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NIM : PO714241211040


1. What is phisiotherapy?
Physiotherapy is a medical specialty concerned with preventing and reating
musculoskeletal disorders. It uses physical approaches to promote, maintain and
restore physical, physichological and social well-being
2. What is the aim of physiotherapy in the case of people after injuries?
A. restores normal joint motion in stiff joints. Strengthens he muscles around the
B. when the muscles around the joint are strong, when the joint receives a load, the
muscles will work more than the joint, so that when the joint is inflamed or painful,
the joint is not too burdened and the joint healing process become faster
3. What conditions are most often treated with physiotherapeutical methods?
Arthritis, back and neck pain, sports injuries, neurological conditions such a stroke,
or age related conditions. It uses a variety of treatment methods as i.e
4. Which branch of physiotherapy uses swimming as a treatment method?
Hydrotherapy, promothes the treatment with water, patients are put in hot baths or
encouraged to swim. Various techniques are used for relaxation, to stimulate
digestion, circulation, the immune system, and to relieve pain
5. Which branch of physiotherpy deals with hand techniques?
Manual therapy, these are methods of hand techniques, such as mobilization or
manipulation of joints and soft tissue. These methods are used to relieve pain,
swelling, increase muscle and joint functional mobility
6. What is kinesitherapy?
Therapy involving active or passive movement of parts of the body in order to
strengthen and stabilize joints. Kinestherapy is use i.e. in back and limb disorders,
prevention of locomotor system disorders
7. Is physiotherapy based on research or is this rather an alternative medicine branch?
Yes, physiotherapy is an established, respected and evidence-based proffesion,
which uses scientifically proven techniques to help many conditions affecting your
8. Is physiotherapy in any way connected with sport?
Yes, sports physiotherapy is a specialized branch of physiotherapy that deals with
injuries and problems related to sports people
9. Find adjectives describing physiotherapy in the text.
restoring strength and functions after a disease or injury
improving and maintaining functional independence and physical performance
correcting deformities
preventing and managing pain, physical impairments, disabilities
promoting fitness and health

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