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1. Structure of a Basic Definition: (Given in one sentence) A NOUN + Family

+ Uses
e.g A rheostat is an electrical device which is used for checking the curre
nt flowing in an
electrical circuit.
2. Structure of a Basic Classification:
A is classified into B, C, D, and E OR There are four types of A: B,
C, D and E.
e.g Teeth may be classified into molars, premolars, incisors and canine.
There are four types of teeth: molars, premolars, incisors and canine.
3. Structure of a Statement of Function:
The function of a NOUN is to VERB
e.g. The function of a dynamo is to convert the kinetic energy into electric en
4. Structure of a Statement of Use:
A NOUN is used for VERB + ing
e.g. A thermometer is used for measuring body temperature.
5. Structure of a CAUSE and EFFECT Statement:
As / Since / Because → CAUSE → EFFECT
e.g. As Hydrogen is lighter than air, the hydrogen balloon goes up
Since oil is less dense than water, oil floats on water
Because the rivet cools, it contracts.
5.1 “Because” and “Because of”
Because → followed by a Clause (Subject + Predicate) → used in a complex sen
Because of → followed by a Noun Phrase → used in a simple sentence
e.g. Alloys are widely used in the industries because they are brittle.
Alloys are widely used in the industries because of their brittleness
Because the temperature of the gas rises, the gas expands in the cylinder
Because of the rise in temperature, the gas expands in the cylinder.
Because fossil fuels are getting depleted, we should go for alternative
energy sources.
Because of the depletion of fossil fuels, we should go for alternative e
nergy sources

6. Structure of a PURPOSE and FUNCTION Statement:

FUNCTION → to/ in order to / so as to → EFFECT
so that
e.g. Defrost the fridge regularly to reduce the power consumption
New techniques are introduced in order to increase the production
A safety valve is provided so as to allow excess pressure to escape
6.1. Difference between “to / “in order to”/ “so as to” and “so that”
to / in order to / so as to → followed by a VERB → used in a sim
ple sentence
so that → followed by a Clause (Subject + Predicate) → used in a complex s
e.g. Defrost the fridge regularly so that the power consumption can be reduced.
New techniques are introduced so that the production can be increased.
A safety valve is provided so that excess pressure is allowed to escape.
7. Noun + Noun Compounds/ Nominal Compounds / Compound Nouns
A nominal compound is a group of two or more nouns to describe a single noun
Structures of Noun + Noun Compounds:
Noun + Noun/s - tube light, switch board, car radio aerial
, rice research institute
Noun + Adjective + Noun – acid- proof cement, pain-free diagnosis, caffeine-l
aden drinks
Noun + Verb + Noun - hydrogen-fuelled auto, hand-held device, stress
-related ailments
In order to expand the nominal compounds, start with the right most noun and wor
k to the left.
Noun + Noun Compounds Expansions
Friction loses Losses due to friction
Butterfly valve Valve in the shape of butterfly
Gravity conveyor Conveyor operated by means of gravity
Power source Source of power
8. Relative Clause: A relative clause (adjective clause) commonly begins with t
he relative pronouns “which” or “that “ in the context of technical communication. It sh
ould always be placed immediately after the noun it qualifies. While combining
two short sentences into one sentence by using a relative clause, the following
rule may be considered.
Main Clause → Most important information → Principle or Result
Relative Clause → Less important information → condition or special
The steam which is extracted through the turbine is passed through a condenser.
The spark which passes between the electrodes ignites the fuel.
8.1. Reduced Relative Clauses:
The relative clauses with the passive verbal pattern “which + have /be + past par
ticiple” can
be reduced by omitting “which + have /be “and retaining the past participle.
The relative clauses in the active voice with “ which + present tense verb “ may be
shortened by omitting which and using “VERB +ing “ of the given verb.
e.g. Iron girders which are left uncovered on a building site quickly become rus
The boxes which contain the fragile items should be handled carefully
These sentences can be shortened using a reduced relative clause as given below:
Iron girders which are left uncovered on a building site quickly become rus
The boxes which containing the fragile items should be handled carefully.
8.2 Relative clauses beginning with a “preposition + which”:
Some relative clauses begin with a preposition + which such as “on which, in which
, at which, from which, through which, along which, of which, by which”, etc.
The air passes to a compressor in which it is compressed.
The shaft on which the pulley is mounted runs in brass bushes.
The temperature at which evaporation occurs is called the saturation point.
The material of which the apparatus is made is a non conductor of heat.
An electric saw is device with/by which planks of wood can be cut effortlessly.
9. Conditional Sentences:
9.1 Likely condition:
If the power cut continues, the production will cease.
If the chain reaction goes unchecked, it would result in explosion
9.2. Unlikely condition:
If the global warming went on increasing, the polar ice caps would melt.
If the earth was just closer to the sun, most of the water would turn into water
9.3. Unfulfilled Condition:
If he had done the experiment carefully, the accident would not have occurred.
If he had answered all the questions, he would have got centum in Maths.
9.4 Replacing sentences with “If” by using “ Unless”
If the rain water is not harvested, the level of the ground water will go down.
Unless the rain water is harvested, the level of the ground water will go down.
If the water is pure, it needs no further treatment.
Unless the water is pure, it needs further treatment.
If = In case, In the event of Unless = If not

“Success is Sweet and the Reason is Sweat”

Rewrite as directed.
1. Give a basic definition of the following: Mouse, Catalyst, Radar, Telescope,
2. Give an expanded definition of the following: Computer, Lathe.
3.Expand the following Noun + Noun Compounds: Machine- testing conditions, Image
processing laboratory, Client server technology, Machine-readable information,
Water heater, Flood relief fund, Pain-free diagnosis, Speed governor, Cement con
crete roads, Internet browsing center, Computer-assisted language learning, Wate
r-borne diseases, Moisture laden clouds, Pest-resistant varieties, Steam jacket
, Boiler feed water, Butt Weld, Soil lab.
4. Make Noun + Noun compounds from the following: Materials used in engineering,
Operation lasting for two hours, Consumption of steam, Gun used to inject greas
e, Compounds made up of nitrogen, System used to control a spacecraft, Vehicle u
sed to launch a satellite. Cement which is not affected by acid, Problems caused
during the transmission of power.
5. Write a statement of basic classification based on the following:
• Mountains: Fold Black, Volcanic, Residual
• Equilateral / Isosceles / Triangles / Right-angled.
• Potential energy/ mechanical energy / kinetic energy
6. Write an expanded classification of: Fuels, Watches, and Aircrafts.
7. Describe the function of a thermostat using the pattern “The function of a NOUN
is to
8. Write a “statement of function” using the given information:
• A radiator / cools the engine. A barometer / measures the atmospheric pressure.
• A safety valve / prevents excessive pressure in a boiler.
9. Write a “statement of use” based on the given information:
• A thermometer / measures body temperature.
10. Complete the following sentence using “USED for VERB + ing”
• A dynamo ___________ .
• A rheostat ___________
11. Combine the following sentences to bring out the “CAUSE and EFFECT”
• The liquid evaporates. A cooling effect is produced.
• The pressure gauze rises. The temperature increases.
• The shaft rotates. It splashes oil up into the bearings.
12. Complete the following sentences using “because of”
• Alloys are widely used in the industries ___________
• Lead pollution is high in urban areas _____________
• Oil floats on water ______________

13. Change the following complex sentences into simple sentences using “because of”
• Cast iron is not used for making girders, because they are brittle.
• Plastics are widely used in the industries, since they are resistant to atmosphe
ric corrosion
• Liquids are less likely to leak because they are viscous.
14. Complete the sentences using “consequently / therefore / as a result / hence ”
• Aluminium is light ______________
• There was a sudden rise in the temperature ______________
15. Join the following pair of sentences appropriately by using “As / When”
• You press on the accelerator. The engine speeds up.
• The power fails. The emergency generator is pressed into service.
• The engine vibrates. The bolts work loose.
• The mixture explodes. A spark is produced.
16. Combine the sentences to bring out the “PURPOSE and FUNCTION”
• The coal gas is compressed. Condensation in the gas mains can be avoided.
• The messages are written in code words. This is done to ensure secrecy.
• A safety valve is provided .It allows excess pressure to escape.
• Water tubes are fitted in a boiler. They absorb some of the heat.
• Sand is mixed with the cement. It prevents the excessive shrinkage during drying
17. Join the sentences using “to / in order to / so as to”
• He fitted a silencer. He wanted to reduce the noise of the exhaust.
• We inspect the equipment regularly. We have to avoid breakdowns.
• The metal is annealed. Some of the stresses are relieved.
18. Rewrite the following sentences using “so that”
• Bearings are used so as to reduce friction.
• A condenser is used to change vapour into liquid during distillation.
• The steam is superheated in order to ensure that it is fairly dry.
19. Join the pair of sentences using a relative clause
• A computer is an obedient servant. It carries out our orders as long as it can u
nderstand them.
• The steal beams are welded together. The beams form the chassis of the truck.
• The steam is passed through a condenser. It is extracted from a turbine.
20. Rewrite the sentences using a reduced relative clause.
• An eraser is a rectangular rubber block, which is used to erase pencil marks.
• Techniques, which have been developed in the recent years, will greatly improve
petrol consumption.
• A substance which hastens a chemical reaction without itself being chemically ch
anged is known as a catalyst.
• The energy, which is consumed in overcoming friction, is not lost but converted
into heat.

21. Complete the sentence using a suitable “preposition + which”

• The shaft ___________the pulley is mounted runs in brass bushes.
• The two gases are pressed into the flask_________ chemical reaction takes place.
• The material___________ the apparatus is made is a good non-conductor of heat
• After burners are provided __________the hot gases are again ignited.
• I0 degrees is the limit __________the nozzle can control the steam flow.
• There are number of tubes fitted along the wall ________ the water circulates.
• The process __________ liquid gets converted into vapour is called boiling.
22. Join the following sentences using a suitable “preposition + which”.
• The light passes through a prism. The prism disperses the light.
• The air is passed to a compressor. Here it is compressed.

23. Rewrite the sentences using “Unless”
• If safety precautions are not observed there will be an accident.
• If the chain reaction goes unchecked, it would result in an explosion.
• If the temperature remains constant, the volume of the gas will not change.
• If we do not spread into space, the human race will not survive next thousand ye
24. Rewrite the sentence using “If”
• The fuse will not blow unless there is a fault.
• Unless the moving parts are lubricated there will be friction.
• Unless the car’s ignition system is damp it will start.
25. Rewrite the sentences using the adjective of “measurement”
• The rod should have a length of not less than 10 meters.
• The work bench has a breadth of about 1 meter.
26. Complete the sentence with a suitable “verb of measurement”.
• The well ____________more than 30 meters.
27. Complete the sentence using “by +Verb +ing” to bring out the METHOD
• Corrosion may be prevented ___________
• A hot steel can be hardened __________
• The temperature of the liquid can be raised ____________
28. Complete the sentence using “by means of / by + NOUN”
• Temperature can be regulated ___________
• Oxidation of metal is prevented _________ .
• The road was cleaned ________
29. Combine the sentences using a suitable logical connector.
• At high speeds the turbojet is more efficient. At low speeds the propeller is mo
re efficient.
• The carbon content of mild steel is 0.2%. The carbon of cast steel is 1.2%.
• Copper does not rust. It corrodes.

30. Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.

• Water presses ______ the sides and the bottom of the container ________ which it
• Some __________the copper __________ the copper sulphate solution is broken up _
__________ ions when an electric current passes ___________ the solution.
• A substance which is attracted ____ a magnet can itself be made _____ a magnet.
• Heavy vehicles are normally powered ____________ diesel.
• Water boils ____________ a temperature ___________ 100c.
• The noise is preventing me ____________ working.
• An electric saw is a device _________ which makes planks wood can be cut quickly
and effortlessly.
• An explosive must be kept _______ ______ fire and heat.
• Each water molecule is made ____ ____two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom.
• The Phoenix spacecraft has tested Martian water ¬¬¬ ______ the first time
31. Correct the mistakes, if any, and rewrite the sentences.
• Steel is made of iron
• Bangalore is called as the Silicon Valley of India.
• Mixing two or more metals, alloys are produced.
• Using currents of different frequencies, each carrying one message, several tele
graph messages are sent simultaneously.
• A drum of petrol is left under the sun which may explode.
• The cost of computers are decreasing day by day.
32. Change into a simple sentence using a participle phrase.
• As the current passes through the electrolyte, a chemical reaction takes place.
• When the fuse blew, the circuit was broken.
• The drilling bit strikes a pocket of oil. The oil roars up from the well.
33 Change into a complex sentence.
• The sodium chloride is too weak to neutralize the hydrochloric acid.
• Air is invisible but it is a substance which fills up space.
34. Change into a simple sentence.
• If you mix NH4Cl with Ca (OH)2 and heat the mixture NH3 will be evolved.
• Before the steam enters the nozzle, it is at very high pressure.
35. Rewrite the sentences with the correct alternative given in brackets.
• Neither the engineer nor the mechanic _________(know/knows) the fault.
• The center of gravity of some regular shapes ______________(are/is) found by ins
• Utility costs for the argon process ________ (is/are) 75% greater than that for
the proposed hydrogen process.
• Chlorine compounds such as electronics manufacturing and refrigeration _________
_ (are/is) the main cause of ozone layer depletion.
• The angles of a triangle _________ (do/does) not add up to 200 degree.

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