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Republic of the



Name: ________________________________Date:_________________Score:__________
Grade & Strand: _______________________ Teacher: Ms. Judy Bernus

Test I. Multiple Choice: Read each question carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer and
write on a separate sheet of paper. (10x2).20points

1. What kind of sources are diaries, letters, and personal accounts?

A. Primary Sources C. Secondary Sources
B. References D. Work Cited
2. This framework is the researcher’s idea on how the research problem will have to be explored.
A. Theoretical Framework C. Concept Mapping
B. Webbing D. Conceptual Framework
3. This involves the critiquing and evaluating of what other researchers have done in relation to
the problem to be studied whether these studies affirmed or negate the subject under study?
A. Review of Related Readings C. Review of Related Literature
B. Review of Related Findings D. Review of Related Researches
4. 4. This citation refers to the rules and conventions established by an association in America for
documenting sources in a research paper.
A. Modern Language Association (MLA) B. Chicago Manual of Style
C. Background of the Study D. American Psychological Association (APA)
5. For the citation style above, this is the bibliography label for the list of sources cited at the end
of the study.
A. Bibliography C. Sources
B. References D. Works Cited
6. What kind of sources are books, magazines, and other reference materials?
A. Work Cited C. References
B. Secondary Sources D. Primary Sources
7. This framework dwells on time-tested theories that embody the findings of numerous
investigations on how phenomena occur.
A. Theoretical Framework C. Concept Mapping
B. Webbing D. Conceptual Framework
8. Laws and department directives serve as legal basis for the paradigm of the study.
A. Related Legal Bases C. Related Studies
B. Related Literature D. Review of Related Literature
9. These are published and unpublished research studies which have a direct bearing to the
present study.
A. Related Legal Bases C. Related Studies B. Related Literature D.
Review of Related Literature
10. A section in review of related literature in which sources are taken from books, magazines,
journals, and the like.
A. Related Legal Bases C. Related Studies
B. Related Literature D. Review of Related Literature

TEST 11. IDENTIIFICATION. Identify the words on the given statement. Write your answers on the
blank provided. 10 points

_____1. This involves the critiquing and evaluating of what other researchers have done in relation to
the problem to be studied whether these studies affirmed or negate the subject under study.

_____2. This is the label for the bibliography page of the research paper under the APA citation style.
_____3. What does APA stand for?

_____4. We cite sources properly to avoid this offense of the law.

_____5. These are published and unpublished research studies such as thesis, dissertation, and research

_____ 6. This type of review wants to develop a body of literature that establishes opposite perspective.
_____7. This review consists of an overview of existing evidence which uses prespecified and
standardized methods to identify and critically appraise relevant research.

_____8. This review helps to establish what theories already exist, the relationships between them, to
what degree the existing theories have been investigated, and to develop new hypotheses to be tested.
_____9. The body of literature in this review includes all studies that address related or identical
hypotheses or research problems.

_____10. This review is a flowing, dynamic account of past events which involves an interpretation of
these events to recapture the nuances, personalities, and ideas that influenced these events.

TEST III. ESSAY. Answer the following statements. And write your answer at the back of test paper.
15points for each number.

1. What are the functions of Review of Related Literature and Studies

2. How will the review of related literature and conceptual framework help the researcher in
conducting his/her study?
3. Identify and state the Probability Sampling in Quantitative Research

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