Experiment 02: AIM: To Perform Data Visualization Theory

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AIM: To perform data visualization using Matplotlib and Seaborn



What is Data Visualization?

Data visualization is a form of visual communication. It involves the creation and

study of the visual representation of data.

We’ll be implementing various data visualization techniques on the ‘iris’ dataset.

Different types of analysis:

1. Univariate (U) : In univariate analysis we use a single feature to analyze its

2. Bivariate (B): When we compare the data between exactly 2 features then
its called bivariate analysis.
3. Multivariate (M): Comparing more than 2 variables is called as
Multivariate analysis.

Most common types of plots used in data visualization:

1. Scatter plot (B)

2. Pair plot (M)
3. Box plot (U)
4. Violin plot(U)

Let us look at some of these plots used in data visualization one by one :

Import libraries for data visualization

First, we need to import two important libraries for data visualization -

1. matplotlib
2. seaborn

Matplotlib is a python library used extensively for the visualization of data.

While Seaborn is a python library based on matplotlib. Seaborn provides a high-level
interface for drawing attractive and informative statistical graphics.
(a). Create a bar graph, contingency table using any 2 variables.
(b) Create normalized histogram.

(c). Describe what this graphs and tables indicates?

By using different types of graphs and charts, you can easily see and understand
trends, outliers, and patterns in data. They allow you to get the meaning behind figures
and numbers and make important decisions or conclusions. Data visualization
techniques can benefit you in several ways to improve decision making.

Colab Link:

Conclusion: Hence, we have learned about the different kinds of plots that we could
make using seaborn and matplotlib library. Data visualization not only helps us
to understand our data well but whenever we find any insights, you can use these
visualization techniques to share our findings with other people.

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