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College of Professional Studies

Department of Engineering and Computing



Please read following points carefully and make sure you understand each one-off them.

1. Have the textbook before the first day of class.

2. It is not a weekend reading course. You are expected to participate, understand, and
complete assigned tasks on a regular basis. You should realize that you are expected to
perform at a full time equivalent (4.5 Credits = 45 contact hours per month). You should
estimate between 10 – 15 additional hours per week for reading, research, assignments, and
exam preparation.
3. It is your responsibility to reserve time slot to complete course assigned tasks as per
announced times.
4. I may send emails to you so if you are using a different email address than the one saved in
SOAR, make sure you change and/or setup your email properly.
5. You are expected to check your email quite frequently for any announcements.
6. Do not completely rely on the handouts/notes provided at the course shell in blackboard. You
are expected to read from the textbook as well.
7. If you miss a presentation, there will be no make-up for that presentation unless you have
discussed your situation with me in advance and I have agreed to an alternate arrangement.
Saying that you missed email or forgot about the due date/time is not a valid and acceptable
excuse to request a makeup or any other compensation.
8. Deliverables must be submitted on the announced dates. Late submission will carry 20%
penalty for each day, including weekends and holidays.
9. Chat sessions are not mandatory however, since we have discussion on the important
concepts, you are expected to attend these sessions. If you miss a chat session, you are
strongly recommended to view recorded sessions and it remains your responsibility to make
sure you have not missed any announcement.
10. The contents and order in which the course material is covered in the class may vary from
that provided in the course outline handout.
11. I reserve the right to modify course policy, the course calendar, deliverable, presentation due
dates, and grades for each deliverable and/or general grade distribution for the entire course.
12. For the proper progress of all class-related work, decisions made during a chat session will be
counted as valid decisions for all class members regardless of whether they are present at that
time or not. Not being in the chat session means one forfeits the right of participating in that
decision-making process.
13. You are strongly encouraged to discuss with me any problem that you are facing in
understanding or managing the course work.

Academic Misconduct:

Students are expected to work individually on all assignments, unless specified

otherwise. Everyone is responsible to protect his/her work; any two or more similar
assignments will be given a ZERO grade for that assignment.

CSC686 Course Policy

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