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John Leree B.

Coralde 4CHEB 03/15/2022

Good Governance
As the world becomes more and more interconnected and intertwined, the individual is
more involved in the dealings and interactions of the global community. As a matter of fact, it is
but their responsibility and obligation to be knowledgeable of the issues prevalent throughout
the globe. The Global Citizens’ Initiative states that it is the obligation of global citizens to be aware
of the key global issues that affect their lives. They must, for example, comprehend the effects of
resource scarcity on civilizations, the problems provided by the current global distribution of
wealth and power, the causes of war and features of peace-building, and the obstacles posed by a
growing global population. Along with those, they must, for example, comprehend how the global
environment impacts them where they live, as well as how their environmental lifestyles
influence the environment in other parts of the globe. They must comprehend how human rights
violations in other nations influence their own human rights, how global wealth disparities affect
their quality of life, and how the worldwide flood of immigration affects what happens in their
own country. Therefore, a good citizen is an individual that involves themselves in the global
However, in order for an individual to be a good citizen, they must be guided by good
governance. At its core, to govern implies to lead and control an organization's, village's, or
nation's activities, policies, and functions. A nation's, a political unit's, and people's acts and affairs
are governed by the government. Good governance would mean participation of the vulnerable
through an organized and civil representative. Good governance means a fair legal framework
that requires full protection of human rights. Good governance would mean transparency in the
enforcement of the law where information is freely available to the affected. Good governance
would mean accountability. Though good governance, a government can hope to absolve the
issues that its people and economy faces.
Taking good governance in account, the need for governance in this globalized world is
still essential. Governance in the global scale would mean a never-ending process of balancing
competing interests and establishing cooperative action. The coordination of national policies
and the identification of agreed norms and regulations serve as the foundation for this. These
norm and regulation manifest in various forms: one aspect are international agreements (such as
The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trades or GATT) and the other aspect are international
organizations such as the World Trade Organization (WTO), the World Bank, and the
International Monetary Fund (IMF). However, catastrophic risk management is the most critical
agenda of global governance which that entails putting in place suitable procedures to minimize
the chance and effect of any occurrence that might kill 10% of humankind on the planet or create
damage of comparable size. This is the final nail in the coffin that solidifies the importance of
governance in the global scale.

The Rights and Responsibilities of Global Citizenship|The Global Citizens’ Initiative. (2015).
Governance Governing Government - Rights + Resources. (2021, November 16). Rights +
Sheng, Y. K. (n.d.). United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific.
Global Governance – Shaping Globalization. (2020, February 28).

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