 sec
IP pool:
No logging host configured
No SNMP host configured
No FTP server configured
No SFTP server configured
cluster-member ftp-timeout: 300 sec(default)
Cluster SNMP NAT capability : enabled
Cluster FTP NAT capability : disabled
There are 1 member(s) in the cluster, and 0 of them are down.

On the administrator switch, check information about candidate switches, you can find all the
candidate switches and their types.
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] display cluster candidates
0004-0004-0004 2 NE40E
0003-0003-0003 1 NE40E
0002-0002-0002 1 NE40E

Step 6 Add member switches.


l Following steps can be performed only on the administrator switch.

l Take the mode of automatically adding member switches as an example. To add member switches
manually, see Adding a Member Switch.

# Add all candidate switches to the cluster.

[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] auto-build
Collecting candidate list, please wait...
Candidate list:
Name Hops MAC Address DeviceType
Member-1 1 0002-0002-0002 NE40E
Member-2 1 0003-0003-0003 NE40E
Member-3 2 0004-0004-0004 NE40E
Add all to cluster?(Y/N) y
Info: Cluster auto-build Finish!
3 member(s) added successfully.

After the previous configuration, check information about the administrator switch and member
switches in the cluster on the administrator switch. You can find that all the member switches
are added to the cluster and in the Up state.
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] display cluster members
The list of cluster member:
SN Device Type MAC Address Status Device Name
0 NE40E 0001-0001-0001 Admin HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1
1 NE40E 0002-0002-0002 Up HUAWEI_1.Member-1

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2 NE40E 0003-0003-0003 Up HUAWEI_2.Member-2

3 NE40E 0004-0004-0004 Up HUAWEI_3.Member-3

Step 7 Assign an IP address to VLANIF 10.

# To ensure the normal communication between member switches in the cluster and devices out
of the cluster, assign an IP address to VLANIF 10 on the administrator switch.

# Assign an IP address to VLANIF 10.

[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1] interface vlanif 10
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-Vlanif10] ip address 8
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-Vlanif10] quit

After the previous configuration, you can find that the interface on the administrator switch is
in the Up state.
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1] display interface Vlanif 10
Vlanif10 current state : UP
Line protocol current state : UP
Last line protocol up time : 2010-06-28 21:25:52
Description:HUAWEI, HUAWEI Series, Vlanif10 Interface
Route Port,The Maximum Transmit Unit is 1500
Internet Address is
Internet Address is ClusterIP Sending Frames' Format is PKTFMT_ETHNT_
2, Hardware address is 0001-0001-0001
Physical is VLANIF
Current system time: 2010-07-01 14:37:11-08:00
Last 300 seconds input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
Last 300 seconds output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
Last 0 seconds input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
Last 0 seconds output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
Input: 0 packets,0 bytes,
0 unicast,0 broadcast,0 multicasts
Output:0 packets,0 bytes,
0 unicast,0 broadcast,0 multicasts.

Step 8 Configure a static route on the administrator switch.

# This operation is to ensure that a reachable route exists between switches in the cluster and
servers or hosts, you can also use dynamic route.
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1] ip route-static 0

Step 9 Configure public servers and hosts of the cluster.

# Configure an FTP server.

[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1] cluster
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] cluster-ftp-nat enable
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] ftp-server

# Configure a SFTP server.

[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] sftp-server

# Configure a Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) host.

[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] snmp-host

# Configure a log host.

[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] logging-host

After the previous configuration, check information about the cluster to which the administrator
switch belongs. You can find that the public log host, SNMP host, FTP server, and SFTP server
are configured successfully.

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[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] display cluster

Cluster name:"HUAWEI"
Role:Administrator switch

management vlan id : 10
Cluster multicast MAC address : 0180-c200-000a(default)
Cluster auto-join : disabled

Handshake timer:10 sec

Handshake hold-time:60 sec
IP pool:
Logging host:
SNMP host:
FTP server:
SFTP server:
cluster-member ftp-timeout: 300 sec(default)
Cluster SNMP NAT capability : enabled
Cluster FTP NAT capability : disabled
There are 4 member(s) in the cluster, and 0 of them are down.

Step 10 Edit the list of incremental configuration commands on the administrator switch.
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1] cluster
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] increment
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster-increment] increment-command command-number 10
command-text vlan batch 100 to 200
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster-increment] increment-command command-number 20
command-text ip route-static 8

After the previous configuration, run the display increment-command command on the
administrator switch to check the list of incremental configuration commands.
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1] display increment-command
The content of increment commands:
SN Content
10 vlan batch 100 to 200
20 ip route-static 8

Step 11 Deliver the list of incremental configurations command to the specified member switch.
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster-increment] increment-run group-by member-number
2 to 3

Step 12 Verify the configuration.

Run the display cluster-increment-result command on administrator switch to check whether
the list of incremental configuration commands is delivered to the specified member switch, and
you can view that success is displayed.
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1] display cluster-increment-result
The result of member switchs executing increment commands:
SN Device MacAddress IpAddress Result CommandId
2 NE40E 0003-0003-0003 success -

3 NE40E 0004-0004-0004 success -


Configuration Files
l Configuration file of Administrator-1.

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sysname Administrator-1
vlan batch 10
cluster enable
ntdp enable
ntdp hop 3
ntdp timer 10
ndp enable
interface Vlanif10
ip address
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1
undo shutdown
port default vlan 10
ntdp enable
ndp enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/2
undo shutdown
port default vlan 10
ntdp enable
ndp enable
mngvlanid 10
build HUAWEI
cluster-ftp-nat enable
ip route-static
l Configuration file of Member-1.
sysname Member-1
vlan batch 10
cluster enable
ntdp enable
ntdp hop 3
ntdp timer 10
ndp enable
interface Vlanif10
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1
undo shutdown
port default vlan 10
ntdp enable
ndp enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/2
undo shutdown
port default vlan 10
ntdp enable
ndp enable

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mngvlanid 10
administrator-address 0001-0001-0001 name HUAWEI

l Configuration file of Member-2.

sysname Member-2
vlan batch 10
cluster enable
ntdp enable
ntdp hop 3
ntdp timer 10
ndp enable
interface Vlanif10
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1
undo shutdown
port default vlan 10
ntdp enable
ndp enable
mngvlanid 10
administrator-address 0001-0001-0001 name HUAWEI

l Configuration file of Member-3.

sysname Member-3
vlan batch 10
cluster enable
ntdp enable
ntdp hop 3
ntdp timer 10
ndp enable
interface Vlanif10
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/2
undo shutdown
port default vlan 10
ntdp enable
ndp enable
mngvlanid 10
administrator-address 0001-0001-0001 name HUAWEI

4.5.9 Example for Configuring the Configuration Synchronization

Function for an HGMP Cluster
This part describes how to configure the configuration synchronization function to synchronize
configuration files of all member switches to the FTP server in batches.

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Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 4-11, all the Layer 2 switches belong to the same cluster. Administrator-1
is the administrator switch of the cluster and other switches are member switches. The member
ID of Member-2 is 2 and the member ID of Member-3 is 3.
To synchronize the configuration files of all member switches to the FTP server as required, you
can configure the configuration synchronization function for the HGMP cluster.

Figure 4-11 Networking diagram of configuring the configuration synchronization function for
an HGMP cluster

FTP Server NM station

SFTP Server
GE1/0/1 Log station

GE1/0/1 GE1/0/2

GE1/0/1 GE1/0/1

Member-1 ......

GE1/0/2 Member-2


Device MAC Address Device MAC Address

Administrator-1 0001-0001-0001 Member-1 0002-0002-0002

Member-2 0003-0003-0003 Member-3 0004-0004-0004

Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:
1. Create a cluster according to the steps described in 4.5.1 Example for Configuring Basic
HGMP Functions for a Cluster.

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2. 4.5.1 Example for Configuring Basic HGMP Functions for a Cluster


l Configure the interconnection of FTP servers and devices in and out of the HGMP cluster in
NAT or non-NAT mode. The following takes the configuration in NAT mode as an example.
l If it is not required to synchronize the configuration files of the HGMP cluster by accessing the
FTP server out of the cluster, you can skip this step.
3. Run the configuration synchronization command on the administrator switch.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:
l Management VLAN ID of the cluster, that is 10
l IP address of VLANIF 10 that is and a reachable route between VLANIF 10 and
the FTP server
l Address pool of the cluster, that is
l IP address of the administrator switch used in the cluster, that is

Step 1 Configure a management VLAN.
# Create VLAN 10 on the device and add interfaces of the administrator switch and member
switches to VLAN 10.
# Configure the administrator switch.
<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] sysname Administrator-1
[Administrator-1] vlan 10
[Administrator-1-vlan10] quit
[Administrator-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] undo shutdown
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] portswitch
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] port default vlan 10
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit
[Administrator-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/2
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] undo shutdown
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] portswitch
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] port default vlan 10
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] quit
[Administrator-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/3
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/3] undo shutdown
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/3] portswitch
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/3] port default vlan 10
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/3] quit
[Administrator-1] interface vlanif 10
[Administrator-1-Vlanif10] quit

# Configure member switch 1.

<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] sysname Member-1
[Member-1] vlan 10
[Member-1-vlan10] quit
[Member-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] undo shutdown
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] portswitch
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] port default vlan 10
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit
[Member-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/2

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[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] undo shutdown

[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] portswitch
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] port default vlan 10
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] quit
[Member-1] interface vlanif 10
[Member-1-Vlanif10] quit

# Configure member switch 2.

<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] sysname Member-2
[Member-2] vlan 10
[Member-2-vlan10] quit
[Member-2] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Member-2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] undo shutdown
[Member-2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] portswitch
[Member-2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] port default vlan 10
[Member-2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit
[Member-2] interface vlanif 10
[Member-2-Vlanif10] quit

# Configure member switch 3.

<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] sysname Member-3
[Member-3] vlan 10
[Member-3-vlan10] quit
[Member-3] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Member-3-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] undo shutdown
[Member-3-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] portswitch
[Member-3-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] port default vlan 10
[Member-3-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit
[Member-3] interface vlanif 10
[Member-3-Vlanif10] quit

Step 2 Configure NDP.

# On switches, enable NDP in the system view and on an interface.
# Configure the administrator switch.
[Administrator-1] ndp enable
[Administrator-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ndp enable
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit
[Administrator-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/2
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] ndp enable
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] quit

# Configure member switch 1.

[Member-1] ndp enable
[Member-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ndp enable
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit
[Member-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/2
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] ndp enable
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] quit

# Configure member switch 2.

[Member-2] ndp enable
[Member-2] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Member-2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ndp enable
[Member-2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit

# Configure member switch 3.

[Member-3] ndp enable
[Member-3] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1

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[Member-3-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ndp enable

[Member-3-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit

After the previous configuration, you can find that NDP on the administrator is in the Enable
state, the host name of the neighboring node is Device Name, and the name of the interface
connecting the neighboring node and the local interface is Port Name.
[Administrator-1] display ndp interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1 gigabitethernet 1/0/2
Interface: GigabitEthernet1/0/1
Status: Enabled, Packets Sent: 0, Packets Received: 11, Packets Error: 0
Neighbor 1: Aging Time: 2(s)
MAC Address : 0002-0002-0002
Port Name : GigabitEthernet1/0/1
Software Version: NE40E Version V600R003C00
Device Name : Member-1
Port Duplex : FULL
Product Ver : NE40E
Interface: GigabitEthernet1/0/2
Status: Enabled, Packets Sent: 6, Packets Received: 16, Packets Error: 0
Neighbor 1: Aging Time: 5(s)
MAC Address : 0003-0003-0003
Port Name : GigabitEthernet1/0/1
Software Version: NE40E Version V600R003C00
Device Name : Member-2
Port Duplex : FULL
Product Ver : NE40E

Step 3 Configure NTDP.

# On devices, enable NTDP in the system view and on the interface and configure the interval
and range for NTDP to collect topologies to 10 minutes and 3 hops respectively.


The range of the topologies collected by NTDP is determined by PAF files.

# Configure the administrator switch.

[Administrator-1] ntdp enable
[Administrator-1] ntdp timer 10
[Administrator-1] ntdp hop 3
[Administrator-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ntdp enable
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit
[Administrator-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/2
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] ntdp enable
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] quit

# Configure member switch 1.

[Member-1] ntdp enable
[Member-1] ntdp timer 10
[Member-1] ntdp hop 3
[Member-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ntdp enable
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit
[Member-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/2
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] ntdp enable
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] quit

# Configure member switch 2.

[Member-2] ntdp enable
[Member-2] ntdp timer 10
[Member-2] ntdp hop 3
[Member-2] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Member-2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ntdp enable
[Member-2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit

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# Configure member switch 3.

[Member-3] ntdp enable
[Member-3] ntdp timer 10
[Member-3] ntdp hop 3
[Member-3] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Member-3-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ntdp enable
[Member-3-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit

After the previous configuration, globally check the NTDP configuration on the administrator
switch. You can find that the interval and range for NTDP to collect topologies is 10 minutes
and 3 hops respectively.
[Administrator-1] display ntdp
Network topology discovery protocol is enabled
Hops : 3
Timer : 10 min
Hop Delay : 200 ms
Port Delay: 20 ms
Total time for last collection:0ms

Step 4 Enable the cluster function and set the management VLAN.
# Configure the administrator switch.
[Administrator-1] cluster enable
[Administrator-1] cluster
[Administrator-1-cluster] mngvlanid 10
[Administrator-1-cluster] quit

# Configure member switch 1.

[Member-1] cluster enable
[Member-1] cluster
[Member-1-cluster] mngvlanid 10
[Member-1-cluster] quit

# Configure member switch 2.

[Member-2] cluster enable
[Member-2] cluster
[Member-2-cluster] mngvlanid 10
[Member-2-cluster] quit

# Configure member switch 3.

[Member-3] cluster enable
[Member-3] cluster
[Member-3-cluster] mngvlanid 10
[Member-3-cluster] quit

After the topology collection function is enabled manually on the administrator switch, check
the device information collected through NTDP and you can find the MAC address and types
of related devices.
<Administrator-1> ntdp explore
<Administrator-1> display ntdp device-list
The device-list of NTDP:

0004-0004-0004 2 NE40E
0003-0003-0003 1 NE40E
0002-0002-0002 1 NE40E
0001-0001-0001 0 NE40E

Step 5 Create a cluster.

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Following steps can be performed only on the administrator switch.

# On the administrator switch, set the range of IP addresses that can be assigned to the cluster
to, in which the IP address assigned to the administrator switch is
[Administrator-1] cluster
[Administrator-1-cluster] ip-pool 8

# Create a cluster named HUAWEI on the administrator switch.

[Administrator-1-cluster] build HUAWEI

After the previous configuration, check information about the cluster to which the device
belongs. You can find that the device name is changed, the cluster name is HUAWEI, and the
management VLAN ID is 10.
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] display cluster
Cluster name:"HUAWEI"
Role:Administrator switch

management vlan id : 10
Cluster multicast MAC address : 0180-c200-000a(default)
Cluster auto-join : disabled

Handshake timer:10 sec

Handshake hold-time:60 sec
IP pool:
No logging host configured
No SNMP host configured
No FTP server configured
No SFTP server configured
cluster-member ftp-timeout: 300 sec(default)
Cluster SNMP NAT capability : enabled
Cluster FTP NAT capability : disabled
There are 1 member(s) in the cluster, and 0 of them are down.

On the administrator switch, check information about candidate switches, you can find all the
candidate switches and their types.
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] display cluster candidates
0004-0004-0004 2 NE40E
0003-0003-0003 1 NE40E
0002-0002-0002 1 NE40E

Step 6 Add member switches.


l Following steps can be performed only on the administrator switch.

l Take the mode of automatically adding member switches as an example. To add member switches
manually, see Adding a Member Switch.

# Add all candidate switches to the cluster.

[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] auto-build
Collecting candidate list, please wait...
Candidate list:
Name Hops MAC Address DeviceType
Member-1 1 0002-0002-0002 NE40E
Member-2 1 0003-0003-0003 NE40E
Member-3 2 0004-0004-0004 NE40E
Add all to cluster?(Y/N) y
Info: Cluster auto-build Finish!

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3 member(s) added successfully.

After the previous configuration, check information about the administrator switch and member
switches in the cluster on the administrator switch. You can find that all the member switches
are added to the cluster and in the Up state.
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] display cluster members
The list of cluster member:
SN Device Type MAC Address Status Device Name
0 NE40E 0001-0001-0001 Admin HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1
1 NE40E 0002-0002-0002 Up HUAWEI_1.Member-1
2 NE40E 0003-0003-0003 Up HUAWEI_2.Member-2
3 NE40E 0004-0004-0004 Up HUAWEI_3.Member-3

Step 7 Assign an IP address to VLANIF 10.

# To ensure the normal communication between member switches in the cluster and devices out
of the cluster, assign an IP address to VLANIF 10 on the administrator switch.
# Assign an IP address to VLANIF 10.
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1] interface vlanif 10
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-Vlanif10] ip address 8
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-Vlanif10] quit

After the previous configuration, you can find that the interface on the administrator switch is
in the Up state.
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1] display interface Vlanif 10
Vlanif10 current state : UP
Line protocol current state : UP
Last line protocol up time : 2010-06-28 21:25:52
Description:HUAWEI, HUAWEI Series, Vlanif10 Interface
Route Port,The Maximum Transmit Unit is 1500
Internet Address is
Internet Address is ClusterIP Sending Frames' Format is PKTFMT_ETHNT_
2, Hardware address is 0001-0001-0001
Physical is VLANIF
Current system time: 2010-07-01 14:37:11-08:00
Last 300 seconds input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
Last 300 seconds output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
Last 0 seconds input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
Last 0 seconds output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
Input: 0 packets,0 bytes,
0 unicast,0 broadcast,0 multicasts
Output:0 packets,0 bytes,
0 unicast,0 broadcast,0 multicasts.

Step 8 Configure a static route on the administrator switch.

# This operation is to ensure that a reachable route exists between switches in the cluster and
servers or hosts, you can also use dynamic route.
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1] ip route-static 0

Step 9 Configure public servers and hosts of the cluster.

# Configure an FTP server.
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1] cluster
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] cluster-ftp-nat enable
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] ftp-server

# Configure a SFTP server.

[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] sftp-server

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# Configure a Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) host.

[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] snmp-host

# Configure a log host.

[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] logging-host

After the previous configuration, check information about the cluster to which the administrator
switch belongs. You can find that the public log host, SNMP host, FTP server, and SFTP server
are configured successfully.
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] display cluster
Cluster name:"HUAWEI"
Role:Administrator switch

management vlan id : 10
Cluster multicast MAC address : 0180-c200-000a(default)
Cluster auto-join : disabled

Handshake timer:10 sec

Handshake hold-time:60 sec
IP pool:
Logging host:
SNMP host:
FTP server:
SFTP server:
cluster-member ftp-timeout: 300 sec(default)
Cluster SNMP NAT capability : enabled
Cluster FTP NAT capability : disabled
There are 4 member(s) in the cluster, and 0 of them are down.

Step 10 Enable the FTP NAT function on the administrator switch.

[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1] cluster
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] cluster-ftp-nat enable

Step 11 Synchronize configuration files.

# Run the configuration synchronization command on the administrator switch, and then member
switches synchronize configuration files to the FTP server ( in NAT mode.
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1] cluster
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] cluster-plug-play ip username hgmp
password hgmp
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] increment-config synchronization

Step 12 Verify the configuration.

After the previous configuration, run the display increment-synchronization-result command

on administrator switch to check whether configuration files are synchronized to the FTP server,
and you can view that success is displayed.
[HUAWEi_0.Administrator-1] display increment-synchronization-result
The result of member switchs' synchronization:
SN Device MacAddress IpAddress result
1 NE40E 0002-0002-0002 success
2 NE40E 0003-0003-0003 success
3 NE40E 0004-0004-0004 success

On the FTP server, you can view that the names of configuration files are the MAC address of
member switches, which indicates that configuration synchronization is successful.


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Configuration Files
l Configuration file of Administrator-1.
sysname Administrator-1
vlan batch 10
cluster enable
ntdp enable
ntdp hop 5
ntdp timer 10
ndp enable
interface Vlanif10
ip address
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1
undo shutdown
port default vlan 10
ntdp enable
ndp enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/2
undo shutdown
port default vlan 10
ntdp enable
ndp enable
mngvlanid 10
build HUAWEI
cluster-ftp-nat enable
ip route-static

l Configuration file of Member-1.

sysname Member-1
vlan batch 10
cluster enable
ntdp enable
ntdp hop 5
ntdp timer 10
ndp enable
interface Vlanif10
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1
undo shutdown
port default vlan 10
ntdp enable
ndp enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/2
undo shutdown

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port default vlan 10

ntdp enable
ndp enable
mngvlanid 10
administrator-address 0001-0001-0001 name HUAWEI

l Configuration file of Member-2.

sysname Member-2
FTP server enable
vlan batch 10
cluster enable
ntdp enable
ntdp hop 5
ntdp timer 10
ndp enable
interface Vlanif10
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1
undo shutdown
port default vlan 10
ntdp enable
ndp enable
mngvlanid 10
administrator-address 0001-0001-0001 name HUAWEI

l Configuration file of Member-3.

sysname Member-3
vlan batch 10
cluster enable
ntdp enable
ntdp hop 5
ntdp timer 10
ndp enable
interface Vlanif10
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/2
undo shutdown
port default vlan 10
ntdp enable
ndp enable
mngvlanid 10
administrator-address 0001-0001-0001 name HUAWEI

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4.5.10 Example for Configuring Security Features for an HGMP

This part describes how to configure security features of the HGMP cluster to disable NDP and
NTDP on interfaces of all member switches that do not need to run NDP or NTDP. This can
improve the security of the HGMP cluster.

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 4-12, all the Layer 2 switches belong to the same cluster. Administrator-1
is the administrator switch of the cluster and other switches are member switches. The member
ID of Member-2 is 2 and the member ID of Member-3 is 3.

Disable NDP and NTDP on the interfaces of all the member switches that do not need NDP or
NTDP. To perform the action and improve the security of the cluster, you can configure security
features for the HGMP cluster.


After NDP or NTDP is disabled on unrelated interfaces of member switches, if the new candidate switches
are connected to these unrelated interfaces, they cannot join the cluster until NDP or NTDP is enabled.

Figure 4-12 Networking diagram of configuring security features for an HGMP cluster

FTP Server NM station

SFTP Server
GE1/0/1 Log station

GE1/0/1 GE1/0/2

GE1/0/1 GE1/0/1

Member-1 ......

GE1/0/2 Member-2


Device MAC Address Device MAC Address

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Administrator-1 0001-0001-0001 Member-1 0002-0002-0002

Member-2 0003-0003-0003 Member-3 0004-0004-0004

Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:
1. Create a cluster according to the steps described in 4.5.1 Example for Configuring Basic
HGMP Functions for a Cluster.
2. On the administrator switch, disable NDP and NTDP on unrelated interfaces of member

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:
l Management VLAN ID of the cluster, that is 10
l IP address of VLANIF 10 that is and a reachable route between VLANIF 10 and
the FTP server
l Address pool of the cluster, that is
l IP address of the administrator switch used in the cluster, that is

Step 1 Configure a management VLAN.
# Create VLAN 10 on the device and add interfaces of the administrator switch and member
switches to VLAN 10.
# Configure the administrator switch.
<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] sysname Administrator-1
[Administrator-1] vlan 10
[Administrator-1-vlan10] quit
[Administrator-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] undo shutdown
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] portswitch
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] port default vlan 10
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit
[Administrator-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/2
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] undo shutdown
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] portswitch
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] port default vlan 10
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] quit
[Administrator-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/3
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/3] undo shutdown
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/3] portswitch
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/3] port default vlan 10
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/3] quit
[Administrator-1] interface vlanif 10
[Administrator-1-Vlanif10] quit

# Configure member switch 1.

<HUAWEI> system-view

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[HUAWEI] sysname Member-1

[Member-1] vlan 10
[Member-1-vlan10] quit
[Member-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] undo shutdown
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] portswitch
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] port default vlan 10
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit
[Member-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/2
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] undo shutdown
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] portswitch
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] port default vlan 10
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] quit
[Member-1] interface vlanif 10
[Member-1-Vlanif10] quit

# Configure member switch 2.

<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] sysname Member-2
[Member-2] vlan 10
[Member-2-vlan10] quit
[Member-2] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Member-2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] undo shutdown
[Member-2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] portswitch
[Member-2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] port default vlan 10
[Member-2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit
[Member-2] interface vlanif 10
[Member-2-Vlanif10] quit

# Configure member switch 3.

<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] sysname Member-3
[Member-3] vlan 10
[Member-3-vlan10] quit
[Member-3] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Member-3-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] undo shutdown
[Member-3-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] portswitch
[Member-3-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] port default vlan 10
[Member-3-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit
[Member-3] interface vlanif 10
[Member-3-Vlanif10] quit

Step 2 Configure NDP.

# On switches, enable NDP in the system view and on an interface.

# Configure the administrator switch.

[Administrator-1] ndp enable
[Administrator-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ndp enable
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit
[Administrator-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/2
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] ndp enable
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] quit

# Configure member switch 1.

[Member-1] ndp enable
[Member-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ndp enable
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit
[Member-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/2
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] ndp enable
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] quit

# Configure member switch 2.

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[Member-2] ndp enable

[Member-2] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Member-2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ndp enable
[Member-2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit

# Configure member switch 3.

[Member-3] ndp enable
[Member-3] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Member-3-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ndp enable
[Member-3-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit

After the previous configuration, you can find that NDP on the administrator is in the Enable
state, the host name of the neighboring node is Device Name, and the name of the interface
connecting the neighboring node and the local interface is Port Name.
[Administrator-1] display ndp interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1 gigabitethernet 1/0/2
Interface: GigabitEthernet1/0/1
Status: Enabled, Packets Sent: 0, Packets Received: 11, Packets Error: 0
Neighbor 1: Aging Time: 2(s)
MAC Address : 0002-0002-0002
Port Name : GigabitEthernet1/0/1
Software Version: NE40E Version V600R003C00
Device Name : Member-1
Port Duplex : FULL
Product Ver : NE40E
Interface: GigabitEthernet1/0/2
Status: Enabled, Packets Sent: 6, Packets Received: 16, Packets Error: 0
Neighbor 1: Aging Time: 5(s)
MAC Address : 0003-0003-0003
Port Name : GigabitEthernet1/0/1
Software Version: NE40E Version V600R003C00
Device Name : Member-2
Port Duplex : FULL
Product Ver : NE40E

Step 3 Configure NTDP.

# On devices, enable NTDP in the system view and on the interface and configure the interval
and range for NTDP to collect topologies to 10 minutes and 3 hops respectively.


The range of the topologies collected by NTDP is determined by PAF files.

# Configure the administrator switch.

[Administrator-1] ntdp enable
[Administrator-1] ntdp timer 10
[Administrator-1] ntdp hop 3
[Administrator-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ntdp enable
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit
[Administrator-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/2
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] ntdp enable
[Administrator-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] quit

# Configure member switch 1.

[Member-1] ntdp enable
[Member-1] ntdp timer 10
[Member-1] ntdp hop 3
[Member-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ntdp enable
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit
[Member-1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/2
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] ntdp enable
[Member-1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] quit

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# Configure member switch 2.

[Member-2] ntdp enable
[Member-2] ntdp timer 10
[Member-2] ntdp hop 3
[Member-2] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Member-2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ntdp enable
[Member-2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit

# Configure member switch 3.

[Member-3] ntdp enable
[Member-3] ntdp timer 10
[Member-3] ntdp hop 3
[Member-3] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Member-3-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ntdp enable
[Member-3-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit

After the previous configuration, globally check the NTDP configuration on the administrator
switch. You can find that the interval and range for NTDP to collect topologies is 10 minutes
and 3 hops respectively.
[Administrator-1] display ntdp
Network topology discovery protocol is enabled
Hops : 3
Timer : 10 min
Hop Delay : 200 ms
Port Delay: 20 ms
Total time for last collection:0ms

Step 4 Enable the cluster function and set the management VLAN.
# Configure the administrator switch.
[Administrator-1] cluster enable
[Administrator-1] cluster
[Administrator-1-cluster] mngvlanid 10
[Administrator-1-cluster] quit

# Configure member switch 1.

[Member-1] cluster enable
[Member-1] cluster
[Member-1-cluster] mngvlanid 10
[Member-1-cluster] quit

# Configure member switch 2.

[Member-2] cluster enable
[Member-2] cluster
[Member-2-cluster] mngvlanid 10
[Member-2-cluster] quit

# Configure member switch 3.

[Member-3] cluster enable
[Member-3] cluster
[Member-3-cluster] mngvlanid 10
[Member-3-cluster] quit

After the topology collection function is enabled manually on the administrator switch, check
the device information collected through NTDP and you can find the MAC address and types
of related devices.
<Administrator-1> ntdp explore
<Administrator-1> display ntdp device-list
The device-list of NTDP:

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0004-0004-0004 2 NE40E
0003-0003-0003 1 NE40E
0002-0002-0002 1 NE40E
0001-0001-0001 0 NE40E

Step 5 Create a cluster.


Following steps can be performed only on the administrator switch.

# On the administrator switch, set the range of IP addresses that can be assigned to the cluster
to, in which the IP address assigned to the administrator switch is
[Administrator-1] cluster
[Administrator-1-cluster] ip-pool 8

# Create a cluster named HUAWEI on the administrator switch.

[Administrator-1-cluster] build HUAWEI

After the previous configuration, check information about the cluster to which the device
belongs. You can find that the device name is changed, the cluster name is HUAWEI, and the
management VLAN ID is 10.
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] display cluster
Cluster name:"HUAWEI"
Role:Administrator switch

management vlan id : 10
Cluster multicast MAC address : 0180-c200-000a(default)
Cluster auto-join : disabled

Handshake timer:10 sec

Handshake hold-time:60 sec
IP pool:
No logging host configured
No SNMP host configured
No FTP server configured
No SFTP server configured
cluster-member ftp-timeout: 300 sec(default)
Cluster SNMP NAT capability : enabled
Cluster FTP NAT capability : disabled
There are 1 member(s) in the cluster, and 0 of them are down.

On the administrator switch, check information about candidate switches, you can find all the
candidate switches and their types.
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] display cluster candidates
0004-0004-0004 2 NE40E
0003-0003-0003 1 NE40E
0002-0002-0002 1 NE40E

Step 6 Add member switches.


l Following steps can be performed only on the administrator switch.

l Take the mode of automatically adding member switches as an example. To add member switches
manually, see Adding a Member Switch.

# Add all candidate switches to the cluster.

[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] auto-build

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Collecting candidate list, please wait...

Candidate list:
Name Hops MAC Address DeviceType
Member-1 1 0002-0002-0002 NE40E
Member-2 1 0003-0003-0003 NE40E
Member-3 2 0004-0004-0004 NE40E
Add all to cluster?(Y/N) y
Info: Cluster auto-build Finish!
3 member(s) added successfully.

After the previous configuration, check information about the administrator switch and member
switches in the cluster on the administrator switch. You can find that all the member switches
are added to the cluster and in the Up state.
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] display cluster members
The list of cluster member:
SN Device Type MAC Address Status Device Name
0 NE40E 0001-0001-0001 Admin HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1
1 NE40E 0002-0002-0002 Up HUAWEI_1.Member-1
2 NE40E 0003-0003-0003 Up HUAWEI_2.Member-2
3 NE40E 0004-0004-0004 Up HUAWEI_3.Member-3

Step 7 Assign an IP address to VLANIF 10.

# To ensure the normal communication between member switches in the cluster and devices out
of the cluster, assign an IP address to VLANIF 10 on the administrator switch.
# Assign an IP address to VLANIF 10.
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1] interface vlanif 10
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-Vlanif10] ip address 8
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-Vlanif10] quit

After the previous configuration, you can find that the interface on the administrator switch is
in the Up state.
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1] display interface Vlanif 10
Vlanif10 current state : UP
Line protocol current state : UP
Last line protocol up time : 2010-06-28 21:25:52
Description:HUAWEI, HUAWEI Series, Vlanif10 Interface
Route Port,The Maximum Transmit Unit is 1500
Internet Address is
Internet Address is ClusterIP Sending Frames' Format is PKTFMT_ETHNT_
2, Hardware address is 0001-0001-0001
Physical is VLANIF
Current system time: 2010-07-01 14:37:11-08:00
Last 300 seconds input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
Last 300 seconds output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
Last 0 seconds input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
Last 0 seconds output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
Input: 0 packets,0 bytes,
0 unicast,0 broadcast,0 multicasts
Output:0 packets,0 bytes,
0 unicast,0 broadcast,0 multicasts.

Step 8 Configure a static route on the administrator switch.

# This operation is to ensure that a reachable route exists between switches in the cluster and
servers or hosts, you can also use dynamic route.
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1] ip route-static 0

Step 9 Configure public servers and hosts of the cluster.

# Configure an FTP server.

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[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1] cluster
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] cluster-ftp-nat enable
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] ftp-server

# Configure a SFTP server.

[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] sftp-server

# Configure a Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) host.

[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] snmp-host

# Configure a log host.

[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] logging-host

After the previous configuration, check information about the cluster to which the administrator
switch belongs. You can find that the public log host, SNMP host, FTP server, and SFTP server
are configured successfully.
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] display cluster
Cluster name:"HUAWEI"
Role:Administrator switch

management vlan id : 10
Cluster multicast MAC address : 0180-c200-000a(default)
Cluster auto-join : disabled

Handshake timer:10 sec

Handshake hold-time:60 sec
IP pool:
Logging host:
SNMP host:
FTP server:
SFTP server:
cluster-member ftp-timeout: 300 sec(default)
Cluster SNMP NAT capability : enabled
Cluster FTP NAT capability : disabled
There are 4 member(s) in the cluster, and 0 of them are down.

Step 10 Disable NDP and NTDP.

# Disable NDP and NTDP on interfaces of all the member switches that do not need NDP and
# Disable NDP on the unrelated interfaces of member switches
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1] cluster
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] undo cluster-member unrelated-port ndp
# Disable NTDP on the unrelated interfaces of member switches
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1] cluster
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1-cluster] undo cluster-member unrelated-port ntdp

Step 11 Verify the configuration.

After the previous configuration, run the display member-interface-state command on
administrator switch to check whether NDP or NTDP is disabled on unrelated interfaces of the
member switches, and you can view that success is displayed.
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1] display member-interface-state ndp
The result of member switches executed disable member interface command:
SN Device MacAddress IpAddress result
3 NE40E 0004-0004-0004 success
2 NE40E 0003-0003-0003 success
1 NE40E 0002-0002-0002 success
[HUAWEI_0.Administrator-1] display member-interface-state ntdp

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The result of member switches executed disable member interface command:

SN Device MacAddress IpAddress result
3 NE40E 0004-0004-0004 success
2 NE40E 0003-0003-0003 success
1 NE40E 0002-0002-0002 success


Configuration Files
l Configuration file of Administrator-1.
sysname Administrator-1
vlan batch 10
cluster enable
ntdp enable
ntdp hop 3
ntdp timer 10
ndp enable
interface Vlanif10
ip address
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1
undo shutdown
port default vlan 10
ntdp enable
ndp enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/2
undo shutdown
port default vlan 10
ntdp enable
ndp enable
mngvlanid 10
build HUAWEI
cluster-ftp-nat enable
ip route-static

l Configuration file of Member-1.

sysname Member-1
vlan batch 10
cluster enable
ntdp enable
ntdp hop 3
ntdp timer 10
ndp enable
interface Vlanif10

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interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1
undo shutdown
port default vlan 10
ntdp enable
ndp enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/2
undo shutdown
port default vlan 10
ntdp enable
ndp enable
mngvlanid 10
administrator-address 0001-0001-0001 name HUAWEI
l Configuration file of Member-2.
sysname Member-2
vlan batch 10
cluster enable
ntdp enable
ntdp hop 3
ntdp timer 10
ndp enable
interface Vlanif10
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1
undo shutdown
port default vlan 10
ntdp enable
ndp enable
mngvlanid 10
administrator-address 0001-0001-0001 name HUAWEI
l Configuration file of Member-3.
sysname Member-3
vlan batch 10
cluster enable
ntdp enable
ntdp hop 3
ntdp timer 10
ndp enable
interface Vlanif10
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/2
undo shutdown
port default vlan 10
ntdp enable
ndp enable

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mngvlanid 10
administrator-address 0001-0001-0001 name HUAWEI

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Configuration Guide - System Management 5 NTP Configuration

5 NTP Configuration

About This Chapter

This chapter describes how to configure Network Time Protocol (NTP) to make clocks of the
devices on the network identical.

5.1 Overview of NTP

This section describes NTP.
5.2 Configuring Basic NTP Functions
This section describes how to configure basic NTP functions, including the NTP operating
5.3 Configuring NTP Security Mechanisms
This section describes how to configure NTP security mechanisms to guarantee reliable clock
synchronization on networks demanding high security.
5.4 Configuring KOD
This section describes how to configure KOD feature and its operation in different modes
5.5 NTP Configuration Examples
This section provides examples for configuring NTP, and illustrates the networking
requirements, configuration roadmap, and configuration notes. You can better understand the
configuration procedures with the help of the configuration flowchart.

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5.1 Overview of NTP

This section describes NTP.

5.1.1 Introduction to NTP

This part describes the application and working principles of NTP.

Network Time Protocol (NTP) synchronizes clocks of all devices in a network. It keeps all the
clocks of these devices consistent, and enables devices to implement various applications based
on the uniform time.

Any local system that runs NTP can be time synchronized by other clock sources, and also
functions as a clock source to synchronize other clocks. In addition, mutual synchronization can
be performed by exchanging NTP packets.

NTP packets are encapsulated in UDP packets for transmission and the port used by the NTP
protocol is 123.

NTP Application
NTP is applied to the following situations where all the clocks of hosts or routers in a network
need to be consistent:

l Network management: Analysis on logs or debugging information collected from different

routers should be performed based on time.
l Charging system: requires the clocks of all devices to be consistent.
l Completing certain functions: For example, restart of all the routers in a network requires
the clocks of all the routers be consistent.
l Several systems working together on the same complicate event: Systems have to take the
same clock for reference to ensure a proper sequence of implementation.
l Incremental backup between the backup server and clients: Clocks on the backup server
and clients should be synchronized.
l User login time: Some applications need to know the time when user logs in to the system
and the file revision time.

When all the devices on a network need to be synchronized, it is almost impossible for an
administrator to manually change the system clock by executing command lines. This is because
the work load is heavy and clock accuracy cannot be ensured. NTP can quickly synchronize the
clocks of network devices and ensure their precision.

NTP has the following advantages:

l Defines clock accuracy by means of stratum to synchronize the time of network devices in
a short time
l Supports access control and MD5 authentication
l Transmits packets in unicast, manycast, or broadcast mode

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Principles of NTP
Figure 5-1 shows the principles of NTP. Router A and Router B are connected through a WAN.
They both have their own system clocks. NTP implements automatic synchronization of their


l Before the system clocks of Router A and Router B are synchronized, the clock of Router
A is set to 10:00:00 am and the clock of Router B is set to 11:00:00 am.
l Router B functions as an NTP time server. That is, Router A synchronizes its clock with
that of Router B.
l One-way transmission of data packets between Router A and Router B takes one second.
l Processing of data packets on the Router A or the Router B takes one second.

Figure 5-1 NTP basic principle diagram

NTP packet 10:00:00am

Step1: Network
RouterA RouterB
NTP packet 10:00:00am 11:00:01am

Step2: Network
RouterA RouterB

NTP packet 10:00:00am 11:00:01am 11:00:02am

Step3: Network
RouterA RouterB

NTP Packet received at 10:00:03

Step4: Network
RouterA RouterB

The process of synchronizing system clocks is as follows:

1. Router A sends an NTP packet to Router B. The packet carries the originating timestamp
when it leaves Router A, which is 10:00:00 am (T1).
2. When the NTP packet reaches Router B, Router B adds its receiving timestamp to the NTP
packet, which is 11: 00:01 am (T2).
3. When the NTP packet leaves Router B, Router B adds its transmitting timestamp to the
NTP packet, which is 11:00:02 am (T3).

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4. When Router A receives the response packet, it adds a new receiving timestamp to it, which
is 10:00:03 am (T4).
Router A uses the received information to calculate the following two important values:
l Delay for the NTP message cycle: Delay = (T4 - T1) - (T3 - T2).
l Offset of Router A relative to Router B: Offset = ((T2 - T1) + (T3 - T4))/2.
According to the delay and the offset, Router A sets its own clock again to synchronize
with the clock of Router B.
The preceding example is only a simple description of the NTP operating principle. As
described in RFC 1305, NTP uses a complex algorithm to ensure the precision of clock
The server and client are two relative concepts. The device that provides standard time is
referred to as a time server, and the device that enjoys the time service is referred to as a

5.1.2 NTP Supported by the NE80E/40E

This part describes NTP operating modes supported by the NE80E/40E.
The router supports the following NTP working modes
l Unicast Client/Server Mode
l Peer Mode
l Broadcast Mode
l Multicast Mode
l Manycast Mode

Unicast Client/Server Mode

In this mode, you need to configure only the client. The server needs to be configured with only
one NTP primary clock.
Note that the client can be synchronized to the server but the server cannot be synchronized to
the client.
After the configuration, the following actions occur:
1. The client sends a synchronization request packet to the server, with the mode field being
set to 3. The value 3 indicates the client mode.
2. Upon receiving the request packet, the server automatically works in the server mode and
sends a response packet with the mode field being set to 4. The value 4 indicates the server
3. After receiving the response packet, the client performs clock filtering and selection, and
finally, is synchronized with the optimal server.

Peer Mode
In this mode, you need to configure NTP only on the symmetric active end. The symmetric active
end and symmetric passive end can be synchronized with each other.
Note that the clock with a lower stratum is synchronized to the one with a higher stratum.
After the configurations, the following actions occur:

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l The symmetric active end sends a synchronization request packet to the symmetric passive
end with the mode field being set to 1. The value 1 indicates the symmetric active mode.
l Upon receiving the request packet, the symmetric passive end automatically works in
symmetric passive mode and sends a response packet with the mode field being set to 2.
The value 2 indicates the symmetric passive mode.

Broadcast Mode
In this mode, you need to configure both the server and the client.

After the configurations, the following actions occur:

l The server periodically sends clock synchronization packets to the broadcast address
l The client senses broadcast packets from the server.
l After receiving the first broadcast packet, to estimate the network delay, the client enables
a temporary Client/Server model for exchanging messages with the remote server.
l The client then works in broadcast client mode, and continues to sense the incoming
broadcast packets to synchronize the local clock.

Multicast Mode
In this mode, you need to configure both the server and the client.

After the configurations, the following actions occur:

l The server periodically sends clock synchronization packets to the configured multicast
address. By default, the multicast address is
l The client senses multicast packets from the server.
l After receiving the first multicast packet, to estimate the network delay, the client enables
a temporary Client/Server model for exchanging messages with the remote server.
l The client works in multicast client mode, and continues to sense the incoming multicast
packets to synchronize the local clock.

Manycast Mode
In this mode, you need to configure both the server and the client.

After the configurations, the following actions occur:

l The manycast client periodically sends clock synchronization packets manycast server with
specified multicast address. By default, the multicast address is
l The manycast server senses manycast packets from the manycast client and responds to
the client with unicast packet.
l After receiving the first unicast packet by manycast client, to estimate the network delay,
the client creates an ephemeral association with the server for exchanging unicast packets.
l The server works in manycast server mode, and continues to sense the incoming manycast

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5.2 Configuring Basic NTP Functions

This section describes how to configure basic NTP functions, including the NTP operating

5.2.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

Before configuring basic NTP functions, familiarize yourself with the applicable environment,
complete the pre-configuration tasks, and obtain the required data. This can help you complete
the configuration task quickly and accurately.

Applicable Environment
NTP has the following operation modes:

l Client/Server mode
l Peer mode
l Broadcast mode
l Multicast mode
l Manycast mode

In actual applications, a proper operation mode needs to be selected according to the networking
topology to meet various clock synchronization requirements.

For the unicast Client/Sever mode and the peer mode, all the NTP packets sent locally can have
the same interface IP address as the source IP address.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring basic functions of NTP, you need to complete the following tasks:

l Configuring the link layer protocol for the interface

l Configuring an IP address and a routing protocol for the interface to ensure that NTP packets
can reach destinations

Data Preparation
To configure basic functions of NTP, you need the following data.

No. Data

1 Primary NTP clock and its stratum

2 Interfaces to send and receive NTP packets

3 NTP version

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No. Data

4 Preparing the data according to the operation mode

l Client/Server mode: IP address of the server and the VPN instance that the server
belongs to
l Peer mode: IP address of the symmetric passive end and the VPN instance that it
belongs to
l Broadcast mode: interfaces to send and receive broadcast NTP packets and the
maximum sessions set up dynamically on the client
l Multicast mode: IP address of the multicast group, the TTL value of the multicast
packets, the interfaces to send and receive the multicast packets, and the maximum
number of the session dynamically set up on the client

5 Interface disabled from receiving NTP packets

5.2.2 Configuring the NTP Primary Clock

The stratum configured for the master clock on the server must be lower than the stratum
configured for the clock on the client. Otherwise, the clock on the client cannot synchronize with
the master clock on the server.

If you want to configure a router to provide a primary NTP clock, do as follows on the router
functioning as the NTP server.

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
ntp-service refclock-master [ ip-address ] [ stratum ]

A primary NTP server is displayed.

ip-address is the IP address of the local reference clock. Its value is 127.127.t.u. Here, "t" ranges
from 0 to 37. Currently, "t" can be only 1, indicating the local reference clock. "u" indicates the
NTP process number, ranging from 0 to 3.

When no IP address is specified, the local clock whose IP address is functions as
the primary NTP clock by default, with the stratum being 8.


5.2.3 Configuring the Time Interval to Update Client Clock

When the server clock is changed, the client clock should be synchronized to the server clock
within the configured time interval.

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If you want to configure the time interval to update the client clock, do as follows on the
router functioning as a client:

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
ntp-service sync-interval interval

The time interval to update client clock is configured.

interval is the time interval to update the client clock. Its value ranges from 180 to 600 seconds.


5.2.4 Configuring the Unicast Client/Server Mode

In Client/Server mode, the clock on the client synchronizes with the master clock on the server.

Commonly, specify the IP address of the NTP server on the client. The client and server can
then exchange NTP packets using this IP address.
If the source interface to send NTP packets is specified on the server, the IP address of the server
configured on the client should be the same; otherwise, the client cannot process NTP packets
sent from the server and clock synchronization fails.

l Configuring the NTP Client
Do as follows on the router functioning as a client:
1. Run:

The system view is displayed.

2. (Optional) Run:
ntp-service source-interface interface-type interface-number [ vpn-
instance vpn-instance-name ]
ntp-service [ ipv6 ] source-interface interface-type interface-number
[ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ]

The local source interface that receives the NTP packet is configured.
3. Run:
– ntp-service unicast-server ip-address [ version number |
[ authentication-keyid key-id | autokey ] | source-interface interface-
type interface-number | preference | vpn-instance vpn-instance-name |
maxpoll max-number | minpoll min-number | burst | iburst | preempt ] *

The NTP server with specified IPv4 address is configured.

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The IP address of the NTP server is configured.

Step 2 is optional. If source-interface is specified in Step 3, use it preferentially.

ip-address or ipv6-address is the address of the NTP server. It can be the IPv4 or
IPv6 address of the host other than a broadcast address, a multicast address, or the IP
address of the reference clock.


When the unicast NTP server is specified, the local router functions as the client automatically.
The server needs to be configured with only a primary clock.
l (Optional) Configuring the NTP Server

Do as follows on the router working as a server:

1. Run:

The system view is displayed.

2. Run:
ntp-service source-interface interface-type interface-number [ vpn-
instance vpn-instance-name ]

The local source interface that sends NTP packets is specified.


5.2.5 Configuring the Peer Mode

This part describes how to configure the NTP peer mode. In this mode, clocks on the two peers
synchronize with each other based on the stratum. Each side can send the clock synchronization
request message to the peer and reply the clock synchronization request message from the peer.

l Configuring the NTP Symmetric Active End
1. Run:

The system view is displayed.

2. (Optional) Run:
ntp-service source-interface interface-type interface-number [ vpn-
instance vpn-instance-name ]

The local source interface that sends NTP packets is specified.

3. Run:
– ntp-service unicast-peer ip-address [ version number | [ authentication-
keyid key-id | autokey ] | source-interface interface-type interface-
number | preference | vpn-instance vpn-instance-name | maxpoll max-
number | minpoll min-number | preempt ] *

The NTP peer with specified IPv4 address is configured.

Step 2 is optional. If source-interface is specified in both Step 2 and Step 3, use the
source interface specified in Step 3 preferentially.

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ip-address or ipv6-address is the address of the NTP peer. It can be the IPv4 or
IPv6 address of a host other than a broadcast address, a multicast address, or the IP
address of the reference clock.


After the NTP peer is specified, the local router runs in symmetric active mode. The symmetric
passive end need not be configured.
l (Optional) Configuring the Source Interface of the NTP Symmetric Passive End
1. Run:

The system view is displayed.

2. Run:
ntp-service source-interface interface-type interface-number [ vpn-
instance vpn-instance-name ]

The local source interface that sends NTP packets is specified.

Commonly, specify the IP address of the NTP server on the client. The client and
server can then exchange NTP packets using this IP address

If the source interface to send NTP packets is specified on the symmetric active end,
the IP address of the NTP peer configured on the symmetric passive end should be
the same; otherwise, the passive end cannot process NTP packets sent from the active
end and clock synchronization fails.


5.2.6 Configuring the Broadcast Mode

This part describes how to configure the NTP broadcast mode on the LAN to synchronize clocks
on the LAN.

l Configuring an NTP Broadcast Server

Do as follows on the router functioning as an NTP broadcast server:

1. Run:

The system view is displayed.

2. Run:
interface interface-type interface-number

The interface to send NTP broadcast packets is specified.

3. Run:
ntp-service broadcast-server [ version number | [ authentication-keyid key-
id | autokey ] ] *

The local router is set as an NTP broadcast server.

After the configurations, the local router periodically sends the clock synchronization
packets to the broadcast address

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Broadcast mode can be used only in the same LAN.
l Configuring an NTP Broadcast Client
Do as follows on the router functioning as an NTP broadcast client:
1. Run:

The system view is displayed.

2. (Optional) Run:
ntp-service max-dynamic-sessions number

The number of local sessions allowed to be set up dynamically is set.

3. Run:
interface interface-type interface-number

The interface to receive broadcast NTP packets is specified.

4. Run:
ntp-service broadcast-client

The local router is configured as an NTP broadcast client.

Step 2 is optional. By default, a maximum of 100 NTP sessions can be set up
After the configurations, the local router senses the broadcast NTP packets sent from
the server and synchronizes the local clock.
Running the ntp-service max-dynamic-sessions command does not affect the
existence of NTP sessions. When the number of the sessions reaches or exceeds the
maximum, the new session cannot be set up further.

5.2.7 Configuring the Multicast Mode

This part describes how to configure the NTP multicast mode to synchronize clocks in a multicast

l Configuring an NTP Multicast Server
Do as follows on the router functioning as an NTP multicast server:
1. Run:

The system view is displayed.

2. Run:
interface interface-type interface-number

The interface to send multicast NTP packets is specified.

3. Run:
– ntp-service multicast-server [ ip-address ] [ [ authentication-keyid
key-id | autokey ] | ttl ttl-number | version number ] *

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The local router is set to be an NTP multicast server in IPv4 network.

– The local router is set to be an NTP multicast server in IPv6 network.
After the configurations, the local router periodically sends clock synchronization
packets to the multicast address
l Configuring an NTP Multicast Client
Do as follows on the router functioning as an NTP multicast client:
1. Run:

The system view is displayed.

2. (Optional) Run:
ntp-service max-dynamic-sessions number

The number of local sessions allowed to be set up dynamically is set.

3. Run:
interface interface-type interface-number

The interface to receive multicast NTP packets is specified.

4. Run:
The local router is set to be an NTP multicast client.
Step 2 is optional. By default, up to 100 NTP sessions can be set up dynamically.
After the configurations, the local router senses the multicast NTP packets sent from
the server and synchronizes the local clock.
Running the ntp-service max-dynamic-sessions command does not affect the
existence of NTP sessions. When the number of the sessions reaches or exceeds the
maximum, the new session cannot be set up further.

5.2.8 (Optional)Disabling the Interface from Receiving NTP

To prevent a host on the LAN from synchronizing the clock on the specified server, you can
disable the specified interface on the host from receiving NTP packets.

Do as follows on the router that needs to be disabled from receiving NTP packets.

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
interface interface-type interface-number

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The interface view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 4 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 5 Run:
l ntp-service in-interface disable

The interface on the router is disabled from receiving IPv4 NTP packets.
l ntp-service ipv6 in-interface disable

The interface on the router is disabled from receiving IPv6 NTP packets.

The interface on the router is disabled from receiving NTP packets.


5.2.9 Disabling NTP Service

If you do not want to use NTP IPv4 or IPv6 services, run the ntp-service disable command.
This will disable all NTP IPv4 or IPv6 services.

To prevent a device from synchronizing the clock with IPv4 or IPv6 external servers or peers,
you can disable NTP IPv4 or IPv6 service on the device. Also, if it not required to provide the
reference clock source for IPv4 or IPv6 external clients, you can disable NTP IPv4 or IPv6

Do as follows on the router that needs to be disabled from NTP services.

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
l ntp-service disable

NTP IPv4 service is disabled on the router.

l ntp-service ipv6 disable

NTP IPv6 service is disabled on the router.

By default, both IPv6 and IPv4 NTP service are enabled.


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5.2.10 Checking the Configuration

After basic NTP functions are configured, you can view the configuration.

The configurations of the Basic NTP Functions are complete.

l Run the display ntp-service status command to view the status of the NTP service.
l Run the display ntp-service sessions [ verbose ] command to view the status of NTP
l Run the display ntp-service trace command to view the summary information on each
passing NTP server when tracing from the local device to the reference clock source.

Run the display ntp-service status command to view the status of the NTP service.
<HUAWEI> display ntp-service status
clock status: synchronized
clock stratum: 2
reference clock ID: LOCAL(0)
nominal frequency: 60.0002 Hz
actual frequency: 60.0002 Hz
clock precision: 2^18
clock offset: 0.0000 ms
root delay: 0.00 ms
root dispersion: 0.00 ms
peer dispersion: 10.00 ms
reference time: 15:51:36.259 UTC Apr 25 2010(C6179088.426490A3)

Run the display ntp-service sessions [ verbose ] command to view the status of NTP sessions.
<HUAWEI> display ntp-service sessions
source reference stra reach poll now offset delay
[12345] LOCAL(0) 7 1 64 2 - 0.0
note: 1 source(master),2 source(peer),3 selected,4 candidate,5 configured,6 vpn-

Run the display ntp-service trace command to view the summary information on each passing
NTP server when tracing from the local device to the reference clock source.
<HUAWEI> display ntp-service trace
server,stratum 5, offset 0.024099, synch distance 0.06337
server,stratum 4, offset 0.028786, synch distance 0.04575
server,stratum 3, offset 0.035199, synch distance 0.03075
server,stratum 2, offset 0.039855, synch distance 0.01096

5.3 Configuring NTP Security Mechanisms

This section describes how to configure NTP security mechanisms to guarantee reliable clock
synchronization on networks demanding high security.

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5.3.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

Before configuring NTP security mechanisms, familiarize yourself with the applicable
environment, complete the pre-configuration tasks, and obtain the required data. This can help
you complete the configuration task quickly and accurately.

Applicable Environment
NTP supports two security mechanisms: access authority and NTP authentication.

l Access authority
Access authority is a type of simple security method provided by the NE80E/40E to protect
local NTP services.
The NE80E/40E provides four access authority levels. When an NTP access request packet
reaches the local end, it is matched in an order from the minimum access authority to the
maximum access authority. The first matched authority level takes effect. The matching
order is as follows:
– peer: indicates the minimum access authority. The remote end can send the request of
the local time and the control query to the local end. The local clock can also be
synchronized with that of the remote server.
– server: indicates the remote end can perform the time request and control query to the
local end but the local clock cannot be synchronized with that of the remote end.
– synchronization: indicates that the remote end can perform only the time request to the
local end.
– query: indicates the maximum access authority. The remote end can perform only the
control query to the local end.
l NTP authentication
NTP authentication is required in some networks with high security demands.
The configuration of NTP authentication involves configuring NTP authentication on both
the client and the server.
During the configuration of NTP authentication, pay attention to the following rules:
– Configure NTP authentication on both the client and the server; otherwise, the
authentication does not take effect.
– If NTP authentication is enabled, a reliable key needs to be configured at the same time.
– The authentication key configured on the server and that on the client should be
– In NTP peer mode, the symmetric active end equals the client, and the symmetric passive
end equals the server.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring NTP security mechanisms, complete the following tasks:

l Configuring the link layer protocol on the interface

l Configuring the network layer address and routing protocol to make the server and client
l Configuring ACL rules if the access authority is configured

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Data Preparation
To configure NTP security mechanisms, you need the following data.

No. Data

1 ACL rules

2 Shared key and its ID that are used in NTP authentication

3 NTP primary clock and its stratum

4 Interfaces that send and receive NTP packets

5 NTP version

6 Preparing the following data according to the NTP operation mode:

l Server/client mode: IP address of the server and the VPN instance the server
belongs to
l Peer mode: IP address of the symmetric passive end and the VPN instance it
belongs to
l Broadcast mode: interfaces to send and receive broadcast NTP packets and the
maximum number of the sessions set up dynamically on the client
l Multicast mode: IP address of the multicast group and the TTL values of the
multicast packets

5.3.2 Setting NTP Access Authorities

When receiving an access request packet, the NTP server matches the request packet with the
access authority in descending order (from peer, server, synchronization to query). The first
matched authority takes effect.

Do as follows on the router.

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
ntp-service access { peer | query | server | synchronization | synchronization |
limited } { acl-number | ipv6 acl6-number } *

Access authority for the NTP service on the local router is configured.

You can configure the ntp-service access command depending on the actual situations.

Table 5-1 shows the detailed NTP access authorities.

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Table 5-1 Description of the NTP access authorities

NTP Operation Mode Limited NTP Query Supported Devices

Unicast NTP Client/Server Synchronizing the client with Client

mode the server

Unicast NTP Client/Server Clock synchronization Server

mode request from the client

NTP peer mode Clock synchronization with Symmetric active end

each other

NTP peer mode Clock synchronization Symmetric passive end

request from the active end

NTP multicast mode Synchronizing the client with NTP multicast client
the server

NTP broadcast mode Synchronizing the client with NTP broadcast client
the server

NTP manycast client mode Synchronizing the client with NTP manycast client
the server

NTP manycast server mode Clock synchronization NTP manycast server

request from the client


5.3.3 Enabling NTP Authentication

This part describes how to set NTP Autokey authentication and MD5 authentication on the

NTP client synchronizes to authenticated NTP servers to ensure that time service is reliable
across the network. Authentication prevents the modification of NTP message data from
malicious network attacks.

l Configuring NTP MD5 authentication

l Configure the same authentication key on the server and client and affirm that the key is reliable;
otherwise, NTP authentication fails.
l Enable NTP authentication before performing actual authentication.
1. Run:

The system view is displayed.

2. Run:
ntp-service authentication enable

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NTP authentication is enabled.

3. Run:
ntp-service authentication-keyid key-id authentication-mode md5 password

The NTP authentication key is configured.

4. Run:
ntp-service reliable authentication-keyid key-id

The authentication key is declared to be reliable.

l Configuring NTP Autokey autentication

l Ensure correct keys and certificate files are loaded on both the client and the server; otherwise,
autokey authentication fails.
l If a standby board is present, ensure that all the keys and certificate files present in the master
board are also present on the standby board in the same path (default is cfcard: ). Otherwise, it
may result in autokey configuration loss.
1. Run:

The system view is displayed.

2. (Optional) Run:
ntp-service authentication auto-key password cert-password

The password to open the autokey files is loaded.

3. Run:
ntp-service authentication auto-key [ hostname cert-hostname | password
cert-password | groupname cert-groupname | work-dir cert-dir-name ] *

NTP global autokey authentication is enabled.


5.3.4 Configuring NTP Authentication in Unicast Client/Server

By configuring the authentication key ID used in the synchronization with the specific NTP
server on the NTP client, you can apply NTP authentication in Client/Server mode.

Do as follows on the router that functions as an NTP unicast client.

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
l ntp-service unicast-server ip-address [ version number | [ authentication-keyid
key-id | autokey ] | source-interface interface-type interface-number |
preference | vpn-instance vpn-instance-name | maxpoll max-number | minpoll min-
number | burst | iburst | preempt ] *

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The NTP server with specified IPv4 address is configured.

l ntp-service unicast-server ipv6 ipv6-address [ [ authentication-keyid key-id |
autokey ] | source-interface interface-type interface-number | preference | vpn-
instance vpn-instance-name | maxpoll max-number | minpoll min-number | burst |
iburst | preempt ] *

The NTP server with specified IPv6 address is configured.

l ntp-service unicast-server ipv6 ipv6-address [ [ authentication-keyid
key-id | autokey ] | source-interface interface-type interface-number |
preference | vpn-instance vpn-instance-name | maxpoll max-number | minpoll min-
number | burst | iburst | preempt ] *

The NTP server with specified IPv6 address is configured.


5.3.5 Configuring NTP Authentication in Peer Mode

By configuring the authentication key ID used in the synchronization with the peer on the local
end, you can apply NTP authentication in peer mode.

Do as follows on the router that functions as the symmetric active end.

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
l ntp-service unicast-peer ip-address [ version number | [ authentication-keyid
key-id | autokey ] | source-interface interface-type interface-number |
preference | vpn-instance vpn-instance-name | maxpoll max-number | minpoll min-
number | preempt ] *

The NTP peer with specified IPv4 address is configured.

l ntp-service unicast-peer ipv6 ipv6-address [ [ authentication-keyid key-id |
autokey ] | source-interface interface-type interface-number | preference | vpn-
instance vpn-instance-name | maxpoll max-number | minpoll min-number | preempt ]

The NTP peer with specified IPv6 address is configured.

l ntp-service unicast-peer ipv6 ipv6-address [ [ authentication-keyid key-id |
autokey ] | source-interface interface-type interface-number | preference | vpn-
instance vpn-instance-name | maxpoll max-number | minpoll min-number | preempt ]

The NTP peer with specified IPv6 address is configured.


5.3.6 Configuring NTP Authentication in Broadcast Mode

By configuring the authentication key ID used in the synchronization with the NTP broadcast
server on the local router, you can apply NTP authentication in broadcast mode.

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Do as follows on the router that functions as an NTP broadcast server.

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
interface interface-type interface-number

The interface to send broadcast NTP packets is configured.

Step 3 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 4 Run:
ntp-service broadcast-server [ version number | [ authentication-keyid key-id |
autokey ] ] *

The ID of the authentication key used by the NTP broadcast server is configured.
For configuring the broadcast client, see "Configuring the Broadcast Mode".


5.3.7 Configuring NTP Authentication in Multicast Mode

By configuring the authentication key ID used in the synchronization with the NTP multicast
server on the local router, you can apply NTP authentication in multicast mode.

Do as follows on the router that functions as an NTP multicast server.

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
interface interface-type interface-number

The interface to send multicast NTP packets is specified.

Step 3 Run:
l ntp-service multicast-server [ ip-address ] [ [ authentication-keyid key-id |
autokey ] | ttl ttl-number | version number ] *

The authentication key ID used by the NTP multicast server is configured in IPv4 network.
l ntp-service multicast-server [ ipv6 [ ipv6-address ] ] [ [ authentication-keyid
key-id | autokey ] | ttl ttl-number ] *

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The authentication key ID used by the NTP multicast server is configured in IPv6 network.
For configuring the multicast client, see "Configuring the Broadcast Mode".


5.3.8 Configuring NTP Authentication in Manycast Mode

By configuring the authentication key ID used in the synchronization with the NTP manycast
client on the local router, you can apply NTP authentication in manycast mode.

Do as follows on the router that functions as NTP manycast client.

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
interface interface-type interface-number

The interface view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
ntp-service manycast-client [ ip-address | ipv6 [ ipv6-address ] ]
[ [ authentication-keyid key-id | autokey ] | ttl ttl-number ] *

The authentication key ID used by the NTP manycast client is configured.


5.3.9 Checking the Configuration

After NTP security mechanisms are configured, you can view the configuration.

The configurations of the NTP Security Mechanisms are complete.

l Run the display ntp-service status command to view the status of the NTP service.
l Run the display ntp-service sessions [ verbose ] command to view the status of NTP

Run the display ntp-service status command to view the status of the NTP service.
<HUAWEI> display ntp-service status
clock status: synchronized
clock stratum: 2

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reference clock ID: LOCAL(0)

nominal frequency: 60.0002 Hz
actual frequency: 60.0002 Hz
clock precision: 2^18
clock offset: 0.0000 ms
root delay: 0.00 ms
root dispersion: 0.00 ms
peer dispersion: 10.00 ms
reference time: 15:51:36.259 UTC Apr 25 2010(C6179088.426490A3)

Run the display ntp-service sessions [ verbose ] command to view the status of NTP sessions.
<HUAWEI> display ntp-service sessions
source reference stra reach poll now offset delay
[12345] LOCAL(0) 7 1 64 2 - 0.0
note: 1 source(master),2 source(peer),3 selected,4 candidate,5 configured,6 vpn-

5.4 Configuring KOD

This section describes how to configure KOD feature and its operation in different modes

Applicable Environment
NTP has the following operation modes:

l Client/Server mode
l Peer mode
l Manycast mode

KOD is not applicable for Broadcast and Multicast mode.


KOD feature is applicable only for NTP version 4.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring NTP KOD, you need to complete the following tasks:

l Configuring the link layer protocol for the interface

l Configuring the network layer address and routing protocol to make the server and client

5.4.1 Configuring KOD at Server

l Configuring a router to send KOD packets.
1. Run:

The system view is displayed.

2. Run: Enable KOD

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ntp-service kod-enable

3. Set the access control authority.

ntp-service access { peer | query | server | synchronization | limited }
{ acl-number | ipv6 acl6-number } *

4. Configure the minimum interval and average interval for inter-packet spacing check.
ntp-service discard { min-interval min-interval-val | avg-interval avg-
interval-val } *

5. Set the local clock to be the NTP master clock that provides the synchronizing time
for other devices.
ntp-service refclock-master [ ip-address ] [ stratum ]


5.4.2 Configuring KOD at Client in Client-Server Mode

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run either of the following commands as required:
l ntp-service unicast-server ip-address [ version number | [ authentication-keyid
key-id | autokey ] | source-interface interface-type interface-number |
preference | vpn-instance vpn-instance-name | maxpoll max-number | minpoll min-
number | burst | iburst | preempt ] *

The NTP server with specified IPv4 address is configured.

l ntp-service unicast-server ipv6 ipv6-address [ [ authentication-keyid key-id |
autokey ] | source-interface interface-type interface-number | preference | vpn-
instance vpn-instance-name | maxpoll max-number | minpoll min-number | burst |
iburst | preempt ] *

The NTP server with specified IPv6 address is configured.

The authentication key ID used for the synchronization of the server and client clocks is


5.4.3 Configuring KOD at Client in Manycast Mode

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
interface interface-type interface-number

The interface view is displayed.

Step 3 Run: Configure manycast-client.

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ntp-service manycast-client [ ip-address | ipv6 [ ipv6-address ] ]

[ [ authentication-keyid key-id | autokey ] | ttl ttl-number ] *

The authentication key ID used by the NTP manycast client is configured.


5.4.4 Configuring KOD at Active Peer in Peer Mode

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run either of the following commands as required:

l ntp-service unicast-peer ip-address [ version number | [ authentication-keyid
key-id | autokey ] | source-interface interface-type interface-number |
preference | vpn-instance vpn-instance-name | maxpoll max-number | minpoll min-
number | preempt ] *

The NTP peer with specified IPv4 address is configured.

l ntp-service unicast-peer ipv6 ipv6-address [ [ authentication-keyid key-id |
autokey ] | source-interface interface-type interface-number | preference | vpn-
instance vpn-instance-name | maxpoll max-number | minpoll min-number | preempt ]

The NTP server with specified IPv6 address is configured.


5.4.5 Checking the Configuration

The configurations of the NTP KOD are complete.

l Run the display current-configuration command to check the configuration parameters
currently validated for KOD on the router.


5.5 NTP Configuration Examples

This section provides examples for configuring NTP, and illustrates the networking
requirements, configuration roadmap, and configuration notes. You can better understand the
configuration procedures with the help of the configuration flowchart.


This document takes interface numbers and link types of the NE40E-X8 as an example. In working
situations, the actual interface numbers and link types may be different from those used in this document.

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5.5.1 Example for Configuring NTP Authentication in Unicast

Server and Client Mode
This part provides examples for configuring NTP authentication in unicast server and client
mode. You must first enable NTP authentication on the client and then specify IP address of the
NTP server and the authentication key delivered to the server. Configurations on the client and
server must be complete; otherwise, the authentication cannot be passed.

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 5-2,
l RouterA functions as a unicast NTP server. The clock on it functions as a primary NTP
clock with the stratum being 2.
l RouterB functions as a unicast NTP client. Its clock needs to be synchronized with the
clock on RouterA.
l RouterC and RouterD function as NTP clients of RouterB.
l Enable NTP authentication.

Figure 5-2 Networking diagram of the unicast Client/Server mode

GE 1/0/0

GE 1/0/0 IP GE 2/0/0 GE 1/0/0 RouterC Network GE 1/0/0

Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:
1. Configure RouterA to be an NTP server and configure a primary clock on it.
2. Configure RouterB to be an NTP client and synchronize its clock with the clock of
3. Configure RouterC and RouterD to synchronize their clocks with the clock of RouterB.
4. Enable NTP authentication on all Routers.

l You must enable NTP authentication on the client prior to specifying the IP address of the NTP server
and authentication key to be sent to the server; otherwise, NTP authentication is not performed before
clock synchronization.
l To implement authentication successfully, configure both the server and the client.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:

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l IP address of the reference clock

l Stratum of the primary NTP clock
l Authentication key and its ID
l Password

Step 1 Configure the IP addresses based on Figure 5-2 so that RouterA, RouterB, RouterC and
RouterD are routable. The detailed procedures are not mentioned here.
Step 2 Configure a primary NTP clock on RouterA and enable NTP authentication.
# On RouterA, set its local clock as a primary NTP clock with stratum being 2.
<RouterA> system-view
[RouterA] ntp-service refclock-master 2

# Enable NTP authentication, configure the authentication key, and declare the key to be reliable.
[RouterA] ntp-service authentication enable
[RouterA] ntp-service authentication-keyid 42 authentication-mode md5 Hello
[RouterA] ntp-service reliable authentication-keyid 42

Note that authentication keys configured on the server and the client should be the same.
Step 3 Configure a primary NTP clock on RouterB and enable NTP authentication.
# On RouterB, enable NTP authentication. Configure the authentication key and declare the key
to be reliable.
<RouterB> system-view
[RouterB] ntp-service authentication enable
[RouterB] ntp-service authentication-keyid 42 authentication-mode md5 Hello
[RouterB] ntp-service reliable authentication-keyid 42

# Specify RouterA to be the NTP server of RouterB and use the authentication key.
[RouterB] ntp-service unicast-server authentication-keyid 42

Step 4 On RouterC, specify RouterB to be the NTP server of RouterC.

<RouterC> system-view
[RouterC] ntp-service authentication enable
[RouterC] ntp-service authentication-keyid 42 authentication-mode md5 Hello
[RouterC] ntp-service reliable authentication-keyid 42
[RouterC] ntp-service unicast-server authentication-keyid 42

Step 5 On RouterD, specify RouterB to be the NTP server of RouterD.

<RouterD> system-view
[RouterD] ntp-service authentication enable
[RouterD] ntp-service authentication-keyid 42 authentication-mode md5 Hello
[RouterD] ntp-service reliable authentication-keyid 42
[RouterD] ntp-service unicast-server authentication-keyid 42

Step 6 Verify the configuration

After the configurations, the clock on RouterB can be synchronized with the clock on RouterA.
View the NTP status on RouterB and find that the clock synchronized. The stratum of the clock
is 3, one stratum lower than that on RouterA.
[RouterB] display ntp-service status
clock status: synchronized
clock stratum: 3
reference clock ID:

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nominal frequency: 60.0002 Hz

actual frequency: 60.0002 Hz
clock precision: 2^18
clock offset: 3.8128 ms
root delay: 31.26 ms
root dispersion: 74.20 ms
peer dispersion: 34.30 ms
reference time: 11:55:56.833 UTC Mar 2 2006(C7B15BCC.D5604189)

After the configurations, the clock on RouterC can be synchronized with the clock on RouterB.
View the NTP status on RouterC and find that the clock is synchronized. The stratum of the
clock is 4, one stratum lower than that on RouterB.
[RouterC] display ntp-service status
clock status: synchronized
clock stratum: 4
reference clock ID:
nominal frequency: 60.0002 Hz
actual frequency: 60.0002 Hz
clock precision: 2^18
clock offset: 3.8128 ms
root delay: 31.26 ms
root dispersion: 74.20 ms
peer dispersion: 34.30 ms
reference time: 11:55:56.833 UTC Mar 2 2006(C7B15BCC.D5604189)

View the NTP status on RouterD and find that the clock is synchronized. The stratum of the
clock is 4, one stratum lower than that on RouterB.
[RouterD] display ntp-service status
clock status: synchronized
clock stratum: 4
reference clock ID:
nominal frequency: 60.0002 Hz
actual frequency: 60.0002 Hz
clock precision: 2^18
clock offset: 3.8128 ms
root delay: 31.26 ms
root dispersion: 74.20 ms
peer dispersion: 34.30 ms
reference time: 11:55:56.833 UTC Mar 2 2006(C7B15BCC.D5604189)

View NTP status on RouterA.

[RouterA] display ntp-service status
clock status: synchronized
clock stratum: 2
reference clock ID: LOCAL(0)
nominal frequency: 60.0002 Hz
actual frequency: 60.0002 Hz
clock precision: 2^18
clock offset: 0.0000 ms
root delay: 0.00 ms
root dispersion: 26.50 ms
peer dispersion: 10.00 ms
reference time: 12:01:48.377 UTC Mar 2 2006(C7B15D2C.60A15981)


Configuration Files
l Configuration file of RouterA
sysname RouterA
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown

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ip address

ospf 1
ntp-service authentication enable
ntp-service authentication-keyid 42 authentication-mode md5 %@ENC;8HX
ntp-service reliable authentication-keyid 42
ntp-service refclock-master 2

l Configuration file of RouterB

sysname RouterB
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
interface GigabitEthernet2/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
ospf 1
ntp-service authentication enable
ntp-service authentication-keyid 42 authentication-mode md5 %@ENC;8HX
ntp-service reliable authentication-keyid 42
ntp-service unicast-server authentication-keyid 42

l Configuration file of RouterC

sysname RouterC
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
ntp-service authentication enable
ntp-service authentication-keyid 42 authentication-mode md5 %@ENC;8HX
ntp-service reliable authentication-keyid 42
ntp-service unicast-server authentication-keyid 42

l Configuration file of RouterD

sysname RouterD
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
ntp-service authentication enable
ntp-service authentication-keyid 42 authentication-mode md5 %@ENC;8HX
ntp-service reliable authentication-keyid 42
ntp-service unicast-server authentication-keyid 42

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5.5.2 Example for Configuring NTP Peer Mode

In peer mode, clocks on the two peers synchronize with each other.

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 5-3, three devices are located in a LAN.
l Configure the clock on RouterC to be an primary NTP clock with the stratum being 2.
l RouterD takes RouterC as its NTP server. That is, RouterD functions as the client.
l RouterE takes RouterD as its symmetric passive end. That is, RouterE is the symmetric
active end.

Figure 5-3 Networking diagram of the NTP peer mode



GE1/0/0 GE1/0/0

RouterE RouterD

Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows
1. Configure the clock on RouterC to be the NTP primary clock. The clock on RouterD should
be synchronized to the clock on RouterC.
2. Configure RouterE and RouterD to be NTP peer so that RouterE should send clock
synchronization requests to RouterD
3. Finally, the clocks on RouterC, RouterD and RouterE can be synchronized.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:
l IP address of RouterC
l IP address of RouterD
l Stratum of the NTP primary clock

Step 1 Configure IP addresses for RouterC, RouterD, and RouterE.
Configure an IP address for each interface based on Figure 5-3. After configurations, the three
routers can ping through each other.

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The detailed procedures are not mentioned here.

Step 2 Configure the NTP Client/Server mode.
# Configure the clock on RouterC to be its own reference clock with the stratum being 2.
<RouterC> system-view
[RouterC] ntp-service refclock-master 2

# On RouterD, configure RouterC to be its NTP server.

<RouterD> system-view
[RouterD] ntp-service unicast-server

After configurations, the clock on RouterD can be synchronized to the clock on RouterC.
View the NTP status on RouterD and find that the clock is synchronized. The stratum of the
clock on RouterD is 3, one stratum lower than that on RouterC.
[RouterD] display ntp-service status
clock status: synchronized
clock stratum: 3
reference clock ID:
nominal frequency: 64.0029 Hz
actual frequency: 64.0029 Hz
clock precision: 2^7
clock offset: 0.0000 ms
root delay: 62.50 ms
root dispersion: 0.20 ms
peer dispersion: 7.81 ms
reference time: 06:52:33.465 UTC Mar 7 2006(C7B7AC31.773E89A8)

Step 3 Configure the unicast NTP peer mode.

# On RouterE, configure RouterD to be the symmetric passive end.
<RouterE> system-view
[RouterE] ntp-service unicast-peer

Since no primary clock is configured on RouterE, the clock on RouterE should be synchronized
to the clock on RouterD.
Step 4 Verify the configuration.
View the status of RouterE after clock synchronization and you can find that the status is
"synchronized". That is, clock synchronization completes. You can also find that the stratum of
the clock on RouterE is 4, one stratum lower than that on RouterD.
[RouterE] display ntp-service status
clock status: synchronized
clock stratum: 4
reference clock ID:
nominal frequency: 64.0029 Hz
actual frequency: 64.0029 Hz
clock precision: 2^7
clock offset: 0.0000 ms
root delay: 124.98 ms
root dispersion: 0.15 ms
peer dispersion: 10.96 ms
reference time: 06:55:50.784 UTC Mar 7 2006(C7B7ACF6.C8D002E2)


Configuration Files
l Configuration file of RouterC

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sysname RouterC
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
ntp-service refclock-master 2

l Configuration file of RouterD

sysname RouterD
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
ntp-service unicast-server

l Configuration file of RouterE

sysname RouterE
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
ntp-service unicast-peer

5.5.3 Example for Configuring NTP Authentication in Broadcast

On a LAN, the device with the most precise clock is specified as the NTP server. Clocks on
other devices synchronize with the clock on the NTP server.

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 5-4,
l RouterA,RouterB and RouterC are in the same network segment;
l RouterA functions as the NTP broadcast server and its local clock is the NTP primary clock
with the stratum being 3. Broadcast packets are sent from GE 1/0/0.
l RouterB and RouterC sense the broadcast packets respectively on GE 1/0/0 of them.

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Figure 5-4 Networking diagram of the NTP broadcast mode





Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:
1. Configure RouterA as an NTP broadcast server.
2. Configure RouterB and RouterC as the NTP broadcast clients.
3. Configure NTP authentication on RouterA, RouterB, and RouterC.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:
l IP addresses of RouterA, RouterB,andRouterC
l Stratum of the NTP primary clock
l Authentication key and its ID

Step 1 Configure an IP address for each Router.
Configure IP addresses based on Figure 5-4. The detailed procedures are not mentioned here.
Step 2 Configure an NTP broadcast server and enable NTP authentication on it.
# Set the local clock of RouterA as a primary clock with stratum being 3.
<RouterA> system-view
[RouterA] ntp-service refclock-master 3

# Enable NTP authentication.

[RouterA] ntp-service authentication enable
[RouterA] ntp-service authentication-keyid 16 authentication-mode md5 Hello
[RouterA] ntp-service reliable authentication-keyid 16

# Configure RouterA to be an NTP broadcast server. Broadcast packets are encrypted by using
the authentication key ID 16 and then sent from GE 1/0/0.
[RouterA] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/0
[RouterA-GigabitEthernet1/0/0] ntp-service broadcast-server authentication-keyid 16

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[RouterA-GigabitEthernet1/0/0] quit

Step 3 Configure RouterB.

# Enable NTP authentication.
<RouterB> system-view
[RouterB] ntp-service authentication enable
[RouterB] ntp-service authentication-keyid 16 authentication-mode md5 Hello
[RouterB] ntp-service reliable authentication-keyid 16

# Configure RouterB to be the NTP broadcast client. RouterB senses the broadcast packets on
GE 1/0/0.
[RouterB] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/0
[RouterB-GigabitEthernet1/0/0] ntp-service broadcast-client
[RouterB-GigabitEthernet1/0/0] quit

After configurations, the clock on RouterD is synchronized to the clock on RouterC.

Step 4 Configure RouterC.
# Enable NTP authentication.
[RouterC] ntp-service authentication enable
[RouterC] ntp-service authentication-keyid 16 authentication-mode md5 Hello
[RouterC] ntp-service reliable authentication-keyid 16

# Configure RouterC to be the NTP broadcast client. RouterC senses the NTP broadcast packets
on GE 1/0/0.
[RouterC] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/0
[RouterC-GigabitEthernet1/0/0] ntp-service broadcast-client

Step 5 Verify the configuration.

After the configurations, the clock on RouterB and RouterC can be synchronized to the clock
on RouterA.
Check the NTP status on RouterB and you can find that the clock status is "synchronized". That
is, clock synchronization completes. The stratum of the clock on RouterBis 4, one stratum lower
than that of RouterA.
[RouterB] display ntp-service status
clock status: synchronized
clock stratum: 4
reference clock ID:
nominal frequency: 60.0002 Hz
actual frequency: 60.0002 Hz
clock precision: 2^18
clock offset: 0.0000 ms
root delay: 0.00 ms
root dispersion: 0.42 ms
peer dispersion: 0.00 ms
reference time: 12:17:21.773 UTC Mar 7 2006(C7B7F851.C5EAF25B)


Configuration Files
l Configuration file of RouterA
sysname RouterA
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0

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undo shutdown
ip address
ntp-service broadcast-server authentication-keyid 16
ntp-service authentication enable
ntp-service authentication-keyid 16 authentication-mode md5 %@ENC;8HX
ntp-service reliable authentication-keyid 16
ntp-service refclock-master 3

l Configuration file of RouterB

sysname RouterB
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
ntp-service broadcast-client
ntp-service authentication enable
ntp-service authentication-keyid 16 authentication-mode md5 %@ENC;8HX
ntp-service reliable authentication-keyid 16

l Configuration file of RouterC

sysname RouterC
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
ntp-service broadcast-client
ntp-service authentication enable
ntp-service authentication-keyid 16 authentication-mode md5 %@ENC;8HX
ntp-service reliable authentication-keyid 16

5.5.4 Example for Configuring Multicast Mode

In a multicast domain, the device with the most precise clock is specified as the NTP server.
Clocks on other devices synchronize with the clock on the NTP server.

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 5-5,
l RouterA ,RouterB and RouterC are in the same network segment;
l RouterA functions as an NTP multicast server and its local clock is a primary clock with
the stratum 2. Multicast packets are sent out from GE 1/0/0.
l RouterB and RouterC sense the multicast packets respectively on GE 1/0/0 of them.

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Figure 5-5 Networking diagram of the NTP multicast mode





Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:
1. Configure RouterA as an NTP multicast server.
2. Configure RouterB and RouterC as NTP multicast clients.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:
l IP addresses of RouterA, RouterB, and RouterC
l Stratum of the NTP primary clock

Step 1 Configure an IP address for each router
Configure IP addresses based on Figure 5-5. The detailed procedures are not mentioned here.
Step 2 Configure an NTP multicast server.
# Set the local clock on RouterA as an NTP primary clock with stratum 2.
<RouterA> system-view
[RouterA] ntp-service refclock-master 2

# Configure RouterA to be an NTP multicast server. NTP multicast packets are sent from GE
[RouterA] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/0
[RouterA-GigabitEthernet1/0/0] ntp-service multicast-server

Step 3 Configure RouterB.

# Configure RouterB to be an NTP multicast client. RouterB senses the NTP multicast packets
on GE 1/0/0.
<RouterB> system-view
[RouterB] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/0
[RouterB-GigabitEthernet1/0/0] ntp-service multicast-client

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Step 4 Configure RouterC.

# Configure RouterC to be an NTP multicast client. RouterC senses the NTP multicast packets
on GE 1/0/0.
<RouterC> system-view
[RouterC] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/0
[RouterC-GigabitEthernet1/0/0] ntp-service multicast-client

Step 5 Verify the configuration.

After the configurations, the clock on RouterB and RouterC can be synchronized to the clock
on RouterA.
Check the NTP status on RouterB and you can find that the clock status is "synchronized". That
is, clock synchronization completes. The stratum of the clock on RouterB is 3, one stratum lower
than that on RouterA.
[RouterB] display ntp-service status
clock status: synchronized
clock stratum: 3
reference clock ID:
nominal frequency: 60.0002 Hz
actual frequency: 60.0002 Hz
clock precision: 2^18
clock offset: 0.66 ms
root delay: 24.47 ms
root dispersion: 208.39 ms
peer dispersion: 9.63 ms
reference time: 17:03:32.022 UTC Apr 25 2005(C61734FD.800303C0)


Configuration Files
l Configuration file of RouterA
sysname RouterA
ntp-service refclock-master 2
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
ntp-service multicast-server

l Configuration file of RouterB

sysname RouterB
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
ntp-service multicast-client

l Configuration file of RouterC

sysname RouterC
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address

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ntp-service multicast-client

5.5.5 Example for Configuring Manycast Mode

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 5-6,
l RouterC and RouterD are in the same network segment; RouterA is in another network
segment; RouterF connects with the two network segments.
l RouterC functions as an NTP manycast server and its local clock is a primary clock with
the stratum 2. Manycast packets are sent out from GE1/0/0.
l RouterD and RouterA are manycast clients and send packets on their respective GE1/0/0.

Figure 5-6 Networking diagram of the NTP manycast mode


GE1/0/0 GE2/0/0
RouterA RouterF


Configuration Notes
Ensure manycast client is reachable to the manycast server before synchronization. This can be
checked using ping command on the console interface.

Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:
1. Configure RouterC as an NTP manycast server.
2. Configure RouterA and RouterD as NTP manycast clients.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:
l IP addresses of RouterA, RouterC, RouterD, and RouterF
l Stratum of the NTP primary clock

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Step 1 Configure an IP address for each router.
Configure IP addresses based on Figure 5-6. The detailed procedures are not mentioned here.
Step 2 Configure an NTP manycast server.
# Set the local clock on RouterC as an NTP primary clock with stratum 2.
<RouterC> system-view
[RouterC] ntp-service refclock-master 2

# Configure RouterC to be an NTP manycast server. NTP manycast server sends NTP manycast
packets after receiving manycast client packets.
[RouterC] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/0
[RouterC-GigabitEthernet1/0/0] ntp-service manycast-server

Step 3 Configure RouterD.

# Configure RouterD to be an NTP manycast client. RouterD sends NTP manycast packets to
manycast server on GE1/0/0.
<RouterD> system-view
[RouterD] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/0
[RouterD-GigabitEthernet1/0/0] ntp-service manycast-client

Step 4 Configure RouterA.

# Configure RouterA to be an NTP manycast client. RouterA sends NTP manycast packets to
manycast server on GE1/0/0.
<RouterA> system-view
[RouterA] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/0
[RouterA-GigabitEthernet1/0/0] ntp-service manycast-client

Step 5 Verify the configuration.

After the configurations, the clock on Router A and RouterD can be synchronized to the clock
on RouterC.
Check the NTP status on RouterD and you can find that the clock status is "synchronized". That
is, clock synchronization completes. The stratum of the clock on RouterD is 3, one stratum lower
than that on RouterC.
[RouterD] display ntp-service status
clock status: synchronized
clock stratum: 3
reference clock ID:
nominal frequency: 60.0002 Hz
actual frequency: 60.0002 Hz
clock precision: 2^18
clock offset: 0.66 ms
root delay: 24.47 ms
root dispersion: 208.39 ms
peer dispersion: 9.63 ms
reference time: 17:03:32.022 UTC Apr 25 2005(C61734FD.800303C0)
autokey crypto flags: 0x80021


Configuration Files
l Configuration file of RouterA

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sysname RouterA
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
ntp-service manycast-client

l Configuration file of RouterC

sysname RouterC
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
ntp-service manycast-server

l Configuration file of RouterD

sysname RouterD
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
ntp-service manycast-client

5.5.6 Example for Configuring NTP Autokey with Private Scheme

in Client/Server Mode
Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 5-7,
l RouterA functions as a unicast NTP server. The clock on it functions as a primary NTP
clock with the stratum being 2.
l RouterB functions as a unicast NTP client. Its clock needs to be synchronized with the
clock on RouterA.
l RouterC and RouterD function as NTP clients of RouterB.
l Enable NTP authentication.

Figure 5-7 Networking diagram of the Private Scheme Client/Server mode

GE 1/0/0

GE 1/0/0 IP GE 2/0/0 GE 1/0/0 RouterC Network GE 1/0/0

Issue 03 (2012-06-08) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 292

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HUAWEI NetEngine80E/40E Router
Configuration Guide - System Management 5 NTP Configuration

Configuration Notes
l Before configuring autokey at the client and server side, ensure the keys and certificate
files already exists.
l In Private Scheme same key and certificate is put in all routers.
l Authentication key should be reliable at client and server side. Also enable authentication
at client side.

Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:
1. Enable Autokey and Configure RouterA to be an NTP server and configure a primary clock
on it.
2. Enable Autokey and Configure RouterB to be an NTP client and synchronize its clock with
the clock of RouterA.
3. Enable Autokey and Configure RouterC and RouterD to synchronize their clocks with the
clock of RouterB.

You must enable NTP authentication autokey on all routers before configuring server.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:
l IP address of the reference clock
l Stratum of the primary NTP clock
l Authentication Autokey key files and certificate
l Password to read the files

Step 1 Configure the IP addresses based on Figure 5-7 so that RouterA, RouterB, RouterC and
RouterD are routable. The detailed procedures are not mentioned here.
Step 2 Configure a primary NTP clock on RouterA and enable NTP authentication.
# On RouterA, set its local clock as a primary NTP clock with stratum being 2.
<RouterA> system-view
[RouterA] ntp-service refclock-master 2

# Enable NTP authentication, configure autokey.

[RouterA] ntp-service authentication enable
[RouterA] ntp-service authentication auto-key hostname private password Hello

Note that authentication keys configured on the server and the client should be the same.
It reads ntpkey_host_private, ntpkey_cert_private, (optional)ntpkey_sign_private files.
Step 3 Configure a primary NTP clock on RouterB and enable NTP authentication.
# On RouterB, enable NTP authentication. Configure the autokey.
<RouterB> system-view

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[RouterB] ntp-service authentication enable

[RouterB] ntp-service authentication auto-key hostname private password Hello

# Specify RouterA to be the NTP server of RouterB and use the authentication key.
[RouterB] ntp-service unicast-server autokey

Step 4 On RouterC, specify RouterB to be the NTP server of RouterC.

<RouterC> system-view
[RouterC] ntp-service authentication enable
[RouterC]ntp-service authentication auto-key hostname private password Hello
[RouterC] ntp-service unicast-server autokey

Step 5 On RouterD, specify RouterB to be the NTP server of RouterD.

<RouterD> system-view
[RouterD] ntp-service authentication enable
[RouterD] ntp-service authentication auto-key hostname private password Hello
[RouterC] ntp-service unicast-server autokey

Step 6 Verify the configuration

After the configurations, the clock on RouterB can be synchronized with the clock on RouterA.
View the NTP status on RouterB and find that the clock synchronized. The stratum of the clock
is 3, one stratum lower than that on RouterA.
[RouterB] display ntp-service status
clock status: synchronized
clock stratum: 3
reference clock ID:
nominal frequency: 60.0002 Hz
actual frequency: 60.0002 Hz
clock precision: 2^18
clock offset: 3.8128 ms
root delay: 31.26 ms
root dispersion: 74.20 ms
peer dispersion: 34.30 ms
reference time: 11:55:56.833 UTC Mar 2 2006(C7B15BCC.D5604189)

After the configurations, the clock on RouterC can be synchronized with the clock on RouterB.
View the NTP status on RouterC and find that the clock is synchronized. The stratum of the
clock is 4, one stratum lower than that on RouterB.
[RouterC] display ntp-service status
clock status: synchronized
clock stratum: 4
reference clock ID:
nominal frequency: 60.0002 Hz
actual frequency: 60.0002 Hz
clock precision: 2^18
clock offset: 3.8128 ms
root delay: 31.26 ms
root dispersion: 74.20 ms
peer dispersion: 34.30 ms
reference time: 11:55:56.833 UTC Mar 2 2006(C7B15BCC.D5604189)

View the NTP status on RouterD and find that the clock is synchronized. The stratum of the
clock is 4, one stratum lower than that on RouterB.
[RouterD] display ntp-service status
clock status: synchronized
clock stratum: 4
reference clock ID:
nominal frequency: 60.0002 Hz
actual frequency: 60.0002 Hz
clock precision: 2^18
clock offset: 3.8128 ms

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root delay: 31.26 ms

root dispersion: 74.20 ms
peer dispersion: 34.30 ms
reference time: 11:55:56.833 UTC Mar 2 2006(C7B15BCC.D5604189)

View NTP status on RouterA.

[RouterA] display ntp-service status
clock status: synchronized
clock stratum: 2
reference clock ID: LOCAL(0)
nominal frequency: 60.0002 Hz
actual frequency: 60.0002 Hz
clock precision: 2^18
clock offset: 0.0000 ms
root delay: 0.00 ms
root dispersion: 26.50 ms
peer dispersion: 10.00 ms
reference time: 12:01:48.377 UTC Mar 2 2006(C7B15D2C.60A15981)


Configuration Files
l Configuration file of RouterA
sysname RouterA
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
ospf 1
ntp-service authentication enable
ntp-service authentication auto-key hostname private password Hello
ntp-service refclock-master 2

l Configuration file of RouterB

sysname RouterB
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
interface GigabitEthernet2/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
ospf 1
ntp-service authenticationenable
ntp-service authentication auto-key hostname private password Hello
ntp-service unicast-server autokey

l Configuration file of RouterC

sysname RouterC

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interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
ntp-service authenticationenable
ntp-service authentication auto-key hostname private password Hello
ntp-service unicast-server autokey

l Configuration file of RouterD

sysname RouterD
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
ntp-service authenticationenable
ntp-service authentication auto-key hostname private password Hello
ntp-service unicast-server autokey

5.5.7 Example for Configuring NTP Autokey with Trusted Scheme

in Peer Mode
Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 5-8, three Routers are located in a LAN.
l Configure the clock on RouterC to be an primary NTP clock with the stratum being 2.
l RouterD takes RouterC as its NTP server. That is, RouterD functions as the client.
l RouterF takes RouterD as its symmetric passive end. That is, RouterF is the symmetric
active end.

Figure 5-8 Networking diagram of the NTP Autokey with Trusted Scheme in peer mode

GE1/0/0 GE2/0/0
RouterA RouterF


Configuration Notes
Before configuring a peer mode, ensure the peer is reachable from host side.

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Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows
1. Enable Autokey and configure the clock on RouterC to be the NTP primary clock. The
clock on RouterD should be synchronized to the clock on RouterC.
2. Enable Autokey and configure RouterF and RouterD to be NTP peer so that RouterF should
send clock synchronization requests to RouterD
3. Finally, the clocks on RouterC, RouterD and RouterF can be synchronized.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:
l IP address of RouterC
l IP address of RouterD
l Stratum of the NTP primary clock
l Key and certificate files for all routers
l Password to read files

Step 1 Configure IP addresses for RouterC, RouterD, and RouterF.
Configure an IP address for each interface based on Figure 5-8. After configurations, the three
routers can ping through each other.
The detailed procedures are not mentioned here.
Step 2 Configure the NTP Client/Server mode.
# Configure the clock on RouterC to be its own reference clock with the stratum being 2.
<RouterC> system-view
[RouterC] ntp-service refclock-master 2

# Enable NTP authentication, configure Autokey, make sure the certificate ntpkey_cert_routerc
is trusted.
<RouterC> system-view
<RouterC> ntp-service authentication enable
<RouterC> ntp-service authentication auto-key password Hello

It reads ntpkey_host_routerc, ntpkey_cert_routerc, (optional)ntpkey_sign_routerc files.

# On RouterD, configure RouterC to be its NTP server.
<RouterD> system-view
[RouterD] ntp-service authentication enable
[RouterD] ntp-service authentication auto-key password Hello
[RouterD] ntp-service unicast-server autokey

It reads the following file - ntpkey_host_routerd; ntpkey_cert_routerd, (optional)

After configurations, the clock on RouterD can be synchronized to the clock on RouterC.
View the NTP status on RouterD and find that the clock is synchronized. The stratum of the
clock on RouterD is 3, one stratum lower than that on RouterC.

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[RouterD] display ntp-service status

clock status: synchronized
clock stratum: 3
reference clock ID:
nominal frequency: 64.0029 Hz
actual frequency: 64.0029 Hz
clock precision: 2^7
clock offset: 0.0000 ms
root delay: 62.50 ms
root dispersion: 0.20 ms
peer dispersion: 7.81 ms
reference time: 06:52:33.465 UTC Mar 7 2006(C7B7AC31.773E89A8)

Step 3 Configure the unicast NTP peer mode.

# On RouterF, configure RouterD to be the symmetric passive end.
<RouterF> system-view
[RouterF]ntp-service authentication enable
[RouterF] ntp-service authentication auto-key password Hello
[RouterF] ntp-service unicast-peer

It reads the following file - ntpkey_host_routere; ntpkey_cert_routere, (optional)

Since no primary clock is configured on RouterF, the clock on RouterF should be synchronized
to the clock on RouterD.
Step 4 Verify the configuration.
View the status of RouterF after clock synchronization and you can find that the status is
"synchronized". That is, clock synchronization completes. You can also find that the stratum of
the clock on RouterF is 4, one stratum lower than that on RouterD.
[RouterF] display ntp-service status
clock status: synchronized
clock stratum: 4
reference clock ID:
nominal frequency: 64.0029 Hz
actual frequency: 64.0029 Hz
clock precision: 2^7
clock offset: 0.0000 ms
root delay: 124.98 ms
root dispersion: 0.15 ms
peer dispersion: 10.96 ms
reference time: 06:55:50.784 UTC Mar 7 2006(C7B7ACF6.C8D002E2)


Configuration Files
l Configuration file of RouterC
sysname RouterC
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
ntp-service authentication enable
ntp-service authentication auto-key password Hello
ntp-service refclock-master 2

l Configuration file of RouterD


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sysname RouterD
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
ntp-service authentication enable
ntp-service authentication auto-key password Hello
ntp-service unicast-server autokey

l Configuration file of RouterF

sysname RouterF
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
ntp-service authentication enable
ntp-service authentication auto-key password Hello
ntp-service unicast-peer autokey

5.5.8 Example for Configuring NTP Autokey with IFF Scheme in

Broadcast Mode

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 5-9,

l RouterC and RouterD are in the same network segment; RouterA is in another network
segment; RouterF connects with the two network segments.
l RouterC functions as the NTP broadcast server and its local clock is the NTP primary clock
with the stratum being 3. Broadcast packets are sent from GE 1/0/0.
l RouterD and RouterA sense the broadcast packets respectively on GE 1/0/0 of them.
l Enable NTP authentication.

Figure 5-9 Networking diagram of the NTP broadcast mode


GE1/0/0 GE2/0/0
RouterA RouterF


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Configuration Notes
Before configuring key at the client and server side, ensure the autokey is configured.

Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:
1. Configure RouterC as an NTP broadcast server.
2. Configure RouterA and RouterD as the NTP broadcast clients.
3. Configure NTP autokey on RouterA, RouterC, and RouterD.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:

l IP addresses of RouterA, RouterC, RouterD, and RouterF

l Stratum of the NTP primary clock
l Authentication key and certificate file
l Identity IFF files
l Password to open files

Step 1 Configure an IP address for each Router.
Configure IP addresses based on Figure 5-9. The detailed procedures are not mentioned here.
Step 2 Configure an NTP broadcast server and enable NTP authentication on it.
# Set the local clock of RouterC as a primary clock with stratum being 3.
<RouterC> system-view
[RouterC] ntp-service refclock-master 3

# Enable NTP authentication, configure autokey, make sure the certificate ntpkey_cert_routerc
is trusted.
[RouterC] ntp-service authentication enable
[RouterC] ntp-service authentication auto-key password Hello groupname RouterC

It reads the following file - ntpkey_host_routerc; ntpkey_cert_routerc, (optional)

ntpkey_sign_routerc, ntpkey_iffkey_routerc
# Configure RouterC to be an NTP broadcast server. Broadcast packets are encrypted by using
the authentication key ID 16 and then sent from GE 1/0/0.
[RouterC] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/0
[RouterC-GigabitEthernet1/0/0] ntp-service broadcast-server autokey
[RouterC-GigabitEthernet1/0/0] quit

Step 3 Configure RouterD.

# Enable NTP authentication.
<RouterD> system-view
[RouterD] ntp-service authentication enable
[RouterD] ntp-service authentication auto-key password Hello groupname RouterC

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It reads the following file - ntpkey_host_routerd; ntpkey_cert_routerd, (optional)

ntpkey_sign_routerd and ntpkey_iffkey_routerc
# Configure RouterD to be the NTP broadcast client. RouterD senses the broadcast packets on
GE 1/0/0.
[RouterD] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/0
[RouterD-GigabitEthernet1/0/0] ntp-service broadcast-client
[RouterD-GigabitEthernet1/0/0] quit

Make sure to put ntpkey_iffpar_routerc in the router.

After configurations, the clock on RouterD is synchronized to the clock on RouterC.
Step 4 Configure RouterA.
# Enable NTP authentication.
[RouterA] ntp-service authentication enable
[RouterA] ntp-service authentication auto-key password Hello groupname RouterC

It reads the following file - ntpkey_host_routera; ntpkey_cert_routera, (optional)

ntpkey_sign_routera and ntpkey_iffkey_routerc
# Configure RouterA to be the NTP broadcast client. RouterA senses the NTP broadcast packets
on GE 1/0/0.
[RouterA] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/0
[RouterA-GigabitEthernet1/0/0] ntp-service broadcast-client

Make sure to put ntpkey_iffpar_routerc in the router.

Step 5 Verify the configuration.
After the configurations, the clock on Route D can be synchronized to the clock on RouterC.
The clock on RouterA, however, fails to be synchronized because RouterA and RouterC are in
different network segments and RouterA cannot sense the broadcast packets sent from
Check the NTP status on RouterD and you can find that the clock status is "synchronized". That
is, clock synchronization completes. The stratum of the clock on RouterD is 4, one stratum lower
than that of RouterC.
[RouterD] display ntp-service status
clock status: synchronized
clock stratum: 4
reference clock ID:
nominal frequency: 60.0002 Hz
actual frequency: 60.0002 Hz
clock precision: 2^18
clock offset: 0.0000 ms
root delay: 0.00 ms
root dispersion: 0.42 ms
peer dispersion: 0.00 ms
reference time: 12:17:21.773 UTC Mar 7 2006(C7B7F851.C5EAF25B)


Configuration Files
l Configuration file of RouterA
sysname RouterA

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ospf 1
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
ntp-service broadcast-client
ntp-service authentication enable
ntp-service authentication auto-key password Hello groupname RouterC

l Configuration file of RouterC

sysname RouterC
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
ntp-service broadcast-server autokey
ntp-service authentication enable
ntp-service authentication auto-key password Hello groupname RouterC
ntp-service refclock-master 3

l Configuration file of RouterD

sysname RouterD
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
ntp-service broadcast-client
ntp-service authentication enable
ntp-service authentication auto-key password Hello groupname RouterC

l Configuration file of RouterF

sysname RouterF
ospf 1
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
interface GigabitEthernet2/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address

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5.5.9 Example for Configuring Autokey with GQ Scheme in

Multicast Mode

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 5-10,

l RouterC and RouterD are in the same network segment; RouterA is in another network
segment; RouterF connects with the two network segments.
l RouterC functions as an NTP multicast server and its local clock is a primary clock with
the stratum 2. Multicast packets are sent out from GE 1/0/0.
l RouterD and RouterA sense the multicast packets respectively on GE 1/0/0 of them.

Figure 5-10 Networking diagram of the NTP Autokey with GQ scheme in multicast mode


GE1/0/0 GE2/0/0
RouterA RouterF


Configuration Notes
Ensure the client and server group addresses are same.

Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:

1. Configure RouterC as an NTP multicast server.

2. Configure RouterA and RouterD as NTP multicast clients.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:

l IP addresses of RouterA, RouterC, RouterD, and RouterF

l Stratum of the NTP primary clock
l Authentication key and certificate file
l Identity GQ files

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l Password to open files

Step 1 Configure an IP address for each router.
Configure IP addresses based on Figure 5-10. The detailed procedures are not mentioned here.
Step 2 Configure an NTP multicast server.
# Set the local clock on RouterC as an NTP primary clock with stratum 2.
<RouterC> system-view
[RouterC] ntp-service refclock-master 2

# Enable NTP authentication, configure autokey make sure the certificate ntpkey_cert_routerc
is trusted.
[RouterC] ntp-service authentication enable
[RouterC] ntp-service authentication auto-key password Hello groupname RouterC

It reads the following file - ntpkey_host_routerc; ntpkey_cert_routerc, (optional)

ntpkey_sign_routerc, ntpkey_gqkey_routerc
# Configure RouterC to be an NTP multicast server. NTP multicast packets are sent from GE
[RouterC] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/0
[RouterC-GigabitEthernet1/0/0] ntp-service multicast-server autokey

Step 3 Configure RouterD.

# Enable NTP authentication.
<RouterD> system-view
[RouterD] ntp-service authentication enable
[RouterD] ntp-service authentication auto-key password Hello groupname RouterC

It reads the following file - ntpkey_host_routerd; ntpkey_cert_routerd, (optional)

ntpkey_sign_routerd, ntpkey_gqkey_routerc.
# Configure RouterD to be an NTP multicast client. RouterD senses the NTP multicast packets
on GE 1/0/0.
[RouterD] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/0
[RouterD-GigabitEthernet1/0/0] ntp-service multicast-client

Make sure to put ntpkey_gqpar_routerc in the router.

Step 4 Configure RouterA.
# Enable NTP authentication.
<RouterA> system-view
[RouterA] ntp-service authentication enable
[RouterA] ntp-service authentication auto-key password Hello groupname RouterC

It reads the following file - ntpkey_host_routera; ntpkey_cert_routera, (optional)

ntpkey_sign_routera, ntpkey_gqkey_routerc.
# Configure RouterA to be an NTP multicast client. RouterA senses the NTP multicast packets
on GE 1/0/0.
[RouterA] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/0
[RouterA-GigabitEthernet1/0/0] ntp-service multicast-client

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Make sure to put ntpkey_gqpar_routerc in the router.

Step 5 Verify the configuration.
After the configurations, the clock on Route D can be synchronized to the clock on RouterC.
The clock on RouterA, however, fails to be synchronized because RouterA and RouterC are in
different network segments and RouterA cannot sense the broadcast packets sent from
Check the NTP status on RouterD and you can find that the clock status is "synchronized". That
is, clock synchronization completes. The stratum of the clock on RouterD is 3, one stratum lower
than that on RouterC.
[RouterD] display ntp-service status
clock status: synchronized
clock stratum: 3
reference clock ID:
nominal frequency: 60.0002 Hz
actual frequency: 60.0002 Hz
clock precision: 2^18
clock offset: 0.66 ms
root delay: 24.47 ms
root dispersion: 208.39 ms
peer dispersion: 9.63 ms
reference time: 17:03:32.022 UTC Apr 25 2005(C61734FD.800303C0)


Configuration Files
l Configuration file of RouterA
sysname RouterA
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
ntp-service multicast-client
ntp-service authentication enable
ntp-service authentication auto-key password Hello groupname RouterC

l Configuration file of RouterC

sysname RouterC
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
ntp-service multicast-server autokey
ntp-service authentication enable
ntp-service authentication auto-key password Hello groupname RouterC

l Configuration file of RouterD

sysname RouterD
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
ntp-service multicast-client

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ntp-service authentication enable
ntp-service authentication auto-key password Hello groupname RouterC

5.5.10 Example for Configuring NTP Autokey with MV Scheme in

Manycast Mode

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 5-11,
l RouterC and RouterD are in the same network segment; RouterA is in another network
segment; RouterF connects with the two network segments.
l RouterC functions as an NTP manycast server and its local clock is a primary clock with
the stratum 2. Manycast packets are sent out from GE 1/0/0.
l RouterD and RouterA are manycast clients and send packets on their respective GE 1/0/0.

Figure 5-11 Networking diagram of the NTP Autokey with MV scheme in manycast mode

GE1/0/0 GE2/0/0
RouterA RouterF


Configuration Notes
Ensure manycast client is reachable to the manycast server before synchronization. This can be
checked using ping command on the console interface.

Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:
1. Configure RouterC as an NTP manycast server.
2. Configure RouterA and RouterD as NTP manycast clients.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:

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l IP addresses of RouterA, RouterC, RouterD, and RouterF

l Stratum of the NTP primary clock
l Authentication key and certificate file
l Identity MV files
l Password to open files

Step 1 Configure an IP address for each router.
Configure IP addresses based on Figure 5-11. The detailed procedures are not mentioned here.
Step 2 Configure an NTP manycast server.
# Set the local clock on RouterC as an NTP primary clock with stratum 2.
<RouterC> system-view
[RouterC] ntp-service refclock-master 2

# Enable NTP authentication, configure autokey make sure the certificate ntpkey_cert_routerc
is trusted.
[RouterC] ntp-service authentication enable
[RouterC] ntp-service authentication auto-key password Hello groupname RouterC

It reads the following file - ntpkey_host_routerc; ntpkey_cert_routerc, (optional)

ntpkey_sign_routerc, ntpkey_mvkey_routerc.
# Configure RouterC to be an NTP manycast server. NTP manycast server sends NTP manycast
packets after receiving manycast client packets.
[RouterC] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/0
[RouterC-GigabitEthernet1/0/0] ntp-service manycast-server

Step 3 Configure RouterD.

# Enable NTP authentication.
<RouterD> system-view
[RouterD] ntp-service authentication enable
[RouterD] ntp-service authentication auto-key password Hello groupname RouterC

It reads the following file - ntpkey_host_routerd; ntpkey_cert_routerd, (optional)

ntpkey_sign_routerd, ntpkey_mvkey_routerc
# Configure RouterD to be an NTP manycast client. RouterD sends NTP manycast packets to
manycast server on GE 1/0/0.
[RouterD] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/0
[RouterD-GigabitEthernet1/0/0] ntp-service manycast-client autokey

Make sure to put ntpkey_mvpar_routerc in the router.

Step 4 Configure RouterA.
# Enable NTP authentication.
<RouterA> system-view
[RouterA] ntp-service authentication enable
[RouterA] ntp-service authentication auto-key password Hello groupname RouterC

It reads the following file - ntpkey_host_routera; ntpkey_cert_routera, (optional)

ntpkey_sign_routera, ntpkey_mvkey_routerc.

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# Configure RouterA to be an NTP manycast client. RouterA sends NTP manycast packets to
manycast server on GE 1/0/0.
[RouterA] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/0
[RouterA-GigabitEthernet1/0/0] ntp-service manycast-client autokey

Make sure to put ntpkey_mvpar_routerc in the router.

Step 5 Verify the configuration.
After the configurations, the clock on Router A and RouterD can be synchronized to the clock
on RouterC.
Check the NTP status on RouterD and you can find that the clock status is "synchronized". That
is, clock synchronization completes. The stratum of the clock on RouterD is 3, one stratum lower
than that on RouterC.
[RouterD] display ntp-service status
clock status: synchronized
clock stratum: 3
reference clock ID:
nominal frequency: 60.0002 Hz
actual frequency: 60.0002 Hz
clock precision: 2^18
clock offset: 0.66 ms
root delay: 24.47 ms
root dispersion: 208.39 ms
peer dispersion: 9.63 ms
reference time: 17:03:32.022 UTC Apr 25 2005(C61734FD.800303C0)


Configuration Files
l Configuration file of RouterA
sysname RouterA
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
ntp-service manycast-client autokey
ntp-service authentication enable
ntp-service authentication auto-key password Hello groupname RouterC

l Configuration file of RouterC

sysname RouterC
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
ntp-service manycast-server
ntp-service authentication enable
ntp-service authentication auto-key password Hello groupname RouterC

l Configuration file of RouterD

sysname RouterD

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interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
ntp-service manycast-client autokey
ntp-service authentication enable
ntp-service authentication auto-key password Hello groupname RouterC

5.5.11 Example for Configuring KOD in Unicast Client-Server

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 5-12,
l RouterA functions as a unicast NTP server. The clock on it functions as a primary NTP
clock with the stratum being 2.
l RouterB functions as a unicast NTP client. Its clock needs to be synchronized with the
clock on RouterA.
l RouterC and RouterD function as NTP clients of RouterB.
l Enable NTP authentication.

Figure 5-12 Networking diagram of the unicast Client/Server mode

GE 1/0/0

GE 1/0/0 IP GE 2/0/0 GE 1/0/0 RouterC Network GE 1/0/0

Configuration Notes
l Before configuring key at the client and server side, ensure the key already exists.
l Authentication key should be reliable at client and server side. Also enable authentication
at client side.

Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:
1. Configure RouterA to be an NTP server and configure a primary clock on it.
2. Configure RouterB to be an NTP client and synchronize its clock with the clock of
3. Configure RouterC and RouterD to synchronize their clocks with the clock of RouterB.
4. Enable NTP authentication on all Routers.

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l You must enable NTP authentication on the client prior to specifying the IP address of the NTP server
and authentication key to be sent to the server; otherwise, NTP authentication is not performed before
clock synchronization.
l To implement authentication successfully, configure both the server and the client.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:

l IP address of the reference clock

l Stratum of the primary NTP clock
l Authentication key and its ID
l Password

Step 1 Configure the IP addresses based on Figure 5-12 so that RouterA, RouterB, RouterC and
RouterD are routable. The detailed procedures are not mentioned here.
Step 2 Configure a primary NTP clock on RouterA and enable NTP authentication.
# On RouterA, set its local clock as a primary NTP clock with stratum being 2.
<RouterA> system-view
[RouterA] ntp-service refclock-master 2

# Enable NTP authentication, configure the authentication key, and declare the key to be reliable.
[RouterA] ntp-service authentication enable
[RouterA] ntp-service authentication-keyid 42 authentication-mode md5 Hello
[RouterA] ntp-service reliable authentication-keyid 42

Note that authentication keys configured on the server and the client should be the same.
# Configure acl rule.
[RouterA] acl 2000
[RouterA] rule 2000 permit source 0

# Configure access as limited.

[RouterA] ntp-service access limited 2000

# Configure minimum and average interpacket spacing.

[RouterA] ntp-service discard min-interval 4 avg-interval 4

# Enable KOD.
[RouterA] ntp-service kod-enable

Step 3 Configure a primary NTP clock on RouterB and enable NTP authentication.
# On RouterB, enable NTP authentication. Configure the authentication key and declare the key
to be reliable.
<RouterB> system-view
[RouterB] ntp-service authentication enable
[RouterB] ntp-service authentication-keyid 42 authentication-mode md5 Hello
[RouterB] ntp-service reliable authentication-keyid 42

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# Specify RouterA to be the NTP server of RouterB and use the authentication key.
[RouterB] ntp-service unicast-server authentication-keyid 42

Step 4 On RouterC, specify RouterB to be the NTP server of RouterC.

<RouterC> system-view
[RouterC] ntp-service authentication enable
[RouterC] ntp-service authentication-keyid 42 authentication-mode md5 Hello
[RouterC] ntp-service reliable authentication-keyid 42
[RouterC] ntp-service unicast-server authentication-keyid 42

Step 5 On RouterD, specify RouterB to be the NTP server of RouterD.

<RouterD> system-view
[RouterD] ntp-service authentication enable
[RouterD] ntp-service authentication-keyid 42 authentication-mode md5 Hello
[RouterC] ntp-service reliable authentication-keyid 42
[RouterD] ntp-service unicast-server authentication-keyid 42

Step 6 Verify the configuration

After the configurations, the clock on RouterB can be synchronized with the clock on RouterA.
View the NTP status on RouterB and find that the clock synchronized. The stratum of the clock
is 3, one stratum lower than that on RouterA.
[RouterB] display ntp-service status
clock status: synchronized
clock stratum: 3
reference clock ID:
nominal frequency: 60.0002 Hz
actual frequency: 60.0002 Hz
clock precision: 2^18
clock offset: 3.8128 ms
root delay: 31.26 ms
root dispersion: 74.20 ms
peer dispersion: 34.30 ms
reference time: 11:55:56.833 UTC Mar 2 2006(C7B15BCC.D5604189)

After the configurations, the clock on RouterC can be synchronized with the clock on RouterB.
View the NTP status on RouterC and find that the clock is synchronized. The stratum of the
clock is 4, one stratum lower than that on RouterB.
[RouterC] display ntp-service status
clock status: synchronized
clock stratum: 4
reference clock ID:
nominal frequency: 60.0002 Hz
actual frequency: 60.0002 Hz
clock precision: 2^18
clock offset: 3.8128 ms
root delay: 31.26 ms
root dispersion: 74.20 ms
peer dispersion: 34.30 ms
reference time: 11:55:56.833 UTC Mar 2 2006(C7B15BCC.D5604189)

View the NTP status on RouterD and find that the clock is synchronized. The stratum of the
clock is 4, one stratum lower than that on RouterB.
[RouterD] display ntp-service status
clock status: synchronized
clock stratum: 4
reference clock ID:
nominal frequency: 60.0002 Hz
actual frequency: 60.0002 Hz
clock precision: 2^18
clock offset: 3.8128 ms
root delay: 31.26 ms

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root dispersion: 74.20 ms

peer dispersion: 34.30 ms
reference time: 11:55:56.833 UTC Mar 2 2006(C7B15BCC.D5604189)

View NTP status on RouterA.

[RouterA] display ntp-service status
clock status: synchronized
clock stratum: 2
reference clock ID: LOCAL(0)
nominal frequency: 60.0002 Hz
actual frequency: 60.0002 Hz
clock precision: 2^18
clock offset: 0.0000 ms
root delay: 0.00 ms
root dispersion: 26.50 ms
peer dispersion: 10.00 ms
reference time: 12:01:48.377 UTC Mar 2 2006(C7B15D2C.60A15981)


Configuration Files
l Configuration file of RouterA
sysname RouterA
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
ospf 1
ntp-service authentication enable
ntp-service authentication-keyid 42 authentication-mode md5 %@ENC;8HX
ntp-service reliable authentication-keyid 42
ntp-service refclock-master 2
acl 2000
rule 2000 permit source 0
ntp-service access limited 2000
ntp-service discard min-interval 4 avg-interval 4
ntp-service kod-enable

l Configuration file of RouterB

sysname RouterB
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
interface GigabitEthernet2/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
ospf 1
ntp-service authenticationenable
ntp-service authentication-keyid 42 authentication-mode md5 %@ENC;8HX
ntp-service reliable authentication-keyid 42

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ntp-service unicast-server authentication-keyid 42

l Configuration file of RouterC
sysname RouterC
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
ntp-service authenticationenable
ntp-service authentication-keyid 42 authentication-mode md5 %@ENC;8HX
ntp-service reliable authentication-keyid 42
ntp-service unicast-server authentication-keyid 42
l Configuration file of RouterD
sysname RouterD
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
ntp-service authenticationenable
ntp-service authentication-keyid 42 authentication-mode md5 %@ENC;8HX
ntp-service reliable authentication-keyid 42
ntp-service unicast-server authentication-keyid 42

5.5.12 Example for Configuring KOD in NTP Peer Mode

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 5-13, three Routers are located in a LAN.
l Configure the clock on RouterC to be a primary NTP clock with the stratum being 2.
l RouterD takes RouterC as its NTP server. That is, RouterD functions as the client.
l RouterF takes RouterD as its symmetric passive end. That is, RouterF is the symmetric
active end.

Figure 5-13 Networking diagram of the NTP peer mode


GE1/0/0 GE2/0/0
RouterA RouterF


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Configuration Notes
Before configuring a peer mode, ensure the peer is reachable from host side.

Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows
1. Configure the clock on RouterC to be the NTP primary clock. The clock on RouterD should
be synchronized to the clock on RouterC.
2. Configure RouterF and RouterD to be NTP peer so that RouterF should send clock
synchronization requests to RouterD
3. Finally, the clocks on RouterC, RouterD and RouterF can be synchronized.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:
l IP address of RouterC
l IP address of RouterD
l Stratum of the NTP primary clock

Step 1 Configure IP addresses for RouterC, RouterD, and RouterF.
Configure an IP address for each interface based on Figure 5-13. After configurations, the three
routers can ping through each other.
The detailed procedures are not mentioned here.
Step 2 Configure the NTP Client/Server mode.
# Configure the clock on RouterC to be its own reference clock with the stratum being 2.
<RouterC> system-view
[RouterC] ntp-service refclock-master 2

# On Router D, Create acl rule and configure access as limited.

<RouterD> system-view
[RouterD] acl 2000
[RouterD] rule 2000 permit source 0
[RouterD] ntp-service access limited 2000

# Configure minimum and average interpacket spacing.

[RouterD] ntp-service discard min-interval 4 avg-interval 4

# Enable KOD
[RouterD] ntp-service kod-enable

# On RouterD, configure RouterC to be its NTP server.

[RouterD] ntp-service unicast-server

After configurations, the clock on RouterD can be synchronized to the clock on RouterC.

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View the NTP status on RouterD and find that the clock is synchronized. The stratum of the
clock on RouterD is 3, one stratum lower than that on RouterC.
[RouterD] display ntp-service status
clock status: synchronized
clock stratum: 3
reference clock ID:
nominal frequency: 64.0029 Hz
actual frequency: 64.0029 Hz
clock precision: 2^7
clock offset: 0.0000 ms
root delay: 62.50 ms
root dispersion: 0.20 ms
peer dispersion: 7.81 ms
reference time: 06:52:33.465 UTC Mar 7 2006(C7B7AC31.773E89A8)
autokey crypto flags: 0x80021

Step 3 Configure the unicast NTP peer mode.

# On RouterF, configure RouterD to be the symmetric passive end.
<RouterF> system-view
[RouterF] ntp-service unicast-peer

Since no primary clock is configured on RouterF, the clock on RouterF should be synchronized
to the clock on RouterD.
Step 4 Verify the configuration.
View the status of RouterF after clock synchronization and you can find that the status is
"synchronized". That is, clock synchronization completes. You can also find that the stratum of
the clock on RouterF is 4, one stratum lower than that on RouterD.
[RouterF] display ntp-service status
clock status: synchronized
clock stratum: 4
reference clock ID:
nominal frequency: 64.0029 Hz
actual frequency: 64.0029 Hz
clock precision: 2^7
clock offset: 0.0000 ms
root delay: 124.98 ms
root dispersion: 0.15 ms
peer dispersion: 10.96 ms
reference time: 06:55:50.784 UTC Mar 7 2006(C7B7ACF6.C8D002E2)
autokey crypto flags: 0x80021


Configuration Files
l Configuration file of RouterC
sysname RouterC
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
ntp-service refclock-master 2

l Configuration file of RouterD

sysname RouterD

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interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
acl 2000
rule 2000 permit source 0
ntp-service access limited 2000
ntp-service discard min-interval 4 avg-interval 4
ntp-service kod-enable
ntp-service unicast-server

l Configuration file of RouterF

sysname RouterF
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
ntp-service unicast-peer

5.5.13 Example for Configuring KOD in NTP Manycast Mode

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 5-14,

l RouterC and RouterD are in the same network segment; RouterA is in another network
segment; RouterF connects with the two network segments.
l RouterC functions as an NTP manycast server and its local clock is a primary clock with
the stratum 2. Manycast packets are sent out from GE 1/0/0.
l RouterD and RouterA are manycast clients and send packets on their respective GE 1/0/0.

Figure 5-14 Networking diagram of the NTP manycast mode


GE1/0/0 GE2/0/0
RouterA RouterF


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Configuration Notes
Ensure manycast client is reachable to the manycast server before synchronization. This can be
checked using ping command on the console interface.

Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:
1. Configure RouterC as an NTP manycast server.
2. Configure RouterA and RouterD as NTP manycast clients.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:
l IP addresses of RouterA, RouterC, RouterD, and RouterF
l Stratum of the NTP primary clock

Step 1 Configure an IP address for each router.
Configure IP addresses based on Figure 5-14. The detailed procedures are not mentioned here.
Step 2 Configure an NTP manycast server.
# Set the local clock on RouterC as an NTP primary clock with stratum 2.
<RouterC> system-view
[RouterC] ntp-service refclock-master 2

# Configure acl rule.

[RouterC] acl 2000
[RouterC] rule 2000 permit source 0

# Configure access as limited.

[RouterC] ntp-service access limited 2000

# Configure minimum and average interpacket spacing.

[RouterC] ntp-service discard min-interval 4 avg-interval 4

# Enable KOD.
[RouterC] ntp-service kod-enable

# Configure RouterC to be an NTP manycast server. NTP manycast server sends NTP manycast
packets after receiving manycast client packets.
[RouterC] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/0
[RouterC-GigabitEthernet1/0/0] ntp-service manycast-server

Step 3 Configure RouterD.

# Configure RouterD to be an NTP manycast client. RouterD sends NTP manycast packets to
manycast server on GE 1/0/0.
<RouterD> system-view
[RouterD] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/0

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[RouterD-GigabitEthernet1/0/0] ntp-service manycast-client

Step 4 Configure RouterA.

# Configure RouterA to be an NTP manycast client. RouterA sends NTP manycast packets to
manycast server on GE 1/0/0.
<RouterA> system-view
[RouterA] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/0
[RouterA-GigabitEthernet1/0/0] ntp-service manycast-client

Step 5 Verify the configuration.

After the configurations, the clock on Router A and RouterD can be synchronized to the clock
on RouterC.
Check the NTP status on RouterD and you can find that the clock status is "synchronized". That
is, clock synchronization completes. The stratum of the clock on RouterD is 3, one stratum lower
than that on RouterC.
[RouterD] display ntp-service status
clock status: synchronized
clock stratum: 3
reference clock ID:
nominal frequency: 60.0002 Hz
actual frequency: 60.0002 Hz
clock precision: 2^18
clock offset: 0.66 ms
root delay: 24.47 ms
root dispersion: 208.39 ms
peer dispersion: 9.63 ms
reference time: 17:03:32.022 UTC Apr 25 2005(C61734FD.800303C0)
autokey crypto flags: 0x80021


Configuration Files
l Configuration file of RouterA
sysname RouterA
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
ntp-service manycast-client

l Configuration file of RouterC

sysname RouterC
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
ntp-service manycast-server

l Configuration file of RouterD

sysname RouterD
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown

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ip address

ntp-service manycast-client

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Configuration Guide - System Management 6 1588v2 Configuration

6 1588v2 Configuration

About This Chapter

By configuring IEEE 1588v2, you can enable devices in the IP RAN scenario to implement time
synchronization and clock synchronization.
6.1 Overview of 1588v2
IEEE 1588, defined by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), is a standard
for Precision Clock Synchronization Protocol for Networked Measurement And Control
Systems (PTP). As a time synchronization protocol, 1588v2 is used to implement high-precise
time synchronization between devices. In addition, 1588v2 can be used to implement clock
synchronization between devices.
6.2 Configuring 1588v2 on OC
An ordinary clock (OC) has only one 1588v2 clock interface (a clock interface enabled with
1588v2) through which the OC synchronizes with an upstream node or distributes time signals
to downstream nodes.
6.3 Configuring 1588v2 on BC
A boundary clock (BC) has multiple 1588v2 clock interfaces, one of which is used to synchronize
with an upstream node. The other interfaces are used to distribute time signals to downstream
6.4 Configuring 1588v2 on TC
Unlike the BC and OC, a Transparent Clock (TC) does not need to be synchronized with other
clocks. A TC has multiple 1588v2 interfaces, among which 1588v2 messages are forwarded to
correct the message forwarding delay on each interface. The TC is not synchronized with other
clocks through any of these interfaces.
6.5 Configuring 1588v2 on TCandBC
A TCandBC can function as both a TC and a BC. It has several physical interfaces to
communicate with the 1588v2 network. Some interfaces are of the TC type and other interfaces
are of the BC type. The domain value of a BC interface must be the one configured in the system
view; the domain value of a TC interface must be configured in the interface view.
6.6 Configuring the 1588v2 Time Source
This section describes how to configure a 1588v2 clock source, including how to obtain a
standard synchronous time through a clock interface from a BITS device without using 1588v2
and how to use 1588v2 to advertise the standard synchronous time to downstream nodes through
the other two interfaces.

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6.7 Configuring 1588 ACR

In one 1588 ACR domain, a client initiates a request for negotiation, and exchanges Layer 3
unicast packets with the server to set up a connection. The client exchanges 1588v2 packets with
the server over the connection to restore clock information.
6.8 Maintaining 1588v2
This section describes how to maintain 1588v2, including clearing 1588v2 statistics, monitoring
the operation status of 1588v2.
6.9 Configuration Examples
This section provides several configuration examples of 1588v2.

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6.1 Overview of 1588v2

IEEE 1588, defined by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), is a standard
for Precision Clock Synchronization Protocol for Networked Measurement And Control
Systems (PTP). As a time synchronization protocol, 1588v2 is used to implement high-precise
time synchronization between devices. In addition, 1588v2 can be used to implement clock
synchronization between devices.

6.1.1 Introduction to 1588v2

This part helps you understand the concept of clock synchronization and backgrounds, basic
concepts, and application scenarios of 1588v2.

Definition of synchronization
On a modern communications network, the proper functioning of most telecommunications
services requires that the frequency offset or time difference between devices be kept in a
reasonable range. This is the network's requirement for clock synchronization. Network clock
synchronization consists of time synchronization and frequency synchronization.
l Frequency synchronization
Frequency synchronization, namely, clock synchronization, refers to a strict relationship
between signals based on a constant frequency offset or phase offset, in which signals are
sent or received at an average rate in an instance time. In this manner, all devices in the
communications network operate at the same rate. The difference in phases between signals
is a constant value.
l Time synchronization
Time synchronization, namely, phase synchronization, refers to consistency of both
frequencies and phases between signals. The phase offset between signals is always 0.

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Figure 6-1 Schematic diagram of time synchronization and frequency synchronization

Phase synchronization

Watch A

Watch B

Frequency synchronization

Watch A

Watch B

Figure 6-1 shows the difference between time synchronization and frequency synchronization.
In time synchronization, Watch A and Watch B always keep the same time, but in frequency
synchronization, Watch A and Watch B keep different time, but the time difference between the
two watches is a constant value, for example, six hours.
Phase synchronization is also called time synchronization; frequency synchronization is also
known as clock synchronization.

With the evolution towards IP network, devices on the wireless bearer network require high-
accurate clock synchronization. To achieve clock synchronization between base stations in an
IP RAN, you need to ensure that clock frequencies between base stations are within a certain
precision. Call dropping occurs during handoff. In certain wireless communications systems,
phase synchronization is required in addition to frequency synchronization.
Table 6-1 shows different requirements for network clock synchronization.

Table 6-1 Different requirements for network clock synchronization in wireless

Wireless Clock Frequency Phase Synchronization
Communications Accuracy Clock Requirement

GSM 0.05 ppm N/A

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Wireless Clock Frequency Phase Synchronization

Communications Accuracy Clock Requirement

WCDMA 0.05 ppm N/A

TD-SCDMA 0.05 ppm 3 us

CDMA2000 0.05 ppm 3 us

WiMax FDD 0.05 ppm N/A

WiMax TDD 0.05 ppm 1 us

LTE 0.05 ppm In favor of phase


Clock synchronization on different base stations of different standards are implemented by using
various methods, such as physical clocks (such as the building integrated timing supply system
(BITS) clock, WAN clock, or synchronous Ethernet clock) and recovery clocks by exchanging
packets (such as the Communication Engineering Standard Adaptive Clock Recovery (CES
ACR)/Data Clock Recovery (DCR), and 1588v2 clock). Base stations usually directly access
the global positioning system (GPS) to meet the requirement for time synchronization. Packet-
based time synchronization cannot meet the requirement of base stations. Time synchronization
reaches sub-second precision by using the Network Time Protocol (NTP) and sub-millisecond
precision through 1588v1. With the assistance of hardware, 1588v2 provides time
synchronization of sub-micro second precision required by wireless networks.

Operation and maintenance costs of 1588v2 is lower than GPS (which needs to be deployed at
each base station). In addition, 1588v2 works independently of GPS, which is of strategic

Concepts of 1588v2
The Precision Time Protocol (PTP), also called 1588, is a standard defined by the Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) for Precision Clock Synchronization Protocol For
Networked Measurement and Control Systems. IEEE 1588v2 is a time synchronization protocol.
IEEE 1588v2 ensures high-precision time synchronization between devices, and is also used in
clock synchronization between devices.

A physical network can be logically divided into multiple clock domains. In each clock domain,
there is synchronized time, with which all devices in the domain are synchronized. The
synchronized time of one clock domain is independent of that of another clock domain.

Each node on a time synchronization network is called a clock. 1588v2 defines the following
types of clocks:
l Ordinary clock
An ordinary clock (OC) has only one 1588v2 clock interface (a clock interface enabled
with 1588v2) through which the local clock is synchronized with an upstream 1588-aware
node or distributes time signals to downstream 1588-aware nodes.
l Boundary clock

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A boundary clock (BC) has multiple 1588v2 clock interfaces. One port is synchronized
with an upstream 1588-aware node and the others distribute time signals to downstream
1588-aware nodes.
In the case that a router obtains the standard time through an external non-1588v2 port from
a BITS device and distributes the time to downstream nodes through two 1588v2 ports. As
the router has more than one 1588v2 port, the router is called a BC.
l Transparent clock
Distinct from BC and OC that need to be synchronized with other clocks, TC does not need
to be synchronized with other clocks. A TC has multiple 1588v2 ports, through which
1588v2 packets are forwarded. In addition, the TC corrects forwarding delays for these
1588v2 packets (for details, see the following sections) and is not synchronized with other
clocks through any port.
TCs are classified into end-to-end (E2E) TCs and peer-to-peer (P2P) TCs.
– End-to-End Transparent Clock (E2ETC): transparently forwards Sync and Announce
packets and expires the other 1588v2 packets. It calculates the entire end-to-end link
– Peer-to-Peer Transparent Clock (P2PTC): transparently forwards Sync and Announce
packets and expires the other 1588v2 packets. It calculates every peer-to-peer segment
delay along an entire link.
In addition to the three basic types of clocks, the NE80E/40E supports the following two
compound types of clocks:
l TCOC: carries the characteristics of both a TC and an OC. A TCOC provides multiple ports
connected to a 1588v2 network. Among those ports, one is OC and the others are TCs. A
TCOC implements 1588v2 frequency synchronization, not time synchronization.
l TCandBC: carries the characteristics of both the TC and BC. A TCandBC provides multiple
ports connected to a 1588v2 network. Among those ports, some are TCs and the others are
BCs. TCs and BCs belong to different clock domains. A TCandBC implements both 1588v2
frequency synchronization and time synchronization. The domain value of BC ports is the
same as the 1588v2 domain value configured in the global view. But the domain value of
each TC port should be configured in its interface view.
In a 1588v2 system, all clocks are organized based on the master/slave synchronization
hierarchy, with the grandmaster clock at the top of the hierarchy. Clock synchronization is
implemented by exchanging 1588v2 packets. The slave clock calculates its offset and delay
comparing with the master clock based on the timestamp information carried in the 1588v2
packet and then synchronizes its local clock with the master clock.
A 1588v2 packet carries information about clock information and time. On the network shown
in Figure 6-2, the 1588v2 device accesses and writes a timestamp carried in a 1588v2 packet at
the data link layer to calculate the delay of every link segment. Compared with the Network
Time Protocol (NTP), 1588v2 ensures a higher precision.

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Figure 6-2 Timestamping in the 1588v2 packet

PTP Aplication PTP Aplication


Timestamping Timestamping

PTP Packet

Master Clock Slave Clock

1588 ACR
Adoptive Clock Recovery (ACR)/Adoptive Time Recovery (ATR) carries out clock/time
synchronization by exchanging 1588v2 packets. Unlike 1588v2 that achieves frequency
synchronization only when all devices on a network support 1588v2, 1588 ACR is capable of
implementing frequency synchronization on a network with both 1588v2-aware devices and
1588v2-unaware devices.

Applications of 1588v2
On the network shown in Figure 6-3, an OC encapsulates clock information with high accuracy
provided by the Global Positioning System (GPS) into a 1588v2 packet, and provides clock
information for a bearer network by using the 1588v2 packet. A TC, as a core device,
transparently transmits clock information provided by the OC over the entire bearer network.
After that, edge devices on the bearer network function as BC and provide the high-accurate
clock information obtained through the 1588v2 packet to wireless access devices, such as a
NodeB or an RNC.

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Figure 6-3 Application of 1588v2 on a bearer network






NodeB NodeB

NodeB NodeB

PTP Packet

6.1.2 1588v2 Features Supported by the NE80E/40E

The 1588v2 features supported by the NE80E/40E are clock node types, link delay measurement
mechanisms, packet encapsulation formats, and clock source selection modes.

Seven Types of 1588v2 Devices Supported by the NE80E/40E

The NE80E/40E supports the following types of 1588v2 devices:
l OC: Ordinary clock
l BC: Boundary clock
l E2ETC: End-to-end transparent clock
l P2PTC: Peer-to-peer transparent clock
l TCandBC: Transparent clock and boundary clock
l E2ETCOC: End-to-end transparent clock and ordinary clock
l P2PTCOC: Peer-to-peer transparent clock and ordinary clock

Four 1588v2 Packet Encapsulation Modes Supported by the NE80E/40E

The NE80E/40E supports MAC and UDP encapsulation modes.
l MAC encapsulation: VLAN IDs and an 802.1p value are carried in 1588v2 packets. MAC
encapsulation is classified into two types:

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– Unicast encapsulation
– Multicast encapsulation
l UDP encapsulation: Differentiated Service CodePoint (DSCP) values are carried in 1588v2
packets. UDP encapsulation is classified into two types:
– Unicast encapsulation
– Multicast encapsulation
An encapsulation mode depends on either of the following types of links:
l On a Layer 2 link: The MAC encapsulation mode is used.
l On a Layer 3 link: The UDP encapsulation mode is used.

Two Delay Measurement Mechanisms Supported by the NE80E/40E

The NE80E/40E supports either of the following link delay measurement mechanisms
configured for 1588v2:
l Delay: Delay request-response mechanism
l PDelay: Peer delay mechanism

BMC Algorithm and Static Clock Source Selection Supported by the NE80E/40E
The NE80E/40E supports the best master clock (BMC) algorithm and static clock source
1588v2 devices using the BMC algorithm dynamically selects the best master clock on a
network, ensuring clock accuracy of devices.
l Static clock source selection
A specified clock source is selected as the master clock source by using a configuration

1588 ACR Supported by the NE80E/40E

The NE80E/40E supports 1588 ACR in either of the following modes:
l 1588 ACR in single-server mode
In one 1588 ACR domain, a client initiates a request for negotiation, and exchanges Layer
3 unicast packets with the server to set up a connection. The client exchanges 1588v2
packets with the server over the connection to restore clock information. If the clock server
fails, the client does not automatically initiate a connection request to another clock server.
l 1588 ACR in master/slave server mode
In one 1588 ACR domain, a client initiates a request for negotiation, and exchanges Layer
3 unicast packets with the master server to set up a connection. The client exchanges 1588v2
packets with the master server over the connection to restore clock information. If the
master clock server fails, the client automatically initiates a connection request to the slave
clock server.

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6.2 Configuring 1588v2 on OC

An ordinary clock (OC) has only one 1588v2 clock interface (a clock interface enabled with
1588v2) through which the OC synchronizes with an upstream node or distributes time signals
to downstream nodes.

6.2.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

Before configuring 1588v2 for an OC, familiarize yourself with the applicable environment,
complete the pre-configuration tasks, and obtain the required data. This can help you complete
the configuration task quickly and accurately.

Applicable Environment
As shown in Figure 6-4, when two devices transmit wireless data on the IP bearer network, a
low delay transmission of real-time radio services should be guaranteed. The two devices serve
as OC to transmit time information through 1588v2 packets, which ensures clock
synchronization between devices. OC can provide a high-accurate time source for wireless
devices through the Building Integrated Timing Supply (BITS) system.

Figure 6-4 Configuring 1588v2 on OC

BITS Master Slave



Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring 1588v2 on OC, complete the following tasks:

l Configuring physical parameters for the interfaces so that the physical layer of the interfaces
is Up
l (Optional) Configuring static routes or IGP protocols to make IP routes reachable among
l Ensuring that the OC has correctly imported the clock and time signals from the BITS

Data Preparation
To configure 1588v2 on OC, you need the following data.

No. Data

1 Number and IP address of each interface

2 IDs of 1588v2 domains to which devices belong

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No. Data

3 (Optional) Asymmetric correction value of the 1588v2 packet

4 (Optional) Interval for sending Announce packets and the timeout period for
receiving Announce packets

5 (Optional) Interval for sending Sync packets

6 (Optional) Minimum interval for sending Delay packets

7 (Optional) Destination MAC address, source IP address, destination IP address,

DSCP value, VLAN ID, and priority corresponding to the VLAN encapsulated into
the 1588v2 packet

6.2.2 Configuring 1588v2 Globally

To configure 1588v2 globally, you need to enable 1588v2 on a router in the system view,
configure the router as an OC, specify the domain to which the router belongs to, and statically
configure the status of the OC interface.

Do as follows on the OC:

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run
ptp enable

1588v2 is enabled.
Step 3 Run:
ptp device-type oc

The device type is configured as OC.

Step 4 (Optional) Run:
ptp slaveonly

The OC is configured to work in slave-only mode.

When a device functioning as OC synchronizes its clock with other clocks, you can configure
the device to work in slave-only mode. After the OC is configured to work in slave-only mode,
interfaces of the OC are in the slave state, which means that the OC can only function as a slave
clock to receive clock signals from other clocks rather than a master clock to provide clock
signals for other clocks.
Step 5 Run:
ptp domain domain-value

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The domain to which the 1588v2 device belongs is configured.

Clocks that need to be synchronized through 1588v2 packets must belong to the same 1588v2 clock domain.

Step 6 (Optional) Run:

ptp virtual-clock-id clock-id-value

The virtual clock ID of the OC is set.

Step 7 (Optional) Run:

ptp acl enable

The function of controlling the range of clock source candidates is enabled.

Step 8 (Optional) Run:

ptp acl-permit-clockid clockid-value

The clock ID of the clock source that is permitted to participate in local BMC calculation is set.

Step 9 (Optional) Run:

ptp set-port-state enable

The function of statically specifying a 1588v2 port is enabled.


6.2.3 Configuring 1588v2 on an Interface

After enabling 1588v2 in the system view, you need to enable 1588v2 in the interface view. In
addition, you need to configure the link delay measurement mechanism, asymmetric delay
correction time, mode in which packets are timestamped, and statically configure the status of
1588v2 interface on the interface.

Do as follows on the OC:

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
interface interface-type interface-number

The interface view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
ptp delay-mechanism { delay | pdelay }

One of the following delay measurement mechanism is configured for the device:

l Delay mode:
A delay request-response mechanism, in which information about the clock and time is
calculated according to the delay of the entire link between the master clock and slave clock.

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l PDelay mode:
A peer delay mechanism, in which information about the clock and time is calculated
according to the delay of each segment of the link between the master clock and slave clock.
Different delay measurement mechanisms cannot replace each other. Therefore, delay measurement
mechanisms configured on 1588v2 interfaces on the same link segment must be identical.

Step 4 Run:
ptp enable

1588v2 is enabled on the interface.

Step 5 (Optional) Run:

ptp asymmetry-correction { negative negative-asymmetry-correction-value | positive
positive-asymmetry-correction-value }

The asymmetric correction time for sending 1588v2 packets on the interface is set.

Step 6 (Optional) Run:

ptp clock-step { one-step | two-step }

The timestamping mode of the synchronization packets sending by the 1588v2 port is set.

Step 7 (Optional) Run:

ptp port-state { slave | uncalibrated | passive | master | premaster | listening |
faulty | disabled | initializing }

The synchronization status of 1588v2 port is set.


6.2.4 Configuring Time Attributes for 1588v2 Packets

1588v2 nodes exchange Announce messages, Sync messages, and Delay messages to transmit
clock information and maintain the connectivity of the 1588v2 connection. You can set the
sending intervals and timeout periods for Announce messages, intervals periods for Sync
messages, and intervals periods for Delay messages in the view of the 1588v2 interface. Usually,
you can use the default value.

Do as follows on the 1588v2 device:

l Configuring time attributes for Announce packets
1. Run:

The system view is displayed.

2. Run:
interface interface-type interface-number

The interface view is displayed.

3. Run:
ptp announce-interval announce-interval

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The interval for sending Announce packets on an interface is set to the announce-
intervalth power of 2, in 1/1024 seconds.
The default value of announce-interval is 7, which means that the interval for sending
Announce packets on the interface is 128/1024s.
4. (Optional) Run:
ptp announce-receipt-timeout timeout-time

The timeout period for receiving Announce packets on an interface is set to the
timeout-timeth power of 2, in 1/1024 seconds.
The default timeout-time is 9, which means that the timeout period for receiving
Announce packets on the interface is 512/1024s.
l Configuring time attributes for Sync packets
1. Run:

The system view is displayed.

2. Run:
interface interface-type interface-number

The interface view is displayed.

3. Run:
ptp sync-interval sync-interval

The interval for sending Sync packets on an interface is set to the sync-intervalth power
of 2, in 1/1024 seconds.
The interval for sending Sync packets on an interface is set to the sync-intervalth power
of 2, in 1/1024 seconds.
The default sync-interval is 0, which means that the interval for sending Sync packets
on the interface is 1/1024s.
l Configuring time attributes for Delay packets
1. Run:

The system view is displayed.

2. Run:
interface interface-type interface-number

The interface view is displayed.

3. Run:
ptp min-delayreq-interval min-delayreq-interval

The interval for sending Delay_Req packets on an interface is set to the min-delayreq-
intervalth power of 2, in 1/1024 seconds.
The default min-delayreq-interval is 7, which means that the interval for sending
Delay_Req packets on the interface is 128/1024s.
4. Run:
ptp min-pdelayreq-interval min-pdelayreq-interval

The interval for sending PDelay_Req packets is set to the min-pdelayreq-intervalth

power of 2, in 1/1024 seconds.

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The default min-pdelayreq-interval is 7, which means that the interval for sending
PDelay_Req packets on the interface is 128/1024s.


6.2.5 Configuring Encapsulation Modes for 1588v2 Packets

1588v2 messages can be encapsulated into Layer 2 and Layer 3 packets for transmission. You
can select the encapsulation type according to the actual networking environment and configure
the source and destination IP addresses of the packets and the transmission priority.

Before configuring encapsulation modes for 1588v2 packets, check the link type for 1588v2
packet transmission:
l The Layer 2 link adopts the MAC encapsulation mode for 1588v2 packets.
l The Layer 3 link adopts the UDP encapsulation mode for 1588v2 packets.

Do as follows on the 1588v2 device:

l Configuring the MAC encapsulation mode
1. Run:

The system view is displayed.

2. Run:
interface interface-type interface-number

The interface view is displayed.

3. (Optional) Run:
ptp mac-egress destination-mac destination-mac

The 1588v2 packets to be sent from the interface is encapsulated in MAC

encapsulation mode, and the destination MAC address is configured.

– For unicast MAC encapsulation

Specify the unicast destination MAC address encapsulated in the 1588v2 packet
in the interface view.
– For multicast MAC encapsulation
A default multicast destination MAC address is adopted, which means that
destination-MAC destination-MAC does not need to be configured. The default
multicast destination MAC address varies with delay measurement mechanisms
as shown in the following table.

Packet Type MAC Address

All except peer delay measurement 01-1B-19-00-00-00


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Packet Type MAC Address

Peer delay measurement mechanism 01-80-C2-00-00-0E


If the unicast destination MAC address is not configured, a multicast destination MAC address
is adopted by default.
4. Run:
ptp mac-egress vlan vlan-id [ priority priority ]

The VLAN ID for transmitting MAC-encapsulated 1588v2 packets and the 802.1p
priority of the 1588v2 packet are configured.
l Configuring the UDP encapsulation mode
1. Run:

The system view is displayed.

2. Run:
interface interface-type interface-number

The interface view is displayed.

3. Run:
ptp udp-egress source-ip source-ip [ destination-ip destination-ip ]

The 1588v2 packets to be sent from the interface are encapsulated in UDP
encapsulation mode, and the source and destination IP addresses are configured.

– For unicast UDP encapsulation

Specify the unicast destination IP address encapsulated in the 1588v2 packet in
the interface view.
– For multicast UDP encapsulation
A default multicast destination IP address is adopted, which means that
destination-ip destination-ip does not need to be configured. The default multicast
destination IP address varies with delay measurement mechanisms as shown in the
following table.

Packet Type IP Address

All except peer delay measurement


Peer delay measurement mechanism


If the parameter destination-ip destination-ip is not configured, a multicast IP address is

4. Run:
ptp udp-egress destination-mac destination-mac

The next hop MAC address of the 1588v2 packet is configured.

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5. Run:
ptp udp-egress source-ip source-ip [ dscp dscp ]

The DSCP priority to be carried in the UDP-encapsulated 1588v2 packet is configured.

6. Run:
ptp udp-egress source-ip source-ip vlan vlan-id [ priority priority ]

The VLAN ID for sending and receiving 1588v2 packets and the priority of the UDP-
encapsulated 1588v2 packet are configured on the interface.

6.2.6 Checking the Configuration

After enabling 1588v2 for an OC, you can check whether the configurations of 1588v2 meet the

All configurations of OC1 and OC2 are complete.

l Run the display ptp all [ state | config ] command to display the operation status and
configuration of 1588v2.
l Run the display ptp interface interface-type interface-number command to display
1588v2 information of the interface on the 1588v2 device.

Run the display ptp all command, and you can view the configuration and operation status of
l The 1588v2 configuration includes the following:
– 1588v2 is enabled.
– The 1588v2 domain value is 1.
– The device type is OC.
– The device works in slave-only mode.
l The 1588v2 operation information includes the following:
– The clock ID of the local clock is 001882fffe1b1bf4.
– The clock ID of the time source is 001882fffe77c2cf.
– The clock ID of the parent clock is 001882fffe77c2cf.
– The interface enabled with 1588v2 is GE 1/0/0.
– The delay measurement mechanism on the interface is Delay.
– The timeout period for receiving Announce packets on the interface is 1s.
<HUAWEI> display ptp all
Device config info
PTP state :enabled Domain value :1
Slave only :yes Device type :OC

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Set port state :no Local clock ID :001882fffe1b1bf4

Acl :no Virtual clock ID :no
Acr :no Time lock success :no

BMC run info

Grand clock ID :001882fffe77c2cf
Receive number :GigabitEthernet1/0/0
Parent clock ID :001882fffe77c2cf
Parent portnumber :6417
Priority1 :128 Priority2 :128
Step removed :1 Clock accuracy :49
Clock class :187 Time Source :160
UTC Offset :0 UTC Offset Valid :False
Time Scale :ARB Time Traceable :False
Leap :None Frequence Traceable:False

Port info
Name State Delay-mech Ann-timeout Type Domain
GigabitEthernet1/0/0 slave delay 10 OC 1
Time Performance Statistics(ns): Slot 1 Card 0 Port 0
Realtime(T2-T1) :534 Pathdelay :0
Max(T2-T1) :887704804
Min(T2-T1) :512

Clock source info

Clock Pri1 Pri2 Accuracy Class TimeSrc Signal Switch Direction In-Status
local 200 128 0x31 187 0xa0 - - - -
bits0 128 128 0x20 6 0x20 none off -/- abnormal
bits1 128 128 0x20 6 0x20 none off -/- abnormal
bits2 128 128 0x20 6 0x20 none off -/- abnormal

6.3 Configuring 1588v2 on BC

A boundary clock (BC) has multiple 1588v2 clock interfaces, one of which is used to synchronize
with an upstream node. The other interfaces are used to distribute time signals to downstream

6.3.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

Before configuring 1588v2 for a BC, familiarize yourself with the applicable environment,
complete the pre-configuration tasks, and obtain the required data. This can help you complete
the configuration task quickly and accurately.

Applicable Environment
As shown in Figure 6-5, NodeBs need to synchronize with the BITS time source. All routers
on the bearer network support 1588v2, and NodeBs do not support 1588v2. BC is connected to
the BITS to synchronize with the BITS clock and advertise clock information to other clocks on
the bearer network. Other backbone nodes on the bearer network are deployed as BC, which can
therefore synchronize with the BITS clock source and advertise clock information to downstream
clocks. Besides that, two OCs are deployed at the user side of the bearer network to synchronize
with the upstream BITS clock and advertise clock information to NodeBs in traditional mode.
By adopting the preceding network deployment scheme that combines 1588v2 and traditional
synchronization mode, clocks on the bearer network and wireless network can be synchronized
based on the combination of 1588v2 and traditional synchronization mode.

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Figure 6-5 Configuring 1588v2 on a BC



NodeB OC1 OC2 NodeB

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring 1588v2 on BC, complete the following tasks:
l Configuring physical parameters for the interfaces so that the physical layer of the interfaces
is Up
l (Optional) Configuring the static route or enabling IGP to ensure that IP routes between
the nodes are reachable
l Ensuring that BC2 has correctly imported clock and time signals from the BITS

Data Preparation
To configure 1588v2 on BC, you need the following data.

No. Data

1 Number and IP address of each interface

2 IDs of 1588v2 domains to which devices belong

3 (Optional) Asymmetric correction value of the 1588v2 packet

4 (Optional) Interval for sending Announce packets and the timeout period for
receiving Announce packets

5 (Optional) Interval for sending Sync packets

6 (Optional) Minimum interval for sending Delay packets

7 (Optional) Destination MAC address, source IP address, destination IP address,

DSCP value, VLAN ID, and corresponding priority encapsulated into the 1588v2

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6.3.2 Configuring 1588v2 Globally

To configure 1588v2 globally, you need to enable 1588v2 on a router in the system view,
configure the router as a BC, specify the domain to which the router belongs to, and enable the
static configuration of the status of the BC interface.

Do as follows on the BC:

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
ptp enable

1588v2 is enabled on the BC.

Step 3 Run:
ptp device-type bc

The device type is configured as BC.

Step 4 Run:
ptp domain domain-value

The domain where the 1588v2 device resides is set.

Clocks that need to be synchronized through 1588v2 packets must belong to the same 1588v2 clock domain.

Step 5 (Optional) Run:

ptp virtual-clock-id clock-id-value

The virtual clock ID of the BC is set.

Step 6 (Optional) Run:
ptp acl enable

The function of controlling the range of clock source candidates is enabled.

Step 7 (Optional) Run:
ptp acl-permit-clockid clockid-value

The clock ID of the BC that is permitted to participate in local BMC calculation.

Step 8 (Optional) Run:
ptp set-port-state enable

The function of statically specifying a 1588v2 port is enabled.


6.3.3 Configuring 1588v2 on an Interface

After enabling 1588v2 in the system view, you need to enable 1588v2 in the interface view. In
addition, you need to configure the link delay measurement mechanism, asymmetric delay

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correction time, mode in which packets are timestamped, and statically configure the status of
1588v2 interface on each interface.

Do as follows on the BC:

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
interface interface-type interface-number

The interface view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
ptp delay-mechanism { delay | pdelay }

A delay measurement mechanism is configured for the device, which can be either of the
l Delay mode:
A delay request-response mechanism, in which information about the clock and time is
calculated according to the delay of the entire link between the master clock and slave clock.
l PDelay mode:
A peer delay mechanism, in which information about the time and clock is calculated
according to the delay of each segment of the link between the master clock and slave clock.
Different delay measurement mechanisms cannot replace each other. Therefore, delay measurement
mechanisms configured on 1588v2 interfaces on the same link segment must be identical.

Step 4 Run:
ptp enable

1588v2 is enabled on the interface.

Step 5 (Optional) Run:
ptp announce-drop enable

The interface of the 1588v2 device is configured to discard the received Announce packets.

Announce packets can ensure the 1588v2 clock synchronization between devices. If an interface discards
Announce packets, the device where the interface resides cannot receive clock synchronization information
from other 1588v2 devices. Usually, this command is configured on the interface at the user side.

Step 6 (Optional) Run:

ptp asymmetry-correction { negative negative-asymmetry-correction-value | positive
positive-asymmetry-correction-value }

The asymmetric correction time for sending 1588v2 packets on the interface is set.
Step 7 (Optional) Run:
ptp clock-step { one-step | two-step }

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The timestamping mode of the synchronization packets sending by the 1588v2 port is set.
Step 8 (Optional) Run:
ptp port-state { slave | uncalibrated | passive | master | premaster | listening |
faulty | disabled | initializing }

The synchronization status of 1588v2 port is set.


6.3.4 Configuring Time Attributes for 1588v2 Packets

1588v2 nodes exchange Announce messages, Sync messages, and Delay messages to transmit
clock information and maintain the connectivity of the 1588v2 connection. You can set the
sending intervals and timeout periods for Announce messages, intervals periods for Sync
messages, and intervals periods for Delay messages in the view of the 1588v2 interface. Usually,
you can use the default value.

Do as follows on the 1588v2 device:

l Configuring time attributes for Announce packets
1. Run:

The system view is displayed.

2. Run:
interface interface-type interface-number

The interface view is displayed.

3. Run:
ptp announce-interval announce-interval

The interval for sending Announce packets on an interface is set to the announce-
intervalth power of 2, in 1/1024 seconds.
The default value of announce-interval is 7, which means that the interval for sending
Announce packets on the interface is 128/1024s.
4. (Optional) Run:
ptp announce-receipt-timeout timeout-time

The timeout period for receiving Announce packets on an interface is set to the
timeout-timeth power of 2, in 1/1024 seconds.
The default timeout-time is 9, which means that the timeout period for receiving
Announce packets on the interface is 512/1024s.
l Configuring time attributes for Sync packets
1. Run:

The system view is displayed.

2. Run:

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interface interface-type interface-number

The interface view is displayed.

3. Run:
ptp sync-interval sync-interval

The interval for sending Sync packets on an interface is set to the sync-intervalth power
of 2, in 1/1024 seconds.

The interval for sending Sync packets on an interface is set to the sync-intervalth power
of 2, in 1/1024 seconds.

The default sync-interval is 0, which means that the interval for sending Sync packets
on the interface is 1/1024s.
l Configuring time attributes for Delay packets
1. Run:

The system view is displayed.

2. Run:
interface interface-type interface-number

The interface view is displayed.

3. Run:
ptp min-delayreq-interval min-delayreq-interval

The interval for sending Delay_Req packets on an interface is set to the min-delayreq-
intervalth power of 2, in 1/1024 seconds.

The default min-delayreq-interval is 7, which means that the interval for sending
Delay_Req packets on the interface is 128/1024s.
4. Run:
ptp min-pdelayreq-interval min-pdelayreq-interval

The interval for sending PDelay_Req packets is set to the min-pdelayreq-intervalth

power of 2, in 1/1024 seconds.

The default min-pdelayreq-interval is 7, which means that the interval for sending
PDelay_Req packets on the interface is 128/1024s.


6.3.5 Configuring Encapsulation Modes for 1588v2 Packets

1588v2 messages can be encapsulated into Layer 2 and Layer 3 packets for transmission. You
can select the encapsulation type according to the actual networking environment and configure
the source and destination IP addresses of the packets and the transmission priority.

Before configuring encapsulation modes for 1588v2 packets, check the link type for 1588v2
packet transmission:
l The Layer 2 link adopts the MAC encapsulation mode for 1588v2 packets.
l The Layer 3 link adopts the UDP encapsulation mode for 1588v2 packets.

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Do as follows on the 1588v2 device:

l Configuring the MAC encapsulation mode
1. Run:

The system view is displayed.

2. Run:
interface interface-type interface-number

The interface view is displayed.

3. (Optional) Run:
ptp mac-egress destination-mac destination-mac

The 1588v2 packets to be sent from the interface is encapsulated in MAC

encapsulation mode, and the destination MAC address is configured.

– For unicast MAC encapsulation

Specify the unicast destination MAC address encapsulated in the 1588v2 packet
in the interface view.
– For multicast MAC encapsulation
A default multicast destination MAC address is adopted, which means that
destination-MAC destination-MAC does not need to be configured. The default
multicast destination MAC address varies with delay measurement mechanisms
as shown in the following table.

Packet Type MAC Address

All except peer delay measurement 01-1B-19-00-00-00


Peer delay measurement mechanism 01-80-C2-00-00-0E


If the unicast destination MAC address is not configured, a multicast destination MAC address
is adopted by default.
4. Run:
ptp mac-egress vlan vlan-id [ priority priority ]

The VLAN ID for transmitting MAC-encapsulated 1588v2 packets and the 802.1p
priority of the 1588v2 packet are configured.
l Configuring the UDP encapsulation mode
1. Run:

The system view is displayed.

2. Run:
interface interface-type interface-number

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The interface view is displayed.

3. Run:
ptp udp-egress source-ip source-ip [ destination-ip destination-ip ]

The 1588v2 packets to be sent from the interface are encapsulated in UDP
encapsulation mode, and the source and destination IP addresses are configured.

– For unicast UDP encapsulation

Specify the unicast destination IP address encapsulated in the 1588v2 packet in
the interface view.
– For multicast UDP encapsulation
A default multicast destination IP address is adopted, which means that
destination-ip destination-ip does not need to be configured. The default multicast
destination IP address varies with delay measurement mechanisms as shown in the
following table.

Packet Type IP Address

All except peer delay measurement


Peer delay measurement mechanism


If the parameter destination-ip destination-ip is not configured, a multicast IP address is

4. Run:
ptp udp-egress destination-mac destination-mac

The next hop MAC address of the 1588v2 packet is configured.

5. Run:
ptp udp-egress source-ip source-ip [ dscp dscp ]

The DSCP priority to be carried in the UDP-encapsulated 1588v2 packet is configured.

6. Run:
ptp udp-egress source-ip source-ip vlan vlan-id [ priority priority ]

The VLAN ID for sending and receiving 1588v2 packets and the priority of the UDP-
encapsulated 1588v2 packet are configured on the interface.


6.3.6 Checking the Configuration

After enabling 1588v2 for a BC, you can check whether the configurations of 1588v2 meet the

All configurations of the BC are complete.

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l Run the display ptp all command to display the operation status and configuration of
1588v2 on the BC.
l Run the display ptp interface interface-type interface-number command to display
1588v2 information of the interface on the BC.

As shown in Figure 6-5, BC2 is the grandmaster clock on the 1588v2 network. Run the display
ptp all command on BC2, and you can view the operation status and configuration of 1588v2.
l The 1588v2 configuration includes the following:
– 1588v2 is enabled.
– The 1588v2 domain value is 1.
– The device type is BC.
– The device works in non-slave-only mode.
l The 1588v2 operation information includes the following:
– Clock ID of the local clock is 001882fffe77c2cf.
– Interface enabled with 1588v2 are GE 1/0/0 and GE 2/0/0.
– GE 1/0/0 and GE 2/0/0 are in the Master state.
– The delay measurement mechanism on GE 1/0/0 and GE 2/0/0 is Delay.
– The timeout periods for receiving Announce packets on GE 1/0/0 and GE 2/0/0 are both
<HUAWEI> display ptp all

Device config info

PTP state :enabled Domain value :1
Slave only :no Device type :BC
Set port state :no Local clock ID :001882fffe77c2cf
Acl :no Virtual clock ID :no
Acr :no Time lock success :no

BMC run info

Source port :bits1
Leap :None
UTC Offset :0
UTC Offset Valid :False

Port info
Name State Delay-mech Ann-timeout Type Domain
GigabitEthernet1/0/0 master delay 9 BC 1
GigabitEthernet2/0/0 master delay 9 BC 1

Clock source info

Clock Pri1 Pri2 Accuracy Class TimeSrc Signal Switch Direction In-Status
local 128 128 0x31 1 0xa0 - - - -
bits0 128 128 0x20 6 0x20 none off -/- abnormal
bits1 100 128 0x20 6 0x20 1pps on in/- normal
bits2 128 128 0x20 6 0x20 none off -/- abnormal

BC1 and BC3 are slave clocks of BC2; meanwhile, they are master clocks of OC1 and OC2
respectively. After configurations are complete, run the display ptp all command. You can view

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the configuration and operation status of 1588v2. Take the command output on BC1 as an
l The 1588v2 configuration includes the following:
– 1588v2 is enabled.
– The 1588v2 domain value is 1.
– The device type is BC.
– The device works in non-slave-only mode.
l The 1588v2 operation information includes the following:
– The clock ID of the local clock is 001882fffe1b1bf4.
– The clock ID of the time source is 001882fffe77c2cf.
– The clock ID of the parent clock is 001882fffe77c2cf.
– Interfaces enabled with 1588v2 are GE 1/0/0 and GE 2/0/0.
– The delay measurement mechanism on GE 1/0/0 and GE 2/0/0 is Delay.
– The timeout period for receiving Announce packets on GE 1/0/0 is 1s.
<HUAWEI> display ptp all
Device config info
PTP state :enabled Domain value :1
Slave only :no Device type :BC
Set port state :no Local clock ID :001882fffe1b1bf4
Acl :no Virtual clock ID :no
Acr :no Time lock success :no

BMC run info

Grand clock ID :001882fffe77c2cf
Receive number :GigabitEthernet1/0/0
Parent clock ID :001882fffe77c2cf
Parent portnumber :2049
Priority1 :128 Priority2 :128
Step removed :1 Clock accuracy :49
Clock class :187 Time Source :160
UTC Offset :0 UTC Offset Valid :False
Time Scale :ARB Time Traceable :False
Leap :None Frequence Traceable:False

Port info
Name State Delay-mech Ann-timeout Type Domain
GigabitEthernet1/0/0 slave delay 10 bc 1
GigabitEthernet2/0/0 master delay 10 bc 1
Time Performance Statistics(ns): Slot 1 Card 0 Port 0
Realtime(T2-T1) :534 Pathdelay :0
Max(T2-T1) :887704804
Min(T2-T1) :512

Clock source info

Clock Pri1 Pri2 Accuracy Class TimeSrc Signal Switch Direction In-Status
local 200 128 0x31 187 0xa0 - - - -
bits0 128 128 0x20 6 0x20 none off -/- abnormal
bits1 128 128 0x20 6 0x20 none off -/- abnormal
bits2 128 128 0x20 6 0x20 none off -/- abnormal

OC1 and OC2 serve as the leaf nodes of the 1588v2 network to synchronize with the clock
signals of BC1 and BC3, and expire 1588v2 packets. After the configurations, run the display
ptp all command. You can view the configuration and operation status of 1588v2. Take the
command output on OC1 as an example.

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l The 1588v2 configuration includes the following:

– 1588v2 is enabled.
– The 1588v2 domain value is 1.
– The device type is OC.
– The device works in slave-only mode.
l The 1588v2 operation information includes the following:
– The clock ID of the local clock is 001882fffe1b1235.
– The clock ID of the time source is 001882fffe77c2cf.
– The clock ID of the parent clock is 001882fffe1b1bf4.
– The interface enabled with 1588v2 is GE 1/0/0.
– The delay measurement mechanism on GE 1/0/0 is Delay.
– The timeout period for receiving Announce packets on GE 1/0/0 is 1s.
<HUAWEI> display ptp all
Device config info
PTP state :enabled Domain value :1
Slave only :yes Device type :OC
Set port state :no Local clock ID :001882fffe1b1bf4
Acl :no Virtual clock ID :no
Acr :no Time lock success :no

BMC run info

Grand clock ID :001882fffe77c2cf
Receive number :GigabitEthernet1/0/0
Parent clock ID :001882fffe77c2cf
Parent portnumber :6417
Priority1 :128 Priority2 :128
Step removed :1 Clock accuracy :49
Clock class :187 Time Source :160
UTC Offset :0 UTC Offset Valid :False
Time Scale :ARB Time Traceable :False
Leap :None Frequence Traceable:False

Port info
Name State Delay-mech Ann-timeout Type Domain
GigabitEthernet1/0/0 slave delay 10 OC 1
Time Performance Statistics(ns): Slot 1 Card 0 Port 0
Realtime(T2-T1) :534 Pathdelay :0
Max(T2-T1) :887704804
Min(T2-T1) :512

Clock source info

Clock Pri1 Pri2 Accuracy Class TimeSrc Signal Switch Direction In-Status
local 200 128 0x31 187 0xa0 - - - -
bits0 128 128 0x20 6 0x20 none off -/- abnormal
bits1 128 128 0x20 6 0x20 none off -/- abnormal
bits2 128 128 0x20 6 0x20 none off -/- abnormal

6.4 Configuring 1588v2 on TC

Unlike the BC and OC, a Transparent Clock (TC) does not need to be synchronized with other
clocks. A TC has multiple 1588v2 interfaces, among which 1588v2 messages are forwarded to
correct the message forwarding delay on each interface. The TC is not synchronized with other
clocks through any of these interfaces.

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6.4.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

Before configuring 1588v2 for a TC, familiarize yourself with the applicable environment,
complete the pre-configuration tasks, and obtain the required data. This can help you complete
the configuration task quickly and accurately.

Applicable Environment
As shown in , NodeBs support 1588v2 and function as OC. 1588v2 is configured to ensure the
clock synchronization between devices on the bearer network. Core devices on the bearer
network function as TC to forward 1588v2 packets and synchronize the clock or time between
BC and OC.

Figure 6-6 Configuring 1588v2 on TC




NodeB OC1 OC2 NodeB

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring 1588v2 on TC, complete the following tasks:

l Configuring physical parameters for the interfaces so that the physical layer of the interfaces
is Up
l (Optional) Configuring the static route or enabling IGP to ensure that IP routes between
the nodes are reachable
l Ensuring that Master has correctly imported clock and time signals from the BITS

Data Preparation
To configure 1588v2 on TC, you need the following data.

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No. Data

1 Number and IP address of each interface

2 IDs of 1588v2 domains to which devices belong

3 (Optional) Asymmetric correction value of the 1588v2 packet

4 (Optional) Interval for sending Announce packets and the timeout period for
receiving Announce packets

5 (Optional) Interval for sending Sync packets

6 (Optional) Minimum interval for sending Delay packets

7 (Optional) Destination MAC address, source IP address, destination IP address,

DSCP value, VLAN ID, and corresponding priority encapsulated into the 1588v2

6.4.2 Configuring 1588v2 Globally

To configure 1588v2 globally, you need to enable 1588v2 on a router in the system view,
configure the router as a TC, specify the domain to which the router belongs to, and enable the
static configuration of the status of the TC interface.

Do as follows on the TC:

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
ptp enable

1588v2 is enabled on the TC.

Step 3 Run:
ptp device-type { e2etc | e2etcoc | p2ptc | p2ptcoc }

The 1588v2 device type is configured as TC.

l e2etc: configures the clock mode of the device to E2ETC.
l e2etcoc: configures the clock mode of the device to E2ETCOC.
l p2ptc: configures the clock mode of the device to P2PTC.
l p2ptcoc: configures the clock mode of the device to P2PTCOC.
TCOC is a special type of TC. TCOC can aslo synchronize frequency with its upstream clock.

Step 4 Run:

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ptp domain domain-value

The domain to which the 1588v2 interface belongs is configured.

Clocks need to be synchronized through 1588v2 packets must belong to the same 1588v2 clock domain.

Step 5 (Optional) Run:

ptp virtual-clock-id clock-id-value

The virtual clock ID of the TC is set.


6.4.3 Configuring 1588v2 on an Interface

After enabling 1588v2 in the system view, you need to enable 1588v2 in the interface view. In
addition, you need to configure the asymmetric delay correction time, mode in which packets
are timestamped, and statically configure the status of 1588v2 interface on each interface.

Do as follows on the TC:

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
interface interface-type interface-number

The interface view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
ptp enable

1588v2 is enabled on the interface.

Step 4 Run:
ptp tcoc-clock-id clock-source-id port-num port-num

The clock source traced by an interface on the TCOC is configured.

This command takes effect only on the TCOC.

Step 5 (Optional) Run:

ptp asymmetry-correction { negative negative-asymmetry-correction-value | positive
positive-asymmetry-correction-value }

The asymmetric correction time for sending 1588v2 packets on the interface is set.

Step 6 (Optional) Run:

ptp clock-step { one-step | two-step }

The timestamping mode of the synchronization packets sending by the 1588v2 port is set.

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Step 7 (Optional) Run:

ptp port-state { slave | uncalibrated | passive | master | premaster | listening |
faulty | disabled | initializing }

The synchronization status of 1588v2 port is set.


6.4.4 Configuring Time Attributes for 1588v2 Packets

1588v2 nodes exchange Announce messages, Sync messages, and Delay messages to transmit
clock information and maintain the connectivity of the 1588v2 connection. You can set the
sending intervals and timeout periods for Announce messages, intervals periods for Sync
messages, and intervals periods for Delay messages in the view of the 1588v2 interface. Usually,
you can use the default value.

Do as follows on the 1588v2 device:

l Configuring time attributes for Announce packets
1. Run:

The system view is displayed.

2. Run:
interface interface-type interface-number

The interface view is displayed.

3. Run:
ptp announce-interval announce-interval

The interval for sending Announce packets on an interface is set to the announce-
intervalth power of 2, in 1/1024 seconds.

The default value of announce-interval is 7, which means that the interval for sending
Announce packets on the interface is 128/1024s.
4. (Optional) Run:
ptp announce-receipt-timeout timeout-time

The timeout period for receiving Announce packets on an interface is set to the
timeout-timeth power of 2, in 1/1024 seconds.

The default timeout-time is 9, which means that the timeout period for receiving
Announce packets on the interface is 512/1024s.
l Configuring time attributes for Sync packets
1. Run:

The system view is displayed.

2. Run:
interface interface-type interface-number

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The interface view is displayed.

3. Run:
ptp sync-interval sync-interval

The interval for sending Sync packets on an interface is set to the sync-intervalth power
of 2, in 1/1024 seconds.
The interval for sending Sync packets on an interface is set to the sync-intervalth power
of 2, in 1/1024 seconds.
The default sync-interval is 0, which means that the interval for sending Sync packets
on the interface is 1/1024s.
l Configuring time attributes for Delay packets
1. Run:

The system view is displayed.

2. Run:
interface interface-type interface-number

The interface view is displayed.

3. Run:
ptp min-delayreq-interval min-delayreq-interval

The interval for sending Delay_Req packets on an interface is set to the min-delayreq-
intervalth power of 2, in 1/1024 seconds.
The default min-delayreq-interval is 7, which means that the interval for sending
Delay_Req packets on the interface is 128/1024s.
4. Run:
ptp min-pdelayreq-interval min-pdelayreq-interval

The interval for sending PDelay_Req packets is set to the min-pdelayreq-intervalth

power of 2, in 1/1024 seconds.
The default min-pdelayreq-interval is 7, which means that the interval for sending
PDelay_Req packets on the interface is 128/1024s.

6.4.5 Configuring Encapsulation Modes for 1588v2 Packets

1588v2 messages can be encapsulated into Layer 2 and Layer 3 packets for transmission. You
can select the encapsulation type according to the actual networking environment and configure
the source and destination IP addresses of the packets and the transmission priority.

Before configuring encapsulation modes for 1588v2 packets, check the link type for 1588v2
packet transmission:
l The Layer 2 link adopts the MAC encapsulation mode for 1588v2 packets.
l The Layer 3 link adopts the UDP encapsulation mode for 1588v2 packets.

Do as follows on the 1588v2 device:

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l Configuring the MAC encapsulation mode
1. Run:

The system view is displayed.

2. Run:
interface interface-type interface-number

The interface view is displayed.

3. (Optional) Run:
ptp mac-egress destination-mac destination-mac

The 1588v2 packets to be sent from the interface is encapsulated in MAC

encapsulation mode, and the destination MAC address is configured.
– For unicast MAC encapsulation
Specify the unicast destination MAC address encapsulated in the 1588v2 packet
in the interface view.
– For multicast MAC encapsulation
A default multicast destination MAC address is adopted, which means that
destination-MAC destination-MAC does not need to be configured. The default
multicast destination MAC address varies with delay measurement mechanisms
as shown in the following table.
Packet Type MAC Address

All except peer delay measurement 01-1B-19-00-00-00


Peer delay measurement mechanism 01-80-C2-00-00-0E


If the unicast destination MAC address is not configured, a multicast destination MAC address
is adopted by default.
4. Run:
ptp mac-egress vlan vlan-id [ priority priority ]

The VLAN ID for transmitting MAC-encapsulated 1588v2 packets and the 802.1p
priority of the 1588v2 packet are configured.
l Configuring the UDP encapsulation mode
1. Run:

The system view is displayed.

2. Run:
interface interface-type interface-number

The interface view is displayed.

3. Run:
ptp udp-egress source-ip source-ip [ destination-ip destination-ip ]

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The 1588v2 packets to be sent from the interface are encapsulated in UDP
encapsulation mode, and the source and destination IP addresses are configured.

– For unicast UDP encapsulation

Specify the unicast destination IP address encapsulated in the 1588v2 packet in
the interface view.
– For multicast UDP encapsulation
A default multicast destination IP address is adopted, which means that
destination-ip destination-ip does not need to be configured. The default multicast
destination IP address varies with delay measurement mechanisms as shown in the
following table.

Packet Type IP Address

All except peer delay measurement


Peer delay measurement mechanism


If the parameter destination-ip destination-ip is not configured, a multicast IP address is

4. Run:
ptp udp-egress destination-mac destination-mac

The next hop MAC address of the 1588v2 packet is configured.

5. Run:
ptp udp-egress source-ip source-ip [ dscp dscp ]

The DSCP priority to be carried in the UDP-encapsulated 1588v2 packet is configured.

6. Run:
ptp udp-egress source-ip source-ip vlan vlan-id [ priority priority ]

The VLAN ID for sending and receiving 1588v2 packets and the priority of the UDP-
encapsulated 1588v2 packet are configured on the interface.


6.4.6 Checking the Configuration

After enabling 1588v2 for a TC, you can check whether the configurations of 1588v2 meet the

All configurations of the TC are configured.

l Run the display ptp all [state | config ] command to display the operation status and
configuration of 1588v2 on the TC.

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l Run the display ptp interface interface-type interface-number command to display

1588v2 information of the interface.


Run the display ptp all command, and you can view the configuration and operation status of
1588v2 on the TC.
<HUAWEI> display ptp all

Device config info

PTP state :enabled Domain value :1
Slave only :no Device type :E2ETC
Set port state :no Local clock ID :00e0fcfffea4b000
Acl :no Virtual clock ID :no
Acr :no Time lock success :no

BMC run info

Source port :local

Port info
Name State Delay-mech Ann-timeout Type Domain
GigabitEthernet1/0/0 premaster pdelay 9 TC 1
GigabitEthernet1/0/1 premaster pdelay 9 TC 1

Clock source info

Clock Pri1 Pri2 Accuracy Class TimeSrc Signal Switch Direction In-Status
local 100 255 0x20 187 0xa0 - - - -
bits0 128 128 0x20 6 0x20 none off -/- abnormal
bits1 49 128 0x20 6 0x20 none off -/- abnormal
bits2 128 128 0x20 6 0x20 none on -/- abnormal

6.5 Configuring 1588v2 on TCandBC

A TCandBC can function as both a TC and a BC. It has several physical interfaces to
communicate with the 1588v2 network. Some interfaces are of the TC type and other interfaces
are of the BC type. The domain value of a BC interface must be the one configured in the system
view; the domain value of a TC interface must be configured in the interface view.

6.5.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

Before configuring 1588v2 for a TCandBC, familiarize yourself with the applicable
environment, complete the pre-configuration tasks, and obtain the required data. This can help
you complete the configuration task quickly and accurately.

Applicable Environment
As shown in Figure 6-7, all routers and NodeB support 1588v2. Operator A has NodeBs, OC2,
OC3, and a BITS standard clock source BTIS2, but do not have bearer network devices. Operator
B leases its bearer network to Operator A. Devices on the bearer network synchronize with the
BITS standard clock source BTIS1 of Operator B. The following network deployment scheme
is adopted to ensure that clock synchronization is implemented independently on devices of
Operator A and Operator B:

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l OC1 and OC2 are respectively connected to BITS1 and BITS2, and advertise clock
synchronization information to downstream clocks through 1588v2 packets.
l The interface on TCandBC1 that is directly connected to OC1 is a BC interface, which
synchronizes the clock in Domain1; the interface of TCandBC1 at the user side is a TC
interface, which exchanges 1588v2 packets with TCandBC2 through an L2VPN, MPLS,
or L3VPN tunnel.
l The interface on TCandBC2 that is directly connected to OC1 is a BC interface, which
synchronizes the clock in Domain1; the interface of TCandBC2 at the user side is a TC
interface, which exchanges 1588v2 packets with TCBC1 through an L2VPN. MPLS, or
L3VPN tunnel.
l OC3 receives the 1588v2 packets sent from TCandBC1 and synchronizes with the clock
signals from TCandBC1. Then, OC3 advertises clock signals to NodeB in the traditional
mode, such as the Ethernet-based clock synchronization.
l P node functions as a BC to implement 1588v2 synchronization and transmit messages
between TCandBC1 and TCandBC2.
The entire bearer network functions as a huge TC, which transparently transmits BIST2 clock
information to NodeB.

Figure 6-7 Configuring 1588v2 on a TCandBC

Domain1 BITS1 ISP B

Domain2 OC1 ISP A




Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring 1588v2 on a TCandBC, complete the following tasks:

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l Configuring physical parameters for the interfaces so that the physical layer of the interfaces
is Up
l (Optional) Configuring the static route or enabling IGP to ensure that IP routes between
the nodes are reachable
l Ensuring that OC1 and OC2 have correctly imported clock and time signals from the BITS

Data Preparation
To configure 1588v2 on a TCandBC, you need the following data.

No. Data

1 Number and IP address of each interface

2 IDs of 1588v2 domains to which devices belong

3 (Optional) Asymmetric correction value of the 1588v2 packet

4 (Optional) Interval for sending Announce packets and the timeout period for
receiving Announce packets

5 (Optional) Interval for sending Sync packets

6 (Optional) Minimum interval for sending Delay packets

7 (Optional) Destination MAC address, source IP address, destination IP address,

DSCP value, VLAN ID, and corresponding priority encapsulated into the 1588v2

6.5.2 Configuring 1588v2 Globally

To configure 1588v2 globally, you need to enable 1588v2 on a router in the system view,
configure the router as a TCandBC, specify the domain to which the router belongs to, and enable
the static configuration of the status of the TCandBC interface.

Do as follows on the TCandBC:

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
ptp enable

1588v2 is enabled on the device.

Step 3 Run:
ptp device-type tcandbc

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The device type is configured as TCandBC.

Step 4 Run:
ptp domain domain-value

The value of the 1588v2 domain to which the BC ports of TCandBC belong is configured.
Step 5 (Optional) Run:
ptp virtual-clock-id clock-id-value

The virtual clock ID of the TCandBC is set.

Step 6 (Optional) Run:
ptp acl enable

The function of controlling the range of clock source candidates is enabled.

Step 7 (Optional) Run:
ptp acl-permit-clockid clockid-value

The clock ID of the clock source that is permitted to participate in local BMC calculation is set.
Step 8 (Optional) Run:
ptp set-port-state enable

The function of statically specifying a 1588v2 port is enabled.


6.5.3 Configuring 1588v2 on an Interface

After enabling 1588v2 in the system view, you need to enable 1588v2 in the interface view. In
addition, you need to configure the link delay measurement mechanism, asymmetric delay
correction time, mode in which packets are timestamped, and statically configure the status of
1588v2 interface on each interface.

Do as follows on the device:

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
interface interface-type interface-number

The interface view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
ptp port-type { bc | tc }

The type of the 1588v2 interface either TC or BC.

Step 4 In the TC interface view, run:
ptp domain domain-value

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The domain to which the 1588v2 interface belongs is configured.

The 1588v2 clock domain configured in the system view is the domain to which the BC interface belongs,
and you do not need to configure a domain for the BC interface. The domain to which the TC interface
belongs needs to be configured in the interface view.

Step 5 Run:
ptp delay-mechanism { delay | pdelay }

A delay measurement mechanism is configured for the device, which can be either of the

l Delay mode:
A delay request-response mechanism, in which information about the clock and time is
calculated according to the delay of the entire link between the master clock and slave clock.
l PDelay mode:
A peer delay mechanism, in which information about the clock and time is calculated
according to the delay of each segment of the link between the master clock and slave clock.
Different delay measurement mechanisms cannot replace each other. Therefore, delay measurement
mechanisms configured on 1588v2 interfaces on the same link segment must be identical.

Step 6 Run:
ptp enable

1588v2 is enabled on the interface.

Step 7 (Optional) Run:

ptp announce-drop enable

The interface of the 1588v2 device is configured to discard the received Announce packets.

Announce packets can ensure the 1588v2 clock synchronization between devices. If an interface discards
Announce packets, the device where the interface resides cannot receive clock synchronization information
from other 1588v2 clocks. Usually, this command is configured on the interface at the user side.

Step 8 (Optional) Run:

ptp asymmetry-correction { negative negative-asymmetry-correction-value | positive
positive-asymmetry-correction-value }

The asymmetric correction time for sending 1588v2 packets on the interface is set.

Step 9 (Optional) Run:

ptp clock-step { one-step | two-step }

The timestamping mode of the synchronization packets sending by the 1588v2 port is set.

Step 10 (Optional) Run:

ptp port-state { slave | uncalibrated | passive | master | premaster | listening |
faulty | disabled | initializing }

The synchronization status of 1588v2 port is set.


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6.5.4 Configuring Time Attributes for 1588v2 Packets

1588v2 nodes exchange Announce messages, Sync messages, and Delay messages to transmit
clock information and maintain the connectivity of the 1588v2 connection. You can set the
sending intervals and timeout periods for Announce messages, intervals periods for Sync
messages, and intervals periods for Delay messages in the view of the 1588v2 interface. Usually,
you can use the default value.

Do as follows on the 1588v2 device:

l Configuring time attributes for Announce packets
1. Run:

The system view is displayed.

2. Run:
interface interface-type interface-number

The interface view is displayed.

3. Run:
ptp announce-interval announce-interval

The interval for sending Announce packets on an interface is set to the announce-
intervalth power of 2, in 1/1024 seconds.

The default value of announce-interval is 7, which means that the interval for sending
Announce packets on the interface is 128/1024s.
4. (Optional) Run:
ptp announce-receipt-timeout timeout-time

The timeout period for receiving Announce packets on an interface is set to the
timeout-timeth power of 2, in 1/1024 seconds.

The default timeout-time is 9, which means that the timeout period for receiving
Announce packets on the interface is 512/1024s.
l Configuring time attributes for Sync packets
1. Run:

The system view is displayed.

2. Run:
interface interface-type interface-number

The interface view is displayed.

3. Run:
ptp sync-interval sync-interval

The interval for sending Sync packets on an interface is set to the sync-intervalth power
of 2, in 1/1024 seconds.

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The interval for sending Sync packets on an interface is set to the sync-intervalth power
of 2, in 1/1024 seconds.
The default sync-interval is 0, which means that the interval for sending Sync packets
on the interface is 1/1024s.
l Configuring time attributes for Delay packets
1. Run:

The system view is displayed.

2. Run:
interface interface-type interface-number

The interface view is displayed.

3. Run:
ptp min-delayreq-interval min-delayreq-interval

The interval for sending Delay_Req packets on an interface is set to the min-delayreq-
intervalth power of 2, in 1/1024 seconds.
The default min-delayreq-interval is 7, which means that the interval for sending
Delay_Req packets on the interface is 128/1024s.
4. Run:
ptp min-pdelayreq-interval min-pdelayreq-interval

The interval for sending PDelay_Req packets is set to the min-pdelayreq-intervalth

power of 2, in 1/1024 seconds.
The default min-pdelayreq-interval is 7, which means that the interval for sending
PDelay_Req packets on the interface is 128/1024s.

6.5.5 Configuring Encapsulation Modes for 1588v2 Packets

1588v2 messages can be encapsulated into Layer 2 and Layer 3 packets for transmission. You
can select the encapsulation type according to the actual networking environment and configure
the source and destination IP addresses of the packets and the transmission priority.

Before configuring encapsulation modes for 1588v2 packets, check the link type for 1588v2
packet transmission:
l The Layer 2 link adopts the MAC encapsulation mode for 1588v2 packets.
l The Layer 3 link adopts the UDP encapsulation mode for 1588v2 packets.

Do as follows on the 1588v2 device:

l Configuring the MAC encapsulation mode
1. Run:

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The system view is displayed.

2. Run:
interface interface-type interface-number

The interface view is displayed.

3. (Optional) Run:
ptp mac-egress destination-mac destination-mac

The 1588v2 packets to be sent from the interface is encapsulated in MAC

encapsulation mode, and the destination MAC address is configured.
– For unicast MAC encapsulation
Specify the unicast destination MAC address encapsulated in the 1588v2 packet
in the interface view.
– For multicast MAC encapsulation
A default multicast destination MAC address is adopted, which means that
destination-MAC destination-MAC does not need to be configured. The default
multicast destination MAC address varies with delay measurement mechanisms
as shown in the following table.
Packet Type MAC Address

All except peer delay measurement 01-1B-19-00-00-00


Peer delay measurement mechanism 01-80-C2-00-00-0E


If the unicast destination MAC address is not configured, a multicast destination MAC address
is adopted by default.
4. Run:
ptp mac-egress vlan vlan-id [ priority priority ]

The VLAN ID for transmitting MAC-encapsulated 1588v2 packets and the 802.1p
priority of the 1588v2 packet are configured.
l Configuring the UDP encapsulation mode
1. Run:

The system view is displayed.

2. Run:
interface interface-type interface-number

The interface view is displayed.

3. Run:
ptp udp-egress source-ip source-ip [ destination-ip destination-ip ]

The 1588v2 packets to be sent from the interface are encapsulated in UDP
encapsulation mode, and the source and destination IP addresses are configured.
– For unicast UDP encapsulation

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Specify the unicast destination IP address encapsulated in the 1588v2 packet in

the interface view.
– For multicast UDP encapsulation
A default multicast destination IP address is adopted, which means that
destination-ip destination-ip does not need to be configured. The default multicast
destination IP address varies with delay measurement mechanisms as shown in the
following table.

Packet Type IP Address

All except peer delay measurement


Peer delay measurement mechanism


If the parameter destination-ip destination-ip is not configured, a multicast IP address is

4. Run:
ptp udp-egress destination-mac destination-mac

The next hop MAC address of the 1588v2 packet is configured.

5. Run:
ptp udp-egress source-ip source-ip [ dscp dscp ]

The DSCP priority to be carried in the UDP-encapsulated 1588v2 packet is configured.

6. Run:
ptp udp-egress source-ip source-ip vlan vlan-id [ priority priority ]

The VLAN ID for sending and receiving 1588v2 packets and the priority of the UDP-
encapsulated 1588v2 packet are configured on the interface.


6.5.6 Checking the Configuration

After enabling 1588v2 for a TCandBC, you can check whether the configurations of 1588v2
meet the requirement.

All configurations of the TCandBC are configured.

l Run the display ptp all [ state | config ] command to display the operation status and
configuration of 1588v2 on the TCandBC.
l Run the display ptp interface interface-type interface-number command to display
1588v2 information of the interface.


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Run the display ptp all state command on TCandBC1. You can view the configuration and
operation status of 1588v2. Take the command output on TCandBC1 as an example.
l The 1588v2 configuration includes the following:
– 1588v2 is enabled.
– The device type is TCandBC.
– The 1588v2 domain value is 1.
– The device works in non-slave-only mode.
l The 1588v2 operation information includes the following:
– The clock ID of the local clock is 001882fffe1b1bf4.
– The clock ID of the time source is 001882fffe77c2cf.
– The clock ID of the parent clock is 001882fffe77c2cf.
– Interfaces enabled with 1588v2 are GE 1/0/0 and GE 2/0/0.
– The value of the 1588v2 domain to which th the BC interface belongs is 1; the value of
the 1588v2 domain to which th the TC interface belongs is 2.
– The BC interface is in the Slave state.
– The delay measurement mechanism on the interface is Delay.
– The timeout periods for receiving Announce packets on the BC and TC interfaces are
both 512/1024s.
<HUAWEI> display ptp all
Device config info
PTP state :enabled Domain value :1
Slave only :no Device type :TCandBC
Set port state :no Local clock ID :001882fffe1b1bf4
Acl :no Virtual clock ID :no
Acr :no Time lock success :no

BMC run info

Grand clock ID :001882fffe77c2cf
Receive number :GigabitEthernet1/0/0
Parent clock ID :001882fffe77c2cf
Parent portnumber :6417
Priority1 :128 Priority2 :128
Step removed :1 Clock accuracy :49
Clock class :187 Time Source :160
UTC Offset :0 UTC Offset Valid :False
Time Scale :ARB Time Traceable :False
Leap :None Frequence Traceable:False

Port info
Name State Delay-mech Ann-timeout Type Domain
GigabitEthernet1/0/0 slave delay 9 bc 1
GigabitEthernet2/0/0 premaster delay 9 tc 2
Time Performance Statistics(ns): Slot 1 Card 0 Port 0
Realtime(T2-T1) :534 Pathdelay :0
Max(T2-T1) :887704804
Min(T2-T1) :512

Clock source info

Clock Pri1 Pri2 Accuracy Class TimeSrc Signal Switch Direction In-Status
local 200 128 0x31 187 0xa0 - - - -

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bits0 128 128 0x20 6 0x20 none off -/- abnormal

bits1 128 128 0x20 6 0x20 none off -/- abnormal
bits2 128 128 0x20 6 0x20 none off -/- abnormal

6.6 Configuring the 1588v2 Time Source

This section describes how to configure a 1588v2 clock source, including how to obtain a
standard synchronous time through a clock interface from a BITS device without using 1588v2
and how to use 1588v2 to advertise the standard synchronous time to downstream nodes through
the other two interfaces.

6.6.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

Before configuring a 1588v2 clock source, familiarize yourself with the applicable environment,
complete the pre-configuration tasks, and obtain the required data. This can help you complete
the configuration task quickly and accurately.

Applicable Environment
On a 1588v2 network, the grandmaster clock usually imports clock or time signals from an
external BITS time source, such as a GPS, and then advertises these clock or time signals to
downstream clocks through 1588v2 packets to implement clock synchronization of the entire
network. In this case, to ensure clock synchronization between 1588v2 devices, a BITS time
source must be correctly imported.

Pre-configuration Tasks

Data Preparation
To configure a 1588v2 time source, you need the following data.

No. Data

1 Number of the interface from which the clock and time signals of the BITS time
source is imported

2 (Optional) Class of the time source

3 (Optional) Priority of the time source

4 (Optional) Accuracy of the time source

6.6.2 Configuring BITS Signals to Participate in the BMC

1588v2 is a protocol used to transmit clock synchronization signals between network devices.
To obtain an external clock source, you need to configure the system to import a standard
synchronous time from the BITS through the clock interface without using 1588v2.

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Do as follows on the device:

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 (Optional) Run:clock bits-type.The type of inputting or outputting signal is configured.
clock bits-type

The new MPU that supports 1588v2 is deployed with four ports, that is, CLK/TOD0, CLK/
TOD1, CLK/1PPS, and CLK/Serial. MPUs used on NE40E-X1, NE40E-X2 and NE40E-X3
only contain two RJ45 ports. The usage of these RJ45 ports is the same as the usage of BITS0
and BITS1 which is described as follows. For the figures of interfaces on MPUs of different
models, refer to the section "Panel Instruction" in the chapter "Cabinet" of the HUAWEI
NetEngine80E/40E - Hardware Description.
CLK/TOD0 is called as BITS0 and CLK/TOD1 is called as BITS1; CLK/1PPS and CLK/Serial
of SMB type are bound together to be bits2. A BITS port can transmit one type of signal at a
Both the RJ45 port and SMB port must be installed with dedicated clock cables to input and
output clock signals and time signals. For descriptions of clock cables, refer to the chapter "Clock
Cables" in the HUAWEI NetEngine80E/40E - Hardware Description.
The following table shows types of signals that can be transmitted through ports.

Table 6-2 Signals input to a BITS port

Interface ID of Interface ID of Interface Types of Input Signal or Output
a Clock Board Software Type Signal

CLK/TOD0 BITS0 RJ45 Types of clock signals:

l 2 Mbit/s clock signals
l 2 MHz clock signals
Types of time signals:
l Time signals of 1 pps of the RS422
level and ASCII of the RS422 level
l Two-line (one for input and the
other for output) DCLS time

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Interface ID of Interface ID of Interface Types of Input Signal or Output

a Clock Board Software Type Signal

CLK/TOD1 BITS1 RJ45 Types of clock signals:

l 2 Mbit/s clock signals
l 2 MHz clock signals
Types of time signals:
l Time signals of 1 pps of the RS422
level and ASCII of the RS422 level
l Two-line (one for input and the
other for output) DCLS time

CLK/1PPS BITS2 SMB Types of clock signals:

l 2 Mbit/s clock signals
CLK/Serial SMB
l 2 MHz clock signals
Types of time signals:
l Time signals of 1PPS of the TTL
level and ASCII of the RS232 level

In the preceding table:

l If the input or output signals on a BITS port are 2 Mbit/s clock signals, 2 MHz clock signals,
or two-line DCLS time signals, you do not need to configure the input or output parameter.
This is because the 2 Mbit/s clock signals, 2 MHz clock signals, or two-line DCLS time
signals are input and output through the same port. For example, if 2 Mbit/s clock signals
are transmitted through BITS0, 2 Mbit/s clock signals are both input and output through
l If the input or output signals on a BITS port are 1PPS+ASCII time signals, you must specify
the input or output parameter. This is because the 1PPS+ASCII time signals can be only
input or output at a time.
l When BITS2 transmits 1PPS+ASCII time signals, the two SMB ports must simultaneously
input or output these signals. If BITS2 transmits clock signals, the CLK/1PPS port must
always input signals and the CLK/Serial port must always output signals.

The type of inputting or outputting signal is configured.

On each device, the output of time signals of various types is restricted as follows:
l If only one channel of time signals is output, the signals can be output effectively.
l If two channels of 1PPS+ASCII signals are output simultaneously, both channels of signals
can be output effectively.
l If 1PPS+ASCII signals and DCLS signals are output simultaneously, the one that is
configured later takes effect.

Step 3 Run:
ptp clock-source { bits0 | bits1 |bits2 } { on | off }

BITS signals can be configured to participate in or do not participate in the BMC calculation.

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Step 4 (Optional) Run:

clock source { bits0 | bits1 | bits2 | ptp }ssm { dnu | prc | sec | ssua | ssub |
unk }

Set the SSM level of the BITS clock source.


The BITS signal input port must be the CLK port on the active system control board. If the system control boards
undergo an active/standby switchover, switch the BITS signal input port to the CLK port on the new active
system control board.

Step 5 Run:
clock source { bits0 | bits2 | ptp } priority priority-value

Set the priority of the clock reference source.


6.6.3 Configuring Attributes for the 1588v2 Time Source

This part describes how to configure attributes for the 1588v2 time source, including how to
configure attributes for a local time source and how to advertise time signals to downstream
nodes through 1588v2 messages.

Do as follows on the device:

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
ptp clock-source { local | bits0 | bits1 | bits2 }time-source time-source-value

The type of the time source to be traced is configured.

The attribute of the time-source can be configured only on the grandmaster clock. The external time source
to which the router connects should be configured with corresponding parameters. The mapping between
the time-source-value and external time source is on the Command Reference.

Step 3 Run:
ptp clock-source { local | bits0 | bits1 | bits2 }clock-accuracy clock-accuracy-

The clock accuracy of the time source is configured.

Step 4 Run:
ptp clock-source { local | bits0 | bits1 | bits2 }clock-class clock-class-value

The class of the time source is configured.

When clock-class-value is smaller than 128, the device cannot be slave clock.

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Step 5 Run:
ptp clock-source { local | bits0 | bits1 | bits2 }priority1 priority1-value

The value is set for priority1 of the time source.

Step 6 Run:
ptp clock-source { local | bits0 | bits1 | bits2 }priority2 priority2-value

The value is set for priority2 of the time source.

Step 7 (Optional) Run:

ptp { bits-1pps | bits1-dcls } { receive-delay receive-delay-time | send-delay send-
delay-time }

The delay for receiving or sending time source signals is set.


6.6.4 Checking the Configuration

After the 1588v2 clock source is imported and related configurations are complete, you can run
the display ptp all command to check whether configurations of the clock source take effect and
are correct.

All configurations of the 1588v2 time source are complete.

l Run the display clock source command to check time information about the BITS clock
source that the device traces.


When the NE40E traces a BITS clock source successfully, run the display clock source
command on the device to view obtained time information from the clock source.
System trace source State: lock mode
into pull-in range
Current system trace source: bits0
Current 2M-1 trace source: Ethernet1/0/0
Current 2M-2 trace source: Ethernet1/0/0

Master board
source Pri(sys/2m-1/2m-2) In-SSM Out-SSM State
bits0 3 /---/--- prc ssua normal
bits1 3 /---/--- prc ssua abnormal
Ethernet2/0/0 2 /1 /1 ssub -- normal
Ethernet1/0/0 1 /1 /1 ssua -- normal

Run the display ptp all command, and you can view the 1588v2 configuration and BMC
operation status on the device.

The 1588v2 configuration includes the following time source configurations:

l Priority

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l Accuracy
l Class
l Type of the time source
l Input signals of the clock
<OC1> display ptp all

Device config info

PTP state :enabled Domain value :0
Slave only :no Device type :OC
Set port state :no Local clock ID :00e0fcfffea4b000
Acl :no Virtual clock ID :no
Acr :no Time lock success :no

BMC run info

Source port :bits1
Leap :None
UTC Offset :0
UTC Offset Valid :False

Clock source info

Clock Pri1 Pri2 Accuracy Class TimeSrc Signal Switch Direction In-Status
local 128 128 0x31 1 0xa0 - - - -
bits0 1 128 0x20 6 0x20 2mhz on in/out normal
bits1 100 128 0x20 6 0x20 1pps on in/- normal
bits2 128 128 0x20 6 0x20 none off -/- abnormal

6.7 Configuring 1588 ACR

In one 1588 ACR domain, a client initiates a request for negotiation, and exchanges Layer 3
unicast packets with the server to set up a connection. The client exchanges 1588v2 packets with
the server over the connection to restore clock information.


1588 ACR Server cannot be configured on the X1 and X2 models of the NE80E/40E.

6.7.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

Before configuring 1588 ACR in single-server mode, familiarize yourself with the applicable
environment, complete the pre-configuration tasks, and obtain the required data. This will help
you complete the configuration task quickly and accurately.

Applicable Environment
On the IP RAN shown in Figure 6-8, two PEs are connected by a Layer 3 network deployed
with 1588v2-unaware devices. PE1 is a clock server and PE2 is a client. PE1 attached to an RNC
is connected to a BITS. 1588 ACR-capable PE2 initiates a request for negotiation and exchanges
Layer 3 unicast packets with PE2 to set up a connection. If the connection is successful, PE2
exchanges 1588v2 packets with PE1 over the connection to implement clock synchronization.

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Figure 6-8 Network diagram of 1588 ACR in single-server mode


Node B PE2 P PE1

with 1588 Slave Master

1588v2 ACR

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring 1588 ACR in single-server mode, complete the following tasks:
l (Optional) Configuring static routes or configuring an IGP to ensure that IP routes between
nodes are reachable
l Ensuring that the clock server has correctly imported clock and time signals from a BITS

Data Preparation
To configure 1588 ACR clock synchronization in single-server mode, you need the following

No. Data

1 IP address of a client

2 IP address of a clock server

3 (Optional) Timeout value for Announce packets

4 (Optional) Name of a VPN instance bound to the interface to which the local IP
address is assigned to

5 (Optional) DSCP value in 1588 ACR packets

6.7.2 Configuring the Unicast Negotiation Function for a Client

The unicast negotiation function and parameters for a connection between a client and a clock
server are configured on the HUAWEI NetEngine80E/40E functioning as a 1588 ACR client.

ACR, which is an adaptive clock recovery technology, allows a 1588 ACR client to exchange
1588v2 packets with a clock server on a link where a 1588v2-incapable device resides. After
receiving 1588v2 packets, the client uses clock information carried in the packets to restore clock

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1588 ACR and 1588v2 (which implements hop-by-hop clock synchronization) are mutually
exclusive. If 1588 ACR is enabled on a 1588v2-capable device, the 1588v2 configurations on
the device no longer take effect.Before enabling 1588 ACR, first disable IEEE 1588v2. After
1588 ACR is enabled, configurations related to IEEE 1588v2 will be deleted automatically.

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
ptp-adaptive enable

1588 ACR is enabled.

Step 3 Run:
ptp-adaptive device-type client

The 1588 ACR clock working mode is set to client.

Step 4 (Optional) Run:

ptp-adaptive domain domain-value

A 1588 ACR domain is configured.


The client and clock server, which exchange 1588v2 packets for clock or time synchronization, must be
in one 1588v2 clock domain.

Step 5 Run:
ptp-adaptive local-ip ip-adress

An IP address is assigned to the client, which is used to initiate a request for negotiation and
send Layer 3 unicast packets.

The clock server's and client's IP addresses uniquely identify a 1588 ACR connection, which is
set up by exchanging Layer 3 unicast packets between a client and a clock server during
negotiation. Configuring a loopback address as the client's IP address is recommended, helping
the clock server direct packets to the client.

Step 6 Run:
ptp-adaptive { remote-server1-ip | remote-server2-ip } ip-address

The remote clock server list is configured.

If multiple clock servers exist on a network, the HUAWEI NetEngine80E/40E, functioning as

a client, tracks its clock server based on the clock server's IP address.

Running this command twice specifies master and slave clock servers.

If two clock servers are configured, the client initiates a request for a connection to one clock
server. If the connection fails to be established or the established connection is closed, the client
initiates a request for a connection to the other clock server. If the connection also fails, the client
re-initiates a request for a connection to the first clock server. The procedure repeats until a
connection is created.

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Step 7 Run:
ptp-adaptive acr [ one-way | two-way ] unicast-negotiate enable

1588 ACR unicast negotiation is enabled on the HUAWEI NetEngine80E/40E and the frequency
recovery mode is configured.

By default, the frequency recovery mode is one-way.


6.7.3 Configuring the Unicast Negotiation Function for a Server

The unicast negotiation function and parameters for a connection between a client and a clock
server are configured on the HUAWEI NetEngine80E/40E functioning as a 1588 ACR clock

ACR, which is an adaptive clock recovery technology, allows a 1588 ACR client to exchange
1588v2 packets with a clock server on a link where a 1588v2-incapable device resides. After
receiving 1588v2 packets, the client uses clock information carried in the packets to restore clock

1588 ACR and 1588v2 (which implements hop-by-hop clock synchronization) are mutually
exclusive. If 1588 ACR is enabled on a 1588v2-capable device, the 1588v2 configurations on
the device no longer take effect.

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
ptp-adaptive enable

1588 ACR is enabled.

Step 3 Run:
ptp-adaptive device-type server

The 1588 ACR clock working mode is set to server.

Step 4 (Optional) Run:

ptp-adaptive domain domain-value

A 1588 ACR domain is configured.

The client and clock server, which exchange 1588v2 packets for clock synchronization, must be in one
1588v2 clock domain.

Step 5 Run:
ptp-adaptive local-ip ip-adress

An IP address is assigned to the clock server.

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The clock server's and client's IP addresses uniquely identify a 1588 ACR connection, which is
set up by exchanging Layer 3 unicast packets between a client and a clock server during
negotiation. Configuring a loopback address as the server's IP address is recommended, helping
the clock server direct packets to the client.

Step 6 (Optional) Run:

ptp-adaptive vpn-instance instance-name

The VPN instance name carried in 1588v2 packets is specified, which identifies the VPN
instance bound to the server's loopback interface.

Step 7 Run:
ptp-adaptive acr unicast-negotiate enable

The 1588 ACR unicast negotiation on the HUAWEI NetEngine80E/40E is configured.


6.7.4 (Optional) Adjusting Parameters for Establishing a Unicast

Negotiation Connection
Adjustable parameters include the timeout periods for the Announce packets (If the timeout
period expires, the client determines that the connection to the server fails.), duration of the Sync
and Announce packets (After the duration of a Sync packet or an Announce packet expires, the
client re-establishes the connection with the server), DSCP value (the DSCP value ensures that
1588v2 packets reach the destination even if a congestion occurs on the network), and the interval
at which the server sends Sync and Announce packets.

Adjustable parameters on a client are as follows:
l 1. the timeout periods for the Announce packets
l 2. Duration field values in Sync and Announce packets
l 3. DSCP value for 1588 ACR packets
l 4. Interval at which Sync and Announce packets are sent

Adjustable parameters on a clock server are as follows:

l 1. DSCP value for 1588 ACR packets

Step 1 Run:
ptp-adaptive dscp priority-value

The DSCP value in 1588 ACR packets is set.

Setting a large DSCP value to ensure that 1588v2 packets reach the destination even if a
congestion occurs on a network. This value is adjustable on both the client and clock server.

Step 2 Run:
ptp-adaptive { announce-duration | sync-duration } duration-value

The duration field value is set for each type of 1588 ACR packet.

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If a set duration time expires, the client re-initiates a request for a connection to a clock server.
The default value is recommended. By default, the duration value in all 1588v2 packets is 300,
in seconds.
Step 3 Run:
ptp-adaptive request sync-interval sync-interval

The interval at which an ACR clock server sends Sync packets is set.
By default, the interval is 8/1024 seconds.

Step 4 Run:
ptp-adaptive request announce-interval announce-interval

The interval at which an ACR clock server sends Announce packets is set.
By default, the interval at which Sync packets are sent is 2 seconds.
Step 5 Run:
ptp-adaptive announce-receipt-timeout announce-receipt-timeout

The timeout period for receiving Announce packets on the router is set.
By default, the timeout period for receiving Announce packets is 8 seconds.


When unicast negotiation parameters are being configured on the client, the timeout period within which
the client receives an Announce packet cannot be shorter than the interval at which the server sends an
Announce packet. Otherwise, the status of the client becomes master and the client cannot synchronize
with the server. It is recommended to set the timeout period within which the client receives an Announce
packet to be four times the interval at which the server sends an Announce packet.


6.7.5 Checking the Configuration

This section describes how to check 1588 ACR configurations on the HUAWEI NetEngine80E/
40E. The configurations results are that 1588 ACR and unicast negotiation are enabled; correct
IP addresses are assigned to the client and server for unicast negotiation; parameters for unicast
negotiation are set to values in a correct range.

Step 1 Run the display ptp-adaptive all command to check the status of a connection that is set up by
exchanging Layer 3 unicast packets during 1588 ACR negotiation.


After the configurations are successful, run the display ptp-adaptive all command, and you can
view the status of a connection that is set up by exchanging Layer 3 unicast packets during 1588
ACR negotiation.
The command output depends on the role that a device plays:
If the HUAWEI NetEngine80E/40E is configured as a client, the command output shows server

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l Server IP address
l Negotiation status
If the HUAWEI NetEngine80E/40E is configured as a server, the command output shows client
l Synchronous client ID
l Client IP address
# Display 1588 ACR configurations on the current client.
<HUAWEI> display ptp-adaptive all
Device config info
Ptp adaptive state : Enable Device type : client
Sync mode : Frequency Current state : slave
Packet dscp : 56 Domain value : 0
Announce interval : 11 Announce duration : 300s
Sync interval : 10 Sync duration : 300s
Announce receipt timeout: 8s Acr mode : Two-way
Local ip :
Ptp port name : GigabitEthernet1/0/0

Remote server info

Current negotiate server : 1
Ip address Negotiate state
Server1: Nego success

# Display 1588 ACR configurations on the current server.

<HUAWEI> display ptp-adaptive all
Device config info
Ptp adaptive state : Enable Device type : server
Sync mode : Frequency Current state : master
Packet dscp : 56 Domain value : 0
Local ip : Server board : 1
Acr mode : One-way
VPN : vpna

Client info
Client ID Client Ip
1 0

6.8 Maintaining 1588v2

This section describes how to maintain 1588v2, including clearing 1588v2 statistics, monitoring
the operation status of 1588v2.

6.8.1 Clearing 1588v2 Statistics

You can run the reset ptp statistics command to clear the 1588v2 statistics.

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Statistics cannot be restored after being cleared. So, confirm the action before you run the

After confirming that 1588v2 statistics need to be cleared, run the following command in the
user view.

Step 1 Run:
reset ptp statistics { all | interface interface-type interface-number }

The counter counting the number of sent and received 1588v2 packets on the interface is reset,
making statistics on 1588v2 packets to be cleared.


6.8.2 Monitoring 1588v2

You can run the display pt command to view the operation status of 1588v2, including the current
operation mode of the device, clock synchronization status, clock source ID, and input interface
of clock signals.

In routine maintenance, you can run the following command in any view to view the operation
status of 1588v2.

l Run:
display ptp { all [ config | state ] | interface interface-type interface-
number }

Information about the configuration and operation status of 1588v2 is displayed.


# Display the status and statistics of all the modules related to 1588v2 on the current device.
l The slave clock
<HUAWEI> display ptp all
Device config info
PTP state :enabled Domain value :1
Slave only :no Device type :BC
Set port state :no Local clock ID :000a0bfffe0c0d42
Acl :no Virtual clock ID :no
Acr :no Time lock success :no

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BMC run info

Grand clock ID :000a0bfffe0c0dd4
Receive number :GigabitEthernet1/0/0
Parent clock ID :000a0bfffe0c0dd4
Parent portnumber :6417
Priority1 :128 Priority2 :128
Step removed :1 Clock accuracy :49
Clock class :187 Time Source :160
UTC Offset :0 UTC Offset Valid :False
Time Scale :ARB Time Traceable :False
Leap :None Frequence Traceable:False

Port info
Name State Delay-mech Ann-timeout Type Domain
GigabitEthernet1/0/0 slave delay 10 BC 1
Time Performance Statistics(ns): Slot 1 Card 0 Port 0
Realtime(T2-T1) :534 Pathdelay :0
Max(T2-T1) :887704804
Min(T2-T1) :512

Clock source info

Clock Pri1 Pri2 Accuracy Class TimeSrc Signal Switch Direction In-Status
local 200 128 0x31 187 0xa0 - - - -
bits0 128 128 0x20 6 0x20 none off -/- abnormal
bits1 128 128 0x20 6 0x20 none off -/- abnormal
bits2 128 128 0x20 6 0x20 none off -/- abnormal

l The master clock

<HUAWEI> display ptp all

Device config info

PTP state :enabled Domain value :1
Slave only :no Device type :BC
Set port state :no Local clock ID :00e0fcfffea4b000
Acl :no Virtual clock ID :no
Acr :no Time lock success :no

BMC run info

Source port :bits1
Leap :None
UTC Offset :0
UTC Offset Valid :False

Clock source info

Clock Pri1 Pri2 Accuracy Class TimeSrc Signal Switch Direction In-Status
local 128 128 0x31 1 0xa0 - - - -
bits0 128 128 0x20 6 0x20 none off -/- abnormal
bits1 100 128 0x20 6 0x20 1pps on in/- normal
bits2 128 128 0x20 6 0x20 none off -/- abnormal

# Display configurations of GE 1/0/1.

<HUAWEI> display ptp interface Gigabitethernet 1/0/1
Port State :slave
Port Number :8451
Announce-interval :10
Grand clock ID :001882fffe771111
Receive number :GigabitEthernet1/0/1
Parent clock ID :000a0bfffe0c0dd4
Parent portnumber :1
Priority1 :128 Priority2 :128
Step removed :0 Clock accuracy :34
Clock class :6 Time Source :16

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UTC Offset :0 UTC Offset Valid :False

Time Scale :PTP Time Traceable :False
Leap :59 Frequence Traceable:False

Recv Packet Statistics

Announce :2288 Sync :14933
Req :0 Resp :0
Followup :0 Pdelay_resp_followup :0

Send Packet Statistics

Announce :0 Sync :1
Req :0 Resp :0
Followup :0 Pdelay_resp_followup :0

Discard Packet Statistics

Announce :0 Sync :1183
Delayreq :0 Pdelayreq :0
Resp :0 Pdelayresp :0
Followup :0 Pdelay_resp_followup :0

Table 6-3 Description of the display ptp command output

Item Description

PTP state Whether 1588v2 is enabled

Domain value Value of the 1588v2 domain where the

clock resides

Slave only Whether the slaveonly mode is adopted

Device-type 1588v2 device type

Static BMC Whether the static Best Master Clock

(BMC) algorithm is used

Local clock ID clcok ID of the local clock

Grand clock ID clcok ID of the grandmaster clock

Receive number Signals input interface of the clock source

Parent clock ID clcok ID of the parent clock

Parent portnumber Signal output interface of the parent clock

Pri1 Priority1 of the clock source

Pri2 Priority2 of the clock source

Step removed Number of the learnt clock sources

Clock-accuracy Accuracy of the clock source

Clock-class Class of the clock source

Port state Status of interfaces enabled with 1588v2

clock source info Configuration of the clock source

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6.9 Configuration Examples

This section provides several configuration examples of 1588v2.


This document takes interface numbers and link types of the NE40E-X8 as an example. In working
situations, the actual interface numbers and link types may be different from those used in this document.

6.9.1 Example for Configuring the BITS as the 1588v2 Clock Source
1588v2 is used to transmit clock signals within a network. If the clock signals within a network
need to be synchronized with those of an external clock source, the external standard clock source
is required.

Configuration Roadmap
As shown in Figure 6-9, the BITS is connected to an external GPS to advertise the input clock
or time signals to the device named Master, which serves as the master clock of the bearer
network and advertises the received clock or time signals to devices on the bearer network.

Figure 6-9 Networking diagram of configuring the BITS as the 1588v2 clock source



PE1 GE1/0/2 PE3 PE2

GE1/0/0 GE1/0/0
GE1/0/0 GE1/0/1 GE1/0/1

GE1/0/0 GE1/0/0

GE1/0/1 GE1/0/1
NodeB CE1 CE2 NodeB

The configuration roadmap is as follows:

1. Connect Master to the BITS clock.
2. Configure attributes for the BITS clock.
3. Configure the BITS as the 1588v2 clock or time source.

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The new MPU that supports 1588v2 is deployed with four ports, that is, CLK/TOD0, CLK/
TOD1, CLK/1PPS, and CLK/Serial. MPUs used on NE40E-X1, NE40E-X2 and NE40E-
X3 only contain two RJ45 ports. The usage of these RJ45 ports is the same as the usage of
BITS0 and BITS1 which is described as follows. For the figures of interfaces on MPUs of
different models, refer to the section "Panel Instruction" in the chapter "Cabinet" of the
HUAWEI NetEngine80E/40E - Hardware Description.
CLK/TOD0 is called as BITS0 and CLK/TOD1 is called as BITS1; CLK/1PPS and CLK/
Serial of SMB type are bound together to be bits2. A BITS port can transmit one type of
signal at a time.
Both the RJ45 port and SMB port must be installed with dedicated clock cables to input
and output clock signals and time signals. For descriptions of clock cables, refer to the
chapter "Clock Cables" in the HUAWEI NetEngine80E/40E - Hardware Description.
The following table shows types of signals that can be transmitted through ports.

Table 6-4 Signals input to a BITS port

Interface ID Interface ID of Interface Types of Input Signal or Output
of a Clock Software Type Signal

CLK/TOD0 BITS0 RJ45 Types of clock signals:

l 2 Mbit/s clock signals
l 2 MHz clock signals
Types of time signals:
l Time signals of 1 pps of the
RS422 level and ASCII of the
RS422 level
l Two-line (one for input and the
other for output) DCLS time

CLK/TOD1 BITS1 RJ45 Types of clock signals:

l 2 Mbit/s clock signals
l 2 MHz clock signals
Types of time signals:
l Time signals of 1 pps of the
RS422 level and ASCII of the
RS422 level
l Two-line (one for input and the
other for output) DCLS time

CLK/1PPS BITS2 SMB Types of clock signals:

l 2 Mbit/s clock signals
l 2 MHz clock signals
Types of time signals:

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Interface ID Interface ID of Interface Types of Input Signal or Output

of a Clock Software Type Signal

CLK/Serial SMB l Time signals of 1 pps of the TTL

level and ASCII of the RS232

In the preceding table:

l If the input or output signals on a BITS port are 2 Mbit/s clock signals, 2 MHz clock
signals, or two-line DCLS time signals, you do not need to configure the input or
output parameter. This is because the 2 Mbit/s clock signals, 2 MHz clock signals, or
two-line DCLS time signals are input and output through the same port. For example,
if 2 Mbit/s clock signals are transmitted through BITS0, 2 Mbit/s clock signals are both
input and output through BITS0.
l If the input or output signals on a BITS port are 1 pps+ASCII time signals, you must
specify the input or output parameter. This is because the 1 pps+ASCII time signals
can be only input or output at a time.
l When BITS2 transmits 1 pps+ASCII time signals, the two SMB ports must
simultaneously input or output these signals. If BITS2 transmits clock signals, the CLK/
1PPS port must always input signals and the CLK/Serial port must always output
On each device, the output of time signals of various types is restricted as follows:
l If only one channel of time signals is output, the signals can be output effectively.
l If two channels of 1PPS+ASCII signals are output simultaneously, both channels of
signals can be output effectively.
l If 1PPS+ASCII signals and DCLS signals are output simultaneously, the one that is
configured later takes effect.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:
l BITS signal types (in this example, including 2 MHz clock signals are input through BITS0
and time signals of 1 pps of the RS422 level and ASCII of the RS422 level through BITS1)
l Attributes of the BITS time source, including time source value, clock accuracy, clock
stratum, priority 1, and priority 2
l Priority of the static clock source

Step 1 Use a clock cables connect BITS0 to the clock signal source and connect BITS1 to the time
signal source.
Step 2 Configure attributes for the input signals of the BITS clock.
<Master> system-view

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[Master] clock bits-type bits0 2mhz

[Master] clock manual source bits0
[Master] clock bits-type bits1 1pps input
[Master] ptp clock-source bits1 on
[Master] ptp clock-source bits1 priority1 0

Step 3 Configure attributes for the BITS clock source on Master.

[Master] ptp clock-source bits1 time-source 2

BITS is connected to an external time source, namely, GPS, and its time-source is 2.

[Master] ptp clock-source bits1 clock-accuracy 20

[Master] ptp clock-source bits1 clock-class 1

If clock-class is set smaller than 128, then the clock cannot be a slave clock.

[Master] ptp clock-source bits1 priority2 2

[Master] ptp bits-1pps send-delay 500
[Master] ptp bits-1pps receive-delay 1000

Step 4 Enable basic 1588v2 functions on Master and configure the device type as OC.
<Master> system-view
[Master] ptp enable
[Master] ptp domain 1
[Master] ptp device-type oc
[Master] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/0
[Master-GigabitEthernet1/0/0] ptp delay-mechanism pdelay
[Master-GigabitEthernet1/0/0] ptp enable
[Master-GigabitEthernet1/0/0] quit

Step 5 Verify the configuration.

Run the display clock source command in any view on Master. You can view that BITS0 is in
the Normal state, which means that Master has successfully input frequency signals from BITS0
<Master> display clock source
System trace source State: lock mode
into pull-in range
Current system trace source: GigabitEthernet1/0/0
Current 2M-1 trace source: system PLL
Current 2M-2 trace source: system PLL

Master board
source Pri(sys/2m-1/2m-2) In-SSM Out-SSM State
bits0 5 /---/--- unk ssua normal
bits1 ---/---/--- prc ssua initial
bits2 ---/---/--- prc ssua initial
GigabitEthernet1/0/0 3 /---/--- ssua dnu normal
GigabitEthernet3/1/0 3 /---/--- unk ssua normal
GigabitEthernet3/1/1 8 /---/--- unk ssua normal

Run the display clock config command in any view on Master. You can view that Master has
stepped into lock mode, which means the frequency of Master has traced the signal from BITS0
<Master> display clock config
Current source: 11
Workmode: manual
SSM control: off
Primary source: 11
Output SSM Level: unknown
Current source step into pull-in range

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Clock is in lock mode

Ethernet-synchronization enable

After the configurations, run the display ptp all state command on Master. You can view the
current operation status of 1588v2.
<Master> display ptp all
Device config info
PTP state :enabled Domain value :1
Slave only :no Device type :OC
Static BMC :no Local clock ID :101122fffe225555

BMC run info

Clock ID value :101122fffe225555
Source port :bits1

Port info
Name State Delay-mech Ann-timeout Type Domain
GigabitEthernet1/0/0 master pdelay 9 OC 1

Clock source info

Clock Pri1 Pri2 Accuracy Class TimeSrc Signal Switch Direction In-Status
local 128 128 0x31 187 0xa0 - - - -
bits0 6 6 0x20 187 0x20 none off -/- abnormal
bits1 0 2 0x10 1 0x20 none on -/- normal
bits2 6 6 0x20 187 0x20 none off -/- abnormal

Device config info

PTP state :enabled Domain value :1
Slave only :no Device type :BC
Set port state :no Local clock ID :00e0fcfffea4b000
Acl :no Virtual clock ID :no
Acr :no

BMC run info

Source port :bits1
Leap :None
UTC Offset :0
UTC Offset Valid :False

Clock source info

Clock Pri1 Pri2 Accuracy Class TimeSrc Signal Switch Direction In-Status
local 128 128 0x31 1 0xa0 - - - -
bits0 128 128 0x20 6 0x20 none off -/- abnormal
bits1 100 128 0x20 6 0x20 1pps on in/- normal
bits2 128 128 0x20 6 0x20 none off -/- abnormal


Configuration Files
l Configuration file of Master
ptp enable
ptp device-type oc
clock bits-type bits0 2mhz
clock manual source bits0
clock bits-type bits1 1pps input
ptp clock-source bits1 on

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ptp clock-source bits1 priority1 0

ptp clock-source bits1 time-source 20
ptp clock-source bits1 clock-accuracy 20
ptp clock-source bits1 clock-class 1
ptp clock-source bits1 priority1 1
ptp clock-source bits1 priority2 2
ptp bits-1pps send-delay 500
ptp bits-1pps receive-delay 1000
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ptp delay-mechanism pdelay
ptp enable

6.9.2 Example for Restoring Frequency Synchronization Between

an IP Clock Server and NodeBs Through 1588v2 Packets
In the case that devices on a bearer network do not support 1588v2, an IP clock server and
NodeBs can directly exchange 1588v2 packets over the QoS-guaranteed bearer network to
achieve frequency synchronization between NodeBs.

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 6-10, a BITS server can generate 1588v2 packets carrying frequency
information and send them to NodeBs over a QoS-guaranteed bearer network. The devices of
the bearer network do not need to support 1588v2, which saves investments of operators.

In this application scenario, the bearer network devices only need to provide end-to-end Layer
3 channels with the jitter being within 20 ms to transparently transmit 1588v2 packets between
the IP clock server and NodeBs.

Figure 6-10 Networking diagram of restoring frequency synchronization between an IP clock

server and NodeBs through 1588v2 packets
IP Clock Server

1588v2 1588v2
packets packets
GE2/0/0 GE1/0/0 POS6/0/0 E1/0/0 POS6/0/0

Node B1 GE1/0/0 POS6/0/0 GE1/0/0 Node B2

with 1588 RouterA RouterB RouterC RouterD with 1588

Configuration Roadmap
No configuration is needed because the bearer network devices do not need to support 1588v2.

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6.9.3 Example for Synchronizing Frequencies Through the

Integration of the 1588v2 Clock, Synchronous Ethernet Clock, and
WAN Clock
Currently, only the Ethernet interface, GE interface support 1588v2 functions. Other types of
interfaces on the existing network do not support the 1588v2 functions. When POS interfaces
or non-1588v2-aware Ethernet interfaces are deployed on a network, integrating 1588v2 with
the Ethernet and WAN clock synchronization technologies can achieve clock synchronization
over the entire network in a flexible manner.

Networking Requirements
A mobile operator runs a mobile bearer network as shown in Figure 6-11. The network is
configured with both POS interfaces and Ethernet interfaces. To meet the frequency
synchronization requirements of wireless bearer services, each device and NodeB on the bearer
network must be connected to a BITS server. The installation and maintenance are thus costly.

The operator then purchases 1588v2-aware devices and then upgrades the clock synchronization
network. After these, only one BITS server needs to be deployed on the bearer network, which
also meets the frequency synchronization requirements of the wireless bearer services.

The clock synchronization network can be deployed as follows based on different types of
interfaces. BITS clock signals are injected to Router B and then transmitted to NodeB 2 on the
right through the WAN clock, 1588v2 clock, and WAN clock in sequence and to NodeB 1 on
the left through the synchronous Ethernet clock and 1588v2 clock. 1588v2 packets are
encapsulated through UDP and then transmitted to destination nodes.

Figure 6-11 Networking diagram of synchronizing frequencies through the integration of the
1588v2 clock, synchronous Ethernet clock, and WAN clock

GE2/0/0 GE1/0/0 POS6/0/0 GE1/0/0 POS6/0/0

Node B1 GE1/0/0 POS6/0/0 GE1/0/0 Node B2

with 1588 RouterA RouterB RouterC RouterD without 1588

Ethernet sychronization



Device Name Interface Number IP Address

Router A GE1/0/0

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Router A GE2/0/0

Router B GE1/0/0

Router B POS 6/0/0

Router C POS 6/0/0

Router C GE1/0/0

Router D GE1/0/0

Router D POS 6/0/0

NodeB 1

NodeB 2

Device Name Interface Number MAC Address

RouterC GE1/0/0 0000-1111-cccc

RouterD GE1/0/0 0000-1111-dddd

NodeB1 - 0000-1111-b1b1

Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:

1. Configure an IP address on each interface and routes to ensure connectivity between

2. Import external BITS clock signals to Router B.
3. Synchronize clock signals of Router A with those of Router B through the synchronous
Ethernet clock.
4. Synchronize clock signals of Router C with those of Router B through the WAN clock.
5. Configure Router A as the BC that encapsulates 1588v2 packets through UDP and sends
clock signals to NodeB 1.
6. Configure Router C as the BC that encapsulates 1588v2 packets through UDP and sends
clock signals to Router D.
7. Configure Router D as the OC and synchronize clock signals of Router D with those of
Router C.
8. Configure Router D and send clock signals to NodeB 2 through the WAN clock.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:

l 1588 link delay measurement mechanism: delay

Step 1 Enable a link layer protocol and configure an IP address on each interface. The configuration
details are not mentioned here.

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Step 2 Enable OSPF to ensure the interworking between devices. The configuration details are not
mentioned here.
Step 3 Import signals of the external BITS clock source to Router B.
[RouterB] clock bits-type bits0 2mhz
[RouterB] clock source bits0 ssm prc
[RouterB] clock source bits0 priority 1

Step 4 Synchronize clock signals of Router A with those of Router B through the synchronous Ethernet
# Enable Router B with Ethernet clock synchronization.
[RouterB] clock ethernet-synchronization enable
[RouterB] interface GigabitEthernet 1/0/0
[RouterB-GigabitEthernet1/0/0] clock synchronization enable
[RouterB-GigabitEthernet1/0/0] clock priority 2
# Enable Ethernet clock synchronization on Router A.
[RouterA] clock ethernet-synchronization enable
[RouterA] interface GigabitEthernet 1/0/0
[RouterA-GigabitEthernet1/0/0] clock synchronization enable
[RouterA-GigabitEthernet1/0/0] clock priority 2

Step 5 Synchronize clock signals of Router C with those of Router B through the WAN clock.
# Configure POS 6/0/0 of Router B as the master interface.
[RouterB] interface POS 6/0/0
[RouterB-POS 6/0/0] clock master
# Configure POS 6/0/0 of Router C as the slave interface.
[RouterC] interface POS 6/0/0
[RouterC-POS 6/0/0] clock slave
[RouterC-POS 6/0/0] quit

Step 6 Configure Router A as the BC that encapsulates 1588v2 packets through UDP and sends clock
signals to NodeB 1.
[RouterA] ptp enable
[RouterA] ptp device-type bc
[RouterA] ptp clock-source local priority1 0
[RouterA] interface gigabitethernet 2/0/0
[RouterA-GigabitEthernet2/0/0] ptp delay-mechanism delay
[RouterA-GigabitEthernet2/0/0] ptp enable
[RouterA-GigabitEthernet2/0/0] ptp udp-egress source-ip destination-ip
[RouterA-GigabitEthernet2/0/0] ptp udp-egress destination-mac 0000-1111-b1b1
[RouterA-GigabitEthernet2/0/0] quit
# Enable NodeB 1 to receive 1588v2 packets from Router A. The configuration details are not
mentioned here.
Step 7 Configure Router C as the BC that encapsulates 1588v2 packets through UDP and sends clock
signals to Router D.
# Configure Router C as the BC that encapsulates 1588v2 packets through UDP and sends clock
signals to Router D.
<RouterC> system-view
[RouterC] ptp enable
[RouterC] ptp device-type bc
[RouterC] ptp clock-source local priority1 0
[RouterC] interface ethernet 1/0/0
[RouterC-GigabitEthernet1/0/0] ptp delay-mechanism delay
[RouterC-Ethernet1/0/0] ptp enable
[RouterC-Ethernet1/0/0] ptp udp-egress source-ip destination-ip
[RouterC-Ethernet1/0/0] ptp udp-egress destination-mac 0000-1111-dddd
[RouterC-Ethernet1/0/0] quit

Step 8 # Configure Router D as the OC and synchronizes clock signals of Router D with those of
Router C through 1588v2 packets.

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[RouterD] ptp enable

[RouterD] ptp device-type oc
[RouterD] ptp clock-source local priority1 128
[RouterD] clock manual source ptp
[RouterD] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/0
[RouterD-GigabitEthernet1/0/0] ptp delay-mechanism delay
[RouterD-GigabitEthernet1/0/0] ptp enable
[RouterD-GigabitEthernet1/0/0] ptp udp-egress source-ip destination-ip
[RouterD-GigabitEthernet1/0/0] ptp udp-egress destination-mac 0000-1111-cccc
[RouterD-GigabitEthernet1/0/0] quit

Step 9 Configure Router D and send clock signals to NodeB 2 through the WAN clock.
# Configure POS 6/0/0 of Router D as the master interface.
[RouterD] interface POS 6/0/0
[RouterD-POS 6/0/0] clock master
# Configure NodeB 2 as the slave interface. The configuration details are not mentioned here.


Configuration Files
l Configuration file of Router A
sysname RouterA
clock ethernet-synchronization enable
interface GigabitEthernet 1/0/0
clock synchronization enable
clock priority 2
ptp clock-source local priority1 0
ptp enable
ptp device-type bc
interface gigabitethernet 2/0/0
ptp delay-mechanism delay
ptp enable
ptp udp-egress source-ip destination-ip
ptp udp-egress destination-mac 0000-1111-b1b1

l Configuration file of Router B

sysname RouterB
clock bits-type bits0 2mhz
clock source bits0 ssm prc
clock source bits0 priority 1
clock ethernet-synchronization enable
interface GigabitEthernet 1/0/0
clock synchronization enable
clock priority 2
interface POS 6/0/0
clock master

l Configuration file of Router C

sysname Router C
ptp enable
ptp device-type bc
ptp clock-source local priority1 0
clock manual source ptp
interface POS 6/0/0
clock slave
interface ethernet 1/0/0
ptp delay-mechanism delay

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ptp enable
ptp udp-egress source-ip destination-ip
ptp udp-egress destination-mac 0000-1111-dddd

l Configuration file of Router D

sysname Router D
ptp enable
ptp device-type oc
ptp clock-source local priority1 128
clock manual source ptp
interface gigabitethernet 1/0/0
undo shutdown
ptp delay-mechanism delay
ptp enable
ptp udp-egress source-ip destination-ip
ptp udp-egress destination-mac 0000-1111-cccc
interface POS 6/0/0
clock master

6.9.4 Example for Synchronizing All Clocks of an Entire Network

Through Unicast UDP-Encapsulated 1588v2 Packets
Serving as a clock synchronization protocol, 1588v2 can transmit frequency signals and time
signals of BITS servers across an entire network, which achieves clock synchronization between
the wireless bearer network and wireless access network. For the NodeBs that support only UDP
encapsulation, NE80E/40Es can send UDP-encapsulated 1588v2 packets to these NodeBs.

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 6-12, a bearer network transmits wireless services between NodeBs and all
its nodes support 1588v2. The core nodes, namely, PE1 and PE2 are connected through a POS
link and obtain clock signals from BITS servers. NodeB 2 does not support 1588v2 but supports
frequency synchronization through the synchronous Ethernet clock. NodeB 1 and NodeB 3
support 1588v2. Frequency synchronization can be achieved between wireless NodeBs and the
bearer network devices, and time synchronization can be achieved between 1588v2-aware
NodeBs and the bearer network devices.
All devices of the bearer network support 1588v2 so that they can be configured as BCs to
transmit clock information. In addition, CE2 can send E1 signals carrying frequency information
to non-1588v2-aware NodeB 2 for restoring frequency synchronization.

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Figure 6-12 Networking diagram of synchronizing all clocks of an entire network through
unicast UDP-encapsulated 1588v2 packets


without 1588v2

GE1/0/1 GE1/0/1 POS6/0/0 GE1/0/1

GE1/0/0 POS6/0/0 GE1/0/1 GE1/0/0

NodeB1 CE1 PE1 PE2 CE2
with 1588v2
with 1588v2

Device Name Interface Number IP Address

PE1 POS 6/0/0

PE1 GE 1/0/1

PE2 POS 6/0/0

PE2 GE 1/0/1

CE1 GE 1/0/0

CE1 GE 1/0/1

CE2 GE 1/0/0

CE2 GE 1/0/1

Device Name Interface Number MAC Address

PE1 GE1/0/1 0000-1111-1111

PE2 GE1/0/1 0000-1111-2222

CE1 GE1/0/0 1111-2222-1111

CE1 GE1/0/1 1111-2222-2222

CE2 GE1/0/0 1111-2222-3333

CE2 GE1/0/1 1111-2222-5555

NodeB1 - 2222-3333-1111

NodeB3 - 2222-3333-2222

Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:

1. Enable a routing protocol, that is, OSPF, to ensure the interworking between devices.

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2. Connect PE1 and PE2 to BITS clocks.

3. Configure PE1, PE2, CE1, and CE2 as BCs.
4. Encapsulate 1588v2 packets through unicast UDP in this example.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:
l 1588 link delay measurement mechanism: pdelay
l ID of the 1588v2 domain to which devices belong
l Interval for sending Announce messages and timeout period of receiving Announce
l Interval for sending Sync messages
l Interval for sending PDelay messages

Step 1 Configure the IP address of each interface and enable OSPF to ensure the interworking between
devices. The configuration details are not mentioned here.
Step 2 Configure PE1 and PE2 to import BITS clock signals through their clock interfaces.
For the detailed configurations, see the section Example for Configuring the BITS as the PTP
Clock Source.
Step 3 Configure PE1, PE2, CE1, and CE2 as BCs.
# Configure PE1.
[PE1] ptp enable
[PE1] ptp device-type bc
[PE1] ptp domain 1
[PE1] ptp clock-source local priority1 128
[PE1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[PE1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ptp delay-mechanism pdelay
[PE1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ptp udp-egress source-ip destination-ip
[PE1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ptp udp-egress destination-mac 1111-2222-1111
[PE1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ptp enable
[PE1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit

# Configure PE2.
[PE2] ptp enable
[PE2] ptp device-type bc
[PE2] ptp domain 1
[PE2] ptp clock-source local priority1 128
[PE2] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[PE2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ptp delay-mechanism pdelay
[PE2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ptp udp-egress source-ip destination-ip
[PE2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ptp udp-egress destination-mac 1111-2222-5555
[PE2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ptp enable
[PE2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit

# Configure CE1.
[CE1] ptp enable
[CE1] ptp device-type bc
[CE1] ptp domain 1
[CE1] ptp clock-source local priority1 128
[CE1] clock manual source ?

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[CE1] clock manual source ptp

[CE1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/0
[CE1-GigabitEthernet1/0/0] ptp delay-mechanism pdelay
[CE1-GigabitEthernet1/0/0] ptp udp-egress source-ip destination-ip
[CE1-GigabitEthernet1/0/0] ptp udp-egress destination-mac 0000-1111-1111
[CE1-GigabitEthernet1/0/0] ptp enable
[CE1-GigabitEthernet1/0/0] quit
[CE1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[CE1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ptp delay-mechanism pdelay
[CE1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ptp udp-egress source-ip destination-ip
[CE1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ptp udp-egress destination-mac 2222-3333-1111
[CE1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ptp enable
[CE1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit

# Configure the NodeBs that receives 1588v2 packets from CE1. The configuration details are
not mentioned here.

# Configure CE2.
[CE2] ptp enable
[CE2] ptp device-type oc
[CE2] ptp slaveonly
[CE2] ptp domain 1
[CE2] ptp clock-source local priority1 128
[CE2] clock manual source ?
[CE2] clock manual source ptp
[CE2] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/0
[CE2-GigabitEthernet1/0/0] ptp delay-mechanism pdelay
[CE2-GigabitEthernet1/0/0] ptp udp-egress source-ip destination-ip
[CE2-GigabitEthernet1/0/0] ptp udp-egress destination-mac 0000-1111-2222
[CE2-GigabitEthernet1/0/0] ptp enable
[CE2-GigabitEthernet1/0/0] quit
[CE2] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[CE2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ptp delay-mechanism pdelay
[CE2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ptp udp-egress source-ip destination-ip
[CE2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ptp udp-egress destination-mac 2222-3333-2222
[CE2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ptp enable
[CE2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit

Step 4 Configure attributes of 1588v2 packets.

# Configure CE1.
[CE1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/0
[CE1-GigabitEthernet1/0/0] ptp announce-receipt-timeout 10
[CE1-GigabitEthernet1/0/0] ptp min-pdelayreq-interval 10
[CE1-GigabitEthernet1/0/0] quit
[CE1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[CE1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ptp announce-drop enable

# Configure CE2.
[CE2] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/0
[CE2-GigabitEthernet1/0/0] ptp announce-receipt-timeout 10
[CE2-GigabitEthernet1/0/0] ptp min-pdelayreq-interval 10
[CE2-GigabitEthernet1/0/0] quit
[CE2] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[CE2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ptp announce-drop enable

# Configure PE1.
[PE1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/0
[PE1-GigabitEthernet1/0/0] ptp announce-receipt-timeout 10
[PE1-GigabitEthernet1/0/0] quit
[PE1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1

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[PE1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ptp announce-interval 8

[PE1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ptp min-pdelayreq-interval 10
[PE1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit

# Configure PE2.
[PE2] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/0
[PE2-GigabitEthernet1/0/0] ptp announce-receipt-timeout 10
[PE2-GigabitEthernet1/0/0] quit
[PE2] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[PE2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ptp announce-interval 8
[PE2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ptp min-pdelayreq-interval 10
[PE2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit

Step 5 Verify the configuration.

After the preceding configurations, run the display ptp all state command. You can view the
PTP operation status. Take the display on CE1 as an example. You can view that GE 1/0/0 on
CE1 works in the Slave state and you can also view clock IDs of the upstream clock and
grandmaster clock with which CE1 synchronizes. The command output indicates that CE1 has
synchronized with the master clock source.
<CE1> display ptp all
Device config info
PTP state :enabled Domain value :1
Slave only :no Device type :BC
Set port state :no Local clock ID :000a0bfffe0c0d42
Acl :no Virtual clock ID :no
Acr :no

BMC run info

Grand clock ID :000a0bfffe0c0dd4
Receive number :GigabitEthernet1/0/0
Parent clock ID :000a0bfffe0c0dd4
Parent portnumber :6417
Priority1 :128 Priority2 :128
Step removed :1 Clock accuracy :49
Clock class :187 Time Source :160
UTC Offset :0 UTC Offset Valid :False
Time Scale :ARB Time Traceable :False
Leap :None Frequence Traceable:False

Port info
Name State Delay-mech Ann-timeout Type Domain
GigabitEthernet1/0/0 slave pdelay 10 BC 1
Time Performance Statistics(ns): Slot 1 Card 0 Port 0
Realtime(T2-T1) :534 Pathdelay :0
Max(T2-T1) :887704804
Min(T2-T1) :512

Clock source info

Clock Pri1 Pri2 Accuracy Class TimeSrc Signal Switch Direction In-Status
local 200 128 0x31 187 0xa0 - - - -
bits0 128 128 0x20 6 0x20 none off -/- abnormal
bits1 128 128 0x20 6 0x20 none off -/- abnormal
bits2 128 128 0x20 6 0x20 none off -/- abnormal


Configuration Files
l Configuration file of CE1

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sysname CE1
ptp enable
ptp device-type bc
ptp domain 1
ptp clock-source local priority1 128
clock manual source ptp
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
ptp delay-mechanism pdelay
ptp announce receipt-timeout 10

ptp min-pdelayreq-interval 10
ptp udp-egress source-ip destination-ip
ptp udp-egress destination-mac 0000-1111-1111
ptp enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1
undo shutdown
ip address
ptp delay-mechanism pdelay
ptp announce-receipt-timeout 10
ptp min-pdelayreq-interval 10
ptp announce-drop enable
ptp udp-egress source-ip destination-ip
ptp udp-egress destination-mac 2222-3333-1111
ptp enable
ospf 1

l Configuration file of CE2

sysname CE2
ptp enable
ptp device-type bc
ptp domain 1
ptp clock-source local priority1 128
clock manual source ptp
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
ptp delay-mechanism pdelay
ptp announce-receipt-timeout 10
ptp udp-egress source-ip destination-ip
ptp udp-egress destination-mac 0000-1111-2222
ptp enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1
undo shutdown
ip address
ptp delay-mechanism pdelay
ptp announce receipt-timeout 10

ptp announce-drop enable

ptp udp-egress source-ip destination-ip
ptp udp-egress destination-mac 2222-3333-2222
ptp enable
ospf 1

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l Configuration file of PE1

sysname PE1
clock bits-type bits0 2mhz
clock bits-type bits2 1pps input
ptp clock-source bits2 on
clock manual source bits0
ptp enable
ptp device-type bc
ptp domain 1
ptp clock-source bits2 priority1 0
ptp clock-source local priority1 128
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1
undo shutdown
ip address
ptp delay-mechanism pdelay
ptp announce-interval 8
ptp min-delayreq-interval 10
ptp udp-egress source-ip destination-ip
ptp udp-egress destination-mac 1111-2222-1111
ptp enable
ospf 1

l Configuration file of PE2

sysname PE2
clock bits-type bits0 2mhz
clock bits-type bits2 1pps input
ptp clock-source bits2 on
clock manual source bits0
ptp enable
ptp device-type bc
ptp domain 1
ptp clock-source bits2 priority1 0
ptp clock-source local priority1 128
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1
undo shutdown
ip address
ptp delay-mechanism pdelay
ptp announce-interva 8
ptp min-delayreq-interval 10
ptp udp-egress source-ip destination-ip
ptp udp-egress destination-mac 1111-2222-5555
ptp enable
ospf 1

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6.9.5 Example for Configuring Clock Synchronization of an Entire

Network Through Multicast MAC-Encapsulated 1588v2 Packets
Serving as a clock synchronization protocol, 1588v2 can transmit frequency signals and time
signals of BITS servers across an entire network, which achieves clock synchronization between
the wireless bearer network and wireless access network. By default, NE80E/40Es encapsulate
1588v2 packets in multicast MAC mode. For NodeBs supporting multicast MAC-encapsulated
1588v2 packets, you can configure all clocks of an entire network as BCs to simplify the
operation of clock synchronization on the entire network.

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 6-13, PE1 and PE2 are core devices on a bearer network and CE1 and CE2
are edge devices on a wireless access network. PE1 and PE2, functioning as the external BITS
clock sources for BCs, advertise clock and time information to CE1 and CE2. CE1 and CE2,
functioning as BCs, synchronize clock signals with the BITS through 1588v2 and send 1588v2
packets carrying the frequency and time information to their attached NodeBs. In addition, CE2
can send E1 signals carrying frequency information to non-1588v2-aware NodeB 2 for restoring
frequency synchronization.

Figure 6-13 Networking diagram of configuring clock synchronization of an entire network

through multicast MAC-encapsulated 1588v2 packets


without 1588v2

GE1/0/1 GE1/0/1 POS6/0/0 GE1/0/1

GE1/0/0 POS6/0/0 GE1/0/1 GE1/0/0

NodeB1 CE1 PE1 PE2 CE2
with 1588v2
with 1588v2

Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:

1. Add PE1, PE2, CE1, and CE2 to a VLAN.

2. Connect PE1 and PE2 to BITS clock sources.
3. Configure PE1, PE2, CE1, and CE2 as BCs.

1588v2 packets are encapsulated in the default multicast MAC mode.

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Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:
l ID of the 1588v2 domain to which devices belong
l Interval for sending Announce messages and timeout period of receiving Announce
l Interval for sending Sync messages
l Interval for sending Delay messages
l MAC address of each NodeB

Step 1 Configure PE1 and PE2 so that they can import BITS clock signals through their clock interfaces.
For the detailed configurations, see the section Example for Configuring the BITS as the PTP
Clock Source.
Step 2 Configure PE1 and PE2 as BCs.
# Configure PE1.
[PE1] ptp enable
[PE1] ptp device-type bc
[PE1] ptp domain 1
[PE1] ptp clock-source local priority1 128
[PE1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/0
[PE1-GigabitEthernet1/0/0] ptp enable
[PE1-GigabitEthernet1/0/0] ptp delay-mechanism delay
[PE1-GigabitEthernet1/0/0] quit

# Configure PE2.
<PE2> system-view
[PE2] ptp enable
[PE2] ptp device-type bc
[PE2] ptp domain 1
[PE2] ptp clock-source local priority1 128
[PE2] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/0
[PE2-GigabitEthernet1/0/0] ptp enable
[PE2-GigabitEthernet1/0/0] ptp delay-mechanism delay
[PE2-GigabitEthernet1/0/0] quit

Step 3 Configure CE1 and CE2 as BCs so that they can synchronize the clock and time information
with that of PE1 and PE2 and advertise the information to NodeB 1 and NodeB 3.
# Configure CE1.
[CE1] ptp enable
[CE1] ptp device-type bc
[CE1] ptp domain 1
[CE1] ptp clock-source local priority1 128
[CE1] clock manual source ptp
[CE1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/0
[CE1-GigabitEthernet1/0/0] ptp delay-mechanism delay
[CE1-GigabitEthernet1/0/0] ptp enable
[CE1-GigabitEthernet1/0/0] quit
[CE1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[CE1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ptp delay-mechanism delay
[CE1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ptp enable
[CE1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ptp announce-drop enable
[CE1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit

# Configure CE2.

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[CE2] ptp enable

[CE2] ptp device-type bc
[CE2] ptp domain 1
[CE2] ptp clock-source local priority1 128
[CE1] clock manual source ptp
[CE2] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/0
[CE2-GigabitEthernet1/0/0] ptp delay-mechanism delay
[CE2-GigabitEthernet1/0/0] ptp enable
[CE2-GigabitEthernet1/0/0] quit
[CE2] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[CE2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ptp enable
[CE2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ptp announce-drop enable
[CE2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit

Step 4 Verify the configuration.

After the preceding configurations, CE1 and CE2 can trace the clock and time information of
PE1 and PE2. Take the display on CE1 as an example. Run the display ptp all command. You
can view information about 1588v2 synchronization.
<CE1> display ptp all
Device config info
PTP state :enabled Domain value :1
Slave only :no Device type :BC
Set port state :no Local clock ID :000a0bfffe0c0d42
Acl :no Virtual clock ID :no
Acr :no

BMC run info

Grand clock ID :000a0bfffe0c0dd4
Receive number :GigabitEthernet1/0/0
Parent clock ID :000a0bfffe0c0dd4
Parent portnumber :6417
Priority1 :128 Priority2 :128
Step removed :1 Clock accuracy :49
Clock class :187 Time Source :160
UTC Offset :0 UTC Offset Valid :False
Time Scale :ARB Time Traceable :False
Leap :None Frequence Traceable:False

Port info
Name State Delay-mech Ann-timeout Type Domain
GigabitEthernet1/0/0 slave delay 10 BC 1
Time Performance Statistics(ns): Slot 1 Card 0 Port 0
Realtime(T2-T1) :534 Pathdelay :0
Max(T2-T1) :887704804
Min(T2-T1) :512

Clock source info

Clock Pri1 Pri2 Accuracy Class TimeSrc Signal Switch Direction In-Status
local 200 128 0x31 187 0xa0 - - - -
bits0 128 128 0x20 6 0x20 none off -/- abnormal
bits1 128 128 0x20 6 0x20 none off -/- abnormal
bits2 128 128 0x20 6 0x20 none off -/- abnormal


Configuration Files
l Configuration file of CE1
sysname CE1

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clock manual source ptp

ptp enable
ptp domain 1
ptp device-type bc
ptp clock-source local priority1 128
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ptp delay-mechanism delay
ptp enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1
undo shutdown
ptp delay-mechanism delay
ptp enable
ptp announce-drop enable
l Configuration file of CE2
sysname CE2
clock manual source ptp
ptp enable
ptp domain 1
ptp device-type bc
ptp clock-source local priority1 128
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ptp delay-mechanism delay
ptp enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1
undo shutdown
ptp delay-mechanism delay
ptp enable
ptp announce-drop enable
l Configuration file of PE1
sysname PE1
clock bits-type bits0 2mhz
clock bits-type bits2 1pps input
clock manual source bits0
ptp clock-source bits2 priority1 0
ptp clock-source bits2 on
ptp enable
ptp domain 1
ptp device-type bc
ptp clock-source local priority1 128
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1
undo shutdown
ptp enable
l Configuration file of PE2
sysname PE2
clock bits-type bits0 2mhz
clock bits-type bits2 1pps input

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clock manual source bits0

ptp clock-source bits2 priority1 0
ptp clock-source bits2 on
ptp clock-source local priority1 128
ptp enable
ptp domain 1
ptp device-type bc
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1
undo shutdown
ptp enable

6.9.6 Example for Configuring 1588 ACR Clock Synchronization in

a Single-Server Scenario
This section describes how to configure 1588 ACR on the router functioning as a client and the
router functioning as a server to restore clock information in a single-server scenario by using
an example.

Networking Requirements
On the IP RAN shown in Figure 6-14, Router A functions as a clock server and is connected to
an IP CLK. Router C functions as a client, and sends a 1588 ACR Layer 3 unicast negotiation
request to the server to achieve clock synchronization.

Figure 6-14 Networking diagram of configuring 1588 ACR clock synchronization in a single-
server scenario IP/MPLS


Node B RouterC RouterB RouterA

with 1588 Slave Master

1588v2 ACR

Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:
1. Configure Router A as a server.
2. Configure Router C as a client.
3. Adjust Layer 3 unicast negotiation parameters on the server and the client.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:

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l IP address of the server and the IP address of the client

l Interval for sending Sync and Announce packets on the server

Step 1 Configure Router A as a server.
<RouterA> system-view
[RouterA] interface loopback 0
[RouterA-Loopback0] ip address 32
[RouterA-Loopback0] quit
[RouterA] ptp-adaptive enable
[RouterA] ptp-adaptive device-type server
[RouterA] ptp-adaptive local-ip

Step 2 Configure Router C as a client.

<RouterC> system-view
[RouterC] interface loopback 0
[RouterC-Loopback0] ip address 32
[RouterC-Loopback0] quit
[RouterC] ptp-adaptive enable
[RouterC] ptp-adaptive device-type client
[RouterC] ptp-adaptive local-ip
[RouterC] ptp-adaptive remote-server1-ip

Step 3 Adjust Layer 3 unicast negotiation parameters on the client and the server.
# Configure the client.
[RouterC] ptp-adaptive request sync-interval 10
[RouterC] ptp-adaptive request announce-interval 12

Step 4 Configure unicast negotiation on the server and client.

# Configure the server.
[RouterA] ptp-adaptive acr unicast-negotiate enable
# Configure the client.
[RouterC] ptp-adaptive acr unicast-negotiate enable

Step 5 Verify the configuration.

# Check the 1588 ACR configuration on Router C.
<RouterC> display ptp-adaptive all
Device config info
Ptp adaptive state : Enable Device type : client
Sync mode : Frequency Current state : slave
Packet dscp : 56 Domain value : 0
Announce interval : 12 Announce duration : 300s
Sync interval : 10 Sync duration : 300s
Announce receipt timeout: 8s Acr mode : One-way
Local ip :
Ptp port name : GigabitEthernet1/0/0

Remote server info

Current negotiate server : 1
Ip address Negotiate state
Server1: Nego success

# Check the 1588 ACR configuration on Router A.

<RouterA> display ptp-adaptive all
Device config info
Ptp adaptive state : Enable Device type : server

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Sync mode : Frequency Current state : master

Packet dscp : 56 Domain value : 0
Local ip : Server board : 1
Acr mode : One-way
VPN : None

Client info
Client ID Client Ip
1 0


Configuration Files
Configuration file of Router A
sysname RouterA
ptp-adaptive enable
ptp-adaptive device-type server
ptp-adaptive local-ip
ptp-adaptive acr unicast-negotiate enable
interface Loopback0
ip address

Configuration file of Router C

sysname RouterC
ptp-adaptive enable
ptp-adaptive device-type client
ptp-adaptive local-ip
ptp-adaptive remote-server1-ip
ptp-adaptive request sync-interval 10
ptp-adaptive request announce-interval 12
ptp-adaptive acr unicast-negotiate enable
interface Loopback0
ip address

6.9.7 Example for Configuring 1588 ACR Clock Synchronization in

a Dual-Server Scenario
In a 1588 ACR domain, a client sets up the client/server relationship with two remote clock
servers that work in the master/slave mode, and sends a unicast negotiation request to the master
clock server to restore clock information. Once the master clock server becomes faulty, the client
sends a request for establishing a connection to the slave clock server.

Networking Requirements
On the IP RAN shown in Figure 6-15, Router A and Router B function as clock servers that
work in the master/slave mode, and are connected to an IP CLK. As a client, Router C first sends
a 1588 ACR Layer 3 unicast negotiation request to Router A that functions as the master clock
server to obtain clock synchronization information. If the link between Router C and Router A

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goes Down, Router C sends a Layer 3 unicast negotiation request to Router C to ensure that its
clock is synchronized with that of the IP CLK.

Figure 6-15 Networking diagram of configuring 1588 ACR clock synchronization in a dual-
server scenario

Node B RouterC
with 1588 Client


1588v2 ACR

Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:

1. Configure Router A as server 1.

2. Configure Router B as server 2.
3. Configure Router C as a client.
4. Adjust Layer 3 unicast negotiation parameters on the client and the servers.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:

l IP addresses of the servers and the IP address of the client

l Interval for sending Sync and Announce packets on the servers

Step 1 Configure Router A as server 1.
<RouterA> system-view
[RouterA] interface loopback 0
[RouterA-Loopback0] ip address 32
[RouterA-Loopback0] quit
[RouterA] ptp-adaptive enable
[RouterA] ptp-adaptive device-type server
[RouterA] ptp-adaptive local-ip

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Step 2 Configure Router B as server 2.

<RouterB> system-view
[RouterB] interface loopback 0
[RouterB-Loopback0] ip address 32
[RouterB-Loopback0] quit
[RouterB] ptp-adaptive enable
[RouterB] ptp-adaptive device-type server
[RouterB] ptp-adaptive local-ip

Step 3 Configure Router C as a client.

<RouterC> system-view
[RouterC] interface loopback 0
[RouterC-Loopback0] ip address 32
[RouterC-Loopback0] quit
[RouterC] ptp-adaptive enable
[RouterC] ptp-adaptive device-type client
[RouterC] ptp-adaptive local-ip
[RouterC] ptp-adaptive remote-server1-ip
[RouterC] ptp-adaptive remote-server2-ip

Step 4 Adjust Layer 3 unicast negotiation parameters on the client and the servers.
# Configure the client.
[RouterC] ptp-adaptive request sync-interval 10
[RouterC] ptp-adaptive request announce-interval 12

Step 5 Configure unicast negotiation on servers and the client.

# Configure server 1.
[RouterA] ptp-adaptive acr unicast-negotiate enable
# Configure server 2.
[RouterB] ptp-adaptive acr unicast-negotiate enable
# Configure the client.
[RouterC] ptp-adaptive acr unicast-negotiate enable

Step 6 Verify the configuration.

# Check the 1588 ACR configuration on Router C.
<RouterC> display ptp-adaptive all
Device config info
Ptp adaptive state : Enable Device type : client
Sync mode : Frequency Current state : slave
Packet dscp : 56 Domain value : 0
Announce interval : 12 Announce duration : 300s
Sync interval : 10 Sync duration : 300s
Announce receipt timeout: 8s Acr mode : One-way
Local ip :
Ptp port name : GigabitEthernet1/0/0

Remote server info

Current negotiate server : 1
Ip address Negotiate state
Server1: Nego success
Server2: Nego init

# Check the 1588 ACR configuration on the server. Take the display on Router A as an example.
<RouterA> display ptp-adaptive all
Device config info
Ptp adaptive state : Enable Device type : server
Sync mode : Frequency Current state : master
Packet dscp : 56 Domain value : 0
Local ip : Server board : 1
Acr mode : One-way

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VPN : None

Client info
Client ID Client Ip
1 0


Configuration Files
Configuration file of Router A
sysname RouterA
ptp-adaptive enable
ptp-adaptive device-type server
ptp-adaptive local-ip
ptp-adaptive acr unicast-negotiate enable
interface Loopback0
ip address

Configuration file of Router B

sysname RouterB
ptp-adaptive enable
ptp-adaptive device-type server
ptp-adaptive local-ip
ptp-adaptive acr unicast-negotiate enable
interface Loopback0
ip address

Configuration file of Router C

sysname RouterC
ptp-adaptive enable
ptp-adaptive device-type client
ptp-adaptive local-ip
ptp-adaptive remote-server1-ip
ptp-adaptive remote-server1-ip
ptp-adaptive request sync-interval 10
ptp-adaptive request announce-interval 12
ptp-adaptive acr unicast-negotiate enable
interface Loopback0
ip address

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7 NQA Configuration

About This Chapter

This chapter describes how to configure the Network Quality Analysis (NQA) to monitor the
network operating status and collect network operation indexes in real time.

7.1 Overview of NQA

This section describes the basic concepts of NQA and its functions.
7.2 Configuring the ICMP Test
This section describes how to configure an Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) test to
check the IP network connectivity.
7.3 Configuring the DHCP Test
This section describes how to configure a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) test
to detect the speed at which a DHCP server that sets up a connection with an NQA agent obtains
the IP address.
7.4 Configuring the FTP Download Test
This section describes how to configure a File Transfer Protocol (FTP) download test to check
the FTP download performance.
7.5 Configuring the FTP Upload Test
This section describes how to configure an FTP upload test to check the FTP upload performance.
7.6 Configuring the HTTP Test
This section describes how to configure a Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) test to check the
responding speed of the HTTP service in each phase.
7.7 Configuring the DNS Test
This section describes how to configure a Domain Name System (DNS) test to check the DNS
resolution speed.
7.8 Configuring the Traceroute Test
This section describes how to configure a traceroute test to check the connectivity to each hop
on the network.
7.9 Configuring the SNMP Query Test
This section describes how to configure a Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) query
test to check the communications between the host and SNMP agent.

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7.10 Configuring the TCP Test

This section describes how to configure a Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) test to check
the responding speed of a TCP port.
7.11 Configuring the UDP Test
This section describes how to configure a User Datagram Protocol (UDP) test to check the
responding speed of a UDP port.
7.12 Configuring the Jitter Test
This section describes how to configure a jitter test to check jitter on the network. You can
perform a jitter test only when both the client and the server are Huawei devices.
7.13 Configuring a Jitter Test Based on the Mechanism That the LPU Sends Packets
This section describes how to configure a jitter test based on the mechanism in which the LPU
sends packets to obtain detailed jitter information about the network.
7.14 Configuring the LSP Ping Test
This section describes how to configure a Label Switched Path (LSP) ping test to check the
operating status of the LSP.
7.15 Configuring the LSP Jitter Test
This section describes how to configure an LSP jitter test to measure jitter in the LSP during the
packet transmission.
7.16 Configuring the LSP Trace Test
This section describes how to configure an LSP trace test to check the connectivity between
Label Switching Routers (LSRs) along the LSP.
7.17 Configuring an ICMP Jitter Test
This section describes how to configure an ICMP jitter test to measure jitter on IP networks.
7.18 Configuring an ICMP Jitter Test Based on the Mechanism that the LPU Sends Packets
This section describes how to configure an ICMP jitter test based on the mechanism in which
the LPU sends packets to obtain detailed jitter information about IP networks.
7.19 Configuring a Path Jitter Test
This section describes how to configure a path jitter test to check the communications between
devices along the packet transmission path.
7.20 Configuring a Path MTU Test
This section describes how to configure a path MTU test to measure the path MTU value of the
packet transmission path.
7.21 Configuring the NQA reserved group MPing Test
This section describes how to configure a Multicast Ping (MPing) test for reserved addresses to
check the members of the reserved multicast group on the network segment where the outgoing
interface resides.
7.22 Configuring the NQA common group MPing Test
This section describes how to configure an MPing test for common addresses to confirm whether
the operating status of protocols is normal and the multicast distribution tree is correctly set up,
to check multicast members on the network, and to calculate the time-to-live (TTL) and response
time from the MPing initiator to multicast members.
7.23 Configuring the NQA MTrace Test to Check the RPF Path from the Multicast Source to
the Querier
This section describes how to configure a Multicast Traceroute (MTrace) test to check the
Reserved Path Forwarding (RPF) path from the multicast source to the querier.

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7.24 Configuring the NQA MTrace Test to Check the Multicast Path from the Multicast Source
to the Querier
This section describes how to configure an MTrace test to check the multicast path from the
multicast source to the querier.
7.25 Configuring the NQA MTrace Test to Check the RPF Path from the Multicast Source to
the Destination Host
This section describes how to configure an MTrace test to check the RPF path from the multicast
source to the destination host.
7.26 Configuring the NQA MTrace Test to Check the Multicast Path from the Multicast Source
to the Destination Host
This section describes how to configure an MTrace test to check the multicast path from the
multicast source to the destination host.
7.27 Configuring the PWE3 Ping Test to Check the One-Hop PW
This section describes how to configure a PWE3 ping test to check the connectivity of a single-
hop pseudo-wire (PW).
7.28 Configuring the PWE3 Ping Test to Check the Multi-Hop PW
This section describes how to configure a PWE3 ping test to check the connectivity of a multi-
hop PW.
7.29 Configuring the PWE3 Trace Test to Check the One-Hop PW
This section describes how to configure a PWE3 trace test to check the communications between
devices along a PW.
7.30 Configuring the PWE3 Trace Test to Check the Multi-Hop PW
This section describes how to configure a PWE3 trace test to check the communications between
devices on a PW.
7.31 Configuring the VC Trace Test to Check the Inter-AS Multi-Hop Kompella VLL
This section describes how to configure a Virtual Circuit (VC) trace test for the inter-AS multi-
hop Kompella Virtual Leased Line (VLL) to check the connectivity of the PW.
7.32 Configuring Universal NQA Test Parameters
This section describes how to set and use universal parameters for NQA test instances.
7.33 Configuring Round-Trip Delay Thresholds
This section describes how to set a round-trip delay transmission threshold in an NQA test
7.34 Configuring Uni-directional Transmission Delay Thresholds
This section describes how to set a one-way transmission delay threshold in an NQA test
instance. After a one-way transmission delay threshold is set in an NQA test instance, the test
result will contain the statistics on the test packets that exceed the set threshold. This provides
the basis for the network manager to analyze the operating status of the specified service on the
7.35 Configuring the Trap Function
This section describes how to configure the trap function in an NQA test instance. After the trap
function is configured, a trap message is sent to the NMS in case of transmission success or
transmission failure.
7.36 Configuring Test Results to Be Sent to the FTP Server
This section describes how to configure the system to send test results to the FTP server to avoid
loss of test results in the event that the NMS does not poll the test result in time.
7.37 Configuring a Threshold for the NQA Alarm

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This section describes how to set an alarm threshold for test results. When the number of test
results exceeds the threshold, a trap message is sent to the NMS for notification.
7.38 Configuring a VPLS MFIB Ping to Check the VPLS Network
This section describes how to configure a VPLS MFIB ping test to check the connectivity of the
VPLS network.
7.39 Configuring a MAC Ping and Trace Test
A MAC ping and trace tests can detect connectivity of a VLAN network and a VPLS network.
7.40 Configuring GMAC Ping and GMAC Trace to Detect the Connectivity of a VLAN Network
This section describes how to configure Global MAC (GMAC) ping and GMAC trace to detect
the connectivity of a VLAN network. In addition to connectivity detection and fault location,
GMAC ping and GMAC trace can provide the delay on the network.
7.41 Configuring GMAC Ping and GMAC Trace to Detect the Connectivity of a VPLS Network
This section describes how to configure GMAC ping and GMAC trace to detect the connectivity
of a VPLS network. In addition to the connectivity detection and fault location, GMAC ping
and GMAC trace can detect the delay on the network.
7.42 Configuring VPLS PW Ping and VPLS PW Trace Test Instances
7.43 Configuring a VPLS MFIB Trace to Check the VPLS Network
7.44 Configuring a VPLS MAC Ping Test
This section describes how to configure an NQA VPLS MAC ping test.
7.45 Configuring a VPLS MAC Trace Test
This section describes how to configure an NQA VPLS MAC trace test.
7.46 Maintaining NQA
This section describes how to maintain an NQA test instance. You can restart the test instance
and clear the statistics on the test result to maintain a test instance.
7.47 NQA Configuration Examples
This section provides examples for configuring NQA and illustrates the networking
requirements, configuration roadmap, and configuration notes. You can better understand the
configuration procedures with the help of the configuration flowchart.

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7.1 Overview of NQA

This section describes the basic concepts of NQA and its functions.

7.1.1 Introduction to NQA

This part describes basic concepts and functions of NQA.

With the development of value-added services, users and carriers demand higher Quality of
Service (QoS). After voice over IP and video over IP services are carried out, carriers and users
all tend to sign Service Level Agreements (SLAs) to realize QoS guaranteed services.

To ensure users with the committed bandwidth, network operators should collect the statistics
of delay, jitter, and packet loss of the device. This helps them to analyze the performance of the
network in time.

The NE80E/40E provides Network Quality Analysis (NQA) to meet the preceding requirements.

NQA measures the performance of each protocol running in the network and helps the network
operator to collect the network running indexes, such as the total delay of HTTP, delay of a TCP
connection, rate of file transfer, delay of an FTP connection, delay of Domain Name System
(DNS) resolution, and ratio of error DNS resolution. By controlling these indexes, network
operators provide users with services of various grades and charges users differently.

NQA is also an effective tool to diagnose and locate faults in a network.

7.1.2 Comparisons Between NQA and Ping

This part describes the differences between NQA and Ping tests.

NQA is the extension and enhancement of Ping.

By sending an Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) Echo-Request packet from the local
and expecting an ICMP Echo-Reply packet from the specified destination, the Ping program can
test the round-trip time (RTT) of an ICMP packet. In addition to testing the RRT of an ICMP
packet between the local and the desination, NQA can detect whether network services, such as
TCP, UDP, DHCP, FTP, HTTP and the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), are
enabled and test the response time of each service.

Figure 7-1 Diagram of the NQA test


NQA Client

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In NQA, the RTT of each packet or timeout period of the packet is not displayed on the terminal
in real time, unlike the Ping program. Test results are displayed only when you run the display
nqa results command after a test is complete.

You can also configure the Network Management System (NM Station) to control each NQA
operation parameter and enable NQA tests.

7.1.3 NQA Server and NQA Clients

This part describes the relationships between NQA client, NQA server, and NQA test instance.

NQA test instance and NQA Client

NQA can be used to test many items. You must create a test instance for each item and each of
these test instances is a type of NQA test.

You need to create NQA test instances on NQA clients. Each test instance has an administrator
name and an operation tag as unique identification.

In the test view, configure the related test parameters. Note that a part of parameters applies to
only certain test types whereas others apply to all the test types.

NQA Server
In most types of tests, you need to configure only the NQA clients. In TCP, UDP, and Jitter tests,
however, you must configure the NQA server.

An NQA server processes the test packets received from the clients. As shown in Figure 7-2,
the NQA server responds to the test request packet received from the client through the
monitoring function.

Figure 7-2 Relationship between the NQA client and the NQA server

NQA Client NQA Server

You can create multiple TCP or UDP monitoring services on an NQA server. Each monitoring
service corresponds to a specific destination address and a port number. The destination address
and port number can be repeatedly specified.

Performing NQA Tests

After being configured with the destination address and the port number, the NQA server can
respond to test request packets. The IP address and port number specified in the monitoring
service must be consistent with those configured on the clients.

After creating a test group and configuring the related parameters, you must enable the NQA
test by using the start command and the display nqa results command to view test results.

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7.1.4 NQA Supported by the NE80E/40E

This part describes NQA test types and scheduling modes supported by the NE80E/40E.

Features Provided by NQA

l Cooperates with the NM Station:
– The NM Station can completely manage all NQA functions.
– Supports the NQA MIB.
– Supports the Disman-traceroute-MIB.
– Supports the Disman-NSLookUp-MIB.
– Supports the Disman-ping-MIB.
l Supports multiple types of tests:
– ICMP test
– DHCP test
– FTP test
– HTTP test
– DNS test
– Traceroute test
– SNMP test
– TCP test
– UDP test
– ICMP Jitter test
– UDP Jitter test
– LSP Ping test
– LSP Traceroute test
– LSP Jitter test
– MTrace test
– MPing test
– PWE3 Ping test
– PWE3 Trace test
– MAC Ping test
– MAC Trace test
– MAC Tunnel Ping test
– VPLS MAC Trace
– ICMP Jitter test
– Path Jitter test
– Path MTU test
– Jittertest based on the mechanism that the LPU sends packets
– ICMP Jitter test based on the mechanism that the LPU sends packets

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– VPLS Mping test

– VPLS Mtrace test
– VPLS PW Ping test
– VPLS PW Trace test
– GMAC Trace test
– GMAC Trace test
– VPLS PW Trace test
– GMAC Trace test
l Jitter tests support the continuous sending of 3000 packets and support voice traffic
l Supports 2000 tests.
l Supports statistics collection at the millisecond and microsecond level.
l Supports hot backup:
This function implements the synchronization of the configurations of NQA tests between
the master control board and the slave board. Therefore, after the master/slave switchover,
NQA tests can be performed normally.
l Supports test task scheduling:
Implements the scheduling of test tasks to decrease the concurrent tasks on the device.
Supports the configuration of different start time and end time for a single test:
– Supports three modes of starting tests: immediate, timely, and delayed.
– Supports several modes of ending tests: automatic, immediate, timely, delayed, and
ending the test when the lifetime of the test expires.
Supports auto distributing the start time and the test interval when several tests are
performed at a time.
l Supports the auto-delay function, with which the system resources can be effectively
utilized so that tests can be completed within a specified period.
l Supports the collection of the uni-directional delay statistics and bi-directional delay
statistics. In addition, you can set a threshold and enable collecting statistics about the
packets in the test results that exceed the threshold.
l Supports the collection of statistics on packet loss in one direction.
l Supports dynamic reduction of test cases.
l Supports the sending of the test results to the FTP server through FTP.
l Supports the flexible alarm mechanism. That is, the upper and lower thresholds are set to
monitor the feature of the tested objects according to their OIDs. When the test result
exceeds the threshold, alarms are triggered based on the preset events.

7.2 Configuring the ICMP Test

This section describes how to configure an Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) test to
check the IP network connectivity.

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7.2.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

Before configuring an ICMP test, familiarize yourself with the applicable environment, complete
the pre-configuration tasks, and obtain the required data. This can help you complete the
configuration task quickly and accurately.

Applicable Environment
An ICMP test has a similar function with the ping command, but its output is more detailed.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring the ICMP test, configure reachable routes between the NQA client and the
tested device.

Data Preparation
To configure the ICMP test, you need the following data.

No. Data

1 Administrator name and test name of the NQA test

2 Destination IP address

3 (Optional) Virtual Private Network (VPN) instance name, source interface that sends
test packets, source IP address, size of the Echo-Request packets, TTL value, ToS,
padding character, interval for sending test packets, and percentage of the failed NQA

4 Start mode and end mode

7.2.2 Configuring ICMP Test Parameters

This part describes how to set ICMP test parameters.

Do as follows on the NQA client:

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
nqa test-instance admin-name test-name

An NQA test instance is created and the test instance view is displayed.
Step 3 Run:

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test-type icmp

The test type is set to ICMP.

Step 4 Run:
destination-address ipv4 ip-address

The destination IP address is configured.

Step 5 (Optional) Perform the following as required to configure other ICMP test parameters ( For
detailed parameter configurations, see the chapter Configuring Universal NQA Test
Parameters ):
l To configure the VPN instance to be tested, run the vpn-instance vpn-instance-name
l To configure the source interface that sends test packets, run the source-interface interface-
type interface-number command.
l To configure the source IP address, run the source-address ipv4 ip-address command.
source-address ipv4 ip-address equals the "-a" option in the ping command.
l To configure the size (packet header excluded) of the Echo-Request packet, run the
datasize size command.
datasize size equals the "-s" option in the ping command.
l To configure the time-to-live (TTL) value, run the ttl number command.
ttl number equals the "-h" option in the ping command.
l To configure the type of service (ToS) field in the IP packet header, run the tos value
tos equals the "-tos" option in the ping command.
l To configure padding characters, run the datafill fillstring command.
datafill equals the "-p" option in the ping command.
l To configure the interval for sending the test packets, run the interval seconds interval
interval seconds equals the "-m" option in the ping command.
l To configure the percentage of the failed NQA test, run the fail-percent percent command.
l To configure the NQA test packets to be sent without searching the routing table, run the
sendpacket passroute command.
Step 6 Run:

The NQA test is started.

Select the start mode as required because the start command has several forms.
l To perform the NQA test immediately, run the start now [ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ]
hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } | lifetime { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ]
The test instance is started immediately.
l To perform the NQA test at the specified time, run the start at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss
[ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } | lifetime
{ seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ] command.
The test instance is started at a specified time.

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l To perform the NQA test after a certain delay period, run the start delay { seconds second
| hh:mm:ss } [ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } |
lifetime { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ] command.
The test instance is started after a certain delay.


7.2.3 Checking the Configuration

After configuring the ICMP test, you can view the test result.

The configurations of the ICMP Test function are complete.

NQA test results cannot be displayed automatically on a terminal. You must run the display nqa results
command to view test results. By the default, the command output contains the records about only the last
five test results.

Step 1 Run the display nqa results [ test-instance admin-name test-name ] command to view the test
results on the NQA client.


Run the display nqa results command. If the following is displayed, it means that the test is

l testflag is inactive
l The test is finished
l Completion:success

For the ICMP test, you can also view the minimum time, maximum time, and RTT(Round Trip
Time ).
<HUAWEI> display nqa results
NQA entry(admin, test) :testflag is inactive ,testtype is icmp
1 . Test 1 result The test is finished
Send operation times: 3 Receive response times: 3
Completion:success RTD OverThresholds number: 0
Attempts number:1 Drop operation number:0
Disconnect operation number:0 Operation timeout number:0
System busy operation number:0 Connection fail number:0
Operation sequence errors number:0 RTT Stats errors number:0
Destination ip address:
Min/Max/Average Completion Time: 2/5/3
Sum/Square-Sum Completion Time: 9/33
Last Good Probe Time: 2010-06-21 15:33:09.2
Lost packet ratio: 0 %

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7.3 Configuring the DHCP Test

This section describes how to configure a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) test
to detect the speed at which a DHCP server that sets up a connection with an NQA agent obtains
the IP address.

7.3.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

Before configuring a DHCP test, familiarize yourself with the applicable environment, complete
the pre-configuration tasks, and obtain the required data. This can help you complete the
configuration task quickly and accurately.

Applicable Environment
To obtain the following information, you can create an NQA DHCP test:

l Time for a client to set up a connection with a DHCP server

l Time for a client to obtain its IP address

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring the DHCP test, complete the following tasks:

l Configuring the DHCP server or the DHCP relay

l Configuring the routes between the NQA client and the DHCP server or between the NQA
client and the DHCP relay

Data Preparation
To configure the DHCP test, you need the following data.

No. Data

1 Administrator name and test name

2 Outbound interface connected with the DHCP server

3 (Optional) Timeout period of the test packets and percentage of the failed NQA tests

4 Start mode and end mode of the test

7.3.2 Configuring DHCP Test Parameters

This part describes how to set DHCP test parameters.

Do as follows on the NQA client:

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Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
nqa test-instance admin-name test-name

An NQA test instance is created and the test instance view is displayed.
Step 3 Run:
test-type dhcp

The test type is set to DHCP.

Step 4 Run:
source-interface interface-type interface-number

The source interface that sends the DHCP Request packet is configured.
The specified source interface can be an Ethernet interface connected with the DHCP server, an
Eth-Trunk interface, a Virtual-Ethernet interface, or a VLANIF interface.
Step 5 (Optional) Run the following commands to configure other parameters for the DHCP test. For
detailed parameter configurations, see the chapter Configuring Universal NQA Test
l To set the timeout period of the NQA test, run the timeout time command.

For the DHCP test, the time taken to wait for the response to the probe packet may reach 10 seconds. By
default, the timeout period is 15 seconds. You are recommended to set the timeout period longer than 10
l To set the percentage of the failed NQA test, run the fail-percent percent command.
Step 6 Run:

The NQA test is started.

Select the start mode as required because the start command has several forms.
l To perform the NQA test immediately, run the start now [ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ]
hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } | lifetime { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ]
The test instance is started immediately.
l To perform the NQA test at the specified time, run the start at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss
[ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } | lifetime
{ seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ] command.
The test instance is started at a specified time.
l To perform the NQA test after a certain delay period, run the start delay { seconds second
| hh:mm:ss } [ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } |
lifetime { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ] command.
The test instance is started after a certain delay.


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7.3.3 Checking the Configuration

After configuring the DHCP test, you can view the test result.

The configurations of the DHCP Test function are complete.

NQA test results cannot be displayed automatically on a terminal. You must run the display nqa results
command to view test results. By the default, the command output contains the records about only the last
five tests.

Step 1 Run the display nqa results [ test-instance admin-name test-name ] command to view the test
results on the NQA client.


Run the display nqa results command. If the test is successful, the following is displayed.

l testflag is inactive
l The test is finished
l Completion:success

For the DHCP test, you can also view the following statistics in the extended result:

l Number of times to disconnect with the server

l Number of times of the timeout disconnection operations
l Number of times the server in the busy state
l Number of connections failed to be set up
l Numbers of operations with wrong sequences
l Number of the discarding operations
l Number of times of wrong statistics collection operations
<HUAWEI> display nqa results
NQA entry(admin, dhcp) :testflag is inactive ,testtype is dhcp
1 . Test 1 result The test is finished
Send operation times: 3 Receive response times: 3
Completion:success RTD OverThresholds number: 0
Attempts number:1 Drop operation number:0
Disconnect operation number:0 Operation timeout number:0
System busy operation number:0 Connection fail number:0
Operation sequence errors number:0 RTT Stats errors number:0
Destination ip address:
Min/Max/Average Completion Time: 1030/1030/1030
Sum/Square-Sum Completion Time: 1030/1060900
Last Good Probe Time: 2007-6-29 16:00:2.2
Lost packet ratio: 0 %

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7.4 Configuring the FTP Download Test

This section describes how to configure a File Transfer Protocol (FTP) download test to check
the FTP download performance.

7.4.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

Before configuring an FTP download test, familiarize yourself with the applicable environment,
complete the pre-configuration tasks, and obtain the required data. This can help you complete
the configuration task quickly and accurately.

Applicable Environment
In an FTP download test, the local device functions as an NQA FTP client, intending to download
the specified file from an FTP server.

The test result contains statistics about each FTP phase, including the time to set up an FTP
control connection and the time to transport the data.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring the FTP download test, complete the following tasks:

l Configuring the FTP user name and password and the login directory
l Configuring routes between the NQA FTP client and the FTP server

Data Preparation
To configure the FTP download test, you need the following data.

No. Data

1 Administrator name and test name

2 IP address of the FTP server

3 (Optional) Source IP address of the FTP operation and VPN instance name and source
and destination port numbers of the FTP operation

4 FTP user name and password

5 Name of the file to be downloaded

6 Start mode and end mode of the test

7.4.2 Configuring the FTP Download Test Parameters

This part describes how to set parameters for the FTP download test.

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Do as follows on the NQA client (FTP client):

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
nqa test-instance admin-name test-name

An NQA test instance is created and the test instance view is displayed.
Step 3 Run:
test-type ftp

The test type is set to FTP.

Step 4 Run:
destination-address ipv4 ip-address

The destination IP address is configured.

Step 5 (Optional) Perform the following as required to configure other parameters of the FTP Download
test ( For detailed parameter configurations, see the chapter Configuring Universal NQA Test
Parameters ):
l To configure the source IP address, run the source-address ipv4 ip-address command.
l To configure the VPN instance to be tested, run the vpn-instance vpn-instance-name
l To configure the FTP source port number, run the source-port port-number command.
l To configure the FTP destination port number, run the destination-port port-number
l To configure the NQA test packet to be sent without searching the routing table, run the
sendpacket passroute command.
Step 6 Run:
ftp-operation get

The FTP operation type is set to Get.

By default, the FTP operation type is Get.
Step 7 Run:
ftp-username name

The FTP user name is configured.

Step 8 Run:
ftp-password { password | cipher cipher-password }

The FTP password used during the login is configured.

Step 9 Run:
ftp-filename file-name

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The name of the file to be downloaded is configured.


During the FTP test, select a file with a relatively small size for the test. If the file is large, the test may fail
because of timeout.

Step 10 Run:

The NQA test is started.

Select the start mode as required because the start command has several forms.

l To perform the NQA test immediately, run the start now [ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ]
hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } | lifetime { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ]
The test instance is started immediately.
l To perform the NQA test at the specified time, run the start at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss
[ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } | lifetime
{ seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ] command.
The test instance is started at a specified time.
l To perform the NQA test after a certain delay period, run the start delay { seconds second
| hh:mm:ss } [ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } |
lifetime { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ] command.
The test instance is started after a certain delay.


7.4.3 Checking the Configuration

After configuring the FTP download test, you can view the test result.

The configurations of the FTP Download Test function are complete.

NQA test results cannot be displayed automatically on a terminal. You must run the display nqa results
command to view test results. By the default, the command output contains the records about only the last
five tests.

Step 1 Run the display nqa results [ test-instance admin-name test-name ] command to view the test
results on the NQA client.


Run the display nqa results command. If the test is successful, the following is displayed.

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l CtrlConnTime: indicates the time when the connection is established.

l DataConnTime: indicates the duration of data transmission.
l SumTime: indicates the duration of the FTP operation.
<HUAWEI> display nqa results
NQA entry(admin, ftp) :testflag is inactive ,testtype is ftp
1 . Test 1 result The test is finished
SendProbe:1 ResponseProbe:1
Completion :success RTD OverThresholds number: 0
MessageBodyOctetsSum: 448 Stats errors number: 0
Operation timeout number: 0 System busy operation number:0
Drop operation number:0 Disconnect operation number: 0
CtrlConnTime Min/Max/Average: 438/438/438
DataConnTime Min/Max/Average: 218/218/218
SumTime Min/Max/Average: 656/656/656
Average RTT:380
Lost packet ratio: 0 %

7.5 Configuring the FTP Upload Test

This section describes how to configure an FTP upload test to check the FTP upload performance.

7.5.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

Before configuring an FTP upload test, familiarize yourself with the applicable environment,
complete the pre-configuration tasks, and obtain the required data. This can help you complete
the configuration task quickly and accurately.

Applicable Environment
In an FTP upload test, the local device functions as an FTP client, intending to upload the
specified file to an FTP server.

The test result contains the statistics about each FTP phase, including the time to set up an FTP
control connection and the time to transport the data.

In an FTP upload test, you can specify the file to be uploaded or the bytes to be uploaded. If
certain bytes are specified, the FTP client then automatically generates the test files for

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring the FTP upload test, complete the following tasks:

l Configuring the FTP user name and password and the login directory
l Configuring routes between the NQA client and the FTP server

Data Preparation
To configure the FTP upload test, you need the following data.

No. Data

1 Administrator name and test name

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No. Data

2 IP address of the FTP server

3 FTP user name and password

4 (Optional) Source IP address of the FTP operation and VPN instance name and source
and destination port numbers of the FTP operation

5 Name or size of the uploaded file

6 Start mode and end mode of the test

7.5.2 Configuring the FTP Upload Test Parameters

This part describes how to set parameters for the FTP upload test.

Do as follows on the NQA client (FTP client):

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
nqa test-instance admin-name test-name

An NQA test instance is created and the test instance view is displayed.
Step 3 Run:
test-type ftp

The test type is set to FTP.

Step 4 Run:
destination-address ipv4 ip-address

The destination IP address is configured.

Step 5 (Optional) Perform the following as required to configure other parameters for the FTP upload
test ( For detailed parameter configurations, see the chapter Configuring Universal NQA Test
Parameters ):
l To configure the source IP address, run the source-address ipv4 ip-address command.
l To configure the VPN instance to be tested, run the vpn-instance vpn-instance-name
l To configure the source port, run the source-port port-numbercommand.
l To configure the destination port, run the destination-port port-number command.
l To configure the NQA test packet to be sent without searching the routing table, run the
sendpacket passroute command.

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Step 6 Run:
ftp-operation put

The FTP operation type is set to Put.

By default, the FTP operation type is Get.
Step 7 Run:
ftp-username name

The FTP user name is configured.

Step 8 Run:
ftp-password { password | cipher cipher-password }

The FTP password used during the login is configured.

Step 9 Perform the following as required to upload the file.
l To upload the file with a specified name, run the ftp-filename file-name command.

l If no file path is specified, the system searches for the file in the current path. If the specified file
name does not exist, a file is created according to the specified file name, and the size of the file is
set to 1 MB.
l The file name cannot contain characters such as ~, *, /, \, ', ", but the file path can contain these
l The file name can contain the extension name but cannot contain the extension name only, such
as .txt.
l To upload the file with a specified size, run the ftp-filesize size command. The client then
automatically creates a file name "nqa-ftp-test.txt" to upload.

During the FTP test, select a file with a relatively small size. If the file is large, the test may fail because
of timeout.

Step 10 Run:

The NQA test is started.

Select the start mode as required because the start command has several forms.
l To perform the NQA test immediately, run the start now [ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ]
hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } | lifetime { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ]
The test instance is started immediately.
l To perform the NQA test at the specified time, run the start at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss
[ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } | lifetime
{ seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ] command.
The test instance is started at a specified time.
l To perform the NQA test after a certain delay period, run the start delay { seconds second
| hh:mm:ss } [ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } |
lifetime { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ] command.
The test instance is started after a certain delay.


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7.5.3 Checking the Configuration

After configuring the FTP upload test, you can view the test result.

The configurations of the FTP Upload Test function are complete.

NQA test results cannot be displayed automatically on a terminal. You must run the display nqa results
command to view test results. By the default, the command output contains the records about only the last
five tests.

Step 1 Run the display nqa results command to view the test results on the NQA client.


Run the display nqa results command. If the test is successful, the following is displayed.

l CtrlConnTime
l DataConnTime
l SumTime
<HUAWEI> display nqa results
NQA entry(admin, ftp) :testflag is inactive ,testtype is ftp
1 . Test 1 result The test is finished
SendProbe:1 ResponseProbe:1
Completion :success RTD OverThresholds number: 0
MessageBodyOctetsSum: 448 Stats errors number: 0
Operation timeout number: 0 System busy operation number:0
Drop operation number:0 Disconnect operation number: 0
CtrlConnTime Min/Max/Average: 438/438/438
DataConnTime Min/Max/Average: 218/218/218
SumTime Min/Max/Average: 656/656/656
Average RTT:380
Lost packet ratio: 0 %

7.6 Configuring the HTTP Test

This section describes how to configure a Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) test to check the
responding speed of the HTTP service in each phase.

7.6.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

Before configuring an HTTP test, familiarize yourself with the applicable environment,
complete the pre-configuration tasks, and obtain the required data. This can help you complete
the configuration task quickly and accurately.

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Applicable Environment
Through the NQA HTTP test, you can obtain the responding speed in three phases:

l Time of DNS resolution: It is a period from the time the client sends the DNS packet to the
resolver for resolving the name of the HTTP server to an IP address to the time the DNS
resolution packets containing the IP address is returned.
l Time to set up a TCP connection: It is the time taken by the client to set up a TCP connection
with an HTTP server through three-way handshake.
l Transaction time: It is a period from the time the client sends the Get or Post packets to an
HTTP server to the time the Echo packet sent by the client reaches the HTTP server.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring the HTTP test, complete the following tasks:

l Configuring the HTTP server

l Configuring routes between the NQA client and the HTTP server

Data Preparation
To configure the HTTP test, you need the following data.

No. Data

1 Administrator name and test name

2 Name of the HTTP server

3 l (Optional) Source address, Source port number

l (Optional) Destination port number
l (Optional) Fail percent

4 HTTP operation type

5 Web page to be visited and the HTTP version

6 Start mode and end mode of the test

7.6.2 Configuring HTTP Test Parameters

This part describes how to set HTTP test parameters.

Do as follows on the NQA client (HTTP client):

Step 1 Run:

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The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
nqa test-instance admin-name test-name

An NQA test is created and the view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
test-type http

The test type is set to HTTP.

Step 4 Run:
destination-address ipv4 ip-address

The destination IP address is configured.

Step 5 (Optional) Perform the following as required to configure other parameters for the HTTP test
( For detailed parameter configurations, see the chapter Configuring Universal NQA Test
Parameters ):
l To configure the VPN instance to be tested, run the vpn-instance vpn-instance-name
l To configure the source IP address, run the source-address ipv4 ip-address command.
l To configure the source port, run the source-port port-number command.
l To configure the destination port, run the destination-port port-number command.
l To configure the percentage of the failed NQA HTTP tests, run the fail-percent percent
l To configure the NQA test packet to be sent without searching the routing table, run the
sendpacket passroute command.

Step 6 Run:

The HTTP operation type is configured.

By default, the HTTP operation type is Get.

Step 7 Run:
http-url deststring [ verstring ]

The web page to be visited and the HTTP version are configured.


When information on the HTTP version is not configured, by default, HTTP1.0 is supported. HTTP1.1 can
be supported through your configurations.

Step 8 Run:

The NQA test is started.

Select the start mode as required because the start command has several forms.

l To perform the NQA test immediately, run the start now [ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ]
hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } | lifetime { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ]
The test instance is started immediately.

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l To perform the NQA test at the specified time, run the start at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss
[ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } | lifetime
{ seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ] command.
The test instance is started at a specified time.
l To perform the NQA test after a certain delay period, run the start delay { seconds second
| hh:mm:ss } [ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } |
lifetime { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ] command.
The test instance is started after a certain delay.


7.6.3 Checking the Configuration

After configuring the HTTP test, you can view the test result.

The configurations of the HTTP Test function are complete.

NQA test results cannot be displayed automatically on a terminal. You must run the display nqa results
command to view test results. By the default, the command output contains the records about only the last
five tests.

Step 1 Run the display nqa results [ test-instance admin-name test-name ] command to view the test
results on the NQA client.


Run the display nqa results command. If the test is successful, the following is displayed.

l DNSRTT: indicates the time when the DNS sends a query request.
l TCPConnectRTT: indicates the time when the TCP connection is established.
l TransactionRTT and RTT: indicates the durations of data transmission and HTTP test
<HUAWEI> display nqa results
NQA entry(admin, http) :testflag is inactive ,testtype is http
1 . Test 1 result The test is finished
SendProbe:3 ResponseProbe:3
Completion:success RTD OverThresholdsnumber: 0
MessageBodyOctetsSum: 411 TargetAddress:
DNSQueryError number: 0 HTTPError number: 0
TcpConnError number : 0 System busy operation number:0
DNSRTT Sum/Min/Max:0/0/0 TCPConnectRTT Sum/Min/Max: 6/1/4
TransactionRTT Sum/Min/Max: 3/1/1
RTT Sum/Min/Max/Avg: 7/1/5/2
DNSServerTimeout:0 TCPConnectTimeout:0 TransactionTimeout: 0
Lost packet ratio:0%

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7.7 Configuring the DNS Test

This section describes how to configure a Domain Name System (DNS) test to check the DNS
resolution speed.

7.7.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

Before configuring a DNS test, familiarize yourself with the applicable environment, complete
the pre-configuration tasks, and obtain the required data. This can help you complete the
configuration task quickly and accurately.

Applicable Environment
The DNS test is performed to obtain the speed at which the specified domain name is resolved
to an IP address.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring the DNS test, complete the following tasks:
l Configuring the DNS server
l Configuring routes between the NQA client and the DNS server

Data Preparation
To configure the DNS test, you need the following data.

No. Data

1 Administrator name and test name

2 IP address of the DNS server

3 Host name to be resolved

4 Start mode and end mode of the test

7.7.2 Configuring the DNS Test Parameters

This part describes how to set DNS test parameters.

Do as follows on the NQA client (DNS client):

Step 1 Run

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The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
dns resolve

Enable dynamic DNS resolution. By default, the function is disabled.

Step 3 Run:
nqa test-instance admin-name test-name

An NQA test instance is created and the test instance view is displayed.
Step 4 Run:
test-type dns

The test type is set to DNS.

Step 5 Run:
dns-server ipv4 ip-address

The IPv4 address of the DNS server is configured.

For detailed parameter configurations, see the chapter Configuring Universal NQA Test Parameters

Step 6 Run:
destination-address url urlstring

The name of the destination host is configured.

Step 7 Run:

The NQA test is started.

Select the start mode as required because the start command has several forms.
l To perform the NQA test immediately, run the start now [ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ]
hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } | lifetime { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ]
The test instance is started immediately.
l To perform the NQA test at the specified time, run the start at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss
[ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } | lifetime
{ seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ] command.
The test instance is started at a specified time.
l To perform the NQA test after a certain delay period, run the start delay { seconds second
| hh:mm:ss } [ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } |
lifetime { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ] command.
The test instance is started after a certain delay.

7.7.3 Checking the Configuration

After configuring the DNS test, you can view the test result.

The configurations of the DNS Test function are complete.

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NQA test results cannot be displayed automatically on a terminal. You must run the display nqa results
command to view test results. By the default, the command output contains the records about only the last
five tests.

Step 1 Run the display nqa results [ test-instance admin-name test-name ] command to view the test
results on the NQA client.

Run the display nqa results command. If the test is successful, the following is displayed.
<HUAWEI> display nqa results
NQA entry(t, t) :testflag is inactive ,testtype is dns
1 . Test 1 result The test is finished
Send operation times: 1 Receive response times: 1
Completion:success RTD OverThresholds number: 0
Attempts number:1 Drop operation number:0
Disconnect operation number:0 Operation timeout number:0
System busy operation number:0 Connection fail number:0
Operation sequence errors number:0 RTT Stats errors number:0
Destination ip address:
Min/Max/Average Completion Time: 4/4/4
Sum/Square-Sum Completion Time: 4/16
Last Good Probe Time: 2010-06-21 15:40:12.6
Lost packet ratio: 0 %

7.8 Configuring the Traceroute Test

This section describes how to configure a traceroute test to check the connectivity to each hop
on the network.

7.8.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

Before configuring a traceroute test, familiarize yourself with the applicable environment,
complete the pre-configuration tasks, and obtain the data required for the configuration. This
will help you complete the configuration task quickly and accurately.

Applicable Environment
An NQA Traceroute test can provide functions similar to those provided by the tracert
command, but outputs more detailed information.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring a traceroute test, configure reachable routes between the NQA client and the
device to be tested.

Data Preparation
To configure a traceroute test, you need the following data.

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No. Data

1 Administrator and name of an NQA test instance

2 Destination IP address

3 (Optional) VPN instance name, maximum hops, initial TTL and maximum TTL value
of the packet, and source IP address and destination port of the packet

4 Start and end modes of a test

7.8.2 Configuring Parameters for a Traceroute Test

This part describes how to configure parameters for a traceroute test.

Do as follows on the NQA client:

Step 1 Run

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
nqa test-instance admin-name test-name

An NQA test instance is created and the test instance view is displayed.
Step 3 Run:
test-type trace

A traceroute test is created.

Step 4 Run:
destination-address ipv4 ip-address

The destination address of the traceroute test is configured.

Step 5 Run the following commands as required ( For detailed parameter configurations, see the chapter
Configuring Universal NQA Test Parameters ):
l To configure a VPN instance to be tested, run:
vpn-instance vpn-instance-name

l To configure the maximum hops, run:

tracert-hopfailtimes times

l To configure the initial TTL and maximum TTL values of a packet, run:
tracert-livetime first-ttl first-ttl max-ttl max-ttl

l To configure the source IP address, run:

source-address ipv4 ip-address

l To configure the destination port number, run:

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destination-port port-number

l To configure a NQA test packets to be sent without searching the routing table, run:
sendpacket passroute

Step 6 Run:

An NQA test is started.

Select the start mode as required because the start command has several forms.
l To start the NQA test immediately, run the start now [ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss |
delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } | lifetime { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ] command.
The test instance is started immediately.
l To start the NQA test at the specified time, run the start at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss [ end
{ at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } | lifetime { seconds
second | hh:mm:ss } } ] command.
The test instance is started at a specified time.
l To start the NQA test after a certain delay, run the start delay { seconds second |
hh:mm:ss } [ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } |
lifetime { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ] command.
The test instance is started after a certain delay.


7.8.3 Checking the Configuration

After configuring a traceroute test, you can view the test result.

The configurations of the traceroute test are complete.

NQA test results cannot be displayed automatically on the terminal. You need to run the display nqa
results command to view test results. By the default, the command output contains the records about only
the last five tests.

Step 1 Run the display nqa results [ test-instance admin-name test-name ] command to view the test
results on the NQA client.


Run the display nqa results command. If the statistics about each hop are displayed, it means
that the traceroute test is successful.
<HUAWEI> display nqa results
NQA entry(t, t) :testflag is inactive ,testtype is trace
1 . Test 1 result The test is finished

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Completion:success Attempts number:1

Disconnect operation number:0 Operation timeout number:0
System busy operation number:0 Connection fail number:0
Operation sequence errors number:0 RTT Stats errors number:0
Drop operation number:0
Last good path Time:2010-06-21 15:41:01.7
1 . Hop 1
Send operation times: 3 Receive response times: 3
Min/Max/Average Completion Time: 1/2/1
Sum/Square-Sum Completion Time: 4/6
RTD OverThresholds number: 0
Last Good Probe Time: 2010-06-21 15:41:01.7
Destination ip address:
Lost packet ratio: 0 %

7.9 Configuring the SNMP Query Test

This section describes how to configure a Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) query
test to check the communications between the host and SNMP agent.

7.9.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

Before configuring an SNMP query test, familiarize yourself with the applicable environment,
complete the pre-configuration tasks, and obtain the required data. This can help you complete
the configuration task quickly and accurately.

Applicable Environment
Through the SNMP Query test, you can obtain the statistics of the communication between hosts
and SNMP agents.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring the SNMP Query test, complete the following tasks:

l Configuring the SNMP agent

l Configuring routes between the NQA client and the SNMP agent

Data Preparation
To configure the SNMP query test, you need the following data.

No. Data

1 Administrator name and test name

2 IP address of the SNMP agent

3 (Optional) Source IP addresses and source port numbers of test packets, interval for
sending test packets, and percentage of the failed NQA tests

4 Start mode and end mode of the test

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7.9.2 Configuring the SNMP Query Test Parameters

This part describes how to set SNMP query test parameters.

Do as follows on the NQA client:

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
nqa test-instance admin-name test-name

An NQA test instance is created and the test instance view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
test-type snmp

The test type is set to SNMP Query.

Step 4 Run:
destination-address ipv4 ip-address

The destination IP address, that is, the IP address of the SNMP agent, is configured.


The SNMP function must be enabled on the destination host; otherwise, the destination host fails to receive
Echo packets.

Step 5 (Optional) Perform the following as required to configure other parameters for the SNMP test
( For detailed parameter configurations, see the chapter Configuring Universal NQA Test
Parameters ):
l To configure the VPN instance to be tested, run the vpn-instance vpn-instance-name
l To configure the source IP address, run the source-address ipv4 ip-address command.
l To configure the source port number, run the source-port port-number command.
l To configure the interval for sending test packets, run the interval seconds interval
l To configure the percentage of the failed NQA tests, run the fail-percent percent command.
l To configure the NQA test packets to be sent without searching the routing table, run the
sendpacket passroute command.

Step 6 Run:

The NQA test is started.

Select the start mode as required because the start command has several forms.

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l To perform the NQA test immediately, run the start now [ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ]
hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } | lifetime { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ]
The test instance is started immediately.
l To perform the NQA test at the specified time, run the start at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss
[ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } | lifetime
{ seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ] command.
The test instance is started at a specified time.
l To perform the NQA test after a certain delay period, run the start delay { seconds second
| hh:mm:ss } [ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } |
lifetime { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ] command.
The test instance is started after a certain delay.


7.9.3 Checking the Configuration

After configuring the SNMP query test, you can view the test result.

The configurations of the SNMP Query Test function are complete.

NQA test results cannot be displayed automatically on a terminal. You must run the display nqa results
command to view test results. By the default, the command output contains the records about only the last
five tests.

Step 1 Run the display nqa results [ test-instance admin-name test-name ] command to view the test
results on the NQA client.


Run the display nqa results command. If the test is successful, the following is displayed.
<HUAWEI> display nqa results
NQA entry(admin, snmp) :testflag is inactive ,testtype is snmp
1 . Test 1 result The test is finished
Send operation times: 3 Receive response times: 3
Completion:success RTD OverThresholds number: 0
Attempts number:0 Drop operation number:0
Disconnect operation number:0 Operation timeout number:0
System busy operation number:0 Connection fail number:0
Operation sequence errors number:0 RTT Stats errors number:0
Destination ip address:
Min/Max/Average Completion Time: 63/172/109
Sum/Square-Sum Completion Time: 329/42389
Last Good Probe Time: 2006-8-5 15:33:49.1
Lost packet ratio: 0 %

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7.10 Configuring the TCP Test

This section describes how to configure a Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) test to check
the responding speed of a TCP port.

7.10.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

Before configuring a TCP test, familiarize yourself with the applicable environment, complete
the pre-configuration tasks, and obtain the required data. This can help you complete the
configuration task quickly and accurately.

Applicable Environment
To obtain the time for the specified port to respond to a TCP connection request, you can create
an NQA TCP test instance.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring the TCP test, configure reachable routes between the NQA client and the
TCP server.

Data Preparation
To configure the TCP test, you need the following data.

No. Data

1 Administrator name and test name

2 IP address and port number monitored by the TCP server

3 (Optional) Destination port numbers of the probe packets sent by the TCP client and
source IP addresses , source port numbers of test packets, interval for sending test
packets, and percentage of the failed NQA tests

4 Start mode and end mode of the test

7.10.2 Configuring the TCP Server

The IP address and number of the port monitored by the server must be identical with those
configured on the client.

Do as follows on the NQA server (TCP server):

Step 1 Run:

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The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
nqa-server tcpconnect [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] ip-address port-number

The TCP monitoring service is configured.


Note that the IP address and port number monitored by the server should be consistent with those configured
on the client.


7.10.3 Configuring the TCP Client

This part describes how to set TCP test parameters.

Do as follows on the NQA client (TCP client):

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
nqa test-instance admin-name test-name

An NQA test instance is created and the test instance view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
test-type tcp

The test type is set to TCP.

Step 4 Run:
destination-address ipv4 ip-address

The destination IP address is configured.

Step 5 To configure the destination port number, run the destination-port port-numbercommand.

Step 6 (Optional) Perform the following as required to configure other parameters for the TCP test ( For
detailed parameter configurations, see the chapter Configuring Universal NQA Test
Parameters ):
l To configure the VPN instance to be tested, run the vpn-instance vpn-instance-name
l To configure the source IP address, run the source-address ipv4 ip-address command.
l To configure the source port number, run the source-port port-numbercommand.
l To configure the interval for sending test packets, run the interval seconds interval

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l To configure the percentage of the failed NQA tests, run the fail-percent percentcommand.
l To configure the NQA test packets to be sent without searching the routing table, run the
sendpacket passroute command.

Step 7 Run:

The NQA test is started.

Select the start mode as required because the start command has several forms.

l To perform the NQA test immediately, run the start now [ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ]
hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } | lifetime { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ]
The test instance is started immediately.
l To perform the NQA test at the specified time, run the start at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss
[ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } | lifetime
{ seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ] command.
The test instance is started at a specified time.
l To perform the NQA test after a certain delay period, run the start delay { seconds second
| hh:mm:ss } [ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } |
lifetime { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ] command.
The test instance is started after a certain delay.

The differences between the TCP Public tests and the TCP Private tests are as follows:

l The TCP Public tests do not require the destination port to be configured on the client.
Connection requests are initiated and sent to the TCP port 7 of the destination address. The
server should monitor the TCP port 7.
l The TCP Private tests require the destination port be specified and the related monitoring
services enabled on the server.


7.10.4 Checking the Configuration

After configuring the TCP test, you can view the test result.

The configurations of the TCP Test function are complete.

NQA test results cannot be displayed automatically on a terminal. You must run the display nqa results
command to view test results. By the default, the command output contains the records about only the last
five tests.

l Run the display nqa results [ test-instance admin-name test-name ] command to view the
test results on the NQA client.

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l Run the display nqa-server command to view the information about the NQA server.


Run the display nqa results command. If the test is successful, the following is displayed.
<HUAWEI> display nqa results
NQA entry(admin, tcp) :testflag is inactive ,testtype is tcp
1 . Test 1 result The test is finished
Send operation times: 3 Receive response times: 3
Completion:success RTD OverThresholds number: 0
Attempts number:0 Drop operation number:0
Disconnect operation number:0 Operation timeout number:0
System busy operation number:0 Connection fail number:0
Operation sequence errors number:0 RTT Stats errors number:0
Destination ip address:
Min/Max/Average Completion Time: 31/62/51
Sum/Square-Sum Completion Time: 155/8649
Last Good Probe Time: 2006-8-5 15:55:15.3
Lost packet ratio: 0 %

Run the display nqa-server command,the status of the NQA server is displayed.
<HUAWEI> display nqa-server
NQA Server Max: 5000 NQA Server Num: 1
NQA Concurrent TCP Server : 1 NQA Concurrent UDP Server: 0
NQA Concurrent ICMP Server : 0

nqa-server tcpconnect 2000 ACTIVE

7.11 Configuring the UDP Test

This section describes how to configure a User Datagram Protocol (UDP) test to check the
responding speed of a UDP port.

7.11.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

Before configuring a UDP test, familiarize yourself with the applicable environment, complete
the pre-configuration tasks, and obtain the required data. This can help you complete the
configuration task quickly and accurately.

Applicable Environment
To obtain the time for the specified port to respond to a UDP connection request, you can create
a UDP test instance.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring the UDP test, configure reachable routes between the NQA client and the
UDP server.

Data Preparation
To configure the UDP test, you need the following data.

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No. Data

1 Administrator name and test name

2 IP address and port of the UDP server

3 Destination IP address and the port of the probe packets sent by the UDP client

4 (Optional) Source IP addresses and source port numbers of test packets, interval for
sending test packets, and percentage of the failed NQA tests

5 Start mode and end mode of the test

7.11.2 Configuring the UDP Server

The IP address and number of the port monitored by the server must be identical with those
configured on the client.

Do as follows on the NQA server (UDP server):

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
nqa-server udpecho [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] ip-address port-number

The UDP monitoring service is configured.

Note that the IP address and port number monitored by the server should be consistent with those
configured on the client.


7.11.3 Configuring the UDP Client

This part describes how to set UDP test parameters.

Do as follows on the NQA client (UDP client):

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

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Step 2 Run:
nqa test-instance admin-name test-name

An NQA test instance is created and the test instance view is displayed.
Step 3 Run:
test-type udp

The test type is set to UDP.

Step 4 Run:
destination-address ipv4 ip-address

The destination IP address is configured.

Step 5 Run:
destination-port port-number

The destination port number is configured.

Step 6 (Optional) Perform the following as required to configure other parameters for the UDP test
( For detailed parameter configurations, see the chapter Configuring Universal NQA Test
Parameters ):
l To configure the VPN instance to be tested, run the vpn-instance vpn-instance-name
l To configure the source IP address, run the source-address ipv4 ip-address command.
l To configure the source port number, run the source-port port-numbercommand.
l To configure the interval for sending test packets, run the interval seconds interval
l To configure the percentage of the failed NQA tests, run the fail-percent percent command.
l To configure the NQA test packets to be sent without searching the routing table, run the
sendpacket passroute command.
Step 7 Run:

The NQA test is started.

Select the start mode as required because the start command has several forms.
l To perform the NQA test immediately, run the start now [ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ]
hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } | lifetime { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ]
The test instance is started immediately.
l To perform the NQA test at the specified time, run the start at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss
[ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } | lifetime
{ seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ] command.
The test instance is started at a specified time.
l To perform the NQA test after a certain delay period, run the start delay { seconds second
| hh:mm:ss } [ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } |
lifetime { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ] command.
The test instance is started after a certain delay.


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7.11.4 Checking the Configuration

After configuring the UDP test, you can view the test result.

The configurations of the UDP Test function are complete.

NQA test results cannot be displayed automatically on a terminal. You must run the display nqa results
command to view test results. By the default, the command output contains the records about only the last
five tests.

l Run the display nqa results [ test-instance admin-name test-name ] command to view the
test results on the NQA client.
l Run the display nqa-server command to view the information about the NQA server.


Run the display nqa results command. If the test is successful, the following is displayed.
<HUAWEI> display nqa results
NQA entry(admin, udp) :testflag is inactive ,testtype is udp
1 . Test 1 result The test is finished
Send operation times: 3 Receive response times: 3
Completion:success RTD OverThresholds number: 0
Attempts number:1 Drop operation number:0
Disconnect operation number:0 Operation timeout number:0
System busy operation number:0 Connection fail number:0
Operation sequence errors number:0 RTT Stats errors number:0
Destination ip address:
Min/Max/Average Completion Time: 32/109/67
Sum/Square-Sum Completion Time: 203/16749
Last Good Probe Time: 2006-8-5 16:9:21.6
Lost packet ratio: 0 %

Run the display nqa-server command. If the status of the NQA server is displayed, it means
that the configuration succeeds.
<HUAWEI> display nqa-server
NQA Server Max: 5000 NQA Server Num: 1
NQA Concurrent TCP Server : 0 NQA Concurrent UDP Server: 1
NQA Concurrent ICMP Server : 0

nqa-server udpecho 3000 ACTIVE Hardware-based

7.12 Configuring the Jitter Test

This section describes how to configure a jitter test to check jitter on the network. You can
perform a jitter test only when both the client and the server are Huawei devices.

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7.12.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

Before configuring a jitter test, familiarize yourself with the applicable environment, complete
the pre-configuration tasks, and obtain the required data. This can help you complete the
configuration task quickly and accurately.

Applicable Environment
The jitter time refers to the interval for sending two adjacent packets minus the interval for
receiving the two packets.
The process of a Jitter test is as follows:
1. The source sends a packet to the destination at a specified interval.
2. After receiving the packet, the destination adds a timestamp to the packet and returns them
to the source.
3. After receiving the returned packets, the source subtracts the interval for the source to send
two adjacent packets from the interval for the destination to receive the two packets and
then obtains the jitter time.
The maximum, minimum, and average jitter time calculated based on the information received
on the source can clearly show the network status.
In a Jitter test, you can set the number of packets to be sent consecutively. Through this setting,
certain traffic can be simulated within a certain period. For example, if you set 3000 UDP packets
to be sent at an interval of 20 milliseconds. Then, in one minute, G.711 traffic is simulated.


To improve the test accuracy, you can configure the Network Time Protocol (NTP) on both the client and
the server.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring the Jitter test, configure reachable routes between the NQA client and the
NQA server.

Data Preparation
To configure the Jitter test, you need the following data.

No. Data

1 Administrator name and test name

2 IP address and the port number monitored by the UDP server

3 Destination IP addresses and port numbers of the probe packets sent by the UDP

4 (Optional) VPN instance name, source IP address and port number of the probe packet
sent by the UDP client, number of probe packets and test packets sent each time,
interval for sending probe packets and test packets, percentage of the failed NQA
tests, and version number carried in the Jitter packet

5 Start mode and end mode of the test

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7.12.2 Configuring the Jitter Server

The IP address and number of the port monitored by the server must be identical with those
configured on the client.

Do as follows on the NQA server (Jitter server):

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
nqa-server udpecho [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ]ip-address port-number

The UDP monitoring service is configured.

Note that the IP address and port number monitored by the Jitter server should be consistent
with those configured on the client.


7.12.3 Configuring the Jitter Client

This part describes how to configure the client of the jitter test.


The system supports the collection of the statistics about the maximum uni-directional transmission delay.

Perform the following steps on the NQA client (Jitter client).

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 (Optional) To configure the version number of Jitter packets, run the nqa-jitter tag-version
version-number command in the system view.
If Version 2 is adopted, after collecting the packet loss across a uni-directional link is enabled,
you can find the packet loss across the link from the source to the destination (or from the
destination to the source or from an unknown direction). According to these statistics, the
network administrator can easily detect network faults and malicious attacks.
Step 3 Run:
nqa test-instance admin-name test-name

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An NQA test instance is created and the test instance view is displayed.
Step 4 Run:
test-type jitter

The test type is set to Jitter.

Step 5 Run:
destination-address ipv4 ip-address

The destination IP address is configured.

Step 6 Run:
destination-port port-number

The destination port number is configured.

Step 7 (Optional) Perform the following as required to configure other parameters for the Jitter test
( For detailed parameter configurations, see the chapter Configuring Universal NQA Test
Parameters ):
l To configure the VPN instance to be tested, run the vpn-instance vpn-instance-name
l To configure the source IP address, run the source-address ipv4 ip-address command.
l To configure the source port number, run the source-port port-numbercommand.
l To configure the probe times in the NQA test, run the probe-count number command.
l To configure the number of test packets sent each time, run the jitter-packetnum number
The Jitter test is used to collect statistics and perform analysis of the transmission delay
variation of the UDP packets. The system sends multiple test packets for each test to make
the statistics more accurate. The more test packets are sent, the more accurate the statistics
and analysis are. This process, however, is time consuming.

The number of the Jitter tests depends on the probe-count command. The number of test packets sent
during each test depends on the jitter-packetnum command. During the actual configuration, the
product of the number of test times and the number of the test packets must be less than 3000.
l To configure the interval for sending test packets, run the interval { milliseconds interval |
seconds interval } command.
The shorter the interval for sending the Jitter test packets is, the faster the test is completed.
If the interval, however, is set to a very small value, the jitter statistics result may have a
greater error.
l To configure the percentage of the failed NQA tests, run the fail-percent percent command.
l To send the NQA test packet without searching the routing table, run the sendpacket
passroute command.
l To configure a code type for an NQA Jitter simulated voice test case, run the jitter-codec
{ g711a | g711u | g729a } command.
This command is applied only to Jitter voice test cases.
l To configure the advantage factor for simulated voice test calculation, run the adv-factor
factor-value command.
This command is applied only to Jitter voice test cases.
Step 8 Run:

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The NQA test is started.

Select the start mode as required because the start command has several forms.
l To perform the NQA test immediately, run the start now [ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ]
hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } | lifetime { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ]
The test instance is started immediately.
l To perform the NQA test at the specified time, run the start at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss
[ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } | lifetime
{ seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ] command.
The test instance is started at a specified time.
l To perform the NQA test after a certain delay period, run the start delay { seconds second
| hh:mm:ss } [ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } |
lifetime { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ] command.
The test instance is started after a certain delay.


7.12.4 Checking the Configuration

After configuring the jitter test, you can view the test result.

The configurations of the Jitter Test function are complete.

NQA test results cannot be displayed automatically on a terminal. You must run the display nqa results
command to view test results. By the default, the command output contains the records about only the last
five tests.

l Run the display nqa results [ test-instance admin-name test-name ] command to view the
test results on the NQA client.
l Run the display nqa-server command to view the information about the NQA server.

Run the display nqa results command. If the test is successful, the following is displayed.
<HUAWEI> display nqa results test-instance admin jitter
NQA entry(admin, jitter) :testflag is inactive ,testtype is jitter
1 . Test 1 result The test is finished
SendProbe:60 ResponseProbe:60
Completion:success RTD OverThresholds number:0
OWD OverThresholds SD number:0 OWD OverThresholds DS number:0
Min/Max/Avg/Sum RTT:1/1/1/60 RTT Square Sum:60
NumOfRTT:60 Drop operation number:0
Operation sequence errors number:0 RTT Stats errors number:0

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System busy operation number:0 Operation timeout number:0

Min Positive SD:1 Min Positive DS:1
Max Positive SD:1 Max Positive DS:1
Positive SD Number:15 Positive DS Number:1
Positive SD Sum:15 Positive DS Sum:1
Positive SD Square Sum:15 Positive DS Square Sum:1
Min Negative SD:1 Min Negative DS:1
Max Negative SD:1 Max Negative DS:1
Negative SD Number:15 Negative DS Number:1
Negative SD Sum:15 Negative DS Sum:1
Negative SD Square Sum:15 Negative DS Square Sum:1
Min Delay SD:0 Min Delay DS:0
Avg Delay SD:0 Avg Delay DS:0
Max Delay SD:0 Max Delay DS:0
Delay SD Square Sum:27 Delay DS Square Sum:1
Packet Loss SD:0 Packet Loss DS:0
Packet Loss Unknown:0 Average of Jitter:1
Average of Jitter SD:1 Average of Jitter DS:1
jitter out value:0.0312500 jitter in value:0.0020833
NumberOfOWD:60 Packet Loss Ratio: 0%
OWD SD Sum:27 OWD DS Sum:1
ICPIF value: 0 MOS-CQ value: 0
TimeStamp unit: ms Packet Rewrite Number: 0
Packet Rewrite Ratio: 0% Packet Disorder Number: 0
Packet Disorder Ratio: 0% Fragment-disorder Number: 0
Fragment-disorder Ratio: 0%
NQA entry(admin, jitter) :testflag is inactive ,testtype is jitter
1 . Test 1 result The test is finished
SendProbe:60 ResponseProbe:60
Completion:success RTD OverThresholds number:0
OWD OverThresholds SD number:0 OWD OverThresholds DS number:0
Min/Max/Avg/Sum RTT:1/1/1/60 RTT Square Sum:60
NumOfRTT:60 Drop operation number:0
Operation sequence errors number:0 RTT Stats errors number:0
System busy operation number:0 Operation timeout number:0
Min Positive SD:1 Min Positive DS:1
Max Positive SD:1 Max Positive DS:1
Positive SD Number:3 Positive DS Number:1
Positive SD Sum:3 Positive DS Sum:1
Positive SD Square Sum:3 Positive DS Square Sum:1
Min Negative SD:1 Min Negative DS:1
Max Negative SD:1 Max Negative DS:1
Negative SD Number:3 Negative DS Number:1
Negative SD Sum:3 Negative DS Sum:1
Negative SD Square Sum:3 Negative DS Square Sum:1
Min Delay SD:0 Min Delay DS:0
Avg Delay SD:0 Avg Delay DS:0
Max Delay SD:0 Max Delay DS:0
Delay SD Square Sum:0 Delay DS Square Sum:0
Packet Loss SD:0 Packet Loss DS:0
Packet Loss Unknown:0 Average of Jitter:1
Average of Jitter SD:1 Average of Jitter DS:1
jitter out value:0.0062500 jitter in value:0.0020833
NumberOfOWD:60 Packet Loss Ratio: 0%
OWD SD Sum:0 OWD DS Sum:0
ICPIF value: 0 MOS-CQ value: 0

7.13 Configuring a Jitter Test Based on the Mechanism That

the LPU Sends Packets
This section describes how to configure a jitter test based on the mechanism in which the LPU
sends packets to obtain detailed jitter information about the network.

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7.13.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

Before configuring a jitter test based on the mechanism in which the LPU sends packets,
familiarize yourself with the applicable environment, complete the pre-configuration tasks, and
obtain the required data. This can help you complete the configuration task quickly and

Applicable Environment
Jitter time refers to the interval for receiving two consecutive packets minus the interval for
sending the two packets.
The maximum, minimum, and average jitter time and the maximum unidirectional delay of the
packets from the source to the destination and from the destination to the source are calculated
according to the information received on the source. Based on these data, the network status is
clearly presented.
In the jitter test, you can set the number of packets to be sent consecutively in each test instance.
Through this setting, the actual traffic of a kind of packet during a time period can be simulated.
For example, if the interval for sending 3000 UDP is set to 20 ms, the traffic of G.711 within 1
minute can be simulated.
After the LPU is enabled to send packets, the obtained test results become more accurate.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring the jitter test, configure a reachable route between the NQA client and the
UDP server.

Data Preparation
To configure the jitter test, you need the following data.

No. Data

1 Administrator of the NQA test instance and name of the test instance

2 IP address and number of the monitoring port on the UDP server

3 Destination IP address and destination port number of the probe packets sent from
the UDP client

4 (Optional) Name of a VPN instance, source IP address and port number of the
probe packets sent from the UDP client, number of test probes sent each time,
number of test packets sent each time, interval for sending test packets, percentage
of the failed NQA tests, and version number of jitter packets

5 Start mode and end mode

7.13.2 Configuring a Server for the Jitter Test

This part describes how to configure the server of the jitter test based on the mechanism in which
the LPU sends packets.

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Do as follows on the NQA server:

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
nqa-server udpecho [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] ip-address port-number

The UDP monitoring service is configured.

The IP address and number of the monitoring port on the server must be the same as those
configured on the client.


7.13.3 Configuring a Client for the Jitter Test


The system supports the maximum unidirectional delay of the jitter test.

Do as follows on the NQA client:

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
nqa test-instance admin-name test-name

An NQA test instance is created and the test instance view is displayed.
Step 3 Run:
test-type jitter

The test instance type is configured as Jitter.

Step 4 Run:
destination-address ipv4 ip-address

The destination IP address is configured.

Step 5 Run:
destination-port port-number

The destination port is configured.

Step 6 Run:

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hardware-based enable

The LPU is enabled to send packets.

Step 7 (Optional) Run the following commands to configure other parameters for the jitter test:
l Run:
vpn-instance vpn-instance-name

The VPN instance to be tested is configured.

l Run:
source-address ipv4 ip-address

The source IP address is configured.

l Run:
source-port port-number

The source port is configured.

l Run:
probe-count number

The number of test probes to be sent each time is set.

l Run:
jitter-packetnum number

The number of test packets to be sent during each test is set.

The jitter test is used to collect and analyze the delay variation during the transmission of
UDP packets. To improve the accuracy of the test result, the system sends multiple test
packets each time. The more test packets are sent, the more accurate the statistics are, and
the longer the test lasts.

The probe-count command is used to configure the number of times for the jitter test and the jitter-
packetnum command is used to configure the number of test packets sent during each test. In actual
configuration, the product of the number of times for the jitter test and the number of test packets must
be less than 3000.
l Run:
interval { milliseconds interval | seconds interval }

The interval for sending test packets is set.

The shorter the interval is, the sooner the test is complete. However, delays occur during
sending and receiving test packets on the processor. Therefore, if the interval for sending test
packets is set to a small value, a relatively greater error may occur in the statistics of the jitter
l Run:
fail-percent percent

The percentage of the failed NQA tests is set.

l Run:
sendpacket passroute

The NQA test is configured to send packets without searching for the routing table.
l Enter the system view.
nqa-jitter tag-version version-number

The version number is configured for jitter packets.

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After the statistics of unidirectional packet loss is enabled, you can view the number of lost
packets on the link from the source to the destination, from the destination to the source, or
from unknown directions. Based on these statistics, the network administrator can easily
locate network faults and detect malicious attacks.
l Run:
timeout time

The timeout period for the NQA test is configured.

Step 8 Run:
l To perform the NQA test immediately, run the start now [ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ]
hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } | lifetime { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ]
The test instance is started immediately.
l To perform the NQA test at the specified time, run the start at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss
[ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } | lifetime
{ seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ] command.
The test instance is started at a specified time.
l To perform the NQA test after a certain delay period, run the start delay { seconds second
| hh:mm:ss } [ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } |
lifetime { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ] command.
The test instance is started after a certain delay.


7.13.4 Checking the Configuration

After configuring the jitter test based on the mechanism in which the LPU sends packets, you
can view the test result.

The configurations of the Jitter Test Based on the Mechanism That the LPU Sends Packets
function are complete.
NQA test results cannot be displayed automatically on the terminal. You should run the display nqa
results command to check the test results.

Step 1 Run the display nqa results [ test-instance admin-name test-name ] command to check test
results on the NQA client.


If the jitter test succeeds, you can view the following information by running the display nqa
results command.
<HUAWEI> display nqa results test-instance admin jitter
NQA entry(admin, jitter) :testflag is inactive ,testtype is jitter
1 . Test 1 result The test is finished
SendProbe:60 ResponseProbe:60

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Completion:success RTD OverThresholds number:0

OWD OverThresholds SD number:0 OWD OverThresholds DS number:0
Min/Max/Avg/Sum RTT:1/1/1/60 RTT Square Sum:60
NumOfRTT:60 Drop operation number:0
Operation sequence errors number:0 RTT Stats errors number:0
System busy operation number:0 Operation timeout number:0
Min Positive SD:1 Min Positive DS:1
Max Positive SD:1 Max Positive DS:1
Positive SD Number:15 Positive DS Number:1
Positive SD Sum:15 Positive DS Sum:1
Positive SD Square Sum:15 Positive DS Square Sum:1
Min Negative SD:1 Min Negative DS:1
Max Negative SD:1 Max Negative DS:1
Negative SD Number:15 Negative DS Number:1
Negative SD Sum:15 Negative DS Sum:1
Negative SD Square Sum:15 Negative DS Square Sum:1
Min Delay SD:0 Min Delay DS:0
Avg Delay SD:0 Avg Delay DS:0
Max Delay SD:0 Max Delay DS:0
Delay SD Square Sum:27 Delay DS Square Sum:1
Packet Loss SD:0 Packet Loss DS:0
Packet Loss Unknown:0 Average of Jitter:1
Average of Jitter SD:1 Average of Jitter DS:1
jitter out value:0.0312500 jitter in value:0.0020833
NumberOfOWD:60 Packet Loss Ratio: 0%
OWD SD Sum:27 OWD DS Sum:1
ICPIF value: 0 MOS-CQ value: 0
TimeStamp unit: ms Packet Rewrite Number: 0
Packet Rewrite Ratio: 0% Packet Disorder Number: 0
Packet Disorder Ratio: 0% Fragment-disorder Number: 0
Fragment-disorder Ratio: 0%

7.14 Configuring the LSP Ping Test

This section describes how to configure a Label Switched Path (LSP) ping test to check the
operating status of the LSP.

7.14.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

Before configuring an LSP ping test, familiarize yourself with the applicable environment,
complete the pre-configuration tasks, and obtain the required data. This can help you complete
the configuration task quickly and accurately.

Applicable Environment
The NQA LSP Ping test can be used to test the reachability of the following types of Label
Switched Paths (LSPs) and collect statistics about Link State Advertisement (LSA).

l LSP tunnels
l MPLS TE tunnels
l MPLS CR-LSP hotstandby tunnels

After the test parameters are configured and the test is started,

1. NQA creates an MPLS Echo-Request packet and adds the address to the IP
packet header as the destination IP address. The packet is forwarded along the specified
LSP in the MPLS network.
2. The egress monitors port 3503 that sends Echo packets.

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3. The ingress collects the test results based on the received Echo packets.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring the LSP Ping test, you need the following configuration:
l LSP tunnel
l or an MPLS TE tunnel.
l or an MPLS CR-LSP hotstandby tunnel

Data Preparation
To configure the LSP Ping test, you need the following data.

No. Data

1 Administrator name and test name

2 l For the LSP tunnel: destination IP address and mask of the LSP Ping test
l For the MPLS TE tunnel: interface number of the TE tunnel
l For the MPLS CR-LSP hotstandby tunnels: interface number of the TE tunnel

3 (Optional) Parameters of the LSP Ping test, including the response mode of the Echo
packet, packet size, TTL, LSP EXP value, padding character, timeout period of the
packet, probe times, test interval, and percentage of the failed NQA tests

4 Start mode and end mode of the test

7.14.2 Configuring the LSP Ping Test Parameters for the LDP
Before performing an LDP LSP ping test, you need set parameters for the LSP ping test.

Do as follows on the NQA client:

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
nqa test-instance admin-name test-name

An NQA test instance is created and the test instance view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
test-type lspping

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The test type is set to LSP Ping.

Step 4 Run:
lsp-type ipv4

The tunnel type is set to be the LSP tunnel.

Step 5 Run:
destination-address ipv4 ip-address [ lsp-masklen masklen | lsp-loopback loopback-
address ]*

The destination IP address to be tested is configured.

Step 6 (Optional) Perform the following as required to configure other parameters for the LSP Ping
l To configure a protocol used by the LSP ping test, run the lsp-version { rfc4379 | draft6 }
l To configure the next-hop IP address in the scenario where load balancing is enabled on the
initiator of the LSP ping test, run the lsp-nexthop nexthop-ip-address command.

The next-hop IP address can be configured only when lsp-type is IPv4 and lsp-version is RFC 4379.
l To configure the response mode of the Echo packet, run the lsp-replymode { no-reply |
udp | udp-via-vpls | udp-router-alert | level-control-channel } command.

In a uni-directional LSP Ping test, if the lsp-replymode no-reply command is configured, the test
result displays that the test fails regardless of whether the test, actually, is successful or fails. If the test
is successful, the test result also displays the number of the timeout packets. If the test fails, the test
result displays the number of the discarded packets.
l To configure the source IP address, run the source-address ipv4 ip-address command.
l To configure the packet size, run the datasize size command.
The sum of datasize and the size of the packet header should be less than the MTU of the interface;
otherwise, the test may fail.
l To configure the maximum TTL value of the packet, run the ttl number command.
l To configure the LSP EXP value, run the lsp-exp exp command.
l To configure the padding character of the packet, run the datafill fillstring command.
l To configure the interval for sending test packets, run the interval seconds interval
l To configure the percentage of the failed NQA tests, run the fail-percent percent command.

Step 7 Run:

The NQA test is started.

Select the start mode as required because the startcommand has several forms.

l To perform the NQA test immediately, run the start now [ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ]
hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } | lifetime { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ]
The test instance is started immediately.

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l To perform the NQA test at the specified time, run the start at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss
[ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } | lifetime
{ seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ] command.
The test instance is started at a specified time.
l To perform the NQA test after a certain delay period, run the start delay { seconds second
| hh:mm:ss } [ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } |
lifetime { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ] command.
The test instance is started after a certain delay.


7.14.3 Configuring the LSP Ping Test Parameters for the MPLS TE
Before performing the TE LSP ping test, you need set parameters for a TE LSP ping test.

Do as follows on the NQA client:

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
nqa test-instance admin-name test-name

An NQA test instance is created and the test instance view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
test-type lspping

The test type is set to LSP Ping.

Step 4 Run:
lsp-type te

The tunnel type is set to be the MPLS TE tunnel.

Step 5 Run:
lsp-tetunnel tunnel interface-number

The TE tunnel interface to be tested is configured.

Step 6 (Optional) Perform the following as required to configure other parameters for the LSP Ping
l To configure a protocol used by the LSP ping test, run the lsp-version { rfc4379 | draft6 }
l To configure the response mode of the Echo packet, run the lsp-replymode { no-reply |
udp | udp-via-vpls | udp-router-alert | level-control-channel } command.

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In a uni-directional LSP Ping test, if the lsp-replymode no-reply command is configured, the test
result displays that the test fails regardless of whether the test, actually, is successful or fails. If the test
is successful, the test result also displays the number of the timeout packets. If the test fails, the test
result displays the number of the discarded packets.
l To configure the source IP address, run the source-address ipv4 ip-address command.
l To configure the packet size, run the datasize size command.

The sum of the data size and the size of the packet header must be less than the MTU of the interface;
otherwise, the test may fail.
l To configure the maximum TTL value of the packet, run the ttl number command.
l To configure the LSP EXP value, run the lsp-exp exp command.
l To configure the padding character of the packet, run the datafill fillstring command.
l To configure the interval for sending test packets, run the interval { milliseconds interval |
seconds interval } command.
l To configure the percentage of the failed NQA tests, run the fail-percent percent command.

Step 7 Run:

The NQA test is started.

Select the start mode as required because the start command has several forms.

l To perform the NQA test immediately, run the start now [ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ]
hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } | lifetime { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } ]
The test instance is started immediately.
l To perform the NQA test at the specified time, run the start at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss
[ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } | lifetime
{ seconds second | hh:mm:ss } ] command.
The test instance is started at a specified time.
l To perform the NQA test after a certain delay period, run the start delay { seconds second
| hh:mm:ss } [ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } |
lifetime { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } ] command.
The test instance is started after a certain delay.


7.14.4 Configuring the LSP Ping Test Parameters for the CR-LSP
Hotstandby Tunnel
Before performing the LSP ping test, you need set LSP ping test parameters for CR-LSP tunnels
in hot standby mode.

Do as follows on the NQA client:

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Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
nqa test-instance admin-name test-name

An NQA test instance is created and the test instance view is displayed.
Step 3 Run:
test-type lspping

The test type is set to be LSP Ping.

Step 4 Run:
lsp-type te

The tunnel type is set to be TE tunnel.

Step 5 Run:
lsp-tetunnel tunnel interface-number [ hot-standby ]

The TE tunnel interface to be pinged is specified and the CR-LSP hotstandby tunnel is set to be
Step 6 (Optional) Perform the following as required to configure other parameters for the LSP Ping
l To configure a protocol used by the LSP ping test, run the lsp-version { rfc4379 | draft6 }
l To configure the response mode of the Echo packet, run the lsp-replymode { no-reply |
udp | udp-via-vpls | udp-router-alert | level-control-channel } command.

In a uni-directional LSP Ping test, if the lsp-replymode no-reply command is configured, the test
result displays that the test fails regardless of whether the test, actually, succeeds or fails. If the test
succeeds, the test result shows the number of timeout packets. If the test fails, the test result shows the
number of discarded packets.
l To configure the source IP address, run the source-address ipv4 ip-address command.
l To configure the packet size, run the datasize size command.

The sum of the data size and the size of the packet header must be less than the MTU of the interface;
otherwise, the test may fail.
l To configure the maximum TTL value of the packet, run the ttl number command.
l To configure the LSP EXP value, run the lsp-exp exp command.
l To configure the padding character of the packet, run the datafill fillstring command.
l To configure the interval for sending test packets, run the interval seconds interval
l To configure the percentage of the failed NQA tests, run the fail-percent percent command.
Step 7 Run:

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The NQA test is started.

The start command has several forms. You can choose one of the following forms as required:
l To perform the NQA test immediately, run the start now [ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ]
hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } | lifetime { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ]
l To perform the NQA test at the specified time, run the start at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss
[ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } | lifetime
{ seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ] command.
l To perform the NQA test after a certain period of delay, run the start delay { seconds
second | hh:mm:ss } [ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second |
hh:mm:ss } | lifetime { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ] command.


7.14.5 Checking the Configuration

After configuring the LSP ping test, you can view the test result.

The configurations of the LSP Ping Test function are complete.

NQA test results cannot be displayed automatically on a terminal. You must run the display nqa results
[ test-instance admin-name test-name ] command to view test results. By the default, the command output
contains the records about only the last five tests.

l Run the display nqa results command to view the test results on the NQA client.

Run the display nqa results command. If the test is successful, the following is displayed.
l Statistics about errors
– Number of unroutable connections
– Number of wrong sequence numbers
– Timeout times of the test packets
l History statistics of each test packet
– Timestamp added when each test packet is sent
– Timestamp added when each test packet is received
– Packets status displayed on the NQA client
l Statistics of results of each test
– Number of successful tests
– Sum of the response time of all tests

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– RTT square sum(high 32 bit and low 32 bit)

– Minimum RTT and maximum RTT of the packet
– Destination IP address and the type of the destination IP address
– Number of the Echo packets and the sent packets
– Time when the last packet is received

Run the display nqa results command to view the test results on the NQA client.
<HUAWEI> display nqa results test-instance admin lspping
NQA entry(admin, test) :testflag is inactive ,testtype is lspping
1 . Test 1 result The test is finished
Send operation times: 3 Receive response times: 3
Completion:success RTD OverThresholds number: 0
Attempts number:1 Drop operation number:0
Disconnect operation number:0 Operation timeout number:0
System busy operation number:0 Connection fail number:0
Operation sequence errors number:0 RTT Stats errors number:0
Destination ip address:
Min/Max/Average Completion Time: 4/5/4
Sum/Square-Sum Completion Time: 13/57
Last Good Probe Time: 2007-11-19 19:46:28.8
Lost packet ratio: 0 %

7.15 Configuring the LSP Jitter Test

This section describes how to configure an LSP jitter test to measure jitter in the LSP during the
packet transmission.

7.15.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

Before configuring an LSP jitter test, familiarize yourself with the applicable environment,
complete the pre-configuration tasks, and obtain the required data. This can help you complete
the configuration task quickly and accurately.

Applicable Environment
The NQA LSP Jitter test is performed to check the reachability of static LSP, LDP LSP, and TE
tunnels. After receiving a packet from the source, the destination calculates the maximum,
minimum, and average jitter time of the packet transmitted from the source to the destination.
This clearly reflects the status of the MPLS network.


LSP Jitter tests do not support load balancing.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring the LSP Jitter test, configure an LSP tunnel or an MPLS TE tunnel.

Data Preparation
To configure the LSP Jitter test, you need the following data.

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No. Data

1 Administrator name and test name

2 l For the LSP tunnel: destination IP address and mask of the LSP Ping test
l For the MPLS TE tunnel: interface number of the TE tunnel

3 (Optional) Parameters of the LSP Jitter test, including the response mode of the Echo
packet, packet size, TTL, LSP EXP value, padding character, timeout period of the
packet, probe times, and test interval

4 Start mode and end mode of the test

7.15.2 Configuring the LSP Jitter Test Parameters for the LDP
This part describes how to set parameters for an LDP LSP jitter test.

Do as follows on the ingress of an LSP tunnel:

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
nqa test-instance admin-name test-name

An NQA test instance is created and the test instance view is displayed.
Step 3 Run:
test-type lspjitter

The test type is set to LSP Jitter.

Step 4 Run:
lsp-type ipv4

The tunnel type is set to be the LSP tunnel.

Step 5 Run:
destination-address ipv4 ip-address { lsp-masklen masklen | lsp-loopback loopback-
address }*

The destination IP address of the LSP Jitter test is configured.

Step 6 (Optional) Perform the following as required to configure other parameters for the LSP Jitter
l To configure a protocol used by the LSP ping test, run the lsp-version { rfc4379 | draft6 }

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l To configure the next-hop IP address in the scenario where load balancing is enabled on the
initiator of the LSP ping test, run the lsp-nexthop nexthop-ip-address command.

The next-hop IP address can be configured only when lsp-type is IPv4 and lsp-version is RFC 4379.
l To configure the response mode of the Echo packet, run the lsp-replymode { no-reply |
udp | udp-via-vpls | udp-router-alert | level-control-channel } command.

In a uni-directional LSP Ping test, if the lsp-replymode no-reply command is configured, the test
result displays that the test fails regardless of whether the test, actually, is successful or fails. If the test
is successful, the test result also displays the number of the timeout packets. If the test fails, the test
result displays the number of the discarded packets.
l To configure the source IP address, run the source-address ipv4 ip-address command.
l To configure the packet size, run the datasize size command.
l To configure the maximum TTL value of the packet, run the ttl number command.
l To configure the LSP EXP value, run the lsp-exp exp command.
l To configure the padding character of the packet, run the datafill fillstring command.
l To configure the interval for sending the test packets, run the interval seconds interval

The minimum interval for sending test packets is one second and the maximum interval is 60 seconds.
l To configure the percentage of the failed NQA tests, run thefail-percent percent command.

Step 7 Run:

The NQA test is started.

Select the start mode as required because the startcommand has several forms.

l To perform the NQA test immediately, run the start now [ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ]
hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } | lifetime { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ]
The test instance is started immediately.
l To perform the NQA test at the specified time, run the start at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss
[ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } | lifetime
{ seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ] command.
The test instance is started at a specified time.
l To perform the NQA test after a certain delay period, run the start delay { seconds second
| hh:mm:ss } [ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } |
lifetime { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ] command.
The test instance is started after a certain delay.


7.15.3 Configuring the LSP Jitter Test Parameters for the MPLS TE
This part describes how to set parameters for a TE LSP jitter test.

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Do as follows on the ingress of an MPLS TE tunnel:

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
nqa test-instance admin-name test-name

An NQA test instance is created and the test instance view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
test-type lspjitter

The test type is set to LSP Jitter.

Step 4 Run:
lsp-type te

The tunnel type is set to be the MPLS TE tunnel.

Step 5 Run:
lsp-tetunnel tunnel interface-number

The TE tunnel interface to be tested is configured.

Step 6 (Optional) Perform the following as required to configure other parameters for the MPLS TE
Jitter test:
l To configure a protocol used by the LSP ping test, run the lsp-version { rfc4379 | draft6 }
l To configure the response mode of the Echo packet, run the lsp-replymode { no-reply |
udp | udp-via-vpls | udp-router-alert | level-control-channel } command.

In a uni-directional LSP Ping test, if the lsp-replymode no-reply command is configured, the test
result displays that the test fails regardless of whether the test, actually, is successful or fails. If the test
is successful, the test result also displays the number of the timeout packets. If the test fails, the test
result displays the number of the discarded packets.
l To configure the source IP address, run the source-address ipv4 ip-address command.
l To configure the packet size, run the datasize size command.
l To configure the maximum TTL value of the packet, run the ttl number command.
l To configure the LSP EXP value, run the lsp-exp exp command.
l To configure the padding character of the packet, run the datafill fillstring command.
l To configure the interval for sending the test packets, run the interval { milliseconds
interval | seconds interval } command.

The minimum interval for sending test packets is one second and the maximum interval is 60 seconds.
l To configure the percentage of the failed NQA tests, run the fail-percent percent command.

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Step 7 Run:

The NQA test is started.

Select the start mode as required because the start command has several forms.

l To perform the NQA test immediately, run the start now [ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ]
hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } | lifetime { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } ]
The test instance is started immediately.
l To perform the NQA test at the specified time, run the start at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss
[ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } | lifetime
{ seconds second | hh:mm:ss } ] command.
The test instance is started at a specified time.
l To perform the NQA test after a certain delay period, run the start delay { seconds second
| hh:mm:ss } [ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } |
lifetime { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } ] command.
The test instance is started after a certain delay.


7.15.4 Checking the Configuration

After configuring the LSP jitter test, you can view the test result.

The configurations of the LSP Test function are complete.

NQA test results cannot be displayed automatically on a terminal. You must run the display nqa results
command to view test results. By the default, the command output contains the records about only the last
five tests.

Step 1 Run the display nqa results command to view the test results on the NQA client.


For the LSP Jitter test, run the display nqa results command. If the test is successful, the
following is displayed.

l Statistics about errors

– Number of unroutable connections
– Number of wrong sequence numbers
– Timeout times of the test packets

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l History statistics of each test packet

– Timestamp added when each test packet is sent
– Timestamp added when each test packet is received
– Packets status displayed on the NQA client
l Statistics of results of each test
– Number of successful tests
– Sum of the response time of all tests
– RTT square sum
– Minimum RTT and maximum RTT of the packet
– Destination IP address and the type of the destination IP address
– Number of the Echo packets and the sent packets
– Time when the last packet is received
<HUAWEI> display nqa results
NQA entry(admin, lspjitter) :testflag is inactive ,testtype is lspjitter
1 . Test 1 result The test is finished
SendProbe:60 ResponseProbe:60
Completion:success RTD OverThresholds number:0
Min/Max/Avg/Sum RTT:1/24/3/156 RTT Square Sum:928
NumOfRTT:60 Drop operation number:0
Operation sequence errors number:0 RTT Stats errors number:0
System busy operation number:0 Operation timeout number:0
Min Positive SD:1 Max Positive SD:22
Positive SD Number:12 Positive SD Sum:33
Positive SD Square Sum:495 Min Negative SD:1
Max Negative SD:22 Negative SD Number:12
Negative SD Sum:34 Negative SD Square Sum:498
Packet Loss Unknown:0 Average of Jitter SD:2
jitter out value:0.8977973 Packet Loss Ratio: 0%
TimeStamp unit: ms

7.16 Configuring the LSP Trace Test

This section describes how to configure an LSP trace test to check the connectivity between
Label Switching Routers (LSRs) along the LSP.

7.16.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

Before configuring an LSP Trace test, familiarize yourself with the applicable environment,
complete the pre-configuration tasks, and obtain the required data. This can help you complete
the configuration task quickly and accurately.

Applicable Environment
The NQA LSP Trace test can be used to test the tunnel nodes of the following types of LSPs
and collect statistics about LSA.

l LSP tunnels
l MPLS TE tunnels
l MPLS CR-LSP hotstandby tunnels

After the test parameters are configured and the test is started,

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l NQA creates the UDP MPLS Echo-Request packet, adds the address to the IP
packet header as the destination IP address, and searches the related LSP.
Echo Request packets should contain Downstream Mapping Tag, Length, Value (TLV)
that carries the information about the downstream node of the current LSP node, such as
the IP address of the next hop and the outgoing label.
For the MPLS TE tunnel, you can specify a tunnel interface for sending the MPLS Echo-
Request packet so that the related Constraint-based Routed Label Switched Path (CR-LSP)
can be obtained.
l The TTL value of the first Trace Echo-Request packet is 1. The packet is forwarded along
with the specified LSP in the MPLS network. An MPLS Echo-Reply packet is returned if
the TTL value times out.
l The sender continues to send Echo-Request packets with the gradually increased TTL
value. When all Label Switching Routers (LSRs) along the LSP return Echo packets, the
Trace process is completed.
l The sender collects the test results based on the received Echo packets.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring the LSP Trace test, you need the following configuration:
l LSP tunnel
l or an MPLS TE tunnel.
l or an MPLS CR-LSP hotstandby tunnel

Data Preparation
To configure the LSP Trace test, you need the following data.

No. Data

1 Administrator name and test name

2 l For the LSP tunnel: destination IP address and mask of the LSP Ping test
l For the MPLS TE tunnel: interface number of the TE tunnel
l For the MPLS CR-LSP hotstandby tunnels: interface number of the TE tunnel

3 (Optional) Parameters of the LSP Ping test, including the response mode of the Echo
packet, packet size, TTL, LSP EXP value, padding character, timeout period of the
packet, probe times, test interval, and percentage of the failed NQA tests

4 Start mode and end mode of the test

7.16.2 Configuring the LSP Trace Parameters for the LDP Tunnel
This part describes how to set parameters for an LDP LSP Trace test.

Do as follows on the NQA client:

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Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
nqa test-instance admin-name test-name

An NQA test instance is created and the test instance view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
test-type lsptrace

The test type is set to LSP Trace.

Step 4 Run:
lsp-type ipv4

The tunnel type is set to be the LSP tunnel.

Step 5 Run:
destination-address ipv4 ip-address { lsp-masklen masklen | lsp-loopback loopback-
address }*

The destination IP address to be tested is configured.

Step 6 (Optional) Perform the following as required to configure other parameters for the LSP Trace
l To configure a protocol used by the LSP ping test, run the lsp-version { rfc4379 | draft6 }
l To configure the next-hop IP address in the scenario where load balancing is enabled on the
initiator of the LSP ping test, run the lsp-nexthop nexthop-ip-address command.

The next-hop IP address can be configured only when lsp-type is IPv4 and lsp-version is RFC 4379.
l To configure the response mode of the Echo packet, run the lsp-replymode { no-reply |
udp | udp-via-vpls | udp-router-alert | level-control-channel } command.

In a uni-directional LSP Trace test, if the lsp-replymode no-reply command is configured, the test
result displays that the test fails regardless of whether the test is successful or fails. If the test is
successful, the test result also displays the number of the timeout packets. If the test fails, the test result
displays the number of the discarded packets.
l To configure the source IP address, run the source-address ipv4 ip-address command.
l To configure the LSP EXP value, run the lsp-exp exp command.
l To configure after how many hops the test is considered failed, run the tracert-
hopfailtimes timescommand.
l To configure the initial and the maximum TTL values of the packet, run the tracert-
livetime first-ttl first-ttl max-ttl max-ttl command.

Step 7 Run:

The NQA test is started.

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Select the start mode as required because the start command has several forms.
l To perform the NQA test immediately, run the start now [ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ]
hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } | lifetime { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } ]
The test instance is started immediately.
l To perform the NQA test at the specified time, run the start at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss
[ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } | lifetime
{ seconds second | hh:mm:ss } ] command.
The test instance is started at a specified time.
l To perform the NQA test after a certain delay period, run the start delay { seconds second
| hh:mm:ss } [ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } |
lifetime { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } ] command.
The test instance is started after a certain delay.


7.16.3 Configuring LSP Trace Test Parameters for the MPLS TE

This part describes how to set parameters for a TE LSP Trace test.

Do as follows on the NQA client:

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
nqa test-instance admin-name test-name

An NQA test instance is created and the test instance view is displayed.
Step 3 Run:
test-type lsptrace

The test type is set to LSP Trace.

Step 4 Run:
lsp-type te

The tunnel type is set to be the MPLS TE tunnel.

Step 5 Run:
lsp-tetunnel tunnel interface-number

The TE tunnel interface to be tested is configured.

Step 6 (Optional) Perform the following as required to configure other parameters for the LSP Trace

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l To configure a protocol used by the LSP ping test, run the lsp-version { rfc4379 | draft6 }
l To configure the source IP address, run the source-address ipv4 ip-address command.
l To configure the response mode of the Echo packet, run the lsp-replymode { no-reply |
udp | udp-via-vpls | udp-router-alert | level-control-channel } command.

In a uni-directional LSP Trace test, if the lsp-replymode no-reply command is configured, the test
result displays that the test fails regardless of whether the test is successful or fails. If the test is
successful, the test result also displays the number of the timeout packets. If the test fails, the test result
displays the number of the discarded packets.
l To configure the LSP EXP value, run the lsp-exp exp command.
l To configure after how many hops a test is considered failed, run the tracert-hopfailtimes
times command.
l To configure the initial and the maximum TTL values of the packet, run the tracert-
livetime first-ttl first-ttl max-ttl max-ttl command.
Step 7 Run:

The NQA test is started.

Select the start mode as required because the start command has several forms.
l To perform the NQA test immediately, run the start now [ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ]
hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } | lifetime { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ]
The test instance is started immediately.
l To perform the NQA test at the specified time, run the start at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss
[ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } | lifetime
{ seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ] command.
The test instance is started at a specified time.
l To perform the NQA test after a certain delay period, run the start delay { seconds second
| hh:mm:ss } [ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } |
lifetime { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ] command.
The test instance is started after a certain delay.


7.16.4 Configuring the LSP Trace Test Parameters for the CR-LSP
Hotstandby Tunnel
This part describes how to set LSP Trace test parameters for CR-LSP hot standby tunnels.

Do as follows on the NQA client:

Step 1 Run:

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The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
nqa test-instance admin-name test-name

An NQA test instance is created and the test instance view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
test-type lsptrace

The test type is set to be LSP Trace.

Step 4 Run:
lsp-type te

The tunnel type is set to be TE tunnel.

Step 5 Run:
lsp-tetunnel tunnel interface-number hot-standby

The TE tunnel interface to be tracerouted is specified and the CR-LSP hotstandby tunnel is set
to be tested.

Step 6 (Optional) Perform the following as required to configure other parameters for the LSP Trace
l To configure a protocol used by the LSP ping test, run the lsp-version { rfc4379 | draft6 }
l To configure the source IP address, run the source-address ipv4 ip-address command.
l To configure the response mode of the Echo packet, run the lsp-replymode { no-reply |
udp | udp-via-vpls | udp-router-alert | level-control-channel } command.

In a uni-directional LSP Ping test, if the lsp-replymode no-reply command is configured, the test
result displays that the test fails regardless of whether the test, actually, succeeds or fails. If the test
succeeds, the test result shows the number of timeout packets. If the test fails, the test result shows the
number of discarded packets.
l To configure the LSP EXP value, run the lsp-exp exp command.
l To configure after how many hops a test is considered failed, run the tracert-hopfailtimes
times command.
l To configure the initial and the maximum TTL values of the packet, run the tracert-
livetime first-ttl first-ttl max-ttl max-ttl command.

Step 7 Run:

The NQA test is started.

The start command has several forms. You can choose one of the following forms as required:

l To perform the NQA test immediately, run the start now [ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ]
hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } | lifetime { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ]
l To perform the NQA test at the specified time, run the start at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss
[ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } | lifetime
{ seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ] command.

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l To perform the NQA test after a certain period of delay, run the start delay { seconds
second | hh:mm:ss } [ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second |
hh:mm:ss } | lifetime { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ] command.


7.16.5 Checking the Configuration

After configuring the LSP traceroute test, you can view the test result.

The configurations of the LSP Traceroute Test function are complete.

NQA test results cannot be displayed automatically on a terminal. You must run the display nqa results
command to view test results. By the default, the command output contains the records about only the last
five tests.

l Run the display nqa results [ test-instance admin-name test-name ] command to view the
test results on the NQA client.

Run the display nqa results command. If the test is successful, the following is displayed.
l Statistics about errors
– Number of unroutable connections
– Number of wrong sequence numbers
– Timeout times of the test packets
l History statistics of each test packet
– Timestamp added when each test packet is sent
– Timestamp added when each test packet is received
– Packets status displayed on the NQA client
l Statistics of results of each test
– Number of successful tests
– Sum of the response time of all tests
– RTT square sum
– Minimum RTT and maximum RTT of the packet
– Destination IP address and the type of the destination IP address
– Number of the Echo packets and the sent packets
– Time when the last packet is received
<HUAWEI> display nqa results test-instance admin lsptrace
NQA entry(admin, lsptrace) :testflag is inactive ,testtype is lsptrace
1 . Test 1 result The test is finished

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Completion:success Attempts number:1

Disconnect operation number:0 Operation timeout number:0
System busy operation number:0 Connection fail number:0
Operation sequence errors number:0 RTT Stats errors number:0
Drop operation number:0
Last good path Time:2009-4-24 11:22:21.2
1 . Hop 1 Send operation times: 3 Receive response times:
Min/Max/Average Completion Time: 50/60/56
Sum/Square-Sum Completion Time: 170/9700
RTD OverThresholds number: 0
Last Good Probe Time: 2009-4-24 11:22:20.8
Destination ip address:
Lost packet ratio: 0 %
2 . Hop 2 Send operation times: 3 Receive response times:
Min/Max/Average Completion Time: 80/110/93
Sum/Square-Sum Completion Time: 280/26600
RTD OverThresholds number: 0
Last Good Probe Time: 2009-4-24 11:22:21.2
Destination ip address:
Lost packet ratio: 0 %

7.17 Configuring an ICMP Jitter Test

This section describes how to configure an ICMP jitter test to measure jitter on IP networks.

7.17.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

Before configuring an ICMP jitter test, familiarize yourself with the applicable environment,
complete the pre-configuration tasks, and obtain the required data. This can help you complete
the configuration task quickly and accurately.

Applicable Environment
Jitter time refers to the interval for receiving two consecutive packets minus the interval for
sending these two packets.

The process of the ICMP jitter test is as follows:

l The source sends packets to the destination at a set interval.

l After receiving a packet, the destination adds a timestamp to the packet and sends it back
to the source.
l After receiving the returned packets, the source obtains the jitter time by subtracting the
interval for sending the packets from the interval for receiving the packets.

The maximum, minimum, and average jitter time and the maximum unidirectional delay of the
packets from the source to the destination and from the destination to the source are calculated
according to the information received on the source. Based on these data, the network status is
clearly presented.

In the jitter test, you can set the number of packets to be sent consecutively in each test instance.
Through this setting, the actual traffic of a kind of packet during a time period can be simulated.

The devices at the two ends of the tested link can be both Huawei devices or not.

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Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring an ICMP jitter test, configure a reachable route between the NQA client and
the server.

Data Preparation
To configure a jitter test, you need the following data.

No. Data

1 Administrator of the NQA test instance and name of the test instance

2 Destination IP address

3 (Optional) Name of a VPN instance, source IP address ,number of test probes sent
each time, number of test packets sent each time, interval for sending test packets,
ratio of the failed NQA tests, and version number of jitter packets

4 Start mode and end mode

7.17.2 Configuring Parameters for the ICMP Jitter Test

This part describes how to set ICMP jitter test parameters.

Do as follows on the NQA client:

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
nqa test-instance admin-name test-name

An NQA test instance is created and the test instance view is displayed.
Step 3 Run:
test-type icmpjitter

The type of the test instance is configured as ICMP jitter.

Step 4 Run:
destination-address ipv4 ip-address

The destination IP address is configured.

Step 5 (Optional) Run the following commands to configure other parameters for the jitter test:
l Run:
icmp-jitter-mode { icmp-echo | icmp-timestamp }

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The mode of the ICMP jitter test is configured.

l Run:
vpn-instance vpn-instance-name

The VPN instance to be tested is configured.

l Run:
probe-count number

The number of test probes to be sent each time is set.

l Run:
jitter-packetnum number

The number of test packets to be sent during each test is set.


The probe-count command is used to configure the number of times for the jitter test and the jitter-
packetnum command is used to configure the number of test packets to be sent during each test. In
actual configuration, the product of the number of times for the jitter test multiplied by the number of
test packets must be less than 3000.
l Run:
interval { milliseconds interval | seconds interval }

The interval for sending test packets is set.

The shorter the interval is, the sooner the test is complete. However, delays arise from sending
and receiving test packets on the processor. Therefore, if the interval for sending test packets
is set to a small value, a relatively greater error may occur in the statistics of the jitter test.
l Run:
fail-percent percent

The percentage of the failed NQA tests is set.

Step 6 Run:

The NQA test is started.

Select the start mode as required because the startcommand has several forms.
l To perform the NQA test immediately, run the start now [ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ]
hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } | lifetime { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ]
The test instance is started immediately.
l To perform the NQA test at the specified time, run the start at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss
[ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } | lifetime
{ seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ] command.
The test instance is started at a specified time.
l To perform the NQA test after a certain delay period, run the start delay { seconds second
| hh:mm:ss } [ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } |
lifetime { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ] command.
The test instance is started after a certain delay.


7.17.3 Checking the Configuration

After configuring the ICMP jitter test, you can view the test result.

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The configurations of the ICMP Jitter Test function are complete.
NQA test results cannot be displayed automatically on the terminal. You should run the display nqa
results command to check the test results.

Step 1 Run the display nqa results [ test-instance admin-name test-name ] command to check results
on the NQA client.


If the ICMP jitter test succeeds, you can view the following information by running the display
nqa results command.
<HUAWEI> display nqa results test-instance admin icmpjitter
NQA entry(admin, icmpjitter) :testflag is inactive ,testtype is icmpjitter
1 . Test 1 result The test is finished
SendProbe:60 ResponseProbe:60
Completion :success RTD OverThresholds number:0
OWD OverThresholds SD number:0 OWD OverThresholds DS number:0
Min/Max/Avg/Sum RTT:1/144/12/709 RTT Square Sum:61007
NumOfRTT:60 Drop operation number:0
Operation sequence errors number:0 RTT Stats errors number:0
System busy operation number:0 Operation timeout number:0
Min Positive SD:1 Min Positive DS:1
Max Positive SD:138 Max Positive DS:3
Positive SD Number:7 Positive DS Number:19
Positive SD Sum:152 Positive DS Sum:21
Positive SD Square Sum :19116 Positive DS Square Sum :27
Min Negative SD:1 Min Negative DS:1
Max Negative SD:21 Max Negative DS:4
Negative SD Number:14 Negative DS Number:19
Negative SD Sum:152 Negative DS Sum:22
Negative SD Square Sum :2796 Negative DS Square Sum :34
Min Delay SD:1 Min Delay DS:0
Max Delay SD:72 Max Delay DS:71
Delay SD Square Sum:15111 Delay DS Square Sum:14728
Packet Loss SD:0 Packet Loss DS:0
Packet Loss Unknown:0 Average of Jitter:5
Average of Jitter SD:14 Average of Jitter DS:1
jitter out value:4.7604818 jitter in value:0.5399519
NumberOfOWD:60 Packet Loss Ratio: 0%
OWD SD Sum:339 OWD DS Sum:310
ICPIF value: 0 MOS-CQ value: 0
TimeStamp unit: ms Packet Rewrite Number: 0
Packet Rewrite Ratio: 0% Packet Disorder Number: 0
Packet Disorder Ratio: 0% Fragment-disorder Number: 0
Fragment-disorder Ratio: 0%

7.18 Configuring an ICMP Jitter Test Based on the

Mechanism that the LPU Sends Packets
This section describes how to configure an ICMP jitter test based on the mechanism in which
the LPU sends packets to obtain detailed jitter information about IP networks.

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7.18.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

Before configuring an ICMP jitter test based on the mechanism in which the LPU sends packets,
familiarize yourself with the applicable environment, complete the pre-configuration tasks, and
obtain the required data. This can help you complete the configuration task quickly and

Applicable Environment
Jitter time refers to the interval for receiving two consecutive packets minus the interval for
sending the two packets.
The process of an ICMP jitter test is as follows:
l The source sends packets to the destination at a set interval.
l After receiving a packet, the destination adds a timestamp to the packet and sends it back
to the source.
l After receiving the returned packets, the source obtains the jitter time by subtracting the
interval for sending the packets from the interval for receiving the packets.
The maximum, minimum, and average jitter time and the maximum unidirectional delay of the
packets from the source to the destination and from the destination to the source are calculated
according to the information received on the source. Based on these data, the network status is
clearly presented.
In the jitter test, you can set the number of packets to be sent consecutively in each test instance.
Through this setting, the actual traffic of a kind of packet during a time period can be simulated.
If the server is a non-Huawei device, you can configure an ICMP jitter test instance based on
the mechanism that the LPU sends packets to test the jitter of the network. After that, a more
accurate test result can be obtained.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring the ICMP jitter test, complete the following task:
Configuring a reachable route between the NQA client and the server

Data Preparation
To configure the ICMP jitter test, you need the following data.

No. Data

1 Administrator of the NQA test instance and name of the test instance

2 IP address on the server

3 Destination IP address

4 (Optional) Name of a VPN instance, source IP address that sends test packets,
number of the source interface that sends test packets, number of the test probes
sent each time, number of the test packets sent each time, interval for sending test
packets, the time of timeout, percentage of the failed NQA tests, TTL value, ToS
value of the test packet.

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No. Data

5 Start mode and end mode

7.18.2 Configuring a Server for the ICMP Jitter Test

This part describes how to configure the server of the ICMP jitter test based on the mechanism
in which the LPU sends packets.

Do as follows on the NQA server:

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
nqa-server icmp-server [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] ip-address

A server is configured for the ICMP jitter test.


7.18.3 Configuring a Client for the ICMP Jitter Test

This part describes how to configure the client of the ICMP jitter test based on the mechanism
in which the LPU sends packets.

Do as follows on the NQA client:

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
nqa test-instance admin-name test-name

An NQA test instance is created and the test instance view is displayed.
Step 3 Run:
test-type icmpjitter

The type of the test instance is configured as ICMP jitter.

Step 4 Run:

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destination-address ipv4 ip-address

The destination IP address is configured.

Step 5 Run:
hardware-based enable

The LPU is enabled to send packets.

Step 6 (Optional) Run the following commands to configure other parameters for the ICMP jitter test.
l Run:
vpn-instance vpn-instance-name

The VPN instance to be tested is configured.

l Run:
source-address ipv4 ip-address

The source IP address is configured.

l Run:
probe-count number

The number of test probes to be sent each time is set.

l Run:
interval { milliseconds interval | seconds interval }

The interval for sending test packets is set.

The shorter the interval is, the sooner the test is complete. However, delays occur during
sending and receiving test packets on the processor. Therefore, if the interval for sending test
packets is set to a small value, a relatively greater error may occur in the statistics of the jitter
l Run:
fail-percent percent

The percentage of the failed NQA tests is set.

l Run:
timeout time

The timeout period of the test is configured.

l Run:
ttl number

The TTL of the NQA test packets is configured.

l Run:
tos value

The type of service (ToS) value of the test packet is configured.

Step 7 Run:

The NQA test is started.

Select the start mode as required because the start command has several forms.
l To perform the NQA test immediately, run the start now [ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ]
hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } | lifetime { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ]
The test instance is started immediately.

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l To perform the NQA test at the specified time, run the start at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss
[ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } | lifetime
{ seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ] command.
The test instance is started at a specified time.
l To perform the NQA test after a certain delay period, run the start delay { seconds second
| hh:mm:ss } [ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } |
lifetime { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ] command.
The test instance is started after a certain delay.


7.18.4 Checking the Configuration

After configuring the ICMP jitter test based on the mechanism in which the LPU sends packets,
you can view the test result.

The configurations of the ICMP Jitter Test Based on the Mechanism that the LPU Sends Packets
function are complete.
NQA test results cannot be displayed automatically on the terminal. You should run the display nqa
results command to check the test results.

Step 1 Run the display nqa results [ test-instance admin-name test-name ] command to check test
results on the NQA client.


If the jitter test succeeds, you can view the following information by running the display nqa
results command.
<HUAWEI> display nqa results test-instance admin icmpjitter
NQA entry(admin, icmpjitter) :testflag is inactive ,testtype is icmpjitter
1 . Test 1 result The test is finished
SendProbe:60 ResponseProbe:60
Completion :success RTD OverThresholds number:0
OWD OverThresholds SD number:0 OWD OverThresholds DS number:0
Min/Max/Avg/Sum RTT:0/1/1/14 RTT Square Sum:14
NumOfRTT:60 Drop operation number:0
Operation sequence errors number:0 RTT Stats errors number:0
System busy operation number:0 Operation timeout number:0
Min Positive SD:0 Min Positive DS:1
Max Positive SD:0 Max Positive DS:1
Positive SD Number:0 Positive DS Number:1
Positive SD Sum:0 Positive DS Sum:1
Positive SD Square Sum :0 Positive DS Square Sum :1
Min Negative SD:1 Min Negative DS:0
Max Negative SD:1 Max Negative DS:0
Negative SD Number:2 Negative DS Number:0
Negative SD Sum:2 Negative DS Sum:0
Negative SD Square Sum :2 Negative DS Square Sum :0
Min Delay SD:0 Min Delay DS:0
Max Delay SD:0 Max Delay DS:0
Delay SD Square Sum:0 Delay DS Square Sum:0

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Packet Loss SD:0 Packet Loss DS:0

Packet Loss Unknown:0 Average of Jitter:1
Average of Jitter SD:1 Average of Jitter DS:1
jitter out value:0.0295593 jitter in value:0.0117767
NumberOfOWD:60 Packet Loss Ratio: 0%
OWD SD Sum:0 OWD DS Sum:0
ICPIF value: 0 MOS-CQ value: 0
TimeStamp unit: ms Packet Rewrite Number: 0
Packet Rewrite Ratio: 0% Packet Disorder Number: 0
Packet Disorder Ratio: 0% Fragment-disorder Number: 0
Fragment-disorder Ratio: 0%

7.19 Configuring a Path Jitter Test

This section describes how to configure a path jitter test to check the communications between
devices along the packet transmission path.

7.19.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

Before configuring a path jitter test, familiarize yourself with the applicable environment,
complete the pre-configuration tasks, and obtain the required data. This can help you complete
the configuration task quickly and accurately.

Applicable Environment
A network consists of multiple devices. The intercommunication between these devices may
traverse multiple networks. To better monitor the entire network, a path jitter test can be
performed to check the communication of each part.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring the path jitter test, configure a reachable route between the NQA client and
the ICMP server.

Data Preparation
To configure the path jitter test, you need the following data.

No. Data

1 Administrator of the NQA test instance and name of the test instance

2 Destination IP address

3 (Optional) Name of a VPN instance, source IP address , number of test probes sent
each time, number of test packets sent each time, interval for sending test packets,
ratio of the failed NQA tests, and version number of jitter packets

4 Start mode and end mode

7.19.2 Configuring Parameters for the Path Jitter Test

This part describes how to set path jitter test parameters.

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Do as follows on the NQA client:

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
nqa test-instance admin-name test-name

An NQA test instance is created and the test instance view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
test-type pathjitter

The type of the test instance is configured as path jitter.

Step 4 Run:
destination-address ipv4 ip-address

The destination IP address is configured.

Step 5 (Optional) Run the following commands to configure other parameters for the path jitter test:
l Run:
icmp-jitter-mode { icmp-echo | icmp-timestamp }

The mode of the path jitter test is configured.

l Run:
vpn-instance vpn-instance-name

The VPN instance to be tested is configured.

l Run:
source-address ipv4 ip-address

The source IP address is configured.

l Run:
probe-count number

The number of test probes to be sent each time is set.

l Run:
jitter-packetnum number

The number of test packets to be sent during each test is set.


The probe-count command is used to configure the number of times for the jitter test and the jitter-
packetnum command is used to configure the number of test packets sent during each test. In actual
configuration, the product of the number of times for the jitter test and the number of test packets must
be less than 3000.
l Run:
interval seconds interval

The interval for sending jitter test packets is set.

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The shorter the interval is, the sooner the test is complete. However, delays arise when the
processor sends and receives test packets. Therefore, if the interval for sending test packets
is set to a small value, a relatively greater error may occur in the statistics of the jitter test.
l Run:
fail-percent percent

The percentage of the failed NQA tests is set.

Step 6 Run:

The NQA test is started.

Select the start mode as required because the start command has several forms.
l To perform the NQA test immediately, run the start now [ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ]
hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } | lifetime { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ]
The test instance is started immediately.
l To perform the NQA test at the specified time, run the start at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss
[ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } | lifetime
{ seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ] command.
The test instance is started at a specified time.
l To perform the NQA test after a certain delay period, run the start delay { seconds second
| hh:mm:ss } [ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } |
lifetime { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ] command.
The test instance is started after a certain delay.


7.19.3 Checking the Configuration

After configuring the path jitter test, you can view the test result.

The configurations of the Path Jitter Test function are complete.
NQA test results cannot be displayed automatically on the terminal. You should run the display nqa
results command to check the test results.

Step 1 Run the display nqa results [ test-instance admin-name test-name ] command to check test
results on the NQA client.


If the path jitter test succeeds, you can view the following information by running the display
nqa results command.
<HUAWEI> display nqa results test-instance admin pathjitter

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NQA entry(admin, pathjitter) :testflag is inactive ,testtype is pathjitter

Current Status:CLOSE
1 . Test 1 result The test is finished
Trace Completion Status:success
1 . Hop 1
Destination ip address:
Jitter Completion Status:success Jitter Finish Status:finished
SendProbe:60 ResponseProbe:60
Min/Max/Avg/Sum RTT:1/4/2/115 RTT Square Sum:235
NumOfRTT:60 Drop operation number:0
Operation sequence errors number:0 RTT Stats errors number:0
System busy operation number:0 Operation timeout number:0
Min Positive SD:1 Min Positive DS:1
Max Positive SD:3 Max Positive DS:2
Positive SD Number:18 Positive DS Number:13
Positive SD Sum:20 Positive DS Sum:14
Positive SD Square Sum :26 Positive DS Square Sum :16
Min Negative SD:1 Min Negative DS:1
Max Negative SD:3 Max Negative DS:2
Negative SD Number:18 Negative DS Number:13
Negative SD Sum:21 Negative DS Sum:14
Negative SD Square Sum :29 Negative DS Square Sum :16
Max Delay SD:2 Max Delay DS:1
Average of Jitter:1 NumberOfOWD:60
Average of Jitter SD:1 Average of Jitter DS:1
jitter out value:0.4414088 jitter in value:0.3527651
OWD SD Sum:52 OWD DS Sum:3
2 . Hop 2
Destination ip address:
Jitter Completion Status:failed Jitter Finish Status:finished
SendProbe:60 ResponseProbe:0
Min/Max/Avg/Sum RTT:0/0/0/0 RTT Square Sum:0
NumOfRTT:0 Drop operation number:0
Operation sequence errors number:0 RTT Stats errors number:0
System busy operation number:0 Operation timeout number:60
Min Positive SD:0 Min Positive DS:0
Max Positive SD:0 Max Positive DS:0
Positive SD Number:0 Positive DS Number:0
Positive SD Sum:0 Positive DS Sum:0
Positive SD Square Sum :0 Positive DS Square Sum :0
Min Negative SD:0 Min Negative DS:0
Max Negative SD:0 Max Negative DS:0
Negative SD Number:0 Negative DS Number:0
Negative SD Sum:0 Negative DS Sum:0
Negative SD Square Sum :0 Negative DS Square Sum :0
Max Delay SD:0 Max Delay DS:0
Average of Jitter:0 NumberOfOWD:0
Average of Jitter SD:0 Average of Jitter DS:0
jitter out value:0.0000000 jitter in value:0.0000000
OWD SD Sum:0 OWD DS Sum:0

7.20 Configuring a Path MTU Test

This section describes how to configure a path MTU test to measure the path MTU value of the
packet transmission path.

7.20.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

Before configuring a path MTU test, familiarize yourself with the applicable environment,
complete the pre-configuration tasks, and obtain the required data. This can help you complete
the configuration task quickly and accurately.

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Applicable Environment
In the network, the intercommunication between hosts may have to traverse multiple networks.
Different networks have various MTU values. The path MTU test can detect the MTU values
of paths in the network. Based on these values, you can limit the packet length on the transmitting
end and therefore effectively avoid discarding oversize packets.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring the path MTU test, configure a reachable route between the NQA client and
the destination end.

Data Preparation
To configure the path MTU test, you need the following data.

No. Data

1 Administrator of the NQA test instance and name of the test instance

2 Destination IP address

3 (Optional) Name of a VPN instance,source IP address,number of test probes sent

each time,number of test packets sent each time, Maximum MTU value of the
path,Step value

4 Start mode and end mode

7.20.2 Configuring Parameters for the Path MTU Test

This part describes how to set path MTU test parameters.

Do as follows on the NQA client:

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
nqa test-instance admin-name test-name

An NQA test instance is created and the test instance view is displayed.
Step 3 Run:
test-type pathmtu

The type of the test instance is configured as path MTU.

Step 4 Run:

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destination-address ipv4 ip-address

The destination IP address is configured.

Step 5 (Optional) Run the following commands to configure other parameters for the path MTU test.
l Run:
discovery-pmtu-max pmtu-max

The maximum value of the path MTU test range is set.

l Run:
step step

The value of the incremental step is set for the packet length in the path MTU test.
l Run:
vpn-instance vpn-instance-name

The VPN instance to be tested is configured.

l Run:
source-address ipv4 ip-address

The source IP address is configured.

l Run:
probe-count number

The number of test probes to be sent each time is set.

Step 6 Run:

The NQA test is started.

Select the start mode as required because the start command has several forms.

l To perform the NQA test immediately, run the start now [ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ]
hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } | lifetime { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ]
The test instance is started immediately.
l To perform the NQA test at the specified time, run the start at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss
[ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } | lifetime
{ seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ] command.
The test instance is started at a specified time.
l To perform the NQA test after a certain delay period, run the start delay { seconds second
| hh:mm:ss } [ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } |
lifetime { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ] command.
The test instance is started after a certain delay.


7.20.3 Checking the Configuration

After configuring the path MTU test, you can view the test result.

The configurations of the Path MTU Test function are complete.

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NQA test results cannot be displayed automatically on the terminal. You should run the display nqa
results command to check the test results.

Step 1 Run the display nqa results [ test-instance admin-name test-name ] command to check test
results on the NQA client.


If the path MTU test succeeds, you can view the following information by running the display
nqa results command.
<HUAWEI> display nqa results test-instance admin pathmtu
NQA entry(admin, pathmtu) :testflag is inactive ,testtype is pathmtu
1 . Test 0 result The test is finished
Completions: success Busies: 0
Destination-address: Discovery field min: 48 byte
Discovery field max: 1600 byte Drops: 0
MTU: 1148 Response probe: 13
Send probe: 16 Optimum first step: 0 byte
Second step: 100 byte Timeouts: 3

7.21 Configuring the NQA reserved group MPing Test

This section describes how to configure a Multicast Ping (MPing) test for reserved addresses to
check the members of the reserved multicast group on the network segment where the outgoing
interface resides.

7.21.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

Before configuring an MPing test for reserved addresses, familiarize yourself with the applicable
environment, complete the pre-configuration tasks, and obtain the required data. This can help
you complete the configuration task quickly and accurately.

Applicable Environment
By setting the destination group address of the multicast Ping (MPing) to be a reserved group
address, you can check the members of the reserved multicast group on the network segment
where the outgoing interface resides.
The reserved group identifies a group of network devices (group members) that match certain
conditions. When the members of the reserved group receive the ICMP Echo-Request packets
with the destination addresses being the IP address of the reserved group, they return ICMP
Echo-Reply packets. Commonly, the following addresses are for the reserved group:
l indicates all systems in the sub-network.
l indicates all routers in the sub-network.
l indicates the Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) interior gateway protocol (IGP)
l indicates Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM) routers.

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Whether a host or a router can return an ICMP EchoReply packet is determined by the operating system
and version.

Pre-configuration Tasks

Data Preparation
To configure the NQA MPing test for a reserved group address, you need the following data.

No. Data

1 Destination group address of the MPing test

2 Name of the NQA test

3 Outbound interface that sends the ICMP Echo-Request packet

4 (Optional) Size of the ICMP Echo-Request packet, padding character in the ICMP
Echo-Request packet, number of the sent ICMP Echo-Request packets, interval for
sending ICMP Echo-Request packets and timeout period for waiting for the ICMP
Echo-Reply packet

7.21.2 Creating an NQA MPing Test

This part describes how to configure an MPing instance before performing the MPing test.

Do as follows on the router that functions on the NQA client:

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
nqa test-instance admin-name test-name

An NQA test instance is created and the test instance view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
test-type mping

The test type is set to MPing.

Step 4 Run:

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Exit from the test instance view.


7.21.3 Configuring the NQA MPing Test

This part describes how to set parameters for the MPing test for reserved addresses.

Do as follows on the router that functions as the NQA client:

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
nqa test-instance admin-name test-name

The test instance view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
destination-address ipv4 ip-address

The IP address of a reserved group is set to be the destination group address of the MPing test,
that is, the destination address of the ICMP Echo-Request packet.
Step 4 Run:
source-interface interface-type interface-number

The outbound interface that sends the ICMP Echo-Request packet is configured.
Step 5 Run:

Exit from the test instance view.


7.21.4 (Optional) Adjusting the Performance of the NQA MPing

This part describes how to set optional MPing test parameters according to the network operating

Do as follows on the router that functions as the NQA client:


l The steps described in this procedure are all optional.

l MPing belongs to ICMP. Therefore, it can inherit the adjusting functions of the NQA ICMP test
instance. The following section lists some common adjusting commands.

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Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
nqa test-instance admin-name test-name

The test instance view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
datasize size

The size of the ICMP Echo-Request packet is set.

Step 4 Run:
tos value

The ToS value of the ICMP Echo-Request packet is set.

Step 5 Run:
datafill fillstring

The padding character in the ICMP Echo-Request packet is configured.

Step 6 Run:
probe-count number

The number of the sent ICMP Echo-Request packets is set.

Step 7 Run:
interval seconds interval

The interval for sending ICMP Echo-Request packets is set. The interval must be longer than
the timeout period set through the timeout command.
Step 8 Run:
timeout time

The timeout period for waiting for the ICMP Echo-Reply packet is set.
Step 9 Run:

Exit from the test instance view.


7.21.5 Starting the NQA MPing Test

This part describes how to start the MPing test instance to perform the MPing test.

Do as follows on the router that functions as the NQA client:


The start mode of the MPing test is the same as that of other NQA tests. Here, take one mode as an example.

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Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
nqa test-instance admin-name test-name

Tthe test instance view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
start now

The NQA MPing test is started.

Step 4 Run:

Exit from the test instance view.


7.21.6 Checking the Configuration

After performing the MPing test for reserved addresses, you can view the test result.

The configurations of the NQA reserved group MPing Test function are complete.

NQA test results cannot be displayed automatically on a terminal. You must run the display nqa results
command to view test results. By the default, the command output contains the records about only the last
five tests.

l Run the display nqa-agent [ admin-name test-name ] [ verbose ] to viewthe status of the
test instance configured on the NQA client.
l Run the display nqa results command to view the test results on the NQA client.

Run the display nqa-agent command. If the test is successful,the following is displayed. You
can also view details about the tests.
<HUAWEI> display nqa-agent
NQA Tests Max:2000 NQA Tests Number: 1
NQA Flow Max:1000 NQA Flow Remained:1000

nqa test-instance admin mping

test-type mping
destination-address ipv4
source-interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0
nqa status : normal

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Run the display nqa results command. If the test is successful,the following is displayed.
<HUAWEI> display nqa results
NQA entry(admin, mping) :testflag is inactive ,testtype is mping
1 . Test 1 result The test is finished
Completion:success Timeouts number: 0
Drops number: 0 TargetAddress:
ProbeResponses number: 3 SentProbes number: 3
Busies: 0
1 . Receiver 1
CompletionTime Min/Max/Sum: 2/3/8
Sum2CompletionTime: 22
LastGoodProbe time: 2009-1-12 13:11:10.4

7.22 Configuring the NQA common group MPing Test

This section describes how to configure an MPing test for common addresses to confirm whether
the operating status of protocols is normal and the multicast distribution tree is correctly set up,
to check multicast members on the network, and to calculate the time-to-live (TTL) and response
time from the MPing initiator to multicast members.

7.22.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

Before configuring an MPing test for common addresses, familiarize yourself with the applicable
environment, complete the pre-configuration tasks, and obtain the required data. This can help
you complete the configuration task quickly and accurately.

Applicable Environment
You also can set the destination group address of MPing to a common group address. The
following functions then can be implemented:

l MPing simulates the multicast traffic and triggers a series of protocol processes. By viewing
the multicast routing information on a router, you can check whether the protocol runs
normally and whether the multicast distribution tree is correctly established.
l By calculating the number of ICMP Echo-Reply packets sent by the destination host, the
system checks multicast members in the network and calculates the TTL value and the
response time from the MPing initiator to multicast members (this function requires that
the host support MPing). MPing can be continually performed for several times at a certain
interval to calculate network delay and route jitter.

Pre-configuration Tasks
If the destination group address is set to a common group address, you must configure the
multicast function in the network.

Data Preparation
To configure the NQA MPing tests, you need the following data.

No. Data

1 Destination group address of the MPing test

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No. Data

2 Name of the NQA test

3 Outbound interface that sends the ICMP Echo-Request packet

4 (Optional) Size of the ICMP Echo-Request packet, Padding character in the ICMP
Echo-Request packet, Number of the sent ICMP Echo-Request packets, Interval for
sending ICMP Echo-Request packets and Timeout period for waiting for the ICMP
Echo-Reply packet

7.22.2 Creating an NQA MPing Test

This part describes how to configure an MPing instance before performing the MPing test for
common addresses.

Do as follows on the router that functions as the NQA client:

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
nqa test-instance admin-name test-name

An NQA test instance is created and the test instance view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
test-type mping

The test type is set to MPing.

Step 4 Run:

Exit from the test instance view.


7.22.3 Configuring the NQA MPing Test

This part describes how to set parameters for the MPing test for common addresses.

Do as follows on the router that functions as the NQA client:

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Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
nqa test-instance admin-name test-name

The test instance view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
destination-address ipv4 ip-address

A common group IP address is set to be the destination group address of the MPing test, that is,
the destination address of the ICMP Echo-Request packet.
When a common group IP address is set to be the destination group address of the MPing test,
source-interface does not need to be specified.
Step 4 Run:

Exit from the test instance view.


7.22.4 (Optional) Adjusting the Performance of the NQA MPing

This part describes how to set optional MPing test parameters according to the network operating

Do as follows on the router that functions as the NQA client:


l The steps described in this procedure are all optional.

l MPing belongs to ICMP. Therefore, it can inherit the adjusting functions of the NQA ICMP test
instance. The following section lists some common adjusting commands.

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
nqa test-instance admin-name test-name

The test instance view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
datasize size

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The size of the ICMP Echo-Request packet is set.

Step 4 Run:
ttl number

The TTL value of the ICMP Echo-Request packet is set.

Step 5 Run:
tos value

The ToS value of the ICMP Echo-Request packet is set.

Step 6 Run:
datafill fillstring

The padding character in the ICMP Echo-Request packet is configured.

Step 7 Run:
probe-count number

The number of the sent ICMP Echo-Request packets is set.

Step 8 Run:
interval seconds interval

The interval for sending ICMP Echo-Request packets is set. The interval must be longer than
the timeout period set through the timeout command.

Step 9 Run:
timeout time

The timeout period for waiting for the ICMP Echo-Reply packet is set.

Step 10 Run:

Exit from the test instance view.


7.22.5 Starting the NQA MPing Test

This part describes how to start the MPing test instance to perform the MPing test for common

Do as follows on the router that functions as the NQA client:


The start mode of the MPing test is the same as that of other NQA tests. Here, take one mode as an example.

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

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Step 2 Run:
nqa test-instance admin-name test-name

The test instance view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
start now

The NQA MPing test is started.

Step 4 Run:

Exit from the test instance view.


7.22.6 Checking the Configuration

After performing the MPing test for common addresses, you can view the test result.

The configurations of the NQA common group MPing Test function are complete.

NQA test results cannot be displayed automatically on a terminal. You must run the display nqa results
command to view test results. By the default, the command output contains the records about only the last
five tests.

l Run the display nqa-agent [ admin-name operation-tag ] [ verbose ] to view the status of
the test instance configured on the NQA client.
l Run the display nqa results command to view the test results on the NQA client.

Run the display nqa-agent command. If the test is successful, the following is displayed. You
can also view details about the tests.
<HUAWEI> display nqa-agent
NQA Tests Max:2000 NQA Tests Number: 1
NQA Flow Max:1000 NQA Flow Remained: 999

nqa test-instance admin mping

test-type mping
destination-address ipv4
source-interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0
nqa status : normal

Run the display nqa results command. If the test is successful,the following is displayed.
<HUAWEI> display nqa results
NQA entry(admin, mping) :testflag is inactive ,testtype is mping
1 . Test 1 result The test is finished
Completion:success Timeouts number: 0

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Drops number: 0 TargetAddress:

ProbeResponses number: 3 SentProbes number: 3
Busies: 0
1 . Receiver 1
CompletionTime Min/Max/Sum: 2/3/8
Sum2CompletionTime: 22
LastGoodProbe time: 2009-1-12 13:11:10.4

7.23 Configuring the NQA MTrace Test to Check the RPF

Path from the Multicast Source to the Querier
This section describes how to configure a Multicast Traceroute (MTrace) test to check the
Reserved Path Forwarding (RPF) path from the multicast source to the querier.

7.23.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

Before configuring an MTrace test for the RPF path from the multicast source to the querier,
familiarize yourself with the applicable environment, complete the pre-configuration tasks, and
obtain the required data. This can help you complete the configuration task quickly and

Applicable Environment
To check the Reverse Path Forwarding (RPF) path from the multicast source to the querier, you
can perform the NQA MTrace test.

By performing the MTrace test, you can obtain the possible transmission path of multicast
packets. During the test, actual multicast data flows are not required.

The MTrace test can be used in multicast troubleshooting and routine maintenance to locate the
faulty nodes and reduce configuration errors.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring the MTrace test, you must enable the multicast function in the network.

Data Preparation
To configure the MTrace test, you need the following data.

No. Data

1 IP address of the multicast source

2 Name of the NQA test

3 (Optional) TTL value of the IGMP Tracert-Request packet, Maximum number of

hops traced in hop-by-hop mode, Destination IP address and TTL of the IGMP
Tracert-Response packet, Timeout period for waiting for the IGMP Tracert-Response
packet, Maximum number of times for the querier to initiate MTrace operations in
the timeout situations, VPN instance

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7.23.2 Creating an NQA MTrace Test

This part describes how to configure an MTrace instance before performing the MTrace test for
the RPF path from the multicast source to the querier.

Do as follows on the router that functions as the NQA client:

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
nqa test-instance admin-name test-name

An NQA test instance is created and the test instance view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
test-type mtrace

The test type is set to MTrace.

Step 4 Run:

Exit from the test instance view.


7.23.3 Configuring the NQA MTrace Test

This part describes how to set parameters for the MTrace test for the RPF path from the multicast
source to the querier.

Do as follows on the router with the NQA MTrace test instance being created:

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
nqa test-instance admin-name test-name

The test instance view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
mtrace-source-address ipv4 ip-address

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The address of the multicast source is specified.

Step 4 (Optional)The VPN instance is specified.

vpn-instance vpn-instance-name

Step 5 Run:

Exit from the test instance view.


7.23.4 (Optional) Adjusting the Performance of the NQA MTrace

This part describes how to set optional MTrace test parameters according to the network
operating status.

Do as follows on the router with the MTrace test being configured:


The steps described in this procedure are all optional.

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
nqa test-instance admin-name test-name

The test instance view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
ttl number

The TTL value, that is, the maximum hops traced in max-hop mode is set for the IGMP Tracert-
Request packet.

Step 4 Run:
tracert-livetime first-ttl first-ttl max-ttl max-ttl

The maximum hops traced in hop-by-hop mode is set. first-ttl must be set to 1.

Step 5 Run:
mtrace-response-address ipv4 ip-address [ ttl value ]

The destination IP address and TTL of the IGMP Tracert-Response packet are set.

Step 6 Run:
timeout time

The timeout period for waiting for the IGMP Tracert-Response packet is set.

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Step 7 Run:
probe-count number

The maximum number of times for the querier to initiate MTrace operations in the timeout
situations is set. The querier re-initiates an MTrace operation if receiving no IGMP Tracert-
Response packet within the timeout period.
Step 8 Run:

Exit from the test instance view.


7.23.5 Starting the NQA MTrace Test

This part describes how to start the MTrace test instance to perform the MTrace test for the RPF
path from the multicast source to the querier.

Do as follows on the router that functions as the NQA client:


The start mode of the MTrace test is the same as that of other NQA tests. Here, take one mode as an example.

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
nqa test-instance admin-name test-name

The test instance view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
start now

The NQA MTrace test is started.

Step 4 Run:

Exit from the test instance view.


7.23.6 Checking the Configuration

After performing the MTrace test for the RPF path from the multicast source to the querier, you
can view the test result.

The configurations of the NQA MTrace Test function are complete.

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NQA test results cannot be displayed automatically on a terminal. You must run the display nqa results
command to view test results. By the default, the command output contains the records about only the last
five tests.

l Run the display nqa-agent [ admin-name test-name ] [ verbose ] to view the status of the
test instance configured on the NQA client.
l Run the display nqa results [ test-instance admin-name test-name ] command to view the
test results on the NQA client.
l Run the display nqa history command to view the history of the NQA test.
l Run the display mtrace statistics command to view the statistics of the MTrace packets.


Run the display nqa-agent command. If information about the NQA test is displayed, it means
that the test is successful. For example:
<HUAWEI> display nqa-agent admin aa verbose
nqa test-instance aa aa
test-type mtrace
mtrace-source-address ipv4
nqa status : normal

7.24 Configuring the NQA MTrace Test to Check the

Multicast Path from the Multicast Source to the Querier
This section describes how to configure an MTrace test to check the multicast path from the
multicast source to the querier.

7.24.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

Before configuring an MTrace test for the multicast path from the multicast source to the querier,
familiarize yourself with the applicable environment, complete the pre-configuration tasks, and
obtain the required data. This can help you complete the configuration task quickly and

Applicable Environment
To check the multicast path from the multicast source to the querier, you can perform the NQA
MTrace test.

During this test, actual multicast data flows are required in the network and the querier must
reside on the multicast distribution tree. This test can be used to trace the actual forwarding path
of packets.

This test provides the following functions:

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l It can be used in multicast troubleshooting and routine maintenance to locate the faulty
nodes and reduce configuration errors.
l It collects traffic through cyclic path tracing and calculates the multicast traffic rate.
l It outputs the test result containing the information about the faulty nodes, based on which
the NM Station can analyzes the fault and generates alarms.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring the MTrace test, you must enable the multicast function in the network.

Data Preparation
To configure the MTrace test, you need the following data.

No. Data

1 Name of the test instance

2 IP address of the multicast source

3 Multicast group address

4 VPN instance

7.24.2 Creating an NQA MTrace Test

This part describes how to configure an MTrace instance before performing the MTrace test for
the multicast path from the multicast source to the querier.

Do as follows on the router that functions as the NQA client:

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
nqa test-instance admin-name test-name

An NQA test instance is created and the test instance view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
test-type mtrace

The test type is set to MTrace.

Step 4 Run:

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Exit from the test instance view.


7.24.3 Configuring the NQA MTrace Test

This part describes how to set parameters for the MTrace test for the multicast path from the
multicast source to the querier.

Do as follows on the router with the NQA MTrace test instance being created:

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
nqa test-instance admin-name test-name

The test instance view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
mtrace-source-address ipv4 ip-address

The address of the multicast source is specified.

Step 4 Run:
mtrace-group-address ipv4 ip-address

The multicast group address is specified. Note that the address must be a common group address.
Step 5 (Optional)The VPN instance is specified.
vpn-instance vpn-instance-name

Step 6 Run:

Exit from the test instance view.


7.24.4 (Optional) Adjusting the Performance of the NQA MTrace

This part describes how to set optional MTrace test parameters according to the network
operating status.

Do as follows on the router with the MTrace test being configured:


The steps described in this procedure are all optional.

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Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
nqa test-instance admin-name test-name

The test instance view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
ttl number

The TTL value, that is, the maximum hops traced in max-hop mode is set for the IGMP Tracert-
Request packet.

Step 4 Run:
tracert-livetime first-ttl first-ttl max-ttl max-ttl

The maximum hops traced in hop-by-hop mode is set. first-ttl must be set to 1.

Step 5 Run:
mtrace-response-address ipv4 ip-address [ ttl value ]

The destination IP address and TTL of the IGMP Tracert-Response packet are set.

Step 6 Run:
timeout time

The timeout period for waiting for the IGMP Tracert-Response packet is set.

Step 7 Run:
probe-count number

The maximum number of times for the querier to initiate MTrace operations in the timeout
situations is set. The querier re-initiates an MTrace operation if receiving no IGMP Tracert
Response packet within the timeout period.

Step 8 Run:

Exit from the test instance view.


7.24.5 Starting the NQA MTrace Test

This part describes how to start the MTrace test instance to perform the MTrace test for the
multicast path from the multicast source to the querier.

Do as follows on the router that functions as the NQA client:


The start mode of the MTrace test is the same as that of other NQA tests. Here, take one mode as an example.

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Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
nqa test-instance admin-name test-name

The test instance view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
start now

The NQA MTrace test is started.

Step 4 Run:

Exit from the test instance view.


7.24.6 Checking the Configuration

After performing the MTrace test for the multicast path from the multicast source to the querier,
you can view the test result.

The configurations of the NQA MTrace Test function are complete.

NQA test results cannot be displayed automatically on a terminal. You must run the display nqa results
command to view test results. By the default, the command output contains the records about only the last
five tests.

l Run the display nqa-agent [ admin-name test-name ] [ verbose ] to view the status of the
test instance configured on the NQA client.
l Run the display nqa results [ test-instance admin-name test-name ] command to view the
test results on the NQA client.
l Run the display nqa history command to view the history of the NQA test.
l Run the display mtrace statistics command to view the statistics of the MTrace packets.

Run the display nqa-agent command. If information about the NQA test is displayed, it means
that the test is successful. For example:
<HUAWEI> display nqa-agent admin aa verbose

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nqa test-instance admin aa

test-type mtrace
mtrace-source-address ipv4
mtrace-group-address ipv4
nqa status : normal

7.25 Configuring the NQA MTrace Test to Check the RPF

Path from the Multicast Source to the Destination Host
This section describes how to configure an MTrace test to check the RPF path from the multicast
source to the destination host.

7.25.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

Before configuring an MTrace test for the RPF path from the multicast source to the destination
host, familiarize yourself with the applicable environment, complete the pre-configuration tasks,
and obtain the required data. This can help you complete the configuration task quickly and

Applicable Environment
To check the RPF path from the multicast source to the destination host, you can perform the
NQA MTrace test.
By performing this test, you can obtain the possible transmission path of multicast packets.
During the test, actual multicast data flows are not required.
The MTrace test can be used in multicast troubleshooting and routine maintenance to locate the
faulty nodes and reduce configuration errors.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring the MTrace test, you must enable the multicast function in the network.

Data Preparation
To configure the MTrace test, you need the following data.

No. Data

1 Name of the test instance

2 IP address of the multicast source

3 IP address of the destination host

4 (Optional)VPN instance

7.25.2 Creating an NQA MTrace Test

This part describes how to configure an MTrace instance before performing the MTrace test for
the RPF path from the multicast source to the destination host.

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Do as follows on the router that functions as the NQA client:

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
nqa test-instance admin-name test-name

An NQA test instance is created and the test instance view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
test-type mtrace

The test type is set to MTrace.

Step 4 Run:

Exit from the test instance view.


7.25.3 Configuring the NQA MTrace Test

This part describes how to set parameters for the MTrace test for the RPF path from the multicast
source to the destination host.

Do as follows on the router with the MTrace test instance being created:


The querier must meet either of the following conditions:

l Connected to the destination host
l Pinging through the destination host or the last-hop router

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
nqa test-instance admin-name test-name

The test instance view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
mtrace-source-address ipv4 ip-address

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The address of the multicast source is specified.

Step 4 Run:
destination-address ipv4 ip-address

The IP address of the destination host is configured.

Step 5 (Optional)The VPN instance is specified.

vpn-instance vpn-instance-name

Step 6 Run:

Exit from the NQA test instance view.


7.25.4 (Optional) Adjusting the Performance of the NQA MTrace

This part describes how to set optional MTrace test parameters according to the network
operating status.

Do as follows on the router with the MTrace test being configured:


The steps described in this procedure are all optional.

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
nqa test-instance admin-name test-name

The test instance view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
ttl number

The TTL value, that is, the maximum hops traced in max-hop mode is set for the IGMP Tracert-
Request packet.

Step 4 Run:
tracert-livetime first-ttl first-ttl max-ttl max-ttl

The maximum hops traced in hop-by-hop mode is set. first-ttl must be set to 1.

Step 5 Run:
mtrace-response-address ipv4 ip-address [ ttl value ]

The destination IP address and TTL of the IGMP Tracert-Response packet are set.

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Step 6 Run:
mtrace-query-type last-hop

The last-hop router is specified to initiate the MTrace query to the multicast source.

When multiple routers are connected to the specified host, RPF check query from different
routers may be different. Therefore, you can uniquely identify an RPF path by specifying the
last-hop router.

When running this command, you must specify the IP address of the last-hop router.

Step 7 Run:
mtrace-last-hop-address ipv4 ip-address

The IP address of the last-hop router is specified.

If non-Huawei devices are deployed in the multicast network, this step is mandatory.

Step 8 Run:
source-address ipv4 ip-address

The source IP address of the IGMP Tracert-Request packet is configured. The address must be
the address of the local interface.

If non-Huawei devices are deployed in the multicast network, this step is mandatory.

Step 9 Run:
timeout time

The timeout period for waiting for the IGMP Tracert-Response packet is set.

Step 10 Run:
probe-count number

The maximum number of times for the querier to initiate MTrace operations in the timeout
situations is set. The querier re-initiates an MTrace operation if receiving no IGMP Tracert-
Response packet within the timeout period.

Step 11 Run:

Exit from the test instance view.


7.25.5 Starting the NQA MTrace Test

This part describes how to start the MTrace test instance to perform the MTrace test for the RPF
path from the multicast source to the destination host.

Do as follows on the router that functions as the NQA client:


The start mode of the MTrace test is the same as that of other NQA tests. Here, take one mode as an example.

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Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
nqa test-instance admin-name test-name

The test instance view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
start now

The NQA MTrace test is started.

Step 4 Run:

Exit from the test instance view.


7.25.6 Setting Policies for Filtering Queriers

You can set policies to filter queriers only on the last-hop that receives the unicast IGMP Tracert
Query packet.

Do as follows on the router connected to the host:


The settings in this step take effect only on the last-hop router that receives the unicast IGMP Tracert-
Request packet.

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
mtrace query-policy [ basic-acl-number ]

The policy for filtering queriers is configured.

basic-acl-number defines the address range for reliable queriers. Based on the specified ACL,
the last-hop router rejects the IGMP Tracert-Request packets sent by unauthorized queriers.


l This command takes effect only on the last hop router, and the querier is not the last hop router.
l This command filers only the IGMP-Tracert-Query packets encapsulated in unicast IP packets.
l This command is not applicable to the tracking initiated from the querier.


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7.25.7 Checking the Configuration

After performing the MTrace test for the RPF path from the multicast source to the destination
host, you can view the test result.

The configurations of the NQA MTrace Test function are complete.

NQA test results cannot be displayed automatically on a terminal. You must run the display nqa results
command to view test results. By the default, the command output contains the records about only the last
five tests.

l Run the display nqa-agent [ admin-name test-name ] [ verbose ] to view the status of the
test instance configured on the NQA client.
l Run the display nqa results [ test-instance admin-name test-name ] command to view the
test results on the NQA client.
l Run the display nqa history command to view the history of the NQA test.
l Run the display mtrace statistics command to view the statistics of the MTrace packets.

Run the display nqa-agent command. If information about the NQA test is displayed, it means
that the test is successful. For example:
<HUAWEI> display nqa-agent admin aa verbose
nqa test-instance admin aa
test-type mtrace
destination-address ipv4
mtrace-source-address ipv4
mtrace-group-address ipv4
nqa status : normal

7.26 Configuring the NQA MTrace Test to Check the

Multicast Path from the Multicast Source to the Destination
This section describes how to configure an MTrace test to check the multicast path from the
multicast source to the destination host.

7.26.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

Before configuring an MTrace test for the multicast path from the multicast source to the
destination host, familiarize yourself with the applicable environment, complete the pre-
configuration tasks, and obtain the required data. This can help you complete the configuration
task quickly and accurately.

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Applicable Environment
To check the multicast path from the multicast source to the destination host, you can perform
the NQA MTrace test.

During this test, actual multicast data flows are required in the network and the destination host
must be receiving these data flows. This test can be used to trace the actual forwarding path of

This test provides the following functions:

l It can be used in multicast troubleshooting and routine maintenance to locate the faulty
nodes and reduce configuration errors.
l It collects traffic through cyclic path tracing and calculates the multicast traffic rate.
l It outputs the test result containing the information about the faulty nodes, based on which
the NM Station can analyzes the fault and generates alarms.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring the MTrace test, you must enable the multicast function in the network.

Data Preparation
To configure the MTrace test, you need the following data.

No. Data

1 Name of the test instance

2 IP address of the multicast source

3 Multicast group address

4 IP address of the destination host

5 (Optional)VPN instance

7.26.2 Creating an NQA MTrace Test

This part describes how to configure an MTrace instance before performing the MTrace test for
the multicast path from the multicast source to the destination host.

Do as follows on the router that functions as the NQA client:

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

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Step 2 Run:
nqa test-instance admin-name test-name

An NQA test instance is created and the test instance view is displayed.
Step 3 Run:
test-type mtrace

The test type is set to MTrace.

Step 4 Run:

Exit from the test instance view.


7.26.3 Configuring Parameters for the NQA MTrace Test

This part describes how to set parameters for the MTrace test for the multicast path from the
multicast source to the destination host.

Do as follows on the router with the MTrace test instance being created:


The querier must meet one of the following conditions:

l Connected to the destination host.
l Pinging through the destination host or the last-hop router
l Residing on the multicast path from the multicast source to the destination host (For example, it can
be the first-hop router.)

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
nqa test-instance admin-name test-name

The test instance view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
mtrace-source-address ipv4 ip-address

The address of the multicast source is specified.

Step 4 Run:
mtrace-group-address ipv4 ip-address

The multicast group address is configured. The address must be a common group address.
Step 5 Run:
destination-address ipv4 ip-address

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The IP address of the destination host is configured.

Step 6 (Optional) Run:
vpn-instance vpn-instance-name

The VPN instance name is configured.

Step 7 Run:
mtrace-query-type { all-router | destination | last-hop | multicast-tree }

The MTrace query type is specified. Correctly specifying the query type based on the network
situations helps to promptly and accurately trace the path. If the query type is not specified, the
system uses multicast-tree, by default.
l all-router: applies to the scenario where the current router is linked to the destination host.
l destination: applies to the scenario where the unicast routes exist between the current
router and the destination host.
l last-hop: applies to the scenario where the address of the last-hop router is specified and
unicast routes exist between the current router and the last-hop router. When last-hop is used,
you must specify the IP address of the last-hop router.
l multicast-tree: applies to the scenario where the current router is on the multicast path from
the multicast source to the destination host.

If the mtrace command is run on a specified multicast VPN network, mtrace-query-type all-
router cannot be configured.

Step 8 (Optional) Run:

mtrace-last-hop-address ipv4 ip-address

The IP address of the last-hop router is specified.

Step 9 (Optional) Run:
source-address ipv4 ip-address

The source address of the IGMP-Tracert-Query packet, which must be the address of the local
interface, is configured. If multicast-tree is applied, this step is skipped.
Step 10 Run:

Exit from the NQA test instance view.


7.26.4 (Optional) Adjusting the Performance of the NQA MTrace

This part describes how to set optional MTrace test parameters according to the network
operating status.

Do as follows on the router with the MTrace test being configured:

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The steps described in this procedure are all optional.

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
nqa test-instance admin-name test-name

The test instance view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
ttl number

The TTL value, that is, the maximum hops traced in max-hop mode is set for the IGMP Tracert-
Request packet.
Step 4 Run:
tracert-livetime first-ttl first-ttl max-ttl max-ttl

The maximum hops traced in hop-by-hop mode is set. first-ttl must be set to 1.
Step 5 Run:
mtrace-last-hop-address ipv4 ip-address

The IP address of the last-hop router is specified.

Step 6 Run:
source-address ipv4 ip-address

The source IP address of the IGMP Tracert-Request packet is configured. The address must be
the address of the local interface. When the query type is set to multicast-tree, this step is not
Step 7 Run:
mtrace-response-address ipv4 ip-address [ ttl value ]

The destination IP address and TTL of the IGMP Tracert-Response packet are set.
Step 8 Run:
timeout time

The timeout period for waiting for the IGMP Tracert-Response packet is set.
Step 9 Run:
probe-count number

The maximum number of times for the querier to initiate MTrace operations in the timeout
situations is set. The querier re-initiates an MTrace operation if receiving no IGMP Tracert-
Response packet within the timeout period.
Step 10 Run:

Exit from the test instance view.


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7.26.5 Starting the NQA MTrace Test

This part describes how to start the MTrace test instance to perform the MTrace test for the
multicast path from the multicast source to the destination host.

Do as follows on the router that functions as the NQA client:


The start mode of the MTrace test is the same as that of other NQA tests. Here, take one mode as an example.

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
nqa test-instance admin-name test-name

The test instance view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
start now

The NQA MTrace test is started.

Step 4 Run:

Exit from the test instance view.


7.26.6 Setting Policies for Filtering Queriers

You can set policies to filter queriers only on the last-hop router that receives the unicast IGMP
Tracert Query packet.

Do as follows on the router connected to the host:


The settings in this step take effect only on the last-hop router that receives the unicast IGMP Tracert-
Request packet.

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

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Step 2 Run:
mtrace query-policy [ basic-acl-number ]

The policy for filtering queriers is configured.

basic-acl-number defines the address range for reliable queriers. Based on the specified ACL,
the last-hop router rejects the IGMP Tracert-Request packets sent by unauthorized queriers.


l This command takes effect only on the last hop router, and the querier is not the last hop router.
l This command filers only the IGMP-Tracert-Query packets encapsulated in unicast IP packets.
l This command is not applicable to the tracking initiated from the querier.


7.26.7 Checking the Configuration

After performing the MTrace test for the multicast path from the multicast source to the
destination host, you can view the test result.

The configurations of the NQA MTrace Test function are complete.

NQA test results cannot be displayed automatically on a terminal. You must run the display nqa results
command to view test results. By the default, the command output contains the records about only the last
five tests.

l Run the display nqa-agent [ admin-name test-name ] [ verbose ] to view the status of the
test instance configured on the NQA client.
l Run the display nqa results [ test-instance admin-name test-name ] command to view the
test results on the NQA client.
l Run the display nqa history command to view the history of the NQA test.
l Run the display mtrace statistics command to view the statistics of the MTrace packets.


Run the display nqa-agent command. If information about the NQA test is displayed, it means
that the test is successful. For example:
<HUAWEI> display nqa-agent admin aa verbose
nqa test-instance admin aa
test-type mtrace
destination-address ipv4
mtrace-last-hop-address ipv4
mtrace-source-address ipv4
mtrace-group-address ipv4
nqa status : normal

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7.27 Configuring the PWE3 Ping Test to Check the One-Hop

This section describes how to configure a PWE3 ping test to check the connectivity of a single-
hop pseudo-wire (PW).

7.27.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

Before configuring a PWE3 ping test for a single-hop PW, familiarize yourself with the
applicable environment, complete the pre-configuration tasks, and obtain the required data. This
can help you complete the configuration task quickly and accurately.

Applicable Environment
To check the connectivity of the one-hop pseudo wire (PW) using LDP as the signaling protocol,
you can perform the PWE3 Ping test on the one-hop PW.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring the PWE3 Ping test on a one-hop PW, you must correctly configure the
dynamic one-hop PW.

Data Preparation
To configure the PWE3 Ping test on a one-hop PW, you need the following data.

No. Data

1 ID of the PW

2 Type of the PW

3 Type and number of the interface connected with the CE

4 Destination IP address and ID of the L2VC

5 (Optional) Response mode of the Echo-Request packets, LSP EXP, maximum hops,
number of probes, TTL value, and timeout period of the packets

6 Start mode and end mode of the test

7.27.2 Configuring Parameters for the PWE3 Ping Test on a One-

Hop PW
This part describes how to set PWE3 ping test parameters for a single-hop PW.

Do as follows on the NQA client:

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Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
nqa test-instance admin-name test-name

An NQA test instance is created and the test instance view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
test-type pwe3ping

The test type is set to PWE3 Ping.

Step 4 (Optional) Run:

vc-type ldp

The method of setting up a PW is configured.

Step 5 (Optional) Run:

local-pw-type { local-pw-type | ip-interworking }

The type of the local PW is configured. By default, the type is Ethernet.

Step 6 Run:
lsp-version { rfc4379 | draft6 }

A protocol is configured for the LSP test instance.

Step 7 (Optional) Run:

label-type { control-word | label-alert | normal }

The type of the PW label is configured.

Step 8 Run:
local-pw-id local-pw-id

The ID of the local end of the PW is configured.

Step 9 (Optional) Run the following commands to configure other parameters for the PWE3 Ping test:
l To configure the response mode of the Echo packet, run the lsp-replymode { no-reply |
udp | udp-via-vpls | udp-router-alert | level-control-channel } command.
l To configure the LSP EXP value, run the lsp-exp exp command.

Step 10 Run:

The NQA test is started.

Select the start mode as required because the startcommand has several forms.

l To perform the NQA test immediately, run the start now [ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ]
hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } | lifetime { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } ]
The test instance is started immediately.

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l To perform the NQA test at the specified time, run the start at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss
[ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } | lifetime
{ seconds second | hh:mm:ss } ] command.
The test instance is started at a specified time.
l To perform the NQA test after a certain delay period, run the start delay { seconds second
| hh:mm:ss } [ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } |
lifetime { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } ] command.
The test instance is started after a certain delay.


7.27.3 Checking the Configuration

After performing the PWE3 ping test for a single-hop PW, you can view the test result.

The configurations of the PWE3 Ping Test function are complete.

NQA test results cannot be displayed automatically on a terminal. You must run the display nqa results
command to view test results. By the default, the command output contains the records about only the last
five tests.

Step 1 Run the display nqa results command to view the test results on the NQA client.


Run the display nqa results command. If the test is successful, the following is displayed.

l Statistics about errors

– Number of unroutable connections
– Number of wrong sequence numbers
– Timeout times of the test packets
l History statistics of each test packet
– Timestamp added when each test packet is sent
– Timestamp added when each test packet is received
– Packets status displayed on the NQA client
l Statistics of results of each test
– Number of successful tests
– Sum of the response time of all tests
– RTT square sum
– Minimum RTT and maximum RTT of the packet

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– Destination IP address and the type of the destination IP address

– Number of the Echo packets and the sent packets
– Time when the last packet is received
<HUAWEI> display nqa results
NQA entry(admin, pwe3ping) :testflag is inactive ,testtype is pwe3ping
1 . Test 1 result The test is finished
Send operation times: 3 Receive response times: 3
Completion:success RTD OverThresholds number: 0
Attempts number:1 Drop operation number:0
Disconnect operation number:0 Operation timeout number:0
System busy operation number:0 Connection fail number:0
Operation sequence errors number:0 RTT Stats errors number:0
Destination ip address:
Min/Max/Average Completion Time: 6/6/6
Sum/Square-Sum Completion Time: 18/108
Last Good Probe Time: 2009-2-27 9:0:42.3
Lost packet ratio: 0 %

7.28 Configuring the PWE3 Ping Test to Check the Multi-

Hop PW
This section describes how to configure a PWE3 ping test to check the connectivity of a multi-
hop PW.

7.28.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

Before configuring a PWE3 ping test for a multi-hop PW, familiarize yourself with the applicable
environment, complete the pre-configuration tasks, and obtain the required data. This can help
you complete the configuration task quickly and accurately.

Applicable Environment
To check the connectivity of the multi-hop PW using LDP as the signaling protocol, you can
perform the PWE3 Ping test on the multi-hop PW.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring the PWE3 Ping test on a multi-hop PW, you must correctly configure the
dynamic multi-hop PW or the static multi-hop PW.

Data Preparation
To configure the PWE3 Ping test on a multi-hop PW, you need the following data.

No. Data

1 ID of the local end of the PW

2 ID or IP address of the remote end of the PW

3 Type of the PW

4 (Optional) Response mode of the Echo packets, LSP EXP, maximum hops, number
of probes, TTL value, and timeout period of the packets

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No. Data

5 Type and number of the interface connected with the CE

6 Start mode and end mode of the test

7.28.2 Configuring Parameters for the PWE3 Ping Test on a Multi-

Hop PW
This part describes how to set PWE3 ping test parameters for a multi-hop PW.

Do as follows on the NQA client:

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
nqa test-instance admin-name test-name

An NQA test instance is created and the test instance view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
test-type pwe3ping

The test type is set to PWE3 Ping.

Step 4 (Optional) Run:

vc-type ldp

The method of setting up a PW is configured.

Step 5 (Optional) Run:

local-pw-type { local-pw-type | ip-interworking }

The type of the local PW is configured. By default, the type is Ethernet.

Step 6 Run:
lsp-version { rfc4379 | draft6 }

A protocol is configured for the LSP test instance.

Step 7 (Optional) Run:

label-type { control-word | { { label-alert | normal } [ no-control-word ] } }

The type of the PW label is configured.

Issue 03 (2012-06-08) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 523

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l If the label-type is control-word:

1. Run:
destination-address ipv4 ip-address { lsp-masklen mask-length | lsp-
loopback loopback-address }*
The destination IP address is configured for the PWE3 ping test.
2. Run:
remote-pw-id remote-pw-id
The remote PW ID is configured.
l If the label-type is label-alert, the destination IP address for the PWE3 ping testis configured using the
destination-address ipv4 ip-address { lsp-masklen mask-length | lsp-loopback loopback-address }
* command.
l If the label-type is normal:
1. Run:
destination-address ipv4 ip-address { lsp-masklen mask-length | lsp-
loopback loopback-address }*
The destination IP address is configured for the PWE3 ping test.
2. Run:
remote-pw-id remote-pw-id
The remote PW ID is configured.

Step 8 Run:
local-pw-id local-pw-id

The ID of the local end of the PW is configured.

Step 9 (Optional) Run the following commands to configure other parameters for the PWE3 Ping test.
l To configure the response mode of the Echo packet, run the lsp-replymode { no-reply |
udp | udp-via-vpls | udp-router-alert | level-control-channel } command.
l To configure the LSP EXP value, run the lsp-exp exp command.
Step 10 Run:

The NQA test is started.

Select the start mode as required because the startcommand has several forms.
l To perform the NQA test immediately, run the start now [ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ]
hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } | lifetime { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } ]
The test instance is started immediately.
l To perform the NQA test at the specified time, run the start at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss
[ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } | lifetime
{ seconds second | hh:mm:ss } ] command.
The test instance is started at a specified time.
l To perform the NQA test after a certain delay period, run the start delay { seconds second
| hh:mm:ss } [ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } |
lifetime { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } ] command.
The test instance is started after a certain delay.


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7.28.3 Checking the Configuration

After performing the PWE3 ping test for a multi-hop PW, you can view the test result.

The configurations of the PWE3 Ping Test function are complete.

NQA test results cannot be displayed automatically on a terminal. You must run the display nqa results
command to view test results. By the default, the command output contains the records about only the last
five tests.

Step 1 Run the display nqa results command to view the test results on the NQA client.


Run the display nqa results command. If the test is successful, the following is displayed.
l Statistics about errors
– Number of unroutable connections
– Number of wrong sequence numbers
– Timeout times of the test packets
l History statistics of each test packet
– Timestamp added when each test packet is sent
– Timestamp added when each test packet is received
– Packets status displayed on the NQA client
l Statistics of results of each test
– Number of successful tests
– Sum of the response time of all tests
– RTT square sum
– Minimum RTT and maximum RTT of the packet
– Destination IP address and the type of the destination IP address
– Number of the Echo packets and the sent packets
– Time when the last packet is received
<HUAWEI> display nqa results
NQA entry(admin, pwe3ping) :testflag is inactive ,testtype is pwe3ping
1 . Test 1 result The test is finished
Send operation times: 3 Receive response times: 3
Completion:success RTD OverThresholds number: 0
Attempts number:1 Drop operation number:0
Disconnect operation number:0 Operation timeout number:0
System busy operation number:0 Connection fail number:0
Operation sequence errors number:0 RTT Stats errors number:0
Destination ip address:

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Min/Max/Average Completion Time: 4/6/5

Sum/Square-Sum Completion Time: 16/88
Last Good Probe Time: 2009-2-28 11:2:46.8
Lost packet ratio: 0 %

7.29 Configuring the PWE3 Trace Test to Check the One-

Hop PW
This section describes how to configure a PWE3 trace test to check the communications between
devices along a PW.

7.29.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

Before configuring a PWE3 trace test for a single-hop PW, familiarize yourself with the
applicable environment, complete the pre-configuration tasks, and obtain the required data. This
can help you complete the configuration task quickly and accurately.

Applicable Environment
To trace a one-hop PW using LDP as the signaling protocol, you can perform the PWE3 Trace
test on the one-hop PW.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring the PWE3 Trace test on a one-hop PW, you must correctly configure the
dynamic one-hop PW.

Data Preparation
To configure the PWE3 Trace test on a one-hop PW, you need the following data.

No. Data

1 ID of the PW

2 Type of the PW

3 Type and number of the interface connected with the CE

4 Destination IP address and ID of the L2VC

5 (Optional) Response mode of the Echo packets, LSP EXP, maximum hops, number
of probes, TTL value, and timeout period of the packets

6 Start mode and end mode of the test

7.29.2 Configuring Parameters for the PWE3 Trace Test on a One-

Hop PW
This part describes how to set PWE3 trace test parameters for a single-hop PW.

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Do as follows on the NQA client:

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
nqa test-instance admin-name test-name

An NQA test instance is created and the test instance view is displayed.
Step 3 Run:
test-type pwe3trace

The test type is set to PWE3 Trace.

Step 4 (Optional) Run:
vc-type ldp

The method of setting up a PW is configured.

Step 5 (Optional) Run:
local-pw-type { local-pw-type | ip-interworking }

The type of the local PW is configured. By default, the type is Ethernet.

Step 6 Run:
lsp-version { rfc4379 | draft6 }

A protocol is configured for the LSP test instance.

Step 7 (Optional) Run:
label-type { control-word | label-alert | normal }

The type of the PW label is configured.

Step 8 Run:
local-pw-id local-pw-id

The ID of the local end of the PW is configured.

Step 9 (Optional) Run the following commands to configure other parameters for the PWE3 Trace test:
l To configure the response mode of the Echo packet, run the lsp-replymode { no-reply |
udp | udp-via-vpls | udp-router-alert | level-control-channel } command.
l To configure the LSP EXP value, run the lsp-exp exp command.
l To configure maximum hops of the PWE3 Trace test, run the tracert-hopfailtimes
l To configure the initial TTL value and maximum TTL value of the packet, run the tracert-
livetime first-ttl first-ttl max-ttl max-ttl command.
Step 10 Run:

The NQA test is started.

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Select the start mode as required because the startcommand has several forms.
l To perform the NQA test immediately, run the start now [ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ]
hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } | lifetime { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } ]
The test instance is started immediately.
l To perform the NQA test at the specified time, run the start at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss
[ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } | lifetime
{ seconds second | hh:mm:ss } ] command.
The test instance is started at a specified time.
l To perform the NQA test after a certain delay period, run the start delay { seconds second
| hh:mm:ss } [ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } |
lifetime { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } ] command.
The test instance is started after a certain delay.


7.29.3 Checking the Configuration

After performing the PWE3 trace test for a single-hop PW, you can view the test result.

The configurations of the PWE3 Trace Test function are complete.

NQA test results cannot be displayed automatically on a terminal. You must run the display nqa results
command to view test results. By the default, the command output contains the records about only the last
five tests.

Step 1 Run the display nqa results command to view the test results on the NQA client.


Run the display nqa results command. If the PWE3 Trace test on the one-hop PW is successful,
the following information is displayed.
l Statistics about errors
– Number of unroutable connections
– Number of wrong sequence numbers
– Timeout times of the test packets
l History statistics of each test packet
– Timestamp added when each test packet is sent
– Timestamp added when each test packet is received
– Packets status displayed on the NQA client

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l Statistics of results of each test

– Number of successful tests
– Sum of the response time of all tests
– RTT square sum
– Minimum RTT and maximum RTT of the packet
– Destination IP address and the type of the destination IP address
– Number of the Echo packets and the sent packets
– Time when the last packet is received
<HUAWEI> display nqa results
NQA entry(test, pwe3trace) :testflag is inactive ,testtype is pwe3trace
1 . Test 1 result The test is finished
Completion:success Attempts number:1
Disconnect operation number:0 Operation timeout number:0
System busy operation number:0 Connection fail number:0
Operation sequence errors number:0 RTT Stats errors number:0
Drop operation number:0
Last good path Time:2009-2-28 0:42:37.5
1 . Hop 1
Send operation times: 3 Receive response times: 3
Min/Max/Average Completion Time: 8/10/9
Sum/Square-Sum Completion Time: 28/264
RTD OverThresholds number: 0
Last Good Probe Time: 2009-2-28 0:42:37.5
Destination ip address:
Lost packet ratio: 0 %

7.30 Configuring the PWE3 Trace Test to Check the Multi-

Hop PW
This section describes how to configure a PWE3 trace test to check the communications between
devices on a PW.

7.30.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

Before configuring a PWE3 trace test for a multi-hop PW, familiarize yourself with the
applicable environment, complete the pre-configuration tasks, and obtain the required data. This
can help you complete the configuration task quickly and accurately.

Applicable Environment
To trace the multi-hop PW using LDP as the signaling protocol, you can perform the PWE3
Trace test on the multi-hop PW.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring the PWE3 Trace test on a multi-hop PW, you must correctly configure the
dynamic multi-hop PW or the static multi-hop PW.

Data Preparation
To configure the PWE3 Trace test on a multi-hop PW, you need the following data.

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Configuration Guide - System Management 7 NQA Configuration

No. Data

1 ID of the local end of the PW

2 ID or IP address of the remote end of the PW

3 Type of the PW

4 (Optional) Response mode of the Echo packets, LSP EXP, maximum hops, number
of probes, TTL value, and timeout period of the packets

5 Type and number of the interface connected with the CE

6 Start mode and end mode of the test

7.30.2 Configuring Parameters for the PWE3 Trace Test on a Multi-

Hop PW
This part describes how to set a PWE3 trace test parameters for a multi-hop PW.

Do as follows on the NQA client:

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
nqa test-instance admin-name test-name

An NQA test instance is created and the test instance view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
test-type pwe3trace

The test type is set to PWE3 Trace.

Step 4 (Optional) Run:

vc-type ldp

The method of setting up a PW is configured.

Step 5 (Optional) Run:

local-pw-type { local-pw-type | ip-interworking }

The type of the local PW is configured. By default, the type is Ethernet.

Step 6 Run:
lsp-version { rfc4379 | draft6 }

A protocol is configured for the LSP test instance.

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Step 7 (Optional) Run:

label-type { control-word | label-alert | normal}

The type of the PW label is configured.


l When label-type is set to control-word, run the remote-pw-id remote-pw-id command to configure
the ID of the remote end of the PW.
l When label-type is set to label-alert, run the destination-address ipv4 ip-address { lsp-masklen
mask-length | lsp-loopback loopback-address }* command to configure the destination IP address of
the PWE3 Trace test.
l When label-type is set to normal, run the destination-address ipv4 ip-address { lsp-masklen mask-
length | lsp-loopback loopback-address }* command to configure the destination IP address of the
PWE3 Trace test.

Step 8 Run:
local-pw-id local-pw-id

The ID of the local end of the PW is configured.

Step 9 (Optional) Run the following commands to configure other parameters for the PWE3 Trace test:
l To configure the response mode of the Echo packet, run the lsp-replymode { no-reply |
udp | udp-via-vpls | udp-router-alert | level-control-channel } command.
l To configure the LSP EXP value, run the lsp-exp exp command.
l To configure maximum hops of the PWE3 Trace test, run the tracert-hopfailtimes
l To configure the initial TTL value and maximum TTL value of the packet, run the tracert-
livetime first-ttl first-ttl max-ttl max-ttl command.
Step 10 Run:

The NQA test is started.

Select the start mode as required because the start command has several forms.
l To perform the NQA test immediately, run the start now [ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ]
hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } | lifetime { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } ]
The test instance is started immediately.
l To perform the NQA test at the specified time, run the start at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss
[ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } | lifetime
{ seconds second | hh:mm:ss } ] command.
The test instance is started at a specified time.
l To perform the NQA test after a certain delay period, run the start delay { seconds second
| hh:mm:ss } [ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } |
lifetime { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } ] command.
The test instance is started after a certain delay.


7.30.3 Checking the Configuration

After performing the PWE3 trace test for a multi-hop PW, you can view the test result.

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The configurations of the PWE3 Trace Test function are complete.

NQA test results cannot be displayed automatically on a terminal. You must run the display nqa results
command to view test results. By the default, the command output contains the records about only the last
five tests.

Step 1 Run the display nqa results [ test-instance admin-name test-name ] command to view the test
results on the NQA client.


Run the display nqa results command. If the PWE3 Trace test on the multi-hop PW is
successful, the following information is displayed.
l Statistics about errors
– Number of unroutable connections
– Number of wrong sequence numbers
– Timeout times of the test packets
l History statistics of each test packet
– Timestamp added when each test packet is sent
– Timestamp added when each test packet is received
– Packets status displayed on the NQA client
l Statistics of results of each test
– Number of successful tests
– Sum of the response time of all tests
– RTT square sum
– Minimum RTT and maximum RTT of the packet
– Destination IP address and the type of the destination IP address
– Number of the Echo packets and the sent packets
– Time when the last packet is received
<HUAWEI> display nqa results
NQA entry(admin, pwe3trace) :testflag is inactive ,testtype is pwe3trace
1 . Test 1 result The test is finished
Completion:success Attempts number:1
Disconnect operation number:0 Operation timeout number:0
System busy operation number:0 Connection fail number:0
Operation sequence errors number:0 RTT Stats errors number:0
Drop operation number:0
Last good path Time:2009-2-28 10:58:35.5
1 . Hop 1
Send operation times: 3 Receive response times: 3
Min/Max/Average Completion Time: 4/10/7
Sum/Square-Sum Completion Time: 23/197
RTD OverThresholds number: 0

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Last Good Probe Time: 2009-2-28 10:58:35.4

Destination ip address:
Lost packet ratio: 0 %
2 . Hop 2
Send operation times: 3 Receive response times: 3
Min/Max/Average Completion Time: 7/9/8
Sum/Square-Sum Completion Time: 24/194
RTD OverThresholds number: 0
Last Good Probe Time: 2009-2-28 10:58:35.5
Destination ip address:
Lost packet ratio: 0 %

7.31 Configuring the VC Trace Test to Check the Inter-AS

Multi-Hop Kompella VLL
This section describes how to configure a Virtual Circuit (VC) trace test for the inter-AS multi-
hop Kompella Virtual Leased Line (VLL) to check the connectivity of the PW.

7.31.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

Before configuring a VC trace test for the inter-AS multi-hop Kompella VLL, familiarize
yourself with the applicable environment, complete the pre-configuration tasks, and obtain the
required data. This can help you complete the configuration task quickly and accurately.

Applicable Environment
To trace the Virtual Circuit (VC) of the inter-AS multi-hop Kompella Virtual Leased Line (VLL),
you can perform the VC Trace test on the inter-AS multi-hop Kompella VLL.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring the VC Trace test on an inter-AS multi-hop Kompella VLL, you must
correctly configure the Kompella VLL.

Data Preparation
To configure the VC Trace test on an inter-AS multi-hop Kompella VLL, you need the following

No. Data

1 Name of the VPN instance and the router Distinguisher (RD)

2 VPN target

3 IP address of the interface that connects the CE to the PE

4 AS number of the PE

5 IP addresses of the interfaces that connect Autonomous System Boundary Routers


6 Routing policy applied on the ASBR PEs

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No. Data

7 (Optional) Response mode of the Echo packets, LSP EXP, maximum hops, number
of probes, TTL values, and timeout period of the packets

8 Start mode and end mode of the test

7.31.2 Configuring the VC Trace Test on an Inter-AS Multi-Hop

Kompella VLL
This part describes how to set parameters for the VC trace test for the inter-AS multi-hop
Kompella VLL.

Do as follows on the NQA client:

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
nqa test-instance admin-name test-name

An NQA test instance is created and the test instance view is displayed.
Step 3 Run:
test-type pwe3trace

The test type is set to VC Trace.

Step 4 Run:
vc-type bgp

The method of setting up the VC is configured.

Step 5 Run:
local-pw-id local-pw-id

The ID of the local CE is configured.

Step 6 Run:
remote-pw-id remote-pw-id

The ID of the remote CE is configured.

Step 7 Run:
vpn-instance vpn-instance-name

The vpn-instance is configured.

Step 8 (Optional) Run the following commands to configure other parameters for the VC Trace test:

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l To configure the response mode of the Echo packet, run the lsp-replymode { no-reply |
udp | udp-via-vpls | udp-router-alert | level-control-channel } command.
l To configure the LSP EXP value, run the lsp-exp exp command.
l To configure maximum hops of the VC Trace test, run the tracert-hopfailtimes command.
l To configure the initial TTL value and maximum TTL value of the packet, run the tracert-
livetime first-ttl first-ttl max-ttl max-ttl command.

Step 9 Run:

The NQA test is started.

Select the start mode as required because the start command has several forms.

l To perform the NQA test immediately, run the start now [ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ]
hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } | lifetime { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ]
The test instance is started immediately.
l To perform the NQA test at the specified time, run the start at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss
[ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } | lifetime
{ seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ] command.
The test instance is started at a specified time.
l To perform the NQA test after a certain delay period, run the start delay { seconds second
| hh:mm:ss } [ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } |
lifetime { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ] command.
The test instance is started after a certain delay.


7.31.3 Checking the Configuration

After performing the VC trace test for the inter-AS multi-hop Kompella VLL, you can view the
test result.

The configurations of the VC Trace Test function are complete.

NQA test results cannot be displayed automatically on a terminal. You must run the display nqa results
command to view test results. By the default, the command output contains the records about only the last
five tests.

Step 1 Run the display nqa results [ test-instance admin-name test-name ] command to view the test
results on the NQA client.


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Run the display nqa results command. If the VC Trace test on the inter-AS multi-hop Kompella
VLL is successful, the following information is displayed.

l Statistics about errors

– Number of unroutable connections
– Number of wrong sequence numbers
– Timeout times of the test packets
l History statistics of each test packet
– Timestamp added when each test packet is sent
– Timestamp added when each test packet is received
– Packets status displayed on the NQA client
l Statistics of results of each test
– Number of successful tests
– Sum of the response time of all tests
– RTT square sum
– Minimum RTT and maximum RTT of the packet
– Destination IP address and the type of the destination IP address
– Number of the Echo packets and the sent packets
– Time when the last packet is received
<HUAWEI> display nqa results
NQA entry(test, pwe3trace) :testflag is inactive ,testtype is pwe3trace
1 . Test 1 result The test is finished
Completion:success Attempts number:1
Disconnect operation number:0 Operation timeout number:0
System busy operation number:0 Connection fail number:0
Operation sequence errors number:0 RTT Stats errors number:0
Drop operation number:0
Last good path Time:2009-3-2 9:26:57.0
1 . Hop 1
Send operation times: 3 Receive response times: 3
Min/Max/Average Completion Time: 4/12/8
Sum/Square-Sum Completion Time: 25/241
RTD OverThresholds number: 0
Last Good Probe Time: 2009-3-2 9:26:56.9
Destination ip address:
Lost packet ratio: 0 %
2 . Hop 2
Send operation times: 3 Receive response times: 3
Min/Max/Average Completion Time: 10/37/20
Sum/Square-Sum Completion Time: 60/1638
RTD OverThresholds number: 0
Last Good Probe Time: 2009-3-2 9:26:57.0
Destination ip address:
Lost packet ratio: 0 %

7.32 Configuring Universal NQA Test Parameters

This section describes how to set and use universal parameters for NQA test instances.

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HUAWEI NetEngine80E/40E Router
Configuration Guide - System Management 7 NQA Configuration

7.32.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

Before setting universal parameters for NQA test instances, familiarize yourself with the
applicable environment, complete the pre-configuration tasks, and obtain the required data. This
can help you complete the configuration task quickly and accurately.

Applicable Environment
NQA supports not only the configuration of the parameters for various types of tests, but also
the configuration of universal options of a test group.

Commonly, the default configurations of the universal parameters are adopted.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring universal NQA parameters, create NQA tests correctly.

7.32.2 Configuring Universal Parameters for the NQA Test Instance

This part describes the application of each parameter in the NQA test instance.

Perform the following steps on the NQA client.

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
nqa test-instance admin-name test-name

The NQA test instance view is displayed.

Step 3 Configure global parameters for the test instance as required.

l Run:
agetime hh:mm:ss

The aging time is set for the NQA test instance.

l Run:
alarm entry-number { lost-packet-ratio | jitter-average | jitter-ds-average |
jitter-sd-average | packet-loss-ds | packet-loss-sd | rtt-average } { absolute
| delta } { falling-threshold threshold-value1 event-entry1 | rising-threshold
threshold-value2 event-entry2 } * [ description ]

Configuration NQA alarms for the NQA test instance.

This parameter cannot be configured for Path mtu, Mping, Mtrace test instances.
l Run:
datafill fillstring

The fill string is set for the NQA test instance.

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This parameter cannot be configured for SNMP, TCP, FTP, Path MTU, DHCP, HTTP, LSPTrace,
DNS, PWE3 Trace, and MTrace test instances. In the case that the icmp-jitter-type of the ICMPJitter
or Path Jitter test instanceis is icmp-echo, this parameter can be configured for ICMPJitter and Path
l Run:
datasize size

The packet size is set for the NQA test instance.


This parameter cannot be configured for SNMP, TCP, FTP, ICMP Jitter, LSP Trace, Path Jitter, Path
MTU, DHCP, HTTP, DNS, PWE3 Trace, and MTrace test instances.
l Run:
description string

The description is configured for the NQA test instance.

l Run:
destination-address ipv4 ip-address

The destination IP address is set for the NQA test instance.

This parameter cannot be configured for DNS and DHCP test instances. In the case that the label-type
of PWE3 Ping or PWE3 Trace is normal or label-alert, this parameter can be configured for PWE3
Ping and PWE3 Trace.
l Run:
destination-address url urlstring

The destination URL address is set for the NQA test instance.
The destination URL address can be configured for DNS and HTTP test instances.
l Run:
destination-port port-number

The destination port number is set for the NQA test instance.
The destination port number can be configured only for UDP, Jitter, TCP, Trace, FTP, and HTTP test
l Run:
dns-server ipv4 ip-address

The DNS server address is configured for the NQA test instance.
The DNS server address can be configured only for DNS and HTTP test instances.
l Run:
fail-percent percent

The failure percentage is set for the NQA test instance.


This parameter cannot be configured for Trace, FTP, DNS, LSP Trace, Path MTU, PWE3 Trace,
MPing, and MTrace test instances.
l Run:
frequency interval

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The test period is set for the NQA test instance.

l Run:
ftp-filename file-name

The file name and file path are configured for the FTP test instance.
The file name and file path can be configured only for the FTP test instance.
l Run:
ftp-filesize size

The size of the file is set for the FTP test instance.
The size of the file can be configured only for the FTP test instance.
l Run:
ftp-operation { get | put }

The operation type is configured for the FTP test instance.

The operation type can be configured only for the FTP test instance.
l Run:
ftp-password { password | cipher cipher-password }

The user password is set for the FTP test instance.

The user password can be configured only for the FTP test instance.
l Run:
ftp-username name

The user name is set for the FTP test instance.

The user name can be configured only for the FTP test instance.
l Run:
The test type is set for the HTTP test instance.
The operation type can be configured only for the HTTP test instance.
l Run:
http-url deststring [ verstring ]

The relative file path and version are configured for the HTTP test instance.
The relative file path and version can be configured only for the HTTP test instance.
l Run:
interval { milliseconds interval | seconds interval }

The interval for sending packets is set for the NQA test instance.

The interval for sending packets can be configured only for the ICMP, UDP, SNMP, Jitter, ICMP Jitter,
LSP Jitter, TCP, LSP Ping, PWE3 Ping, Path Jitter and MPing test instances.
l Run:
jitter-packetnum number

The number of test packets is set for the NQA test instance.

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The number of test packets can be configured only for all jitter type test instances ( Except
PathJitter ).
l Run:
local-pw-id local-pw-id

The PW ID or VC ID is set for the local device.

This parameter can be configured for the PWE3 Ping and PWE3 Trace test instances.
l Run:
local-pw-type local-pw-type

The PW type is set for the local device.

This parameter can be configured only for PWE3 Ping and PWE3 Trace test instances. If the signaling
protocol of the tunnel is BGP, this parameter is always ethernet for PWE3 Trace instances and cannot be
l Run:
lsp-exp exp

The LSP EXP value is set for the NQA test instance.
This parameter can be configured only for LSP Ping, LSP Trace, LSP Jitter, PWE3 Ping, and PWE3
Trace test instances.
l Run:
lsp-replymode { no-reply | udp | udp-via-vpls | udp-router-alert | level-control-
channel }

The reply mode of LSPs is configured for the NQA test instance.
This parameter can be configured only for LSP Ping, LSP Trace, LSP Jitter, PWE3 Ping, and PWE3
Trace test instances.
l Run:
lsp-tetunnel tunnel interface-number

The outgoing interface is configured for the NQA test instance.

This parameter can be configured only for LSP Ping, LSP Jitter and LSP Trace test instances.
l Run:
mtrace-source-address ipv4 ip-address

The multicast source address is configured for the NQA MTrace test instance.
This parameter can be configured only for MTrace test instances.
l Run:
mtrace-last-hop-address ipv4 ip-address

The last hop address is configured for the NQA test instance.
This parameter can be configured only for MTrace test instances.
l Run:
mtrace-group-address ipv4 ip-address

The multicast group address is configured for the MTrace test instance.

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Configuration Guide - System Management 7 NQA Configuration

This parameter can be configured only for MTrace test instances.
l Run:
mtrace-response-address ipv4 ip-address [ ttl value ]

The response address, namely, the destination address of the IGMP Tracert Response
message, is configured for the MTrace test instance.
This parameter can be configured only for MTrace test instances.
l Run:
mtrace-query-type { all-router | last-hop | destination | multicast-tree }

The query type, namely, the mode in which IGMP Tracert Response messages are sent, is
configured for the MTrace test instance.
This parameter can be configured only for MTrace test instances.
l Run:
probe-count number

The number of probes for one time is set.

This parameter cannot be configured for FTP and DNS test instances.
l Run:
probe-failtimes times

The number of permitted maximum probe failures, that is, the threshold to trigger the trap
message, is set for the NQA test instance.
This parameter cannot be configured for Path Jitter, Path MTU, MPing and MTrace test instances.
l Run:
records history number

The maximum number of history records is set for the NQA test instance.
This parameter cannot be configured for Path MTU, MPing,and MTrace test instances.
l Run:
records result number

The maximum number of result records is set for the NQA test instance.
l Run:
remote-pw-id remote-pw-id

The PW ID or VC ID is set for the remote device.

This parameter can be configured only for PWE3 Ping and PWE3 Trace test instances.
l Run:
sendpacket passroute

The NQA test is configured to send packets without searching for the routing table.

This parameter cannot be configured for DNS, DHCP, ICMP Jitter, Path Jitter, LSP Ping, LSP Trace,
LSP Jitter, Path MTU, PWE3 Ping, PWE3 Trace, MPing, and MTrace test instances.

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Configuration Guide - System Management 7 NQA Configuration

l Run:

Packet fragmentation is prohibited.

This function can be configured only for the Trace test instances.
l Run:
send-trap { all | { owd-ds | owd-sd | probefailure | rtd | testcomplete |
testfailure } * }

The condition for triggering the trap message is configured.


This parameter cannot be configured for Path MTU, Path Jitter MPing, and MTrace test instances.
l Run:
source-address ipv4 ip-address

The source IP address is set for the NQA test instance.


This parameter cannot be configured for DNS, DHCP, MPing, PWE3 Ping, and PWE3 Trace test
l Run:
source-interface interface-type interface-number

The source interface is configured for the NQA test instance.

The source interface can be configured for ICMP, MPing, DHCP and Path MTU test instances.
l Run:
source-port port-number

The source port number is set for the NQA test instance.

This parameter can be configured for UDP, SNMP, TCP, ICMP Jitter, Path Jitter, Path MTU, LSP
Jitter, FTP, and HTTP test instances.
l Run:
test-failtimes times

The trap threshold for continuous probe failures is set for the NQA test instance.
This parameter cannot be configured for Path Jitter, Path MTU, MPing, and MTrace test instances.
l Run:
timeout time

The timeout period is set for the NQA test instance.

l Run:
ttl number

The TTL value in the NQA test packet is set.


This parameter cannot be configured for DNS, Path MTU, DHCP, and PWE3 Ping test instances.
l Run:
tos value

Type of Service (TOS) is set for the test packet.

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Configuration Guide - System Management 7 NQA Configuration


This parameter cannot be configured for DNS, LSP Ping, LSP Trace, LSP Jitter, DHCP, Path MTU,
PWE3 Ping, PWE3 Trace, and MTrace test instances.
l Run:
tracert-hopfailtimes times

The hop fail times are set for the Trace test instance.

This parameter can be configured only for Trace, LSP Trace, Path Jitter and PWE3 Trace test instances.
l Run:
tracert-livetime first-ttl first-ttl max-ttl max-ttl

The lifetime is set for the Trace test instance.


This parameter can be configured only for Trace, LSP Trace, MTrace, Path Jitter and PWE3 Trace test
l Run:
vpn-instance vpn-instance-name

The VPN instance name is configured for the NQA test instance.

This parameter cannot be configured for DHCP, DNS, LSP Ping, LSP Trace, LSP Jitter, PWE3 Ping,
MPing, and MTrace test instances. When the signaling protocol of the VC is BGP, this parameter can
be configured for PWE3 Trace test instances.
l Run:
vc-type { ldp | bgp }

The signaling protocol type is configured for the L2VPN VC.

This parameter can be configured only for PWE3 Ping and PWE3 Trace test instances. In the case of
the PWE3 Ping test instance, this parameter can be configured only when the signaling protocol is


7.32.3 Checking the Configuration

After setting universal parameters for NQA test instances, you can view the test result.

The configurations of the Universal NQA Test Parameters function are complete.

Step 1 Run the display nqa-agent [admin-name test-name ] [ verbose ] to view the status of the test
instance configured on the NQA client.


<HUAWEI> display nqa-agent
NQA Tests Max:2000 NQA Tests Number: 2

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NQA Flow Max:1000 NQA Flow Remained:1000

nqa test-instance a a
test-type pwe3trace
local-pw-id 1
vc-type bgp
nqa status : normal
nqa test-instance a b
test-type icmpjitter
destination-address ipv4
source-address ipv4
hardware-based enable
ttl 100
tos 100
timeout 20
nqa status : normal

7.33 Configuring Round-Trip Delay Thresholds

This section describes how to set a round-trip delay transmission threshold in an NQA test

7.33.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

Before setting a round-trip transmission delay threshold, familiarize yourself with the applicable
environment, complete the pre-configuration tasks, and obtain the required data. This can help
you complete the configuration task quickly and accurately.

Applicable Environment
If the round-trip transmission delay threshold is configured for a NQA test instance, the NQA
test result will contain the statistics on the test packets that exceed the set threshold. This provides
the basis for the network manager to analyze the operation status of the specified service.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring the round-trip transmission delay threshold, complete the following tasks:

l Running the device normally

l Creating NQA test instances and configuring related parameters correctly

Data Preparation
To configure the round-trip transmission delay threshold, you need the following data.

No. Data

1 Administrator name and test name

2 Round-trip transmission delay threshold

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Configuration Guide - System Management 7 NQA Configuration

7.33.2 Configuring Round-Trip Delay Thresholds

This part describes how to set a round-trip transmission delay threshold. When the transmission
duration exceeds the threshold, a trap message is sent to the Network Management System

Do as follows on the router to perform the NQA test:

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
nqa test-instance admin-name test-name

An NQA test instance is created and the NQA instance view is displayed.
Step 3 Run:
test-type { dhcp | dns | ftp | http | icmp | jitter | lspjitter | lspping |
lsptrace | snmp | tcp | trace | udp | pathmtu | pwe3trace | pwe3ping | macping |
mactrace | icmpjitter | pathjitter | mping | mtrace | vplsping | vplstrace |
vplsmping | vplsmtrace | vplspwping | vplspwtrace | gmacping | gmactrace }

The test type is configured.

Step 4 Run:
destination-address ipv4 ip-address

The destination IP address is configured.

Step 5 (Optional)Run:
destination-port port-number

The destination port number is configured.

Step 6 Run:
threshold rtd rtd-value

The round-trip transmission delay threshold is configured.

Step 7 Run:
send-trap rtd

The trap function is enabled.


7.33.3 Checking the Configuration

After setting the round-trip transmission delay threshold, you can view the configuration.

The configurations of the Round-Trip Delay Thresholds Test function are complete.

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Step 1 Run the display nqa-agent [ admin-name test-name ] [ verbose ] to view the status of the test
instance configured on the NQA client.


Run the display nqa-agent verbose command. If the test is successful, the following is
displayed. For example:
<HUAWEI> display nqa-agent verbose
NQA Tests Max:2000 NQA Tests Number: 1
NQA Flow Max:1000 NQA Flow Remained:1000

nqa test-instance admin jitter

test-type jitter
destination-address ipv4
destination-port 80
threshold rtd 2000
send-trap rtd
nqa status : normal

7.34 Configuring Uni-directional Transmission Delay

This section describes how to set a one-way transmission delay threshold in an NQA test
instance. After a one-way transmission delay threshold is set in an NQA test instance, the test
result will contain the statistics on the test packets that exceed the set threshold. This provides
the basis for the network manager to analyze the operating status of the specified service on the

7.34.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

Before setting a one-way transmission delay threshold, familiarize yourself with the applicable
environment, complete the pre-configuration tasks, and obtain the required data. This can help
you complete the configuration task quickly and accurately.

Applicable Environment
In all jitter type tests ( except PathJiiter and LSPJiiter ), after the uni-directional transmission
delay threshold is configured, the test results contain statistics on the test packets that exceed
the set threshold. This provides the basis for the network manager to analyze the operation status
of the specified service.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring the uni-directional transmission delay threshold, complete the following

l Running the device normally

l Creating NQA tests and configuring related parameters correctly

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Data Preparation
To configure the uni-directional transmission delay threshold, you need the following data.

No. Data

1 Administrator name and test name

2 Uni-directional transmission delay threshold

7.34.2 Configuring Uni-directional Transmission Delay Thresholds

This part describes how to set a one-way transmission delay threshold. When the transmission
duration exceeds the threshold, a trap message is sent to the NMS.

Do as follows on the router to perform the NQA test:

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
nqa test-instance admin-name test-name

An NQA test instance is created and the NQA instance view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
test-type { jitter | icmpjitter }

The test type is configured.

Step 4 Run:
destination-address ipv4 ip-address

The destination IP address is configured.

Step 5 (Optional)Run:
destination-port port-number

The destination port number is configured.

Step 6 Run:
threshold owd-sd owd-sd-value

The uni-directional transmission (from the source to the destination) delay threshold is

Step 7 Run:
threshold owd-sd owd-sd-value

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The uni-directional transmission (from the destination to the source) delay threshold is


7.34.3 Checking the Configuration

After setting the one-way transmission delay threshold, you can view the configuration.

The configurations of the Uni-directional Transmission Delay Thresholds Test function are

Step 1 Run the display nqa-agent [ admin-name test-name ] [ verbose ] to view the status of the test
instance configured on the NQA client.


Using the display nqa-agent [ admin-name test-name ] [ verbose ] command, you can view the
uni-directional transmission delay threshold configured for the NQA test. For example:
<HUAWEI> display nqa-agent verbose
NQA Tests Max:2000 NQA Tests Number: 1
NQA Flow Max:1000 NQA Flow Remained:1000

nqa test-instance admin jitter

test-type jitter
destination-address ipv4
destination-port 80
send-trap probefailure
send-trap testfailure
send-trap testcomplete
send-trap rtd
send-trap owd-sd
send-trap owd-ds
threshold owd-sd 2000
threshold owd-ds 2000
nqa status : normal

7.35 Configuring the Trap Function

This section describes how to configure the trap function in an NQA test instance. After the trap
function is configured, a trap message is sent to the NMS in case of transmission success or
transmission failure.

7.35.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

Before configuring the trap function, familiarize yourself with the applicable environment,
complete the pre-configuration tasks, and obtain the required data. This can help you complete
the configuration task quickly and accurately.

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Applicable Environment
Trap messages are generated regardless of whether the NQA test is successful or fails. You can
control whether to send trap messages to the NM station by enabling or disabling the trap

NQA supports three types of trap messages as defined in the DISMAN-PING-MIB.

l Trap message sent when an NQA probe fails

This message checks whether the probe Echo packets are received.
If the number of packets that have no responses reaches the upper limit, trap messages are
sent to a specified NM station.
l Trap message sent when an NQA test fails
This message checks whether the test fails.
If the number of the times that a test fails exceeds the limit, trap messages are sent to a
specified NM station.
l Trap message sent when an NQA test is successful
This message checks whether the test is successful.
If Echo packets are received during an NQA test, trap messages are sent to a specified NM

NQA also supports the sending of trap messages to the NM station when the uni-directional
transmission delay or the round-trip transmission delay exceeds the threshold.

l For all tests supporting traps, if the round-trip transmission delay exceeds the threshold and
the trap function is enabled, trap messages are sent to the NM station with the specified IP
l For all the Jitter tests ( LSPJitter and PathJitter not included ), if the uni-directional
transmission delay exceeds the threshold and the trap function is enabled, trap messages
are sent to the NM station with the specified IP address.

Trap messages carry information such as destination IP address, operation status, destination IP
address of the test packet, minimum RTT, maximum RTT and total RTT, number of sent probe
packets, number of received packets, RTT square sum, and time of the last successful probe.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring the trap function, complete the following tasks:

l Configuring routes between the NQA client and the NM station

l Creating an NQA test and configuring related parameters correctly

Data Preparation
To configure the trap function, you need the following data.

No. Data

1 Administrator name and test name

2 NQA events that trigger the trap function

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No. Data

3 l (Optional) Number of test failures that trigger sending a trap message

l (Optional) Number of probe failures that trigger sending a trap message

7.35.2 Sending Trap Messages When Test Failed

A trap message is sent to the NMS when the transmission of NQA test packets fails.

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
nqa test-instance admin-name test-name

An NQA test instance is created and the test instance view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
test-type { jitter | icmpjitter }

The test type is configured.

Step 4 Run:
destination-address ipv4 ip-address

The destination IP address is configured.

Step 5 (Optional)Run:
destination-port port-number

The destination port number is configured.

Step 6 Run:
send-trap testfailure

Sending trap messages when tests fail is enabled.

By default, the trap function is disabled.

Step 7 Run:
test-failtimes times

The number of test failures that trigger sending a trap message is configured.

By default, a trap message is sent for each test failure.


7.35.3 Sending Trap Messages When Probes Failed

A trap message is sent to the NMS when the NQA test fails.

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Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
nqa test-instance admin-name test-name

An NQA test instance is created and the test instance view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
test-type { jitter | icmpjitter }

The test type is configured.

Step 4 Run:
destination-address ipv4 ip-address

The destination IP address is configured.

Step 5 (Optional)Run:
destination-port port-number

The destination port number is configured.

Step 6 Run:
send-trap probefailure

Sending trap messages when probes fail is enabled.

By default, the trap function is disabled.

Step 7 Run:
probe-failtimes times

The number probe failures that trigger sending a Trap message is configured.

By default, a trap message is sent for each probe failure.


7.35.4 Sending Trap Messages When Probes Are Complete

A trap message is sent to the NMS when the NQA test is complete successfully.

Do as follows on the NQA client:

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

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Step 2 Run:
nqa test-instance admin-name test-name

An NQA test instance is created and the test instance view is displayed.
Step 3 Run:
test-type { jitter | icmpjitter }

The test type is configured.

Step 4 Run:
destination-address ipv4 ip-address

The destination IP address is configured.

Step 5 (Optional)Run:
destination-port port-number

The destination port number is configured.

Step 6 Run:
send-trap testcomplete

Sending trap messages when tests are complete successfully is enabled.

By default, the trap function is disabled.


7.35.5 Sending Trap Messages When the Transmission Delay

Exceeds Thresholds
A trap message is sent to the NMS when the test result exceeds the threshold.

Do as follows on the NQA client:

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
nqa test-instance admin-name test-name

An NQA test instance is created and the test instance view is displayed.
Step 3 Run:
test-type { jitter | icmpjitter }

The test type is configured.

Step 4 Run:
destination-address ipv4 ip-address

The destination IP address is configured.

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Step 5 (Optional)Run:
destination-port port-number

The destination port number is configured.

Step 6 Run:
send-trap { owd-ds | owd-sd | rtd }*

Sending trap messages when the transmission delay exceeds the threshold is enabled.

By default, the trap function is disabled.


7.35.6 Checking the Configuration

After the trap function is enabled in an NQA test instance, you can view trap messages in the
trap buffer.

The configurations of the Trap function are complete.

Step 1 Run the display trapbuffer [ size value ] to view the trap messages sent in an NQA test.


Run the display trapbuffer [ size value ] command. If information about the trap messages is
displayed, it means that the configuration succeeds.

For example:
<HUAWEI> display trapbuffer size 2
Trapping buffer configuration and contents:enabled
Allowed max buffer size : 1024
Actual buffer size : 256
Channel number : 3 , channel name : trapbuffer
Dropped messages : 0
Overwritten messages : 0
Current messages : 11
#May 6 2009 12:54:17 CBB6-PE3 SINDEX/4/INDEXMAP:OID ShortIFIndexMapTable changed.
#May 6 2009 11:02:37 CBB6-PE3 SRM_BASE/4/ENTITYREGSUCCESS: OID Physical entity register succeeded.
(EntityPhysicalIndex=17367040, BaseTrapSeverity=2, BaseTrapProbableCause=70144,
BaseTrapEventType=5, EntPhysicalContainedIn=1677721
6, EntPhysicalName="SRU slot 9", RelativeResource="", ReasonDescription="MPU9")

7.36 Configuring Test Results to Be Sent to the FTP Server

This section describes how to configure the system to send test results to the FTP server to avoid
loss of test results in the event that the NMS does not poll the test result in time.

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7.36.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

Before configuring the system to send test results to the FTP server, familiarize yourself with
the applicable environment, complete the pre-configuration tasks, and obtain the required data.
This can help you complete the configuration task quickly and accurately.

Applicable Environment
In the test, the latest five test results can be saved by the system and earlier ones are overlapped.
Therefore, if the NM station does not perform result polling timely, test results are lost. You can
send the statistics on the test results that reach the capacity of the local storage or periodically
send the statistics to the FTP server for storage through FTP. This can effectively prevent the
loss of test results and facilitate the network management based on the analysis of test results at
different times.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring test results to be sent to the FTP server, complete the following tasks:
l Configuring the FTP server
l Configuring a reachable route between the NQA client and the NM station
l Configuring a test instance

Data Preparation
To configure test results to be sent to the FTP server, you need the following data.

No. Data

1 IP address of the FTP server

2 User name and password used for logging into the FTP server

3 Number of test results saved through FTP

4 Duration of saving test results through FTP

7.36.2 Configuring Parameters for Connecting the FTP Server

This part describes how to set parameters for accessing the FTP server that receives the test
results, such as address of the FTP server and user name and password for accessing the FTP

Do as follows on the NQA client:

Step 1 Run:

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The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
nqa-ftp-record ip-address ip-address
nqa-ftp-record vpn-instance vpn-instance

The IP address of the FTP server is configured.

Step 3 Run:
nqa-ftp-record username username

The user name for logging into the FTP server is configured.

Step 4 Run:
nqa-ftp-record password { password | cipher password }

The password for logging into the FTP server is configured.

Step 5 Run:
nqa-ftp-record filename filename

The file name used for saving test results is configured.


7.36.3 Enabling the Function of Saving NQA Test Results Through

The system can send test results to the FTP server only after the FTP server is enabled with the
test result saving function.

Do as follows on the NQA client:

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
nqa-ftp-record enable

The FTP server is enabled to save test results.


7.36.4 (Optional) Configuring the Number of Test Results Saved

Through FTP
This part describes how to configure the number of test results that an FTP server can save.

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Do as follows on the NQA client:

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
nqa-ftp-record item-num item-number

The number of test results to be saved on the FTP server through FTP is configured.


7.36.5 (Optional) Configuring the Duration of Saving Test Results

Through FTP
Each time, the system can send two test results to the FTP server. If the FTP server cannot
continue to write the file after being interrupted, a new file is created on the FTP server for the
test results sent each time.

Do as follows on the NQA client:

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
nqa-ftp-record time time

The duration of saving test results to the FTP server through FTP is configured.


7.36.6 (Optional) Enabling Alarms to Be Sent to the NM Station

After the FTP Transmission Succeeds
After test results are successfully saved on the FTP server, a trap message is sent to the NMS
for notification.

Do as follows on the NQA client:

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Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
nqa-ftp-record trap-enable

Alarms are configured to be sent to the NM station after the FTP transmission succeeds.

When the FTP transmission succeeds at the first time, no alarm message is generated. From the
second time on, each time when the FTP transmission succeeds, an alarm message is generated.


7.36.7 Starting the Test Instance

After you start a test instance, test results are field periodically.

Do as follows on the NQA client:

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run the nqa test-instance admin-name test-name command, enter the NQA test instance view.

Step 3 Run:
test-type { dhcp | dns | ftp | http | icmp | jitter | lspjitter | lspping |
lsptrace | snmp | tcp | trace | udp | pathmtu | pwe3trace | pwe3ping | macping |
mactrace | icmpjitter | pathjitter | mping | mtrace | vplsping | vplstrace |
vplsmping | vplsmtrace | vplspwping | vplspwtrace | gmacping | gmactrace }

The test type is configured.

Step 4 Run:
destination-address ipv4 ip-address

The destination IP address is configured.

Step 5 (Optional)Run:
destination-port port-number

The destination port number is configured.

Step 6 Run:

The NQA test is started.

Select the start mode as required because the start command has several forms.

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l To perform the NQA test immediately, run the start now [ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ]
hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } | lifetime { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ]
The test instance is started immediately.
l To perform the NQA test at the specified time, run the start at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss
[ end { at [ yyyy/mm | dd ] hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } | lifetime
{ seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ] command.
The test instance is started at a specified time.
l To perform the NQA test after a certain delay period, run the start delay { seconds second
| hh:mm:ss } [ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } |
lifetime { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ] command.
The test instance is started after a certain delay.


7.36.8 Checking the Configuration

After configuring the system to send test results to the FTP server, you can view the

The configurations of the Test Results to Be Sent to the FTP Server function are complete.

Step 1 Run the display nqa-ftp-record configuration command to Check the configuration for saving
NQA test results.


Run the display nqa-ftp-record configuration command to check the configuration for saving
NQA test results.
<HUAWEI> display nqa-ftp-record configuration
---------------NQA FTP SAVE RECORD CONFIGURATION---------------
LAST FINISHED FILENAME:icmp20080605-150350.txt

7.37 Configuring a Threshold for the NQA Alarm

This section describes how to set an alarm threshold for test results. When the number of test
results exceeds the threshold, a trap message is sent to the NMS for notification.

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7.37.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

Before setting an alarm threshold for test results, familiarize yourself with the applicable
environment, complete the pre-configuration tasks, and obtain the required data. This can help
you complete the configuration task quickly and accurately.

Applicable Environment
The user can monitor the network by configuring an alarm threshold. After monitoring
conditions are configured, when the monitored item in the test result exceeds the configured
upper or lower threshold, the device sends alarms to the NM station. Therefore, the user can
monitor the real-time operation status of the network.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring the threshold for the NQA alarm, complete the following task:
l Configuring a test instance

Data Preparation
To configure the threshold for the NQA alarm, you need the following data.

No. Data

1 Number of the event corresponding to the threshold

2 Number of the alarm threshold

3 Upper threshold

4 Lower threshold

7.37.2 Configuring the Event Corresponding to the Alarm

This part describes the actions that the system needs to perform in response to the threshold
exceeding, such as generating logs, generating traps, or generating logs and traps.

Do as follows on the NQA client:

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
nqa event event-entry { linkage admin-name test-name | log | trap | log-trap |
none } [ description ]

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The event number and the corresponding event are configured.


7.37.3 Configuring the Alarm Threshold

This part describes how to configure the events triggered when the number of test results exceeds
the threshold.

Do as follows on the NQA client:

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
nqa test-instance admin-name test-name

The test instance view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
test-type { dhcp | dns | ftp | http | icmp | jitter | lspjitter | lspping |
lsptrace | snmp | tcp | trace | udp | pathmtu | pwe3trace | pwe3ping | macping |
mactrace | icmpjitter | pathjitter | mping | mtrace | vplsping | vplstrace |
vplsmping | vplsmtrace | vplspwping | vplspwtrace | gmacping | gmactrace }

The test type is configured.

Step 4 Run:
destination-address ipv4 ip-address

The destination IP address is configured.

Step 5 (Optional)Run:
destination-port port-number

The destination port number is configured.

Step 6 Run:
alarm entry-number { lost-packet-ratio | jitter-average | jitter-ds-average |
jitter-sd-average | packet-loss-ds | packet-loss-sd | rtt-average } { absolute |
delta } { falling-threshold threshold-value1 event-entry1 | rising-threshold
threshold-value2 event-entry2 } * [ description description ]

The alarm number and the threshold are configured.

At present, only the absolute statistics function rather than the relative statistics function is supported.


7.37.4 Starting the Test Instance

You can start a test instance. When the number of test results exceeds the threshold,
corresponding action is taken.

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Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
nqa test-instance admin-name test-name

The test instance view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:

The NQA test is started.

Select the start mode as required because the start command has several forms.

l To perform the NQA test immediately, run the start now [ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ]
hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } | lifetime { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ]
The test instance is started immediately.
l To perform the NQA test at the specified time, run the start at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss
[ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } | lifetime
{ seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ] command.
The test instance is started at a specified time.
l To perform the NQA test after a certain delay period, run the start delay { seconds second
| hh:mm:ss } [ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } |
lifetime { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ] command.
The test instance is started after a certain delay.


7.37.5 Checking the Configuration

After the alarm threshold for test results is set, you can view the configuration.

The configurations of the Threshold for the NQA Alarm function are complete.

l Run the display nqa event command to check the maximum number of events that can be
configured and the number of events that are configured.
l Run the display nqa alarm command in the NQA view to check the maximum number of
alarms that can be configured and the number of alarms that are configured.
l Run the display nqa-agent [ admin-name test-name ] [ verbose ] command to Check the
status of the test instance configured on the NQA client.


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Run the display nqa event command to check the maximum number of events that can be
configured and the number of events that are configured.
<HUAWEI> display nqa event
NQA event information:
NQA Event Max: 5 NQA Event Number: 1

Run the display nqa-alarm command to check the maximum number of alarms that can be
configured and the number of alarms that are configured.
[HUAWEI-nqa-admin-icmp] display nqa alarm
NQA alarm information:
NQA Alarm Max: 5 NQA Alarm Number: 2

Run the display nqa-agent command to check the status of the test instance configured on the
NQA client.
<HUAWEI> display nqa-agent
NQA Tests Max:2000 NQA Tests Number: 1
NQA Flow Max:1000 NQA Flow Remained:1000
nqa test-instance admin icmp
test-type icmp
destination-address ipv4
frequency 5
alarm 10 rtt-average 2 rising-threshold 200 10 falling-threshold 0 10
alarm 20 lost-packet-ratio 2 rising-threshold 10 10 falling-threshold 1 10
nqa status : normal

7.38 Configuring a VPLS MFIB Ping to Check the VPLS

This section describes how to configure a VPLS MFIB ping test to check the connectivity of the
VPLS network.

7.38.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

Before configuring a VPLS MFIB ping test for the VPLS network, familiarize yourself with the
applicable environment, complete the pre-configuration tasks, and obtain the required data. This
can help you complete the configuration task quickly and accurately.

Applicable Environment
With the NQA VPLS MFIB ping, the following performance indexes of the VPLS network can
be checked:
l Multicast connectivity of PEs belonging to a specified VSI in the VPLS domain
l IGMP snooping of the egress belonging to a specified VSI in the VPLS domain

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring a VPLS MFIB ping to check the VPLS network, complete the following

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l Configuring the VPLS network

l Enabling IGMP snooping on the devices in the VSI domain

Data Preparation
To configure a VPLS MFIB ping to check the VPLS network, you need the following data.

No. Data

1 Administrator and name of the NQA test instance

2 Name of the VSI

3 (Optional) multicast source IP address, pad string, length of the payload in the
Echo Request packet, timeout period during which an Echo Reply packet is
awaited, time waiting for the next Echo Request packet, reply mode, priority of
the Echo Request packet, and permitted failure percentage

4 Multicast IP address

5 Start mode and end mode

7.38.2 Configuring a VPLS MFIB Ping to Check the Multicast

This part describes how to set parameters for the VPLS MFIB ping test for the VPLS network.

Do as follows on the NQA client:

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
nqa test-instance admin-name test-name

An NQA test instance is created and the test instance view is displayed.
Step 3 Run:
test-type vplsmping

The test instance type is configured as VPLS MFIB ping.

By default, the NQA test type is ICMP.
Step 4 Run:
vsi vsiname

The name of the VSI to which the test instance corresponds is configured.

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Step 5 Run:
destination-address ipv4 ip-address

The destination IP address of the VPLS MFIB ping is configured.

Step 6 (Optional) Run the following commands to configure other parameters for the VPLS MFIB ping.
l Run the lsp-replymode { no-reply | udp | udp-via-vpls | udp-router-alert | level-control-
channel } command to configure the reply mode of the Echo Reply packet.
The lsp-replymode no-reply command can start a uni-directional test. No matter whether the test is
successful or not, the test result shows that the test fails. If the test is successful, the number of timeout
packets in the test is displayed in the test result; if the test is failed, the number of discarded packets in
the test is displayed in the test result.
l Run the source-address ipv4 ip-address command to configure the source IP address.
l Run the datasize size command to set the size of the test packet.
The sum of datasize and the size of the packet header should be less than the MTU of the interface;
otherwise, the test fails.
l Run the ttl number command to set the TTL value.
l Run the lsp-exp exp command to configure the LSP EXP value.
l Run the datafill fillstring command to configure the pad string.
l Run the interval seconds interval command to set the interval for sending test packets.
l Run the fail-percent percent command to set the permitted maximum percentage of the failed
NQA tests.

Step 7 Run:

The NQA test is started.

The start command has several forms. You can choose one of the following forms as required:

l Run the start now [ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second |
hh:mm:ss } | lifetime { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ] command to start the test instance
l Run the start at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss [ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss | delay
{ seconds second | hh:mm:ss } | lifetime { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ] command to start
the test instance at a specified time.
l Run the start delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } [ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss |
delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } | lifetime { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ] command
to start the test instance after a certain delay.


7.38.3 Checking the Configuration

After the VPLS MFIB ping test for the VPLS network is performed, you can view the test result.

All the configurations of the VPLS MFIB pingare complete.

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NQA test results are not displayed automatically on the terminal. You must run the display nqa results
command to view test results. By default, the command only shows the results of the latest five tests.

Step 1 Run:
display nqa results [ test-instance admin-name test-name ]

Test results are displayed.


Run the display nqa results command, and the following information is displayed.
<HUAWEI> display nqa results
NQA entry(admin, vplsmping) :testflag is inactive ,testtype is vplsmping
1 . Test 1 result The test is finished
Completions: success Timeouts number: 0
Drops number: 0 TargetAddress:
ProbeResponses number: 6 SentProbes number: 3
Busies: 0 SequenceError number: 0
Lost packet ratio: 0%
1 . Receiver 1
CompletionTime Min/Max/Sum/Avg: 15/26/59/19
Sum2CompletionTime: 1225
LastGoodProbe time: 2009-4-23 11:48:9.4
Fib hit: Hit

7.39 Configuring a MAC Ping and Trace Test

A MAC ping and trace tests can detect connectivity of a VLAN network and a VPLS network.

7.39.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

A MAC Ping and NQA MAC trace test instance detects the network connectivity between two
maintenance association end points (MEPs).

Applicable Environment
NQA MAC Ping and MAC trace test instances are similar to the Ping and trace command in
terms of providing functions to detect the connectivity of VLAN and VPLS networks, but output
more detailed test information. To detect the connectivity of a VLAN network, it is required that
devices on the VLAN network be enabled with basic Ethernet Connectivity Fault Management
(CFM) functions; to detect the connectivity of a VPLS network, it is required that PEs on the
VPLS network be enabled with VPLS-based Ethernet CFM.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring a MAC Ping and MAC trace test instance, complete the following tasks:
l In the case of a VLAN MAC Ping and MAC trace test instance, configuring a VLAN
network and enabling basic Ethernet CFM functions on the VLAN network

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l In the case of a VPLS MAC Ping and MAC trace test instance, configuring a VPLS network,
ensuring that the VSI is in the Up state, and enabling basic Ethernet CFM functions on PEs

Data Preparation
To configure a MAC Ping and MAC trace test instance, you need the following data.

No. Data

1 Administrator and name of an NQA test instance

2 Names of the MD and MA, local MEP ID, and destination MAC address

3 (Optional): Packet size, number of probes for one NQA test instance, interval at
which packets are sent, source address where packets are sent, TTL, test failure
conditions, historical records and result records, and aging time.

4 Start and end modes of an NQA test instance

7.39.2 Configuring Parameters for a MAC Trace Test

This section describes how to configure parameters for a MAC trace test.

Do as follows on the NQA client where the NQA MAC trace test instance is to be initiated:

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Create an NQA test instance and set the test instance type to MAC trace.
1. Run:
nqa test-instance admin-name test-name

An NQA test instance is created and the test instance view is displayed.
2. Run:
test-type mactrace

The test instance type is set to MAC trace.

3. (Optional) Run:
description description

The description is configured for the test instance.

Step 3 Configure MEP IDs, MD name, and MA name for a MAC trace test.
1. Run:
mep mep-id mep-id

The local MEP ID is configured.

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2. Run:
md md-name ma ma-name

The MD and MA that send the NQA test packets are configured.
Step 4 Choose one of the following procedures to configure a destination MAC address for the MAC
Trace test.
1. Run:
destination-address mac mac-address

The destination MAC address is configured for the MAC trace test.
2. Run:
destination-address remote-mep mep-id remote-mep

The peer MEP ID is configured.

If the destination MAC address is the remote-mep type, you must configure mapping between remote-
mep and the destination MAC address on the CFM module before the destination MAC address is

Step 5 (Optional) Configure optional parameters to transmit test packets in an actual network.
1. Run:
ttl number

The maximum TTL value is configured for probe packets.

2. Run:
source-interface interface-type interface-number

The source interface is configured for the test instance.

Step 6 (Optional) Configure test failure conditions and send a trap message to the NMS after a test fails.
1. Run:
timeout time

The response timeout period is set.

If no response packets are received before the set period expires, the probe fails.
2. Run:
test-failtimes rtd

The NQA test instance is configured to send a trap message to the NMS when the number
of continuous test failures reaches the specified value.
3. Run:
send-trap rtd

A trap message is sent to the NMS after a threshold is reached.

Step 7 (Optional) Configure the NQA statistics function.
records { history number | result number }

The maximum numbers of historical records and result records that can be saved for the NQA
test instance are set.
Step 8 (Optional) Run:
agetime hh:mm:ss

The aging time is set for the NQA test instance.

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The default aging time is 0, indicating that the test instance will not age.
Step 9 Schedule the NQA test instance.
1. (Optional) Run:
frequency interval

The test period is set for the NQA test instance.

2. Run:

The NQA test is started.

Run any of the following start commands as required:
l Run:
start now [ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second |
hh:mm:ss } | lifetime { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ]

The test instance is started immediately.

l Run:
start at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss [ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss |
delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } | lifetime { seconds second |
hh:mm:ss } } ]

The test instance is started at a specified time.

l Run:
start delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } [ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ]
hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } | lifetime { seconds second
| hh:mm:ss } } ]

The test instance is started after a specified delay.


7.39.3 Checking the Configuration

After a MAC ping and MAC trace test instance is successfully performed, you can view the test

The configurations of the MAC ping and MAC trace test instance are complete.
NQA test results are not displayed automatically on the terminal. You must run the display nqa results
command to view test results. By default, the command output only shows the results of the latest five

l Run the display nqa results [ test-instance admin-name test-name ] command to view test

If a MAC Ping test instance is successfully performed, run the display nqa results command,
and the following information is displayed.

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<HUAWEI> display nqa results test-instance admin macping

NQA entry(admin, macping) :testflag is inactive ,testtype is macping
1 . Test 1 result The test is finished
SendProbe:3 ResponseProbe:3
Completion:success RTD OverThresholds number:0
OWD OverThresholds SD number:0 OWD OverThresholds DS number:0
Min/Max/Avg/Sum RTT:9/12/10/30 RTT Square Sum:306
NumOfRTT:3 Drop operation number:0
Operation sequence errors number:0 RTT Stats errors number:0
System busy operation number:0 Operation timeout number:0
Min Positive SD:0 Min Positive DS:0
Max Positive SD:0 Max Positive DS:0
Positive SD Number:0 Positive DS Number:0
Positive SD Sum:0 Positive DS Sum:0
Positive SD Square Sum:0 Positive DS Square Sum:0
Min Negative SD:2 Min Negative DS:1
Max Negative SD:2 Max Negative DS:1
Negative SD Number:1 Negative DS Number:1
Negative SD Sum:2 Negative DS Sum:1
Negative SD Square Sum:4 Negative DS Square Sum:1
Min Delay SD:0 Min Delay DS:0
Avg Delay SD:0 Avg Delay DS:0
Max Delay SD:0 Max Delay DS:0
Delay SD Square Sum:0 Delay DS Square Sum:0
Packet Loss SD:0 Packet Loss DS:0
Packet Loss Unknown:0 Average of Jitter:1
Average of Jitter SD:0 Average of Jitter DS:0
Jitter out value:0.0000000 Jitter in value:0.0000000
NumberOfOWD:0 Packet Loss Ratio: 0%
OWD SD Sum:0 OWD DS Sum:0
ICPIF value: 0 MOS-CQ value: 0
TimeStamp unit: ms Packet Rewrite Number: 0
Packet Rewrite Ratio: 0% Packet Disorder Number: 0
Packet Disorder Ratio: 0% Fragment-disorder Number: 0
Fragment-disorder Ratio: 0%

If a MAC trace test instance is successfully performed, run the display nqa results command,
and you can view the statistics about each hop.
<HUAWEI> isplay nqa results test-instance admin mactrace
NQA entry(admin, mactrace) :testflag is inactive ,testtype is mactrace
1 . Test 1 result The test is finished
Completion:success Attempts number:1
Drop operation number:0 Operation timeout number:0
System busy operation number:0
Last good path Time:2000-01-05 02:35:35.0

7.40 Configuring GMAC Ping and GMAC Trace to Detect

the Connectivity of a VLAN Network
This section describes how to configure Global MAC (GMAC) ping and GMAC trace to detect
the connectivity of a VLAN network. In addition to connectivity detection and fault location,
GMAC ping and GMAC trace can provide the delay on the network.

7.40.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

GMAC ping and GMAC trace can detect the connectivity, packet loss percentage, and delay
between any two devices on a VLAN network.

Applicable Environment
On a VLAN network where the MD, MA, and MEP are not configured, GMAC ping and GMAC
trace can detect the connectivity, packet loss percentage, and delay between any two devices.

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By means of sending Request packets with a destination MAC address from the source and
parsing information in Reply packets, GMAC ping and GMAC trace detect the link connectivity
and locate the fault. Compared with MAC ping and MAC trace, GMAC ping and GMAC trace
do not require the configuration of the MD, MA, and MEP.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring GMAC ping and GMAC trace to detect the connectivity of a VLAN network,
complete the following tasks:
l In the case of GMAC ping, enabling GMAC ping globally on both the source and the
l In the case of GMAC trace, enabling GMAC trace globally on both the source and the

Data Preparation
To configure GMAC ping and GMAC trace to detect the connectivity of a VLAN network, you
need the following data.

No. Data


2 Destination MAC address

3 Start and end modes of an NQA test instance

7.40.2 Configuring Parameters for a GMAC Ping Test

A VLAN network needs to be correctly configured before a GMAC ping test is configured to
detect the VLAN network connectivity.

Do as follows on the NQA client where the NQA GMAC ping test instance is to be initiated:

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
nqa test-instance admin-name test-name

An NQA test instance is created and the test instance view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
test-type gmacping

The test instance type is set to GMAC ping.

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Step 4 Run:
destination-address mac mac-address

The destination MAC address is configured, which can be a bridge MAC address or the MAC
address of an interface.
Step 5 Run:
vlan vlan-id

A VLAN ID is configured for the VLAN to be detected.

To view more optional parameters, you can run the display nqa-parameter command in the test instance view
after the NQA test instance type is configured.

Step 6 Run:

The NQA GMAC ping test instance is started.

Run one of the following commands as required:
l Run:
start now [ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second |
hh:mm:ss } | lifetime { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ]

The NQA test instance is started immediately.

l Run:
start at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss [ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss | delay
{ seconds second | hh:mm:ss } | lifetime { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ]

The NQA test instance is started at a specified time.

l Run:
start delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } [ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss |
delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } | lifetime { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ]

The test instance is started after a certain delay.

For details on parameters and options of the start command, refer to the Command Reference.


7.40.3 Configuring Parameters for a GMAC Trace Test

A VLAN network needs to be correctly configured before a GMAC trace test is configured to
detect the VLAN network connectivity.

Do as follows on the NQA client where the NQA GMAC trace test instance is to be initiated:

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:

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nqa test-instance admin-name test-name

An NQA test instance is created and the test instance view is displayed.
Step 3 Run:
test-type gmactrace

The test instance type is set to GMAC trace.

Step 4 Run:
destination-address mac mac-address

The destination MAC address is configured, which can be a bridge MAC address or the MAC
address of an interface.
Step 5 Run:
vlan vlan-id

A VLAN ID is configured for the VLAN to be detected.

To view more optional parameters, you can run the display nqa-parameter command in the test instance view
after the NQA test instance type is configured.

Step 6 Run:

The NQA GMAC trace test instance is started.

Run one of the following commands as required:
l Run:
start now [ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second |
hh:mm:ss } | lifetime { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ]

The NQA test instance is started immediately.

l Run:
start at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss [ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss | delay
{ seconds second | hh:mm:ss } | lifetime { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ]

The NQA test instance is started at a specified time.

l Run:
start delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } [ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss |
delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } | lifetime { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ]

The test instance is started after a certain delay.

For details on parameters and options of the start command, refer to the Command Reference.


7.40.4 Checking the Configuration

The configurations of GMAC ping and GMAC trace are complete.
NQA test results are not displayed automatically on the terminal. You must run the display nqa results
command to view test results. By default, the command output only shows the results of the latest five

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Step 1 Run the display nqa results [ test-instance admin-name test-name ] command on the NQA
client to view test results.


Run the display nqa results command. If the following information is displayed, it means that
the configuration of a GMAC ping test instance succeeds.
<HUAWEI> display nqa results test-instance gmacping
NQA entry(test,gmacping) :testflag is inactive ,testtype is gmacping
1 . Test 1 result The test is finished
SendProbe:3 ResponseProbe:0
Completion:failed RTD OverThresholds number:0
OWD OverThresholds SD number:0 OWD OverThresholds DS number:0
Min/Max/Avg/Sum RTT:0/0/0/0 RTT Square Sum:0
NumOfRTT:0 Drop operation number:3
Operation sequence errors number:0 RTT Stats errors number:0
System busy operation number:0 Operation timeout number:0
Min Positive SD:0 Min Positive DS:0
Max Positive SD:0 Max Positive DS:0
Positive SD Number:0 Positive DS Number:0
Positive SD Sum:0 Positive DS Sum:0
Positive SD Square Sum:0 Positive DS Square Sum:0
Min Negative SD:0 Min Negative DS:0
Max Negative SD:0 Max Negative DS:0
Negative SD Number:0 Negative DS Number:0
Negative SD Sum:0 Negative DS Sum:0
Negative SD Square Sum:0 Negative DS Square Sum:0
Min Delay SD:0 Min Delay DS:0
Avg Delay SD:0 Avg Delay DS:0
Max Delay SD:0 Max Delay DS:0
Delay SD Square Sum:0 Delay DS Square Sum:0
Packet Loss SD:0 Packet Loss DS:0
Packet Loss Unknown:3 Average of Jitter:0
Average of Jitter SD:0 Average of Jitter DS:0
Jitter out value:0.0000000 Jitter in value:0.0000000
NumberOfOWD:0 Packet Loss Ratio: 100%
OWD SD Sum:0 OWD DS Sum:0
ICPIF value: 0 MOS-CQ value: 0
TimeStamp unit: ms Packet Rewrite Number: 0
Packet Rewrite Ratio: 0% Packet Disorder Number: 0
Packet Disorder Ratio: 0% Fragment-disorder Number: 0
Fragment-disorder Ratio: 0%

Run the display nqa results command. If the following information is displayed, it means that
the configuration of a GMAC trace test instance succeeds.
<HUAWEI> display nqa results test-instance gmactrace
NQA entry(test,gmactrace) :testflag is active ,testtype is gmactrace
1 . Test 1 result The test is finished
Completion:success Attempts number:1
Drop operation number:0 Operation timeout number:0
System busy operation number:0
Last good path Time:2011-06-20 17:50:18.2

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7.41 Configuring GMAC Ping and GMAC Trace to Detect

the Connectivity of a VPLS Network
This section describes how to configure GMAC ping and GMAC trace to detect the connectivity
of a VPLS network. In addition to the connectivity detection and fault location, GMAC ping
and GMAC trace can detect the delay on the network.

7.41.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

Both GMAC ping and GMAC trace tests can be initiated on a PE or a CE to detect the
connectivity of a VPLS network.

Applicable Environment
NQA GMAC ping and GMAC trace test instances can detect the connectivity, packet loss
percentage, and delay of the VPLS network between PEs, between PEs and CEs, and between
CEs. Compared with MAC ping and MAC trace, GMAC ping and GMAC trace do not need to
configure parameters for the MD, MA, and MEP.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring GMAC ping and GMAC trace to detect the connectivity of a VPLS network,
complete the following tasks:
l In the case of a VPLS GMAC ping test instance, enabling GMAC ping globally on both
the source and the destination
l In the case of a VPLS GMAC trace test instance, enabling GMAC trace globally enabled
on both the source and the destination

Data Preparation
To configure GMAC ping and GMAC trace to detect the connectivity of a VPLS network, you
need the following data.

No. Data

1 Name of a VSI

2 Destination MAC address

3 Start and end modes of an NQA test instance

7.41.2 Configuring Parameters for a GMAC Ping Test

Before configuring parameters for a GMAC ping test, ensure that the VSI is in the Up state.

Do as follows on the NQA client where the NQA GMAC ping test instance is to be initiated:

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Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
nqa test-instance admin-name test-name

An NQA test instance is created and the test instance view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
test-type gmacping

The test instance type is set to GMAC ping.

Step 4 Run:
destination-address mac mac-address

The destination MAC address is configured, which can be a bridge MAC address or the MAC
address of an interface.

Step 5 Run:
vsi vsi-name

A name is configured for the VSI to be detected.

Step 6 Run:

The NQA GMAC ping test instance is started.

Run one of the following commands as required:

l Run:
start now [ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second |
hh:mm:ss } | lifetime { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ]

The NQA test instance is started immediately.

l Run:
start at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss [ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss | delay
{ seconds second | hh:mm:ss } | lifetime { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ]

The NQA test instance is started at a specified time.

l Run:
start delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } [ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss |
delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } | lifetime { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ]

The test instance is started after a certain delay.

For details on parameters and options of the start command, refer to the Command Reference.


7.41.3 Configuring Parameters for a GMAC Trace Test

Before configuring parameters for a GMAC trace test, ensure that the VSI is in the Up state.

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Do as follows on the NQA client where the NQA GMAC trace test instance is to be initiated:

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
nqa test-instance admin-name test-name

An NQA test instance is created and the test instance view is displayed.
Step 3 Run:
test-type gmactrace

The test instance type is set to GMAC trace.

Step 4 Run:
destination-address mac mac-address

The destination MAC address is configured, which can be a bridge MAC address or the MAC
address of an interface.
Step 5 Run:
vsi vsi-name

A name is configured for the VSI to be detected.

Step 6 Run:

The NQA GMAC trace test instance is started.

Run one of the following commands as required:
l Run:
start now [ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second |
hh:mm:ss } | lifetime { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ]

The NQA test instance is started immediately.

l Run:
start at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss [ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss | delay
{ seconds second | hh:mm:ss } | lifetime { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ]

The NQA test instance is started at a specified time.

l Run:
start delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } [ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss |
delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } | lifetime { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ]

The test instance is started after a certain delay.

For details on parameters and options of the start command, refer to the Command Reference.


7.41.4 Checking the Configuration

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The configurations of VPLS GMAC ping and VPLS GMAC trace test instances are complete.
NQA test results are not displayed automatically on the terminal. You must run the display nqa results
command to view test results. By default, the command output only shows the results of the latest five

Step 1 Run the display nqa results [ test-instance admin-name test-name ] command on the NQA
client to view test results.


Run the display nqa results command. If the following information is displayed, it means that
the configuration of a VPLS GMAC ping test instance succeeds.
<HUAWEI> display nqa results test-instance gmacping
NQA entry(test,gmacping) :testflag is inactive ,testtype is gmacping
1 . Test 1 result The test is finished
SendProbe:3 ResponseProbe:0
Completion:failed RTD OverThresholds number:0
OWD OverThresholds SD number:0 OWD OverThresholds DS number:0
Min/Max/Avg/Sum RTT:0/0/0/0 RTT Square Sum:0
NumOfRTT:0 Drop operation number:3
Operation sequence errors number:0 RTT Stats errors number:0
System busy operation number:0 Operation timeout number:0
Min Positive SD:0 Min Positive DS:0
Max Positive SD:0 Max Positive DS:0
Positive SD Number:0 Positive DS Number:0
Positive SD Sum:0 Positive DS Sum:0
Positive SD Square Sum:0 Positive DS Square Sum:0
Min Negative SD:0 Min Negative DS:0
Max Negative SD:0 Max Negative DS:0
Negative SD Number:0 Negative DS Number:0
Negative SD Sum:0 Negative DS Sum:0
Negative SD Square Sum:0 Negative DS Square Sum:0
Min Delay SD:0 Min Delay DS:0
Avg Delay SD:0 Avg Delay DS:0
Max Delay SD:0 Max Delay DS:0
Delay SD Square Sum:0 Delay DS Square Sum:0
Packet Loss SD:0 Packet Loss DS:0
Packet Loss Unknown:3 Average of Jitter:0
Average of Jitter SD:0 Average of Jitter DS:0
Jitter out value:0.0000000 Jitter in value:0.0000000
NumberOfOWD:0 Packet Loss Ratio: 100%
OWD SD Sum:0 OWD DS Sum:0
ICPIF value: 0 MOS-CQ value: 0
TimeStamp unit: ms Packet Rewrite Number: 0
Packet Rewrite Ratio: 0% Packet Disorder Number: 0
Packet Disorder Ratio: 0% Fragment-disorder Number: 0
Fragment-disorder Ratio: 0%

Run the display nqa results command. If the following information is displayed, it means that
the configuration of a VPLS GMAC trace test instance succeeds.
<HUAWEI> display nqa results test-instance gmactrace
NQA entry(test,gmactrace) :testflag is active ,testtype is gmactrace
1 . Test 1 result The test is finished
Completion:success Attempts number:1
Drop operation number:0 Operation timeout number:0

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System busy operation number:0

Last good path Time:2011-06-20 17:50:18.2

7.42 Configuring VPLS PW Ping and VPLS PW Trace Test


7.42.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

VPLS PW ping and VPLS PW trace are tools for detecting the connectivity of VPLS PWs and
locating faults on PWs.

Applicable Environment
As a main technology for setting up a metropolitan area network (MAN), Virtual Private LAN
Service (VPLS) has been widely applied globally. VPLS, however, is poor in terms of service
management and monitoring. In this case, an optimized VPLS OAM mechanism is required.

On a VPLS network, the performance of PWs affects the entire network performance. For
example, the connectivity of PWs determines whether traffic can be normally forwarded between
users, and the forwarding performance of PWs determines whether the forwarding capacity of
the network complies with the Service Level Agreement (SLA) signed with users. NQA VPLS
PW ping and NQA VPLS PW trace test instances can detect a specific PW and provide data
such as jitter and delay for network analysis.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring VPLS PW ping and VPLS PW trace test instances, configure a VPLS
network correctly to ensure that the VSI is in the Up state.

Data Preparation
To configure VPLS PW ping and VPLS PW trace test instances, you need the following data.

No. Data

1 Name and type of the VSI

2 Destination address in the case of an LDP VPLS network; local site ID and remote
site ID in the case of a BGP VPLS network

3 (Optional) Local PW, test period, number of sent packets, interval at which packets
are sent, packet size, padding, and failure percentage

4 Start and end modes of an NQA test instance

7.42.2 Configuring Parameters for the VPLS PW Ping Test Instance

Before configuring parameters for the VPLS PW ping test instance, ensure that the VSI is in the
Up state.

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Do as follows on the NQA client:

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
nqa test-instance admin-name test-name

An NQA test instance is created and the test instance view is displayed.
Step 3 Run:
test-type vplspwping

The test type is set to VPLS PW ping.

Step 4 Run:
vsi vsi-name

The name of the VSI to be detected is configured.

Step 5 Run the following commands as required by the signaling protocol used for creating a VC:
l In the case that the signaling protocol for creating the VC is LDP, run:
destination-address ipv4 ip-address

The destination address is configured.

l In the case that the signaling protocol for creating the VC is BGP, run the following
1. Run:
vc-type bgp

The protocol type of the L2VPN is set to BGP.

2. Run:
local-pw-id local-pw-id

The local site ID is configured.

3. Run:
remote-pw-id remote-pw-id

The remote site ID is configured.

Step 6 (Optional) Run the following commands as required.
l Run:
probe-count number

The number of test packets to be sent each time is configured.

l Run:
interval { milliseconds interval | seconds interval }

The interval at which test packets are sent is configured.

The shorter the interval is, the sooner the test is complete. However, delays occur during the
sending and receiving of test packets on the processor. Therefore, if the interval at which test

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packets are is set to a small value, a relatively greater error may occur in the statistics of the
test result.
l Run:
fail-percent percent

The failure percentage is set for the NQA test instance.

l In the case that the signaling protocol for creating the VC is LDP, run:
local-pw-id local-pw-id

The ID of the local end of the PW is configured.

l Run:
lsp-replymode { no-reply | udp | udp-via-vpls | udp-router-alert | level-control-
channel }

The reply mode of Echo packets is configured.

no-reply indicates that the destination end does not respond to Echo packets. udp indicates
that the destination end responds to Echo packets with UDP packets. udp-via-vpls indicates
that the destination end responds to Echo packets with VPLS IPv4 UDP packets. udp-router-
alert indicates that the destination end responds to Echo packets with UDP packets carrying
the Router Alert option. level-control-channel indicates that the destination end responds
to Echo packets through the control channel at the application program level.
l Run:
lsp-exp exp

The LSP EXP value is configured.

l Run:
remote-address ipv4 remote-ip-address

The address of the remote end of the multi-hop PW formed by connecting a VPLS PW to a
VLL PW is configured.
To view more optional parameters, you can enter the test instance view after the NQA test instance type is
configured and then run the display nqa-parameter command.

Step 7 Run:

The NQA test instance is started.

Run one of the following commands as required:

l Run:
start now [ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second |
hh:mm:ss } | lifetime { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ]

The NQA test instance is started immediately.

l Run:
start at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss [ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss | delay
{ seconds second | hh:mm:ss } | lifetime { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ]

The NQA test instance is started at a specified time.

l Run:
start delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } [ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss |
delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } | lifetime { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ]

The test instance is started after a certain period of delay.

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For details on parameters of the start command, refer to the Command Reference.


7.42.3 Configuring Parameters for the VPLS PW Trace Test Instance

Before configuring parameters for the VPLS PW trace test instance, ensure that the VSI is in
the Up state.

Do as follows on the NQA client:

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
nqa test-instance admin-name test-name

An NQA test instance is created and the test instance view is displayed.
Step 3 Run:
test-type vplspwtrace

The test type is set to VPLS PW trace.

Step 4 Run:
vsi vsi-name

The name of the VSI to be detected is configured.

Step 5 Run the following commands as required by the signaling protocol for creating a VC:
l In the case that the signaling protocol for creating the VC is LDP, run:
destination-address ipv4 ip-address

The destination address is configured.

l In the case that the signaling protocol for creating the VC is BGP, run the following
1. Run:
vc-type bgp

The protocol type of the L2VPN is set to BGP.

2. Run:
local-pw-id local-pw-id

The local site ID is configured.

3. Run:
remote-pw-id remote-pw-id

The remote site ID is configured.

Step 6 (Optional) Run the following commands as required.
l Run:

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probe-count number

The number of test packets to be sent each time is configured.

l Run:
interval { milliseconds interval | seconds interval }

The interval at which test packets are sent is configured.

The shorter the interval is, the sooner the test is complete. However, delays occur during
sending and receiving test packets on the processor. Therefore, if the interval at which test
packets are is set to a small value, a relatively greater error may occur in the statistics of the
test result.
l Run:
fail-percent percent

The failure percentage is set for the NQA test instance.

l In the case that the signaling protocol for creating the VC is LDP, run:
local-pw-id local-pw-id

The ID of the local end of the PW is configured.

l Run:
lsp-replymode { no-reply | udp | udp-via-vpls | udp-router-alert | level-control-
channel }

The reply mode of Echo packets is configured.

no-reply indicates that the destination end does not respond to the Echo packet. udp indicates
that the destination end responds to Echo packets with UDP packets. udp-via-vpls indicates
that the destination end responds to Echo packets with VPLS IPv4 UDP packets. udp-router-
alert indicates that the destination end responds to Echo packets with UDP packets carrying
the Router Alert option. level-control-channel indicates that the destination end responds
to Echo packets through the control channel at the application program level.
l Run:
lsp-exp exp

The LSP EXP value is configured.

l Run:
remote-address ipv4 remote-ip-address

The address of the remote end of the multi-hop PW formed by connecting a VPLS PW to a
VLL PW is configured.
l Run
lsp-path full-display

All P nodes along the LSP path are displayed in the NQA test result.
To view more optional parameters, you can enter the test instance view after the NQA test instance type is
configured and then run the display nqa-parameter command.

Step 7 Run:

The NQA test instance is started.

Run one of the following commands as required:

l Run:

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start now [ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second |

hh:mm:ss } | lifetime { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ]

The NQA test instance is started immediately.

l Run:
start at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss [ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss | delay
{ seconds second | hh:mm:ss } | lifetime { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ]

The NQA test instance is started at a specified time.

l Run:
start delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } [ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss |
delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } | lifetime { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ]

The test instance is started after a certain period of delay.

For details on parameters and options of the start command, refer to the Command Reference.


7.42.4 Checking the Configuration

All the configurations of the VPLS PW ping and VPLS PW trace test instances are complete.
NQA test results are not displayed automatically on the terminal. You must run the display nqa results
command to view test results. By default, the command output only shows the results of the latest five

Step 1 Run the display nqa results [ test-instance admin-name test-name ] command on the NQA
client to view test results.


Run the display nqa results command. If the following information is displayed, it means that
the VPLS PW ping test succeeds.
<HUAWEI> display nqa results test-instance vplspwping
NQA entry(vplspw,ping) :testflag is inactive ,testtype is vplspwping
1 . Test 1 result The test is finished
SendProbe:3 ResponseProbe:3
Completion:success RTD OverThresholds number:0
OWD OverThresholds SD number:0 OWD OverThresholds DS number:0
Min/Max/Avg/Sum RTT:1/30/14/41 RTT Square Sum:1001
NumOfRTT:3 Drop operation number:0
Operation sequence errors number:0 RTT Stats errors number:0
System busy operation number:0 Operation timeout number:0
Min Positive SD:10 Min Positive DS:40
Max Positive SD:10 Max Positive DS:40
Positive SD Number:1 Positive DS Number:1
Positive SD Sum:10 Positive DS Sum:40
Positive SD Square Sum:100 Positive DS Square Sum:1600
Min Negative SD:20 Min Negative DS:30
Max Negative SD:20 Max Negative DS:30
Negative SD Number:1 Negative DS Number:1
Negative SD Sum:20 Negative DS Sum:30

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Negative SD Square Sum:400 Negative DS Square Sum:900

Min Delay SD:0 Min Delay DS:0
Max Delay SD:0 Max Delay DS:0
Delay SD Square Sum:0 Delay DS Square Sum:0
Packet Loss SD:0 Packet Loss DS:0
Packet Loss Unknown:0 Average of Jitter:25
Average of Jitter SD:15 Average of Jitter DS:35
jitter out value:0.6119792 jitter in value:1.4062500
NumberOfOWD:0 Packet Loss Ratio: 0%
OWD SD Sum:0 OWD DS Sum:0
ICPIF value: 0 MOS-CQ value: 0
TimeStamp unit: ms Packet Rewrite Number: 0
Packet Rewrite Ratio: 0% Packet Disorder Number: 0
Packet Disorder Ratio: 0% Fragment-disorder Number: 0
Fragment-disorder Ratio: 0%

Run the display nqa results command. If the following information is displayed, it means that
the VPLS PW trace test succeeds.
<HUAWEI> display nqa results test-instance vplspwtrace
NQA entry(t, t) :testflag is inactive ,testtype is vplspwtrace
1 . Test 1 result The test is finished
Completion:success Attempts number:1
Disconnect operation number:0 Operation timeout number:0
System busy operation number:0 Connection fail number:0
Operation sequence errors number:0 RTT Stats errors number:0
Drop operation number:0
Last good path Time:2010-07-23 14:23:20.4
1 . Hop 1
Send operation times: 3 Receive response times: 3
Min/Max/Average Completion Time: 70/140/93
Sum/Square-Sum Completion Time: 280/29400
RTD OverThresholds number: 0
Last Good Probe Time: 2010-07-23 14:23:20.4
Destination ip address:
Lost packet ratio: 0 %

7.43 Configuring a VPLS MFIB Trace to Check the VPLS


7.43.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

Applicable Environment
With the NQA VPLS MFIB trace, the IGMP snooping of the egress can be checked and trouble
PEs can be found. The NQA VPLS MFIB trace is applicable to the following networks:
l Kompella VPLS
l Martini VPLS

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring a VPLS MFIB trace to check the VPLS network, complete the following

l Configuring the VPLS network

l Enabling IGMP snooping on the devices in the VSI domain

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Data Preparation
To configure a VPLS MFIB Trace to check the Martini VPLS network, you need the following

No. Data

1 Administrator and name of the NQA test instance

2 Name of the VSI

3 (Optional) multicast source IP address, pad string, length of the payload in the
Echo Request packet, timeout period during which an Echo Reply packet is
awaited, time waiting for the next Echo Request packet, reply mode, priority of
the Echo Request packet, and permitted failure percentage

4 Multicast IP address and remote IP address

5 Start mode and end mode

7.43.2 Configuring a VPLS MFIB Trace to Check the Multicast


Do as follows on the NQA client:

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
nqa test-instance admin-name test-name

An NQA test instance is created and the test instance view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
test-type vplsmtrace

The test instance type is configured as VPLS MFIB trace.

Step 4 Run:
vsi vsi-name

The name of the VSI to which the test instance corresponds is configured.

Step 5 Run:
destination-address ipv4 ip-address

The destination IP address of the VPLS MFIB trace is configured.

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Step 6 Run:
remote-address ipv4 remote-ip-address
The remote IP address is configured for the VPLS MFIB trace test instance.

Step 7 (Optional) Run the following commands to configure other parameters for the VPLS MFIB trace
test instance as required.
l To configure the aging time of the NQA test instance, run the agetime hh:mm:ss command.
l To set the description of the NQA test instance, run the description string (NQA view)
l To set the test period of the NQA test instance, run the frequency interval command.
l To set the timeout period of the NQA test instance, run the timeout time command.
l To set the source IP address of the NQA test instance, run the source-address ipv4 ip-
address command.
l To set after how many hops a VPLS MFIB trace test instance is considered failed, run the
tracert-hopfailtimes times command.
l To set the lifetime of a VPLS MFIB trace test instance, run the tracert-livetime first-ttl
first-ttl max-ttl max-ttl command.
l To set the number of probe failures, that is, the threshold to trigger the sending of traps, run
the probe-failtimes times command.
l To set the maximum number of times of continuous test failures, run the test-failtimes
times command so that a trap message is sent when the maximum number of times is
l To configure the LSP EXP value, run the lsp-exp exp command.
l To configure the response mode of the Echo packet, run the lsp-replymode { no-reply |
udp | udp-via-vpls | udp-router-alert | level-control-channel } command.
The lsp-replymode no-reply command can start a uni-directional test. No matter whether the test is
successful or not, the test result shows that the test fails. If the test is successful, the number of timeout
packets in the test is displayed in the test result; if the test is failed, the number of discarded packets in
the test is displayed in the test result.

Step 8 Run:

The NQA test is started.

The start command has several forms. You can choose one of the following forms as required:

l Run the start now [ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second |
hh:mm:ss } | lifetime { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ] command to start the test instance
l Run the start at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss [ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss | delay
{ seconds second | hh:mm:ss } | lifetime { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ] command to start
the test instance at a specified time.
l Run the start delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } [ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss |
delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } | lifetime { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ] command
to start the test instance after a certain delay.


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7.43.3 Checking the Configuration

All the configurations of the VPLS MFIB trace are complete.
NQA test results are not displayed automatically on the terminal. You must run the display nqa results
command to view test results. By default, the command only shows the results of the latest five tests.

Step 1 Run:
display nqa results [ test-instance admin-name test-name ]

Test results are displayed.


Run the display nqa results command, and the following information is displayed.
<HUAWEI> display nqa results
NQA entry(admin, test) :testflag is inactive ,testtype is vplsmtrace
1 . Test 1 result The test is finished
Completion:success Attempts number:1
Disconnect operation number:0 Operation timeout number:0
System busy operation number:0 Connection fail number:0
Operation sequence errors number:0 RTT Stats errors number:0
Drop operation number:0
Last good path Time:2009-12-03 09:42:46.7
1 . Hop 1
Send operation times: 1 Receive response times: 1
Min/Max/Average Completion Time: 0/0/0
Sum/Square-Sum Completion Time: 0/0
RTD OverThresholds number: 0
Last Good Probe Time: 2009-12-03 09:42:43.9
Destination ip address:
Lost packet ratio: 0 %
2 . Hop 2
Send operation times: 1 Receive response times: 1
Min/Max/Average Completion Time: 0/0/0
Sum/Square-Sum Completion Time: 0/0
RTD OverThresholds number: 0
Last Good Probe Time: 2009-12-03 09:42:46.7
Destination ip address:
Lost packet ratio: 0 %

7.44 Configuring a VPLS MAC Ping Test

This section describes how to configure an NQA VPLS MAC ping test.

7.44.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

Applicable Environment
After a VPLS network is configured, an NQA VPLS MAC ping test is initiated to check the
connectivity of Layer 2 forwarding links on the VPLS network.

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Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring a VPLS MAC ping test, complete the following tasks:
1. Configuring a VPLS network
2. Ensuring that the VSI is in the Up state

Data Preparation
To configure a VPLS MAC ping test, you need the following data.

No. Data

1 VSI name and MAC address

2 (Optional) VLAN ID

3 Start and end modes of the NQA test

7.44.2 Configuring Parameters for the VPLS MAC Ping Test

Do as follows on the NQA client:

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
nqa test-instance admin-name test-name

An NQA test instance is created and the test instance view is displayed.
Step 3 Run:
test-type vplsping

The type of the test instance is configured as VPLS MAC ping.

Step 4 Run:
vsi vsi-name

The name of the VSI to be tested is configured.

Step 5 Run:
destination-address mac mac-address

The MAC address associated with the VSI is configured.

Step 6 (Optional) Run:
vlan vlan-id

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The VLAN ID is configured.

Step 7 Run:

The NQA test is started.

Run the following commands as required:

l To perform the NQA test immediately, run the start now [ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ]
hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } | lifetime { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ]
The test instance is started immediately.
l To perform the NQA test at the specified time, run the start at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss
[ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } | lifetime
{ seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ] command.
The test instance is started at a specified time.
l To perform the NQA test after a certain delay period, run the start delay { seconds second
| hh:mm:ss } [ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } |
lifetime { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ] command.
The test instance is started after a certain delay.

For details about parameters in the start command, refer to the Command Reference.


7.44.3 Checking the Configuration

All the configurations of the VPLS MAC Ping are complete.
NQA test results are not displayed automatically on the terminal. You must run the display nqa results
command to view test results. By default, the command output only shows the results of the latest five

Step 1 Run the display nqa results [ test-instance admin-name test-name] command on the NQA
client to display test results.
<HUAWEI> display nqa results
NQA entry (1, 1) :testflag is inactive ,testtype is vplsping
1 . Test 1 result The test is finished
Send operation times: 3 Receive response times: 3
Completion:success RTD OverThresholds number: 0
Attempts number:1 Drop operation number:0
Disconnect operation number:0 Operation timeout number:0
System busy operation number:0 Connection fail number:0
Operation sequence errors number:0 RTT Stats errors number:0
Destination ip address:
Min/Max/Average Completion Time: 21/30/24
Sum/Square-Sum Completion Time: 74/1870
Last Good Probe Time: 2009-4-21 9:49:50.1
Lost packet ratio: 0 %


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Run the display nqa results command. If the following information is displayed, it means that
the VPLS MAC Ping test is successful.

l Statistics on errors:
Number of unroutable connections
Number of incorrect sequences
Timeout times of the test packets
l History statistics of each test packet:
Timestamp added when each test packet is sent
Timestamp added when each test packet is received
Status of each packet that is displayed on the NQA client
l Statistics on the result of each test instance:
Number of successful tests
Sum of the response time of tests
RTT square sum (lower 32 bits and higher 32 bits)
Minimum and maximum RTT of the packet
Destination IP address type and destination IP address
Number of received Response packets and sent packets
Time when the last packet is received

7.45 Configuring a VPLS MAC Trace Test

This section describes how to configure an NQA VPLS MAC trace test.

7.45.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

Applicable Environment
After a VPLS network is configured, an NQA VPLS MAC trace test is initiated to check the
connectivity of Layer 2 forwarding links on the VPLS network.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring a VPLS MAC trace test, complete the following tasks:
1. Configuring a VPLS network
2. Ensuring that the VSI is in the Up state

Data Preparation
To configure a VPLS MAC trace test, you need the following data.

No. Data

1 VSI ID and MAC address

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No. Data

2 (Optional) VLAN ID

3 Start and end modes of the NQA VPLS MAC trace test

7.45.2 Configuring Parameters for the VPLS MAC Trace Test

Do as follows on the NQA client:

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
nqa test-instance admin-name test-name

An NQA test instance is created and the test instance view is displayed.
Step 3 Run:
test-type vplstrace

The type of the test instance is configured as VPLS MAC Trace.

Step 4 Run:
vsi vsi-name

The name of the VSI to be tested is configured.

Step 5 Run:
destination-address mac mac-address

The MAC address associated with the VSI is configured.

Step 6 (Optional) Run:
vlan vlan-id

The VLAN ID is configured.

Step 7 Run:

The NQA test is started.

Run the following commands as required:
l To immediately start the test instance, run:
start now [ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss | delay { seconds second |
hh:mm:ss } | lifetime { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ]

l To start the test instance at a specified time, run:

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start at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss [ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss | delay

{ seconds second | hh:mm:ss } | lifetime { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ]

l To start the test instance after a certain period of delay, run:

start delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } [ end { at [ yyyy/mm/dd ] hh:mm:ss |
delay { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } | lifetime { seconds second | hh:mm:ss } } ]

For details about parameters in the start command, refer to the Command Reference.


7.45.3 Checking the Configuration

All the configurations of the VPLS MAC Trace test are complete.
NQA test results are not displayed automatically on the terminal. You must run the display nqa results
command to view test results. By default, the command output only shows the results of the latest five

Step 1 Run the display nqa results [ test-instance admin-name operation-tag] command on the NQA
client to display test results.
<HUAWEI> display nqa results
NQA entry (1, 1) :testflag is inactive ,testtype is vplsping
1 . Test 1 result The test is finished
Send operation times: 3 Receive response times: 3
Completion:success RTD OverThresholds number: 0
Attempts number:1 Drop operation number:0
Disconnect operation number:0 Operation timeout number:0
System busy operation number:0 Connection fail number:0
Operation sequence errors number:0 RTT Stats errors number:0
Destination ip address:
Min/Max/Average Completion Time: 21/30/24
Sum/Square-Sum Completion Time: 74/1870
Last Good Probe Time: 2009-4-21 9:49:50.1
Lost packet ratio: 0 %


Run the display nqa results command. If the following information is displayed, it means that
the VPLS MAC Trace test is successful.

l Statistics on errors:
Number of unroutable connections
Number of incorrect sequences
Timeout times of the test packets
l History statistics of each test packet:
Timestamp added when each test packet is sent
Timestamp added when each test packet is received
Status of each packet that is displayed on the NQA client

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Destination IP address
l Statistics on the result of each test instance:
Number of successful tests
Number of received Response packets and sent packets
Time when the last packet is received

7.46 Maintaining NQA

This section describes how to maintain an NQA test instance. You can restart the test instance
and clear the statistics on the test result to maintain a test instance.

7.46.1 Restarting NQA Test Instances

If a test instance fails, you can try to restart the test instance in the next test period.

To restart an NQA test instance, run the following command in the NQA instance view.


Restarting an NQA test instance interrupts the running of tests.

Step 1 Run the system-view command, enter the system view.
Step 2 Run the nqa test-instance admin-name test-name command, enter the NQA test instance view.
Step 3 Run the restart command in the NQA instance view to restart an NQA test instance.


7.46.2 Clearing NQA Statistics

When the statistics on the current test instance are saved to the FTP server, you can clear test
results on the device.

NQA statistics cannot be restored after you clear them. So, confirm the action before you use
the command.


Statistics about the test being performed cannot be cleared.

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Step 1 Run the reset mtrace statistics command, statistics about MTrace packets are cleared.

Step 2 Run the system-view command, enter the system view.

Step 3 Run the nqa test-instance admin-name test-name command, enter the NQA test instance view.

Step 4 Run the clear-records command in the NQA view to clear history statistics on NQA tests and
test results.


7.47 NQA Configuration Examples

This section provides examples for configuring NQA and illustrates the networking
requirements, configuration roadmap, and configuration notes. You can better understand the
configuration procedures with the help of the configuration flowchart.


This document takes interface numbers and link types of the NE40E-X8 as an example. In working
situations, the actual interface numbers and link types may be different from those used in this document.

7.47.1 Example for Configuring the ICMP Test

This part provides examples for configuring an ICMP test to check the IP network connectivity.

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 7-3, Router A functions as an NQA client. It is required to test whether
Router B is routable.

Figure 7-3 Networking diagram of the ICMP test

Router A Router B

POS1/0/0 POS1/0/0
NQA agent

Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:

1. Perform the NQA ICMP test to test whether the packet sent by Router A can reach Router
2. Perform the NQA ICMP test to obtain the RTT of the packet.

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Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the IP address of Router B.

Step 1 Configure the IP address. (The detailed procedure is not mentioned here.)

Step 2 Enable the NQA client and create an NQA ICMP test.
<RouterA> system-view
[RouterA] nqa test-instance admin icmp
[RouterA-nqa-admin-icmp] test-type icmp
[RouterA-nqa-admin-icmp] destination-address ipv4

Step 3 Start the test immediately.

[RouterA-nqa-admin-icmp] start now

Step 4 View the test results.

[RouterA-nqa-admin-icmp] display nqa results test-instance admin icmp
NQA entry(admin, icmp) :testflag is inactive ,testtype is icmp
1 . Test 1 result The test is finished
Send operation times: 3 Receive response times: 3
Completion:success RTD OverThresholds number: 0
Attempts number:1 Drop operation number:0
Disconnect operation number:0 Operation timeout number:0
System busy operation number:0 Connection fail number:0
Operation sequence errors number:0 RTT Stats errors number:0
Destination ip address:
Min/Max/Average Completion Time: 31/46/36
Sum/Square-Sum Completion Time: 108/4038
Last Good Probe Time: 2006-8-2 10:7:11.4
Lost packet ratio: 0 %


Configuration Files
l Configuration file of Router A
sysname RouterA
interface Pos1/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address
nqa test-instance admin icmp
test-type icmp
destination-address ipv4

l Configuration file of Router B

sysname RouterB
interface Pos1/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address

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7.47.2 Example for Configuring the DHCP Test

This part provides examples for configuring a DHCP test to detect the speed at which a DHCP
server that sets up a connection with an NQA agent obtains the IP address.

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 7-4, Router B functions as a DHCP server. It is required to perform an NQA
DHCP test to obtain the time taken by the DHCP server to allocate an IP address to the client.

Figure 7-4 Networking diagram of the DHCP test

Router A Router B

GE1/0/0 GE1/0/0
NQA agent DHCP Server

Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:
1. Configure Router A as the NQA client.
2. Create and perform the DHCP test on Router A to check whether Router A can set up a
connection with Router B and obtain an IP address from Router B.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:
l IP address of the DHCP server
l Source interface
l Timeout period

Step 1 Configure the IP address. (The detailed procedure is not mentioned here.)
Step 2 Enable the NQA client and create an NQA DHCP test.
<RouterA> system-view
[RouterA] nqa test-instance admin dhcp
[RouterA-nqa-admin-dhcp] test-type dhcp
[RouterA-nqa-admin-dhcp] source-interface gigabitethernet 1/0/0
[RouterA-nqa-admin-dhcp] timeout 20

Step 3 Start the test.

[RouterA-nqa-admin-dhcp] start now

Step 4 View the test results.

[RouterA-nqa-admin-dhcp] display nqa results test-instance admin dhcp
NQA entry(admin, dhcp) :testflag is inactive ,testtype is dhcp
1 . Test 1 result The test is finished

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Send operation times: 3 Receive response times: 3

Completion:success RTD OverThresholds number: 0
Attempts number:1 Drop operation number:0
Disconnect operation number:0 Operation timeout number:0
System busy operation number:0 Connection fail number:0
Operation sequence errors number:0 RTT Stats errors number:0
Destination ip address:
Min/Max/Average Completion Time: 1018/1019/1018
Sum/Square-Sum Completion Time: 3055/3111009
Last Good Probe Time: 2009-3-11 9:26:38.5
Lost packet ratio: 0 %


Configuration Files
l Configuration file of Router A
sysname RouterA
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
ip address
nqa test-instance admin dhcp
test-type dhcp
timeout 20
source-interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0

l Configuration file of Router B

sysname RouterB
dhcp server ip-pool 1
network mask
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
ip address

7.47.3 Example for Configuring the FTP Download Test

This part provides examples for configuring an FTP download test to check the performance of
the FTP download function.

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 7-5, Router B functions as an FTP server.
A user named user1 intends to log in to the FTP server by entering the password hello to
download the file named test.txt.

Figure 7-5 Networking diagram of the FTP download test

Router A Router B

POS1/0/0 POS1/0/0
FTP Client FTP Server

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Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:
1. Configure Router A as the NQA client.
2. Create and perform an FTP download test on Router A to check whether Router A can set
up a connection with the FTP server and to obtain the time taken by Router A to download
the file from the FTP server.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:
l IP address of the FTP server
l Source IP address for the test
l FTP user name and password
l Operation file of the FTP test

Step 1 Configure IP addresses of Router A and Router B. (The detailed procedure is not mentioned
Step 2 Configure Router B as the FTP server.
<RouterB> system-view
[RouterB] ftp-server enable
[RouterB] aaa
[RouterB-aaa] local-user user1 password cipher hello
[RouterB-aaa] local-user user1 service-type ftp
[RouterB-aaa] local-user user1 ftp-directory flash:/
[RouterB-aaa] quit

Step 3 Create an NQA FTP test on Route A.

<RouterA> system-view
[RouterA] nqa test-instance admin ftp
[RouterA-nqa-admin-ftp] test-type ftp
[RouterA-nqa-admin-ftp] destination-address ipv4
[RouterA-nqa-admin-ftp] source-address ipv4
[RouterA-nqa-admin-ftp] ftp-operation get
[RouterA-nqa-admin-ftp] ftp-username user1
[RouterA-nqa-admin-ftp] ftp-password hello
[RouterA-nqa-admin-ftp] ftp-filename test.txt

Step 4 Start the test.

[RouterA-nqa-admin-ftp] start now

Step 5 View the test results.

[RouterA-nqa-admin-ftp] display nqa results test-instance admin ftp
NQA entry(admin, ftp) :testflag is inactive ,testtype is ftp
1 . Test 1 result The test is finished
SendProbe:1 ResponseProb:1
Completion :success RTD OverThresholds number: 0
MessageBodyOctetsSum: 448 Stats errors number: 0
Operation timeout number: 0 System busy operation number:0
Drop operation number:0 Disconnect operation number: 0
CtrlConnTime Min/Max/Average: 438/438/438
DataConnTime Min/Max/Average: 218/218/218
SumTime Min/Max/Average: 656/656/656

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Average RTT:656
Lost packet ratio:0 %


Configuration Files
l Configuration file of Router A
sysname RouterA
interface Pos1/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address
nqa test-instance admin ftp
test-type ftp
destination-address ipv4
source-address ipv4
ftp-operation get
ftp-filename test.txt
ftp-username user1
ftp-password %$%$gw1.QU~4M1I@ESF>b/VP,@7.%$%$

l Configuration file of Router B

sysname RouterB
FTP server enable
interface Pos1/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address
local-user user1 password cipher 3MQ*TZ,O3KCQ=^Q`MAF4<1!!
local-user user1 service-type ftp
local-user user1 ftp-directory flash:/

7.47.4 Example for Configuring the FTP Upload Test

This part provides examples for configuring an FTP upload test to check the performance of the
FTP upload function.

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 7-6, it is required to test the speed of uploading a file from Router A to an
FTP server.

Figure 7-6 Networking diagram of the FTP upload test

Router A Router B Router C

POS1/0/0 POS1/0/0 POS2/0/0 POS1/0/0
FTP Client FTP Server

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Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:
1. Configure Router A as an NQA client as well as an FTP client. Create and perform an FTP
test on Router A to check whether Router A can set up a connection with the FTP server
and to obtain the time taken by Router A to upload a file to the FTP server.
2. A user named user1 logs in to the FTP server by entering the password hello to upload a
file with the size being 10 KB.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:
l IP address of the FTP server
l Source IP address for the test
l FTP user name and password
l Size of the uploaded file

Step 1 Configure reachable routes between Router A, Router B, and Router C. (The detailed procedure
is not mentioned here.)
Step 2 Configure Router C as the FTP server.
<RouterC> system-view
[RouterC] ftp-server enable
[RouterC] aaa
[RouterC-aaa] local-user user1 password cipher hello
[RouterC-aaa] local-user user1 service-type ftp
[RouterC-aaa] local-user user1 ftp-directory flash:
[RouterC-aaa] quit

Step 3 Create an NQA FTP test on Router A and create a file with the size being 10 KB for uploading.
<Router> system-view
[RouterA] nqa test-instance admin ftp
[RouterA-nqa-admin-ftp] test-type ftp
[RouterA-nqa-admin-ftp] destination-address ipv4
[RouterA-nqa-admin-ftp] source-address ipv4
[RouterA-nqa-admin-ftp] ftp-operation put
[RouterA-nqa-admin-ftp] ftp-username user1
[RouterA-nqa-admin-ftp] ftp-password hello
[RouterA-nqa-admin-ftp] ftp-filesize 10

Step 4 Start the test.

[RouterA-nqa-admin-ftp] start now

Step 5 View the test results.

# View the test results on Router A.
[RouterA-nqa-admin-ftp] display nqa results test-instance admin ftp
NQA entry(admin, ftp) :testflag is inactive ,testtype is ftp
1 . Test 1 result The test is finished
SendProbe:1 ResponseProb:1
Completion :success RTD OverThresholds number: 0
MessageBodyOctetsSum: 10240 Stats errors number: 0
Operation timeout number: 0 System busy operation number:0

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Drop operation number:0 Disconnect operation number: 0

CtrlConnTime Min/Max/Average: 657/657/657
DataConnTime Min/Max/Average: 500/500/500
SumTime Min/Max/Average: 1157/1157/1157
Average RTT:656
Lost packet ratio:0 %

# On Router C, you can view that a file named nqa-ftp-test.txt is added.(Part of the configuration
file is displayed.)
<RouterC> dir
Directory of flash:/
0 -rw- 331 Jul 06 2007 18:34:34 private-data.txt
1 -rw- 1024000 Jul 06 2007 18:37:06 nqa-ftp-test.txt
2540 KB total (1536 KB free)


Configuration Files
l Configuration file of Router A
sysname RouterA
interface Pos1/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address
nqa test-instance admin ftp
test-type ftp
destination-address ipv4
source-address ipv4
ftp-operation put
ftp-filesize 10
ftp-username user1
ftp-password %$%$gw1.QU~4M1I@ESF>b/VP,@7.%$%$
ip route-static

l Configuration file of Router B

sysname RouterB
interface Pos1/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address
interface Pos2/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address

l Configuration file of Router C

sysname RouterC
FTP server enable
interface Pos1/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address

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local-user user1 password cipher 3MQ*TZ,O3KCQ=^Q`MAF4<1!!
local-user user1 service-type ftp
local-user user1 ftp-directory flash:
ip route-static

7.47.5 Example for Configuring the HTTP Test

This part provides examples for configuring an HTTP test to check the responding speed of the
HTTP service in each phase.

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 7-7, Router A is connected with the HTTP server through a WAN.

Figure 7-7 Networking diagram of the HTTP test

HTTP Server

Router A
IP Network

Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:
1. Configure Router A as an NQA client.
2. Create and perform an HTTP test on Router A to check whether Router A can set up a
connection with the HTTP server and to obtain the time of file transferring between Router
A and the HTTP server.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:
l IP address of the HTTP server
l HTTP operation type

Step 1 Configure the IP address. (The detailed procedure is not mentioned here.)
Step 2 Enable the NQA client and create an NQA HTTP test.
<RouterA> system-view

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[RouterA] nqa test-instance admin http

[RouterA-nqa-admin-http] test-type http
[RouterA-nqa-admin-http] destination-address ipv4
[RouterA-nqa-admin-http] http-operation get
[RouterA-nqa-admin-http] http-url

Step 3 Start the test.

[RouterA-nqa-admin-http] start now

Step 4 View the test results.

[RouterA-nqa-admin-http] display nqa results test-instance admin http
NQA entry(admin, http) :testflag is inactive ,testtype is http
Test 1 result The test is finished
SendProbe:3 ResponseProbe:3
Completion:success RTD OverThresholdsnumber: 0
MessageBodyOctetsSum: 411 TargetAddress:
DNSQueryError number: 0 HTTPError number: 0
TcpConnError number : 0 System busy operation number:0
DNSRTT Sum/Min/Max:0/0/0 TCPConnectRTT Sum/Min/Max: 4/1/2
TransactionRTT Sum/Min/Max: 3/1/1
RTT Sum/Min/Max/Avg: 7/2/3/2
DNSServerTimeout:0 TCPConnectTimeout:0 TransactionTimeout: 0
Lost packet ratio:0%


Configuration Files
The configuration file of Router A is as follows:
sysname RouterA
interface Pos1/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address
nqa test-instance admin http
test-type http
destination-address ipv4
http-operation get

7.47.6 Example for Configuring the DNS Test

This part provides examples for configuring a DNS test to check the DNS resolution speed.

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 7-8, Router A functions as a DNS client to access the host, using
a domain name

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Figure 7-8 Networking diagram of the DNS test

Router A
IP Network

DNS Server

Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:
1. Configure Router A as an NQA client.
2. Create and perform a DNS test on Router A to check whether Router A can set up a
connection with the DNS server and to obtain the speed of responding an address resolution

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:
l IP address of the DNS server
l Name of the host to be accessed

Step 1 Configure reachable routes between Router A, the DNS server, and the host to be accessed. (The
detailed procedure is not mentioned here.)
Step 2 Create an NQA DNS test.
<Router> system-view
[RouterA] dns resolve
[RouterA] dns server
[RouterA] nqa test-instance admin dns
[RouterA-nqa-admin-dns] test-type dns
[RouterA-nqa-admin-dns] dns-server ipv4
[RouterA-nqa-admin-dns] destination-address url

Step 3 Start the test.

[RouterA-nqa-admin-dns] start now

Step 4 View the test results.

[RouterA-nqa-admin-dns] display nqa results test-instance admin dns
NQA entry(admin, dns) :testflag is inactive ,testtype is dns
1 . Test 1 result The test is finished
Send operation times: 1 Receive response times: 1
Completion:success RTD OverThresholds number: 0

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Attempts number:1 Drop operation number:0

Disconnect operation number:0 Operation timeout number:0
System busy operation number:0 Connection fail number:0
Operation sequence errors number:0 RTT Stats errors number:0
Destination ip address:
Min/Max/Average Completion Time: 1/1/1
Sum/Square-Sum Completion Time: 1/1
Last Good Probe Time: 2007-7-3 10:52:5.7
Lost packet ratio: 0 %


Configuration Files
The configuration file of Router A is as follows:
sysname RouterA
dns resolve
dns server
interface Pos1/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address
nqa test-instance admin dns
test-type dns
destination-address url
dns-server ipv4
ip route-static
ip route-static

7.47.7 Example for Configuring the Traceroute Test

This part provides examples for configuring a traceroute test to check the connectivity between
the client and devices along the transmission path.

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 7-9, perform the Traceroute test on Router A to trace the IP address of
POS 1/0/0 on Router C.

Figure 7-9 Networking diagram of the Traceroute test

Router A Router B Router C

POS1/0/0 POS1/0/0 POS2/0/0 POS1/0/0

Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:

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l Configure Router A as an NQA client.

l Create and perform the Traceroute on Router A to obtain the statistics about each hop
fromRouter A to Router C.

Data Preparation
To complete the Traceroute test, you need to configure the destination IP address to be tested.

Step 1 Configure reachable routes between Router A, Router B, and Router C. (The detailed procedure
is not mentioned here.)
Step 2 Create an NQA Traceroute test on Router A and configure the destination IP address to be tested
<Router > system-view
[RouterA] nqa test-instance admin trace
[RouterA-nqa-admin-trace] test-type trace
[RouterA-nqa-admin-trace] destination-address ipv4

Step 3 Start the test.

[RouterA-nqa-admin-trace] start now

Step 4 View the test results.

# View the test results on Router A.
[RouterA-nqa-admin-trace] display nqa results test-instance admin trace
NQA entry(admin, trace) :testflag is inactive ,testtype is trace
1 . Test 1 result The test is finished
Completion:success Attempts number:1
Disconnect operation number:0 Operation timeout number:0
System busy operation number:0 Connection fail number:0
Operation sequence errors number:0 RTT Stats errors number:0
Drop operation number:0
Last good path Time:2009-3-28 10:52:39.9
1 . Hop 1
Send operation times: 3 Receive response times: 3
Min/Max/Average Completion Time: 1/1/1
Sum/Square-Sum Completion Time: 3/3
RTD OverThresholds number: 0
Last Good Probe Time: 2009-3-28 10:52:39.9
Destination ip address:
Lost packet ratio: 0 %
2 . Hop 2
Send operation times: 3 Receive response times: 3
Min/Max/Average Completion Time: 1/1/1
Sum/Square-Sum Completion Time: 3/3
RTD OverThresholds number: 0
Last Good Probe Time: 2009-3-28 10:52:39.9
Destination ip address:
Lost packet ratio: 0 %


Configuration Files
l Configuration file of Router A
sysname RouterA
interface Pos1/0/0
link-protocol ppp

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undo shutdown
ip address
nqa test-instance admin trace
test-type trace
destination-address ipv4
ip route-static

l Configuration file of Router B

sysname RouterB
interface Pos1/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address
interface Pos2/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address

l Configuration file of Router C

sysname RouterC
interface Pos1/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address
ip route-static

7.47.8 Example for Configuring the SNMP Query Test

This part provides examples for configuring a traceroute test to check the SNMP
communications between the client and the SNMP agent.

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 7-10, Router C functions as an SNMP agent. It is required to perform an
NQA SNMP Query test to obtain the time from when routerA sends an SNMP query packet to
when Router A receives an Echo packet.

Figure 7-10 Networking diagram of the SNMP Query test

Router A Router B Router C

POS1/0/0 POS1/0/0 POS2/0/0 POS1/0/0
SNMP Agent

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Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:
1. Configure Router A as an NQA client.
2. Create and perform an SNMP Query test on Router A.
3. Enable SNMP agent on Router C.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need to configure the IP address of the SNMP agent.

Step 1 Configure reachable routes between Router A, Router B, and Router C. (The detailed procedure
is not mentioned here.)
Step 2 Enable SNMP agent on Router C.
<RouterC> system-view
[RouterC] snmp-agent

Step 3 Create an SNMP Query test on Router A.

<RouterA> system-view
[RouterA] nqa test-instance admin snmp
[RouterA-nqa-admin-snmp] test-type snmp
[RouterA-nqa-admin-snmp] destination-address ipv4

Step 4 Start the test.

[RouterA-nqa-admin-snmp] start now

Step 5 View the test results.

[RouterA-nqa-admin-snmp] display nqa results test-instance admin snmp
NQA entry(admin, snmp) :testflag is inactive ,testtype is snmp
1 . Test 1 result The test is finished
Send operation times: 3 Receive response times: 3
Completion:success RTD OverThresholds number: 0
Attempts number:0 Drop operation number:0
Disconnect operation number:0 Operation timeout number:0
System busy operation number:0 Connection fail number:0
Operation sequence errors number:0 RTT Stats errors number:0
Destination ip address:
Min/Max/Average Completion Time: 63/172/109
Sum/Square-Sum Completion Time: 329/42389
Last Good Probe Time: 2006-8-5 15:33:49.1
Lost packet ratio: 0 %


Configuration Files
l Configuration file of Router A
sysname RouterA
interface Pos1/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address
nqa test-instance admin snmp
test-type snmp

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destination-address ipv4

ip route-static

l Configuration file of Router B

sysname RouterB
interface Pos1/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address
interface Pos2/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address

l Configuration file of Router C

sysname RouterC
interface Pos1/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address
ip route-static
snmp-agent local-engineid 000007DB7F00000100006294
snmp-agent sys-info version v3

7.47.9 Example for Configuring the TCP Test

This part provides examples for configuring a TCP test to check the TCP communications
between the client and the server.

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 7-11, it is required to perform an NQA TCP Private test to obtain the time
taken by Router A to set up a TCP connection with Router C.

Figure 7-11 Networking diagram of the TCP test

Router A Router B Router C

POS1/0/0 POS1/0/0 POS2/0/0 POS1/0/0
NQA Server

Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:

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1. Router A functions as an NQA client; Router C functions as an NQA server.

2. Configure the port number monitored by the NQA server and create an NQA TCP test on
the NQA client.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:
l IP address of the NQA server
l TCP port number monitored by the server

Step 1 Configure reachable routes between Router A, Router B, and Router C. (The detailed procedure
is not mentioned here.)
Step 2 Configure Router C as the NQA server.
# Configure the IP address and port number monitored by the NQA server.
<RouterC> system-view
[RouterC] nqa-server tcpconnect 9000

Step 3 Configure Router A.

Enable the NQA client and create a TCP Private test.
<RouterA> system-view
[RouterA] nqa test-instance admin tcp
[RouterA-nqa-admin-tcp] test-type tcp
[RouterA-nqa-admin-tcp] destination-address ipv4
[RouterA-nqa-admin-tcp] destination-port 9000

Step 4 Start the test.

[RouterA-nqa-admin-tcp] start now

Step 5 View the test results.

[RouterA-nqa-admin-tcp] display nqa results test-instance admin tcp
NQA entry(admin, tcp) :testflag is inactive ,testtype is tcp
1 . Test 1 result The test is finished
Send operation times: 3 Receive response times: 3
Completion:success RTD OverThresholds number: 0
Attempts number:0 Drop operation number:0
Disconnect operation number:0 Operation timeout number:0
System busy operation number:0 Connection fail number:0
Operation sequence errors number:0 RTT Stats errors number:0
Destination ip address:
Min/Max/Average Completion Time: 46/63/52
Sum/Square-Sum Completion Time: 156/8294
Last Good Probe Time: 2006-8-5 15:53:17.8
Lost packet ratio: 0 %


Configuration Files
l Configuration file of Router A
sysname RouterA
interface Pos1/0/0
link-protocol ppp

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undo shutdown
ip address
nqa test-instance admin tcp
test-type tcp
destination-address ipv4
destination-port 9000
ip route-static

l Configuration file of Router B

sysname RouterB
interface Pos1/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address
interface Pos2/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address

l Configuration file of Router C

sysname RouterC
interface Pos1/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address
nqa-server tcpconnect 9000
ip route-static

7.47.10 Example for Configuring the UDP Test

This part provides examples for configuring a UDP test to check the UDP communications
between the client and the server.

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 7-12, it is required to perform an NQA UDP Public test to obtain the RTT
of a UDP packet transmitted between Router A and Router C.

Figure 7-12 Networking diagram of the UDP test

Router A Router B Router C

POS1/0/0 POS1/0/0 POS2/0/0 POS1/0/0
NQA Server

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Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:
1. Router A functions as an NQA client; Router C functions as an NQA server.
2. Configure the port number monitored by the NQA server and create an NQA UDP test on
the NQA client.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:
l IP address of the NQA server
l UDP port number monitored by the server

Step 1 Configure reachable routes between Router A, Router B, and Router C. (The detailed procedure
is not mentioned here.)
Step 2 Configure Router C as the NQA server.
# Configure the IP address and UDP port number monitored by the NQA server.
<RouterC> system-view
[RouterC] nqa-server udpecho 6000

Step 3 Configure Router A.

# Enable the NQA client and create a UDP Public test.
<RouterA> system-view
[RouterA] nqa test-instance admin udp
[RouterA-nqa-admin-udp] test-type udp
[RouterA-nqa-admin-udp] destination-address ipv4
[RouterA-nqa-admin-udp] destination-port 6000

Step 4 Start the test.

[RouterA-nqa-admin-udp] start now

Step 5 View the test results.

[RouterA-nqa-admin-udp] display nqa results test-instance admin udp
NQA entry(admin, udp) :testflag is inactive ,testtype is udp
1 . Test 1 result The test is finished
Send operation times: 3 Receive response times: 3
Completion:success RTD OverThresholds number: 0
Attempts number:0 Drop operation number:0
Disconnect operation number:0 Operation timeout number:0
System busy operation number:0 Connection fail number:0
Operation sequence errors number:0 RTT Stats errors number:0
Destination ip address:
Min/Max/Average Completion Time: 32/109/67
Sum/Square-Sum Completion Time: 203/16749
Last Good Probe Time: 2006-8-5 16:9:21.6
Lost packet ratio: 0 %


Configuration Files
l Configuration file of Router A

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sysname RouterA
interface Pos1/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address
nqa test-instance admin udp
test-type udp
destination-address ipv4
destination-port 6000
ip route-static

l Configuration file of Router B

sysname RouterB
interface Pos1/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address
interface Pos2/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address

l Configuration file of Router C

sysname RouterC
interface Pos1/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address
nqa-server udpecho 6000
ip route-static

7.47.11 Example for Configuring the Jitter Test

This part provides examples for configuring a jitter test to measure jitter on the network.

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 7-13, it is required to perform an NQA Jitter test to obtain the jitter time of
the packet transmitted from Router A to Router C.

Figure 7-13 Networking diagram of the Jitter test

Router A Router B Router C

POS1/0/0 POS1/0/0 POS2/0/0 POS1/0/0
NQA Server

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Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:
1. Configure Router A as an NQA client, with Router C being its server.
2. Configure the monitoring service types and the port number to be monitored on the NQA
3. Create Jitter tests on the NQA clients.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:
l IP address of the NQA server
l UDP port number monitored by the server

Step 1 Configure reachable routes between Router A, Router B, and Router C. (The detailed procedure
is not mentioned here.)
Step 2 Configure Router C as the NQA server.
# Configure the IP address and UDP port number monitored by the NQA server.
<RouterC> system-view
[RouterC] nqa-server udpecho 9000

Step 3 Configure Router A.

# Enable the NQA client and create an NQA Jitter test.
<RouterA> system-view
[RouterA] nqa test-instance admin jitter
[RouterA-nqa-admin-jitter] test-type jitter
[RouterA-nqa-admin-jitter] destination-address ipv4
[RouterA-nqa-admin-jitter] destination-port 9000

Step 4 Start the test.

[RouterA-nqa-admin-jitter] start now

Step 5 View the test results.

[RouterA-nqa-admin-jitter] display nqa results test-instance admin jitter
NQA entry(admin, jitter) :testflag is inactive ,testtype is jitter
1 . Test 1 result The test is finished
SendProbe:60 ResponseProbe:60
Completion:success RTD OverThresholds number:0
OWD OverThresholds SD number:0 OWD OverThresholds DS number:0
Min/Max/Avg/Sum RTT:1/4/1/63 RTT Square Sum:75
NumOfRTT:60 Drop operation number:0
Operation sequence errors number:0 RTT Stats errors number:0
System busy operation number:0 Operation timeout number:0
Min Positive SD:1 Min Positive DS:1
Max Positive SD:1 Max Positive DS:3
Positive SD Number:15 Positive DS Number:14
Positive SD Sum:15 Positive DS Sum:16
Positive SD Square Sum:15 Positive DS Square Sum:22
Min Negative SD:1 Min Negative DS:1
Max Negative SD:1 Max Negative DS:4

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Negative SD Number:16 Negative DS Number:12

Negative SD Sum:16 Negative DS Sum:15
Negative SD Square Sum:16 Negative DS Square Sum:27
Min Delay SD:0 Min Delay DS:0
Max Delay SD:2 Max Delay DS:1
Delay SD Square Sum:4 Delay DS Square Sum:1
Packet Loss SD:0 Packet Loss DS:0
Packet Loss Unknown:0 Average of Jitter:1
Average of Jitter SD:1 Average of Jitter DS:1
jitter out value:0.0322917 jitter in value:0.0322917
NumberOfOWD:60 Packet Loss Ratio: 0%
OWD SD Sum:2 OWD DS Sum:1
ICPIF value: 0 MOS-CQ value: 0
TimeStamp unit: ms Packet Rewrite Number: 0
Packet Rewrite Ratio: 0% Packet Disorder Number: 0
Packet Disorder Ratio: 0% Fragment-disorder Number: 0
Fragment-disorder Ratio: 0%


Configuration Files
l Configuration file of Router A
sysname RouterA
interface Pos1/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address
nqa test-instance admin jitter
test-type jitter
destination-address ipv4
destination-port 9000
ip route-static

l Configuration file of Router B

sysname RouterB
interface Pos1/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address
interface Pos2/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address

l Configuration file of Router C

sysname RouterC
interface Pos1/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address
nqa-server udpecho 9000
ip route-static

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7.47.12 Example for Configuring a Jitter Test Based on the

Mechanism that the LPU Sends Packets
This part provides examples for configuring a jitter test based on the mechanism in which the
LPU sends packets to obtain detailed jitter information about IP networks.

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 7-14, the NQA jitter function is used to test the jitter time of transmitting
packets from Router A to Router C. The accuracy of the test can be improved by enabling the
LPU to send packets.

Figure 7-14 Networking diagram of the jitter test

GE1/0/0 GE1/0/0 GE2/0/0
RouterA RouterB RouterC

Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:
1. Configure Router A as the NQA client and Router C as the NQA server.
2. Configure the type of the service to be monitored and number of the monitoring port on
the NQA server.
3. Configure a Jitter NQA test instance on the NQA client.
4. Enable the LPU to send packets on the NQA client.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:
l Host address on the server
l Number of the port used for monitoring UDP services on the server

Step 1 Configure reachable routes among Router A, Router B, and Router C.
The configuration details are not mentioned here.
Step 2 Configure an NQA server for Router C.
# Configure the IP address and number of the port used for monitoring UDP services on the
NQA server.
<RouterC> system-view

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[RouterC] nqa-server udpecho 9000

Step 3 Configure Router A.

# Enable the NQA client and create a Jitter NQA test instance.
<RouterA> system-view
[RouterA] nqa test-instance admin jitter
[RouterA-nqa-admin-jitter] test-type jitter
[RouterA-nqa-admin-jitter] destination-address ipv4
[RouterA-nqa-admin-jitter] destination-port 9000

Step 4 Enable the LPU to send packets.

[RouterA-nqa-admin-jitter] hardware-based enable

Step 5 Start the test.

[RouterA-nqa-admin-jitter] start now

Step 6 Check test results.

[RouterA-nqa-admin-jitter] display nqa results test-instance admin jitter
NQA entry(admin, jitter) :testflag is inactive ,testtype is jitter
NQA entry(admin, icmpjitter) :testflag is inactive ,testtype is icmpjitter
1 . Test 1 result The test is finished
SendProbe:60 ResponseProbe:60
Completion :success RTD OverThresholds number:0
OWD OverThresholds SD number:0 OWD OverThresholds DS number:0
Min/Max/Avg/Sum RTT:0/1/1/14 RTT Square Sum:14
NumOfRTT:60 Drop operation number:0
Operation sequence errors number:0 RTT Stats errors number:0
System busy operation number:0 Operation timeout number:0
Min Positive SD:0 Min Positive DS:1
Max Positive SD:0 Max Positive DS:1
Positive SD Number:0 Positive DS Number:1
Positive SD Sum:0 Positive DS Sum:1
Positive SD Square Sum :0 Positive DS Square Sum :1
Min Negative SD:1 Min Negative DS:0
Max Negative SD:1 Max Negative DS:0
Negative SD Number:2 Negative DS Number:0
Negative SD Sum:2 Negative DS Sum:0
Negative SD Square Sum :2 Negative DS Square Sum :0
Min Delay SD:0 Min Delay DS:0
Max Delay SD:0 Max Delay DS:0
Delay SD Square Sum:0 Delay DS Square Sum:0
Packet Loss SD:0 Packet Loss DS:0
Packet Loss Unknown:0 Average of Jitter:1
Average of Jitter SD:1 Average of Jitter DS:1
jitter out value:0.0295593 jitter in value:0.0117767
NumberOfOWD:60 Packet Loss Ratio: 0%
OWD SD Sum:0 OWD DS Sum:0
ICPIF value: 0 MOS-CQ value: 0
TimeStamp unit: ms Packet Rewrite Number: 0
Packet Rewrite Ratio: 0% Packet Disorder Number: 0
Packet Disorder Ratio: 0% Fragment-disorder Number: 0
Fragment-disorder Ratio: 0%


Configuration Files
l Configuration file of Router A
sysname RouterA
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address

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nqa test-instance admin jitter

test-type jitter
destination-address ipv4
destination-port 9000
hardware-based enable
ip route-static

l Configuration file of Router B

sysname RouterB
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
interface GigabitEthernet2/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address

l Configuration file of Router C

sysname RouterC
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
nqa-server udpecho 9000
ip route-static

7.47.13 Example for Configuring the LSP Ping Test for the LDP
This part provides examples for configuring an LSP ping test to check the operating status of
the LSP.

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 7-15,
l Run OSPF on Router A, Router B and Router C, enabling the three Routers to advertise
host routes of loopback interfaces to each other.
l Enable MPLS and MPLS LDP on Router A, Router B, and Router C.
l Enable MPLS and MPLS LDP on the POS interfaces connecting Router A, Router B, and
Router C to trigger the setup of an LDP tunnel.
It is required to perform an NQA LSP Ping test to check the connectivity of the LSP between
Router A and Router C.

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Figure 7-15 Networking diagram of LSP Ping test

area 0

Loopback1 Loopback1 Loopback1
POS1/0/0 POS2/0/0
POS1/0/0 POS1/0/0
RouterB RouterC

Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:
1. Configure Router A as an NQA client.
2. Configure Router C as an NQA server.
3. Create an LSP Ping test on Router A.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need to configure the IP address and mask of the NQA server.

Step 1 Configure reachable routes between Router A, Router B, and Router C. (The detailed procedure
is not mentioned here.)
Step 2 Configure Router A.
# Enable the NQA client and create an LSP Ping test for the LDP tunnel.
<RouterA> system-view
[RouterA] nqa test-instance admin lspping
[RouterA-nqa-admin-lspping] test-type lspping
[RouterA-nqa-admin-lspping] lsp-type ipv4
[RouterA-nqa-admin-lspping] destination-address ipv4 lsp-masklen 32

Step 3 Start the test.

[RouterA-nqa-admin-lspping] start now

Step 4 View the test results.

[RouterA-nqa-admin-lspping] display nqa results test-instance admin lspping
NQA entry(admin, lspping) :testflag is inactive ,testtype is lspping
1 . Test 1 result The test is finished
Send operation times: 3 Receive response times: 3
Completion:success RTD OverThresholds number: 0
Attempts number:1 Drop operation number:0
Disconnect operation number:0 Operation timeout number:0
System busy operation number:0 Connection fail number:0

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Operation sequence errors number:0 RTT Stats errors number:0

Destination ip address:
Min/Max/Average Completion Time: 1/1/1
Sum/Square-Sum Completion Time: 3/3
Last Good Probe Time: 2007-1-30 15:32:56.1
Lost packet ratio:0%


Configuration Files
l Configuration file of Router A
sysname RouterA
mpls lsr-id
mpls ldp
interface Pos1/0/0
link-protocol ppp
ip address
mpls ldp
interface LoopBack1
ip address
ospf 1
nqa test-instance admin lspping
test-type lspping
destination-address ipv4 lsp-masklen 32

l Configuration file of Router B

sysname RouterB
mpls lsr-id
mpls ldp
interface Pos1/0/0
link-protocol ppp
ip address
mpls ldp
interface Pos2/0/0
link-protocol ppp
ip address
mpls ldp
interface LoopBack1
ip address
ospf 1

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l Configuration file of Router C

sysname RouterC
mpls lsr-id
mpls ldp
interface Pos1/0/0
link-protocol ppp
ip address
mpls ldp
interface LoopBack1
ip address
ospf 1

7.47.14 Example for Configuring the LSP Jitter Test for the LDP
This part provides examples for configuring an LSP jitter test to measure jitter in the LSP during
the packet transmission.

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 7-13,
l Run OSPF on Router A, Router B, and Router C, and enable the three Routers to advertise
host routes of loopback interfaces to each other.
l Enable MPLS and MPLS LDP on Router A, Router B, and Router C.
l Enable MPLS and MPLS LDP on the POS interfaces connecting Router A, Router B, and
Router C to trigger the setup of an LDP tunnel.
It is required to perform an NQA LSP Jitter test to check the connectivity of the LSP between
Router A and Router C.

Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:
1. Configure Router A as an NQA client.
2. Configure Router C as an NQA server.
3. Create an LSP Jitter test on Router A.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need to configure the IP address and mask of the NQA server.

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Step 1 Configure routes between Router A, Router B, and Router C. (The detailed procedure is not
mentioned here.)
Step 2 Configure LDP on Router A, Router B, and Router C. (The detailed procedure is not mentioned
For the configuration of LDP, refer to the HUAWEI NetEngine80E/40E Router Configuration
Guide - MPLS.
Step 3 Configure Router A as the NQA client.
# Enable the NQA client and create an LSP Jitter test for the LDP tunnel.
<RouterA> system-view
[RouterA] nqa test-instance admin lspjitter
[RouterA-nqa-admin-lspjitter] test-type lspjitter
[RouterA-nqa-admin-lspjitter] lsp-type ipv4
[RouterA-nqa-admin-lspjitter] destination-address ipv4 lsp-masklen 32 lsp-

Step 4 Start the test.

[RouterA-nqa-admin-lspjitter] start now

Step 5 View the test results.

[RouterA-nqa-admin-lspjitter] display nqa results test-instance admin lspjitter
NQA entry(admin, lspjitter) :testflag is inactive ,testtype is lspjitter
1 . Test 1 result The test is finished
SendProbe:60 ResponseProbe:60
Completion:success RTD OverThresholds number:0
Min/Max/Avg/Sum RTT:1/24/3/156 RTT Square Sum:928
NumOfRTT:60 Drop operation number:0
Operation sequence errors number:0 RTT Stats errors number:0
System busy operation number:0 Operation timeout number:0
Min Positive SD:1 Max Positive SD:22
Positive SD Number:12 Positive SD Sum:33
Positive SD Square Sum:495 Min Negative SD:1
Max Negative SD:22 Negative SD Number:12
Negative SD Sum:34 Negative SD Square Sum:498
Packet Loss Unknown:0 Average of Jitter SD:2
jitter out value:0.8977973 Packet Loss Ratio: 0%
TimeStamp unit: ms


Configuration Files
l Configuration file of Router A
sysname RouterA
mpls lsr-id
mpls ldp
interface Pos1/0/0
link-protocol ppp
ip address
mpls ldp
interface LoopBack1
ip address

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ospf 1
nqa test-instance admin lspjitter
test-type lspjitter
destination-address ipv4 lsp-masklen 32 lsp-loopback

l Configuration file of Router B

sysname RouterB
mpls lsr-id
mpls ldp
interface Pos1/0/0
link-protocol ppp
ip address
mpls ldp
interface Pos2/0/0
link-protocol ppp
ip address
mpls ldp
interface LoopBack1
ip address
ospf 1

l Configuration file of Router C

sysname RouterC
mpls lsr-id
mpls ldp
interface Pos1/0/0
link-protocol ppp
ip address
mpls ldp
interface LoopBack1
ip address
ospf 1

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7.47.15 Example for Configuring the LSP Jitter Test for the MPLS
TE Tunnel
This part provides examples for configuring an LSP jitter test to measure jitter in the TE LSP
during the packet transmission.

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 7-13,

l Run OSPF on Router A, Router B, and Router C, and enable the three Routers to advertise
host routes of loopback interfaces to each other.
l Enable MPLS, MPLS TE, and MPLS RSVP-TE on Router A, Router B, and Router C.
l Enable MPLS, MPLS TE, and MPLS RSVP-TE on the POS interfaces connecting Router
A, Router B and Router C to set up a TE tunnel from Router A and Router C.

It is required to perform an NQA LSP Jitter test to check the connectivity of the TE tunnel from
Router A to Router C.

Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:

1. Configure Router A as an NQA client.

2. Create an LSP Jitter test on Router A.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the number of the MPLS TE tunnel interface.

Step 1 Configure routes between Router A, Router B, and Router C. (The detailed procedure is not
mentioned here.)

Step 2 Configure MPLS RSVP-TE on Router A, Router B, and Router C. (The detailed procedure is
not mentioned here.)

For the configuration of MPLS RSVP-TE, refer to the HUAWEI NetEngine80E/40E Router
Configuration Guide - MPLS.

Step 3 Set up a TE tunnel from Router A to Router C. (The detailed procedure is not mentioned here.)

Step 4 Create an NQA test on Router A.

# Enable the NQA client and create an LSP Jitter test for the TE tunnel.
<RouterA> system-view
[RouterA] nqa test-instance admin lspjitter
[RouterA-nqa-admin-lspjitter] test-type lspjitter
[RouterA-nqa-admin-lspjitter] lsp-type te
[RouterA-nqa-admin-lspjitter] lsp-tetunnel tunnel 1/0/0

Step 5 Start the test.

[RouterA-nqa-admin-lspjitter] start now

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Step 6 View the test results.

[RouterA-nqa-admin-lspjitter] display nqa results test-instance admin lspjitter
NQA entry(admin, lspjitter) :testflag is inactive ,testtype is lspjitter
1 . Test 1 result The test is finished
SendProbe:60 ResponseProbe:60
Completion:success RTD OverThresholds number:0
Min/Max/Avg/Sum RTT:1/24/3/156 RTT Square Sum:928
NumOfRTT:60 Drop operation number:0
Operation sequence errors number:0 RTT Stats errors number:0
System busy operation number:0 Operation timeout number:0
Min Positive SD:1 Max Positive SD:22
Positive SD Number:12 Positive SD Sum:33
Positive SD Square Sum:495 Min Negative SD:1
Max Negative SD:22 Negative SD Number:12
Negative SD Sum:34 Negative SD Square Sum:498
Packet Loss Unknown:0 Average of Jitter SD:2
jitter out value:0.8977973 Packet Loss Ratio: 0%
TimeStamp unit: ms


Configuration Files
l Configuration file of Router A
sysname RouterA
mpls lsr-id
mpls te
mpls rsvp-te
mpls te cspf
interface Pos1/0/0
link-protocol ppp
ip address
mpls te
mpls te bandwidth max-reservable-bandwidth 10000
mpls te bandwidth bc0 5000
mpls rsvp-te
interface LoopBack1
ip address
interface Tunnel1/0/0
ip address unnumbered interface LoopBack1
tunnel-protocol mpls te
mpls te tunnel-id 100
mpls te bandwidth ct0 3000
mpls te commit
ospf 1
opaque-capability enable
mpls-te enable
nqa admin test-instance admin lsptrace
test-type lsptrace
lsp-type te
lsp-tetunnel Tunnel1/0/0

l Configuration file of Router B

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sysname RouterB
mpls lsr-id
mpls te
mpls rsvp-te
interface Pos1/0/0
link-protocol ppp
ip address
mpls te
mpls te bandwidth max-reservable-bandwidth 10000
mpls te bandwidth bc0 5000
mpls rsvp-te
interface Pos2/0/0
link-protocol ppp
ip address
mpls te
mpls te bandwidth max-reservable-bandwidth 10000
mpls te bandwidth bc0 5000
mpls rsvp-te
interface LoopBack1
ip address
ospf 1
opaque-capability enable
mpls-te enable

l Configuration file of Router C

sysname RouterC
mpls lsr-id
mpls te
mpls rsvp-te
interface Pos1/0/0
link-protocol ppp
ip address
mpls te
mpls te bandwidth max-reservable-bandwidth 10000
mpls te bandwidth bc0 5000
mpls rsvp-te
interface LoopBack1
ip address
ospf 1
opaque-capability enable
mpls-te enable

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7.47.16 Example for Configuring an ICMP Jitter Test

This part provides examples for configuring an ICMP jitter test to measure jitter on the network.
A server is not required in an ICMP jitter test and the peer device in the test instance can be non-
Huawei devices.

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 7-16,
Router A serves as the NQA client to test the jitter of the network between Router A and Router

Figure 7-16 Networking diagram of an ICMP jitter test

RouterA RouterB

Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:
1. Configure Router A as the NQA client and create an ICMP jitter test instance on Router
2. Configure Router B as the NQA server.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:
l IP address of Router B

Step 1 Configure a reachable route between Router A and Router B.
The configuration details are not mentioned here.
Step 2 Configure an NQA test instance for Router A.
# Enable the NQA client and configure the ICMP jitter test instance.
<Router A> system-view
[Router A] nqa test-instance admin icmpjitter
[Router A-nqa-admin-icmpjitter] test-type icmpjitter
[Router A-nqa-admin-icmpjitter] destination-address ipv4

Step 3 Start the test.

[Router A-nqa-admin-icmpjitter] start now

Step 4 Check test results.

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[Router A-nqa-admin-icmpjitter] display nqa results test-instance admin icmpjitter

NQA entry(admin, icmpjitter) :testflag is inactive ,testtype is icmpjitter
1 . Test 1 result The test is finished
SendProbe:60 ResponseProbe:60
Completion :success RTD OverThresholds number:0
OWD OverThresholds SD number:0 OWD OverThresholds DS number:0
Min/Max/Avg/Sum RTT:1/3/1/65 RTT Square Sum:77
NumOfRTT:60 Drop operation number:0
Operation sequence errors number:0 RTT Stats errors number:0
System busy operation number:0 Operation timeout number:0
Min Positive SD:1 Min Positive DS:1
Max Positive SD:3 Max Positive DS:1
Positive SD Number:18 Positive DS Number:15
Positive SD Sum:22 Positive DS Sum:15
Positive SD Square Sum :32 Positive DS Square Sum :15
Min Negative SD:1 Min Negative DS:1
Max Negative SD:2 Max Negative DS:1
Negative SD Number:21 Negative DS Number:14
Negative SD Sum:22 Negative DS Sum:14
Negative SD Square Sum :24 Negative DS Square Sum :14
Min Delay SD:0 Min Delay DS:0
Max Delay SD:1 Max Delay DS:1
Delay SD Square Sum:4 Delay DS Square Sum:1
Packet Loss SD:0 Packet Loss DS:0
Packet Loss Unknown:0 Average of Jitter:1
Average of Jitter SD:1 Average of Jitter DS:1
jitter out value:0.5599658 jitter in value:0.3574005
NumberOfOWD:60 Packet Loss Ratio: 0%
OWD SD Sum:4 OWD DS Sum:1
ICPIF value: 0 MOS-CQ value: 0
TimeStamp unit: ms Packet Rewrite Number: 0
Packet Rewrite Ratio: 0% Packet Disorder Number: 0
Packet Disorder Ratio: 0% Fragment-disorder Number: 0
Fragment-disorder Ratio: 0%


Configuration Files
l Configuration file of Router A
sysname RouterA
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
nqa test-instance admin icmpjitter
test-type icmpjitter
destination-address ipv4

l Configuration file of RouterB

sysname RouterB
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address

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7.47.17 Example for Configuring an ICMP Jitter Test Based on the

Mechanism in Which the LPU Sends Packets
This part provides examples for configuring an ICMP jitter test based on the mechanism in which
the LPU sends packets to obtain detailed jitter information about IP networks.

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 7-17,
Router A serves as the NQA client to test the jitter of the network between Router A and Router
B. The accuracy of the test can be improved by enabling the LPU to send packets.

Figure 7-17 Networking diagram of an ICMP jitter test based on the mechanism in which the
LPU sends packets
GE1/0/0 GE1/0/0

RouterA RouterB

Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:
1. Configure Router A as the NQA client and create an ICMP jitter test instance on Router
2. Configure Router B as the NQA server.
3. Enable the LPU to send packets on Router A.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:
l IP addresses of Router A and Router B

Step 1 Configure a reachable route between Router A and Router B.
The configuration details are not mentioned here.
Step 2 Configure Router B as the ICMP server.
# Assign an IP address to the ICMP server.
<RouterB> system-view
[RouterB] nqa-server icmp-server

Step 3 Configure an NQA test instance for Router A.

# Enable the NQA client and configure the ICMP jitter test instance.
<RouterA> system-view

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[RouterA] nqa test-instance admin icmpjitter

[RouterA-nqa-admin-icmpjitter] test-type icmpjitter
[RouterA-nqa-admin-icmpjitter] destination-address ipv4

Step 4 Enable the LPU to send packets.

[RouterA-nqa-admin-icmpjitter] hardware-based enable

Step 5 Start the test.

[RouterA-nqa-admin-icmpjitter] start now

Step 6 Check test results.

<RouterA> display nqa results test-instance admin icmpjitter
NQA entry(admin, icmpjitter) :testflag is inactive ,testtype is icmpjitter
1 . Test 1 result The test is finished
SendProbe:60 ResponseProbe:60
Completion :success RTD OverThresholds number:0
OWD OverThresholds SD number:0 OWD OverThresholds DS number:0
Min/Max/Avg/Sum RTT:0/1/1/14 RTT Square Sum:14
NumOfRTT:60 Drop operation number:0
Operation sequence errors number:0 RTT Stats errors number:0
System busy operation number:0 Operation timeout number:0
Min Positive SD:0 Min Positive DS:1
Max Positive SD:0 Max Positive DS:1
Positive SD Number:0 Positive DS Number:1
Positive SD Sum:0 Positive DS Sum:1
Positive SD Square Sum :0 Positive DS Square Sum :1
Min Negative SD:1 Min Negative DS:0
Max Negative SD:1 Max Negative DS:0
Negative SD Number:2 Negative DS Number:0
Negative SD Sum:2 Negative DS Sum:0
Negative SD Square Sum :2 Negative DS Square Sum :0
Min Delay SD:0 Min Delay DS:0
Max Delay SD:0 Max Delay DS:0
Delay SD Square Sum:0 Delay DS Square Sum:0
Packet Loss SD:0 Packet Loss DS:0
Packet Loss Unknown:0 Average of Jitter:1
Average of Jitter SD:1 Average of Jitter DS:1
jitter out value:0.0295593 jitter in value:0.0117767
NumberOfOWD:60 Packet Loss Ratio: 0%
OWD SD Sum:0 OWD DS Sum:0
ICPIF value: 0 MOS-CQ value: 0
TimeStamp unit: ms Packet Rewrite Number: 0
Packet Rewrite Ratio: 0% Packet Disorder Number: 0
Packet Disorder Ratio: 0% Fragment-disorder Number: 0
Fragment-disorder Ratio: 0%


Configuration Files
Configuration file of Router A

l Configuration file of Router A

sysname RouterA
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
nqa test-instance admin icmpjitter
test-type icmpjitter
destination-address ipv4
hardwar-based enable

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l Configuration file of Router B

sysname RouterB
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
nqa-server icmp-server

7.47.18 Example for Configuring a Path Jitter Test

This part provides examples for configuring a path jitter test to measure jitter along the packet
transmission path.

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 7-18,
Router A serves as the NQA client to test the jitter of the network between Router A and Router

Figure 7-18 Networking diagram of a path jitter test

GE1/0/0 GE1/0/0 GE2/0/0
RouterA RouterB RouterC

Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:
1. Configure Router A as the NQA client and create a path jitter test instance on Router A.
2. Configure Router C as the NQA server.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:
l IP addresses of Router A, Router B, and Router C

Step 1 Configure a reachable route between Router A and Router C.
The configuration details are not mentioned here.
Step 2 Configure an NQA test instance for Router A.
# Enable the NQA client and configure the path jitter test instance.

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<RouterA> system-view
[RouterA] nqa test-instance admin pathjitter
[RouterA-nqa-admin-pathjitter] test-type pathjitter
[RouterA-nqa-admin-pathjitter] destination-address ipv4
[RouterA-nqa-admin-pathjitter] icmp-jitter-mode icmp-echo

Step 3 Start the test.

[RouterA-nqa-admin-pathjitter] start now

Step 4 Check test results.

[RouterA-nqa-admin-pathjitter] display nqa results test-instance admin pathjitter
NQA entry(admin, pathjitter) ::testflag is inactive ,testtype is pathjitter
Current Status:CLOSE
1 . Test 1 result The test is finished
Trace Completion Status:success
1 . Hop 1
Destination ip address:
Jitter Completion Status:success Jitter Finish Status:finished
SendProbe:60 ResponseProbe:60
Min/Max/Avg/Sum RTT:1/5/1/73 RTT Square Sum:111
NumOfRTT:60 Drop operation number:0
Operation sequence errors number:0 RTT Stats errors number:0
System busy operation number:0 Operation timeout number:0
Min Positive SD:1 Min Positive DS:2
Max Positive SD:1 Max Positive DS:2
Positive SD Number:10 Positive DS Number:1
Positive SD Sum:10 Positive DS Sum:2
Positive SD Square Sum :10 Positive DS Square Sum :4
Min Negative SD:0 Min Negative DS:0
Max Negative SD:0 Max Negative DS:0
Negative SD Number:0 Negative DS Number:0
Negative SD Sum:0 Negative DS Sum:0
Negative SD Square Sum :0 Negative DS Square Sum :0
Max Delay SD:2 Max Delay DS:3
Average of Jitter:1 NumberOfOWD:60
Average of Jitter SD:1 Average of Jitter DS:2
jitter out value:0.0861913 jitter in value:0.0189286
OWD SD Sum:11 OWD DS Sum:62
2 . Hop 2
Destination ip address:
Jitter Completion Status:success Jitter Finish Status:finished
SendProbe:60 ResponseProbe:60
Min/Max/Avg/Sum RTT:2/14/3/170 RTT Square Sum:634
NumOfRTT:60 Drop operation number:0
Operation sequence errors number:0 RTT Stats errors number:0
System busy operation number:0 Operation timeout number:0
Min Positive SD:1 Min Positive DS:1
Max Positive SD:6 Max Positive DS:6
Positive SD Number:4 Positive DS Number:18
Positive SD Sum:9 Positive DS Sum:24
Positive SD Square Sum :39 Positive DS Square Sum :56
Min Negative SD:0 Min Negative DS:0
Max Negative SD:0 Max Negative DS:0
Negative SD Number:0 Negative DS Number:0
Negative SD Sum:0 Negative DS Sum:0
Negative SD Square Sum :0 Negative DS Square Sum :0
Max Delay SD:7 Max Delay DS:7
Average of Jitter:1 NumberOfOWD:60
Average of Jitter SD:2 Average of Jitter DS:1
jitter out value:0.0946116 jitter in value:0.2699488
OWD SD Sum:70 OWD DS Sum:100


Configuration Files
l Configuration file of Router A

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sysname RouterA
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
ospf 2
nqa test-instance admin pathjitter
test-type pathjitter
destination-address ipv4
icmp-jitter-mode icmp-echo

l Configuration file of Router B

sysname RouterB
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
interface GigabitEthernet2/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
ospf 11

l Configuration file of Router C

sysname RouterC
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
ospf 1

7.47.19 Example for Configuring a Path MTU Test

This part provides examples for configuring a path MTU test to check the MTU of the packet
transmission path.

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 7-19,

Router A serves as the NQA client to test the MUT of the path between Router A and Router

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Figure 7-19 Networking diagram of the path MTU test

GE1/0/0 GE1/0/0 GE2/0/0
RouterA RouterB RouterC

Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:
1. Configure Router A as the NQA client and create a path MTU test instance on Router A.
2. Configure Router C as the NQA server.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:
l IP addresses of Router A, Router B, and Router C

Step 1 Configure a reachable route between Router A and Router C
The configuration details are not mentioned here.
Step 2 Configure an NQA test instance for Router A.
# Enable the NQA client and configure the path MTU test instance.
<RouterA> system-view
[RouterA] nqa test-instance admin pathmtu
[RouterA-nqa-admin-pathmtu] test-type pathmtu
[RouterA-nqa-admin-pathmtu] destination-address ipv4

Step 3 Start the test.

[RouterA-nqa-admin-pathmtu] start now

Step 4 Check test results.

[RouterA-nqa-admin-pathmtu] display nqa results test-instance admin pathmtu
NQA entry(admin, pathmtu) ::testflag is inactive ,testtype is pathmtu
1 . Test 0 result The test is finished
Completions: success Busies: 0
Destination-address: Discovery field min: 48 byte
Discovery field max: 1500 byte Drops: 0
MTU: 1492 Response probe: 41
Send probe: 47 Optimum first step: 38 byte
Second step: 10 byte Timeouts: 6


Configuration Files
l Configuration file of Router A
sysname RouterA

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interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
ospf 2
nqa test-instance admin pathmtu
test-type pathmtu
destination-address ipv4

l Configuration file of Router B

sysname RouterB
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
interface GigabitEthernet2/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
ospf 11

l Configuration file of Router C

sysname RouterC
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
ospf 1

7.47.20 Example for Configuring the LSP Trace Test for the MPLS
TE Tunnel
This part provides examples for configuring an LSP Trace test to check the connectivity between
LSRs along the TE LSP.

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 7-20,

l Run OSPF on Router A, Router B and Router C, enabling them to advertise host routes of
loopback interfaces.
l Enable MPLS and MPLS RSVP-TE on Router A, Router B and Router C.

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l Enable MPLS, MPLS TE and MPLS RSVP-TE on the POS interfaces connecting Router
A, Router B and Router C. A TE tunnel then is set up between Router A and Router C.
Use the NQA LSP Trace function to test the TE tunnel.

Figure 7-20 Networking diagram of the LSP Trace test

area 0

Loopback1 Loopback1 Loopback1
POS1/0/0 POS2/0/0
POS1/0/0 POS1/0/0
RouterB RouterC

Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:
1. Configure Router A as the NQA client. Create an LSP Trace on Router A.
2. Configure Router C as the NQA server.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the TE tunnel ID.

Step 1 Configure reachable routes Router A, Router B and Router C. (The detailed procedure is not
mentioned here.)
Step 2 Configure MPLS RSVP-TE on Router A, Router B and Router C. (The detailed procedure is
not mentioned here.)
For the configuration of MPLS RSVP-TE, refer to the HUAWEI NetEngine80E/40E Router
Configuration Guide - MPLS.
Step 3 Set up a TE tunnel between Router A and Router C. (The detailed procedure is not mentioned
Step 4 Create an NQA test on Router A.
# Enable the NQA client and create an LSP Trace test for the TE tunnel.
<RouterA> system-view
[RouterA] nqa test-instance admin lsptracert
[RouterA-nqa-admin-lsptracert] test-type lsptrace
[RouterA-nqa-admin-lsptracert] lsp-type te

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[RouterA-nqa-admin-lsptracert] lsp-tetunnel tunnel 1/0/0

Step 5 Start the test.

[RouterA-nqa-admin-lsptrace] start now

Step 6 View the test results.

[RouterA-nqa-admin-lsptrace] display nqa results test-instance admin lsptrace
NQA entry(admin, lsptrace) :testflag is inactive ,testtype is lsptrace
1 . Test 1 result The test is finished
Completion:success Attempts number:1
Disconnect operation number:0 Operation timeout number:0
System busy operation number:0 Connection fail number:0
Operation sequence errors number:0 RTT Stats errors number:0
Drop operation number:0
Last good path Time:2006-8-24 11:22:21.2
1 . Hop 1
Send operation times: 3 Receive response times: 3
Min/Max/Average Completion Time: 1050/1090/1053
Sum/Square-Sum Completion Time: 3160/3331000
RTD OverThresholds number: 0
Last Good Probe Time: 2006-8-24 11:22:17.2
Destination ip address:
2 . Hop 2
Send operation times: 3 Receive response times: 3
Min/Max/Average Completion Time: 1050/1490/1323
Sum/Square-Sum Completion Time: 3970/5367500
RTD OverThresholds number: 0
Last Good Probe Time: 2006-8-24 11:22:21.2
Destination ip address:


Configuration Files
l Configuration file of Router A
sysname RouterA
mpls lsr-id
mpls te
mpls rsvp-te
mpls te cspf
interface Pos1/0/0
link-protocol ppp
ip address
mpls te
mpls te bandwidth max-reservable-bandwidth 10000
mpls te bandwidth 5000
mpls rsvp-te
interface LoopBack1
ip address
interface Tunnel1/0/0
ip address unnumbered interface LoopBack1
tunnel-protocol mpls te
mpls te tunnel-id 100
mpls te bandwidth ct0 3000
mpls te commit
ospf 1
opaque-capability enable

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mpls-te enable
nqa test-instance admin lsptrace
test-type lsptrace
lsp-type te
lsp-tetunnel Tunnel1/0/0
l Configuration file of Router B
sysname RouterB
mpls lsr-id
mpls te
mpls rsvp-te
interface Pos1/0/0
link-protocol ppp
ip address
mpls te
mpls te bandwidth max-reservable-bandwidth 10000
mpls te bandwidth 5000
mpls rsvp-te
interface Pos2/0/0
link-protocol ppp
ip address
mpls te
mpls te bandwidth max-reservable-bandwidth 10000
mpls te bandwidth 5000
mpls rsvp-te
interface LoopBack1
ip address
ospf 1
opaque-capability enable
mpls-te enable
l Configuration file of Router C
sysname RouterC
mpls lsr-id
mpls te
mpls rsvp-te
interface Pos1/0/0
link-protocol ppp
ip address
mpls te
mpls te bandwidth max-reservable-bandwidth 10000
mpls te bandwidth 5000
mpls rsvp-te
interface LoopBack1

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ip address

ospf 1
opaque-capability enable
mpls-te enable

7.47.21 Example for Checking the Members of the Reserved

Multicast Group on a Network Segment Through the MPing Test
This part provides examples for configuring an MPing test for reserved addresses to check the
members of the reserved multicast group on the network segment where the outgoing interface

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 7-21, RouterA, Router B, and Router F are connected to the same network
segment. Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) runs on the interface that connects Router A to the
network segment. You are required to check the other OSPF IGP Routers existing on this network

In this scenario, the reserved multicast group represents all OSPF IGP Routers on the
network segment. You can perform an MPing test to check whether some members of the
reserved multicast group reside on the specified network segment.

Figure 7-21 Networking diagram of configuring an NQA MPing test to check the members of
a reserved group address

GE3/0/0 RouterB RouterA GE3/0/0



Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:

1. Configure Router A as an NQA client and create an NQA MPing test on it. Set the
destination group address to and the outbound interface to GE 3/0/0.
2. Checking the configuration.

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3. Start the NQA MPing test and view test results. If RouterA receives responses from Router
B and Router F, it indicates that OSPF is also run on the interfaces on Router B and Router

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:

l Test instance name, admin mping

l Reserved group address,

Step 1 Create an NQA MPing test on Router A.
<HUAWEI> sysname RouterA
[RouterA] nqa test-instance admin mping
[RouterA-nqa-admin-mping] test-type mping
[RouterA-nqa-admin-mping] destination-address ipv4
[RouterA-nqa-admin-mping] source-interface gigabitethernet 3/0/0

Step 2 Verify the configuration.

[RouterA-nqa-admin-mping] display nqa-agent verbose

NQA Tests Max:2000 NQA Tests Number: 4

NQA Flow Max:1000 NQA Flow Remained:1000

nqa test-instance admin mping,

test-type mping,
destination-address ipv4,
source-interface GigabitEthernet3/0/0,
nqa status : normal

Step 3 Start the test.

[RouterA-nqa-admin-mping] start now

Step 4 View the test result.

From the display, you can view that the multicast group has two members, Router B and Router F, on the network segment. This indicates that the corresponding
interfaces of Router B and Router F all run OSPF.
[RouterA-nqa-admin-mping] display nqa results test-instance admin mping
NQA entry(admin, mping) :testflag is inactive ,testtype is mping
1 . Test 1 result The test is finished
Completion:success Timeouts number: 0
Drops number: 0 TargetAddress:
ProbeResponses number: 3 SentProbes number: 3
Busies: 0
1 . Receiver 1
CompletionTime Min/Max/Sum: 10/80/100
Sum2CompletionTime: 6600
LastGoodProbe time: 2007-1-20 11:6:40.2
2 . Receiver 2
CompletionTime Min/Max/Sum: 10/80/130
Sum2CompletionTime: 8100
LastGoodProbe time: 2007-1-20 11:6:40.2


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Configuration Files
The configuration file on Router A is as follows:
sysname RouterA
interface GigabitEthernet3/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
ospf 1
nqa admin mping
test-type mping
destination-address ipv4
source-interface GigabitEthernet3/0/0

The configuration file on Router B is as follows:

sysname RouterB
interface GigabitEthernet3/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
ospf 1

The configuration file on Router F is as follows:

sysname RouterF
interface GigabitEthernet3/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
ospf 1

7.47.22 Example for Checking the Multicast Service Through the

MPing Test
This part provides examples for configuring an MPing test to confirm whether the operating
status of protocols is normal and the multicast distribution tree is correctly set up, to check
multicast members on the network, and to calculate the TTL and response time from the MPing
initiator to multicast members.

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 7-22, routers all run OSPF and unicast routes are correctly configured for
normal communication between them. Protocol Independent Multicast-Dense Mode (PIM-DM)
is deployed on the network. You are required to check whether each router is capable of correctly
processing multicast data.

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In such a scenario, perform an MPing operation for a common group address to generate the
multicast traffic and hence trigger the setup of the multicast distribution tree. Through MPing,
you can also check whether each router contains correct multicast routing entries. To implement
MPing, you can create an NQA MPing test.

Figure 7-22 Networking diagram of MPing for a common group address

RouterE Loopback0
GE3/0/0 GE3/0/0
GE2/0/0 GE1/0/0
GE2/0/0 RouterD GE1/0/0

GE3/0/0 RouterB RouterA GE3/0/0

GE3/0/0 GE1/0/0

Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:
1. Configure GE 1/0/0 on Router F to statically join multicast group
2. Configure Router E as an NQA client and create an MPing test on Router E, with the group
address being
3. Verify the configuration.
4. Start the NQA MPing test and view test results.
5. Check whether the multicast routing entries are correctly generated on each router and
whether the multicast distribution tree is successfully set up.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:
l Test instance name, admin mping
l Common group address,

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Step 1 Configure GE 1/0/0 on Router F to statically join the multicast group
<RouterF> system-view
[RouterF] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/0
[RouterF-GigabitEthernet1/0/0] igmp enable
[RouterF-GigabitEthernet1/0/0] igmp static-group

Step 2 Create an NQA MPing test on Router E.

<RouterE> system-view
[RouterE] nqa test-instance admin mping
[RouterE-nqa-admin-mping] test-type mping
[RouterE-nqa-admin-mping] destination-address ipv4

Step 3 Verify the configuration.

[RouterE-nqa-admin-mping] display nqa-agent verbose
NQA Tests Max:2000 NQA Tests Number: 1
NQA Flow Max:1000 NQA Flow Remained:1000

nqa test-instance admin mping

test-type mping
destination-address ipv4
nqa status : normal

Step 4 Start the test.

[RouterE-nqa-admin-mping] start now

Step 5 View the test result.

# View the members of the reserved group according to the information about probes in the
[RouterE-nqa-admin-mping] display nqa results test-instance admin mping
NQA entry(admin, mping) :testflag is active ,testtype is mping
1 . Test 1 result The test is running
Completion:finish Timeouts number: 3
Drops number: 0 TargetAddress:
ProbeResponses number: 0 SentProbes number: 3
Busies: 0

Step 6 Check the routing entries on Router E.

# Check the multicast forwarding entries on Router E. You can find that Router E has generated
the entry (, and it sends out multicast packets from the loopback interface.
<RouterE> display pim routing-table
Vpn-instance: public net
Total 0 (*, G) entry; 1 (S, G) entry
Protocol: pim-dm, Flag: LOC
UpTime: 00:05:41
Upstream interface: looback0
Upstream neighbor: NULL
RPF prime neighbor: NULL
Downstream interface(s) information:
Total number of downstreams: 1
1: GigabitEthernet3/0/0
Protocol: pim-dm, UpTime: 00:04:27, Expires: never

# Check the multicast forwarding entries on Router D. You can find that Router D has generated
the entry (, after receiving the multicast packets from the upstream interface
GE 3/0/0.
<RouterD> display pim routing-table
Vpn-instance: public net
Total 0 (*, G) entry; 1 (S, G) entry

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Protocol: pim-dm, Flag:
UpTime: 00:06:23
Upstream interface: GigabitEthernet3/0/0
Upstream neighbor:
RPF prime neighbor:
Downstream interface(s) information:
Total number of downstreams: 1
1: GigabitEthernet2/0/0
Protocol: pim-dm, UpTime: 00:05:09, Expires: never

# Check the multicast forwarding entries on Router A. You can find that Router A has generated
the entry (, after receiving the multicast packet from the upstream interface
GE 3/0/0.
<Router A> display pim routing-table
Vpn-instance: public net
Total 0 (*, G) entry; 1 (S, G) entry
Protocol: pim-dm, Flag: ACT
UpTime: 00:01:23
Upstream interface: GigabitEthernet3/0/0
Upstream neighbor:
RPF prime neighbor:
Downstream interface(s) information: None

# Check the multicast forwarding entries on Router B. You can find that Router B has generated
the entry (, after receiving the multicast packets from the upstream interface
GE 2/0/0.
<RouterB> display pim routing-table
Vpn-instance: public net
Total 0 (*, G) entry; 1 (S, G) entry
Protocol: pim-dm, Flag: ACT
UpTime: 00:02:44
Upstream interface: GigabitEthernet2/0/0
Upstream neighbor:
RPF prime neighbor:
Downstream interface(s) information:
Total number of downstreams: 1
1: GigabitEthernet3/0/0
Protocol: pim-dm, UpTime: 00:01:30, Expires: never

# Check the multicast forwarding entries on Router F. You can find that Router F has generated
the entry (, after receiving the multicast packets from the upstream interface
GE 3/0/0.
<RouterF> display pim routing-table
Vpn-instance: public net
Total 1 (*, G) entry; 1 (S, G) entry
Protocol: pim-dm, Flag: WC
UpTime: 00:06:36
Upstream interface: NULL
Upstream neighbor: NULL
RPF prime neighbor: NULL
Downstream interface(s) information:
Total number of downstreams: 1
1: GigabitEthernet1/0/0
Protocol: igmp, UpTime: 00:06:36, Expires: never
Protocol: pim-dm, Flag: ACT
UpTime: 00:03:40
Upstream interface: GigabitEthernet3/0/0
Upstream neighbor:
RPF prime neighbor:
Downstream interface(s) information:

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Total number of downstreams: 1

1: GigabitEthernet1/0/0
Protocol: pim-dm, UpTime: 00:03:40, Expires: -


Configuration Files
l Configuration file of Router A
sysname RouterA
multicast routing-enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
pim dm
interface GigabitEthernet2/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
pim dm
ospf 1

l Configuration file of Router B

sysname RouterB
multicast routing-enable
interface GigabitEthernet2/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
pim dm
interface GigabitEthernet2/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
pim dm
ospf 1

l Configuration file of Router D

sysname RouterD
multicast routing-enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
pim dm

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interface GigabitEthernet2/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
pim dm
interface GigabitEthernet3/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
pim dm
ospf 1
l Configuration file of Router E
sysname RouterE
multicast routing-enable
interface GigabitEthernet3/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
pim dm
interface LoopBack0
undo shutdown
ip address
pim dm
ospf 1
nqa admin mping
test-type mping
destination-address ipv4
l Configuration file of Router F
sysname RouterF
multicast routing-enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
pim dm
igmp static-group
igmp enable
interface GigabitEthernet3/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
pim dm
ospf 1

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7.47.23 Example for Checking the RPF Path from the Multicast
Source to the Current router Through the MTrace Test
This part provides examples for configuring an MTrace test to check the RPF path from the
multicast source to the querier.

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 7-23, in a PIM-SM network, the Receiver joins the multicast group
and can normally receive multicast packets from the Source. You are required to obtain the RPF
path along which the multicast packets are transmitted from the Source to Router B.
In such a scenario, you can perform MTrace on Router B to detect the RPF path from the multicast
source to the current Router .
The MTrace function can be implemented by performing an NQA MTrace test.

Figure 7-23 Networking diagram of MTrace


GE2/0/0 GE3/0/0
Loopback0 RouterE GE3/0/0
GE2/0/0 GE2/0/0 RouterD
GE1/0/0 GE1/0/0
GE1/0/0 GE1/0/0

GE3/0/0 GE3/0/0 RouterA


Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:

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HUAWEI NetEngine80E/40E Router
Configuration Guide - System Management 7 NQA Configuration

1. Configure Router B as an NQA client and create an MTrace test on it.

2. Start the NQA MTrace test and view test results.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:
l Test instance name, admin mtrace
l IP address of the multicast source,

Step 1 Create an NQA MTrace test on Router B.
<RouterB> system-view
[RouterB] nqa test-instance admin mtrace
[RouterB-nqa-admin-mtrace] test-type mtrace
[RouterB-nqa-admin-mtrace] mtrace-source-address ipv4

Step 2 View the multicast routes on Router C. You can find that Router C generates the entry (, after receiving the multicast packets. Its upstream and downstream interfaces are
respectively GE 2/0/0 and GE 1/0/0.
[RouterC]display pim routing-table
VPN-Instance: public net
Total 1 (*, G) entries; 1 (S, G) entries
RP: (local)
Protocol: pim-sm, Flag: WC
UpTime: 00:28:52
Upstream interface: Register
Upstream neighbor: NULL
RPF prime neighbor: NULL
Downstream interface(s) information:
Total number of downstreams: 1
1: GigabitEthernet1/0/0
Protocol: pim-sm, UpTime: 00:28:52, Expires: 00:02:38
RP: (local)
Protocol: pim-sm, Flag: SPT 2MSDP ACT
UpTime: 00:12:33
Upstream interface: GigabitEthernet2/0/0
Upstream neighbor:
RPF prime neighbor:
Downstream interface(s) information:
Total number of downstreams: 1
1: GigabitEthernet1/0/0
Protocol: pim-sm, UpTime: 00:12:33, Expires: -

Step 3 Start the test.

[RouterB-nqa-admin-mtrace] start now

Step 4 View the test result. You can find that the RPF path from the multicast source to Router B is
Router E → Router D → Router B.
[RouterB-nqa-admin-mtrace] display nqa results test-instance admin mtrace
NQA entry(admin, mtrace) : testflag is inactive ,testtype is mtrace
1 . Test 4 result The test is finished
Completions: success Query Mode: max-hop
Current Hop:3 Current Probe:1
SendProbe:1 ResponseProb:1
Timeout Count:0 Busy Count:0
Drop Count:0 Max Path Ttl:4
Responser: Response Rtt: 57
mtrace start time: 2007-2-7 17:26:17.3
Last Good Probe Time: 2007-2-7 17:26:17.4

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Last Good Path Time: 2007-2-7 17:26:17.4

1 . Hop 1
Outgoing Interface Address:
Incoming Interface Address:
Prehop router Address:
Protocol : PIM Forward Code:NO_ERROR
Forward Ttl:1 Current Path Ttl:4
SG Packet Count:0xffffffff Hop Time Delay(ms): 0xffffffff
Input Packet Count:9218 Output Packet Count: 0xffffffff
Input Rate(pps):0 Output Rate(pps):0
Input Loss Rate: 15.58% SG Loss Rate: 0xffffffff
2 . Hop 2
Outgoing Interface Address:
Incoming Interface Address:
Prehop router Address:
Protocol : PIM Forward Code:NO_ERROR
Forward Ttl:1 Current Path Ttl:3
SG Packet Count:0xffffffff Hop Time Delay(ms):393
Input Packet Count:9639 Output Packet Count:9222
Input Rate(pps):0 Output Rate(pps):0
Input Loss Rate: 0xffffffff SG Loss Rate: 0xffffffff
3 . Hop 3
Outgoing Interface Address:
Incoming Interface Address:
Prehop router Address:
Protocol : PIM Forward Code:NO_ERROR
Forward Ttl:1 Current Path Ttl:2
SG Packet Count:0xffffffff Hop Time Delay(ms): 0xffffffff
Input Packet Count:105321 Output Packet Count:16320
Input Rate(pps):7 Output Rate(pps):0
Input Loss Rate: 0xffffffff SG Loss Rate: 0xffffffff


Configuration Files
l Configuration file of Router A
sysname RouterA
multicast routing-enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
pim sm
interface GigabitEthernet3/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
igmp enable
pim sm
ospf 1

l Configuration file of Router B

sysname RouterB
multicast routing-enable

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Configuration Guide - System Management 7 NQA Configuration

interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
pim sm
interface GigabitEthernet2/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
pim sm
interface GigabitEthernet3/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
igmp enable
pim sm
ospf 1
nqa admin mtrace
test-type mtrace
mtrace-source-address ipv4
l Configuration file of Router C
sysname RouterC
multicast routing-enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
pim sm
interface GigabitEthernet2/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
pim sm
interface Loopback0
ip address
igmp enable
pim sm
c-bsr LoopBack0
c-rp LoopBack0
ospf 1
l Configuration file of Router D
sysname RouterD
multicast routing-enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0

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undo shutdown
ip address
pim sm
interface GigabitEthernet2/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
pim sm
interface GigabitEthernet3/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
igmp enable
pim sm
ospf 1

l Configuration file of Router E

sysname RouterE
multicast routing-enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
pim sm
interface GigabitEthernet2/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
pim sm
interface GigabitEthernet3/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
igmp enable
pim sm
ospf 1

7.47.24 Example for Checking the Multicast Path from the Multicast
Source to the Current router Through the MTrace Test
This part provides examples for configuring an MTrace test to check the multicast path from the
multicast source to the querier.

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Configuration Guide - System Management 7 NQA Configuration

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 7-24, in a PIM-SM network, the Receiver joins the multicast group
and can normally receive multicast packets from the Source. Router B can correctly receive
multicast packets. You are required to obtain the multicast path along which multicast packets
are sent from the Source to Router B.

In such a scenario, you can perform an NQA MTrace test on Router B to detect the multicast
path from the multicast source to the current router.

Figure 7-24 Networking diagram of MTrace test


GE2/0/0 GE3/0/0
Loopback0 RouterE GE3/0/0
GE2/0/0 GE2/0/0 RouterD
GE1/0/0 GE1/0/0
GE1/0/0 GE1/0/0

GE3/0/0 GE3/0/0 RouterA


Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:

1. Configure Router B as an NQA client and create an MTrace test on it.

2. Start the NQA MPing test and view test results.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:

l Test instance name, admin mtrace

l IP address of the multicast source,

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l Multicast group address,

Step 1 Create an NQA MTrace test on Router B.
<RouterB> system-view
[RouterB] nqa test-instance admin mtrace
[RouterB-nqa-admin-mtrace] test-type mtrace
[RouterB-nqa-admin-mtrace] mtrace-source-address ipv4
[RouterB-nqa-admin-mtrace] mtrace-group-address ipv4

Step 2 Start the test.

[RouterB-nqa-admin-mtrace] start now

Step 3 View the test result. You can find that the multicast path from the multicast source to Router B
is Router E → Router D → Router B.
[RouterB-nqa-admin-mtrace] display nqa results test-instance admin mtrace
NQA entry(admin, mtrace) :testflag is inactive ,testtype is mtrace
1 . Test 1 result The test is finished
Completions: success Query Mode: max-hop
Current Hop:3 Current Probe:1
SendProbe:1 ResponseProb:1
Timeout Count:0 Busy Count:0
Drop Count:0 Max Path Ttl:4
Responser: Response Rtt: 64
mtrace start time: 2007-2-7 17:9:11.1
Last Good Probe Time: 2007-2-7 17:9:11.1
Last Good Path Time: 2007-2-7 17:9:11.1
1 . Hop 1
Outgoing Interface Address:
Incoming Interface Address:
Prehop Router Address:
Protocol : PIM Forward Code:NO_ERROR
Forward Ttl:1 Current Path Ttl:4
SG Packet Count:62 Hop Time Delay(ms):1
Input Packet Count:8845 Output Packet Count: 0xffffffff
Input Rate(pps): 0xffffffff Output Rate(pps): 0xffffffff
Input Loss Rate: 0xffffffff SG Loss Rate: 0xffffffff
2 . Hop 2
Outgoing Interface Address:
Incoming Interface Address:
Prehop Router Address:
Protocol : PIM Forward Code:NO_ERROR
Forward Ttl:1 Current Path Ttl:3
SG Packet Count:65 Hop Time Delay(ms): 0xffffffff
Input Packet Count:9264 Output Packet Count:8792
Input Rate(pps): 0xffffffff Output Rate(pps): 0xffffffff
Input Loss Rate: 0xffffffff SG Loss Rate: 0xffffffff
3 . Hop 3
Outgoing Interface Address:
Incoming Interface Address:
Prehop Router Address:
Protocol : PIM Forward Code:NO_ERROR
Forward Ttl:1 Current Path Ttl:2
SG Packet Count:0 Hop Time Delay(ms): 0xffffffff
Input Packet Count:98002 Output Packet Count:15987
Input Rate(pps): 0xffffffff Output Rate(pps): 0xffffffff
Input Loss Rate: 0xffffffff SG Loss Rate: 0xffffffff


Configuration Files
l Configuration file of Router A

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Configuration Guide - System Management 7 NQA Configuration

sysname RouterA
multicast routing-enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
pim sm
interface GigabitEthernet3/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
igmp enable
pim sm
ospf 1
l Configuration file of Router B
sysname RouterB
multicast routing-enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
pim sm
interface GigabitEthernet2/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
pim sm
interface GigabitEthernet3/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
igmp enable
pim sm
ospf 1
nqa admin mtrace
test-type mtrace
mtrace-source-address ipv4
mtrace-group-address ipv4
l Configuration file of Router C
sysname RouterC
multicast routing-enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
pim sm

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interface GigabitEthernet2/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
pim sm
interface Loopback0
ip address
igmp enable
pim sm
c-bsr LoopBack0
c-rp LoopBack0
ospf 1
l Configuration file of Router D
sysname RouterD
multicast routing-enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
pim sm
interface GigabitEthernet2/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
pim sm
interface GigabitEthernet3/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
igmp enable
pim sm
ospf 1
l Configuration file of Router E
sysname RouterE
multicast routing-enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
pim sm
interface GigabitEthernet2/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
pim sm

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interface GigabitEthernet3/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
igmp enable
pim sm
ospf 1

7.47.25 Example for Checking the RPF Path from the Multicast
Source to the Destination Host Through the MTrace Test
This part provides examples for configuring an MTrace test to check the RPF path from the
multicast source to the destination host.

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 7-25, in a PIM-SM network, the Receiver joins the multicast group
and can normally receive multicast packets from the Source. Router B is the last hop. You are
required to obtain the RPF along which the multicast packets are transmitted from the Source
to the Receiver.
In such a scenario, you can perform an NQA MTrace test on Router C to detect the RPF path
from the multicast source to the destination host.

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Configuration Guide - System Management 7 NQA Configuration

Figure 7-25 Networking diagram of MTrace test


GE2/0/0 GE3/0/0
Loopback0 RouterE GE3/0/0
GE2/0/0 GE2/0/0 RouterD
GE1/0/0 GE1/0/0
GE1/0/0 GE1/0/0

GE3/0/0 GE3/0/0 RouterA


Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:
1. Configure Router C as an NQA client and create an MTrace test on it.
2. Start the NQA MTrace test and view test results.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:

l Test instance name, admin mtrace

l IP address of the multicast source,
l IP address of the destination host,
l Address of the last-hop router,

Step 1 Create an NQA MTrace test on Router C.
<RouterC> system-view
[RouterC] nqa test-instance admin mtrace
[RouterC-nqa-admin-mtrace] test-type mtrace
[RouterC-nqa-admin-mtrace] mtrace-source-address ipv4

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[RouterC-nqa-admin-mtrace] destination-address ipv4

[RouterC-nqa-admin-mtrace] mtrace-query-type last-hop
[RouterC-nqa-admin-mtrace] mtrace-last-hop-address ipv4

Step 2 Start the test.

[RouterC-nqa-admin-mtrace] start now

Step 3 View the test result. You can find that the RPF path from the multicast source to Router C is
Router E → Router D → Router B.
[RouterC-nqa-admin-mtrace] display nqa results test-instance admin mtrace
NQA entry(admin, mtrace) :testflag is inactive ,testtype is mtrace
1 . Test 1 result The test is finished
Completions: success Query Mode: max-hop
Current Hop:3 Current Probe:1
SendProbe:1 ResponseProb:1
Timeout Count:0 Busy Count:0
Drop Count:0 Max Path Ttl:4
Responser: Response Rtt: 62
mtrace start time: 2007-2-7 17:36:18.1
Last Good Probe Time: 2007-2-7 17:36:18.1
Last Good Path Time: 2007-2-7 17:36:18.1
1 . Hop 1
Outgoing Interface Address:
Incoming Interface Address:
Prehop router Address:
Protocol : PIM Forward Code:NO_ERROR
Forward Ttl:1 Current Path Ttl:4
SG Packet Count:0xffffffff Hop Time Delay(ms):65
Input Packet Count:9424 Output Packet Count:9815
Input Rate(pps): 0xffffffff Output Rate(pps): 0xffffffff
Input Loss Rate: 0xffffffff SG Loss Rate: 0xffffffff
2 . Hop 2
Outgoing Interface Address:
Incoming Interface Address:
Prehop router Address:
Protocol : PIM Forward Code:NO_ERROR
Forward Ttl:1 Current Path Ttl:3
SG Packet Count:0xffffffff Hop Time Delay(ms):1
Input Packet Count:9849 Output Packet Count:9429
Input Rate(pps): 0xffffffff Output Rate(pps): 0xffffffff
Input Loss Rate: 0xffffffff SG Loss Rate: 0xffffffff
3 . Hop 3
Outgoing Interface Address:
Incoming Interface Address:
Prehop router Address:
Protocol : PIM Forward Code:NO_ERROR
Forward Ttl:1 Current Path Ttl:2
SG Packet Count:0xffffffff Hop Time Delay(ms): 0xffffffff
Input Packet Count:109581 Output Packet Count:16529
Input Rate(pps): 0xffffffff Output Rate(pps): 0xffffffff
Input Loss Rate: 0xffffffff SG Loss Rate: 0xffffffff


Configuration Files
l Configuration file of Router A
sysname RouterA
multicast routing-enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
pim sm

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Configuration Guide - System Management 7 NQA Configuration

interface GigabitEthernet3/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
igmp enable
pim sm
ospf 1
l Configuration file of Router B
sysname RouterB
multicast routing-enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
pim sm
interface GigabitEthernet2/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
pim sm
interface GigabitEthernet3/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
igmp enable
pim sm
ospf 1
l Configuration file of Router C
sysname RouterC
multicast routing-enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
pim sm
interface GigabitEthernet2/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
pim sm
interface LoopBack0
ip address
pim sm
ospf 1

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c-bsr LoopBack0
c-rp LoopBack0
nqa admin mtrace
test-type mtrace
destination-address ipv4
mtrace-query-type last-hop
mtrace-last-hop-address ipv4
mtrace-source-address ipv4
l Configuration file of Router D
sysname RouterD
multicast routing-enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
pim sm
interface GigabitEthernet2/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
pim sm
interface GigabitEthernet3/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
igmp enable
pim sm
ospf 1
l Configuration file of Router E
sysname RouterE
multicast routing-enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
pim sm
interface GigabitEthernet2/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
pim sm
interface GigabitEthernet3/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
igmp enable
pim sm
ospf 1

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7.47.26 Example for Checking the Multicast Path from the Multicast
Source to the Destination Host Through the MTrace Test
This part provides examples for configuring an MTrace test to check the multicast path from the
multicast source to the destination host.

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 7-26, in a PIM-SM network, the Receiver joins the multicast group
and can normally receive multicast packets from the Source. You are required to obtain the
multicast path along which multicast packets are sent from the Source to the Receiver.

In such a scenario, you can perform an NQA MTrace test on Router C to detect the multicast
path from the multicast source to the destination host.

Figure 7-26 Networking diagram of MTrace test


GE2/0/0 GE3/0/0
Loopback0 RouterE GE3/0/0
GE2/0/0 GE2/0/0 RouterD
GE1/0/0 GE1/0/0
GE1/0/0 GE1/0/0

GE3/0/0 GE3/0/0 RouterA


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Configuration Guide - System Management 7 NQA Configuration

Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:
1. Configure Router C as an NQA client and create an MTrace test on Router C.
2. Start the NQA MTrace test and view test results.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:
l Test instance name, admin mtrace
l IP address of the multicast source,
l Multicast group address,
l IP address of the destination host,

Step 1 Create an NQA MTrace test on Router C.
<RouterC> system-view
[RouterC] nqa test-instance admin mtrace
[RouterC-nqa-admin-mtrace] test-type mtrace
[RouterC-nqa-admin-mtrace] mtrace-source-address ipv4
[RouterC-nqa-admin-mtrace] mtrace-group-address ipv4
[RouterC-nqa-admin-mtrace] destination-address ipv4
[RouterC-nqa-admin-mtrace] mtrace-query-type destination

Step 2 Start the test.

[RouterC-nqa-admin-mtrace] start now

Step 3 View the test result. You can find that the multicast path from the multicast source to Router C
is Router E → Router D → Router B.
[RouterC-nqa-admin-mtrace] display nqa results test-instance admin mtrace
NQA entry(admin, mtrace) :testflag is inactive ,testtype is mtrace
1 . Test 1 result The test is finished
Completions: success Query Mode: max-hop
Current Hop:3 Current Probe:1
SendProbe:1 ResponseProb:1
Timeout Count:0 Busy Count:0
Drop Count:0 Max Path Ttl:4
Responser: Response Rtt: 83
mtrace start time: 2007-2-7 17:26:53.2
Last Good Probe Time: 2007-2-7 17:26:53.3
Last Good Path Time: 2007-2-7 17:26:53.3
1 . Hop 1
Outgoing Interface Address:
Incoming Interface Address:
Prehop router Address:
Protocol : PIM Forward Code:NO_ERROR
Forward Ttl:1 Current Path Ttl:4
SG Packet Count:255 Hop Time Delay(ms): 0xffffffff
Input Packet Count:9207 Output Packet Count:9596
Input Rate(pps): 0xffffffff Output Rate(pps): 0xffffffff
Input Loss Rate: 0xffffffff SG Loss Rate: 0xffffffff
2 . Hop 2
Outgoing Interface Address:
Incoming Interface Address:
Prehop router Address:
Protocol : PIM Forward Code:NO_ERROR
Forward Ttl:1 Current Path Ttl:3
SG Packet Count:255 Hop Time Delay(ms):327
Input Packet Count:9627 Output Packet Count:9222

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Input Rate(pps): 0xffffffff Output Rate(pps): 0xffffffff

Input Loss Rate: 0xffffffff SG Loss Rate: 0xffffffff
3 . Hop 3
Outgoing Interface Address:
Incoming Interface Address:
Prehop router Address:
Protocol : PIM Forward Code:NO_ERROR
Forward Ttl:1 Current Path Ttl:2
SG Packet Count:0 Hop Time Delay(ms): 0xffffffff
Input Packet Count:105129 Output Packet Count:16320
Input Rate(pps): 0xffffffff Output Rate(pps): 0xffffffff
Input Loss Rate: 0xffffffff SG Loss Rate: 0xffffffff


Configuration Files
l Configuration file of Router A
sysname RouterA
multicast routing-enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
pim sm
interface GigabitEthernet3/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
igmp enable
pim sm
ospf 1

l Configuration file of Router B

sysname RouterB
multicast routing-enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
pim sm
interface GigabitEthernet2/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
pim sm
interface GigabitEthernet3/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
igmp enable
pim sm
ospf 1

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l Configuration file of Router C
sysname RTC
multicast routing-enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
pim sm
interface GigabitEthernet2/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
pim sm
interface LoopBack0
ip address
pim sm
ospf 1
c-bsr LoopBack0
c-rp LoopBack0
nqa admin mtrace
test-type mtrace
destination-address ipv4
mtrace-query-type destination
mtrace-source-address ipv4
mtrace-group-address ipv4
l Configuration file of Router D
sysname RouterD
multicast routing-enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
pim sm
interface GigabitEthernet2/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
pim sm
interface GigabitEthernet3/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
igmp enable
pim sm
ospf 1

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l Configuration file of Router E

sysname RouterE
multicast routing-enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
pim sm
interface GigabitEthernet2/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
pim sm
interface GigabitEthernet3/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
igmp enable
pim sm
ospf 1

7.47.27 Example for Configuring the PWE3 Ping Test on a One-Hop

This part provides examples for configuring a PWE3 ping test to check the connectivity of a
single-hop PW connecting two PEs.

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 7-27, CE-A and CE-B respectively access PE-A and PE-B through Virtual
Local Area Network (VLANs). PE-A and PE-B are linked through the Multi-Protocol Label
Switch (MPLS) backbone network. A dynamic PW is set up between PE-A and PE-B through
an LSP.
In such a scenario, you can perform a PWE3 Ping test to check the connectivity of the one-hop

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Figure 7-27 Networking diagram of configuring a PWE3 Ping test on a one-hop PW

Loopback0 Loopback0 Loopback0

POS2/0/0 POS2/0/0
POS1/0/0 POS2/0/0
PE-A GE1/0/0.1 P GE1/0/0.1 PE-B
VLAN1 GE1/0/0.1 GE1/0/0.1 VLAN2


Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:
1. Run IGP on the backbone network to implement communication between routers.
2. Configure the basic MPLS functions on the backbone network and set up an LSP. Establish
MPLS LDP peer relationship between the PEs on both ends of the PW.
3. Set up an MPLS L2VC between the PEs.
4. On PE-A, configure a PWE3 Ping test for the one-hop PW.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data.

l L2VC IDs of both ends of the PW

l MPLS LSR IDs of the PEs and P
l IP address of the peer

L2VC IDs of both ends of the PW must be consistent.

Step 1 Configure a dynamic PW.
For details about configuring a one-hop PW on the MPLS backbone network, refer to the chapter
"PWE3 Configuration" in the HUAWEI NetEngine80E/40E Router Configuration Guide -
Step 2 Configure a PWE3 Ping test on the one-hop PW.
# Configure PE-A.

Issue 03 (2012-06-08) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 666

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Configuration Guide - System Management 7 NQA Configuration

<PE-A> system-view
[PE-A] nqa test-instance test pwe3ping
[PE-A-nqa-test-pwe3ping] test-type pwe3ping
[PE-A-nqa-test-pwe3ping] local-pw-id 100
[PE-A-nqa-test-pwe3ping] local-pw-type vlan
[PE-A-nqa-test-pwe3ping] label-type control-word

Step 3 Start the test.

[PE-A-nqa-test-pwe3ping] start now

Step 4 View the test result.

Running the display nqa results command on PEs, you can find that the test succeeds.
[PE-A-nqa-test-pwe3ping] display nqa results
NQA entry(test, pwe3ping) :testflag is inactive ,testtype is pwe3ping
1 . Test 1 result The test is finished
Send operation times: 3 Receive response times: 3
Completion:success OverThresholds number: 0
Attempts number:1 Drop operation number:0
Disconnect operation number:0 Operation timeout number:0
System busy operation number:0 Connection fail number:0
Operation sequence errors number:0 RTT Stats errors number:0
Destination ip address:
Min/Max/Average Completion Time: 60/110/86
Sum/Square-Sum Completion Time: 260/23800
Last Good Probe Time: 2006-9-29 14:35:43.2


Configuration Files
l Configuration file of CE-A
sysname CE-A
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0.1
undo shutdown
vlan-type dot1q 1
ip address

l Configuration file of PE-A

sysname PE-A
mpls lsr-id
mpls l2vpn
mpls ldp
mpls ldp remote-peer
pw-template wwt
interface GigabitEthernet 1/0/0.1
undo shutdown
mpls l2vc pw-template wwt 100
interface Pos2/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address

Issue 03 (2012-06-08) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 667

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Configuration Guide - System Management 7 NQA Configuration

mpls ldp
interface LoopBack0
ip address
nqa test-instance test pwe3ping
test-type pwe3ping
local-pw-id 100
local-pw-type vlan
ospf 1
l Configuration file of P
sysname P
mpls lsr-id
mpls ldp
interface Pos1/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address
mpls ldp
interface Pos2/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address
mpls ldp
interface LoopBack0
ip address
ospf 1
l Configuration file of PE-B
sysname PE-B
mpls lsr-id
mpls l2vpn
mpls ldp
mpls ldp remote-peer
interface Pos2/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address

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mpls ldp
pw-template wwt
interface GigabitEthernet 1/0/0.1
undo shutdown
mpls l2vc pw-template wwt 100
interface LoopBack0
ip address
ospf 1

l Configuration file of CE-B

sysname CE-B
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0.1
vlan-type dot1q 2
ip address

7.47.28 Example for Configuring the PWE3 Ping Test on a Multi-

Hop PW
This part provides examples for configuring a PWE3 ping test to check the connectivity of a
multi-hop PW connecting two PEs.

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 7-28, CE-A and CE-B respectively access U-PE1 and U-PE2 through the
Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP). U-PE1 and U-PE2 are linked through the MPLS backbone
network. A dynamic multi-hop PW is set up between U-PE1 and U-PE2 through the LSP, with
S-PE being a switching node.
In such a scenario, you can perform a PWE3 Ping test to check the connectivity of the multi-
hop PW.

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Figure 7-28 Networking diagram of configuring a PWE3 Ping test on a multi-hop PW

Loopback0 Loopback0 Loopback0

P1 POS1/0/0 S-PE POS1/0/0 P2
POS2/0/0 POS2/0/0
POS1/0/0 POS2/0/0
Loopback0 Loopback0 W100 PW
P 200
POS2/0/0 POS1/0/0
POS2/0/0 U-PE2
U-PE1 POS1/0/0
POS1/0/0 POS1/0/0


Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:
1. Run IGP on the backbone network to implement communication between routers.
2. Configure the basic MPLS functions on the backbone network and set up an LSP. Establish
MPLS LDP peer relationship between U-PE1 and S-PE and between U-PE2 and S-PE.
3. Set up an MPLS L2VC between the U-PEs.
4. Set up a switching PW on S-PE.
5. On U-PE1, configure a PWE3 Ping test for the multi-hop PW.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data.
l L2VC IDs of U-PE1 and U-PE2
l MPLS LSR IDs of U-PE1, S-PE, and U-PE2
l IP address of the peer
l Encapsulation type of the switching PW
l Name of the PW template configured on the U-PEs and parameters of the PW template

L2VC IDs of U-PE1 and U-PE2 must be different.

Step 1 Configure a multi-hop PW.

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Configuration Guide - System Management 7 NQA Configuration

For details about configuring a multi-hop PW on the MPLS backbone network, refer to the
chapter "PWE3 Configuration" in the HUAWEI NetEngine80E/40E Router Configuration
Guide - VPN.
Step 2 Configure a PWE3 Ping test on the multi-hop PW.
# Configure U-PE1.
<U-PE1> system-view
[U-PE1] nqa test-instance test pwe3ping
[U-PE1-nqa-test-pwe3ping] test-type pwe3ping
[U-PE1-nqa-test-pwe3ping] local-pw-id 100
[U-PE1-nqa-test-pwe3ping] local-pw-type ppp
[U-PE1-nqa-test-pwe3ping] label-type control-word
[U-PE1-nqa-test-pwe3ping] remote-pw-id 200

Step 3 Start the test.

[U-PE1-nqa-test-pwe3ping] start now

Step 4 View the test result.

Running the display nqa results command on PEs, you can find that the test succeeds.
[U-PE1-nqa-test-pwe3ping] display nqa results
NQA entry(test, pwe3ping) :testflag is inactive ,testtype is pwe3ping
1 . Test 1 result The test is finished
Send operation times: 3 Receive response times: 3
Completion:success OverThresholds number: 0
Attempts number:1 Drop operation number:0
Disconnect operation number:0 Operation timeout number:0
System busy operation number:0 Connection fail number:0
Operation sequence errors number:0 RTT Stats errors number:0
Destination ip address:
Min/Max/Average Completion Time: 60/110/86
Sum/Square-Sum Completion Time: 260/23800
Last Good Probe Time: 2006-9-29 14:38:48.2
Lost packet ratio: 0 %


Configuration Files
l Configuration file of CE-A
sysname CE-A
interface Pos1/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address

l Configuration file of U-PE1

sysname U-PE1
mpls lsr-id
mpls l2vpn
mpls ldp
mpls ldp remote-peer

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pw-template wwt
interface Pos1/0/0
undo shutdown
link-protocol ppp
mpls l2vc pw-template wwt 100
interface Pos2/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address
mpls ldp
interface LoopBack0
ip address
nqa test-instance test pwe3ping
test-type pwe3ping
local-pw-id 100
local-pw-type ppp
remote-pw-id 200
ospf 1
l Configuration file of P1
sysname P1
mpls lsr-id
mpls ldp
interface Pos1/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address
mpls ldp
interface Pos2/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address
mpls ldp
interface LoopBack0
undo shutdown
ip address
ospf 1
l Configuration file of S-PE
sysname S-PE

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mpls lsr-id

mpls l2vpn
mpls switch-l2vc 200 between 100 encapsulation ppp
mpls ldp
mpls ldp remote-peer
mpls ldp remote-peer
interface Pos1/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address
mpls ldp
interface Pos2/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address
mpls ldp
interface LoopBack0
undo shutdown
ip address
ospf 1
l Configuration file of P2
sysname P2
mpls lsr-id
mpls ldp
interface Pos1/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address
mpls ldp
interface Pos2/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address
mpls ldp
interface LoopBack0
undo shutdown
ip address
ospf 1

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l Configuration file of U-PE2

sysname U-PE2
mpls lsr-id
mpls l2vpn
mpls ldp
mpls ldp remote-peer
interface Pos1/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address
mpls ldp
pw-template wwt
interface Pos2/0/0
undo shutdown
link-protocol ppp
mpls l2vc pw-template wwt 100
interface LoopBack0
ip address
ospf 1

l Configuration file of CE-B

sysname CE-B
interface Pos1/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address

7.47.29 Example for Configuring the PWE3 Trace Test on a One-Hop

This part provides examples for configuring a PWE3 trace test to check the communications
between devices on a PW.

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 7-29, CE-A and CE-B respectively access PE-A and PE-B through VLANs.
PE-A and PE-B are linked through the MPLS backbone network. A dynamic PW is set up
between PE-A and PE-B through an LSP.

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In such a scenario, you can perform a PWE3 Trace test to check the connectivity of the one-hop

Figure 7-29 Networking diagram of configuring a PWE3 Trace test on a one-hop PW

Loopback0 Loopback0 Loopback0

POS2/0/0 POS2/0/0
POS1/0/0 POS2/0/0
PE-A GE1/0/0.1 P GE1/0/0.1 PE-B
VLAN1 GE1/0/0.1 GE1/0/0.1 VLAN2


Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:
1. Run IGP on the backbone network to implement communication between routers.
2. Configure the basic MPLS functions on the backbone network and set up an LSP. Establish
MPLS LDP peer relationship between the PEs on both ends of the PW.
3. Set up an MPLS L2VC between the PEs.
4. On PE-A, configure a PWE3 Trace test for the one-hop PW.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data.

l L2VC IDs of both ends of the PW

l MPLS LSR IDs of the PEs and P
l IP address of the peer

L2VC IDs of both ends of the PW must be consistent.

Step 1 Configure a one-hop PW.
For details about configuring a one-hop PW on the MPLS backbone network, refer to the chapter
"PWE3 Configuration" in the HUAWEI NetEngine80E/40E Router Configuration Guide -

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Configuration Guide - System Management 7 NQA Configuration

Step 2 Configure the PWE3 Trace test on a one-hop PW.

# Configure PE-A.
<PE-A> system-view
[PE-A] nqa test-instance test pwe3trace
[PE-A -nqa-test-pwe3trace] test-type pwe3trace
[PE-A -nqa-test-pwe3trace] local-pw-type vlan
[PE-A -nqa-test-pwe3trace] local-pw-id 100

Step 3 Start the test.

[PE-A -nqa-test-pwe3trace] start now

Step 4 View the test result.

Running the display nqa history command on PEs, you can find that the test status is "Success".
[PE-A-nqa-test-pwe3trace] display nqa history
NQA entry(test, pwe3trace) history:
Index T/H/P Response Status Address Time
1 1/1/1 4 success 2006-9-30 9:33:3.301
2 1/1/2 5 success 2006-9-30 9:33:3.307
3 1/1/3 3 success 2006-9-30 9:33:3.311
4 1/2/1 6 success 2006-9-30 9:33:3.318
5 1/2/2 6 success 2006-9-30 9:33:3.324
6 1/2/3 6 success 2006-9-30 9:33:3.331

Running the display nqa results command on PEs, you can find that the test succeeds.
[PE-A-nqa-test- pwe3trace] display nqa results
NQA entry(test, pwe3trace) :testflag is inactive ,testtype is pwe3trace
1 . Test 1 result The test is finished
Completion:success Attempts number:1
Disconnect operation number:0 Operation timeout number:0
System busy operation number:0 Connection fail number:0
Operation sequence errors number:0 RTT Stats errors number:0
Drop operation number:0
Last good path Time:2006-9-24 11:22:21.2
1 . Hop 1
Send operation times: 3 Receive response times: 3
Min/Max/Average Completion Time: 1050/1090/1053
Sum/Square-Sum Completion Time: 3160/3331000
OverThresholds number: 0
Last Good Probe Time: 2006-9-24 11:22:17.2
Destination ip address:
Lost packet ratio: 0 %
2 . Hop 2
Send operation times: 3 Receive response times: 3
Min/Max/Average Completion Time: 1050/1490/1323
Sum/Square-Sum Completion Time: 3970/5367500
OverThresholds number: 0
Last Good Probe Time: 2006-8-24 11:22:21.2
Destination ip address:
Lost packet ratio: 0 %


Configuration Files
l Configuration file of CE-A
sysname CE-A
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0.1
vlan-type dot1q 1
ip address

Issue 03 (2012-06-08) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 676

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l Configuration file of PE-A
sysname PE-A
mpls lsr-id
mpls l2vpn
mpls ldp
mpls ldp remote-peer
pw-template wwt
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0.1
vlan-type dot1q 1
mpls l2vc pw-template wwt 100
interface Pos2/0/0
undo shutdown
link-protocol ppp
ip address
mpls ldp
interface LoopBack0
ip address
nqa test-instance test pwe3trace
test-type pwe3trace
local-pw-type vlan
local-pw-id 100
ospf 1
l Configuration file of P
sysname P
mpls lsr-id
mpls ldp
interface Pos1/0/0
undo shutdown
link-protocol ppp
ip address
mpls ldp
interface Pos2/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address
mpls ldp
interface LoopBack0
undo shutdown

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ip address

ospf 1

l Configuration file of PE-B

sysname PE-B
mpls lsr-id
mpls l2vpn
mpls ldp
mpls ldp remote-peer
interface Pos2/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address
mpls ldp
pw-template wwt
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0.1
vlan-type dot1q 2
mpls l2vc pw-template wwt 100
interface LoopBack0
ip address
ospf 1

l Configuration file of CE-B

sysname CE-B
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0.1
vlan-type dot1q 2
ip address

7.47.30 Example for Configuring the PWE3 Trace Test on a Multi-

Hop PW
This part provides examples for configuring a PWE3 trace test to check the connectivity of a
multi-hop PW connecting two PEs.

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Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 7-30, CE-A and CE-B respectively access U-PE1 and U-PE2 through the
PPP. U-PE1 and U-PE2 are linked through the MPLS backbone network. A dynamic multi-hop
PW is set up between U-PE1 and U-PE2 through the LSP, with S-PE being a switching node.

In such a scenario, you can perform a PWE3 Trace test to check the connectivity of the multi-
hop PW.

Figure 7-30 Networking diagram of configuring a PWE3 Trace test on a multi-hop PW

Loopback0 Loopback0 Loopback0

P1 POS1/0/0 S-PE POS1/0/0 P2
POS2/0/0 POS2/0/0
POS1/0/0 POS2/0/0
Loopback0 Loopback0 100 PW
PW 200
POS2/0/0 POS1/0/0
POS2/0/0 U-PE2
U-PE1 POS1/0/0
POS1/0/0 POS1/0/0


Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:

1. Run IGP on the backbone network to implement communication between routers.

2. Configure the basic MPLS functions on the backbone network and set up an LSP. Establish
MPLS LDP peer relationship between U-PE1 and S-PE and between U-PE2 and S-PE.
3. Set up an MPLS L2VC between the U-PEs.
4. Set up a switching PW on S-PE.
5. Configure a PWE3 Trace test on the multi-hop PW on U-PE1.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data.

l L2VC IDs of U-PE1 and U-PE2

l MPLS LSR IDs of U-PE1, S-PE, and U-PE2
l IP address of the peer

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l Encapsulation type of the switching PW

l Name of the PW template configured on the U-PEs and parameters of the PW template

L2VC IDs of U-PE1 and U-PE2 must be different.

Step 1 Configure a multi-hop PW.
For details about configuring a dynamic multi-hop PW on the MPLS backbone network, refer
to the chapter "PWE3 Configuration" in the HUAWEI NetEngine80E/40E Router Configuration
Guide - VPN.
Step 2 Configure the PWE3 Trace test on a multi-hop PW.
# Configure U-PE1.
<U-PE1> system-view
[U-PE1] nqa test-instance test pwe3trace
[U-PE1-nqa-test-pwe3trace] test-type pwe3trace
[U-PE1-nqa-test-pwe3trace] local-pw-id 100
[U-PE1-nqa-test-pwe3trace] local-pw-type ppp
[U-PE1-nqa-test-pwe3trace] label-type control-word
[U-PE1-nqa-test-pwe3trace] remote-pw-id 200

Step 3 Start the test.

[U-PE1-nqa-test-pwe3trace] start now

Step 4 View the test result.

Running the display nqa history command on PEs, you can find that the test status is "Success".
[U-PE1-nqa-test-pwe3trace] display nqa history
NQA entry(test, pwe3trace) history:
Index T/H/P Response Status Address Time
1 1/1/1 4 success 2006-9-30 9:33:3.301
2 1/1/2 5 success 2006-9-30 9:33:3.307
3 1/1/3 3 success 2006-9-30 9:33:3.311
4 1/2/1 6 success 2006-9-30 9:33:3.318
5 1/2/2 6 success 2006-9-30 9:33:3.324
6 1/2/3 6 success 2006-9-30 9:33:3.331
7 1/3/1 6 success 2006-9-30 9:33:3.318
8 1/3/2 6 success 2006-9-30 9:33:3.324
9 1/3/3 6 success 2006-9-30 9:33:3.331
10 1/4/1 6 success 2006-9-30 9:33:3.318
11 1/4/2 6 success 2006-9-30 9:33:3.324
12 1/4/3 6 success 2006-9-30 9:33:3.331

Running the display nqa results command on PEs, you can find that the test succeeds.
[U-PE1-nqa-test-pwe3trace] display nqa results
NQA entry(test, pwe3trace) :testflag is inactive ,testtype is pwe3trace
1 . Test 1 result The test is finished
Completion:success Attempts number:1
Disconnect operation number:0 Operation timeout number:0
System busy operation number:0 Connection fail number:0
Operation sequence errors number:0 RTT Stats errors number:0
Drop operation number:0
Last good path Time:2006-9-24 11:22:21.2
1 . Hop 1
Send operation times: 3 Receive response times: 3
Min/Max/Average Completion Time: 1050/1090/1053
Sum/Square-Sum Completion Time: 3160/3331000
OverThresholds number: 0

Issue 03 (2012-06-08) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 680

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Last Good Probe Time: 2006-9-24 11:22:17.2

Destination ip address:
Lost packet ratio: 0 %
2 . Hop 2
Send operation times: 3 Receive response times: 3
Min/Max/Average Completion Time: 1050/1490/1323
Sum/Square-Sum Completion Time: 3970/5367500
OverThresholds number: 0
Last Good Probe Time: 2006-8-24 11:22:21.2
Destination ip address:
Lost packet ratio: 0 %
3 . Hop 3
Send operation times: 3 Receive response times: 3
Min/Max/Average Completion Time: 1050/1490/1323
Sum/Square-Sum Completion Time: 3970/5367500
OverThresholds number: 0
Last Good Probe Time: 2006-8-24 11:22:21.2
Destination ip address:
Lost packet ratio: 0 %
4 . Hop 4
Send operation times: 3 Receive response times: 3
Min/Max/Average Completion Time: 1050/1490/1323
Sum/Square-Sum Completion Time: 3970/5367500
OverThresholds number: 0
Last Good Probe Time: 2006-8-24 11:22:21.2
Destination ip address:
Lost packet ratio: 0 %


Configuration Files
l Configuration file of CE-A
sysname CE-A
interface Pos1/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address

l Configuration file of U-PE1

sysname U-PE1
mpls lsr-id
mpls l2vpn
mpls ldp
mpls ldp remote-peer
pw-template wwt
interface Pos1/0/0
undo shutdown
link-protocol ppp
mpls l2vc pw-template wwt 100
interface Pos2/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown

Issue 03 (2012-06-08) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 681

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Configuration Guide - System Management 7 NQA Configuration

ip address

mpls ldp
interface LoopBack0
ip address
nqa test-instance test pwe3trace
test-type pwe3trace
local-pw-id 100
local-pw-type ppp
remote-pw-id 200
ospf 1
l Configuration file of P1
sysname P1
mpls lsr-id
mpls ldp
interface Pos1/0/0
undo shutdown
link-protocol ppp
ip address
mpls ldp
interface Pos2/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address
mpls ldp
interface LoopBack0
ip address
ospf 1
l Configuration file of S-PE
sysname S-PE
mpls lsr-id
mpls l2vpn
mpls switch-l2vc 200 between 100 encapsulation ppp
mpls ldp
mpls ldp remote-peer

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mpls ldp remote-peer

interface Pos1/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address
mpls ldp
interface Pos2/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address
mpls ldp
interface LoopBack0
undo shutdown
ip address
ospf 1
l Configuration file of P2
sysname P2
mpls lsr-id
mpls ldp
interface Pos1/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address
mpls ldp
interface Pos2/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address
mpls ldp
interface LoopBack0
ip address
ospf 1
l Configuration file of U-PE2
sysname U-PE2
mpls lsr-id
mpls l2vpn

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Configuration Guide - System Management 7 NQA Configuration

mpls ldp
mpls ldp remote-peer
interface Pos1/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address
mpls ldp
pw-template wwt
interface Pos2/0/0
undo shutdown
link-protocol ppp
mpls l2vc pw-template wwt 100
interface LoopBack0
ip address
ospf 1

l Configuration file of CE-B

sysname CE-B
interface Pos1/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address

7.47.31 Configuring the VC Trace Test on an Inter-AS Multi-Hop

Kompella L2VPN
This part provides examples for configuring a VC trace test for the inter-AS multi-hop Kompella
VLL to check the connectivity of the PW between PE1 and PE2.

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 7-31, OSPF runs on the routers in the MPLS backbone network to implement
communication within an Autonomous System (AS). Configure a Kompella VLL by using the
inter-AS multi-hop VCs.
In such a scenario, you can perform a VC Trace test to check the connectivity of the multi-hop
Kompella VLL.

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Figure 7-31 Networking diagram of configuring the VC Trace test on an inter-AS multi-hop
Kompella VLL
B G P /M P L S B G P /M P L S
B ackbone B ackbone
A S 100 A S 200
L o o p b a ck 1 L o o p b a ck 1 L o o p b a ck 1 L o o p b a ck 1
1 .1 .1 .1 /3 2 2 .2 .2 .2 /3 2 3 .3 .3 .3 /3 2 4 .4 .4 .4 /3 2

P O S 2 /0 /0 P O S 2 /0 /0 P O S 1 /0 /0 P O S 2 /0 /0
2 0 .1 .1 .1 /3 0 3 0 .1 .1 .1 /3 0 3 0 .1 .1 .2 /3 0 4 0 .1 .1 .1 /3 0
P O S 1 /0 /0 P O S 1 /0 /0
PE1 2 0 .1 .1 .2 /3 0 A S B R -P E 1 A S B R -P E 2 4 0 .1 .1 .2 /3 0 PE2
P O S 1 /0 /0 P O S 2 /0 /0
P O S 1 /0 /0 P O S 1 /0 /0
1 0 .1 .1 .1 /2 4 1 0 .1 .1 .2 /2 4

Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:
1. Run IGP on the backbone network to ensure the connectivity between routers in the same
2. Enable MPLS on the backbone network and establish dynamic LSPs between the PEs and
the ASBR-PEs.
3. Establish IBGP peer relationship between the PEs and the ASBR PEs in the same AS and
the EBGP peer relationship between the ASBR-PEs.
4. Configure the routing policies on the ASBR-PEs and enable label-based routing.
5. Establish MP EBGP peer relationship between PE1 and PE2.
6. Create a Kompella VLL between PE1 and PE2. Create L2VPN instances on ASBRs.
7. Configure a VC Trace test on an inter-AS multi-hop Kompella VLL.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data.

l Data needed for configuring OSPF

l MPLS LSR IDs of the PEs and the ASBR-PEs
l Names of the L2VPN instances created on the PEs, RD, and VPN target
l CE ID, CE range (default value is 10), default offset (1 or 0; the default value is 0)
l Routing policies on the ASBR PEs

Step 1 Configure an inter-AS multi-hop Kompella VLL.
For details about configuring an inter-AS multi-hop Kompella VLL, refer to the chapter "MPLS
L2VPN Configuration" in the HUAWEI NetEngine80E/40E Router Configuration Guide -

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Step 2 Configure the VC Trace test on an inter-AS multi-hop Kompella VLL.

# Configure PE1.
<U-PE1> system-view
[U-PE1] nqa test-instance test pwe3trace
[U-PE1-nqa-test-pwe3trace] test-type pwe3trace
[U-PE1-nqa-test-pwe3trace] vc-type bgp
[U-PE1-nqa-test-pwe3trace] local-pw-id 1
[U-PE1-nqa-test-pwe3trace] remote-pw-id 2
[U-PE1-nqa-test-pwe3trace] vpn-instance vpn1

Step 3 Start the test.

[U-PE1-nqa-test-pwe3trace] start now

Step 4 View the test result.

Running the display nqa history command on PEs, you can find that the test status is "Success".
[U-PE1-nqa-test-pwe3trace] display nqa history
NQA entry(test, pwe3trace) history:
Index T/H/P Response Status Address Time
1 1/1/1 4 success 2006-9-30 9:33:3.301
2 1/1/2 5 success 2006-9-30 9:33:3.307
3 1/1/3 3 success 2006-9-30 9:33:3.311
4 1/2/1 6 success 2006-9-30 9:33:3.318
5 1/2/2 6 success 2006-9-30 9:33:3.324
6 1/2/3 6 success 2006-9-30 9:33:3.331
7 1/3/1 6 success 2006-9-30 9:33:3.318
8 1/3/2 6 success 2006-9-30 9:33:3.324
9 1/3/3 6 success 2006-9-30 9:33:3.331
10 1/4/1 6 success 2006-9-30 9:33:3.318
11 1/4/2 6 success 2006-9-30 9:33:3.324
12 1/4/3 6 success 2006-9-30 9:33:3.331

Running the display nqa results command on PEs, you can find that the test is successful.
[U-PE1-nqa-test-pwe3trace] display nqa results
NQA entry(test, pwe3trace) :testflag is inactive ,testtype is pwe3trace
1 . Test 1 result The test is finished
Completion:success Attempts number:1
Disconnect operation number:0 Operation timeout number:0
System busy operation number:0 Connection fail number:0
Operation sequence errors number:0 RTT Stats errors number:0
Drop operation number:0
Last good path Time:2009-3-2 9:26:57.0
1 . Hop 1
Send operation times: 3 Receive response times: 3
Min/Max/Average Completion Time: 4/12/8
Sum/Square-Sum Completion Time: 25/241
RTD OverThresholds number: 0
Last Good Probe Time: 2009-3-2 9:26:56.9
Destination ip address:
Lost packet ratio: 0 %
2 . Hop 2
Send operation times: 3 Receive response times: 3
Min/Max/Average Completion Time: 10/37/20
Sum/Square-Sum Completion Time: 60/1638
RTD OverThresholds number: 0
Last Good Probe Time: 2009-3-2 9:26:57.0
Destination ip address:
Lost packet ratio: 0 %


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Configuration Files
l Configuration file of CE1
sysname CE2
interface Pos1/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address

l Configuration file of PE1

sysname PE1
mpls lsr-id
mpls l2vpn
mpls ldp
interface Pos1/0/0
undo shutdown
link-protocol ppp
interface Pos2/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address
mpls ldp
interface LoopBack1
ip address
bgp 100
Peer as-number 200
Peer ebgp-max-hop 255
Peer connect-interface LoopBack1
Peer as-number 100
Peer connect-interface LoopBack1
ipv4-family unicast
undo synchronization
Peer enable
Peer enable
Peer label-route-capability
policy vpn-target
Peer enable
ospf 1
nqa test-instance test pwe3trace
test-type pwe3trace
vc-type bgp
local-pw-id 1
remote-pw-id 2
vpn-instance vpn1
mpls l2vpn vpn1 encapsulation ppp
route-distinguisher 100:1
vpn-target 1:1 import-extcommunity

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vpn-target 1:1 export-extcommunity

ce ce1 id 1 range 10 default-offset 0
connection ce-offset 2 interface Pos1/0/0
l Configuration file of ASBR-PE1
sysname ASBR1
stp region-configuration
region-name 00e0954d347d
active region-configuration
mpls lsr-id
mpls l2vpn
mpls ldp
interface Pos1/0/0
undo shutdown
link-protocol ppp
ip address
mpls ldp
interface Pos2/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address
interface LoopBack1
ip address
bgp 100
Peer as-number 100
Peer connect-interface LoopBack1
Peer as-number 200
Peer connect-interface Pos2/0/0
ipv4-family unicast
undo synchronization
Peer enable
Peer route-policy policy1 export
Peer label-route-capability
Peer enable
Peer route-policy policy1 export
Peer label-route-capability
ospf 1
route-policy policy1 permit node 1
apply mpls-label
l Configuration file of ASBR-PE2
sysname ASBR2
mpls lsr-id
mpls l2vpn

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mpls ldp
interface Pos1/0/0
undo shutdown
link-protocol ppp
ip address
interface Pos2/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address
mpls ldp
interface LoopBack1
ip address
bgp 200
Peer as-number 200
Peer connect-interface LoopBack1
Peer as-number 100
Peer connect-interface Pos1/0/0
ipv4-family unicast
undo synchronization
Peer enable
Peer route-policy policy1 export
Peer label-route-capability
Peer enable
Peer route-policy policy1 export
Peer label-route-capability
policy vpn-target
Peer enable
ospf 1
route-policy policy1 permit node 1
apply mpls-label
l Configuration file of PE2
sysname PE2
mpls lsr-id
mpls l2vpn
mpls ldp
interface Pos1/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address
mpls ldp
interface Pos2/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown

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interface LoopBack1
undo shutdown
ip address
bgp 200
Peer as-number 100
Peer ebgp-max-hop 255
Peer connect-interface LoopBack1
Peer as-number 200
Peer connect-interface LoopBack1
ipv4-family unicast
undo synchronization
Peer enable
Peer enable
Peer label-route-capability
policy vpn-target
Peer enable
ospf 1
mpls l2vpn vpn1 encapsulation ppp
route-distinguisher 200:1
vpn-target 1:1 import-extcommunity
vpn-target 1:1 export-extcommunity
ce ce2 id 2 range 10 default-offset 0
connection ce-offset 1 interface Pos2/0/0

l Configuration file of CE2

sysname CE2
interface Pos1/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address

7.47.32 Example for Sending Trap Message When Transmission

Delay Exceeds Thresholds
This part provides example for setting an alarm threshold for test results. This can help the
network administrator better understand the device status.

Networking Requirements
Create a Jitter test based on the networking diagram shown in Figure 7-32. Configure a
transmission delay threshold and enable the trap function. After the Jitter test is completed, if
the test result shows that the delay of some test packets from Router A to Router C (or from
Router C to Router A) exceeds the uni-directional transmission delay, or the round-trip
transmission delay threshold, Router A sends a trap message to the NM station. Based on the
received trap message, the NM station can clearly find the cause of the fault.

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Figure 7-32 Networking diagram of enabling the trap function when the transmission delay
exceeds the threshold

NM Station
GE2/0/0 RouterB RouterC
GE1/0/0 GE1/0/0 GE2/0/0
RouterA NQA Server


For clock synchronization, refer to the chapter "NTP" in the HUAWEI NetEngine80E/40E Router Feature
Description - System Management.

Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:
1. Set a transmission delay threshold.
2. Enable the trap function.
3. Enable sending trap messages to the NM station.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:
l IP address and port number of the NQA server
l Monitoring service type and the port number to be monitored
l Uni-directional transmission delay and round-trip transmission delay
l IP address of the NM station

Step 1 Configure routes between Router A, Router B, and Router C. (The detailed procedure is not
mentioned here.)
Step 2 Create a Jitter test.
# Configure Router C as an NQA server and set the IP address and UDP port number monitored
by the NQA server.
<RouterC> system-view
[RouterC] nqa-server udpecho 9000

# Configure Router A as an NQA client and create a Jitter test on Router A.

<RouterA> system-view
[RouterA] nqa test-instance test jitter
[RouterA-nqa-admin-jitter] test-type jitter
[RouterA-nqa-admin-jitter] destination-address ipv4

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[RouterA-nqa-admin-jitter] destination-port 9000

Step 3 Configure the transmission delay threshold.

# Configure the round-trip transmission delay threshold on Router A.
[RouterA -nqa-test-jitter] threshold rtd 20

# Configure the uni-directional transmission (from the destination to the source) delay threshold
on Router A.
[RouterA -nqa-test-jitter] threshold owd-ds 100

# Configure the uni-directional transmission (from the source to the destination) delay threshold
on Router A.
[RouterA -nqa-test-jitter] threshold owd-sd 100

Step 4 Enable the trap function.

[RouterA -nqa-test-jitter] send-trap owd-ds owd-sd rtd
[RouterA -nqa-test-jitter] quit

Step 5 Enable sending trap messages to the NM station.

[RouterA] snmp trap enable feature-name nqa trap-name
[RouterA] snmp trap enable feature-name nqa trap-name
[RouterA] snmp trap enable feature-name nqa trap-name
[RouterA] snmp-agent target-host trap address udp-domain params
securityname public v2c

Step 6 Start the Jitter test.

[RouterA] nqa test-instance admin jitter
[RouterA-nqa-admin-jitter] start now
[RouterA-nqa-admin-jitter] quit
[RouterA] quit

Step 7 Verify the configuration.

# View the NQA test results on Router A.
<RouterA> display nqa result
NQA entry(test, jitter) :testflag is inactive ,testtype is jitter
1 . Test 1 result The test is finished
SendProbe:60 ResponseProbe:60
Completion:success RTD OverThresholds number:0
OWD OverThresholds SD number:0 OWD OverThresholds DS number:0
Min/Max/Avg/Sum RTT:1/1/1/60 RTT Square Sum:60
NumOfRTT:60 Drop operation number:0
Operation sequence errors number:0 RTT Stats errors number:0
System busy operation number:0 Operation timeout number:0
Min Positive SD:0 Min Positive DS:1
Max Positive SD:0 Max Positive DS:1
Positive SD Number:0 Positive DS Number:5
Positive SD Sum:0 Positive DS Sum:5
Positive SD Square Sum:0 Positive DS Square Sum:5
Min Negative SD:0 Min Negative DS:1
Max Negative SD:0 Max Negative DS:1
Negative SD Number:0 Negative DS Number:6
Negative SD Sum:0 Negative DS Sum:6
Negative SD Square Sum:0 Negative DS Square Sum:6
Min Delay SD:0 Min Delay DS:0
Max Delay SD:0 Max Delay DS:0
Delay SD Square Sum:0 Delay DS Square Sum:0
Packet Loss SD:0 Packet Loss DS:0
Packet Loss Unknown:0 Average of Jitter:1
Average of Jitter SD:0 Average of Jitter DS:1

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jitter out value:0.0000000 jitter in value:0.0114583

NumberOfOWD:60 Packet Loss Ratio: 0%
OWD SD Sum:0 OWD DS Sum:0
ICPIF value: 0 MOS-CQ value: 0

# Check whether the trap buffer contains the trap message.

<RouterA> display trapbuffer
Trapping Buffer Configuration and contents:enabled
allowed max buffer size : 1024

actual buffer size : 256

channel number : 3 , channel name : trapbuffer
dropped messages : 0
overwritten messages : 2550
current messages : 256
#Jul 9 00:28:34 2009 HUAWEI NQA/4/RTDTHRESHOLD:OID
NQA entry RTD over threshold. (OwnerIndex=admin, TestName=jitter)
#Jul 9 00:28:34 2009 HUAWEI NQA/4/SDTHRESHOLD:OID
NQA entry OWD-SD over threshold. (OwnerIndex=admin, TestName=jitter)
#Jul 9 00:28:34 2009 HUAWEI NQA/4/DSTHRESHOLD:OID
18 NQA entry OWD-DS over threshold. (OwnerIndex=admin, TestName=jitter)


Configuration Files
l Configuration files of Router A
sysname RouterA
interface Pos1/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address
interface GigabitEthernet2/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
ospf 1
nqa test-instance test jitter
test-type jitter
destination-address ipv4
destination-port 9000
threshold rtd 20
threshold owd-sd 100
threshold owd-ds 100
send-trap rtd
send-trap owd-sd
send-trap owd-ds
snmp-agent local-engineid 000007DB7F00000100007B29
snmp-agent sys-info version v2c
snmp-agent target-host trap address udp-domain params securityname
public v2c

l Configuration files of Router B

sysname RouterB
interface Pos1/0/0

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link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address
interface Pos2/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address
ospf 1

l Configuration files of Router C

sysname RouterC
interface Pos1/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address
nqa-server udpecho 9000
ospf 1

7.47.33 Example for Configuring Test Results to Be Sent to the FTP

This part provides examples for sending send test results to the FTP server to save test results
to the most extent.

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 7-33, Router A serves as the client to perform the ICMP test and send test
results to the FTP server through FTP.

Figure 7-33 Networking diagram of sending test results to the FTP server

FTP server
RouterA RouterB

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Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:
1. Configure parameters for connecting the FTP server.
2. Enable the FTP server to save test results through FTP.
3. Configure the number of test results saved through FTP.
4. Configure the duration of saving test results through FTP.
5. Configure test results to be sent.
6. Start the test instance.
7. Verify the configuration.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:
l User name and password used for logging into the FTP server
l Number of test results saved through FTP
l Duration of saving test results through FTP

Step 1 Configure parameters for connecting the FTP server.
# Configure the IP address of the client that is connected to the FTP server.
<RouterA> system-view
[RouterA] nqa-ftp-record ip-address

# Configure the user name for logging into the FTP server.
[RouterA] nqa-ftp-record username ftp
[RouterA] nqa-ftp-record password ftp

# Configure the file name for saving test results.

[RouterA] nqa-ftp-record filename icmp

Step 2 Configure the number of test results to be saved in a file through FTP.
[RouterA] nqa-ftp-record item-num 10010

Step 3 Configure the duration of saving test results through FTP.

[RouterA] nqa-ftp-record time 2

Step 4 Send an alarm to the NM station after the FTP transmission succeeds.
[RouterA] nqa-ftp-record trap-enable

Step 5 Enable the FTP server to save NQA test results through FTP on Router A.
<RouterA> system-view
[RouterA] nqa-ftp-record enable

Step 6 Start the test instance.

[RouterA] nqa test-instance admin icmp
[RouterA-admin-icmp] start now

Step 7 Verify the configuration.

# Display the NQA test results of each router.

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<RouterA> display nqa-ftp-record configuration

---------------NQA FTP SAVE RECORD CONFIGURATION---------------
LAST FINISHED FILENAME:icmp20080605-150350.txt


Configuration Files
l Configuration file of Router A
sysname RouterA
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
ip address
interface GigabitEthernet2/0/0
ip address
interface NULL0
authentication-scheme default
authorization-scheme default
accounting-scheme default
domain default
nqa-ftp-record enable
nqa-ftp-record trap-enable
nqa-ftp-record ip-address
nqa-ftp-record username ftp
nqa-ftp-record password %$%$gw1.QU~4M1I@ESF>b/VP,@7.%$%$
nqa-ftp-record filename icmp
nqa-ftp-record item-num 10010
nqa-ftp-record time 2
nqa test-instance admin icmp
test-type icmp
destination-address ipv4
frequency 5
snmp-agent local-engineid 000007DB7F000001000021D7
snmp-agent community read public
snmp-agent community write private
snmp-agent sys-info version all
snmp-agent target-host trap address udp-domain params securityname
snmp-agent trap enable feature-name nqa trap-name nqaftpsaverecordnotification
user-interface con 0
user-interface vty 0 4
user-interface vty 16 20

l Configuration file of Router B

sysname RouterB

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interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
ip address

7.47.34 Example for Configuring a Threshold for the NQA Alarm

This part provides examples for configuring the actions that the system needs to perform in
response to the threshold exceeding, such as generating logs, generating traps, or generating logs
and traps.

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 7-34, Router A serves as the client to perform the ICMP Jitter test and
monitor the packet loss ratio of the test result. If the ratio exceeds the threshold, an alarm is sent
to the NM station.

Figure 7-34 Networking diagram of configuring a threshold for the NQA alarm

NM Station

GE2/0/0 GE1/0/0
RouterA RouterB

Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:

1. Configure the event corresponding to the alarm threshold.

2. Configure the alarm threshold.
3. Configure alarms to be sent to the NM station.
4. Start the test instance.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:

l Number of the event corresponding to the threshold

l Number of the alarm threshold
l Upper threshold and lower threshold
l IP address of the NM station

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Step 1 Configure Router A as the client of the ICMP Jitter test. The configuration details are not
mentioned here.
Step 2 Configure the event corresponding to the alarm on Router A.
<RouterA> system-view
[RouterA] nqa event 10 log-trap

Step 3 Configure the alarm threshold.

[RouterA] nqa test-instance admin icmpjitter
[RouterA-nqa-admin-icmpjitter] test-type icmpjitter
[RouterA-nqa-admin-icmpjitter] destination-address ipv4
[RouterA-nqa-admin-icmpjitter] frequency 5
[RouterA-nqa-admin-icmpjitter] alarm 10 lost-packet-ratio absolute rising-
threshold 100 10 falling-threshold 10 10
[RouterA-nqa-admin-icmpjitter] quit

Step 4 Configure alarms to be sent to the NM station.

# Configure basic SNMP functions.
[RouterA] snmp community read public
[RouterA] snmp community write private
[RouterA] snmp sys-info version v2c
[RouterA] snmp trap enable feature-name nqa trap-name
[RouterA] snmp trap enable feature-name nqa trap-name nqarisingalarmnotification

# Configure alarms to be sent to the NM station through the SNMP agent.

[RouterA] snmp target-host trap address udp-domain params securityname
alarm v2c

Step 5 Verify the configuration.

<RouterA> display nqa-event
NQA event information:
NQA Event Max: 5 NQA Event Number: 1
[RouterA-nqa-admin-icmp] display nqa-alarm
NQA alarm information:
NQA Alarm Max: 5 NQA Alarm Number: 1
<RouterA> display nqa-agent
NQA Tests Max:2000 NQA Tests Number: 1
NQA Flow Max:1000 NQA Flow Remained:1000
nqa test-instance admin icmpjitter
test-type icmpjitter
destination-address ipv4
frequency 5
alarm 10 lost-packet-ratio absolute rising-threshold 100 10 falling-threshold 1
0 10
nqa status : normal


Configuration Files
l Configuration file of Router A
sysname RouterA
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
ip address

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interface GigabitEthernet2/0/0
ip address
interface NULL0
authentication-scheme default
authorization-scheme default
accounting-scheme default
domain default
nqa-jitter tag-version 2
nqa event 10 log-trap
nqa test-instance admin icmpjitter
test-type icmpjitter
destination-address ipv4
frequency 5
alarm 10 lost-packet-ratio absolute rising-threshold 100 10 falling-threshold
0 10
snmp-agent local-engineid 000007DB7F00000100000B31
snmp-agent sys-info version v2c v3
snmp-agent target-host trap address udp-domain params securityname
alarm v2c
snmp-agent trap enable feature-name NQA trap-name nqaRisingAlarmNotification
snmp-agent trap enable feature-name NQA trap-name nqaFaillingAlarmNotification
user-interface con 0
user-interface vty 0 4
user-interface vty 16 20
aps fast-interval 0

l Configuration file of Router B

sysname RouterB
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
ip address

7.47.35 Example for Configuring a VPLS MFIB Ping to Check the

VPLS Network
This part provides examples for configuring a VPLS MFIB ping test to check the connectivity
of the Martini VPLS network.

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 7-35:

PE1 and PE2 are enabled with VPLS. CE1 is attached to PE1; CE2 is attached to PE2. CE1 and
CE2 are on the same VPLS network. PWs are established by using LDP as the VPLS signaling,
and VPLS is configured to realize the interworking between CE1 and CE2. PEs are enabled with
IGMP snooping.

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With the NQA VPLS MFIB ping, you can check the following performance indexes of the
network as shown in Figure 7-35:
l Multicast connectivity of PEs belonging to a specified VSI in the VPLS domain
l IGMP snooping of the egress belonging to a specified VSI in the VPLS domain

Figure 7-35 Networking diagram of the Martini VPLS network

Loopback1: Loopback1: Loopback1:
POS2/0/0 POS2/0/0
POS1/0/0 POS1/0/0
GE1/0/0.1 GE2/0/0.1
GE1/0/0.1 GE1/0/0.1


Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:

1. Configure a Martini VPLS network.

2. Enable IGMP snooping on PE1 and PE2.
3. Configure an NQA VPLS MFIB ping test instance on PE1 and specify a non-reserved
multicast address as the destination address to initiate the test.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:

l VSI name and VSI ID

l IP addresses of peers and the tunnel policy used for setting up the peer relationship
l Name of an interface to which a VSI is bound
l Destination multicast address of the ping

Step 1 Configure a Martini VPLS network.

Configure a Martini VPLS network on the MPLS backbone network. For details, refer to the
chapter "VPLS Configuration" in the NE80E/40E Configuration Guide - VPN.

Step 2 Enable IGMP snooping.

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Enable IGMP snooping on PE1 and PE2. For details, refer to the chapter "Layer 2 Multicast
Configuration" in the NE80E/40E Configuration Guide - VPN.
Step 3 Configure an NQA VPLS MFIB test instance and specify a non-reserved multicast address as
the destination address.
# Do as follows on PE1:
<PE1> system-view
[PE1] nqa test-instance test vplsmping
[PE1-nqa-test-vplsming] test-type vplsmping
[PE1-nqa-test-vplsming] destination-address ipv4
[PE1-nqa-test-vplsming] vsi a2

Step 4 Start the test.

[PE1-nqa-test-vplsming] start now

Step 5 Verify the test result.

[PE1-nqa-test-vplsming] display nqa results test-instance test vplsmping
NQA entry(admin, vplsmping) :testflag is inactive ,testtype is vplsmping
1 . Test 1 result The test is finished
Completions: success Timeouts number: 0
Drops number: 0 TargetAddress:
ProbeResponses number: 3 SentProbes number: 3
Busies: 0 SequenceError number: 0
Lost packet ratio: 0%
1 . Receiver 1
CompletionTime Min/Max/Sum/Avg: 30/190/260/87
Sum2CompletionTime: 38600
LastGoodProbe time: 2009-4-23 11:48:9.4
Fib hit: Hit


Configuration Files
l Configuration file of CE1
sysname CE1
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0.1
vlan-type dot1q 10
ip address
interface GigabitEthernet2/0/0
ip address

l Configuration file of CE2

sysname CE2
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0.1
vlan-type dot1q 10
ip address
interface GigabitEthernet2/0/0
ip address

l Configuration file of PE1

sysname PE1

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igmp-snooping enable

mpls lsr-id

mpls l2vpn
vsi a2 static
pwsignal ldp
vsi-id 2
igmp-snooping enable
mpls ldp
mpls ldp remote-peer pe2
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0.1
vlan-type dot1q 10
l2 binding vsi a2
interface Pos2/0/0
link-protocol ppp
ip address
mpls ldp
interface LoopBack1
ip address
ospf 1
nqa test-instance test vplsmping
test-type vplsmping
destination-address ipv4
vsi a2

l Configuration file of P
sysname P
mpls lsr-id
mpls ldp
interface Pos1/0/0
link-protocol ppp
ip address
mpls ldp
interface Pos2/0/0
link-protocol ppp
ip address
mpls ldp
interface LoopBack1
ip address
ospf 1

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l Configuration file of PE2

sysname PE2
igmp-snooping enable
mpls lsr-id
mpls l2vpn
vsi a2 static
pwsignal ldp
vsi-id 2
igmp-snooping enable
mpls ldp
mpls ldp remote-peer pe1
interface Pos1/0/0
link-protocol ppp
ip address
mpls ldp
interface GigabitEthernet2/0/0.1
vlan-type dot1q 10
l2 binding vsi a2
interface LoopBack1
ip address
ospf 1

7.47.36 Example for Configuring a VPLS MFIB Ping to Check the

Kompella VPLS Network
This part provides examples for configuring a VPLS MFIB ping test to check the connectivity
of the Kompella VPLS network.

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 7-36:

PE1 and PE2 are enabled with VPLS. CE1 is attached to PE1; CE2 is attached to PE2. CE1 and
CE2 are on the same VPLS network.

PWs are established by using BGP as the VPLS signaling. The automatic discovery of VPLS
PEs is implemented through VPN targets to realize the interworking between CE1 and CE2. The
NQA VPLS MFIB ping test is used to check whether the multicast forwarding between PE1 and
PE2 is normal.

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Figure 7-36 Networking diagram of Kompella VPLS

Loopback1: Loopback1: Loopback1:
POS2/0/0 POS2/0/0
POS1/0/0 POS1/0/0
GE1/0/0.1 GE2/0/0.1
GE1/0/0.1 GE1/0/0.1


Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:
1. Configure a Kompella VPLS network.
2. Initiate an NQA VPLS MFIB ping on PE1 and specify a reserved multicast address as the
destination address to initiate the test.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:
l IP addresses of peers
l Names of the VSIs on PE1 and PE2
l BGP AS numbers on PE1 and PE2
l Signaling protocol of a VSI, that is, BGP
l RDs, VPN targets, site IDs of VSIs on PEs
l Interfaces to which VSIs are bound and VLAN IDs of the interfaces
l Destination multicast address of the ping

Step 1 Configure a Kompella VPLS network.
Configure a Komplla VPLS network on the MPLS backbone network. For details, refer to the
chapter "VPLS Configuration" in the NE80E/40E Configuration Guide - VPN.
Step 2 Configure an NQA VPLS MFIB ping test instance and specify a reserved multicast address as
the destination address.
# Do as follows on PE1:
<PE1> system-view
[PE1] nqa test-instance test vplsmping
[PE1-nqa-test-vplsming] test-type vplsmping

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[PE1-nqa-test-vplsming] destination-address ipv4

[PE1-nqa-test-vplsming] vsi a2

Step 3 Start the test.

[PE1-nqa-test-vplsming] start now

Step 4 Verify the test result.

<PE1> display nqa results test-instance test vplsmping
NQA entry(admin, vplsmping) :testflag is inactive ,testtype is vplsmping
1 . Test 1 result The test is finished
Completions: success Timeouts number: 0
Drops number: 0 TargetAddress:
ProbeResponses number: 3 SentProbes number: 3
Busies: 0 SequenceError number: 0
Lost packet ratio: 0%
1 . Receiver 1
CompletionTime Min/Max/Sum/Avg: 30/190/260/87
Sum2CompletionTime: 38600
LastGoodProbe time: 2009-4-23 11:48:9.4
Fib hit: NoHit


Configuration Files
l Configuration file of CE1
sysname CE1
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0.1
vlan-type dot1q 10
ip address
interface GigabitEthernet2/0/0
ip address

l Configuration file of CE2

sysname CE2
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0.1
vlan-type dot1q 10
ip address
interface GigabitEthernet2/0/0
ip address

l Configuration file of PE1

sysname PE1
mpls lsr-id
mpls l2vpn
vsi bgp1 auto
pwsignal bgp
vpn-target 100:1 import-extcommunity
vpn-target 100:1 export-extcommunity
site 1 range 5 default-offset 0
mpls ldp

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interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0.1
vlan-type dot1q 10
l2 binding vsi bgp1
interface Pos2/0/0
link-protocol ppp
ip address
mpls ldp
interface LoopBack1
ip address
bgp 100
peer as-number 100
peer connect-interface LoopBack1
policy vpn-target
peer enable
ospf 1
nqa test-instance test vplsmping
test-type vplsmping
destination-address ipv4
vsi a2


l Configuration file of P
sysname P
mpls lsr-id
mpls ldp
interface Pos1/0/0
link-protocol ppp
ip address
mpls ldp
interface Pos2/0/0
link-protocol ppp
ip address
mpls ldp
interface LoopBack1
ip address
ospf 1

l Configuration file of PE2

sysname PE2

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mpls lsr-id
mpls l2vpn
vsi bgp1 auto
pwsignal bgp
vpn-target 100:1 import-extcommunity
vpn-target 100:1 export-extcommunity
site 2 range 5 default-offset 0
mpls ldp
interface Pos1/0/0
link-protocol ppp
ip address
mpls ldp
interface GigabitEthernet2/0/0.1
vlan-type dot1q 10
l2 binding vsi bgp1
interface LoopBack1
ip address
bgp 100
peer as-number 100
peer connect-interface LoopBack1
policy vpn-target
peer enable
ospf 1

7.47.37 Example for Configuring a VPLS MFIB Trace to Check the

VPLS Network

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 7-37:
PE1 and PE2 are enabled with VPLS. CE1 is attached to PE1; CE2 is attached to PE2. CE1 and
CE2 are on the same VPLS network. PWs are established by using LDP as the VPLS signaling,
and VPLS is configured to realize the interworking between CE1 and CE2. PEs are enabled with
IGMP snooping.
With the NQA VPLS MFIB trace, you can check the IGMP snooping of the egress and trouble

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Figure 7-37 Networking diagram of the Martini VPLS network

Loopback1: Loopback1: Loopback1:
POS2/0/0 POS2/0/0
POS1/0/0 POS1/0/0
GE1/0/0.1 GE2/0/0.1
GE1/0/0.1 GE1/0/0.1


Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:
1. Configure a Martini VPLS network.
2. Enable IGMP snooping on PE1 and PE2.
3. Configure an NQA VPLS MFIB trace test instance on PE1 and specify a non-reserved
multicast address as the destination address to initiate the test.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:
l VSI name and VSI ID
l IP addresses of peers and the tunnel policy used for setting up the peer relationship
l Name of an interface to which a VSI is bound
l Destination multicast address of the trace

Step 1 Configure a Martini VPLS network.
Configure a Martini VPLS network on the MPLS backbone network. For details, refer to the
chapter "VPLS Configuration" in the NE80E/40E Configuration Guide - VPN.
Step 2 Enable IGMP snooping.
Enable IGMP snooping on PE1 and PE2. For details, refer to the chapter "Layer 2 Multicast
Configuration" in the NE80E/40E Configuration Guide - VPN.
Step 3 Configure an NQA VPLS MFIB trace test instance and specify an non-reserved multicast address
as the destination address.
# Do as follows on PE1:
<PE1> system-view
[PE1] nqa test-instance test vplsmtrace

Issue 03 (2012-06-08) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 708

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[PE1-nqa-test-vplsmtrace] test-type vplsmtrace

[PE1-nqa-test-vplsmtrace] destination-address ipv4
[PE1-nqa-test-vplsmtrace] vsi a2
[PE1-nqa-test-vplsmtrace] remote-address ipv4

Step 4 Start the test.

[PE1-nqa-test-vplsmtrace] start now

Step 5 Verify the test result.

[PE1-nqa-test-vplsmtrace] display nqa results test-instance test vplsmtrace
NQA entry(test, vplsmtrace) :testflag is inactive ,testtype is vplsmtrace
1 . Test 1 result The test is finished
Completion:success Attempts number:1
Disconnect operation number:0 Operation timeout number:0
System busy operation number:0 Connection fail number:0
Operation sequence errors number:0 RTT Stats errors number:0
Drop operation number:0
Last good path Time:2009-12-03 09:42:46.7
1 . Hop 1
Send operation times: 1 Receive response times: 1
Min/Max/Average Completion Time: 0/0/0
Sum/Square-Sum Completion Time: 0/0
RTD OverThresholds number: 0
Last Good Probe Time: 2009-12-03 09:42:43.9
Destination ip address:
Lost packet ratio: 0 %


Configuration Files
l Configuration file of CE1
sysname CE1
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0.1
vlan-type dot1q 10
ip address
interface GigabitEthernet2/0/0
ip address

l Configuration file of CE2

sysname CE2
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0.1
vlan-type dot1q 10
ip address
interface GigabitEthernet2/0/0
ip address

l Configuration file of PE1

sysname PE1
igmp-snooping enable

mpls lsr-id

mpls l2vpn

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vsi a2 static
pwsignal ldp
vsi-id 2
igmp-snooping enable
mpls ldp
mpls ldp remote-peer pe2
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0.1
vlan-type dot1q 10
l2 binding vsi a2
interface Pos2/0/0
link-protocol ppp
ip address
mpls ldp
interface LoopBack1
ip address
ospf 1
nqa test-instance test vplsmtrace
test-type vplsmtrace
destination-address ipv4
vsi a2
remote-address ipv4

l Configuration file of P
sysname P
mpls lsr-id
mpls ldp
interface Pos1/0/0
link-protocol ppp
ip address
mpls ldp
interface Pos2/0/0
link-protocol ppp
ip address
mpls ldp
interface LoopBack1
ip address
ospf 1

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l Configuration file of PE2

sysname PE2
igmp-snooping enable
mpls lsr-id
mpls l2vpn
vsi a2 static
pwsignal ldp
vsi-id 2
igmp-snooping enable
mpls ldp
mpls ldp remote-peer pe1
interface Pos1/0/0
link-protocol ppp
ip address
mpls ldp
interface GigabitEthernet2/0/0.1
vlan-type dot1q 10
l2 binding vsi a2
interface LoopBack1
ip address
ospf 1

7.47.38 Example for Configuring a VPLS MAC Ping Test

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 7-38, it is required that VPLS should be enabled on routerPE1 and PE2;
CE1 should be attached to PE1; CE2 should be attached to PE2; CE1 and CE2 should be on the
same VPLS network; PWs should be established by using LDP as the VPLS signaling, and VPLS
should be configured to realize the interworking between CE1 and CE2.
A VPLS MAC ping test is used to check the connectivity of the VPLS network.

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Figure 7-38 Typical networking of configuring a VPLS MAC ping test

Loopback1: Loopback1: Loopback1:
POS2/0/0 POS2/0/0
POS1/0/0 POS1/0/0
GE1/0/0.1 GE2/0/0.1
GE1/0/0.1 GE1/0/0.1


Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:

1. Configure a Martini VPLS network.

2. Configure a VPLS MAC ping test instance on PE1.
3. Start the NQA VPLS MAC ping test.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:

l Name and ID of the VSI

l IP addresses of peers and tunnel policy used for setting up the peer relationship
l Interface to which the VSI is bound
l A specified peer MAC address

Step 1 Configure a Martini VPLS network.

For details, refer to the chapter "VPLS Configuration" in the HUAWEI NetEngine80E/40E
Router Configuration Guide - VPN.

Step 2 Configure a VPLS MAC ping test instance based on the Martini VPLS network.

# Configure PE1.
<PE1> system-view
[PE1] nqa test-instance test vplsping
[PE1-nqa-test-vplsping] test-type vplsping
[PE1-nqa-test-vplsping] vsi a2
[PE1-nqa-test-vplsping] mac 00e0-5952-6f01

Step 3 Start the test.

[PE1-nqa-test-vplsping] start now

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Step 4 Verify the test result.

Run the display nqa results command on the PEs. You can view that the test is successful.
[PE1-nqa-test-vplsping] display nqa results
NQA entry(test, vplsping)
testtype is: vplsping
summary conclusion: total: 1 success: 1 fail: 0 last: 1
schedule-status: inactive, result-status: finished
Test Failure Percent 100
1 . Completion: success
Attempts number :1
Lost packet ratio :0 %
Send operation times :3
Drop operation number :0
Receive response times :3
Destination ip address :
Connection fail number :0
Last Good Probe Time :2009-2-1 13:31:38.5
RTT Stats errors number :0
Operation timeout number :0
RTD OverThresholds number :0
Disconnect operation number :0
System busy operation number :0
Min/Max/Average Completion Time :19/21/19
Sum/Square-Sum Completion Time :59/1163
Operation sequence errors number:0


Configuration Files
l Configuration file of CE1
sysname CE1
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0.1
undo shutdown
vlan-type dot1q 10
ip address

l Configuration file of CE2

sysname CE2
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0.1
undo shutdown
vlan-type dot1q 10
ip address

l Configuration file of PE1

sysname PE1
mpls lsr-id
mpls l2vpn
vsi a2 static
pwsignal ldp
vsi-id 2

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mpls ldp
mpls ldp remote-peer
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0.1
undo shutdown
vlan-type dot1q 10
l2 binding vsi a2
interface Pos2/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address
mpls ldp
interface LoopBack1
ip address
nqa test-instance test vplsping
test-type vplsping
vsi a2
mac 00e0-5952-6f01
ospf 1
l Configuration file of P
sysname P
mpls lsr-id
mpls ldp
interface Pos1/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address
mpls ldp
interface Pos2/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address
mpls ldp
interface LoopBack1
ip address
ospf 1
l Configuration file of PE2
sysname PE2

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mpls lsr-id

mpls l2vpn
vsi a2 static
pwsignal ldp
vsi-id 2
mpls ldp
mpls ldp remote-peer
interface Pos1/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address
mpls ldp
interface GigabitEthernet2/0/0.1
undo shutdown
vlan-type dot1q 10
l2 binding vsi a2
interface LoopBack1
ip address
ospf 1

7.47.39 Example for Configuring a VPLS MAC Trace Test

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 7-39, it is required that a VPLS MAC trace test should be used to check the
connectivity of the VPLS network and locate the fault.

Figure 7-39 Networking diagram of configuring a VPLS MAC trace test

Loopback1: Loopback1: Loopback1:
POS2/0/0 POS2/0/0
POS1/0/0 POS1/0/0
GE1/0/0.1 GE2/0/0.1
GE1/0/0.1 GE1/0/0.1


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Configuration Guide - System Management 7 NQA Configuration

Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:
1. Configure a Martini VPLS network.
2. Configure a VPLS MAC trace test instance on PE1.
3. Start the NQA test.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:
l VSI name and VSI ID
l IP addresses of peers and the tunnel policy used for setting up the peer relationship
l Interface to which the VSI is bound
l A specified peer MAC address

Step 1 Configure a Martini VPLS network.
For details, refer to the chapter "VPLS Configuration" in the HUAWEI NetEngine80E/40E
Router Configuration Guide - VPN.
Step 2 Configure a VPLS MAC trace test instance based on the Martini VPLS network.
# Configure PE1.
<PE1> system-view
[PE1] nqa test-instance test vplstrace
[PE1-nqa-test-vplstrace ] test-type vplstrace
[PE1-nqa-test-vplstrace ] vsi a2
[PE1-nqa-test-vplstrace ] mac 00e0-5952-6f01

Step 3 Start the test.

[PE1-nqa-test-vplstrace ] start now

Step 4 Verify the configuration.

Run the display nqa results command on the PEs. You can view that the test is successful.
[PE1-nqa-test-vplstrace ] display nqa results
NQA entry(test, vplstrace )
testtype is: vplstrace
summary conclusion: total: 1 success: 1 fail: 0 last: 1
schedule-status: inactive, result-status: finished
Test Failure Percent --
1 . Completion: success
Attempts number :1
Last good path Time :2009-2-1 13:33:23.5
Drop operation number :0
Connection fail number :0
RTT Stats errors number :0
Operation timeout number :0
Disconnect operation number :0
System busy operation number :0
Operation sequence errors number:0

1 . Hop 1
Lost packet ratio :0 %
Last Good Probe Time :2009-2-1 13:33:21.5

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Send operation times :1

Destination ip address :
Receive response times :1
RTD OverThresholds number :0
Min/Max/Average Completion Time :0/0/0
Sum/Square-Sum Completion Time :0/0

2 . Hop 2
Lost packet ratio :0 %
Last Good Probe Time :2009-2-1 13:33:23.5
Send operation times :1
Destination ip address :
Receive response times :1
RTD OverThresholds number :0
Min/Max/Average Completion Time :0/0/0
Sum/Square-Sum Completion Time :0/0


Configuration Files
l Configuration file of CE1
sysname CE1
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0.1
undo shutdown
vlan-type dot1q 10
ip address

l Configuration file of CE2

sysname CE2
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0.1
undo shutdown
vlan-type dot1q 10
ip address

l Configuration file of PE1

sysname PE1
mpls lsr-id
mpls l2vpn
vsi a2 static
pwsignal ldp
vsi-id 2
mpls ldp
mpls ldp remote-peer
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0.1
undo shutdown
vlan-type dot1q 10
l2 binding vsi a2
interface Pos2/0/0

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link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address
mpls ldp
interface LoopBack1
ip address
ospf 1
l Configuration file of P
sysname P
mpls lsr-id
mpls ldp
interface Pos1/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address
mpls ldp
interface Pos2/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address
mpls ldp
interface LoopBack1
ip address
ospf 1
l Configuration file of PE2
sysname PE2
mpls lsr-id
mpls l2vpn
vsi a2 static
pwsignal ldp
vsi-id 2
mpls ldp
mpls ldp remote-peer
interface Pos1/0/0
link-protocol ppp

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undo shutdown
ip address
mpls ldp
interface GigabitEthernet2/0/0.1
undo shutdown
vlan-type dot1q 10
l2 binding vsi a2
interface LoopBack1
ip address
ospf 1

7.47.40 Example for Configuring VPLS PW Ping and VPLS PW

Trace Test Instances

Networking Requirements
On a VPLS network, the performance of PWs affects the entire network performance. For
example, the connectivity of PWs determines whether traffic can be normally forwarded between
users, and the forwarding performance of PWs determines whether the forwarding capacity of
the network complies with the SLA signed with users. To monitor PWs on the VPLS network,
VPLS PW ping and VPLS PW trace are developed for detecting the connectivity of PWs,
collecting performance information about PWs, discovering packet forwarding paths along PWs,
and locating faults on PWs.
VPLS PW ping or VPLS PW trace operations initiated through NQA commands are the same
as ping or trace operations initiated through common command lines in principle, and
additionally provide the scheduling and result collection mechanism and the threshold-
exceeding alarm function. You can combine the trace operation for locating faults and
discovering packet forwarding paths with the ping operation. When finding a fault by using the
ping operation, you can use the trace operation to locate the fault.
Figure 7-40 shows that VPLS PW ping and VPLS PW trace test instances can detect the
connectivity of a VPLS network and locate faults in the PW.

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Figure 7-40 Networking diagram of configuring VPLS PW ping and VPLS PW trace test
Loopback1: Loopback1: Loopback1:
POS2/0/0 POS2/0/0
POS1/0/0 POS1/0/0
GE1/0/0.1 GE2/0/0.1
GE1/0/0.1 GE1/0/0.1


Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:
1. Configure the VPLS network and the service environment for starting NQA test instances.
In this example, a Martini VPLS network is configured.
2. Configure VPLS PW ping and VPLS PW trace test instances on PE1, and specify
mandatory configurations of test instances.
3. Start NQA test instances.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:
l Name and ID of the VSI
l IP addresses of peers and the tunnel policy used for setting up the peer relationship
l Interface to which the VSI is bound

Step 1 Configure a Martini VPLS network.
For details, refer to the chapter "VPLS Configuration" in the HUAWEI NetEngine80E/40E
Router Configuration Guide - VPN.
Step 2 Configure VPLS PW ping and VPLS PW trace test instances.
1. Configure a VPLS PW ping test instance and start the test instance.
# Configure PE1.
<PE1> system-view
[PE1] nqa test-instance test vplspwping
[PE1-nqa-test-vplspwping ] test-type vplspwping
[PE1-nqa-test-vplspwping ] vsi a2
[PE1-nqa-test-vplspwping ] destination-address ipv4

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# Start the test instance.

[PE1-nqa-test-vplspwping ] start now

2. Configure a VPLS PW trace test instance and start the test instance.
# Configure PE1.
<PE1> system-view
[PE1] nqa test-instance test vplspwtrace
[PE1-nqa-test-vplspwtrace ] test-type vplspwtrace
[PE1-nqa-test-vplspwtrace ] vsi a2
[PE1-nqa-test-vplspwtrace ] destination-address ipv4

# Start the test instance.

[PE1-nqa-test-vplspwtrace ] start now

Step 3 Verify the configuration.

Enter the PW ping and PW trace test instance views separately on the PE and then run the display
nqa results command to view the test result, which is "success".
[PE1-nqa-test-vplspwping ] display nqa results
NQA entry(vplspw,ping) :testflag is inactive ,testtype is vplspwping
1 . Test 1 result The test is finished
SendProbe:3 ResponseProbe:3
Completion:success RTD OverThresholds number:0
OWD OverThresholds SD number:0 OWD OverThresholds DS number:0
Min/Max/Avg/Sum RTT:1/30/14/41 RTT Square Sum:1001
NumOfRTT:3 Drop operation number:0
Operation sequence errors number:0 RTT Stats errors number:0
System busy operation number:0 Operation timeout number:0
Min Positive SD:10 Min Positive DS:40
Max Positive SD:10 Max Positive DS:40
Positive SD Number:1 Positive DS Number:1
Positive SD Sum:10 Positive DS Sum:40
Positive SD Square Sum:100 Positive DS Square Sum:1600
Min Negative SD:20 Min Negative DS:30
Max Negative SD:20 Max Negative DS:30
Negative SD Number:1 Negative DS Number:1
Negative SD Sum:20 Negative DS Sum:30
Negative SD Square Sum:400 Negative DS Square Sum:900
Min Delay SD:0 Min Delay DS:0
Max Delay SD:0 Max Delay DS:0
Delay SD Square Sum:0 Delay DS Square Sum:0
Packet Loss SD:0 Packet Loss DS:0
Packet Loss Unknown:0 Average of Jitter:25
Average of Jitter SD:15 Average of Jitter DS:35
jitter out value:0.6119792 jitter in value:1.4062500
NumberOfOWD:0 Packet Loss Ratio: 0%
OWD SD Sum:0 OWD DS Sum:0
ICPIF value: 0 MOS-CQ value: 0
TimeStamp unit: ms Packet Rewrite Number: 0
Packet Rewrite Ratio: 0% Packet Disorder Number: 0
Packet Disorder Ratio: 0% Fragment-disorder Number: 0
Fragment-disorder Ratio: 0%
[PE1-nqa-test-vplspwtrace ] display nqa results
NQA entry(vplspw,tracert) :testflag is inactive ,testtype is vplspwtrace
1 . Test 1 result The test is finished
Completion:success Attempts number:1
Disconnect operation number:0 Operation timeout number:0
System busy operation number:0 Connection fail number:0
Operation sequence errors number:0 RTT Stats errors number:0
Drop operation number:0
Last good path Time:2010-07-23 14:23:20.4
1 . Hop 1
Send operation times: 3 Receive response times: 3
Min/Max/Average Completion Time: 70/140/93
Sum/Square-Sum Completion Time: 280/29400

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Configuration Guide - System Management 7 NQA Configuration

RTD OverThresholds number: 0

Last Good Probe Time: 2010-07-23 14:23:20.4
Destination ip address:
Lost packet ratio: 0 %


Configuration Files
l Configuration file of CE1
sysname CE1
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0.1
undo shutdown
vlan-type dot1q 10
ip address
l Configuration file of CE2
sysname CE2
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0.1
undo shutdown
vlan-type dot1q 10
ip address
l Configuration file of PE1
sysname PE1
mpls lsr-id
mpls l2vpn
vsi a2 static
pwsignal ldp
vsi-id 2
mpls ldp
mpls ldp remote-peer
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0.1
undo shutdown
vlan-type dot1q 10
l2 binding vsi a2
interface Pos2/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address
mpls ldp
interface LoopBack1
ip address
nqa test-instance test vplspwping
test-type vplspwping
vsi a2
destination-address ipv4

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nqa test-instance test vplspwtrace
test-type vplspwtrace
vsi a2
destination-address ipv4
ospf 1
l Configuration file of P
sysname P
mpls lsr-id
mpls ldp
interface Pos1/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address
mpls ldp
interface Pos2/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address
mpls ldp
interface LoopBack1
ip address
ospf 1
l Configuration file of PE2
sysname PE2
mpls lsr-id
mpls l2vpn
vsi a2 static
pwsignal ldp
vsi-id 2
mpls ldp
mpls ldp remote-peer
interface Pos1/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address

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mpls ldp
interface GigabitEthernet2/0/0.1
undo shutdown
vlan-type dot1q 10
l2 binding vsi a2
interface LoopBack1
ip address
ospf 1

7.47.41 Example for Configuring MAC Ping and MAC Trace to

Detect the Connectivity of a VLAN network

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 7-41, all devices are on a VLAN network and are enabled with basic Ethernet
CFM functions. A MAC ping and MAC trace test instance can be used to detect the connectivity
and locate fault of the VLAN network.

Figure 7-41 Networking diagram of configuring MAC ping and MAC trace for detecting the
connectivity of a VLAN network

GE1/0/1 VLAN GE1/0/1

RouterA RouterB

Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:
1. Configure a VLAN network and the service environment for starting the NQA test instance.
2. Configure Ethernet CFM and establish the mapping relationship between CFM and VLAN.
3. Configure an NQA MAC ping and MAC trace test instance on Router A, and specify
mandatory configurations for the test instance.
4. Start the NQA MAC ping and MAC trace test instance.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:


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l MAC address of the remote device

Step 1 Configure the IP address. (The detailed procedure is not mentioned here.)
Step 2 Add Router A and Router B to VLAN 10.
# Configure Router A.
<HUAWEI> system-view
<HUAWEI> sysname RouterA
[RouterA] vlan 10
[Router-vlan10] quit
[RouterA] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Router-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] portswitch
[Router-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] port default vlan 10

# Configure Router B. Configurations performed on Router B are similar to those on Router A

and therefore are not provided here.
Step 3 Enable basic Ethernet CFM functions between Router A and Router B, and establish the mapping
relationship between the MA and VLAN 10.
# Configure Router A.
<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] sysname RouterA
[RouterA] cfm version standard
[RouterA] cfm enable
[RouterA] cfm md md1
[RouterA-md-md1] ma ma1
[RouterA-md-md1-ma-ma1] map vlan 10
[RouterA-md-md1-ma-ma1] mep mep-id 1 interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1 outward
[RouterA-md-md1-ma-ma1] remote-mep mep-id 2
[RouterA-md-md1-ma-ma1] mep ccm-send enable
[RouterA-md-md1-ma-ma1] remote-mep ccm-receive enable
[RouterA-md-md1-ma-ma1] quit
[RouterA-md-md1] quit

# Configure Router B.
<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] sysname RouterB
[RouterB] cfm version standard
[RouterB] cfm enable
[RouterB] cfm md md1
[RouterB-md-md1] ma ma1
[RouterB-md-md1-ma-ma1] map vlan 10
[RouterB-md-md1-ma-ma1] mep mep-id 2 interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1 outward
[RouterB-md-md1-ma-ma1] remote-mep mep-id 1
[RouterB-md-md1-ma-ma1] mep ccm-send enable
[RouterB-md-md1-ma-ma1] remote-mep ccm-receive enable
[RouterB-md-md1-ma-ma1] quit
[RouterB-md-md1] quit


Each interface can be configured with only one MEP and the interface must be a Layer 2 interface.

Run the display cfm remote-mep command on Router A to view the status of Ethernet CFM.
The command output shows that the status of Ethernet CFM is Up.
[RouterA] display cfm remote-mep
The total number of RMEPs is : 1
The status of RMEPS : 1 up, 0 down, 0 disable

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MD Name : md1
Level : 0
MA Name : ma1
Vlan ID : --
VSI Name : --
MAC : --
CCM Receive : enabled
Trigger-If-Down : disabled
CFM Status : up

Step 4 Configure a MAC ping and MAC trace test instance to detect the connectivity of a VLAN
1. Configure a VLAN MAC Ping test instance and start the test instance.
# Configure Router A.
<RouterA> system-view
[RouterA] nqa test-instance test macping
[RouterA-nqa-test-macping ] test-type macping
[RouterA-nqa-test-macping ] destination-address mac 00e0-fca4-8ae7
[RouterA-nqa-test-macping ] md md1 ma ma1
[RouterA-nqa-test-macping] mep mep-id 1

# Start the test instance.

[RouterA-nqa-test-macping ] start now

2. Configure a VLAN MAC Trace test instance and start the test instance.
# Configure Router A.
<RouterA> system-view
[RouterA] nqa test-instance test mactrace
[RouterA-nqa-test-mactrace ] test-type mactrace
[RouterA-nqa-test-mactrace ] destination-address mac 00e0-fca4-8ae7
[RouterA-nqa-test-mactrace ] md md1 ma ma1
[RouterA-nqa-test-mactrace ] mep mep-id 1

# Start the test instance.

[RouterA-nqa-test-mactrace ] start now

Step 5 Verify the configuration.

Enter the MAC ping and MAC trace test instance view on Router A and then run the display
nqa results command. You can see that the test result is "success".
[RouterA-nqa-test-macping] display nqa results
NQA entry(test, macping) :testflag is inactive ,testtype is macping
1 . Test 1 result The test is finished
SendProbe:3 ResponseProbe:3
Completion:success RTD OverThresholds number:0
OWD OverThresholds SD number:0 OWD OverThresholds DS number:0
Min/Max/Avg/Sum RTT:9/12/10/30 RTT Square Sum:306
NumOfRTT:3 Drop operation number:0
Operation sequence errors number:0 RTT Stats errors number:0
System busy operation number:0 Operation timeout number:0
Min Positive SD:0 Min Positive DS:0
Max Positive SD:0 Max Positive DS:0
Positive SD Number:0 Positive DS Number:0
Positive SD Sum:0 Positive DS Sum:0
Positive SD Square Sum:0 Positive DS Square Sum:0
Min Negative SD:2 Min Negative DS:1
Max Negative SD:2 Max Negative DS:1
Negative SD Number:1 Negative DS Number:1
Negative SD Sum:2 Negative DS Sum:1
Negative SD Square Sum:4 Negative DS Square Sum:1

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Configuration Guide - System Management 7 NQA Configuration

Min Delay SD:0 Min Delay DS:0

Avg Delay SD:0 Avg Delay DS:0
Max Delay SD:0 Max Delay DS:0
Delay SD Square Sum:0 Delay DS Square Sum:0
Packet Loss SD:0 Packet Loss DS:0
Packet Loss Unknown:0 Average of Jitter:1
Average of Jitter SD:0 Average of Jitter DS:0
Jitter out value:0.0000000 Jitter in value:0.0000000
NumberOfOWD:0 Packet Loss Ratio: 0%
OWD SD Sum:0 OWD DS Sum:0
ICPIF value: 0 MOS-CQ value: 0
TimeStamp unit: ms Packet Rewrite Number: 0
Packet Rewrite Ratio: 0% Packet Disorder Number: 0
Packet Disorder Ratio: 0% Fragment-disorder Number: 0
Fragment-disorder Ratio: 0%
[RouterA-nqa-test-mactrace] display nqa results
NQA entry(test, mactrace) :testflag is inactive ,testtype is mactrace
1 . Test 1 result The test is finished
Completion:success Attempts number:1
Drop operation number:0 Operation timeout number:0
System busy operation number:0
Last good path Time:2012-02-27 19:13:48.8


Configuration Files
l Configuration file of Router A
sysname RouterA
cfm version standard
cfm enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1
undo shutdown
port default vlan 10
cfm md md1
ma ma1
map vlan 10
mep mep-id 1 interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1 outward
mep ccm-send mep-id 1 enable
remote-mep mep-id 2
remote-mep ccm-receive mep-id 2 enable
nqa test-instance test macping
test-type macping
destination-address mac 00e0-fca4-8ae7
md md1 ma ma1
mep mep-id 1
nqa test-instance test mactrace
test-type mactrace
destination-address mac 00e0-fca4-8ae7
md md1 ma ma1
mep mep-id 1

l Configuration file of Router B

sysname RouterB
cfm version standard
cfm enable

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interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1
undo shutdown
port default vlan 10
cfm md md1
ma ma1
map vlan 10
mep mep-id 2 interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1 outward
mep ccm-send mep-id 2 enable
remote-mep mep-id 1
remote-mep ccm-receive mep-id 1 enable

7.47.42 Example for Configuring a MAC Ping and MAC Trace Test
Instance to Detect the Connectivity of a VPLS Network

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 7-42, MAC ping and trace is enabled to detect the connectivity and locate
the fault on a VPLS network. Three PEs on the VPLS network are enabled with CFM functions.
An NQA MAC ping and trace test instance is configured on PE1, with the destination MAC
address of trace packets being the MAC address of the interface on PE2. The test instance is
initiated from PE1 to detect the connectivity between PE1 and PE2.

Figure 7-42 Networking diagram of configuring MAC ping and trace for detecting the
connectivity of a VPLS network

PE3 GE1/0/0.1
GE2/0/0 GE3/0/0

GE3/0/0 GE3/0/0

Loopback1 PE1 PE2

Loopback1 GE2/0/0 GE2/0/0 GE1/0/0.1

GE1/0/0.1 GE1/0/0.1


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HUAWEI NetEngine80E/40E Router
Configuration Guide - System Management 7 NQA Configuration

Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:
1. Configure a Martini VPLS network and the service environment for starting the NQA test
2. Configure VPLS-based Ethernet CFM on PEs.
3. Configure an NQA MAC ping and trace test instance on PE1 to detect the connectivity of
the VPLS network.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:
l IP address of an interface
l MPLS LSR ID of each PE
l VSI names and VSI IDs on PE1, PE2, and PE3
l Interface to which the VSI is bound
l Name and level of the MD, name of the MA, MEP ID, name of the interface where the
MEP resides, and type of the MEP
l Destination MAC address

Step 1 Configure routes among PE and CE.
Step 2 Configure the Martini VPLS on the MPLS backbone network.
For configuration details, refer to the chapter "VPLS Configuration" in the Configuration Guide
- VPN.
Step 3 Configure Ethernet CFM on PEs.
# Configure PE1.
[PE1] cfm version standard
[PE1] cfm enable
[PE1] cfm md md1
[PE1-md-md1] ma ma1
[PE1-md-md1-ma-ma1] ccm-interval 30
[PE1-md-md1-ma-ma1] map vsi ldp1
[PE1-md-md1-ma-ma1] mep mep-id 1 interface gigabitethernet 1/0/0.1 inward
[PE1-md-md1-ma-ma1] remote-mep mep-id 2
[PE1-md-md1-ma-ma1] remote-mep mep-id 3
[PE1-md-md1-ma-ma1] quit

# Configure PE2.
[PE2] cfm version standard
[PE2] cfm enable
[PE2] cfm md md1
[PE2-md-md1] ma ma1
[PE2-md-md1-ma-ma1] ccm-interval 30
[PE2-md-md1-ma-ma1] map vsi ldp1
[PE2-md-md1-ma-ma1] mep mep-id 2 interface gigabitethernet 1/0/0.1 inward
[PE2-md-md1-ma-ma1] remote-mep mep-id 1
[PE2-md-md1-ma-ma1] remote-mep mep-id 3
[PE2-md-md1-ma-ma1] quit

# Configure PE3.

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[PE3] cfm version standard

[PE3] cfm enable
[PE3] cfm md md1
[PE3-md-md1] ma ma1
[PE3-md-md1-ma-ma1] ccm-interval 30
[PE3-md-md1-ma-ma1] map vsi ldp1
[PE3-md-md1-ma-ma1] mep mep-id 3 interface gigabitethernet 1/0/0.1 inward
[PE3-md-md1-ma-ma1] remote-mep mep-id 1
[PE3-md-md1-ma-ma1] remote-mep mep-id 2
[PE3-md-md1-ma-ma1] quit

Step 4 Configure a VPLS MAC ping and trace test instance.

1. Configure a VPLS MAC Ping test instance and start the test instance.
# Configure PE1.
<PE1> system-view
[PE1] nqa test-instance test macping
[PE1-nqa-test-macping] test-type macping
[PE1-nqa-test-macping ] destination-address mac 00e0-fca4-8ae7
[PE1-nqa-test-macping ] md md1 ma ma1
[PE1-nqa-test-macping] mep mep-id 1

# Start the test instance.

[PE1-nqa-test-mactrace ] start now

2. Configure a VPLS MAC Trace test instance and start the test instance.
# Configure PE1.
<PE1> system-view
[PE1] nqa test-instance test mactrace
[PE1-nqa-test-mactrace ] test-type mactrace
[PE1-nqa-test-mactrace ] destination-address mac 00e0-fca4-8ae7
[PE1-nqa-test-mactrace ] md md1 ma ma1
[PE1-nqa-test-mactrace ] mep mep-id 1

# Start the test instance.

[PE1-nqa-test-mactrace ] start now

Step 5 Verify the configuration.

Enter the MAC ping and trace test instance view on PE1 and then run the display nqa results
command. You can see that the test result is "success".
[PE1-nqa-test-macping] display nqa results
NQA entry(test, macping) :testflag is inactive ,testtype is macping
1 . Test 1 result The test is finished
SendProbe:3 ResponseProbe:3
Completion:success RTD OverThresholds number:0
OWD OverThresholds SD number:0 OWD OverThresholds DS number:0
Min/Max/Avg/Sum RTT:9/12/10/30 RTT Square Sum:306
NumOfRTT:3 Drop operation number:0
Operation sequence errors number:0 RTT Stats errors number:0
System busy operation number:0 Operation timeout number:0
Min Positive SD:0 Min Positive DS:0
Max Positive SD:0 Max Positive DS:0
Positive SD Number:0 Positive DS Number:0
Positive SD Sum:0 Positive DS Sum:0
Positive SD Square Sum:0 Positive DS Square Sum:0
Min Negative SD:2 Min Negative DS:1
Max Negative SD:2 Max Negative DS:1
Negative SD Number:1 Negative DS Number:1
Negative SD Sum:2 Negative DS Sum:1
Negative SD Square Sum:4 Negative DS Square Sum:1
Min Delay SD:0 Min Delay DS:0
Avg Delay SD:0 Avg Delay DS:0

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Max Delay SD:0 Max Delay DS:0

Delay SD Square Sum:0 Delay DS Square Sum:0
Packet Loss SD:0 Packet Loss DS:0
Packet Loss Unknown:0 Average of Jitter:1
Average of Jitter SD:0 Average of Jitter DS:0
Jitter out value:0.0000000 Jitter in value:0.0000000
NumberOfOWD:0 Packet Loss Ratio: 0%
OWD SD Sum:0 OWD DS Sum:0
ICPIF value: 0 MOS-CQ value: 0
TimeStamp unit: ms Packet Rewrite Number: 0
Packet Rewrite Ratio: 0% Packet Disorder Number: 0
Packet Disorder Ratio: 0% Fragment-disorder Number: 0
Fragment-disorder Ratio: 0%
[PE1-nqa-test-mactrace] display nqa results
NQA entry(test, mactrace) :testflag is inactive ,testtype is mactrace
1 . Test 1 result The test is finished
Completion:success Attempts number:1
Drop operation number:0 Operation timeout number:0
System busy operation number:0
Last good path Time:2012-02-27 19:13:48.8


Configuration Files
l Configuration file of PE1
sysname PE1
cfm version standard
cfm enable
mpls lsr-id
mpls l2vpn
vsi ldp1 static
pwsignal ldp
vsi-id 2
mpls ldp
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0.1
undo shutdown
vlan-type dot1q 10
l2 binding vsi ldp1
interface Gigabitethernet2/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
mpls ldp
interface Gigabitethernet3/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
mpls ldp
interface LoopBack1
ip address
cfm md md1

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ma ma1
ccm-interval 30
map vsi ldp1
mep mep-id 1 interface gigabitethernet 1/0/0.1 inward
remote-mep mep-id 2
remote-mep mep-id 3
nqa test-instance test macping
test-type macping
destination-address mac 00e0-fca4-8ae7
md md1 ma ma1
mep mep-id 1
nqa test-instance test mactrace
test-type mactrace
destination-address mac 00e0-fca4-8ae7
md md1 ma ma1
mep mep-id 1
ospf 1
l Configuration file of PE2
sysname PE2
cfm version standard
cfm enable
mpls lsr-id
mpls l2vpn
vsi ldp1 static
pwsignal ldp
vsi-id 2
mpls ldp
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0.1
undo shutdown
vlan-type dot1q 10
l2 binding vsi ldp1
interface Gigabitethernet2/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
mpls ldp
interface Gigabitethernet3/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
mpls ldp
interface LoopBack1
ip address
cfm md md1

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ma ma1
ccm-interval 30
map vsi ldp1
mep mep-id 2 interface gigabitethernet 1/0/0.1 inward
mep ccm-send mep-id 2 enable
remote-mep mep-id 1
remote-mep ccm-receive mep-id 1 enable
remote-mep mep-id 3
remote-mep ccm-receive mep-id 3 enable
ospf 1
l Configuration file of PE3
sysname PE3
cfm version standard
cfm enable
mpls lsr-id
mpls l2vpn
vsi ldp1 static
pwsignal ldp
vsi-id 2
mpls ldp
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0.1
undo shutdown
vlan-type dot1q 10
l2 binding vsi ldp1
interface Gigabitethernet2/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
mpls ldp
interface Gigabitethernet3/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
mpls ldp
interface LoopBack1
ip address
cfm md md1
ma ma1
ccm-interval 30
map vsi ldp1
mep mep-id 3 interface gigabitethernet 1/0/0.1 inward
mep ccm-send mep-id 3 enable
remote-mep mep-id 1
remote-mep ccm-receive mep-id 1 enable
remote-mep mep-id 2
remote-mep ccm-receive mep-id 2 enable

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ospf 1

l Configuration file of CE1

sysname CE1
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0.1
undo shutdown
vlan-type dot1q 10
ip address

l Configuration file of CE2

sysname CE2
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0.1
undo shutdown
vlan-type dot1q 10
ip address

l Configuration file of CE3

sysname CE3
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0.1
undo shutdown
vlan-type dot1q 10
ip address

7.47.43 Example for Configuring GMAC Ping and GMAC Trace to

Detect the Connectivity of a VLAN Network

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 7-43, all devices are on VLAN 10. Router A and Router B are enabled with
GMAC ping and GMAC trace. NQA GMAC ping and NQA GMAC trace test instances are
configured on Router A, with the destination address of ping and trace packets being that of
Router B. NQA test instances are initiated to detect the connectivity and delay between
Router A and Router B.

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Figure 7-43 Networking diagram of configuring GMAC ping and GMAC trace for detecting
the connectivity of a VLAN network

GE1/0/1 VLAN GE1/0/1

RouterA RouterB

Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:

1. Configure a VLAN network and the service environment for starting NQA test instances.
2. Configure NQA test instances on the NQA client where GMAC ping and GMAC trace are
to be performed. Specify mandatory configurations of NQA test instances.
3. Start NQA test instances.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:

l MAC address of the remote device

Step 1 Add Router A and Router B to VLAN 10.

# Configure Router A.
<HUAWEI> system-view
<HUAWEI> sysname RouterA
[RouterA] vlan 10
[RouterA-vlan10] quit
[RouterA] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[RouterA-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] portswitch
[RouterA-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] port default vlan 10

# Configure Router B. Configurations performed on Router B are similar to those on Router A

and therefore are not provided here.

Step 2 Configure the standard version of CFM, and enable GMAC ping and GMAC trace.

# Configure Router A.
[RouterA] cfm version standard
[RouterA] ping mac enable
[RouterA] trace mac enable

# Configure Router B. Configurations performed on Router B are similar to those on Router A

and therefore are not provided here.

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Step 3 Configure VLAN GMAC ping and VLAN GMAC trace test instances.
1. Configure a VLAN GMAC ping test instance and start the test instance.
# Configure Router A.
<RouterA> system-view
[RouterA] nqa test-instance test gmacping
[RouterA-nqa-test-gmacping ] test-type gmacping
[RouterA-nqa-test-gmacping ] vlan 10
[RouterA-nqa-test-gmacping ] destination-address mac 00e0-fca4-8ae7

# Start the test instance.

[RouterA-nqa-test-gmacping ] start now

2. Configure a VLAN GMAC trace test instance and start the test instance.
# Configure Router A.
<RouterA> system-view
[RouterA] nqa test-instance test gmactrace
[RouterA-nqa-test-gmactrace ] test-type gmactrace
[RouterA-nqa-test-gmacping ] vlan 10
[RouterA-nqa-test-gmacping ] destination-address mac 00e0-fca4-8ae7

# Start the test instance.

[RouterA-nqa-test-gmacping ] start now

Step 4 Verify the configuration.

Enter the GMAC ping and GMAC trace test instance views separately on Router A and then run
the display nqa results command. You can see that results of both test instances are "success".
[RouterA-nqa-test-gmacping ] display nqa results
NQA entry(test,gmacping) :testflag is inactive ,testtype is gmacping
1 . Test 1 result The test is finished
SendProbe:3 ResponseProbe:0
Completion:failed RTD OverThresholds number:0
OWD OverThresholds SD number:0 OWD OverThresholds DS number:0
Min/Max/Avg/Sum RTT:0/0/0/0 RTT Square Sum:0
NumOfRTT:0 Drop operation number:3
Operation sequence errors number:0 RTT Stats errors number:0
System busy operation number:0 Operation timeout number:0
Min Positive SD:0 Min Positive DS:0
Max Positive SD:0 Max Positive DS:0
Positive SD Number:0 Positive DS Number:0
Positive SD Sum:0 Positive DS Sum:0
Positive SD Square Sum:0 Positive DS Square Sum:0
Min Negative SD:0 Min Negative DS:0
Max Negative SD:0 Max Negative DS:0
Negative SD Number:0 Negative DS Number:0
Negative SD Sum:0 Negative DS Sum:0
Negative SD Square Sum:0 Negative DS Square Sum:0
Min Delay SD:0 Min Delay DS:0
Avg Delay SD:0 Avg Delay DS:0
Max Delay SD:0 Max Delay DS:0
Delay SD Square Sum:0 Delay DS Square Sum:0
Packet Loss SD:0 Packet Loss DS:0
Packet Loss Unknown:3 Average of Jitter:0
Average of Jitter SD:0 Average of Jitter DS:0
Jitter out value:0.0000000 Jitter in value:0.0000000
NumberOfOWD:0 Packet Loss Ratio: 100%
OWD SD Sum:0 OWD DS Sum:0
ICPIF value: 0 MOS-CQ value: 0
TimeStamp unit: ms Packet Rewrite Number: 0
Packet Rewrite Ratio: 0% Packet Disorder Number: 0
Packet Disorder Ratio: 0% Fragment-disorder Number: 0
Fragment-disorder Ratio: 0%

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[RouterA-nqa-test-gmactrace ] display nqa results

NQA entry(test,gmactrace) :testflag is active ,testtype is gmactrace
1 . Test 1 result The test is finished
Completion:success Attempts number:1
Drop operation number:0 Operation timeout number:0
System busy operation number:0
Last good path Time:2011-06-20 17:50:18.2


Configuration Files
l Configuration file of Router A
sysname RouterA
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1
undo shutdown
port default vlan 10
cfm version standard
ping mac enable
trace mac enable
nqa test-instance test gmacping
test-type gmacping
vlan 10
destination-address mac 00e0-fca4-8ae7
nqa test-instance test gmactrace
test-type gmactrace
vlan 10
destination-address mac 00e0-fca4-8ae7

l Configuration file of Router B

sysname RouterB
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1
undo shutdown
port default vlan 10
cfm version standard
ping mac enable
trace mac enable

7.47.44 Example for Configuring GMAC Ping and GMAC Trace to

Detect the Connectivity of a VPLS Network

Networking Requirements
GMAC ping and GMAC trace tests can be initiated on a PE or a CE to detect the connectivity
of the VPLS network between PEs, between CEs, and between PEs and CEs.
As shown in Figure 7-44, GMAC ping and GMAC trace are enabled to detect the connectivity
and locate the fault on a VPLS network. NQA GMAC ping and GMAC trace test instances are
configured on PE1. The bridge MAC address of PE2 is configured as the destination MAC

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address and the VSI name is configured. Then, test instances are started. VPLS GMAC ping and
VPLS GMAC trace operations initiated through NQA commands are the same as ping and trace
operations initiated through common command lines in principle, and additionally provide the
scheduling and result collection mechanisms and the threshold-exceeding alarm function.

Figure 7-44 Networking diagram of configuring GMAC ping and GMAC for detecting the
connectivity of a VPLS network
Loopback1: Loopback1: Loopback1:
POS2/0/0 POS2/0/0
POS1/0/0 POS1/0/0
GE1/0/0.1 GE2/0/0.1
GE1/0/0.1 GE1/0/0.1


Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:
1. Configure a VPLS network and the service environment for starting NQA test instances.
Examples in this document use the Martini VPLS network.
2. Configure VPLS GMAC ping and GMAC trace test instances on PE1, and specify
mandatory configurations for test instances.
3. Start NQA test instances.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:
l Name and ID of the VSI
l Peer IP address and the tunnel policy used for setting up the peer relationship
l Interface to which the VSI is bound
l MAC address of the remote device

Step 1 Configure a Martini VPLS network.
For configuration procedures, see the configuration files in this example. For configuration
details, refer to the chapter "VPLS Configuration" in the HUAWEI NetEngine80E/40E Router
Configuration Guide - VPN.
Step 2 Configure the standard version of CFM, and enable GMAC ping and GMAC trace.

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# Configure PE1.
[PE1] cfm version standard
[PE1] ping mac enable
[PE1] trace mac enable

# Configure PE2. The configuration of PE2 is similar to that of PE1, and therefore is not provided
Step 3 Configure VPLS GMAC ping and VPLS GMAC trace test instances.
1. Configure a VPLS GMAC ping test instance and start the test instance.
# Configure PE1.
<PE1> system-view
[PE1] nqa test-instance test gmacping
[PE1-nqa-test-gmacping ] test-type gmacping
[PE1-nqa-test-gmacping ] vsi a2
[PE1-nqa-test-gmacping ] destination-address 00e0-fca4-8ae7

# Start the test instance.

[PE1-nqa-test-gmacping ] start now

2. Configure a VPLS GMAC trace test instance and start the test instance.
# Configure PE1.
<PE1> system-view
[PE1] nqa test-instance test gmactrace
[PE1-nqa-test-gmactrace ] test-type gmactrace
[PE1-nqa-test-gmactrace ] vsi a2
[PE1-nqa-test-gmactrace ] destination-address 00e0-fca4-8ae7

# Start the test instance.

[PE1-nqa-test-gmactrace ] start now

Step 4 Verify the configuration.

Enter the GMAC ping and GMAC trace test instance views separately on PE1 and then run the
display nqa results command. You can see that results of both test instances are "success".
[PE1-nqa-test-gmacping ] display nqa results
NQA entry(test,gmacping) :testflag is inactive ,testtype is gmacping
1 . Test 1 result The test is finished
SendProbe:3 ResponseProbe:0
Completion:failed RTD OverThresholds number:0
OWD OverThresholds SD number:0 OWD OverThresholds DS number:0
Min/Max/Avg/Sum RTT:0/0/0/0 RTT Square Sum:0
NumOfRTT:0 Drop operation number:3
Operation sequence errors number:0 RTT Stats errors number:0
System busy operation number:0 Operation timeout number:0
Min Positive SD:0 Min Positive DS:0
Max Positive SD:0 Max Positive DS:0
Positive SD Number:0 Positive DS Number:0
Positive SD Sum:0 Positive DS Sum:0
Positive SD Square Sum:0 Positive DS Square Sum:0
Min Negative SD:0 Min Negative DS:0
Max Negative SD:0 Max Negative DS:0
Negative SD Number:0 Negative DS Number:0
Negative SD Sum:0 Negative DS Sum:0
Negative SD Square Sum:0 Negative DS Square Sum:0
Min Delay SD:0 Min Delay DS:0
Avg Delay SD:0 Avg Delay DS:0
Max Delay SD:0 Max Delay DS:0
Delay SD Square Sum:0 Delay DS Square Sum:0
Packet Loss SD:0 Packet Loss DS:0

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Packet Loss Unknown:3 Average of Jitter:0

Average of Jitter SD:0 Average of Jitter DS:0
Jitter out value:0.0000000 Jitter in value:0.0000000
NumberOfOWD:0 Packet Loss Ratio: 100%
OWD SD Sum:0 OWD DS Sum:0
ICPIF value: 0 MOS-CQ value: 0
TimeStamp unit: ms Packet Rewrite Number: 0
Packet Rewrite Ratio: 0% Packet Disorder Number: 0
Packet Disorder Ratio: 0% Fragment-disorder Number: 0
Fragment-disorder Ratio: 0%
[PE1-nqa-test-gmactrace ] display nqa results
NQA entry(test,gmactrace) :testflag is active ,testtype is gmactrace
1 . Test 1 result The test is finished
Completion:success Attempts number:1
Drop operation number:0 Operation timeout number:0
System busy operation number:0
Last good path Time:2011-06-20 17:50:18.2


Configuration Files
l Configuration file of CE1
sysname CE1
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0.1
undo shutdown
vlan-type dot1q 10
ip address

l Configuration file of CE2

sysname CE2
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0.1
undo shutdown
vlan-type dot1q 10
ip address

l Configuration file of PE1

sysname PE1
mpls lsr-id
mpls l2vpn
vsi a2 static
pwsignal ldp
vsi-id 2
mpls ldp
mpls ldp remote-peer
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0.1
undo shutdown
vlan-type dot1q 10
l2 binding vsi a2

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interface Pos2/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address
mpls ldp
interface LoopBack1
ip address
cfm version standard
ping mac enable
trace mac enable
nqa test-instance test gmacping
test-type gmacping
vsi a2
destination-address mac 00e0-fca4-8ae7
nqa test-instance test gmactrace
test-type gmactrace
vsi a2
destination-address mac 00e0-fca4-8ae7
# nqa test-instance test gmactrace
test-type gmactrace
vsi a2
destination-address 00e0-fca4-8ae7
ospf 1
l Configuration file of P
sysname P
mpls lsr-id
mpls ldp
interface Pos1/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address
mpls ldp
interface Pos2/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address
mpls ldp
interface LoopBack1
ip address
ospf 1
l Configuration file of PE2

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sysname PE2
mpls lsr-id
mpls l2vpn
vsi a2 static
pwsignal ldp
vsi-id 2
mpls ldp
mpls ldp remote-peer
interface Pos1/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address
mpls ldp
interface GigabitEthernet2/0/0.1
undo shutdown
vlan-type dot1q 10
l2 binding vsi a2
cfm version standard
ping mac enable
trace mac enable
interface LoopBack1
ip address
ospf 1

7.47.45 Example for Checking an RPF Path from the Multicast

Source to the Destination Host of a Specified Multicast VPN
This part provides examples for configuring an MTrace test to check the RPF path from the
multicast source to the destination host.

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 7-45, MD is used on a single-AS MPLS/BGP VPN network to deploy
multicast services.

The receiver is added to the multicast group whose IP address is to receive multicast
data sent from the source. Router A is the last hop.

The mtrace command is run on Router B to check the RPF path from the multicast source to
the destination host on a specified multicast VPN network. The command output shows
information about nodes on the RPF path, which provides references for the faulty node

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Figure 7-45 Networking diagram of a single-AS MD VPN

Source: Destination:

RouterE RouterA
LoopBack0: LoopBack0:



Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:

1. Configure BGP/MPLS IP VPN to ensure that the VPN network works normally and unicast
routes are reachable.
2. Enable multicast and Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM) globally. Packet transmission
between PEs and P is multicast implementation on the public network while packet
transmission between the PE and the CE is multicast implementation in VPN instances.
3. Configure identical share-group address, MTI, and switch-address-pool range of Switch-
MDT for the same VPN instance on each PE.
4. Configure the MTI address of each PE as the IBGP peer interface address on the public
network, and enable PIM on the MTI.
5. Configure Router B as an NQA client and create a Mtrace test instance on it.
6. Start the NQA Mtrace test instance and verify the test result.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:

l Test instance name: admin mtrace

l IP address of the multicast source:
l IP address of the destination host:
l IP address of the last-hop:
l Name of the VPN instance: RED

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Step 1 Configure BGP/MPLS IP VPN to ensure that the VPN network works normally and unicast
routes are reachable.
For configuration details, refer to the chapter "BGP/MPLS IP VPN Configuration" in the NE80E/
40E Configuration Guide - VPN.
Step 2 Enable multicast and PIM globally. Packet transmission between PEs and P is multicast
implementation on the public network while packet transmission between the PE and the CE is
multicast implementation in VPN instances.
For configuration details, refer to the chapter "IPv4 Multicast VPN Configuration" in the NE80E/
40E Configuration Guide - IP Multicast.
Step 3 Configure identical share-group address, MTI, and switch-address-pool range of Switch-MDT
for the same VPN instance on each PE.
For configuration details, refer to the chapter "IPv4 Multicast VPN Configuration" in the NE80E/
40E Configuration Guide - IP Multicast.
Step 4 Configure the identical share-group address, MTI, and switch-address-pool range of Switch-
MDT for the same VPN instance on each PE.
For configuration details, refer to the chapter "IPv4 Multicast VPN Configuration" in the NE80E/
40E Configuration Guide - IP Multicast.
Step 5 Configure an NQA Mtrace test instance on Router B.
<RouterB> system-view
[RouterB] nqa test-instance admin mtrace
[RouterB-nqa-admin-mtrace] test-type mtrace
[RouterB-nqa-admin-mtrace] mtrace-source-address ipv4
[RouterB-nqa-admin-mtrace] destination-address ipv4
[RouterB-nqa-admin-mtrace] mtrace-query-type last-hop
[RouterB-nqa-admin-mtrace] vpn-instance red
[RouterB-nqa-admin-mtrace] mtrace-last-hop-address ipv4

Step 6 Start the test.

[RouterB-nqa-admin-mtrace] start now

Step 7 Verify the configuration.

# Run the display this command on Router B. You can view the configuration of the test instance.
<RouterB> display this
nqa test-instance admin mtrace
test-type mtrace
destination-address ipv4
mtrace-last-hop-address ipv4
mtrace-source-address ipv4
mtrace-query-type last-hop
vpn-instance red

# Run the display nqa results command on Router B. You can view that the RPF path from the
multicast source to the destination host is Router E->Router D->Router B->Router A.
<RouterB> display nqa results test-instance admin mtrace
NQA entry(admin, mtrace) :testflag is inactive ,testtype is mtrace
1 . Test 1 result The test is finished
Completions: success Query Mode: max-hop
Current Hop:4 Current Probe:1

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SendProbe:1 ResponseProb:1
Timeout Count:0 Busy Count:0
Drop Count:0 Max Path Ttl:5
Responser: Response Rtt: 50
mtrace start time: 2008-12-31 14:16:46.2
Last Good Probe Time: 2007-2-7 17:36:18.3
Last Good Path Time: 2007-2-7 17:36:18.3
1 . Hop 1
Outgoing Interface Address:
Incoming Interface Address:
Prehop Router Address:
Protocol : PIM Forward Code:NO_ERROR
Forward Ttl:1 Current Path Ttl:5
SG Packet Count:0xffffffff Hop Time Delay(ms):1
Input Packet Count:0 Output Packet Count:0
Input Rate(pps): 0xffffffff Output Rate(pps): 0xffffffff
Input Loss Rate: 0xffffffff SG Loss Rate: 0xffffffff
2 . Hop 2
Outgoing Interface Address:
Incoming Interface Address:
Prehop Router Address:
Protocol : Unknown Forward Code:ADMIN_PROHIB
Forward Ttl:1 Current Path Ttl:4
SG Packet Count:0xffffffff Hop Time Delay(ms):1
Input Packet Count:0 Output Packet Count:0
Input Rate(pps): 0xffffffff Output Rate(pps): 0xffffffff
Input Loss Rate: 0xffffffff SG Loss Rate: 0xffffffff
3 . Hop 3
Outgoing Interface Address:
Incoming Interface Address:
Prehop Router Address:
Protocol : PIM Forward Code:NO_ERROR
Forward Ttl:1 Current Path Ttl:3
SG Packet Count:0xffffffff Hop Time Delay(ms):1
Input Packet Count:0 Output Packet Count:313
Input Rate(pps): 0xffffffff Output Rate(pps): 0xffffffff
Input Loss Rate: 0xffffffff SG Loss Rate: 0xffffffff
4 . Hop 4
Outgoing Interface Address:
Incoming Interface Address:
Prehop Router Address:
Protocol : PIM Forward Code:NO_ERROR
Forward Ttl:1 Current Path Ttl:2
SG Packet Count:0xffffffff Hop Time Delay(ms):0xffffffff
Input Packet Count:0 Output Packet Count:0
Input Rate(pps): 0xffffffff Output Rate(pps): 0xffffffff
Input Loss Rate: 0xffffffff SG Loss Rate: 0xffffffff


Configuration Files
l Configuration file of Router A
sysname Router A
router id
multicast routing-enable
interface Ethernet0/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
pim sm
igmp static-group
interface Ethernet0/0/2
undo shutdown

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ip address

pim sm
interface LoopBack1
ip address
pim sm
rip 2
import-route direct
nqa test-instance admin mtrace
test-type mtrace
mtrace-source-address ipv4
mtrace-response-address ipv4
l Configuration file of Router B
sysname Router B
router id
multicast routing-enable
ip vpn-instance red
route-distinguisher 100:1
vpn-target 100:1 export-extcommunity
vpn-target 100:1 import-extcommunity
multicast routing-enable
multicast-domain share-group binding mtunnel 0
multicast-domain switch-group-pool
mpls lsr-id
mpls ldp
interface Ethernet0/0/1
undo shutdown
ip binding vpn-instance red
ip address
pim sm
interface Ethernet0/0/2
undo shutdown
ip address
pim sm
mpls ldp
interface LoopBack1
ip address
pim sm
interface MTunnel0
ip binding vpn-instance red
ip address
pim sm
bgp 100
group vpn-g internal
peer vpn-g connect-interface LoopBack1
peer as-number 100
peer group vpn-g

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ipv4-family unicast
undo synchronization
peer vpn-g enable
peer enable
peer group vpn-g
ipv4-family vpnv4
policy vpn-target
peer vpn-g enable
peer enable
peer group vpn-g
ipv4-family vpn-instance red
import-route direct
import-route rip 2
ospf 1
rip 2 vpn-instance red
import-route direct
import-route bgp cost 3
nqa test-instance admin mtrace
test-type mtrace
destination-address ipv4
mtrace-last-hop-address ipv4
mtrace-source-address ipv4
mtrace-query-type last-hop
vpn-instance red
l Configuration file of Router C
sysname Router C
router id
multicast routing-enable
mpls lsr-id
mpls ldp
interface Ethernet0/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
pim sm
mpls ldp
interface Ethernet0/0/1
undo shutdown
ip address
pim sm
mpls ldp
interface LoopBack1
ip address

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pim sm
ospf 1
c-bsr LoopBack1
c-rp LoopBack1
l Configuration file of Router D
sysname Router D
router id
multicast routing-enable
ip vpn-instance red
route-distinguisher 100:1
vpn-target 100:1 export-extcommunity
vpn-target 100:1 import-extcommunity
multicast routing-enable
multicast-domain share-group binding mtunnel 0
multicast-domain switch-group-pool
mpls lsr-id
mpls ldp
interface Ethernet0/0/1
undo shutdown
ip address
pim sm
mpls ldp
interface Ethernet0/0/2
undo shutdown
ip binding vpn-instance red
ip address
pim sm
igmp enable
interface LoopBack1
ip address
pim sm
interface MTunnel0
ip binding vpn-instance red
ip address
pim sm
bgp 100
group vpn-g internal
peer vpn-g connect-interface LoopBack1
peer as-number 100
peer group vpn-g
ipv4-family unicast
undo synchronization
peer vpn-g enable

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peer enable

peer group vpn-g
ipv4-family vpnv4
policy vpn-target
peer vpn-g enable
peer enable
peer group vpn-g
ipv4-family vpn-instance red
import-route direct
import-route rip 2
ospf 1
rip 2 vpn-instance red
import-route direct
import-route bgp cost 3

l Configuration file of Router E

sysname Router E
router id
multicast routing-enable
interface Ethernet0/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
pim sm
interface Ethernet0/0/1
undo shutdown
ip address
pim sm
interface LoopBack1
ip address
pim sm
rip 2
import-route direct
import-route bgp
c-bsr LoopBack1
c-rp LoopBack1

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7.47.46 Example for Configuring NQA Upper/Lower Alarm

Threshold and Test Instance Linkage
This part provides examples for configuring the association of NQA test instances to dynamically
monitor faults on the network.

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 7-46, an NQA Jitter is required to monitor the packet loss ratio between
Router A and Router B. If the packet loss ratio in the test result exceeds the threshold, the linking
test instance is triggered to test whether Router B is reachable.

Figure 7-46 Networking diagram of configuring the NQA alarm threshold and test instance


RouterA RouterB

Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:
1. Configure Router A as the NQA client and Router B as the NQA server.
2. On the NQA client, configure the type of the linking test instance to be ICMP.
3. On the NQA client, specify the event that triggers test instance linkage.
4. On the NQA client, create an ICMP Jitter test instance, as a primary test instance.
5. On the NQA client, configure the alarm threshold.
6. On the NQA client, start the primary test instance.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:
l Index of the linking test instance
l Number of the event associated with the threshold
l Number of the alarm threshold
l Upper threshold and lower threshold

Step 1 Enable the NQA client and create an NQA ICMP test instance.
<RouterA> system-view
[RouterA] nqa test-instance admin icmp
[RouterA-nqa-admin-icmp] test-type icmp
[RouterA-nqa-admin-icmp] destination-address ipv4
[RouterA-nqa-admin-icmp] quit

Step 2 On Router A, configure the event that triggers test instance linkage and create a linked test
instance admin icmp.

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[RouterA] nqa event 10 linkage admin icmp

Step 3 On Router A, create an NQA ICMP Jitter test instance.

[RouterA] nqa test-instance admin icmpjitter
[RouterA-nqa-admin-icmpjitter] test-type icmpjitter
[RouterA-nqa-admin-icmpjitter] destination-address ipv4

# Configure the alarm threshold.

[RouterA-nqa-admin-icmpjitter] alarm 10 lost-packet-ratio absolute rising-
threshold 80 10 falling-threshold 10 10

Step 4 Start the test.

[RouterA-nqa-admin-icmpjitter] start now

Step 5 Verify the configuration.

# Check information about the event that triggers test instance linkage.
<RouterA> display nqa event
NQA Event Information:
Event-Entry Event-type Description Admin-Name Operation-Tag
10 linkage admin icmp

# Check alarm information about all test instances.

<RouterA> display nqa alarm
NQA Alarm Information:
Admin-Name Operation-Tag Alarm-Entry AlarmType Event-Entry
admin icmpjitter 10 Rising 10
admin icmpjitter 10 Falling 10

# Check the status of the NQA client.

<RouterA> display nqa-agent
NQA Tests Max:2000 NQA Tests Number: 2
NQA Flow Max:1000 NQA Flow Remained:1000

nqa test-instance admin icmp

test-type icmp
destination-address ipv4
nqa status : normal
nqa test-instance admin icmpjitter
test-type icmpjitter
destination-address ipv4
alarm 10 lost-packet-ratio absolute rising-threshold 80 10 falling-threshold 10
nqa status : normal

# Check the NQA test result.

<RouterA> display nqa results

NQA entry(admin, icmp) :testflag is inactive ,testtype is icmp

1 . Test 1 result The test is finished
Send operation times: 3 Receive response times: 0
Completion:failed RTD OverThresholds number: 0
Attempts number:1 Drop operation number:0
Disconnect operation number:0 Operation timeout number:3
System busy operation number:0 Connection fail number:0
Operation sequence errors number:0 RTT Stats errors number:0
Destination ip address:
Min/Max/Average Completion Time: 0/0/0
Sum/Square-Sum Completion Time: 0/0
Last Good Probe Time: 0-0-0 0:0:0.0
Lost packet ratio: 100 %

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NQA entry(admin, icmpjitter) :testflag is inactive ,testtype is icmpjitter

1 . Test 1 result The test is finished
SendProbe:60 ResponseProbe:0
Completion:failed RTD OverThresholds number:0
OWD OverThresholds SD number:0 OWD OverThresholds DS number:0
Min/Max/Avg/Sum RTT:0/0/0/0 RTT Square Sum:0
NumOfRTT:0 Drop operation number:60
Operation sequence errors number:0 RTT Stats errors number:0
System busy operation number:0 Operation timeout number:0
Min Positive SD:0 Min Positive DS:0
Max Positive SD:0 Max Positive DS:0
Positive SD Number:0 Positive DS Number:0
Positive SD Sum:0 Positive DS Sum:0
Positive SD Square Sum:0 Positive DS Square Sum:0
Min Negative SD:0 Min Negative DS:0
Max Negative SD:0 Max Negative DS:0
Negative SD Number:0 Negative DS Number:0
Negative SD Sum:0 Negative DS Sum:0
Negative SD Square Sum:0 Negative DS Square Sum:0
Min Delay SD:0 Min Delay DS:0
Max Delay SD:0 Max Delay DS:0
Delay SD Square Sum:0 Delay DS Square Sum:0
Packet Loss SD:0 Packet Loss DS:0
Packet Loss Unknown:0 Average of Jitter:0
Average of Jitter SD:0 Average of Jitter DS:0
jitter out value:0.0000000 jitter in value:0.0000000
NumberOfOWD:0 Packet Loss Ratio: 100%
OWD SD Sum:0 OWD DS Sum:0
ICPIF value: 0 MOS-CQ value: 0


Configuration Files
l Configuration file of Router A
sysname RouterA
interface Ethernet1/0/0
ip address
nqa test-instance admin icmp
test-type icmp
destination-address ipv4
nqa test-instance admin icmpjitter
test-type icmpjitter
destination-address ipv4
nqa event 10 linkage admin icmp
nqa test-instance admin icmpjitter
alarm 10 lost-packet-ratio absolute rising-threshold 80 10 falling-threshold
10 10

l Configuration file of Router B

sysname RouterB
interface Ethernet1/0/0
ip address

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7.47.47 Example for Configuring the LSP Trace Test for Checking
the CR-LSP Hotstandby Tunnel
This part provides examples for configuring an LSP Trace test to detect faults on the CR-LSP
hot standby tunnels.

Networking Requirements
In the MPLS VPN as shown in Figure 7-47, a TE tunnel with Router C being the egress is set
up on Router A, and CR-LSP hot standby is configured on the TE tunnel.

l OSPF is configured on Router A, Router B, Router C, and Router D to enable them to learn
the 32-bit host addresses of the loopback interfaces from each other.
l MPLS, MPLS TE, and MPLS RSVP-TE are enabled on Router A, Router B, Router C, and
Router D.
l MPLS, MPLS TE, and MPLS RSVP-TE are enabled on the POS interfaces connected to
Router A, Router B, and Router C. Then, a TE tunnel is set up from Router A to Router

In the preceding configurations:

l The primary CR-LSP is Router A-Router B-Router C.
l The hotstandby CR-LSP is Router A-Router D-Router C.
In this manner, when the primary CR-LSP becomes faulty, traffic can be switched to the hot-
standby CR-LSP. Traffic is switched back to the primary CR-LSP 15 seconds after the fault on
the primary CR-LSP is rectified.

But if the hotstandby CR-LSP is faulty and therefore is unable to carry the traffic that is switched
from the primary CR-LSP, the hotstandby CR-LSP needs to be detected. NQA LSP Trace can
be used to detect the connectivity of the hotstandby CR-LSP. This function can detect the
connectivity of the hotstandby CR-LSP and its performance in real time. This helps detect and
identify faults on the hotstandby CR-LSP.

Figure 7-47 Networking diagram of the LSP Trace test

Loopback:1 Loopback:1 Loopback:1
GE1/0/0 GE0/0/1
GE0/0/2 GE0/0/1
RouterA RouterB RouterC
GE1/0/1 GE0/0/2

GE0/0/1 GE0/0/2

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Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:
1. Configure Router A as the NQA client and create an LSP Trace test instance on Router A.
2. Configure Router C as the NQA server.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:
l TE tunnel interface number

Step 1 Configure routes among Router A, Router B, and Router C.
For detailed configuration, see the configuration files in this example.
Step 2 Configure MPLS RSVP-TE on Router A, Router B, Router C, and Router D.
For detailed configuration, see the configuration files in this example.
Step 3 On Router A, set up a TE tunnel to Router C.
For detailed configuration, see the configuration files in this example.
Step 4 Configure an NQA test instance on Router A.
# Enable the NQA client and create an LSP Trace test instance for checking the TE tunnel.
<RouterA> system-view
[RouterA] nqa test-instance admin lsptrace
[RouterA-nqa-admin-lsptrace] test-type lsptrace
[RouterA-nqa-admin-lsptrace] lsp-type te
[RouterA-nqa-admin-lsptrace] lsp-tetunnel tunnel 1/0/0 hot-standby

Step 5 Start the test.

[RouterA-nqa-admin-lsptrace] start now

Step 6 Verify the configuration.

[RouterA-nqa-admin-lsptrace] display nqa results test-instance admin lsptrace
NQA entry(admin, lsptrace) :testflag is inactive ,testtype is lsptrace
1 . Test 1 result The test is finished
Completion:success Attempts number:1
Disconnect operation number:0 Operation timeout number:0
System busy operation number:0 Connection fail number:0
Operation sequence errors number:0 RTT Stats errors number:0
Drop operation number:0
Last good path Time:2009-4-24 11:22:21.2
1 . Hop 1 Send operation times: 3 Receive response times:
Min/Max/Average Completion Time: 50/60/56
Sum/Square-Sum Completion Time: 170/9700
RTD OverThresholds number: 0
Last Good Probe Time: 2009-4-24 11:22:20.8
Destination ip address:
Lost packet ratio: 0 %
2 . Hop 2 Send operation times: 3 Receive response times:
Min/Max/Average Completion Time: 80/110/93
Sum/Square-Sum Completion Time: 280/26600
RTD OverThresholds number: 0
Last Good Probe Time: 2009-4-24 11:22:21.2

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Destination ip address:
Lost packet ratio: 0 %


Configuration Files
l Configuration file of Router A
sysname RouterA
mpls lsr-id
mpls te
mpls rsvp-te
mpls te cspf
explicit-path backup
next hop
next hop
next hop
explicit-path main
next hop
next hop
next hop
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
mpls te
mpls te bandwidth max-reservable-bandwidth 50000
mpls rsvp-te
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1
undo shutdown
ip address
mpls te
mpls rsvp-te
interface LoopBack1
ip address
interface Tunnel1/0/0
ip address unnumbered interface LoopBack1
tunnel-protocol mpls te
mpls te tunnel-id 100
mpls te record-route
mpls te path explicit-path main
mpls te path explicit-path backup secondary
mpls te backup hot-standby wtr 15
mpls te backup ordinary best-effort
mpls te commit
ospf 1
opaque-capability enable
mpls-te enable
nqa test-instance admin lsptrace
test-type lsptrace
lsp-type te

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lsp-tetunnel Tunnel1/0/0 hot-standby

l Configuration file of Router B
sysname RouterB
mpls lsr-id
mpls te
mpls rsvp-te
mpls te cspf
interface GigabitEthernet0/0/2
ip address
mpls te
mpls te bandwidth max-reservable-bandwidth 50000
mpls rsvp-te
interface GigabitEthernet0/0/1
ip address
mpls te
mpls te bandwidth max-reservable-bandwidth 50000
mpls rsvp-te
interface LoopBack1
ip address
ospf 1
opaque-capability enable
mpls-te enable
l Configuration file of Router C
sysname RouterC
mpls lsr-id
mpls te
mpls rsvp-te
mpls te cspf
interface GigabitEthernet0/0/1
ip address
mpls te
mpls te bandwidth max-reservable-bandwidth 50000
mpls rsvp-te
interface GigabitEthernet0/0/2
ip address
mpls te
mpls te bandwidth max-reservable-bandwidth 50000
mpls rsvp-te
interface LoopBack1
ip address
ospf 1
opaque-capability enable

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mpls-te enable

l Configuration file of Router D

sysname RouterD
mpls lsr-id
mpls te
mpls rsvp-te
mpls te cspf
interface GigabitEthernet0/0/1
ip address
mpls te
mpls te bandwidth max-reservable-bandwidth 50000
mpls rsvp-te
interface GigabitEthernet0/0/2
ip address
mpls te
mpls te bandwidth max-reservable-bandwidth 50000
mpls rsvp-te
interface LoopBack1
ip address
ospf 1
opaque-capability enable
mpls-te enable

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HUAWEI NetEngine80E/40E Router
Configuration Guide - System Management 8 NetStream Configuration

8 NetStream Configuration

About This Chapter

NetStream is a type of technology that samples, makes statistics about, and advertises network
traffic information. It collects statistics about different types of communication traffic and
resource usage, which helps to manage various types of services.


NetStream cannot be configured on the X1 and X2 models of the NE80E/40E.

8.1 Introduction to NetStream

NetStream is a technology used to sample and release traffic information on the network. By
collecting the traffic statistics based on the traffic volume and resource consumption on the
network, NetStream helps users implement management and accounting on various services.
8.2 Configuring Traffic Statistics on an IPv4 Network
NetStream can sample and analyze IPv4 packets.
8.3 Collecting the Statistics of IPv6 Unicast Traffic
This section describes how to collecting the statistics of IPv6 Unicast Traffic.
8.4 Enabling NetStream on a VPN Network
With the increasing of services and applications supported by the VPN network, it is required
to perform accurate management and accounting of VPN traffic, posing a higher requirement
for the traffic statistics and analysis. Enabling NetStream on a VPN newtork enables you to
collect the statistics about traffic of different types and resource consumption on the VPN
8.5 Configuring Traffic Statistics on an MPLS Network
You can enable traffic statistics on an MPLS network to sample MPLS packets encapsulated
with IPv4 packets based on outer three labels. Traffic sampled on the MPLS network is output
as original flows, this helps users to monitor the MPLS network condition.
8.6 Configuring Aggregation Traffic Statistics
After the NDE collects the statistics about original flows, you can configure the NDE to
aggregate original flows based on different statistics requirements and then output the aggregated

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flows to the NDA for analysis. This can reduce the volume of network traffic generated for
sending statistics information and avoid unnecessary information.
8.7 Configuring NetStream Multi-Address Output
You can enable specific traffic statistics to be output a specified server through the NetStream
multi-address output function.
8.8 Maintaining NetStream
This section describes how to maintain NetStream, including clearing the NetStream statistics.
8.9 Configuration Examples
You can understand the configuration procedures through the configuration flowchart. This
section describes the networking requirements, configuration roadmap, and configuration notes.

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8.1 Introduction to NetStream

NetStream is a technology used to sample and release traffic information on the network. By
collecting the traffic statistics based on the traffic volume and resource consumption on the
network, NetStream helps users implement management and accounting on various services.

The NetStream function conforms to IETF RFC3954. For security risks, see IETF RFC3954.
This function involves analyzing the communications information of terminal customers. Before
enabling the function, ensure that it is performed within the boundaries permitted by applicable
laws and regulations. Effective measures must be taken to ensure that information is securely

8.1.1 Overview of NetStream

The Internet develops rapidly. This requires more delicate network monitoring and management
while this provides more bandwidth resources. Developing a technology to answer the preceding
demands becomes urgent. NetStream is a technology of collecting the statistics about network
traffic. It collects the traffic statistics based on the traffic volume and resource consumption on
the network, enabling users to monitor and manage the network based on the service types and

The rapid development of Internet requires more bandwidth resources and more delicate network
monitoring and management. Developing a technology to satisfy the preceding demands
becomes urgent.

NetStream is a technology that is based on network traffic statistics. It collects statistics on traffic
flows and resource usage in the network accordingly, and monitors and manages the network
based on types of services and resources. NetStream provides the following functions:

l Accounting
NetStream provides detailed statistics for the resource-occupation-based (such as links,
bandwidth, and time periods) accounting. Statistics such as IP addresses, number of packets
and bytes, transmission time, Type of Service (ToS) field, and application types are
collected. Based on the collected statistics, the ISP can charge users flexibly based on time
periods, bandwidth, application, or Quality of Service (QoS); enterprises can count their
expenses or distribute costs to make better use of resources.
l Network planning and analyzing
NetStream provides key information for advanced network management tools to optimize
the network design and planning. The minimum network operation cost thus achieves the
best network performance and reliability.
l Network monitoring
NetStream realizes the real-time network monitoring. The Remote Monitoring (RMON),
RMON-2, and flow-based analysis technology visually display the flow mode on a single
router or routers across the network. This provides bases for fault pre-detection and
effective fault rectification.
l Application monitoring and analyzing
NetStream provides detailed application statistics on the network. For example, the network
administrator can view the proportion of Web, the File Transfer Protocol (FTP), Telnet,
and other TCP/IP applications to network traffic. The ISP then properly plans and allocates

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network application resources to meet the users' requirements according to these application
l Abnormal traffic detecting
NetStream detects the abnormal traffic such as network attack traffic of various types in
the real-time manner. NetStream ensures network security by means of alarms of the NMS
and the cooperation with devices.
NetStream devices involve the following:
Figure 8-1 shows the relationships between the preceding NetStream devices.

Figure 8-1 NetStream devices

RouterA NSC


RouterB NSC

The NetStream Data Exporter (NDE) samples packets and exports the statistics data to the
NetStream Collector (NSC). The NSC is responsible for analyzing and collecting the statistics
data from the NDE. The NetStream Data Analyzer (NDA) analyzes the statistics data and then
provides the basis for various services, such as network accounting, network planning, network
monitoring, application monitoring, and analysis.
The router can serve as an NDE to sample packets, aggregate flows, and export flows.

8.1.2 NetStream Features Supported by the NE80E/40E

The implementation of NetStream requires three devices: NDE (in charge of collecting traffic
statistics), NDC (in charge of saving traffic statistics), and NDA (in charge of analyzing traffic
statistics). The router serves as NDE to collect the traffic statistics on the network.

Sampling and Statistics of an IPv4 Network

The router supports the sampling and statistics of the packets in the traffic of an IPv4 network.
The packets include unicast packets, multicast packets, packets discarded by the Unicast Reverse
Path Forwarding (uRPF) protocol or the Reverse Path Forwarding (RPF) protocol, and
fragmented packets. The traffic statistics provide source IP address, destination IP address,
source port number, destination port number, protocol type, service type, inbound interface,
outbound interface, source Autonomous System (AS), destination AS, VPN ID, TCP-flag
statistics, and statistics of the next hop of the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP).

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Sampling and Statistics of an MPLS Network

The router supports the sampling and statistics of the packets on a Multi-Protocol Label
Switching (MPLS) network. Objects of the sampling includes Layer 3 labels and headers of IP

Sampling and Statistics of a VPN Network

The router supports the sampling and statistics of the packets on a Virtual Private Network
(VPN), including Layer 2 and Layer 3 VPN traffic.

Sampling Mode
The router supports the following sampling modes: interval sampling of fixed packets, interval
sampling of random packets, interval sampling at a fixed time, and interval sampling at random
times. You can configure sampling mode and sampling ratio in the system view, interface view,
and Access Control List (ACL) view.
l Interval sampling of random packets
Indicates that the interval between two samplings is the configured random-packets. That
is, on the interface configured with NetStream, N packets are sampled randomly from N*M
packets within the interval according to the sampling ratio.
l Interval sampling of fixed packets
Indicates that the interval between two samplings is the configured fix-packets. That is, the
packet N is sampled within the interval.
l Interval sampling at random times
Indicates that one packet is sampled every random-time.
l Interval sampling at a fixed time
Indicates that one packet is sampled every fix-time.

Versions of Original Traffic and Aggregation Traffic

The router supports both original traffic export and aggregation traffic export. Original traffic
is exported in versions 5 and 9; aggregation traffic is exported in versions 8 and 9.

Aggregation of Statistics
The router supports the following types of aggregation mode:
l as
l as-tos
l bgp-nexthop-tos
l destination-prefix
l destination-prefix-tos
l index-tos
l mpls-label
l prefix
l prefix-tos
l protocol-port

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l protocol-port-tos
l source-index-tos
l source-prefix
l source-prefix-tos
l vlan-id

Processing Modes for NetStream Services

The router supports the following modes of processing NetStream services: distributed mode
and integrated mode.

l Distributed mode
A single LPU can support the complete NetStream function by collecting packets,
aggregating traffic, and exporting traffic independently.
l Integrated mode
Some LPUs cannot process NetStream services. They only sample packets and send the
sampled packets to the NetStream Service Processing Unit (SPU) for processing in traffic
aggregation mode and traffic export mode.

l LPUs which support NetStream monitoring for IPv4 services include:

l LPUA, LPUB, and LPUG, which support the centralized mode only.
l LPUF-10, LPUF-20, LPUF-21, and LPUF-40, which support both the centralized and distributed
l LPUF-41, LPUS-41, LPUF-100, and LPUI-100, which support the distributed mode only.
l LPUs which support NetStream monitoring for IPv6 services include:
l LPUF-10, LPUF-20, LPUF-21, and LPUF-40 (support the centralized mode only).
l LPUF-41, LPUS-41, LPUF-100, and LPUI-100 (support the distributed mode only).

Aging Mode
The router supports the following aging modes of NetStream: aging for timeout of the active
time, aging for timeout of the inactive time, aging for disconnection of the TCP connection,
aging for count overflow, and forced aging.

l Aging for timeout of the inactive time

The inactive time refers to the interval between the arrival time of the last packet and the
current time. After the interval times out, the system ages the traffic immediately.
l Aging for timeout of the active time
The active time refers to the interval between the arrival time of the first packet and the
current time. After the interval times out, the system ages the traffic in the cache when new
traffic comes.
l Aging for disconnection of the TCP connection
For a TCP connection, if the flag bit is set to 1, it indicates that one session ends during the
sending of the packets carrying the FIN or RST flag bit. Thus, if an existing NetStream
TCP flow contains a packet with the FIN or RST flag bit, the system immediately ages this
TCP flow.
l Aging for count overflow

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The traffic in the cache records the number of passed bytes. When the number of bytes
exceeds the specified upper limit, the traffic in the cache overflows. Thus, when the system
detects that the number of bytes in a flow exceeds the specified upper limit, the system
immediately ages the flow.
l Forced aging
The traffic in the cache is aged through command lines.

8.2 Configuring Traffic Statistics on an IPv4 Network

NetStream can sample and analyze IPv4 packets.

8.2.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

Before configuring traffic statistics on an IPv4 network, familiarize yourself with the applicable
environment, complete the pre-configuration tasks, and obtain the required data. This can help
you complete the configuration task quickly and accurately.

Applicable Environment
As shown in Figure 8-2, carriers obtain the statistics by deploying NetStream to analyze service
modes on a network and implement flexible charging policies for users. By analyzing the bi-
directional statistics on the traffic at the user side, carriers can know about the users' traffic in
detail and then carry out effective network management. Thus, network security is ensured and
the network is monitored.

Figure 8-2 Networking diagram of configuring traffic statistics on an IPv4 network

Branch 1

Headquater PE3

Statistics including Branch 2

AS Number CE3

Statistics of
inbound and outbound LAN

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Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring traffic statistics on an IPv4 network, complete the following tasks:

l Configuring parameters of link layer protocols on interfaces and assign IP addresses to

make the status of link layer protocols Up
l Configuring static routes and IGP protocol to make the IP routes between nodes reachable

Data Preparation
To configure the traffic statistics, you need the following data.

No. Data

1 Name and number of the interface on which NetStream is enabled

2 Version number of the exported NetStream packets

3 IP address and port number of the exported NetStream packets

8.2.2 (Optional)Adjust AS domain mode and interface index value

for NetStream Device
The AS domain mode and interface index value should be set in accordance with the NDA.
Otherwise, NetStream data exported by NDE cannot be correctly read by NDA.

l AS domain mode: According to the protocol, the AS field in IP packets is 16-bit, but AS
domain modes on some network is 32-bit. Thus, you need to switch the AS domain mode
when configuring NetStream. Otherwise, NetStream cannot sample the traffic information
between AS domains.

On the network where the 32-bit AS domain mode is applied, the NMS must identify the
value of the 32-bit AS domain. Otherwise, the NMS cannot identify the traffic information
about the domains sent from the device.

l interface index: The NDA obtains the interface name from the received 32-bit interface
index carried by NetStream data. And the length of interface index can be 16 bits or 32 bits.
NDA from different manufacturers may adopt different interface index types. The interface
index type of NDE should be set in accordance with the NDA. For example, if the NMS
supports the 32-bit interface index, you can switch the default 16-bit interface index to 32-
bit interface index.
Before switching AS domain mode or interface index value of the NDE, complete the following
l Setting the output version of the NetStream original traffic as v9

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l Setting the output version of the NetStream aggregation traffic as v9

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
ip netstream as-mode { 16 | 32 }

The switchover of the AS domain mode between 16 bits and 32 bits is enabled. By default,
NetStream supports the 16-bit AS domain mode.

Step 3 Run:
ip netstream export index-switch { 16 | 32 }

The switchover of the interface index between 16 bits and 32 bits is enabled. By default,
NetStream supports the 16-bit interface index mode.


8.2.3 Configuring Processing Mode for NetStream Services

Traffic sampled by a router is sent to the service processing board (NetStream board) for further
processing. There are two service processing modes, namely, integrated mode and distributed
mode. You can configure the service processing mode as required.

The router provides the following processing modes for NetStream services:

l Distributed mode
l Integrated mode

l If the LPU supports the distributed mode, you can choose the distributed mode to process NetStream
l If the LPU cannot process NetStream services, you can configure the processing mode as integrated
mode for NetStream services. In this case, after sampling the packets, the LPU sends the sampled
packets to the NetStream SPU to perform the traffic aggregation and traffic export in integrated mode.

l Configuring the processing mode for NetStream services as distributed.

Do as follows on the router that is configured with NetStream services:

1. Run:

The system view is displayed.

2. Run:
slot slot-id

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The slot view of the LPU on which the NetStream sampling is to be performed is
3. Run:
ip netstream sampler to slot self

The processing mode for NetStream services is configured as distributed.

l Configuring the processing mode for NetStream services as integrated.

Do as follows on the router that is configured with NetStream services:

1. (Optional)Run:
set board-type slot slot-id netstream netstream

The service mode of the SPUC is set to NetStream.

You can use display device slot-id command to check whether the current SPUC is in
NetStream mode.
2. Run:

The system view is displayed.

3. Run:
slot slot-id

The slot view of the LPU on which the NetStream sampling is to be performed is
4. Run the following commands as required.
– Run:
ip netstream sampler to slot slot-id1

The processing mode for NetStream sampling is configured as integrated and the
NetStream SPUC used to process traffic sampling is specified.
– Run:
ip netstream sampler to slot slot-id2 backup

The processing mode for NetStream sampling is configured as integrated and the
backup SPUC used to process traffic sampling are specified.


8.2.4 Enabling NetStream on an Interface

You can enable NetStream on an interface to sample and analyze incoming and outgoing flows
on the interface.

After NetStream is enabled on the interface, by default, the NetStream statistics is implemented
to the following types of packets:

l Unicast packets
l Multicast packets
l Fragmented packets

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After NetStream is enabled on the interfaces bound to a Virtual Private Network (VPN) instance, the
NetStream statistics can be implemented to all the packets in the VPN instance.

Do as follows on the routers:

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
interface interface-type interface-number

The interface view is displayed.

QinQ sub interface does not support NetStream.

Step 3 Run:
ip netstream { inbound | outbound }

The NetStream is enabled.


l Enable both the NetStream on the interfaces and the statistics of the next hop of BGP at the same time.
l Version 5 does not support the next hop of BGP.
By default, the incoming and outgoing NetStream statistics of the unicast packets are disabled.

Step 4 (Optional) Run:

ip netstream statistics enable

The statistics function is enabled for sampled packets on an interface.

The router supports statistics of sampled packets on a maximum of 128 interfaces.


8.2.5 (Optional) Configuring TCP-flag Statistics of the Original

You can add sampled packets with the same septuple information and TCP-flag into an original
flow and then send the original flow to the NMS. By checking the number of flows with the
same TCP-flag, the NMS determines whether the network is attacked by TCP packets.

Do as follows on the router where the NetStream traffic statistics is to be performed:

To detect TCP flood attacks, you can configure the TCP-flag statistics of original traffic to obtain
information about TCP-flag for analysis.

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Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
ip netstream tcp-flag enable

The TCP-flag statistics of the original traffic is configured.

By default, the TCP-flag statistics of the original traffic is disabled.


8.2.6 (Optional) Configuring Refreshment Parameters of the

You can configure the interval for refreshing the template only after the format of the NetStream
packet is configured as version 9.

To receive the statistics accurately and process them, configure an appropriate template for the
NSC. Thus, after you configure the refreshment parameters of the template, the NSC can be
synchronous with the system.
The option template includes NetStream configuration information. export-stats and
sampler represent the system option and the interface option, respectively. Once the refreshment
parameters of the option template are configured, collecting statistics of the system option or
that of the interface option is enabled.
If export-stats is specified, collecting statistics of the system option is enabled. If sampler is
specified, collecting statistics of the interface option is enabled.
Do as follows on the router where the NetStream traffic statistics is to be performed:

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
ip netstream export template option { application-label | export-stats | refresh-
rate packet-number | sampler | timeout-rate timeout-interval }

The interval for refreshing the option template is configured.

Step 3 Run:
ip netstream export template timeout-rate timeout-interval

The interval for refreshing the template that is used to export statistics of original traffic in version
9 is configured.


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8.2.7 Configuring the Export of NetStream Packets

To ensure that NetStream packets carrying information about original flows can be correctly
output to the NMS, you need to configure the aging time of the original flow, output version of
the NetStream packet, source and destination addresses of the NetStream packets.

Do as follows on the router where the NetStream traffic statistics is to be performed:

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
ip netstream export host ip-address port

The destination address of the export NetStream packets is assigned and the port number of the
export NetStream packets is specified.
Two destination addresses can be assigned in the system view.
Step 3 Run:
ip netstream export source ip-address

The source address of export NetStream packets is assigned.


l After the processing mode for NetStream sampling is configured, the router can send the NetStream
packets to the destination address of the configured statistics export.
l If the router is configured with two destination addresses, you need to delete the original destination
addresses before modifying the destination addresses to which NetStream packets are exported


8.2.8 Configuring NetStream Sampling

There are four sampling modes, namely, sampling at a regular packet interval, sampling at a
random packet interval, sampling at a regular time interval, and sampling at a random time
interval. The interval (time interval and packet interval) is configurable.

The router provides the following processing modes for NetStream services:
l Configuring NetStream common sampling
l Configuring NetStream ACL sampling

l Configuring NetStream common sampling
Do as follows on the routers:

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1. Run:

The system view is displayed.

2. Perform the following as required:
– Run:
ip netstream sampler { fix-packets fix-packets | random-packets random-
packet | fix-time fix-time | random-time random-time } { inbound |
outbound }

The sampling function is configured in the system view.

Run the following commands to configure the sampling function in the interface view.
a. Run the interface interface-type interface-number command to enter the
interface view.
b. Run the ip netstream sampler { fix-packets fix-packets | random-packets
random-packet | fix-time fix-time | random-time random-time } { inbound |
outbound } command to configure the sampling function.
The E3/T3 and MP-Group interfaces do not support the parameters of fix-packets fix-
packetsandrandom-packets random-packet. The GRE Tunnel supports the parameters of fix-
packets fix-packets only
l Configuring NetStream ACL sampling
Do as follows on the routers:

During the configuration of the NetStream ACL sampling, for the procedure for configuring class-based
QoS, refer to the Configuration Guide - QoS. For related commands, refer to the Command Reference.

1. Run:

The system view is displayed.

2. Run:
traffic classifier classifier-name [ operator { and | or } ]

A traffic classifier is defined and the classifier view is displayed.

By default, the logical operator of the rules is and, that is, the relationship between
the matching rules in the classifier view is logical and.
3. Run:
if-match acl access-list-number

The ACL rules are defined.

4. Run:

The Command Line Interface (CLI) quits from the classifier view.
5. Run:
traffic behavior behavior-name

The behaviors are defined and the behavior view is displayed.

6. Run:

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ip netstream sampler { fix-packets fix-packets | random-packets random-

packet | fix-time fix-time | random-time random-time }

The sampling function is configured.

7. Run:

The CLI quits from the behavior view.

8. Run:
traffic policy policy-name

The policies are defined and the policy view is displayed.

9. Run:
classifier classifier-name behavior behavior-name

A behavior is specified for the classifier in the policy.

10. Run:

Return to the system view.

11. Run:
interface interface-type interface-number

The interface view is displayed.

12. Run:
traffic policy policy-name { inbound | outbound }

The policies are applied.


8.2.9 Checking the Configuration

In routine maintenance or after related configurations of NetStream are complete, you can run
a command to check whether NetStream is enabled correctly on the device.

Run the following commands to check the previous configuration.

l Run the display device slot-id command to check whether the service mode of the SPU is
l Run display ip netstream cache origin slot slot-id [ summary ] command to check
information about NetStream in the cache.
l Run display ip netstream statistics slot slot-id command to check the statistics of export
NetStream packets.
l Run the display ip netstream statistics interface { interface-type | interface-number }
command to view the statistics of sampled packets on an interface.
l Run display netstream global command to check the configurations of NetStream in the
system view and the aggregation view.

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l Run display netstream all command to check the configurations of NetStream in all the


If the service mode of the SPU is Netstream, run the display device 3 command, and you can
view that the type of the SPU on the router is displayed as NetStream.
<HUAWEI> display device 3
SPU3's detail information:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Description: Service Processing Unit - Netstream
Board status: Normal
Register: Registered
Uptime: 2009/01/19 12:03:21
CPU Utilization(%): 5%
Mem Usage(%): 39%
Clock information:
State item State
Current syn-clock: 18
Current line-clock: 23
Syn-clock state: Locked VCXO_OK REF_OK
Syn-clock 17 state: Actived
Syn-clock 18 state: Actived
Line-clock 23 state: Inactived
Line-clock 24 state: Inactived
Statistic information:
Statistic item Statistic number
SERDES interface link lost: 0
Mpu switchs: 0
Syn-clock switchs: 0
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

If the configuration is successful, run the display ip netstream cache origin slot 3 command,
and you can view various statistics of the IP packets collected in the routerNetStream cache.
<HUAWEI> display ip netstream cache origin slot 3
Start to show information of IP and MPLS from cache of slot 3.
Getting user data from cache success.

DstIf DstP Msk Pro Tos Flags Packets

SrcIf SrcP Msk NextHop
DstIP DstAs
SrcIP SrcAs
BGP: BGP NextHop TopLabelType Direction
Label1 Exp1 Bottom1
Label2 Exp2 Bottom2
Label3 Exp3 Bottom3
TopLabelIpAddress VlanId

Null 0 0 6 0 0 19054
ET1 0 0 0
3::200:0:300:2 0
1::200:0:100:1 0 0 in
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0 0

Null 0 0 6 0 2 23569
ET1 3 0 0
3::200:0:300:2 0

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1::200:0:100:1 0 0 in
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0 0

If NetStream is successfully configured, run the display ip netstream statistics interface

{ interface-type | interface-number } command to view the statistics of sampled packets on GE
[HUAWEI] display ip netstream statistics interface GigabitEthernet3/0/0
Netstream statistic information of <GigabitEthernet3/0/0> :
Inbound :
IPV4 :1000 Bytes, 10 Packets
IPV6 :1000 Bytes, 10 Packets
Total :2000 Bytes, 20 Packets
Outbound :
IPV4 :1000 Bytes, 10 Packets
IPV6 :1000 Bytes, 10 Packets
Total :2000 Bytes, 20 Packets

8.3 Collecting the Statistics of IPv6 Unicast Traffic

This section describes how to collecting the statistics of IPv6 Unicast Traffic.

8.3.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

Before collecting the original IPv6 unicast traffic statistics, familiarize yourself with the
applicable environment, complete the pre-configuration tasks, and obtain the required data. This
can help you complete the configuration task quickly and accurately.

Application Environment
By applying NetStream, you can collect the statistics of IPv6 unicast traffic. This can provide
references for carriers to monitor the operation status of the IPv6 unicast network.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before collecting the statistics of the IPv6 unicast traffic, complete the following tasks:

l Configuring the physical attributes of the interface

l Configuring the link layer attributes of the interface
l Configuring an IP address for the interface

Data Preparation
To collect the statistics of the IPv6 unicast traffic, you need the following data.

No. Data

1 Name and number of the interface on which the traffic statistics need to be collected

2 Number of the version in which the traffic collected through NetStream is output

3 IP address and interface number of NSC&NDA

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8.3.2 Enabling NetStream on an Interface

You can collect the statistics on IPv6 unicast traffic only of the interface enabled with the
NetStream function.

Do as follows on the router on which the statistics of the IPv6 unicast traffic need to be collected.

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
interface interface-type interface-number

The interface view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
ipv6 netstream { inbound | outbound }

NetStream is enabled for IPv6 unicast traffic on an interface.

By default, the capability of collecting the respective statistics of incoming and outgoing IPv6
unicast traffic is disabled.
NetStream can collect the statistics of incoming and outgoing packets simultaneously and
separately without any interference.
Step 4 (Optional) Run:
ip netstream statistics enable

The statistics function is enabled for sampled packets on an interface.

The router supports statistics of sampled packets on a maximum of 128 interfaces.


8.3.3 Configuring the Format of the Output Statistics

This part describes how to output original traffic in v9 format.

Do as follows on the router on which the statistics of the IPv6 unicast traffic need to be collected.

Step 1 Run:

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The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
ipv6 netstream export version version [ origin-as | peer-as ]

The format of the output statistics is configured.

The default AS option is peer-as. The output does not contain the next hop BGP address.


8.3.4 Outputting the Statistics

This part describes how to send the IPv6 unicast traffic statistics to the NMS for analysis.

Do as follows on the router on which the statistics of the IPv6 unicast traffic need to be collected.

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
ipv6 netstream export source [ ip-address | ipv6 ipv6-address ]

The source address of the output statistics is configured.

Step 3 Run:
ipv6 netstream export host [ ip-address | ipv6 ipv6-address ] port

The destination address of the output statistics is configured.

You can configure at most two destination IP addresses respectively for the active and the
standby NSCs.


You can configure two destination addresses in the system view.


8.3.5 Checking the Configuration

After configuring the function of original IPv6 unicast traffic statistics, you can view the

The configurations of the Collecting the Statistics of IPv6 Unicast Traffic function are complete.

l Run the display ip netstream cache origin slot slot-id [ summary ] command to check
information about the traffic in the cache.

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l Run the display ip netstream statistics interface { interface-type | interface-number }

command to view the statistics of sampled packets on an interface.


If the data stream is collected, run the display ip netstream cache origin slot slot-id
[ summary ] command, and you can view information about the traffic in the cache.
<HUAWEI> display ip netstream cache origin slot 3
Start to show information of IP and MPLS from cache of slot 3.
Getting user data from cache

DstIf DstP Msk Pro Tos Flags Packets

SrcIf SrcP Msk NextHop
DstIP DstAs
SrcIP SrcAs
BGP: BGP NextHop TopLabelType Direction
Label1 Exp1 Bottom1
Label2 Exp2 Bottom2
Label3 Exp3 Bottom3
TopLabelIpAddress VlanId

Null 0 0 6 0 0 19054
ET1 0 0 0
3::200:0:300:2 0
1::200:0:100:1 0 0 in
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0 0

Null 0 0 6 0 2 23569
ET1 3 0 0
3::200:0:300:2 0
1::200:0:100:1 0 0 in
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0 0

If NetStream is successfully configured, run the display ip netstream statistics interface

{ interface-type | interface-number } command to view the statistics of sampled packets on GE
[HUAWEI] display ip netstream statistics interface GigabitEthernet3/0/0
Netstream statistic information of <GigabitEthernet3/0/0> :
Inbound :
IPV4 :11 Bytes, IPV6 :12 Bytes, Total :23 Bytes
Outbound :
IPV4 :11 Bytes, IPV6 :12 Bytes, Total :23 Bytes

8.4 Enabling NetStream on a VPN Network

With the increasing of services and applications supported by the VPN network, it is required
to perform accurate management and accounting of VPN traffic, posing a higher requirement
for the traffic statistics and analysis. Enabling NetStream on a VPN newtork enables you to

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collect the statistics about traffic of different types and resource consumption on the VPN

8.4.1 Establishing a Configuration Task

The flows analysis technology in NetStream visually displays the flow mode on a VPN network.
This enables the pre-detection of faults and effective rectification of faults.

Applicable Environment
If NetStream is deployed on a VPN network, accurate statistics about VPN traffic can be
l As shown in Figure 8-3, you can enable NetStream on the user-side interfaces of PEs to
charge users for VPN traffic, and you can enable NetStream on the network-side interfaces
of PEs and P to collect the statistics about MPLS traffic to analyze the operation of MPLS

Figure 8-3 Networking diagram of collecting statistics about VPN traffic

CE Stream :FEC+ Label+IP




l To collect more accurate statistics about VPN traffic, you can enable NetStream to collect
the flow and TAL information in MPLS packets. On the VPN network as shown in Figure
– NetStream is enabled on PE2 to collect and export the statistics about MPLS TAL
information to the NSC&NDA.
– NetStream is enabled on P to collect and export the statistics about incoming and
outgoing MPLS packets to the NSC&NDA.
– Traffic statistics are analyzed on the NSC&NDA to measure the user traffic between

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Figure 8-4 Networking diagram of collecting accurate statistics about VPN traffic





VPN networks that can be enabled with NetStream to collect the statistics about traffic
between PEs are as follows:
– BGP/MPLS IP VPN network
– MVPN network
– Martini VLL network
– CCC VLL network
– SVC VLL network
– Kompella VLL network
– Dynamic SH PWE3 network
– Martini VPLS network
– Kompella VPLS network

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before enabling NetStream on a VPN network, complete the following tasks:
l Configuring parameters of the link layer protocol and IP addresses for interfaces to ensure
that the link layer protocol on the interfaces is Up
l Configuring the static route or enabling IGP to ensure that IP routes between nodes are
l Enabling basic VPN capabilities

Data Preparation
To enable NetStream on a VPN network, you need the following data.

No. Data

1 Name and number of the interface enabled with NetStream

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No. Data

2 Version of the format in which NetStream packets are exported

3 Destination addresses and destination ports of NetStream packets

8.4.2 (Optional)Adjust AS domain mode and interface index value

for NetStream Device
The AS domain mode and interface index value should be set in accordance with the NDA.
Otherwise, NetStream data exported by NDE cannot be correctly read by NDA.

l AS domain mode: According to the protocol, the AS field in IP packets is 16-bit, but AS
domain modes on some network is 32-bit. Thus, you need to switch the AS domain mode
when configuring NetStream. Otherwise, NetStream cannot sample the traffic information
between AS domains.

On the network where the 32-bit AS domain mode is applied, the NMS must identify the
value of the 32-bit AS domain. Otherwise, the NMS cannot identify the traffic information
about the domains sent from the device.

l interface index: The NDA obtains the interface name from the received 32-bit interface
index carried by NetStream data. And the length of interface index can be 16 bits or 32 bits.
NDA from different manufacturers may adopt different interface index types. The interface
index type of NDE should be set in accordance with the NDA. For example, if the NMS
supports the 32-bit interface index, you can switch the default 16-bit interface index to 32-
bit interface index.
Before switching AS domain mode or interface index value of the NDE, complete the following
l Setting the output version of the NetStream original traffic as v9
l Setting the output version of the NetStream aggregation traffic as v9

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
ip netstream as-mode { 16 | 32 }
The switchover of the AS domain mode between 16 bits and 32 bits is enabled. By default,
NetStream supports the 16-bit AS domain mode.

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Step 3 Run:
ip netstream export index-switch { 16 | 32 }

The switchover of the interface index between 16 bits and 32 bits is enabled. By default,
NetStream supports the 16-bit interface index mode.


8.4.3 Configuring Processing Mode for NetStream Services

Traffic sampled by a router is sent to the service processing board (NetStream board) for further
processing. There are two service processing modes, namely, integrated mode and distributed
mode. You can configure the service processing mode as required.

The router provides the following processing modes for NetStream services:

l Distributed mode
l Integrated mode

l If the LPU supports the distributed mode, you can choose the distributed mode to process NetStream
l If the LPU cannot process NetStream services, you can configure the processing mode as integrated
mode for NetStream services. In this case, after sampling the packets, the LPU sends the sampled
packets to the NetStream SPU to perform the traffic aggregation and traffic export in integrated mode.

l Configuring the processing mode for NetStream services as distributed.

Do as follows on the router that is configured with NetStream services:

1. Run:

The system view is displayed.

2. Run:
slot slot-id

The slot view of the LPU on which the NetStream sampling is to be performed is
3. Run:
ip netstream sampler to slot self

The processing mode for NetStream services is configured as distributed.

l Configuring the processing mode for NetStream services as integrated.

Do as follows on the router that is configured with NetStream services:

1. (Optional)Run:
set board-type slot slot-id netstream netstream

The service mode of the SPUC is set to NetStream.

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You can use display device slot-id command to check whether the current SPUC is in
NetStream mode.
2. Run:

The system view is displayed.

3. Run:
slot slot-id

The slot view of the LPU on which the NetStream sampling is to be performed is
4. Run the following commands as required.
– Run:
ip netstream sampler to slot slot-id1

The processing mode for NetStream sampling is configured as integrated and the
NetStream SPUC used to process traffic sampling is specified.
– Run:
ip netstream sampler to slot slot-id2 backup

The processing mode for NetStream sampling is configured as integrated and the
backup SPUC used to process traffic sampling are specified.

8.4.4 Configuring the Export of Statistics

You can configure the traffic statistics to be exported to the NSC for analysis.

Do as follows on the router where the traffic statistics needs to be exported.

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
ip netstream export sourceip-address

The source address of the statistics is configured.

Step 3 Run:
ip netstream export hostip-addressport

The destination address of the statistics is configured.

You can configure a maximum of two destination addresses for NSCs in backup mode.


You can configure two destination addresses in the system view or the aggregation view.


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8.4.5 Enabling NetStream to Collect the Statistics About MPLS TAL

To collect accurate statistics about MPLS traffic on a VPN network, you need to enable
NetStream on PEs to collect and export the statistics about MPLS TAL information to the
NSC&NDA for measuring the traffic between PEs.

Do as follows on the router where the statistics about MPLS TAL information needs to be

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
ip netstream export template option application-label [ l2vpn | l3vpn ]

Configure the router to export the statistics about MPLS TAL information to the NSC&NDA.
Only NetStream packets exported to the NSC&NDA in V9 format carry MPLS TAL information.


8.4.6 Configuring the Version of the Export Format of NetStream

Only NetStream packets exported to the NSC&NDA in V9 format carry MPLS TAL

Do as follows on the router where the export format needs to be configured for NetStream

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
ip netstream export version 9

The version of the export format is configured for NetStream packets.

By default, the export format version 5 is configured for NetStream packets.
Currently, the output NetStream packets have three versions: Version 5, Version 8, and Version
9. Other versions are in the experimental stage and are not available for commercial use. Versions

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are all based on the User Data Protocol (UDP). Each output NetStream packet consists of a
packet header and the records of one or more flows.
The original flow can be output in Version 5 or Version 9, and the aggregated flow can be output
in Version 8 or Version 9.
Different from earlier versions, Version 9 is based on the template. It exports statistics more
flexibly, expands the new elements of the newly defined flow, and generates new records easily.
Version 9 is not compatible with Version 5 or Version 8.


8.4.7 Enabling NetStream on an Interface

An interface collects the statistics about MPLS traffic only after being enabled with NetStream.

Do as follows on the router where the statistics about MPLS traffic needs to be collected:

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:

The interface view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
ip netstream { inbound | outbound }

NetStream is enabled on the interface.

NetStream can collect the statistics about both incoming and outgoing MPLS packets on an
interface without mutual interference.
Step 4 (Optional) Run:
ip netstream statistics enable

The statistics function is enabled for sampled packets on an interface.

The router supports statistics of sampled packets on a maximum of 128 interfaces.


8.4.8 Checking the Configuration

l Run the display netstream all command to display NetStream configurations in all views.
l Run the display ip netstream statistics interface { interface-type | interface-number }
command to view the statistics of sampled packets on an interface.

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l Run the display ip netstream cache vlan-id slot slot-id command to display information
about the NetStream traffic aggregated based on VLAN ID in the cache.
l Run the display ip netstream statistics slot slot-id command to display the NetStream

Run the display netstream all command to display NetStream configurations in all views.
<HUAWEI> display ip netstream all
ip netstream aggregation vlan-id
export version 9
ip netstream export source
ip netstream export host 6000
ip netstream export host 6000
slot 3
ip netstream inbound
ip netstream sampler fix-packets 100 inbound
slot 3:ip netstream sampler to slot self

Run the display ip netstream cache vlan-id slot slot-id command to display information about
the NetStream traffic aggregated based on VLAN ID in the cache.
<HUAWEI> display ip netstream cache vlan-id slot 3
Start to show information of IP and MPLS from cache of slot 3.
Getting user data from cache success.

SrcIf VlanId Packets Streams Direction


GI3/0/0.1 10 28443654 3276647 in

Run the display ip netstream statistic slot slot-id command to display the NetStream statistics.
[HUAWEI] display ip netstream statistic slot 3
Netstream statistic information on slot 3:
length of packets Number Protocol Number
1 ~ 64 : 0 IPV4 : 3052043
65 ~ 128 : 30000000 IPV6 : 0
129 ~ 256 : 1495697 MPLS : 0
257 ~ 512 : 0 L2 : 28443654
513 ~ 1024 : 0 Total : 31495697
1025 ~ 1500 : 0
longer than 1500 : 0
Aggregation Current Streams Aged Streams
Created Streams Exported Packets Exported Streams
origin 1 487
488 116 ---
as 0 0
0 0 0
as-tos 0 0
0 0 0
protport 0 0
0 0 0
protporttos 0 0
0 0 0

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srcprefix 0 0
0 0 0
srcpretos 0 0
0 0 0
dstprefix 0 0
0 0 0
dstpretos 0 0
0 0 0
prefix 0 0
0 0 0
prefix-tos 0 0
0 0 0
mpls-label 0 0
0 0 0
vlan-id 0 0
0 0 0
all-aggre 3276649 210
23 0 0
Velocity Of Creating Streams (streams/second): 102
srcprefix = source-prefix, srcpretos = source-prefix-tos,
dstprefix = destination-prefix, dstpretos = destination-prefix-tos,
protport = protocol-port, protporttos = protocol-port-tos,
all-aggre = all aggregation streams,
"---" means that the current board is not supported.

If NetStream is successfully configured, run the display ip netstream statistics interface

{ interface-type | interface-number } command to view the statistics of sampled packets on GE
[HUAWEI] display ip netstream statistics interface GigabitEthernet3/0/0
Netstream statistic information of <GigabitEthernet3/0/0> :
Inbound :
IPV4 :11 Bytes, IPV6 :12 Bytes, Total :23 Bytes
Outbound :
IPV4 :11 Bytes, IPV6 :12 Bytes, Total :23 Bytes

8.5 Configuring Traffic Statistics on an MPLS Network

You can enable traffic statistics on an MPLS network to sample MPLS packets encapsulated
with IPv4 packets based on outer three labels. Traffic sampled on the MPLS network is output
as original flows, this helps users to monitor the MPLS network condition.

8.5.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

Before configuring traffic statistics on an MPLS network, familiarize yourself with the
applicable environment, complete the pre-configuration tasks, and obtain the required data. This
can help you complete the configuration task quickly and accurately.

Applicable Environment
As shown in Figure 8-5, on the MPLS backbone network, carriers can implement traffic
charging on the MPLS network by deploying NetStream on the interface at the user side of the
PEs. After NetStream is deployed at the network side of the PEs and on the P router, users can
accurately analyze MPLS service modes by implementing MPLS traffic statistics.

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Figure 8-5 Networking diagram of configuring traffic statistics on the MPLS network

CE Stream :FEC+ Label+IP





Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring the traffic statistics, complete the following tasks:

l Configuring parameters of link layer protocols on interfaces and assign IP addresses to

make the status of link layer protocols Up
l Configuring static routes or the Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP) to make the IP routes
between the nodes reachable
l Configuring basic MPLS functions

Data Preparation
To configure the traffic statistics, you need the following data.

No. Data

1 Name and number of the interface where NetStream is enabled

2 Version number of the export NetStream packets

3 IP address and port number of the export NetStream packets

8.5.2 (Optional)Adjust AS domain mode and interface index value

for NetStream Device
The AS domain mode and interface index value should be set in accordance with the NDA.
Otherwise, NetStream data exported by NDE cannot be correctly read by NDA.

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l AS domain mode: According to the protocol, the AS field in IP packets is 16-bit, but AS
domain modes on some network is 32-bit. Thus, you need to switch the AS domain mode
when configuring NetStream. Otherwise, NetStream cannot sample the traffic information
between AS domains.

On the network where the 32-bit AS domain mode is applied, the NMS must identify the
value of the 32-bit AS domain. Otherwise, the NMS cannot identify the traffic information
about the domains sent from the device.

l interface index: The NDA obtains the interface name from the received 32-bit interface
index carried by NetStream data. And the length of interface index can be 16 bits or 32 bits.
NDA from different manufacturers may adopt different interface index types. The interface
index type of NDE should be set in accordance with the NDA. For example, if the NMS
supports the 32-bit interface index, you can switch the default 16-bit interface index to 32-
bit interface index.

Before switching AS domain mode or interface index value of the NDE, complete the following
l Setting the output version of the NetStream original traffic as v9
l Setting the output version of the NetStream aggregation traffic as v9

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
ip netstream as-mode { 16 | 32 }

The switchover of the AS domain mode between 16 bits and 32 bits is enabled. By default,
NetStream supports the 16-bit AS domain mode.

Step 3 Run:
ip netstream export index-switch { 16 | 32 }

The switchover of the interface index between 16 bits and 32 bits is enabled. By default,
NetStream supports the 16-bit interface index mode.


8.5.3 Configuring Processing Mode for NetStream Sampling

Traffic sampled by a router is sent to the service processing board (NetStream board) for further
processing. There are two service processing modes, namely, integrated mode and distributed
mode. You can configure the service processing mode as required.

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For detailed configuration procedure, see "Configuring Processing Mode for NetStream

8.5.4 Enable NetStream on an Interface

You can enable NetStream on an interface to sample and analyze incoming and outgoing flows
on the interface.

For detailed configuration procedure, see "Enabling NetStream on an Interface."

8.5.5 Configuring Statistics of MPLS Packets

You can enable traffic statistics on an MPLS network to sample MPLS packets encapsulated
with IPv4 packets based on outer three labels. Traffic sampled on the MPLS network is output
as original flows, this helps users to monitor the MPLS network condition.

Do as follows on the router where the NetStream traffic statistics is to be performed:

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
ip netstream mpls-aware { label-only | ip-only | label-and-ip }

The statistics on MPLS packets is configured.

Users can choose the sampling mode according to their requirements for information about the
MPLS packets to be sampled:
l For the MPLS packets, to collect labels instead of IP packets, users can choose label-only.
l For the MPLS packets, to collect both IP packets and labels, users can choose label-and-


8.5.6 (Optional) Configuring Refreshment Parameters of the


To make the NSC receive and process the statistics accurately, the router needs to send the
templates related to statistics to the NSC. Thus, after you configure the refreshment parameters
of the templates, the NSC can synchronize with the templates of the system.

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The option template contains NetStream configurations. export-stats and sampler represent
the system option and the interface option respectively. When the refreshment parameters of the
option template are configured, statistics of the system option or that of the interface option is
If export-stats is specified, statistics of the system option is enabled. If sampler is specified,
statistics of the interface option is enabled.


Do as follows on the router where the statistics on the NetStream traffic is to be performed:

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
ip netstream export template option { application-label | export-stats | refresh-
rate packet-number | sampler | timeout-rate timeout-interval }

The interval for refreshing the option template is configured.

Step 3 Run:
ip netstream export template timeout-rate timeout-interval

The interval for refreshing the template that is used to export statistics of original traffic in version
9 is configured.


8.5.7 Configuring the Export of NetStream Packets

To ensure that NetStream packets carrying information about original flows can be correctly
output to the NMS, you need to configure the aging time of the original flow, output version of
the NetStream packet, source and destination addresses of the NetStream packets.

For detailed configuration procedure, see "Configuring the Export of NetStream Packets."

8.5.8 Configuring NetStream Sampling

There are four sampling modes, namely, sampling at a regular packet interval, sampling at a
random packet interval, sampling at a regular time interval, and sampling at a random time
interval. The interval (time interval and packet interval) is configurable.

For detailed configuration procedure, see "Configuring NetStream Sampling."

8.5.9 Checking the Configuration

In routine maintenance or after related configurations of NetStream are complete, you can run
a command to check whether NetStream is enabled correctly on the device.

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Run the following commands to check the previous configuration.

l Run the display device slot-id command to check whether the service mode of the SPU is
l Run display ip netstream cache origin slot slot-id [ summary ] command to check
information about NetStream in the cache.
l Run display ip netstream statistics slot slot-id command to check the statistics of the
export NetStream packets.
l Run the display ip netstream statistics interface { interface-type | interface-number }
command to view the statistics of sampled packets on an interface.
l Run display netstream global command to check the configurations of NetStream
configurations in the system view and the aggregation view.
l Run display netstream all command to check the configurations of NetStream
configurations in all the views.

If the service mode of the SPU is Netstream, run the display device 3 command, and you can
view that the type of the SPU on the router is displayed as NetStream.
<HUAWEI> display device 3
SPU3's detail information:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Description: Service Processing Unit - Netstream
Board status: Normal
Register: Registered
Uptime: 2009/01/19 12:03:21
CPU Utilization(%): 5%
Mem Usage(%): 39%
Clock information:
State item State
Current syn-clock: 18
Current line-clock: 23
Syn-clock state: Locked VCXO_OK REF_OK
Syn-clock 17 state: Actived
Syn-clock 18 state: Actived
Line-clock 23 state: Inactived
Line-clock 24 state: Inactived
Statistic information:
Statistic item Statistic number
SERDES interface link lost: 0
Mpu switchs: 0
Syn-clock switchs: 0
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

If the configuration is successful, run the display ip netstream cache origin slot 3 command,
and you can view various statistics of the IP packets collected in the routerNetStream cache.
<HUAWEI> display ip netstream cache origin slot 3
Start to show information of IP and MPLS from cache of slot 3.
Getting user data from cache

DstIf DstP Msk Pro Tos Flags Packets

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SrcIf SrcP Msk NextHop

DstIP DstAs
SrcIP SrcAs
BGP: BGP NextHop TopLabelType Direction
Label1 Exp1 Bottom1
Label2 Exp2 Bottom2
Label3 Exp3 Bottom3
TopLabelIpAddress VlanId

Null 0 0 6 0 0 19054
ET1 0 0 0
3::200:0:300:2 0
1::200:0:100:1 0 0 in
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0 0

Null 0 0 6 0 2 23569
ET1 3 0 0
3::200:0:300:2 0
1::200:0:100:1 0 0 in
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0 0

If NetStream is successfully configured, run the display ip netstream statistics interface

{ interface-type | interface-number } command to view the statistics of sampled packets on GE
[HUAWEI] display ip netstream statistics interface GigabitEthernet3/0/0
Netstream statistic information of <GigabitEthernet3/0/0> :
Inbound :
IPV4 :1000 Bytes, 10 Packets
IPV6 :1000 Bytes, 10 Packets
Total :2000 Bytes, 20 Packets
Outbound :
IPV4 :1000 Bytes, 10 Packets
IPV6 :1000 Bytes, 10 Packets
Total :2000 Bytes, 20 Packets

8.6 Configuring Aggregation Traffic Statistics

After the NDE collects the statistics about original flows, you can configure the NDE to
aggregate original flows based on different statistics requirements and then output the aggregated
flows to the NDA for analysis. This can reduce the volume of network traffic generated for
sending statistics information and avoid unnecessary information.

8.6.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

Before enabling the output of aggregated flows on an IPv4/MPLS network or on a VPN network,
familiarize yourself with the applicable environment, complete the pre-configuration tasks, and
obtain the required data. This can help you complete the configuration task quickly and

Applicable Environment
If NetStream is enabled on the devices, especially on the high-speed interfaces, the performance
of routers and servers is greatly affected when the NetStream packets are exported in version 5

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and the sampling density is large. The packets can be exported in aggregation traffic mode to
decrease the occupation of the system resources and to export the data needed by users.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring the traffic statistics, complete the following tasks:
l Ensuring that the interfaces work normally
l Configuring the link layer attributes of the interfaces
l Assigning IP addresses to the interfaces
l Configuring NetStream statistics on the router

For the configuration of NetStream statistics on the router, see "Configuring Traffic Statistics on an IPv4
Network" and "Configuring Traffic Statistics on an MPLS Network."

Data Preparation
To configure the traffic statistics, you need the following data.

No. Data

1 Name and number of the interface where NetStream is enabled

2 Version number of the export NetStream packets

3 IP address and port number of the export NetStream packets

8.6.2 Configuring Aggregation Function

Original flows with the same characteristics can be aggregated into one flow and output to the
NDC to meet the requirement of collecting the statistics about packets with specific

Do as follows on the router where the NetStream traffic statistics is to be performed:

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
ip netstream aggregation { as | as-tos | bgp-nexthop-tos | destination-prefix |
destination-prefix-tos | index-tos | mpls-label | prefix | prefix-tos | protocol-
port | protocol-port-tos | source-prefix | source-prefix-tos | vlan-id }

The view of the aggregation configuration mode is displayed.

Step 3 Run:

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The aggregation function is enabled.

Step 4 (Optional) Run:

mask { source | destination } minimum mask-length

The mask of aggregation is configured.

The mask of aggregation can be configured in the following aggregation modes: destination-prefix,
destination-prefix-tos, prefix, prefix-tos, source-prefix, and source-prefix-tos.


8.6.3 (Optional) Configuring the Format of Export NetStream

NetStream packets carrying information about aggregated flows can be output in the V8 or V9
format. By default, NetStream packets carrying information about aggregated flows are output
in the V8 format.

Do as follows on the router where the NetStream traffic statistics is to be performed:

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
ip netstream aggregation { as | as-tos | bgp-nexthop-tos | destination-prefix |
destination-prefix-tos | index-tos | mpls-label | prefix | prefix-tos | protocol-
port | protocol-port-tos | source-prefix | source-prefix-tos | vlan-id }

The view of the aggregation mode is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
export version { 8 | 9 }

The format of the packets that are exported in aggregation traffic mode is configured.

l The mpls aggregation traffic is exported in version 9.

l By default, the other aggregation traffics are exported in version 8.


8.6.4 (Optional) Configuring Refreshment Parameters of the

Aggregation Traffic Template
You can configure the interval for refreshing the template only after the format of the NetStream
packet is configured as version 9.

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The interval for refreshing the aggregation traffic template can be set only when the NetStream packet is
exported in version 9.

Do as follows on the router where the NetStream traffic statistics is to be performed:

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
ip netstream aggregation { as | as-tos | bgp-nexthop-tos | destination-prefix |
destination-prefix-tos | index-tos | mpls-label | prefix | prefix-tos | protocol-
port | protocol-port-tos | source-prefix | source-prefix-tos | vlan-id }

The view of the aggregation mode is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
template timeout-rate timeout-interval

The interval for refreshing the corresponding template when the original traffic is exported in
version 9.
By default, the aggregation traffic is exported in version 8.


8.6.5 (Optional) Configuring Aging Time

You can set an aging time for a NetStream flow so that once the aging time expires, the NetStream
flow is output. There are two types of aging time available for NetStream flows, namely, active
aging time and inactive aging time.

Do as follows on the router where the NetStream traffic is to be sampled:

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
ip netstream aggregation timeout active active-interval

The active aging time of the NetStream aggregation traffic is set.

Step 3 Run:
ip netstream aggregation timeout inactive inactive-interval

The inactive aging time of the NetStream aggregation traffic is set.

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By default, the active aging time of the NetStream aggregation traffic is 30 minutes; the inactive
aging time is 30 seconds.


8.6.6 Configuring the Export of NetStream Packets

To ensure that NetStream packets carrying information about aggregated flows can be correctly
output to the NMS, you need to configure the source and destination IP addresses for the
NetStream packets.

Do as follows on the router where the NetStream traffic statistics is to be performed:

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
ip netstream aggregation { as | as-tos | bgp-nexthop-tos | destination-prefix |
destination-prefix-tos | index-tos | mpls-label | prefix | prefix-tos | protocol-
port | protocol-port-tos | source-prefix | source-prefix-tos | vlan-id }

The view of the aggregation mode is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
ip netstream export host ip-address port

The destination address of the export NetStream packets is assign and the port number of the
export NetStream packets is specified.
Step 4 Run:
ip netstream export source ip-address

The source address of the export NetStream packets is assigned.


8.6.7 Checking the Configuration

In routine maintenance or after related configurations of NetStream are complete, you can run
a command to check whether NetStream is enabled on the device.

Run the following commands to check the previous configuration.

l Run the display device slot-id command to check whether the service mode of the SPU is
l Run display ip netstream cache { as | as-tos | bgp-nexthop-tos | destination-prefix |
destination-prefix-tos | index-tos | mpls-label | prefix | prefix-tos | protocol-port |

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protocol-port-tos | source-prefix | source-prefix-tos | vlan-id } slot slot-id command to

check information about various aggregations in the cache.
l Run display ip netstream statistics slot slot-id to check the statistics of the export
NetStream packets.
l Run display netstream global to check the configurations of NetStream in the system view
and the aggregation view.
l Run display netstream all to check the configurations of NetStream in all the views.

If the service mode of the SPU is Netstream, run the display device 3 command, and you can
view that the type of the SPU on the router is displayed as NetStream.
<HUAWEI> display device 3
SPU3's detail information:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Description: Service Processing Unit - Netstream
Board status: Normal
Register: Registered
Uptime: 2009/01/19 12:03:21
CPU Utilization(%): 5%
Mem Usage(%): 39%
Clock information:
State item State
Current syn-clock: 18
Current line-clock: 23
Syn-clock state: Locked VCXO_OK REF_OK
Syn-clock 17 state: Actived
Syn-clock 18 state: Actived
Line-clock 23 state: Inactived
Line-clock 24 state: Inactived
Statistic information:
Statistic item Statistic number
SERDES interface link lost: 0
Mpu switchs: 0
Syn-clock switchs: 0
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

If the configurations are successful, run the display ip netstream cache destination-prefix
slot 3 command, and you can view the detailed statistics information about the AS domain,
mask, and prefix of the destination address in the NetStream cache.
<HUAWEI> display ip netstream cache destination-prefix slot 3
Start to show information of IP and MPLS from cache of slot 1.
Getting user data from cache

DstIf DstAs DstMsk DstPre

SrcIf SrcAs SrcMsk SrcPre Streams Packets Direction

GI3/0/9 0 32
Local 0 32 1 8 out

8.7 Configuring NetStream Multi-Address Output

You can enable specific traffic statistics to be output a specified server through the NetStream
multi-address output function.

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8.7.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

Before configuring NetStream multi-address output, learning the applicable environment, pre-
configuration tasks, and data preparation can help you rapidly and correctly finish the
configuration task.

Applicable Environment
The interfaces on the router are connected with different networks. After NetStream is deployed
on the interfaces, to implement more efficient and classified monitoring over the networks, it is
required to output the NetStream statistics on each interface to a specific server for analysis.

Pre-configuration Tasks

Data Preparation
To configure NetStream multi-address output, you need the following data.

No. Data

1 Version format in which NetStream statistics are output

2 Destination IP address and port number of the output NetStream statistics

8.7.2 Enabling NetStream on an Interface

Do as follows on the router where traffic statistics need to be collected:

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
interface interface-type interface-number

The interface view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:

l ip netstream { inbound | outbound }

NetStream is enabled on the interface for IPv4 flow.

l ipv6 netstream { inbound | outbound }

NetStream is enabled on the interface for IPv6 flow.

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Step 4 (Optional) Run:

ip netstream statistics enable

The statistics function is enabled for sampled packets on an interface.

The router supports statistics of sampled packets on a maximum of 128 interfaces.


8.7.3 Setting the NetStream Sampling Ratio

Do as follows on the router where traffic statistics need to be collected:

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
interface interface-type interface-number

The interface view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:

l ip netstream sampler { fix-packet fix-packet-number | random-packet random-

packet-number | fix-time fix-time-value | random-time random-time-value }
{ inbound | outbound }

The sampling ratio of the inbound or outbound traffic is set for IPv4 flow.
l ipv6 netstream sampler { fix-packet fix-packet-number | random-packet random-
packet-number | fix-time fix-time-value | random-time random-time-value }
{ inbound | outbound }

The sampling ratio of the inbound or outbound traffic is set for IPv6 flow.


8.7.4 Configuring the NetStream Sampling Mode

Do as follows on the router where traffic statistics need to be collected:

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

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Step 2 Run:
slot slot-id

The slot view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
ip netstream sampler to slot { self | slot-id }

The NetStream sampling mode is configured.


8.7.5 Configuring the Version in Which NetStream Statistics Are


Do as follows on the router where traffic statistics need to be collected:

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
l ip netstream export version { 5 | 9 } [ origin-as | peer-as ] [ bgp-nexthop ]

The version in which statistics about original traffic are output is configured for IPv4 flow.
l ipv6 netstream export version version

The version in which statistics about original traffic are output is configured for IPv6 flow.


8.7.6 Configuring NetStream Multi-Address Output

Do as follows on the router where specific NetStream statistics need to be output to a specified

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
l ip netstream monitor monitor-name

The NetStream monitoring service view is created for IPv4 flow.

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Step 3 Run:
ip netstream export host ip-address port

The destination IP address to which NetStream statistics are output is configured.

Step 4 Run:

Return to the system view.

Step 5 Run:
interface interface-type interface-number

The interface view is displayed.

Step 6 Run:
l ip netstream monitor monitor-name { inbound | outbound }

The NetStream monitoring service is deployed in the inbound direction or outbound direction
of the interface for IPv4 flow.


8.7.7 Checking the Configuration

All configurations about the NetStream multi-address output function are complete.

– Run the display ip netstream monitor { all | monitor-name } [ slot slot-id ] command
to check information about the monitoring services run on the main control board or
the interface board.
l Run the display ip netstream statistics interface { interface-type | interface-number }
command to view the statistics of sampled packets on an interface.

Run the display ip netstream monitor command, and you can view information about the
monitoring services running on the main control board.
[HUAWEI]display ip netstream monitor all
Monitor test
ID : 1
AppCount : 2
First address :
First port : 5000
Second address :
Second port : 0
Monitor test1
ID : 1
AppCount : 2
First address :
First port : 6000

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Second address :

Second port : 0

If NetStream is successfully configured, run the display ip netstream statistics interface

{ interface-type | interface-number } command to view the statistics of sampled packets on GE
[HUAWEI] display ip netstream statistics interface GigabitEthernet3/0/0
Netstream statistic information of <GigabitEthernet3/0/0> :
Inbound :
IPV4 :1000 Bytes, 10 Packets
IPV6 :1000 Bytes, 10 Packets
Total :2000 Bytes, 20 Packets
Outbound :
IPV4 :1000 Bytes, 10 Packets
IPV6 :1000 Bytes, 10 Packets
Total :2000 Bytes, 20 Packets

8.8 Maintaining NetStream

This section describes how to maintain NetStream, including clearing the NetStream statistics.

8.8.1 Aging Original Traffic Forcibly

This part describes how to forcibly age original flows on the board in a specific slot, and output
NetStream packets carrying information about original flows or aggregated flows.

Run the following command to forcibly age the original traffic in the cache of the specified slot
and to export the original traffic or the aggregated traffic.

Before running the reset ip netstream cache slot slot-id command to forcibly age the original
traffic in the cache, you need to run the undo ip netstream command in the interface view to
temporarily disable the sampling function. Otherwise, within 30 seconds after the reset ip
netstream cache slot slot-id command is run, the system forcibly outputs the sampled original
traffic without aggregation.
You can restore the sampling function of the interface 30 seconds after the reset ip netstream
cache slot slot-id slot-id command is run.

l In the system view

reset ip netstream cache slot slot-id

Original traffic in the cache is aged forcibly.


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Configuration Guide - System Management 8 NetStream Configuration

8.9 Configuration Examples

You can understand the configuration procedures through the configuration flowchart. This
section describes the networking requirements, configuration roadmap, and configuration notes.

This document takes interface numbers and link types of the NE40E-X8 as an example. In working
situations, the actual interface numbers and link types may be different from those used in this document.

8.9.1 Example for Configuring the Statistics of Abnormal Traffic at

the User Side on an IPv4 Network
In data communication networks, the PE is usually attacked by illegitimate traffic from the user
side. In this case, you can enable NetStream on the user-side interface of the PE to collect the
statistics about the network traffic in real time and send these statistics to the NMS for analysis.
This helps carriers to monitor and manage user-side traffic, thus preventing the impact of virus

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 8-6, the NetStream statistics is configured to collect information about the
source IP address, destination IP address, interface, and protocol of the packets at the user side
on the network. In this manner, users can analyze users' behaviors and fast detect the terminals
that are infected by vermicular virus, source address and destination address of the Denial of
Service (DoS) attacks or of the Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks, trash mail source,
and private subterranean network station. Based on the features of the traffic, users can fast
locate the virus types and IP addresses of the abnormal traffic that is infected. In addition, based
on the other features of NetStream, users can take corresponding restriction and filtering
measures to suppress the broadcast of the virus traffic.

Figure 8-6 Networking diagram of configuring the statistics of abnormal traffic at the user side
on the IPv4 network
POS1/0/0 POS1/0/0
LAN IP backbone
CE GE2/0/0


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Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:
1. Configure PE and CE to connect with each other through the network.
2. Enable the incoming and outgoing NetStream statistics function on the user side interfaces
of PE.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:
l Interface at the user side of PE
l Version number of the export NetStream packets
l Destination address, destination port, and source address of the export NetStream packets
l Slot number of the NetStream SPU, slot 4 in this example

Step 1 Configure PE and CE to interwork with each other.
# Assign IP addresses and masks to the interfaces, as shown in Figure 8-6. The configuration
details are not mentioned here.
Step 2 Configure NetStream statistics on POS 1/0/0 that connects PE and CE.
# Configure processing mode for NetStream services of SPUC as integrated.
<PE> set board-type slot 4 netstream
<PE> system-view
[PE] slot 1
[PE-slot-1] ip netstream sampler to slot 4
[PE-slot-1] return

# Configure the incoming and outgoing NetStream statistics on POS 1/0/0 of PE.
[PE] interface pos 1/0/0
[PE-Pos1/0/0] undo shutdown
[PE-Pos1/0/0] ip netstream inbound
[PE-Pos1/0/0] ip netstream outbound
[PE-Pos1/0/0] quit

# Configure TCP-flag statistics of the original traffic.

[PE] ip netstream tcp-flag enable

# Configure the destination address, destination port, and source address of the packets to be
exported in version 5.
[PE] ip netstream export host 9001
[PE] ip netstream export source

# Configure the NetStream sampling as the sampling of fixed packets.

[PE] ip netstream sampler fix-packets 10000 inbound
[PE] ip netstream sampler fix-packets 10000 outbound

Step 3 Verify the configuration.

# Run the display ip netstream cache origin slot 4 command in the user view. You can view
information about NetStream in the cache.

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<PE> display ip netstream cache origin slot 4

Show information of IP and MPLS cache of slot 4 is starting.
get show cache user data success.

DstIf DstP Msk Pro Tos Flags Packets

SrcIf SrcP Msk NextHop
DstIP DstAs
SrcIP SrcAs
BGP: BGP NextHop TopLabelType Direction
Label1 Exp1 Bottom1
Label2 Exp2 Bottom2
Label3 Exp3 Bottom3
TopLabelIpAddress VlanId

PO1/0/0 0 24 6 0 0 19054
PO2/0/0 0 0 0 0 0 in
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0 0

PO1/0/0 0 24 6 0 2 23569
PO2/0/0 3 0 0 0 0 in
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0 0

PO1/0/0 0 24 6 0 2 23539
PO2/0/0 3 0 0 0 0 in
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0 0


Configuration Files
l Configuration file of CE.
sysname CE
interface Pos 1/0/0
ip address

l Configuration file of PE.

sysname PE
ip netstream tcp-flag enable
interface gigabitethernet 2/0/0
ip address

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interface Pos 1/0/0

ip address
ip netstream inbound
ip netstream outbound
slot 1
ip netstream sampler to slot 4
ip netstream sampler fix-packets 10000 inbound
ip netstream sampler fix-packets 10000 outbound
ip netstream export source
ip netstream export host 9001

8.9.2 Example for Configuring the Statistics of VLANIF Traffic on

an IPv4 Network
The VLANIF interface can transmit traffic between VLANs. By enabling NetStream on a
VLANIF interface, you can monitor traffic transmitted between VLANs.

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 8-7, GE 2/0/2 and GE 2/0/3 are added to the VLANIF interface. Configure
the incoming NetStream statistics on VLANIF traffic.

Figure 8-7 Networking diagram of configuring the statistics on VLANIF traffic on the IPv4

GE3/0/1 GE3/0/2

GE2/0/2 GE2/0/3

Switch1 Switch2
VLAN 100

Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:

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1. Create a VLAN and a VLANIF interface.

2. Assign an IP address to each interface.
3. Enable the incoming NetStream statistics function.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:
l IP address and subnet mask of each interface
l Address and port number of the export destination host
l Slot number of the NetStream SPU, slot 4 in this example

Step 1 Create a VLAN and a VLANIF interface on the router and assign an IP address to each interface.
# Create VLAN 100.
<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] vlan 100
[HUAWEI-vlan100] quit

# Add GE 2/0/2 and GE 2/0/3 to VLAN 100.

[HUAWEI] interface gigabitethernet2/0/2
[HUAWEI-GigabitEthernet2/0/2] undo shutdown
[HUAWEI-GigabitEthernet2/0/2] portswitch
[HUAWEI-GigabitEthernet2/0/2] port default vlan 100
[HUAWEI-GigabitEthernet2/0/2] quit
[HUAWEI] interface gigabitethernet2/0/3
[HUAWEI-GigabitEthernet2/0/3] undo shutdown
[HUAWEI-GigabitEthernet2/0/3] portswitch
[HUAWEI-GigabitEthernet2/0/3] port default vlan 100
[HUAWEI-GigabitEthernet2/0/3] quit

# Create a VLANIF interface and assign an IP address to the VLANIF interface.

[HUAWEI] interface vlanif 100
[HUAWEI-Vlanif100] IP address
[HUAWEI-Vlanif100] quit

# Assign IP addresses to GE 3/0/1 and GE 3/0/2.

[HUAWEI] interface gigabitethernet3/0/1
[HUAWEI-GigabitEthernet3/0/1] ip address
[HUAWEI-GigabitEthernet3/0/1] undo shutdown
[HUAWEI-GigabitEthernet3/0/1] quit
[HUAWEI] interface gigabitethernet3/0/2
[HUAWEI-GigabitEthernet3/0/2] ip address
[HUAWEI-GigabitEthernet3/0/2] undo shutdown
[HUAWEI-GigabitEthernet3/0/2] quit

Step 2 Configure the NetStream statistics on VLANIF member interfaces.

# Configure the processing mode for NetStream sampling as the integrated mode.
<HUAWEI> set board-type slot 4 netstream
<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] slot 2
[HUAWEI-slot-2] ip netstream sampler to slot 4
[HUAWEI-slot-2] return

# Enable the incoming NetStream statistics function on VLANIF100.

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[HUAWEI] interface vlanif 100

[HUAWEI-Vlanif100] ip netstream inbound
[HUAWEI-Vlanif100] quit

# Configure the destination address, destination port, and source address of the packets exported
in version 5.
[HUAWEI] ip netstream export host 9001
[HUAWEI] ip netstream export source
[HUAWEI] quit

# Configure the NetStream sampling.

[HUAWEI] ip netstream sampler fix-packets 10000 inbound

Step 3 Verify the configuration.

# Run the display ip netstream cache origin slot 4 command in the user view. You can view
the statistics information about the NetStream traffic in the cache.
<HUAWEI> display ip netstream cache origin slot 4
Show information of IP-only cache of slot 4 is starting.
get show cache user data success.
DstIf DstIP SrcIP Pro Tos Flags Packets
SrcIf DstP Msk AS SrcP Msk AS NextHop
BGP: BGP NextHop TopLabelType Direction
GI2/0/2 0 0 0 95040
VL100 0 24 0 0 0 0 in


Configuration Files
Configuration file of HUAWEI.
sysname HUAWEI
vlan batch 100
interface Vlanif100
ip address ip address
ip netstream inbound
interface GigabitEthernet2/0/2
undo shutdown
port default vlan 100
interface GigabitEthernet2/0/3
undo shutdown
port default vlan 100
interface GigabitEthernet3/0/1
undo shutdown
ip address
interface GigabitEthernet3/0/2
undo shutdown
ip address
slot 2
ip netstream sampler to slot 4
ip netstream sampler fix-packets 10000 inbound

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ip netstream export source

ip netstream export host 9001

8.9.3 Example for Configuring the Statistics of GRE Traffic on an

IPv4 Network
By enabling NetStream on a GRE tunnel interface, you can monitor the traffic on the GRE tunnel.

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 8-8, in the Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE) tunnel of the IPv4
network, the incoming and outgoing NetStream statistics is implemented on Router C to monitor
users' traffic.

Figure 8-8 Networking diagram of configuring the statistics on GRE traffic on the IPv4 network
POS1/0/0 POS2/0/0
Loopback1 Loopback1
POS1/0/0 POS1/0/0 GE2/0/1
RouterA Tunnel RouterC
GE2/0/0 Tunnel3/0/0 Tunnel3/0/0 GE2/0/0


Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:

1. Configure basic functions of the GRE static routes.

2. Configure the incoming and outgoing NetStream statistics on Router C.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:

l Data for running OSPF

l Loopback interfaces on the two ends of the GRE tunnel

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l Source addresses, destination addresses on the two ends of the GRE tunnel, and IP address
of the tunnel interface

Step 1 Assign an IP address to each interface.
Assign an IP address to each physical interface and the loopback interface, as shown in Figure
8-8. Run the undo shutdown command to make the physical interfaces Up. The configuration
details are not mentioned here.
Step 2 Configure basic functions of the GRE static routes.
For the configuration of the GRE static routes, refer to the "GRE Protocol Configuration" in the
HUAWEI NetEngine80E/40E Router Configuration Guide - VPN.
Step 3 Configure NetStream statistics on Tunne l3/0/0 of Router C.
# Configure the processing mode for NetStream sampling as integrated mode.
<Router C> set board-type slot 4 netstream
<Router C> system-view
[Router C] slot 5
[Router C-slot-5] ip netstream sampler to slot 4
[Router C-slot-5] return

# Configure the incoming and outgoing NetStream statistics on Tunne l3/0/0 of Router C.
[Router C] interface tunnel3/0/0
[Router C-Tunnel3/0/0] ip netstream inbound
[Router C-Tunnel3/0/0] ip netstream outbound
[Router C-Tunnel3/0/0] quit

# Configure the destination address, destination port, and source address of the packets to be
exported in version 5.
[Router C] ip netstream export host 9001
[Router C] ip netstream export source

# Configure the NetStream sampling as the sampling of fixed packets.

[Router C] ip netstream sampler fix-packets 10000 inbound
[Router C] ip netstream sampler fix-packets 10000 outbound

Step 4 Verify the configuration.

# Run the display ip netstream cache origin slot 4 command. You can view information about
NetStream in the cache.
<RouterC> display ip netstream cache origin slot 4
Show information of IP-only cache of slot 4 is starting.
get show cache user data success.

DstIf DstP Msk Pro Tos Flags Packets

SrcIf SrcP Msk NextHop
DstIP DstAs
SrcIP SrcAs
BGP: BGP NextHop TopLabelType Direction
Label1 Exp1 Bottom1
Label2 Exp2 Bottom2
Label3 Exp3 Bottom3
TopLabelIpAddress VlanId

GI2/0/0 0 24 6 0 0 19054

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TL3/0/0 0 0 0 0 0 in
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0 0

TL3/0/0 0 24 6 0 0 19054
GI2/0/0 0 0 0 0 0 in
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0 0


Configuration Files
l Configuration file of Router A.
sysname Router A
interface GigabitEthernet2/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
interface Pos1/0/0
undo shutdown
link-protocol ppp
ip address
interface LoopBack1
ip address
target-board 5
binding tunnel gre
interface Tunnel3/0/0
undo shutdown
tunnel-protocol gre
ip address
source LoopBack1
ospf 1
ip route-static Tunnel3/0/0

l Configuration file of Router B.

sysname Router B
interface Pos1/0/0
undo shutdown
link-protocol ppp
ip address
interface Pos2/0/0
undo shutdown

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link-protocol ppp
ip address
ospf 1

l Configuration file of Router C.

sysname Router C
interface GigabitEthernet2/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
interface gigabitethernet 2/0/1
undo shutdown
ip address
interface Pos1/0/0
undo shutdown
link-protocol ppp
ip address
interface LoopBack1
ip address
target-board 5
binding tunnel gre
interface Tunnel3/0/0
undo shutdown
tunnel-protocol gre
ip address
source LoopBack1
ip netstream inbound
ospf 1
ip route-static Tunnel3/0/0
slot 5
ip netstream sampler to slot 4
ip netstream sampler fix-packets 10000 inbound
ip netstream sampler fix-packets 10000 outbound
ip netstream export source
ip netstream export host 9001

8.9.4 Example for Configuring Traffic Statistics on an MPLS

MPLS packets are forwarded based on labels. By enabling the statistics about labels on an MPLS
network, you can obtain outer three labels of MPLS packets.

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Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 8-9, Router A, Router B, and Router C support MPLS. The Open Shortest
Path First (OSPF) is used as the IGP protocol on the MPLS backbone network.

The local Label Distribution Protocol (LDP) sessions are set up between Router A and Router
B, and between Router B and Router C. The remote LDP session is set up between Router A
and Router C. The NetStream statistics on the MPLS traffic is configured on Router A.

Figure 8-9 Networking diagram of configuring traffic statistics on an MPLS network

Loopback1 Loopback1
POS1/0/0 POS2/0/0 GE1/0/0
POS1/0/0 POS1/0/0
RouterA10.1.1.2/24 RouterB RouterC


Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:

1. Set up LDP sessions between the routers.

2. Specify the remote peer and its address on the two routers respectively after the remote
session is set up between the two routers.
3. Configure the destination address, destination port, and source address of the export
NetStream packets.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:

l IP addresses of the routers, process number of OSPF as 1, and Area0

l Router C as the remote peer of Router A, the name as routerc, and IP address as
l Router A as the remote peer of Router C, the name as routera, and IP address as
l Slot number of the NetStream SPU, slot 4 in this example

Step 1 Assign an IP address to each interface.

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# Assign an IP address and a mask to each interface including the loopback interface, as shown
in Figure 8-9. The configuration details are not mentioned here.
Step 2 Configure LDP sessions between the routers.
# Configure OSPF to advertise the network segment that connects to the interfaces of routers
and the host routes, enable routers and basic MPLS functions on the interface, and enable LDP.
For the configuration of a static MPLS TE tunnel, refer to the chapter "Basic MPLS
Configuration" in the HUAWEI NetEngine80E/40E Router Configuration Guide - MPLS.
Step 3 Enable NetStream statistics on POS 1/0/0 at the user side of Router B.
# Configure the processing mode of the NetStream sampling on the SPUC.
<Router B> set board-type slot 4 netstream
<Router B> system-view
[Router B] slot 1
[Router B-slot-1] ip netstream sampler to slot 4
[Router B-slot-1] return

# Configure the incoming and outgoing NetStream statistics on POS 1/0/0 of Router B.
[Router B] interface pos 1/0/0
[Router B-Pos1/0/0] ip netstream inbound
[Router B-Pos1/0/0] ip netstream outbound
[Router B-Pos1/0/0] quit

# Configure the Router B to collect the statistics of the internal IP packet headers and labels of
MPLS packets.
[Router B] ip netstream mpls-aware label-and-ip

# Configure the destination address, destination port, and source address of the packets output
in version 5.
[Router A] ip netstream export host 2100
[Router A] ip netstream export source
[Router B-slot-1] return

Step 4 Verify the configuration.

# Run the display ip netstream cache origin slot 4 command in the user view. You can view
information about NetStream in the cache and statistics information about the export packets.
<Router B> display ip netstream cache origin slot 4
Show information of IP-only cache of slot 4 is starting.
get show cache user data success.

DstIf DstP Msk Pro Tos Flags Packets

SrcIf SrcP Msk NextHop
DstIP DstAs
SrcIP SrcAs
BGP: BGP NextHop TopLabelType Direction
Label1 Exp1 Bottom1
Label2 Exp2 Bottom2
Label3 Exp3 Bottom3
TopLabelIpAddress VlanId

PO1/0/0 0 24 6 0 0 19054
PO2/0/0 0 0 0 0 0 in
1024 3 1

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0 0 0
0 0 0 0


Configuration Files
l Configuration file of Router A.
sysname Router A
mpls lsr-id
lsp-trigger all
mpls ldp
mpls ldp remote-peer routerc
interface Pos1/0/0
undo shutdown
link-protocol ppp
ip address
mpls ldp
interface LoopBack1
ip address
ospf 1

l Configuration file of Router B.

sysname Router B
mpls lsr-id
lsp-trigger all
mpls ldp
interface Pos1/0/0
undo shutdown
link-protocol ppp
ip address
mpls ldp
ip netstream inbound
ip netstream outbound
interface Pos2/0/0
undo shutdown
link-protocol ppp
ip address
mpls ldp
interface LoopBack1
ip address
slot 1

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ip netstream sampler to slot 4

ip netstream sampler fix-packets 10000 inbound
ip netstream outbound
ip netstream export source
ip netstream export host 9001
ospf 1

l Configuration file of Router C.

sysname Router C
ip netstream mpls-aware label-and-ip
mpls lsr-id
lsp-trigger all
mpls ldp
mpls ldp remote-peer routera
interface Pos1/0/0
undo shutdown
link-protocol ppp
ip address
mpls ldp
interface LoopBack1
ip address
ospf 1

8.9.5 Example for Configuring Aggregation Traffic Statistics

NetStream enabled on the boundary router can be used by carriers in different ASs for separate
traffic accounting. Packets sampled on the boundary router can be aggregated based on ASs so
that the NMS can determine the traffic statistics in each AS and implement separate traffic

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 8-10, networks A and B access the Wide Area Network (WAN) through
Router D. Router D collects and aggregates the traffic and then sends the aggregation traffic
statistics to the NSC.

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Figure 8-10 Networking diagram of configuring aggregation traffic statistics


GE 1/0/0
POS 1/0/0 GE 2/0/0
GE 1/0/0
POS 1/0/0 POS 2/0/0
POS 1/0/0

Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:

1. Configure the egress router in the Local Area Network (LAN) and the WAN to interwork
with each other.
2. Configure the access router and the NSC to interwork with each other.
3. Configure the access router to send traffic statistics to the specified NSC.
4. Configure the access router to send traffic statistics to the incoming interface of the NSC.
5. Configure traffic sampling to reduce the traffic on the NMS.
6. Enable NetStream on the incoming interface of the access router.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:

l IP addresses of the interfaces

l NSC address
l Version of the export NetStream packets
l Sampling ratio of NetStream statistics
l Slot number of the NetStream SPU, slot 4 in this example

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Step 1 Assign an IP address to each router. The configuration details are note mentioned here.
Step 2 Configure Router A and Router B to interwork with the WAN.
# Configure Router A and Router D to interwork with each other.
<Router A> system-view
[Router A] ip route-static 24 pos 1/0/0

# Configure Router B and Router D to interwork with each other.

<Router B> system-view
[Router B] ip route-static 24 pos 1/0/0

Step 3 Configure Router D and the NSC to interwork with each other.
# Configure Router D and Router C to interwork with each other.
<Router D> system-view
[Router D] ip route-static 24

Step 4 Enable NetStream on Router D.

# Configure the processing mode of the NetStream sampling of the SPUC as the integrated mode.
<Router D> set board-type slot 1 netstream
<Router D> system-view
[Router D] slot 1
[Router D-slot-1] ip netstream sampler to slot 4
[Router D-slot-1] return

# Enable outgoing NetStream statistics.

[Router D] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/0
[Router D-GigabitEthernet1/0/0] ip netstream inbound

# Configure the aggregation traffic to be exported in version 9.

[Router D] ip netstream aggregation prefix
[Router D-aggregation-prefix] enable
[Router D-aggregation-prefix] ip netstream export host 3000
[Router D-aggregation-prefix] ip netstream export source
[Router D-aggregation-prefix] export version 9

# Configure the sampling of the packets.

[Router D-GigabitEthernet1/0/0] ip netstream sampler fix-packets 1000 inbound
[Router D-GigabitEthernet1/0/0] quit

# Configure NetStream sampling.

[Router D] slot 1
[Router D-slot-1] ip netstream sampler to slot 4
[Router D-slot-1] return

Step 5 Verify the configuration.

# Check whether the traffic is exported on the router.
[Router D] display ip netstream cache prefix slot 4
Show information of aggregation-prefix cache of slot 4 is starting.
get show cache user data success.

DstIf DstAs DstMsk DstPre

SrcIf SrcAs SrcMsk SrcPre Streams Packets Direction

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GI1/0/0 0 24
PO2/0/0 0 32 0 1 650 in


Configuration Files
l Configuration file of Router A.
sysname Router A
interface Pos1/0/0
link-protocol ppp
ip address
ip route-static 2555.255.0 POS1/0/0

l Configuration file of Router B.

sysname Router B
interface Pos1/0/0
link-protocol ppp
ip address
ip route-static 2555.255.0 POS1/0/0

l Configuration file of Router C.

sysname Router C
interface Pos1/0/0
link-protocol ppp
ip address

l Configuration file of Router D.

sysname Router D
ip netstream aggregation prefix
export version 9
ip netstream export source
ip netstream export host 3000
interface Pos1/0/0
link-protocol ppp
ip address
interface Pos1/0/1
link-protocol ppp
ip address
slot 2
ip netstream sampler to slot 4
interface GigabitEthernet2/0/0
ip address
ip netstream inbound
ip netstream sampler fix-packets 1000 inbound

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interface GigabitEthernet2/0/1
ip address

8.9.6 Example for Configuring Backup of Statistics Export

NetStream traffic statistics can be sent to two NMSs at the same time for backup and analysis.

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 8-11, the sampled traffic is balanced by two servers to ensure the integrality
of the NetStream statistics on the device. Thus, two NSCs can back up each other.

Figure 8-11 Networking diagram of configuring backup of the statistics export

POS1/0/0 POS1/0/0
PE IP backbone
CE GE2/0/0


Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:

1. Configure sampling to analyze abnormal network traffic.

2. Configure the backup of statistics output.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:

l Port number at the user side of the PE.

l Version number of the export NetStream packets
l Destination address, destination port, and source address of the export NetStream packets

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l Destination address and destination port of the backup host that receives the NetStream
l Slot number of the NetStream SPU, slot 4 in this example

Step 1 Configure PE and CE to interwork with each other.
For detailed configuration procedure, see Step 1 in "Example for Configuring the Statistics
on Abnormal Traffic at the User Side on an IPv4 Network."
Step 2 Enable NetStream statistics on GE 1/0/0 at the user side of PE.
For detailed configuration procedure, see Step 2 in "Example for Configuring the Statistics
on Abnormal Traffic at the User Side on an IPv4 Network."
Step 3 Configure the backup of statistics export.
# Configure the destination address and destination port of the packets exported in version 5.
[PE] ip netstream export host 9002

Step 4 Verify the configuration.

Run the display ip netstream global command in the user view. You can view that the statistics
export has two destination addresses.
<PE> display ip netstream global
ip netstream sampler fix-packets 10000 inbound
ip netstream sampler fix-packets 10000 outbound
ip netstream export source
ip netstream export host 9001
ip netstream export host 9002


Configuration Files
l Configuration file of CE.
sysname CE
interface Pos 1/0/0
link-protcol ppp
ip address

l Configuration file of PE.

sysname PE
interface gigabitethernet 1/0/0
ip address
interface Pos 1/0/0
ip address
ip netstream inbound
ip netstream outbound
slot 1
ip netstream sampler to slot 4

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ip netstream sampler fix-packets 10000 inbound

ip netstream sampler fix-packets 10000 outbound
ip netstream export source
ip netstream export host 9001
ip netstream export host 1192.168.3.1 9002

8.9.7 Example for Configuring Statistics on the NetStream Traffic

Aggregated Based on VLAN
This part provides examples for configuring the aggregated traffic statistics collection of a

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 8-12, the user network is connected to the Martini VLL through the DSLAM
device; sub-interfaces of the PE on the VPN is configured with statistics on the NetStream traffic
aggregated based on VLAN. These configurations help operators to monitor the service traffic
of their users and provide reference for the network accounting.

Figure 8-12 Typical networking

Loopback1 Loopback1
POS6/0/0 POS6/0/0

GE2/0/0 PE1 GE2/0/0 PE2

I n t e rn et
NM station1 NM station2

Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:

1. Configure a Martini VLL.

2. Enable NetStream on the interface.
3. Configure the NetStream sampling ratio.
4. Configure the NetStream sampling mode.
5. Configure VLAN-based NetStream aggregation.

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6. Configure the source IP address of the exported NetStream statistics.

7. Configure the destination IP address and port number of the exported NetStream statistics.

Data Preparation
To configure statistics on the NetStream traffic aggregated based on VLAN ID, you need the
following data:
l Sampling ratio
l Source IP address of the exported NetStream statistics
l Destination IP address and port number of the exported NetStream statistics

Step 1 Configure a Martini VLL.
For the configuration of the Martini VLL, refer to the chapter "Configuring a Martini VLL" in
the HUAWEI NetEngine80E/40E Configuration Guide - VPN.
Step 2 Configure NetStream on PE1.
# Enable the statistics on the incoming and outgoing traffic on the interface.
<PE1> system-view
[PE1] interface gigabitethernet 3/0/0.1
[PE1-GigabitEthernet3/0/0.1] ip netstream inbound

Step 3 Configure the NetStream sampling ratio on PE1.

[PE1-GigabitEthernet3/0/0.1] ip netstream sampler fix-packets 100 inbound
[PE1-GigabitEthernet3/0/0.1] quit

Step 4 Configure the NetStream sampling mode on PE1.

[PE1] slot 3
[PE1-slot-3] ip netstream sampler to slot self
[PE1-slot-3] quit

Step 5 Configure VLAN-based NetStream aggregation on PE1.

[PE1] ip netstream aggregation vlan-id
[PE1-aggregation-vlanid] enable

Step 6 Configure the source IP address of the exported NetStream statistics on PE1.
[PE1-aggregation-vlanid] ip netstream export source

Step 7 Configure the destination IP address of the exported NetStream statistics on PE1.
[PE1-aggregation-vlanid] ip netstream export host 6000
[PE1-aggregation-vlanid] ip netstream export host 6000
[PE1-aggregation-vlanid] quit

Step 8 Verify the configuration.

# Run the display netstream all command. You can view NetStream configurations in all views.
[PE1] display netstream all
ip netstream aggregation vlan-id
export version 9
ip netstream export source
ip netstream export host 6000
ip netstream export host 6000
slot 3

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ip netstream inbound
ip netstream sampler fix-packets 100 inbound
slot 3:ip netstream sampler to slot self

# Run the display ip netstream cache vlan-id slot slot-id command. You can view information
about the VLAN-based NetStream aggregation in the cache.
[PE1] display ip netstream cache vlan-id slot 3
Show information of aggregation-vlanid cache is starting.
get show cache user data success.
SrcIf VlanId Packets Streams Direction

GI3/0/0.1 10 28443654 3276647 in

# Run the display ip netstream statistic slot slot-id command. You can view the NetStream
[PE1] display ip netstream statistic slot 3
Netstream statistic information on slot 3:
length of packets Number Protocol Number
1 ~ 64 : 0 IPV4 : 3052043
65 ~ 128 : 30000000 IPV6 : 0
129 ~ 256 : 1495697 MPLS : 0
257 ~ 512 : 0 L2 : 28443654
513 ~ 1024 : 0 Total : 31495697
1025 ~ 1500 : 0
longer than 1500 : 0

Aggregation Current Streams Aged Streams
Created Streams Exported Packets Exported Streams
origin 1 487
488 116 0
as 0 0
0 0 0
as-tos 0 0
0 0 0
protport 0 0
0 0 0
protporttos 0 0
0 0 0
srcprefix 0 0
0 0 0
srcpretos 0 0
0 0 0
dstprefix 0 0
0 0 0
dstpretos 0 0
0 0 0
prefix 0 0
0 0 0
prefix-tos 0 0
0 0 0
mpls-label 0 0
0 0 0
vlan-id 0 0
0 0 0
bgp-nhp-tos 0 0
0 0 0
index-tos 0 0
0 0 0
src-index-tos 0 0
0 0 0

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all-aggre 3276649 210

23 0 0
Velocity Of Creating Streams (streams/second): 102
srcprefix = source-prefix, srcpretos = source-prefix-tos,
dstprefix = destination-prefix, dstpretos = destination-prefix-tos,
protport = protocol-port, protporttos = protocol-port-tos,
all-aggre = all aggregation streams,
"---" means that the current board is not supported.


Configuration Files
l Configuration file of PE1
sysname PE1
mpls lsr-id
mpls l2vpn
mpls l2vpn default martini
mpls ldp
ospf 1
interface GigabitEthernet2/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
interface GigabitEthernet3/0/0
undo shutdown
interface GigabitEthernet3/0/0.1
vlan-type dot1q 10
mpls l2vc 10
ip netstream inbound
ip netstream sampler fix-packets 100 inbound
interface Pos6/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address
mpls ldp
interface LoopBack1
ip address
ip netstream aggregation vlan-id
ip netstream export source
ip netstream export host 6000
ip netstream export host 6000
ip route-static
slot 3
ip netstream sampler to slot self

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l Configuration file of PE2

sysname PE2
mpls lsr-id
mpls l2vpn
mpls l2vpn default martini
mpls ldp
interface GigabitEthernet2/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
interface Pos6/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address
mpls ldp
interface LoopBack1
ip address
ospf 1

8.9.8 Example for Configuring an Interface Index Mapped in

This part provides examples for configuring the interface index mapping on the NetStream-
enabled interface to switch the default 16-bit interface index to 32-bit interface index. In this
case, the NMS can directly obtain the interface name according to the output 32-bit interface

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 8-13, when deploying the NetStream service and outputting sampling
packets in v9 format, the user can configure the interface index mapped in NetStream to 32 bits.
In this case, the NM station can directly obtain the interface name according to the output 32-
bit interface index.

Figure 8-13 Networking diagram of configuring an interface index mapped in NetStream
RouterA POS6/0/0 NM station

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Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:
1. Ensure that the link between the router and the NM station is normal.
2. Switch the NetStream index from 16 bits to 32 bits.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:
l Management address of Router A being
l Value of the NetStream index being 32 bits

Step 1 Set the version of the output packet as v9.
<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] ip netstream export version 9

Step 2 Set the interface index of the output packet to 32 bits.

[HUAWEI]ip netstream export index-switch 32

Step 3 Verify the configuration.

# Check the current NetStream index after the configuration.
<HUAWEI> display netstream global

ip netstream export version 9

ip netstream export index-switch 32
ip netstream mpls-aware label-and-ip
ip netstream aggregation as
export version 9
ip netstream aggregation as-tos
export version 9
ip netstream aggregation destination-prefix
export version 9
ip netstream aggregation destination-prefix-tos
export version 9
ip netstream aggregation mpls-label
ip netstream aggregation prefix
export version 9
ip netstream aggregation prefix-tos
export version 9
ip netstream aggregation protocol-port
export version 9
ip netstream aggregation protocol-port-tos
export version 9
ip netstream aggregation source-prefix
export version 9
ip netstream aggregation source-prefix-tos
export version 9


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Configuration Files
l Configuration file of Router A
sysname HUAWEI

interface POS6/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
ip netstream export version 9
ip netstream aggregation as
export version 9
ip netstream aggregation as-tos
export version 9
ip netstream aggregation destination-prefix
export version 9
ip netstream aggregation destination-prefix-tos
export version 9
ip netstream aggregation mpls-label
ip netstream aggregation prefix
export version 9
ip netstream aggregation prefix-tos
export version 9
ip netstream aggregation protocol-port
export version 9
ip netstream aggregation protocol-port-tos
export version 9
ip netstream aggregation source-prefix
export version 9
ip netstream aggregation source-prefix-tos
export version 9
ip netstream export index-switch 32

8.9.9 Configuring NetStream Multi-address Output

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 8-14, GE 1/0/0 and GE 1/0/1 on routerRouter A are connected to the
backbone network and the Information Data Center (IDC) respectively. NetStream is deployed

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in the inbound direction of both GE 1/0/0 and GE 1/0/1 on Router A. The NetStream statistics
collected on GE 1/0/0 is output to IPv4 NMS1 while the NetStream statistics collected on GE
1/0/1 is output to IPv6 NMS2.

Figure 8-14 Networking diagram of configuring NetStream multi-address output


IP Core

GE1/0/1 IDC


Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:
1. Enable NetStream on each interface.
2. Set a NetStream sampling ratio.
3. Configure a NetStream sampling mode.
4. Configure NetStream multi-address output.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:
l Sampling ratio
l Destination IP address and port number of the output NetStream statistics

Step 1 Enable NetStream on Router A.
# Enable NetStream for both incoming and outgoing traffic on an interface.
<Router A> system-view
[Router A] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/0
[Router A-GigabitEthernet1/0/0] ip netstream inbound
[Router A-GigabitEthernet1/0/0] quit
[Router A] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Router A-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ip netstream inbound

Step 2 Configure the NetStream sampling ratio on Router A.

[Router A-GigabitEthernet1/0/1]ip netstream sampler fix-packets 100 inbound
[Router A-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit

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[Router A] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/0

[Router A-GigabitEthernet1/0/0] ip netstream sampler fix-packets 100 inbound
[Router A-GigabitEthernet1/0/0] quit

Step 3 Configure the NetStream sampling mode on Router A.

[Router A] slot3
[Router A-slot-3] ip netstream sampler to slot self
[Router A-slot-3] quit

Step 4 Configure NetStream multi-address output.

[Router A] ip netstream monitor monitor1
[Router A-monitor-monitor1] ip netstream export host 6000
[Router A-monitor-monitor1] quit
[Router A] ip netstream monitor monitor2
[Router A-monitor-monitor2] ip netstream export host ipv6 FA12::1 6000
[Router A-monitor-monitor2] quit
[Router A] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/0
[Router A-GigabitEthernet1/0/0] ip netstream monitor monitor1 inbound
[Router A-GigabitEthernet1/0/0] quit
[Router A] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Router A-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ip netstream monitor monitor2 inbound
[Router A-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit

Step 5 Verify the configuration.

Run thedisplay ip netstream monitor all command. You can view information about all
monitored services.
[Router A] display ip netstream monitor all
Monitor monitora
ID : 1
AppCount : 1
First address :
First port : 6000
Second address :
Second port : 0
Monitor monitorb
ID : 2
AppCount : 1
First address : FA12::1
First port : 6000
Second address :
Second port : 0

# Run the display ip netstream statistics command. You can view NetStream statistics.
[Router A] display ip netstream statistics slot 3
Netstream statistic information on slot 3:
length of packets Number Protocol Number
1 ~ 64 : 0 IPV4 : 3052043
65 ~ 128 : 30000000 IPV6 : 0
129 ~ 256 : 1495697 MPLS : 0
257 ~ 512 : 0 L2 : 28443654
513 ~ 1024 : 0 Total : 31495697
1025 ~ 1500 : 0
longer than 1500 : 0
Aggregation Current Streams Aged Streams
Created Streams Exported Packets Exported Streams
origin 1 487
488 116 0
as 0 0
0 0 0
as-tos 0 0
0 0 0
protport 0 0

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0 0 0
protporttos 0 0
0 0 0
srcprefix 0 0
0 0 0
srcpretos 0 0
0 0 0
dstprefix 0 0
0 0 0
dstpretos 0 0
0 0 0
prefix 0 0
0 0 0
prefix-tos 0 0
0 0 0
mpls-label 0 0
0 0 0
vlan-id 0 0
0 0 0
bgp-nhp-tos 0 0
0 0 0
index-tos 0 0
0 0 0
src-index-tos 0 0
0 0 0
all-aggre 3276649 210
23 0 0
Velocity Of Creating Streams (streams/second): 102
srcprefix = source-prefix, srcpretos = source-prefix-tos,
dstprefix = destination-prefix, dstpretos = destination-prefix-tos,
protport = protocol-port, protporttos = protocol-port-tos,
all-aggre = all aggregation streams,
"---" means that the current board is not supported.


Configuration file of Router A
sysname Router A

ip netstream monitor monitor1
ip netstream export host 6000
ip netstream monitor monitor2
ip netstream export host ipv6 FA12::1 6000
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1
undo shutdown
ip address
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
ip netstream inbound
ip netstream sampler fix-packets 100 inbound
ip netstream monitor monitor1 inbound
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1
ip netstream inbound
ip netstream sampler fix-packets 100 inbound
ip netstream monitor monitor2 inbound

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ip route-static
slot 3
ip netstream sampler to slot self

8.9.10 Example for Configuring NetStream on a BGP/MPLS IP VPN

This section takes the BGP/MPLS IP VPN scenario as an example to describe how to monitor
VPN service traffic through NetStream.

Networking Requirements
With the development of L3VPN services, carriers demand increasingly higher Quality of
Service (QoS) on VPNs. After voice over IP and video over IP services are carried out, carriers
and users all tend to sign Service Level Agreements (SLAs). With NetStream deployed on a
BGP/MPLS IP VPN, traffic statistics on the LSPs between PEs can be collected. Carriers can
then adjust networks based on the collected statistics to effectively meet service requirements.
In the IPv4 BGP/MPLS IP VPN shown in Figure 8-15:
l NetStream is enabled on PE2 to collect and export the statistics about MPLS TAL
information to the NSC&NDA.
l NetStream is enabled on P to collect and export the statistics about incoming and outgoing
MPLS packets to the NSC&NDA.
l Traffic statistics are analyzed on the NSC&NDA to measure the user traffic between PEs.

Figure 8-15 Networking diagram of NetStream on a BGP/MPLS IP VPN


POS1/0/0 POS2/0/0
Loopback1 POS3/0/0 POS3/0/0
GE1/0/0 GE2/0/0 PE1 P PE2
MPLS backbone
AS: 100
GE1/0/0 GE1/0/0
AS: 65420 AS: 65440

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Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:
1. Configure an IP address for each interface.
2. Configure a BGP/MPLS IP VPN.
3. Enable NetStream on PE2 to collect and export the statistics about MPLS TAL information
to the NSC&NDA.
4. Enable NetStream on P to collect and export the statistics about incoming and outgoing
MPLS packets to the NSC&NDA.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:
l Version of the format in which NetStream packets are exported
l Destination addresses, destination ports, and source addresses of NetStream packets
l Number of the slot where the NetStream board is inserted (In this example, the NetStream
board is inserted into slot 4.)

Step 1 Configure an IP address for each interface.
Configure the IP address and mask for each interface, including each Loopback interface as
shown in Figure 8-15. The detailed configuration is not mentioned here.
Step 2 Configure a BGP/MPLS IP VPN.
For details, see HUAWEI NetEngine80E/40E Router Configuration Guide - VPN.
Step 3 Enable NetStream on PE2 to collect and export the statistics about MPLS TAL information to
the NSC&NDA.
# Configure the NetStream board SPUC on PE2 to work in integrated mode.
<PE2> set board-type slot 4 netstream
<PE2> system-view
[PE2] slot 2
[PE2-slot-2] ip netstream sampler to slot 4
[PE2-slot-2] return

# Configure PE2 to export L3VPN MPLS TAL information to the NSC&NDA.

[PE2] ip netstream export template option application-label l3vpn

# Configure the destination addresses, destination ports, and source addresses of NetStream
packets to be exported in V9 format.
[PE2] ip netstream export version 9
[PE2] ip netstream export host 9000
[PE2] ip netstream export source

Step 4 Enable NetStream on P to collect and export the statistics about incoming and outgoing MPLS
packets to the NSC&NDA.
# Configure the NetStream board SPUC on P to work in integrated mode.
<P> set board-type slot 4 netstream
<P> system-view
[P] slot 2
[P-slot-2] ip netstream sampler to slot 4
[P-slot-2] quit

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# Configure P to collect the statistics about incoming and outgoing MPLS packets on POS 2/0/0.
[P] interface Pos 2/0/0
[P-Pos2/0/0] ip netstream inbound
[P-Pos2/0/0] ip netstream outbound
[P-Pos2/0/0] quit

# Configure P to collect the statistics about inner IP packets and label information in the sampled
MPLS packets.
[P] ip netstream mpls-aware label-and-ip

# Configure the destination addresses, destination ports, and source addresses of NetStream
packets to be exported in V9 format.
<P> ip netstream export version 9
[P] ip netstream export host 9001
[P] ip netstream export source

# Enable NetStream sampling, with the sampling mode being regular packet sampling.
[P] ip netstream sampler fix-packets 10000 inbound
[P] ip netstream sampler fix-packets 10000 outbound
[P] quit

Step 5 Verify the configuration.

# Run the display ip netstream cache origin slot 4 command on P. You can view information
about MPLS packets in the NetStream packet cache.
<P> display ip netstream cache origin slot 4
Show information of IP and MPLS cache of slot 4 is starting.
get show cache user data success.

DstIf DstIP SrcIP Pro Tos Flags Packets

SrcIf DstP Msk AS SrcP Msk AS NextHop
BGP: BGP NextHop TopLabelType Direction
Label1 Exp1 Bottom1
Label2 Exp2 Bottom2
Label3 Exp3 Bottom3
PO1/0/0 0 2 0 71
PO2/0/0 0 24 0 0 0 0 0 in
1024 3 1
0 0 0
0 0 0


Configuration Files
l Configuration file of PE1
sysname PE1
ip vpn-instance vpna
route-distinguisher 100:1
tnl-policy gre1
vpn-target 100:1 export-extcommunity
vpn-target 100:1 import-extcommunity
mpls lsr-id
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0

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ip binding vpn-instance vpna

ip address
interface Pos3/0/0
link-protocol ppp
ip address
mpls ldp
interface LoopBack1
ip address
bgp 100
peer as-number 100
peer connect-interface LoopBack1
ipv4-family unicast
undo synchronization
peer enable
ipv4-family vpnv4
policy vpn-target
peer enable
ipv4-family vpn-instance vpna
import-route direct
peer as-number 65410
ospf 1
l Configuration file of P
sysname P
ip netstream mpls-aware label-and-ip
mpls lsr-id
mpls ldp
interface Pos1/0/0
link-protocol ppp
ip address
mpls ldp
interface Pos2/0/0
link-protocol ppp
ip address
mpls ldp
ip netstream inbound
ip netstream outbound
interface Pos3/0/0
link-protocol ppp
ip address
interface LoopBack1
ip address
ospf 1

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slot 2
ip netstream sampler to slot 4
ip netstream sampler fix-packets 10000 inbound
ip netstream sampler fix-packets 10000 outbound
ip netstream export version 9
ip netstream export source
ip netstream export host 9001
l Configuration file of PE2
sysname PE2
ip vpn-instance vpna
route-distinguisher 200:1
vpn-target 100:1 export-extcommunity
vpn-target 100:1 import-extcommunity
mpls lsr-id
mpls ldp
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
ip binding vpn-instance vpna
ip address
interface GigabitEthernet2/0/0
ip binding vpn-instance vpnb
ip address
interface Pos3/0/0
link-protocol ppp
ip address
mpls ldp
interface LoopBack1
ip address
bgp 100
peer as-number 100
peer connect-interface LoopBack1
ipv4-family unicast
undo synchronization
peer enable
ipv4-family vpnv4
policy vpn-target
peer enable
ipv4-family vpn-instance vpna
import-route direct
peer as-number 65440
ospf 1
slot 2
ip netstream sampler to slot 4

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ip netstream export template option application-label l3vpn

ip netstream export version 9
ip netstream export source
ip netstream export host 9000

l Configuration file of CE2

sysname CE2
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
ip address
bgp 65420
peer as-number 100
ipv4-family unicast
undo synchronization
import-route direct
peer enable

l Configuration file of CE4

sysname CE4
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
ip address
bgp 65440
peer as-number 100
ipv4-family unicast
undo synchronization
import-route direct
peer enable

8.9.11 Example for Configuring NetStream on an MVPN

This section takes the scenario of single-AS MD MPLS/BGP VPN to describe how to monitor
VPN service traffic through NetStream.

Networking Requirements
In the single-AS MPLS/BGP VPN as shown in Figure 8-16, you can deploy the MD scheme to
implement multicast services. With NetStream on the MD VPN, you can monitor user traffic
between PEs.
l NetStream is enabled on PE-A to collect and export the statistics about MPLS TAL
information to the NSC&NDA.
l NetStream is enabled on P to collect and export the statistics about incoming and outgoing
MPLS packets to the NSC&NDA.
l Traffic statistics are analyzed on the NSC&NDA to measure the user traffic between PEs.

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Figure 8-16 Networking diagram of NetStream on a single-AS MD VPN


GE1 Loopback1
VPN Loopback1
Public Loopback1 RED
GE2 Loopback1 GE2
Source1 GE1


GE1 indicates GigabitEthernet 1/0/0, GE2 indicates GigabitEthernet 2/0/0, and GE3 indicates
GigabitEthernet 3/0/0. Table 8-1 shows IP addresses of these interfaces.
The routers support two MVPN forwarding modes: distributed mode and integrated mode. In distributed
mode, you must run the multicast-vpn slot command to enable the MVPN service on a specified SPUC.
In integrated mode, you must first run the set board-type slot command to set the service mode of a
specified SPUC to tunnel and then the multicast-vpn slot command to enable the MVPN service on the

Table 8-1 Interface configuration

Device IP Address Remarks

P GE1: -

GE2: -

GE3: -

GE4: -

Loopback1: Loopback1 functions as a C-RP on the

public network.

PE-A GE1: GE1 belongs to the public network


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Device IP Address Remarks

GE2: GE2 belongs to the VPN-RED instance.

GE3: GE3 belongs to the VPN-RED instance.

GE4: -

Loopback1: Loopback1 belongs to the public network

IBGP peer relationships are set up
between Loopback1 interfaces on PE-A,
PE-B, and PE-C.

PE-B GE1: GE1 belongs to the public network


GE2: GE2 belongs to the VPN-BLUE instance.

GE3: GE3 belongs to the VPN-RED instance.

Loopback1: Loopback1 belongs to the public network

IBGP peer relationships are set up
between Loopback1 interfaces on PE-A,
PE-B, and PE-C.

PE-C GE1: GE1 belongs to the public network


GE2: GE2 belongs to the VPN-RED instance.

GE3: GE3 belongs to the VPN-BLUE instance.

Loopback1: Loopback1 belongs to the public network

IBGP peer relationships are set up
between Loopback1 interfaces on PE-A,
PE-B, and PE-C.

Loopback2: Loopback2 belongs to the VPN-BLUE

instance and functions as a C-RP on the
private network.

CE-Ra GE1: -

GE2: -

CE-Bb GE1: -

GE2: -

CE-Rb GE1: -

GE2: -

GE3: -

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Device IP Address Remarks

Loopback1: Loopback1 belongs to the VPN-RED

instance and functions as a C-RP on the
private network.

CE-Rc GE1: -

GE2: -

GE3: -

CE-Bc GE1: -

GE2: -

Source1 Multicast source in VPN-RED

Source2 Multicast source in VPN-BLUE

PC1 Multicast receiver in VPN-RED

PC2 Multicast receiver in VPN-RED

PC3 Multicast receiver in VPN-RED

PC4 Multicast receiver in VPN-BLUE

Table 8-2 Networking requirements for the single-AS MD VPN

Item Networking Requirements

Multicast source/ In VPN RED, the multicast source is Source1 and the multicast
multicast receiver receivers are PC1, PC2, and PC3; in VPN BLUE, the multicast source
is Source2 and the multicast receiver is PC4. In VPN RED, the share-
group address is and the switch-group address pool ranges
from to; in VPN BLUE, the share-group address
is and the switch-group address pool ranges from

VPN instances to GE2 and GE3 on PE-A belong to the VPN-RED instance; GE1 and
which interfaces on Loopback1 on PE-A belong to the public network instance. GE2 and
PEs belong GE3 on PE-B belong to the VPN-BLUE instance and the VPN-RED
instance respectively; GE1 and Loopback1 on PE-B belong to the
public network instance. GE2 on PE-C belongs to the VPN-RED
instance; GE3 and Loopback2 on PE-C belong to the VPN-BLUE
instance; GE1 and Loopback1 on PE-C belong to the public network

Routing protocol Configure OSPF as a unicast routing protocol on the public network;
and MPLS configure RIP between the PE and the CE. Set up BGP peer
relationships between Loopback1 interfaces on PE-A, PE-B, and PE-
C to advertise VPN routes. Enable MPLS on the public network.

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Item Networking Requirements

Multicast function Enable multicast on P. Enable multicast on the interfaces on the public
network sides of PE-A, PE-B, and PE-C; enable multicast in the VPN-
RED instances on PE-A, PE-B, and PE-C; enable multicast in the VPN-
BLUE instances on PE-B, and PE-C; enable multicast on CE-Ra, CE-
Rb, CE-Rc, CE-Bb, and CE-Bc.

IGMP function Enable IGMP on GE2 on PE-A; enable IGMP on GE1 interfaces on
CE-Rb, CE-Rc, and CE-Bc separately.

PIM function Enable PIM-SM on all the private network interfaces in VPN-RED and
VPN-BLUE separately; enable PIM-SM on all the interfaces on P and
CEs and interfaces on the public network sides of PEs. Configure
Loopback1 on P as both a C-BSR and a C-RP to serve all groups;
configure Loopback1 on CE-Rb as both a C-BSR and a C-RP in VPN-
RED to serve all groups; configure Loopback2 on PE-C as both a C-
BSR and a C-RP in VPN-BLUE to serve all groups.

Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:
1. Configure an IP address for each interface.
2. Configure an MVPN.
3. Enable NetStream on PE-A to collect and export the statistics about MPLS TAL
information to the NSC&NDA.
4. Enable NetStream on P to collect and export the statistics about incoming and outgoing
MPLS packets to the NSC&NDA.

Data Preparation
See networking requirements in Table 8-2

Step 1 Configure an IP address for each interface.
Configure the IP address and mask for each interface, including each Loopback interface as
shown in Figure 8-16. The detailed configuration is not mentioned here.
Step 2 Configure an MVPN.
For details, see the section "Example for Configuring a Single-AS MD VPN" in the chapter
"IPv4 Multicast VPN Configuration" in HUAWEI NetEngine80E/40E Router Configuration
Guide - IP Multicast.
Step 3 Enable NetStream on PE-A to collect and export the statistics about MPLS TAL information to
the NSC&NDA.
# Configure the NetStream board SPUC on PE-A to work in integrated mode.
<PE-A> set board-type slot 4 netstream
<PE-A> system-view

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[PE-A] slot 2
[PE-A-slot-2] ip netstream sampler to slot 4
[PE-A-slot-2] return

# Configure PE-A to export L3VPN MPLS TAL information to the NSC&NDA.

[PE-A] ip netstream export template option application-label l3vpn

# Configure the destination addresses, destination ports, and source addresses of NetStream
packets to be exported in V9 format.
[PE-A] ip netstream export version 9
[PE-A] ip netstream export host 9000
[PE-A] ip netstream export source

Step 4 Enable NetStream on P to collect and export the statistics about incoming and outgoing MPLS
packets to the NSC&NDA.
# Configure the NetStream board SPUC on P to work in integrated mode.
<P> set board-type slot 4 netstream
<P> system-view
[P] slot 2
[P-slot-2] ip netstream sampler to slot 4
[P-slot-2] quit

# Configure P to collect the statistics about incoming and outgoing MPLS packets on POS 2/0/0.
[P] interface GigabitEthernet 1/0/0
[P-GigabitEthernet 1/0/0] ip netstream inbound
[P-GigabitEthernet 1/0/0] ip netstream outbound
[P-GigabitEthernet 1/0/0] quit

# Configure P to collect the statistics about inner IP packets and label information in the sampled
MPLS packets.
[P] ip netstream mpls-aware label-and-ip

# Configure the destination addresses, destination ports, and source addresses of NetStream
packets to be exported in V9 format.
[P] ip netstream export version 9
[P] ip netstream export host 9001
[P] ip netstream export source

# Enable NetStream sampling, with the sampling mode being regular packet sampling.
[P] ip netstream sampler fix-packets 10000 inbound
[P] ip netstream sampler fix-packets 10000 outbound
[P] quit

Step 5 Verify the configuration.

# Run the display ip netstream cache origin slot 4 command on P. You can view information
about MPLS packets in the NetStream packet cache.
<P> display ip netstream cache origin slot 4


Configuration Files
l Configuration file of PE-A
sysname PE-A
router id
multicast routing-enable

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multicast-vpn slot 4
mpls lsr-id
mpls ldp
ip vpn-instance RED
route-distinguisher 100:1
vpn-target 100:1 export-extcommunity
vpn-target 100:1 import-extcommunity
multicast routing-enable
multicast-domain share-group binding MTunnel 0
multicast-domain switch-group-pool
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
pim sm
mpls ldp
interface GigabitEthernet2/0/0
undo shutdown
ip binding vpn-instance RED
ip address
pim sm
igmp enable
interface GigabitEthernet3/0/0
undo shutdown
ip binding vpn-instance RED
ip address
pim sm
interface GigabitEthernet4/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
interface LoopBack1
ip address
pim sm
interface MTunnel0
ip binding vpn-instance RED
ip address
pim sm
bgp 100
group VPN-G internal
peer VPN-G connect-interface LoopBack1
peer as-number 100
peer group VPN-G
peer as-number 100
peer group VPN-G
ipv4-family unicast
undo synchronization
peer VPN-G enable
peer enable
peer group VPN-G
peer enable
peer group VPN-G
ipv4-family vpnv4
policy vpn-target
peer VPN-G enable
peer enable

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peer group VPN-G

peer enable
peer group VPN-G
ipv4-family vpn-instance RED
import-route rip 2
import-route direct
ospf 1
rip 2 vpn-instance RED
import-route bgp cost 3
slot 2
ip netstream sampler to slot 4
ip netstream export template option application-label l3vpn
ip netstream export version 9
ip netstream export source
ip netstream export host 9000
l Configuration file of PE-B
sysname PE-B
router id
multicast routing-enable
multicast-vpn slot 4
mpls lsr-id
mpls ldp
ip vpn-instance BLUE
route-distinguisher 200:1
vpn-target 200:1 export-extcommunity
vpn-target 200:1 import-extcommunity
multicast routing-enable
multicast-domain share-group binding MTunnel 1
multicast-domain switch-group-pool
ip vpn-instance RED
route-distinguisher 100:1
vpn-target 100:1 export-extcommunity
vpn-target 100:1 import-extcommunity
multicast routing-enable
multicast-domain share-group binding MTunnel 0
multicast-domain switch-group-pool
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
pim sm
mpls ldp
interface GigabitEthernet2/0/0
undo shutdown
ip binding vpn-instance BLUE

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ip address

pim sm
interface GigabitEthernet3/0/0
undo shutdown
ip binding vpn-instance RED
ip address
pim sm
interface LoopBack1
ip address
pim sm
interface MTunnel0
ip binding vpn-instance RED
ip address
pim sm
interface MTunnel1
ip binding vpn-instance BLUE
ip address
pim sm
bgp 100
group VPN-G internal
peer VPN-G connect-interface LoopBack1
peer as-number 100
peer group VPN-G
peer as-number 100
peer group VPN-G
ipv4-family unicast
undo synchronization
peer VPN-G enable
peer enable
peer group VPN-G
peer enable
peer group VPN-G
ipv4-family vpnv4
policy vpn-target
peer VPN-G enable
peer enable
peer group VPN-G
peer enable
peer group VPN-G
ipv4-family vpn-instance RED
import-route rip 2
import-route direct
ipv4-family vpn-instance BLUE
import-route rip 3
import-route direct
ospf 1
rip 2 vpn-instance RED
import-route bgp cost 3
rip 3 vpn-instance blue
import-route bgp cost 3

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l Configuration file of PE-C

sysname PE-C
router id
multicast routing-enable
multicast-vpn slot 4
mpls lsr-id
mpls ldp
ip vpn-instance RED
route-distinguisher 100:1
vpn-target 100:1 export-extcommunity
vpn-target 100:1 import-extcommunity
multicast routing-enable
multicast-domain share-group binding MTunnel 0
multicast-domain switch-group-pool
ip vpn-instance BLUE
route-distinguisher 200:1
vpn-target 200:1 export-extcommunity
vpn-target 200:1 import-extcommunity
multicast routing-enable
multicast-domain share-group binding MTunnel 1
multicast-domain switch-group-pool
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
pim sm
mpls ldp
interface GigabitEthernet2/0/0
undo shutdown
ip binding vpn-instance RED
ip address
pim sm
interface GigabitEthernet3/0/0
undo shutdown
ip binding vpn-instance BLUE
ip address
pim sm
interface LoopBack1
ip address
pim sm
interface LoopBack2
ip binding vpn-instance BLUE
ip address
pim sm
pim vpn-instance BLUE
c-bsr LoopBack2
c-rp LoopBack2
interface MTunnel0
ip binding vpn-instance RED
ip address
pim sm

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interface MTunnel1
ip binding vpn-instance BLUE
ip address
pim sm
bgp 100
group VPN-G internal
peer VPN-G connect-interface LoopBack1
peer as-number 100
peer group VPN-G
peer as-number 100
peer group VPN-G
ipv4-family unicast
undo synchronization
peer VPN-G enable
peer enable
peer group VPN-G
peer enable
peer group VPN-G
ipv4-family vpnv4
policy vpn-target
peer VPN-G enable
peer enable
peer group VPN-G
peer enable
peer group VPN-G
ipv4-family vpn-instance RED
import-route rip 2
import-route direct
ipv4-family vpn-instance BLUE
import-route rip 3
import-route direct
ospf 1
rip 2 vpn-instance RED
import-route bgp cost 3
rip 3 vpn-instance BLUE
import-route bgp cost 3
l Configuration file of P
sysname P
ip netstream mpls-aware label-and-ip
multicast routing-enable
mpls lsr-id
mpls ldp
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
pim sm

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mpls ldp
ip netstream inbound
ip netstream outbound
interface GigabitEthernet2/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
pim sm
mpls ldp
interface GigabitEthernet3/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
pim sm
mpls ldp
interface LoopBack1
ip address
pim sm
c-bsr Loopback1
c-rp Loopback1
ospf 1
slot 2
ip netstream sampler to slot 4
ip netstream sampler fix-packets 10000 inbound
ip netstream sampler fix-packets 10000 outbound
ip netstream export version 9
ip netstream export source
ip netstream export host 9001
l Configuration file of CE-Ra
sysname CE-Ra
multicast routing-enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
pim sm
interface GigabitEthernet2/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
pim sm
rip 2
import-route direct
l Configuration file of CE-Bb
sysname CE-Bb
multicast routing-enable

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interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
pim sm
interface GigabitEthernet2/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
pim sm
rip 3
import-route direct
l Configuration file of CE-Rb
sysname CE-Rb
multicast routing-enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
pim sm
igmp enable
interface GigabitEthernet2/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
pim sm
interface GigabitEthernet3/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
pim sm
interface loopback 1
ip address 32
pim sm
c-bsr Loopback1
c-rp Loopback1
rip 2
import-route direct
l Configuration file of CE-Rc
sysname CE-Rc
multicast routing-enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
pim sm
igmp enable
interface GigabitEthernet2/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
pim sm

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interface GigabitEthernet3/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
pim sm
rip 2
import-route direct

l Configuration file of CE-Bc

sysname CE-Bc
multicast routing-enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
pim sm
igmp enable
interface GigabitEthernet2/0/0
undo shutdown
ip address
pim sm
rip 3
import-route direct

8.9.12 Example for Configuring NetStream on a VLL

This section takes the VLL scenario as an example to describe how to monitor VPN service
traffic through NetStream.

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 8-17, CE1 and CE2 are connected to PE1 and PE2 respectively through
A Martini VLL is set up between CE1 and CE2.
With NetStream deployed on the VLL, traffic statistics on the LSPs between PEs can be

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Figure 8-17 Networking diagram of NetStream on a Martini VLL

Loopback1 POS 3/0/0 POS 1/0/0
POS 2/0/0 POS 1/0/0 PE 2 Loopback1
PE 1
POS 2/0/0 POS 2/0/0
GE1/0/0.1 GE1/0/0.1
VLAN10 Loopback1 VLAN20
GE1/0/0.1 GE 1/0/0.1

CE 1 CE 2

Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:

1. Configure an IP address for each interface.

2. Configure a Martini VLL.
3. Enable NetStream on PE2 to collect and export the statistics about VPN TAL information
to the NSC&NDA.
4. Enable NetStream on P to collect and export the statistics about incoming and outgoing
MPLS packets to the NSC&NDA.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:

l Version of the format in which NetStream packets are exported

l Destination addresses, destination ports, and source addresses of NetStream packets
l Number of the slot where the NetStream board is inserted (In this example, the NetStream
board is inserted into slot 4.)

Step 1 Configure an IP address for each interface.

Configure the IP address and mask for each interface, including each Loopback interface as
shown in Figure 8-17. The detailed configuration is not mentioned here.

Step 2 Configure a Martini VLL.

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For details, see the section "Example for Configuring a Martini VLL" in the chapter "VLL
Configuration" in the HUAWEI NetEngine80E/40E Router Configuration Guide - VPN.

Step 3 Enable NetStream on PE2 to collect and export the statistics about MPLS TAL information to
the NSC&NDA.

# Configure the NetStream board SPUC on PE2 to work in integrated mode.

<PE2> set board-type slot 4 netstream
<PE2> system-view
[PE2] slot 2
[PE2-slot-2] ip netstream sampler to slot 4
[PE2-slot-2] return

# Configure PE2 to export L2VPN MPLS TAL information to the NSC&NDA.

[PE2] ip netstream export template option application-label l2vpn

# Configure the destination addresses, destination ports, and source addresses of NetStream
packets to be exported in V9 format.
[PE2] ip netstream export version 9
[PE2] ip netstream export host 9000
[PE2] ip netstream export source

Step 4 Enable NetStream on P to collect and export the statistics about incoming and outgoing MPLS
packets to the NSC&NDA.

# Configure the NetStream board SPUC on P to work in integrated mode.

<P> set board-type slot 4 netstream
<P> system-view
[P] slot 2
[P-slot-2] ip netstream sampler to slot 4
[P-slot-2] quit

# Configure P to collect the statistics about incoming and outgoing MPLS packets on POS 1/0/0.
[P] interface Pos 1/0/0
[P-Pos1/0/0] ip netstream inbound
[P-Pos1/0/0] ip netstream outbound
[P-Pos1/0/0] quit

# Configure P to collect the statistics about inner IP packets and label information in the sampled
MPLS packets.
[P] ip netstream mpls-aware label-and-ip

# Configure the destination addresses, destination ports, and source addresses of NetStream
packets to be exported in V9 format.
[P] ip netstream export version 9
[P] ip netstream export host 9001
[P] ip netstream export source

# Enable NetStream sampling, with the sampling mode being regular packet sampling.
[P] ip netstream sampler fix-packets 10000 inbound
[P] ip netstream sampler fix-packets 10000 outbound
[P] quit

Step 5 Verify the configuration.

# Run the display ip netstream cache origin slot 4 command on P. You can view information
about MPLS packets in the NetStream packet cache.
<P> display ip netstream cache origin slot 4


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Configuration Files
l Configuration file of CE1
sysname CE1
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0.1
vlan-type dot1q 10
ip address

l Configuration file of PE1

sysname PE1
mpls lsr-id
mpls l2vpn
mpls l2vpn default martini
mpls ldp
mpls ldp remote-peer
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0.1
vlan-type dot1q 10
mpls l2vc 101
interface Pos2/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address
mpls ldp
interface LoopBack1
ip address
ospf 1

l Configuration file of P
sysname P
ip netstream mpls-aware label-and-ip
mpls lsr-id
mpls ldp
interface Pos1/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address

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mpls ldp
ip netstream inbound
ip netstream outbound
interface Pos2/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address
mpls ldp
interface Pos3/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address
interface LoopBack1
ip address
ospf 1
slot 2
ip netstream sampler to slot 4
ip netstream sampler fix-packets 10000 inbound
ip netstream sampler fix-packets 10000 outbound
ip netstream export version 9
ip netstream export source
ip netstream export host 9001
l Configuration file of PE2
sysname PE2
mpls lsr-id
mpls l2vpn
mpls l2vpn default martini
mpls ldp
mpls ldp remote-peer
flow-wred test
color green low-limit 70 high-limit 100 discard-percentage 100
color yellow low-limit 60 high-limit 90 discard-percentage 100
color red low-limit 50 high-limit 80 discard-percentage 100
flow-mapping test
map flow-queue af1 to port-queue ef
flow-queue test
queue af1 lpq shaping 500 flow-wred test
queue ef pq shaping 1000 flow-wred test
service-template test
network-header-length 12 outbound
qos-profile test
mpls-hqos flow-queue test flow-mapping test service-template test

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interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0.1
vlan-type dot1q 20
mpls l2vc 101
mpls l2vpn qos cir 2000 pir 3000 qos-profile test
mpls l2vpn pw traffic-statistic enable
interface Pos1/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address
interface Pos2/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address
mpls ldp
interface LoopBack1
ip address
ospf 1
slot 2
ip netstream sampler to slot 4
ip netstream export template option application-label l2vpn
ip netstream export version 9
ip netstream export source
ip netstream export host 9000

l Configuration file of CE2

sysname CE2
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0.1
vlan-type dot1q 20
ip address

8.9.13 Example for Enabling NetStream on a Dynamic Single-Hop

PWE3 Network
This section describes how to enable NetStream on a dynamic single-hop (SH) Pseudo-Wire
Emulation Edge to Edge (PWE3) network to monitor MPLS service traffic.

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 8-18, CE1 and CE2 are connected to PE1 and PE2 respectively through
VLANs; PE1 and PE2 are connected through an MPLS backbone.
It is required that a Label Switched Path (LSP) be used to set a dynamic Pseudo-Wire (PW)
between PE1 and PE2.

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With NetStream deployed on a dynamic SH-PWE3 network, statistics about traffic passing
through the LSP between PEs can be collected.

On the dynamic SH-PWE3 network shown in Figure 8-18:

l NetStream is enabled on PE2 to collect and export the statistics about MPLS Time/
Application/Label (TAL) information to the NSC&NDA.
l NetStream is enabled on P to collect and export the statistics about incoming and outgoing
MPLS packets to the NSC&NDA.
l Traffic statistics are analyzed on the NSC&NDA to measure the user traffic between PEs.

Figure 8-18 Networking diagram of a dynamic SH-PW with the LSP connecting two PEs
Loopback0 POS3/0/0
POS2/0/0 P POS2/0/0 Loopback0
POS1/0/0 POS2/0/0
GE1/0/0.1 GE1/0/0.1
VLAN1 GE1/0/0.1 GE1/0/0.1 VLAN 2


Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:

1. Assign an IP address to each interface.

2. Configure a dynamic SH-PW.
3. Enable NetStream on PE2 to collect and export the statistics about MPLS TAL information
to the NSC&NDA.
4. Enable NetStream on P to collect and export the statistics about incoming and outgoing
MPLS packets to the NSC&NDA.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:

l Version of the format in which NetStream packets are exported

l Destination addresses, destination ports, and source addresses of NetStream packets

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l Number of the slot where the NetStream board is inserted (In this example, the NetStream
board is inserted into slot 4.)

Step 1 Assign an IP address to each interface.

Assign the IP address and mask to each interface (including Loopback interfaces) as shown in
Figure 8-18. The configuration details are not mentioned here.

Step 2 Configure a dynamic SH-PW.

For details, refer to the Chapter "Example for Configuring Dynamic SH-PW (Using the LSP
Tunnel)" in the HUAWEI NetEngine80E/40E Router Configuration Guide - VPN.

Step 3 Enable NetStream on PE2 to collect and export the statistics about MPLS TAL information to
the NSC&NDA.

# Configure the NetStream board SPUC on PE2 to work in integrated mode.

<PE2> set board-type slot 4 netstream
<PE2> system-view
[PE2] slot 2
[PE2-slot-2] ip netstream sampler to slot 4
[PE2-slot-2] return

# Configure PE2 to export L2VPN MPLS TAL information to the NSC&NDA.

[PE2]ip netstream export template option application-label l2vpn

# Configure the destination addresses, destination ports, and source addresses for NetStream
packets to be exported in V9 format.
[PE2] ip netstream export version 9
[PE2] ip netstream export host 9000
[PE2] ip netstream export source

Step 4 Enable NetStream on P to collect and export the statistics about incoming and outgoing MPLS
packets to the NSC&NDA.

# Configure the NetStream board SPUC on P to work in integrated mode.

<P> set board-type slot 4 netstream
<P> system-view
[P] slot 2
[P-slot-2] ip netstream sampler to slot 4
[P-slot-2] quit

# Configure P to collect the statistics about incoming and outgoing MPLS packets on POS 2/0/0.
[P] interface Pos 2/0/0
[P-Pos2/0/0] ip netstream inbound
[P-Pos2/0/0] ip netstream outbound
[P-Pos2/0/0] quit

# Configure P to collect the statistics about inner IP packets and label information in the sampled
MPLS packets.
[P] ip netstream mpls-aware label-and-ip

# Configure the destination addresses, destination ports, and source addresses for NetStream
packets to be exported in V9 format.
[P] ip netstream export version 9
[P] ip netstream export host 9001
[P] ip netstream export source

# Enable NetStream sampling, with the sampling mode being regular packet sampling.

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[P] ip netstream sampler fix-packets 10000 inbound

[P] ip netstream sampler fix-packets 10000 outbound
[P] quit

Step 5 Verify the configuration.

# Run the display ip netstream cache origin slot 4 command on P. You can view information
about MPLS packets in the NetStream packet cache.
<P> display ip netstream cache origin slot 4


Configuration Files
l Configuration file of CE1
sysname CE1
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0.1
undo shutdown
vlan-type dot1q 1
ip address

l Configuration file of PE1

sysname PE1
mpls lsr-id
mpls l2vpn
mpls ldp
mpls ldp remote-peer
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0.1
undo shutdown
vlan-type dot1q 1
mpls l2vc 100
interface Pos2/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address
mpls ldp
interface LoopBack0
ip address
ospf 1

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l Configuration file of P
sysname P
ip netstream mpls-aware label-and-ip
mpls lsr-id
mpls ldp
interface Pos1/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address
mpls ldp
interface Pos2/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address
mpls ldp
ip netstream inbound
ip netstream outbound
interface Pos3/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address
interface LoopBack0
ip address
ospf 1
slot 2
ip netstream sampler to slot 4
ip netstream sampler fix-packets 10000 inbound
ip netstream sampler fix-packets 10000 outbound
ip netstream export version 9
ip netstream export source
ip netstream export host 9001

l Configuration file of PE2

sysname PE2
mpls lsr-id
mpls l2vpn
mpls ldp
mpls ldp remote-peer
interface Pos1/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown

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ip address

interface Pos2/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address
mpls ldp
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
interface GigabitEthernet 1/0/0.1
undo shutdown
vlan-type dot1q 2
mpls l2vc 100
interface LoopBack0
ip address
ospf 1
slot 2
ip netstream sampler to slot 4
ip netstream export template option application-label l2vpn
ip netstream export version 9
ip netstream export source
ip netstream export host 9000

l Configuration file of CE2

sysname CE2
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0.1
undo shutdown
vlan-type dot1q 2
ip address

8.9.14 Example for Enabling NetStream on a Martini VPLS Network

This section describes how to enable NetStream on a Martini VPLS network to monitor MPLS
service traffic.

Networking Requirements
With NetStream deployed on the Martini VPLS network, statistics about MPLS traffic
exchanged between PEs can be collected.

As shown in Figure 8-19, VPLS is enabled on PE1 and PE2; CE1 and CE2 are connected to
PE1 and PE2 respectively. CE1 and CE2 are on the same Martini VPLS network and
communicate with each other through a PW established by using Label Distribution Protocol
(LDP) as the VPLS signaling protocol.

On the Martini VPLS network shown in Figure 8-19:

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l NetStream is enabled on PE2 to collect and export the statistics about MPLS TAL
information to the NSC&NDA.
l NetStream is enabled on P to collect and export the statistics about incoming and outgoing
MPLS packets to the NSC&NDA.
l Traffic statistics are analyzed on the NSC&NDA to measure the user traffic between PEs.

Figure 8-19 Networking diagram of a Martini VPLS network


Loopback1 POS3/0/0
POS2/0/0 P POS2/0/0
POS1/0/0 POS1/0/0
GE1/0/0.1 GE2/0/0.1
GE1/0/0.1 PE1 Loopback1 PE2 GE1/0/0.1


Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:

1. Assign an IP address to each interface.

2. Configure a Martini VPLS network.
3. Enable NetStream on PE2 to collect and export the statistics about MPLS TAL information
to the NSC&NDA.
4. Enable NetStream on P to collect and export the statistics about incoming and outgoing
MPLS packets to the NSC&NDA.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:

l Version of the format in which NetStream packets are exported

l Destination addresses, destination ports, and source addresses of NetStream packets
l Number of the slot where the NetStream board is inserted (In this example, the NetStream
board is inserted into slot 4.)

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Step 1 Assign an IP address to each interface.

Assign the IP address and mask to each interface (including Loopback interfaces) as shown in
Figure 8-19. The configuration details are not mentioned here.

Step 2 Configure a Martini VPLS network.

For details, refer to the Chapter "Example for Configuring Martini VPLS" in the HUAWEI
NetEngine80E/40E Router Configuration Guide - VPN.

Step 3 Enable NetStream on PE2 to collect and export the statistics about MPLS TAL information to
the NSC&NDA.

# Configure the NetStream board SPUC on PE2 to work in integrated mode.

<PE2> set board-type slot 4 netstream
<PE2> system-view
[PE2] slot 2
[PE2-slot-2] ip netstream sampler to slot 4
[PE2-slot-2] return

# Configure PE2 to export L2VPN MPLS TAL information to the NSC&NDA.

[PE2]ip netstream export template option application-label l2vpn

# Configure the destination addresses, destination ports, and source addresses for NetStream
packets to be exported in V9 format.
[PE2] ip netstream export version 9
[PE2] ip netstream export host 9000
[PE2] ip netstream export source

Step 4 Enable NetStream on P to collect and export the statistics about incoming and outgoing MPLS
packets to the NSC&NDA.

# Configure the NetStream board SPUC on P to work in integrated mode.

<P> set board-type slot 4 netstream
<P> system-view
[P] slot 2
[P-slot-2] ip netstream sampler to slot 4
[P-slot-2] quit

# Enable P to collect the statistics about incoming and outgoing MPLS packets on POS 2/0/0.
[P] interface Pos 2/0/0
[P-Pos2/0/0] ip netstream inbound
[P-Pos2/0/0] ip netstream outbound
[P-Pos2/0/0] quit

# Configure P to collect the statistics about inner IP packets and label information in the sampled
MPLS packets.
[P] ip netstream mpls-aware label-and-ip

# Configure the destination addresses, destination ports, and source addresses for NetStream
packets to be exported in V9 format.
[P] ip netstream export version 9
[P] ip netstream export host 9001
[P] ip netstream export source

# Enable NetStream sampling, with the sampling mode being regular packet sampling.
[P] ip netstream sampler fix-packets 10000 inbound
[P] ip netstream sampler fix-packets 10000 outbound
[P] quit

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Step 5 Verify the configuration.

# Run the display ip netstream cache origin slot 4 command on P. You can view information
about MPLS packets in the NetStream packet cache.
<P> display ip netstream cache origin slot 4


Configuration Files
l Configuration file of CE1
sysname CE1
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0.1
undo shutdown
vlan-type dot1q 10
ip address

l Configuration file of CE2

sysname CE2
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0.1
undo shutdown
vlan-type dot1q 10
ip address

l Configuration file of PE1

sysname PE1
mpls lsr-id
mpls l2vpn
vsi a2 static
pwsignal ldp
vsi-id 2
mpls ldp
mpls ldp remote-peer
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0.1
undo shutdown
vlan-type dot1q 10
l2 binding vsi a2
interface Pos2/0/0

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link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address
mpls ldp
interface LoopBack1
ip address
ospf 1
l Configuration file of P
sysname P
ip netstream mpls-aware label-and-ip
mpls lsr-id
mpls ldp
interface Pos1/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address
mpls ldp
interface Pos2/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address
mpls ldp
ip netstream inbound
ip netstream outbound
interface Pos3/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address
interface LoopBack1
ip address
ospf 1
slot 2
ip netstream sampler to slot 4
ip netstream sampler fix-packets 10000 inbound
ip netstream sampler fix-packets 10000 outbound
ip netstream export version 9
ip netstream export source
ip netstream export host 9001
l Configuration file of PE2

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sysname PE2
mpls lsr-id
mpls l2vpn
vsi a2 static
pwsignal ldp
vsi-id 2
mpls ldp
mpls ldp remote-peer
interface Pos1/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address
mpls ldp
interface Pos2/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address
interface GigabitEthernet2/0/0
undo shutdown
interface GigabitEthernet2/0/0.1
undo shutdown
vlan-type dot1q 10
l2 binding vsi a2
interface LoopBack1
ip address
ospf 1
slot 2
ip netstream sampler to slot 4
ip netstream export template option application-label l2vpn
ip netstream export version 9
ip netstream export source
ip netstream export host 9000

8.9.15 Example for Enabling NetStream on a Kompella VPLS

This section describes how to enable NetStream on a Kompella VPLS network to monitor VPN
service traffic.

Networking Requirements
With NetStream deployed on the Kompella VPLS network, statistics about MPLS traffic
exchanged between PEs can be collected.

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As shown in Figure 8-20, VPLS is enabled on PE1 and PE2; CE1 and CE2 are connected to
PE1 and PE2 respectively. CE1 and CE2 are on the same Kompella VPLS network and
communicate with each other through a PW established by using Border Gateway Protocol
(BGP) as the VPLS signaling protocol.
On the Kompella VPLS network shown in Figure 8-20:
l NetStream is enabled on PE2 to collect and export the statistics about MPLS TAL
information to the NSC&NDA.
l NetStream is enabled on P to collect and export the statistics about incoming and outgoing
MPLS packets to the NSC&NDA.
l Traffic statistics are analyzed on the NSC&NDA to measure the user traffic between PEs.

Figure 8-20 Networking diagram of a Kompella VPLS


Loopback1 POS3/0/0
POS2/0/0 P POS2/0/0
POS1/0/0 POS1/0/0
GE1/0/0.1 GE2/0/0.1
GE1/0/0.1 PE1 Loopback1 PE2 GE1/0/0.1


Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:
1. Assign an IP address to each interface.
2. Configure a Kompella VPLS network.
3. Enable NetStream on PE2 to collect and export the statistics about MPLS TAL information
to the NSC&NDA.
4. Enable NetStream on P to collect and export the statistics about incoming and outgoing
MPLS packets to the NSC&NDA.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:
l Version of the format in which NetStream packets are exported
l Destination addresses, destination ports, and source addresses of NetStream packets

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l Number of the slot where the NetStream board is inserted (In this example, the NetStream
board is inserted into slot 4.)

Step 1 Assign an IP address to each interface.

Assign the IP address and mask to each interface (including Loopback interfaces) as shown in
Figure 8-20. The configuration details are not mentioned here.

Step 2 Configure a Kompella VPLS network.

For details, refer to the Chapter "Example for Configuring Kompella VPLS" in the HUAWEI
NetEngine80E/40E Router Configuration Guide - VPN.

Step 3 Enable NetStream on PE2 to collect and export the statistics about MPLS TAL information to
the NSC&NDA.

# Configure the NetStream board SPUC on PE2 to work in integrated mode.

<PE2> set board-type slot 4 netstream
<PE2> system-view
[PE2] slot 2
[PE2-slot-2] ip netstream sampler to slot 4
[PE2-slot-2] return

# Configure PE2 to export L2VPN MPLS TAL information to the NSC&NDA.

[PE2]ip netstream export template option application-label l2vpn

# Configure the destination addresses, destination ports, and source addresses for NetStream
packets to be exported in V9 format.
[PE2] ip netstream export version 9
[PE2] ip netstream export host 9000
[PE2] ip netstream export source

Step 4 Enable NetStream on P to collect and export the statistics about incoming and outgoing MPLS
packets to the NSC&NDA.

# Configure the NetStream board SPUC on P to work in integrated mode.

<P> set board-type slot 4 netstream
<P> system-view
[P] slot 2
[P-slot-2] ip netstream sampler to slot 4
[P-slot-2] quit

# Configure P to collect the statistics about incoming and outgoing MPLS packets on POS 2/0/0.
[P] interface Pos 2/0/0
[P-Pos2/0/0] ip netstream inbound
[P-Pos2/0/0] ip netstream outbound
[P-Pos2/0/0] quit

# Configure P to collect the statistics about inner IP packets and label information in the sampled
MPLS packets.
[P] ip netstream mpls-aware label-and-ip

# Configure the destination addresses, destination ports, and source addresses for NetStream
packets to be exported in V9 format.
[P] ip netstream export version 9
[P] ip netstream export host 9001
[P] ip netstream export source

# Enable NetStream sampling, with the sampling mode being regular packet sampling.

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[P] ip netstream sampler fix-packets 10000 inbound

[P] ip netstream sampler fix-packets 10000 outbound
[P] quit

Step 5 Verify the configuration.

# Run the display ip netstream cache origin slot 4 command on P. You can view information
about MPLS packets in the NetStream packet cache.
<P> display ip netstream cache origin slot 4


Configuration Files
l Configuration file of CE1
sysname CE1
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0.1
undo shutdown
vlan-type dot1q 10
ip address

l Configuration file of CE2

sysname CE2
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0.1
undo shutdown
vlan-type dot1q 10
ip address

l Configuration file of PE1

sysname PE1
mpls lsr-id
mpls l2vpn
vsi bgp1 auto
pwsignal bgp
vpn-target 100:1 import-extcommunity
vpn-target 100:1 export-extcommunity
site 1 range 5 default-offset 0
mpls ldp
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0.1
undo shutdown
vlan-type dot1q 10
l2 binding vsi bgp1
interface Pos2/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address
mpls ldp
interface LoopBack1

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ip address

bgp 100
peer as-number 100
peer connect-interface LoopBack1
policy vpn-target
peer enable
ospf 1
l Configuration file of P
sysname P
ip netstream mpls-aware label-and-ip
mpls lsr-id
mpls ldp
interface Pos1/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address
mpls ldp
interface Pos2/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address
mpls ldp
ip netstream inbound
ip netstream outbound
interface Pos3/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address
interface LoopBack1
ip address
ospf 1
slot 2
ip netstream sampler to slot 4
ip netstream sampler fix-packets 10000 inbound
ip netstream sampler fix-packets 10000 outbound
ip netstream export version 9
ip netstream export source
ip netstream export host 9001
l Configuration file of PE2

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sysname PE2
mpls lsr-id
mpls l2vpn
vsi bgp1 auto
pwsignal bgp
vpn-target 100:1 import-extcommunity
vpn-target 100:1 export-extcommunity
site 2 range 5 default-offset 0
mpls ldp
interface Pos1/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address
mpls ldp
interface Pos2/0/0
link-protocol ppp
undo shutdown
ip address
interface GigabitEthernet2/0/0.1
undo shutdown
vlan-type dot1q 10
l2 binding vsi bgp1
interface LoopBack1
ip address
bgp 100
peer as-number 100
peer connect-interface LoopBack1
policy vpn-target
peer enable
ospf 1
slot 2
ip netstream sampler to slot 4
ip netstream export template option application-label l2vpn
ip netstream export version 9
ip netstream export source
ip netstream export host 9000

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Configuration Guide - System Management 9 Ping and Tracert

9 Ping and Tracert

About This Chapter

This chapter describes how to check the network connectivity through ping and tracert

9.1 Ping and Tracert Overview

This section describes the basic concepts of ping and tracert, and the support for ping and tracert
on the NE80E/40E.
9.2 Configuring Ping and Tracert
This part describes how to check the network connectivity through ping and tracert operations.
9.3 Detecting the LDP LSP Through the Ping or Tracert Operation
This section describes how to check the connectivity of an LDP LSP through ping and tracert
9.4 Detecting the TE Tunnel Through the Ping or Tracert Operation
This section describes how to check the communication among nodes on a TE tunnel through
ping and tracert operations.
9.5 Detecting the VLL Network Through the Ping or Tracert Operation
This section describes how to check the communication among PEs on a VLL network through
ping and tracert operations.
9.6 Detecting the PWE3 Network Through the Ping or Tracert Operation
This section describes how to check the connectivity of PWs on the PWE3 network through ping
and tracert operations.
9.7 Detecting the VPLS Network Through the Ping or Tracert Operation
This section describes how to check the VPLS network connectivity through ping and tracert
9.8 Detecting the BGP or MPLS IP VPN Through the Ping or Tracert Operation
This section describes how to check the BGP or MPLS IP VPN network connectivity through
the ping operation.
9.9 Checking the VPLS Network Through VPLS MAC Ping and VPLS MAC Trace
This section describes how to check the VPLS network through VPLS MAC ping and VPLS
MAC trace operations.

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Configuration Guide - System Management 9 Ping and Tracert

9.10 Detecting an MPLS Network Through a Ping Operation

By specifying the first node to forcibly forward ping packets through IP on an MPLS network,
you can use the ping operation to determine whether the fault occurs on the MPLS network or
the IP network.
9.11 Detecting Trunk Member Links Through a Ping Operation
You can detect trunk member links through a ping operation.
9.12 Detecting an MH-PW Through the Ping and Tracert Operations
You can detect an multi-hop PW (MH-PW) through the ping and tracert operations.
9.13 Detecting the PWE3 Network Through a Service Ping Operation
By using a service ping operation to detect the PWE3 network, you can obtain the PWE3
configuration of the peer end on the local end, and thus determine whether PWE3 configurations
of the local end and peer end are consistent.
9.14 Detecting the VLL Accessing the VPLS Network Through a Service Ping Operation
By using a service ping operation on the VLL accessing the VPLS network, you can obtain the
pw configuration of the peer end on the local end, and thus determine whether configurations
of the local end and peer end are consistent.
9.15 Configuring Smart Ping
The ping smart command allows you to check the network connectivity without setting

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Configuration Guide - System Management 9 Ping and Tracert

9.1 Ping and Tracert Overview

This section describes the basic concepts of ping and tracert, and the support for ping and tracert
on the NE80E/40E.

9.1.1 Introduction to Ping and Tracert

When a device is faulty, you can use ping and tracert operations to check the network

The ping command is used to check network connections and detect whether a host is reachable.

The tracert command is used to detect the gateways that packets pass when being transmitted
from source hosts to destinations. It is mainly used to check if the network connection is
reachable, and locate the network fault.

The process of executing the tracert command is as follows:

1. A packet with TTL being 1 is transmitted.

2. An ICMP error message is returned in the first hop, indicating that the packet cannot be
transmitted because the TTL has timed out.
3. The packet with TTL increased by 1 is retransmitted.
4. A similar TTL timeout error message is returned in the second hop.
The process continues until the packet reaches its destination. In this process, the source
host can record the source address of each ICMP TTL timeout message and obtain the IP
packet transmission path.

9.2 Configuring Ping and Tracert

This part describes how to check the network connectivity through ping and tracert operations.

9.2.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

Before checking the network connectivity through ping and tracert operations, familiarize
yourself with the applicable environment, complete the pre-configuration tasks, and obtain the
required data. This can help you complete the configuration task quickly and accurately.

Applicable Environment
A user cannot access the network. Then you need to use Ping and Tracert to test the network

Pre-configuration Task
Before configuring Ping or Tracert, complete the following tasks:

l Connecting the user and the network correctly

l Assigning an IP address to the user correctly

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Data Preparation
To configure Ping and Tracert, you need the following data.

No. Data

1 IP address of the user

2 IP address of the gateway

9.2.2 Applying Ping to Test the Network Connection

This part describes how to check the communications between two nodes on the network through
the ping operation.

Do as follows on the user end in all views.

Step 1 To test the network connection, run ping [ ip ] [ -a source-ip-address | -c count | -d | { -f | ignore-
mtu } | -h ttl-value | -i interface-type interface-number [ source ] | -m time | -n |-name | -p
pattern | -q | -r | -s packetsize | -t timeout | -tos tos-value | -v | -vpn-instance vpn-instance-
name ] * host

The preceding command contains only a part of the parameters. For descriptions of the
parameters of this command, refer to the HUAWEI NetEngine80E/40E Router Command

The output of the ping command includes:

l Status of the responses to the Ping. If the system does not receive a response packet within
the timeout period, it outputs a "Request time out" message; if receiving a response packet,
the system outputs bytes of data, sequence number, TTL, and response time of each response
l Final statistics, including the number of sent packets, number of received packets, percentage
of unacknowledged packets to all transmitted packets, and the minimum, maximum, and
mean response time.

If the destination address of the ping command is a broadcast address, the source address carried in the
Reply message is the broadcast address.
<HUAWEI> ping
PING 56 data bytes, press CTRL_C to break
Reply from bytes=56 Sequence=1 ttl=255 time=2 ms
Reply from bytes=56 Sequence=2 ttl=255 time=1 ms
Reply from bytes=56 Sequence=3 ttl=255 time=1 ms
Reply from bytes=56 Sequence=4 ttl=255 time=1 ms
Reply from bytes=56 Sequence=5 ttl=255 time=1 ms

--- ping statistics ---

5 packet(s) transmitted
5 packet(s) received

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0.00% packet loss

round-trip min/avg/max = 1/1/2 ms


9.2.3 Applying Tracert to Locate Faults in the Network

This part describes how to check the communication among nodes on the network through the
tracert operation.

Do as follows in all views on the user end. Before running the tracert command to check network
connectivity, you can run the icmp time-exceed command to specify the format of ICMP Time
Exceeded packets.

Step 1 (Optional) Run:
icmp time-exceed { extension { compliant | non-compliant } | classic }

The format of ICMP Time Exceeded packets is specified.

Please run this command in the system view.

Step 2 To locate the fault in the network, run tracert [ -a source-ip-address | -f first-ttl | -m max-ttl | -
p port | -q nqueries | -v | -vpn-instance vpn-instance-name | -w timeout ] * host

The preceding command contains only a part of the parameters. For the description of the options
and parameters of this command, refer to the HUAWEI NetEngine80E/40E Router Command

An example of applying Tracert program to analyze the network is as follows.

<HUAWEI> tracert -m 10
traceroute to (, max hops: 30, packet length: 40, press CTRL_C
to break
1 19 ms 19 ms 0 ms
2 39 ms 39 ms 19 ms
3 39 ms 40 ms 39 ms
4 39 ms 39 ms 39 ms
5 40 ms 59 ms 59 ms
6 59 ms 59 ms 59 ms
7 99 ms 99 ms 80 ms
8 139 ms 239 ms 319 ms
9 220 ms 199 ms 199 ms
10 239 ms 239 ms 239 ms


9.3 Detecting the LDP LSP Through the Ping or Tracert

This section describes how to check the connectivity of an LDP LSP through ping and tracert

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Configuration Guide - System Management 9 Ping and Tracert

9.3.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

Before checking the connectivity of an LDP LSP through ping and tracert operations, familiarize
yourself with the applicable environment, complete the pre-configuration tasks, and obtain the
required data. This can help you complete the configuration task quickly and accurately.

Application Environment
You can use the ping lsp or tracert lsp command on the ingress to check connectivity of the
LDP LSP destined for the egress according to the specified FEC and mask. If load balancing is
configured on the ingress, you need to specify the next hop address when checking connectivity
of the specified LDP LSP.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before detecting the LDP LSP through the ping or tracert operation, complete the following
l Configuring an LDP LSP correctly

Data Preparation
To detect the LDP LSP through the ping or tracert operation, you need the following data.

No. Data

1 destination IPv4 address of an LDP LSP and the mask length of the destination

2 (Optional) Source IPv4 address, EXP value and TTL value of the sent Echo
Request packet, reply mode, number of bytes of the sent Echo Request packet,
total number of the sent Echo Request packets, and timeout period of the Echo
Reply packet

9.3.2 Checking Connectivity of the LDP LSP Through the Ping

This part describes how to check the communication among LSRs along the LSP through the
ping operation.

Do as follows on each node along the LSP to check connectivity:

Step 1 Run:
ping lsp [ -a source-ip | -c count | -exp exp-value | -h ttl-value | -m interval |
-r reply-mode | -s packet-size | -t time-out | -v ] * ip destination-address mask-
length [ ip-address ] [ nexthop nexthop-address | draft6 ]

Connectivity of the LDP LSP is checked.

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Configuration Guide - System Management 9 Ping and Tracert

For detailed information about each parameter and its description in the ping command, refer
to the HUAWEI NetEngine80E/40E Router Command Reference.

The following information is displayed in the ping command output:

l Information about responses to each Echo Request packet is displayed, including the number
of bytes, sequence number, sending time of the Echo Reply packet. If no Echo Reply packet
is received within a certain period, a message of "Request time out" is displayed.
l Statistics are displayed, including the number of the sent Echo Request packets, number of
the received Echo Reply packets, percentage of the Echo Request packets that are not replied,
and the minimum, maximum and average delay time of sending Echo Reply packets.
<HUAWEI> ping lsp -v ip 32
LSP PING FEC: IPV4 PREFIX : 100 data bytes, press CTRL_C to break
Reply from bytes=100 Sequence=1 time = 4 ms Return Code 3, Subcode 1
Reply from bytes=100 Sequence=2 time = 4 ms Return Code 3, Subcode 1
Reply from bytes=100 Sequence=3 time = 4 ms Return Code 3, Subcode 1
Reply from bytes=100 Sequence=4 time = 4 ms Return Code 3, Subcode 1
Reply from bytes=100 Sequence=5 time = 5 ms Return Code 3, Subcode 1
--- FEC: IPV4 PREFIX ping statistics ---
5 packet(s) transmitted
5 packet(s) received
0.00% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 4/4/5 ms


9.3.3 Checking Connectivity of the LDP LSP Through the Tracert

This part describes how to check the communication among LSRs along the LSP through the
tracert operation.

Do as follows on each node along the LSP to check connectivity:

Step 1 Run:
tracert lsp [ -a source-ip | -exp exp-value | -h ttl-value | -r reply-mode | -t time-
out ] * ip destination-address mask-length [ ip-address ] [ nexthop nexthop-
address ] [ draft6 ]

The faulty node on the LDP LSP is located.

For detailed information about each parameter and its description in the tracert lsp command,
refer to the HUAWEI NetEngine80E/40E Router Command Reference.
<HUAWEI> tracert lsp ip 32 nexthop
TTL Replier Time Type Downstream
0 Ingress[17 ]
1 230 ms Transit[3 ]
2 80 ms Egress

As shown in the preceding command output, you can view information about each node along
the specified LDP LSP and the response time of each hop.


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Configuration Guide - System Management 9 Ping and Tracert

9.4 Detecting the TE Tunnel Through the Ping or Tracert

This section describes how to check the communication among nodes on a TE tunnel through
ping and tracert operations.

9.4.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

Before checking the communication among nodes on a TE tunnel through ping and tracert
operations, familiarize yourself with the applicable environment, complete the pre-configuration
tasks, and obtain the required data. This can help you complete the configuration task quickly
and accurately.

Application Environment
You can use the ping lsp or tracert lsp command on the ingress to check connectivity of the
TE tunnel destined for the egress. If a hot-standby CR-LSP is set up, you can check connectivity
of the hot-standby CR-LSP specified through a command line.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before checking connectivity of the TE tunnel through the ping or tracert operation, complete
the following task:

l Configuring a TE tunnel correctly

Data Preparation
To check connectivity of the TE tunnel through the ping or tracert operation, you need the
following data.

No. Data

1 Number of the TE tunnel interface

2 (Optional) Source IPv4 address, EXP value and TTL value of the sent Echo
Request packet, reply mode, number of bytes of the sent Echo Request packet,
total number of the sent Echo Request packets, and timeout period of the Echo
Reply packet

9.4.2 Checking Connectivity of the TE Tunnel Through the Ping

This part describes how to check the communication among nodes on a TE tunnel through the
ping operation.

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Do as follows on each node along the TE tunnel to check connectivity:

Step 1 Run:
ping lsp [ -a source-ip | -c count | -exp exp-value | -h ttl-value | -m interval |
-r reply-mode | -s packet-size | -t time-out | -v ] * te tunnel interface-number
[ hot-standby ] [ draft6 ]

Connectivity of each node along the TE tunnel is checked.

For detailed information about each parameter and its description in the ping command, refer
to the HUAWEI NetEngine80E/40E Router Command Reference.
The following information is displayed in the ping command output:
l Information about responses to each Echo Request packet is displayed, including the number
of bytes, sequence number, sending time of the Echo Reply packet. If no Echo Reply packet
is received within a certain period, a message of "Request time out" is displayed.
l Statistics are displayed, including the number of the sent Echo Request packets, number of
the received Echo Reply packets, percentage of the Echo Request packets that are not replied,
and the minimum, maximum, and average delay time of sending Echo Reply packets.
<HUAWEI> ping lsp te tunnel 1/0/0
LSP PING FEC: RSVP IPV4 SESSION QUERY Tunnel1/0/0 : 100 data bytes, press CTRL_C
to break
Reply from bytes=100 Sequence=0 time = 50 ms
Reply from bytes=100 Sequence=1 time = 28 ms
Reply from bytes=100 Sequence=2 time = 33 ms
Reply from bytes=100 Sequence=3 time = 52 ms
Reply from bytes=100 Sequence=4 time = 8 ms

--- FEC: RSVP IPV4 SESSION QUERY Tunnel1/0/0 ping statistics ---
5 packet(s) transmitted
5 packet(s) received
0.00% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 8/34/52 ms


9.4.3 Checking Connectivity of the TE Tunnel Through the Tracert

This part describes how to check the communication among nodes on a TE tunnel through the
tracert operation.

Do as follows on each node along the TE tunnel to check connectivity:

Step 1 Run:
tracert lsp [ -a source-ip | -exp exp-value | -h ttl-value | -r reply-mode | -t time-
out ] * te tunnel interface-number [ hot-standby ] [ draft6 ]

Gateways that the packets pass along the TE tunnel are displayed and the faulty node is located.

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Configuration Guide - System Management 9 Ping and Tracert

For detailed information about each parameter and its description in the tracert command, refer
to the HUAWEI NetEngine80E/40E Router Command Reference.
<HUAWEI> tracert lsp te tunnel 1/0/0
LSP Trace Route FEC: TE TUNNEL IPV4 SESSION QUERY Tunnel1/0/0 , press CTRL_C to
TTL Replier Time Type Downstream
0 Ingress[13312 ]
1 63 ms Transit
2 93 ms Egress

As shown in the preceding command output, you can view information about each node along
the TE tunnel between the ingress and the egress and the response time of each hop.


9.5 Detecting the VLL Network Through the Ping or Tracert

This section describes how to check the communication among PEs on a VLL network through
ping and tracert operations.

9.5.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

Before checking the communication among PEs on a VLL network through ping and tracert
operations, familiarize yourself with the applicable environment, complete the pre-configuration
tasks, and obtain the required data. This can help you complete the configuration task quickly
and accurately.

Application Environment
In the Kompella VLL networking, you can run the ping command to check connectivity of the
PW. Alternatively, you can run the tracert command to detect the PW to view information about
PEs and P devices along the PW. In addition, you can check connectivity of the Layer 2
forwarding link and locate the faulty node.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before detecting the VLL network through the ping or tracert operation, complete the following
l Configuring a VLL network correctly

Data Preparation
To detect the VLL network through the ping or tracert operation, you need the following data.

No. Data

1 Type and ID of the PW on the local end

2 (Optional) Remote PW ID, number of the sent Echo Request packets, interval for
sending Echo Request packets, number of bytes of the sent Echo Request packet,
and timeout period of sending the Echo Request packet

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Configuration Guide - System Management 9 Ping and Tracert

9.5.2 Checking Connectivity of the VLL Network Through the Ping

This section describes how to check the communication among PEs on a VLL network through
the ping operation.

Do as follows on the PE of a Kompella VLL network to check connectivity:

Step 1 Run the following commands as network requirements:
l To check connectivity of the VLL network through the control word channel, run:
ping vc vpn-instance vpn-name local-ce-id remote-ce-id [ -c echo-number | -m
time-value | -s data-bytes | -t timeout-value | -v ] * control-word

l To check connectivity of the VLL network through the MPLS Router Alert channel, run:
ping vc vpn-instance vpn-name local-ce-id remote-ce-id [ -c echo-number | -m
time-value | -s data-bytes | -t timeout-value | -v ] * label-alert

Before using the ping vc vpn-instance command to check connectivity of a VLL network, you
must configure as follows:
l Configure the Kompella VLL network correctly.
l Configure the PW template. In addition, perform the following configurations in the PW
template view:
– Control word channel: Run the control-word command to enable the control word
– MPLS Router Alert channel: Run the control-word command to enable the control word
For detailed information about each parameter and its description in the ping vc vpn-instance
command, refer to the HUAWEI NetEngine80E/40E Router Command Reference.
The following information is displayed in the ping vc vpn-instance command output:
l Information about responses to each Echo Request packet is displayed, including the number
of bytes, sequence number, sending time of the Echo Reply packet. If no Echo Reply packet
is received within a certain period, a message of "Request time out" is displayed.
l Statistics are displayed, including the number of the sent Echo Request packets, number of
the received Echo Reply packets, percentage of the Echo Request packets that are not replied,
and the minimum, maximum and average delay time of sending Echo Reply packets.
<HUAWEI> ping vc ethernet 100 control-word remote 100
Reply: bytes=100 Sequence=1 time = 11 ms
Reply: bytes=100 Sequence=2 time = 4 ms
Reply: bytes=100 Sequence=3 time = 4 ms
Reply: bytes=100 Sequence=4 time = 4 ms
Reply: bytes=100 Sequence=5 time = 4 ms

--- FEC: FEC 128 PSEUDOWIRE (NEW). Type = ethernet, ID = 100 ping statistics---
5 packet(s) transmitted
5 packet(s) received
0.00% packet loss

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round-trip min/avg/max = 4/5/11 ms


9.5.3 Checking Connectivity of the VLL Network Through the

Tracert Operation
This section describes how to check the communication among PEs on a VLL network through
the tracert operation.

Do as follows on the PE of the Kompella VLL network to check connectivity:

Step 1 Run either of the following commands as required:
l To check connectivity of the VLL network through the control word channel, run:
tracert vc -vpn-instance vpn-name local-ce-id remote-ce-id [ -exp exp-value | -
f first-ttl | -m max-ttl | -r reply-mode | -t timeout-value ] * control-word
[ full-lsp-path ] [ draft6 ]

l To check connectivity of the VLL network through the label alert channel, run:
tracert vc -vpn-instance vpn-name local-ce-id remote-ce-id [ -exp exp-value | -
f first-ttl | -m max-ttl | -r reply-mode | -t timeout-value ] * label-alert
[ full-lsp-path ] [ draft6 ]

l To check connectivity of the VLL network through the ordinary channel, run:
tracert vc pw-type pw-id [ -exp exp-value | -f first-ttl | -m max-ttl | -r reply-
mode | -t timeout-value ] * normal [ remote remote-ip-address ] } [ full-lsp-
path ] [ draft6 ]

Before using the tracert vc -vpn-instance command to check connectivity of a VLL network,
you must configure as follows:
l Configure the Kompella VLL network correctly.
l Configure the PW template and enable VCCV-PING. In addition, perform the following
configurations in the PW template view:
– Control word channel: Run the control-word command to enable the control word
– MPLS Router Alert channel: Run the control-word command to enable the control word
– Ordinary mode: Run the control-word command to enable the control word function.

The control word channel and the ordinary mode cannot be configured together.

For detailed information about each parameter and its description in the tracert vc -vpn-
instance command, refer to the HUAWEI NetEngine80E/40E Router Command Reference.
<HUAWEI> tracert vc ppp 100 control-word remote 200 full-lsp-path
TTL Replier Time Type Downstream
0 Ingress[17409 3 ]
1 110 ms Transit[17408 3 11264 ]
2 50 ms Transit[3 ]
3 50 ms Egress

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As shown in the preceding command output, you can view information about each node along
the PW and the response time of each hop.


9.6 Detecting the PWE3 Network Through the Ping or

Tracert Operation
This section describes how to check the connectivity of PWs on the PWE3 network through ping
and tracert operations.

9.6.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

Before checking the connectivity of PWs on the PWE3 network through ping and tracert
operations, familiarize yourself with the applicable environment, complete the pre-configuration
tasks, and obtain the required data. This can help you complete the configuration task quickly
and accurately.

Application Environment
l In the PWE3 networking, you can run the ping command to check connectivity of the
PWE3 network. After the PE receives the Echo Request packet, the PE abstracts and sends
FEC information in the packet to the L2VPN plane to determine whether the PE is the
egress. If the PE is the egress, an Echo Reply packet is sent.
– VCCV-PING can be enabled and performed only when the PW template is configured
on the PW.
– Connectivity can be checked in control word mode or label alert mode.
– If the Echo Request packet is replied through the control channel of the application
plane, the label alert function must be enabled on the PW.
– If the multi-hop PW is detected in label alert mode, the Echo Request packet is sent to
the service provider end (SPE) that the L2VPN plane determines that the SPE is not the
egress. Then, the packet is forwarded and no Echo Reply packet is sent.
l In the PWE3 networking, you can run the tracert command to detect the PW. Then, SPEs
and P devices along the PW of the PWE3 network are displayed; connectivity of the PW
is checked; the faulty node is located.
The TTL value in each sent Echo Request packet is increased by 1 hop. After receiving an
Echo Request packet, if the TTL in the Echo Request packet times out, the transit node
sends an Echo Reply packet containing information about its next hop information. The
tracert operation can terminate when the packet reaches the egress or when the TTL reaches
the upper limit.Different from the ping operation, the tracert operation can be performed
in normal mode. The normal mode and the control word mode cannot be configured

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before detecting the PWE3 network through the ping or tracert operation, complete the following

l Configuring a PWE3 network correctly

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Data Preparation
To detect the PWE3 network through the ping or tracert operation, you need the following data.

No. Data

1 Type and ID of the local PW

2 (Optional) Remote PW ID, number of the sent Echo Request packets, interval for
sending Echo Request packets, number of bytes of the sent Echo Request packet,
and timeout period of sending the Echo Request packet

9.6.2 Checking Connectivity of the PWE3 Network Through the

Ping Operation
This part describes how to check the connectivity of PWs on the PWE3 network through the
ping operation.

Do as follows on the PE of a PWE3 network:

Step 1 To check connectivity of the PWE3 network, run either of the following commands as required:
l To check connectivity of the PWE3 network through the control word channel, run:
ping vc pw-type pw-id [ -c echo-number | -m time-value | -s data-bytes | -t
timeout-value | -exp exp-value | -r reply-mode | -v ] * control-word [ remote
remote-ip-address peer-pw-id [ draft6 ] ] [ ttl ttl-value ] [ pipe | uniform ]

l To check connectivity of the PWE3 network through the label alert channel, run:
ping vc pw-type pw-id [ -c echo-number | -m time-value | -s data-bytes | -t
timeout-value | -v ] * label-alert [ remote remote-ip-address ] [ draft6 ]

Before using the ping vc command to check connectivity of a PWE3 network, you must
configure as follows:
l Configure the PWE3 network correctly.
l Configure the PW template and enable VCCV-PING. In addition, perform the following
configurations in the PW template view:
– Control word channel: Run the control-word command to enable the control word
– MPLS Router Alert channel: Run the control-word command to enable the control word

For details about parameters in the ping vc command, refer to the HUAWEI NetEngine80E/
40E Router Command Reference.

The following information is displayed in the ping command output:

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l Information about responses to each Echo Request packet is displayed, including the number
of bytes, sequence number, sending time of the Echo Reply packet. If no Echo Reply packet
is received within a certain period, a message of "Request time out" is displayed.
l Statistics are displayed, including the number of the sent Echo Request packets, number of
the received Echo Reply packets, percentage of the Echo Request packets that are not replied,
and the minimum, maximum and average delay time of sending Echo Reply packets.
<HUAWEI> ping vc ethernet 100 control-word remote 100
Reply: bytes=100 Sequence=1 time = 11 ms
Reply: bytes=100 Sequence=2 time = 4 ms
Reply: bytes=100 Sequence=3 time = 4 ms
Reply: bytes=100 Sequence=4 time = 4 ms
Reply: bytes=100 Sequence=5 time = 4 ms

--- FEC: FEC 128 PSEUDOWIRE (NEW). Type = ethernet, ID = 100 ping statistics---
5 packet(s) transmitted
5 packet(s) received
0.00% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 4/5/11 ms


9.6.3 Checking Connectivity of the VLL Network Through the

Tracert Operation
This part describes how to check the connectivity of PWs and locate faults on the PWE3 network
by using tracert to obtain information about the SPE and P through which data passes from the
source to the destination.

Do as follows on the PE of a PWE3 network:

Step 1 To locate the faulty node on a PWE3 network, run either of the following commands as required:
l To check connectivity of the PWE3 network through the control word channel, run:
tracert vc pw-type pw-id [ -exp exp-value | -f first-ttl | -m max-ttl | -r reply-
mode | -t timeout-value ] * control-word [ draft6 ] [ full-lsp-path ] [ pipe |
uniform ]
tracert vc pw-type pw-id [ -exp exp-value | -f first-ttl | -m max-ttl | -r reply-
mode | -t timeout-value ] * control-word remote remote-ip-address [ full-lsp-
path ] [ pipe | uniform ]
tracert vc pw-type pw-id [ -exp exp-value | -f first-ttl | -m max-ttl | -r reply-
mode | -t timeout-value ] * control-word remote remote-pw-id draft6 [ full-lsp-
path ] [ pipe | uniform ]

l To check connectivity of the PWE3 network through the label alert channel, run:
tracert vc pw-type pw-id [ -exp exp-value | -f first-ttl | -m max-ttl | -r reply-
mode | -t timeout-value ] * label-alert [ remote remote-ip-address ] } [ full-
lsp-path ] [ draft6 ]

l To check connectivity of the PWE3 network through in ordinary mode, run:

tracert vc pw-type pw-id [ -exp exp-value | -f first-ttl | -m max-ttl | -r reply-
mode | -t timeout-value ] * normal [ remote remote-ip-address ] } [ full-lsp-
path ] [ draft6 ]

Before using the tracert vc command to check connectivity of a PWE3 network, you must
configure as follows:

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l Configure the Kompella PWE3 network correctly.

l Configure the PW template and enable VCCV-PING. In addition, perform the following
configurations in the PW template view:
– Control word channel: Run the control-word command to enable the control word
– MPLS Router Alert channel: Run the control-word command to enable the control word
– Ordinary mode: Run the control-word command to enable the control word function.
The control word channel and the ordinary mode cannot be configured together.
For detailed information about each parameter and its description in the tracert vc command,
refer to the HUAWEI NetEngine80E/40E Router Command Reference.
<HUAWEI> tracert vc ppp 100 control-word remote 200 full-lsp-path
TTL Replier Time Type Downstream
0 Ingress[17409 3 ]
1 110 ms Transit[17408 3 11264 ]
2 50 ms Transit[3 ]
3 50 ms Egress

As shown in the preceding command output, you can view information about each node along
the PW and the response time of each hop.


9.7 Detecting the VPLS Network Through the Ping or

Tracert Operation
This section describes how to check the VPLS network connectivity through ping and tracert

9.7.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

Before checking the VPLS network connectivity through ping and tracert operations, familiarize
yourself with the applicable environment, complete the pre-configuration tasks, and obtain the
required data. This can help you complete the configuration task quickly and accurately.

Application Environment
You can run the ping or tracert command to check connectivity of a VPLS network. Either
command can be used to detect only the single-hop PW. On a Hierarchical Virtual Private LAN
Service (HVPLS) network, the ping or tracert operation terminates at the first hop. You can
detect a specified PW by setting a PW ID. If the PW ID is not set, the VSI ID is used.
You can use the ping operation but not the tracert operation to detect an inter-AS VPLS network.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before detecting the VPLS network through the ping or tracert operation, complete the following

l Configuring a VPLS network correctly

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Data Preparation
To detect the VPLS network through the ping or tracert operation, you need the following data.

No. Data

1 (Optional) In Martini mode: VSI name, IP address of the remote PW, and local

2 In Kompella mode: VSI name, local CE ID, and remote CE ID

3 (Optional) Number of the sent Echo Request packets, interval for sending Echo
Request packets, number of bytes of the sent Echo Request packet, timeout period
of sending the Echo Request packet, reply mode, and EXP value of the sent Echo
Request packet

9.7.2 Checking Connectivity of the VPLS Network Through the

Ping Operation
The ping operation supports the inter-AS VPLS network.

Do as follows on the PE of a VPLS network:

Step 1 To check connectivity of the VPLS network, run either of the following commands as required:
l In Kompella mode, run:
ping vpls [ -c echo-number | -m time-value | -s data-bytes | -t timeout-value |
-r reply-mode | -exp exp-value | -v ] * vsi vsi-name local-site-id remote-site-

l In Martini mode, run:

ping vpls [ -c echo-number | -m time-value | -s data-bytes | -t timeout-value |
-r reply-mode | -exp exp-value | -v ] * vsi vsi-name peer peer-address
[ negotiate-vc-id vc-id ]

For detailed information about each parameter and its description in the ping vpls command,
refer to the HUAWEI NetEngine80E/40E Router Command Reference.
The following information is displayed in the ping vpls command output:
l Information about responses to each Echo Request packet is displayed, including the number
of bytes, sequence number, sending time of the Echo Reply packet. If no Echo Reply packet
is received within a certain period, a message of "Request time out" is displayed.
l Statistics are displayed, including the number of the sent Echo Request packets, number of
the received Echo Reply packets, percentage of the Echo Request packets that are not replied,
and the minimum, maximum and average delay time of sending Echo Reply packets.
<HUAWEI> ping vpls -c 10 -m 10 -s 65 -t 100 -v vsi test 10 10
Reply: bytes=65 Sequence=1 time = 31 ms Return Code 3, Subcode 1
Reply: bytes=65 Sequence=2 time = 15 ms Return Code 3, Subcode 1
Reply: bytes=65 Sequence=3 time = 32 ms Return Code 3, Subcode 1
Reply: bytes=65 Sequence=4 time = 15 ms Return Code 3, Subcode 1

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Reply: bytes=65 Sequence=5 time = 32 ms Return Code 3, Subcode 1

Reply: bytes=65 Sequence=6 time = 15 ms Return Code 3, Subcode 1
Reply: bytes=65 Sequence=7 time = 15 ms Return Code 3, Subcode 1
Reply: bytes=65 Sequence=8 time = 16 ms Return Code 3, Subcode 1
Reply: bytes=65 Sequence=9 time = 15 ms Return Code 3, Subcode 1
Reply: bytes=65 Sequence=10 time = 32 ms Return Code 3, Subcode 1

--- FEC: FEC 128 PSEUDOWIRE (NEW). Type = ethernet, ID = 100 ping statistics
10 packet(s) transmitted
10 packet(s) received
0.00% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 15/21/32 ms


9.7.3 Checking Connectivity of the VPLS Network Through the

Tracert Operation
The tracert operation does not support the inter-AS VPLS network.

Do as follows on the PE of a VPLS network:

Step 1 To locate the faulty node on the VPLS network, run either of the following commands as
l In Kompella mode, run:
tracert vpls [ -exp exp-value | -f first-ttl | -m max-ttl | -r reply-mode | -t
timeout-value ] * vsi vsi-name local-site-id remote-site-id [ full-lsp-path ]

l In Martini mode, run:

tracert vpls [ -exp exp-value | -f first-ttl | -m max-ttl | -r reply-mode | -t
timeout-value ] * vsi vsi-name peer peer-address [ negotiate-vc-id vc-id ]

For detailed information about each parameter and its description in the tracert vpls command,
refer to the HUAWEI NetEngine80E/40E Router Command Reference.
<HUAWEI> tracert vpls vsi test 10 10 full-lsp-path
TTL Replier Time Type Downstream
0 Ingress[17409 3 ]
1 110 ms Transit[17408 3 11264 ]
2 50 ms Transit[3 ]
3 50 ms Egress

As shown in the preceding command output, you can view information about each node along
the PW and the response time of each hop.


9.8 Detecting the BGP or MPLS IP VPN Through the Ping

or Tracert Operation
This section describes how to check the BGP or MPLS IP VPN network connectivity through
the ping operation.

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9.8.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

Before checking the BGP or MPLS IP VPN network connectivity through the ping operation,
familiarize yourself with the applicable environment, complete the pre-configuration tasks, and
obtain the required data. This can help you complete the configuration task quickly and

Application Environment
After a VPN is correctly configured, you can run the ping lsp command on the PE to ping the
peer PE to check connectivity of the LSP of the BGP/MPLS IP VPN.
The public network tunnel can be:
l Equal-cost load balancing LDP LSPs
l TE tunnels
l Backup VPN FRR tunnels
The private network routes are generated through iteration of public network routes.
If the CE address is pinged and the link between the CE and PE is faulty, the ping operation can
be performed successfully because the end-to-end link between PEs is detected actually.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before detecting the BGP/MPLS IP VPN through the ping operation, complete the following
l Configuring a BGP/MPLS IP VPNcorrectly

Data Preparation
To detect the BGP/MPLS IP VPN through the ping operation, you need the following data.

No. Data

1 Name of a VPN instance and IP address of the remote PE

2 (Optional) Source IPv4 address, EXP value and TTL value of the sent Echo
Request packet, reply mode, number of bytes of the sent Echo Request packet,
total number of the sent Echo Request packets, and timeout period of the Echo
Reply packet

9.8.2 Checking Connectivity of the BGP or MPLS IP VPN Through

the Ping Operation
Running the ping lsp command on the PE to ping the peer PE, you can check the connectivity
of the LSP on the MPLS IP VPN network.

Do as follows on the PE of a BGP/MPLS IP VPN:

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Step 1 Run:
ping lsp [ -a source-ip | -c count | -exp exp-value | -h ttl-value | -m interval |
-r reply-mode | -s packet-size | -t time-out | -v ] * vpn-instance vpn-name remote
remote-address mask-length

Connectivity of the BGP/MPLS IP VPN is checked.

For detailed information about each parameter and its description in the ping lsp command, refer
to the NE80E/40E Command Reference.
The following information is displayed in the ping lsp command output:
l Information about responses to each Echo Request packet is displayed, including the number
of bytes, sequence number, sending time of the Echo Reply packet. If no Echo Reply packet
is received within a certain period, a message of "Request time out" is displayed.
l Statistics are displayed, including the number of the sent Echo Request packets, number of
the received Echo Reply packets, percentage of the Echo Request packets that are not replied,
and the minimum, maximum and average delay time of sending Echo Reply packets.
<HUAWEI> ping lsp -v vpn-instance test remote 32
LSP PING FEC: IPV4 PREFIX : 100 data bytes, press CTRL_C to break
Reply from bytes=100 Sequence=1 time = 4 ms Return Code 3, Subcode 1
Reply from bytes=100 Sequence=2 time = 4 ms Return Code 3, Subcode 1
Reply from bytes=100 Sequence=3 time = 4 ms Return Code 3, Subcode 1
Reply from bytes=100 Sequence=4 time = 4 ms Return Code 3, Subcode 1
Reply from bytes=100 Sequence=5 time = 5 ms Return Code 3, Subcode 1
--- FEC: IPV4 PREFIX ping statistics ---
5 packet(s) transmitted
5 packet(s) received
0.00% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 4/4/5 ms


9.9 Checking the VPLS Network Through VPLS MAC Ping

and VPLS MAC Trace
This section describes how to check the VPLS network through VPLS MAC ping and VPLS
MAC trace operations.

9.9.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

Before checking the VPLS network through VPLS MAC ping and VPLS MAC trace operations,
familiarize yourself with the applicable environment, complete the pre-configuration tasks, and
obtain the required data. This can help you complete the configuration task quickly and

Applicable Environment
After the VPLS network is configured, an NQA VPLS MAC VSI ping test or an NQA VPLS
MAC VSI trace test can be initiated to check the connectivity of Layer 2 forwarding links on
the VPLS network.
VPLS MAC ping can be used to check whether a reachable VPLS path to the destination MAC
address exists on the VPLS. However, it cannot reflect the actual path along which packets are
forwarded. If the network has faults, VPLS MAC trace can be used to locate faults.

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Pre-configuration Tasks
l Configuring a VPLS network

Data Preparation
To configure VPLS MAC ping and VPLS MAC trace to check the VPLS network, you need the
following data.

No. Data

1 VSI name and MAC address

2 (Optional) VLAN ID

3 (Optional) For VPLS MAC ping: Number of sent Request packets, size of the
Request packet, interval for sending Request packets, timeout period for waiting
for a Reply packet, priority of the packet, and reply mode

4 (Optional) For VPLS MAC trace: Size of the Request packet, timeout period for
waiting for a Reply packet, priority of the packet, initial TTL, maximum TTL, and
reply mode

9.9.2 Checking the Connectivity of the VPLS Network Through

MAC Ping
This part describes how to check the VPLS network through the VPLS MAC ping operation.

Do as follows on the PE of the VPLS network whose connectivity is to be checked.

Step 1 Run:
ping vpls mac mac-address vsi vsi-name [ vlan vlan-id ] [ -c count | -m time-value
| -s packsize | -t timeout | -exp exp | -r replymode | -h ttl ] *,
or ping vpls mac mac-address vsi vsi-name rapid [ vlan vlan-id ] [ -c count_rapid
| -s packsize | -t timeout | -exp exp | -r replymode | -h ttl ]

Connectivity of the VPLS network is checked.

For details about parameters in the ping command, refer to the Command Reference.

The ping command output includes:

l Response to each ping packet: If no Reply packet is received within a certain period, the
message saying "Request time out" is displayed. Otherwise, the bytes of the data, sequence
number of the packet, TTL value, and response time carried in the Reply packet are displayed.
l Final statistics, including the number of sent packets, number of received Reply packets,
percentage of non-response packets, and the minimum, maximum, and average values of the
response time.

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l If rapid is configured in the ping command, only the following summary statistics are
displayed: numbers of sent packets and received packets, percentage of packets that are not
responded, and minimum, maximum and average response time.
<HUAWEI> ping vpls mac 00e0-5952-6f01 vsi v123
Ping mac 00e0-5952-6f01 vsi v123 : 100 data bytes , press CTRL_C to break
Reply from : bytes=100 sequence=1 time = 1ms
Reply from : bytes=100 sequence=2 time = 1ms
Reply from : bytes=100 sequence=3 time = 2ms
Reply from : bytes=100 sequence=4 time = 3ms
Reply from : bytes=100 sequence=5 time = 2ms
The IP address of the PE is and the interface on the PE is
--- vsi : v123 00e0-5952-6f01 ping statistics ---
5 packet(s) transmitted
5 packet(s) received
0.00% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 1/2/3 ms
<HUAWEI> ping vpls mac 00e0-5952-6f01 vsi v123 rapid
Ping mac 00e0-5952-6f01 vsi v123 : 130 data bytes , press CTRL_C to break !!!!!
--- vsi : v123 00e0-5952-6f01 ping statistics ---
5 packet(s) transmitted
5 packet(s) received
0.00% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 1/2/3 ms


9.9.3 Checking the Connectivity of the VPLS Network Through

MAC Trace
This part describes how to check the VPLS network through the VPLS MAC trace operation.

Do as follows on the PE of the VPLS network whose connectivity is to be checked.

Step 1 Run:
trace vpls mac mac-address vsi vsi-name [ vlan vlan-id ] [-t timeout | -f first-
ttl | -m max-ttl | -exp exp | -r replymode ] *

The fault location on the VPLS network is checked.

For details about parameters in the trace command, refer to the Command Reference.

The trace command output includes:

<HUAWEI> trace vpls mac 00e0-5952-6f01 vsi v123
Traceroute to mac 00e0-5952-6f01 vsi v123, 30 hops max, press CTRL_C to break
TTL Num Replier Time Type Downstream Hit
LSR-ID Out Interface
0 1 Ingress[1026] N
2 Ingress[10] N
1 1 6ms Transit[3] -- GigabitEthernet2/0/3
2 5ms Egress N
2 1 3ms Egress Y

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Info: Succeeded in tracing the destination address 00e0-5952-6f01.

Based on the preceding result, you can view gateways through which the packet passes from the
source address to the MAC address of the specified VSI and the response time of each hop.


9.10 Detecting an MPLS Network Through a Ping Operation

By specifying the first node to forcibly forward ping packets through IP on an MPLS network,
you can use the ping operation to determine whether the fault occurs on the MPLS network or
the IP network.

9.10.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

Before detecting an MPLS network through a ping operation, familiarize yourself with the
applicable environment, complete the pre-configuration tasks, and obtain the required data. This
can help you complete the configuration task quickly and accurately.

Applicable Environment
The traditional ping command is used to detect the IP network; the ping LSP command is used
to detect the MPLS network. On the MPLS network, packets sent through the ping or ping
LSP command are forwarded by tunnel IDs. Even though the MPLS forwarding fails, packets
are not forwarded through IP. Therefore, when the MPLS link becomes faulty, it is difficult for
you to determine whether the fault occurs on the IP network or the MPLS network. To solve the
preceding problem, you can specify the parameter ip-forwarding to forcibly forward ping
packets through IP, so that you can determine whether the fault occurs on the IP network.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before detecting an MPLS network through a ping operation, complete the following tasks:

l Configuring the IP address and IGP route for each device

Data Preparation
To detect an MPLS network through a ping operation, you need the following data.

No. Data

1 Destination IP address

9.10.2 Checking Whether IP Forwarding on an MPLS Network Is

Normal Through a Ping Operation
You can use a ping operation to check IP forwarding on an MPLS network.

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Step 1 To check whether IP forwarding on an MPLS network is normal, run: ping [ ip ] [ -a source-
ip-address | -c count | -d | -f | -h ttl-value | -i interface-type interface-number [ source ] | -m
time | -n | -name | -p pattern | -q | -r | -s packetsize | -system-time | -t timeout | -tos tos-value |
-v | -vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] * host ip-forwarding

Information displayed in the ping command output is as follows:

l Response to each ping message: If the time expires and no Echo Request message is received,
a message "Request time out" is displayed; if an Echo Request message is received, the bytes
of the data, the sequence number of the message, and the response time are displayed.
l The final statistics: including the number of sent packets, number of received response
packets, percentage of non-response packets, and minimum, maximum and average values
of response time.
<HUAWEI> ping ip-forwarding
PING 56 data bytes, press CTRL_C to break
Reply from bytes=56 Sequence=1 ttl=255 time=170 ms
Reply from bytes=56 Sequence=2 ttl=255 time=30 ms
Reply from bytes=56 Sequence=2 ttl=255 time=30 ms
Reply from bytes=56 Sequence=2 ttl=255 time=50 ms
Reply from bytes=56 Sequence=2 ttl=255 time=50 ms
--- ping statistics ---
5 packet(s) transmitted
5 packet(s) received
0.00% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 30/66/170 ms


9.11 Detecting Trunk Member Links Through a Ping

You can detect trunk member links through a ping operation.

9.11.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

Before detecting trunk member links through a ping operation, familiarize yourself with the
applicable environment, complete the pre-configuration tasks, and obtain the required data. This
can help you complete the configuration task quickly and accurately.

Applicable Environment
Each trunk member interface transmits services through a separate path. Therefore, the delay,
jitter, and packet loss percentage on each path is unique. When the quality of services on trunk
member links declines, you can run the trunk member-port-inspect command to enable the
detection of member interfaces and then run the ping command to detect whether the network
connectivity of each member interface is normal.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before detecting trunk member links through a ping operation, complete the following tasks:

l Configuring IP address and IGP routes for devices to communication with each other

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Data Preparation
To detect trunk member links through a ping operation, you need the following data.

No. Data

1 IP address of the peer end and the outbound interface of the local end

9.11.2 Detecting the Connectivity of Layer 3 Trunk Member

Interfaces Through a Ping Operation
You can use the ping operation to detect trunk member links.

Before performing the ping operation to detect trunk member links, you must run the trunk
member-port-inspect command on the local and peer devices to enable the detection of trunk
member interfaces.
The trunk member-port-inspect command makes sense for all Layer 3 trunk member interfaces. Therefore,
you must disable the command immediately after the detection to save system resources.

Step 1 To detect the connectivity of Layer 3 trunk member interfaces on the MPLS network, run:
ping [ ip ] [ -a source-ip-address | -c count | -d | -f | -h ttl-value | -i interface-type interface-
number [ source ] | -m time | -n | -name | -p pattern | -q | -r | -s packetsize | -system-time | -t
timeout | -tos tos-value | -v | -vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] * host [ ip-forwarding ]
This command can detect only the connectivity of the link between directly-connected trunk member

The preceding command contains only a part of the parameters. For descriptions of the
parameters of this command, refer to the HUAWEI NetEngine80E/40E Router Command
Information displayed in the ping command output is as follows:
l Response to each ping message: If the time expires and no Echo Request message is received,
a message "Request time out" is displayed; if an Echo Request message is received, the
number of data bytes, the sequence number of the message, and the response time are
l Final statistics: The number of sent packets, number of received response packets, percentage
of non-response packets, and minimum, maximum and average values of the response time
are displayed.
<HUAWEI> ping -i gigabitethernet 2/0/0
PING 56 data bytes, press CTRL_C to break
Reply from bytes=56 Sequence=1 ttl=255 time=170 ms
Reply from bytes=56 Sequence=2 ttl=255 time=30 ms
Reply from bytes=56 Sequence=2 ttl=255 time=30 ms
Reply from bytes=56 Sequence=2 ttl=255 time=50 ms
Reply from bytes=56 Sequence=2 ttl=255 time=50 ms
--- ping statistics ---

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5 packet(s) transmitted
5 packet(s) received
0.00% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 30/66/170 ms


9.12 Detecting an MH-PW Through the Ping and Tracert

You can detect an multi-hop PW (MH-PW) through the ping and tracert operations.

9.12.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

Before detecting an MH-PW through the ping and tracert operations, familiarize yourself with
the applicable environment, complete the pre-configuration tasks, and obtain the required data.
This can help you complete the configuration task quickly and accurately.

Applicable Environment
Figure 9-1 shows the typical network topology of the MH-PW using LDP as the signaling
protocol. An MH-PW is used in the following situations:
l Two PEs are not in the same AS. No signaling connection or tunnel can be set up between
the two PEs.
l Two PEs have different signaling protocols, for example, LDP on one PE and Resource
Reservation Protocol (RSVP) on the other PE.
l If the access device is capable of running MPLS but is unable to create a large number of
LDP sessions, the User Facing Provider Edge (UFPE) can be used as a UPE, whereas the
high performance service PE (SPE) can be used as the switching node of the LDP sessions
(similar to a signaling reflector).

Figure 9-1 Networking diagram of an MH-PW

PW Segment PW Segment PW Segment



With MH-PW, devices on networks of different types can communicate with each other, which
is an improvement and an enhancement of the original data network. However, if devices from

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Configuration Guide - System Management 9 Ping and Tracert

different vendors or devices running different versions that function as SPEs adopt different
TTL propagation modes, the traditional ping or tracert operation cannot detect the connectivity
of MH-PWs between these devices.

There are two MPLS TTL propagation modes:

l Uniform: When an MPLS packet is being transmitted over an S-PE, its IP inner TTL value is mapped to
the outer TTL field. During the packet transmission on the MPLS network, the MPLS TTL value of the
packet is decreased by 1 on each node.
l Pipe: When an MPLS packet is being transmitted over an S-PE, the outer TTL field is a fixed value. During
the packet transmission on the MPLS network, the MPLS TTL value of the packet is decreased by 1 on
each node.

The VCCV ping or tracert provided by the NE80E/40E can detect the connectivity of the MS-
PW. After the TTL propagation mode of the SPE is obtained, a ping or tracert operation is
initiated with the obtained TTL propagation mode being applied to the ping or tracert packet.
It is recommended that the TTL propagation modes be consistent on the entire network. Otherwise, the ping or
tracert operation may fail.
As shown in Figure 9-1:
l CE1 and CE2 are connected to T-PE1 and T-PE2 respectively in Ethernet mode.
l A PW is established between T-PE1 and S-PE1, S-PE1 and S-PE2, and S-PE2 and T-PE2
separately. An MH-PW is therefore formed.
l The MH-PW is enabled.
The ping or tracert operation can be used to check the connectivity of the network shown in
Figure 9-1 in control word, normal, or label alert mode.

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TTL Detect Detect Control Normal Label Alert Example

Propagat ion ion Word
ion Tool Scena
Mode rio

Uniform Ping TPE- Y Y Y ping vc vlan

SPE The TTL The value of 100 control-
must be the TTL is the word remote
specified total number
and the of SPEs, 100 ttl 1
value of TPEs (the
the TTL source is
is the excluded),
total and Ps
number between the
of SPEs, source and
TPEs (the destination of
source is the ping
excluded) operation.
, and Ps
n of the

TPE- Y Y Y ping vc vlan

TPE The TTL The value of 100 label-
is the TTL is the alert remote
optional. total number
of SPEs,
TPEs (the
source is
and Ps
between the
source and
destination of
the ping

Tracert TPE- Y Y Y tracert vc ppp

SPE 100 control-
word remote
TPE- Y Y Y 200

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Configuration Guide - System Management 9 Ping and Tracert

TTL Detect Detect Control Normal Label Alert Example

Propagat ion ion Word
ion Tool Scena
Mode rio

Pipe Ping TPE- Y Y Y ping vc vlan

SPE The TTL The value of 100 normal
is the TTL is remote
optional. not required
If it is to be 200 ttl 3
specified, specified. If it
its value is specified,
is the its value is
number the number of
of SPEs SPEs
between between the
the source and
source destination of
and the ping
destinatio operation
n of the plus 1.
plus 1.

TPE- Y Y Y ping vc vlan

TPE The TTL The TTL 100 normal
optional. optional. If it remote
If it is is specified,
specified, its value is 200 ttl 3
its value the number of
is the SPEs
number between the
of SPEs source and
between destination of
the the ping
source operation
and plus 1.
n of the
plus 1.

Tracert TPE- Y Y Y tracert vc ppp

Inform SPE 100 control-
ation word remote
TPE- Y Y Y 200
Ps is

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The ping and tracert operations can detect the connectivity of MH-PWs in the same AS. This
improves the maintainability of the MH-PW and ensures the service quality.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before detecting an MH-PW through the ping and tracert operations, complete the following

l Configuring an IGP for the MPLS backbone network of each AS to ensure the IP
connectivity of the backbone network within an AS
l Configuring basic MPLS functions on the MPLS backbone network of each AS
l Configuring MPLS LDP and establishing the LDP LSP for the MPLS backbone of each

Data Preparation
To detect an MH-PW through the ping and tracert operations, you need the following data.

No. Data

1 Destination IP address

2 TTL propagation mode

9.12.2 Detecting the MH-PW Connectivity Through a Ping

You can use the ping operation to detect the MH-PW connectivity.

The ping operation supports the following TTL propagation modes:
l Pipe
In this mode, the entire MPLS domain is regarded as one hop. When a probe packet passes
through the MPLS domain, and the IP TTL of the probe packet is reduced by 1 on the
ingress and egress respectively.
l Uniform
In this mode, the IP TTL of the probe packet is reduced by 1 each time it passes through
one hop in the MPLS domain.

Step 1 To check connectivity of the MH-PW, run either of the following commands as required:
l To check connectivity of the MH-PW through the control word channel, run:

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ping vc pw-type pw-id [ -c echo-number | -m time-value | -s data-bytes | -t

timeout-value | -exp exp-value | -r reply-mode | -v ] * control-word [ remote
remote-ip-address peer-pw-id [ draft6 ] ] [ ttl ttl-value ] [ pipe | uniform ]

l To check connectivity of the MH-PW through the label alert channel, run:
ping vc pw-type pw-id [ -c echo-number | -m time-value | -s data-bytes | -t
timeout-value | -exp exp-value | -r reply-mode | -v ] * label-alert [ no-control-
word ] [ remote remote-ip-address | draft6 ] * [ pipe | uniform ]

l To check connectivity of the MH-PW through the normal channel, run:

ping vc pw-type pw-id [ -c echo-number | -m time-value | -s data-bytes | -t
timeout-value | -exp exp-value | -r reply-mode | -v ] * { normal [ no-control-
word ] } [ remote remote-ip-address peer-pw-id ] [ ttl ttl-value ] [ pipe |
uniform ]

Information displayed in the ping command output is as follows:

l Response to each ping message: If the time expires and no Echo Request message is received,
a message "Request time out" is displayed; if an Echo Request message is received, the bytes
of the data, the sequence number of the message, and the response time are displayed.
l The final statistics: including the number of sent packets, number of received response
packets, percentage of non-response packets, and minimum, maximum and average values
of response time.
<HUAWEI> ping vc ethernet 100 control-word remote 100
Reply: bytes=100 Sequence=1 time = 11 ms
Reply: bytes=100 Sequence=2 time = 4 ms
Reply: bytes=100 Sequence=3 time = 4 ms
Reply: bytes=100 Sequence=4 time = 4 ms
Reply: bytes=100 Sequence=5 time = 4 ms

--- FEC: FEC 128 PSEUDOWIRE (NEW). Type = ethernet, ID = 100 ping statistics---
5 packet(s) transmitted
5 packet(s) received
0.00% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 4/5/11 ms


9.12.3 Detecting the MH-PW Connectivity Through a Tracert

You can detect the MH-PW connectivity through a tracert operation.

The tracert operation supports the following TTL propagation modes:
l Pipe
In this mode, the entire MPLS domain is regarded as one hop. When a probe packet passes
through the MPLS domain, and the IP TTL of the probe packet is decreased by 1 on the
ingress and egress separately.
l Uniform
In this mode, the IP TTL of the probe packet is decreased by 1 each time it passes through
one hop in the MPLS domain.

Step 1 To check connectivity of the MH-PW, run either of the following commands as required:

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l To check connectivity of the MH-PW through the control word channel, run:
tracert vc pw-type pw-id [ -exp exp-value | -f first-ttl | -m max-ttl | -r reply-
mode | -t timeout-value ] * control-word [ draft6 ] [ full-lsp-path ] [ pipe |
uniform ]
tracert vc pw-type pw-id [ -exp exp-value | -f first-ttl | -m max-ttl | -r reply-
mode | -t timeout-value ] * control-word remote remote-ip-address [ full-lsp-
path ] [ pipe | uniform ]
tracert vc pw-type pw-id [ -exp exp-value | -f first-ttl | -m max-ttl | -r reply-
mode | -t timeout-value ] * control-word remote remote-pw-id draft6 [ full-lsp-
path ] [ pipe | uniform ]

l To check connectivity of the MH-PW through the label alert channel, run:
tracert vc pw-type pw-id [ -exp exp-value | -f first-ttl | -m max-ttl | -r reply-
mode | -t timeout-value ] * label-alert [ remote remote-ip-address ] [ full-lsp-
path ] [ draft6 ] [ pipe | uniform ]

l To check connectivity of the MH-PW through the normal channel, run:

tracert vc pw-type pw-id [ -exp exp-value | -f first-ttl | -m max-ttl | -r reply-
mode | -t timeout-value ] * normal [ remote remote-ip-address ] [ full-lsp-
path ] [ draft6 ] [ pipe | uniform ]

For details on parameters of the tracert vc command, refer to the NE80E/40E - Command
<HUAWEI> tracert vc ppp 100 control-word remote 200 draft6 full-lsp-path
TTL Replier Time Type Downstream
0 Ingress[1025 ]
1 230 ms Transit[3 ]
2 230 ms Transit[3 ]
3 100 ms Transit[3 ]
4 150 ms Egress

In the preceding command output, you can view each node along the MH-PW and the response
time of each node.


9.13 Detecting the PWE3 Network Through a Service Ping

By using a service ping operation to detect the PWE3 network, you can obtain the PWE3
configuration of the peer end on the local end, and thus determine whether PWE3 configurations
of the local end and peer end are consistent.

9.13.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

At present, a service ping operation can be applied to dynamic PWE3 networks.

Applicable Environment
Figure 9-2 is a typical PWE3 networking diagram.

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Figure 9-2 Typical PWE3 networking diagram


CE1 PE1 Network PE2 CE2

Service ping is used to detect the consistency of PE configurations on the network to ensure that
service connections are established properly.
Previously, configuration consistency was checked by network maintenance engineers, which
is error-prone when there are many PWE3 services on the device.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before detecting the PWE3 network through a service ping operation, complete the following
l Configuring a PWE3 network correctly

Data Preparation
To detect the PWE3 network through a service ping operation, you need the following data.

No. Data

1 Types and numbers of interfaces between CEs and PEs

9.13.2 Detecting the PWE3 Network Through a Service Ping

By using the service ping operation to detect the PWE3 network, you can obtain the PWE3
configuration of the peer end on the local end, and thus determine whether PWE3 configurations
of the local end and peer end are consistent.

Do as follows on the PE on the PWE3 network:

Step 1 Run:
ping vpn-config peer-address peer-address interface { interface-type interface-
number | interface-name } [ secondary ] [ local ] [ remote ]

Connectivity of the PWE3 network is checked.

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peer-address peer-address: specifies the IP address of the peer PE.

interface { interface-type interface-number | interface-name }: specifies the type and number

of an AC interface.

secondary: specifies the secondary PW to be detected.

local: specifies LSP encapsulation for a Request message.

remote: specifies LSP encapsulation for a Reply message.

The command output is as follows. For description of fields in the command output, see the
ping vpn-config command.
<HUAWEI> ping vpn-config peer-address interface GigabitEthernet1/0/8
VPN-CONFIG PING: Prese CTRL_C to break.
Result Detail: Request Sent - Reply Received
Local VPN description:
Remote VPN description:
PW State: Up
local remote
VSI Name: N/A N/A
Admin State: N/A N/A
Oper State: N/A N/A
MTU: 1500 1500
CE Count: 1 1
Control Word: Disable Disable
Primary Or Secondary: Secondary N/A

Actual IP Addr:

Expected Peer IP:

PW-ID: 10002 10002

VC-Type: ethernet ethernet
Egress Lable: 328707 328705
Ingress Lable: 328705 328707

LSP Tunnel Used: NO NO


9.14 Detecting the VLL Accessing the VPLS Network

Through a Service Ping Operation
By using a service ping operation on the VLL accessing the VPLS network, you can obtain the
pw configuration of the peer end on the local end, and thus determine whether configurations
of the local end and peer end are consistent.

9.14.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

Before detecting the VLL accessing the VPLS network through a service ping operation, you
need to familiarize yourself with the applicable environment, complete the pre-configuration
tasks, and obtain the required data. This can help you complete the configuration task quickly
and accurately.

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Applicable Environment
Figure 9-3 is a networking diagram of the VLL accessing the VPLS network.

Figure 9-3 Networking diagram of the VLL accessing the VPLS network





Service ping is used to detect the consistency of PE configurations on the network to ensure that
service connections are established properly.

Previously, configuration consistency was checked by network maintenance engineers, which

is error-prone when there are many VLL accessing the VPLS services on the device.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before detecting the VLL accessing the VPLS network through a service ping operation,
complete the following task:

l Configuring the VLL accessing the VPLS network correctly

Data Preparation
To detect the VLL accessing the VPLS network through a service ping operation, you need the
following data.

No. Data

1 Types and numbers of interfaces between CEs and PEs

9.14.2 Detecting the VLL Accessing the VPLS Network Through a

Service Ping Operation
By using a service ping operation, you can detect the PW connectivity on the VLL accessing
the VPLS network.

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Do as follows on the PE on the VLL accessing the VPLS network:

Step 1 Run:
ping vpn-config peer-address peer-address interface { interface-type interface-
number | interface-name } [ secondary ] [ local ] [ remote ]

Connectivity of the VLL accessing the VPLS network is checked.

peer-address peer-address: specifies the IP address of the peer PE.

interface { interface-type interface-number | interface-name }: specifies the type and number

of an AC interface.

secondary: specifies the secondary PW to be detected.

local: specifies LSP encapsulation for a Request message.

remote: specifies LSP encapsulation for a Reply message.

The command output is as follows. For description of fields in the command output, see the
ping vpn-config command.
<HUAWEI> ping vpn-config peer-address interface GigabitEthernet 3/0/7.1
VPN-CONFIG PING: Prese CTRL_C to break.
Result Detail: Request Sent - Reply Received
Local VPN description:
Remote VPN description:
PW State: Up
local remote
VPN Type: PWE3 Martini VPLS
VSI Name: N/A vpls1
VSI ID: N/A 10089
Admin State: N/A Up
Oper State: N/A Up
MTU: 1500 1500
CE Count: 1 0
Control Word: Disable N/A
Primary Or Secondary: Primary N/A

Actual IP Addr:

Expected Peer IP:

PW-ID: 10089 10089

VC-Type: vlan vlan
Egress Lable: 394240 328704
Ingress Lable: 328704 394240

LSP Tunnel Used: NO NO


9.15 Configuring Smart Ping

The ping smart command allows you to check the network connectivity without setting

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9.15.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

Before configuring Smart Ping, familiarize yourself with the applicable environment, complete
the pre-configuration tasks, and obtain the data required for the configuration. This will help
you complete the configuration task quickly and accurately.

Applicable Environment
Before running the ping command to check the network connectivity, you are required to set
many parameters. Using the ping smart command, you can easily start a ping operation, and
get the relative ping parameters automatically arranged and combined by the ping module. This
helps detect link faults to some extent.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring Smart Ping, complete the following tasks:
l Configuring an IP address
l Configuring a routing protocol to ensure that the IP route is reachable between every two

Data Preparation
To configure Smart Ping, you need the following data.

No. Data

1 Destination IP address

2 (Optional) Source IP address

3 (Optional) Name of a VPN instance

9.15.2 Configuring Smart Ping to Check the Network Connectivity

This section describes how to configure Smart Ping to check the network connectivity.

Step 1 Run:
ping smart [ -a source-ip-address | -vpn-instance vpn-instance-name | -c count ]*

The network connectivity is checked.

The ping smart command output is as follows:

l Information about response messages after the ping smart command is run, including the
complete value combination list of parameter Timeout, Interval, Payload, Size,and ToS. If
no ICMP Response message is returned within the specified period, "Timeout" is displayed.
Otherwise, the response time of the three messages sent out by each parameter combination
is displayed.

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l Information about final statistics after the ping smart command is run, including the number
of sent packets, number of received response packets, percentage of non-response packets,
and minimum, maximum and average values of response time.
<HUAWEI> ping smart
Timeout Interval Payload Size Tos Reply1 Reply2 Reply
(ms) (ms) (byte) (ms) (ms) (ms)
2000 20 0x00 64 0 5ms 3ms 1ms,
2000 500 0x00 64 1 1ms 1ms 1ms,
10000 20 0x00 64 2 1ms 12ms 1ms,
10000 500 0x00 64 3 1ms 2ms 1ms,
2000 20 0xFF 64 4 1ms 1ms 1ms,
2000 500 0xFF 64 5 1ms 88ms 1ms,
10000 20 0xFF 64 6 1ms 1ms 1ms,
10000 500 0xFF 64 7 27ms 1ms 28ms,
2000 20 0x5a 64 0 1ms 1ms 1ms,
2000 500 0x5a 64 1 1ms 1ms 1ms,
10000 20 0x5a 64 2 2ms 19ms 1ms,
10000 500 0x5a 64 3 1ms 1ms 2ms,
2000 20 0xa5 64 4 1ms 1ms 1ms,
2000 500 0xa5 64 5 2ms 1ms 1ms,
10000 20 0xa5 64 6 1ms 2ms 1ms,
10000 500 0xa5 64 7 3ms 6ms 3ms,
2000 20 0x00 256 0 2ms 1ms 1ms,
2000 500 0x00 256 1 1ms 1ms 1ms,
10000 20 0x00 256 2 2ms 3ms 1ms,
10000 500 0x00 256 3 2ms 1ms 2ms,
2000 20 0xFF 256 4 2ms 1ms 2ms,
2000 500 0xFF 256 5 2ms 1ms 1ms,
10000 20 0xFF 256 6 1ms 1ms 1ms,
10000 500 0xFF 256 7 1ms 1ms 1ms,
2000 20 0x5a 256 0 1ms 2ms 1ms,
2000 500 0x5a 256 1 1ms 1ms 3ms,
10000 20 0x5a 256 2 2ms 1ms 1ms,
10000 500 0x5a 256 3 1ms 1ms 1ms,
2000 20 0xa5 256 4 2ms 1ms 1ms,
2000 500 0xa5 256 5 2ms 2ms 1ms,
10000 20 0xa5 256 6 2ms 1ms 2ms,
10000 500 0xa5 256 7 2ms 3ms 2ms,
2000 20 0x00 1500 0 6ms 16ms 5ms,
2000 500 0x00 1500 1 6ms 6ms 6ms,
10000 20 0x00 1500 2 6ms 7ms 10ms,
10000 500 0x00 1500 3 6ms 10ms 6ms,
2000 20 0xFF 1500 4 5ms 6ms 6ms,
2000 500 0xFF 1500 5 6ms 6ms 6ms,
10000 20 0xFF 1500 6 5ms 5ms 5ms,
10000 500 0xFF 1500 7 16ms 5ms 6ms,
2000 20 0x5a 1500 0 6ms 6ms 6ms,
2000 500 0x5a 1500 1 6ms 8ms 6ms,
10000 20 0x5a 1500 2 6ms 9ms 5ms,
10000 500 0x5a 1500 3 37ms 5ms 9ms,
2000 20 0xa5 1500 4 31ms 5ms 6ms,
2000 500 0xa5 1500 5 7ms 7ms 7ms,
10000 20 0xa5 1500 6 6ms 6ms 13ms,
10000 500 0xa5 1500 7 8ms 9ms 8ms,
2000 20 0x00 4478 0 10ms 8ms 7ms,
2000 500 0x00 4478 1 9ms 8ms 9ms,
10000 20 0x00 4478 2 8ms 7ms 7ms,
10000 500 0x00 4478 3 9ms 8ms 9ms,
2000 20 0xFF 4478 4 8ms 33ms 8ms,
2000 500 0xFF 4478 5 9ms 9ms 8ms,
10000 20 0xFF 4478 6 7ms 13ms 9ms,
10000 500 0xFF 4478 7 8ms 8ms 8ms,
2000 20 0x5a 4478 0 8ms 9ms 7ms,
2000 500 0x5a 4478 1 8ms 8ms 8ms,
10000 20 0x5a 4478 2 8ms 43ms 8ms,
10000 500 0x5a 4478 3 8ms 10ms 8ms,

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2000 20 0xa5 4478 4 7ms 8ms 18ms,

2000 500 0xa5 4478 5 8ms 8ms 8ms,
10000 20 0xa5 4478 6 9ms 8ms 11ms,
10000 500 0xa5 4478 7 8ms 11ms 7ms,,
--- ping statistics ---
192 packet(s) transmitted,
192 packet(s) received,
0.00% packet loss,
round-trip min/avg/max = 1/6/88 ms


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Configuration Guide - System Management 10 LLDP Configuration

10 LLDP Configuration

About This Chapter

Network devices obtain the status of their directly-connected devices through the Link Layer
Discovery Protocol (LLDP).
10.1 Introduction
LLDP is a Layer 2 discovery protocol defined in the IEEE 802.1ab.
10.2 Configuring LLDP
In addition to describing how to enable LLDP, this section introduces the logical relationships
between configuration tasks.
10.3 Maintaining LLDP
This section describes how to maintain LLDP, including debugging and monitoring LLDP, and
clearing LLDP statistics.
10.4 Configuration Examples
You can understand the configuration procedures through the configuration flowchart. This
section describes the networking requirements, configuration roadmap, and configuration notes.

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10.1 Introduction
LLDP is a Layer 2 discovery protocol defined in the IEEE 802.1ab.

10.1.1 Overview of LLDP

LLDP is used to obtain the link layer information of the network.

At present, the Ethernet technology is widely used in the LAN and Metropolitan Area Network
(MAN). The increasing demand for large-scale networks poses higher requirements on the
capability of the Network Management System (NMS). For example, the NMS should address
problems such as obtaining topology of interconnected devices and conflicts in configurations
on different devices.

Recently, the NMS software adopts the automated discovery function to trace topology changes.
However, most NMS software can at best analyze the Layer 3 network topology and group
devices to different IP subnets. Data provided by the NMS concern only the basic events of
adding or deleting devices. The NMS cannot get information about which interfaces on a device
are used to connect another device. That is, the NMS cannot locate a device and judge its
operation mode.

Introduction to LLDP
The Layer 2 Discovery (L2D) protocol can precisely obtain information about which interfaces
are attached to the devices and which devices are connected to other devices. In addition, L2D
displays the paths between the client, switch, router, application server, and network server. The
preceding detailed information helps find the root cause for the network failure.

The Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) is an L2D protocol defined in the IEEE 802.1ab.
The LLDP protocol specifies that the status information is stored on all the interfaces and the
device can send its status to the neighbor stations. The interfaces can also send status upgrade
information to the neighbor stations as required. The neighbor stations then store the received
information in the standard Management Information Base (MIB) of the Simple Network
Management Protocol (SNMP). The NMS can search for the Layer 2 information in the MIB.
As specified in the IEEE 802.1ab standard, the NMS can also find the unreasonable Layer 2
configurations based on the information provided by LLDP.

When the LLDP protocol runs on the devices, the NMS can obtain the Layer 2 information about
all the devices that it connects and the detailed network topology information. This expands the
scope of network management. LLDP also helps find unreasonable configurations on the
network and reports the incorrect configurations to the NMS. In this manner, the incorrect
configurations can be removed timely.

10.1.2 LLDP Features Supported by the NE80E/40E

LLDP features supported by the NE80E/40E include the MIB, NSAP identifier, LLDP agent,
LLPD management address, and LLDP trap function.

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MIB is short for the Management Information Base. MIB is classified into the LLDP local system
MIB and the LLDP remote system MIB.
The LLDP local system MIB stores information about the local station, including the chassis
ID, port ID, system name, system description, port description, system capabilities, and
management address.
The LLDP remote system MIB stores information about adjacent stations, including the chassis
ID, port ID, system name, system description, port description, system capabilities, and
management address.

NSAP Identifier
The MAC service access point (NSAP) identifier consists of the chassis ID and the port ID. The
identifier is used as an index in the MIB.

LLDP Agent
An LLDP agent is the protocol entity that manages LLDP operations for an interface.
An LLDP agent performs the following tasks:
l Maintains current information in the LLDP local system MIB.
l Extracts and sends LLDP local system MIB information to neighbor stations when the
status of the local device changes. An LLDP agent also extracts and sends LLDP local
system MIB information to neighbor stations at regular intervals when no status change
occurs on the local device.
l Identifies and processes received LLDP packets.
l Maintains current information in the LLDP remote system MIB.
l Sends LLDP traps to the NMS when the status of LLDP local system MIB or the LLDP
remote system MIB changes.

LLDP Management Address

The LLDP management address (hereinafter referred to as the management address) is used by
the NMS to identify the device and implement network management. The management address
identifies a device. This facilitates layout of the network topology and network management
with a clear view of the topology status. The management address is carried in the management
address Type-Length-Value (TLV) field of an LLDP packet to be transmitted to neighbor

LLDP Traps
When the LLDP local system MIB or the LLDP remote system MIB changes, the device sends
traps to the NMS for updating the topology. The traps can be triggered in the following cases:
l LLDP is enabled or disabled globally.
l The local management address changes.
l Neighbor information changes.
The LLDP alarm function is of global significance for the router. That is, it provides the alarm
function on all the interfaces.

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10.2 Configuring LLDP

In addition to describing how to enable LLDP, this section introduces the logical relationships
between configuration tasks.

10.2.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

Before enabling LLDP, familiarize yourself with the applicable environment, complete the pre-
configuration tasks, and obtain the required data. This can help you complete the configuration
task quickly and accurately.

Applicable Environment
LLDP is used to obtain neighbor information and discover topology. As shown in Figure
10-1, when the NMS needs to collect the topology information on Router A and Router B, you
need to enable LLDP on Router A and Router B. In this manner, Router A and Router B can
exchange their status information, thus, the NMS can obtain the topology information. You also
need to set the management address of LLDP on Router A and Router B so that the NMS can
pinpoint Router A and Router B. Router A or Router B sends traps to the NMS for updating the
topology when any of the following conditions is met:
l LLDP is enabled or disabled globally.
l Management address changes.
l Neighbor information changes.
This requires that the LLDP alarm function be enabled on Router A or Router B.

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Figure 10-1 Networking diagram of LLDP application








RouterA RouterB

Interfaces enabled with LLDP

Interfaces disabled with LLDP
NMS: Network Management System

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring LLDP, complete the following tasks:

l Setting the IP address used as the management address of LLDP

The management address of LLDP carried in an LLDP frame is used to identify a device. Thus,
you need to select an IP address that the NMS can identify and manage easily. The IP address
can be a management address and must be configured before the management address of LLDP
is configured.

Data Preparation
To configure LLDP, you need the following data.

No. Data

1 IP address used as the management address of LLDP

2 Interval for sending LLDP packets

3 Delay in sending LLDP packets

4 Time multiplier of device information held in the neighbor stations

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No. Data

5 Delay for the LLDP module on the interface to be re-enabled from the disabled state

6 Delay in sending traps of neighbor changes

10.2.2 (Optional) Enabling the LLDP Alarm Function

After the LLDP trap function is enabled on a router, when LLDP is enabled or disabled globally,
the management address of LLDP changes, or the neighbor information changes, the router sends
a trap to instruct the NMS to update the topology information.

The LLDP alarm function must be enabled on the router so that the router can send traps to the
NMS for updating the topology when LLDP is enabled or disabled, the management address of
LLDP changes, or the neighbor information changes.
Do as follows on Router A and Router B:

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
snmp-agent trap enable feature-name lldp [ trap-name { hwlldpdisabled |
hwlldpenabled | hwlldplocmanipaddrchange | lldpremtableschange } ]

The LLDP alarm function is enabled.


10.2.3 Enabling LLDP Globally

When a router and its neighbors are all enabled with LLDP, the router notifies the neighbors of
its status and obtains the status of its neighbors by exchanging LLDP packets.

When the router and its neighbors are all enabled with LLDP, the router notifies the neighbors
of its status and obtains the status of the neighbors by exchanging LLDP packets. The NMS can
obtain information about Layer 2 connection status of the router and then analyze the network
Do as follows on Router A and Router B:

Step 1 Run:

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The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
lldp enable

LLDP is enabled globally.


10.2.4 (Optional) Disabling LLDP on an Interface

When LLDP is enabled globally on a router, all the interfaces on the router are enabled with
LLDP by default. In the case that LLDP needs to be enabled on some interfaces and to be disabled
on other interfaces, you can run the undo lldp enable command in the view of corresponding
interfaces to disable LLDP.


You can disable LLDP on an interface only after LLDP is enabled globally on the router.

When LLDP is enabled globally on the router, all the interfaces are enabled with LLDP by
default. For the interfaces that do not need the LLDP function, you can run the undo lldp
enable command in the interface view to disable the LLDP function on these interfaces.

Do as follows on the interfaces that connect Router A and Router B to devices that do not need
the LLDP function:

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
interface { ethernet | gigabitethernet | pos } interface-number

The interface view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
undo lldp enable

LLDP is disabled on the interface.


10.2.5 (Optional) Configuring the Management Address of LLDP

The LLDP management address enables the NMS to uniquely identify and manage devices. A
management address identifies a device. This facilitates layout of a network topology and
network management with a clear view of the topology status.

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You can configure the management address of LLDP only after LLDP is enabled globally on the router.
An LLDP management address must be a unicast IP address that is legal and exists on the device.

Do as follows on Router A and Router B:

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
lldp management-address ip-address

The management address of LLDP is configured.


10.2.6 (Optional) Configuring LLDP Attributes

You can configure LLDP attributes, including the interval at which LLDP frames are sent, delay
in sending LLDP frames, multiplier of the hold time of local information on neighbors, delay in
re-enabling LLDP, and delay in sending LLDP traps.

l (Optional) Setting the interval for sending LLDP packets.
Do as follows on Router A and Router B as required:
1. Run:

The system view is displayed.

2. Run:
lldp message-transmission interval interval

The interval for sending LLDP packets is set.

The interval for sending LLDP packets must be set properly. You need to adjust the
value of the parameter timely according to network load. The greater the value is, the
less frequently LLDP packets are exchanged. This saves resources of the system.
However, if the value is too great, that is, the delay for sending LLDP packets is too
long, the router cannot notify the neighbors of its status timely. As a result, the NMS
cannot timely discover topology changes in the network. The smaller the value is, the
more frequently the local status information is sent to the neighbors. This helps the
NMS to timely discover topology changes in the network. However, if the value is
too small, LLDP packets are exchanged too frequently. This increases the burden on
the system and wastes resources.
The default value is 30 seconds.
You must consider the value of delay when adjusting the value of interval because
the two values affect each other.

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– If the value of interval is smaller than or equal to 32768, you can increase the value
of interval regardless of the value of delay.
– If the value of interval is reduced, it must be no less than four times of the value
of delay. Thus, when the value of interval to be set is less than four times of the
value of delay, the value of delay must be adjusted to be smaller than or equal to
a quarter of the value of interval. After that, the value of interval can be set.
l (Optional) Setting the delay in sending LLDP packets

Do as follows on Router A and Router B as required:

1. Run:

The system view is displayed.

2. Run:
lldp message-transmission delay delay

The delay in sending LLDP packets is set.

The default value is 2 seconds.

The delay in sending LLDP packets must be set properly. You need to adjust the value
of the parameter according to network load. The greater the value is, the less frequently
LLDP packets are exchanged. This saves resources of the system. However, if the
value is too great, that is, the delay in sending LLDP packets is too long, the router
cannot timely notify the neighbors of its status. As a result, the NMS cannot timely
discover topology changes in the network. The smaller the value is, the more
frequently the local status information is sent to the neighbors. This helps the NMS
to timely discover topology changes in the network. However, if the value is too small,
LLDP packets are exchanged too frequently. This increases the burden on the system
and wastes resources.

You must consider the value of interval when adjusting the value of delay because
the two values affect each other.

– If the value of delay is greater than or equal to 1, you can decrease the value of
delay regardless of the value of interval.
– If the value of delay is increased, it must be no greater than a quarter of the value
of interval. Thus, when the value of delay to be set is greater than a quarter of the
value of interval, the value of interval must be adjusted to be greater than or equal
to four times of the value of delay. After that, the value of delay can be set.
l (Optional) Setting the time multiplier of device information held in the neighbor stations.

Do as follows on Router A and Router B as required:

1. Run:

The system view is displayed.

2. Run:
lldp message-transmission hold-multiplier hold

The time multiplier of device information held in the neighbor stations is set.

The default value is 4.

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The greater the value is, the longer device information is held in the neighbor stations.
l (Optional) Setting the delay in re-enabling LLDP on an interface.

Do as follows on Router A and Router B as required:

1. Run:

The system view is displayed.

2. Run:
lldp restart-delay delay

The delay in re-enabling LLDP on an interface is set.

The default value is 2 seconds.

delay is configured to control the status change of LLDP on an interface. This reduces
the topology flapping of the neighbor stations.
l (Optional) Setting the delay in sending traps of changes in neighbor information to the

Do as follows onRouter A and Router B as required:

1. Run:

The system view is displayed.

2. Run:
lldp trap-interval interval

The delay in sending traps of changes in neighbor information to the NMS is set.

The default value is 5 seconds.

When the neighbor information changes frequently, you can prolong the delay so that
the router sends traps to the NMS less frequently. This suppresses the topology


10.2.7 Checking the Configuration

After enabling LLDP, you can check whether LLDP-related configurations can meet the

Run the following command to check the previous configuration.

l Run display lldp local [ interface interface-type interface-number ] command to check
the status of LLDP on the device.


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After the configuration is successful, run the display lldp local command. You can view the
following information:

l LLDP is enabled on the router.

l The LLDP is in the Disable state on the interface where LLDP is not enabled.
l The management address of LLDP is
l The LLDP alarm function is enabled.
l The values for the following LLDP attributes are properly set:
l Interval for sending LLDP packets
l Delay in sending LLDP packets
l Time multiplier of device information held in the neighbor stations
l Delay in enabling the LLDP module on an interface
l Delay in sending traps of changes in neighbor information to the NMS
<HUAWEI> display lldp local
System information:
ChassisIdSubtype: macAddress
ChassisId: 00e0-fcc8-1b31
SysDesc: Huawei Versatile Routing Platform Software
VRP (R) software, Version 5.90 (NE80E&40E V600R003C00)
Copyright (C) 2000-2009 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
SysCapSupported: bridge
SysCapEnabled: bridge
LLDPUpTime: 2007/6/20 15:41:49
System configuration:
LLDP enable status: enable (default is disable)
LldpMsgTxInterval: 50s (default is 30s)
LldpMsgTxHoldMultiplier: 10 (default is 4)
LldpReinitDelay: 7s (default is 2s)
LldpTxDelay: 8s (default is 2s)
LldpNotificationInterval: 9s (default is 5s)
LldpNotificationEnable: enable (default is disable)
Management address: IP:
Remote Table Statistics:
RemTablesLastChangeTime: 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes, 0 seconds
RemTableInserts: 0
RemTableDeletes: 0
RemTableDrops: 0
RemTablesAgeouts: 0
Neighbors Total: 0
Port information:
Interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0:
PortId Subtype: interfaceName
PortId: GigabitEthernet1/0/0
PortDesc: GigabitEthernet1/0/0 Interface
LLDP Enable Status: disable (default is disable)
LLDP Running Status: stop
Neighbors Total: 0

10.3 Maintaining LLDP

This section describes how to maintain LLDP, including debugging and monitoring LLDP, and
clearing LLDP statistics.

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10.3.1 Clearing the Statistics of LLDP

You can run the reset lldp statistics command to clear the LLDP statistics.

To clear the statistics on LLDP, run the reset lldp statistic command in the user view.

l Run reset lldp statistic [ interface interface-type interface-number ] command to clear the
statistics on LLDP of an interface. The statistics include the number of received packets,
the number of sent packets, and the number of error frames.

10.3.2 Monitoring the Running Status of LLDP

You can run the display lldp local, display lldp statistics, and display lldp neighbor commands
to monitor the operation status of LLDP.

To check the running status of LLDP during routine maintenance, run the following display
commands in any view.

l Run display lldp local [ interface interface-type interface-number ] command to check
the LLDP status globally or on a specified interface.
l Run display lldp statistics [ interface interface-type interface-number ] command to check
the statistics on LLDP packets sent and received on an interface.
l Run display lldp neighbor [ interface interface-type interface-number ] command to
check the neighbor information on an interface.

10.4 Configuration Examples

You can understand the configuration procedures through the configuration flowchart. This
section describes the networking requirements, configuration roadmap, and configuration notes.


This document takes interface numbers and link types of the NE40E-X8 as an example. In working
situations, the actual interface numbers and link types may be different from those used in this document.

10.4.1 Example for Configuring LLDP

Two routers have reachable routes to the NMS, and are connected through Ethernet interfaces.
When LLDP is enabled on both routers, the two routers can obtain the status of each other through

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Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 10-2, Router A and Router B are connected through the Ethernet interfaces.
Both Router A and Router B have reachable routes to the NMS. It is required that Router A and
Router B can obtain the status of each other through the LLDP protocol and the NMS can find
Router A and Router B based on the management address of LLDP to discover the topology.
When the management address of LLDP changes, LLDP is disabled globally, or neighbor
information changes, Router A is required to send LLDP traps to the NMS.

Figure 10-2 Diagram of configuring LLDP




RouterA RouterB
Interfaces enabled with LLDPDU
LLDP SNMP packets
NMS: Network Management

Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:

1. Enable the LLDP alarm function on Router A and Router B.

2. Enable LLDP globally on Router A and Router B.
3. Assign the management addresses to Router A and Router B.
4. Configure the LLDP attributes of Router A and Router B.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:

l The management address of Router A is, and the management address of Router
B is
l The interval for sending LLDP packets is 60 seconds, the delay in sending LLDP packets
is 9 seconds, and the delay in sending traps of changes in neighbor information to the NMS
is 10 seconds

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Step 1 Enable the LLDP alarm function on Router A and Router B.
# Enable the LLDP alarm function on Router A.
<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] sysname Router A
[Router A] snmp-agent trap enable lldp

# Enable the LLDP alarm function on Router B.

<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] sysname Router B
[Router B] snmp-agent trap enable lldp

Step 2 Enable LLDP globally on Router A and Router B.

# Enable LLDP globally on Router A.
[Router A] lldp enable

# Enable LLDP globally on Router B

[Router B] lldp enable

Step 3 Assign the management addresses to Router A and Router B respectively.

# Assign the management address to Router A.
[Router A] lldp management-address

# Assign the management address to Router B.

[Router B] lldp management-address

Step 4 Configure the LLDP attributes of Router A and Router B.

# Configure the LLDP attributes of Router A.
[Router A] lldp message-transmission interval 60
[Router A] lldp message-transmission delay 9
[Router A] lldp trap-interval 10

# Configure the LLDP attributes of Router B.

See the configuration on Router A.
Step 5 Verify the configuration.
# Check whether LLDP is enabled, whether the management address of LLDP is set, whether
the LLDP alarm function is enabled, and whether the value of LLDP attributes is properly set.
l Check the configuration on Router A.
<RouterA> display lldp local
System information:
ChassisIdSubtype: macAddress
ChassisId: 00e0-fcc8-1b31
SysName: RouterA

SysDesc: Huawei Versatile Routing Platform Software

VRP (R) software, Version 5.90 (NE80E&40E V600R003C00)
Copyright (C) 2000-2009 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

SysCapSupported: bridge
SysCapEnabled: bridge
LLDPUpTime: 2008/6/20 15:41:49

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System configuration:
LLDP enable status: enable (default is disable)
LldpMsgTxInterval: 60s (default is 30s)
LldpMsgTxHoldMultiplier: 4 (default is 4)
LldpReinitDelay: 2s (default is 2s)
LldpTxDelay: 9s (default is 2s)
LldpNotificationInterval: 10s (default is 5s)
LldpNotificationEnable: enable (default is disable)
Management address: IP:
Remote Table Statistics:
RemTablesLastChangeTime: 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes, 0 seconds
RemTableInserts: 0
RemTableDeletes: 0
RemTableDrops: 0
RemTablesAgeouts: 0
Neighbors Total: 0
Port information:
Interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0:
PortId Subtype: interfaceName
PortId: GigabitEthernet1/0/0
PortDesc: GigabitEthernet1/0/0 Interface
LLDP Enable Status: enable (default is disable)
LLDP Running Status: running
Neighbors Total: 0

l Check the configuration on Router B.

See the displayed information on Router A.


Configuration Files
l Configuration file of Router A.
sysname Router A
lldp enable
snmp-agent trap enable lldp
lldp message-transmission interval 60
lldp message-transmission delay 9
lldp trap-interval 10
lldp management-address

l Configuration file of Router B.

sysname Router B
lldp enable
snmp-agent trap enable lldp
lldp message-transmission interval 60
lldp message-transmission delay 9
lldp trap-interval 10
lldp management-address

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10.4.2 Example for Configuring LLDP on the Network with Eth-

Two routers are directly connected through Eth-Trunk interfaces. You can enable some
interfaces in the Eth-Trunk interface of each router to send and receive LLDP frames for
obtaining the status of the other router. At the same time, you can disable other interfaces in the
Eth-Trunk interface of each router from sending and receiving LLDP frames.

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 10-3, Router A and Router B are connected through an Eth-Trunk. It is
required that three Ethernet interfaces on both Router A and Router B be respectively added to
the Eth-Trunk. Among the three Ethernet interfaces on both Router A and Router B that are
respectively added to the Eth-Trunk, two of them should send and receive LLDP packets to
obtain the status of each other. The other Ethernet interface is disabled from sending and
receiving LLDP packets.

Figure 10-3 Diagram of configuring LLDP on the network with Eth-Trunk

GE1/0/2 GE2/0/2
GE1/0/3 GE2/0/3

GE1/0/1 GE2/0/1
RouterA Eth-Trunk1 RouterB

Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:

1. Enable LLDP globally on Router A and Router B.

2. Assign the management addresses to Router A and Router B so that the NMS can identify
the devices.
3. Add the physical Ethernet interfaces on Router A and Router B to the Eth-Trunk.
4. Disable LLDP on the member interfaces on Router A and Router B that are added to the
Eth-Trunk but do not need to send or receive LLDP packets.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:

l The management address of Router A is, and the management address of Router
B is
l The number of the Eth-Trunk that connects Router A and Router B, and the number of the
interfaces that are added to the Eth-Trunk

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Step 1 Enable LLDP globally on Router A and Router B.
# Enable LLDP globally on Router A.
<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] sysname Router A
[Router A] lldp enable

# Enable LLDP globally on Router B.

See the configuration of Router A.
Step 2 Assign the management addresses to Router A and Router B so that the NMS can identify the
# Assign the management address to Router A.
[Router A] lldp management-address

# Assign the management address to Router B.

[Router B] lldp management-address

Step 3 Add interfaces on Router A and Router B to the Eth-Trunk.

# Add interfaces on Router A to Eth-Trunk 1.
[Router A] interface eth-trunk 1
[Router A-Eth-Trunk1] quit
[Router A] interface GigabitEthernet 1/0/1
[Router A-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] eth-trunk 1
[Router A-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit
[Router A] interface GigabitEthernet 1/0/2
[Router A-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] eth-trunk 1
[Router A-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] quit
[Router A] interface GigabitEthernet 1/0/3
[Router A-GigabitEthernet1/0/3] eth-trunk 1

# Add interfaces on Router B to Eth-Trunk 1.

See the configuration of Router A.
Step 4 Disable LLDP on the member interfaces of Router A and Router B that are added to the Eth-
Trunk but do not need to send or receive LLDP packets.
# Disable LLDP on GE 1/0/3 of Router A.
[Router A] interface gigabitEthernet1/0/3
[Router A-GigabitEthernet1/0/3] undo lldp enable

# Disable LLDP on GE 2/0/3 of Router B.

[Router B] interface gigabitEthernet2/0/3
[Router B-GigabitEthernet2/0/3] undo lldp enable

Step 5 Verify the configuration.

# Check whether LLDP is enabled, whether the management address of LLDP is assigned, and
whether the LLDP status on the member interfaces of Eth-Trunk 1 is displayed as configured.
l Check the configuration of Router A.
<RouterA> display lldp local
System information:
ChassisIdSubtype: macAddress

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Configuration Guide - System Management 10 LLDP Configuration

ChassisId: 00e0-fcc8-1b31
SysName: RouterA
SysDesc: Huawei Versatile Routing Platform Software
VRP (R) software, Version 5.90 (NE80E&40E V600R003C00)
Copyright (C) 2000-2009 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
SysCapSupported: bridge
SysCapEnabled: bridge
LLDPUpTime: 2007/6/21 14:46:58
System configuration:
LLDP enable status: enable (default is disable)
LldpMsgTxInterval: 30s (default is 30s)
LldpMsgTxHoldMultiplier: 4 (default is 4)
LldpReinitDelay: 2s (default is 2s)
LldpTxDelay: 2s (default is 2s)
LldpNotificationInterval: 5s (default is 5s)
LldpNotificationEnable: enable (default is disable)
Management address: IP:
Remote Table Statistics:
RemTablesLastChangeTime: 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes, 0 seconds
RemTableInserts: 0
RemTableDeletes: 0
RemTableDrops: 0
RemTablesAgeouts: 0
Neighbors Total: 0
Port information:
Interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1:
PortId Subtype: interfaceName
PortId: GigabitEthernet1/0/1
PortDesc: GigabitEthernet1/0/1 Interface
LLDP Enable Status: enable (default is disable)
LLDP Running Status: running
Neighbors Total: 0
Interface GigabitEthernet1/0/2:
PortId Subtype: interfaceName
PortId: GigabitEthernet1/0/2
PortDesc: GigabitEthernet1/0/2 Interface
LLDP Enable Status: enable (default is disable)
LLDP Running Status: running
Neighbors Total: 0
Interface GigabitEthernet1/0/3:
PortId Subtype: interfaceName
PortId: GigabitEthernet1/0/3
PortDesc: GigabitEthernet1/0/3 Interface
LLDP Enable Status: disable (default is disable)
LLDP Running Status: stop
Neighbors Total: 0

l Check the configuration of Router B.

See the displayed information about Router A.

# Check whether the member interfaces are added to Eth-Trunk 1.

l Check the configuration of Router A.

<RouterA> display eth-trunk 1
Eth-Trunk1's state information is:
LAG ID: 1 WorkingMode: STATIC
Preempt Delay Time: 10 Hash arithmetic: According to MAC
System Priority: 32768 System ID: 00e0-fcc8-1b31
ActorPortName Status PortType PortPri PortNo PortKey PortState
GigabitEthernet1/0/1 Selected 1GE 32768 1031 305 11111100
GigabitEthernet1/0/2 Unselect 1GE 32768 1028 305 11100000
GigabitEthernet1/0/3 Selected 1GE 32768 1032 305 11111100
ActorPortName SysPri SystemID PortPri PortNo PortKey PortState

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Configuration Guide - System Management 10 LLDP Configuration

GigabitEthernet1/0/1 100 0018-8201-4da7 32768 3079 305 11111100

GigabitEthernet1/0/2 100 0018-8201-4da7 32768 3076 305 11100000
GigabitEthernet1/0/3 100 0018-8201-4da7 100 3080 305 11111100

l Check the configuration of Router B.

See the displayed information about Router A.


Configuration Files
l Configuration file of Router A.
sysname Router A
lldp enable
interface Eth-Trunk1
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1
eth-trunk 1
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/2
eth-trunk 1
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/3
eth-trunk 1
undo lldp enable
lldp management-address

l Configuration file of Router B.

sysname Router B
lldp enable
interface Eth-Trunk1
interface GigabitEthernet2/0/1
eth-trunk 1
interface GigabitEthernet2/0/2
eth-trunk 1
interface GigabitEthernet2/0/3
eth-trunk 1
undo lldp enable
lldp management-address

10.4.3 Example for Configuring LLDP on the Network Where an

Interface Has Multiple Neighbors
Multiple routers can exchange LLDP frames through reachable links to obtain the status of each
other. In addition, the NMS can locate a router based on the LLDP management address to
discover the network topology.

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Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 10-4, there are reachable links between Router A, Router B, and Router C.
Both Router A and Router C have reachable links to the NMS. It is required that Router A,
Router B, and Router C exchange LLDP packets through reachable links to obtain the status of
each other. In addition, the NMS can find Router A and Router C based on the management
address of LLDP to discover the topology.

Figure 10-4 Diagram of configuring LLDP on the network where an interface has multiple



RouterD RouterF


RouterE U
Interfaces enabled with LLDP SNMP packets
NMS:Network Management System LLDPDU

Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:

1. Enable LLDP globally on Router A, Router B, and Router C.

2. Assign the management addresses to Router A, Router B, and Router C so that the NMS
can identify the devices.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:

l The management addresses of Router A, Router B, and Router C

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Step 1 Enable LLDP globally on Router A, Router B, and Router C.
# Enable LLDP globally on Router A.
<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] sysname Router A
[Router A] lldp enable

# Enable LLDP globally on Router B.

See the configuration of Router A.
# Enable LLDP globally on Router C.
See the configuration of Router A.
Step 2 Assign the management addresses to Router A, Router B, and Router C.
# Assign the management address to Router A.
[Router A] lldp management-address

# Assign the management address to Router B.

[Router B] lldp management-address

# Assign the management address to Router C.

[Router C] lldp management-address

Step 3 Verify the configuration.

# Check whether LLDP is enabled and whether the management address of LLDP is assigned.
l Check the configuration of Router A.
<RouterA> display lldp local
System information:
ChassisIdSubtype: macAddress
ChassisId: 00e0-fcc8-1b31
SysName: RouterA
SysDesc: Huawei Versatile Routing Platform Software
VRP (R) software, Version 5.90 (NE80E&40E V600R003C00)
Copyright (C) 2000-2009 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
SysCapSupported: bridge
SysCapEnabled: bridge
LLDPUpTime: 2008/6/20 15:41:49
System configuration:
LLDP enable status: enable (default is disable)
LldpMsgTxInterval: 30s (default is 30s)
LldpMsgTxHoldMultiplier: 4 (default is 4)
LldpReinitDelay: 2s (default is 2s)
LldpTxDelay: 2s (default is 2s)
LldpNotificationInterval: 5s (default is 5s)
LldpNotificationEnable: disable (default is disable)
Management address: IP:
Remote Table Statistics:
RemTablesLastChangeTime: 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes, 0 seconds
RemTableInserts: 0
RemTableDeletes: 0
RemTableDrops: 0
RemTablesAgeouts: 0
Neighbors Total: 0
Port information:
Interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0:
PortId Subtype: interfaceName

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Configuration Guide - System Management 10 LLDP Configuration

PortId: GigabitEthernet1/0/0
PortDesc: GigabitEthernet1/0/0 Interface
LLDP Enable Status: enable (default is disable)
LLDP Running Status: running
Neighbors Total: 0

l Check the configuration of Router B

See displayed information about Router A.
l Check the configuration of Router C
See displayed information about Router A.


Configuration Files
l Configuration file of Router A.
sysname Router A
lldp enable
lldp management-address

l Configuration file of Router B.

sysname Router B
lldp enable
lldp management-address

l Configuration file of Router C.

sysname Router C
lldp enable
lldp management-address

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HUAWEI NetEngine80E/40E Router
Configuration Guide - System Management 11 Fault Management

11 Fault Management

About This Chapter

11.1 Introduction to Fault Management

11.2 Configuring Alarm Management
The configurations of alarm management include the alarm severity level, delayed alarm
reporting, NMS-based correlated alarm suppression, and interface-based alarm filtering.
11.3 Configuring Event Management
The configurations of event management include the delayed event reporting.
11.4 Configuring Fault Isolation for an Entity
This section describes the applicable environment, pre-configuration tasks, and configuration
procedure for configuring fault isolation. You can configure fault isolation on a board or a
flexible card. When a board or flexible card fails, the board or flexible card is immediately
powered off for fault rectification.
11.5 Maintenance
This section describes how to maintain fault management.
11.6 Configuration Examples
This section provides examples for configuring fault management, including networking
requirements, configuration notes, and configuration roadmap.

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Configuration Guide - System Management 11 Fault Management

11.1 Introduction to Fault Management

11.1.1 Introduction to Fault Management

Through detecting, diagnosing, isolating, and rectifying the existing or potential fault, and then
generating the relevant alarm or precaution alarm, fault management can rectify the fault or
minimize the impact of the fault on system running, enhance the fault tolerance capability of the
system, and improve the system reliability.

11.2 Configuring Alarm Management

The configurations of alarm management include the alarm severity level, delayed alarm
reporting, NMS-based correlated alarm suppression, and interface-based alarm filtering.

11.2.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

Before configuring alarm management, familiarize yourself with the applicable environment,
complete the pre-configuration tasks, and obtain the required data. This will help you complete
the configuration task quickly and accurately.

Applicable Environment
By using fault management, you can configure alarm management, including changing alarm
severities, enabling delayed alarm reporting, and suppressing alarms.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring alarm management, complete the following task:
l Installing system software to the router and powering it on

Data Preparation
Before configuring alarm management, you need the following data.

No. Data

1 Alarm name

2 Alarm severity level:

l 1: Critical
l 2: Major
l 3: Minor
l 4: Warning
l 5: Indeterminate
l 6: Cleared

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No. Data

3 Period after which a generated alarm is reported and period after which a generated
recovery alarm is reported

4 IP address of the NMS host to which non-root-cause alarms are not reported, and
security name, VPN instance name, and interface name on the NMS

11.2.2 Setting the Alarm Severity Level

You can change the default alarm severity level.

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:

The alarm view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
alarm-name alarm-name severity severity

The alarm severity level is set.

If you focus on certain types of alarms, you can set the highest severity level for these types of
alarms and configure filtering conditions. In this manner, the system reports only these types of
alarms to the NMS.


11.2.3 Configuring Delaying Alarm Reporting

To control the frequency at which alarms are reported, you can set a period after which a
generated alarm is reported.

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:

The alarm view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
delay-suppression enable

The delayed alarm reporting function is enabled.

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By default, this function is enabled to prevent intermittent alarms and repeated alarms from being
reported during the delay period.

Step 4 Run:
suppression alarm-name alarm-name { cause-period cause-seconds | clear-period
clear-seconds }

The period after which a generated alarm is reported is set.

After such a period is set for an alarm, there are the following situations:

l If no recovery alarm is generated during the period, the alarm is not reported to the NMS
until the period expires.
l If a recovery alarm is generated during this period, the alarm and its recovery alarm are both
deleted from the alarm queue and will not be reported to the NMS.

You can use the parameter cause-period cause-seconds to set the period after which a generated
alarm is reported.

You can use the parameter clear-period clear-seconds to set the period after which a generated
recovery alarm is reported.


11.2.4 Configuring Correlated Alarm Suppression

After correlated alarm suppression is configured, the system filters out non-root-cause alarms
and reports only root-cause alarms to the NMS.

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:

The alarm view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
correlation-analyze enable

Correlated alarm suppression is enabled.

By default, correlated alarm suppression is disabled. Therefore, before configuring correlated

alarm suppression, ensure that this function has been enabled.

Step 4 Do as follows to configure correlated alarm suppression or filtering.

l Configure NMS-based correlated alarm suppression.
1. Run the quit command to return to the system view.
2. Run the alarm correlation-suppress enable [ target-host ip-address securityname
securityname [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] ] command to configure NMS-based
correlated alarm suppression.

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By default, NMS-based correlated alarm suppression is enabled, and thus non-root-cause

alarms are not reported to any NMS. After NMS-based correlated alarm suppression is
disabled, non-root-cause alarms will be reported to the NMS.
– If parameters target-host, securityname securityname, and vpn-instance vpn-instance-
name are configured, the system will not report correlated alarms to the specified NMS.
– If neither of the parameters target-host, securityname securityname, and vpn-instance
vpn-instance-name is configured, the system will not report correlated alarms to any
l Configure interface-based alarm filtering.
Run the mask interface interface-type interface-number command to configure interface-
based alarm filtering.
By default, the system does not filter alarms generated on interfaces.
After alarm filtering is configured on an interface, the system will report only root-cause
alarms but not correlated alarms generated on this interface to the NMS.


11.2.5 Checking the Configuration

After alarm management is configured, you can check alarm information.

The configurations of alarm management are complete.

l Run the display alarm active command to check active alarms.
l Run the display alarm history command to check historical alarms.
l Run the display alarm information [ name alarm-name ] command to check alarm
l Run the display this command to check information about delayed alarm reporting.

Run the display alarm active command to view active alarms. For example:
<HUAWEI> display alarm active
A=Sequence, B=RootKindFlag(Independent|RootCause|
C=Generating time, D=Clearing time
E=ID, F=Name, G=Level, H=State
I=Description information for locating(Para info, Reason info)
J=RootCause alarm sequence(Only for nonRootCause alarm)

1/RootCause/2010-7-8 17:38:46/-/0x502001/linkDown/Critical/Start/OID Interface 5 turned into DOWN state.

Run the display alarm history command to view historical alarms. For example:
<HUAWEI> display alarm history
A=Sequence, B=RootKindFlag(Independent|RootCause|nonRootCause)
C=Generating time, D=Clearing time

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E=ID, F=Name, G=Level, H=State

I=Description information for locating(Para info, Reason info)
J=RootCause alarm sequence(Only for nonRootCause alarm)

3/Independent/2010-7-14 9:40:20/2010-7-14 9:40:23/0x502001/linkDown/Critical/End/

ID Interface 5 turned into DOWN state.

Run the display alarm information [ name alarm-name ] command to view information about
a specified alarm. For example:
<HUAWEI> display alarm information name linkup
AlarmName: linkUp
AlarmType: Resume Alarm
AlarmLevel: Critical
Suppress Period: 10s
CauseAlarmName: linkDown
Match VB Name: ifIndex ifAdminStatus

Run the display this command in the alarm view to check the period after which a generated
alarm is reported. For example:
<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] alarm
[HUAWEI-alarm] display this
suppression alarm-name hwElmiEvcStatusNotActiveFaultOccur cause-period 5

11.3 Configuring Event Management

The configurations of event management include the delayed event reporting.

11.3.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

Before configuring event management, familiarize yourself with the applicable environment,
complete the pre-configuration tasks, and obtain the required data. This will help you complete
the configuration task quickly and accurately.

Applicable Environment
You can configure event management to configure delayed event reporting.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring event management, complete the following task:

l Installing system software to the router and powering it on

Data Preparation
Before configuring event management, you need the following data.

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No. Data

1 Event name

2 Period after which a generated event is reported

11.3.2 Configuring Delayed Event Reporting

To control the frequency at which an event is reported, you can set a period after which a
generated event is reported.

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:

The event view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
delay-suppression enable

The delayed event reporting function is enabled.

By default, this function is enabled to prevent events from being reported during the delay period.
Step 4 Run:
suppression event-name event-name period seconds

The period after which a generated event is reported is set.

After the delay period is set for a certain event, if an event is generated multiple times during
the delay period, the system reports only the first one to the NMS when the delay period expires
and discards the following ones.


11.3.3 Checking the Configuration

After event management is configured, you can check event information.

The configurations of event management are complete.

l Run the display event command to check the contents of events.
l Run the display event information [ name event-name ] command to check information
about events.

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l Run the display this command to check information about delayed event reporting.

Run the display event command to view events. For example:
<HUAWEI> display event
A=Sequence, B=RootKindFlag(Independent|RootCause|
C=Generating time, D=Clearing time
E=ID, F=Name, G=Level, H=State
I=Description information for locating(Para info, Reason info)
J=RootCause alarm sequence(Only for nonRootCause alarm)

1/Independent/2010-7-8 17:21:44/-/0x4055a000/hwCfgManEventlog/Warning/Start/OID Configure changed. (EventIndex=1, CommandSource=3,
ConfigSource=4, ConfigDestination=2)

Run the display event information [ name event-name ] command to view information about
a specified event. For example:
<HUAWEI> display event information name hwcfgmaneventlog
EventName: hwCfgManEventlog
EventType: Critical Event
EventLevel: Warning
Suppress Period: 3s
Match VB Name: hwCfgLogSrcCmd hwCfgLogSrcData hwCfgLogDesData

Run the display this command in the event view to check the period after which a generated
event is reported. For example:
<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] event
[HUAWEI-event] display this
suppression event-name hwelmivlannotcfg period 5

11.4 Configuring Fault Isolation for an Entity

This section describes the applicable environment, pre-configuration tasks, and configuration
procedure for configuring fault isolation. You can configure fault isolation on a board or a
flexible card. When a board or flexible card fails, the board or flexible card is immediately
powered off for fault rectification.

Applicable Environment
A faulty board or flexible card causes the peer device to frequently lose packets, affecting the
running services. To resolve such a problem, you can configure fault isolation to immediately
power off the faulty board or flexible card.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring fault isolation, complete the following task:
l Powering on the router and ensuring that the router detects no error during self-check

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Step 1 Run the system-view command to enter the system view.

Step 2 Run the entity-fault { board | card } isolate enable command to configure fault isolation for
an entity.

By default, fault isolation is disabled on a board or flexible card.


Checking the Configuration

Run the display this command to check whether fault isolation is disabled on a board or flexible
[HUAWEI] display this
entity-fault board isolate enable
entity-fault card isolate enable

The displayed information in bold indicates that fault isolation has been enabled on the board
and flexible card.

11.5 Maintenance
This section describes how to maintain fault management.

11.5.1 Clearing Alarm Messages

You can clear alarm messages in the alarm view as required.


After alarm messages are cleared, there is no way for the NMS to obtain any information about
these cleared messages. Therefore, before deleting alarm messages, be sure that the NMS no
longer needs these alarm messages.

In routine maintenance, you can run the following commands in the alarm view to clear alarm

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

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Step 2 Run:

The alarm view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
clear alarm active { all | sequence-number sequence-number }

Active alarm messages are cleared.


11.5.2 Clearing Event Messages

You can clear event messages in the event view as required.


After event messages are cleared, there is no way for the NMS to obtain any information about
these cleared messages. Therefore, before deleting event messages, be sure that the NMS no
longer needs these event messages.

In routine maintenance, you can run the following commands in the event view to clear event

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:

The event view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
clear event all

Event messages are cleared.


11.5.3 Maintaining Probe Diagnose

The interruption of the neighbor relationship between service modules on the network is hard
to be replicated. Therefore, once occurring, the problem is recorded in logs on the MTP module
for fault location in the future.

Operations that trigger the MTP module to generate a log are as follows:

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l When the neighbor relationship established between service modules (for example, LDP
modules) is interrupted because the IGP route is unreachable, a ping operation is started
on the MTP module to detect the reachability of the IGP route. LDP needs to deliver the
ping operation to the MTP module before it times out.
l Packet statistics in the IPC and VP channels: When packets are discarded by the IPC and
VP channels, which causes the LDP neighbor relationship to be interrupted and thus the
protocol to time out, the number of discarded packet is counted.
l Packet statistics on the CPCAR: When packets are discarded on the NP at the lower layer,
causing the LDP neighbor relationship to be interrupted and thus the protocol to time out,
the number of packets discarded and forwarded on the CPCAR is counted.

l If the maintainable information has been collected and recorded in logs on the MTP module,
run the display mtp statistics command in the user view.

11.6 Configuration Examples

This section provides examples for configuring fault management, including networking
requirements, configuration notes, and configuration roadmap.

11.6.1 Example for Configuring Alarm Management

In this example, delayed alarm reporting and correlated alarm suppression are configured to
filter out unimportant alarms.

Networking Requirements
A user logs in to the router to perform alarm management.

Configuration Notes

Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:
1. Set alarm parameters.
2. Set a period after which a generated alarm is reported.
3. Configure NMS-based correlated alarm suppression.
4. Configure interface-based alarm filtering.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:

l Alarm severity level

l Period after which a generated alarm is reported

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l IP address of the NMS host, security name, and VPN instance name
l Type and number of the interface on which alarms are filtered

Step 1 Configure an SNMPv3 user and an alarm host.

For details, see 11.6.1 Example for Configuring Alarm Management.

Step 2 Set the severity level for the linkDown alarm to major.
<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] alarm
[HUAWEI-alarm] alarm-name linkdown severity major

Step 3 Configure the linkDown alarm to be reported to the NMS 5 seconds after it is generated.
[HUAWEI-alarm] delay-suppression enable
[HUAWEI-alarm] suppression alarm-name linkdown cause-period 5

Step 4 Configure correlated alarm suppression for the NMS host with the security name being aa and
the IP address being
[HUAWEI-alarm] correlation-analyze enable
[HUAWEI-alarm] quit
[HUAWEI] alarm correlation-suppress enable target-host securityname aa

Step 5 Configure alarm filtering on GE 1/0/1.

[HUAWEI] alarm
[HUAWEI-alarm] mask interface gigabitethernet1/0/1

Step 6 Verify the configuration.

After the preceding configurations, run the following commands to view alarm information.
<HUAWEI> display alarm information name linkdown
AlarmName: linkDown
AlarmType: Alarm
AlarmLevel: Major
Suppress Period: 5s
CauseAlarmName: NA
Match VB Name: ifIndex ifAdminStatus

Information about the linkDown alarm is displayed.

<HUAWEI> display alarm active
A=Sequence, B=RootKindFlag(Independent|RootCause|nonRootCause)
C=Generating time, D=Clearing time
E=ID, F=Name, G=Level, H=State
I=Description information for locating(Para info, Reason info)
J=RootCause alarm sequence(Only for nonRootCause alarm)

2/RootCause/2010-9-1 14:53:8/-/0x502001/linkDown/Critical/Start/OID Interface 5 turned into DOWN state.
3/nonRootCause/2010-9-1 14:53:8/-/0x701d2000/hwOspfv3IfStateChange/Major/Start
/OID The status of the non-virtual interface has c
hanged. (IfIndex=5, InstanceId=0, RouterId=185273099, IfState=1, ChgReason=8, If
4/nonRootCause/2010-9-1 14:53:8/-/0x701d2002/hwOspfv3NbrStateChange/Major/Star
t/OID The status of the non-virtual neighbor has c
hanged. (IfIndex=5, InstanceId=0, NbrRouterId=16843009, RouterId=185273099, NbrS
tate=1, ChgReason=12, IfName=Ethernet0/0/1)/RootCauseSequence:(3)

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The preceding information shows that linkDown is the root-cause alarm and
hwOspfv3IfStateChange is a non-root-cause alarm.


Configuration Files
sysname HUAWEI
snmp-agent local-engineid 800007DB0300E000030003CA
snmp-agent sys-info version all
snmp-agent group v3 huawei
snmp-agent target-host trap address udp-domain params securityname
user v3
snmp-agent usm-user v3 user huawei
snmp-agent trap enable feature-name CONFIGURATION trap-name linkDown
alarm-name linkDown severity major
suppression alarm-name linkDown cause-period 5
correlation-analyze enable
mask interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1

Issue 03 (2012-06-08) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 944

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
HUAWEI NetEngine80E/40E Router
Configuration Guide - System Management A Glossary

A Glossary

This chapter lists the frequently used terms in this document and corresponding English full

Glossary Description
3G terminal Terminals used in the third generation network, such as WCDMA

business code Business contents defined by carriers. The code is composed of
characters (case sensitive) or numbers with the maximum size as 10

check box Multiple boxes are selected at the same time.
clock offset Time offset between the local clock and the reference clock..

enterprise code Address and identification of an enterprise in the network. Address
translation and accounting are based on this code.

key word Characters that describe the features of a product. Key words are
separated by "|". The product name and the author can be key words.

long number A destination number of the messages sent by handset users.

Issue 03 (2012-06-08) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 945

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
HUAWEI NetEngine80E/40E Router
Configuration Guide - System Management A Glossary

Glossary Description

roundtrip delay A value that measures the ability of the local clock to send a message
to the reference clock during the specified time.

service code Service provided to subscribers of on demand service in SM mode or
codes provides by carriers..

Issue 03 (2012-06-08) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 946

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
HUAWEI NetEngine80E/40E Router
Configuration Guide - System Management B Acronyms and Abbreviations

B Acronyms and Abbreviations

This chapter lists the frequently used acronyms in this document and corresponding English full

Acronyms and Full Spelling

3DES Triple Data Encryption Standard

AAA Authentication, Authorization and Accounting
ACL Access Control List
ADSL Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line
AH Authentication Header
APPN Advanced Peer-to-Peer Networking
ARP Address Resolution Protocol
AS Autonomous System; Access Server
ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange
ASPF Application Specific Packet Filter
ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode
AUX Auxiliary (port)

BGP Border Gateway Protocol
BRI Basic Rate Interface

Issue 03 (2012-06-08) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 947

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
HUAWEI NetEngine80E/40E Router
Configuration Guide - System Management B Acronyms and Abbreviations

Acronyms and Full Spelling


CBQ Class Based Queue
CD Carrier Detect
CHAP Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol
CON Console (port)
cPOS channelized-POS
CQ Custom Queueing
CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check

DCC Data Communication Channel
DCE Data Circuit-terminating Equipment
DD Database Description
DES Data Encryption Standard
DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
DNS Domain Name System
DOD Downstream-on-Demand
DOS Denial of Service
DTE Data Terminal Equipment
DU Downstream Unsolicited

EIA Electronics Industry Association
ESP Encapsulating Security Payload

FEC Forward Error Correction
FIFO First In First Out
FR Frame Relay

Issue 03 (2012-06-08) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 948

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
HUAWEI NetEngine80E/40E Router
Configuration Guide - System Management B Acronyms and Abbreviations

Acronyms and Full Spelling

FRR Fast Reroute
FTP File Transfer Protocol

GE Gigabit Ethernet
GNS Get Nearest Server
GRE Generic Routing Encapsulation
HDLC High level Data Link Control
HTTP Hyper Text Transport Protocol

IBGP Internal BGP
ICMP Internet Control Message Protocol
ID IDentification
IETF Internet Engineering Task Force
IF Information Frame
IGP Interior Gateway Protocol
IKE Internet Key Exchange
IP Internet Protocol
IPHC IP Header compression
IPoA Internet Protocols over ATM
IPoEoA IP over Ethernet over AAL5
IPSec Internet Protocol SECurity extensions
ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network
IS-IS Intermediate System-Intermediate System
ISP Internet Service Provider
ITU-T International Telecommunication Union - Telecommunication
Standardization Sector

Issue 03 (2012-06-08) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 949

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
HUAWEI NetEngine80E/40E Router
Configuration Guide - System Management B Acronyms and Abbreviations

Acronyms and Full Spelling

L2TP Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol
L2VPN Layer 2 VPN
L3VPN Layer 3 VPN
LAN Local Area Network
LAPB Link Access Procedure, Balanced
LDP Label Distribution Protocol
LLC2 Logical Link Control,Type 2
LOG Call Logging
LR Limit Rate
LSP Label Switch Path
LSPAGENT Label Switch Path Agent
LSPM Label Switch Path Management

MAC Medium Access Control
MD5 Message Digest 5
MFR Multiple Frame Relay
MIB Management Information Base
MODEM Modulator DEModulator
MP Multilink PPP
MPLS Multi-Protocol Label Switching
MSDP Multicast Source Discovery Protocol
MTU Maximum Transmission Unit

NAT Network Address Translation
NDA NetStream Data Analyzer
NetBIOS Network Basic Input/Output System
NLRI Network Layer Reachable Information
NMS Network Management System
NQA Network Quality Analysis

Issue 03 (2012-06-08) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 950

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
HUAWEI NetEngine80E/40E Router
Configuration Guide - System Management B Acronyms and Abbreviations

Acronyms and Full Spelling

NRZ Non Return to Zero
NRZI Non Return to Zero Inverted
NSC NetStream Collector
NTP Network Time Protocol

OSI Open System Interconnection
OSPF Open Shortest Path First

PAD Packet Assembler/Disassembler
PAP Password Authentication Protocol
PC Personal Computer
PDU Protocol Data Unit
PHY Physical Sublayer & Physical Layer
PPP Point-to-Point Protocol
PPPoE PPP over Ethernet
PQ Priority Queue
PRI Primary Rate Interface
PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network
PU Payload Unit
PVC Permanent Virtual Circuit

QoS Quality of Service

RADIUS Remote Authentication Dial in User Service
REJ REJect(ion)

Issue 03 (2012-06-08) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 951

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
HUAWEI NetEngine80E/40E Router
Configuration Guide - System Management B Acronyms and Abbreviations

Acronyms and Full Spelling

RFC Request for Comments
RIP Routing Information Protocol
RM Resource Management
RMON remote monitoring
RSA Revest, Shamir and Adleman
RTT Round Trip Time

SA Security Association
SAP Service Advertising Protocol
SDLC Synchronous Data Link Control
SLIP Serial Line Internet Protocol
SLA Service Level Agreement
SNA Systems Network Architecture
SNAP Sub Network Access Point
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol
SSH Secure Shell
SSP Service Switching Point
STM-1 SDH Transport Module -1

TCP Transmission Control Protocol
TE Traffic Engineering
TFTP Trivial File Transfer Protocol
TOS Type of Service
TS Traffic Shaping
TTL Time To Live

UDP User Datagram Protocol
UP User Plane

Issue 03 (2012-06-08) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 952

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
HUAWEI NetEngine80E/40E Router
Configuration Guide - System Management B Acronyms and Abbreviations

Acronyms and Full Spelling

URL Universal Resource Locator;
USM User Security Mode
UTC Universal Coordinated Time

VACM View-based Access Control Model
VIU Versatile Interface Unit
VLAN Virtual Local Area Network
VOS Virtual Operating System
VPDN Virtual Private Dial Network
VPN Virtual Private Network
VRP Versatile Routing Platform
VRRP Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol

WAN Wide Area Network
WFQ Weighted Fair Queuing
WRED Weighted Random Early Detection
WWW World Wide Web

XOT X.25 Over TCP

Issue 03 (2012-06-08) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 953

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

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