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Industrial Microbiology: Concepts, Challenges and Motivations

Author(s): Arthur M. Kaplan

Source: BioScience, Vol. 21, No. 10 (May 15, 1971), pp. 468-470
Published by: Oxford University Press on behalf of the American Institute of Biological Sciences
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Accessed: 09/06/2014 16:47

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Industrial Microbiology:
Concepts, Challenges and Motivations

Arthur M. Kaplan

Industrial microbiology, by defini- Many in industrial microbiology have the fact that without these talents an
tion, is based on talents derived from long recognized the value of the inter- essential ingredient toward the solution
the disciplines of science, engineering, disciplinary approach. The term "inter- will be lacking, and that somehow his is
and economics. It gathers together indi- disciplinary" has been used interchange- one of the major touchstones that magi-
viduals from industry, universities, gov- ably with the expression "team" cally catalyzes the effort into tangible,
ernment, and private foundations and approach. Often, in practice, both are fruitful, significant results. It is this
includes microbiologists, chemists, indeed the same. I should like, however, sense of a person's worth and dignity
mathematicians, engineers, materials to make a distinction between the two that leads him to work with scientific
specialists, and administrators to name because they are not necessarily synono- strangers, to be tolerant of other ap-
but a few. To receive an award from a mous, since one can be cognizant of, proaches, to solicit help, and finally to
group representing such diversity is and have the talent to pursue, interdis- savor the accomplishment.
indeed complimentary in itself. How- ciplinary investigations as an individual. At this point, I suspect that the
ever, it is of particular salience to me Still, it must be recognized that in this thought must be running through some
because this multifaceted group day of extreme scientific specialization of your minds that I describe a fantasy
highlights a frequent reality in our there are relatively few people who are that just does not happen in the real
endeavors; that is, the presence of col- so blessed. It is interesting to observe, world, that individual motivation di-
leagues of various disciplines and inter- parenthetically, that the National Sci- vorced from tangible reward, or lack of
ests working together toward the solu- ence Foundation is now sponsoring it, does not exist. Well, what is the real
tion of problems calling for their several interdisciplinary research and that uni- scientific world? Recently, I attended a
skills. This has been at once an oppor- versities have established interdisciplin- conference concerned with disinfection
tunity and a challenge; an opportunity ary studies curricula. As a result of such of water supplies and waste water treat-
because it permitted one to understand, activity, perhaps we shall see in the ments. Early in the conference, there
to some slight degree, the working and future the more frequent appearance of was discussion of a laboratory study.
applications of another discipline and a the new renaissance man who is capable The speaker pointed out that the study,
challenge in bringing about meaningful of conducting diverse studies by him- of course, had to be considered in the
communication between individuals so self. In view of present circumstances, light of circumstances existing in the
that efforts could be productive. This is however, where there is a dearth of real world and experimental conditions
especially true for the segment of micro- contemporary Leonardo da Vincis with were therefore established to simulate
biology which has received my atten- such inherent proficiency and working "real world" conditions. Following this,
tion, that of microbial deterioration of with others is thus a necessity, the there was constant reference during the
materials. To many people this is an challenge of working with colleagues of conference to the phrase "real world,"
esoteric, bizarre profession having some- other disciplines remains with us. How with one participant finally stating that
thing to do with moldy books; or, from is this challenge managed so that each the leading theme of the conference
another aspect, an art practiced by individual involved contributes fully and appeared to be the "real world." Why
alchemists with a peculiarly modern unstintingly the best of his professional did the phrase touch a responsive
twist-that of keeping gold from turning capability and intellect? On the one chord? In one instance, because some of
into dross! In reality, we concern our- hand, I presume that this can and is the conference attendees were engineers
selves with all manner of materials, all frequently brought about through exec- faced with overwhelming pollution
aspects of science and technology, and utive fiat, i.e., do this because I so direct problems that required immediate
every conceivable industry. As a result, it. In this situation, consequences are answers in terms of types of treatment
interdisciplinary effort is the very heart apt to be dire if failure results; if well plants, treatment procedures, and cost
of our endeavors, done, tangible reward may follow. Moti- analysis among others. Nevertheless, as
This is based on an address given by the au-
vation for cooperation is clear and the same engineers spoke, it was inter-
thor when accepting the Charles Thom Award self-evident. I submit, however, that in esting to observe the broadness of
from the Society for Industrial Microbiology the greater number of cases the individ- thought as demonstrated by the chemi-
at its 27th Annual Meeting, University of
Rhode Island, Kingston, August 1970. This
ual is additionally motivated by the cal, biological, and mathematical factors
address has also been published in Develop- sheer excitement of the problem as he considered, the pride in tying in these
ments in Industrial Microbiology, Vol. 12. sees it or as it is communicated to him
The author is Head, Microbiology Group at
separate but related arts, and finally the
the U.S. Army Natick Laboratories, Natick, by others. He sees the opportunity of obvious sense of accomplishment in
Massachusetts. employing his talents, of appreciating describing substantive design solutions.

468 BioScienceVol. 21 No. 10

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So, for this pragmatic group, there was antibiotics, the alteration of metabolic for the most practical of motives. If we
present the individual motivation to- pathways to favor elaboration of a given could establish the exact number and
ward participating in a multidisciplinary metabolite of commercial value, the distribution of altered molecules re-
task in exactly the terms described enzymatic break down of given organic quired to prevent cellulase fit with the
above and in the very real and present substrates, the role of iron and sulfur cellulose substrate, we would then have
world of environmental pollution. metabolism in metal corrosion, concrete a most valuable basis for development
There were others present who were erosion, and water pollution, etc. What of treatments on rational rather than
most interested in the mode of action is surprising, I believe, is the rather empirical grounds. But in order to do
involved in the control by halogens of tardy recognition that basic research can this, we must first have an idea not only
water-borne pathogenic microorganisms. indeed be application-oriented research of the structure of the modified cel-
These people were also intrigued by the rather than research for its own sake, lulose substrate but, as important, an
real world. Their real world consisted of with no thought given to its ultimate idea of the structure and exact confor-
such concerns as the failure of iodine to usefulness. I should like to illustrate this mation of the cellulolytic enzymes. This
react with RNA isolated from represen- point with a specific example to indi- requires the purification, separation,
tative enteric pathogenic virus, the in- cate that this thought is neither heret- and isolation of crystalline enzymes so
activation of the intact viral particle by ical nor contradictory. that the proper tools of physical, analyt-
specific chemical species of iodine, and A number of years ago we undertook ical, and biochemistry can be utilized to
the determination of the exact situa- studies to provide better protection to determine structure and conformation.
tions required for a given chemical cellulosic textiles than we were obtain- Where does this lead?-to one of the
species to exist. Theirs was indeed the ing with fungicides available to us. One very frontiers of basic science, the eluci-
real world of providing means for insur- of the more promising developments at dation of the exact structure of protein
ing noninfective water supplies. But, in that time was the treatment of the molecules. This study is certainly
this real world, the dialogue between cellulose with a compound, trimethylol- fundamental yet, in the present context,
virologists, biochemists, organic chem- melamine, that offered passive protec- one of direction for very practical rea-
ists, physical chemists, and engineers tion to the cellulose as contrasted to the sons. It is because of this seeming para-
generated a great deal of heat as each active protection offered by fungicides dox that in our own laboratory we
brought the tools of his trade, if you where fungal growth is prevented make no attempt to classify our efforts.
will, to bear on the problem and each through the toxic action of the fungi- We do what is required of us and have
was certain that the other's science cide. Obviously, since the compound used the rather nondescript terms of
simply didn't explain things properly. was nontoxic to cellulolytic fungi, it short-or long-range research to describe
Here we had inputs of the various crafts established a barrier that somehow pre- our efforts if we are pressed for defini-
but, since this was a world where vented access of fungal cellulases to tions.
definitions and proofs were at a basic susceptible sites of the cellulose mole- The concern for putting a label on
level, the validity of each position was cules. We naturally were curious as to the type of research done has been a
more difficult to establish as contrasted whether this was due to a gross barrier matter of discussion for many years and
with the more visible and tangible solu- effect on a supramolecular level, i.e., the it still continues. As recently as 15 June
tions of the engineers. Each individual formation of polymers that would plug 1970, Dr. Otto Behrens. Associate Direc-
protagonist, however, was motivated to pores in the cellulose structure or coat tor of Research, Eli Lilly Research
contribute his science toward unravel- fibers thus blocking enzymes, or Laboratories, in an article in BioScience,
ling the chemical, physical, and biologi- whether the effect was due to chemical discussed the interrelationship of basic
cal complexity by the sheer challenge of linkage of the melamine compound with and applied research in the pharmaceuti-
the problem. Thus, I feel that one does cellulose at a molecular level, altering cal industry. His was an introduction to
not deal in fantasy but indeed finds in the cellulose structure so that the en- four other articles prepared to illustrate
the real world of science the justifica- zymes could not approach a susceptible various ways in which pharmaceutical
tion and drive for individual expression molecular site because of configuration research interacts with the basic sci-
in interdisciplinary research. changes in the cellulose. Work carried ences. The articles used as examples
In citing examples to illustrate sci- on in our own laboratories and in other were concerned with interferon in-
entific motivation for interdisciplinary laboratories commissioned by us to ducers, proinsulin, enzyme induction by
effort, I have chosen one example from study the problem established that there drugs, and immune suppressants, respec-
the applied area of civil engineering and was indeed covalent linkage of the tively. The authors included employees
the other example from a more basic trimethylolmelamine with cellulose and of two drug companies, a consultant to
level of science, the mode of action of that this linkage occurred at carbons 2, a drug company, and a university pro-
biocides. Yet, both are parts of indus- 3, and 6 of the anhydroglucose units of fessor. All the articles demonstrated the
trial microbiology. It is intriguing that the cellulose molecules. At the same preoccupation of the authors with basic
in industrial microbiology, by its very time, it was also shown, using regener- phenomena and accompanying authors
title an applied science, there exists ated cellulose gels, that polymer forma- biographical sketches confirmed this.
significant basic effort. Again, those tion occurred in the pores of the gels, For example, one author had written
who are part of industrial microbiology plugging the pores. We thus were faced extensively on the amino acid sequence
are not surprised because they know with some support for blocking at either of glucagon and proinsulin, another on
that application and technology are the molecular or supramolecular level or the physiological role of the hepatic
based on such studies. Examples of a combination of both. microsomal mono-oxygenase enzyme
basic research can be found in such For a number of reasons, we decided system, etc. Nevertheless, all the articles
areas as the transformation of steroids to concentrate on changes at the molec- were obviously related to practical goals
by microorganisms, the production of ular level and we continued our studies of drug companies. How to describe

May15, 1971 469

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such research?Dr. Behrens held to the ative activity concerned with the inte- alone. Perhapsit is for the better if we
distinction between basic and applied gration of knowledge components, in are forced to broaden our outlook, in
research but observed: "The considera- novel ways, into technological con- spite of ourselves, to consider other
tion of goals for applied research may structs." He further states: "Applied, as elements involved in this "real world"
lead to the realizationthat certainbasic well as phenomena-oriented, research of science and technology, to absorb
phenomena must be investigatedbefore can involve the investigation of funda- something of the philosophy and talents
experimental approaches to the practi- mental mechanismson the atomic and of the new renaissance man that I
cal problem can be formulated. In such molecularlevel, and in this sense can be mentioned earlier, and to appreciatethe
instances, the experimental differences fundamentalas opposed to empiricalor discipline and delicate art of interdis-
between basic and appliedresearchmay Edisonian. This fact is often seriously ciplinary thinking. And it can be done
be insignificant." He also noted and overlooked by students, and leads to an without any compromise of principle.
gave examples of the contributions ap- erroneous order of preference in which For it all lies in the mind of man to
plied research has made to basic re- applied science is usually a second conduct his research so that it is of
search thus: "With the discovery of the choice." value by any orientation one wishes to
antibiotics came the recognition that During the 50s and early 60s when apply to it or by any term one uses to
these substancesalso serve as new tools federal funds were bountifully available, describeit. The problem is not with the
for the study of metabolism." Dr. basic research was the only researchin constraints of the real world of indus-
Howard Reiss, University of California, the minds of many. Presently, both in trial microbiology or science, but with
Los Angeles, in an article in the June the United States and Europe, mission the constraintsthe individualestablishes
29th issue of Chemical and Engineering orientation is being emphasized. Of to prevent himself from recognizingthe
News, discussing industrial research course, both efforts must be carriedon only criterion that matters, and that is
careers, also is concerned with descrip- but I must say, and I have attempted to the quality of what he does.
tive terms for research. He prefers the illustratethe point, that mission orienta-
term phenomena-oriented research to tion offers the same individual and
basic research to indicate its involve- scientific challenge that has always ex- References
ment with the elucidation of natural isted in the realm of what some prefer
phenomena. Concerning applied re- to call pure science. In some ways, the Behrens,O. K. (ed.). 1970. Pharmaceutical
research:Interrelationshipsof basic and
search, he states: "The term applied challenge is greater because one is now appliedresearch.BioScience,20: 694-714.
research will be retained to indicate forced to think beyond the direct task Reiss, H. 1970. Industrialresearchcareers.
involvement with application and cre- of conducting research in his specialty Chem.Eng. News, 40: 18-25.

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