JoAnn Leisher Cover Letter

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As I consider the many ways to approach a career opportunity I am struck by the

similarity of “Marketing†a company and “Marketing†self. Brand, dif

ch, strategy, campaign, plan, competition, relationships; all the buzz words see
m to apply. Yet what most reaches me as a consumer is a story. Without a story
you are just another expert with a check in the checkbox. So here’s my story.
My experience is in, marketing, business development, and database implementatio
n management. I have experience with products and services. They say services a
re more difficult and I agree because services (like people) are not tangible so
you can’t consume or use them to make a decision. You can’t decide if a servi
form by look, taste, touch, smell, or feel. You must take a leap of faith, inves
t in the unknown and hope for the best. My words and pictures convey abilities a
nd desires, and if I don’t demonstrate this in the right way at the right time in the
ht order the opportunity is missed and there is no second chance. I can spin my
experience (skills) to fit your needs or completely disregard your request (job
description and website) and execute the old shotgun approach where I just prese
nt everything and hope something sticks. As I once heard so accurately described
: “My job is to find and act on ways that demonstrate to customers (you) how good the c
mpany (I am) is to do business with through various types of communication and s
trategies.†I am a marketer and I get this! I also complement this experience with an u
derstanding of the need to organize the marketing effort. An integrated database
is essential to an efficient and effective marketing strategy and I have develo
ped three over the past seven years.
Throughout my career I have garnered a vast compilation of experience, too much
for a two-page resume. So my resume will hit the highlights. I have worked for l
arge corporations and small businesses each requiring different skill sets. Depe
nding on the need I can wear many hats or specialize in one area. I can be resou
rceful or utilize the available resources to maximize results. My passion is to
assess the needs, find solutions, decide the best course of action, and make it
happen. I am a leader and a team player. I thrive on a good challenge. I am an
accomplished overachiever, so you might have to slow me down. As my prior Direc
tor once described me, “She changed the way Taylor Engineering does business†. I
r expectations too.

JoAnn Leisher, CPSM

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