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The discussion revolves around the differences between cancelled and viral topics throughout

interactive platforms such as social medias. From its concept, origin and significance to pop culture, it is
clear that well-known topics have impact towards the netizen, how positive or negative it is.

Being viral is being characterized as a material that has already been seen by a large number of
people. The advantages of viral posts have been used for advertisement and to advocate by
organizations and companies to promote their services in order for people to be aware of such. For
example, Samsung and election campaign. Moreover, being viral contains positive and wholesome
content which serves an entertainment to people.

Meanwhile, being cancelled holds negative topics about a public figure who allegedly commits
verbal or physical harm towards an individual or a community. Hence, the word “cancel” is used because
of how netizens withdraw their support to the person in question. However, being cancelled does not
entirely harm both parties but inhibits growth in their character and mentality. Therefore, cancel culture
does not dismiss any solution or opinions that will help not only the people on the wrong side but also
the audiences who were able to witness the issue.

Nevertheless, its influence towards the public greatly affects the characterization of every
individual on the internet. It may change their insights in the matter of life. Thus, changes and
opportunities happen whenever something caught the public’s attention.

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