Int Disploy Cint Aee, Int Ilength) : Eefen TH

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SSignm en t lo J

ACCept N Numbe&S feom Use& eefen

8eften th
a6gest Humbe
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int Disploy Cint Aee[],intilength )

int Icnt=0;_
nt imax=0
08 CInt=o, jcnt<i length j icnt tt)
iF (imax<hE8 [icn t])
ImaX AEE[icntJ

8efusn imaxj

int mainC)

i n t icnt =o
fot xph6 NULL;

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e)ACCept Ndumbeg FEom USee 8etggn

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intSmalleSF Cinf AEEC) 1n length )

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I fCimin>Aee [icntJ)
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PEinfCFoFes h e Numb e
ScanfC ( 1 t d '

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stnt S S1ze of (
foe CICoF=o; jcntkilength)
PEAt Scanfcl7e, Pte CicoFT

etsmalleS Pte, IS1ze

PeIntfCli The Smal lesf o S . o ' , TE

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