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VS ee . ‘Student Activity Sheet #2 Nome Pine Chaves Modes Class number, O4 evion: BN \B Scheie NBS Date. efuafan “Tronic Tnehrecoonavayarinng iipanersoping Wea Theos Worahest Lesson Objectives etree: 1. Todlscuss the origins of the Filipina people before the start See References below. ofthe pre-colonal period 2. Tohighlight the different theories on how people started 10 ‘nhabitin the Philippines; 3. Toexamine recent studies and discoveries concerning the ‘eopling ofthe Philippines: and 4_Toapprecate the indigenous t00ts ofthe Filipino people. nTroDuCTION In order for us to understand the origins ofthe Filipino people, we should fist discuss the diferent theories on haw people stated to ishabitin the Philippines. Though these theories have competing claims, the existence ‘ofthese theories prove the fact that Magellan did nat discover the Philippines inthe fist place LESSON TARGETS 1. can describe the ciferent theories on how people started to inhabit in the Philipines. 2 lean appreciate the recent discoveries concerning how people tated to inhabit the country. 3. ean realize that if there are already people residing in the Philippines, it means thatthe country was not discovered bythe Spaniards 4 I canunderstand the importance of the indigenous peoples in Philippine history LESSON REVIEW/PREVIEW Activity 1. retest, Write TRUE if the statement is te and FALSE not THE 1, tere were ateady eope ving inthe archipelago before the anival ofthe Spaniards 2. TheFerdinand Magelan and hs men dlsovered he Phippies IE 3. Accardngto experts humans reached he Philppines nly rough the wef and ges o TRE, murat 4. There are severa theories that explain how people inhabited the archipelago, “TRUE 5. People only started to inhabit the Philippines when Magellan discovered it. LV Lcenoos: Readings in Philippine History Sinent cry set 2 viame, Wince. oats Moses class number: 4 section BSNNG Schedule: Wesdey Date: Bfrofar Activity 2, Hook Activity How did people start to inhabit the Philipines? Draw a simple dlagram inthe space provided below to explain {your prior knowedge of owe people asved in the country. DEVELOPING THE SKILL Activity 3. Reading comprehension: Presrinted Concept Notes, Read the concept notes and highlight important information ven before Magellan and his crew atved in 1521, the archipelago was already inhabited by human settlements. Ths disproves the notion that Magellan discovered the Philipines. n fact, there are three vital sieheologial dacoveres in the Philippines that prove activities of ancestors of modern humans In 2018, 9 Sroup of archeologists discovered a fossil of a butchered rhinoceros and tools used to butcher i in Kalinga province The fossils recovered ave dated to 700,000 years old, Analysis of thefosis an tools incicate that theve vras an attempt to cut the meat of the rhinoceros, implying an apparent effort to eat Ht. The next evidence of presence f human ancesto inthe Philippines sthe discovery of lng toe bone from a new human species found in 2010 in Callao Cave, Cagayan. Scientific analysis ofthe fossil indicates that the bones gathered are ‘dated 67.000 years old andl came fom a new human species, Homo lazonenss. This fossil predates the human emainscecovered in 1962 and 2004 from Tabon Cave in Palawan. Inthe cave, three sets of human remains were recovered dated to 16500, 31,000, and 47,000 years old. Al these remains belonged to Homo sapiens, the ‘modern humans. ‘hese archeological findings prove that even during prehistoric period, human species inhabited the archipelago. Unt nov, scientists continue to research how our ancestors started to populate the archipelago, There have been several competing theories raised to explain this. These theories ae called peopting theories ‘Tete ae two major strands of peopng theories. The fist strand believes that the frst inhabitants ofthe philippines wece indigenous people who inherently ive within the archipelago and had undergone a lengthy process of internal development, One of the theories that fall under this strand was developed by an tehaeologist named Willam Meacham. Hé believed tht there were already people living in the Philippines ~ - GEN004: Readings in Philippine History i ‘Student Activity Sheet #2 ame: _ Perce Cherbes Aides lass number: Section: BSW YG. Sctredul Date: Gait, 1. Mallon (2004), The peopling of the Philippines: A cartographic symhesis. Mukay: Journal ofthe University ofthe Philppines Archaeological Studies Program, 6, pp. 1-27. (Gaspar, K (2021) ASOIOURNER'S VIEW: Review ofJoural Article “Multiple migrations tthe Philippines during ‘the last 50,000 years.” Mindanews. Accessed at htps//vaww!021/06!a Sojourners view: teview-ofjoutnalaicle- multiple-migrtions-to-the philippines during the-last 50000-yeas/ Greshko, M. (2018). 700,000-Year-Old Stone Tools Point to Mysterious Human Relative. National Geographic. ‘Accessed at hitps//sww nationalgeographic convsclence/artcle/stone-toolsthinoceros-kzom phiippines-ancient hominins science Lavena, Metal (2021). Multiple migrations to the Philippines during the lst 50.000 years. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences ofthe United States of America Larena, Met al (2021), Philippine Ayta possess the highest level of Denisovan ancestry in the world. Current Biology 31, pp. 1-12. Paredes, 0, (2018). Between rights protection and development aggression: ndenous peoples. n Thompson, 'M.R& tatala EV. (Eds Routledge Handbook of the Contemporaty Philippines (pp. 341-351), New York Routledge ‘Tan, M. (2019), Homo luzonensis. The Inquirer. Accessed at. hitps//opinioninquiernet/120722/homo: uzonensis Activity 4 Practice Exercise Filout the table below: ~ [PROPONENT [eta . UES

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