Code of Ethics and Business Conduct 2004

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A. T.



2004 Edition


Message from the President and CEO.............................................................. 1

I. Statement of Purpose .................................................................................... 2

II. Application and Administration ....................................................................... 2

III. Conflicts of Interest ....................................................................................... 2

IV. Accounting Records and Controls ................................................................... 4

V. Environmental Compliance............................................................................. 4

VI. Securities Laws Compliance ........................................................................... 5

VII. Antitrust Laws Compliance ............................................................................. 5

VIII. Personal Conduct ......................................................................................... 5

IX. Political Process ............................................................................................ 7

X. Reporting Violations ..................................................................................... 8


To All CROSS Employees:

It is important to A. T. CROSS Company’s

continued success that its policies con- The message is simple and direct: in the
cerning business ethics be clearly conduct of A. T. CROSS business, obser-
communicated throughout the corporation. vance of the law and adherence to ethical
CROSS, as a major international business conduct are requirements, without
manufacturer and distributor of innovative exception. Each of you is expected to read
writing instruments, timepieces, business this Code of Conduct and to apply it in your
accessories, and sunglasses under the Costa work. You may be asked periodically to re-
Del Mar brand name, has established a affirm your understanding of the Code of
reputation for fair and ethical business Conduct by signing an appropriate
practices. CROSS values this reputation and certificate.
will make every effort to maintain these high
business ethics standards. Sincerely,

It is appropriate, therefore, to periodically

reaffirm the commitment of CROSS’s David G. Whalen
management, employees and Board of President and CEO
Directors to ethical business conduct
throughout every facet of CROSS’s business

To this end, the Company prepared this February 2004

Code of Ethics and Business Conduct
(hereafter, “Code of Conduct” or “Code”) in
1996, which is now being updated and
reissued. The Code of Conduct is a
compilation and reaffirmation of the
principles and standards that have guided
CROSS since its founding in 1846. It clearly
spells out the Company’s expectation of legal
and ethical behavior. These standards apply
to all subsidiaries and divisions.
questions regarding this Code or its
application to a particular situation,
should discuss these concerns with
STATEMENT OF PURPOSE his or her immediate supervisor, the
Legal Department or any other
This Code is a concise outline of the manager with whom the Employee
Company’s standards of business ethics and feels comfortable.
conduct. It deals with various laws and
ethical standards to which the Company Management expressly promises that
subscribes. A word of caution, however, is no individual will be discriminated
necessary. This Code does not describe all against or suffer other reprisals for
of the laws to which we are subject, nor does reporting in good faith violations or
it cover every ethical issue. Other laws and suspected violations, of this Code or
Company policies and practices, as well as any other law or statute. In situations
common sense, apply. involving high level employees, the Chief
Executive Officer or the Chair of the Audit
Committee of the Board of Directors may be
II. contacted directly, as appropriate. Contact
information for these individuals may be
APPLICATION & ADMINISTRATION found on the Company’s employee website
at under “Contacts”.
This Code of Conduct applies to all Additionally, anyone wishing to contact the
employees of the A. T. CROSS Company, its Chair of the Audit Committee may send
subsidiaries and divisions. For the purposes correspondence to the attention of the Vice
of this Code, “employees” refers to directors, President, Legal and Human Resources at
officers, and employees of the Company. One Albion Road, Lincoln, RI 02865. The
The “Company” refers to the A. T. CROSS Vice President, Legal and Human Resources
Company and all of its subsidiaries and will forward it unopened (unless there is a
divisions. perceived security risk) to the Chair of the
Audit Committee. Reports of violations may
As noted above, since it is neither practical also be left anonymously on the Company’s
nor possible to describe all situations that Compliance Hotline at (401) 335-8326.
might be covered by a Code of Conduct,
employees should be sure that they
understand and abide by the spirit as well as
the letter of this Code. Violation of any of
the Code’s provisions could result in
disciplinary action, including termination.
Company officers, managers and supervisors
are charged with the responsibility of Every employee should conduct his or her
communicating this Code of Conduct to personal and business affairs in a manner
employees under their direct supervision and such that neither a conflict, nor the appear-
enforcing its provisions. Any employee ance of a conflict, arises between those
who knows of, or suspects, a interests and the interests of the Company.
violation of this Code, or has any

Following are several specific situations of accepting any payment from any
which Employees should be aware: organization or individual which has, or seeks
to establish, a business relationship with the
Company. The payment need not be in
A. Participation in Related cash, but would also include inappropriate
Transactions. gifts, extravagant entertainment, trips or any
other items the value of which is more than
An employee should avoid any situation in nominal or customary and which would
which he or she, or a family member, might constitute, or appear to constitute, a bribe or
profit personally (directly or indirectly), or kickback or which would otherwise unduly
give the appearance of profiting personally, influence, or appear to unduly influence, that
from CROSS’s facilities, its products, or from employee’s actions toward the organization
CROSS’s relationship with its vendors or or individual that made such payment. This
customers. This would include, but not be ensures that the Company’s transactions
limited to, reselling company products for with others are carried out at arm’s length,
profit. Further, an employee should avoid impartially and without favoritism. Business
any situation in which the employee has an lunches, dinners or social invitations, nominal
interest in any entity or matter that may gifts (i.e., with a retail value of approximately
influence or cloud the employee’s judgment $100 or less) such as key chains, calendars,
in the discharge of his or her responsibilities. and similar items, and attendance at con-
ferences and seminars would not normally
In addition, all employees should conduct constitute a violation of this Code.
their personal affairs so as to avoid conflict of
interest situations. This would include, but On a reciprocal note, employees should
not be limited to, reselling Company ensure that they don’t create actual, or the
products for profit. appearance of, conflicts of interest for
others. This would preclude any employee
Absent unusual circumstances, the situations from offering any payment, cash or
listed above should be avoided. These otherwise, to any organization or individual
examples are not meant to be all inclusive with which the Company has, or is seeking to
but are for illustration purposes only. have, business dealings. “Payment” is
Guidance in these or similar areas should be defined as described in the paragraph above.
sought from the employee’s supervisor or
from the Legal Department. If an employee is offered or receives
something of value which he or she believes
may be impermissible under this Code, he or
B. Relationship with Vendors, she should disclose the matter to his or her
Suppliers and Business Associates. supervisor.

An employee should not permit himself or

herself (or members of his or her family) to C. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.
be obligated (other than in the course of
normal banking relationships) to any CROSS will scrupulously adhere to the letter
organization or individual with whom the and spirit of the Foreign Corrupt Practices
Company does business. This precludes Act which prohibits giving money or items of
employees or members of their families from value to a foreign official or instrumentality

for the purpose of influencing a foreign ext. 8543. Reports may also be made
government. The Act further prohibits anonymously to the Company’s Compliance
giving money or items of value to any person Hotline at (401) 335-8326.
or firm when there is a reason to believe that
it will be passed on to a foreign government
official for this purpose. All matters V.
pertaining to this statute must be referred to

It is established Company policy to adhere

IV. strictly to all applicable Federal, state and
local environmental laws and regulations that
ACCOUNTING impact its operations. These requirements
RECORDS & CONTROLS are often technical and complex. Despite the
difficulties involved in staying abreast of
It is established Company policy to create these requirements, employees are
and maintain financial and non-financial responsible for knowing and complying with
books, records and accounts which, in the Federal, state, and local environmental
reasonable detail, accurately and fairly reflect requirements which apply to their duties.
all transactions, acquisitions and dispositions The Company will provide the appropriate
of assets and other activities the Company is training and information to employees to aid
involved with in its day-to-day operations. them in complying with the various legal
All books, records and accounts should requirements.
conform to generally accepted and
applicable accounting principles and to all Where written reports are required to be
applicable laws and regulations. filed with governmental agencies within
specified time periods upon the occurrence
The preparation and maintenance of of certain events, it is the Company’s policy
accurate and adequate records is the to file in a timely fashion with guidance from
responsibility of each employee. This the Legal Department as appropriate. Any
responsibility extends to all internal and questions concerning environmental
external records, reports and corre- regulations and requirements should be
spondence. Employees are expected to directed first to the employee’s supervisor or
sign only documents or records which they manager, and then to the Legal Department.
believe to be accurate and truthful. No
employee is to withhold or conceal CROSS’s Policy on Environmental Matters
information requested by, or to furnish sets forth the Company’s policy with respect
misleading information to, the internal to adherence to environmental laws, rules
auditors, independent auditors, Directors of and regulations. This policy should be
the Company, internal Legal Department, carefully reviewed by all supervisory
outside counsel, or to any others authorized employees, with particular attention from
by management to receive it. Any supervisory employees involved in
questions regarding this area should be operations. A copy of that policy may be
forwarded to the Vice President, Legal and found on the website.
Human Resources at ext. 8538; the Senior
Vice President and Chief Financial Offer at
ext. 8470; or the Manager, Internal Audit at


CROSS is generally required by the The antitrust laws of the United States and
American Stock Exchange to make prompt similar laws of many other nations generally
public disclosure of “material information” prohibit agreements or actions which reduce
regarding the Company. This is information competition where there is no attendant
that if publicly known, would likely affect benefit to the consumer. Employees may not
investor decisions and/or the market price of enter into understandings, arrangements, or
the Company’s securities. agreements with competitors which have the
effect of fixing or controlling prices, dividing
There will be occasions when an employee and allocating markets or territories, or boy-
knows of material information affecting the cotting suppliers or customers. U.S. and
Company which has not yet been publicly foreign antitrust laws also apply to inter-
released. In such cases, the information, national business relating to imports to and
which is generally referred to as “material exports from the United States. Employees
inside information,” must be held in the should never engage in discussions of such
strictest confidence by the employee matters with representatives of other
involved until it is publicly released. companies individually or collectively, as in
the case of trade association meetings.
Because it is a violation of Federal law to Employees should report to the Legal
purchase or sell a company’s securities using Department any instances in which such
what is known as “material inside discussions are initiated by others.
information,” employees should not buy or
sell CROSS shares on the basis of such U.S. and foreign antitrust laws also generally
“material inside information” or provide prohibit resale price maintenance
information to others for that purpose. agreements with customers and may
Further, employees should not buy or sell prohibit, depending on market share and
securities in any other company about which other factors, certain types of restrictive
they have material inside information agreements with customers. Because of the
obtained in the performance of their duties complexity of the antitrust laws, it is
as employees of the Company. imperative that advice be sought from the
Legal Department on any questions relating
CROSS’s Policy on Insider Trading and to this subject.
Related Matters sets forth the Company’s
policy with respect to restrictions on trading
in Company shares. This policy should be VIII.
carefully reviewed by all supervisory
employees. A copy of that policy can be PERSONAL CONDUCT
found at the website.
The Company is dedicated to providing a
safe and nondiscriminatory working
environment for all employees. Such a
commitment requires that all employees
understand and abide by Company policies

dealing with health, safety and appropriate D. Fair and Courteous Behavior. All
treatment of co-workers. employees should treat their co-workers
fairly and courteously without regard to race,
A. Safety. In all cases where a question of color, creed, religion, gender, national origin,
personal safety arises for individual age, sexual orientation, veteran status or
employees, co-workers or other persons on disability.
Company premises, or other locations where
a Company employee is present and fulfilling E. Sexual Harassment. The Company
his or her work-related responsibilities, will not tolerate any form of sexual har-
addressing the safety issue should take assment. It is Company policy to provide all
precedence. Employees should always be employees with a work environment free
cognizant of the need to adhere strictly to all from unwelcome sexual overtures.
safety policies and regulations. Managers and supervisors must be alert to
possible violations of this policy and foster an
B. Alcohol, Controlled Substances, environment in which such conduct is not
etc. All employees should make sure they tolerated. Any questions concerning issues
are fit and able to perform their assigned of sexual harassment should be directed
duties when they report for work. The use, either to the employee’s supervisor, the
sale, possession, manufacture, dispensing or Legal Department or Human Resources.
distribution of alcohol, unauthorized drugs or
controlled substances by an employee on F. Violation of Laws. Employees are not
Company premises is prohibited. The abuse authorized to achieve any Company
of legal drugs on Company premises or objective by violating any Federal, state, city,
during normal work hours is likewise town, or other governmental or regulatory
prohibited. Employees who are taking body’s laws, statutes, regulations or generally
legally prescribed drugs and who are accepted rules and standards.
concerned that such drugs may impair their
ability to perform their normal work G. Integrity and Professionalism. Em-
assignments must consult with their ployees should remember that they are a
physician immediately. The Company reflection on the Company and are
retains the right to search any and all constantly being judged or otherwise
Company property, as well as the appraised by everyone they come in contact
employee’s person and personal pos- with. All employees should conduct
sessions, at any time. Controlled, pro- themselves with the highest degree of
hibited or illegal substances will be con- integrity and professionalism in the
fiscated, and where appropriate, turned over workplace or any other location while on
to the authorities. Company business.

C. Weapons. The possession of firearms H. Community and Civic

or other weapons or any other dangerous or Participation. The Company has a long-
illegal articles on Company premises or while standing commitment to be a good civic
on Company business, with the exception of neighbor to the communities in which it, or
certain chemicals or other agents used in its subsidiaries or divisions, is located. Em-
Company operations, is prohibited. ployees are encouraged to participate (on
their own time) as members of governmen-
tal, civic and professional organizations. It

should be noted, however, that such However, certain constraints related to this
participation is as an individual, not as a area should be considered by all employees.
representative of the Company. Employees
participating in these organizations should A. Federal Campaigns. Federal law
avoid representing themselves as generally prohibits corporate participation in
spokespersons for the Company unless Federal elections. To avoid any suggestion
authorized to do so by management. of direct or indirect corporate participation,
Employees should carefully consider employees should refrain from working for a
whether their involvement could create, or Federal candidate during normal working
give the appearance of creating, a conflict of hours, i.e., when that employee would
interest. In areas where these organizations normally be at work. Furthermore, at no time
may be involved in transactions with the should any Company property be used for
Company, employee participants should such purpose.
abstain from voting or otherwise participating
in a manner that could create, or give the B. State and Local Campaigns. Rhode
appearance of creating, a conflict of interest. Island law prohibits direct corporate support
of any candidate for state or local elective
I. Outside Employment. The Company office. Each employee should refrain from
considers itself to be the primary employer of performing any work for state or local
its employees. All employees are expected candidates during that employee’s normal
to be available to perform their assigned working hours and from using any Company
duties, during normal working hours and property for such purpose.
otherwise, as necessary. Employees
engaged in or contemplating outside C. Public Office. Employees seeking a
employment should carefully consider the public office which would require time away
impact, if any, on their ability to fulfill their from their normal work for the Company
responsibilities to the Company. This must comply with Company policies
includes potential conflicts of interest, regarding absenteeism and leaves of absence
availability for work, and any other factor that as described in detail in CROSS’s Personnel
may prejudice the interests of the Company. Policies. Employees seeking an elective
The use of Company resources, i.e., office should also be sensitive to potential
equipment, manpower, supplies, facilities, conflicts of interest as outlined in Section III,
etc., by an employee for another paragraph D.
organization, whether that employee
receives compensation from that D. Contributions. Employees should be
organization or not, is prohibited unless aware that all political contributions they
expressly authorized by an appropriate level make, including their own time, are theirs
of management. alone.


The Company strongly supports our rep-

resentative form of government and
encourages all employees to participate in it.

In situations involving high level employees,
X. the Chief Executive Officer or the Chair of
the Audit Committee of the Board of
REPORTING OF VIOLATIONS Directors may be contacted directly, as
appropriate. Contact information for these
It is a priority of the Company that it, and its individuals may be found on the Company’s
employees, act ethically and legally. In employee website at
addition to fostering an atmosphere that the under “Contacts”. Additionally, anyone
Company will not accept, illegal acts or wishing to contact the Chair of the Audit
improper conduct may also subject CROSS Committee may send correspondence to the
to severe civil and criminal penalties. It is attention of the Vice President, Legal and
therefore very important that any illegal Human Resources at One Albion Road,
activity or violations of the Code be promptly Lincoln, RI 02865. The Vice President, Legal
brought to the Company’s attention. This and Human Resources will forward it
would include, but not be limited to, unopened (unless there is a perceived
questions or complaints regarding the security risk) to the Chair of the Audit
Company's accounting, internal accounting Committee.
controls, or auditing matters.
It is a violation of this Code for employees
Any CROSS employee who believes or not to report a violation of the Code or any
becomes aware that any violation of this illegal activity. If you have a question about
Code has occurred, or that any illegal or whether particular acts or conduct may be
questionable activity has been engaged in by illegal or violate the Code, you should
a CROSS employee or by non-employees contact one of the persons listed above.
acting on CROSS’s behalf, must promptly
report the violation or illegal activity in It is CROSS’s policy to promptly and
person, by phone or in writing, to one of the thoroughly investigate reports of illegal
following persons: activity or violations of this Code. CROSS
employees must cooperate with these
1. The Vice President, Legal and Human investigations. It is a violation of this Code
Resources (Ext. 8538) or another for CROSS employees to prevent, hinder or
attorney on the legal staff; delay discovery and full investigation of
illegal acts or violations of this Code.
2. The Senior Vice President and Chief
Financial Officer (Ext. 8470); CROSS employees may report illegal acts or
a violation of this Code anonymously. To the
3. The Manager, Internal Audit (Ext. extent permitted by law, CROSS will take
8543); or reasonable precautions to maintain the
confidentiality of those individuals who
4. The employee’s immediate report illegal activity or violations of this
supervisor, department head or Code and of those individuals involved in the
another senior manager. alleged improper activity, whether or not it
turns out that improper acts occurred.
An anonymous report may also be made by Anonymous reports must contain enough
calling the Compliance Hotline at (401) 335- detailed information to permit the Company
8326. to investigate.

No reprisals or disciplinary action will be
taken or permitted against employees for
good faith reporting of, or cooperating in the
investigation of, illegal acts or violations of
this Code. It is a violation of this Code for
any CROSS employee to punish or conduct
reprisals against another employee for
making a good faith report of, or cooperating
in the investigation of, illegal acts or viola-
tions of this Code.

Personnel who violate the Code or commit

illegal acts are subject to discipline up to and
including dismissal. Employees who report
their own illegal acts or improper conduct,
however, will have such self-reporting taken
into account in determining the appropriate
disciplinary action.


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