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what is organizational culture?

Organizational culture is defined as the underlying beliefs, assumptions, values and ways of interacting that
contribute to the unique social and psychological environment of an organization.

Characteristics of organizational culture

How is organizational culture created
Includes an organization’s expectations, experiences, philosophy. and communicated?

Business leaders are vital to the creation and

Includes the organization’s vision, values, norms, systems, symbols, communication or their workplace culture.
language, assumptions, beliefs and habits.

An established culture influences what kind of leadership

Culture is based on shared attitudes, beliefs, customs, and written is possible.
and unwritten rules.
An established culture helps employees achieve their goals.

Organizational culture affects the way people and groups interact Leaders can create, and also be created or influenced
with each other, whit clients, and with stakeholders. by, many different workplace cultures.
Workplace culture differences
How and why does organizational culture change?

Person culture and market culture:

The members of an organization develop a shared belief,
Each individual is seen as more valuable than the
they learn what produces success and what does not,
organization itself. Market cultures are results-
when it does not succeed, the culture must evolve.
oriented with a focus on competition, achievement,
Employees resist change.
and getting the job done.

Guidelines for change:

Adaptive culture and adhocracy culture:
1. Formulate a clear strategic vision.
Adaptive cultures value change and are action-
oriented. Adhocracy cultures are dynamic and
2. Display top-management commitment.
3. Model culture change at the highest level.
Power culture, role culture, and hierarchy culture:
Powe cultures have one leader who makes rapid decisions and 4. Modify the organization to support organizational
controls the strategy. Role cultures are where functional structures change.
are created, where individuals know their jobs, report to their
superiors, and value efficiency and accuracy above all else. 5. Select and socialize newcomers and terminate
Hierarchy cultures they are highly structured. They focus on deviants.
efficiency, stability, and doing things right.
6. Develop ethical and legal sensitivity.
Task culture and clan culture:
In a task culture, teams are formed with expert members to
Text references: Cancialosi, C. (2017, July 17) What is Organizational
solve problems. Clan cultures are family-like, with a focus on
Culture? Retrieved from
mentoring, nurturing, and doing things together.

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