Prosper Basketball Revenue Project

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Prosper Basketball

Recruiting Service
Proposed By: Timmy Tischer, Matthew Jordan, Travis Pelton, David Beach
We will be introducing a recruiting service to Prosper Basketball. A recruiting service

can create more opportunities for both Prosper Basketball and the athletes that play within

Prosper. This idea will encourage young kids to accomplish their dream of playing college

sports. In this plan, we will be going over how this process can be put in place and the possible

expenses that may go into running this business successfully.

First, we have a set of goals that we want to reach in the upcoming years. The

overarching goal that we believe to be the most important is that we want to have 50% of our

current athletes enrolled to play at any level in college. We also want to gain 15% more

customers each year. We can gain credibility by achieving our last goal, which is to build

relationships with college coaches.

Our goals and objectives already fit what Prosper Hoops has been building for over a

year. Having this in place is going to allow kids to play basketball at a very high level. Prosper

Hoops’ mission wants its athletes to compete to their highest capability. It is also going to force

their athletes to work for a goal that they have probably wanted since they were in elementary

school. Instead of training for your one or two years, you can be working for better basketball

opportunities down the road.

Finally, we will be going over some of the financials that will be added for this to run

smoothly. One of the best things about this plan is that it is relatively cheap. All that we would

need would be a camera, video software, and the time spent to edit videos and also meeting

coaches. However, we believe that the overall payoff for making these purchases will be worth it
in the long run. The athletes will cherish what you are doing for them outside of just training

them every day.

Revenue Project Description. 4

Program Goals. 4

Mission Alignment 5

Estimated Expenses. 6

Estimated Revenue. 6

Marketing Strategy. 7

Gantt Chart 8

Budget Summary. 9

Conclusion. 10
Revenue Project Description

The goal of the project is to give kids who want to play basketball at the college level the

opportunity to make connections with coaches and teams. The service will assist those who need

help making connections with coaches and help those who do not know how the recruiting

process works. By connecting these athletes with the coaches, it gives both sides an equal

opportunity to learn about each other. We will be explaining how the process will create a larger

platform for Prosper Basketball and how it will help the entire company by getting more eyes on


This service benefits Prosper basketball by creating more customers and revenue for the

business. By attracting customers to the recruiting side of the program can add customers to the

training side as well. By working with the trainers on the videos and skill work for the recruiting

service, they will be using the training part of Prosper basketball. If they can work with Prosper

trainers and they see an improvement in their skills, the players will be more willing to continue

using Prosper for training purposes. This service would be set apart from other recruiting

services because of the in-depth approach to college recruiting and finds the best fit for the

players who use the service. With Josh and his other assistants going through this process only

five years ago, they know what it takes. Also, having the connection, they may have an insight

into what the coach is looking for to give more of a focused video. For the most part, these

athletes will have had the privilege of working with Josh for multiple training sessions, so Josh

knows the athletes' skills and how to put them to work for the video. This is a benefit of our

program, versus having another person do it, or even by yourself. There also would not be too

much recruiting that would be needed as well. For the first few years, we would expect most of
our athletes to be using this program. As word spreads, athletes would be able to see the work

that Prosper does. If they only are there for the video, our goal would be to get them in for a

training session.

Program Goals
1) Giving 50% of the athletes using the recruiting service per year the ability to play college


2) Attract 15% more clients each year for the first three years through the recruiting service

3) Create relationships with college programs and coaches from all divisions and levels. In the

first year, we would want to have connections with at least 15 coaches and programs throughout

the country.

Details of how each goal will be assessed:

We want 50% of our athletes using the recruiting service to be able to play college

basketball each year. This will be assessed by the percentage of athletes we have using the

service each year and if they can commit. The service will be successful if the goals for the 50%

are achieved.

The recruiting service will be aimed to attract more potential clients that are not part of

the Prosper Hoops system. These players will more than likely be high-level talent because they
want the ability to play at the college level. This goal will be assessed based on the number of

new customers we get because of the recruiting service.

Creating relationships with college programs and coaches of all levels is very important

for recruiting services. By having these relationships, there will be quick access to programs for

players looking to play at the collegiate level. We want 15 coaches/ programs nationwide in the

first year because that will give us a good starting base for college recruiting. After that, we want

to continue to gain connections with all the programs where our players have committed.

Mission Alignment

1) Play game at high level

Giving kids the opportunity to play basketball at the collegiate level

allows them to continue developing their skills and play the game they love at a

competitive level. While trying to get the kids to play at a higher level, it would

allow the kids to grow their skills and their knowledge of the game so that they

can have a better opportunity to get to that next level.

2) Younger kids are given an incentive to work hard

Young Kids are going to see the older kids in the Prosper basketball

system going through the recruiting process and committing to colleges. This will

give them an incentive to work hard and reach the same level. It will show the

progress of the former athletes that would have used the system. When the
younger kids can see how kids have gotten better through Prosper Basketball, it

will help push the younger kids to want to strive to become the next level play

3) Teaching kids how to analyze technical stills

Kids getting recruited need the ability to analyze their skills to figure out

where they need to improve. Watching game film is a big part of this. Learning

how to analyze technique on film is important because that is where you can see

yourself getting better. Being able to watch and recognize what you can do better

as an athlete is a skill that will be very beneficial at the college level.

Estimated Expenses
One of the things that can fluctuate within our expenses is traveling to meet coaches.

Having his base in Wheaton, there are a lot of college coaches in that area which Josh would be

able to connect. This means he may have the opportunity to go out to lunch or dinner with them

to get to know him and his program better. Not only places in the local area, but he also has the

potential to visit all the schools in the Chicago area. These can add a little more as he would have

to pay more for travel, hotels, and also food while he is on the road. He can pick and choose

where he can eat, for a discounted price, but I’m sure he wouldn’t want to do that. We figured

that he would pay about $100 for a hotel room, and about $50 worth of food in a day while on
the road meeting coaches. This doesn’t even account for the gas and miles he would be adding to

his car. Even if he only did this six times a year, that would add up to about $1,000. This is a lot

of money, but this money can come from the money that you earn by filming the athletes.

Estimated Revenue

Our main source of revenue will be the price that the athletes pay for their film sessions. More

than likely the athletes will also be a constant part of our program. So the revenue that we collect

will be on top of that. We will charge around $750 in total for the athletes. This will include all

the sessions and the film is included too. We believe that athletes who are wanting to commit to

playing at the next level would be willing to pay that. If we have 50 athletes, that would add up

to $37,500 for the year the players are still in the recruiting process. This can go on top of all the

other students who are paying as well. The cost will cover the camera cost, the software needed,

and also the time spent on the employee. We believe that these expectations can be met. These
can be a good starting price but we may be able to raise it once people see the process that we

have done. The price can be raised to $900-$1,000 after two years or so. We understand that

these prices may be a little high, but we believe that all that we are offering would be a good

price based on the work and value provided by the service. This may be what can separate a kid

who is going to play at the next level, versus someone who doesn’t.

In comparing the cost of the Prosper recruiting service to The company Next College

Student Athlete (NCSA), Prospers gives a more in-depth personal experience for a cheaper cost

compared to NCSA. Both companies offer the same content and abilities to connect with coaches

throughout the recruiting process. NCSA costs $1,850 for the same content that will be provided

by Prosper Basketball for $750. The difference in value is shown through the personal

relationship created through Prosper.

Marketing Strategy

Promoting the recruitment service first to the athletes who are already part of Prosper.

This promotion can be done through email lists that have been used for prior promotions.

Targeting customers who have a previous relationship with the brand will allow Prosper to get a

customer base that is already familiar with how they work. A possible discount for current

Prosper athletes could be an option as well. Once the Prosper Athletes have become aware of the

service, promoting to the local high school and AAU programs in the surrounding area would
allow Prosper to be seen throughout the region. An online recruiting system would help connect

to people in the surrounding area as well as nationwide. Giving athletes a recruiting service no

matter where they are located is important because it makes our target market larger and more

diverse. In addition to the word of mouth advertising, we would be making this a part of the

social media marketing strategy as well. The posts on social media will be specifically targeted

toward kids who have college basketball aspirations and do not understand how the recruiting

process works. Social media can also have posts pinned at the top of each page while launching

the service to hopefully attract more customers. In addition to having posts pinned about the

service, posts can be promoted. Promoting the post does add additional costs but you only pay

for clicks. You only pay to attract interested customers. This could be a great way to attract

potential customers. The website will be having a new portal on it leading to the recruiting

service. This way potential customers will see it by going on the website.

Gantt Chart
Budget Summary
When implementing a service like this, there are many different costs that you will have

to go through. You will need to invest more in technology and video products to meet with the

coaches and show the athlete’s skill the best. We think that having a recruiting service would

have the rewards far outweigh the costs. Giving the athletes the ability to do their training and

recruiting process all in the same place would create more opportunities for both Prosper

Basketball and the athletes with Prosper.

Some of the costs that would be faced with having a recruiting service would be more

employees to help athletes and communicate with coaches across America. Having a good

camera would also be important when making films for the coaches and recruiters to see. A good
quality film would helpfully show the ability of the young recruit. Editing software would be

helpful to all when we communicate with recruiters and even with parents and athletes. One of

the biggest costs would be the amount of time that would go into this whole process. The income

on the other hand would have the ability to create a lot of revenue through the connection

Prosper currently has in the system. Many relationships are intact throughout the Midwest.


In conclusion, our objective for Prosper basketball is to get kids to achieve their dream of

playing college basketball. The skills that the athletes develop throughout their training will turn

into some film for college coaches to watch. We will develop relationships with all levels of

coaches so they will have a plethora of options to play. With the video process, we will film,

edit, and send the finished product to coaches. Our goal is to have a solid connection with at least

10 collegiate coaches within the first two years. Each year we also expect to grow that number.

Also, our goal is to get 50% of our athletes the opportunity to play. We hope that with our new

technology and program that we have developed, it can help grow Prosper Basketball.

We believe that these athletes are going to like this opportunity as the times are changing.

We are getting to a time that film is the most important part of playing at the next level. With the

connections that we are going to have this is going to give them an advantage. We are going to

have notch equipment that is going to give the athletes the advantage to their competition.

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