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Don't be cruel, preserve your fuel.

Think green.
- Use LED ights
LED bulbs are currently the most environmentally friendly bulbs available. LED lights
can outlast previous types of lighting by up to six times, decreasing the need for frequent
replacements. A longer life span results in lesser carbon emissions.
- Thrift shop
Cotton requires water to grow: it can take more than 2,700 liters (713 gallons) of water to
grow the cotton needed to manufacture one t-shirt, and a pair of pants can take more than
10,000 liters. Purchasing used clothes helps to limit the amount of reusable apparel that
ends up in landfills by extending its lifecycle.
- Recycle.  Cut down on what you throw away.
Making new items necessitates the use of resources, yet recycling allows us
to reuse things that we already have. Producing fewer new materials reduces
waste, which aids in the reduction of groundwater and air pollution. Find a
recycling center that accepts items such as plastic bottles, newspapers, and
metals. Make the switch to paperless billing and shop at stores that use
recyclable materials.
- Use renewable energy
Renewable energy replaces itself, reducing our need to extract new
resources. Using solar panels or wind energy can help us lessen our reliance
on natural gas while also reducing resource depletion over time.
- Use reusable goods
Another strategy to save resources is to avoid using single-use plastics. Choose metal or
glassware over water bottles, disposable cups, or paper plates. Instead of using plastic
bags, bring your own shopping bags. Reusing products is an excellent way to cut waste
and keep surplus garbage out of landfills.

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