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1.When one thinks of huge firms, one thinks of employment security, brand luxury, and so on...

and when
one thinks of customers, one thinks of trust, quality, company promises, and so on. Take, for example,
Google, Facebook, Wal-Mart, and, shortly, Amazon... these companies have worked hard to earn their
brand names, and we can see how they handled their staff and customers. The majority of their attention
was paid to consumer and employee happiness. They have long-term objectives and a strategy for
achieving them in light of shifting market conditions. Initially, many organizations may have encountered
numerous obstacles; nevertheless, in order to address these concerns, they have created a set of rules for
employees and consumers in order to promote the company's and management's growth. Employee
satisfaction has been a priority for these businesses. Treating your staff as if they were internal customers
is a good way to go about it. One of the most crucial aspects is that they began utilizing cutting-edge
technologies and executing growth-oriented strategies. In different parts of the world, all corporations
treat their employees the same way. They may vary depending on the region, but for the most part, they
treat all employees equally. They do have a set of policies that apply to all employees in the organization,
regardless of where they work in the world. In terms of perks, Assume that different companies offer
different benefits. Let's talk about Google for a moment.

 They provide Free breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

 The organic food is chef-prepared
 Free health and dental,
 Free haircuts,
 Free dry cleaning
 Subsidized massages
 Gyms and swimming pools.
 Hybrid car subsidies
 Nap pods Video games, football, ping pong (recreation)
 On-site physicians
 Death Benefits
 Transportation
These are some of the perks that well-known businesses offer. Transportation, recreation, nap pods, gym,
food, and other perks are among the most significant. As we can see, we need to commute to work every
day; but, instead of driving ourselves, we can take advantage of company transportation. We can employ
recreation, the gym for stress relief, and so forth. So here are my thoughts and insights from working in
large corporations, as well as the benefits to customers.


2. 2. There are Seven Covey’s habits namely

 Habit One: Be Proactive

 Habit Two: Begin with the End in Mind
 Habit Three: Put First Things First.
 Habit Four: Think Win-Win.
 Habit Five: Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood.
 Habit Six: Synergize.
 Habit Seven: Sharpen the Saw.

But we focus on the first three covey’s habit.

Habit One: Be Proactive

Proactive people are those people who implement or focus on those things that they can control
and influence rather than reactive individuals whose response is determined by the stimulus and
accept the thing as they are and not doing anything on them.
Proactive people want and take a responsibility. And focus their energy on the productive actions
that add values.

How does this habit relate to effective project management?

The project manager is the person how does contract and negotiation, control the schedule, cost,
and other resources
A software project manager is a person who undertakes the responsibility of executing the
software project. Software project manager is thoroughly aware of all the phases of SDLC that
the software would go through. So, the software manager and his co-staff should be proactive so
they can take a responsibility rather blame on one another. Proactive staff answer the following
question. “What could go wrong if this happens?”, “How might we succeed despite this
setback?”, “Is this really what the customer/client wants?”.
o proactive project manager exhibits this habit through four competencies:
1. The Project Manager as Decision Maker.
2. The Project Manager as Marketeer. 
3. The Project Manager as Problem Solver.
4. The Project Manager as Team Builder

Habit Two: Begin with the End in Mind

 In simple world it means visionary. The project manager should first create all
thing in his head before start doing any physical activity. Project managers will
recognize this habit as the combination of the first two phases of the life cycle of a
project, Concept and Development. From a project management perspective, this
habit answers the question, “What are the things this project should accomplish?” and
it emphasized on management-by-objective. But without first defining what the final
product characteristics should be, it is almost impossible for the part to be designed.
And project manager should start with the end in the mind.
Habit Three: Put First Things First.
In short in mean breaking down the sequence of actions and tasks and prioritized the tasks.
Prioritizing tasks is an important aspect of effective project management. As the project
progresses, a detailed understanding of the relative importance of the tasks will provide
invaluable support as project decisions and tradeoffs are assessed. This will also assist the
project manager in identifying and correcting problems as early as possible.  it is more
closely related to the traceability matrix that relates tasks to critical success factors and
important client quality measures.

3. Googles recruiting and retention strategies

The company not focused on the applicants’ education level and 14% of Googlers do not have a
college education. And googles recruiting process involves evaluation of professional qualities
and the applicant’s ability to be fully integrated into the company.

How Google Treating Workers Well

it sounds crazy but google give five months with full pay: salary, bonus, stock. Google treats its
employees to parties and outings like ski trips to Vermont and picnics during the summer. The
20 percent allowance for projects of their own interest is one step in this direction.

How Konami Treating Workers

they were monitored by cameras and pushed to extremely difficult deadlines. 
Very limited lunch breaks were taken seriously. If you didn’t make it on time, you
were publicly shamed by the company. Any sign of less than 100% dedication to the
job was punished by moving the employee to another division of the company.
“One of the most incredible instances of this involves an employee posting to
Facebook he was leaving the company, and other workers who “liked” the status
found themselves reassigned to one of these “punishment” jobs. Reportedly, this
affects both junior employees and senior staff. “

How Foxconn Treating Workers

The workers of Foxconn related that even during leisure time, workers cannot take any rest.
Leisure is Hectic for Foxconn employee.
‘10-Hour Shift, Seven Days a Week!’
According to the accounts of the workers of Foxconn India, normally the company runs an eight-
hour shift, but actually it becomes 10 hours. In such a way that the workers arrive in the
company one hour early and leave the company one hour late. The Employee also works on their
off-days and if anyone refuses to work on Sunday, he/she receives threats of various kinds. 

‘Low Salary Compels Workers to Accept Overtime Work’

Doing overtime is compulsory but for overtime employee do not receipt payment.
the company treat them only as profit-producing machines. So, their income was low enough to
provide two meals to their families.


4. Projects necessitate collaboration, and team members must communicate with one another for a
variety of reasons and via a variety of means. Team members, for example, frequently need to keep each
other updated on their work and may use email, project management software, or social media to do so.
Such activities can be substantially facilitated by available technology, which ensures prompt and precise
communication between team members. Projects necessitate collaboration, and team members must
communicate with one another for a variety of reasons and via a variety of means. Team members, for
example, frequently need to keep each other updated on their work and may use email, project
management software, or social media to do so. Such chores can be substantially aided by available
technologies. The methods and frequency of communicating varies from project to project and the most
important considerations the complexity of project. Simple projects require minimum of communication.
complex projects require more communication planning and execution, relatively straight-forward even a
few people on the team. The project team Can Often handle the communication through informal
Channels as one-on-one meetings or calls to all of the team members etc. When the complexity grows, the
communication needs to be high, Now the project team must spend dedicated time keeping everyone on
the project aware of status, issues. and changes. Also. there are usually many meetings on complex
projects. Once the complexity grows to the size of a Complex Program, the program manager is spending
virtually all of his or her time doing communications with team.

Teleconferencing between multiple participants in two or more locations is a strategic communication
tool deployed by many project teams with multiple locations and dispersed employees Business cyclical
shifts and economic downturns tend to see a rise in the use of teleconferencing facilities. Used judiciously
and strategically. teleconferencing can enhance organizational productivity, engage employees at all
levels and reduce travel budgets. One of the most-apparent benefits of teleconferencing is reduced travel.
Businesses with multiple offices can hold discussions. share critical information and conduct other
meetings with employees through teleconferencing, Teleconferencing frees up time for company
executives to finish tasks and execute assigned roles in their own locations or home bases. Time saved
from reduced travel Can be used more productively, During economic downturns. teleconferencing sees
resurgence in popularity as an effective communication and interaction tool. Companies report significant
savings in travel and human resource budgets. Teleconferencing allows dispersed employees to
communicate with coworkers at headquarters. conduct long-distance meetings and strategic discussions.
and share grievances and other human resource issues. getter employee engagement. understanding of
roles and effective use of time lead to enhanced productivity. Teleconferencing systems and tollfree, dial-
in access facilities make it possible for companies to schedule Shortnotice or ad-hoc employee
teleconferencing meetings or discussions.

Emails Can organize daily correspondence, send and receive electronic messages and save them on
computers. Emails are extremely fast and they delivered at once around the world. no other form of
written communication as fast as an email. The language used in emails simple and informal, we can
attach the original message so that when answering the recipients knows what talking about, Emails do
not use paper they are environment friendly and save a lot of trees from being cut down.

E-report means a report transmitted to, or otherwise forwarded to, the receivers which is Exchanged in an
electronic format. E-Reporting has made the traditional paperwork and its complexity a thing of the past
and it has many advantages. It has made possible to transmit invoices, statements, remittance advice.
purchase orders to the company's customers and suppliers by using emails and faxes. Some companies
also use it to make periodic reports to the government regarding the way they handle hazardous waste
generated by their company etc. Different companies use different E-Reporting techniques as per the
needs of their business. However. the general view is that E-Reporting is advantageous, time, money and
energy conserving. It Conserves time, money and storage necessary as compared to traditional paper-
based filing systems, huge savings in postage, stationery. easier to maintain and reduction in staff
required to do the work. it not specific software or hardware dependent all that is needed is a computer
and access to the internet, latest information and error corrections are just a mouse click away, in areas
like filing tax returns, users get confirmations that the tax forms have been submitted, as well as inform
them if the file is not submitted due to transmission errors etc., is fast and easier than the laborious
manual paper based process, far organized than paper based reporting systems, as it is easier to Store all
files neatly and retrieve them if needed and easier to get instructions and clear doubts.
Identifying Risk

Risk # Risk Description

1 Late delivery Due to constraints not properly expected the project delivery
date may be extended beyond the expected completion date

2 Overbudget Unplanned cost may surface throughout the project lifecycle

3 Procurement issues Procurement issues may arise during the project such as late or
damage delivery of product, or no delivery at all

4 Technology advancement New launched technology during the lifecycle of the project
may trigger a major change

5 Laws and regulation Current and new federal, state and local laws/ restriction may
trigger changes to the project requirements

Analyzing Risk

Risk Risk Type Probability Occurrence Impact


1 Late delivery Negative .9 Through lifecycle .9

2 Over budget Negative .9 Through lifecycle .9

3 Procurement issues Negative .4 Procurement .7

4 Technology advancement Negative/Positive .5 Through lifecycle .5

5 Laws and regulation Negative/Positive .5 Through lifecycle .4

Risk Response

I. General Information

Project name: HR Management System Project number: XXX

Project manager name: Date: April 2022

II. Risk Information Describe the risk-tracking information.

Risk ID: 1 Risk owner: Department Managers
Probability: .9 Risk originator: All Stages
Impact: .9 Expected value: .72

III. Response Plan Describe the risk response plan.

Impact: Late delivery of requirements will increase cost

Risk triggers: Missed deliverable completion dates
Response plan: Risk mitigation plan will be implemented,
Resources need to implement the plan: Pre planned risk mitigation response should be executed

I. General Information

Project name: HR Management System Project number: XXX

Project manager name: Date: April 2022

II. Risk Information Describe the risk-tracking information.

Risk ID: 2 Risk owner: Chief Financial Officer

Probability: .9 Risk originator: All Stages
Impact: .7 Expected value: .63

III. Response Plan Describe the risk response plan.

Impact: Budget reduction will result in limited profit or closing without completion
Risk triggers: Over expenditure or funds, incorrect ordering of supplies
Response plan: must plan and budget for a small account for unforeseen expenses
Resources need to implement the plan: Maintain reserves

I. General Information
Project name: HR Management System Project number: XXX
Project manager name: Date: April 2022

II. Risk Information Describe the risk-tracking information.

Risk ID: 3 Risk owner: Procurement Managers

Probability: .4 Risk originator: Procurement
Impact: .60 Expected value: .24

III. Response Plan Describe the risk response plan.

Impact: missed opportunity due to procurement issues

Risk triggers: Missed deliverable dates
Response plan: Procurement issues must be mitigation by formulating backup plans
Resources need to implement the plan: Maintain relationships with multiple supplies

I. General Information

Project name: HR Management System Project number: XXX

Project manager name: Date: April 2022

II. Risk Information Describe the risk-tracking information.

Risk ID: 4 Risk owner: Project Manager

Probability: .5 Risk originator: Procurement
Impact: .5 Expected value: .24

III. Response Plan Describe the risk response plan.

Impact: Depending on the technology it may be a positive or negative impact to the project
Risk triggers: Project based on old technology
Response plan: Improve the technology included in the project if possible
Resources need to implement the plan: Individuals that are able to work the new technology

I. General Information
Project name: HR Management System Project number: XXX
Project manager name: Date: April 2022

II. Risk Information Describe the risk-tracking information.

Risk ID: 5 Risk owner: Department Managers

Probability: .5 Risk originator: Any facet of the project
Impact: .4 Expected value: .08

III. Response Plan Describe the risk response plan.

Impact: This risk could be negative or positive

Risk triggers: New laws implemented or old laws deleted
Response plan: Make changes if necessary
Resources need to implement the plan: Legal and experts


IT outsourcing is the process of contracting out information technology tasks such as software
development, infrastructure solutions, and software support to third parties.

The following are two articles that were found on the internet.

First Article: this article
describes overall concepts on what is it outsourcing, why organizations outsource, the importance of
Second Article: this article describes IT Outsourcing Guide: Definition,
Types and Models, And Reasons to Outsource

A. Various types of goods and services being outsourced

Technological services and business processing are the two types of goods and services being outsourced.
The technological services include the information technology ideas and ecommerce technologies The
business processing includes human resource outsourcing, customer services, financing, accounting etc.

The Most Commonly IT Outsourcing Services includes

 Web development
 Hosting
 Software and application development
 Website/application maintenance or management
 Technical support
 Database development and management
 Telecommunications
 Infrastructure
B. Based on the above articles the organizations are planning to
outsource mainly for the following reasons.
 You Are a Domain Expert with Idea
 If you're an industry expert with the idea that solves a real problem, IT
outsourcing is your choice. In this case, your main goal is to enter the
market and test the solution fast. An outsourced team will help you validate
the idea, build an MVP to check the hypothesis, and implement changes in
your product according to market needs. It saves you money, time and lets
you reach the goal.
 You Have an Early-Stage Startup
 It's a common case that young startups spend money faster than they get a
solid team and a ready-to-market product. The Failory found that financial
problems are the 3rd reason why startup fails. So, it makes more sense to
reduce costs by hiring an outsourced team of professionals while your
business lives on investor's money. You may employ a full-cycle product
development studio covering all the blind spots and bringing your product
to life.
 You Need a Technical Support
 Even if you already have a ready solution, but it demands some technical
improvements – frameworks for backend components, new language,
integrations with enterprise software, UX&UI design – it makes more sense
to find an experienced partner. There are many functions that IT outsourcing
can cover, and again it saves you the time you'd otherwise spend on looking
for qualified staff
 To Reduce Cost
 More often than not, outsourcing means saving money. This is often due to
lower labor costs, cheaper infrastructure, or an advantageous tax system in
the outsourcing location.
 To Access Skills That Are Unavailable Locally
 Resources that are scarce at home can sometimes be found in abundance
elsewhere, meaning you can easily reach them through outsourcing.
 To Better Use Internal Resources
 By delegating some of your business processes to a third party, you’ll give
your in-house employees the opportunity to focus on more meaningful
 To Accelerate Business Processes
 When you stop wasting time on mundane, time-consuming processes, you’ll
be able to move forward with your core offering a lot faster.
C. Yes, The companies have been benefited from outsourcing in our articles. It is how
because by outsourcing, the companies can spend more time on the important activities and
accomplish the tasks which are important on time. IT outsourcing benefits are substantial,
here’s the list of some:
 Save costs;
 Access to professionals from all corners of the world;
 Focus on big picture; speed up hiring process;
 Add flexibility; Increase efficiency;
 Reduced Expenses; Access to Global Talent Pool
 Significant Time Savings; Ability to Upscale Fast
 Uninterrupted workflow

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