Finding Trends Lesson Plan: Planning

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Finding Trends Lesson Plan

Teacher Name:Ryan Bowen

Grade: 9th

Target Content/Lesson Topic:Finding Trends


This lesson is for a(n) ___x_ whole class _____ small group _____ individual

Essential Question Why do we collect statistics?
- What is the essential question that
this lesson addresses?
- What is the core purpose of the
lesson that includes the strategies and
skills necessary to accomplish the
deeper learning in the standard?
Sequencing This lesson would be the 2nd in a 3 part series of lessons dealing with
- How does this lesson fit into the statistics: how to recognize trends in a data set
larger unit of study?
- Focus on a logical/hierarchical As this is the second lesson in the series, it will assume students the basics of
sequencing of skills (e.g., main ideas statistical models as they were discussed in the previous lesson
before details, similarities before
State Learning Standards
List the complete, relevant grade- M.SP.ID.B.5
level standard(s).

Summarize categorical data for two categories in two-way frequency tab

frequencies in the context of the data (including joint, marginal, and con

as examples of proportionality and disproportionality). Recognize possib

the data.

Learning Target(s) and Learning Students can identify trends in a data set
- Choose your learning target(s) and
objective(s) based on the relevant
state learning standard(s).
- Write focused targets and
objectives that describe the specific
learning outcome (what students
should be able to do as a result of the
- Be sure they are stated in
observable and measurable terms
(e.g., ABCD+T).
Grouping Students will be asked to complete activities either individually or in small
Describe how and why students are groups
grouped based on
- homogeneous, heterogeneous,
- ability, interest, IEP goals, social or
social-emotional, behavioral,
language acquisition
Co-Teaching Strategy N/A
Does this lesson involve co-teaching?
If not, state N/A. If yes, identify the
co-teaching model and what role
each teacher will play.
-One Teach, One Observe; One
Teach, One Assist; Station Teaching;
Parallel Teaching; Supplemental;
Alternative; Team Teaching
Differentiation Content: Students may choose a different blog to analyze so long as it
Describe how you will meet school appropriate and covers the topic covered in class (finding trends)
individual students’ needs by
adjusting the content, process, Process: students can choose to work individually or in small groups
product, and environment based on
their readiness, interests, and learning Product: Students may choose to type or handwrite their analysis of the
preferences. blog post

Environment: Students may choose the area of the classroom

they would like to work in.

IEP Goals Relevant to Lesson (Add rows as necessary.)

Student IEP Goal

Accommodations and/or Modifications Required for Students in Special Education (Add

rows as necessary.)

Student(s) Required Accommodation/Modificatio

Supports for English Language Learners (Add rows as necessary.)

Student Necessary Supports (e.g., Sheltered English strategies, g

Formative Assessment The teacher will monitor student progress through observing students
- How will you monitor student discussions on the blog post; the teacher will also walk around the room as
learning throughout the lesson? students work on their analysis to further gauge their grasp on the material.
- Be specific about how your practice
assessments connect directly with the Students will demonstrate their ability to identify trends, the causes of those
lesson objective. trends and potential sources of skewed data
Formative Evaluation Criteria Check list:
- What material(s) will you use to Students can identify what trends exist in a data set
evaluate learning? Students can explain the difference between correlation and causation
- Attach a copy of your checklist, Students understand what outliers are and when to exclude them from data
rubric, observation criteria, or other
Summative Assessment Students will demonstrate mastery of the material through their creation
How will students demonstrate of their own blog post which will be completed by the end of the unit
mastery of the standard? The topic of the blog can be any topic covered in class; other topics will be
Note: This assessment does not have accepted pending approval from the teacher.
to occur during/after this lesson but Students will work on this project gradually through the entire course of the
in upcoming lessons. unit and will be assessed based on the quality of their blog; a reflection, and
their contributions to each others blogs through peer review

Summative Evaluation Criteria Rubrik provided below

- What material(s) will you use to
evaluate learning?
Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaching
- Attach a copy of your checklist,
rubric, observation criteria, or other
measure. Students with blogs Students with blogs Students with blo
that: that: that:

Provide entirely Provide mostly accurate Provide some acc

accurate information information on the information on the
on the selected topic selected topic selected topic
(1-2 errors) (3-4 errors) (5-6 errors)

Are formatted in a way Are formatted in a way Are formatted in a

that exhibits a logical that exhibits a logicalthat exhibits a
flow to the information flow to the informationsomewhat logical
provided provided the information pr
with some gaps o
Contain pristine Contain proper grammar in logic
grammar with little to no with some exceptions
mistakes (3-4 errors) Contains mediocr
(1-2 errors) grammar with rep
(4-6 errors)

Students whose Students whose Students whose

reflections: reflections: reflections:

Include why they chose Properly answers ⅔ of Properly answers

their topic, the reflection prompts the reflection prom
What revelations they
Had while writing their Are formatted in a way Are formatted in a
blog and any questions that exhibits a logical that exhibits a
they have regarding the flow to the information somewhat logical
topic provided the information pr
with some gaps o
Are formatted in a way Are formatted in a way in logic
that exhibits a logical that exhibits a logical
flow to the information flow to the informationContains mediocr
provided provided grammar with rep
Contain pristine Contain proper grammar (4-6 errors)
grammar with little to no with some exceptions
mistakes (3-4 errors)
(1-2 errors)

Students Peer Reviews: Students Peer Reviews: Students Peer Re

Provide 3 valid Provide 2 valid Provide 1 valid cr
criticisms of the post criticisms of the post of the post

Include 1 thing they Include 1 thing they Include 1 thing th

found interesting found interesting found interesting

Include 1 question about Include 1 question about Include 1 question

the topic the topic the topic

Opening: Introduction and The teacher will give a brief rundown to the days activities:
Connection to Previous Learning Introduction to data trends answering the following:
● Anticipatory Activity (Hook) What does a data trend look like? ( draw a graph from a data set)
● Activate prior knowledge. What are they used for? (making inferences)
● Be sure students understand When are they valid? ( activate prior knowledge of statistical models)
procedures and instructions for
the lesson. Group analysis of a blog about trends in data
● Establish clear expectations. Class discussion on the blog
● Model concept. Reflection
The groupings/instruction/lesson work time on summative assessment
progression may look different in different
parts of the lesson!
During: Lesson Progression After the teacher models how to find trends in data, students will be expected
In this portion of the lesson, you will explore related pages of the blog and perform the same analysis with the aid
be letting go and letting students of the teacher
engage in productive struggle;
engaging in gradual release (“I do, we Once students pass the formative assessment checklist, they will be encourage
do, you do”), inquiry, guided or to explore even deeper into the blog and conduct the analysis on their own
independent practice, or other
learning methods. Please write what After students finish their analysis, students will be asked to share their though
you are looking for in terms of: on the blog ( opinions, take-aways, questions, connections, etc)
● Students’ thinking and how
they will start the lesson. At the end of class students will be asked to reflect on the days activities and
● Provide appropriate support start brainstorming ideas for their own blogs by reflecting on the blogs
(not explaining how to do it). they've experienced over the course of the unit so far
● Provide worthwhile
● Provide opportunities for
students to engage in using
the academic language.
This is where you will be suggesting
or modeling specific strategies
and helping students choose which
strategy makes sense to them.
However, you must make sure ideas
come from students.
Closing: Wrap-Up and Extension After students are given time to reflect, The teacher will give students time to
End the lesson with a final review of work on their blogs
key ideas and knowledge. This is
where you have students talk about The teacher will then review the main points of the days activities by
their thinking and share strategies inquiring the class on what they thought the main take aways of the class
with the whole class. It’s important period were
to name strategies and use academic
vocabulary here, extending the lesson Students will then be given the opportunity to ask questions about the
to broader ideas. current unit before formally ending the class period
● Promote a community of
● Listen actively and probe
thinking without evaluating
or telling them how you
would do it.
Summarize main ideas and identify
future problems that they would be
able to solve using the thinking you
have discussed. Provide a brief
preview of what the next lesson will
Curricular and Instructional Blog provided:
Resources or Materials
- List and provide a brief rationale patterns-in-data-sets
for all necessary lesson resources and
materials. If not original, cite the
- Attach/link a copy of all materials
the teacher and students will use
during the lesson; e.g., handouts,
questions to answer, slides,
worksheets, and so on.
Supplies, Equipment and Notebook
- List all other supplies that need to Pencil
be available.
Device to access the internet

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