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compute the earth work by trapezoidal and simpson's formula for following data

D= 30
Distance (m) Area of cross section(m2)
0 101.46 A0
30 98.75 A1
60 94 A2
90 92.14 A3
120 99.05 A4
150 100.06 A5
180 97.98 A6
210 93.25 A7
240 95.75 A8
270 97.18 A9
300 91 A10

Trapezoidal rule
volume 30296.7


USN 2BL19CV008
Design of horizontal curve by offsets or ordinates from long chord

Interval for co-ordinates in meters,x

Length of long chord in meters,L
Radius of curve I meters, R

excel program
interval for co-ordinates in meters,X 7.5 m
Length of long chord in meters,L 60 m
Radius of curve I meters ,R 200m
Offset at the middle of long chord 2.263 m

Length of long chord radius of curve in m distance inoffsets in m

60 200 -30 0.000
60 200 -22.5 0.993
60 200 -15 1.700
60 200 -7.5 2.122
60 200 0 2.263
60 200 7.5 2.122
60 200 15 1.700
60 200 22.5 0.993
60 200 30 0.000

offsets in m offsets in m






-40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40
Design of super elevation

Design speed in KMPL V 100

Radius of curve R in m 300
coefficient of friction 0.15
maximum rate of superelevation cm 0.07
rate of superelevation e 0.148
provide super elevation 0.07
check for lateral friction 0.192
restricted speed in KMPL Va
Highway block countouring
sl no X Y Z reading Remarks
91.425 100
1 0 640 2.66 88.765
2 0 645 2.965 88.46
3 0 650 2.76 88.665
4 0 655 2.43 88.995
5 0 660 2.33 89.095
6 0 665 2.5 88.925
7 0 670 2.36 89.065
8 0 675 2.24 89.185
9 0 680 2.21 89.215
10 0 685 3.19 88.235
11 0 690 1.74 89.685
12 5 640 3.02 88.405
13 5 645 3.12 88.305
14 5 650 3.25 88.175
15 5 655 3.05 88.375
16 5 660 2.45 88.975
17 5 665 2.52 88.905
18 5 670 2.45 88.975
19 5 675 2.25 89.175
20 5 680 2.29 89.135
21 5 685 3.15 88.275
22 5 690 1.74 89.685
23 10 640 3.2 88.225
24 10 645 3.165 88.26
25 10 650 3.48 87.945
26 10 655 3.2 88.225
27 10 660 3.2 88.225
28 10 665 3.08 88.345
29 10 670 2.84 88.585
30 10 675 2.55 88.875
31 10 680 2.3 89.125
32 10 685 2.32 89.105
33 10 690 1.88 89.545
34 15 640 3.2 88.225
35 15 645 3.215 88.21
36 15 650 3.27 88.155
37 15 655 3.23 88.195
38 15 660 3.3 88.125
39 15 665 3.3 88.125
40 15 670 2.83 88.595
41 15 675 2.7 88.725
42 15 680 2.33 89.095
43 15 685 2.31 89.115
44 15 690 2.25 89.175
45 20 640 2.995 88.43
46 20 645 3.265 88.16
47 20 650 2.3 89.125
48 20 655 2.31 89.115
49 20 660 2.52 88.905
50 20 665 3.35 88.075
51 20 670 3 88.425
52 20 675 2.81 88.615
53 20 680 2.7 88.725
54 20 685 2.31 89.115
55 20 690 2.18 89.245
56 25 640 2.995 RC 88.43
57 25 645 3.18 RC 88.245
58 25 650 3.29 RC 88.135
59 25 655 3.35 RC 88.075
60 25 660 3.45 RC 87.975
61 25 665 3.35 RC 88.075
62 25 670 3.2 RC 88.225
63 25 675 3.12 RC 88.305
64 25 680 2.53 RC 88.895
65 25 685 2.2 RC 89.225
66 25 690 1.55 RC 89.875
67 30 640 3.13 88.295
68 30 645 3.34 88.085
69 30 650 3.32 88.105
70 30 655 3.24 88.185
71 30 660 3.5 87.925
72 30 665 3.4 88.025
73 30 670 3.19 88.235
74 30 675 2.74 88.685
75 30 680 2.48 88.945
76 30 685 2.15 89.275
77 30 690 1.76 89.665
78 35 640 3.195 88.23
79 35 645 3.35 88.075
80 35 650 3.5 87.925
81 35 655 3.61 87.815
82 35 660 3.74 87.685
83 35 665 3.52 87.905
84 35 670 3.2 88.225
85 35 675 3.3 88.125
86 35 680 2.46 88.965
87 35 685 2.21 89.215
88 35 690 1.92 89.505
89 40 640 3.15 88.275
90 40 645 3.4 88.025
91 40 650 3.55 87.875
92 40 655 3.56 87.865
93 40 660 3.9 87.525
94 40 665 3.8 87.625
95 40 670 3.12 88.305
96 40 675 2.98 88.445
97 40 680 2.8 88.625
98 40 685 2.5 88.925
99 40 690 1.93 89.495
100 45 640 3.3 88.125
101 45 645 3.36 88.065
102 45 650 3.5 87.925
103 45 655 3.62 87.805
104 45 660 3.59 87.835
105 45 665 3.09 88.335
106 45 670 3.13 88.295
107 45 675 3.5 87.925
108 45 680 2.68 88.745
109 45 685 2.18 89.245
110 45 690 1.86 89.565
111 50 640 2.88 88.545
112 50 645 2.875 88.55
113 50 650 3.2 88.225
114 50 655 3.7 87.725
115 50 660 3.4 88.025
116 50 665 3.25 88.175
117 50 670 3.15 88.275
118 50 675 3.6 87.825
119 50 680 2.6 88.825
120 50 685 2.12 89.305
121 50 690 1.75 89.675

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