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●main topic: data about the annual earnings of three bakeries in London, 2000-2010
●rewrite: The line graph indicates how much 3 bakeries in London earned over a decade from 2000 to
●general trends: there was a down-ward trend in the proceeds of Lovely Loaves from
2000 to 2010, while the figures of Burnie’s Buns and Robbie’s Bakery
experienced a significant rise over the same period
●6000, 10000, 40000, 60000, 100000
●past simple, adverbs and adjectives
●Lovely Loaves revenue remarkable went down despite fluctuation over the decade. Starting at 80,000 in
2000, the figure fluctuated at the first five years and reached the peak of almost 100000 at 2001.
However, the bakery dramatically falls off in 2010 approximately 37,000. Looking at the details, Robbie's
bakery income remained stable between 2000 and 2005. It surged between 2007 and 2008 from around
6,000 to just under 10,0000. Also, Robbie's bakery reached the highest income in the period in 2010. In
addition, there is an upward trend in Bernie's Buns bakery income in the first four years. The money that
Bernie’s Buns earned, after witnessing mild oscillations, almost doubled in 2003 and leveled out till 2005.
Then, it started to continue its upward trend till 2010, at approximately 65,000.


1. T

2. F (they remained stable)

3. T


1. people visit/people who visit


- shows how many cars were sold in the US during 2000 and 2010

- the number of cars which were sold in the US from 2000 to 2010


- how much coffee was produced in Kenya between 1999 and 2006

- the amount coffee which was produced in 7 years from 1999 to 2006



- the graph shows information about how many DVDs were sold in the US and UK from 2005 to 2008

- the graph shows data about the number of DVDS were sold in the US and UK between 2005 and 2008

- the graph shows information about how much chocolate was produced in Columbia between 1997 and

- the graph shows data about the amount of chocolate which was produced in Columbia over a decade
from 1997 to 2007


- the graph shows information about how much gas was produced in Russian over a five-year period from
2003 to 2008

- the graph illustrates the number of people who were employed in the public sector in UK between 2006
and 2010



1. The incomes of Burnie’s Buns and Robbie’s bakery went up, but there was a down-ward trend in
Lovely Loaves’ earning

2. In 2000, the most popular bakery was Lovely Loaves, but over a decade, the most popular one in
2010 was Robbie’s bakery

3. we can add an interesting idea from the graph, but make sure there’s enough time


1c 2e 3a 4b 5d


2. what stands out from the graph is that

3. there were an up-ward trends … Robbie’s bakery

4. while

5. the earnings of Lovely Loaves … fall

6. the period in question


1b 2a


Overall, what stands out from the graph that were considerable up-ward trends in the income of both
Bernie’s Buns and Robbie’s bakery, the earnings of Lovely Loaves saw a substantial fall over the period
in question. Another interesting point is that Lovely Loaves was the most popular bakery in 2000, but in
2010 Robbie’s bakery earned more money than the others.



- increases: went up, grew, improved, increased rose

- decreases: declined, decreased, dropped, fell, went down

- big increases: doubled, jumped, rocketed, shot up, soared, surged

- big decreases: halved, plummeted, plunged


2. slightly, marginally, negligibly

3. significantly, considerably

4. sharply, rapidly

5. gradually

6. remarkably, strikingly

7. steadily


1. grew significantly

2. improved negligibly

3. declined rapidly



2. a fell 9. a fluctuation

3. a levelling off 10. a plunge

4. a decline 11. a decrease

5. a soar 12. a dip

6. a plummet 13. a recovery

7. an increase 14. a jump

8. a drop 15. a surge

16. growth


2. steady

3. considerable

4. negligible

5. remarkable


1. there was a rapid increase in income

2. there was a slight drop in income

3. there was a sharp decrease in income


2. fell significantly

3. grew steadily

5. The number of covid-19 cases in HCMC rocketed remarkably between April and September

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