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To the Dean,

Skoltech Institute Of Science And Technology

Bol’shoy Bul’var, 30, Skolkovo Innovation Center,
Moscow Oblast, Russia, 143026
Department Of Petroleum Engineering

Date :11th July 2020

Subject : admition application letter of recommendation

Dear Dean,

With all due respect, I, Walter Elingou Master of conference at the University Marien Ngouabi am
writing this letter to you to recommendone of my favorite students for petroleum engineer
admission at your prestigious University. I recommend Mr. Moukolo rodulon Arsene in the
petroleum engineering program and I have the confidence that he will make your proud.

Being the senior teacher at University Marien Ngouabi, I have come across my bright students and
Mr. Moukolo Rodulon Arsene is surely one of them. He has a very sharp knack for geology and
peutroleum science and it has been a passion to persue his future studies in any one of there
subjects . master in geology will bethe perfect candidate for someone who has known the oil field for
amany years as Mud Logger and Data engineer.

I know that this admission goe the most deserving applicants and this is why I am recommending Mr.
Moukolo rodulon Arsene for it. If you wish to know anything more about him you can contact me
anytime at my mentioned phonr number.

Thank you.

Yours sincerely,

Walter Romaric Elingou

Tel : 00242 068397121

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